diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index fe4806b..759decc 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -73,3 +73,8 @@ __pycache__/
diff --git a/examples/kelmarsh_kaggle.py b/examples/kelmarsh_kaggle.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..10cbd83
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/kelmarsh_kaggle.py
@@ -0,0 +1,761 @@
+"""Example submission for https://www.kaggle.com/competitions/predict-the-wind-speed-at-a-wind-turbine/.
+wind-up is used for feature engineering, in particular estimating wind speed based on power
+and directional detrending."""
+from __future__ import annotations
+import logging
+import re
+from pathlib import Path
+import ephem
+import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
+import numpy as np
+import pandas as pd
+from flaml import AutoML
+from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestRegressor
+from sklearn.impute import SimpleImputer
+from examples.helpers import setup_logger
+from wind_up.constants import (
+ DataColumns,
+from wind_up.detrend import apply_wsratio_v_wd_scen, calc_wsratio_v_wd_scen, check_applied_detrend
+from wind_up.interface import AssessmentInputs
+from wind_up.models import PlotConfig, WindUpConfig
+from wind_up.northing import check_wtg_northing
+from wind_up.plots.data_coverage_plots import plot_detrend_data_cov
+from wind_up.reanalysis_data import ReanalysisDataset
+from wind_up.waking_state import add_waking_scen
+from wind_up.windspeed_drift import check_windspeed_drift
+DATA_DIR = Path("kelmarsh_kaggle_data")
+OUTPUT_DIR = Path("kelmarsh_kaggle_output")
+CACHE_DIR = Path("kelmarsh_kaggle_cache")
+ASSESSMENT_NAME = "kelmarsh_kaggle"
+ANALYSIS_OUTPUT_DIR.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True)
+logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+class KelmarshKaggleScadaUnpacker:
+ """Class to unpack the Kaggle Kelmarsh SCADA data."""
+ def __init__(self, data_dir: Path) -> None:
+ self.data_dir = data_dir
+ self.scada_df = None
+ def unpack(self) -> pd.DataFrame:
+ """Unpack the Kaggle Kelmarsh SCADA data."""
+ if self.scada_df is None:
+ # unpack train.csv
+ raw_df = pd.read_csv(self.data_dir / "train.csv", header=[0, 1], index_col=[0], parse_dates=[1])
+ id_df = self._format_index(
+ raw_df[[("Timestamp", "Unnamed: 1_level_1")]]
+ .reset_index()
+ .set_index(("Timestamp", "Unnamed: 1_level_1"))
+ .droplevel(1, axis=1)
+ )
+ workings_df = raw_df.set_index(("Timestamp", "Unnamed: 1_level_1"))
+ workings_df = workings_df.drop(columns=[("training", "Unnamed: 52_level_1")])
+ new_cols = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(
+ [
+ ("Wind speed (m/s)", "Kelmarsh 1") if x == ("target_feature", "Unnamed: 53_level_1") else x
+ for x in workings_df.columns
+ ]
+ )
+ workings_df.columns = new_cols
+ workings_df = workings_df.stack().swaplevel(0, 1, axis=0)
+ workings_df = workings_df.reset_index(level=0, names="TurbineName")
+ train_scada_df = self._format_scada_df(scada_df=workings_df)
+ train_scada_df = train_scada_df.merge(id_df, left_index=True, right_index=True)
+ # unpack test.csv
+ raw_df = pd.read_csv(self.data_dir / "test.csv", header=[0, 1], index_col=[0], parse_dates=[1])
+ id_df = self._format_index(
+ raw_df[[("Timestamp", "Unnamed: 1_level_1")]]
+ .reset_index()
+ .set_index(("Timestamp", "Unnamed: 1_level_1"))
+ .droplevel(1, axis=1)
+ )
+ workings_df = raw_df.set_index(("Timestamp", "Unnamed: 1_level_1"))
+ new_cols = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(
+ [
+ ("Wind speed (m/s)", "Kelmarsh 1") if x == ("target_feature", "Unnamed: 53_level_1") else x
+ for x in workings_df.columns
+ ]
+ )
+ workings_df.columns = new_cols
+ workings_df = workings_df.stack().swaplevel(0, 1, axis=0)
+ workings_df = workings_df.reset_index(level=0, names="TurbineName")
