diff --git a/reflex/.templates/apps/demo/.gitignore b/reflex/.templates/apps/demo/.gitignore
deleted file mode 100644
index eab0d4b0537..00000000000
--- a/reflex/.templates/apps/demo/.gitignore
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file
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deleted file mode 100644
index 166ae995eaa..00000000000
Binary files a/reflex/.templates/apps/demo/assets/favicon.ico and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/reflex/.templates/apps/demo/assets/github.svg b/reflex/.templates/apps/demo/assets/github.svg
deleted file mode 100644
index 61c9d791bea..00000000000
--- a/reflex/.templates/apps/demo/assets/github.svg
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
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deleted file mode 100644
index b9cc89da9a8..00000000000
--- a/reflex/.templates/apps/demo/assets/icon.svg
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/reflex/.templates/apps/demo/assets/logo.svg b/reflex/.templates/apps/demo/assets/logo.svg
deleted file mode 100644
index 94fe1f51193..00000000000
--- a/reflex/.templates/apps/demo/assets/logo.svg
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/reflex/.templates/apps/demo/assets/paneleft.svg b/reflex/.templates/apps/demo/assets/paneleft.svg
deleted file mode 100644
index ac9c5040a10..00000000000
--- a/reflex/.templates/apps/demo/assets/paneleft.svg
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/reflex/.templates/apps/demo/code/__init__.py b/reflex/.templates/apps/demo/code/__init__.py
deleted file mode 100644
index e1d28634676..00000000000
--- a/reflex/.templates/apps/demo/code/__init__.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-"""Base template for Reflex."""
diff --git a/reflex/.templates/apps/demo/code/demo.py b/reflex/.templates/apps/demo/code/demo.py
deleted file mode 100644
index bdb1a447d97..00000000000
--- a/reflex/.templates/apps/demo/code/demo.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,127 +0,0 @@
-"""Welcome to Reflex! This file outlines the steps to create a basic app."""
-from typing import Callable
-import reflex as rx
-from .pages import chatapp_page, datatable_page, forms_page, graphing_page, home_page
-from .sidebar import sidebar
-from .state import State
-from .styles import *
-meta = [
- {
- "name": "viewport",
- "content": "width=device-width, shrink-to-fit=no, initial-scale=1",
- },
-def template(main_content: Callable[[], rx.Component]) -> rx.Component:
- """The template for each page of the app.
- Args:
- main_content (Callable[[], rx.Component]): The main content of the page.
- Returns:
- rx.Component: The template for each page of the app.
- """
- menu_button = rx.chakra.box(
- rx.chakra.menu(
- rx.chakra.menu_button(
- rx.chakra.icon(
- tag="hamburger",
- size="4em",
- color=text_color,
- ),
- ),
- rx.chakra.menu_list(
- rx.chakra.menu_item(rx.chakra.link("Home", href="/", width="100%")),
- rx.chakra.menu_divider(),
- rx.chakra.menu_item(
- rx.chakra.link(
- "About", href="https://github.com/reflex-dev", width="100%"
- )
- ),
- rx.chakra.menu_item(
- rx.chakra.link(
- "Contact", href="mailto:founders@reflex.dev", width="100%"
- )
- ),
- ),
- ),
- position="fixed",
- right="1.5em",
- top="1.5em",
- z_index="500",
- )
- return rx.chakra.hstack(
- sidebar(),
- main_content(),
- rx.chakra.spacer(),
- menu_button,
- align_items="flex-start",
- transition="left 0.5s, width 0.5s",
- position="relative",
- left=rx.cond(State.sidebar_displayed, "0px", f"-{sidebar_width}"),
- )
-@rx.page("/", meta=meta)
-def home() -> rx.Component:
- """Home page.
- Returns:
- rx.Component: The home page.
- """
- return home_page()
-@rx.page("/forms", meta=meta)
-def forms() -> rx.Component:
- """Forms page.
- Returns:
- rx.Component: The settings page.
- """
- return forms_page()
-@rx.page("/graphing", meta=meta)
-def graphing() -> rx.Component:
- """Graphing page.
- Returns:
- rx.Component: The graphing page.
- """
- return graphing_page()
-@rx.page("/datatable", meta=meta)
-def datatable() -> rx.Component:
- """Data Table page.
- Returns:
- rx.Component: The chatapp page.
- """
- return datatable_page()
-@rx.page("/chatapp", meta=meta)
-def chatapp() -> rx.Component:
- """Chatapp page.
- Returns:
- rx.Component: The chatapp page.
- """
- return chatapp_page()
-# Create the app.
-app = rx.App(style=base_style)
diff --git a/reflex/.templates/apps/demo/code/pages/__init__.py b/reflex/.templates/apps/demo/code/pages/__init__.py
deleted file mode 100644
index ab6df6e3a45..00000000000
--- a/reflex/.templates/apps/demo/code/pages/__init__.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-"""The pages of the app."""
-from .chatapp import chatapp_page
-from .datatable import datatable_page
-from .forms import forms_page
-from .graphing import graphing_page
-from .home import home_page
diff --git a/reflex/.templates/apps/demo/code/pages/chatapp.py b/reflex/.templates/apps/demo/code/pages/chatapp.py
deleted file mode 100644
index acd11a599ab..00000000000
--- a/reflex/.templates/apps/demo/code/pages/chatapp.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-"""The main Chat app."""
-import reflex as rx
-from ..styles import *
-from ..webui import styles
-from ..webui.components import chat, modal, navbar, sidebar
-def chatapp_page() -> rx.Component:
- """The main app.
- Returns:
- The UI for the main app.
- """
- return rx.chakra.box(
- rx.chakra.vstack(
- navbar(),
- chat.chat(),
- chat.action_bar(),
- sidebar(),
- modal(),
- bg=styles.bg_dark_color,
- color=styles.text_light_color,
- min_h="100vh",
- align_items="stretch",
- spacing="0",
- style=template_content_style,
- ),
- style=template_page_style,
- )
diff --git a/reflex/.templates/apps/demo/code/pages/datatable.py b/reflex/.templates/apps/demo/code/pages/datatable.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 53351ecf38b..00000000000
--- a/reflex/.templates/apps/demo/code/pages/datatable.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,360 +0,0 @@
-"""The settings page for the template."""
-from typing import Any
-import reflex as rx
-from reflex.components.datadisplay.dataeditor import DataEditorTheme
-from ..styles import *
-from ..webui.state import State
-class DataTableState(State):
- """Datatable state."""
