diff --git a/librz/arch/isa/xtensa/xtensa.c b/librz/arch/isa/xtensa/xtensa.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..c2111352d42
--- /dev/null
+++ b/librz/arch/isa/xtensa/xtensa.c
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2024 billow <billow.fun@gmail.com>
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-only
+#include "xtensa.h"
+bool xtensa_init(void **user) {
+	if (*user) {
+		return true;
+	}
+	XtensaContext *ctx = RZ_NEW0(XtensaContext);
+	if (!ctx) {
+		return false;
+	}
+	*user = ctx;
+	return true;
+bool xtensa_fini(void *user) {
+	XtensaContext *ctx = user;
+	cs_close(&ctx->handle);
+	free(ctx);
+	return true;
+bool xtensa_open(XtensaContext *ctx, const char *cpu, bool big_endian) {
+	if (!ctx) {
+		return false;
+	}
+	cs_mode mode = big_endian ? CS_MODE_BIG_ENDIAN : CS_MODE_LITTLE_ENDIAN;
+	if (RZ_STR_ISEMPTY(cpu)) {
+		mode |= xtensa_cpu_modes[0].mode;
+	} else {
+		for (int i = 0; i < RZ_ARRAY_SIZE(xtensa_cpu_modes); ++i) {
+			if (RZ_STR_EQ(cpu, xtensa_cpu_modes[i].cpu)) {
+				mode |= xtensa_cpu_modes[i].mode;
+				break;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	if (mode == ctx->mode) {
+		return true;
+	}
+	if (cs_open(CS_ARCH_XTENSA, mode, &ctx->handle) != CS_ERR_OK) {
+		return false;
+	}
+	ctx->mode = mode;
+	if (cs_option(ctx->handle, CS_OPT_DETAIL, CS_OPT_ON) != CS_ERR_OK) {
+		return false;
+	}
+	return true;
+bool xtensa_disassemble(XtensaContext *self, const ut8 *buf, int len, ut64 addr) {
+	self->count = cs_disasm(self->handle, buf, len, addr, 1, &self->insn);
+	if (self->count == 0) {
+		return false;
+	}
+	return true;
+void xtensa_disassemble_fini(XtensaContext *self) {
+	if (!self->insn) {
+		return;
+	}
+	cs_free(self->insn, self->count);
+	self->insn = NULL;
+	self->count = 0;
diff --git a/librz/arch/isa/xtensa/xtensa.h b/librz/arch/isa/xtensa/xtensa.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..bac49bba876
--- /dev/null
+++ b/librz/arch/isa/xtensa/xtensa.h
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2024 billow <billow.fun@gmail.com>
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-only
+#ifndef RZ_XTENSA_H
+#define RZ_XTENSA_H
+#include <capstone/capstone.h>
+#include <rz_asm.h>
+typedef struct {
+	const char *cpu;
+	cs_mode mode;
+} XtensaCPUMode;
+static const XtensaCPUMode xtensa_cpu_modes[] = {
+	{ .cpu = "esp32", .mode = CS_MODE_XTENSA_ESP32 },
+	{ .cpu = "esp32s2", .mode = CS_MODE_XTENSA_ESP32S2 },
+	{ .cpu = "esp8266", .mode = CS_MODE_XTENSA_ESP8266 },
+typedef struct xtensa_context_t {
+	cs_mode mode;
+	csh handle;
+	cs_insn *insn;
+	size_t count;
+} XtensaContext;
+bool xtensa_init(void **user);
+bool xtensa_fini(void *user);
+bool xtensa_open(XtensaContext *ctx, const char *cpu, bool big_endian);
+bool xtensa_disassemble(XtensaContext *self, const ut8 *buf, int len, ut64 addr);
+void xtensa_disassemble_fini(XtensaContext *self);
+void xtensa_analyze_op_esil(XtensaContext *ctx, RzAnalysisOp *op);
+static inline cs_xtensa_op_mem *xtensa_op_mem(cs_insn *insn, unsigned int index) {
+	cs_xtensa_op *op = &insn->detail->xtensa.operands[index];
+	rz_warn_if_fail(op->type == XTENSA_OP_MEM);
+	return &op->mem;
+static inline xtensa_reg xtensa_op_reg(cs_insn *insn, unsigned int index) {
+	cs_xtensa_op *op = &insn->detail->xtensa.operands[index];
+	rz_warn_if_fail(op->type == XTENSA_OP_REG);
+	return op->reg;
+static inline int32_t xtensa_op_imm(cs_insn *insn, unsigned int index) {
+	cs_xtensa_op *op = &insn->detail->xtensa.operands[index];
+	rz_warn_if_fail(op->type == XTENSA_OP_IMM);
+	return op->imm;
+static inline int32_t xtensa_op_l32r(cs_insn *insn, unsigned int index) {
+	cs_xtensa_op *op = &insn->detail->xtensa.operands[index];
+	rz_warn_if_fail(op->type == XTENSA_OP_L32R);
+	return op->imm;
+#define XOP(I)    (ctx->insn->detail->xtensa.operands + I)
+#define MEM(I)    xtensa_op_mem(ctx->insn, I)
+#define REGI(I)   xtensa_op_reg(ctx->insn, I)
+#define REGN(I)   cs_reg_name(ctx->handle, (xtensa_op_reg(ctx->insn, I)))
+#define IMM(I)    xtensa_op_imm(ctx->insn, I)
+#define L32R(I)   xtensa_op_l32r(ctx->insn, I)
+#define INSN_SIZE (ctx->insn->size)
+#endif // RZ_XTENSA_H
diff --git a/librz/arch/isa/xtensa/xtensa_esil.c b/librz/arch/isa/xtensa/xtensa_esil.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..de2822cee05
--- /dev/null
+++ b/librz/arch/isa/xtensa/xtensa_esil.c
@@ -0,0 +1,871 @@
+// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2016-2018 pancake <pancake@nopcode.org>
+// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2024 billow <billow.fun@gmail.com>
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-only
+#include <rz_util.h>
+#include <rz_analysis.h>
+#include <xtensa/xtensa.h>
+#include <capstone/xtensa.h>
+#define CM     ","
+#define opcode (ctx->insn->id)
+static void esil_push_signed_imm(RzStrBuf *esil, st32 imm) {
+	if (imm >= 0) {
+		rz_strbuf_appendf(esil, "0x%x" CM, imm);
+	} else {
+		rz_strbuf_appendf(
+			esil,
+			"0x%x" CM
+			"0x0" CM
+			"-" CM,
+			-imm);
+	}
+static void esil_sign_extend(RzStrBuf *esil, ut8 bit) {
+	// check sign bit, and, if needed, apply or mask
+	ut32 bit_mask = 1 << bit;
+	ut32 extend_mask = 0xFFFFFFFF << bit;
+	rz_strbuf_appendf(
+		esil,
+		"DUP" CM
+		"0x%x" CM
+		"&" CM
+		"0" CM
+		"==,$z,!" CM
+		"?{" CM
+		"0x%x" CM
+		"|" CM
+		"}" CM,
+		bit_mask,
+		extend_mask);
+static void esil_load_imm(XtensaContext *ctx, RzAnalysisOp *op) {
+	ut8 sign_extend_bit;
+	// example: l32i a2, a1, 0x10
+	//          0x10,a1,+, // address on stack
+	//          [x], // read data
+	//          a2, // push data reg
+	//			= // assign to data reg
+	ut8 data_size = 1;
+	sign_extend_bit = 0;
+	switch (opcode) {
+	case XTENSA_INS_L32I: // l32i
+	case XTENSA_INS_L32I_N: // l32i.n
+		data_size = 4;
+		break;
+	case XTENSA_INS_L16SI: // l16si
+		sign_extend_bit = 15;
+		data_size = 2;
+		break;
+	case XTENSA_INS_L16UI: // l16ui
+		data_size = 2;
+		break;
+	}
+	rz_strbuf_appendf(
+		&op->esil,
+		"0x%x" CM
+		"%s" CM
+		"+" CM
+		"[%d]" CM,
+		// offset
+		MEM(1)->disp,
+		// address
+		cs_reg_name(ctx->handle, MEM(1)->base),
+		// size
+		data_size);
+	if (sign_extend_bit != 0) {
+		esil_sign_extend(&op->esil, sign_extend_bit);
+	}
+	rz_strbuf_appendf(
+		&op->esil,
+		"%s" CM
+		"=",
+		// data
+		REGN(0));
+static void esil_load_relative(XtensaContext *ctx, RzAnalysisOp *op) {
+	// example: l32r a2, 0x10
+	//          0x10,$$,3,+ // l32r address + 3 on stack
+	//          0xFFFFFFFC,&, // clear 2 lsb
+	//          -, // subtract offset
+	//          [4], // read data
+	//          a2, // push data reg
+	//          = // assign to data reg
+	rz_strbuf_appendf(
+		&op->esil,
+		"0x%x" CM
+		"[4]" CM
+		"%s" CM
+		"=",
+		// offset
+		L32R(1),
+		// data
+		REGN(0));
+static void esil_add_imm(XtensaContext *ctx, RzAnalysisOp *op) {
+	// example: addi a3, a4, 0x01
+	//          a4,0x01,+,a3,=
+	rz_strbuf_appendf(&op->esil, "%s" CM, REGN(1));
+	esil_push_signed_imm(&op->esil, IMM(2));
+	rz_strbuf_appendf(
+		&op->esil,
+		"+" CM
+		"%s" CM
+		"=",
+		REGN(0));
+static void esil_store_imm(XtensaContext *ctx, RzAnalysisOp *op) { // example: s32i a2, a1, 0x10
+	//          a2, // push data
+	//          0x10,a1,+, // address on stack
+	//          =[x] // write data
+	ut8 data_size =
+		opcode == XTENSA_INS_S32I ? 4 // s32cli
+		//		: opcode == 36  ? 4 // s32i.n
+		//		: opcode == 100 ? 4 // s32i
+		: opcode == XTENSA_INS_S16I ? 2 // s16i
+					    : 1; // opcode == 101 ? 1 : 1; // s8i
+	rz_strbuf_appendf(
+		&op->esil,
+		"%s" CM
+		"%s" CM
+		"0x%x" CM
+		"+" CM
+		"=[%d]",
+		// data
+		REGN(0),
+		// address
+		cs_reg_name(ctx->handle, MEM(1)->base),
+		// offset
+		MEM(1)->disp,
+		// size
+		data_size);
+static void esil_move_imm(XtensaContext *ctx, RzAnalysisOp *op) {
+	esil_push_signed_imm(&op->esil, IMM(1));
+	rz_strbuf_appendf(
+		&op->esil,
+		"%s" CM
+		"=",
+		REGN(0));
+static void esil_move(XtensaContext *ctx, RzAnalysisOp *op) {
+	rz_strbuf_appendf(
+		&op->esil,
+		"%s" CM
+		"%s" CM
+		"=",
+		REGN(1),
+		REGN(0));
+static void esil_move_conditional(XtensaContext *ctx, RzAnalysisOp *op) {
+	const char *compare_op = "";
+	switch (opcode) {
+	case XTENSA_INS_MOVEQZ: /* moveqz */
+		compare_op = "==,$z";
+		break;
+	case XTENSA_INS_MOVNEZ: /* movnez */
+		compare_op = "==,$z,!";
+		break;
+	case XTENSA_INS_MOVLTZ: /* movltz */
+		compare_op = "<";
+		break;
+	case XTENSA_INS_MOVGEZ: /* movgez */
+		compare_op = ">=";
+		break;
+	}
+	// example: moveqz a3, a4, a5
+	//          0,
+	//          a5,
+	//          ==,
+	//          ?{,
+	//            a4,
+	//            a3,
+	//            =,
+	//          }
+	rz_strbuf_appendf(
+		&op->esil,
+		"0" CM
+		"%s" CM
+		"%s" CM
+		"?{" CM
+		"%s" CM
+		"%s" CM
+		"=" CM
+		"}",
+		REGN(2),
+		compare_op,
+		REGN(1),
+		REGN(0));
+static ut8 add_sub_shift(XtensaContext *ctx) {
+	ut8 shift = 0;
+	switch (opcode) {
+		shift = 1;
+		break;
+		shift = 2;
+		break;
+		shift = 3;
+		break;
+	default:
+		shift = 0;
+		break;
+	}
+	return shift;
+static bool add_sub_is_add(XtensaContext *ctx) {
+	return opcode == XTENSA_INS_ADD ||
+		opcode == XTENSA_INS_ADDX2 ||
+		opcode == XTENSA_INS_ADDX4 ||
+		opcode == XTENSA_INS_ADDX8;
+static void esil_add_sub(XtensaContext *ctx, RzAnalysisOp *op) {
+	rz_strbuf_appendf(
+		&op->esil,
+		"%s" CM
+		"%d" CM
+		"%s" CM
+		"<<" CM
+		"%s" CM
+		"%s" CM
+		"=",
+		REGN(2),
+		add_sub_shift(ctx),
+		REGN(1),
+		(add_sub_is_add(ctx) ? "+" : "-"),
+		REGN(0));
+static void esil_branch_compare_imm(XtensaContext *ctx, RzAnalysisOp *op) {
+	const char *compare_op = "";
+	// TODO: unsigned comparisons
+	switch (opcode) {
+	case XTENSA_INS_BEQI: /* beqi */
+		compare_op = "==,$z";
+		break;
+	case XTENSA_INS_BNEI: /* bnei */
+		compare_op = "==,$z,!";
+		break;
+	case XTENSA_INS_BGEUI: /* bgeui */
+	case XTENSA_INS_BGEI: /* bgei */
+		compare_op = ">=";
+		break;
+	case XTENSA_INS_BLTUI: /* bltui */
+	case XTENSA_INS_BLTI: /* blti */
+		compare_op = "<";
+		break;
+	}
+	// example: beqi a4, 4, offset
+	//            a4, // push data reg
+	//            0x4, // push imm operand
+	//            ==,
+	//            ?{,
+	//              offset,
+	//              pc,
+	//              +=,
+	//            }
+	rz_strbuf_appendf(
+		&op->esil,
+		"%s" CM,
+		// data reg
+		REGN(0));
+	esil_push_signed_imm(&op->esil, IMM(1));
+	rz_strbuf_appendf(&op->esil, "%s" CM, compare_op);
+	rz_strbuf_appendf(&op->esil, "?{" CM);
+	// ISA defines branch target as offset + 4,
+	// but at the time of ESIL evaluation
+	// PC will be already incremented by 3
+	esil_push_signed_imm(&op->esil, IMM(2) - INSN_SIZE);
+	rz_strbuf_appendf(&op->esil, "pc" CM "+=" CM "}");
+static void esil_branch_compare(XtensaContext *ctx, RzAnalysisOp *op) {
+	const char *compare_op = "";
+	switch (opcode) {
+	case XTENSA_INS_BEQ: /* beq */
+		compare_op = "==,$z";
+		break;
+	case XTENSA_INS_BNE: /* bne */
+		compare_op = "==,$z,!";
+		break;
+	case XTENSA_INS_BGE: /* bge */
+	case XTENSA_INS_BGEU: /* bgeu */
+		compare_op = ">=";
+		break;
+	case XTENSA_INS_BLT: /* blt */
+	case XTENSA_INS_BLTU: /* bltu */
+		compare_op = "<";
+		break;
+	}
+	// example: beq a4, a3, offset
+	//            a3, // push op1
+	//            a4, // push op2
+	//            ==,
+	//            ?{,
+	//              offset,
+	//              pc,
+	//              +=,
+	//            }
+	rz_strbuf_appendf(
+		&op->esil,
+		"%s" CM
+		"%s" CM
+		"%s" CM
+		"?{" CM,
+		REGN(1),
+		REGN(0),
+		compare_op);
+	esil_push_signed_imm(&op->esil, IMM(2) - INSN_SIZE);
+	rz_strbuf_append(&op->esil, "pc" CM "+=" CM "}");
+static void esil_branch_compare_single(XtensaContext *ctx, RzAnalysisOp *op) {
+	const char *compare_op = "";
+	switch (opcode) {
+	case XTENSA_INS_BEQZ: /* beqz */
+		//	case 28: /* beqz.n */
+		compare_op = "==,$z";
+		break;
+	case XTENSA_INS_BNEZ: /* bnez */
+		//	case 29: /* bnez.n */
+		compare_op = "==,$z,!";
+		break;
+	case XTENSA_INS_BGEZ: /* bgez */
+		compare_op = ">=";
+		break;
+	case XTENSA_INS_BLTZ: /* bltz */
+		compare_op = "<";
+		break;
+	}
+	// example: beqz a4, 0, offset
+	//            0,  // push 0
+	//            a4, // push op
+	//            ==,
+	//            ?{,
+	//              offset,
+	//              pc,
+	//              +=,
+	//            }
+	rz_strbuf_appendf(
+		&op->esil,
+		"0" CM
+		"%s" CM
+		"%s" CM
+		"?{" CM,
+		REGN(0),
+		compare_op);
+	esil_push_signed_imm(&op->esil, IMM(1) - INSN_SIZE);
+	rz_strbuf_append(&op->esil, "pc" CM "+=" CM "}");
+static void esil_branch_check_mask(XtensaContext *ctx, RzAnalysisOp *op) {
+	const char *compare_op = "";
+	char compare_val[4] = "0";
+	switch (opcode) {
+	case XTENSA_INS_BNALL: /* bnall */
+	case XTENSA_INS_BANY: /* bany */
+		compare_op = "==,$z,!";
+		break;
+	case XTENSA_INS_BALL: /* ball */
+	case XTENSA_INS_BNONE: /* bnone */
+		compare_op = "==,$z";
+		break;
+	}
+	switch (opcode) {
+	case XTENSA_INS_BNALL: /* bnall */
+	case XTENSA_INS_BALL: /* ball */
+		snprintf(
+			compare_val,
+			sizeof(compare_val),
+			"%s",
+			REGN(1));
+		break;
+	}
+	// example: bnall a4, a3, offset
+	//            a4, // push op1
+	//            a3, // push op2
+	//            &,
+	//            a3,
+	//            ==,!,
+	//            ?{,
+	//              offset,
+	//              pc,
+	//              +=,
+	//            }
+	rz_strbuf_appendf(
+		&op->esil,
+		"%s" CM
+		"%s" CM
+		"&" CM
+		"%s" CM
+		"%s" CM
+		"?{" CM,
+		REGN(0),
+		REGN(1),
+		REGN(1),
+		compare_op);
+	esil_push_signed_imm(&op->esil, IMM(2) - INSN_SIZE);
+	rz_strbuf_append(&op->esil, "pc" CM "+=" CM "}");
+static void esil_bitwise_op(XtensaContext *ctx, RzAnalysisOp *op) {
+	char bop;
+	switch (opcode) {
+	case XTENSA_INS_AND: /* and */
+		bop = '&';
+		break;
+	case XTENSA_INS_OR: /* or */
+		bop = '|';
+		break;
+	case XTENSA_INS_XOR: /* xor */
+		bop = '^';
+		break;
+	default:
+		bop = '=';
+		break;
+	}
+	rz_strbuf_appendf(
+		&op->esil,
+		"%s" CM
+		"%s" CM
+		"%c" CM
+		"%s" CM
+		"=",
+		REGN(1),
+		REGN(2),
+		bop,
+		REGN(0));
+static void esil_branch_check_bit_imm(XtensaContext *ctx, RzAnalysisOp *op) {
+	ut8 bit_clear;
+	const char *cmp_op;
+	bit_clear = opcode == XTENSA_INS_BBSI;
+	cmp_op = bit_clear ? "==,$z" : "==,$z,!";
+	// example: bbsi a4, 2, offset
+	//          a4,
+	//          mask,
+	//          &,
+	//          0,
+	//          ==,
+	//          ?{,
+	//            offset,
+	//            pc,
+	//            +=,
+	//          }
+	rz_strbuf_appendf(
+		&op->esil,
+		"%s" CM
+		"0x%x" CM
+		"&" CM
+		"0" CM
+		"%s" CM
+		"?{" CM,
+		REGN(0),
+		IMM(1),
+		cmp_op);
+	esil_push_signed_imm(&op->esil, IMM(2) - INSN_SIZE);
+	rz_strbuf_appendf(
+		&op->esil,
+		"pc" CM
+		"+=" CM
+		"}");
+static void esil_branch_check_bit(XtensaContext *ctx, RzAnalysisOp *op) {
+	ut8 bit_clear;
+	const char *cmp_op;
+	// bbc
+	bit_clear = opcode == XTENSA_INS_BBC;
+	cmp_op = bit_clear ? "==,$z" : "==,$z,!";
+	// example: bbc a4, a2, offset
+	//          a2,
+	//          1,
+	//          <<,
+	//          a4,
+	//          &
+	//          0
+	//          ==,
+	//          ?{,
+	//            offset,
+	//            pc,
+	//            +=,
+	//          }
+	rz_strbuf_appendf(
+		&op->esil,
+		"%s" CM
+		"1" CM
+		"<<" CM
+		"%s" CM
+		"&" CM
+		"0" CM
+		"%s" CM
+		"?{" CM,
+		REGN(1),
+		REGN(0),
+		cmp_op);
+	esil_push_signed_imm(&op->esil, IMM(2) - INSN_SIZE);
+	rz_strbuf_appendf(
+		&op->esil,
+		"pc" CM
+		"+=" CM
+		"}");
+static void esil_abs_neg(XtensaContext *ctx, RzAnalysisOp *op) {
+	ut8 neg;
+	neg = opcode == XTENSA_INS_NEG;
+	if (!neg) {
+		rz_strbuf_appendf(
+			&op->esil,
+			"0" CM
+			"%s" CM
+			"<" CM
+			"?{" CM
+			"0" CM
+			"%s" CM
+			"-" CM
+			"}" CM
+			"0" CM
+			"%s" CM
+			">=" CM
+			"?{" CM
+			"%s" CM
+			"}" CM,
+			REGN(0),
+			REGN(0),
+			REGN(0),
+			REGN(0));
+	} else {
+		rz_strbuf_appendf(
+			&op->esil,
+			"0" CM
+			"%s" CM
+			"-" CM,
+			REGN(0));
+	}
+	rz_strbuf_appendf(
+		&op->esil,
+		"%s" CM
+		"=" CM,
+		REGN(1));
+static void esil_call(XtensaContext *ctx, RzAnalysisOp *op) {
+	if (opcode == XTENSA_INS_CALL0) {
+		rz_strbuf_append(
+			&op->esil,
+			"pc" CM
+			"a0" CM
+			"=" CM);
+	}
+	esil_push_signed_imm(&op->esil, IMM(0) - INSN_SIZE);
+	rz_strbuf_append(&op->esil, "pc" CM "+=");
+static void esil_callx(XtensaContext *ctx, RzAnalysisOp *op) {
+	bool callx = opcode == XTENSA_INS_CALLX0;
+	rz_strbuf_appendf(
+		&op->esil,
+		"%s" CM "0" CM "+" CM,
+		REGN(0));
+	if (callx) {
+		rz_strbuf_append(
+			&op->esil,
+			"pc" CM
+			"a0" CM
+			"=" CM);
+	}
+	rz_strbuf_append(&op->esil, "pc" CM "=");
+static void esil_set_shift_amount(XtensaContext *ctx, RzAnalysisOp *op) {
+	rz_strbuf_appendf(
+		&op->esil,
+		"%s" CM
+		"sar" CM
+		"=",
+		REGN(0));
+static void esil_set_shift_amount_imm(XtensaContext *ctx, RzAnalysisOp *op) {
+	rz_strbuf_appendf(
+		&op->esil,
+		"0x%x" CM
+		"sar" CM
+		"=",
+		IMM(0));
+static void esil_shift_logic_imm(XtensaContext *ctx, RzAnalysisOp *op) {
+	const char *shift_op = "";
+	// srli
+	if (opcode == XTENSA_INS_SRLI) {
+		shift_op = ">>";
+	} else {
+		shift_op = "<<";
+	}
+	rz_strbuf_appendf(
+		&op->esil,
+		"0x%x" CM
+		"%s" CM
+		"%s" CM
+		"%s" CM
+		"=",
+		IMM(2),
+		REGN(1),
+		shift_op,
+		REGN(0));
+static void esil_shift_logic_sar(XtensaContext *ctx, RzAnalysisOp *op) {
+	const char *shift_op = "";
+	// srl
+	if (opcode == XTENSA_INS_SRL) {
+		shift_op = ">>";
+	} else {
+		shift_op = "<<";
+	}
+	rz_strbuf_appendf(
+		&op->esil,
+		"sar" CM
+		"%s" CM
+		"%s" CM
+		"%s" CM
+		"=",
+		REGN(1),
+		shift_op,
+		REGN(0));
+static void esil_extract_unsigned(XtensaContext *ctx, RzAnalysisOp *op) {
+	rz_strbuf_appendf(
+		&op->esil,
+		"0x%x" CM
+		"%s" CM
+		">>" CM
+		"0x%x" CM
+		"&" CM
+		"%s" CM
+		"=",
+		IMM(2),
+		REGN(1),
+		(1 << IMM(3)) - 1,
+		REGN(0));
+void xtensa_analyze_op_esil(XtensaContext *ctx, RzAnalysisOp *op) {
+	switch (opcode) {
+	case XTENSA_INS_ADD_N: /* add.n */
+	case XTENSA_INS_ADD: /* add */
+	case XTENSA_INS_ADDX2: /* addx2 */
+	case XTENSA_INS_ADDX4: /* addx4 */
+	case XTENSA_INS_ADDX8: /* addx8 */
+	case XTENSA_INS_SUB: /* sub */
+	case XTENSA_INS_SUBX2: /* subx2 */
+	case XTENSA_INS_SUBX4: /* subx4 */
+	case XTENSA_INS_SUBX8: /* subx8 */
+		esil_add_sub(ctx, op);
+		break;
+		esil_move(ctx, op);
+		break;
+	case XTENSA_INS_MOVI: /* movi */
+		esil_move_imm(ctx, op);
+		break;
+	case XTENSA_INS_NOP: /* nop.n */
+		rz_strbuf_setf(&op->esil, "%s", "");
+		break;
+		// TODO: s32cli (s32c1i) is conditional (CAS)
+		// should it be handled here?
+	case XTENSA_INS_S32C1I:
+	case XTENSA_INS_S32I_N:
+	case XTENSA_INS_S32I: /* s32i */
+	case XTENSA_INS_S16I: /* s16i */
+	case XTENSA_INS_S8I: /* s8i */
+		esil_store_imm(ctx, op);
+		break;
+	case XTENSA_INS_ADDI: /* addi */
+		esil_add_imm(ctx, op);
+		break;
+	case XTENSA_INS_RET: /* ret */
+		rz_strbuf_setf(&op->esil, "a0,pc,=");
+		break;
+	case XTENSA_INS_L16UI: /* l16ui */
+	case XTENSA_INS_L16SI: /* l16si */
+	case XTENSA_INS_L32I: /* l32i */
+	case XTENSA_INS_L32I_N:
+	case XTENSA_INS_L8UI: /* l8ui */
+		esil_load_imm(ctx, op);
+		break;
+	// TODO: s32r
+	// l32r is different because it is relative to LITBASE
+	// which also may or may not be present
+	case XTENSA_INS_L32R: /* l32r */
+		esil_load_relative(ctx, op);
+		break;
+	case XTENSA_INS_ADDMI: /* addmi */
+		break;
+	case XTENSA_INS_AND: /* and */
+	case XTENSA_INS_OR: /* or */
+	case XTENSA_INS_XOR: /* xor */
+		esil_bitwise_op(ctx, op);
+		break;
+	case XTENSA_INS_BEQI: /* beqi */
+	case XTENSA_INS_BNEI: /* bnei */
+	case XTENSA_INS_BGEI: /* bgei */
+	case XTENSA_INS_BLTI: /* blti */
+	case XTENSA_INS_BGEUI: /* bgeui */
+	case XTENSA_INS_BLTUI: /* bltui */
+		esil_branch_compare_imm(ctx, op);
+		break;
+	case XTENSA_INS_BBCI: /* bbci */
+	case XTENSA_INS_BBSI: /* bbsi */
+		esil_branch_check_bit_imm(ctx, op);
+		break;
+	case XTENSA_INS_BEQ: /* beq */
+	case XTENSA_INS_BNE: /* bne */
+	case XTENSA_INS_BGE: /* bge */
+	case XTENSA_INS_BLT: /* blt */
+	case XTENSA_INS_BGEU: /* bgeu */
+	case XTENSA_INS_BLTU: /* bltu */
+		esil_branch_compare(ctx, op);
+		break;
+	case XTENSA_INS_BANY: /* bany */
+	case XTENSA_INS_BNONE: /* bnone */
+	case XTENSA_INS_BALL: /* ball */
+	case XTENSA_INS_BNALL: /* bnall */
+		esil_branch_check_mask(ctx, op);
+		break;
+	case XTENSA_INS_BBC: /* bbc */
+	case XTENSA_INS_BBS: /* bbs */
+		esil_branch_check_bit(ctx, op);
+		break;
+	case XTENSA_INS_BEQZ: /* beqz */
+	case XTENSA_INS_BNEZ: /* bnez */
+		//	case 28: /* beqz.n */
+		//	case 29: /* bnez.n */
+	case XTENSA_INS_BGEZ: /* bgez */
+	case XTENSA_INS_BLTZ: /* bltz */
+		esil_branch_compare_single(ctx, op);
+		break;
+	case XTENSA_INS_EXTUI: /* extui */
+		esil_extract_unsigned(ctx, op);
+		break;
+	case XTENSA_INS_ILL: /* ill */
+		rz_strbuf_setf(&op->esil, "%s", "");
+		break;
+		// TODO: windowed calls?
+		break;
+	case XTENSA_INS_J: /* j */
+		esil_call(ctx, op);
+		break;
+	case XTENSA_INS_CALLX0: /* callx0 */
+		esil_callx(ctx, op);
+		break;
+	case XTENSA_INS_MOVEQZ: /* moveqz */
+	case XTENSA_INS_MOVNEZ: /* movnez */
+	case XTENSA_INS_MOVLTZ: /* movltz */
+	case XTENSA_INS_MOVGEZ: /* movgez */
+		esil_move_conditional(ctx, op);
+		break;
+	case XTENSA_INS_ABS: /* abs */
+	case XTENSA_INS_NEG: /* neg */
+		esil_abs_neg(ctx, op);
+		break;
+	case XTENSA_INS_SSR: /* ssr */
+	case XTENSA_INS_SSL: /* ssl */
+		esil_set_shift_amount(ctx, op);
+		break;
+	case XTENSA_INS_SLLI: /* slli */
+	case XTENSA_INS_SRLI: /* srli */
+		esil_shift_logic_imm(ctx, op);
+		break;
+	case XTENSA_INS_SSAI: /* ssai */
+		esil_set_shift_amount_imm(ctx, op);
+		break;
+	case XTENSA_INS_SLL: /* sll */
+	case XTENSA_INS_SRL: /* srl */
+		esil_shift_logic_sar(ctx, op);
+		break;
+	}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/librz/arch/isa_gnu/xtensa/elf32-xtensa.c b/librz/arch/isa_gnu/xtensa/elf32-xtensa.c
deleted file mode 100644
index fd0d7dc0b4d..00000000000
--- a/librz/arch/isa_gnu/xtensa/elf32-xtensa.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11444 +0,0 @@
-/* Xtensa-specific support for 32-bit ELF.
-   Copyright (C) 2003-2015 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-   This file is part of BFD, the Binary File Descriptor library.
-   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-   modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
-   published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the
-   License, or (at your option) any later version.
-   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
-   WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-   General Public License for more details.
-   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-   along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-   Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street - Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
-   02110-1301, USA.  */
-#include <common_gnu/sysdep.h>
-#include <common_gnu/disas-asm.h>
-#include <common_gnu/bfdlink.h>
-#include <common_gnu/elf-bfd.h>
-#include <common_gnu/elf/xtensa.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdarg.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include "xtensa-isa.h"
-/* Local helper functions.  */
-#if 0
-static bfd_boolean add_extra_plt_sections (struct bfd_link_info *, int);
-static char *vsprint_msg (const char *, const char *, int, ...) ATTRIBUTE_PRINTF(2,4);
-static bfd_reloc_status_type bfd_elf_xtensa_reloc
-  (bfd *, arelent *, asymbol *, void *, asection *, bfd *, char **);
-static bfd_boolean do_fix_for_relocatable_link
-  (Elf_Internal_Rela *, bfd *, asection *, bfd_byte *);
-static void do_fix_for_final_link
-  (Elf_Internal_Rela *, bfd *, asection *, bfd_byte *, bfd_vma *);
-/* Local functions to handle Xtensa configurability.  */
-static bfd_boolean is_indirect_call_opcode (xtensa_opcode);
-static bfd_boolean is_direct_call_opcode (xtensa_opcode);
-static bfd_boolean is_windowed_call_opcode (xtensa_opcode);
-static xtensa_opcode get_const16_opcode (void);
-static xtensa_opcode get_l32r_opcode (void);
-static bfd_vma l32r_offset (bfd_vma, bfd_vma);
-static int get_relocation_opnd (xtensa_opcode, int);
-static int get_relocation_slot (int);
-static xtensa_opcode get_relocation_opcode
-  (bfd *, asection *, bfd_byte *, Elf_Internal_Rela *);
-static bfd_boolean is_l32r_relocation
-  (bfd *, asection *, bfd_byte *, Elf_Internal_Rela *);
-static bfd_boolean is_alt_relocation (int);
-static bfd_boolean is_operand_relocation (int);
-static bfd_size_type insn_decode_len
-  (bfd_byte *, bfd_size_type, bfd_size_type);
-static xtensa_opcode insn_decode_opcode
-  (bfd_byte *, bfd_size_type, bfd_size_type, int);
-static bfd_boolean check_branch_target_aligned
-  (bfd_byte *, bfd_size_type, bfd_vma, bfd_vma);
-static bfd_boolean check_loop_aligned
-  (bfd_byte *, bfd_size_type, bfd_vma, bfd_vma);
-static bfd_boolean check_branch_target_aligned_address (bfd_vma, int);
-static bfd_size_type get_asm_simplify_size
-  (bfd_byte *, bfd_size_type, bfd_size_type);
-/* Functions for link-time code simplifications.  */
-static bfd_reloc_status_type elf_xtensa_do_asm_simplify
-  (bfd_byte *, bfd_vma, bfd_vma, char **);
-static bfd_reloc_status_type contract_asm_expansion
-  (bfd_byte *, bfd_vma, Elf_Internal_Rela *, char **);
-static xtensa_opcode swap_callx_for_call_opcode (xtensa_opcode);
-static xtensa_opcode get_expanded_call_opcode (bfd_byte *, int, bfd_boolean *);
-/* Access to internal relocations, section contents and symbols.  */
-static Elf_Internal_Rela *retrieve_internal_relocs
-  (bfd *, asection *, bfd_boolean);
-static void pin_internal_relocs (asection *, Elf_Internal_Rela *);
-static void release_internal_relocs (asection *, Elf_Internal_Rela *);
-static bfd_byte *retrieve_contents (bfd *, asection *, bfd_boolean);
-static void pin_contents (asection *, bfd_byte *);
-static void release_contents (asection *, bfd_byte *);
-static Elf_Internal_Sym *retrieve_local_syms (bfd *);
-/* Miscellaneous utility functions.  */
-static asection *elf_xtensa_get_plt_section (struct bfd_link_info *, int);
-static asection *elf_xtensa_get_gotplt_section (struct bfd_link_info *, int);
-static asection *get_elf_r_symndx_section (bfd *, unsigned long);
-static struct elf_link_hash_entry *get_elf_r_symndx_hash_entry
-  (bfd *, unsigned long);
-static bfd_vma get_elf_r_symndx_offset (bfd *, unsigned long);
-static bfd_boolean is_reloc_sym_weak (bfd *, Elf_Internal_Rela *);
-static bfd_boolean pcrel_reloc_fits (xtensa_opcode, int, bfd_vma, bfd_vma);
-static bfd_boolean xtensa_is_property_section (asection *);
-static bfd_boolean xtensa_is_insntable_section (asection *);
-static bfd_boolean xtensa_is_littable_section (asection *);
-static bfd_boolean xtensa_is_proptable_section (asection *);
-static int internal_reloc_compare (const void *, const void *);
-static int internal_reloc_matches (const void *, const void *);
-static asection *xtensa_get_property_section (asection *, const char *);
-extern asection *xtensa_make_property_section (asection *, const char *);
-static flagword xtensa_get_property_predef_flags (asection *);
-/* Other functions called directly by the linker.  */
-typedef void (*deps_callback_t)
-  (asection *, bfd_vma, asection *, bfd_vma, void *);
-extern bfd_boolean xtensa_callback_required_dependence
-  (bfd *, asection *, struct bfd_link_info *, deps_callback_t, void *);
-/* Globally visible flag for choosing size optimization of NOP removal
-   instead of branch-target-aware minimization for NOP removal.