+ test_scada_df = self._format_scada_df(scada_df=workings_df)
+ test_scada_df = test_scada_df.merge(id_df, left_index=True, right_index=True)
+ _expected_n_turbines_train = 6
+ assert train_scada_df["TurbineName"].nunique() == _expected_n_turbines_train
+ _expected_n_turbines_test = 5
+ assert test_scada_df["TurbineName"].nunique() == _expected_n_turbines_test
+ # verify train_scada_df and test_scada_df have the same columns
+ assert train_scada_df.columns.equals(test_scada_df.columns)
+ # verify train_scada_df and test_scada_df have no matching DatetimeIndex index entries
+ assert len(train_scada_df.index.intersection(test_scada_df.index)) == 0
+ # verify train_scada_df and test_scada_df have no matching values in id column
+ assert len(set(train_scada_df["id"]) & set(test_scada_df["id"])) == 0
+ # combine train_scada_df and test_scada_df
+ self.scada_df = pd.concat([train_scada_df, test_scada_df], axis=0).sort_index()
+ return self.scada_df
+ def _format_index(self, df: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame:
+ new_df = df.copy()
+ new_df.index.name = TIMESTAMP_COL
+ # make index UTC
+ new_df.index = new_df.index.tz_localize("UTC")
+ return new_df
+ def _format_scada_df(self, scada_df: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame:
+ scada_df = scada_df.rename(
+ columns={
+ "Wind speed (m/s)": DataColumns.wind_speed_mean,
+ "Wind speed, Standard deviation (m/s)": DataColumns.wind_speed_sd,
+ "Nacelle position (°)": DataColumns.yaw_angle_mean,
+ "Power (kW)": DataColumns.active_power_mean,
+ "Nacelle ambient temperature (°C)": DataColumns.ambient_temp,
+ "Generator RPM (RPM)": DataColumns.gen_rpm_mean,
+ "Blade angle (pitch position) A (°)": DataColumns.pitch_angle_mean,
+ }
+ )
+ # placeholder values for other required columns
+ scada_df[DataColumns.shutdown_duration] = 0
+ return self._format_index(scada_df)
+def kelmarsh_kaggle_metadata_df(data_dir: Path) -> pd.DataFrame:
+ """Return the metadata DataFrame for the Kelmarsh Kaggle competition."""
+ metadata_df = pd.read_csv(data_dir / "metaData.csv")[["Title", "Latitude", "Longitude"]].rename(
+ columns={"Title": "Name"}
+ )
+ return metadata_df.assign(TimeZone="UTC", TimeSpanMinutes=10, TimeFormat="Start")
+def make_windup_features(analysis_name: str) -> None:
+ """Run standard wind-up analysis up to directional detrending saving results to parquet files."""
+ # verify the data is in the correct location
+ expected_files = [
+ "train.csv",
+ "test.csv",
+ "sample_submission.csv",
+ "metaData.csv",
+ ]
+ data_ok = all((DATA_DIR / file).exists() for file in expected_files)
+ if not data_ok:
+ data_url = r"https://www.kaggle.com/competitions/predict-the-wind-speed-at-a-wind-turbine/data"
+ msg = (
+ f"Expected files not found in {DATA_DIR}.\nPlease download the data from the Kaggle "
+ f"at {data_url} and save them in {DATA_DIR.resolve()}."
+ )
+ raise FileNotFoundError(msg)
+ logger.info("Unpacking turbine SCADA data")
+ scada_df = KelmarshKaggleScadaUnpacker(data_dir=DATA_DIR).unpack()
+ metadata_df = kelmarsh_kaggle_metadata_df(data_dir=DATA_DIR)
+ # Construct wind-up Configurations
+ wtg_map = {
+ x: {
+ "name": x,
+ "turbine_type": {
+ "turbine_type": "Senvion MM92",
+ "rotor_diameter_m": 92,
+ "rated_power_kw": 2050,
+ "normal_operation_pitch_range": (-10.0, 35.0),
+ "normal_operation_genrpm_range": (0, 2000.0),
+ },
+ }
+ for x in metadata_df["Name"]
+ }
+ # confirmed by emailing Charlie Plumley that using ERA5 is allowed since it's public data
+ # which would generally be available for any wind farm
+ reanalysis_dataset = ReanalysisDataset(
+ id="ERA5T_52.50N_-1.00E_100m_1hr",
+ data=pd.read_parquet(DATA_DIR / "ERA5T_52.50N_-1.00E_100m_1hr.parquet"),
+ )
+ # calculated previously by setting optimize_northing_corrections to True
+ northing_corrections_utc = [