- cols: list[Any] = [
- {"title": "Title", "type": "str"},
- {
- "title": "Name",
- "type": "str",
- "group": "Data",
- "width": 300,
- },
- {
- "title": "Birth",
- "type": "str",
- "group": "Data",
- "width": 150,
- },
- {
- "title": "Human",
- "type": "bool",
- "group": "Data",
- "width": 80,
- },
- {
- "title": "House",
- "type": "str",
- "group": "Data",
- },
- {
- "title": "Wand",
- "type": "str",
- "group": "Data",
- "width": 250,
- },
- {
- "title": "Patronus",
- "type": "str",
- "group": "Data",
- },
- {
- "title": "Blood status",
- "type": "str",
- "group": "Data",
- "width": 200,
- },
- ]
- data = [
- [
- "1",
- "Harry James Potter",
- "31 July 1980",
- True,
- "Gryffindor",
- "11' Holly phoenix feather",
- "Stag",
- "Half-blood",
- ],
- [
- "2",
- "Ronald Bilius Weasley",
- "1 March 1980",
- True,
- "Gryffindor",
- "12' Ash unicorn tail hair",
- "Jack Russell terrier",
- "Pure-blood",
- ],
- [
- "3",
- "Hermione Jean Granger",
- "19 September, 1979",
- True,
- "Gryffindor",
- "10¾' vine wood dragon heartstring",
- "Otter",
- "Muggle-born",
- ],
- [
- "4",
- "Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore",
- "Late August 1881",
- True,
- "Gryffindor",
- "15' Elder Thestral tail hair core",
- "Phoenix",
- "Half-blood",
- ],
- [
- "5",
- "Rubeus Hagrid",
- "6 December 1928",
- False,
- "Gryffindor",
- "16' Oak unknown core",
- "None",
- "Part-Human (Half-giant)",
- ],
- [
- "6",
- "Fred Weasley",
- "1 April, 1978",
- True,
- "Gryffindor",
- "Unknown",
- "Unknown",
- "Pure-blood",
- ],
- [
- "7",
- "George Weasley",
- "1 April, 1978",
- True,
- "Gryffindor",
- "Unknown",
- "Unknown",
- "Pure-blood",
- ],
- ]
-code_show = """rx.chakra.hstack(
- rx.chakra.divider(orientation="vertical", height="100vh", border="solid black 1px"),
- rx.chakra.vstack(
- rx.chakra.box(
- rx.data_editor(
- columns=DataTableState.cols,
- data=DataTableState.data,
- draw_focus_ring=True,
- row_height=50,
- smooth_scroll_x=True,
- smooth_scroll_y=True,
- column_select="single",
- # style
- theme=DataEditorTheme(**darkTheme),
- width="80vw",
- height="80vh",
- ),
- ),
- rx.chakra.spacer(),
- height="100vh",
- spacing="25",
- ),
-state_show = """class DataTableState(State):
- cols: list[Any] = [
- {"title": "Title", "type": "str"},
- {
- "title": "Name",
- "type": "str",
- "group": "Data",
- "width": 300,
- },
- {
- "title": "Birth",
- "type": "str",
- "group": "Data",
- "width": 150,
- },
- {
- "title": "Human",
- "type": "bool",
- "group": "Data",
- "width": 80,
- },
- {
- "title": "House",
- "type": "str",
- "group": "Data",
- },
- {
- "title": "Wand",
- "type": "str",
- "group": "Data",
- "width": 250,
- },
- {
- "title": "Patronus",
- "type": "str",
- "group": "Data",
- },
- {
- "title": "Blood status",
- "type": "str",
- "group": "Data",
- "width": 200,
- },
- ]"""
-data_show = """[
- ["1", "Harry James Potter", "31 July 1980", True, "Gryffindor", "11' Holly phoenix feather", "Stag", "Half-blood"],
- ["2", "Ronald Bilius Weasley", "1 March 1980", True,"Gryffindor", "12' Ash unicorn tail hair", "Jack Russell terrier", "Pure-blood"],
- ["3", "Hermione Jean Granger", "19 September, 1979", True, "Gryffindor", "10¾' vine wood dragon heartstring", "Otter", "Muggle-born"],
- ["4", "Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore", "Late August 1881", True, "Gryffindor", "15' Elder Thestral tail hair core", "Phoenix", "Half-blood"],
- ["5", "Rubeus Hagrid", "6 December 1928", False, "Gryffindor", "16' Oak unknown core", "None", "Part-Human (Half-giant)"],
- ["6", "Fred Weasley", "1 April, 1978", True, "Gryffindor", "Unknown", "Unknown", "Pure-blood"],
- ["7", "George Weasley", "1 April, 1978", True, "Gryffindor", "Unknown", "Unknown", "Pure-blood"],
-darkTheme = {
- "accent_color": "#8c96ff",
- "accent_light": "rgba(202, 206, 255, 0.253)",
- "text_dark": "#ffffff",
- "text_medium": "#b8b8b8",
- "text_light": "#a0a0a0",
- "text_bubble": "#ffffff",
- "bg_icon_header": "#b8b8b8",
- "fg_icon_header": "#000000",
- "text_header": "#a1a1a1",
- "text_header_selected": "#000000",
- "bg_cell": "#16161b",
- "bg_cell_medium": "#202027",
- "bg_header": "#212121",
- "bg_header_has_focus": "#474747",
- "bg_header_hovered": "#404040",
- "bg_bubble": "#212121",
- "bg_bubble_selected": "#000000",
- "bg_search_result": "#423c24",
- "border_color": "rgba(225,225,225,0.2)",
- "drilldown_border": "rgba(225,225,225,0.4)",
- "link_color": "#4F5DFF",
- "header_font_style": "bold 14px",
- "base_font_style": "13px",
- "font_family": "Inter, Roboto, -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, avenir next, avenir, segoe ui, helvetica neue, helvetica, Ubuntu, noto, arial, sans-serif",
-darkTheme_show = """darkTheme={
- "accent_color": "#8c96ff",
- "accent_light": "rgba(202, 206, 255, 0.253)",
- "text_dark": "#ffffff",
- "text_medium": "#b8b8b8",
- "text_light": "#a0a0a0",
- "text_bubble": "#ffffff",
- "bg_icon_header": "#b8b8b8",
- "fg_icon_header": "#000000",
- "text_header": "#a1a1a1",
- "text_header_selected": "#000000",
- "bg_cell": "#16161b",
- "bg_cell_medium": "#202027",
- "bg_header": "#212121",
- "bg_header_has_focus": "#474747",
- "bg_header_hovered": "#404040",
- "bg_bubble": "#212121",
- "bg_bubble_selected": "#000000",
- "bg_search_result": "#423c24",
- "border_color": "rgba(225,225,225,0.2)",
- "drilldown_border": "rgba(225,225,225,0.4)",
- "link_color": "#4F5DFF",
- "header_font_style": "bold 14px",
- "base_font_style": "13px",
- "font_family": "Inter, Roboto, -apple-system, BlinkMacSystemFont, avenir next, avenir, segoe ui, helvetica neue, helvetica, Ubuntu, noto, arial, sans-serif",
-def datatable_page() -> rx.Component:
- """The UI for the settings page.
- Returns:
- rx.Component: The UI for the settings page.