-   When nonzero, narrow all instructions and remove all NOPs possible
-   around longcall expansions.  */
-int elf32xtensa_size_opt;
-/* The "new_section_hook" is used to set up a per-section
-   "xtensa_relax_info" data structure with additional information used
-   during relaxation.  */
-typedef struct xtensa_relax_info_struct xtensa_relax_info;
-/* The GNU tools do not easily allow extending interfaces to pass around
-   the pointer to the Xtensa ISA information, so instead we add a global
-   variable here (in BFD) that can be used by any of the tools that need
-   this information. */
-xtensa_isa xtensa_default_isa;
-    // xtensa_default_isa = xtensa_isa_init (0, 0);
-filename_cmp (const char *s1, const char *s2)
-  return strcmp(s1, s2);
-  for (;;)
-    {
-      int c1 = *s1;
-      int c2 = *s2;
-      c1 = TOLOWER (c1);
-      c2 = TOLOWER (c2);
-      /* On DOS-based file systems, the '/' and the '\' are equivalent.  */
-      if (c1 == '/')
-        c1 = '\\';
-      if (c2 == '/')
-        c2 = '\\';
-      if (c1 != c2)
-        return (c1 - c2);
-      if (c1 == '\0')
-        return 0;
-      s1++;
-      s2++;
-    }
-#if 0
-/* When this is true, relocations may have been modified to refer to
-   symbols from other input files.  The per-section list of "fix"
-   records needs to be checked when resolving relocations.  */
-static bfd_boolean relaxing_section = FALSE;
-/* When this is true, during final links, literals that cannot be
-   coalesced and their relocations may be moved to other sections.  */
-int elf32xtensa_no_literal_movement = 1;
-/* Rename one of the generic section flags to better document how it
-   is used here.  */
-/* Whether relocations have been processed.  */
-#define reloc_done sec_flg0
-static reloc_howto_type elf_howto_table[] =
-  HOWTO (RZ_XTENSA_NONE, 0, 3, 0, FALSE, 0, complain_overflow_dont,
-	 bfd_elf_xtensa_reloc, "RZ_XTENSA_NONE",
-	 FALSE, 0, 0, FALSE),
-  HOWTO (RZ_XTENSA_32, 0, 2, 32, FALSE, 0, complain_overflow_bitfield,
-	 bfd_elf_xtensa_reloc, "RZ_XTENSA_32",
-	 TRUE, 0xffffffff, 0xffffffff, FALSE),
-  /* Replace a 32-bit value with a value from the runtime linker (only
-     used by linker-generated stub functions).  The rz_addend value is
-     special: 1 means to substitute a pointer to the runtime linker's
-     dynamic resolver function; 2 means to substitute the link map for
-     the shared object.  */
-  HOWTO (RZ_XTENSA_RTLD, 0, 2, 32, FALSE, 0, complain_overflow_dont,
-  HOWTO (RZ_XTENSA_GLOB_DAT, 0, 2, 32, FALSE, 0, complain_overflow_bitfield,
-	 bfd_elf_generic_reloc, "RZ_XTENSA_GLOB_DAT",
-	 FALSE, 0, 0xffffffff, FALSE),
-  HOWTO (RZ_XTENSA_JMP_SLOT, 0, 2, 32, FALSE, 0, complain_overflow_bitfield,
-	 bfd_elf_generic_reloc, "RZ_XTENSA_JMP_SLOT",
-	 FALSE, 0, 0xffffffff, FALSE),
-  HOWTO (RZ_XTENSA_RELATIVE, 0, 2, 32, FALSE, 0, complain_overflow_bitfield,
-	 bfd_elf_generic_reloc, "RZ_XTENSA_RELATIVE",
-	 FALSE, 0, 0xffffffff, FALSE),
-  HOWTO (RZ_XTENSA_PLT, 0, 2, 32, FALSE, 0, complain_overflow_bitfield,
-	 bfd_elf_xtensa_reloc, "RZ_XTENSA_PLT",
-	 FALSE, 0, 0xffffffff, FALSE),
-  /* Old relocations for backward compatibility.  */
-  HOWTO (RZ_XTENSA_OP0, 0, 0, 0, TRUE, 0, complain_overflow_dont,
-	 bfd_elf_xtensa_reloc, "RZ_XTENSA_OP0", FALSE, 0, 0, TRUE),
-  HOWTO (RZ_XTENSA_OP1, 0, 0, 0, TRUE, 0, complain_overflow_dont,
-	 bfd_elf_xtensa_reloc, "RZ_XTENSA_OP1", FALSE, 0, 0, TRUE),
-  HOWTO (RZ_XTENSA_OP2, 0, 0, 0, TRUE, 0, complain_overflow_dont,
-	 bfd_elf_xtensa_reloc, "RZ_XTENSA_OP2", FALSE, 0, 0, TRUE),
-  /* Assembly auto-expansion.  */
-  HOWTO (RZ_XTENSA_ASM_EXPAND, 0, 0, 0, TRUE, 0, complain_overflow_dont,
-	 bfd_elf_xtensa_reloc, "RZ_XTENSA_ASM_EXPAND", FALSE, 0, 0, TRUE),
-  /* Relax assembly auto-expansion.  */
-  HOWTO (RZ_XTENSA_ASM_SIMPLIFY, 0, 0, 0, TRUE, 0, complain_overflow_dont,
-	 bfd_elf_xtensa_reloc, "RZ_XTENSA_ASM_SIMPLIFY", FALSE, 0, 0, TRUE),
-  EMPTY_HOWTO (13),
-  HOWTO (RZ_XTENSA_32_PCREL, 0, 2, 32, TRUE, 0, complain_overflow_bitfield,
-	 bfd_elf_xtensa_reloc, "RZ_XTENSA_32_PCREL",
-	 FALSE, 0, 0xffffffff, TRUE),
-  /* GNU extension to record C++ vtable hierarchy.  */
-  HOWTO (RZ_XTENSA_GNU_VTINHERIT, 0, 2, 0, FALSE, 0, complain_overflow_dont,
-	 FALSE, 0, 0, FALSE),
-  /* GNU extension to record C++ vtable member usage.  */
-  HOWTO (RZ_XTENSA_GNU_VTENTRY, 0, 2, 0, FALSE, 0, complain_overflow_dont,
-         _bfd_elf_rel_vtable_reloc_fn, "RZ_XTENSA_GNU_VTENTRY",
-	 FALSE, 0, 0, FALSE),
-  /* Relocations for supporting difference of symbols.  */
-  HOWTO (RZ_XTENSA_DIFF8, 0, 0, 8, FALSE, 0, complain_overflow_signed,
-	 bfd_elf_xtensa_reloc, "RZ_XTENSA_DIFF8", FALSE, 0, 0xff, FALSE),
-  HOWTO (RZ_XTENSA_DIFF16, 0, 1, 16, FALSE, 0, complain_overflow_signed,
-	 bfd_elf_xtensa_reloc, "RZ_XTENSA_DIFF16", FALSE, 0, 0xffff, FALSE),
-  HOWTO (RZ_XTENSA_DIFF32, 0, 2, 32, FALSE, 0, complain_overflow_signed,
-	 bfd_elf_xtensa_reloc, "RZ_XTENSA_DIFF32", FALSE, 0, 0xffffffff, FALSE),
-  /* General immediate operand relocations.  */
-  HOWTO (RZ_XTENSA_SLOT0_OP, 0, 0, 0, TRUE, 0, complain_overflow_dont,
-	 bfd_elf_xtensa_reloc, "RZ_XTENSA_SLOT0_OP", FALSE, 0, 0, TRUE),
-  HOWTO (RZ_XTENSA_SLOT1_OP, 0, 0, 0, TRUE, 0, complain_overflow_dont,
-	 bfd_elf_xtensa_reloc, "RZ_XTENSA_SLOT1_OP", FALSE, 0, 0, TRUE),
-  HOWTO (RZ_XTENSA_SLOT2_OP, 0, 0, 0, TRUE, 0, complain_overflow_dont,
-	 bfd_elf_xtensa_reloc, "RZ_XTENSA_SLOT2_OP", FALSE, 0, 0, TRUE),
-  HOWTO (RZ_XTENSA_SLOT3_OP, 0, 0, 0, TRUE, 0, complain_overflow_dont,
-	 bfd_elf_xtensa_reloc, "RZ_XTENSA_SLOT3_OP", FALSE, 0, 0, TRUE),
-  HOWTO (RZ_XTENSA_SLOT4_OP, 0, 0, 0, TRUE, 0, complain_overflow_dont,
-	 bfd_elf_xtensa_reloc, "RZ_XTENSA_SLOT4_OP", FALSE, 0, 0, TRUE),
-  HOWTO (RZ_XTENSA_SLOT5_OP, 0, 0, 0, TRUE, 0, complain_overflow_dont,
-	 bfd_elf_xtensa_reloc, "RZ_XTENSA_SLOT5_OP", FALSE, 0, 0, TRUE),
-  HOWTO (RZ_XTENSA_SLOT6_OP, 0, 0, 0, TRUE, 0, complain_overflow_dont,
-	 bfd_elf_xtensa_reloc, "RZ_XTENSA_SLOT6_OP", FALSE, 0, 0, TRUE),
-  HOWTO (RZ_XTENSA_SLOT7_OP, 0, 0, 0, TRUE, 0, complain_overflow_dont,
-	 bfd_elf_xtensa_reloc, "RZ_XTENSA_SLOT7_OP", FALSE, 0, 0, TRUE),
-  HOWTO (RZ_XTENSA_SLOT8_OP, 0, 0, 0, TRUE, 0, complain_overflow_dont,
-	 bfd_elf_xtensa_reloc, "RZ_XTENSA_SLOT8_OP", FALSE, 0, 0, TRUE),
-  HOWTO (RZ_XTENSA_SLOT9_OP, 0, 0, 0, TRUE, 0, complain_overflow_dont,
-	 bfd_elf_xtensa_reloc, "RZ_XTENSA_SLOT9_OP", FALSE, 0, 0, TRUE),
-  HOWTO (RZ_XTENSA_SLOT10_OP, 0, 0, 0, TRUE, 0, complain_overflow_dont,
-	 bfd_elf_xtensa_reloc, "RZ_XTENSA_SLOT10_OP", FALSE, 0, 0, TRUE),
-  HOWTO (RZ_XTENSA_SLOT11_OP, 0, 0, 0, TRUE, 0, complain_overflow_dont,
-	 bfd_elf_xtensa_reloc, "RZ_XTENSA_SLOT11_OP", FALSE, 0, 0, TRUE),
-  HOWTO (RZ_XTENSA_SLOT12_OP, 0, 0, 0, TRUE, 0, complain_overflow_dont,
-	 bfd_elf_xtensa_reloc, "RZ_XTENSA_SLOT12_OP", FALSE, 0, 0, TRUE),
-  HOWTO (RZ_XTENSA_SLOT13_OP, 0, 0, 0, TRUE, 0, complain_overflow_dont,
-	 bfd_elf_xtensa_reloc, "RZ_XTENSA_SLOT13_OP", FALSE, 0, 0, TRUE),
-  HOWTO (RZ_XTENSA_SLOT14_OP, 0, 0, 0, TRUE, 0, complain_overflow_dont,
-	 bfd_elf_xtensa_reloc, "RZ_XTENSA_SLOT14_OP", FALSE, 0, 0, TRUE),
-  /* "Alternate" relocations.  The meaning of these is opcode-specific.  */
-  HOWTO (RZ_XTENSA_SLOT0_ALT, 0, 0, 0, TRUE, 0, complain_overflow_dont,
-	 bfd_elf_xtensa_reloc, "RZ_XTENSA_SLOT0_ALT", FALSE, 0, 0, TRUE),
-  HOWTO (RZ_XTENSA_SLOT1_ALT, 0, 0, 0, TRUE, 0, complain_overflow_dont,
-	 bfd_elf_xtensa_reloc, "RZ_XTENSA_SLOT1_ALT", FALSE, 0, 0, TRUE),
-  HOWTO (RZ_XTENSA_SLOT2_ALT, 0, 0, 0, TRUE, 0, complain_overflow_dont,
-	 bfd_elf_xtensa_reloc, "RZ_XTENSA_SLOT2_ALT", FALSE, 0, 0, TRUE),
-  HOWTO (RZ_XTENSA_SLOT3_ALT, 0, 0, 0, TRUE, 0, complain_overflow_dont,
-	 bfd_elf_xtensa_reloc, "RZ_XTENSA_SLOT3_ALT", FALSE, 0, 0, TRUE),
-  HOWTO (RZ_XTENSA_SLOT4_ALT, 0, 0, 0, TRUE, 0, complain_overflow_dont,
-	 bfd_elf_xtensa_reloc, "RZ_XTENSA_SLOT4_ALT", FALSE, 0, 0, TRUE),
-  HOWTO (RZ_XTENSA_SLOT5_ALT, 0, 0, 0, TRUE, 0, complain_overflow_dont,
-	 bfd_elf_xtensa_reloc, "RZ_XTENSA_SLOT5_ALT", FALSE, 0, 0, TRUE),
-  HOWTO (RZ_XTENSA_SLOT6_ALT, 0, 0, 0, TRUE, 0, complain_overflow_dont,
-	 bfd_elf_xtensa_reloc, "RZ_XTENSA_SLOT6_ALT", FALSE, 0, 0, TRUE),
-  HOWTO (RZ_XTENSA_SLOT7_ALT, 0, 0, 0, TRUE, 0, complain_overflow_dont,
-	 bfd_elf_xtensa_reloc, "RZ_XTENSA_SLOT7_ALT", FALSE, 0, 0, TRUE),
-  HOWTO (RZ_XTENSA_SLOT8_ALT, 0, 0, 0, TRUE, 0, complain_overflow_dont,
-	 bfd_elf_xtensa_reloc, "RZ_XTENSA_SLOT8_ALT", FALSE, 0, 0, TRUE),
-  HOWTO (RZ_XTENSA_SLOT9_ALT, 0, 0, 0, TRUE, 0, complain_overflow_dont,
-	 bfd_elf_xtensa_reloc, "RZ_XTENSA_SLOT9_ALT", FALSE, 0, 0, TRUE),
-  HOWTO (RZ_XTENSA_SLOT10_ALT, 0, 0, 0, TRUE, 0, complain_overflow_dont,
-	 bfd_elf_xtensa_reloc, "RZ_XTENSA_SLOT10_ALT", FALSE, 0, 0, TRUE),
-  HOWTO (RZ_XTENSA_SLOT11_ALT, 0, 0, 0, TRUE, 0, complain_overflow_dont,
-	 bfd_elf_xtensa_reloc, "RZ_XTENSA_SLOT11_ALT", FALSE, 0, 0, TRUE),
-  HOWTO (RZ_XTENSA_SLOT12_ALT, 0, 0, 0, TRUE, 0, complain_overflow_dont,
-	 bfd_elf_xtensa_reloc, "RZ_XTENSA_SLOT12_ALT", FALSE, 0, 0, TRUE),
-  HOWTO (RZ_XTENSA_SLOT13_ALT, 0, 0, 0, TRUE, 0, complain_overflow_dont,
-	 bfd_elf_xtensa_reloc, "RZ_XTENSA_SLOT13_ALT", FALSE, 0, 0, TRUE),
-  HOWTO (RZ_XTENSA_SLOT14_ALT, 0, 0, 0, TRUE, 0, complain_overflow_dont,
-	 bfd_elf_xtensa_reloc, "RZ_XTENSA_SLOT14_ALT", FALSE, 0, 0, TRUE),
-  /* TLS relocations.  */
-  HOWTO (RZ_XTENSA_TLSDESC_FN, 0, 2, 32, FALSE, 0, complain_overflow_dont,
-	 bfd_elf_xtensa_reloc, "RZ_XTENSA_TLSDESC_FN",
-	 FALSE, 0, 0xffffffff, FALSE),
-  HOWTO (RZ_XTENSA_TLSDESC_ARG, 0, 2, 32, FALSE, 0, complain_overflow_dont,
-	 bfd_elf_xtensa_reloc, "RZ_XTENSA_TLSDESC_ARG",
-	 FALSE, 0, 0xffffffff, FALSE),
-  HOWTO (RZ_XTENSA_TLS_DTPOFF, 0, 2, 32, FALSE, 0, complain_overflow_dont,
-	 bfd_elf_xtensa_reloc, "RZ_XTENSA_TLS_DTPOFF",
-	 FALSE, 0, 0xffffffff, FALSE),
-  HOWTO (RZ_XTENSA_TLS_TPOFF, 0, 2, 32, FALSE, 0, complain_overflow_dont,
-	 bfd_elf_xtensa_reloc, "RZ_XTENSA_TLS_TPOFF",
-	 FALSE, 0, 0xffffffff, FALSE),
-  HOWTO (RZ_XTENSA_TLS_FUNC, 0, 0, 0, FALSE, 0, complain_overflow_dont,
-	 bfd_elf_xtensa_reloc, "RZ_XTENSA_TLS_FUNC",
-	 FALSE, 0, 0, FALSE),
-  HOWTO (RZ_XTENSA_TLS_ARG, 0, 0, 0, FALSE, 0, complain_overflow_dont,
-	 bfd_elf_xtensa_reloc, "RZ_XTENSA_TLS_ARG",
-	 FALSE, 0, 0, FALSE),
-  HOWTO (RZ_XTENSA_TLS_CALL, 0, 0, 0, FALSE, 0, complain_overflow_dont,
-	 bfd_elf_xtensa_reloc, "RZ_XTENSA_TLS_CALL",
-	 FALSE, 0, 0, FALSE),
-#define TRACE(str) \
-  fprintf (stderr, "Xtensa bfd reloc lookup %d (%s)\n", code, str)
-#define TRACE(str)
-static reloc_howto_type *
-elf_xtensa_reloc_type_lookup (bfd *abfd ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED,
-			      bfd_reloc_code_real_type code)
-  switch (code)
-    {
-    case BFD_RELOC_NONE:
-      return &elf_howto_table[(unsigned) RZ_XTENSA_NONE ];
-    case BFD_RELOC_32:
-      TRACE ("BFD_RELOC_32");
-      return &elf_howto_table[(unsigned) RZ_XTENSA_32 ];
-    case BFD_RELOC_32_PCREL:
-      TRACE ("BFD_RELOC_32_PCREL");
-      return &elf_howto_table[(unsigned) RZ_XTENSA_32_PCREL ];
-      return &elf_howto_table[(unsigned) RZ_XTENSA_DIFF8 ];
-      return &elf_howto_table[(unsigned) RZ_XTENSA_DIFF16 ];
-      return &elf_howto_table[(unsigned) RZ_XTENSA_DIFF32 ];
-      return &elf_howto_table[(unsigned) RZ_XTENSA_RTLD ];
-      return &elf_howto_table[(unsigned) RZ_XTENSA_GLOB_DAT ];
-      return &elf_howto_table[(unsigned) RZ_XTENSA_JMP_SLOT ];
-      return &elf_howto_table[(unsigned) RZ_XTENSA_RELATIVE ];
-      return &elf_howto_table[(unsigned) RZ_XTENSA_PLT ];
-      return &elf_howto_table[(unsigned) RZ_XTENSA_OP0 ];
-      return &elf_howto_table[(unsigned) RZ_XTENSA_OP1 ];
-      return &elf_howto_table[(unsigned) RZ_XTENSA_OP2 ];
-      return &elf_howto_table[(unsigned) RZ_XTENSA_ASM_EXPAND ];
-      return &elf_howto_table[(unsigned) RZ_XTENSA_ASM_SIMPLIFY ];
-      return &elf_howto_table[(unsigned) RZ_XTENSA_GNU_VTINHERIT ];
-      return &elf_howto_table[(unsigned) RZ_XTENSA_GNU_VTENTRY ];
-      return &elf_howto_table[(unsigned) RZ_XTENSA_TLSDESC_FN ];
-      return &elf_howto_table[(unsigned) RZ_XTENSA_TLSDESC_ARG ];
-      return &elf_howto_table[(unsigned) RZ_XTENSA_TLS_DTPOFF ];
-      return &elf_howto_table[(unsigned) RZ_XTENSA_TLS_TPOFF ];
-      return &elf_howto_table[(unsigned) RZ_XTENSA_TLS_FUNC ];
-      return &elf_howto_table[(unsigned) RZ_XTENSA_TLS_ARG ];
-      return &elf_howto_table[(unsigned) RZ_XTENSA_TLS_CALL ];
-    default:
-      if (code >= BFD_RELOC_XTENSA_SLOT0_OP
-	  && code <= BFD_RELOC_XTENSA_SLOT14_OP)
-	{
-	  unsigned n = (RZ_XTENSA_SLOT0_OP +
-			(code - BFD_RELOC_XTENSA_SLOT0_OP));
-	  return &elf_howto_table[n];
-	}
-      if (code >= BFD_RELOC_XTENSA_SLOT0_ALT
-	  && code <= BFD_RELOC_XTENSA_SLOT14_ALT)
-	{
-	  unsigned n = (RZ_XTENSA_SLOT0_ALT +
-	  return &elf_howto_table[n];
-	}
-      break;
-    }
-  TRACE ("Unknown");
-  return NULL;
-static reloc_howto_type *
-elf_xtensa_reloc_name_lookup (bfd *abfd ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED,
-			      const char *rz_name)
-  unsigned int i;
-  for (i = 0; i < sizeof (elf_howto_table) / sizeof (elf_howto_table[0]); i++)
-    if (elf_howto_table[i].name != NULL
-	&& rz_str_casecmp (elf_howto_table[i].name, rz_name) == 0)
-      return &elf_howto_table[i];
-  return NULL;
-/* Given an ELF "rela" relocation, find the corresponding howto and record
-   it in the BFD internal arelent representation of the relocation.  */
-static void
-elf_xtensa_info_to_howto_rela (bfd *abfd ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED,
-			       arelent *cache_ptr,
-			       Elf_Internal_Rela *dst)
-  unsigned int rz_type = ELF32_R_TYPE (dst->rz_info);
-  if (rz_type >= (unsigned int) RZ_XTENSA_max)
-    {
-      _bfd_error_handler (_("%B: invalid XTENSA reloc number: %d"), abfd, rz_type);
-      rz_type = 0;
-    }
-  cache_ptr->howto = &elf_howto_table[rz_type];
-/* Functions for the Xtensa ELF linker.  */
-/* The name of the dynamic interpreter.  This is put in the .interp
-   section.  */
-#define ELF_DYNAMIC_INTERPRETER "/lib/ld.so"
-/* The size in bytes of an entry in the procedure linkage table.
-   (This does _not_ include the space for the literals associated with
-   the PLT entry.) */
-#define PLT_ENTRY_SIZE 16
-/* For _really_ large PLTs, we may need to alternate between literals
-   and code to keep the literals within the 256K range of the L32R
-   instructions in the code.  It's unlikely that anyone would ever need
-   such a big PLT, but an arbitrary limit on the PLT size would be bad.
-   Thus, we split the PLT into chunks.  Since there's very little
-   overhead (2 extra literals) for each chunk, the chunk size is kept
-   small so that the code for handling multiple chunks get used and
-   tested regularly.  With 254 entries, there are 1K of literals for
-   each chunk, and that seems like a nice round number.  */
-/* PLT entries are actually used as stub functions for lazy symbol
-   resolution.  Once the symbol is resolved, the stub function is never
-   invoked.  Note: the 32-byte frame size used here cannot be changed
-   without a corresponding change in the runtime linker.  */
-static const bfd_byte elf_xtensa_be_plt_entry[PLT_ENTRY_SIZE] =
-  0x6c, 0x10, 0x04,	/* entry sp, 32 */
-  0x18, 0x00, 0x00,	/* l32r  a8, [got entry for rtld's resolver] */
-  0x1a, 0x00, 0x00,	/* l32r  a10, [got entry for rtld's link map] */
-  0x1b, 0x00, 0x00,	/* l32r  a11, [literal for reloc index] */
-  0x0a, 0x80, 0x00,	/* jx    a8 */
-  0			/* unused */
-static const bfd_byte elf_xtensa_le_plt_entry[PLT_ENTRY_SIZE] =
-  0x36, 0x41, 0x00,	/* entry sp, 32 */
-  0x81, 0x00, 0x00,	/* l32r  a8, [got entry for rtld's resolver] */
-  0xa1, 0x00, 0x00,	/* l32r  a10, [got entry for rtld's link map] */
-  0xb1, 0x00, 0x00,	/* l32r  a11, [literal for reloc index] */
-  0xa0, 0x08, 0x00,	/* jx    a8 */
-  0			/* unused */
-/* The size of the thread control block.  */
-#define TCB_SIZE	8
-struct elf_xtensa_link_hash_entry
-  struct elf_link_hash_entry elf;
-  bfd_signed_vma tlsfunc_refcount;
-#define GOT_UNKNOWN	0
-#define GOT_NORMAL	1
-#define GOT_TLS_GD	2	/* global or local dynamic */
-#define GOT_TLS_IE	4	/* initial or local exec */
-  unsigned char tls_type;
-#define elf_xtensa_hash_entry(ent) ((struct elf_xtensa_link_hash_entry *)(ent))
-struct elf_xtensa_obj_tdata
-  struct elf_obj_tdata root;
-  /* tls_type for each local got entry.  */
-  char *local_got_tls_type;
-  bfd_signed_vma *local_tlsfunc_refcounts;
-#define elf_xtensa_tdata(abfd) \
-  ((struct elf_xtensa_obj_tdata *) (abfd)->tdata.any)
-#define elf_xtensa_local_got_tls_type(abfd) \
-  (elf_xtensa_tdata (abfd)->local_got_tls_type)
-#define elf_xtensa_local_tlsfunc_refcounts(abfd) \
-  (elf_xtensa_tdata (abfd)->local_tlsfunc_refcounts)
-#define is_xtensa_elf(bfd) \
-  (bfd_get_flavour (bfd) == bfd_target_elf_flavour \
-   && elf_tdata (bfd) != NULL \
-   && elf_object_id (bfd) == XTENSA_ELF_DATA)
-static bfd_boolean
-elf_xtensa_mkobject (bfd *abfd)
-  return bfd_elf_allocate_object (abfd, sizeof (struct elf_xtensa_obj_tdata),
-/* Xtensa ELF linker hash table.  */
-struct elf_xtensa_link_hash_table
-  struct elf_link_hash_table elf;
-  /* Short-cuts to get to dynamic linker sections.  */
-  asection *sgot;
-  asection *sgotplt;
-  asection *srelgot;
-  asection *splt;
-  asection *srelplt;
-  asection *sgotloc;
-  asection *spltlittbl;
-  /* Total count of PLT relocations seen during check_relocs.
-     The actual PLT code must be split into multiple sections and all
-     the sections have to be created before size_dynamic_sections,
-     where we figure out the exact number of PLT entries that will be
-     needed.  It is OK if this count is an overestimate, e.g., some
-     relocations may be removed by GC.  */
-  int plt_reloc_count;
-  struct elf_xtensa_link_hash_entry *tlsbase;
-/* Get the Xtensa ELF linker hash table from a link_info structure.  */
-#define elf_xtensa_hash_table(p) \
-  (elf_hash_table_id ((struct elf_link_hash_table *) ((p)->hash)) \
-  == XTENSA_ELF_DATA ? ((struct elf_xtensa_link_hash_table *) ((p)->hash)) : NULL)
-/* Create an entry in an Xtensa ELF linker hash table.  */
-static struct bfd_hash_entry *
-elf_xtensa_link_hash_newfunc (struct bfd_hash_entry *entry,
-			      struct bfd_hash_table *table,
-			      const char *string)
-  /* Allocate the structure if it has not already been allocated by a
-     subclass.  */
-  if (entry == NULL)
-    {
-      entry = bfd_hash_allocate (table,
-				 sizeof (struct elf_xtensa_link_hash_entry));
-      if (entry == NULL)
-	return entry;
-    }
-  /* Call the allocation method of the superclass.  */
-  entry = _bfd_elf_link_hash_newfunc (entry, table, string);
-  if (entry != NULL)
-    {
-      struct elf_xtensa_link_hash_entry *eh = elf_xtensa_hash_entry (entry);
-      eh->tlsfunc_refcount = 0;
-      eh->tls_type = GOT_UNKNOWN;
-    }
-  return entry;
-/* Create an Xtensa ELF linker hash table.  */
-static struct bfd_link_hash_table *
-elf_xtensa_link_hash_table_create (bfd *abfd)
-  struct elf_link_hash_entry *tlsbase;
-  struct elf_xtensa_link_hash_table *ret;
-  bfd_size_type amt = sizeof (struct elf_xtensa_link_hash_table);
-  ret = bfd_zmalloc (amt);
-  if (ret == NULL)
-    return NULL;
-  if (!_bfd_elf_link_hash_table_init (&ret->elf, abfd,
-				      elf_xtensa_link_hash_newfunc,
-				      sizeof (struct elf_xtensa_link_hash_entry),
-				      XTENSA_ELF_DATA))
-    {
-      free (ret);
-      return NULL;
-    }
-  /* Create a hash entry for "_TLS_MODULE_BASE_" to speed up checking
-     for it later.  */
-  tlsbase = elf_link_hash_lookup (&ret->elf, "_TLS_MODULE_BASE_",
-  tlsbase->root.type = bfd_link_hash_new;
-  tlsbase->root.u.undef.abfd = NULL;
-  tlsbase->non_elf = 0;
-  ret->tlsbase = elf_xtensa_hash_entry (tlsbase);
-  ret->tlsbase->tls_type = GOT_UNKNOWN;
-  return &ret->elf.root;
-/* Copy the extra info we tack onto an elf_link_hash_entry.  */
-static void
-elf_xtensa_copy_indirect_symbol (struct bfd_link_info *info,
-				 struct elf_link_hash_entry *dir,
-				 struct elf_link_hash_entry *ind)
-  struct elf_xtensa_link_hash_entry *edir, *eind;
-  edir = elf_xtensa_hash_entry (dir);
-  eind = elf_xtensa_hash_entry (ind);
-  if (ind->root.type == bfd_link_hash_indirect)
-    {
-      edir->tlsfunc_refcount += eind->tlsfunc_refcount;
-      eind->tlsfunc_refcount = 0;
-      if (dir->got.refcount <= 0)
-	{
-	  edir->tls_type = eind->tls_type;
-	  eind->tls_type = GOT_UNKNOWN;
-	}
-    }
-  _bfd_elf_link_hash_copy_indirect (info, dir, ind);
-static inline bfd_boolean
-elf_xtensa_dynamic_symbol_p (struct elf_link_hash_entry *h,
-			     struct bfd_link_info *info)
-  /* Check if we should do dynamic things to this symbol.  The
-     "ignore_protected" argument need not be set, because Xtensa code
-     does not require special handling of STV_PROTECTED to make function
-     pointer comparisons work properly.  The PLT addresses are never
-     used for function pointers.  */
-  return _bfd_elf_dynamic_symbol_p (h, info, 0);
-static int
-property_table_compare (const void *ap, const void *bp)
-  const property_table_entry *a = (const property_table_entry *) ap;
-  const property_table_entry *b = (const property_table_entry *) bp;
-  if (a->address == b->address)
-    {
-      if (a->size != b->size)
-	return (a->size - b->size);
-      if ((a->flags & XTENSA_PROP_ALIGN) != (b->flags & XTENSA_PROP_ALIGN))
-	return ((b->flags & XTENSA_PROP_ALIGN)
-		- (a->flags & XTENSA_PROP_ALIGN));
-      if ((a->flags & XTENSA_PROP_ALIGN)
-	  && (GET_XTENSA_PROP_ALIGNMENT (a->flags)
-	      != GET_XTENSA_PROP_ALIGNMENT (b->flags)))
-	return (GET_XTENSA_PROP_ALIGNMENT (a->flags)
-      if ((a->flags & XTENSA_PROP_UNREACHABLE)
-	  != (b->flags & XTENSA_PROP_UNREACHABLE))
-	return ((b->flags & XTENSA_PROP_UNREACHABLE)
-		- (a->flags & XTENSA_PROP_UNREACHABLE));
-      return (a->flags - b->flags);
-    }
-  return (a->address - b->address);
-static int
-property_table_matches (const void *ap, const void *bp)
-  const property_table_entry *a = (const property_table_entry *) ap;
-  const property_table_entry *b = (const property_table_entry *) bp;
-  /* Check if one entry overlaps with the other.  */
-  if ((b->address >= a->address && b->address < (a->address + a->size))
-      || (a->address >= b->address && a->address < (b->address + b->size)))
-    return 0;
-  return (a->address - b->address);
-/* Get the literal table or property table entries for the given
-   section.  Sets TABLE_P and returns the number of entries.  On
-   error, returns a negative value.  */
-static int
-xtensa_read_table_entries (bfd *abfd,
-			   asection *section,
-			   property_table_entry **table_p,
-			   const char *sec_name,
-			   bfd_boolean output_addr)
-  asection *table_section;
-  bfd_size_type table_size = 0;
-  bfd_byte *table_data;
-  property_table_entry *blocks;
-  int blk, block_count;
-  bfd_size_type num_records;
-  Elf_Internal_Rela *internal_relocs, *irel, *rel_end;
-  bfd_vma section_addr, off;
-  flagword predef_flags;
-  bfd_size_type table_entry_size, section_limit;
-  if (!section
-      || !(section->flags & SEC_ALLOC)
-      || (section->flags & SEC_DEBUGGING))
-    {
-      *table_p = NULL;
-      return 0;
-    }
-  table_section = xtensa_get_property_section (section, sec_name);
-  if (table_section)
-    table_size = table_section->size;
-  if (table_size == 0)
-    {
-      *table_p = NULL;
-      return 0;
-    }
-  predef_flags = xtensa_get_property_predef_flags (table_section);
-  table_entry_size = 12;
-  if (predef_flags)
-    table_entry_size -= 4;
-  num_records = table_size / table_entry_size;
-  table_data = retrieve_contents (abfd, table_section, TRUE);
-  blocks = (property_table_entry *)
-    bfd_malloc (num_records * sizeof (property_table_entry));
-  block_count = 0;
-  if (output_addr)
-    section_addr = section->output_section->vma + section->output_offset;
-  else
-    section_addr = section->vma;
-  internal_relocs = retrieve_internal_relocs (abfd, table_section, TRUE);
-  if (internal_relocs && !table_section->reloc_done)
-    {
-      qsort (internal_relocs, table_section->reloc_count,
-	     sizeof (Elf_Internal_Rela), internal_reloc_compare);
-      irel = internal_relocs;
-    }
-  else
-    irel = NULL;
-  section_limit = bfd_get_section_limit (abfd, section);
-  rel_end = internal_relocs + table_section->reloc_count;
-  for (off = 0; off < table_size; off += table_entry_size)
-    {
-      bfd_vma address = bfd_get_32 (abfd, table_data + off);
-      /* Skip any relocations before the current offset.  This should help
-	 avoid confusion caused by unexpected relocations for the preceding
-	 table entry.  */
-      while (irel &&
-	     (irel->rz_offset < off
-	      || (irel->rz_offset == off
-		  && ELF32_R_TYPE (irel->rz_info) == RZ_XTENSA_NONE)))
-	{
-	  irel += 1;
-	  if (irel >= rel_end)
-	    irel = 0;
-	}
-      if (irel && irel->rz_offset == off)
-	{
-	  bfd_vma sym_off;
-	  unsigned long rz_symndx = ELF32_R_SYM (irel->rz_info);
-	  BFD_ASSERT (ELF32_R_TYPE (irel->rz_info) == RZ_XTENSA_32);
-	  if (get_elf_r_symndx_section (abfd, rz_symndx) != section)
-	    continue;
-	  sym_off = get_elf_r_symndx_offset (abfd, rz_symndx);
-	  BFD_ASSERT (sym_off == 0);
-	  address += (section_addr + sym_off + irel->rz_addend);
-	}
-      else
-	{
-	  if (address < section_addr
-	      || address >= section_addr + section_limit)
-	    continue;
-	}
-      blocks[block_count].address = address;
-      blocks[block_count].size = bfd_get_32 (abfd, table_data + off + 4);
-      if (predef_flags)
-	blocks[block_count].flags = predef_flags;
-      else
-	blocks[block_count].flags = bfd_get_32 (abfd, table_data + off + 8);
-      block_count++;
-    }
-  release_contents (table_section, table_data);
-  release_internal_relocs (table_section, internal_relocs);
-  if (block_count > 0)
-    {
-      /* Now sort them into address order for easy reference.  */
-      qsort (blocks, block_count, sizeof (property_table_entry),
-	     property_table_compare);
-      /* Check that the table contents are valid.  Problems may occur,
-         for example, if an unrelocated object file is stripped.  */
-      for (blk = 1; blk < block_count; blk++)
-	{
-	  /* The only circumstance where two entries may legitimately
-	     have the same address is when one of them is a zero-size
-	     placeholder to mark a place where fill can be inserted.
-	     The zero-size entry should come first.  */
-	  if (blocks[blk - 1].address == blocks[blk].address &&
-	      blocks[blk - 1].size != 0)
-	    {
-	      (*_bfd_error_handler) (_("%B(%A): invalid property table"),
-				     abfd, section);
-	      bfd_set_error (bfd_error_bad_value);
-	      free (blocks);
-	      return -1;
-	    }
-	}
-    }
-  *table_p = blocks;
-  return block_count;
-static property_table_entry *
-elf_xtensa_find_property_entry (property_table_entry *property_table,
-				int property_table_size,
-				bfd_vma addr)
-  property_table_entry entry;
-  property_table_entry *rv;
-  if (property_table_size == 0)
-    return NULL;
-  entry.address = addr;
-  entry.size = 1;
-  entry.flags = 0;
-  rv = bsearch (&entry, property_table, property_table_size,
-		sizeof (property_table_entry), property_table_matches);
-  return rv;
-static bfd_boolean
-elf_xtensa_in_literal_pool (property_table_entry *lit_table,
-			    int lit_table_size,
-			    bfd_vma addr)
-  if (elf_xtensa_find_property_entry (lit_table, lit_table_size, addr))
-    return TRUE;
-  return FALSE;
-/* Look through the relocs for a section during the first phase, and
-   calculate needed space in the dynamic reloc sections.  */
-static bfd_boolean
-elf_xtensa_check_relocs (bfd *abfd,
-			 struct bfd_link_info *info,
-			 asection *sec,
-			 const Elf_Internal_Rela *relocs)
-  struct elf_xtensa_link_hash_table *htab;
-  Elf_Internal_Shdr *symtab_hdr;
-  struct elf_link_hash_entry **sym_hashes;
-  const Elf_Internal_Rela *rel;
-  const Elf_Internal_Rela *rel_end;
-  if (info->relocatable || (sec->flags & SEC_ALLOC) == 0)
-    return TRUE;
-  BFD_ASSERT (is_xtensa_elf (abfd));
-  htab = elf_xtensa_hash_table (info);
-  if (htab == NULL)
-    return FALSE;
-  symtab_hdr = &elf_tdata (abfd)->symtab_hdr;
-  sym_hashes = elf_sym_hashes (abfd);
-  rel_end = relocs + sec->reloc_count;
-  for (rel = relocs; rel < rel_end; rel++)
-    {
-      unsigned int rz_type;
-      unsigned long rz_symndx;
-      struct elf_link_hash_entry *h = NULL;
-      struct elf_xtensa_link_hash_entry *eh;
-      int tls_type, old_tls_type;
-      bfd_boolean is_got = FALSE;
-      bfd_boolean is_plt = FALSE;
-      bfd_boolean is_tlsfunc = FALSE;
-      rz_symndx = ELF32_R_SYM (rel->rz_info);
-      rz_type = ELF32_R_TYPE (rel->rz_info);
-      if (rz_symndx >= NUM_SHDR_ENTRIES (symtab_hdr))
-	{
-	  (*_bfd_error_handler) (_("%B: bad symbol index: %d"),
-				 abfd, rz_symndx);
-	  return FALSE;
-	}
-      if (rz_symndx >= symtab_hdr->sh_info)
-	{
-	  h = sym_hashes[rz_symndx - symtab_hdr->sh_info];
-	  while (h->root.type == bfd_link_hash_indirect
-		 || h->root.type == bfd_link_hash_warning)
-	    h = (struct elf_link_hash_entry *) h->root.u.i.link;
-	  /* PR15323, ref flags aren't set for references in the same
-	     object.  */
-	  h->root.non_ir_ref = 1;
-	}
-      eh = elf_xtensa_hash_entry (h);
-      switch (rz_type)
-	{
-	  if (info->shared)
-	    {
-	      tls_type = GOT_TLS_GD;
-	      is_got = TRUE;
-	      is_tlsfunc = TRUE;
-	    }
-	  else
-	    tls_type = GOT_TLS_IE;
-	  break;
-	  if (info->shared)
-	    {
-	      tls_type = GOT_TLS_GD;
-	      is_got = TRUE;
-	    }
-	  else
-	    {
-	      tls_type = GOT_TLS_IE;
-	      if (h && elf_xtensa_hash_entry (h) != htab->tlsbase)
-		is_got = TRUE;
-	    }
-	  break;
-	  if (info->shared)
-	    tls_type = GOT_TLS_GD;
-	  else
-	    tls_type = GOT_TLS_IE;
-	  break;
-	  tls_type = GOT_TLS_IE;
-	  if (info->shared)
-	    info->flags |= DF_STATIC_TLS;
-	  if (info->shared || h)
-	    is_got = TRUE;
-	  break;
-	case RZ_XTENSA_32:
-	  tls_type = GOT_NORMAL;
-	  is_got = TRUE;
-	  break;
-	  tls_type = GOT_NORMAL;
-	  is_plt = TRUE;
-	  break;
-	  /* This relocation describes the C++ object vtable hierarchy.
-	     Reconstruct it for later use during GC.  */
-	  if (!bfd_elf_gc_record_vtinherit (abfd, sec, h, rel->rz_offset))
-	    return FALSE;
-	  continue;
-	  /* This relocation describes which C++ vtable entries are actually
-	     used.  Record for later use during GC.  */
-	  BFD_ASSERT (h != NULL);
-	  if (h != NULL
-	      && !bfd_elf_gc_record_vtentry (abfd, sec, h, rel->rz_addend))
-	    return FALSE;
-	  continue;
-	default:
-	  /* Nothing to do for any other relocations.  */
-	  continue;
-	}
-      if (h)
-	{
-	  if (is_plt)
-	    {
-	      if (h->plt.refcount <= 0)
-		{
-		  h->needs_plt = 1;
-		  h->plt.refcount = 1;
-		}
-	      else
-		h->plt.refcount += 1;
-	      /* Keep track of the total PLT relocation count even if we
-		 don't yet know whether the dynamic sections will be
-		 created.  */
-	      htab->plt_reloc_count += 1;
-	      if (elf_hash_table (info)->dynamic_sections_created)
-		{
-		  if (! add_extra_plt_sections (info, htab->plt_reloc_count))
-		    return FALSE;
-		}
-	    }
-	  else if (is_got)
-	    {
-	      if (h->got.refcount <= 0)
-		h->got.refcount = 1;
-	      else
-		h->got.refcount += 1;
-	    }
-	  if (is_tlsfunc)
-	    eh->tlsfunc_refcount += 1;
-	  old_tls_type = eh->tls_type;
-	}
-      else
-	{
-	  /* Allocate storage the first time.  */
-	  if (elf_local_got_refcounts (abfd) == NULL)
-	    {
-	      bfd_size_type size = symtab_hdr->sh_info;
-	      void *mem;
-	      mem = bfd_zalloc (abfd, size * sizeof (bfd_signed_vma));
-	      if (mem == NULL)
-		return FALSE;
-	      elf_local_got_refcounts (abfd) = (bfd_signed_vma *) mem;
-	      mem = bfd_zalloc (abfd, size);
-	      if (mem == NULL)
-		return FALSE;
-	      elf_xtensa_local_got_tls_type (abfd) = (char *) mem;
-	      mem = bfd_zalloc (abfd, size * sizeof (bfd_signed_vma));
-	      if (mem == NULL)
-		return FALSE;
-	      elf_xtensa_local_tlsfunc_refcounts (abfd)
-		= (bfd_signed_vma *) mem;
-	    }
-	  /* This is a global offset table entry for a local symbol.  */
-	  if (is_got || is_plt)
-	    elf_local_got_refcounts (abfd) [rz_symndx] += 1;
-	  if (is_tlsfunc)
-	    elf_xtensa_local_tlsfunc_refcounts (abfd) [rz_symndx] += 1;
-	  old_tls_type = elf_xtensa_local_got_tls_type (abfd) [rz_symndx];
-	}
-      if ((old_tls_type & GOT_TLS_IE) && (tls_type & GOT_TLS_IE))
-	tls_type |= old_tls_type;
-      /* If a TLS symbol is accessed using IE at least once,
-	 there is no point to use a dynamic model for it.  */
-      else if (old_tls_type != tls_type && old_tls_type != GOT_UNKNOWN
-	       && ((old_tls_type & GOT_TLS_GD) == 0
-		   || (tls_type & GOT_TLS_IE) == 0))
-	{
-	  if ((old_tls_type & GOT_TLS_IE) && (tls_type & GOT_TLS_GD))
-	    tls_type = old_tls_type;
-	  else if ((old_tls_type & GOT_TLS_GD) && (tls_type & GOT_TLS_GD))
-	    tls_type |= old_tls_type;
-	  else
-	    {
-	      (*_bfd_error_handler)
-		(_("%B: `%s' accessed both as normal and thread local symbol"),
-		 abfd,
-		 h ? h->root.root.string : "<local>");
-	      return FALSE;
-	    }
-	}
-      if (old_tls_type != tls_type)
-	{
-	  if (eh)
-	    eh->tls_type = tls_type;
-	  else
-	    elf_xtensa_local_got_tls_type (abfd) [rz_symndx] = tls_type;
-	}
-    }
-  return TRUE;
-static void
-elf_xtensa_make_sym_local (struct bfd_link_info *info,
-                           struct elf_link_hash_entry *h)
-  if (info->shared)
-    {
-      if (h->plt.refcount > 0)
-        {
-	  /* For shared objects, there's no need for PLT entries for local
-	     symbols (use RELATIVE relocs instead of JMP_SLOT relocs).  */
-          if (h->got.refcount < 0)
-            h->got.refcount = 0;
-          h->got.refcount += h->plt.refcount;
-          h->plt.refcount = 0;
-        }
-    }
-  else
-    {
-      /* Don't need any dynamic relocations at all.  */
-      h->plt.refcount = 0;
-      h->got.refcount = 0;
-    }
-static void
-elf_xtensa_hide_symbol (struct bfd_link_info *info,
-                        struct elf_link_hash_entry *h,
-                        bfd_boolean force_local)
-  /* For a shared link, move the plt refcount to the got refcount to leave
-     space for RELATIVE relocs.  */
-  elf_xtensa_make_sym_local (info, h);
-  _bfd_elf_link_hash_hide_symbol (info, h, force_local);
-/* Return the section that should be marked against GC for a given
-   relocation.  */
-static asection *
-elf_xtensa_gc_mark_hook (asection *sec,
-			 struct bfd_link_info *info,
-			 Elf_Internal_Rela *rel,
-			 struct elf_link_hash_entry *h,
-			 Elf_Internal_Sym *sym)
-  /* Property sections are marked "KEEP" in the linker scripts, but they
-     should not cause other sections to be marked.  (This approach relies
-     on elf_xtensa_discard_info to remove property table entries that
-     describe discarded sections.  Alternatively, it might be more
-     efficient to avoid using "KEEP" in the linker scripts and instead use
-     the gc_mark_extra_sections hook to mark only the property sections
-     that describe marked sections.  That alternative does not work well
-     with the current property table sections, which do not correspond
-     one-to-one with the sections they describe, but that should be fixed
-     someday.) */
-  if (xtensa_is_property_section (sec))
-    return NULL;
-  if (h != NULL)
-    switch (ELF32_R_TYPE (rel->rz_info))
-      {
-	return NULL;
-      }
-  return _bfd_elf_gc_mark_hook (sec, info, rel, h, sym);
-/* Update the GOT & PLT entry reference counts
-   for the section being removed.  */
-static bfd_boolean
-elf_xtensa_gc_sweep_hook (bfd *abfd,
-			  struct bfd_link_info *info,
-			  asection *sec,
-			  const Elf_Internal_Rela *relocs)
-  Elf_Internal_Shdr *symtab_hdr;
-  struct elf_link_hash_entry **sym_hashes;
-  const Elf_Internal_Rela *rel, *relend;
-  struct elf_xtensa_link_hash_table *htab;
-  htab = elf_xtensa_hash_table (info);
-  if (htab == NULL)
-    return FALSE;
-  if (info->relocatable)
-    return TRUE;
-  if ((sec->flags & SEC_ALLOC) == 0)
-    return TRUE;
-  symtab_hdr = &elf_tdata (abfd)->symtab_hdr;
-  sym_hashes = elf_sym_hashes (abfd);
-  relend = relocs + sec->reloc_count;
-  for (rel = relocs; rel < relend; rel++)
-    {
-      unsigned long rz_symndx;
-      unsigned int rz_type;
-      struct elf_link_hash_entry *h = NULL;
-      struct elf_xtensa_link_hash_entry *eh;
-      bfd_boolean is_got = FALSE;
-      bfd_boolean is_plt = FALSE;
-      bfd_boolean is_tlsfunc = FALSE;
-      rz_symndx = ELF32_R_SYM (rel->rz_info);
-      if (rz_symndx >= symtab_hdr->sh_info)
-	{
-	  h = sym_hashes[rz_symndx - symtab_hdr->sh_info];
-	  while (h->root.type == bfd_link_hash_indirect
-		 || h->root.type == bfd_link_hash_warning)
-	    h = (struct elf_link_hash_entry *) h->root.u.i.link;
-	}
-      eh = elf_xtensa_hash_entry (h);
-      rz_type = ELF32_R_TYPE (rel->rz_info);
-      switch (rz_type)
-	{
-	  if (info->shared)
-	    {
-	      is_got = TRUE;
-	      is_tlsfunc = TRUE;
-	    }
-	  break;
-	  if (info->shared)
-	    is_got = TRUE;
-	  else
-	    {
-	      if (h && elf_xtensa_hash_entry (h) != htab->tlsbase)
-		is_got = TRUE;
-	    }
-	  break;
-	  if (info->shared || h)
-	    is_got = TRUE;
-	  break;
-	case RZ_XTENSA_32:
-	  is_got = TRUE;
-	  break;
-	  is_plt = TRUE;
-	  break;
-	default:
-	  continue;
-	}
-      if (h)
-	{
-	  if (is_plt)
-	    {
-	      /* If the symbol has been localized its plt.refcount got moved
-	         to got.refcount.  Handle it as GOT.  */
-	      if (h->plt.refcount > 0)
-		h->plt.refcount--;
-	      else
-		is_got = TRUE;
-	    }
-	  if (is_got)
-	    {
-	      if (h->got.refcount > 0)
-		h->got.refcount--;
-	    }
-	  if (is_tlsfunc)
-	    {
-	      if (eh->tlsfunc_refcount > 0)
-		eh->tlsfunc_refcount--;
-	    }
-	}
-      else
-	{
-	  if (is_got || is_plt)
-	    {
-	      bfd_signed_vma *got_refcount
-		= &elf_local_got_refcounts (abfd) [rz_symndx];
-	      if (*got_refcount > 0)
-		*got_refcount -= 1;
-	    }
-	  if (is_tlsfunc)
-	    {
-	      bfd_signed_vma *tlsfunc_refcount
-		= &elf_xtensa_local_tlsfunc_refcounts (abfd) [rz_symndx];
-	      if (*tlsfunc_refcount > 0)
-		*tlsfunc_refcount -= 1;
-	    }
-	}
-    }
-  return TRUE;
-/* Create all the dynamic sections.  */
-static bfd_boolean
-elf_xtensa_create_dynamic_sections (bfd *dynobj, struct bfd_link_info *info)
-  struct elf_xtensa_link_hash_table *htab;
-  flagword flags, noalloc_flags;
-  htab = elf_xtensa_hash_table (info);
-  if (htab == NULL)
-    return FALSE;
-  /* First do all the standard stuff.  */
-  if (! _bfd_elf_create_dynamic_sections (dynobj, info))
-    return FALSE;
-  htab->splt = bfd_get_linker_section (dynobj, ".plt");
-  htab->srelplt = bfd_get_linker_section (dynobj, ".rela.plt");
-  htab->sgot = bfd_get_linker_section (dynobj, ".got");
-  htab->sgotplt = bfd_get_linker_section (dynobj, ".got.plt");
-  htab->srelgot = bfd_get_linker_section (dynobj, ".rela.got");
-  /* Create any extra PLT sections in case check_relocs has already
-     been called on all the non-dynamic input files.  */
-  if (! add_extra_plt_sections (info, htab->plt_reloc_count))
-    return FALSE;
-  noalloc_flags = (SEC_HAS_CONTENTS | SEC_IN_MEMORY
-  flags = noalloc_flags | SEC_ALLOC | SEC_LOAD;
-  /* Mark the ".got.plt" section READONLY.  */
-  if (htab->sgotplt == NULL
-      || ! bfd_set_section_flags (dynobj, htab->sgotplt, flags))
-    return FALSE;
-  /* Create ".got.loc" (literal tables for use by dynamic linker).  */
-  htab->sgotloc = bfd_make_section_anyway_with_flags (dynobj, ".got.loc",
-						      flags);
-  if (htab->sgotloc == NULL
-      || ! bfd_set_section_alignment (dynobj, htab->sgotloc, 2))
-    return FALSE;
-  /* Create ".xt.lit.plt" (literal table for ".got.plt*").  */
-  htab->spltlittbl = bfd_make_section_anyway_with_flags (dynobj, ".xt.lit.plt",
-							 noalloc_flags);
-  if (htab->spltlittbl == NULL
-      || ! bfd_set_section_alignment (dynobj, htab->spltlittbl, 2))
-    return FALSE;
-  return TRUE;
-static bfd_boolean
-add_extra_plt_sections (struct bfd_link_info *info, int count)
-  bfd *dynobj = elf_hash_table (info)->dynobj;
-  int chunk;
-  /* Iterate over all chunks except 0 which uses the standard ".plt" and
-     ".got.plt" sections.  */
-  for (chunk = count / PLT_ENTRIES_PER_CHUNK; chunk > 0; chunk--)
-    {
-      char *sname;
-      flagword flags;
-      asection *s;
-      /* Stop when we find a section has already been created.  */
-      if (elf_xtensa_get_plt_section (info, chunk))
-	break;
-      sname = (char *) bfd_malloc (10);
-      sprintf (sname, ".plt.%u", chunk);
-      s = bfd_make_section_anyway_with_flags (dynobj, sname, flags | SEC_CODE);
-      if (s == NULL
-	  || ! bfd_set_section_alignment (dynobj, s, 2))
-	return FALSE;
-      sname = (char *) bfd_malloc (14);
-      sprintf (sname, ".got.plt.%u", chunk);
-      s = bfd_make_section_anyway_with_flags (dynobj, sname, flags);
-      if (s == NULL
-	  || ! bfd_set_section_alignment (dynobj, s, 2))
-	return FALSE;
-    }
-  return TRUE;
-/* Adjust a symbol defined by a dynamic object and referenced by a
-   regular object.  The current definition is in some section of the
-   dynamic object, but we're not including those sections.  We have to
-   change the definition to something the rest of the link can
-   understand.  */
-static bfd_boolean
-elf_xtensa_adjust_dynamic_symbol (struct bfd_link_info *info ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED,
-				  struct elf_link_hash_entry *h)
-  /* If this is a weak symbol, and there is a real definition, the
-     processor independent code will have arranged for us to see the
-     real definition first, and we can just use the same value.  */
-  if (h->u.weakdef)
-    {
-      BFD_ASSERT (h->u.weakdef->root.type == bfd_link_hash_defined
-		  || h->u.weakdef->root.type == bfd_link_hash_defweak);
-      h->root.u.def.section = h->u.weakdef->root.u.def.section;
-      h->root.u.def.value = h->u.weakdef->root.u.def.value;
-      return TRUE;
-    }
-  /* This is a reference to a symbol defined by a dynamic object.  The
-     reference must go through the GOT, so there's no need for COPY relocs,
-     .dynbss, etc.  */
-  return TRUE;
-#if 0
-static bfd_boolean
-elf_xtensa_allocate_dynrelocs (struct elf_link_hash_entry *h, void *arg)
-  struct bfd_link_info *info;
-  struct elf_xtensa_link_hash_table *htab;
-  struct elf_xtensa_link_hash_entry *eh = elf_xtensa_hash_entry (h);
-  if (h->root.type == bfd_link_hash_indirect)
-    return TRUE;
-  info = (struct bfd_link_info *) arg;
-  htab = elf_xtensa_hash_table (info);
-  if (htab == NULL)
-    return FALSE;
-  /* If we saw any use of an IE model for this symbol, we can then optimize
-     away GOT entries for any TLSDESC_FN relocs.  */
-  if ((eh->tls_type & GOT_TLS_IE) != 0)
-    {
-      BFD_ASSERT (h->got.refcount >= eh->tlsfunc_refcount);
-      h->got.refcount -= eh->tlsfunc_refcount;
-    }
-  if (! elf_xtensa_dynamic_symbol_p (h, info))
-    elf_xtensa_make_sym_local (info, h);
-  if (h->plt.refcount > 0)
-    htab->srelplt->size += (h->plt.refcount * sizeof (Elf32_External_Rela));
-  if (h->got.refcount > 0)
-    htab->srelgot->size += (h->got.refcount * sizeof (Elf32_External_Rela));
-  return TRUE;
-static void
-elf_xtensa_allocate_local_got_size (struct bfd_link_info *info)
-  struct elf_xtensa_link_hash_table *htab;
-  bfd *i;
-  htab = elf_xtensa_hash_table (info);
-  if (htab == NULL)
-    return;
-  for (i = info->input_bfds; i; i = i->link.next)
-    {
-      bfd_signed_vma *local_got_refcounts;
-      bfd_size_type j, cnt;
-      Elf_Internal_Shdr *symtab_hdr;
-      local_got_refcounts = elf_local_got_refcounts (i);
-      if (!local_got_refcounts)
-	continue;
-      symtab_hdr = &elf_tdata (i)->symtab_hdr;
-      cnt = symtab_hdr->sh_info;
-      for (j = 0; j < cnt; ++j)
-	{
-	  /* If we saw any use of an IE model for this symbol, we can
-	     then optimize away GOT entries for any TLSDESC_FN relocs.  */
-	  if ((elf_xtensa_local_got_tls_type (i) [j] & GOT_TLS_IE) != 0)
-	    {
-	      bfd_signed_vma *tlsfunc_refcount
-		= &elf_xtensa_local_tlsfunc_refcounts (i) [j];
-	      BFD_ASSERT (local_got_refcounts[j] >= *tlsfunc_refcount);
-	      local_got_refcounts[j] -= *tlsfunc_refcount;
-	    }
-	  if (local_got_refcounts[j] > 0)
-	    htab->srelgot->size += (local_got_refcounts[j]
-				    * sizeof (Elf32_External_Rela));
-	}
-    }
-/* Set the sizes of the dynamic sections.  */
-static bfd_boolean
-elf_xtensa_size_dynamic_sections (bfd *output_bfd ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED,
-				  struct bfd_link_info *info)
-  struct elf_xtensa_link_hash_table *htab;
-  bfd *dynobj, *abfd;
-  asection *s, *srelplt, *splt, *sgotplt, *srelgot, *spltlittbl, *sgotloc;
-  bfd_boolean relplt, relgot;
-  int plt_entries, plt_chunks, chunk;
-  plt_entries = 0;
-  plt_chunks = 0;
-  htab = elf_xtensa_hash_table (info);
-  if (htab == NULL)
-    return FALSE;
-  dynobj = elf_hash_table (info)->dynobj;
-  if (dynobj == NULL)
-    abort ();
-  srelgot = htab->srelgot;
-  srelplt = htab->srelplt;
-  if (elf_hash_table (info)->dynamic_sections_created)
-    {
-      BFD_ASSERT (htab->srelgot != NULL
-		  && htab->srelplt != NULL
-		  && htab->sgot != NULL
-		  && htab->spltlittbl != NULL
-		  && htab->sgotloc != NULL);
-      /* Set the contents of the .interp section to the interpreter.  */
-      if (info->executable)
-	{
-	  s = bfd_get_linker_section (dynobj, ".interp");
-	  if (s == NULL)
-	    abort ();
-	  s->size = sizeof ELF_DYNAMIC_INTERPRETER;
-	  s->contents = (unsigned char *) ELF_DYNAMIC_INTERPRETER;
-	}
-      /* Allocate room for one word in ".got".  */
-      htab->sgot->size = 4;
-      /* Allocate space in ".rela.got" for literals that reference global
-	 symbols and space in ".rela.plt" for literals that have PLT
-	 entries.  */
-      elf_link_hash_traverse (elf_hash_table (info),
-			      elf_xtensa_allocate_dynrelocs,
-			      (void *) info);
-      /* If we are generating a shared object, we also need space in
-	 ".rela.got" for RZ_XTENSA_RELATIVE relocs for literals that
-	 reference local symbols.  */
-      if (info->shared)
-	elf_xtensa_allocate_local_got_size (info);
-      /* Allocate space in ".plt" to match the size of ".rela.plt".  For
-	 each PLT entry, we need the PLT code plus a 4-byte literal.