+ ("Kelmarsh 2", pd.Timestamp("2017-10-01 00:00:00+0000"), 3.4831420898439944),
+ ("Kelmarsh 3", pd.Timestamp("2017-10-01 00:00:00+0000"), 1.6804382324219773),
+ ("Kelmarsh 4", pd.Timestamp("2017-10-01 00:00:00+0000"), 3.7531753316334004),
+ ("Kelmarsh 5", pd.Timestamp("2017-10-01 00:00:00+0000"), 7.918688964843739),
+ ("Kelmarsh 5", pd.Timestamp("2020-04-16 10:00:00+0000"), 12.944992828369152),
+ ("Kelmarsh 5", pd.Timestamp("2020-04-23 18:10:00+0000"), 8.455931250697915),
+ ("Kelmarsh 6", pd.Timestamp("2017-10-01 00:00:00+0000"), 5.209234619141114),
+ ]
+ cfg = WindUpConfig(
+ assessment_name=analysis_name,
+ use_lt_distribution=False,
+ out_dir=ANALYSIS_OUTPUT_DIR / analysis_name,
+ test_wtgs=[wtg_map[x] for x in ["Kelmarsh 1"]],
+ ref_wtgs=[wtg_map[x] for x in ["Kelmarsh 2", "Kelmarsh 3", "Kelmarsh 4", "Kelmarsh 5", "Kelmarsh 6"]],
+ years_offset_for_pre_period=1,
+ years_for_lt_distribution=1,
+ years_for_detrend=1,
+ ws_bin_width=1.0,
+ analysis_first_dt_utc_start=scada_df.index.min(),
+ upgrade_first_dt_utc_start=scada_df.index.min() + (scada_df.index.max() - scada_df.index.min()) / 2,
+ analysis_last_dt_utc_start=scada_df.index.max(),
+ lt_first_dt_utc_start=scada_df.index.min(),
+ lt_last_dt_utc_start=scada_df.index.max(),
+ detrend_first_dt_utc_start=scada_df.index.min(),
+ detrend_last_dt_utc_start=scada_df.index.max(),
+ asset={"name": "Kelmarsh", "wtgs": list(wtg_map.values())},
+ missing_scada_data_fields=[DataColumns.yaw_angle_min, DataColumns.yaw_angle_max],
+ prepost={
+ "pre_first_dt_utc_start": scada_df.index.min(),
+ "pre_last_dt_utc_start": scada_df.index.min()
+ + (scada_df.index.max() - scada_df.index.min()) / 2
+ - pd.Timedelta(minutes=10),
+ "post_first_dt_utc_start": scada_df.index.min() + (scada_df.index.max() - scada_df.index.min()) / 2,
+ "post_last_dt_utc_start": scada_df.index.max(),
+ },
+ optimize_northing_corrections=False, # switch to True to recalculate northing_corrections_utc
+ northing_corrections_utc=northing_corrections_utc,
+ )
+ plot_cfg = PlotConfig(show_plots=False, save_plots=True, plots_dir=cfg.out_dir / "plots")
+ cache_assessment = CACHE_DIR / analysis_name
+ cache_assessment.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
+ assessment_inputs = AssessmentInputs.from_cfg(
+ cfg=cfg,
+ plot_cfg=plot_cfg,
+ scada_df=scada_df,
+ metadata_df=metadata_df,
+ reanalysis_datasets=[reanalysis_dataset],
+ cache_dir=cache_assessment,
+ )
+ save_t1_detrend_dfs(assessment_inputs)
+def save_t1_detrend_dfs(assessment_inputs: AssessmentInputs) -> None:
+ """Save the detrended dataframes for Kelmarsh 1 and the reference turbines.
+ note most of this logic is copied from wind_up/main_analysis.py"""
+ wf_df = assessment_inputs.wf_df
+ cfg = assessment_inputs.cfg
+ plot_cfg = assessment_inputs.plot_cfg
+ wf_df.to_parquet(CACHE_DIR / cfg.assessment_name / "wf_df.parquet")
+ test_wtg = cfg.test_wtgs[0]
+ test_ws_col = "raw_WindSpeedMean"
+ test_df = wf_df.loc[test_wtg.name].copy()
+ test_name = test_wtg.name
+ test_df.columns = ["test_" + x for x in test_df.columns]
+ test_ws_col = "test_" + test_ws_col
+ check_windspeed_drift(
+ wtg_df=test_df,
+ wtg_name=test_name,
+ ws_col=test_ws_col,
+ reanalysis_ws_col="test_" + REANALYSIS_WS_COL,
+ cfg=cfg,
+ plot_cfg=plot_cfg,
+ )
+ for ref_wtg in cfg.ref_wtgs:
+ ref_name = ref_wtg.name
+ ref_wd_col = "YawAngleMean"
+ ref_ws_col = "ws_est_blend"
+ ref_df = wf_df.loc[ref_name].copy()
+ check_wtg_northing(
+ ref_df,
+ wtg_name=ref_name,
+ north_ref_wd_col=REANALYSIS_WD_COL,
+ timebase_s=cfg.timebase_s,
+ plot_cfg=plot_cfg,
+ sub_dir=f"{test_name}/{ref_name}",
+ )
+ check_wtg_northing(
+ ref_df,
+ wtg_name=ref_name,
+ north_ref_wd_col=WINDFARM_YAWDIR_COL,
+ timebase_s=cfg.timebase_s,
+ plot_cfg=plot_cfg,
+ sub_dir=f"{test_name}/{ref_name}",
+ )
+ ref_ws_col = "ref_" + ref_ws_col