- """
- return rx.chakra.box(
- rx.chakra.vstack(
- rx.chakra.heading(
- "Data Table Demo",
- font_size="3em",
- ),
- rx.chakra.hstack(
- rx.chakra.vstack(
- rx.chakra.box(
- rx.data_editor(
- columns=DataTableState.cols,
- data=DataTableState.data,
- draw_focus_ring=True,
- row_height=50,
- smooth_scroll_x=True,
- smooth_scroll_y=True,
- column_select="single",
- # style
- theme=DataEditorTheme(**darkTheme),
- width="80vw",
- ),
- ),
- rx.chakra.spacer(),
- spacing="25",
- ),
- ),
- rx.chakra.tabs(
- rx.chakra.tab_list(
- rx.chakra.tab("Code", style=tab_style),
- rx.chakra.tab("Data", style=tab_style),
- rx.chakra.tab("State", style=tab_style),
- rx.chakra.tab("Styling", style=tab_style),
- padding_x=0,
- ),
- rx.chakra.tab_panels(
- rx.chakra.tab_panel(
- rx.code_block(
- code_show,
- language="python",
- show_line_numbers=True,
- ),
- width="100%",
- padding_x=0,
- padding_y=".25em",
- ),
- rx.chakra.tab_panel(
- rx.code_block(
- data_show,
- language="python",
- show_line_numbers=True,
- ),
- width="100%",
- padding_x=0,
- padding_y=".25em",
- ),
- rx.chakra.tab_panel(
- rx.code_block(
- state_show,
- language="python",
- show_line_numbers=True,
- ),
- width="100%",
- padding_x=0,
- padding_y=".25em",
- ),
- rx.chakra.tab_panel(
- rx.code_block(
- darkTheme_show,
- language="python",
- show_line_numbers=True,
- ),
- width="100%",
- padding_x=0,
- padding_y=".25em",
- ),
- width="100%",
- ),
- variant="unstyled",
- color_scheme="purple",
- align="end",
- width="100%",
- padding_top=".5em",
- ),
- style=template_content_style,
- ),
- style=template_page_style,
- )
diff --git a/reflex/.templates/apps/demo/code/pages/forms.py b/reflex/.templates/apps/demo/code/pages/forms.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 6e3150067b1..00000000000
--- a/reflex/.templates/apps/demo/code/pages/forms.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,257 +0,0 @@
-"""The settings page for the template."""
-import reflex as rx
-from ..states.form_state import FormState, UploadState
-from ..styles import *
-forms_1_code = """rx.chakra.vstack(
- rx.chakra.form(
- rx.chakra.vstack(
- rx.chakra.input(
- placeholder="First Name",
- id="first_name",
- ),
- rx.chakra.input(
- placeholder="Last Name", id="last_name"
- ),
- rx.chakra.hstack(
- rx.chakra.checkbox("Checked", id="check"),
- rx.chakra.switch("Switched", id="switch"),
- ),
- rx.chakra.button("Submit",
- type_="submit",
- bg="#ecfdf5",
- color="#047857",
- border_radius="lg",
- ),
- ),
- on_submit=FormState.handle_submit,
- ),
- rx.chakra.divider(),
- rx.chakra.heading("Results"),
- rx.chakra.text(FormState.form_data.to_string()),
- width="100%",
-color = "rgb(107,99,246)"
-forms_1_state = """class FormState(rx.State):
- form_data: dict = {}
- def handle_submit(self, form_data: dict):
- "Handle the form submit."
- self.form_data = form_data"""
-forms_2_code = """rx.chakra.vstack(
- rx.upload(
- rx.chakra.vstack(
- rx.chakra.button(
- "Select File",
- color=color,
- bg="white",
- border=f"1px solid {color}",
- ),
- rx.chakra.text(
- "Drag and drop files here or click to select files"
- ),
- ),
- border=f"1px dotted {color}",
- padding="5em",
- ),
- rx.chakra.hstack(rx.foreach(rx.selected_files, rx.chakra.text)),
- rx.chakra.button(
- "Upload",
- on_click=lambda: UploadState.handle_upload(
- rx.upload_files()
- ),
- ),
- rx.chakra.button(
- "Clear",
- on_click=rx.clear_selected_files,
- ),
- rx.foreach(
- UploadState.img, lambda img: rx.chakra.image(src=img, width="20%", height="auto",)
- ),
- padding="5em",
- width="100%",
-forms_2_state = """class UploadState(State):
- "The app state."
- # The images to show.
- img: list[str]
- async def handle_upload(
- self, files: list[rx.UploadFile]
- ):
- "Handle the upload of file(s).
- Args:
- files: The uploaded files.
- "
- for file in files:
- upload_data = await file.read()
- outfile = rx.get_asset_path(file.filename)
- # Save the file.
- with open(outfile, "wb") as file_object:
- file_object.write(upload_data)
- # Update the img var.
- self.img.append(f"/{file.filename}")"""
-def forms_page() -> rx.Component:
- """The UI for the settings page.
- Returns:
- rx.Component: The UI for the settings page.
- """
- return rx.chakra.box(
- rx.chakra.vstack(
- rx.chakra.heading(
- "Forms Demo",
- font_size="3em",
- ),
- rx.chakra.vstack(
- rx.chakra.form(
- rx.chakra.vstack(
- rx.chakra.input(
- placeholder="First Name",
- id="first_name",
- ),
- rx.chakra.input(placeholder="Last Name", id="last_name"),
- rx.chakra.hstack(
- rx.chakra.checkbox("Checked", id="check"),
- rx.chakra.switch("Switched", id="switch"),
- ),
- rx.chakra.button(
- "Submit",
- type_="submit",
- bg="#ecfdf5",
- color="#047857",
- border_radius="lg",
- ),
- ),
- on_submit=FormState.handle_submit,
- ),
- rx.chakra.divider(),
- rx.chakra.heading("Results"),
- rx.chakra.text(FormState.form_data.to_string()),
- width="100%",
- ),
- rx.chakra.tabs(
- rx.chakra.tab_list(
- rx.chakra.tab("Code", style=tab_style),
- rx.chakra.tab("State", style=tab_style),
- padding_x=0,
- ),
- rx.chakra.tab_panels(
- rx.chakra.tab_panel(
- rx.code_block(
- forms_1_code,
- language="python",
- show_line_numbers=True,
- ),
- width="100%",
- padding_x=0,
- padding_y=".25em",
- ),
- rx.chakra.tab_panel(
- rx.code_block(
- forms_1_state,
- language="python",
- show_line_numbers=True,
- ),
- width="100%",
- padding_x=0,
- padding_y=".25em",
- ),
- width="100%",
- ),
- variant="unstyled",
- color_scheme="purple",
- align="end",
- width="100%",
- padding_top=".5em",
- ),
- rx.chakra.heading("Upload Example", font_size="3em"),
- rx.chakra.text("Try uploading some images and see how they look."),
- rx.chakra.vstack(
- rx.upload(
- rx.chakra.vstack(
- rx.chakra.button(
- "Select File",
- color=color,
- bg="white",
- border=f"1px solid {color}",
- ),
- rx.chakra.text(
- "Drag and drop files here or click to select files"
- ),
- ),
- border=f"1px dotted {color}",
- padding="5em",
- ),
- rx.chakra.hstack(rx.foreach(rx.selected_files, rx.chakra.text)),
- rx.chakra.button(
- "Upload",
- on_click=lambda: UploadState.handle_upload(rx.upload_files()),
- ),
- rx.chakra.button(
- "Clear",
- on_click=rx.clear_selected_files,
- ),
- rx.foreach(
- UploadState.img,
- lambda img: rx.chakra.image(
- src=img,
- width="20%",
- height="auto",
- ),
- ),
- padding="5em",
- width="100%",
- ),
- rx.chakra.tabs(
- rx.chakra.tab_list(
- rx.chakra.tab("Code", style=tab_style),
- rx.chakra.tab("State", style=tab_style),
- padding_x=0,
- ),
- rx.chakra.tab_panels(
- rx.chakra.tab_panel(
- rx.code_block(
- forms_2_code,
- language="python",
- show_line_numbers=True,
- ),
- width="100%",
- padding_x=0,
- padding_y=".25em",
- ),
- rx.chakra.tab_panel(
- rx.code_block(
- forms_2_state,
- language="python",
- show_line_numbers=True,
- ),
- width="100%",
- padding_x=0,
- padding_y=".25em",
- ),
- width="100%",
- ),
- variant="unstyled",
- color_scheme="purple",
- align="end",
- width="100%",
- padding_top=".5em",
- ),
- style=template_content_style,
- ),
- style=template_page_style,
- )
diff --git a/reflex/.templates/apps/demo/code/pages/graphing.py b/reflex/.templates/apps/demo/code/pages/graphing.py
deleted file mode 100644
index e56af96c13a..00000000000
--- a/reflex/.templates/apps/demo/code/pages/graphing.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,253 +0,0 @@
-"""The dashboard page for the template."""
