- Author's: Rick, Mark, Joe, Camille, Vladimir
- Language: Java
- Authenticate users of the system with License Number
- Calculate users required calories
- Track the users calorie intake week/day/last meal
- Display Current calorie counts week/day/last meal
- Add custom meal items
- Track predefined items
- Accept more then once serving
- Generate Reports for the user on days value
- Update the users information
- Install mysql run scripts from DBScripts in order
- Install java 7
- Open the project in netbeans IDE for ant build
- Create custom validation keys in the database
- Tabs to 4 spaces
- Java curly bracket formatting on two lines. ex:
if (true)
- camelCase for methods and PascalCase for Classes ex:
- ClassName.java
- myMethod();
jCounter is made available under the terms of the The MIT License (MIT). See the
included LICENSE
for more details.