+ ref_wd_col = "ref_" + ref_wd_col
+ ref_df.columns = ["ref_" + x for x in ref_df.columns]
+ ref_lat = ref_wtg.latitude
+ ref_long = ref_wtg.longitude
+ check_windspeed_drift(
+ wtg_df=ref_df,
+ wtg_name=ref_name,
+ ws_col=ref_ws_col,
+ reanalysis_ws_col="ref_" + REANALYSIS_WS_COL,
+ cfg=cfg,
+ plot_cfg=plot_cfg,
+ sub_dir=f"{test_name}/{ref_name}",
+ )
+ detrend_df = test_df.merge(ref_df, how="left", left_index=True, right_index=True)
+ detrend_df = detrend_df[cfg.detrend_first_dt_utc_start : cfg.detrend_last_dt_utc_start] # type: ignore[misc]
+ detrend_df = add_waking_scen(
+ test_name=test_name,
+ ref_name=ref_name,
+ test_ref_df=detrend_df,
+ cfg=cfg,
+ wf_df=wf_df,
+ ref_wd_col=ref_wd_col,
+ ref_lat=ref_lat,
+ ref_long=ref_long,
+ )
+ plot_detrend_data_cov(
+ cfg=cfg,
+ test_name=test_name,
+ ref_name=ref_name,
+ test_df=test_df,
+ test_ws_col=test_ws_col,
+ ref_df=ref_df,
+ ref_ws_col=ref_ws_col,
+ ref_wd_col=ref_wd_col,
+ detrend_df=detrend_df,
+ plot_cfg=plot_cfg,
+ )
+ wsratio_v_dir_scen = calc_wsratio_v_wd_scen(
+ test_name=test_name,
+ ref_name=ref_name,
+ ref_lat=ref_lat,
+ ref_long=ref_long,
+ detrend_df=detrend_df,
+ test_ws_col=test_ws_col,
+ ref_ws_col=ref_ws_col,
+ ref_wd_col=ref_wd_col,
+ cfg=cfg,
+ plot_cfg=plot_cfg,
+ )
+ detrend_ws_col = "ref_ws_detrended"
+ detrend_df = apply_wsratio_v_wd_scen(
+ detrend_df, wsratio_v_dir_scen, ref_ws_col=ref_ws_col, ref_wd_col=ref_wd_col
+ )
+ check_applied_detrend(
+ test_name=test_name,
+ ref_name=ref_name,
+ ref_lat=ref_lat,
+ ref_long=ref_long,
+ pre_df=detrend_df,
+ post_df=detrend_df,
+ test_ws_col=test_ws_col,
+ ref_ws_col=ref_ws_col,
+ detrend_ws_col=detrend_ws_col,
+ ref_wd_col=ref_wd_col,
+ cfg=cfg,
+ plot_cfg=plot_cfg,
+ )
+ detrend_df.to_parquet(CACHE_DIR / cfg.assessment_name / f"{test_name}_{ref_name}_detrend.parquet")
+ # compare detrend_ws_col to test_ws_col
+ dropna_df = detrend_df.dropna(subset=[detrend_ws_col, test_ws_col])
+ plt.figure()
+ plt.scatter(dropna_df[test_ws_col], dropna_df[detrend_ws_col], s=1)
+ plt.ylabel(detrend_ws_col)
+ plt.xlabel(test_ws_col)
+ title = f"test={test_name} ref={ref_name} {detrend_ws_col} vs {test_ws_col}"
+ plt.title(title)
+ plt.grid()
+ plt.tight_layout()
+ plt.savefig(plot_cfg.plots_dir / f"{title}.png")
+ logger.info(f"{len(dropna_df)=}")
+ mae = (dropna_df[test_ws_col] - dropna_df[detrend_ws_col]).abs().mean()
+ logger.info(f"{mae=}")
+def create_time_based_features(
+ df: pd.DataFrame, *, timestamp_col: str | tuple[str, str], dataset_min_timestamp: pd.Timestamp
+) -> pd.DataFrame:
+ """Create time-based features from a timestamp column."""
+ # make a copy of the timestamp column to work with
+ timestamps = pd.to_datetime(df[timestamp_col])
+ # Calculate continuous month value (1-12.999...)
+ days_in_month = timestamps.dt.days_in_month
+ continuous_month = (
+ timestamps.dt.month
+ + (timestamps.dt.day - 1) / days_in_month
+ + timestamps.dt.hour / (24 * days_in_month)
+ + timestamps.dt.minute / (24 * 60 * days_in_month)
+ )
+ continuous_hour = timestamps.dt.hour + timestamps.dt.minute / 60 + timestamps.dt.second / 3600
+ return pd.DataFrame(
+ {
+ ("age in days", "Time"): (timestamps - dataset_min_timestamp).dt.total_seconds() / (24 * 3600),
+ ("hour", "Time"): continuous_hour,
+ ("month", "Time"): continuous_month,
+ # Cyclical encoding of relevant features
+ ("month_sin", "Time"): np.sin(2 * np.pi * (continuous_month - 1) / 12),
+ ("month_cos", "Time"): np.cos(2 * np.pi * (continuous_month - 1) / 12),
+ ("hour_sin", "Time"): np.sin(2 * np.pi * continuous_hour / 24),
+ ("hour_cos", "Time"): np.cos(2 * np.pi * continuous_hour / 24),
+ }
+ )
+def validate_and_rename_reanalysis_cols(
+ x_df: pd.DataFrame, expected_reanalysis_cols: list[tuple[str, str]]
+) -> pd.DataFrame:
+ """Validate and rename reanalysis columns."""