-	 For each chunk of ".plt", we also need two more 4-byte
-	 literals, two corresponding entries in ".rela.got", and an
-	 8-byte entry in ".xt.lit.plt".  */
-      spltlittbl = htab->spltlittbl;
-      plt_entries = srelplt->size / sizeof (Elf32_External_Rela);
-      plt_chunks =
-      /* Iterate over all the PLT chunks, including any extra sections
-	 created earlier because the initial count of PLT relocations
-	 was an overestimate.  */
-      for (chunk = 0;
-	   (splt = elf_xtensa_get_plt_section (info, chunk)) != NULL;
-	   chunk++)
-	{
-	  int chunk_entries;
-	  sgotplt = elf_xtensa_get_gotplt_section (info, chunk);
-	  BFD_ASSERT (sgotplt != NULL);
-	  if (chunk < plt_chunks - 1)
-	    chunk_entries = PLT_ENTRIES_PER_CHUNK;
-	  else if (chunk == plt_chunks - 1)
-	    chunk_entries = plt_entries - (chunk * PLT_ENTRIES_PER_CHUNK);
-	  else
-	    chunk_entries = 0;
-	  if (chunk_entries != 0)
-	    {
-	      sgotplt->size = 4 * (chunk_entries + 2);
-	      splt->size = PLT_ENTRY_SIZE * chunk_entries;
-	      srelgot->size += 2 * sizeof (Elf32_External_Rela);
-	      spltlittbl->size += 8;
-	    }
-	  else
-	    {
-	      sgotplt->size = 0;
-	      splt->size = 0;
-	    }
-	}
-      /* Allocate space in ".got.loc" to match the total size of all the
-	 literal tables.  */
-      sgotloc = htab->sgotloc;
-      sgotloc->size = spltlittbl->size;
-      for (abfd = info->input_bfds; abfd != NULL; abfd = abfd->link.next)
-	{
-	  if (abfd->flags & DYNAMIC)
-	    continue;
-	  for (s = abfd->sections; s != NULL; s = s->next)
-	    {
-	      if (! discarded_section (s)
-		  && xtensa_is_littable_section (s)
-		  && s != spltlittbl)
-		sgotloc->size += s->size;
-	    }
-	}
-    }
-  /* Allocate memory for dynamic sections.  */
-  relplt = FALSE;
-  relgot = FALSE;
-  for (s = dynobj->sections; s != NULL; s = s->next)
-    {
-      const char *name;
-      if ((s->flags & SEC_LINKER_CREATED) == 0)
-	continue;
-      /* It's OK to base decisions on the section name, because none
-	 of the dynobj section names depend upon the input files.  */
-      name = bfd_get_section_name (dynobj, s);
-      if (CONST_STRNEQ (name, ".rela"))
-	{
-	  if (s->size != 0)
-	    {
-	      if (strcmp (name, ".rela.plt") == 0)
-		relplt = TRUE;
-	      else if (strcmp (name, ".rela.got") == 0)
-		relgot = TRUE;
-	      /* We use the reloc_count field as a counter if we need
-		 to copy relocs into the output file.  */
-	      s->reloc_count = 0;
-	    }
-	}
-      else if (! CONST_STRNEQ (name, ".plt.")
-	       && ! CONST_STRNEQ (name, ".got.plt.")
-	       && strcmp (name, ".got") != 0
-	       && strcmp (name, ".plt") != 0
-	       && strcmp (name, ".got.plt") != 0
-	       && strcmp (name, ".xt.lit.plt") != 0
-	       && strcmp (name, ".got.loc") != 0)
-	{
-	  /* It's not one of our sections, so don't allocate space.  */
-	  continue;
-	}
-      if (s->size == 0)
-	{
-	  /* If we don't need this section, strip it from the output
-	     file.  We must create the ".plt*" and ".got.plt*"
-	     sections in create_dynamic_sections and/or check_relocs
-	     based on a conservative estimate of the PLT relocation
-	     count, because the sections must be created before the
-	     linker maps input sections to output sections.  The
-	     linker does that before size_dynamic_sections, where we
-	     compute the exact size of the PLT, so there may be more
-	     of these sections than are actually needed.  */
-	  s->flags |= SEC_EXCLUDE;
-	}
-      else if ((s->flags & SEC_HAS_CONTENTS) != 0)
-	{
-	  /* Allocate memory for the section contents.  */
-	  s->contents = (bfd_byte *) bfd_zalloc (dynobj, s->size);
-	  if (s->contents == NULL)
-	    return FALSE;
-	}
-    }
-  if (elf_hash_table (info)->dynamic_sections_created)
-    {
-      /* Add the special XTENSA_RTLD relocations now.  The offsets won't be
-	 known until finish_dynamic_sections, but we need to get the relocs
-	 in place before they are sorted.  */
-      for (chunk = 0; chunk < plt_chunks; chunk++)
-	{
-	  Elf_Internal_Rela irela;
-	  bfd_byte *loc;
-	  irela.rz_offset = 0;
-	  irela.rz_info = ELF32_R_INFO (0, RZ_XTENSA_RTLD);
-	  irela.rz_addend = 0;
-	  loc = (srelgot->contents
-		 + srelgot->reloc_count * sizeof (Elf32_External_Rela));
-	  bfd_elf32_swap_reloca_out (output_bfd, &irela, loc);
-	  bfd_elf32_swap_reloca_out (output_bfd, &irela,
-				     loc + sizeof (Elf32_External_Rela));
-	  srelgot->reloc_count += 2;
-	}
-      /* Add some entries to the .dynamic section.  We fill in the
-	 values later, in elf_xtensa_finish_dynamic_sections, but we
-	 must add the entries now so that we get the correct size for
-	 the .dynamic section.  The DT_DEBUG entry is filled in by the
-	 dynamic linker and used by the debugger.  */
-#define add_dynamic_entry(TAG, VAL) \
-  _bfd_elf_add_dynamic_entry (info, TAG, VAL)
-      if (info->executable)
-	{
-	  if (!add_dynamic_entry (DT_DEBUG, 0))
-	    return FALSE;
-	}
-      if (relplt)
-	{
-	  if (!add_dynamic_entry (DT_PLTRELSZ, 0)
-	      || !add_dynamic_entry (DT_PLTREL, DT_RELA)
-	      || !add_dynamic_entry (DT_JMPREL, 0))
-	    return FALSE;
-	}
-      if (relgot)
-	{
-	  if (!add_dynamic_entry (DT_RELA, 0)
-	      || !add_dynamic_entry (DT_RELASZ, 0)
-	      || !add_dynamic_entry (DT_RELAENT, sizeof (Elf32_External_Rela)))
-	    return FALSE;
-	}
-      if (!add_dynamic_entry (DT_PLTGOT, 0)
-	  || !add_dynamic_entry (DT_XTENSA_GOT_LOC_OFF, 0)
-	  || !add_dynamic_entry (DT_XTENSA_GOT_LOC_SZ, 0))
-	return FALSE;
-    }
-#undef add_dynamic_entry
-  return TRUE;
-static bfd_boolean
-elf_xtensa_always_size_sections (bfd *output_bfd,
-				 struct bfd_link_info *info)
-  struct elf_xtensa_link_hash_table *htab;
-  asection *tls_sec;
-  htab = elf_xtensa_hash_table (info);
-  if (htab == NULL)
-    return FALSE;
-  tls_sec = htab->elf.tls_sec;
-  if (tls_sec && (htab->tlsbase->tls_type & GOT_TLS_ANY) != 0)
-    {
-      struct elf_link_hash_entry *tlsbase = &htab->tlsbase->elf;
-      struct bfd_link_hash_entry *bh = &tlsbase->root;
-      const struct elf_backend_data *bed = get_elf_backend_data (output_bfd);
-      tlsbase->type = STT_TLS;
-      if (!(_bfd_generic_link_add_one_symbol
-	    (info, output_bfd, "_TLS_MODULE_BASE_", BSF_LOCAL,
-	     tls_sec, 0, NULL, FALSE,
-	     bed->collect, &bh)))
-	return FALSE;
-      tlsbase->def_regular = 1;
-      tlsbase->other = STV_HIDDEN;
-      (*bed->elf_backend_hide_symbol) (info, tlsbase, TRUE);
-    }
-  return TRUE;
-/* Return the base VMA address which should be subtracted from real addresses
-   when resolving @dtpoff relocation.
-   This is PT_TLS segment p_vaddr.  */
-static bfd_vma
-dtpoff_base (struct bfd_link_info *info)
-  /* If tls_sec is NULL, we should have signalled an error already.  */
-  if (elf_hash_table (info)->tls_sec == NULL)
-    return 0;
-  return elf_hash_table (info)->tls_sec->vma;
-/* Return the relocation value for @tpoff relocation
-   if STT_TLS virtual address is ADDRESS.  */
-static bfd_vma
-tpoff (struct bfd_link_info *info, bfd_vma address)
-  struct elf_link_hash_table *htab = elf_hash_table (info);
-  bfd_vma base;
-  /* If tls_sec is NULL, we should have signalled an error already.  */
-  if (htab->tls_sec == NULL)
-    return 0;
-  base = align_power ((bfd_vma) TCB_SIZE, htab->tls_sec->alignment_power);
-  return address - htab->tls_sec->vma + base;
-/* Perform the specified relocation.  The instruction at (contents + address)
-   is modified to set one operand to represent the value in "relocation".  The
-   operand position is determined by the relocation type recorded in the
-   howto.  */
-#define CALL_SEGMENT_BITS (30)
-static bfd_reloc_status_type
-elf_xtensa_do_reloc (reloc_howto_type *howto,
-		     bfd *abfd,
-		     asection *input_section,
-		     bfd_vma relocation,
-		     bfd_byte *contents,
-		     bfd_vma address,
-		     bfd_boolean is_weak_undef,
-		     char **error_message)
-  xtensa_format fmt;
-  xtensa_opcode opcode;
-  xtensa_isa isa = xtensa_default_isa;
-  static xtensa_insnbuf ibuff = NULL;
-  static xtensa_insnbuf sbuff = NULL;
-  bfd_vma self_address;
-  bfd_size_type input_size;
-  int opnd, slot;
-  uint32 newval;
-  if (!ibuff)
-    {
-      ibuff = xtensa_insnbuf_alloc (isa);
-      sbuff = xtensa_insnbuf_alloc (isa);
-    }
-  input_size = bfd_get_section_limit (abfd, input_section);
-  /* Calculate the PC address for this instruction.  */
-  self_address = (input_section->output_section->vma
-		  + input_section->output_offset
-		  + address);
-  switch (howto->type)
-    {
-    case RZ_XTENSA_NONE:
-    case RZ_XTENSA_DIFF8:
-    case RZ_XTENSA_DIFF16:
-    case RZ_XTENSA_DIFF32:
-    case RZ_XTENSA_TLS_ARG:
-      return bfd_reloc_ok;
-      if (!is_weak_undef)
-	{
-	  /* Check for windowed CALL across a 1GB boundary.  */
-	  opcode = get_expanded_call_opcode (contents + address,
-					     input_size - address, 0);
-	  if (is_windowed_call_opcode (opcode))
-	    {
-	      if ((self_address >> CALL_SEGMENT_BITS)
-		  != (relocation >> CALL_SEGMENT_BITS))
-		{
-		  *error_message = "windowed longcall crosses 1GB boundary; "
-		    "return may fail";
-		  return bfd_reloc_dangerous;
-		}
-	    }
-	}
-      return bfd_reloc_ok;
-      {
-        /* Convert the L32R/CALLX to CALL.  */
-	bfd_reloc_status_type retval =
-	  elf_xtensa_do_asm_simplify (contents, address, input_size,
-				      error_message);
-	if (retval != bfd_reloc_ok)
-	  return bfd_reloc_dangerous;
-	/* The CALL needs to be relocated.  Continue below for that part.  */
-	address += 3;
-	self_address += 3;
-	howto = &elf_howto_table[(unsigned) RZ_XTENSA_SLOT0_OP ];
-      }
-      break;
-    case RZ_XTENSA_32:
-      {
-	bfd_vma x;
-	x = bfd_get_32 (abfd, contents + address);
-	x = x + relocation;
-	bfd_put_32 (abfd, x, contents + address);
-      }
-      return bfd_reloc_ok;
-    case RZ_XTENSA_32_PCREL:
-      bfd_put_32 (abfd, relocation - self_address, contents + address);
-      return bfd_reloc_ok;
-    case RZ_XTENSA_PLT:
-      bfd_put_32 (abfd, relocation, contents + address);
-      return bfd_reloc_ok;
-    }
-  /* Only instruction slot-specific relocations handled below.... */
-  slot = get_relocation_slot (howto->type);
-  if (slot == XTENSA_UNDEFINED)
-    {
-      *error_message = "unexpected relocation";
-      return bfd_reloc_dangerous;
-    }
-  /* Read the instruction into a buffer and decode the opcode.  */
-  xtensa_insnbuf_from_chars (isa, ibuff, contents + address,
-			     input_size - address);
-  fmt = xtensa_format_decode (isa, ibuff);
-  if (fmt == XTENSA_UNDEFINED)
-    {
-      *error_message = "cannot decode instruction format";
-      return bfd_reloc_dangerous;
-    }
-  xtensa_format_get_slot (isa, fmt, slot, ibuff, sbuff);
-  opcode = xtensa_opcode_decode (isa, fmt, slot, sbuff);
-  if (opcode == XTENSA_UNDEFINED)
-    {
-      *error_message = "cannot decode instruction opcode";
-      return bfd_reloc_dangerous;
-    }
-  /* Check for opcode-specific "alternate" relocations.  */
-  if (is_alt_relocation (howto->type))
-    {
-      if (opcode == get_l32r_opcode ())
-	{
-	  /* Handle the special-case of non-PC-relative L32R instructions.  */
-	  bfd *output_bfd = input_section->output_section->owner;
-	  asection *lit4_sec = bfd_get_section_by_name (output_bfd, ".lit4");
-	  if (!lit4_sec)
-	    {
-	      *error_message = "relocation references missing .lit4 section";
-	      return bfd_reloc_dangerous;
-	    }
-	  self_address = ((lit4_sec->vma & ~0xfff)
-			  + 0x40000 - 3); /* -3 to compensate for do_reloc */
-	  newval = relocation;
-	  opnd = 1;
-	}
-      else if (opcode == get_const16_opcode ())
-	{
-	  /* ALT used for high 16 bits.  */
-	  newval = relocation >> 16;
-	  opnd = 1;
-	}
-      else
-	{
-	  /* No other "alternate" relocations currently defined.  */
-	  *error_message = "unexpected relocation";
-	  return bfd_reloc_dangerous;
-	}
-    }
-  else /* Not an "alternate" relocation.... */
-    {
-      if (opcode == get_const16_opcode ())
-	{
-	  newval = relocation & 0xffff;
-	  opnd = 1;
-	}
-      else
-	{
-	  /* ...normal PC-relative relocation.... */
-	  /* Determine which operand is being relocated.  */
-	  opnd = get_relocation_opnd (opcode, howto->type);
-	  if (opnd == XTENSA_UNDEFINED)
-	    {
-	      *error_message = "unexpected relocation";
-	      return bfd_reloc_dangerous;
-	    }
-	  if (!howto->pc_relative)
-	    {
-	      *error_message = "expected PC-relative relocation";
-	      return bfd_reloc_dangerous;
-	    }
-	  newval = relocation;
-	}
-    }
-  /* Apply the relocation.  */
-  if (xtensa_operand_do_reloc (isa, opcode, opnd, &newval, self_address)
-      || xtensa_operand_encode (isa, opcode, opnd, &newval)
-      || xtensa_operand_set_field (isa, opcode, opnd, fmt, slot,
-				   sbuff, newval))
-    {
-      const char *opname = xtensa_opcode_name (isa, opcode);
-      const char *msg;
-      msg = "cannot encode";
-      if (is_direct_call_opcode (opcode))
-	{
-	  if ((relocation & 0x3) != 0)
-	    msg = "misaligned call target";
-	  else
-	    msg = "call target out of range";
-	}
-      else if (opcode == get_l32r_opcode ())
-	{
-	  if ((relocation & 0x3) != 0)
-	    msg = "misaligned literal target";
-	  else if (is_alt_relocation (howto->type))
-	    msg = "literal target out of range (too many literals)";
-	  else if (self_address > relocation)
-	    msg = "literal target out of range (try using text-section-literals)";
-	  else
-	    msg = "literal placed after use";
-	}
-      *error_message = vsprint_msg (opname, ": %s", strlen (msg) + 2, msg);
-      return bfd_reloc_dangerous;
-    }
-  /* Check for calls across 1GB boundaries.  */
-  if (is_direct_call_opcode (opcode)
-      && is_windowed_call_opcode (opcode))
-    {
-      if ((self_address >> CALL_SEGMENT_BITS)
-	  != (relocation >> CALL_SEGMENT_BITS))
-	{
-	  *error_message =
-	    "windowed call crosses 1GB boundary; return may fail";
-	  return bfd_reloc_dangerous;
-	}
-    }
-  /* Write the modified instruction back out of the buffer.  */
-  xtensa_format_set_slot (isa, fmt, slot, ibuff, sbuff);
-  xtensa_insnbuf_to_chars (isa, ibuff, contents + address,
-			   input_size - address);
-  return bfd_reloc_ok;
-static char *
-vsprint_msg (const char *origmsg, const char *fmt, int arglen, ...)
-  /* To reduce the size of the memory leak,
-     we only use a single message buffer.  */
-  static bfd_size_type alloc_size = 0;
-  static char *message = NULL;
-  bfd_size_type orig_len, len = 0;
-  bfd_boolean is_append;
-  va_list ap;
-  va_start (ap, arglen);
-  is_append = (origmsg == message);
-  orig_len = strlen (origmsg);
-  len = orig_len + strlen (fmt) + arglen + 20;
-  if (len > alloc_size)
-    {
-      message = (char *) bfd_realloc_or_free (message, len);
-      alloc_size = len;
-    }
-  if (message != NULL)
-    {
-      if (!is_append)
-	memcpy (message, origmsg, orig_len);
-      vsprintf (message + orig_len, fmt, ap);
-    }
-  va_end (ap);
-  return message;
-/* This function is registered as the "special_function" in the
-   Xtensa howto for handling simplify operations.
-   bfd_perform_relocation / bfd_install_relocation use it to
-   perform (install) the specified relocation.  Since this replaces the code
-   in bfd_perform_relocation, it is basically an Xtensa-specific,
-   stripped-down version of bfd_perform_relocation.  */
-static bfd_reloc_status_type
-bfd_elf_xtensa_reloc (bfd *abfd,
-		      arelent *reloc_entry,
-		      asymbol *symbol,
-		      void *data,
-		      asection *input_section,
-		      bfd *output_bfd,
-		      char **error_message)
-  bfd_vma relocation;
-  bfd_reloc_status_type flag;
-  bfd_size_type octets = reloc_entry->address * bfd_octets_per_byte (abfd);
-  bfd_vma output_base = 0;
-  reloc_howto_type *howto = reloc_entry->howto;
-  asection *reloc_target_output_section;
-  bfd_boolean is_weak_undef;
-  if (!xtensa_default_isa)
-    xtensa_default_isa = xtensa_isa_init (0, 0);
-  /* ELF relocs are against symbols.  If we are producing relocatable
-     output, and the reloc is against an external symbol, the resulting
-     reloc will also be against the same symbol.  In such a case, we
-     don't want to change anything about the way the reloc is handled,
-     since it will all be done at final link time.  This test is similar
-     to what bfd_elf_generic_reloc does except that it lets relocs with
-     howto->partial_inplace go through even if the addend is non-zero.
-     (The real problem is that partial_inplace is set for XTENSA_32
-     relocs to begin with, but that's a long story and there's little we
-     can do about it now....)  */
-  if (output_bfd && (symbol->flags & BSF_SECTION_SYM) == 0)
-    {
-      reloc_entry->address += input_section->output_offset;
-      return bfd_reloc_ok;
-    }
-  /* Is the address of the relocation really within the section?  */
-  if (reloc_entry->address > bfd_get_section_limit (abfd, input_section))
-    return bfd_reloc_outofrange;
-  /* Work out which section the relocation is targeted at and the
-     initial relocation command value.  */
-  /* Get symbol value.  (Common symbols are special.)  */
-  if (bfd_is_com_section (symbol->section))
-    relocation = 0;
-  else
-    relocation = symbol->value;
-  reloc_target_output_section = symbol->section->output_section;
-  /* Convert input-section-relative symbol value to absolute.  */
-  if ((output_bfd && !howto->partial_inplace)
-      || reloc_target_output_section == NULL)
-    output_base = 0;
-  else
-    output_base = reloc_target_output_section->vma;
-  relocation += output_base + symbol->section->output_offset;
-  /* Add in supplied addend.  */
-  relocation += reloc_entry->addend;
-  /* Here the variable relocation holds the final address of the
-     symbol we are relocating against, plus any addend.  */
-  if (output_bfd)
-    {
-      if (!howto->partial_inplace)
-	{
-	  /* This is a partial relocation, and we want to apply the relocation
-	     to the reloc entry rather than the raw data.  Everything except
-	     relocations against section symbols has already been handled
-	     above.  */
-	  BFD_ASSERT (symbol->flags & BSF_SECTION_SYM);
-	  reloc_entry->addend = relocation;
-	  reloc_entry->address += input_section->output_offset;
-	  return bfd_reloc_ok;
-	}
-      else
-	{
-	  reloc_entry->address += input_section->output_offset;
-	  reloc_entry->addend = 0;
-	}
-    }
-  is_weak_undef = (bfd_is_und_section (symbol->section)
-		   && (symbol->flags & BSF_WEAK) != 0);
-  flag = elf_xtensa_do_reloc (howto, abfd, input_section, relocation,
-			      (bfd_byte *) data, (bfd_vma) octets,
-			      is_weak_undef, error_message);
-  if (flag == bfd_reloc_dangerous)
-    {
-      /* Add the symbol name to the error message.  */
-      if (! *error_message)
-	*error_message = "";
-      *error_message = vsprint_msg (*error_message, ": (%s + 0x%lx)",
-				    strlen (symbol->name) + 17,
-				    symbol->name,
-				    (unsigned long) reloc_entry->addend);
-    }
-  return flag;
-/* Set up an entry in the procedure linkage table.  */
-static bfd_vma
-elf_xtensa_create_plt_entry (struct bfd_link_info *info,
-			     bfd *output_bfd,
-			     unsigned reloc_index)
-  asection *splt, *sgotplt;
-  bfd_vma plt_base, got_base;
-  bfd_vma code_offset, lit_offset;
-  int chunk;
-  chunk = reloc_index / PLT_ENTRIES_PER_CHUNK;
-  splt = elf_xtensa_get_plt_section (info, chunk);
-  sgotplt = elf_xtensa_get_gotplt_section (info, chunk);
-  BFD_ASSERT (splt != NULL && sgotplt != NULL);
-  plt_base = splt->output_section->vma + splt->output_offset;
-  got_base = sgotplt->output_section->vma + sgotplt->output_offset;
-  lit_offset = 8 + (reloc_index % PLT_ENTRIES_PER_CHUNK) * 4;
-  code_offset = (reloc_index % PLT_ENTRIES_PER_CHUNK) * PLT_ENTRY_SIZE;
-  /* Fill in the literal entry.  This is the offset of the dynamic
-     relocation entry.  */
-  bfd_put_32 (output_bfd, reloc_index * sizeof (Elf32_External_Rela),
-	      sgotplt->contents + lit_offset);
-  /* Fill in the entry in the procedure linkage table.  */
-  memcpy (splt->contents + code_offset,
-	  (bfd_big_endian (output_bfd)
-	   ? elf_xtensa_be_plt_entry
-	   : elf_xtensa_le_plt_entry),
-  bfd_put_16 (output_bfd, l32r_offset (got_base + 0,
-				       plt_base + code_offset + 3),
-	      splt->contents + code_offset + 4);
-  bfd_put_16 (output_bfd, l32r_offset (got_base + 4,
-				       plt_base + code_offset + 6),
-	      splt->contents + code_offset + 7);
-  bfd_put_16 (output_bfd, l32r_offset (got_base + lit_offset,
-				       plt_base + code_offset + 9),
-	      splt->contents + code_offset + 10);
-  return plt_base + code_offset;
-static bfd_boolean get_indirect_call_dest_reg (xtensa_opcode, unsigned *);
-static bfd_boolean
-replace_tls_insn (Elf_Internal_Rela *rel,
-		  bfd *abfd,
-		  asection *input_section,
-		  bfd_byte *contents,
-		  bfd_boolean is_ld_model,
-		  char **error_message)
-  static xtensa_insnbuf ibuff = NULL;
-  static xtensa_insnbuf sbuff = NULL;
-  xtensa_isa isa = xtensa_default_isa;
-  xtensa_format fmt;
-  xtensa_opcode old_op, new_op;
-  bfd_size_type input_size;
-  int rz_type;
-  unsigned dest_reg, src_reg;
-  if (ibuff == NULL)
-    {
-      ibuff = xtensa_insnbuf_alloc (isa);
-      sbuff = xtensa_insnbuf_alloc (isa);
-    }
-  input_size = bfd_get_section_limit (abfd, input_section);
-  /* Read the instruction into a buffer and decode the opcode.  */
-  xtensa_insnbuf_from_chars (isa, ibuff, contents + rel->rz_offset,
-			     input_size - rel->rz_offset);
-  fmt = xtensa_format_decode (isa, ibuff);
-  if (fmt == XTENSA_UNDEFINED)
-    {
-      *error_message = "cannot decode instruction format";
-      return FALSE;
-    }
-  BFD_ASSERT (xtensa_format_num_slots (isa, fmt) == 1);
-  xtensa_format_get_slot (isa, fmt, 0, ibuff, sbuff);
-  old_op = xtensa_opcode_decode (isa, fmt, 0, sbuff);
-  if (old_op == XTENSA_UNDEFINED)
-    {
-      *error_message = "cannot decode instruction opcode";
-      return FALSE;
-    }
-  rz_type = ELF32_R_TYPE (rel->rz_info);
-  switch (rz_type)
-    {
-    case RZ_XTENSA_TLS_ARG:
-      if (old_op != get_l32r_opcode ()
-	  || xtensa_operand_get_field (isa, old_op, 0, fmt, 0,
-				       sbuff, &dest_reg) != 0)
-	{
-	  *error_message = "cannot extract L32R destination for TLS access";
-	  return FALSE;
-	}
-      break;
-      if (! get_indirect_call_dest_reg (old_op, &dest_reg)
-	  || xtensa_operand_get_field (isa, old_op, 0, fmt, 0,
-				       sbuff, &src_reg) != 0)
-	{
-	  *error_message = "cannot extract CALLXn operands for TLS access";
-	  return FALSE;
-	}
-      break;
-    default:
-      abort ();
-    }
-  if (is_ld_model)
-    {
-      switch (rz_type)
-	{
-	  /* Change the instruction to a NOP (or "OR a1, a1, a1" for older
-	     versions of Xtensa).  */
-	  new_op = xtensa_opcode_lookup (isa, "nop");
-	  if (new_op == XTENSA_UNDEFINED)
-	    {
-	      new_op = xtensa_opcode_lookup (isa, "or");
-	      if (new_op == XTENSA_UNDEFINED
-		  || xtensa_opcode_encode (isa, fmt, 0, sbuff, new_op) != 0
-		  || xtensa_operand_set_field (isa, new_op, 0, fmt, 0,
-					       sbuff, 1) != 0
-		  || xtensa_operand_set_field (isa, new_op, 1, fmt, 0,
-					       sbuff, 1) != 0
-		  || xtensa_operand_set_field (isa, new_op, 2, fmt, 0,
-					       sbuff, 1) != 0)
-		{
-		  *error_message = "cannot encode OR for TLS access";
-		  return FALSE;
-		}
-	    }
-	  else
-	    {
-	      if (xtensa_opcode_encode (isa, fmt, 0, sbuff, new_op) != 0)
-		{
-		  *error_message = "cannot encode NOP for TLS access";
-		  return FALSE;
-		}
-	    }
-	  break;
-	  /* Read THREADPTR into the CALLX's return value register.  */
-	  new_op = xtensa_opcode_lookup (isa, "rur.threadptr");
-	  if (new_op == XTENSA_UNDEFINED
-	      || xtensa_opcode_encode (isa, fmt, 0, sbuff, new_op) != 0
-	      || xtensa_operand_set_field (isa, new_op, 0, fmt, 0,
-					   sbuff, dest_reg + 2) != 0)
-	    {
-	      *error_message = "cannot encode RUR.THREADPTR for TLS access";
-	      return FALSE;
-	    }
-	  break;
-	}
-    }
-  else
-    {
-      switch (rz_type)
-	{
-	  new_op = xtensa_opcode_lookup (isa, "rur.threadptr");
-	  if (new_op == XTENSA_UNDEFINED
-	      || xtensa_opcode_encode (isa, fmt, 0, sbuff, new_op) != 0
-	      || xtensa_operand_set_field (isa, new_op, 0, fmt, 0,
-					   sbuff, dest_reg) != 0)
-	    {
-	      *error_message = "cannot encode RUR.THREADPTR for TLS access";
-	      return FALSE;
-	    }
-	  break;
-	  /* Nothing to do.  Keep the original L32R instruction.  */
-	  return TRUE;
-	  /* Add the CALLX's src register (holding the THREADPTR value)
-	     to the first argument register (holding the offset) and put
-	     the result in the CALLX's return value register.  */
-	  new_op = xtensa_opcode_lookup (isa, "add");
-	  if (new_op == XTENSA_UNDEFINED
-	      || xtensa_opcode_encode (isa, fmt, 0, sbuff, new_op) != 0
-	      || xtensa_operand_set_field (isa, new_op, 0, fmt, 0,
-					   sbuff, dest_reg + 2) != 0
-	      || xtensa_operand_set_field (isa, new_op, 1, fmt, 0,
-					   sbuff, dest_reg + 2) != 0
-	      || xtensa_operand_set_field (isa, new_op, 2, fmt, 0,
-					   sbuff, src_reg) != 0)
-	    {
-	      *error_message = "cannot encode ADD for TLS access";
-	      return FALSE;
-	    }
-	  break;
-	}
-    }
-  xtensa_format_set_slot (isa, fmt, 0, ibuff, sbuff);
-  xtensa_insnbuf_to_chars (isa, ibuff, contents + rel->rz_offset,
-                           input_size - rel->rz_offset);
-  return TRUE;
-/* Relocate an Xtensa ELF section.  This is invoked by the linker for
-   both relocatable and final links.  */
-static bfd_boolean
-elf_xtensa_relocate_section (bfd *output_bfd,
-			     struct bfd_link_info *info,
-			     bfd *input_bfd,
-			     asection *input_section,
-			     bfd_byte *contents,
-			     Elf_Internal_Rela *relocs,
-			     Elf_Internal_Sym *local_syms,
-			     asection **local_sections)
-  struct elf_xtensa_link_hash_table *htab;
-  Elf_Internal_Shdr *symtab_hdr;
-  Elf_Internal_Rela *rel;
-  Elf_Internal_Rela *relend;
-  struct elf_link_hash_entry **sym_hashes;
-  property_table_entry *lit_table = 0;
-  int ltblsize = 0;
-  char *local_got_tls_types;
-  char *error_message = NULL;
-  bfd_size_type input_size;
-  int tls_type;
-  if (!xtensa_default_isa)
-    xtensa_default_isa = xtensa_isa_init (0, 0);
-  BFD_ASSERT (is_xtensa_elf (input_bfd));
-  htab = elf_xtensa_hash_table (info);
-  if (htab == NULL)
-    return FALSE;
-  symtab_hdr = &elf_tdata (input_bfd)->symtab_hdr;
-  sym_hashes = elf_sym_hashes (input_bfd);
-  local_got_tls_types = elf_xtensa_local_got_tls_type (input_bfd);
-  if (elf_hash_table (info)->dynamic_sections_created)
-    {
-      ltblsize = xtensa_read_table_entries (input_bfd, input_section,
-					    &lit_table, XTENSA_LIT_SEC_NAME,
-					    TRUE);
-      if (ltblsize < 0)
-	return FALSE;
-    }
-  input_size = bfd_get_section_limit (input_bfd, input_section);
-  rel = relocs;
-  relend = relocs + input_section->reloc_count;
-  for (; rel < relend; rel++)
-    {
-      int rz_type;
-      reloc_howto_type *howto;
-      unsigned long rz_symndx;
-      struct elf_link_hash_entry *h;
-      Elf_Internal_Sym *sym;
-      char sym_type;
-      const char *name;
-      asection *sec;
-      bfd_vma relocation;
-      bfd_reloc_status_type r;
-      bfd_boolean is_weak_undef;
-      bfd_boolean unresolved_reloc;
-      bfd_boolean warned;
-      bfd_boolean dynamic_symbol;
-      rz_type = ELF32_R_TYPE (rel->rz_info);
-      if (rz_type == (int) RZ_XTENSA_GNU_VTINHERIT
-	  || rz_type == (int) RZ_XTENSA_GNU_VTENTRY)
-	continue;
-      if (rz_type < 0 || rz_type >= (int) RZ_XTENSA_max)
-	{
-	  bfd_set_error (bfd_error_bad_value);
-	  return FALSE;
-	}
-      howto = &elf_howto_table[rz_type];
-      rz_symndx = ELF32_R_SYM (rel->rz_info);
-      h = NULL;
-      sym = NULL;
-      sec = NULL;
-      is_weak_undef = FALSE;
-      unresolved_reloc = FALSE;
-      warned = FALSE;
-      if (howto->partial_inplace && !info->relocatable)
-	{
-	  /* Because RZ_XTENSA_32 was made partial_inplace to fix some
-	     problems with DWARF info in partial links, there may be
-	     an addend stored in the contents.  Take it out of there
-	     and move it back into the addend field of the reloc.  */
-	  rel->rz_addend += bfd_get_32 (input_bfd, contents + rel->rz_offset);
-	  bfd_put_32 (input_bfd, 0, contents + rel->rz_offset);
-	}
-      if (rz_symndx < symtab_hdr->sh_info)
-	{
-	  sym = local_syms + rz_symndx;
-	  sym_type = ELF32_ST_TYPE (sym->st_info);
-	  sec = local_sections[rz_symndx];
-	  relocation = _bfd_elf_rela_local_sym (output_bfd, sym, &sec, rel);
-	}
-      else
-	{
-	  bfd_boolean ignored;
-	  RELOC_FOR_GLOBAL_SYMBOL (info, input_bfd, input_section, rel,
-				   rz_symndx, symtab_hdr, sym_hashes,
-				   h, sec, relocation,
-				   unresolved_reloc, warned, ignored);
-	  if (relocation == 0
-	      && !unresolved_reloc
-	      && h->root.type == bfd_link_hash_undefweak)
-	    is_weak_undef = TRUE;
-	  sym_type = h->type;
-	}
-      if (sec != NULL && discarded_section (sec))
-	RELOC_AGAINST_DISCARDED_SECTION (info, input_bfd, input_section,
-					 rel, 1, relend, howto, 0, contents);
-      if (info->relocatable)
-	{
-	  bfd_vma dest_addr;
-	  asection * sym_sec = get_elf_r_symndx_section (input_bfd, rz_symndx);
-	  /* This is a relocatable link.
-	     1) If the reloc is against a section symbol, adjust
-	     according to the output section.
-	     2) If there is a new target for this relocation,
-	     the new target will be in the same output section.
-	     We adjust the relocation by the output section
-	     difference.  */
-	  if (relaxing_section)
-	    {
-	      /* Check if this references a section in another input file.  */
-	      if (!do_fix_for_relocatable_link (rel, input_bfd, input_section,
-						contents))
-		return FALSE;
-	    }
-	  dest_addr = sym_sec->output_section->vma + sym_sec->output_offset
-	    + get_elf_r_symndx_offset (input_bfd, rz_symndx) + rel->rz_addend;
-	  if (rz_type == RZ_XTENSA_ASM_SIMPLIFY)
-	    {
-	      error_message = NULL;
-	      /* Convert ASM_SIMPLIFY into the simpler relocation
-		 so that they never escape a relaxing link.  */
-	      r = contract_asm_expansion (contents, input_size, rel,
-					  &error_message);
-	      if (r != bfd_reloc_ok)
-		{
-		  if (!((*info->callbacks->reloc_dangerous)
-			(info, error_message, input_bfd, input_section,
-			 rel->rz_offset)))
-		    return FALSE;
-		}
-	      rz_type = ELF32_R_TYPE (rel->rz_info);
-	    }
-	  /* This is a relocatable link, so we don't have to change
-	     anything unless the reloc is against a section symbol,
-	     in which case we have to adjust according to where the
-	     section symbol winds up in the output section.  */
-	  if (rz_symndx < symtab_hdr->sh_info)
-	    {
-	      sym = local_syms + rz_symndx;
-	      if (ELF_ST_TYPE (sym->st_info) == STT_SECTION)
-		{
-		  sec = local_sections[rz_symndx];
-		  rel->rz_addend += sec->output_offset + sym->st_value;
-		}
-	    }
-	  /* If there is an addend with a partial_inplace howto,
-	     then move the addend to the contents.  This is a hack
-	     to work around problems with DWARF in relocatable links
-	     with some previous version of BFD.  Now we can't easily get
-	     rid of the hack without breaking backward compatibility.... */
-	  r = bfd_reloc_ok;
-	  howto = &elf_howto_table[rz_type];
-	  if (howto->partial_inplace && rel->rz_addend)
-	    {
-	      r = elf_xtensa_do_reloc (howto, input_bfd, input_section,
-				       rel->rz_addend, contents,
-				       rel->rz_offset, FALSE,
-				       &error_message);
-	      rel->rz_addend = 0;
-	    }
-	  else
-	    {
-	      /* Put the correct bits in the target instruction, even
-		 though the relocation will still be present in the output
-		 file.  This makes disassembly clearer, as well as
-		 allowing loadable kernel modules to work without needing
-		 relocations on anything other than calls and l32r's.  */
-	      /* If it is not in the same section, there is nothing we can do.  */
-	      if (rz_type >= RZ_XTENSA_SLOT0_OP && rz_type <= RZ_XTENSA_SLOT14_OP &&
-		  sym_sec->output_section == input_section->output_section)
-		{
-		  r = elf_xtensa_do_reloc (howto, input_bfd, input_section,
-					   dest_addr, contents,
-					   rel->rz_offset, FALSE,
-					   &error_message);
-		}
-	    }
-	  if (r != bfd_reloc_ok)
-	    {
-	      if (!((*info->callbacks->reloc_dangerous)
-		    (info, error_message, input_bfd, input_section,
-		     rel->rz_offset)))
-		return FALSE;
-	    }
-	  /* Done with work for relocatable link; continue with next reloc.  */
-	  continue;
-	}
-      /* This is a final link.  */
-      if (relaxing_section)
-	{
-	  /* Check if this references a section in another input file.  */
-	  do_fix_for_final_link (rel, input_bfd, input_section, contents,
-				 &relocation);
-	}
-      /* Sanity check the address.  */
-      if (rel->rz_offset >= input_size
-	  && ELF32_R_TYPE (rel->rz_info) != RZ_XTENSA_NONE)
-	{
-	  (*_bfd_error_handler)
-	    (_("%B(%A+0x%lx): relocation offset out of range (size=0x%x)"),
-	     input_bfd, input_section, rel->rz_offset, input_size);
-	  bfd_set_error (bfd_error_bad_value);
-	  return FALSE;
-	}
-      if (h != NULL)
-	name = h->root.root.string;
-      else
-	{
-	  name = (bfd_elf_string_from_elf_section
-		  (input_bfd, symtab_hdr->sh_link, sym->st_name));
-	  if (name == NULL || *name == '\0')
-	    name = bfd_section_name (input_bfd, sec);
-	}
-      if (rz_symndx != STN_UNDEF
-	  && rz_type != RZ_XTENSA_NONE
-	  && (h == NULL
-	      || h->root.type == bfd_link_hash_defined
-	      || h->root.type == bfd_link_hash_defweak)
-	  && IS_XTENSA_TLS_RELOC (rz_type) != (sym_type == STT_TLS))
-	{
-	  (*_bfd_error_handler)
-	    ((sym_type == STT_TLS
-	      ? _("%B(%A+0x%lx): %s used with TLS symbol %s")
-	      : _("%B(%A+0x%lx): %s used with non-TLS symbol %s")),
-	     input_bfd,
-	     input_section,
-	     (long) rel->rz_offset,
-	     howto->name,
-	     name);
-	}
-      dynamic_symbol = elf_xtensa_dynamic_symbol_p (h, info);
-      tls_type = GOT_UNKNOWN;
-      if (h)
-	tls_type = elf_xtensa_hash_entry (h)->tls_type;
-      else if (local_got_tls_types)
-	tls_type = local_got_tls_types [rz_symndx];
-      switch (rz_type)
-	{
-	case RZ_XTENSA_32:
-	  if (elf_hash_table (info)->dynamic_sections_created
-	      && (input_section->flags & SEC_ALLOC) != 0
-	      && (dynamic_symbol || info->shared))
-	    {
-	      Elf_Internal_Rela outrel;
-	      bfd_byte *loc;
-	      asection *srel;
-	      if (dynamic_symbol && rz_type == RZ_XTENSA_PLT)
-		srel = htab->srelplt;
-	      else
-		srel = htab->srelgot;
-	      BFD_ASSERT (srel != NULL);
-	      outrel.rz_offset =
-		_bfd_elf_section_offset (output_bfd, info,
-					 input_section, rel->rz_offset);
-	      if ((outrel.rz_offset | 1) == (bfd_vma) -1)
-		memset (&outrel, 0, sizeof outrel);
-	      else
-		{
-		  outrel.rz_offset += (input_section->output_section->vma
-				      + input_section->output_offset);
-		  /* Complain if the relocation is in a read-only section
-		     and not in a literal pool.  */
-		  if ((input_section->flags & SEC_READONLY) != 0
-		      && !elf_xtensa_in_literal_pool (lit_table, ltblsize,
-						      outrel.rz_offset))
-		    {
-		      error_message =
-			_("dynamic relocation in read-only section");
-		      if (!((*info->callbacks->reloc_dangerous)
-			    (info, error_message, input_bfd, input_section,
-			     rel->rz_offset)))
-			return FALSE;
-		    }
-		  if (dynamic_symbol)
-		    {
-		      outrel.rz_addend = rel->rz_addend;
-		      rel->rz_addend = 0;
-		      if (rz_type == RZ_XTENSA_32)
-			{
-			  outrel.rz_info =
-			    ELF32_R_INFO (h->dynindx, RZ_XTENSA_GLOB_DAT);
-			  relocation = 0;
-			}
-		      else /* rz_type == RZ_XTENSA_PLT */
-			{
-			  outrel.rz_info =
-			    ELF32_R_INFO (h->dynindx, RZ_XTENSA_JMP_SLOT);
-			  /* Create the PLT entry and set the initial
-			     contents of the literal entry to the address of
-			     the PLT entry.  */
-			  relocation =
-			    elf_xtensa_create_plt_entry (info, output_bfd,
-							 srel->reloc_count);
-			}
-		      unresolved_reloc = FALSE;
-		    }
-		  else
-		    {
-		      /* Generate a RELATIVE relocation.  */
-		      outrel.rz_info = ELF32_R_INFO (0, RZ_XTENSA_RELATIVE);
-		      outrel.rz_addend = 0;
-		    }
-		}
-	      loc = (srel->contents
-		     + srel->reloc_count++ * sizeof (Elf32_External_Rela));
-	      bfd_elf32_swap_reloca_out (output_bfd, &outrel, loc);
-	      BFD_ASSERT (sizeof (Elf32_External_Rela) * srel->reloc_count
-			  <= srel->size);
-	    }
-	  else if (rz_type == RZ_XTENSA_ASM_EXPAND && dynamic_symbol)
-	    {
-	      /* This should only happen for non-PIC code, which is not
-		 supposed to be used on systems with dynamic linking.