-import reflex as rx
-from ..states.pie_state import PieChartState
-from ..styles import *
-data_1 = [
- {"name": "Page A", "uv": 4000, "pv": 2400, "amt": 2400},
- {"name": "Page B", "uv": 3000, "pv": 1398, "amt": 2210},
- {"name": "Page C", "uv": 2000, "pv": 9800, "amt": 2290},
- {"name": "Page D", "uv": 2780, "pv": 3908, "amt": 2000},
- {"name": "Page E", "uv": 1890, "pv": 4800, "amt": 2181},
- {"name": "Page F", "uv": 2390, "pv": 3800, "amt": 2500},
- {"name": "Page G", "uv": 3490, "pv": 4300, "amt": 2100},
-data_1_show = """[
- {"name": "Page A", "uv": 4000, "pv": 2400, "amt": 2400},
- {"name": "Page B", "uv": 3000, "pv": 1398, "amt": 2210},
- {"name": "Page C", "uv": 2000, "pv": 9800, "amt": 2290},
- {"name": "Page D", "uv": 2780, "pv": 3908, "amt": 2000},
- {"name": "Page E", "uv": 1890, "pv": 4800, "amt": 2181},
- {"name": "Page F", "uv": 2390, "pv": 3800, "amt": 2500},
- {"name": "Page G", "uv": 3490, "pv": 4300, "amt": 2100},
-graph_1_code = """rx.recharts.composed_chart(
- rx.recharts.area(
- data_key="uv", stroke="#8884d8", fill="#8884d8"
- ),
- rx.recharts.bar(
- data_key="amt", bar_size=20, fill="#413ea0"
- ),
- rx.recharts.line(
- data_key="pv", type_="monotone", stroke="#ff7300"
- ),
- rx.recharts.x_axis(data_key="name"),
- rx.recharts.y_axis(),
- rx.recharts.cartesian_grid(stroke_dasharray="3 3"),
- rx.recharts.graphing_tooltip(),
- data=data,
-graph_2_code = """rx.recharts.pie_chart(
- rx.recharts.pie(
- data=PieChartState.resources,
- data_key="count",
- name_key="type_",
- cx="50%",
- cy="50%",
- start_angle=180,
- end_angle=0,
- fill="#8884d8",
- label=True,
- ),
- rx.recharts.graphing_tooltip(),
- rx.foreach(
- PieChartState.resource_types,
- lambda type_, i: rx.chakra.hstack(
- rx.chakra.button(
- "-",
- on_click=PieChartState.decrement(type_),
- ),
- rx.chakra.text(
- type_,
- PieChartState.resources[i]["count"],
- ),
- rx.chakra.button(
- "+",
- on_click=PieChartState.increment(type_),
- ),
- ),
- ),
-graph_2_state = """class PieChartState(rx.State):
- resources: list[dict[str, Any]] = [
- dict(type_="🏆", count=1),
- dict(type_="🪵", count=1),
- dict(type_="🥑", count=1),
- dict(type_="🧱", count=1),
- ]
- @rx.cached_var
- def resource_types(self) -> list[str]:
- return [r["type_"] for r in self.resources]
- def increment(self, type_: str):
- for resource in self.resources:
- if resource["type_"] == type_:
- resource["count"] += 1
- break
- def decrement(self, type_: str):
- for resource in self.resources:
- if (
- resource["type_"] == type_
- and resource["count"] > 0
- ):
- resource["count"] -= 1
- break
-def graphing_page() -> rx.Component:
- """The UI for the dashboard page.
- Returns:
- rx.Component: The UI for the dashboard page.
- """
- return rx.chakra.box(
- rx.chakra.vstack(
- rx.chakra.heading(
- "Graphing Demo",
- font_size="3em",
- ),
- rx.chakra.heading(
- "Composed Chart",
- font_size="2em",
- ),
- rx.chakra.stack(
- rx.recharts.composed_chart(
- rx.recharts.area(data_key="uv", stroke="#8884d8", fill="#8884d8"),
- rx.recharts.bar(data_key="amt", bar_size=20, fill="#413ea0"),
- rx.recharts.line(data_key="pv", type_="monotone", stroke="#ff7300"),
- rx.recharts.x_axis(data_key="name"),
- rx.recharts.y_axis(),
- rx.recharts.cartesian_grid(stroke_dasharray="3 3"),
- rx.recharts.graphing_tooltip(),
- data=data_1,
- # height="15em",
- ),
- width="100%",
- height="20em",
- ),
- rx.chakra.tabs(
- rx.chakra.tab_list(
- rx.chakra.tab("Code", style=tab_style),
- rx.chakra.tab("Data", style=tab_style),
- padding_x=0,
- ),
- rx.chakra.tab_panels(
- rx.chakra.tab_panel(
- rx.code_block(
- graph_1_code,
- language="python",
- show_line_numbers=True,
- ),
- width="100%",
- padding_x=0,
- padding_y=".25em",
- ),
- rx.chakra.tab_panel(
- rx.code_block(
- data_1_show,
- language="python",
- show_line_numbers=True,
- ),
- width="100%",
- padding_x=0,
- padding_y=".25em",
- ),
- width="100%",
- ),
- variant="unstyled",
- color_scheme="purple",
- align="end",
- width="100%",
- padding_top=".5em",
- ),
- rx.chakra.heading("Interactive Example", font_size="2em"),
- rx.chakra.hstack(
- rx.recharts.pie_chart(
- rx.recharts.pie(
- data=PieChartState.resources,
- data_key="count",
- name_key="type_",
- cx="50%",
- cy="50%",
- start_angle=180,
- end_angle=0,
- fill="#8884d8",
- label=True,
- ),
- rx.recharts.graphing_tooltip(),
- ),
- rx.chakra.vstack(
- rx.foreach(
- PieChartState.resource_types,
- lambda type_, i: rx.chakra.hstack(
- rx.chakra.button(
- "-",
- on_click=PieChartState.decrement(type_),
- ),
- rx.chakra.text(
- type_,
- PieChartState.resources[i]["count"],
- ),
- rx.chakra.button(
- "+",
- on_click=PieChartState.increment(type_),
- ),
- ),
- ),
- ),
- width="100%",
- height="15em",
- ),
- rx.chakra.tabs(
- rx.chakra.tab_list(
- rx.chakra.tab("Code", style=tab_style),
- rx.chakra.tab("State", style=tab_style),
- padding_x=0,
- ),
- rx.chakra.tab_panels(
- rx.chakra.tab_panel(
- rx.code_block(
- graph_2_code,
- language="python",
- show_line_numbers=True,
- ),
- width="100%",
- padding_x=0,
- padding_y=".25em",
- ),
- rx.chakra.tab_panel(
- rx.code_block(
- graph_2_state,
- language="python",
- show_line_numbers=True,
- ),
- width="100%",
- padding_x=0,
- padding_y=".25em",
- ),
- width="100%",
- ),
- variant="unstyled",
- color_scheme="purple",
- align="end",
- width="100%",
- padding_top=".5em",
- ),
- style=template_content_style,
- min_h="100vh",
- ),
- style=template_page_style,
- min_h="100vh",
- )
diff --git a/reflex/.templates/apps/demo/code/pages/home.py b/reflex/.templates/apps/demo/code/pages/home.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 8d85e015b6a..00000000000
--- a/reflex/.templates/apps/demo/code/pages/home.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
-"""The home page of the app."""