+ x_df = x_df.copy()
+ rename_mapping = {}
+ for col in expected_reanalysis_cols:
+ if col not in x_df.columns:
+ msg = f"Expected {col} in columns"
+ raise ValueError(msg)
+ rename_mapping[col] = (col[0].replace("ref_", ""), "Reanalysis")
+ # Convert columns to list for manipulation
+ new_columns = x_df.columns.to_list()
+ # Replace each column name based on mapping
+ for i, col in enumerate(new_columns):
+ if col in rename_mapping:
+ new_columns[i] = rename_mapping[col]
+ # Assign new column names
+ x_df.columns = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(new_columns, names=x_df.columns.names)
+ return x_df
+def add_cos_and_sin_of_direction_features(
+ x_df: pd.DataFrame, *, direction_deg_cols: list[tuple[str, str]]
+) -> pd.DataFrame:
+ """Add sine and cosine of features which are directions in degrees (0-360)."""
+ x_df = x_df.copy()
+ for col in direction_deg_cols:
+ angles_deg = x_df[col]
+ if any(angles_deg < 0) or any(angles_deg > 360): # noqa:PLR2004
+ msg = f"Expected angles to be in range [0,360] for {col}"
+ raise ValueError(msg)
+ x_df[(f"{col[0]}_cos", col[1])] = np.cos(np.radians(angles_deg))
+ x_df[(f"{col[0]}_sin", col[1])] = np.sin(np.radians(angles_deg))
+ return x_df
+def sun_alt(
+ row: pd.Series,
+ *,
+ observer: ephem.Observer,
+ latitude: float,
+ longitude: float,
+ utc_timestamp_col: str | tuple[str, str],
+ time_shift: pd.Timedelta,
+) -> float:
+ """Calculate sun altitude for a given row in a DataFrame.
+ This code was adapted from https://github.com/NREL/flasc"""
+ observer.lat = str(latitude)
+ observer.long = str(longitude)
+ observer.date = row[utc_timestamp_col] + time_shift
+ sun = ephem.Sun()
+ sun.compute(observer)
+ return float(sun.alt) * 180 / np.pi
+def add_sun_alt_to_df(
+ input_df: pd.DataFrame,
+ *,
+ latitude: float,
+ longitude: float,
+ utc_timestamp_col: str | tuple[str, str],
+ time_shift: pd.Timedelta,
+) -> pd.DataFrame:
+ """Calculate sun altitude for a given row in a DataFrame.
+ This code was adapted from https://github.com/NREL/flasc"""
+ out_df = input_df.copy()
+ observer = ephem.Observer()
+ return out_df.assign(
+ sun_altitude=out_df.apply(
+ lambda x: sun_alt(
+ x,
+ observer=observer,
+ latitude=latitude,
+ longitude=longitude,
+ utc_timestamp_col=utc_timestamp_col,
+ time_shift=time_shift,
+ ),
+ axis=1,
+ )
+ )
+def make_kelmarsh_kaggle_y_train_x_train_x_test(
+ *, recacl_windup_files: bool = False, look_at_feature_importance: bool = False
+) -> tuple[pd.Series, pd.DataFrame, pd.DataFrame]:
+ msg = "Making wind-up features and saving to parquet"
+ logger.info(msg)
+ assessment_name = "kelmarsh_kaggle"
+ if recacl_windup_files:
+ make_windup_features(assessment_name)
+ msg = "Loading kaggle competition input data"
+ logger.info(msg)
+ train_df = pd.read_csv(DATA_DIR / "train.csv", header=[0, 1], index_col=[0], parse_dates=[1])
+ test_df = pd.read_csv(DATA_DIR / "test.csv", header=[0, 1], index_col=[0], parse_dates=[1])
+ msg = "Making classic y_train, X_train and X_test pandas Series/DataFrames"
+ logger.info(msg)
+ target_column = ("target_feature", "Unnamed: 53_level_1")
+ y_train = train_df[target_column]
+ X_train = train_df.drop(columns=[target_column])
+ X_test = test_df
+ msg = "Adding time based features"
+ logger.info(msg)
+ # create time-based features
+ timestamp_col = ("Timestamp", "Unnamed: 1_level_1")
+ dataset_min_timestamp = min(X_train[timestamp_col].min(), X_test[timestamp_col].min())
+ time_features_train = create_time_based_features(
+ X_train, timestamp_col=timestamp_col, dataset_min_timestamp=dataset_min_timestamp
+ )
+ time_features_test = create_time_based_features(
+ X_test, timestamp_col=timestamp_col, dataset_min_timestamp=dataset_min_timestamp