-		 Just ignore these relocations.  */
-	      continue;
-	    }
-	  break;
-	  /* Switch to LE model for local symbols in an executable.  */
-	  if (! info->shared && ! dynamic_symbol)
-	    {
-	      relocation = tpoff (info, relocation);
-	      break;
-	    }
-	  /* fall through */
-	  {
-	    if (rz_type == RZ_XTENSA_TLSDESC_FN)
-	      {
-		if (! info->shared || (tls_type & GOT_TLS_IE) != 0)
-		  rz_type = RZ_XTENSA_NONE;
-	      }
-	    else if (rz_type == RZ_XTENSA_TLSDESC_ARG)
-	      {
-		if (info->shared)
-		  {
-		    if ((tls_type & GOT_TLS_IE) != 0)
-		      rz_type = RZ_XTENSA_TLS_TPOFF;
-		  }
-		else
-		  {
-		    rz_type = RZ_XTENSA_TLS_TPOFF;
-		    if (! dynamic_symbol)
-		      {
-			relocation = tpoff (info, relocation);
-			break;
-		      }
-		  }
-	      }
-	    if (rz_type == RZ_XTENSA_NONE)
-	      /* Nothing to do here; skip to the next reloc.  */
-	      continue;
-	    if (! elf_hash_table (info)->dynamic_sections_created)
-	      {
-		error_message =
-		  _("TLS relocation invalid without dynamic sections");
-		if (!((*info->callbacks->reloc_dangerous)
-		      (info, error_message, input_bfd, input_section,
-		       rel->rz_offset)))
-		  return FALSE;
-	      }
-	    else
-	      {
-		Elf_Internal_Rela outrel;
-		bfd_byte *loc;
-		asection *srel = htab->srelgot;
-		int indx;
-		outrel.rz_offset = (input_section->output_section->vma
-				   + input_section->output_offset
-				   + rel->rz_offset);
-		/* Complain if the relocation is in a read-only section
-		   and not in a literal pool.  */
-		if ((input_section->flags & SEC_READONLY) != 0
-		    && ! elf_xtensa_in_literal_pool (lit_table, ltblsize,
-						     outrel.rz_offset))
-		  {
-		    error_message =
-		      _("dynamic relocation in read-only section");
-		    if (!((*info->callbacks->reloc_dangerous)
-			  (info, error_message, input_bfd, input_section,
-			   rel->rz_offset)))
-		      return FALSE;
-		  }
-		indx = h && h->dynindx != -1 ? h->dynindx : 0;
-		if (indx == 0)
-		  outrel.rz_addend = relocation - dtpoff_base (info);
-		else
-		  outrel.rz_addend = 0;
-		rel->rz_addend = 0;
-		outrel.rz_info = ELF32_R_INFO (indx, rz_type);
-		relocation = 0;
-		unresolved_reloc = FALSE;
-		BFD_ASSERT (srel);
-		loc = (srel->contents
-		       + srel->reloc_count++ * sizeof (Elf32_External_Rela));
-		bfd_elf32_swap_reloca_out (output_bfd, &outrel, loc);
-		BFD_ASSERT (sizeof (Elf32_External_Rela) * srel->reloc_count
-			    <= srel->size);
-	      }
-	  }
-	  break;
-	  if (! info->shared)
-	    /* Switch from LD model to LE model.  */
-	    relocation = tpoff (info, relocation);
-	  else
-	    relocation -= dtpoff_base (info);
-	  break;
-	  /* Check if optimizing to IE or LE model.  */
-	  if ((tls_type & GOT_TLS_IE) != 0)
-	    {
-	      bfd_boolean is_ld_model =
-		(h && elf_xtensa_hash_entry (h) == htab->tlsbase);
-	      if (! replace_tls_insn (rel, input_bfd, input_section, contents,
-				      is_ld_model, &error_message))
-		{
-		  if (!((*info->callbacks->reloc_dangerous)
-			(info, error_message, input_bfd, input_section,
-			 rel->rz_offset)))
-		    return FALSE;
-		}
-	      if (rz_type != RZ_XTENSA_TLS_ARG || is_ld_model)
-		{
-		  /* Skip subsequent relocations on the same instruction.  */
-		  while (rel + 1 < relend && rel[1].rz_offset == rel->rz_offset)
-		    rel++;
-		}
-	    }
-	  continue;
-	default:
-	  if (elf_hash_table (info)->dynamic_sections_created
-	      && dynamic_symbol && (is_operand_relocation (rz_type)
-				    || rz_type == RZ_XTENSA_32_PCREL))
-	    {
-	      error_message =
-		vsprint_msg ("invalid relocation for dynamic symbol", ": %s",
-			     strlen (name) + 2, name);
-	      if (!((*info->callbacks->reloc_dangerous)
-		    (info, error_message, input_bfd, input_section,
-		     rel->rz_offset)))
-		return FALSE;
-	      continue;
-	    }
-	  break;
-	}
-      /* Dynamic relocs are not propagated for SEC_DEBUGGING sections
-	 because such sections are not SEC_ALLOC and thus ld.so will
-	 not process them.  */
-      if (unresolved_reloc
-	  && !((input_section->flags & SEC_DEBUGGING) != 0
-	       && h->def_dynamic)
-	  && _bfd_elf_section_offset (output_bfd, info, input_section,
-				      rel->rz_offset) != (bfd_vma) -1)
-	{
-	  (*_bfd_error_handler)
-	    (_("%B(%A+0x%lx): unresolvable %s relocation against symbol `%s'"),
-	     input_bfd,
-	     input_section,
-	     (long) rel->rz_offset,
-	     howto->name,
-	     name);
-	  return FALSE;
-	}
-      /* TLS optimizations may have changed rz_type; update "howto".  */
-      howto = &elf_howto_table[rz_type];
-      /* There's no point in calling bfd_perform_relocation here.
-	 Just go directly to our "special function".  */
-      r = elf_xtensa_do_reloc (howto, input_bfd, input_section,
-			       relocation + rel->rz_addend,
-			       contents, rel->rz_offset, is_weak_undef,
-			       &error_message);
-      if (r != bfd_reloc_ok && !warned)
-	{
-	  BFD_ASSERT (r == bfd_reloc_dangerous || r == bfd_reloc_other);
-	  BFD_ASSERT (error_message != NULL);
-	  if (rel->rz_addend == 0)
-	    error_message = vsprint_msg (error_message, ": %s",
-					 strlen (name) + 2, name);
-	  else
-	    error_message = vsprint_msg (error_message, ": (%s+0x%x)",
-					 strlen (name) + 22,
-					 name, (int) rel->rz_addend);
-	  if (!((*info->callbacks->reloc_dangerous)
-		(info, error_message, input_bfd, input_section,
-		 rel->rz_offset)))
-	    return FALSE;
-	}
-    }
-  if (lit_table)
-    free (lit_table);
-  input_section->reloc_done = TRUE;
-  return TRUE;
-/* Finish up dynamic symbol handling.  There's not much to do here since
-   the PLT and GOT entries are all set up by relocate_section.  */
-static bfd_boolean
-elf_xtensa_finish_dynamic_symbol (bfd *output_bfd ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED,
-				  struct bfd_link_info *info ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED,
-				  struct elf_link_hash_entry *h,
-				  Elf_Internal_Sym *sym)
-  if (h->needs_plt && !h->def_regular)
-    {
-      /* Mark the symbol as undefined, rather than as defined in
-	 the .plt section.  Leave the value alone.  */
-      sym->st_shndx = SHN_UNDEF;
-      /* If the symbol is weak, we do need to clear the value.
-	 Otherwise, the PLT entry would provide a definition for
-	 the symbol even if the symbol wasn't defined anywhere,
-	 and so the symbol would never be NULL.  */
-      if (!h->ref_regular_nonweak)
-	sym->st_value = 0;
-    }
-  /* Mark _DYNAMIC and _GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_ as absolute.  */
-  if (h == elf_hash_table (info)->hdynamic
-      || h == elf_hash_table (info)->hgot)
-    sym->st_shndx = SHN_ABS;
-  return TRUE;
-/* Combine adjacent literal table entries in the output.  Adjacent
-   entries within each input section may have been removed during
-   relaxation, but we repeat the process here, even though it's too late
-   to shrink the output section, because it's important to minimize the
-   number of literal table entries to reduce the start-up work for the
-   runtime linker.  Returns the number of remaining table entries or -1
-   on error.  */
-static int
-elf_xtensa_combine_prop_entries (bfd *output_bfd,
-				 asection *sxtlit,
-				 asection *sgotloc)
-  bfd_byte *contents;
-  property_table_entry *table;
-  bfd_size_type section_size, sgotloc_size;
-  bfd_vma offset;
-  int n, m, num;
-  section_size = sxtlit->size;
-  BFD_ASSERT (section_size % 8 == 0);
-  num = section_size / 8;
-  sgotloc_size = sgotloc->size;
-  if (sgotloc_size != section_size)
-    {
-      (*_bfd_error_handler)
-	(_("internal inconsistency in size of .got.loc section"));
-      return -1;
-    }
-  table = bfd_malloc (num * sizeof (property_table_entry));
-  if (table == 0)
-    return -1;
-  /* The ".xt.lit.plt" section has the SEC_IN_MEMORY flag set and this
-     propagates to the output section, where it doesn't really apply and
-     where it breaks the following call to bfd_malloc_and_get_section.  */
-  sxtlit->flags &= ~SEC_IN_MEMORY;
-  if (!bfd_malloc_and_get_section (output_bfd, sxtlit, &contents))
-    {
-      if (contents != 0)
-	free (contents);
-      free (table);
-      return -1;
-    }
-  /* There should never be any relocations left at this point, so this
-     is quite a bit easier than what is done during relaxation.  */
-  /* Copy the raw contents into a property table array and sort it.  */
-  offset = 0;
-  for (n = 0; n < num; n++)
-    {
-      table[n].address = bfd_get_32 (output_bfd, &contents[offset]);
-      table[n].size = bfd_get_32 (output_bfd, &contents[offset + 4]);
-      offset += 8;
-    }
-  qsort (table, num, sizeof (property_table_entry), property_table_compare);
-  for (n = 0; n < num; n++)
-    {
-      bfd_boolean remove_entry = FALSE;
-      if (table[n].size == 0)
-	remove_entry = TRUE;
-      else if (n > 0
-	       && (table[n-1].address + table[n-1].size == table[n].address))
-	{
-	  table[n-1].size += table[n].size;
-	  remove_entry = TRUE;
-	}
-      if (remove_entry)
-	{
-	  for (m = n; m < num - 1; m++)
-	    {
-	      table[m].address = table[m+1].address;
-	      table[m].size = table[m+1].size;
-	    }
-	  n--;
-	  num--;
-	}
-    }
-  /* Copy the data back to the raw contents.  */
-  offset = 0;
-  for (n = 0; n < num; n++)
-    {
-      bfd_put_32 (output_bfd, table[n].address, &contents[offset]);
-      bfd_put_32 (output_bfd, table[n].size, &contents[offset + 4]);
-      offset += 8;
-    }
-  /* Clear the removed bytes.  */
-  if ((bfd_size_type) (num * 8) < section_size)
-    memset (&contents[num * 8], 0, section_size - num * 8);
-  if (! bfd_set_section_contents (output_bfd, sxtlit, contents, 0,
-				  section_size))
-    return -1;
-  /* Copy the contents to ".got.loc".  */
-  memcpy (sgotloc->contents, contents, section_size);
-  free (contents);
-  free (table);
-  return num;
-/* Finish up the dynamic sections.  */
-static bfd_boolean
-elf_xtensa_finish_dynamic_sections (bfd *output_bfd,
-				    struct bfd_link_info *info)
-  struct elf_xtensa_link_hash_table *htab;
-  bfd *dynobj;
-  asection *sdyn, *srelplt, *sgot, *sxtlit, *sgotloc;
-  Elf32_External_Dyn *dyncon, *dynconend;
-  int num_xtlit_entries = 0;
-  if (! elf_hash_table (info)->dynamic_sections_created)
-    return TRUE;
-  htab = elf_xtensa_hash_table (info);
-  if (htab == NULL)
-    return FALSE;
-  dynobj = elf_hash_table (info)->dynobj;
-  sdyn = bfd_get_linker_section (dynobj, ".dynamic");
-  BFD_ASSERT (sdyn != NULL);
-  /* Set the first entry in the global offset table to the address of
-     the dynamic section.  */
-  sgot = htab->sgot;
-  if (sgot)
-    {
-      BFD_ASSERT (sgot->size == 4);
-      if (sdyn == NULL)
-	bfd_put_32 (output_bfd, 0, sgot->contents);
-      else
-	bfd_put_32 (output_bfd,
-		    sdyn->output_section->vma + sdyn->output_offset,
-		    sgot->contents);
-    }
-  srelplt = htab->srelplt;
-  if (srelplt && srelplt->size != 0)
-    {
-      asection *sgotplt, *srelgot, *spltlittbl;
-      int chunk, plt_chunks, plt_entries;
-      Elf_Internal_Rela irela;
-      bfd_byte *loc;
-      unsigned rtld_reloc;
-      srelgot = htab->srelgot;
-      spltlittbl = htab->spltlittbl;
-      BFD_ASSERT (srelgot != NULL && spltlittbl != NULL);
-      /* Find the first XTENSA_RTLD relocation.  Presumably the rest
-	 of them follow immediately after....  */
-      for (rtld_reloc = 0; rtld_reloc < srelgot->reloc_count; rtld_reloc++)
-	{
-	  loc = srelgot->contents + rtld_reloc * sizeof (Elf32_External_Rela);
-	  bfd_elf32_swap_reloca_in (output_bfd, loc, &irela);
-	  if (ELF32_R_TYPE (irela.rz_info) == RZ_XTENSA_RTLD)
-	    break;
-	}
-      BFD_ASSERT (rtld_reloc < srelgot->reloc_count);
-      plt_entries = srelplt->size / sizeof (Elf32_External_Rela);
-      plt_chunks =
-      for (chunk = 0; chunk < plt_chunks; chunk++)
-	{
-	  int chunk_entries = 0;
-	  sgotplt = elf_xtensa_get_gotplt_section (info, chunk);
-	  BFD_ASSERT (sgotplt != NULL);
-	  /* Emit special RTLD relocations for the first two entries in
-	     each chunk of the .got.plt section.  */
-	  loc = srelgot->contents + rtld_reloc * sizeof (Elf32_External_Rela);
-	  bfd_elf32_swap_reloca_in (output_bfd, loc, &irela);
-	  BFD_ASSERT (ELF32_R_TYPE (irela.rz_info) == RZ_XTENSA_RTLD);
-	  irela.rz_offset = (sgotplt->output_section->vma
-			    + sgotplt->output_offset);
-	  irela.rz_addend = 1; /* tell rtld to set value to resolver function */
-	  bfd_elf32_swap_reloca_out (output_bfd, &irela, loc);
-	  rtld_reloc += 1;
-	  BFD_ASSERT (rtld_reloc <= srelgot->reloc_count);
-	  /* Next literal immediately follows the first.  */
-	  loc += sizeof (Elf32_External_Rela);
-	  bfd_elf32_swap_reloca_in (output_bfd, loc, &irela);
-	  BFD_ASSERT (ELF32_R_TYPE (irela.rz_info) == RZ_XTENSA_RTLD);
-	  irela.rz_offset = (sgotplt->output_section->vma
-			    + sgotplt->output_offset + 4);
-	  /* Tell rtld to set value to object's link map.  */
-	  irela.rz_addend = 2;
-	  bfd_elf32_swap_reloca_out (output_bfd, &irela, loc);
-	  rtld_reloc += 1;
-	  BFD_ASSERT (rtld_reloc <= srelgot->reloc_count);
-	  /* Fill in the literal table.  */
-	  if (chunk < plt_chunks - 1)
-	    chunk_entries = PLT_ENTRIES_PER_CHUNK;
-	  else
-	    chunk_entries = plt_entries - (chunk * PLT_ENTRIES_PER_CHUNK);
-	  BFD_ASSERT ((unsigned) (chunk + 1) * 8 <= spltlittbl->size);
-	  bfd_put_32 (output_bfd,
-		      sgotplt->output_section->vma + sgotplt->output_offset,
-		      spltlittbl->contents + (chunk * 8) + 0);
-	  bfd_put_32 (output_bfd,
-		      8 + (chunk_entries * 4),
-		      spltlittbl->contents + (chunk * 8) + 4);
-	}
-      /* All the dynamic relocations have been emitted at this point.
-	 Make sure the relocation sections are the correct size.  */
-      if (srelgot->size != (sizeof (Elf32_External_Rela)
-			    * srelgot->reloc_count)
-	  || srelplt->size != (sizeof (Elf32_External_Rela)
-			       * srelplt->reloc_count))
-	abort ();
-     /* The .xt.lit.plt section has just been modified.  This must
-	happen before the code below which combines adjacent literal
-	table entries, and the .xt.lit.plt contents have to be forced to
-	the output here.  */
-      if (! bfd_set_section_contents (output_bfd,
-				      spltlittbl->output_section,
-				      spltlittbl->contents,
-				      spltlittbl->output_offset,
-				      spltlittbl->size))
-	return FALSE;
-      /* Clear SEC_HAS_CONTENTS so the contents won't be output again.  */
-      spltlittbl->flags &= ~SEC_HAS_CONTENTS;
-    }
-  /* Combine adjacent literal table entries.  */
-  BFD_ASSERT (! info->relocatable);
-  sxtlit = bfd_get_section_by_name (output_bfd, ".xt.lit");
-  sgotloc = htab->sgotloc;
-  BFD_ASSERT (sgotloc);
-  if (sxtlit)
-    {
-      num_xtlit_entries =
-	elf_xtensa_combine_prop_entries (output_bfd, sxtlit, sgotloc);
-      if (num_xtlit_entries < 0)
-	return FALSE;
-    }
-  dyncon = (Elf32_External_Dyn *) sdyn->contents;
-  dynconend = (Elf32_External_Dyn *) (sdyn->contents + sdyn->size);
-  for (; dyncon < dynconend; dyncon++)
-    {
-      Elf_Internal_Dyn dyn;
-      bfd_elf32_swap_dyn_in (dynobj, dyncon, &dyn);
-      switch (dyn.d_tag)
-	{
-	default:
-	  break;
-	  dyn.d_un.d_val = num_xtlit_entries;
-	  break;
-	  dyn.d_un.d_ptr = htab->sgotloc->output_section->vma;
-	  break;
-	case DT_PLTGOT:
-	  dyn.d_un.d_ptr = htab->sgot->output_section->vma;
-	  break;
-	case DT_JMPREL:
-	  dyn.d_un.d_ptr = htab->srelplt->output_section->vma;
-	  break;
-	  dyn.d_un.d_val = htab->srelplt->output_section->size;
-	  break;
-	case DT_RELASZ:
-	  /* Adjust RELASZ to not include JMPREL.  This matches what
-	     glibc expects and what is done for several other ELF
-	     targets (e.g., i386, alpha), but the "correct" behavior
-	     seems to be unresolved.  Since the linker script arranges
-	     for .rela.plt to follow all other relocation sections, we
-	     don't have to worry about changing the DT_RELA entry.  */
-	  if (htab->srelplt)
-	    dyn.d_un.d_val -= htab->srelplt->output_section->size;
-	  break;
-	}
-      bfd_elf32_swap_dyn_out (output_bfd, &dyn, dyncon);
-    }
-  return TRUE;
-/* Functions for dealing with the e_flags field.  */
-/* Merge backend specific data from an object file to the output
-   object file when linking.  */
-static bfd_boolean
-elf_xtensa_merge_private_bfd_data (bfd *ibfd, bfd *obfd)
-  unsigned out_mach, in_mach;
-  flagword out_flag, in_flag;
-  /* Check if we have the same endianness.  */
-  if (!_bfd_generic_verify_endian_match (ibfd, obfd))
-    return FALSE;
-  /* Don't even pretend to support mixed-format linking.  */
-  if (bfd_get_flavour (ibfd) != bfd_target_elf_flavour
-      || bfd_get_flavour (obfd) != bfd_target_elf_flavour)
-    return FALSE;
-  out_flag = elf_elfheader (obfd)->e_flags;
-  in_flag = elf_elfheader (ibfd)->e_flags;
-  out_mach = out_flag & EF_XTENSA_MACH;
-  in_mach = in_flag & EF_XTENSA_MACH;
-  if (out_mach != in_mach)
-    {
-      (*_bfd_error_handler)
-	(_("%B: incompatible machine type. Output is 0x%x. Input is 0x%x"),
-	 ibfd, out_mach, in_mach);
-      bfd_set_error (bfd_error_wrong_format);
-      return FALSE;
-    }
-  if (! elf_flags_init (obfd))
-    {
-      elf_flags_init (obfd) = TRUE;
-      elf_elfheader (obfd)->e_flags = in_flag;
-      if (bfd_get_arch (obfd) == bfd_get_arch (ibfd)
-	  && bfd_get_arch_info (obfd)->the_default)
-	return bfd_set_arch_mach (obfd, bfd_get_arch (ibfd),
-				  bfd_get_mach (ibfd));
-      return TRUE;
-    }
-  if ((out_flag & EF_XTENSA_XT_INSN) != (in_flag & EF_XTENSA_XT_INSN))
-    elf_elfheader (obfd)->e_flags &= (~ EF_XTENSA_XT_INSN);
-  if ((out_flag & EF_XTENSA_XT_LIT) != (in_flag & EF_XTENSA_XT_LIT))
-    elf_elfheader (obfd)->e_flags &= (~ EF_XTENSA_XT_LIT);
-  return TRUE;
-static bfd_boolean
-elf_xtensa_set_private_flags (bfd *abfd, flagword flags)
-  BFD_ASSERT (!elf_flags_init (abfd)
-	      || elf_elfheader (abfd)->e_flags == flags);
-  elf_elfheader (abfd)->e_flags |= flags;
-  elf_flags_init (abfd) = TRUE;
-  return TRUE;
-static bfd_boolean
-elf_xtensa_print_private_bfd_data (bfd *abfd, void *farg)
-  FILE *f = (FILE *) farg;
-  flagword e_flags = elf_elfheader (abfd)->e_flags;
-  fprintf (f, "\nXtensa header:\n");
-  if ((e_flags & EF_XTENSA_MACH) == E_XTENSA_MACH)
-    fprintf (f, "\nMachine     = Base\n");
-  else
-    fprintf (f, "\nMachine Id  = 0x%x\n", e_flags & EF_XTENSA_MACH);
-  fprintf (f, "Insn tables = %s\n",
-	   (e_flags & EF_XTENSA_XT_INSN) ? "true" : "false");
-  fprintf (f, "Literal tables = %s\n",
-	   (e_flags & EF_XTENSA_XT_LIT) ? "true" : "false");
-  return _bfd_elf_print_private_bfd_data (abfd, farg);
-/* Set the right machine number for an Xtensa ELF file.  */
-static bfd_boolean
-elf_xtensa_object_p (bfd *abfd)
-  int mach;
-  unsigned long arch = elf_elfheader (abfd)->e_flags & EF_XTENSA_MACH;
-  switch (arch)
-    {
-    case E_XTENSA_MACH:
-      mach = bfd_mach_xtensa;
-      break;
-    default:
-      return FALSE;
-    }
-  (void) bfd_default_set_arch_mach (abfd, bfd_arch_xtensa, mach);
-  return TRUE;
-/* The final processing done just before writing out an Xtensa ELF object
-   file.  This gets the Xtensa architecture right based on the machine
-   number.  */
-static void
-elf_xtensa_final_write_processing (bfd *abfd,
-				   bfd_boolean linker ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED)
-  int mach;
-  unsigned long val;
-  switch (mach = bfd_get_mach (abfd))
-    {
-    case bfd_mach_xtensa:
-      val = E_XTENSA_MACH;
-      break;
-    default:
-      return;
-    }
-  elf_elfheader (abfd)->e_flags &=  (~ EF_XTENSA_MACH);
-  elf_elfheader (abfd)->e_flags |= val;
-static enum elf_reloc_type_class
-elf_xtensa_reloc_type_class (const struct bfd_link_info *info ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED,
-			     const asection *rel_sec ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED,
-			     const Elf_Internal_Rela *rela)
-  switch ((int) ELF32_R_TYPE (rela->rz_info))
-    {
-      return reloc_class_relative;
-      return reloc_class_plt;
-    default:
-      return reloc_class_normal;
-    }
-static bfd_boolean
-elf_xtensa_discard_info_for_section (bfd *abfd,
-				     struct elf_reloc_cookie *cookie,
-				     struct bfd_link_info *info,
-				     asection *sec)
-  bfd_byte *contents;
-  bfd_vma offset, actual_offset;
-  bfd_size_type removed_bytes = 0;
-  bfd_size_type entry_size;
-  if (sec->output_section
-      && bfd_is_abs_section (sec->output_section))
-    return FALSE;
-  if (xtensa_is_proptable_section (sec))
-    entry_size = 12;
-  else
-    entry_size = 8;
-  if (sec->size == 0 || sec->size % entry_size != 0)
-    return FALSE;
-  contents = retrieve_contents (abfd, sec, info->keep_memory);
-  if (!contents)
-    return FALSE;
-  cookie->rels = retrieve_internal_relocs (abfd, sec, info->keep_memory);
-  if (!cookie->rels)
-    {
-      release_contents (sec, contents);
-      return FALSE;
-    }
-  /* Sort the relocations.  They should already be in order when
-     relaxation is enabled, but it might not be.  */
-  qsort (cookie->rels, sec->reloc_count, sizeof (Elf_Internal_Rela),
-	 internal_reloc_compare);
-  cookie->rel = cookie->rels;
-  cookie->relend = cookie->rels + sec->reloc_count;
-  for (offset = 0; offset < sec->size; offset += entry_size)
-    {
-      actual_offset = offset - removed_bytes;
-      /* The ...symbol_deleted_p function will skip over relocs but it
-	 won't adjust their offsets, so do that here.  */
-      while (cookie->rel < cookie->relend
-	     && cookie->rel->rz_offset < offset)
-	{
-	  cookie->rel->rz_offset -= removed_bytes;
-	  cookie->rel++;
-	}
-      while (cookie->rel < cookie->relend
-	     && cookie->rel->rz_offset == offset)
-	{
-	  if (bfd_elf_reloc_symbol_deleted_p (offset, cookie))
-	    {
-	      /* Remove the table entry.  (If the reloc type is NONE, then
-		 the entry has already been merged with another and deleted
-		 during relaxation.)  */
-	      if (ELF32_R_TYPE (cookie->rel->rz_info) != RZ_XTENSA_NONE)
-		{
-		  /* Shift the contents up.  */
-		  if (offset + entry_size < sec->size)
-		    memmove (&contents[actual_offset],
-			     &contents[actual_offset + entry_size],
-			     sec->size - offset - entry_size);
-		  removed_bytes += entry_size;
-		}
-	      /* Remove this relocation.  */
-	      cookie->rel->rz_info = ELF32_R_INFO (0, RZ_XTENSA_NONE);
-	    }
-	  /* Adjust the relocation offset for previous removals.  This
-	     should not be done before calling ...symbol_deleted_p
-	     because it might mess up the offset comparisons there.
-	     Make sure the offset doesn't underflow in the case where
-	     the first entry is removed.  */
-	  if (cookie->rel->rz_offset >= removed_bytes)
-	    cookie->rel->rz_offset -= removed_bytes;
-	  else
-	    cookie->rel->rz_offset = 0;
-	  cookie->rel++;
-	}
-    }
-  if (removed_bytes != 0)
-    {
-      /* Adjust any remaining relocs (shouldn't be any).  */
-      for (; cookie->rel < cookie->relend; cookie->rel++)
-	{
-	  if (cookie->rel->rz_offset >= removed_bytes)
-	    cookie->rel->rz_offset -= removed_bytes;
-	  else
-	    cookie->rel->rz_offset = 0;
-	}
-      /* Clear the removed bytes.  */
-      memset (&contents[sec->size - removed_bytes], 0, removed_bytes);
-      pin_contents (sec, contents);
-      pin_internal_relocs (sec, cookie->rels);
-      /* Shrink size.  */
-      if (sec->rawsize == 0)
-	sec->rawsize = sec->size;
-      sec->size -= removed_bytes;
-      if (xtensa_is_littable_section (sec))
-	{
-	  asection *sgotloc = elf_xtensa_hash_table (info)->sgotloc;
-	  if (sgotloc)
-	    sgotloc->size -= removed_bytes;
-	}
-    }
-  else
-    {
-      release_contents (sec, contents);
-      release_internal_relocs (sec, cookie->rels);
-    }
-  return (removed_bytes != 0);
-static bfd_boolean
-elf_xtensa_discard_info (bfd *abfd,
-			 struct elf_reloc_cookie *cookie,
-			 struct bfd_link_info *info)
-  asection *sec;
-  bfd_boolean changed = FALSE;
-  for (sec = abfd->sections; sec != NULL; sec = sec->next)
-    {
-      if (xtensa_is_property_section (sec))
-	{
-	  if (elf_xtensa_discard_info_for_section (abfd, cookie, info, sec))
-	    changed = TRUE;
-	}
-    }
-  return changed;
-static bfd_boolean
-elf_xtensa_ignore_discarded_relocs (asection *sec)
-  return xtensa_is_property_section (sec);
-static unsigned int
-elf_xtensa_action_discarded (asection *sec)
-  if (strcmp (".xt_except_table", sec->name) == 0)
-    return 0;
-  if (strcmp (".xt_except_desc", sec->name) == 0)
-    return 0;
-  return _bfd_elf_default_action_discarded (sec);
-/* Support for core dump NOTE sections.  */
-static bfd_boolean
-elf_xtensa_grok_prstatus (bfd *abfd, Elf_Internal_Note *note)
-  int offset;
-  unsigned int size;
-  /* The size for Xtensa is variable, so don't try to recognize the format
-     based on the size.  Just assume this is GNU/Linux.  */
-  /* pr_cursig */
-  elf_tdata (abfd)->core->signal = bfd_get_16 (abfd, note->descdata + 12);
-  /* pr_pid */
-  elf_tdata (abfd)->core->lwpid = bfd_get_32 (abfd, note->descdata + 24);
-  /* pr_reg */
-  offset = 72;
-  size = note->descsz - offset - 4;
-  /* Make a ".reg/999" section.  */
-  return _bfd_elfcore_make_pseudosection (abfd, ".reg",
-					  size, note->descpos + offset);
-static bfd_boolean
-elf_xtensa_grok_psinfo (bfd *abfd, Elf_Internal_Note *note)
-  switch (note->descsz)
-    {
-      default:
-	return FALSE;
-      case 128:		/* GNU/Linux elf_prpsinfo */
-	elf_tdata (abfd)->core->program
-	 = _bfd_elfcore_strndup (abfd, note->descdata + 32, 16);
-	elf_tdata (abfd)->core->command
-	 = _bfd_elfcore_strndup (abfd, note->descdata + 48, 80);
-    }
-  /* Note that for some reason, a spurious space is tacked
-     onto the end of the args in some (at least one anyway)
-     implementations, so strip it off if it exists.  */
-  {
-    char *command = elf_tdata (abfd)->core->command;
-    int n = strlen (command);
-    if (0 < n && command[n - 1] == ' ')
-      command[n - 1] = '\0';
-  }
-  return TRUE;
-/* Generic Xtensa configurability stuff.  */
-static xtensa_opcode callx0_op = XTENSA_UNDEFINED;
-static xtensa_opcode callx4_op = XTENSA_UNDEFINED;
-static xtensa_opcode callx8_op = XTENSA_UNDEFINED;
-static xtensa_opcode callx12_op = XTENSA_UNDEFINED;
-static xtensa_opcode call0_op = XTENSA_UNDEFINED;
-static xtensa_opcode call4_op = XTENSA_UNDEFINED;
-static xtensa_opcode call8_op = XTENSA_UNDEFINED;
-static xtensa_opcode call12_op = XTENSA_UNDEFINED;
-static void
-init_call_opcodes (void)
-  if (callx0_op == XTENSA_UNDEFINED)
-    {
-      callx0_op  = xtensa_opcode_lookup (xtensa_default_isa, "callx0");
-      callx4_op  = xtensa_opcode_lookup (xtensa_default_isa, "callx4");
-      callx8_op  = xtensa_opcode_lookup (xtensa_default_isa, "callx8");
-      callx12_op = xtensa_opcode_lookup (xtensa_default_isa, "callx12");
-      call0_op   = xtensa_opcode_lookup (xtensa_default_isa, "call0");
-      call4_op   = xtensa_opcode_lookup (xtensa_default_isa, "call4");
-      call8_op   = xtensa_opcode_lookup (xtensa_default_isa, "call8");
-      call12_op  = xtensa_opcode_lookup (xtensa_default_isa, "call12");
-    }
-static bfd_boolean
-is_indirect_call_opcode (xtensa_opcode opcode)
-  init_call_opcodes ();
-  return (opcode == callx0_op
-	  || opcode == callx4_op
-	  || opcode == callx8_op
-	  || opcode == callx12_op);
-static bfd_boolean
-is_direct_call_opcode (xtensa_opcode opcode)
-  init_call_opcodes ();
-  return (opcode == call0_op
-	  || opcode == call4_op
-	  || opcode == call8_op
-	  || opcode == call12_op);
-static bfd_boolean
-is_windowed_call_opcode (xtensa_opcode opcode)
-  init_call_opcodes ();
-  return (opcode == call4_op
-	  || opcode == call8_op
-	  || opcode == call12_op
-	  || opcode == callx4_op
-	  || opcode == callx8_op
-	  || opcode == callx12_op);
-static bfd_boolean
-get_indirect_call_dest_reg (xtensa_opcode opcode, unsigned *pdst)
-  unsigned dst = (unsigned) -1;
-  init_call_opcodes ();
-  if (opcode == callx0_op)
-    dst = 0;
-  else if (opcode == callx4_op)
-    dst = 4;
-  else if (opcode == callx8_op)
-    dst = 8;
-  else if (opcode == callx12_op)
-    dst = 12;
-  if (dst == (unsigned) -1)
-    return FALSE;
-  *pdst = dst;
-  return TRUE;
-static xtensa_opcode
-get_const16_opcode (void)
-  static bfd_boolean done_lookup = FALSE;
-  static xtensa_opcode const16_opcode = XTENSA_UNDEFINED;
-  if (!done_lookup)
-    {
-      const16_opcode = xtensa_opcode_lookup (xtensa_default_isa, "const16");
-      done_lookup = TRUE;
-    }
-  return const16_opcode;
-static xtensa_opcode
-get_l32r_opcode (void)
-  static xtensa_opcode l32r_opcode = XTENSA_UNDEFINED;
-  static bfd_boolean done_lookup = FALSE;
-  if (!done_lookup)
-    {
-      l32r_opcode = xtensa_opcode_lookup (xtensa_default_isa, "l32r");
-      done_lookup = TRUE;
-    }
-  return l32r_opcode;
-static bfd_vma
-l32r_offset (bfd_vma addr, bfd_vma pc)
-  bfd_vma offset;
-  offset = addr - ((pc+3) & -4);
-  BFD_ASSERT ((offset & ((1 << 2) - 1)) == 0);
-  offset = (signed int) offset >> 2;
-  BFD_ASSERT ((signed int) offset >> 16 == -1);
-  return offset;
-static int
-get_relocation_opnd (xtensa_opcode opcode, int rz_type)
-  xtensa_isa isa = xtensa_default_isa;
-  int last_immed, last_opnd, opi;
-  if (opcode == XTENSA_UNDEFINED)
-  /* Find the last visible PC-relative immediate operand for the opcode.
-     If there are no PC-relative immediates, then choose the last visible
-     immediate; otherwise, fail and return XTENSA_UNDEFINED.  */
-  last_immed = XTENSA_UNDEFINED;
-  last_opnd = xtensa_opcode_num_operands (isa, opcode);
-  for (opi = last_opnd - 1; opi >= 0; opi--)
-    {
-      if (xtensa_operand_is_visible (isa, opcode, opi) == 0)
-	continue;
-      if (xtensa_operand_is_PCrelative (isa, opcode, opi) == 1)
-	{
-	  last_immed = opi;
-	  break;
-	}
-      if (last_immed == XTENSA_UNDEFINED
-	  && xtensa_operand_is_register (isa, opcode, opi) == 0)
-	last_immed = opi;
-    }
-  if (last_immed < 0)
-  /* If the operand number was specified in an old-style relocation,
-     check for consistency with the operand computed above.  */
-  if (rz_type >= RZ_XTENSA_OP0 && rz_type <= RZ_XTENSA_OP2)
-    {
-      int reloc_opnd = rz_type - RZ_XTENSA_OP0;
-      if (reloc_opnd != last_immed)
-    }
-  return last_immed;
-get_relocation_slot (int rz_type)
-  switch (rz_type)
-    {
-    case RZ_XTENSA_OP0:
-    case RZ_XTENSA_OP1:
-    case RZ_XTENSA_OP2:
-      return 0;
-    default:
-      if (rz_type >= RZ_XTENSA_SLOT0_OP && rz_type <= RZ_XTENSA_SLOT14_OP)
-	return rz_type - RZ_XTENSA_SLOT0_OP;
-      if (rz_type >= RZ_XTENSA_SLOT0_ALT && rz_type <= RZ_XTENSA_SLOT14_ALT)
-	return rz_type - RZ_XTENSA_SLOT0_ALT;
-      break;
-    }
-/* Get the opcode for a relocation.  */
-static xtensa_opcode
-get_relocation_opcode (bfd *abfd,
-		       asection *sec,
-		       bfd_byte *contents,
-		       Elf_Internal_Rela *irel)
-  static xtensa_insnbuf ibuff = NULL;
-  static xtensa_insnbuf sbuff = NULL;
-  xtensa_isa isa = xtensa_default_isa;
-  xtensa_format fmt;
-  int slot;
-  if (contents == NULL)
-  if (bfd_get_section_limit (abfd, sec) <= irel->rz_offset)
-  if (ibuff == NULL)
-    {
-      ibuff = xtensa_insnbuf_alloc (isa);
-      sbuff = xtensa_insnbuf_alloc (isa);
-    }
-  /* Decode the instruction.  */
-  xtensa_insnbuf_from_chars (isa, ibuff, &contents[irel->rz_offset],
-			     sec->size - irel->rz_offset);
-  fmt = xtensa_format_decode (isa, ibuff);
-  slot = get_relocation_slot (ELF32_R_TYPE (irel->rz_info));
-  if (slot == XTENSA_UNDEFINED)
-  xtensa_format_get_slot (isa, fmt, slot, ibuff, sbuff);
-  return xtensa_opcode_decode (isa, fmt, slot, sbuff);
-is_l32r_relocation (bfd *abfd,
-		    asection *sec,
-		    bfd_byte *contents,
-		    Elf_Internal_Rela *irel)
-  xtensa_opcode opcode;
-  if (!is_operand_relocation (ELF32_R_TYPE (irel->rz_info)))
-    return FALSE;
-  opcode = get_relocation_opcode (abfd, sec, contents, irel);
-  return (opcode == get_l32r_opcode ());
-static bfd_size_type
-get_asm_simplify_size (bfd_byte *contents,
-		       bfd_size_type content_len,
-		       bfd_size_type offset)
-  bfd_size_type insnlen, size = 0;
-  /* Decode the size of the next two instructions.  */
-  insnlen = insn_decode_len (contents, content_len, offset);
-  if (insnlen == 0)
-    return 0;
-  size += insnlen;
-  insnlen = insn_decode_len (contents, content_len, offset + size);
-  if (insnlen == 0)
-    return 0;
-  size += insnlen;
-  return size;
-is_alt_relocation (int rz_type)
-  return (rz_type >= RZ_XTENSA_SLOT0_ALT
-	  && rz_type <= RZ_XTENSA_SLOT14_ALT);
-is_operand_relocation (int rz_type)
-  switch (rz_type)
-    {
-    case RZ_XTENSA_OP0:
-    case RZ_XTENSA_OP1:
-    case RZ_XTENSA_OP2:
-      return TRUE;
-    default:
-      if (rz_type >= RZ_XTENSA_SLOT0_OP && rz_type <= RZ_XTENSA_SLOT14_OP)
-	return TRUE;
-      if (rz_type >= RZ_XTENSA_SLOT0_ALT && rz_type <= RZ_XTENSA_SLOT14_ALT)
-	return TRUE;
-      break;
-    }
-  return FALSE;
-#define MIN_INSN_LENGTH 2
-/* Return 0 if it fails to decode.  */
-insn_decode_len (bfd_byte *contents,
-		 bfd_size_type content_len,
-		 bfd_size_type offset)
-  int insn_len;
-  xtensa_isa isa = xtensa_default_isa;
-  xtensa_format fmt;
-  static xtensa_insnbuf ibuff = NULL;
-  if (offset + MIN_INSN_LENGTH > content_len)
-    return 0;
-  if (ibuff == NULL)
-    ibuff = xtensa_insnbuf_alloc (isa);
-  xtensa_insnbuf_from_chars (isa, ibuff, &contents[offset],
-			     content_len - offset);
-  fmt = xtensa_format_decode (isa, ibuff);
-  if (fmt == XTENSA_UNDEFINED)
-    return 0;
-  insn_len = xtensa_format_length (isa, fmt);
-  if (insn_len ==  XTENSA_UNDEFINED)
-    return 0;
-  return insn_len;
-/* Decode the opcode for a single slot instruction.
-   Return 0 if it fails to decode or the instruction is multi-slot.  */
-insn_decode_opcode (bfd_byte *contents,
-		    bfd_size_type content_len,
-		    bfd_size_type offset,
-		    int slot)
-  xtensa_isa isa = xtensa_default_isa;
-  xtensa_format fmt;
-  static xtensa_insnbuf insnbuf = NULL;
-  static xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf = NULL;
-  if (offset + MIN_INSN_LENGTH > content_len)
-  if (insnbuf == NULL)
-    {
-      insnbuf = xtensa_insnbuf_alloc (isa);
-      slotbuf = xtensa_insnbuf_alloc (isa);
-    }
-  xtensa_insnbuf_from_chars (isa, insnbuf, &contents[offset],
-			     content_len - offset);
-  fmt = xtensa_format_decode (isa, insnbuf);
-  if (fmt == XTENSA_UNDEFINED)
-  if (slot >= xtensa_format_num_slots (isa, fmt))
-  xtensa_format_get_slot (isa, fmt, slot, insnbuf, slotbuf);
-  return xtensa_opcode_decode (isa, fmt, slot, slotbuf);
-/* The offset is the offset in the contents.