-import reflex as rx
-from ..styles import *
-def home_page() -> rx.Component:
- """The UI for the home page.
- Returns:
- rx.Component: The UI for the home page.
- """
- return rx.chakra.box(
- rx.chakra.vstack(
- rx.chakra.heading(
- "Welcome to Reflex! 👋",
- font_size="3em",
- ),
- rx.chakra.text(
- "Reflex is an open-source app framework built specifically to allow you to build web apps in pure python. 👈 Select a demo from the sidebar to see some examples of what Reflex can do!",
- ),
- rx.chakra.heading(
- "Things to check out:",
- font_size="2em",
- ),
- rx.chakra.unordered_list(
- rx.chakra.list_item(
- "Take a look at ",
- rx.chakra.link(
- "reflex.dev",
- href="https://reflex.dev",
- color="rgb(107,99,246)",
- ),
- ),
- rx.chakra.list_item(
- "Check out our ",
- rx.chakra.link(
- "docs",
- href="https://reflex.dev/docs/getting-started/introduction/",
- color="rgb(107,99,246)",
- ),
- ),
- rx.chakra.list_item(
- "Ask a question in our ",
- rx.chakra.link(
- "community",
- href="https://discord.gg/T5WSbC2YtQ",
- color="rgb(107,99,246)",
- ),
- ),
- ),
- style=template_content_style,
- ),
- style=template_page_style,
- )
diff --git a/reflex/.templates/apps/demo/code/sidebar.py b/reflex/.templates/apps/demo/code/sidebar.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 5f634402f02..00000000000
--- a/reflex/.templates/apps/demo/code/sidebar.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,178 +0,0 @@
-"""Sidebar component for the app."""
-import reflex as rx
-from .state import State
-from .styles import *
-def sidebar_header() -> rx.Component:
- """Sidebar header.
- Returns:
- rx.Component: The sidebar header component.
- """
- return rx.chakra.hstack(
- rx.chakra.image(
- src="/icon.svg",
- height="2em",
- ),
- rx.chakra.spacer(),
- rx.chakra.link(
- rx.chakra.center(
- rx.chakra.image(
- src="/github.svg",
- height="3em",
- padding="0.5em",
- ),
- box_shadow=box_shadow,
- bg="transparent",
- border_radius=border_radius,
- _hover={
- "bg": accent_color,
- },
- ),
- href="https://github.com/reflex-dev/reflex",
- ),
- width="100%",
- border_bottom=border,
- padding="1em",
- )
-def sidebar_footer() -> rx.Component:
- """Sidebar footer.
- Returns:
- rx.Component: The sidebar footer component.
- """
- return rx.chakra.hstack(
- rx.chakra.link(
- rx.chakra.center(
- rx.chakra.image(
- src="/paneleft.svg",
- height="2em",
- padding="0.5em",
- ),
- bg="transparent",
- border_radius=border_radius,
- **hover_accent_bg,
- ),
- on_click=State.toggle_sidebar_displayed,
- transform=rx.cond(~State.sidebar_displayed, "rotate(180deg)", ""),
- transition="transform 0.5s, left 0.5s",
- position="relative",
- left=rx.cond(State.sidebar_displayed, "0px", "20.5em"),
- **overlapping_button_style,
- ),
- rx.chakra.spacer(),
- rx.chakra.link(
- rx.chakra.text(
- "Docs",
- ),
- href="https://reflex.dev/docs/getting-started/introduction/",
- ),
- rx.chakra.link(
- rx.chakra.text(
- "Blog",
- ),
- href="https://reflex.dev/blog/",
- ),
- width="100%",
- border_top=border,
- padding="1em",
- )
-def sidebar_item(text: str, icon: str, url: str) -> rx.Component:
- """Sidebar item.
- Args:
- text (str): The text of the item.
- icon (str): The icon of the item.
- url (str): The URL of the item.
- Returns:
- rx.Component: The sidebar item component.
- """
- return rx.chakra.link(
- rx.chakra.hstack(
- rx.chakra.image(
- src=icon,
- height="2.5em",
- padding="0.5em",
- ),
- rx.chakra.text(
- text,
- ),
- bg=rx.cond(
- State.origin_url == f"/{text.lower()}/",
- accent_color,
- "transparent",
- ),
- color=rx.cond(
- State.origin_url == f"/{text.lower()}/",
- accent_text_color,
- text_color,
- ),
- border_radius=border_radius,
- box_shadow=box_shadow,
- width="100%",
- padding_x="1em",
- ),
- href=url,
- width="100%",
- )
-def sidebar() -> rx.Component:
- """Sidebar.
- Returns:
- rx.Component: The sidebar component.
- """
- return rx.chakra.box(
- rx.chakra.vstack(
- sidebar_header(),
- rx.chakra.vstack(
- sidebar_item(
- "Welcome",
- "/github.svg",
- "/",
- ),
- sidebar_item(
- "Graphing Demo",
- "/github.svg",
- "/graphing",
- ),
- sidebar_item(
- "Data Table Demo",
- "/github.svg",
- "/datatable",
- ),
- sidebar_item(
- "Forms Demo",
- "/github.svg",
- "/forms",
- ),
- sidebar_item(
- "Chat App Demo",
- "/github.svg",
- "/chatapp",
- ),
- width="100%",
- overflow_y="auto",
- align_items="flex-start",
- padding="1em",
- ),
- rx.chakra.spacer(),
- sidebar_footer(),
- height="100dvh",
- ),
- display=["none", "none", "block"],
- min_width=sidebar_width,
- height="100%",
- position="sticky",
- top="0px",
- border_right=border,
- )
diff --git a/reflex/.templates/apps/demo/code/state.py b/reflex/.templates/apps/demo/code/state.py
deleted file mode 100644
index a5c6f57bd59..00000000000
--- a/reflex/.templates/apps/demo/code/state.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-"""Base state for the app."""