+ )
+ # Add these new features to X_train and X_test
+ X_train = pd.concat([X_train, time_features_train], axis=1)
+ X_test = pd.concat([X_test, time_features_test], axis=1)
+ msg = "Adding wind-up features"
+ logger.info(msg)
+ # load in parquet files and add features
+ ref_turbines_to_use = ["Kelmarsh 2", "Kelmarsh 3", "Kelmarsh 4", "Kelmarsh 5", "Kelmarsh 6"]
+ for ref_wtg_name in ref_turbines_to_use:
+ detrend_df = pd.read_parquet(CACHE_DIR / assessment_name / f"Kelmarsh 1_{ref_wtg_name}_detrend.parquet")
+ detrend_df_no_tz = detrend_df.copy()
+ detrend_df_no_tz.index = detrend_df_no_tz.index.tz_localize(None)
+ assert detrend_df_no_tz.index.min() == min(
+ X_train[("Timestamp", "Unnamed: 1_level_1")].min(), X_test[("Timestamp", "Unnamed: 1_level_1")].min()
+ )
+ assert detrend_df_no_tz.index.max() == max(
+ X_train[("Timestamp", "Unnamed: 1_level_1")].max(), X_test[("Timestamp", "Unnamed: 1_level_1")].max()
+ )
+ assert len(detrend_df) == len(X_train) + len(X_test)
+ detrend_df_to_merge = detrend_df_no_tz.copy()
+ # add a column level with the ref_wtg_name
+ detrend_df_to_merge.columns = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(
+ [(x, ref_wtg_name) for x in detrend_df_to_merge.columns]
+ )
+ reanalysis_cols = ["ref_reanalysis_ws", "ref_reanalysis_wd"]
+ features_to_add = [
+ ("ref_ws_detrended", ref_wtg_name),
+ ] + [(col, ref_wtg_name) for col in reanalysis_cols]
+ for col in features_to_add:
+ if col not in detrend_df_to_merge.columns:
+ continue
+ if col in X_train.columns:
+ continue
+ if col[0] in reanalysis_cols and col[1] != ref_turbines_to_use[0]:
+ continue # only add these columns for Kelmarsh 2
+ # Create temporary timestamp columns for merging
+ timestamp_train = X_train[("Timestamp", "Unnamed: 1_level_1")].copy()
+ timestamp_test = X_test[("Timestamp", "Unnamed: 1_level_1")].copy()
+ X_train = X_train.merge(
+ detrend_df_to_merge[[col]], left_on=timestamp_train, right_index=True, how="left"
+ ).drop(columns=("key_0", ""))
+ X_test = X_test.merge(
+ detrend_df_to_merge[[col]], left_on=timestamp_test, right_index=True, how="left"
+ ).drop(columns=("key_0", ""))
+ logger.info(f"Added {col} to X_train and X_test")
+ expected_reanalysis_cols = [(x, ref_turbines_to_use[0]) for x in reanalysis_cols]
+ X_train = validate_and_rename_reanalysis_cols(X_train, expected_reanalysis_cols)
+ X_test = validate_and_rename_reanalysis_cols(X_test, expected_reanalysis_cols)
+ msg = "adding cos and sin of direction features"
+ logger.info(msg)
+ direction_cols = [
+ x for x in X_test.columns if x[0] in {"Wind direction (°)", "Nacelle position (°)", "reanalysis_wd"}
+ ]
+ X_train = add_cos_and_sin_of_direction_features(X_train, direction_deg_cols=direction_cols)
+ X_test = add_cos_and_sin_of_direction_features(X_test, direction_deg_cols=direction_cols)
+ msg = "adding solar position features"
+ logger.info(msg)
+ kelmarsh_metadata = pd.read_csv(DATA_DIR / "metaData.csv")
+ kelmarsh_latitude = kelmarsh_metadata["Latitude"].mean()
+ kelmarsh_longitude = kelmarsh_metadata["Longitude"].mean()
+ X_train = add_sun_alt_to_df(
+ X_train,
+ latitude=kelmarsh_latitude,
+ longitude=kelmarsh_longitude,
+ utc_timestamp_col=timestamp_col,
+ time_shift=pd.Timedelta(hours=0),
+ )
+ X_test = add_sun_alt_to_df(
+ X_test,
+ latitude=kelmarsh_latitude,
+ longitude=kelmarsh_longitude,
+ utc_timestamp_col=timestamp_col,
+ time_shift=pd.Timedelta(hours=0),
+ )
+ msg = "Ensure X_train and X_test are consistent and numeric only"
+ logger.info(msg)
+ # Find the common columns
+ common_columns = X_train.columns.intersection(X_test.columns)
+ # Print info about the difference
+ logger.info(f"Columns only in X_train: {set(X_train.columns) - set(X_test.columns)}")