-   The address is the address of that offset.  */
-static bfd_boolean
-check_branch_target_aligned (bfd_byte *contents,
-			     bfd_size_type content_length,
-			     bfd_vma offset,
-			     bfd_vma address)
-  bfd_size_type insn_len = insn_decode_len (contents, content_length, offset);
-  if (insn_len == 0)
-    return FALSE;
-  return check_branch_target_aligned_address (address, insn_len);
-static bfd_boolean
-check_loop_aligned (bfd_byte *contents,
-		    bfd_size_type content_length,
-		    bfd_vma offset,
-		    bfd_vma address)
-  bfd_size_type loop_len, insn_len;
-  xtensa_opcode opcode;
-  opcode = insn_decode_opcode (contents, content_length, offset, 0);
-  if (opcode == XTENSA_UNDEFINED
-      || xtensa_opcode_is_loop (xtensa_default_isa, opcode) != 1)
-    {
-      return FALSE;
-    }
-  loop_len = insn_decode_len (contents, content_length, offset);
-  insn_len = insn_decode_len (contents, content_length, offset + loop_len);
-  if (loop_len == 0 || insn_len == 0)
-    {
-      return FALSE;
-    }
-  return check_branch_target_aligned_address (address + loop_len, insn_len);
-static bfd_boolean
-check_branch_target_aligned_address (bfd_vma addr, int len)
-  if (len == 8)
-    return (addr % 8 == 0);
-  return ((addr >> 2) == ((addr + len - 1) >> 2));
-/* Instruction widening and narrowing.  */
-/* When FLIX is available we need to access certain instructions only
-   when they are 16-bit or 24-bit instructions.  This table caches
-   information about such instructions by walking through all the
-   opcodes and finding the smallest single-slot format into which each
-   can be encoded.  */
-static xtensa_format *op_single_fmt_table = NULL;
-static void
-init_op_single_format_table (void)
-  xtensa_isa isa = xtensa_default_isa;
-  xtensa_insnbuf ibuf;
-  xtensa_opcode opcode;
-  xtensa_format fmt;
-  int num_opcodes;
-  if (op_single_fmt_table)
-    return;
-  ibuf = xtensa_insnbuf_alloc (isa);
-  num_opcodes = xtensa_isa_num_opcodes (isa);
-  op_single_fmt_table = (xtensa_format *)
-    bfd_malloc (sizeof (xtensa_format) * num_opcodes);
-  for (opcode = 0; opcode < num_opcodes; opcode++)
-    {
-      op_single_fmt_table[opcode] = XTENSA_UNDEFINED;
-      for (fmt = 0; fmt < xtensa_isa_num_formats (isa); fmt++)
-	{
-	  if (xtensa_format_num_slots (isa, fmt) == 1
-	      && xtensa_opcode_encode (isa, fmt, 0, ibuf, opcode) == 0)
-	    {
-	      xtensa_opcode old_fmt = op_single_fmt_table[opcode];
-	      int fmt_length = xtensa_format_length (isa, fmt);
-	      if (old_fmt == XTENSA_UNDEFINED
-		  || fmt_length < xtensa_format_length (isa, old_fmt))
-		op_single_fmt_table[opcode] = fmt;
-	    }
-	}
-    }
-  xtensa_insnbuf_free (isa, ibuf);
-static xtensa_format
-get_single_format (xtensa_opcode opcode)
-  init_op_single_format_table ();
-  return op_single_fmt_table[opcode];
-/* For the set of narrowable instructions we do NOT include the
-   narrowings beqz -> beqz.n or bnez -> bnez.n because of complexities
-   involved during linker relaxation that may require these to
-   re-expand in some conditions.  Also, the narrowing "or" -> mov.n
-   requires special case code to ensure it only works when op1 == op2.  */
-struct string_pair
-  const char *wide;
-  const char *narrow;
-struct string_pair narrowable[] =
-  { "add", "add.n" },
-  { "addi", "addi.n" },
-  { "addmi", "addi.n" },
-  { "l32i", "l32i.n" },
-  { "movi", "movi.n" },
-  { "ret", "ret.n" },
-  { "retw", "retw.n" },
-  { "s32i", "s32i.n" },
-  { "or", "mov.n" } /* special case only when op1 == op2 */
-struct string_pair widenable[] =
-  { "add", "add.n" },
-  { "addi", "addi.n" },
-  { "addmi", "addi.n" },
-  { "beqz", "beqz.n" },
-  { "bnez", "bnez.n" },
-  { "l32i", "l32i.n" },
-  { "movi", "movi.n" },
-  { "ret", "ret.n" },
-  { "retw", "retw.n" },
-  { "s32i", "s32i.n" },
-  { "or", "mov.n" } /* special case only when op1 == op2 */
-/* Check if an instruction can be "narrowed", i.e., changed from a standard
-   3-byte instruction to a 2-byte "density" instruction.  If it is valid,
-   return the instruction buffer holding the narrow instruction.  Otherwise,
-   return 0.  The set of valid narrowing are specified by a string table
-   but require some special case operand checks in some cases.  */
-static xtensa_insnbuf
-can_narrow_instruction (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf,
-			xtensa_format fmt,
-			xtensa_opcode opcode)
-  xtensa_isa isa = xtensa_default_isa;
-  xtensa_format o_fmt;
-  unsigned opi;
-  static xtensa_insnbuf o_insnbuf = NULL;
-  static xtensa_insnbuf o_slotbuf = NULL;
-  if (o_insnbuf == NULL)
-    {
-      o_insnbuf = xtensa_insnbuf_alloc (isa);
-      o_slotbuf = xtensa_insnbuf_alloc (isa);
-    }
-  for (opi = 0; opi < (sizeof (narrowable)/sizeof (struct string_pair)); opi++)
-    {
-      bfd_boolean is_or = (strcmp ("or", narrowable[opi].wide) == 0);
-      if (opcode == xtensa_opcode_lookup (isa, narrowable[opi].wide))
-	{
-	  uint32 value, newval;
-	  int i, operand_count, o_operand_count;
-	  xtensa_opcode o_opcode;
-	  /* Address does not matter in this case.  We might need to
-	     fix it to handle branches/jumps.  */
-	  bfd_vma self_address = 0;
-	  o_opcode = xtensa_opcode_lookup (isa, narrowable[opi].narrow);
-	  if (o_opcode == XTENSA_UNDEFINED)
-	    return 0;
-	  o_fmt = get_single_format (o_opcode);
-	  if (o_fmt == XTENSA_UNDEFINED)
-	    return 0;
-	  if (xtensa_format_length (isa, fmt) != 3
-	      || xtensa_format_length (isa, o_fmt) != 2)
-	    return 0;
-	  xtensa_format_encode (isa, o_fmt, o_insnbuf);
-	  operand_count = xtensa_opcode_num_operands (isa, opcode);
-	  o_operand_count = xtensa_opcode_num_operands (isa, o_opcode);
-	  if (xtensa_opcode_encode (isa, o_fmt, 0, o_slotbuf, o_opcode) != 0)
-	    return 0;
-	  if (!is_or)
-	    {
-	      if (xtensa_opcode_num_operands (isa, o_opcode) != operand_count)
-		return 0;
-	    }
-	  else
-	    {
-	      uint32 rawval0, rawval1, rawval2;
-	      if (o_operand_count + 1 != operand_count
-		  || xtensa_operand_get_field (isa, opcode, 0,
-					       fmt, 0, slotbuf, &rawval0) != 0
-		  || xtensa_operand_get_field (isa, opcode, 1,
-					       fmt, 0, slotbuf, &rawval1) != 0
-		  || xtensa_operand_get_field (isa, opcode, 2,
-					       fmt, 0, slotbuf, &rawval2) != 0
-		  || rawval1 != rawval2
-		  || rawval0 == rawval1 /* it is a nop */)
-		return 0;
-	    }
-	  for (i = 0; i < o_operand_count; ++i)
-	    {
-	      if (xtensa_operand_get_field (isa, opcode, i, fmt, 0,
-					    slotbuf, &value)
-		  || xtensa_operand_decode (isa, opcode, i, &value))
-		return 0;
-	      /* PC-relative branches need adjustment, but
-		 the PC-rel operand will always have a relocation.  */
-	      newval = value;
-	      if (xtensa_operand_do_reloc (isa, o_opcode, i, &newval,
-					   self_address)
-		  || xtensa_operand_encode (isa, o_opcode, i, &newval)
-		  || xtensa_operand_set_field (isa, o_opcode, i, o_fmt, 0,
-					       o_slotbuf, newval))
-		return 0;
-	    }
-	  if (xtensa_format_set_slot (isa, o_fmt, 0, o_insnbuf, o_slotbuf))
-	    return 0;
-	  return o_insnbuf;
-	}
-    }
-  return 0;
-/* Attempt to narrow an instruction.  If the narrowing is valid, perform
-   the action in-place directly into the contents and return TRUE.  Otherwise,
-   the return value is FALSE and the contents are not modified.  */
-static bfd_boolean
-narrow_instruction (bfd_byte *contents,
-		    bfd_size_type content_length,
-		    bfd_size_type offset)
-  xtensa_opcode opcode;
-  bfd_size_type insn_len;
-  xtensa_isa isa = xtensa_default_isa;
-  xtensa_format fmt;
-  xtensa_insnbuf o_insnbuf;
-  static xtensa_insnbuf insnbuf = NULL;
-  static xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf = NULL;
-  if (insnbuf == NULL)
-    {
-      insnbuf = xtensa_insnbuf_alloc (isa);
-      slotbuf = xtensa_insnbuf_alloc (isa);
-    }
-  BFD_ASSERT (offset < content_length);
-  if (content_length < 2)
-    return FALSE;
-  /* We will hand-code a few of these for a little while.
-     These have all been specified in the assembler aleady.  */
-  xtensa_insnbuf_from_chars (isa, insnbuf, &contents[offset],
-			     content_length - offset);
-  fmt = xtensa_format_decode (isa, insnbuf);
-  if (xtensa_format_num_slots (isa, fmt) != 1)
-    return FALSE;
-  if (xtensa_format_get_slot (isa, fmt, 0, insnbuf, slotbuf) != 0)
-    return FALSE;
-  opcode = xtensa_opcode_decode (isa, fmt, 0, slotbuf);
-  if (opcode == XTENSA_UNDEFINED)
-    return FALSE;
-  insn_len = xtensa_format_length (isa, fmt);
-  if (insn_len > content_length)
-    return FALSE;
-  o_insnbuf = can_narrow_instruction (slotbuf, fmt, opcode);
-  if (o_insnbuf)
-    {
-      xtensa_insnbuf_to_chars (isa, o_insnbuf, contents + offset,
-			       content_length - offset);
-      return TRUE;
-    }
-  return FALSE;
-/* Check if an instruction can be "widened", i.e., changed from a 2-byte
-   "density" instruction to a standard 3-byte instruction.  If it is valid,
-   return the instruction buffer holding the wide instruction.  Otherwise,
-   return 0.  The set of valid widenings are specified by a string table
-   but require some special case operand checks in some cases.  */
-static xtensa_insnbuf
-can_widen_instruction (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf,
-		       xtensa_format fmt,
-		       xtensa_opcode opcode)
-  xtensa_isa isa = xtensa_default_isa;
-  xtensa_format o_fmt;
-  unsigned opi;
-  static xtensa_insnbuf o_insnbuf = NULL;
-  static xtensa_insnbuf o_slotbuf = NULL;
-  if (o_insnbuf == NULL)
-    {
-      o_insnbuf = xtensa_insnbuf_alloc (isa);
-      o_slotbuf = xtensa_insnbuf_alloc (isa);
-    }
-  for (opi = 0; opi < (sizeof (widenable)/sizeof (struct string_pair)); opi++)
-    {
-      bfd_boolean is_or = (strcmp ("or", widenable[opi].wide) == 0);
-      bfd_boolean is_branch = (strcmp ("beqz", widenable[opi].wide) == 0
-			       || strcmp ("bnez", widenable[opi].wide) == 0);
-      if (opcode == xtensa_opcode_lookup (isa, widenable[opi].narrow))
-	{
-	  uint32 value, newval;
-	  int i, operand_count, o_operand_count, check_operand_count;
-	  xtensa_opcode o_opcode;
-	  /* Address does not matter in this case.  We might need to fix it
-	     to handle branches/jumps.  */
-	  bfd_vma self_address = 0;
-	  o_opcode = xtensa_opcode_lookup (isa, widenable[opi].wide);
-	  if (o_opcode == XTENSA_UNDEFINED)
-	    return 0;
-	  o_fmt = get_single_format (o_opcode);
-	  if (o_fmt == XTENSA_UNDEFINED)
-	    return 0;
-	  if (xtensa_format_length (isa, fmt) != 2
-	      || xtensa_format_length (isa, o_fmt) != 3)
-	    return 0;
-	  xtensa_format_encode (isa, o_fmt, o_insnbuf);
-	  operand_count = xtensa_opcode_num_operands (isa, opcode);
-	  o_operand_count = xtensa_opcode_num_operands (isa, o_opcode);
-	  check_operand_count = o_operand_count;
-	  if (xtensa_opcode_encode (isa, o_fmt, 0, o_slotbuf, o_opcode) != 0)
-	    return 0;
-	  if (!is_or)
-	    {
-	      if (xtensa_opcode_num_operands (isa, o_opcode) != operand_count)
-		return 0;
-	    }
-	  else
-	    {
-	      uint32 rawval0, rawval1;
-	      if (o_operand_count != operand_count + 1
-		  || xtensa_operand_get_field (isa, opcode, 0,
-					       fmt, 0, slotbuf, &rawval0) != 0
-		  || xtensa_operand_get_field (isa, opcode, 1,
-					       fmt, 0, slotbuf, &rawval1) != 0
-		  || rawval0 == rawval1 /* it is a nop */)
-		return 0;
-	    }
-	  if (is_branch)
-	    check_operand_count--;
-	  for (i = 0; i < check_operand_count; i++)
-	    {
-	      int new_i = i;
-	      if (is_or && i == o_operand_count - 1)
-		new_i = i - 1;
-	      if (xtensa_operand_get_field (isa, opcode, new_i, fmt, 0,
-					    slotbuf, &value)
-		  || xtensa_operand_decode (isa, opcode, new_i, &value))
-		return 0;
-	      /* PC-relative branches need adjustment, but
-		 the PC-rel operand will always have a relocation.  */
-	      newval = value;
-	      if (xtensa_operand_do_reloc (isa, o_opcode, i, &newval,
-					   self_address)
-		  || xtensa_operand_encode (isa, o_opcode, i, &newval)
-		  || xtensa_operand_set_field (isa, o_opcode, i, o_fmt, 0,
-					       o_slotbuf, newval))
-		return 0;
-	    }
-	  if (xtensa_format_set_slot (isa, o_fmt, 0, o_insnbuf, o_slotbuf))
-	    return 0;
-	  return o_insnbuf;
-	}
-    }
-  return 0;
-/* Attempt to widen an instruction.  If the widening is valid, perform
-   the action in-place directly into the contents and return TRUE.  Otherwise,
-   the return value is FALSE and the contents are not modified.  */
-static bfd_boolean
-widen_instruction (bfd_byte *contents,
-		   bfd_size_type content_length,
-		   bfd_size_type offset)
-  xtensa_opcode opcode;
-  bfd_size_type insn_len;
-  xtensa_isa isa = xtensa_default_isa;
-  xtensa_format fmt;
-  xtensa_insnbuf o_insnbuf;
-  static xtensa_insnbuf insnbuf = NULL;
-  static xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf = NULL;
-  if (insnbuf == NULL)
-    {
-      insnbuf = xtensa_insnbuf_alloc (isa);
-      slotbuf = xtensa_insnbuf_alloc (isa);
-    }
-  BFD_ASSERT (offset < content_length);
-  if (content_length < 2)
-    return FALSE;
-  /* We will hand-code a few of these for a little while.
-     These have all been specified in the assembler aleady.  */
-  xtensa_insnbuf_from_chars (isa, insnbuf, &contents[offset],
-			     content_length - offset);
-  fmt = xtensa_format_decode (isa, insnbuf);
-  if (xtensa_format_num_slots (isa, fmt) != 1)
-    return FALSE;
-  if (xtensa_format_get_slot (isa, fmt, 0, insnbuf, slotbuf) != 0)
-    return FALSE;
-  opcode = xtensa_opcode_decode (isa, fmt, 0, slotbuf);
-  if (opcode == XTENSA_UNDEFINED)
-    return FALSE;
-  insn_len = xtensa_format_length (isa, fmt);
-  if (insn_len > content_length)
-    return FALSE;
-  o_insnbuf = can_widen_instruction (slotbuf, fmt, opcode);
-  if (o_insnbuf)
-    {
-      xtensa_insnbuf_to_chars (isa, o_insnbuf, contents + offset,
-			       content_length - offset);
-      return TRUE;
-    }
-  return FALSE;
-/* Code for transforming CALLs at link-time.  */
-static bfd_reloc_status_type
-elf_xtensa_do_asm_simplify (bfd_byte *contents,
-			    bfd_vma address,
-			    bfd_vma content_length,
-			    char **error_message)
-  static xtensa_insnbuf insnbuf = NULL;
-  static xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf = NULL;
-  xtensa_format core_format = XTENSA_UNDEFINED;
-  xtensa_opcode opcode;
-  xtensa_opcode direct_call_opcode;
-  xtensa_isa isa = xtensa_default_isa;
-  bfd_byte *chbuf = contents + address;
-  int opn;
-  if (insnbuf == NULL)
-    {
-      insnbuf = xtensa_insnbuf_alloc (isa);
-      slotbuf = xtensa_insnbuf_alloc (isa);
-    }
-  if (content_length < address)
-    {
-      *error_message = _("Attempt to convert L32R/CALLX to CALL failed");
-      return bfd_reloc_other;
-    }
-  opcode = get_expanded_call_opcode (chbuf, content_length - address, 0);
-  direct_call_opcode = swap_callx_for_call_opcode (opcode);
-  if (direct_call_opcode == XTENSA_UNDEFINED)
-    {
-      *error_message = _("Attempt to convert L32R/CALLX to CALL failed");
-      return bfd_reloc_other;
-    }
-  /* Assemble a NOP ("or a1, a1, a1") into the 0 byte offset.  */
-  core_format = xtensa_format_lookup (isa, "x24");
-  opcode = xtensa_opcode_lookup (isa, "or");
-  xtensa_opcode_encode (isa, core_format, 0, slotbuf, opcode);
-  for (opn = 0; opn < 3; opn++)
-    {
-      uint32 regno = 1;
-      xtensa_operand_encode (isa, opcode, opn, &regno);
-      xtensa_operand_set_field (isa, opcode, opn, core_format, 0,
-				slotbuf, regno);
-    }
-  xtensa_format_encode (isa, core_format, insnbuf);
-  xtensa_format_set_slot (isa, core_format, 0, insnbuf, slotbuf);
-  xtensa_insnbuf_to_chars (isa, insnbuf, chbuf, content_length - address);
-  /* Assemble a CALL ("callN 0") into the 3 byte offset.  */
-  xtensa_opcode_encode (isa, core_format, 0, slotbuf, direct_call_opcode);
-  xtensa_operand_set_field (isa, opcode, 0, core_format, 0, slotbuf, 0);
-  xtensa_format_encode (isa, core_format, insnbuf);
-  xtensa_format_set_slot (isa, core_format, 0, insnbuf, slotbuf);
-  xtensa_insnbuf_to_chars (isa, insnbuf, chbuf + 3,
-			   content_length - address - 3);
-  return bfd_reloc_ok;
-static bfd_reloc_status_type
-contract_asm_expansion (bfd_byte *contents,
-			bfd_vma content_length,
-			Elf_Internal_Rela *irel,
-			char **error_message)
-  bfd_reloc_status_type retval =
-    elf_xtensa_do_asm_simplify (contents, irel->rz_offset, content_length,
-				error_message);
-  if (retval != bfd_reloc_ok)
-    return bfd_reloc_dangerous;
-  /* Update the irel->rz_offset field so that the right immediate and
-     the right instruction are modified during the relocation.  */
-  irel->rz_offset += 3;
-  irel->rz_info = ELF32_R_INFO (ELF32_R_SYM (irel->rz_info), RZ_XTENSA_SLOT0_OP);
-  return bfd_reloc_ok;
-static xtensa_opcode
-swap_callx_for_call_opcode (xtensa_opcode opcode)
-  init_call_opcodes ();
-  if (opcode == callx0_op) return call0_op;
-  if (opcode == callx4_op) return call4_op;
-  if (opcode == callx8_op) return call8_op;
-  if (opcode == callx12_op) return call12_op;
-  /* Return XTENSA_UNDEFINED if the opcode is not an indirect call.  */
-/* Check if "buf" is pointing to a "L32R aN; CALLX aN" or "CONST16 aN;
-   CONST16 aN; CALLX aN" sequence, and if so, return the CALLX opcode.
-   If not, return XTENSA_UNDEFINED.  */
-static xtensa_opcode
-get_expanded_call_opcode (bfd_byte *buf, int bufsize, bfd_boolean *p_uses_l32r)
-  static xtensa_insnbuf insnbuf = NULL;
-  static xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf = NULL;
-  xtensa_format fmt;
-  xtensa_opcode opcode;
-  xtensa_isa isa = xtensa_default_isa;
-  uint32 regno, const16_regno, call_regno;
-  int offset = 0;
-  if (insnbuf == NULL)
-    {
-      insnbuf = xtensa_insnbuf_alloc (isa);
-      slotbuf = xtensa_insnbuf_alloc (isa);
-    }
-  xtensa_insnbuf_from_chars (isa, insnbuf, buf, bufsize);
-  fmt = xtensa_format_decode (isa, insnbuf);
-  if (fmt == XTENSA_UNDEFINED
-      || xtensa_format_get_slot (isa, fmt, 0, insnbuf, slotbuf))
-  opcode = xtensa_opcode_decode (isa, fmt, 0, slotbuf);
-  if (opcode == XTENSA_UNDEFINED)
-  if (opcode == get_l32r_opcode ())
-    {
-      if (p_uses_l32r)
-	*p_uses_l32r = TRUE;
-      if (xtensa_operand_get_field (isa, opcode, L32R_TARGET_REG_OPERAND,
-				    fmt, 0, slotbuf, &regno)
-	  || xtensa_operand_decode (isa, opcode, L32R_TARGET_REG_OPERAND,
-				    &regno))
-    }
-  else if (opcode == get_const16_opcode ())
-    {
-      if (p_uses_l32r)
-	*p_uses_l32r = FALSE;
-      if (xtensa_operand_get_field (isa, opcode, CONST16_TARGET_REG_OPERAND,
-				    fmt, 0, slotbuf, &regno)
-	  || xtensa_operand_decode (isa, opcode, CONST16_TARGET_REG_OPERAND,
-				    &regno))
-      /* Check that the next instruction is also CONST16.  */
-      offset += xtensa_format_length (isa, fmt);
-      xtensa_insnbuf_from_chars (isa, insnbuf, buf + offset, bufsize - offset);
-      fmt = xtensa_format_decode (isa, insnbuf);
-      if (fmt == XTENSA_UNDEFINED
-	  || xtensa_format_get_slot (isa, fmt, 0, insnbuf, slotbuf))
-      opcode = xtensa_opcode_decode (isa, fmt, 0, slotbuf);
-      if (opcode != get_const16_opcode ())
-      if (xtensa_operand_get_field (isa, opcode, CONST16_TARGET_REG_OPERAND,
-				    fmt, 0, slotbuf, &const16_regno)
-	  || xtensa_operand_decode (isa, opcode, CONST16_TARGET_REG_OPERAND,
-				    &const16_regno)
-	  || const16_regno != regno)
-    }
-  else
-  /* Next instruction should be an CALLXn with operand 0 == regno.  */
-  offset += xtensa_format_length (isa, fmt);
-  xtensa_insnbuf_from_chars (isa, insnbuf, buf + offset, bufsize - offset);
-  fmt = xtensa_format_decode (isa, insnbuf);
-  if (fmt == XTENSA_UNDEFINED
-      || xtensa_format_get_slot (isa, fmt, 0, insnbuf, slotbuf))
-  opcode = xtensa_opcode_decode (isa, fmt, 0, slotbuf);
-  if (opcode == XTENSA_UNDEFINED
-      || !is_indirect_call_opcode (opcode))
-  if (xtensa_operand_get_field (isa, opcode, CALLN_SOURCE_OPERAND,
-				fmt, 0, slotbuf, &call_regno)
-      || xtensa_operand_decode (isa, opcode, CALLN_SOURCE_OPERAND,
-				&call_regno))
-  if (call_regno != regno)
-  return opcode;
-/* Data structures used during relaxation.  */
-/* rz_reloc: relocation values.  */
-/* Through the relaxation process, we need to keep track of the values
-   that will result from evaluating relocations.  The standard ELF
-   relocation structure is not sufficient for this purpose because we're
-   operating on multiple input files at once, so we need to know which
-   input file a relocation refers to.  The rz_reloc structure thus
-   records both the input file (bfd) and ELF relocation.
-   For efficiency, an rz_reloc also contains a "target_offset" field to
-   cache the target-section-relative offset value that is represented by
-   the relocation.
-   The rz_reloc also contains a virtual offset that allows multiple
-   inserted literals to be placed at the same "address" with
-   different offsets.  */
-typedef struct rz_reloc_struct rz_reloc;
-struct rz_reloc_struct
-  bfd *abfd;
-  Elf_Internal_Rela rela;
-  bfd_vma target_offset;
-  bfd_vma virtual_offset;
-/* The rz_reloc structure is included by value in literal_value, but not
-   every literal_value has an associated relocation -- some are simple
-   constants.  In such cases, we set all the fields in the rz_reloc
-   struct to zero.  The rz_reloc_is_const function should be used to
-   detect this case.  */
-static bfd_boolean
-rz_reloc_is_const (const rz_reloc *rz_rel)
-  return (rz_rel->abfd == NULL);
-static bfd_vma
-rz_reloc_get_target_offset (const rz_reloc *rz_rel)
-  bfd_vma target_offset;
-  unsigned long rz_symndx;
-  BFD_ASSERT (!rz_reloc_is_const (rz_rel));
-  rz_symndx = ELF32_R_SYM (rz_rel->rela.rz_info);
-  target_offset = get_elf_r_symndx_offset (rz_rel->abfd, rz_symndx);
-  return (target_offset + rz_rel->rela.rz_addend);
-static struct elf_link_hash_entry *
-rz_reloc_get_hash_entry (const rz_reloc *rz_rel)
-  unsigned long rz_symndx = ELF32_R_SYM (rz_rel->rela.rz_info);
-  return get_elf_r_symndx_hash_entry (rz_rel->abfd, rz_symndx);
-static asection *
-rz_reloc_get_section (const rz_reloc *rz_rel)
-  unsigned long rz_symndx = ELF32_R_SYM (rz_rel->rela.rz_info);
-  return get_elf_r_symndx_section (rz_rel->abfd, rz_symndx);
-static bfd_boolean
-rz_reloc_is_defined (const rz_reloc *rz_rel)
-  asection *sec;
-  if (rz_rel == NULL)
-    return FALSE;
-  sec = rz_reloc_get_section (rz_rel);
-  if (sec == bfd_abs_section_ptr
-      || sec == bfd_com_section_ptr
-      || sec == bfd_und_section_ptr)
-    return FALSE;
-  return TRUE;
-static void
-rz_reloc_init (rz_reloc *rz_rel,
-	      bfd *abfd,
-	      Elf_Internal_Rela *irel,
-	      bfd_byte *contents,
-	      bfd_size_type content_length)
-  int rz_type;
-  reloc_howto_type *howto;
-  if (irel)
-    {
-      rz_rel->rela = *irel;
-      rz_rel->abfd = abfd;
-      rz_rel->target_offset = rz_reloc_get_target_offset (rz_rel);
-      rz_rel->virtual_offset = 0;
-      rz_type = ELF32_R_TYPE (rz_rel->rela.rz_info);
-      howto = &elf_howto_table[rz_type];
-      if (howto->partial_inplace)
-	{
-	  bfd_vma inplace_val;
-	  BFD_ASSERT (rz_rel->rela.rz_offset < content_length);
-	  inplace_val = bfd_get_32 (abfd, &contents[rz_rel->rela.rz_offset]);
-	  rz_rel->target_offset += inplace_val;
-	}
-    }
-  else
-    memset (rz_rel, 0, sizeof (rz_reloc));
-#if DEBUG
-static void
-print_r_reloc (FILE *fp, const rz_reloc *rz_rel)
-  if (rz_reloc_is_defined (rz_rel))
-    {
-      asection *sec = rz_reloc_get_section (rz_rel);
-      fprintf (fp, " %s(%s + ", sec->owner->filename, sec->name);
-    }
-  else if (rz_reloc_get_hash_entry (rz_rel))
-    fprintf (fp, " %s + ", rz_reloc_get_hash_entry (rz_rel)->root.root.string);
-  else
-    fprintf (fp, " ?? + ");
-  fprintf_vma (fp, rz_rel->target_offset);
-  if (rz_rel->virtual_offset)
-    {
-      fprintf (fp, " + ");
-      fprintf_vma (fp, rz_rel->virtual_offset);
-    }
-  fprintf (fp, ")");
-#endif /* DEBUG */
-/* source_reloc: relocations that reference literals.  */
-/* To determine whether literals can be coalesced, we need to first
-   record all the relocations that reference the literals.  The
-   source_reloc structure below is used for this purpose.  The
-   source_reloc entries are kept in a per-literal-section array, sorted
-   by offset within the literal section (i.e., target offset).
-   The source_sec and rz_rel.rela.rz_offset fields identify the source of
-   the relocation.  The rz_rel field records the relocation value, i.e.,
-   the offset of the literal being referenced.  The opnd field is needed
-   to determine the range of the immediate field to which the relocation
-   applies, so we can determine whether another literal with the same
-   value is within range.  The is_null field is true when the relocation
-   is being removed (e.g., when an L32R is being removed due to a CALLX
-   that is converted to a direct CALL).  */
-typedef struct source_reloc_struct source_reloc;
-struct source_reloc_struct
-  asection *source_sec;
-  rz_reloc rz_rel;
-  xtensa_opcode opcode;
-  int opnd;
-  bfd_boolean is_null;
-  bfd_boolean is_abs_literal;
-static void
-init_source_reloc (source_reloc *reloc,
-		   asection *source_sec,
-		   const rz_reloc *rz_rel,
-		   xtensa_opcode opcode,
-		   int opnd,
-		   bfd_boolean is_abs_literal)
-  reloc->source_sec = source_sec;
-  reloc->rz_rel = *rz_rel;
-  reloc->opcode = opcode;
-  reloc->opnd = opnd;
-  reloc->is_null = FALSE;
-  reloc->is_abs_literal = is_abs_literal;
-/* Find the source_reloc for a particular source offset and relocation
-   type.  Note that the array is sorted by _target_ offset, so this is
-   just a linear search.  */
-static source_reloc *
-find_source_reloc (source_reloc *src_relocs,
-		   int src_count,
-		   asection *sec,
-		   Elf_Internal_Rela *irel)
-  int i;
-  for (i = 0; i < src_count; i++)
-    {
-      if (src_relocs[i].source_sec == sec
-	  && src_relocs[i].rz_rel.rela.rz_offset == irel->rz_offset
-	  && (ELF32_R_TYPE (src_relocs[i].rz_rel.rela.rz_info)
-	      == ELF32_R_TYPE (irel->rz_info)))
-	return &src_relocs[i];
-    }
-  return NULL;
-static int
-source_reloc_compare (const void *ap, const void *bp)
-  const source_reloc *a = (const source_reloc *) ap;
-  const source_reloc *b = (const source_reloc *) bp;
-  if (a->rz_rel.target_offset != b->rz_rel.target_offset)
-    return (a->rz_rel.target_offset - b->rz_rel.target_offset);
-  /* We don't need to sort on these criteria for correctness,
-     but enforcing a more strict ordering prevents unstable qsort
-     from behaving differently with different implementations.
-     Without the code below we get correct but different results
-     on Solaris 2.7 and 2.8.  We would like to always produce the
-     same results no matter the host. */
-  if ((!a->is_null) - (!b->is_null))
-    return ((!a->is_null) - (!b->is_null));
-  return internal_reloc_compare (&a->rz_rel.rela, &b->rz_rel.rela);
-/* Literal values and value hash tables.  */
-/* Literals with the same value can be coalesced.  The literal_value
-   structure records the value of a literal: the "rz_rel" field holds the
-   information from the relocation on the literal (if there is one) and
-   the "value" field holds the contents of the literal word itself.
-   The value_map structure records a literal value along with the
-   location of a literal holding that value.  The value_map hash table
-   is indexed by the literal value, so that we can quickly check if a
-   particular literal value has been seen before and is thus a candidate
-   for coalescing.  */
-typedef struct literal_value_struct literal_value;
-typedef struct value_map_struct value_map;
-typedef struct value_map_hash_table_struct value_map_hash_table;
-struct literal_value_struct
-  rz_reloc rz_rel;
-  unsigned long value;
-  bfd_boolean is_abs_literal;
-struct value_map_struct
-  literal_value val;			/* The literal value.  */
-  rz_reloc loc;				/* Location of the literal.  */
-  value_map *next;
-struct value_map_hash_table_struct
-  unsigned bucket_count;
-  value_map **buckets;
-  unsigned count;
-  bfd_boolean has_last_loc;
-  rz_reloc last_loc;
-static void
-init_literal_value (literal_value *lit,
-		    const rz_reloc *rz_rel,
-		    unsigned long value,
-		    bfd_boolean is_abs_literal)
-  lit->rz_rel = *rz_rel;
-  lit->value = value;
-  lit->is_abs_literal = is_abs_literal;
-static bfd_boolean
-literal_value_equal (const literal_value *src1,
-		     const literal_value *src2,
-		     bfd_boolean final_static_link)
-  struct elf_link_hash_entry *h1, *h2;
-  if (rz_reloc_is_const (&src1->rz_rel) != rz_reloc_is_const (&src2->rz_rel))
-    return FALSE;
-  if (rz_reloc_is_const (&src1->rz_rel))
-    return (src1->value == src2->value);
-  if (ELF32_R_TYPE (src1->rz_rel.rela.rz_info)
-      != ELF32_R_TYPE (src2->rz_rel.rela.rz_info))
-    return FALSE;
-  if (src1->rz_rel.target_offset != src2->rz_rel.target_offset)
-    return FALSE;
-  if (src1->rz_rel.virtual_offset != src2->rz_rel.virtual_offset)
-    return FALSE;
-  if (src1->value != src2->value)
-    return FALSE;
-  /* Now check for the same section (if defined) or the same elf_hash
-     (if undefined or weak).  */
-  h1 = rz_reloc_get_hash_entry (&src1->rz_rel);
-  h2 = rz_reloc_get_hash_entry (&src2->rz_rel);
-  if (rz_reloc_is_defined (&src1->rz_rel)
-      && (final_static_link
-	  || ((!h1 || h1->root.type != bfd_link_hash_defweak)
-	      && (!h2 || h2->root.type != bfd_link_hash_defweak))))
-    {
-      if (rz_reloc_get_section (&src1->rz_rel)
-	  != rz_reloc_get_section (&src2->rz_rel))
-	return FALSE;
-    }
-  else
-    {
-      /* Require that the hash entries (i.e., symbols) be identical.  */
-      if (h1 != h2 || h1 == 0)
-	return FALSE;
-    }
-  if (src1->is_abs_literal != src2->is_abs_literal)
-    return FALSE;
-  return TRUE;
-/* Must be power of 2.  */
-static value_map_hash_table *
-value_map_hash_table_init (void)
-  value_map_hash_table *values;
-  values = (value_map_hash_table *)
-    bfd_zmalloc (sizeof (value_map_hash_table));
-  values->bucket_count = INITIAL_HASH_RELOC_BUCKET_COUNT;
-  values->count = 0;
-  values->buckets = (value_map **)
-    bfd_zmalloc (sizeof (value_map *) * values->bucket_count);
-  if (values->buckets == NULL)
-    {
-      free (values);
-      return NULL;
-    }
-  values->has_last_loc = FALSE;
-  return values;
-static void
-value_map_hash_table_delete (value_map_hash_table *table)
-  free (table->buckets);
-  free (table);
-static unsigned
-hash_bfd_vma (bfd_vma val)
-  return (val >> 2) + (val >> 10);
-static unsigned
-literal_value_hash (const literal_value *src)
-  unsigned hash_val;
-  hash_val = hash_bfd_vma (src->value);
-  if (!rz_reloc_is_const (&src->rz_rel))
-    {
-      void *sec_or_hash;
-      hash_val += hash_bfd_vma (src->is_abs_literal * 1000);
-      hash_val += hash_bfd_vma (src->rz_rel.target_offset);
-      hash_val += hash_bfd_vma (src->rz_rel.virtual_offset);
-      /* Now check for the same section and the same elf_hash.  */
-      if (rz_reloc_is_defined (&src->rz_rel))
-	sec_or_hash = rz_reloc_get_section (&src->rz_rel);
-      else
-	sec_or_hash = rz_reloc_get_hash_entry (&src->rz_rel);
-      hash_val += hash_bfd_vma ((bfd_vma) (size_t) sec_or_hash);
-    }
-  return hash_val;
-/* Check if the specified literal_value has been seen before.  */
-static value_map *
-value_map_get_cached_value (value_map_hash_table *map,
-			    const literal_value *val,
-			    bfd_boolean final_static_link)
-  value_map *map_e;
-  value_map *bucket;
-  unsigned idx;
-  idx = literal_value_hash (val);
-  idx = idx & (map->bucket_count - 1);
-  bucket = map->buckets[idx];
-  for (map_e = bucket; map_e; map_e = map_e->next)
-    {
-      if (literal_value_equal (&map_e->val, val, final_static_link))
-	return map_e;
-    }
-  return NULL;
-/* Record a new literal value.  It is illegal to call this if VALUE
-   already has an entry here.  */
-static value_map *
-add_value_map (value_map_hash_table *map,
-	       const literal_value *val,
-	       const rz_reloc *loc,
-	       bfd_boolean final_static_link)
-  value_map **bucket_p;
-  unsigned idx;
-  value_map *val_e = (value_map *) bfd_zmalloc (sizeof (value_map));
-  if (val_e == NULL)
-    {
-      bfd_set_error (bfd_error_no_memory);
-      return NULL;
-    }
-  BFD_ASSERT (!value_map_get_cached_value (map, val, final_static_link));
-  val_e->val = *val;
-  val_e->loc = *loc;
-  idx = literal_value_hash (val);
-  idx = idx & (map->bucket_count - 1);
-  bucket_p = &map->buckets[idx];
-  val_e->next = *bucket_p;
-  *bucket_p = val_e;
-  map->count++;
-  /* FIXME: Consider resizing the hash table if we get too many entries.  */
-  return val_e;
-/* Lists of text actions (ta_) for narrowing, widening, longcall
-   conversion, space fill, code & literal removal, etc.  */
-/* The following text actions are generated:
-   "ta_remove_insn"         remove an instruction or instructions
-   "ta_remove_longcall"     convert longcall to call
-   "ta_convert_longcall"    convert longcall to nop/call
-   "ta_narrow_insn"         narrow a wide instruction
-   "ta_widen"               widen a narrow instruction
-   "ta_fill"                add fill or remove fill
-      removed < 0 is a fill; branches to the fill address will be
-	changed to address + fill size (e.g., address - removed)
-      removed >= 0 branches to the fill address will stay unchanged
-   "ta_remove_literal"      remove a literal; this action is
-			    indicated when a literal is removed
-                            or replaced.
-   "ta_add_literal"         insert a new literal; this action is
-                            indicated when a literal has been moved.
-                            It may use a virtual_offset because
-			    multiple literals can be placed at the
-                            same location.
-   For each of these text actions, we also record the number of bytes
-   removed by performing the text action.  In the case of a "ta_widen"
-   or a "ta_fill" that adds space, the removed_bytes will be negative.  */
-typedef struct text_action_struct text_action;
-typedef struct text_action_list_struct text_action_list;
-typedef enum text_action_enum_t text_action_t;
-enum text_action_enum_t
-  ta_none,
-  ta_remove_insn,        /* removed = -size */
-  ta_remove_longcall,    /* removed = -size */
-  ta_convert_longcall,   /* removed = 0 */
-  ta_narrow_insn,        /* removed = -1 */
-  ta_widen_insn,         /* removed = +1 */
-  ta_fill,               /* removed = +size */
-  ta_remove_literal,
-  ta_add_literal
-/* Structure for a text action record.  */
-struct text_action_struct
-  text_action_t action;
-  asection *sec;	/* Optional */
-  bfd_vma offset;
-  bfd_vma virtual_offset;  /* Zero except for adding literals.  */
-  int removed_bytes;
-  literal_value value;	/* Only valid when adding literals.  */
-struct removal_by_action_entry_struct
-  bfd_vma offset;
-  int removed;
-  int eq_removed;
-  int eq_removed_before_fill;
-typedef struct removal_by_action_entry_struct removal_by_action_entry;
-struct removal_by_action_map_struct
-  unsigned n_entries;
-  removal_by_action_entry *entry;
-typedef struct removal_by_action_map_struct removal_by_action_map;
-/* List of all of the actions taken on a text section.  */
-struct text_action_list_struct
-  unsigned count;
-  splay_tree tree;
-  removal_by_action_map map;
-static text_action *
-find_fill_action (text_action_list *l, asection *sec, bfd_vma offset)
-  text_action a;
-  /* It is not necessary to fill at the end of a section.  */
-  if (sec->size == offset)
-    return NULL;
-  a.offset = offset;
-  a.action = ta_fill;
-  splay_tree_node node = splay_tree_lookup (l->tree, (splay_tree_key)&a);
-  if (node)
-    return (text_action *)node->value;
-  return NULL;
-static int
-compute_removed_action_diff (const text_action *ta,
-			     asection *sec,
-			     bfd_vma offset,
-			     int removed,
-			     int removable_space)
-  int new_removed;
-  int current_removed = 0;
-  if (ta)
-    current_removed = ta->removed_bytes;
-  BFD_ASSERT (ta == NULL || ta->offset == offset);
-  BFD_ASSERT (ta == NULL || ta->action == ta_fill);
-  /* It is not necessary to fill at the end of a section.  Clean this up.  */
-  if (sec->size == offset)
-    new_removed = removable_space - 0;
-  else
-    {
-      int space;
-      int added = -removed - current_removed;
-      /* Ignore multiples of the section alignment.  */
-      added = ((1 << sec->alignment_power) - 1) & added;
-      new_removed = (-added);
-      /* Modify for removable.  */
-      space = removable_space - new_removed;
-      new_removed = (removable_space
-		     - (((1 << sec->alignment_power) - 1) & space));
-    }
-  return (new_removed - current_removed);
-static void
-adjust_fill_action (text_action *ta, int fill_diff)
-  ta->removed_bytes += fill_diff;
-static int
-text_action_compare (splay_tree_key a, splay_tree_key b)
-  text_action *pa = (text_action *)a;
-  text_action *pb = (text_action *)b;
-  static const int action_priority[] =
-    {
-      [ta_fill] = 0,
-      [ta_none] = 1,
-      [ta_convert_longcall] = 2,
-      [ta_narrow_insn] = 3,
-      [ta_remove_insn] = 4,
-      [ta_remove_longcall] = 5,
-      [ta_remove_literal] = 6,
-      [ta_widen_insn] = 7,
-      [ta_add_literal] = 8,
-    };
-  if (pa->offset == pb->offset)
-    {
-      if (pa->action == pb->action)
-	  return 0;
-      return action_priority[pa->action] - action_priority[pb->action];
-    }
-  else
-    return pa->offset < pb->offset ? -1 : 1;
-static text_action *
-action_first (text_action_list *action_list)
-  splay_tree_node node = splay_tree_min (action_list->tree);
-  return node ? (text_action *)node->value : NULL;
-static text_action *
-action_next (text_action_list *action_list, text_action *action)
-  splay_tree_node node = splay_tree_successor (action_list->tree,
-					       (splay_tree_key)action);
-  return node ? (text_action *)node->value : NULL;
-/* Add a modification action to the text.  For the case of adding or
-   removing space, modify any current fill and assume that
-   "unreachable_space" bytes can be freely contracted.  Note that a
-   negative removed value is a fill.  */
-static void
-text_action_add (text_action_list *l,
-		 text_action_t action,
-		 asection *sec,
-		 bfd_vma offset,
-		 int removed)
-  text_action *ta;
-  text_action a;
-  /* It is not necessary to fill at the end of a section.  */
-  if (action == ta_fill && sec->size == offset)
-    return;
-  /* It is not necessary to fill 0 bytes.  */
-  if (action == ta_fill && removed == 0)
-    return;
-  a.action = action;
-  a.offset = offset;
-  if (action == ta_fill)
-    {
-      splay_tree_node node = splay_tree_lookup (l->tree, (splay_tree_key)&a);
-      if (node)
-	{
-	  ta = (text_action *)node->value;
-	  ta->removed_bytes += removed;
-	  return;
-	}
-    }
-  else
-    BFD_ASSERT (splay_tree_lookup (l->tree, (splay_tree_key)&a) == NULL);
-  ta = (text_action *) bfd_zmalloc (sizeof (text_action));
-  ta->action = action;
-  ta->sec = sec;
-  ta->offset = offset;
-  ta->removed_bytes = removed;
-  splay_tree_insert (l->tree, (splay_tree_key)ta, (splay_tree_value)ta);
-  ++l->count;
-static void
-text_action_add_literal (text_action_list *l,
-			 text_action_t action,
-			 const rz_reloc *loc,
-			 const literal_value *value,
-			 int removed)
-  text_action *ta;
-  asection *sec = rz_reloc_get_section (loc);
-  bfd_vma offset = loc->target_offset;
-  bfd_vma virtual_offset = loc->virtual_offset;
-  BFD_ASSERT (action == ta_add_literal);
-  /* Create a new record and fill it up.  */
-  ta = (text_action *) bfd_zmalloc (sizeof (text_action));
-  ta->action = action;
-  ta->sec = sec;
-  ta->offset = offset;
-  ta->virtual_offset = virtual_offset;
-  ta->value = *value;
-  ta->removed_bytes = removed;
-  BFD_ASSERT (splay_tree_lookup (l->tree, (splay_tree_key)ta) == NULL);
-  splay_tree_insert (l->tree, (splay_tree_key)ta, (splay_tree_value)ta);
-  ++l->count;
-/* Find the total offset adjustment for the relaxations specified by
-   text_actions, beginning from a particular starting action.  This is
-   typically used from offset_with_removed_text to search an entire list of
-   actions, but it may also be called directly when adjusting adjacent offsets
-   so that each search may begin where the previous one left off.  */
-static int
-removed_by_actions (text_action_list *action_list,
-		    text_action **p_start_action,
-		    bfd_vma offset,
-		    bfd_boolean before_fill)
-  text_action *r;
-  int removed = 0;
-  r = *p_start_action;
-  if (r)
-    {
-      splay_tree_node node = splay_tree_lookup (action_list->tree,
-						(splay_tree_key)r);
-      BFD_ASSERT (node != NULL && r == (text_action *)node->value);
-    }
-  while (r)
-    {
-      if (r->offset > offset)
-	break;
-      if (r->offset == offset
-	  && (before_fill || r->action != ta_fill || r->removed_bytes >= 0))
-	break;
-      removed += r->removed_bytes;
-      r = action_next (action_list, r);
-    }
-  *p_start_action = r;
-  return removed;
-static bfd_vma
-offset_with_removed_text (text_action_list *action_list, bfd_vma offset)
-  text_action *r = action_first (action_list);
-  return offset - removed_by_actions (action_list, &r, offset, FALSE);
-static unsigned
-action_list_count (text_action_list *action_list)
-  return action_list->count;
-typedef struct map_action_fn_context_struct map_action_fn_context;
-struct map_action_fn_context_struct
-  int removed;
-  removal_by_action_map map;
-  bfd_boolean eq_complete;
-static int
-map_action_fn (splay_tree_node node, void *p)
-  map_action_fn_context *ctx = p;
-  text_action *r = (text_action *)node->value;
-  removal_by_action_entry *ientry = ctx->map.entry + ctx->map.n_entries;
-  if (ctx->map.n_entries && (ientry - 1)->offset == r->offset)
-    {
-      --ientry;
-    }
-  else
-    {
-      ++ctx->map.n_entries;
-      ctx->eq_complete = FALSE;
-      ientry->offset = r->offset;
-      ientry->eq_removed_before_fill = ctx->removed;
-    }
-  if (!ctx->eq_complete)
-    {
-      if (r->action != ta_fill || r->removed_bytes >= 0)
-	{
-	  ientry->eq_removed = ctx->removed;
-	  ctx->eq_complete = TRUE;
-	}
-      else
-	ientry->eq_removed = ctx->removed + r->removed_bytes;
-    }
-  ctx->removed += r->removed_bytes;
-  ientry->removed = ctx->removed;
-  return 0;
-static void
-map_removal_by_action (text_action_list *action_list)
-  map_action_fn_context ctx;
-  ctx.removed = 0;
-  ctx.map.n_entries = 0;
-  ctx.map.entry = bfd_malloc (action_list_count (action_list) *
-			      sizeof (removal_by_action_entry));
-  ctx.eq_complete = FALSE;
-  splay_tree_foreach (action_list->tree, map_action_fn, &ctx);
-  action_list->map = ctx.map;
-static int
-removed_by_actions_map (text_action_list *action_list, bfd_vma offset,
-			bfd_boolean before_fill)
-  unsigned a, b;
-  if (!action_list->map.entry)
-    map_removal_by_action (action_list);
-  if (!action_list->map.n_entries)
-    return 0;
-  a = 0;
-  b = action_list->map.n_entries;
-  while (b - a > 1)
-    {
-      unsigned c = (a + b) / 2;
-      if (action_list->map.entry[c].offset <= offset)
-	a = c;
-      else
-	b = c;
-    }
-  if (action_list->map.entry[a].offset < offset)
-    {
-      return action_list->map.entry[a].removed;
-    }
-  else if (action_list->map.entry[a].offset == offset)
-    {
-      return before_fill ?