-import reflex as rx
-class State(rx.State):
- """State for the app."""
- sidebar_displayed: bool = True
- @rx.var
- def origin_url(self) -> str:
- """Get the url of the current page.
- Returns:
- str: The url of the current page.
- """
- return self.router_data.get("asPath", "")
- def toggle_sidebar_displayed(self) -> None:
- """Toggle the sidebar displayed."""
- self.sidebar_displayed = not self.sidebar_displayed
diff --git a/reflex/.templates/apps/demo/code/states/form_state.py b/reflex/.templates/apps/demo/code/states/form_state.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 2b30e859e69..00000000000
--- a/reflex/.templates/apps/demo/code/states/form_state.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-import reflex as rx
-from ..state import State
-class FormState(State):
- """Form state."""
- form_data: dict = {}
- def handle_submit(self, form_data: dict):
- """Handle the form submit.
- Args:
- form_data: The form data.
- """
- self.form_data = form_data
-class UploadState(State):
- """The app state."""
- # The images to show.
- img: list[str]
- async def handle_upload(self, files: list[rx.UploadFile]):
- """Handle the upload of file(s).
- Args:
- files: The uploaded files.
- """
- for file in files:
- upload_data = await file.read()
- outfile = rx.get_asset_path(file.filename)
- # Save the file.
- with open(outfile, "wb") as file_object:
- file_object.write(upload_data)
- # Update the img var.
- self.img.append(f"/{file.filename}")
diff --git a/reflex/.templates/apps/demo/code/states/pie_state.py b/reflex/.templates/apps/demo/code/states/pie_state.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 1c380c3afe3..00000000000
--- a/reflex/.templates/apps/demo/code/states/pie_state.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
-from typing import Any
-import reflex as rx
-from ..state import State
-class PieChartState(State):
- """Pie Chart State."""
- resources: list[dict[str, Any]] = [
- dict(type_="🏆", count=1),
- dict(type_="🪵", count=1),
- dict(type_="🥑", count=1),
- dict(type_="🧱", count=1),
- ]
- @rx.cached_var
- def resource_types(self) -> list[str]:
- """Get the resource types.
- Returns:
- The resource types.
- """
- return [r["type_"] for r in self.resources]
- def increment(self, type_: str):
- """Increment the count of a resource type.
- Args:
- type_: The type of resource to increment.
- """
- for resource in self.resources:
- if resource["type_"] == type_:
- resource["count"] += 1
- break
- def decrement(self, type_: str):
- """Decrement the count of a resource type.
- Args:
- type_: The type of resource to decrement.
- """
- for resource in self.resources:
- if resource["type_"] == type_ and resource["count"] > 0:
- resource["count"] -= 1
- break
diff --git a/reflex/.templates/apps/demo/code/styles.py b/reflex/.templates/apps/demo/code/styles.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 5ca236eceea..00000000000
--- a/reflex/.templates/apps/demo/code/styles.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
-"""Styles for the app."""
-import reflex as rx
-from .state import State
-border_radius = "0.375rem"
-box_shadow = "0px 0px 0px 1px rgba(84, 82, 95, 0.14)"
-border = "1px solid #F4F3F6"
-text_color = "black"
-accent_text_color = "#1A1060"
-accent_color = "#F5EFFE"
-hover_accent_color = {"_hover": {"color": accent_color}}
-hover_accent_bg = {"_hover": {"bg": accent_color}}
-content_width_vw = "90vw"
-sidebar_width = "20em"
-template_page_style = {
- "padding_top": "5em",
- "padding_x": "2em",
-template_content_style = {
- "width": rx.cond(
- State.sidebar_displayed,
- f"calc({content_width_vw} - {sidebar_width})",
- content_width_vw,
- ),
- "min-width": sidebar_width,
- "align_items": "flex-start",
- "box_shadow": box_shadow,
- "border_radius": border_radius,
- "padding": "1em",
- "margin_bottom": "2em",
-link_style = {
- "color": text_color,
- "text_decoration": "none",
- **hover_accent_color,
-overlapping_button_style = {
- "background_color": "white",
- "border": border,
- "border_radius": border_radius,
-base_style = {
- rx.chakra.MenuButton: {
- "width": "3em",
- "height": "3em",
- **overlapping_button_style,
- },
- rx.chakra.MenuItem: hover_accent_bg,
-tab_style = {
- "color": "#494369",
- "font_weight": 600,
- "_selected": {
- "color": "#5646ED",
- "bg": "#F5EFFE",
- "padding_x": "0.5em",
- "padding_y": "0.25em",
- "border_radius": "8px",
- },
diff --git a/reflex/.templates/apps/demo/code/webui/__init__.py b/reflex/.templates/apps/demo/code/webui/__init__.py
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29bb2d..00000000000
diff --git a/reflex/.templates/apps/demo/code/webui/components/__init__.py b/reflex/.templates/apps/demo/code/webui/components/__init__.py
deleted file mode 100644
index e29eb0ab27a..00000000000
--- a/reflex/.templates/apps/demo/code/webui/components/__init__.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-from .loading_icon import loading_icon
-from .modal import modal
-from .navbar import navbar
-from .sidebar import sidebar
diff --git a/reflex/.templates/apps/demo/code/webui/components/chat.py b/reflex/.templates/apps/demo/code/webui/components/chat.py
deleted file mode 100644
index fd9b6ba98b6..00000000000
--- a/reflex/.templates/apps/demo/code/webui/components/chat.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,118 +0,0 @@
-import reflex as rx
-from ...webui import styles
-from ...webui.components import loading_icon
-from ...webui.state import QA, State
-def message(qa: QA) -> rx.Component:
- """A single question/answer message.
- Args:
- qa: The question/answer pair.
- Returns:
- A component displaying the question/answer pair.
- """
- return rx.chakra.box(
- rx.chakra.box(
- rx.chakra.text(
- qa.question,
- bg=styles.border_color,
- shadow=styles.shadow_light,
- **styles.message_style,
- ),
- text_align="right",
- margin_top="1em",
- ),
- rx.chakra.box(
- rx.chakra.text(
- qa.answer,
- bg=styles.accent_color,
- shadow=styles.shadow_light,
- **styles.message_style,
- ),
- text_align="left",
- padding_top="1em",
- ),
- width="100%",
- )
-def chat() -> rx.Component:
- """List all the messages in a single conversation.
- Returns:
- A component displaying all the messages in a single conversation.
- """
- return rx.chakra.vstack(
- rx.chakra.box(rx.foreach(State.chats[State.current_chat], message)),
- py="8",
- flex="1",
- width="100%",
- max_w="3xl",
- padding_x="4",
- align_self="center",
- overflow="hidden",
- padding_bottom="5em",
- **styles.base_style[rx.chakra.Vstack],
- )
-def action_bar() -> rx.Component:
- """The action bar to send a new message.