+ logger.info(f"Columns only in X_test: {set(X_test.columns) - set(X_train.columns)}")
+ logger.info(f"Number of common columns: {len(common_columns)}")
+ # Keep only the common columns in both datasets
+ X_train = X_train[common_columns]
+ X_test = X_test[common_columns]
+ # Get numeric columns from both dataframes
+ numeric_columns = X_train.select_dtypes(include=["int32", "int64", "float64"]).columns
+ logger.info(f"Number of numeric columns: {len(numeric_columns)}")
+ logger.info(f"Removed columns: {set(X_train.columns) - set(numeric_columns)}")
+ # Keep only numeric columns
+ X_train = X_train[numeric_columns]
+ X_test = X_test[numeric_columns]
+ # Verify the shapes and dtypes
+ logger.info("\nNew shapes after dropping non numeric columns:")
+ logger.info(f"y_train shape: {y_train.shape}")
+ logger.info(f"X_train shape: {X_train.shape}")
+ logger.info(f"X_test shape: {X_test.shape}")
+ # Verify all columns are numeric
+ logger.info("\nColumn dtypes in X_train:")
+ logger.info(X_train.dtypes.value_counts())
+ if look_at_feature_importance:
+ logger.info("Calculating feature importances using Random Forest")
+ mask = ~y_train.isna()
+ X_train_dropna = X_train[mask]
+ y_train_dropna = y_train[mask]
+ X_imputed = pd.DataFrame(
+ SimpleImputer(strategy="mean").fit_transform(X_train_dropna),
+ columns=X_train_dropna.columns,
+ index=X_train_dropna.index,
+ )
+ model = RandomForestRegressor(random_state=0)
+ logger.info("Fitting")
+ model.fit(X_imputed, y_train_dropna)
+ # Log feature importance details
+ importance_df = pd.DataFrame(
+ {"feature": X_train_dropna.columns, "importance": model.feature_importances_}
+ ).sort_values("importance", ascending=False)
+ logger.info("\nRandom Forest Feature Importances (top 20):")
+ logger.info(importance_df.head(20))
+ logger.info("\nRandom Forest Feature Importances (all):")
+ logger.info(importance_df)
+ importance_df.to_csv(ANALYSIS_OUTPUT_DIR / f"feature_importances_{pd.Timestamp.now():%Y%m%d_%H%M%S}.csv")
+ logger.info(f"Number of rows in y_train: {len(y_train)}")
+ logger.info(f"Number of NaN values in y_train: {y_train.isna().sum()}")
+ msg = "Removing nan rows from y_train (and X_train)"
+ logger.info(msg)
+ mask = ~y_train.isna()
+ X_train = X_train[mask]
+ y_train = y_train[mask]
+ logger.info("\nNew shapes after removing nan rows from y_train (and X_train):")
+ logger.info(f"y_train shape: {y_train.shape}")
+ logger.info(f"X_train shape: {X_train.shape}")
+ logger.info(f"X_test shape: {X_test.shape}")
+ return y_train, X_train, X_test
+def flatten_and_clean_columns(df: pd.DataFrame) -> pd.DataFrame:
+ # First join the levels with an underscore
+ if isinstance(df.columns, pd.MultiIndex):
+ flat_cols = ["_".join(map(str, col)).strip() for col in df.columns]
+ else:
+ flat_cols = df.columns.tolist()
+ # Then clean any remaining special characters
+ clean_cols = [re.sub(r"[^A-Za-z0-9_]+", "_", col).strip("_") for col in flat_cols]
+ # Ensure names are unique
+ seen = set()
+ unique_cols = []
+ for col in clean_cols:
+ if col in seen:
+ counter = 1
+ while f"{col}_{counter}" in seen:
+ counter += 1
+ col = f"{col}_{counter}" # noqa:PLW2901
+ seen.add(col)
+ unique_cols.append(col)
+ df.columns = unique_cols
+ return df
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ setup_logger(ANALYSIS_OUTPUT_DIR / f"automl_{pd.Timestamp.now():%Y%m%d_%H%M%S}.log")
+ recacl_windup_files = True # set to False after running one time to generate wind-up results
+ y_train, X_train, X_test = make_kelmarsh_kaggle_y_train_x_train_x_test(recacl_windup_files=recacl_windup_files)
+ # avoids lightgbm.basic.LightGBMError: Do not support special JSON characters in feature name.