-	action_list->map.entry[a].eq_removed_before_fill :
-	action_list->map.entry[a].eq_removed;
-    }
-  else
-    {
-      return 0;
-    }
-static bfd_vma
-offset_with_removed_text_map (text_action_list *action_list, bfd_vma offset)
-  int removed = removed_by_actions_map (action_list, offset, FALSE);
-  return offset - removed;
-/* The find_insn_action routine will only find non-fill actions.  */
-static text_action *
-find_insn_action (text_action_list *action_list, bfd_vma offset)
-  static const text_action_t action[] =
-    {
-      ta_convert_longcall,
-      ta_remove_longcall,
-      ta_widen_insn,
-      ta_narrow_insn,
-      ta_remove_insn,
-    };
-  text_action a;
-  unsigned i;
-  a.offset = offset;
-  for (i = 0; i < sizeof (action) / sizeof (*action); ++i)
-    {
-      splay_tree_node node;
-      a.action = action[i];
-      node = splay_tree_lookup (action_list->tree, (splay_tree_key)&a);
-      if (node)
-	return (text_action *)node->value;
-    }
-  return NULL;
-#if DEBUG
-static void
-print_action (FILE *fp, text_action *r)
-  const char *t = "unknown";
-  switch (r->action)
-    {
-    case ta_remove_insn:
-      t = "remove_insn"; break;
-    case ta_remove_longcall:
-      t = "remove_longcall"; break;
-    case ta_convert_longcall:
-      t = "convert_longcall"; break;
-    case ta_narrow_insn:
-      t = "narrow_insn"; break;
-    case ta_widen_insn:
-      t = "widen_insn"; break;
-    case ta_fill:
-      t = "fill"; break;
-    case ta_none:
-      t = "none"; break;
-    case ta_remove_literal:
-      t = "remove_literal"; break;
-    case ta_add_literal:
-      t = "add_literal"; break;
-    }
-  fprintf (fp, "%s: %s[0x%lx] \"%s\" %d\n",
-	   r->sec->owner->filename,
-	   r->sec->name, (unsigned long) r->offset, t, r->removed_bytes);
-static int
-print_action_list_fn (splay_tree_node node, void *p)
-  text_action *r = (text_action *)node->value;
-  print_action (p, r);
-  return 0;
-static void
-print_action_list (FILE *fp, text_action_list *action_list)
-  fprintf (fp, "Text Action\n");
-  splay_tree_foreach (action_list->tree, print_action_list_fn, fp);
-#endif /* DEBUG */
-/* Lists of literals being coalesced or removed.  */
-/* In the usual case, the literal identified by "from" is being
-   coalesced with another literal identified by "to".  If the literal is
-   unused and is being removed altogether, "to.abfd" will be NULL.
-   The removed_literal entries are kept on a per-section list, sorted
-   by the "from" offset field.  */
-typedef struct removed_literal_struct removed_literal;
-typedef struct removed_literal_map_entry_struct removed_literal_map_entry;
-typedef struct removed_literal_list_struct removed_literal_list;
-struct removed_literal_struct
-  rz_reloc from;
-  rz_reloc to;
-  removed_literal *next;
-struct removed_literal_map_entry_struct
-  bfd_vma addr;
-  removed_literal *literal;
-struct removed_literal_list_struct
-  removed_literal *head;
-  removed_literal *tail;
-  unsigned n_map;
-  removed_literal_map_entry *map;
-/* Record that the literal at "from" is being removed.  If "to" is not
-   NULL, the "from" literal is being coalesced with the "to" literal.  */
-static void
-add_removed_literal (removed_literal_list *removed_list,
-		     const rz_reloc *from,
-		     const rz_reloc *to)
-  removed_literal *r, *new_r, *next_r;
-  new_r = (removed_literal *) bfd_zmalloc (sizeof (removed_literal));
-  new_r->from = *from;
-  if (to)
-    new_r->to = *to;
-  else
-    new_r->to.abfd = NULL;
-  new_r->next = NULL;
-  r = removed_list->head;
-  if (r == NULL)
-    {
-      removed_list->head = new_r;
-      removed_list->tail = new_r;
-    }
-  /* Special check for common case of append.  */
-  else if (removed_list->tail->from.target_offset < from->target_offset)
-    {
-      removed_list->tail->next = new_r;
-      removed_list->tail = new_r;
-    }
-  else
-    {
-      while (r->from.target_offset < from->target_offset && r->next)
-	{
-	  r = r->next;
-	}
-      next_r = r->next;
-      r->next = new_r;
-      new_r->next = next_r;
-      if (next_r == NULL)
-	removed_list->tail = new_r;
-    }
-static void
-map_removed_literal (removed_literal_list *removed_list)
-  unsigned n_map = 0;
-  unsigned i;
-  removed_literal_map_entry *map = NULL;
-  removed_literal *r = removed_list->head;
-  for (i = 0; r; ++i, r = r->next)
-    {
-      if (i == n_map)
-	{
-	  n_map = (n_map * 2) + 2;
-	  map = bfd_realloc (map, n_map * sizeof (*map));
-	}
-      map[i].addr = r->from.target_offset;
-      map[i].literal = r;
-    }
-  removed_list->map = map;
-  removed_list->n_map = i;
-static int
-removed_literal_compare (const void *a, const void *b)
-  const removed_literal_map_entry *pa = a;
-  const removed_literal_map_entry *pb = b;
-  if (pa->addr == pb->addr)
-    return 0;
-  else
-    return pa->addr < pb->addr ? -1 : 1;
-/* Check if the list of removed literals contains an entry for the
-   given address.  Return the entry if found.  */
-static removed_literal *
-find_removed_literal (removed_literal_list *removed_list, bfd_vma addr)
-  removed_literal_map_entry *p;
-  removed_literal *r = NULL;
-  if (removed_list->map == NULL)
-    map_removed_literal (removed_list);
-  p = bsearch (&addr, removed_list->map, removed_list->n_map,
-	       sizeof (*removed_list->map), removed_literal_compare);
-  if (p)
-    {
-      while (p != removed_list->map && (p - 1)->addr == addr)
-	--p;
-      r = p->literal;
-    }
-  return r;
-#if DEBUG
-static void
-print_removed_literals (FILE *fp, removed_literal_list *removed_list)
-  removed_literal *r;
-  r = removed_list->head;
-  if (r)
-    fprintf (fp, "Removed Literals\n");
-  for (; r != NULL; r = r->next)
-    {
-      print_r_reloc (fp, &r->from);
-      fprintf (fp, " => ");
-      if (r->to.abfd == NULL)
-	fprintf (fp, "REMOVED");
-      else
-	print_r_reloc (fp, &r->to);
-      fprintf (fp, "\n");
-    }
-#endif /* DEBUG */
-/* Per-section data for relaxation.  */
-typedef struct reloc_bfd_fix_struct reloc_bfd_fix;
-struct xtensa_relax_info_struct
-  bfd_boolean is_relaxable_literal_section;
-  bfd_boolean is_relaxable_asm_section;
-  int visited;				/* Number of times visited.  */
-  source_reloc *src_relocs;		/* Array[src_count].  */
-  int src_count;
-  int src_next;				/* Next src_relocs entry to assign.  */
-  removed_literal_list removed_list;
-  text_action_list action_list;
-  reloc_bfd_fix *fix_list;
-  reloc_bfd_fix *fix_array;
-  unsigned fix_array_count;
-  /* Support for expanding the reloc array that is stored
-     in the section structure.  If the relocations have been
-     reallocated, the newly allocated relocations will be referenced
-     here along with the actual size allocated.  The relocation
-     count will always be found in the section structure.  */
-  Elf_Internal_Rela *allocated_relocs;
-  unsigned relocs_count;
-  unsigned allocated_relocs_count;
-struct elf_xtensa_section_data
-  struct bfd_elf_section_data elf;
-  xtensa_relax_info relax_info;
-static bfd_boolean
-elf_xtensa_new_section_hook (bfd *abfd, asection *sec)
-  if (!sec->used_by_bfd)
-    {
-      struct elf_xtensa_section_data *sdata;
-      bfd_size_type amt = sizeof (*sdata);
-      sdata = bfd_zalloc (abfd, amt);
-      if (sdata == NULL)
-	return FALSE;
-      sec->used_by_bfd = sdata;
-    }
-  return _bfd_elf_new_section_hook (abfd, sec);
-static xtensa_relax_info *
-get_xtensa_relax_info (asection *sec)
-  struct elf_xtensa_section_data *section_data;
-  /* No info available if no section or if it is an output section.  */
-  if (!sec || sec == sec->output_section)
-    return NULL;
-  section_data = (struct elf_xtensa_section_data *) elf_section_data (sec);
-  return &section_data->relax_info;
-static void
-init_xtensa_relax_info (asection *sec)
-  xtensa_relax_info *relax_info = get_xtensa_relax_info (sec);
-  relax_info->is_relaxable_literal_section = FALSE;
-  relax_info->is_relaxable_asm_section = FALSE;
-  relax_info->visited = 0;
-  relax_info->src_relocs = NULL;
-  relax_info->src_count = 0;
-  relax_info->src_next = 0;
-  relax_info->removed_list.head = NULL;
-  relax_info->removed_list.tail = NULL;
-  relax_info->action_list.tree = splay_tree_new (text_action_compare,
-						 NULL, NULL);
-  relax_info->action_list.map.n_entries = 0;
-  relax_info->action_list.map.entry = NULL;
-  relax_info->fix_list = NULL;
-  relax_info->fix_array = NULL;
-  relax_info->fix_array_count = 0;
-  relax_info->allocated_relocs = NULL;
-  relax_info->relocs_count = 0;
-  relax_info->allocated_relocs_count = 0;
-/* Coalescing literals may require a relocation to refer to a section in
-   a different input file, but the standard relocation information
-   cannot express that.  Instead, the reloc_bfd_fix structures are used
-   to "fix" the relocations that refer to sections in other input files.
-   These structures are kept on per-section lists.  The "src_type" field
-   records the relocation type in case there are multiple relocations on
-   the same location.  FIXME: This is ugly; an alternative might be to
-   add new symbols with the "owner" field to some other input file.  */
-struct reloc_bfd_fix_struct
-  asection *src_sec;
-  bfd_vma src_offset;
-  unsigned src_type;			/* Relocation type.  */
-  asection *target_sec;
-  bfd_vma target_offset;
-  bfd_boolean translated;
-  reloc_bfd_fix *next;
-static reloc_bfd_fix *
-reloc_bfd_fix_init (asection *src_sec,
-		    bfd_vma src_offset,
-		    unsigned src_type,
-		    asection *target_sec,
-		    bfd_vma target_offset,
-		    bfd_boolean translated)
-  reloc_bfd_fix *fix;
-  fix = (reloc_bfd_fix *) bfd_malloc (sizeof (reloc_bfd_fix));
-  fix->src_sec = src_sec;
-  fix->src_offset = src_offset;
-  fix->src_type = src_type;
-  fix->target_sec = target_sec;
-  fix->target_offset = target_offset;
-  fix->translated = translated;
-  return fix;
-static void
-add_fix (asection *src_sec, reloc_bfd_fix *fix)
-  xtensa_relax_info *relax_info;
-  relax_info = get_xtensa_relax_info (src_sec);
-  fix->next = relax_info->fix_list;
-  relax_info->fix_list = fix;
-static int
-fix_compare (const void *ap, const void *bp)
-  const reloc_bfd_fix *a = (const reloc_bfd_fix *) ap;
-  const reloc_bfd_fix *b = (const reloc_bfd_fix *) bp;
-  if (a->src_offset != b->src_offset)
-    return (a->src_offset - b->src_offset);
-  return (a->src_type - b->src_type);
-static void
-cache_fix_array (asection *sec)
-  unsigned i, count = 0;
-  reloc_bfd_fix *r;
-  xtensa_relax_info *relax_info = get_xtensa_relax_info (sec);
-  if (relax_info == NULL)
-    return;
-  if (relax_info->fix_list == NULL)
-    return;
-  for (r = relax_info->fix_list; r != NULL; r = r->next)
-    count++;
-  relax_info->fix_array =
-    (reloc_bfd_fix *) bfd_malloc (sizeof (reloc_bfd_fix) * count);
-  relax_info->fix_array_count = count;
-  r = relax_info->fix_list;
-  for (i = 0; i < count; i++, r = r->next)
-    {
-      relax_info->fix_array[count - 1 - i] = *r;
-      relax_info->fix_array[count - 1 - i].next = NULL;
-    }
-  qsort (relax_info->fix_array, relax_info->fix_array_count,
-	 sizeof (reloc_bfd_fix), fix_compare);
-static reloc_bfd_fix *
-get_bfd_fix (asection *sec, bfd_vma offset, unsigned type)
-  xtensa_relax_info *relax_info = get_xtensa_relax_info (sec);
-  reloc_bfd_fix *rv;
-  reloc_bfd_fix key;
-  if (relax_info == NULL)
-    return NULL;
-  if (relax_info->fix_list == NULL)
-    return NULL;
-  if (relax_info->fix_array == NULL)
-    cache_fix_array (sec);
-  key.src_offset = offset;
-  key.src_type = type;
-  rv = bsearch (&key, relax_info->fix_array,  relax_info->fix_array_count,
-		sizeof (reloc_bfd_fix), fix_compare);
-  return rv;
-/* Section caching.  */
-typedef struct section_cache_struct section_cache_t;
-struct section_cache_struct
-  asection *sec;
-  bfd_byte *contents;		/* Cache of the section contents.  */
-  bfd_size_type content_length;
-  property_table_entry *ptbl;	/* Cache of the section property table.  */
-  unsigned pte_count;
-  Elf_Internal_Rela *relocs;	/* Cache of the section relocations.  */
-  unsigned reloc_count;
-static void
-init_section_cache (section_cache_t *sec_cache)
-  memset (sec_cache, 0, sizeof (*sec_cache));
-static void
-free_section_cache (section_cache_t *sec_cache)
-  if (sec_cache->sec)
-    {
-      release_contents (sec_cache->sec, sec_cache->contents);
-      release_internal_relocs (sec_cache->sec, sec_cache->relocs);
-      if (sec_cache->ptbl)
-	free (sec_cache->ptbl);
-    }
-static bfd_boolean
-section_cache_section (section_cache_t *sec_cache,
-		       asection *sec,
-		       struct bfd_link_info *link_info)
-  bfd *abfd;
-  property_table_entry *prop_table = NULL;
-  int ptblsize = 0;
-  bfd_byte *contents = NULL;
-  Elf_Internal_Rela *internal_relocs = NULL;
-  bfd_size_type sec_size;
-  if (sec == NULL)
-    return FALSE;
-  if (sec == sec_cache->sec)
-    return TRUE;
-  abfd = sec->owner;
-  sec_size = bfd_get_section_limit (abfd, sec);
-  /* Get the contents.  */
-  contents = retrieve_contents (abfd, sec, link_info->keep_memory);
-  if (contents == NULL && sec_size != 0)
-    goto err;
-  /* Get the relocations.  */
-  internal_relocs = retrieve_internal_relocs (abfd, sec,
-					      link_info->keep_memory);
-  /* Get the entry table.  */
-  ptblsize = xtensa_read_table_entries (abfd, sec, &prop_table,
-  if (ptblsize < 0)
-    goto err;
-  /* Fill in the new section cache.  */
-  free_section_cache (sec_cache);
-  init_section_cache (sec_cache);
-  sec_cache->sec = sec;
-  sec_cache->contents = contents;
-  sec_cache->content_length = sec_size;
-  sec_cache->relocs = internal_relocs;
-  sec_cache->reloc_count = sec->reloc_count;
-  sec_cache->pte_count = ptblsize;
-  sec_cache->ptbl = prop_table;
-  return TRUE;
- err:
-  release_contents (sec, contents);
-  release_internal_relocs (sec, internal_relocs);
-  if (prop_table)
-    free (prop_table);
-  return FALSE;
-/* Extended basic blocks.  */
-/* An ebb_struct represents an Extended Basic Block.  Within this
-   range, we guarantee that all instructions are decodable, the
-   property table entries are contiguous, and no property table
-   specifies a segment that cannot have instructions moved.  This
-   structure contains caches of the contents, property table and
-   relocations for the specified section for easy use.  The range is
-   specified by ranges of indices for the byte offset, property table
-   offsets and relocation offsets.  These must be consistent.  */
-typedef struct ebb_struct ebb_t;
-struct ebb_struct
-  asection *sec;
-  bfd_byte *contents;		/* Cache of the section contents.  */
-  bfd_size_type content_length;
-  property_table_entry *ptbl;	/* Cache of the section property table.  */
-  unsigned pte_count;
-  Elf_Internal_Rela *relocs;	/* Cache of the section relocations.  */
-  unsigned reloc_count;
-  bfd_vma start_offset;		/* Offset in section.  */
-  unsigned start_ptbl_idx;	/* Offset in the property table.  */
-  unsigned start_reloc_idx;	/* Offset in the relocations.  */
-  bfd_vma end_offset;
-  unsigned end_ptbl_idx;
-  unsigned end_reloc_idx;
-  bfd_boolean ends_section;	/* Is this the last ebb in a section?  */
-  /* The unreachable property table at the end of this set of blocks;
-     NULL if the end is not an unreachable block.  */
-  property_table_entry *ends_unreachable;
-enum ebb_target_enum
-  EBB_NO_ALIGN = 0,
-/* proposed_action_struct is similar to the text_action_struct except
-   that is represents a potential transformation, not one that will
-   occur.  We build a list of these for an extended basic block
-   and use them to compute the actual actions desired.  We must be
-   careful that the entire set of actual actions we perform do not
-   break any relocations that would fit if the actions were not
-   performed.  */
-typedef struct proposed_action_struct proposed_action;
-struct proposed_action_struct
-  enum ebb_target_enum align_type; /* for the target alignment */
-  bfd_vma alignment_pow;
-  text_action_t action;
-  bfd_vma offset;
-  int removed_bytes;
-  bfd_boolean do_action; /* If false, then we will not perform the action.  */
-/* The ebb_constraint_struct keeps a set of proposed actions for an
-   extended basic block.   */
-typedef struct ebb_constraint_struct ebb_constraint;
-struct ebb_constraint_struct
-  ebb_t ebb;
-  bfd_boolean start_movable;
-  /* Bytes of extra space at the beginning if movable.  */
-  int start_extra_space;
-  enum ebb_target_enum start_align;
-  bfd_boolean end_movable;
-  /* Bytes of extra space at the end if movable.  */
-  int end_extra_space;
-  unsigned action_count;
-  unsigned action_allocated;
-  /* Array of proposed actions.  */
-  proposed_action *actions;
-  /* Action alignments -- one for each proposed action.  */
-  enum ebb_target_enum *action_aligns;
-static void
-init_ebb_constraint (ebb_constraint *c)
-  memset (c, 0, sizeof (ebb_constraint));
-static void
-free_ebb_constraint (ebb_constraint *c)
-  if (c->actions)
-    free (c->actions);
-static void
-init_ebb (ebb_t *ebb,
-	  asection *sec,
-	  bfd_byte *contents,
-	  bfd_size_type content_length,
-	  property_table_entry *prop_table,
-	  unsigned ptblsize,
-	  Elf_Internal_Rela *internal_relocs,
-	  unsigned reloc_count)
-  memset (ebb, 0, sizeof (ebb_t));
-  ebb->sec = sec;
-  ebb->contents = contents;
-  ebb->content_length = content_length;
-  ebb->ptbl = prop_table;
-  ebb->pte_count = ptblsize;
-  ebb->relocs = internal_relocs;
-  ebb->reloc_count = reloc_count;
-  ebb->start_offset = 0;
-  ebb->end_offset = ebb->content_length - 1;
-  ebb->start_ptbl_idx = 0;
-  ebb->end_ptbl_idx = ptblsize;
-  ebb->start_reloc_idx = 0;
-  ebb->end_reloc_idx = reloc_count;
-/* Extend the ebb to all decodable contiguous sections.  The algorithm
-   for building a basic block around an instruction is to push it
-   forward until we hit the end of a section, an unreachable block or
-   a block that cannot be transformed.  Then we push it backwards
-   searching for similar conditions.  */
-static bfd_boolean extend_ebb_bounds_forward (ebb_t *);
-static bfd_boolean extend_ebb_bounds_backward (ebb_t *);
-static bfd_size_type insn_block_decodable_len
-  (bfd_byte *, bfd_size_type, bfd_vma, bfd_size_type);
-static bfd_boolean
-extend_ebb_bounds (ebb_t *ebb)
-  if (!extend_ebb_bounds_forward (ebb))
-    return FALSE;
-  if (!extend_ebb_bounds_backward (ebb))
-    return FALSE;
-  return TRUE;
-static bfd_boolean
-extend_ebb_bounds_forward (ebb_t *ebb)
-  property_table_entry *the_entry, *new_entry;
-  the_entry = &ebb->ptbl[ebb->end_ptbl_idx];
-  /* Stop when (1) we cannot decode an instruction, (2) we are at
-     the end of the property tables, (3) we hit a non-contiguous property
-     table entry, (4) we hit a NO_TRANSFORM region.  */
-  while (1)
-    {
-      bfd_vma entry_end;
-      bfd_size_type insn_block_len;
-      entry_end = the_entry->address - ebb->sec->vma + the_entry->size;
-      insn_block_len =
-	insn_block_decodable_len (ebb->contents, ebb->content_length,
-				  ebb->end_offset,
-				  entry_end - ebb->end_offset);
-      if (insn_block_len != (entry_end - ebb->end_offset))
-	{
-	  (*_bfd_error_handler)
-	    (_("%B(%A+0x%lx): could not decode instruction; possible configuration mismatch"),
-	     ebb->sec->owner, ebb->sec, ebb->end_offset + insn_block_len);
-	  return FALSE;
-	}
-      ebb->end_offset += insn_block_len;
-      if (ebb->end_offset == ebb->sec->size)
-	ebb->ends_section = TRUE;
-      /* Update the reloc counter.  */
-      while (ebb->end_reloc_idx + 1 < ebb->reloc_count
-	     && (ebb->relocs[ebb->end_reloc_idx + 1].rz_offset
-		 < ebb->end_offset))
-	{
-	  ebb->end_reloc_idx++;
-	}
-      if (ebb->end_ptbl_idx + 1 == ebb->pte_count)
-	return TRUE;
-      new_entry = &ebb->ptbl[ebb->end_ptbl_idx + 1];
-      if (((new_entry->flags & XTENSA_PROP_INSN) == 0)
-	  || ((new_entry->flags & XTENSA_PROP_NO_TRANSFORM) != 0)
-	  || ((the_entry->flags & XTENSA_PROP_ALIGN) != 0))
-	break;
-      if (the_entry->address + the_entry->size != new_entry->address)
-	break;
-      the_entry = new_entry;
-      ebb->end_ptbl_idx++;
-    }
-  /* Quick check for an unreachable or end of file just at the end.  */
-  if (ebb->end_ptbl_idx + 1 == ebb->pte_count)
-    {
-      if (ebb->end_offset == ebb->content_length)
-	ebb->ends_section = TRUE;
-    }
-  else
-    {
-      new_entry = &ebb->ptbl[ebb->end_ptbl_idx + 1];
-      if ((new_entry->flags & XTENSA_PROP_UNREACHABLE) != 0
-	  && the_entry->address + the_entry->size == new_entry->address)
-	ebb->ends_unreachable = new_entry;
-    }
-  /* Any other ending requires exact alignment.  */
-  return TRUE;
-static bfd_boolean
-extend_ebb_bounds_backward (ebb_t *ebb)
-  property_table_entry *the_entry, *new_entry;
-  the_entry = &ebb->ptbl[ebb->start_ptbl_idx];
-  /* Stop when (1) we cannot decode the instructions in the current entry.
-     (2) we are at the beginning of the property tables, (3) we hit a
-     non-contiguous property table entry, (4) we hit a NO_TRANSFORM region.  */
-  while (1)
-    {
-      bfd_vma block_begin;
-      bfd_size_type insn_block_len;
-      block_begin = the_entry->address - ebb->sec->vma;
-      insn_block_len =
-	insn_block_decodable_len (ebb->contents, ebb->content_length,
-				  block_begin,
-				  ebb->start_offset - block_begin);
-      if (insn_block_len != ebb->start_offset - block_begin)
-	{
-	  (*_bfd_error_handler)
-	    (_("%B(%A+0x%lx): could not decode instruction; possible configuration mismatch"),
-	     ebb->sec->owner, ebb->sec, ebb->end_offset + insn_block_len);
-	  return FALSE;
-	}
-      ebb->start_offset -= insn_block_len;
-      /* Update the reloc counter.  */
-      while (ebb->start_reloc_idx > 0
-	     && (ebb->relocs[ebb->start_reloc_idx - 1].rz_offset
-		 >= ebb->start_offset))
-	{
-	  ebb->start_reloc_idx--;
-	}
-      if (ebb->start_ptbl_idx == 0)
-	return TRUE;
-      new_entry = &ebb->ptbl[ebb->start_ptbl_idx - 1];
-      if ((new_entry->flags & XTENSA_PROP_INSN) == 0
-	  || ((new_entry->flags & XTENSA_PROP_NO_TRANSFORM) != 0)
-	  || ((new_entry->flags & XTENSA_PROP_ALIGN) != 0))
-	return TRUE;
-      if (new_entry->address + new_entry->size != the_entry->address)
-	return TRUE;
-      the_entry = new_entry;
-      ebb->start_ptbl_idx--;
-    }
-  return TRUE;
-static bfd_size_type
-insn_block_decodable_len (bfd_byte *contents,
-			  bfd_size_type content_len,
-			  bfd_vma block_offset,
-			  bfd_size_type block_len)
-  bfd_vma offset = block_offset;
-  while (offset < block_offset + block_len)
-    {
-      bfd_size_type insn_len = 0;
-      insn_len = insn_decode_len (contents, content_len, offset);
-      if (insn_len == 0)
-	return (offset - block_offset);
-      offset += insn_len;
-    }
-  return (offset - block_offset);
-static void
-ebb_propose_action (ebb_constraint *c,
-		    enum ebb_target_enum align_type,
-		    bfd_vma alignment_pow,
-		    text_action_t action,
-		    bfd_vma offset,
-		    int removed_bytes,
-		    bfd_boolean do_action)
-  proposed_action *act;
-  if (c->action_allocated <= c->action_count)
-    {
-      unsigned new_allocated, i;
-      proposed_action *new_actions;
-      new_allocated = (c->action_count + 2) * 2;
-      new_actions = (proposed_action *)
-	bfd_zmalloc (sizeof (proposed_action) * new_allocated);
-      for (i = 0; i < c->action_count; i++)
-	new_actions[i] = c->actions[i];
-      if (c->actions)
-	free (c->actions);
-      c->actions = new_actions;
-      c->action_allocated = new_allocated;
-    }
-  act = &c->actions[c->action_count];
-  act->align_type = align_type;
-  act->alignment_pow = alignment_pow;
-  act->action = action;
-  act->offset = offset;
-  act->removed_bytes = removed_bytes;
-  act->do_action = do_action;
-  c->action_count++;
-/* Access to internal relocations, section contents and symbols.  */
-/* During relaxation, we need to modify relocations, section contents,
-   and symbol definitions, and we need to keep the original values from
-   being reloaded from the input files, i.e., we need to "pin" the
-   modified values in memory.  We also want to continue to observe the
-   setting of the "keep-memory" flag.  The following functions wrap the
-   standard BFD functions to take care of this for us.  */
-static Elf_Internal_Rela *
-retrieve_internal_relocs (bfd *abfd, asection *sec, bfd_boolean keep_memory)
-  Elf_Internal_Rela *internal_relocs;
-  if ((sec->flags & SEC_LINKER_CREATED) != 0)
-    return NULL;
-  internal_relocs = elf_section_data (sec)->relocs;
-  if (internal_relocs == NULL)
-    internal_relocs = (_bfd_elf_link_read_relocs
-		       (abfd, sec, NULL, NULL, keep_memory));
-  return internal_relocs;
-static void
-pin_internal_relocs (asection *sec, Elf_Internal_Rela *internal_relocs)
-  elf_section_data (sec)->relocs = internal_relocs;
-static void
-release_internal_relocs (asection *sec, Elf_Internal_Rela *internal_relocs)
-  if (internal_relocs
-      && elf_section_data (sec)->relocs != internal_relocs)
-    free (internal_relocs);
-static bfd_byte *
-retrieve_contents (bfd *abfd, asection *sec, bfd_boolean keep_memory)
-  bfd_byte *contents;
-  bfd_size_type sec_size;
-  sec_size = bfd_get_section_limit (abfd, sec);
-  contents = elf_section_data (sec)->this_hdr.contents;
-  if (contents == NULL && sec_size != 0)
-    {
-      if (!bfd_malloc_and_get_section (abfd, sec, &contents))
-	{
-	  if (contents)
-	    free (contents);
-	  return NULL;
-	}
-      if (keep_memory)
-	elf_section_data (sec)->this_hdr.contents = contents;
-    }
-  return contents;
-static void
-pin_contents (asection *sec, bfd_byte *contents)
-  elf_section_data (sec)->this_hdr.contents = contents;
-static void
-release_contents (asection *sec, bfd_byte *contents)
-  if (contents && elf_section_data (sec)->this_hdr.contents != contents)
-    free (contents);
-static Elf_Internal_Sym *
-retrieve_local_syms (bfd *input_bfd)
-  Elf_Internal_Shdr *symtab_hdr;
-  Elf_Internal_Sym *isymbuf;
-  size_t locsymcount;
-  symtab_hdr = &elf_tdata (input_bfd)->symtab_hdr;
-  locsymcount = symtab_hdr->sh_info;
-  isymbuf = (Elf_Internal_Sym *) symtab_hdr->contents;
-  if (isymbuf == NULL && locsymcount != 0)
-    isymbuf = bfd_elf_get_elf_syms (input_bfd, symtab_hdr, locsymcount, 0,
-				    NULL, NULL, NULL);
-  /* Save the symbols for this input file so they won't be read again.  */
-  if (isymbuf && isymbuf != (Elf_Internal_Sym *) symtab_hdr->contents)
-    symtab_hdr->contents = (unsigned char *) isymbuf;
-  return isymbuf;
-/* Code for link-time relaxation.  */
-/* Initialization for relaxation: */
-static bfd_boolean analyze_relocations (struct bfd_link_info *);
-static bfd_boolean find_relaxable_sections
-  (bfd *, asection *, struct bfd_link_info *, bfd_boolean *);
-static bfd_boolean collect_source_relocs
-  (bfd *, asection *, struct bfd_link_info *);
-static bfd_boolean is_resolvable_asm_expansion
-  (bfd *, asection *, bfd_byte *, Elf_Internal_Rela *, struct bfd_link_info *,
-   bfd_boolean *);
-static Elf_Internal_Rela *find_associated_l32r_irel
-  (bfd *, asection *, bfd_byte *, Elf_Internal_Rela *, Elf_Internal_Rela *);
-static bfd_boolean compute_text_actions
-  (bfd *, asection *, struct bfd_link_info *);
-static bfd_boolean compute_ebb_proposed_actions (ebb_constraint *);
-static bfd_boolean compute_ebb_actions (ebb_constraint *);
-typedef struct reloc_range_list_struct reloc_range_list;
-static bfd_boolean check_section_ebb_pcrels_fit
-  (bfd *, asection *, bfd_byte *, Elf_Internal_Rela *,
-   reloc_range_list *, const ebb_constraint *,
-   const xtensa_opcode *);
-static bfd_boolean check_section_ebb_reduces (const ebb_constraint *);
-static void text_action_add_proposed
-  (text_action_list *, const ebb_constraint *, asection *);
-static int compute_fill_extra_space (property_table_entry *);
-/* First pass: */
-static bfd_boolean compute_removed_literals
-  (bfd *, asection *, struct bfd_link_info *, value_map_hash_table *);
-static Elf_Internal_Rela *get_irel_at_offset
-  (asection *, Elf_Internal_Rela *, bfd_vma);
-static bfd_boolean is_removable_literal
-  (const source_reloc *, int, const source_reloc *, int, asection *,
-   property_table_entry *, int);
-static bfd_boolean remove_dead_literal
-  (bfd *, asection *, struct bfd_link_info *, Elf_Internal_Rela *,
-   Elf_Internal_Rela *, source_reloc *, property_table_entry *, int);
-static bfd_boolean identify_literal_placement
-  (bfd *, asection *, bfd_byte *, struct bfd_link_info *,
-   value_map_hash_table *, bfd_boolean *, Elf_Internal_Rela *, int,
-   source_reloc *, property_table_entry *, int, section_cache_t *,
-   bfd_boolean);
-static bfd_boolean relocations_reach (source_reloc *, int, const rz_reloc *);
-static bfd_boolean coalesce_shared_literal
-  (asection *, source_reloc *, property_table_entry *, int, value_map *);
-static bfd_boolean move_shared_literal
-  (asection *, struct bfd_link_info *, source_reloc *, property_table_entry *,
-   int, const rz_reloc *, const literal_value *, section_cache_t *);
-/* Second pass: */
-static bfd_boolean relax_section (bfd *, asection *, struct bfd_link_info *);
-static bfd_boolean translate_section_fixes (asection *);
-static bfd_boolean translate_reloc_bfd_fix (reloc_bfd_fix *);
-static asection *translate_reloc (const rz_reloc *, rz_reloc *, asection *);
-static void shrink_dynamic_reloc_sections
-  (struct bfd_link_info *, bfd *, asection *, Elf_Internal_Rela *);
-static bfd_boolean move_literal
-  (bfd *, struct bfd_link_info *, asection *, bfd_vma, bfd_byte *,
-   xtensa_relax_info *, Elf_Internal_Rela **, const literal_value *);
-static bfd_boolean relax_property_section
-  (bfd *, asection *, struct bfd_link_info *);
-/* Third pass: */
-static bfd_boolean relax_section_symbols (bfd *, asection *);
-static bfd_boolean
-elf_xtensa_relax_section (bfd *abfd,
-			  asection *sec,
-			  struct bfd_link_info *link_info,
-			  bfd_boolean *again)
-  static value_map_hash_table *values = NULL;
-  static bfd_boolean relocations_analyzed = FALSE;
-  xtensa_relax_info *relax_info;
-  if (!relocations_analyzed)
-    {
-      /* Do some overall initialization for relaxation.  */
-      values = value_map_hash_table_init ();
-      if (values == NULL)
-	return FALSE;
-      relaxing_section = TRUE;
-      if (!analyze_relocations (link_info))
-	return FALSE;
-      relocations_analyzed = TRUE;
-    }
-  *again = FALSE;
-  /* Don't mess with linker-created sections.  */
-  if ((sec->flags & SEC_LINKER_CREATED) != 0)
-    return TRUE;
-  relax_info = get_xtensa_relax_info (sec);
-  BFD_ASSERT (relax_info != NULL);
-  switch (relax_info->visited)
-    {
-    case 0:
-      /* Note: It would be nice to fold this pass into
-	 analyze_relocations, but it is important for this step that the
-	 sections be examined in link order.  */
-      if (!compute_removed_literals (abfd, sec, link_info, values))
-	return FALSE;
-      *again = TRUE;
-      break;
-    case 1:
-      if (values)
-	value_map_hash_table_delete (values);
-      values = NULL;
-      if (!relax_section (abfd, sec, link_info))
-	return FALSE;
-      *again = TRUE;
-      break;
-    case 2:
-      if (!relax_section_symbols (abfd, sec))
-	return FALSE;
-      break;
-    }
-  relax_info->visited++;
-  return TRUE;
-/* Initialization for relaxation.  */
-/* This function is called once at the start of relaxation.  It scans
-   all the input sections and marks the ones that are relaxable (i.e.,
-   literal sections with L32R relocations against them), and then
-   collects source_reloc information for all the relocations against
-   those relaxable sections.  During this process, it also detects
-   longcalls, i.e., calls relaxed by the assembler into indirect
-   calls, that can be optimized back into direct calls.  Within each
-   extended basic block (ebb) containing an optimized longcall, it
-   computes a set of "text actions" that can be performed to remove
-   the L32R associated with the longcall while optionally preserving
-   branch target alignments.  */
-static bfd_boolean
-analyze_relocations (struct bfd_link_info *link_info)
-  bfd *abfd;
-  asection *sec;
-  bfd_boolean is_relaxable = FALSE;
-  /* Initialize the per-section relaxation info.  */
-  for (abfd = link_info->input_bfds; abfd != NULL; abfd = abfd->link.next)
-    for (sec = abfd->sections; sec != NULL; sec = sec->next)
-      {
-	init_xtensa_relax_info (sec);
-      }
-  /* Mark relaxable sections (and count relocations against each one).  */
-  for (abfd = link_info->input_bfds; abfd != NULL; abfd = abfd->link.next)
-    for (sec = abfd->sections; sec != NULL; sec = sec->next)
-      {
-	if (!find_relaxable_sections (abfd, sec, link_info, &is_relaxable))
-	  return FALSE;
-      }
-  /* Bail out if there are no relaxable sections.  */
-  if (!is_relaxable)
-    return TRUE;
-  /* Allocate space for source_relocs.  */
-  for (abfd = link_info->input_bfds; abfd != NULL; abfd = abfd->link.next)
-    for (sec = abfd->sections; sec != NULL; sec = sec->next)
-      {
-	xtensa_relax_info *relax_info;
-	relax_info = get_xtensa_relax_info (sec);
-	if (relax_info->is_relaxable_literal_section
-	    || relax_info->is_relaxable_asm_section)
-	  {
-	    relax_info->src_relocs = (source_reloc *)
-	      bfd_malloc (relax_info->src_count * sizeof (source_reloc));
-	  }
-	else
-	  relax_info->src_count = 0;
-      }
-  /* Collect info on relocations against each relaxable section.  */
-  for (abfd = link_info->input_bfds; abfd != NULL; abfd = abfd->link.next)
-    for (sec = abfd->sections; sec != NULL; sec = sec->next)
-      {
-	if (!collect_source_relocs (abfd, sec, link_info))
-	  return FALSE;
-      }
-  /* Compute the text actions.  */
-  for (abfd = link_info->input_bfds; abfd != NULL; abfd = abfd->link.next)
-    for (sec = abfd->sections; sec != NULL; sec = sec->next)
-      {
-	if (!compute_text_actions (abfd, sec, link_info))
-	  return FALSE;
-      }
-  return TRUE;
-/* Find all the sections that might be relaxed.  The motivation for
-   this pass is that collect_source_relocs() needs to record _all_ the
-   relocations that target each relaxable section.  That is expensive
-   and unnecessary unless the target section is actually going to be
-   relaxed.  This pass identifies all such sections by checking if
-   they have L32Rs pointing to them.  In the process, the total number
-   of relocations targeting each section is also counted so that we
-   know how much space to allocate for source_relocs against each
-   relaxable literal section.  */
-static bfd_boolean
-find_relaxable_sections (bfd *abfd,
-			 asection *sec,
-			 struct bfd_link_info *link_info,
-			 bfd_boolean *is_relaxable_p)
-  Elf_Internal_Rela *internal_relocs;
-  bfd_byte *contents;
-  bfd_boolean ok = TRUE;
-  unsigned i;
-  xtensa_relax_info *source_relax_info;
-  bfd_boolean is_l32r_reloc;
-  internal_relocs = retrieve_internal_relocs (abfd, sec,
-					      link_info->keep_memory);
-  if (internal_relocs == NULL)
-    return ok;
-  contents = retrieve_contents (abfd, sec, link_info->keep_memory);
-  if (contents == NULL && sec->size != 0)
-    {
-      ok = FALSE;
-      goto error_return;
-    }
-  source_relax_info = get_xtensa_relax_info (sec);
-  for (i = 0; i < sec->reloc_count; i++)
-    {
-      Elf_Internal_Rela *irel = &internal_relocs[i];
-      rz_reloc rz_rel;
-      asection *target_sec;
-      xtensa_relax_info *target_relax_info;
-      /* If this section has not already been marked as "relaxable", and
-	 if it contains any ASM_EXPAND relocations (marking expanded
-	 longcalls) that can be optimized into direct calls, then mark
-	 the section as "relaxable".  */
-      if (source_relax_info
-	  && !source_relax_info->is_relaxable_asm_section
-	  && ELF32_R_TYPE (irel->rz_info) == RZ_XTENSA_ASM_EXPAND)
-	{
-	  bfd_boolean is_reachable = FALSE;
-	  if (is_resolvable_asm_expansion (abfd, sec, contents, irel,
-					   link_info, &is_reachable)
-	      && is_reachable)
-	    {
-	      source_relax_info->is_relaxable_asm_section = TRUE;
-	      *is_relaxable_p = TRUE;
-	    }
-	}
-      rz_reloc_init (&rz_rel, abfd, irel, contents,
-		    bfd_get_section_limit (abfd, sec));
-      target_sec = rz_reloc_get_section (&rz_rel);
-      target_relax_info = get_xtensa_relax_info (target_sec);
-      if (!target_relax_info)
-	continue;
-      /* Count PC-relative operand relocations against the target section.