- Returns:
- The action bar to send a new message.
- """
- return rx.chakra.box(
- rx.chakra.vstack(
- rx.chakra.form(
- rx.chakra.form_control(
- rx.chakra.hstack(
- rx.chakra.input(
- placeholder="Type something...",
- value=State.question,
- on_change=State.set_question,
- _placeholder={"color": "#fffa"},
- _hover={"border_color": styles.accent_color},
- style=styles.input_style,
- ),
- rx.chakra.button(
- rx.cond(
- State.processing,
- loading_icon(height="1em"),
- rx.chakra.text("Send"),
- ),
- type_="submit",
- _hover={"bg": styles.accent_color},
- style=styles.input_style,
- ),
- **styles.base_style[rx.chakra.Hstack],
- ),
- is_disabled=State.processing,
- ),
- on_submit=State.process_question,
- width="100%",
- ),
- rx.chakra.text(
- "ReflexGPT may return factually incorrect or misleading responses. Use discretion.",
- font_size="xs",
- color="#fff6",
- text_align="center",
- ),
- width="100%",
- max_w="3xl",
- mx="auto",
- **styles.base_style[rx.chakra.Vstack],
- ),
- position="sticky",
- bottom="0",
- left="0",
- py="4",
- backdrop_filter="auto",
- backdrop_blur="lg",
- border_top=f"1px solid {styles.border_color}",
- align_items="stretch",
- width="100%",
- )
diff --git a/reflex/.templates/apps/demo/code/webui/components/loading_icon.py b/reflex/.templates/apps/demo/code/webui/components/loading_icon.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 46cedb8ef38..00000000000
--- a/reflex/.templates/apps/demo/code/webui/components/loading_icon.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-import reflex as rx
-class LoadingIcon(rx.Component):
- """A custom loading icon component."""
- library = "react-loading-icons"
- tag = "SpinningCircles"
- stroke: rx.Var[str]
- stroke_opacity: rx.Var[str]
- fill: rx.Var[str]
- fill_opacity: rx.Var[str]
- stroke_width: rx.Var[str]
- speed: rx.Var[str]
- height: rx.Var[str]
- on_change: rx.EventHandler[lambda status: [status]]
-loading_icon = LoadingIcon.create
diff --git a/reflex/.templates/apps/demo/code/webui/components/modal.py b/reflex/.templates/apps/demo/code/webui/components/modal.py
deleted file mode 100644
index c76b8dffd9a..00000000000
--- a/reflex/.templates/apps/demo/code/webui/components/modal.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
-import reflex as rx
-from ...webui.state import State
-def modal() -> rx.Component:
- """A modal to create a new chat.
- Returns:
- The modal component.
- """
- return rx.chakra.modal(
- rx.chakra.modal_overlay(
- rx.chakra.modal_content(
- rx.chakra.modal_header(
- rx.chakra.hstack(
- rx.chakra.text("Create new chat"),
- rx.chakra.icon(
- tag="close",
- font_size="sm",
- on_click=State.toggle_modal,
- color="#fff8",
- _hover={"color": "#fff"},
- cursor="pointer",
- ),
- align_items="center",
- justify_content="space-between",
- )
- ),
- rx.chakra.modal_body(
- rx.chakra.input(
- placeholder="Type something...",
- on_blur=State.set_new_chat_name,
- bg="#222",
- border_color="#fff3",
- _placeholder={"color": "#fffa"},
- ),
- ),
- rx.chakra.modal_footer(
- rx.chakra.button(
- "Create",
- bg="#5535d4",
- box_shadow="md",
- px="4",
- py="2",
- h="auto",
- _hover={"bg": "#4c2db3"},
- on_click=State.create_chat,
- ),
- ),
- bg="#222",
- color="#fff",
- ),
- ),
- is_open=State.modal_open,
- )
diff --git a/reflex/.templates/apps/demo/code/webui/components/navbar.py b/reflex/.templates/apps/demo/code/webui/components/navbar.py
deleted file mode 100644
index e836f29eceb..00000000000
--- a/reflex/.templates/apps/demo/code/webui/components/navbar.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
-import reflex as rx
-from ...webui import styles
-from ...webui.state import State
-def navbar():
- return rx.chakra.box(
- rx.chakra.hstack(
- rx.chakra.hstack(
- rx.chakra.icon(
- tag="hamburger",
- mr=4,
- on_click=State.toggle_drawer,
- cursor="pointer",
- ),
- rx.chakra.link(
- rx.chakra.box(
- rx.chakra.image(src="favicon.ico", width=30, height="auto"),
- p="1",
- border_radius="6",
- bg="#F0F0F0",
- mr="2",
- ),
- href="/",
- ),
- rx.chakra.breadcrumb(
- rx.chakra.breadcrumb_item(
- rx.chakra.heading("ReflexGPT", size="sm"),
- ),
- rx.chakra.breadcrumb_item(
- rx.chakra.text(
- State.current_chat, size="sm", font_weight="normal"
- ),
- ),
- ),
- ),
- rx.chakra.hstack(
- rx.chakra.button(
- "+ New chat",
- bg=styles.accent_color,
- px="4",
- py="2",
- h="auto",
- on_click=State.toggle_modal,
- ),
- rx.chakra.menu(
- rx.chakra.menu_button(
- rx.chakra.avatar(name="User", size="md"),
- rx.chakra.box(),
- ),
- rx.chakra.menu_list(
- rx.chakra.menu_item("Help"),
- rx.chakra.menu_divider(),
- rx.chakra.menu_item("Settings"),
- ),
- ),
- spacing="8",
- ),
- justify="space-between",
- ),
- bg=styles.bg_dark_color,
- backdrop_filter="auto",
- backdrop_blur="lg",
- p="4",
- border_bottom=f"1px solid {styles.border_color}",
- position="sticky",
- top="0",
- z_index="100",
- )
diff --git a/reflex/.templates/apps/demo/code/webui/components/sidebar.py b/reflex/.templates/apps/demo/code/webui/components/sidebar.py
deleted file mode 100644
index b4ffdd41f7b..00000000000
--- a/reflex/.templates/apps/demo/code/webui/components/sidebar.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
-import reflex as rx
-from ...webui import styles
-from ...webui.state import State
-def sidebar_chat(chat: str) -> rx.Component:
- """A sidebar chat item.
- Args:
- chat: The chat item.
- Returns:
- The sidebar chat item.
- """
- return rx.chakra.hstack(
- rx.chakra.box(
- chat,
- on_click=lambda: State.set_chat(chat),
- style=styles.sidebar_style,
- color=styles.icon_color,
- flex="1",
- ),
- rx.chakra.box(
- rx.chakra.icon(
- tag="delete",
- style=styles.icon_style,
- on_click=State.delete_chat,
- ),
- style=styles.sidebar_style,
- ),
- color=styles.text_light_color,
- cursor="pointer",
- )
-def sidebar() -> rx.Component:
- """The sidebar component.
- Returns:
- The sidebar component.