+ X_train = flatten_and_clean_columns(X_train)
+ X_test = flatten_and_clean_columns(X_test)
+ automl_settings = {
+ "time_budget": 3600 * 1, # 12 hours was used for best solution
+ "ensemble": True,
+ "task": "regression",
+ "metric": "mae", # kaggle competition uses MAE
+ "estimator_list": [
+ "lgbm",
+ "xgboost",
+ "xgb_limitdepth",
+ "rf",
+ "extra_tree",
+ ], # "catboost" was also in the list for the best solution but seems to need numpy <2.0 at present
+ "log_file_name": "automl.log",
+ "seed": 0,
+ }
+ automl = AutoML()
+ automl.fit(X_train=X_train, y_train=y_train, **automl_settings)
+ msg = f"{automl.best_config_per_estimator=}"
+ logger.info(msg)
+ new_starting_points = automl.best_config_per_estimator
+ logger.info(f"{new_starting_points=}")
+ y_test_pred = automl.predict(X_test)
+ submission = pd.read_csv(DATA_DIR / "sample_submission.csv")
+ submission.iloc[:, 1] = y_test_pred
+ output_path = ANALYSIS_OUTPUT_DIR / f"automl_submission_{pd.Timestamp.now():%Y%m%d_%H%M%S}.csv"
+ submission.to_csv(output_path, index=False)
+ msg = f"Submission saved to {output_path}"
+ logger.info(msg)
diff --git a/examples/kelmarsh_kaggle_data/ERA5T_52.50N_-1.00E_100m_1hr.parquet b/examples/kelmarsh_kaggle_data/ERA5T_52.50N_-1.00E_100m_1hr.parquet
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2bff985
Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/kelmarsh_kaggle_data/ERA5T_52.50N_-1.00E_100m_1hr.parquet differ
diff --git a/examples/smarteole_example.ipynb b/examples/smarteole_example.ipynb
index e294b1b..963d5d8 100644
--- a/examples/smarteole_example.ipynb
+++ b/examples/smarteole_example.ipynb
@@ -62,7 +62,8 @@
"import logging\n",
"import re\n",
- "from IPython.display import Markdown, display\n",
+ "from IPython.display import Markdown\n",
+ "from IPython.display import display as ipdisplay\n",
"logging.basicConfig(format=\"%(message)s\", level=logging.INFO)\n",
@@ -72,7 +73,7 @@
" message = self.format(record)\n",
" # Replace newline characters with
" message = re.sub(r\"\\n\", \"
\", message)\n",
- " display(Markdown(message))\n",
+ " ipdisplay(Markdown(message))\n",
"logger = logging.getLogger()\n",
diff --git a/examples/wedowind_example.py b/examples/wedowind_example.py
index 8621c5c..534dcf7 100644
--- a/examples/wedowind_example.py
+++ b/examples/wedowind_example.py
@@ -63,7 +63,6 @@
PARENT_DIR = Path(__file__).parent
ZIP_FILENAME = "Turbine_Upgrade_Dataset.zip"
-setup_logger(ANALYSIS_OUTPUT_DIR / "analysis.log")
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
@@ -512,5 +511,6 @@ def main(analysis_name: str, *, generate_custom_plots: bool = True) -> None:
if __name__ == "__main__":
+ setup_logger(ANALYSIS_OUTPUT_DIR / "analysis.log")
main("Pitch Angle")
main("Vortex Generator")
diff --git a/pyproject.toml b/pyproject.toml
index 14076a0..b17db2f 100644
--- a/pyproject.toml
+++ b/pyproject.toml
@@ -63,6 +63,8 @@ examples = [
+ 'ephem',
+ 'flaml[automl]',
all = ["res-wind-up[dev,examples]"]
@@ -77,8 +79,6 @@ show-fixes = true
select = ["ALL"] # https://beta.ruff.rs/docs/rules/
ignore = [
- "ANN101", # `self` doesn't need annotations
- "ANN102", # `cls` doesn't need annotations
"ANN204", # `__init__` doesn't need annotations
"S301", # `pickle` and modules that wrap it can be unsafe when used to deserialize untrusted data, possible security issue
"D", # docstring checks
@@ -102,6 +102,7 @@ max-args = 17 # try to bring this down to 5
"tests/test_smart_data.py" = ["DTZ001"] # SMART functions use tz naive datetimes
"**/__init__.py" = ["F401"] # ignore unused imports in __init__.py
"examples/**/*.py" = ["T20"] # allow print in examples
+"examples/**/kelmarsh_kaggle.py" = ["S101","PLR0915","PD013","N806"]
plugins = ["pydantic.mypy"]
@@ -117,6 +118,9 @@ module = [
+ "ephem",
+ "flaml",
+ "sklearn.*",
disable_error_code = ["name-defined"]
ignore_missing_imports = true
diff --git a/wind_up/scada_funcs.py b/wind_up/scada_funcs.py
index 48e4802..2c58844 100644
--- a/wind_up/scada_funcs.py
+++ b/wind_up/scada_funcs.py
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
import datetime as dt
import logging
import warnings
-from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
+from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
@@ -249,7 +249,7 @@ def filter_rpm_or_pt_curve(
x_col: str,
y_col: str,
y_centile: float,
- x_bin_edges: list[float],
+ x_bin_edges: list[np.floating[Any]],
reject_high: bool,
y_margin: float,
filter_last_bin: bool = True,