A eclipse microprofile config extension which uses a database as source.
0.7 -> Microprofile config 1.4
0.8 -> Microprofile config 2.0
The eclipse microprofile config framework is a simple yet powerful configuration framework for Java EE. But most implementations only provide the system/env properties or property files as configuration source. This small library provides an ConfigSource implementation which reads the values from the default datasource. For performance reasons, the config values are cached.
Currently there are 5 values you can configure, either through Java system properties or environment variables:
- configsource.db.datasource override default datasource by setting JNDI name of the datasource
- configsource.db.table table name for configuration records, default value is "configuration"
- configsource.db.key-column name of the column containing the key, default value is "key"
- configsource.db.value-column name of the column containing the value, default value is "value"
- configsource.db.validity how long to cache values (in seconds), default is 30s
Config sources have priorities called ordinal. This config source has ordinal 450, but can be overriden with setting 'configsource.db.ordinal' in one of the default config sources (NOT in this source like specified in the spec, as the datasource is not yet ready when getOrdinal() is called).
Use memory config source from microprofile-extensions to get a REST interface and the possibility to change values on the fly (in-memory)