diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore index 0476c94..6ca474a 100644 --- a/.gitignore +++ b/.gitignore @@ -1,30 +1,40 @@ -# v2023-02-04 [rivy] -# spell-checker:ignore (people) Roy Ivy III * rivy (words) globstar +# git ignore config file +# v2023-11-21 [rivy] +# spell-checker:ignore () yarnrc (jargon) globstar (names) dlang (people) Roy Ivy III * rivy # NOTE: Git GLOBSTAR syntax [see `git help gitignore`] # * ref: [.gitignore] http://git-scm.com/docs/gitignore @@ http://archive.is/Rk6rO # * ref: [Generate a 'gitignore'](https://gitignore.io) ; eg, -# ignore intermediate/undistributed build artifacts +# build/dist artifacts build [._@#$]build +dist target +# note: `git add --force dist && git commit -m 'change: add updated dist artifacts'` will still add any desired distribution artifacts +# note: `git status --ignored -- build dist target` will still show changes (for release testing) -# ignore coverage data +# coverage data coverage [._@#$]coverage .nyc_output -# ignore JS import/package-related files +# D (dlang) +# * dub +.dub +# note: 'dub.selections.json' is a generated file, useful to applications (for reproducible builds) but not generally for libraries; use `git add --froce ...` if needed +dub.selections.json + +# JS/TS +# * ignore JS import/package-related files node_modules package-lock.json yarn.lock # * allow packaging of lock files into '.deps-lock' !.deps-lock/package-lock.json !.deps-lock/yarn.lock - -# ignore `yarn`-related files (allows use of "modern" v2+ `yarn`) -# * ref: @@ +# * ignore `yarn`-related files (allows use of "modern" v2+ `yarn`) +# - ref: @@ .pnp.* .yarn/* !.yarn/patches @@ -34,3 +44,14 @@ yarn.lock !.yarn/versions # * use `.yarnrc.yml` for `yarn` config .yarnrc + +# VSCode +# * ignore local-only VSCode artifacts +# - logs/settings +.vscode/c_cpp_properties.json +.vscode/makefile.extension.output +# - precompiled headers for IntelliSense ## spell-checker:ignore ipch +.vscode/ipch/ + +## local-start +## local-end