-         Note: The conditions tested here must match the conditions under
-	 which init_source_reloc is called in collect_source_relocs().  */
-      is_l32r_reloc = FALSE;
-      if (is_operand_relocation (ELF32_R_TYPE (irel->rz_info)))
-	{
-	  xtensa_opcode opcode =
-	    get_relocation_opcode (abfd, sec, contents, irel);
-	  if (opcode != XTENSA_UNDEFINED)
-	    {
-	      is_l32r_reloc = (opcode == get_l32r_opcode ());
-	      if (!is_alt_relocation (ELF32_R_TYPE (irel->rz_info))
-		  || is_l32r_reloc)
-		target_relax_info->src_count++;
-	    }
-	}
-      if (is_l32r_reloc && rz_reloc_is_defined (&rz_rel))
-	{
-	  /* Mark the target section as relaxable.  */
-	  target_relax_info->is_relaxable_literal_section = TRUE;
-	  *is_relaxable_p = TRUE;
-	}
-    }
- error_return:
-  release_contents (sec, contents);
-  release_internal_relocs (sec, internal_relocs);
-  return ok;
-/* Record _all_ the relocations that point to relaxable sections, and
-   get rid of ASM_EXPAND relocs by either converting them to
-   ASM_SIMPLIFY or by removing them.  */
-static bfd_boolean
-collect_source_relocs (bfd *abfd,
-		       asection *sec,
-		       struct bfd_link_info *link_info)
-  Elf_Internal_Rela *internal_relocs;
-  bfd_byte *contents;
-  bfd_boolean ok = TRUE;
-  unsigned i;
-  bfd_size_type sec_size;
-  internal_relocs = retrieve_internal_relocs (abfd, sec,
-					      link_info->keep_memory);
-  if (internal_relocs == NULL)
-    return ok;
-  sec_size = bfd_get_section_limit (abfd, sec);
-  contents = retrieve_contents (abfd, sec, link_info->keep_memory);
-  if (contents == NULL && sec_size != 0)
-    {
-      ok = FALSE;
-      goto error_return;
-    }
-  /* Record relocations against relaxable literal sections.  */
-  for (i = 0; i < sec->reloc_count; i++)
-    {
-      Elf_Internal_Rela *irel = &internal_relocs[i];
-      rz_reloc rz_rel;
-      asection *target_sec;
-      xtensa_relax_info *target_relax_info;
-      rz_reloc_init (&rz_rel, abfd, irel, contents, sec_size);
-      target_sec = rz_reloc_get_section (&rz_rel);
-      target_relax_info = get_xtensa_relax_info (target_sec);
-      if (target_relax_info
-	  && (target_relax_info->is_relaxable_literal_section
-	      || target_relax_info->is_relaxable_asm_section))
-	{
-	  xtensa_opcode opcode = XTENSA_UNDEFINED;
-	  int opnd = -1;
-	  bfd_boolean is_abs_literal = FALSE;
-	  if (is_alt_relocation (ELF32_R_TYPE (irel->rz_info)))
-	    {
-	      /* None of the current alternate relocs are PC-relative,
-		 and only PC-relative relocs matter here.  However, we
-		 still need to record the opcode for literal
-		 coalescing.  */
-	      opcode = get_relocation_opcode (abfd, sec, contents, irel);
-	      if (opcode == get_l32r_opcode ())
-		{
-		  is_abs_literal = TRUE;
-		  opnd = 1;
-		}
-	      else
-	    }
-	  else if (is_operand_relocation (ELF32_R_TYPE (irel->rz_info)))
-	    {
-	      opcode = get_relocation_opcode (abfd, sec, contents, irel);
-	      opnd = get_relocation_opnd (opcode, ELF32_R_TYPE (irel->rz_info));
-	    }
-	  if (opcode != XTENSA_UNDEFINED)
-	    {
-	      int src_next = target_relax_info->src_next++;
-	      source_reloc *s_reloc = &target_relax_info->src_relocs[src_next];
-	      init_source_reloc (s_reloc, sec, &rz_rel, opcode, opnd,
-				 is_abs_literal);
-	    }
-	}
-    }
-  /* Now get rid of ASM_EXPAND relocations.  At this point, the
-     src_relocs array for the target literal section may still be
-     incomplete, but it must at least contain the entries for the L32R
-     relocations associated with ASM_EXPANDs because they were just
-     added in the preceding loop over the relocations.  */
-  for (i = 0; i < sec->reloc_count; i++)
-    {
-      Elf_Internal_Rela *irel = &internal_relocs[i];
-      bfd_boolean is_reachable;
-      if (!is_resolvable_asm_expansion (abfd, sec, contents, irel, link_info,
-					&is_reachable))
-	continue;
-      if (is_reachable)
-	{
-	  Elf_Internal_Rela *l32r_irel;
-	  rz_reloc rz_rel;
-	  asection *target_sec;
-	  xtensa_relax_info *target_relax_info;
-	  /* Mark the source_reloc for the L32R so that it will be
-	     removed in compute_removed_literals(), along with the
-	     associated literal.  */
-	  l32r_irel = find_associated_l32r_irel (abfd, sec, contents,
-						 irel, internal_relocs);
-	  if (l32r_irel == NULL)
-	    continue;
-	  rz_reloc_init (&rz_rel, abfd, l32r_irel, contents, sec_size);
-	  target_sec = rz_reloc_get_section (&rz_rel);
-	  target_relax_info = get_xtensa_relax_info (target_sec);
-	  if (target_relax_info
-	      && (target_relax_info->is_relaxable_literal_section
-		  || target_relax_info->is_relaxable_asm_section))
-	    {
-	      source_reloc *s_reloc;
-	      /* Search the source_relocs for the entry corresponding to
-		 the l32r_irel.  Note: The src_relocs array is not yet
-		 sorted, but it wouldn't matter anyway because we're
-		 searching by source offset instead of target offset.  */
-	      s_reloc = find_source_reloc (target_relax_info->src_relocs,
-					   target_relax_info->src_next,
-					   sec, l32r_irel);
-	      BFD_ASSERT (s_reloc);
-	      s_reloc->is_null = TRUE;
-	    }
-	  /* Convert this reloc to ASM_SIMPLIFY.  */
-	  irel->rz_info = ELF32_R_INFO (ELF32_R_SYM (irel->rz_info),
-	  l32r_irel->rz_info = ELF32_R_INFO (0, RZ_XTENSA_NONE);
-	  pin_internal_relocs (sec, internal_relocs);
-	}
-      else
-	{
-	  /* It is resolvable but doesn't reach.  We resolve now
-	     by eliminating the relocation -- the call will remain
-	     expanded into L32R/CALLX.  */
-	  irel->rz_info = ELF32_R_INFO (0, RZ_XTENSA_NONE);
-	  pin_internal_relocs (sec, internal_relocs);
-	}
-    }
- error_return:
-  release_contents (sec, contents);
-  release_internal_relocs (sec, internal_relocs);
-  return ok;
-/* Return TRUE if the asm expansion can be resolved.  Generally it can
-   be resolved on a final link or when a partial link locates it in the
-   same section as the target.  Set "is_reachable" flag if the target of
-   the call is within the range of a direct call, given the current VMA
-   for this section and the target section.  */
-is_resolvable_asm_expansion (bfd *abfd,
-			     asection *sec,
-			     bfd_byte *contents,
-			     Elf_Internal_Rela *irel,
-			     struct bfd_link_info *link_info,
-			     bfd_boolean *is_reachable_p)
-  asection *target_sec;
-  bfd_vma target_offset;
-  rz_reloc rz_rel;
-  xtensa_opcode opcode, direct_call_opcode;
-  bfd_vma self_address;
-  bfd_vma dest_address;
-  bfd_boolean uses_l32r;
-  bfd_size_type sec_size;
-  *is_reachable_p = FALSE;
-  if (contents == NULL)
-    return FALSE;
-  if (ELF32_R_TYPE (irel->rz_info) != RZ_XTENSA_ASM_EXPAND)
-    return FALSE;
-  sec_size = bfd_get_section_limit (abfd, sec);
-  opcode = get_expanded_call_opcode (contents + irel->rz_offset,
-				     sec_size - irel->rz_offset, &uses_l32r);
-  /* Optimization of longcalls that use CONST16 is not yet implemented.  */
-  if (!uses_l32r)
-    return FALSE;
-  direct_call_opcode = swap_callx_for_call_opcode (opcode);
-  if (direct_call_opcode == XTENSA_UNDEFINED)
-    return FALSE;
-  /* Check and see that the target resolves.  */
-  rz_reloc_init (&rz_rel, abfd, irel, contents, sec_size);
-  if (!rz_reloc_is_defined (&rz_rel))
-    return FALSE;
-  target_sec = rz_reloc_get_section (&rz_rel);
-  target_offset = rz_rel.target_offset;
-  /* If the target is in a shared library, then it doesn't reach.  This
-     isn't supposed to come up because the compiler should never generate
-     non-PIC calls on systems that use shared libraries, but the linker
-     shouldn't crash regardless.  */
-  if (!target_sec->output_section)
-    return FALSE;
-  /* For relocatable sections, we can only simplify when the output
-     section of the target is the same as the output section of the
-     source.  */
-  if (link_info->relocatable
-      && (target_sec->output_section != sec->output_section
-	  || is_reloc_sym_weak (abfd, irel)))
-    return FALSE;
-  if (target_sec->output_section != sec->output_section)
-    {
-      /* If the two sections are sufficiently far away that relaxation
-	 might take the call out of range, we can't simplify.  For
-	 example, a positive displacement call into another memory
-	 could get moved to a lower address due to literal removal,
-	 but the destination won't move, and so the displacment might
-	 get larger.
-	 If the displacement is negative, assume the destination could
-	 move as far back as the start of the output section.  The
-	 self_address will be at least as far into the output section
-	 as it is prior to relaxation.
-	 If the displacement is postive, assume the destination will be in
-	 it's pre-relaxed location (because relaxation only makes sections
-	 smaller).  The self_address could go all the way to the beginning
-	 of the output section.  */
-      dest_address = target_sec->output_section->vma;
-      self_address = sec->output_section->vma;
-      if (sec->output_section->vma > target_sec->output_section->vma)
-	self_address += sec->output_offset + irel->rz_offset + 3;
-      else
-	dest_address += bfd_get_section_limit (abfd, target_sec->output_section);
-      /* Call targets should be four-byte aligned.  */
-      dest_address = (dest_address + 3) & ~3;
-    }
-  else
-    {
-      self_address = (sec->output_section->vma
-		      + sec->output_offset + irel->rz_offset + 3);
-      dest_address = (target_sec->output_section->vma
-		      + target_sec->output_offset + target_offset);
-    }
-  *is_reachable_p = pcrel_reloc_fits (direct_call_opcode, 0,
-				      self_address, dest_address);
-  if ((self_address >> CALL_SEGMENT_BITS) !=
-      (dest_address >> CALL_SEGMENT_BITS))
-    return FALSE;
-  return TRUE;
-static Elf_Internal_Rela *
-find_associated_l32r_irel (bfd *abfd,
-			   asection *sec,
-			   bfd_byte *contents,
-			   Elf_Internal_Rela *other_irel,
-			   Elf_Internal_Rela *internal_relocs)
-  unsigned i;
-  for (i = 0; i < sec->reloc_count; i++)
-    {
-      Elf_Internal_Rela *irel = &internal_relocs[i];
-      if (irel == other_irel)
-	continue;
-      if (irel->rz_offset != other_irel->rz_offset)
-	continue;
-      if (is_l32r_relocation (abfd, sec, contents, irel))
-	return irel;
-    }
-  return NULL;
-static xtensa_opcode *
-build_reloc_opcodes (bfd *abfd,
-		     asection *sec,
-		     bfd_byte *contents,
-		     Elf_Internal_Rela *internal_relocs)
-  unsigned i;
-  xtensa_opcode *reloc_opcodes =
-    (xtensa_opcode *) bfd_malloc (sizeof (xtensa_opcode) * sec->reloc_count);
-  for (i = 0; i < sec->reloc_count; i++)
-    {
-      Elf_Internal_Rela *irel = &internal_relocs[i];
-      reloc_opcodes[i] = get_relocation_opcode (abfd, sec, contents, irel);
-    }
-  return reloc_opcodes;
-struct reloc_range_struct
-  bfd_vma addr;
-  bfd_boolean add; /* TRUE if start of a range, FALSE otherwise.  */
-  /* Original irel index in the array of relocations for a section.  */
-  unsigned irel_index;
-typedef struct reloc_range_struct reloc_range;
-typedef struct reloc_range_list_entry_struct reloc_range_list_entry;
-struct reloc_range_list_entry_struct
-  reloc_range_list_entry *next;
-  reloc_range_list_entry *prev;
-  Elf_Internal_Rela *irel;
-  xtensa_opcode opcode;
-  int opnum;
-struct reloc_range_list_struct
-  /* The rest of the structure is only meaningful when ok is TRUE.  */
-  bfd_boolean ok;
-  unsigned n_range; /* Number of range markers.  */
-  reloc_range *range; /* Sorted range markers.  */
-  unsigned first; /* Index of a first range element in the list.  */
-  unsigned last; /* One past index of a last range element in the list.  */
-  unsigned n_list; /* Number of list elements.  */
-  reloc_range_list_entry *reloc; /*  */
-  reloc_range_list_entry list_root;
-static int
-reloc_range_compare (const void *a, const void *b)
-  const reloc_range *ra = a;
-  const reloc_range *rb = b;
-  if (ra->addr != rb->addr)
-    return ra->addr < rb->addr ? -1 : 1;
-  if (ra->add != rb->add)
-    return ra->add ? -1 : 1;
-  return 0;
-static void
-build_reloc_ranges (bfd *abfd, asection *sec,
-		    bfd_byte *contents,
-		    Elf_Internal_Rela *internal_relocs,
-		    xtensa_opcode *reloc_opcodes,
-		    reloc_range_list *list)
-  unsigned i;
-  size_t n = 0;
-  size_t max_n = 0;
-  reloc_range *ranges = NULL;
-  reloc_range_list_entry *reloc =
-    bfd_malloc (sec->reloc_count * sizeof (*reloc));
-  memset (list, 0, sizeof (*list));
-  list->ok = TRUE;
-  for (i = 0; i < sec->reloc_count; i++)
-    {
-      Elf_Internal_Rela *irel = &internal_relocs[i];
-      int rz_type = ELF32_R_TYPE (irel->rz_info);
-      reloc_howto_type *howto = &elf_howto_table[rz_type];
-      rz_reloc rz_rel;
-      if (rz_type == RZ_XTENSA_ASM_SIMPLIFY
-	  || rz_type == RZ_XTENSA_32_PCREL
-	  || !howto->pc_relative)
-	continue;
-      rz_reloc_init (&rz_rel, abfd, irel, contents,
-		    bfd_get_section_limit (abfd, sec));
-      if (rz_reloc_get_section (&rz_rel) != sec)
-	continue;
-      if (n + 2 > max_n)
-	{
-	  max_n = (max_n + 2) * 2;
-	  ranges = bfd_realloc (ranges, max_n * sizeof (*ranges));
-	}
-      ranges[n].addr = irel->rz_offset;
-      ranges[n + 1].addr = rz_rel.target_offset;
-      ranges[n].add = ranges[n].addr < ranges[n + 1].addr;
-      ranges[n + 1].add = !ranges[n].add;
-      ranges[n].irel_index = i;
-      ranges[n + 1].irel_index = i;
-      n += 2;
-      reloc[i].irel = irel;
-      /* Every relocation won't possibly be checked in the optimized version of
-         check_section_ebb_pcrels_fit, so this needs to be done here.  */
-      if (is_alt_relocation (ELF32_R_TYPE (irel->rz_info)))
-	{
-	  /* None of the current alternate relocs are PC-relative,
-	     and only PC-relative relocs matter here.  */
-	}
-      else
-	{
-	  xtensa_opcode opcode;
-	  int opnum;
-	  if (reloc_opcodes)
-	    opcode = reloc_opcodes[i];
-	  else
-	    opcode = get_relocation_opcode (abfd, sec, contents, irel);
-	  if (opcode == XTENSA_UNDEFINED)
-	    {
-	      list->ok = FALSE;
-	      break;
-	    }
-	  opnum = get_relocation_opnd (opcode, ELF32_R_TYPE (irel->rz_info));
-	  if (opnum == XTENSA_UNDEFINED)
-	    {
-	      list->ok = FALSE;
-	      break;
-	    }
-	  /* Record relocation opcode and opnum as we've calculated them
-	     anyway and they won't change.  */
-	  reloc[i].opcode = opcode;
-	  reloc[i].opnum = opnum;
-	}
-    }
-  if (list->ok)
-    {
-      ranges = bfd_realloc (ranges, n * sizeof (*ranges));
-      qsort (ranges, n, sizeof (*ranges), reloc_range_compare);
-      list->n_range = n;
-      list->range = ranges;
-      list->reloc = reloc;
-      list->list_root.prev = &list->list_root;
-      list->list_root.next = &list->list_root;
-    }
-  else
-    {
-      free (ranges);
-      free (reloc);
-    }
-static void reloc_range_list_append (reloc_range_list *list,
-				     unsigned irel_index)
-  reloc_range_list_entry *entry = list->reloc + irel_index;
-  entry->prev = list->list_root.prev;
-  entry->next = &list->list_root;
-  entry->prev->next = entry;
-  entry->next->prev = entry;
-  ++list->n_list;
-static void reloc_range_list_remove (reloc_range_list *list,
-				     unsigned irel_index)
-  reloc_range_list_entry *entry = list->reloc + irel_index;
-  entry->next->prev = entry->prev;
-  entry->prev->next = entry->next;
-  --list->n_list;
-/* Update relocation list object so that it lists all relocations that cross
-   [first; last] range.  Range bounds should not decrease with successive
-   invocations.  */
-static void reloc_range_list_update_range (reloc_range_list *list,
-					   bfd_vma first, bfd_vma last)
-  /* This should not happen: EBBs are iterated from lower addresses to higher.
-     But even if that happens there's no need to break: just flush current list
-     and start from scratch.  */
-  if ((list->last > 0 && list->range[list->last - 1].addr > last) ||
-      (list->first > 0 && list->range[list->first - 1].addr >= first))
-    {
-      list->first = 0;
-      list->last = 0;
-      list->n_list = 0;
-      list->list_root.next = &list->list_root;
-      list->list_root.prev = &list->list_root;
-      fprintf (stderr, "%s: move backwards requested\n", __func__);
-    }
-  for (; list->last < list->n_range &&
-       list->range[list->last].addr <= last; ++list->last)
-    if (list->range[list->last].add)
-      reloc_range_list_append (list, list->range[list->last].irel_index);
-  for (; list->first < list->n_range &&
-       list->range[list->first].addr < first; ++list->first)
-    if (!list->range[list->first].add)
-      reloc_range_list_remove (list, list->range[list->first].irel_index);
-static void free_reloc_range_list (reloc_range_list *list)
-  free (list->range);
-  free (list->reloc);
-/* The compute_text_actions function will build a list of potential
-   transformation actions for code in the extended basic block of each
-   longcall that is optimized to a direct call.  From this list we
-   generate a set of actions to actually perform that optimizes for
-   space and, if not using size_opt, maintains branch target
-   alignments.
-   These actions to be performed are placed on a per-section list.
-   The actual changes are performed by relax_section() in the second
-   pass.  */
-compute_text_actions (bfd *abfd,
-		      asection *sec,
-		      struct bfd_link_info *link_info)
-  xtensa_opcode *reloc_opcodes = NULL;
-  xtensa_relax_info *relax_info;
-  bfd_byte *contents;
-  Elf_Internal_Rela *internal_relocs;
-  bfd_boolean ok = TRUE;
-  unsigned i;
-  property_table_entry *prop_table = 0;
-  int ptblsize = 0;
-  bfd_size_type sec_size;
-  reloc_range_list relevant_relocs;
-  relax_info = get_xtensa_relax_info (sec);
-  BFD_ASSERT (relax_info);
-  BFD_ASSERT (relax_info->src_next == relax_info->src_count);
-  /* Do nothing if the section contains no optimized longcalls.  */
-  if (!relax_info->is_relaxable_asm_section)
-    return ok;
-  internal_relocs = retrieve_internal_relocs (abfd, sec,
-					      link_info->keep_memory);
-  if (internal_relocs)
-    qsort (internal_relocs, sec->reloc_count, sizeof (Elf_Internal_Rela),
-	   internal_reloc_compare);
-  sec_size = bfd_get_section_limit (abfd, sec);
-  contents = retrieve_contents (abfd, sec, link_info->keep_memory);
-  if (contents == NULL && sec_size != 0)
-    {
-      ok = FALSE;
-      goto error_return;
-    }
-  ptblsize = xtensa_read_table_entries (abfd, sec, &prop_table,
-  if (ptblsize < 0)
-    {
-      ok = FALSE;
-      goto error_return;
-    }
-  /* Precompute the opcode for each relocation.  */
-  reloc_opcodes = build_reloc_opcodes (abfd, sec, contents, internal_relocs);
-  build_reloc_ranges (abfd, sec, contents, internal_relocs, reloc_opcodes,
-		      &relevant_relocs);
-  for (i = 0; i < sec->reloc_count; i++)
-    {
-      Elf_Internal_Rela *irel = &internal_relocs[i];
-      bfd_vma rz_offset;
-      property_table_entry *the_entry;
-      int ptbl_idx;
-      ebb_t *ebb;
-      ebb_constraint ebb_table;
-      bfd_size_type simplify_size;
-      if (irel && ELF32_R_TYPE (irel->rz_info) != RZ_XTENSA_ASM_SIMPLIFY)
-	continue;
-      rz_offset = irel->rz_offset;
-      simplify_size = get_asm_simplify_size (contents, sec_size, rz_offset);
-      if (simplify_size == 0)
-	{
-	  (*_bfd_error_handler)
-	    (_("%B(%A+0x%lx): could not decode instruction for XTENSA_ASM_SIMPLIFY relocation; possible configuration mismatch"),
-	     sec->owner, sec, rz_offset);
-	  continue;
-	}
-      /* If the instruction table is not around, then don't do this
-	 relaxation.  */
-      the_entry = elf_xtensa_find_property_entry (prop_table, ptblsize,
-						  sec->vma + irel->rz_offset);
-      if (the_entry == NULL || XTENSA_NO_NOP_REMOVAL)
-	{
-	  text_action_add (&relax_info->action_list,
-			   ta_convert_longcall, sec, rz_offset,
-			   0);
-	  continue;
-	}
-      /* If the next longcall happens to be at the same address as an
-	 unreachable section of size 0, then skip forward.  */
-      ptbl_idx = the_entry - prop_table;
-      while ((the_entry->flags & XTENSA_PROP_UNREACHABLE)
-	     && the_entry->size == 0
-	     && ptbl_idx + 1 < ptblsize
-	     && (prop_table[ptbl_idx + 1].address
-		 == prop_table[ptbl_idx].address))
-	{
-	  ptbl_idx++;
-	  the_entry++;
-	}
-      if (the_entry->flags & XTENSA_PROP_NO_TRANSFORM)
-	  /* NO_REORDER is OK */
-	continue;
-      init_ebb_constraint (&ebb_table);
-      ebb = &ebb_table.ebb;
-      init_ebb (ebb, sec, contents, sec_size, prop_table, ptblsize,
-		internal_relocs, sec->reloc_count);
-      ebb->start_offset = rz_offset + simplify_size;
-      ebb->end_offset = rz_offset + simplify_size;
-      ebb->start_ptbl_idx = ptbl_idx;
-      ebb->end_ptbl_idx = ptbl_idx;
-      ebb->start_reloc_idx = i;
-      ebb->end_reloc_idx = i;
-      if (!extend_ebb_bounds (ebb)
-	  || !compute_ebb_proposed_actions (&ebb_table)
-	  || !compute_ebb_actions (&ebb_table)
-	  || !check_section_ebb_pcrels_fit (abfd, sec, contents,
-					    internal_relocs,
-					    &relevant_relocs,
-					    &ebb_table, reloc_opcodes)
-	  || !check_section_ebb_reduces (&ebb_table))
-	{
-	  /* If anything goes wrong or we get unlucky and something does
-	     not fit, with our plan because of expansion between
-	     critical branches, just convert to a NOP.  */
-	  text_action_add (&relax_info->action_list,
-			   ta_convert_longcall, sec, rz_offset, 0);
-	  i = ebb_table.ebb.end_reloc_idx;
-	  free_ebb_constraint (&ebb_table);
-	  continue;
-	}
-      text_action_add_proposed (&relax_info->action_list, &ebb_table, sec);
-      /* Update the index so we do not go looking at the relocations
-	 we have already processed.  */
-      i = ebb_table.ebb.end_reloc_idx;
-      free_ebb_constraint (&ebb_table);
-    }
-  free_reloc_range_list (&relevant_relocs);
-#if DEBUG
-  if (action_list_count (&relax_info->action_list))
-    print_action_list (stderr, &relax_info->action_list);
-  release_contents (sec, contents);
-  release_internal_relocs (sec, internal_relocs);
-  if (prop_table)
-    free (prop_table);
-  if (reloc_opcodes)
-    free (reloc_opcodes);
-  return ok;
-/* Do not widen an instruction if it is preceeded by a
-   loop opcode.  It might cause misalignment.  */
-static bfd_boolean
-prev_instr_is_a_loop (bfd_byte *contents,
-		      bfd_size_type content_length,
-		      bfd_size_type offset)
-  xtensa_opcode prev_opcode;
-  if (offset < 3)
-    return FALSE;
-  prev_opcode = insn_decode_opcode (contents, content_length, offset-3, 0);
-  return (xtensa_opcode_is_loop (xtensa_default_isa, prev_opcode) == 1);
-/* Find all of the possible actions for an extended basic block.  */
-compute_ebb_proposed_actions (ebb_constraint *ebb_table)
-  const ebb_t *ebb = &ebb_table->ebb;
-  unsigned rel_idx = ebb->start_reloc_idx;
-  property_table_entry *entry, *start_entry, *end_entry;
-  bfd_vma offset = 0;
-  xtensa_isa isa = xtensa_default_isa;
-  xtensa_format fmt;
-  static xtensa_insnbuf insnbuf = NULL;
-  static xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf = NULL;
-  if (insnbuf == NULL)
-    {
-      insnbuf = xtensa_insnbuf_alloc (isa);
-      slotbuf = xtensa_insnbuf_alloc (isa);
-    }
-  start_entry = &ebb->ptbl[ebb->start_ptbl_idx];
-  end_entry = &ebb->ptbl[ebb->end_ptbl_idx];
-  for (entry = start_entry; entry <= end_entry; entry++)
-    {
-      bfd_vma start_offset, end_offset;
-      bfd_size_type insn_len;
-      start_offset = entry->address - ebb->sec->vma;
-      end_offset = entry->address + entry->size - ebb->sec->vma;
-      if (entry == start_entry)
-	start_offset = ebb->start_offset;
-      if (entry == end_entry)
-	end_offset = ebb->end_offset;
-      offset = start_offset;
-      if (offset == entry->address - ebb->sec->vma
-	  && (entry->flags & XTENSA_PROP_INSN_BRANCH_TARGET) != 0)
-	{
-	  enum ebb_target_enum align_type = EBB_DESIRE_TGT_ALIGN;
-	  BFD_ASSERT (offset != end_offset);
-	  if (offset == end_offset)
-	    return FALSE;
-	  insn_len = insn_decode_len (ebb->contents, ebb->content_length,
-				      offset);
-	  if (insn_len == 0)
-	    goto decode_error;
-	  if (check_branch_target_aligned_address (offset, insn_len))
-	    align_type = EBB_REQUIRE_TGT_ALIGN;
-	  ebb_propose_action (ebb_table, align_type, 0,
-			      ta_none, offset, 0, TRUE);
-	}
-      while (offset != end_offset)
-	{
-	  Elf_Internal_Rela *irel;
-	  xtensa_opcode opcode;
-	  while (rel_idx < ebb->end_reloc_idx
-		 && (ebb->relocs[rel_idx].rz_offset < offset
-		     || (ebb->relocs[rel_idx].rz_offset == offset
-			 && (ELF32_R_TYPE (ebb->relocs[rel_idx].rz_info)
-			     != RZ_XTENSA_ASM_SIMPLIFY))))
-	    rel_idx++;
-	  /* Check for longcall.  */
-	  irel = &ebb->relocs[rel_idx];
-	  if (irel->rz_offset == offset
-	      && ELF32_R_TYPE (irel->rz_info) == RZ_XTENSA_ASM_SIMPLIFY)
-	    {
-	      bfd_size_type simplify_size;
-	      simplify_size = get_asm_simplify_size (ebb->contents,
-						     ebb->content_length,
-						     irel->rz_offset);
-	      if (simplify_size == 0)
-		goto decode_error;
-	      ebb_propose_action (ebb_table, EBB_NO_ALIGN, 0,
-				  ta_convert_longcall, offset, 0, TRUE);
-	      offset += simplify_size;
-	      continue;
-	    }
-	  if (offset + MIN_INSN_LENGTH > ebb->content_length)
-	    goto decode_error;
-	  xtensa_insnbuf_from_chars (isa, insnbuf, &ebb->contents[offset],
-				     ebb->content_length - offset);
-	  fmt = xtensa_format_decode (isa, insnbuf);
-	  if (fmt == XTENSA_UNDEFINED)
-	    goto decode_error;
-	  insn_len = xtensa_format_length (isa, fmt);
-	  if (insn_len == (bfd_size_type) XTENSA_UNDEFINED)
-	    goto decode_error;
-	  if (xtensa_format_num_slots (isa, fmt) != 1)
-	    {
-	      offset += insn_len;
-	      continue;
-	    }
-	  xtensa_format_get_slot (isa, fmt, 0, insnbuf, slotbuf);
-	  opcode = xtensa_opcode_decode (isa, fmt, 0, slotbuf);
-	  if (opcode == XTENSA_UNDEFINED)
-	    goto decode_error;
-	  if ((entry->flags & XTENSA_PROP_INSN_NO_DENSITY) == 0
-	      && (entry->flags & XTENSA_PROP_NO_TRANSFORM) == 0
-	      && can_narrow_instruction (slotbuf, fmt, opcode) != 0)
-	    {
-	      /* Add an instruction narrow action.  */
-	      ebb_propose_action (ebb_table, EBB_NO_ALIGN, 0,
-				  ta_narrow_insn, offset, 0, FALSE);
-	    }
-	  else if ((entry->flags & XTENSA_PROP_NO_TRANSFORM) == 0
-		   && can_widen_instruction (slotbuf, fmt, opcode) != 0
-		   && ! prev_instr_is_a_loop (ebb->contents,
-					      ebb->content_length, offset))
-	    {
-	      /* Add an instruction widen action.  */
-	      ebb_propose_action (ebb_table, EBB_NO_ALIGN, 0,
-				  ta_widen_insn, offset, 0, FALSE);
-	    }
-	  else if (xtensa_opcode_is_loop (xtensa_default_isa, opcode) == 1)
-	    {
-	      /* Check for branch targets.  */
-	      ebb_propose_action (ebb_table, EBB_REQUIRE_LOOP_ALIGN, 0,
-				  ta_none, offset, 0, TRUE);
-	    }
-	  offset += insn_len;
-	}
-    }
-  if (ebb->ends_unreachable)
-    {
-      ebb_propose_action (ebb_table, EBB_NO_ALIGN, 0,
-			  ta_fill, ebb->end_offset, 0, TRUE);
-    }
-  return TRUE;
- decode_error:
-  (*_bfd_error_handler)
-    (_("%B(%A+0x%lx): could not decode instruction; possible configuration mismatch"),
-     ebb->sec->owner, ebb->sec, offset);
-  return FALSE;
-/* After all of the information has collected about the
-   transformations possible in an EBB, compute the appropriate actions
-   here in compute_ebb_actions.  We still must check later to make
-   sure that the actions do not break any relocations.  The algorithm
-   used here is pretty greedy.  Basically, it removes as many no-ops
-   as possible so that the end of the EBB has the same alignment
-   characteristics as the original.  First, it uses narrowing, then
-   fill space at the end of the EBB, and finally widenings.  If that
-   does not work, it tries again with one fewer no-op removed.  The
-   optimization will only be performed if all of the branch targets
-   that were aligned before transformation are also aligned after the
-   transformation.
-   When the size_opt flag is set, ignore the branch target alignments,
-   narrow all wide instructions, and remove all no-ops unless the end
-   of the EBB prevents it.  */
-compute_ebb_actions (ebb_constraint *ebb_table)
-  unsigned i = 0;
-  unsigned j;
-  int removed_bytes = 0;
-  ebb_t *ebb = &ebb_table->ebb;
-  unsigned seg_idx_start = 0;
-  unsigned seg_idx_end = 0;
-  /* We perform this like the assembler relaxation algorithm: Start by
-     assuming all instructions are narrow and all no-ops removed; then
-     walk through....  */
-  /* For each segment of this that has a solid constraint, check to
-     see if there are any combinations that will keep the constraint.
-     If so, use it.  */
-  for (seg_idx_end = 0; seg_idx_end < ebb_table->action_count; seg_idx_end++)
-    {
-      bfd_boolean requires_text_end_align = FALSE;
-      unsigned longcall_count = 0;
-      unsigned longcall_convert_count = 0;
-      unsigned narrowable_count = 0;
-      unsigned narrowable_convert_count = 0;
-      unsigned widenable_count = 0;
-      unsigned widenable_convert_count = 0;
-      proposed_action *action = NULL;
-      int align = (1 << ebb_table->ebb.sec->alignment_power);
-      seg_idx_start = seg_idx_end;
-      for (i = seg_idx_start; i < ebb_table->action_count; i++)
-	{
-	  action = &ebb_table->actions[i];
-	  if (action->action == ta_convert_longcall)
-	    longcall_count++;
-	  if (action->action == ta_narrow_insn)
-	    narrowable_count++;
-	  if (action->action == ta_widen_insn)
-	    widenable_count++;
-	  if (action->action == ta_fill)
-	    break;
-	  if (action->align_type == EBB_REQUIRE_LOOP_ALIGN)
-	    break;
-	  if (action->align_type == EBB_REQUIRE_TGT_ALIGN
-	      && !elf32xtensa_size_opt)
-	    break;
-	}
-      seg_idx_end = i;
-      if (seg_idx_end == ebb_table->action_count && !ebb->ends_unreachable)
-	requires_text_end_align = TRUE;
-      if (elf32xtensa_size_opt && !requires_text_end_align
-	  && action->align_type != EBB_REQUIRE_LOOP_ALIGN
-	  && action->align_type != EBB_REQUIRE_TGT_ALIGN)
-	{
-	  longcall_convert_count = longcall_count;
-	  narrowable_convert_count = narrowable_count;
-	  widenable_convert_count = 0;
-	}
-      else
-	{
-	  /* There is a constraint.  Convert the max number of longcalls.  */
-	  narrowable_convert_count = 0;
-	  longcall_convert_count = 0;
-	  widenable_convert_count = 0;
-	  for (j = 0; j < longcall_count; j++)
-	    {
-	      int removed = (longcall_count - j) * 3 & (align - 1);
-	      unsigned desire_narrow = (align - removed) & (align - 1);
-	      unsigned desire_widen = removed;
-	      if (desire_narrow <= narrowable_count)
-		{
-		  narrowable_convert_count = desire_narrow;
-		  narrowable_convert_count +=
-		    (align * ((narrowable_count - narrowable_convert_count)
-			      / align));
-		  longcall_convert_count = (longcall_count - j);
-		  widenable_convert_count = 0;
-		  break;
-		}
-	      if (desire_widen <= widenable_count && !elf32xtensa_size_opt)
-		{
-		  narrowable_convert_count = 0;
-		  longcall_convert_count = longcall_count - j;
-		  widenable_convert_count = desire_widen;
-		  break;
-		}
-	    }
-	}
-      /* Now the number of conversions are saved.  Do them.  */
-      for (i = seg_idx_start; i < seg_idx_end; i++)
-	{
-	  action = &ebb_table->actions[i];
-	  switch (action->action)
-	    {
-	    case ta_convert_longcall:
-	      if (longcall_convert_count != 0)
-		{
-		  action->action = ta_remove_longcall;
-		  action->do_action = TRUE;
-		  action->removed_bytes += 3;
-		  longcall_convert_count--;
-		}
-	      break;
-	    case ta_narrow_insn:
-	      if (narrowable_convert_count != 0)
-		{
-		  action->do_action = TRUE;
-		  action->removed_bytes += 1;
-		  narrowable_convert_count--;
-		}
-	      break;
-	    case ta_widen_insn:
-	      if (widenable_convert_count != 0)
-		{
-		  action->do_action = TRUE;
-		  action->removed_bytes -= 1;
-		  widenable_convert_count--;
-		}
-	      break;
-	    default:
-	      break;
-	    }
-	}
-    }
-  /* Now we move on to some local opts.  Try to remove each of the
-     remaining longcalls.  */
-  if (ebb_table->ebb.ends_section || ebb_table->ebb.ends_unreachable)
-    {
-      removed_bytes = 0;
-      for (i = 0; i < ebb_table->action_count; i++)
-	{
-	  int old_removed_bytes = removed_bytes;
-	  proposed_action *action = &ebb_table->actions[i];
-	  if (action->do_action && action->action == ta_convert_longcall)
-	    {
-	      bfd_boolean bad_alignment = FALSE;
-	      removed_bytes += 3;
-	      for (j = i + 1; j < ebb_table->action_count; j++)
-		{
-		  proposed_action *new_action = &ebb_table->actions[j];
-		  bfd_vma offset = new_action->offset;
-		  if (new_action->align_type == EBB_REQUIRE_TGT_ALIGN)
-		    {
-		      if (!check_branch_target_aligned
-			  (ebb_table->ebb.contents,
-			   ebb_table->ebb.content_length,
-			   offset, offset - removed_bytes))
-			{
-			  bad_alignment = TRUE;
-			  break;
-			}
-		    }
-		  if (new_action->align_type == EBB_REQUIRE_LOOP_ALIGN)
-		    {
-		      if (!check_loop_aligned (ebb_table->ebb.contents,
-					       ebb_table->ebb.content_length,
-					       offset,
-					       offset - removed_bytes))
-			{
-			  bad_alignment = TRUE;
-			  break;
-			}
-		    }
-		  if (new_action->action == ta_narrow_insn
-		      && !new_action->do_action
-		      && ebb_table->ebb.sec->alignment_power == 2)
-		    {
-		      /* Narrow an instruction and we are done.  */
-		      new_action->do_action = TRUE;
-		      new_action->removed_bytes += 1;
-		      bad_alignment = FALSE;
-		      break;
-		    }
-		  if (new_action->action == ta_widen_insn
-		      && new_action->do_action
-		      && ebb_table->ebb.sec->alignment_power == 2)
-		    {
-		      /* Narrow an instruction and we are done.  */
-		      new_action->do_action = FALSE;
-		      new_action->removed_bytes += 1;
-		      bad_alignment = FALSE;
-		      break;
-		    }
-		  if (new_action->do_action)
-		    removed_bytes += new_action->removed_bytes;
-		}
-	      if (!bad_alignment)
-		{
-		  action->removed_bytes += 3;
-		  action->action = ta_remove_longcall;
-		  action->do_action = TRUE;
-		}
-	    }
-	  removed_bytes = old_removed_bytes;
-	  if (action->do_action)
-	    removed_bytes += action->removed_bytes;
-	}
-    }
-  removed_bytes = 0;
-  for (i = 0; i < ebb_table->action_count; ++i)
-    {
-      proposed_action *action = &ebb_table->actions[i];
-      if (action->do_action)
-	removed_bytes += action->removed_bytes;
-    }
-  if ((removed_bytes % (1 << ebb_table->ebb.sec->alignment_power)) != 0
-      && ebb->ends_unreachable)
-    {
-      proposed_action *action;
-      int br;
-      int extra_space;
-      BFD_ASSERT (ebb_table->action_count != 0);
-      action = &ebb_table->actions[ebb_table->action_count - 1];
-      BFD_ASSERT (action->action == ta_fill);
-      BFD_ASSERT (ebb->ends_unreachable->flags & XTENSA_PROP_UNREACHABLE);
-      extra_space = compute_fill_extra_space (ebb->ends_unreachable);
-      br = action->removed_bytes + removed_bytes + extra_space;
-      br = br & ((1 << ebb->sec->alignment_power ) - 1);
-      action->removed_bytes = extra_space - br;
-    }
-  return TRUE;
-/* The xlate_map is a sorted array of address mappings designed to
-   answer the offset_with_removed_text() query with a binary search instead
-   of a linear search through the section's action_list.  */
-typedef struct xlate_map_entry xlate_map_entry_t;
-typedef struct xlate_map xlate_map_t;
-struct xlate_map_entry
-  unsigned orig_address;
-  unsigned new_address;
-  unsigned size;
-struct xlate_map
-  unsigned entry_count;
-  xlate_map_entry_t *entry;
-static int
-xlate_compare (const void *a_v, const void *b_v)
-  const xlate_map_entry_t *a = (const xlate_map_entry_t *) a_v;
-  const xlate_map_entry_t *b = (const xlate_map_entry_t *) b_v;
-  if (a->orig_address < b->orig_address)
-    return -1;
-  if (a->orig_address > (b->orig_address + b->size - 1))
-    return 1;
-  return 0;
-static bfd_vma
-xlate_offset_with_removed_text (const xlate_map_t *map,
-				text_action_list *action_list,
-				bfd_vma offset)
-  void *r;
-  xlate_map_entry_t *e;
-  if (map == NULL)
-    return offset_with_removed_text (action_list, offset);
-  if (map->entry_count == 0)
-    return offset;
-  r = bsearch (&offset, map->entry, map->entry_count,
-	       sizeof (xlate_map_entry_t), &xlate_compare);
-  e = (xlate_map_entry_t *) r;
-  BFD_ASSERT (e != NULL);
-  if (e == NULL)
-    return offset;
-  return e->new_address - e->orig_address + offset;
-typedef struct xlate_map_context_struct xlate_map_context;
-struct xlate_map_context_struct
-  xlate_map_t *map;
-  xlate_map_entry_t *current_entry;
-  int removed;
-static int
-xlate_map_fn (splay_tree_node node, void *p)
-  text_action *r = (text_action *)node->value;
-  xlate_map_context *ctx = p;
-  unsigned orig_size = 0;
-  switch (r->action)
-    {
-    case ta_none:
-    case ta_remove_insn:
-    case ta_convert_longcall:
-    case ta_remove_literal:
-    case ta_add_literal:
-      break;
-    case ta_remove_longcall:
-      orig_size = 6;
-      break;
-    case ta_narrow_insn:
-      orig_size = 3;
-      break;
-    case ta_widen_insn:
-      orig_size = 2;
-      break;
-    case ta_fill:
-      break;
-    }
-  ctx->current_entry->size =
-    r->offset + orig_size - ctx->current_entry->orig_address;
-  if (ctx->current_entry->size != 0)
-    {
-      ctx->current_entry++;
-      ctx->map->entry_count++;
-    }
-  ctx->current_entry->orig_address = r->offset + orig_size;
-  ctx->removed += r->removed_bytes;
-  ctx->current_entry->new_address = r->offset + orig_size - ctx->removed;
-  ctx->current_entry->size = 0;
-  return 0;
-/* Build a binary searchable offset translation map from a section's
-   action list.  */
-static xlate_map_t *
-build_xlate_map (asection *sec, xtensa_relax_info *relax_info)
-  text_action_list *action_list = &relax_info->action_list;
-  unsigned num_actions = 0;
-  xlate_map_context ctx;
-  ctx.map = (xlate_map_t *) bfd_malloc (sizeof (xlate_map_t));
-  if (ctx.map == NULL)
-    return NULL;
-  num_actions = action_list_count (action_list);
-  ctx.map->entry = (xlate_map_entry_t *)
-    bfd_malloc (sizeof (xlate_map_entry_t) * (num_actions + 1));
-  if (ctx.map->entry == NULL)
-    {
-      free (ctx.map);
-      return NULL;
-    }
-  ctx.map->entry_count = 0;
-  ctx.removed = 0;
-  ctx.current_entry = &ctx.map->entry[0];
-  ctx.current_entry->orig_address = 0;
-  ctx.current_entry->new_address = 0;
-  ctx.current_entry->size = 0;
-  splay_tree_foreach (action_list->tree, xlate_map_fn, &ctx);
-  ctx.current_entry->size = (bfd_get_section_limit (sec->owner, sec)
-			     - ctx.current_entry->orig_address);
-  if (ctx.current_entry->size != 0)
-    ctx.map->entry_count++;
-  return ctx.map;
-/* Free an offset translation map.  */
-static void
-free_xlate_map (xlate_map_t *map)
-  if (map && map->entry)
-    free (map->entry);
-  if (map)
-    free (map);
-/* Use check_section_ebb_pcrels_fit to make sure that all of the
-   relocations in a section will fit if a proposed set of actions
-   are performed.  */
-static bfd_boolean
-check_section_ebb_pcrels_fit (bfd *abfd,
-			      asection *sec,
-			      bfd_byte *contents,
-			      Elf_Internal_Rela *internal_relocs,
-			      reloc_range_list *relevant_relocs,
-			      const ebb_constraint *constraint,
-			      const xtensa_opcode *reloc_opcodes)
-  unsigned i, j;
-  unsigned n = sec->reloc_count;
-  Elf_Internal_Rela *irel;
-  xlate_map_t *xmap = NULL;
-  bfd_boolean ok = TRUE;
-  xtensa_relax_info *relax_info;
-  reloc_range_list_entry *entry = NULL;
-  relax_info = get_xtensa_relax_info (sec);
-  if (relax_info && sec->reloc_count > 100)
-    {
-      xmap = build_xlate_map (sec, relax_info);
-      /* NULL indicates out of memory, but the slow version
-	 can still be used.  */
-    }
-  if (relevant_relocs && constraint->action_count)
-    {
-      if (!relevant_relocs->ok)
-	{
-	  ok = FALSE;
-	  n = 0;
-	}
-      else
-	{
-	  bfd_vma min_offset, max_offset;
-	  min_offset = max_offset = constraint->actions[0].offset;
-	  for (i = 1; i < constraint->action_count; ++i)
-	    {
-	      proposed_action *action = &constraint->actions[i];
-	      bfd_vma offset = action->offset;
-	      if (offset < min_offset)
-		min_offset = offset;
-	      if (offset > max_offset)
-		max_offset = offset;
-	    }
-	  reloc_range_list_update_range (relevant_relocs, min_offset,
-					 max_offset);
-	  n = relevant_relocs->n_list;
-	  entry = &relevant_relocs->list_root;
-	}
-    }
-  else
-    {
-      relevant_relocs = NULL;
-    }
-  for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
-    {
-      rz_reloc rz_rel;
-      bfd_vma orig_self_offset, orig_target_offset;
-      bfd_vma self_offset, target_offset;
-      int rz_type;
-      reloc_howto_type *howto;
-      int self_removed_bytes, target_removed_bytes;
-      if (relevant_relocs)
-	{
-	  entry = entry->next;
-	  irel = entry->irel;
-	}
-      else
-	{
-	  irel = internal_relocs + i;
-	}
-      rz_type = ELF32_R_TYPE (irel->rz_info);
-      howto = &elf_howto_table[rz_type];
-      /* We maintain the required invariant: PC-relative relocations
-	 that fit before linking must fit after linking.  Thus we only
-	 need to deal with relocations to the same section that are
-	 PC-relative.  */
-      if (rz_type == RZ_XTENSA_ASM_SIMPLIFY
-	  || rz_type == RZ_XTENSA_32_PCREL
-	  || !howto->pc_relative)
-	continue;
-      rz_reloc_init (&rz_rel, abfd, irel, contents,
-		    bfd_get_section_limit (abfd, sec));
-      if (rz_reloc_get_section (&rz_rel) != sec)
-	continue;
-      orig_self_offset = irel->rz_offset;
-      orig_target_offset = rz_rel.target_offset;
-      self_offset = orig_self_offset;
-      target_offset = orig_target_offset;
-      if (relax_info)
-	{
-	  self_offset =
-	    xlate_offset_with_removed_text (xmap, &relax_info->action_list,
-					    orig_self_offset);
-	  target_offset =
-	    xlate_offset_with_removed_text (xmap, &relax_info->action_list,
-					    orig_target_offset);
-	}
-      self_removed_bytes = 0;
-      target_removed_bytes = 0;
-      for (j = 0; j < constraint->action_count; ++j)
-	{
-	  proposed_action *action = &constraint->actions[j];
-	  bfd_vma offset = action->offset;
-	  int removed_bytes = action->removed_bytes;
-	  if (offset < orig_self_offset
-	      || (offset == orig_self_offset && action->action == ta_fill
-		  && action->removed_bytes < 0))
-	    self_removed_bytes += removed_bytes;
-	  if (offset < orig_target_offset
-	      || (offset == orig_target_offset && action->action == ta_fill
-		  && action->removed_bytes < 0))
-	    target_removed_bytes += removed_bytes;
-	}
-      self_offset -= self_removed_bytes;
-      target_offset -= target_removed_bytes;
-      /* Try to encode it.  Get the operand and check.  */
-      if (is_alt_relocation (ELF32_R_TYPE (irel->rz_info)))
-	{
-	  /* None of the current alternate relocs are PC-relative,
-	     and only PC-relative relocs matter here.  */
-	}
-      else
-	{
-	  xtensa_opcode opcode;
-	  int opnum;
-	  if (relevant_relocs)
-	    {
-	      opcode = entry->opcode;
-	      opnum = entry->opnum;
-	    }
-	  else
-	    {
-	      if (reloc_opcodes)
-		opcode = reloc_opcodes[relevant_relocs ?