- """
- return rx.chakra.drawer(
- rx.chakra.drawer_overlay(
- rx.chakra.drawer_content(
- rx.chakra.drawer_header(
- rx.chakra.hstack(
- rx.chakra.text("Chats"),
- rx.chakra.icon(
- tag="close",
- on_click=State.toggle_drawer,
- style=styles.icon_style,
- ),
- )
- ),
- rx.chakra.drawer_body(
- rx.chakra.vstack(
- rx.foreach(State.chat_titles, lambda chat: sidebar_chat(chat)),
- align_items="stretch",
- )
- ),
- ),
- ),
- placement="left",
- is_open=State.drawer_open,
- )
diff --git a/reflex/.templates/apps/demo/code/webui/state.py b/reflex/.templates/apps/demo/code/webui/state.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 51739222d83..00000000000
--- a/reflex/.templates/apps/demo/code/webui/state.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,146 +0,0 @@
-import asyncio
-import reflex as rx
-from ..state import State
-# openai.api_key = os.environ["OPENAI_API_KEY"]
-# openai.api_base = os.getenv("OPENAI_API_BASE", "https://api.openai.com/v1")
-class QA(rx.Base):
- """A question and answer pair."""
- question: str
- answer: str
- "Intros": [],
-class State(State):
- """The app state."""
- # A dict from the chat name to the list of questions and answers.
- chats: dict[str, list[QA]] = DEFAULT_CHATS
- # The current chat name.
- current_chat = "Intros"
- # The current question.
- question: str
- # Whether we are processing the question.
- processing: bool = False
- # The name of the new chat.
- new_chat_name: str = ""
- # Whether the drawer is open.
- drawer_open: bool = False
- # Whether the modal is open.
- modal_open: bool = False
- def create_chat(self):
- """Create a new chat."""
- # Add the new chat to the list of chats.
- self.current_chat = self.new_chat_name
- self.chats[self.new_chat_name] = []
- # Toggle the modal.
- self.modal_open = False
- def toggle_modal(self):
- """Toggle the new chat modal."""
- self.modal_open = not self.modal_open
- def toggle_drawer(self):
- """Toggle the drawer."""
- self.drawer_open = not self.drawer_open
- def delete_chat(self):
- """Delete the current chat."""
- del self.chats[self.current_chat]
- if len(self.chats) == 0:
- self.chats = DEFAULT_CHATS
- # set self.current_chat to the first chat.
- self.current_chat = next(iter(self.chats))
- self.toggle_drawer()
- def set_chat(self, chat_name: str):
- """Set the name of the current chat.
- Args:
- chat_name: The name of the chat.
- """
- self.current_chat = chat_name
- self.toggle_drawer()
- @rx.var
- def chat_titles(self) -> list[str]:
- """Get the list of chat titles.
- Returns:
- The list of chat names.
- """
- return [*self.chats]
- async def process_question(self, form_data: dict[str, str]):
- """Get the response from the API.
- Args:
- form_data: A dict with the current question.
- Yields:
- The current question and the response.
- """
- # Check if the question is empty
- if self.question == "":
- return
- # Add the question to the list of questions.
- qa = QA(question=self.question, answer="")
- self.chats[self.current_chat].append(qa)
- # Clear the input and start the processing.
- self.processing = True
- self.question = ""
- yield
- # # Build the messages.
- # messages = [
- # {"role": "system", "content": "You are a friendly chatbot named Reflex."}
- # ]
- # for qa in self.chats[self.current_chat]:
- # messages.append({"role": "user", "content": qa.question})
- # messages.append({"role": "assistant", "content": qa.answer})
- # # Remove the last mock answer.
- # messages = messages[:-1]
- # Start a new session to answer the question.
- # session = openai.ChatCompletion.create(
- # model=os.getenv("OPENAI_MODEL", "gpt-3.5-turbo"),
- # messages=messages,
- # stream=True,
- # )
- # Stream the results, yielding after every word.
- # for item in session:
- answer = "I don't know! This Chatbot still needs to add in AI API keys!"
- for i in range(len(answer)):
- # Pause to show the streaming effect.
- await asyncio.sleep(0.1)
- # Add one letter at a time to the output.
- # if hasattr(item.choices[0].delta, "content"):
- # answer_text = item.choices[0].delta.content
- self.chats[self.current_chat][-1].answer += answer[i]
- self.chats = self.chats
- yield
- # Toggle the processing flag.
- self.processing = False
diff --git a/reflex/.templates/apps/demo/code/webui/styles.py b/reflex/.templates/apps/demo/code/webui/styles.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 62212ac1ab6..00000000000
--- a/reflex/.templates/apps/demo/code/webui/styles.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,88 +0,0 @@
-import reflex as rx
-bg_dark_color = "#111"
-bg_medium_color = "#222"
-border_color = "#fff3"
-accennt_light = "#6649D8"
-accent_color = "#5535d4"
-accent_dark = "#4c2db3"
-icon_color = "#fff8"
-text_light_color = "#fff"
-shadow_light = "rgba(17, 12, 46, 0.15) 0px 48px 100px 0px;"
-shadow = "rgba(50, 50, 93, 0.25) 0px 50px 100px -20px, rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3) 0px 30px 60px -30px, rgba(10, 37, 64, 0.35) 0px -2px 6px 0px inset;"
-message_style = dict(display="inline-block", p="4", border_radius="xl", max_w="30em")
-input_style = dict(
- bg=bg_medium_color,
- border_color=border_color,
- border_width="1px",
- p="4",
-icon_style = dict(
- font_size="md",
- color=icon_color,
- _hover=dict(color=text_light_color),
- cursor="pointer",
- w="8",
-sidebar_style = dict(
- border="double 1px transparent;",
- border_radius="10px;",
- background_image=f"linear-gradient({bg_dark_color}, {bg_dark_color}), radial-gradient(circle at top left, {accent_color},{accent_dark});",
- background_origin="border-box;",
- background_clip="padding-box, border-box;",
- p="2",
- _hover=dict(
- background_image=f"linear-gradient({bg_dark_color}, {bg_dark_color}), radial-gradient(circle at top left, {accent_color},{accennt_light});",
- ),
-base_style = {
- rx.chakra.Avatar: {
- "shadow": shadow,
- "color": text_light_color,
- # "bg": border_color,
- },
- rx.chakra.Button: {
- "shadow": shadow,
- "color": text_light_color,
- "_hover": {
- "bg": accent_dark,
- },
- },
- rx.chakra.Menu: {
- "bg": bg_dark_color,
- "border": f"red",
- },
- rx.chakra.MenuList: {
- "bg": bg_dark_color,
- "border": f"1.5px solid {bg_medium_color}",
- },
- rx.chakra.MenuDivider: {
- "border": f"1px solid {bg_medium_color}",
- },
- rx.chakra.MenuItem: {
- "bg": bg_dark_color,
- "color": text_light_color,
- },
- rx.chakra.DrawerContent: {
- "bg": bg_dark_color,
- "color": text_light_color,
- "opacity": "0.9",
- },
- rx.chakra.Hstack: {
- "align_items": "center",
- "justify_content": "space-between",
- },
- rx.chakra.Vstack: {
- "align_items": "stretch",
- "justify_content": "space-between",
- },