-		  (unsigned)(entry - relevant_relocs->reloc) : i];
-	      else
-		opcode = get_relocation_opcode (abfd, sec, contents, irel);
-	      if (opcode == XTENSA_UNDEFINED)
-		{
-		  ok = FALSE;
-		  break;
-		}
-	      opnum = get_relocation_opnd (opcode, ELF32_R_TYPE (irel->rz_info));
-	      if (opnum == XTENSA_UNDEFINED)
-		{
-		  ok = FALSE;
-		  break;
-		}
-	    }
-	  if (!pcrel_reloc_fits (opcode, opnum, self_offset, target_offset))
-	    {
-	      ok = FALSE;
-	      break;
-	    }
-	}
-    }
-  if (xmap)
-    free_xlate_map (xmap);
-  return ok;
-static bfd_boolean
-check_section_ebb_reduces (const ebb_constraint *constraint)
-  int removed = 0;
-  unsigned i;
-  for (i = 0; i < constraint->action_count; i++)
-    {
-      const proposed_action *action = &constraint->actions[i];
-      if (action->do_action)
-	removed += action->removed_bytes;
-    }
-  if (removed < 0)
-    return FALSE;
-  return TRUE;
-text_action_add_proposed (text_action_list *l,
-			  const ebb_constraint *ebb_table,
-			  asection *sec)
-  unsigned i;
-  for (i = 0; i < ebb_table->action_count; i++)
-    {
-      proposed_action *action = &ebb_table->actions[i];
-      if (!action->do_action)
-	continue;
-      switch (action->action)
-	{
-	case ta_remove_insn:
-	case ta_remove_longcall:
-	case ta_convert_longcall:
-	case ta_narrow_insn:
-	case ta_widen_insn:
-	case ta_fill:
-	case ta_remove_literal:
-	  text_action_add (l, action->action, sec, action->offset,
-			   action->removed_bytes);
-	  break;
-	case ta_none:
-	  break;
-	default:
-	  BFD_ASSERT (0);
-	  break;
-	}
-    }
-compute_fill_extra_space (property_table_entry *entry)
-  int fill_extra_space;
-  if (!entry)
-    return 0;
-  if ((entry->flags & XTENSA_PROP_UNREACHABLE) == 0)
-    return 0;
-  fill_extra_space = entry->size;
-  if ((entry->flags & XTENSA_PROP_ALIGN) != 0)
-    {
-      /* Fill bytes for alignment:
-	 (2**n)-1 - (addr + (2**n)-1) & (2**n -1) */
-      int pow = GET_XTENSA_PROP_ALIGNMENT (entry->flags);
-      int nsm = (1 << pow) - 1;
-      bfd_vma addr = entry->address + entry->size;
-      bfd_vma align_fill = nsm - ((addr + nsm) & nsm);
-      fill_extra_space += align_fill;
-    }
-  return fill_extra_space;
-/* First relaxation pass.  */
-/* If the section contains relaxable literals, check each literal to
-   see if it has the same value as another literal that has already
-   been seen, either in the current section or a previous one.  If so,
-   add an entry to the per-section list of removed literals.  The
-   actual changes are deferred until the next pass.  */
-static bfd_boolean
-compute_removed_literals (bfd *abfd,
-			  asection *sec,
-			  struct bfd_link_info *link_info,
-			  value_map_hash_table *values)
-  xtensa_relax_info *relax_info;
-  bfd_byte *contents;
-  Elf_Internal_Rela *internal_relocs;
-  source_reloc *src_relocs, *rel;
-  bfd_boolean ok = TRUE;
-  property_table_entry *prop_table = NULL;
-  int ptblsize;
-  int i, prev_i;
-  bfd_boolean last_loc_is_prev = FALSE;
-  bfd_vma last_target_offset = 0;
-  section_cache_t target_sec_cache;
-  bfd_size_type sec_size;
-  init_section_cache (&target_sec_cache);
-  /* Do nothing if it is not a relaxable literal section.  */
-  relax_info = get_xtensa_relax_info (sec);
-  BFD_ASSERT (relax_info);
-  if (!relax_info->is_relaxable_literal_section)
-    return ok;
-  internal_relocs = retrieve_internal_relocs (abfd, sec,
-					      link_info->keep_memory);
-  sec_size = bfd_get_section_limit (abfd, sec);
-  contents = retrieve_contents (abfd, sec, link_info->keep_memory);
-  if (contents == NULL && sec_size != 0)
-    {
-      ok = FALSE;
-      goto error_return;
-    }
-  /* Sort the source_relocs by target offset.  */
-  src_relocs = relax_info->src_relocs;
-  qsort (src_relocs, relax_info->src_count,
-	 sizeof (source_reloc), source_reloc_compare);
-  qsort (internal_relocs, sec->reloc_count, sizeof (Elf_Internal_Rela),
-	 internal_reloc_compare);
-  ptblsize = xtensa_read_table_entries (abfd, sec, &prop_table,
-  if (ptblsize < 0)
-    {
-      ok = FALSE;
-      goto error_return;
-    }
-  prev_i = -1;
-  for (i = 0; i < relax_info->src_count; i++)
-    {
-      Elf_Internal_Rela *irel = NULL;
-      rel = &src_relocs[i];
-      if (get_l32r_opcode () != rel->opcode)
-	continue;
-      irel = get_irel_at_offset (sec, internal_relocs,
-				 rel->rz_rel.target_offset);
-      /* If the relocation on this is not a simple RZ_XTENSA_32 or
-	 RZ_XTENSA_PLT then do not consider it.  This may happen when
-	 the difference of two symbols is used in a literal.  */
-      if (irel && (ELF32_R_TYPE (irel->rz_info) != RZ_XTENSA_32
-		   && ELF32_R_TYPE (irel->rz_info) != RZ_XTENSA_PLT))
-	continue;
-      /* If the target_offset for this relocation is the same as the
-	 previous relocation, then we've already considered whether the
-	 literal can be coalesced.  Skip to the next one....  */
-      if (i != 0 && prev_i != -1
-	  && src_relocs[i-1].rz_rel.target_offset == rel->rz_rel.target_offset)
-	continue;
-      prev_i = i;
-      if (last_loc_is_prev &&
-	  last_target_offset + 4 != rel->rz_rel.target_offset)
-	last_loc_is_prev = FALSE;
-      /* Check if the relocation was from an L32R that is being removed
-	 because a CALLX was converted to a direct CALL, and check if
-	 there are no other relocations to the literal.  */
-      if (is_removable_literal (rel, i, src_relocs, relax_info->src_count,
-				sec, prop_table, ptblsize))
-	{
-	  if (!remove_dead_literal (abfd, sec, link_info, internal_relocs,
-				    irel, rel, prop_table, ptblsize))
-	    {
-	      ok = FALSE;
-	      goto error_return;
-	    }
-	  last_target_offset = rel->rz_rel.target_offset;
-	  continue;
-	}
-      if (!identify_literal_placement (abfd, sec, contents, link_info,
-				       values,
-				       &last_loc_is_prev, irel,
-				       relax_info->src_count - i, rel,
-				       prop_table, ptblsize,
-				       &target_sec_cache, rel->is_abs_literal))
-	{
-	  ok = FALSE;
-	  goto error_return;
-	}
-      last_target_offset = rel->rz_rel.target_offset;
-    }
-#if DEBUG
-  print_removed_literals (stderr, &relax_info->removed_list);
-  print_action_list (stderr, &relax_info->action_list);
-#endif /* DEBUG */
-  if (prop_table)
-    free (prop_table);
-  free_section_cache (&target_sec_cache);
-  release_contents (sec, contents);
-  release_internal_relocs (sec, internal_relocs);
-  return ok;
-static Elf_Internal_Rela *
-get_irel_at_offset (asection *sec,
-		    Elf_Internal_Rela *internal_relocs,
-		    bfd_vma offset)
-  unsigned i;
-  Elf_Internal_Rela *irel;
-  unsigned rz_type;
-  Elf_Internal_Rela key;
-  if (!internal_relocs)
-    return NULL;
-  key.rz_offset = offset;
-  irel = bsearch (&key, internal_relocs, sec->reloc_count,
-		  sizeof (Elf_Internal_Rela), internal_reloc_matches);
-  if (!irel)
-    return NULL;
-  /* bsearch does not guarantee which will be returned if there are
-     multiple matches.  We need the first that is not an alignment.  */
-  i = irel - internal_relocs;
-  while (i > 0)
-    {
-      if (internal_relocs[i-1].rz_offset != offset)
-	break;
-      i--;
-    }
-  for ( ; i < sec->reloc_count; i++)
-    {
-      irel = &internal_relocs[i];
-      rz_type = ELF32_R_TYPE (irel->rz_info);
-      if (irel->rz_offset == offset && rz_type != RZ_XTENSA_NONE)
-	return irel;
-    }
-  return NULL;
-is_removable_literal (const source_reloc *rel,
-		      int i,
-		      const source_reloc *src_relocs,
-		      int src_count,
-		      asection *sec,
-		      property_table_entry *prop_table,
-		      int ptblsize)
-  const source_reloc *curr_rel;
-  property_table_entry *entry;
-  if (!rel->is_null)
-    return FALSE;
-  entry = elf_xtensa_find_property_entry (prop_table, ptblsize,
-					  sec->vma + rel->rz_rel.target_offset);
-  if (entry && (entry->flags & XTENSA_PROP_NO_TRANSFORM))
-    return FALSE;
-  for (++i; i < src_count; ++i)
-    {
-      curr_rel = &src_relocs[i];
-      /* If all others have the same target offset....  */
-      if (curr_rel->rz_rel.target_offset != rel->rz_rel.target_offset)
-	return TRUE;
-      if (!curr_rel->is_null
-	  && !xtensa_is_property_section (curr_rel->source_sec)
-	  && !(curr_rel->source_sec->flags & SEC_DEBUGGING))
-	return FALSE;
-    }
-  return TRUE;
-remove_dead_literal (bfd *abfd,
-		     asection *sec,
-		     struct bfd_link_info *link_info,
-		     Elf_Internal_Rela *internal_relocs,
-		     Elf_Internal_Rela *irel,
-		     source_reloc *rel,
-		     property_table_entry *prop_table,
-		     int ptblsize)
-  property_table_entry *entry;
-  xtensa_relax_info *relax_info;
-  relax_info = get_xtensa_relax_info (sec);
-  if (!relax_info)
-    return FALSE;
-  entry = elf_xtensa_find_property_entry (prop_table, ptblsize,
-					  sec->vma + rel->rz_rel.target_offset);
-  /* Mark the unused literal so that it will be removed.  */
-  add_removed_literal (&relax_info->removed_list, &rel->rz_rel, NULL);
-  text_action_add (&relax_info->action_list,
-		   ta_remove_literal, sec, rel->rz_rel.target_offset, 4);
-  /* If the section is 4-byte aligned, do not add fill.  */
-  if (sec->alignment_power > 2)
-    {
-      int fill_extra_space;
-      bfd_vma entry_sec_offset;
-      text_action *fa;
-      property_table_entry *the_add_entry;
-      int removed_diff;
-      if (entry)
-	entry_sec_offset = entry->address - sec->vma + entry->size;
-      else
-	entry_sec_offset = rel->rz_rel.target_offset + 4;
-      /* If the literal range is at the end of the section,
-	 do not add fill.  */
-      the_add_entry = elf_xtensa_find_property_entry (prop_table, ptblsize,
-						      entry_sec_offset);
-      fill_extra_space = compute_fill_extra_space (the_add_entry);
-      fa = find_fill_action (&relax_info->action_list, sec, entry_sec_offset);
-      removed_diff = compute_removed_action_diff (fa, sec, entry_sec_offset,
-						  -4, fill_extra_space);
-      if (fa)
-	adjust_fill_action (fa, removed_diff);
-      else
-	text_action_add (&relax_info->action_list,
-			 ta_fill, sec, entry_sec_offset, removed_diff);
-    }
-  /* Zero out the relocation on this literal location.  */
-  if (irel)
-    {
-      if (elf_hash_table (link_info)->dynamic_sections_created)
-	shrink_dynamic_reloc_sections (link_info, abfd, sec, irel);
-      irel->rz_info = ELF32_R_INFO (0, RZ_XTENSA_NONE);
-      pin_internal_relocs (sec, internal_relocs);
-    }
-  /* Do not modify "last_loc_is_prev".  */
-  return TRUE;
-identify_literal_placement (bfd *abfd,
-			    asection *sec,
-			    bfd_byte *contents,
-			    struct bfd_link_info *link_info,
-			    value_map_hash_table *values,
-			    bfd_boolean *last_loc_is_prev_p,
-			    Elf_Internal_Rela *irel,
-			    int remaining_src_rels,
-			    source_reloc *rel,
-			    property_table_entry *prop_table,
-			    int ptblsize,
-			    section_cache_t *target_sec_cache,
-			    bfd_boolean is_abs_literal)
-  literal_value val;
-  value_map *val_map;
-  xtensa_relax_info *relax_info;
-  bfd_boolean literal_placed = FALSE;
-  rz_reloc rz_rel;
-  unsigned long value;
-  bfd_boolean final_static_link;
-  bfd_size_type sec_size;
-  relax_info = get_xtensa_relax_info (sec);
-  if (!relax_info)
-    return FALSE;
-  sec_size = bfd_get_section_limit (abfd, sec);
-  final_static_link =
-    (!link_info->relocatable
-     && !elf_hash_table (link_info)->dynamic_sections_created);
-  /* The placement algorithm first checks to see if the literal is
-     already in the value map.  If so and the value map is reachable
-     from all uses, then the literal is moved to that location.  If
-     not, then we identify the last location where a fresh literal was
-     placed.  If the literal can be safely moved there, then we do so.
-     If not, then we assume that the literal is not to move and leave
-     the literal where it is, marking it as the last literal
-     location.  */
-  /* Find the literal value.  */
-  value = 0;
-  rz_reloc_init (&rz_rel, abfd, irel, contents, sec_size);
-  if (!irel)
-    {
-      BFD_ASSERT (rel->rz_rel.target_offset < sec_size);
-      value = bfd_get_32 (abfd, contents + rel->rz_rel.target_offset);
-    }
-  init_literal_value (&val, &rz_rel, value, is_abs_literal);
-  /* Check if we've seen another literal with the same value that
-     is in the same output section.  */
-  val_map = value_map_get_cached_value (values, &val, final_static_link);
-  if (val_map
-      && (rz_reloc_get_section (&val_map->loc)->output_section
-	  == sec->output_section)
-      && relocations_reach (rel, remaining_src_rels, &val_map->loc)
-      && coalesce_shared_literal (sec, rel, prop_table, ptblsize, val_map))
-    {
-      /* No change to last_loc_is_prev.  */
-      literal_placed = TRUE;
-    }
-  /* For relocatable links, do not try to move literals.  To do it
-     correctly might increase the number of relocations in an input
-     section making the default relocatable linking fail.  */
-  if (!link_info->relocatable && !literal_placed
-      && values->has_last_loc && !(*last_loc_is_prev_p))
-    {
-      asection *target_sec = rz_reloc_get_section (&values->last_loc);
-      if (target_sec && target_sec->output_section == sec->output_section)
-	{
-	  /* Increment the virtual offset.  */
-	  rz_reloc try_loc = values->last_loc;
-	  try_loc.virtual_offset += 4;
-	  /* There is a last loc that was in the same output section.  */
-	  if (relocations_reach (rel, remaining_src_rels, &try_loc)
-	      && move_shared_literal (sec, link_info, rel,
-				      prop_table, ptblsize,
-				      &try_loc, &val, target_sec_cache))
-	    {
-	      values->last_loc.virtual_offset += 4;
-	      literal_placed = TRUE;
-	      if (!val_map)
-		val_map = add_value_map (values, &val, &try_loc,
-					 final_static_link);
-	      else
-		val_map->loc = try_loc;
-	    }
-	}
-    }
-  if (!literal_placed)
-    {
-      /* Nothing worked, leave the literal alone but update the last loc.  */
-      values->has_last_loc = TRUE;
-      values->last_loc = rel->rz_rel;
-      if (!val_map)
-	val_map = add_value_map (values, &val, &rel->rz_rel, final_static_link);
-      else
-	val_map->loc = rel->rz_rel;
-      *last_loc_is_prev_p = TRUE;
-    }
-  return TRUE;
-/* Check if the original relocations (presumably on L32R instructions)
-   identified by reloc[0..N] can be changed to reference the literal
-   identified by rz_rel.  If rz_rel is out of range for any of the
-   original relocations, then we don't want to coalesce the original
-   literal with the one at rz_rel.  We only check reloc[0..N], where the
-   offsets are all the same as for reloc[0] (i.e., they're all
-   referencing the same literal) and where N is also bounded by the
-   number of remaining entries in the "reloc" array.  The "reloc" array
-   is sorted by target offset so we know all the entries for the same
-   literal will be contiguous.  */
-static bfd_boolean
-relocations_reach (source_reloc *reloc,
-		   int remaining_relocs,
-		   const rz_reloc *rz_rel)
-  bfd_vma from_offset, source_address, dest_address;
-  asection *sec;
-  int i;
-  if (!rz_reloc_is_defined (rz_rel))
-    return FALSE;
-  sec = rz_reloc_get_section (rz_rel);
-  from_offset = reloc[0].rz_rel.target_offset;
-  for (i = 0; i < remaining_relocs; i++)
-    {
-      if (reloc[i].rz_rel.target_offset != from_offset)
-	break;
-      /* Ignore relocations that have been removed.  */
-      if (reloc[i].is_null)
-	continue;
-      /* The original and new output section for these must be the same
-         in order to coalesce.  */
-      if (rz_reloc_get_section (&reloc[i].rz_rel)->output_section
-	  != sec->output_section)
-	return FALSE;
-      /* Absolute literals in the same output section can always be
-	 combined.  */
-      if (reloc[i].is_abs_literal)
-	continue;
-      /* A literal with no PC-relative relocations can be moved anywhere.  */
-      if (reloc[i].opnd != -1)
-	{
-	  /* Otherwise, check to see that it fits.  */
-	  source_address = (reloc[i].source_sec->output_section->vma
-			    + reloc[i].source_sec->output_offset
-			    + reloc[i].rz_rel.rela.rz_offset);
-	  dest_address = (sec->output_section->vma
-			  + sec->output_offset
-			  + rz_rel->target_offset);
-	  if (!pcrel_reloc_fits (reloc[i].opcode, reloc[i].opnd,
-				 source_address, dest_address))
-	    return FALSE;
-	}
-    }
-  return TRUE;
-/* Move a literal to another literal location because it is
-   the same as the other literal value.  */
-static bfd_boolean
-coalesce_shared_literal (asection *sec,
-			 source_reloc *rel,
-			 property_table_entry *prop_table,
-			 int ptblsize,
-			 value_map *val_map)
-  property_table_entry *entry;
-  text_action *fa;
-  property_table_entry *the_add_entry;
-  int removed_diff;
-  xtensa_relax_info *relax_info;
-  relax_info = get_xtensa_relax_info (sec);
-  if (!relax_info)
-    return FALSE;
-  entry = elf_xtensa_find_property_entry
-    (prop_table, ptblsize, sec->vma + rel->rz_rel.target_offset);
-  if (entry && (entry->flags & XTENSA_PROP_NO_TRANSFORM))
-    return TRUE;
-  /* Mark that the literal will be coalesced.  */
-  add_removed_literal (&relax_info->removed_list, &rel->rz_rel, &val_map->loc);
-  text_action_add (&relax_info->action_list,
-		   ta_remove_literal, sec, rel->rz_rel.target_offset, 4);
-  /* If the section is 4-byte aligned, do not add fill.  */
-  if (sec->alignment_power > 2)
-    {
-      int fill_extra_space;
-      bfd_vma entry_sec_offset;
-      if (entry)
-	entry_sec_offset = entry->address - sec->vma + entry->size;
-      else
-	entry_sec_offset = rel->rz_rel.target_offset + 4;
-      /* If the literal range is at the end of the section,
-	 do not add fill.  */
-      fill_extra_space = 0;
-      the_add_entry = elf_xtensa_find_property_entry (prop_table, ptblsize,
-						      entry_sec_offset);
-      if (the_add_entry && (the_add_entry->flags & XTENSA_PROP_UNREACHABLE))
-	fill_extra_space = the_add_entry->size;
-      fa = find_fill_action (&relax_info->action_list, sec, entry_sec_offset);
-      removed_diff = compute_removed_action_diff (fa, sec, entry_sec_offset,
-						  -4, fill_extra_space);
-      if (fa)
-	adjust_fill_action (fa, removed_diff);
-      else
-	text_action_add (&relax_info->action_list,
-			 ta_fill, sec, entry_sec_offset, removed_diff);
-    }
-  return TRUE;
-/* Move a literal to another location.  This may actually increase the
-   total amount of space used because of alignments so we need to do
-   this carefully.  Also, it may make a branch go out of range.  */
-static bfd_boolean
-move_shared_literal (asection *sec,
-		     struct bfd_link_info *link_info,
-		     source_reloc *rel,
-		     property_table_entry *prop_table,
-		     int ptblsize,
-		     const rz_reloc *target_loc,
-		     const literal_value *lit_value,
-		     section_cache_t *target_sec_cache)
-  property_table_entry *the_add_entry, *src_entry, *target_entry = NULL;
-  text_action *fa, *target_fa;
-  int removed_diff;
-  xtensa_relax_info *relax_info, *target_relax_info;
-  asection *target_sec;
-  ebb_t *ebb;
-  ebb_constraint ebb_table;
-  bfd_boolean relocs_fit;
-  /* If this routine always returns FALSE, the literals that cannot be
-     coalesced will not be moved.  */
-  if (elf32xtensa_no_literal_movement)
-    return FALSE;
-  relax_info = get_xtensa_relax_info (sec);
-  if (!relax_info)
-    return FALSE;
-  target_sec = rz_reloc_get_section (target_loc);
-  target_relax_info = get_xtensa_relax_info (target_sec);
-  /* Literals to undefined sections may not be moved because they
-     must report an error.  */
-  if (bfd_is_und_section (target_sec))
-    return FALSE;
-  src_entry = elf_xtensa_find_property_entry
-    (prop_table, ptblsize, sec->vma + rel->rz_rel.target_offset);
-  if (!section_cache_section (target_sec_cache, target_sec, link_info))
-    return FALSE;
-  target_entry = elf_xtensa_find_property_entry
-    (target_sec_cache->ptbl, target_sec_cache->pte_count,
-     target_sec->vma + target_loc->target_offset);
-  if (!target_entry)
-    return FALSE;
-  /* Make sure that we have not broken any branches.  */
-  relocs_fit = FALSE;
-  init_ebb_constraint (&ebb_table);
-  ebb = &ebb_table.ebb;
-  init_ebb (ebb, target_sec_cache->sec, target_sec_cache->contents,
-	    target_sec_cache->content_length,
-	    target_sec_cache->ptbl, target_sec_cache->pte_count,
-	    target_sec_cache->relocs, target_sec_cache->reloc_count);
-  /* Propose to add 4 bytes + worst-case alignment size increase to
-     destination.  */
-  ebb_propose_action (&ebb_table, EBB_NO_ALIGN, 0,
-		      ta_fill, target_loc->target_offset,
-		      -4 - (1 << target_sec->alignment_power), TRUE);
-  /* Check all of the PC-relative relocations to make sure they still fit.  */
-  relocs_fit = check_section_ebb_pcrels_fit (target_sec->owner, target_sec,
-					     target_sec_cache->contents,
-					     target_sec_cache->relocs, NULL,
-					     &ebb_table, NULL);
-  if (!relocs_fit)
-    return FALSE;
-  text_action_add_literal (&target_relax_info->action_list,
-			   ta_add_literal, target_loc, lit_value, -4);
-  if (target_sec->alignment_power > 2 && target_entry != src_entry)
-    {
-      /* May need to add or remove some fill to maintain alignment.  */
-      int fill_extra_space;
-      bfd_vma entry_sec_offset;
-      entry_sec_offset =
-	target_entry->address - target_sec->vma + target_entry->size;
-      /* If the literal range is at the end of the section,
-	 do not add fill.  */
-      fill_extra_space = 0;
-      the_add_entry =
-	elf_xtensa_find_property_entry (target_sec_cache->ptbl,
-					target_sec_cache->pte_count,
-					entry_sec_offset);
-      if (the_add_entry && (the_add_entry->flags & XTENSA_PROP_UNREACHABLE))
-	fill_extra_space = the_add_entry->size;
-      target_fa = find_fill_action (&target_relax_info->action_list,
-				    target_sec, entry_sec_offset);
-      removed_diff = compute_removed_action_diff (target_fa, target_sec,
-						  entry_sec_offset, 4,
-						  fill_extra_space);
-      if (target_fa)
-	adjust_fill_action (target_fa, removed_diff);
-      else
-	text_action_add (&target_relax_info->action_list,
-			 ta_fill, target_sec, entry_sec_offset, removed_diff);
-    }
-  /* Mark that the literal will be moved to the new location.  */
-  add_removed_literal (&relax_info->removed_list, &rel->rz_rel, target_loc);
-  /* Remove the literal.  */
-  text_action_add (&relax_info->action_list,
-		   ta_remove_literal, sec, rel->rz_rel.target_offset, 4);
-  /* If the section is 4-byte aligned, do not add fill.  */
-  if (sec->alignment_power > 2 && target_entry != src_entry)
-    {
-      int fill_extra_space;
-      bfd_vma entry_sec_offset;
-      if (src_entry)
-	entry_sec_offset = src_entry->address - sec->vma + src_entry->size;
-      else
-	entry_sec_offset = rel->rz_rel.target_offset+4;
-      /* If the literal range is at the end of the section,
-	 do not add fill.  */
-      fill_extra_space = 0;
-      the_add_entry = elf_xtensa_find_property_entry (prop_table, ptblsize,
-						      entry_sec_offset);
-      if (the_add_entry && (the_add_entry->flags & XTENSA_PROP_UNREACHABLE))
-	fill_extra_space = the_add_entry->size;
-      fa = find_fill_action (&relax_info->action_list, sec, entry_sec_offset);
-      removed_diff = compute_removed_action_diff (fa, sec, entry_sec_offset,
-						  -4, fill_extra_space);
-      if (fa)
-	adjust_fill_action (fa, removed_diff);
-      else
-	text_action_add (&relax_info->action_list,
-			 ta_fill, sec, entry_sec_offset, removed_diff);
-    }
-  return TRUE;
-/* Second relaxation pass.  */
-static int
-action_remove_bytes_fn (splay_tree_node node, void *p)
-  bfd_size_type *final_size = p;
-  text_action *action = (text_action *)node->value;
-  *final_size -= action->removed_bytes;
-  return 0;
-/* Modify all of the relocations to point to the right spot, and if this
-   is a relaxable section, delete the unwanted literals and fix the
-   section size.  */
-relax_section (bfd *abfd, asection *sec, struct bfd_link_info *link_info)
-  Elf_Internal_Rela *internal_relocs;
-  xtensa_relax_info *relax_info;
-  bfd_byte *contents;
-  bfd_boolean ok = TRUE;
-  unsigned i;
-  bfd_boolean rv = FALSE;
-  bfd_boolean virtual_action;
-  bfd_size_type sec_size;
-  sec_size = bfd_get_section_limit (abfd, sec);
-  relax_info = get_xtensa_relax_info (sec);
-  BFD_ASSERT (relax_info);
-  /* First translate any of the fixes that have been added already.  */
-  translate_section_fixes (sec);
-  /* Handle property sections (e.g., literal tables) specially.  */
-  if (xtensa_is_property_section (sec))
-    {
-      BFD_ASSERT (!relax_info->is_relaxable_literal_section);
-      return relax_property_section (abfd, sec, link_info);
-    }
-  internal_relocs = retrieve_internal_relocs (abfd, sec,
-					      link_info->keep_memory);
-  if (!internal_relocs && !action_list_count (&relax_info->action_list))
-    return TRUE;
-  contents = retrieve_contents (abfd, sec, link_info->keep_memory);
-  if (contents == NULL && sec_size != 0)
-    {
-      ok = FALSE;
-      goto error_return;
-    }
-  if (internal_relocs)
-    {
-      for (i = 0; i < sec->reloc_count; i++)
-	{
-	  Elf_Internal_Rela *irel;
-	  xtensa_relax_info *target_relax_info;
-	  bfd_vma source_offset, old_source_offset;
-	  rz_reloc rz_rel;
-	  unsigned rz_type;
-	  asection *target_sec;
-	  /* Locally change the source address.
-	     Translate the target to the new target address.
-	     If it points to this section and has been removed,
-	     NULLify it.
-	     Write it back.  */
-	  irel = &internal_relocs[i];
-	  source_offset = irel->rz_offset;
-	  old_source_offset = source_offset;
-	  rz_type = ELF32_R_TYPE (irel->rz_info);
-	  rz_reloc_init (&rz_rel, abfd, irel, contents,
-			bfd_get_section_limit (abfd, sec));
-	  /* If this section could have changed then we may need to
-	     change the relocation's offset.  */
-	  if (relax_info->is_relaxable_literal_section
-	      || relax_info->is_relaxable_asm_section)
-	    {
-	      pin_internal_relocs (sec, internal_relocs);
-	      if (rz_type != RZ_XTENSA_NONE
-		  && find_removed_literal (&relax_info->removed_list,
-					   irel->rz_offset))
-		{
-		  /* Remove this relocation.  */
-		  if (elf_hash_table (link_info)->dynamic_sections_created)
-		    shrink_dynamic_reloc_sections (link_info, abfd, sec, irel);
-		  irel->rz_info = ELF32_R_INFO (0, RZ_XTENSA_NONE);
-		  irel->rz_offset = offset_with_removed_text_map
-		    (&relax_info->action_list, irel->rz_offset);
-		  continue;
-		}
-	      if (rz_type == RZ_XTENSA_ASM_SIMPLIFY)
-		{
-		  text_action *action =
-		    find_insn_action (&relax_info->action_list,
-				      irel->rz_offset);
-		  if (action && (action->action == ta_convert_longcall
-				 || action->action == ta_remove_longcall))
-		    {
-		      bfd_reloc_status_type retval;
-		      char *error_message = NULL;
-		      retval = contract_asm_expansion (contents, sec_size,
-						       irel, &error_message);
-		      if (retval != bfd_reloc_ok)
-			{
-			  (*link_info->callbacks->reloc_dangerous)
-			    (link_info, error_message, abfd, sec,
-			     irel->rz_offset);
-			  goto error_return;
-			}
-		      /* Update the action so that the code that moves
-			 the contents will do the right thing.  */
-		      /* ta_remove_longcall and ta_remove_insn actions are
-		         grouped together in the tree as well as
-			 ta_convert_longcall and ta_none, so that changes below
-			 can be done w/o removing and reinserting action into
-			 the tree.  */
-		      if (action->action == ta_remove_longcall)
-			action->action = ta_remove_insn;
-		      else
-			action->action = ta_none;
-		      /* Refresh the info in the rz_rel.  */
-		      rz_reloc_init (&rz_rel, abfd, irel, contents, sec_size);
-		      rz_type = ELF32_R_TYPE (irel->rz_info);
-		    }
-		}
-	      source_offset = offset_with_removed_text_map
-		(&relax_info->action_list, irel->rz_offset);
-	      irel->rz_offset = source_offset;
-	    }
-	  /* If the target section could have changed then
-	     we may need to change the relocation's target offset.  */
-	  target_sec = rz_reloc_get_section (&rz_rel);
-	  /* For a reference to a discarded section from a DWARF section,
-	     i.e., where action_discarded is PRETEND, the symbol will
-	     eventually be modified to refer to the kept section (at least if
-	     the kept and discarded sections are the same size).  Anticipate
-	     that here and adjust things accordingly.  */
-	  if (! elf_xtensa_ignore_discarded_relocs (sec)
-	      && elf_xtensa_action_discarded (sec) == PRETEND
-	      && sec->sec_info_type != SEC_INFO_TYPE_STABS
-	      && target_sec != NULL
-	      && discarded_section (target_sec))
-	    {
-	      /* It would be natural to call _bfd_elf_check_kept_section
-		 here, but it's not exported from elflink.c.  It's also a
-		 fairly expensive check.  Adjusting the relocations to the
-		 discarded section is fairly harmless; it will only adjust
-		 some addends and difference values.  If it turns out that
-		 _bfd_elf_check_kept_section fails later, it won't matter,
-		 so just compare the section names to find the right group
-		 member.  */
-	      asection *kept = target_sec->kept_section;
-	      if (kept != NULL)
-		{
-		  if ((kept->flags & SEC_GROUP) != 0)
-		    {
-		      asection *first = elf_next_in_group (kept);
-		      asection *s = first;
-		      kept = NULL;
-		      while (s != NULL)
-			{
-			  if (strcmp (s->name, target_sec->name) == 0)
-			    {
-			      kept = s;
-			      break;
-			    }
-			  s = elf_next_in_group (s);
-			  if (s == first)
-			    break;
-			}
-		    }
-		}
-	      if (kept != NULL
-		  && ((target_sec->rawsize != 0
-		       ? target_sec->rawsize : target_sec->size)
-		      == (kept->rawsize != 0 ? kept->rawsize : kept->size)))
-		target_sec = kept;
-	    }
-	  target_relax_info = get_xtensa_relax_info (target_sec);
-	  if (target_relax_info
-	      && (target_relax_info->is_relaxable_literal_section
-		  || target_relax_info->is_relaxable_asm_section))
-	    {
-	      rz_reloc new_reloc;
-	      target_sec = translate_reloc (&rz_rel, &new_reloc, target_sec);
-	      if (rz_type == RZ_XTENSA_DIFF8
-		  || rz_type == RZ_XTENSA_DIFF16
-		  || rz_type == RZ_XTENSA_DIFF32)
-		{
-		  bfd_signed_vma diff_value = 0;
-		  bfd_vma new_end_offset, diff_mask = 0;
-		  if (bfd_get_section_limit (abfd, sec) < old_source_offset)
-		    {
-		      (*link_info->callbacks->reloc_dangerous)
-			(link_info, _("invalid relocation address"),
-			 abfd, sec, old_source_offset);
-		      goto error_return;
-		    }
-		  switch (rz_type)
-		    {
-		    case RZ_XTENSA_DIFF8:
-		      diff_value =
-			bfd_get_signed_8 (abfd, &contents[old_source_offset]);
-		      break;
-		    case RZ_XTENSA_DIFF16:
-		      diff_value =
-			bfd_get_signed_16 (abfd, &contents[old_source_offset]);
-		      break;
-		    case RZ_XTENSA_DIFF32:
-		      diff_value =
-			bfd_get_signed_32 (abfd, &contents[old_source_offset]);
-		      break;
-		    }
-		  new_end_offset = offset_with_removed_text_map
-		    (&target_relax_info->action_list,
-		     rz_rel.target_offset + diff_value);
-		  diff_value = new_end_offset - new_reloc.target_offset;
-		  switch (rz_type)
-		    {
-		    case RZ_XTENSA_DIFF8:
-		      diff_mask = 0x7f;
-		      bfd_put_signed_8 (abfd, diff_value,
-				 &contents[old_source_offset]);
-		      break;
-		    case RZ_XTENSA_DIFF16:
-		      diff_mask = 0x7fff;
-		      bfd_put_signed_16 (abfd, diff_value,
-				  &contents[old_source_offset]);
-		      break;
-		    case RZ_XTENSA_DIFF32:
-		      diff_mask = 0x7fffffff;
-		      bfd_put_signed_32 (abfd, diff_value,
-				  &contents[old_source_offset]);
-		      break;
-		    }
-		  /* Check for overflow. Sign bits must be all zeroes or all ones */
-		  if ((diff_value & ~diff_mask) != 0 &&
-		      (diff_value & ~diff_mask) != (-1 & ~diff_mask))
-		    {
-		      (*link_info->callbacks->reloc_dangerous)
-			(link_info, _("overflow after relaxation"),
-			 abfd, sec, old_source_offset);
-		      goto error_return;
-		    }
-		  pin_contents (sec, contents);
-		}
-	      /* If the relocation still references a section in the same
-		 input file, modify the relocation directly instead of
-		 adding a "fix" record.  */
-	      if (target_sec->owner == abfd)
-		{
-		  unsigned rz_symndx = ELF32_R_SYM (new_reloc.rela.rz_info);
-		  irel->rz_info = ELF32_R_INFO (rz_symndx, rz_type);
-		  irel->rz_addend = new_reloc.rela.rz_addend;
-		  pin_internal_relocs (sec, internal_relocs);
-		}
-	      else
-		{
-		  bfd_vma addend_displacement;
-		  reloc_bfd_fix *fix;
-		  addend_displacement =
-		    new_reloc.target_offset + new_reloc.virtual_offset;
-		  fix = reloc_bfd_fix_init (sec, source_offset, rz_type,
-					    target_sec,
-					    addend_displacement, TRUE);
-		  add_fix (sec, fix);
-		}
-	    }
-	}
-    }
-  if ((relax_info->is_relaxable_literal_section
-       || relax_info->is_relaxable_asm_section)
-      && action_list_count (&relax_info->action_list))
-    {
-      /* Walk through the planned actions and build up a table
-	 of move, copy and fill records.  Use the move, copy and
-	 fill records to perform the actions once.  */
-      bfd_size_type final_size, copy_size, orig_insn_size;
-      bfd_byte *scratch = NULL;
-      bfd_byte *dup_contents = NULL;
-      bfd_size_type orig_size = sec->size;
-      bfd_vma orig_dot = 0;
-      bfd_vma orig_dot_copied = 0; /* Byte copied already from
-					    orig dot in physical memory.  */
-      bfd_vma orig_dot_vo = 0; /* Virtual offset from orig_dot.  */
-      bfd_vma dup_dot = 0;
-      text_action *action;
-      final_size = sec->size;
-      splay_tree_foreach (relax_info->action_list.tree,
-			  action_remove_bytes_fn, &final_size);
-      scratch = (bfd_byte *) bfd_zmalloc (final_size);
-      dup_contents = (bfd_byte *) bfd_zmalloc (final_size);
-      /* The dot is the current fill location.  */
-#if DEBUG
-      print_action_list (stderr, &relax_info->action_list);
-      for (action = action_first (&relax_info->action_list); action;
-	   action = action_next (&relax_info->action_list, action))
-	{
-	  virtual_action = FALSE;
-	  if (action->offset > orig_dot)
-	    {
-	      orig_dot += orig_dot_copied;
-	      orig_dot_copied = 0;
-	      orig_dot_vo = 0;
-	      /* Out of the virtual world.  */
-	    }
-	  if (action->offset > orig_dot)
-	    {
-	      copy_size = action->offset - orig_dot;
-	      memmove (&dup_contents[dup_dot], &contents[orig_dot], copy_size);
-	      orig_dot += copy_size;
-	      dup_dot += copy_size;
-	      BFD_ASSERT (action->offset == orig_dot);
-	    }
-	  else if (action->offset < orig_dot)
-	    {
-	      if (action->action == ta_fill
-		  && action->offset - action->removed_bytes == orig_dot)
-		{
-		  /* This is OK because the fill only effects the dup_dot.  */
-		}
-	      else if (action->action == ta_add_literal)
-		{
-		  /* TBD.  Might need to handle this.  */
-		}
-	    }
-	  if (action->offset == orig_dot)
-	    {
-	      if (action->virtual_offset > orig_dot_vo)
-		{
-		  if (orig_dot_vo == 0)
-		    {
-		      /* Need to copy virtual_offset bytes.  Probably four.  */
-		      copy_size = action->virtual_offset - orig_dot_vo;
-		      memmove (&dup_contents[dup_dot],
-			       &contents[orig_dot], copy_size);
-		      orig_dot_copied = copy_size;
-		      dup_dot += copy_size;
-		    }
-		  virtual_action = TRUE;
-		}
-	      else
-		BFD_ASSERT (action->virtual_offset <= orig_dot_vo);
-	    }
-	  switch (action->action)
-	    {
-	    case ta_remove_literal:
-	    case ta_remove_insn:
-	      BFD_ASSERT (action->removed_bytes >= 0);
-	      orig_dot += action->removed_bytes;
-	      break;
-	    case ta_narrow_insn:
-	      orig_insn_size = 3;
-	      copy_size = 2;
-	      memmove (scratch, &contents[orig_dot], orig_insn_size);
-	      BFD_ASSERT (action->removed_bytes == 1);
-	      rv = narrow_instruction (scratch, final_size, 0);
-	      BFD_ASSERT (rv);
-	      memmove (&dup_contents[dup_dot], scratch, copy_size);
-	      orig_dot += orig_insn_size;
-	      dup_dot += copy_size;
-	      break;
-	    case ta_fill:
-	      if (action->removed_bytes >= 0)
-		orig_dot += action->removed_bytes;
-	      else
-		{
-		  /* Already zeroed in dup_contents.  Just bump the
-		     counters.  */
-		  dup_dot += (-action->removed_bytes);
-		}
-	      break;
-	    case ta_none:
-	      BFD_ASSERT (action->removed_bytes == 0);
-	      break;
-	    case ta_convert_longcall:
-	    case ta_remove_longcall:
-	      /* These will be removed or converted before we get here.  */
-	      BFD_ASSERT (0);
-	      break;
-	    case ta_widen_insn:
-	      orig_insn_size = 2;
-	      copy_size = 3;
-	      memmove (scratch, &contents[orig_dot], orig_insn_size);
-	      BFD_ASSERT (action->removed_bytes == -1);
-	      rv = widen_instruction (scratch, final_size, 0);
-	      BFD_ASSERT (rv);
-	      memmove (&dup_contents[dup_dot], scratch, copy_size);
-	      orig_dot += orig_insn_size;
-	      dup_dot += copy_size;
-	      break;
-	    case ta_add_literal:
-	      orig_insn_size = 0;
-	      copy_size = 4;
-	      BFD_ASSERT (action->removed_bytes == -4);
-	      /* TBD -- place the literal value here and insert
-		 into the table.  */
-	      memset (&dup_contents[dup_dot], 0, 4);
-	      pin_internal_relocs (sec, internal_relocs);
-	      pin_contents (sec, contents);
-	      if (!move_literal (abfd, link_info, sec, dup_dot, dup_contents,
-				 relax_info, &internal_relocs, &action->value))
-		goto error_return;
-	      if (virtual_action)
-		orig_dot_vo += copy_size;
-	      orig_dot += orig_insn_size;
-	      dup_dot += copy_size;
-	      break;
-	    default:
-	      /* Not implemented yet.  */
-	      BFD_ASSERT (0);
-	      break;
-	    }
-	  BFD_ASSERT (dup_dot <= final_size);
-	  BFD_ASSERT (orig_dot <= orig_size);
-	}
-      orig_dot += orig_dot_copied;
-      orig_dot_copied = 0;
-      if (orig_dot != orig_size)
-	{
-	  copy_size = orig_size - orig_dot;
-	  BFD_ASSERT (orig_size > orig_dot);
-	  BFD_ASSERT (dup_dot + copy_size == final_size);
-	  memmove (&dup_contents[dup_dot], &contents[orig_dot], copy_size);
-	  orig_dot += copy_size;
-	  dup_dot += copy_size;
-	}
-      BFD_ASSERT (orig_size == orig_dot);
-      BFD_ASSERT (final_size == dup_dot);
-      /* Move the dup_contents back.  */
-      if (final_size > orig_size)
-	{
-	  /* Contents need to be reallocated.  Swap the dup_contents into
-	     contents.  */
-	  sec->contents = dup_contents;
-	  free (contents);
-	  contents = dup_contents;
-	  pin_contents (sec, contents);
-	}
-      else
-	{
-	  BFD_ASSERT (final_size <= orig_size);
-	  memset (contents, 0, orig_size);
-	  memcpy (contents, dup_contents, final_size);
-	  free (dup_contents);
-	}
-      free (scratch);
-      pin_contents (sec, contents);
-      if (sec->rawsize == 0)
-	sec->rawsize = sec->size;
-      sec->size = final_size;
-    }
- error_return:
-  release_internal_relocs (sec, internal_relocs);
-  release_contents (sec, contents);
-  return ok;
-static bfd_boolean
-translate_section_fixes (asection *sec)
-  xtensa_relax_info *relax_info;
-  reloc_bfd_fix *r;
-  relax_info = get_xtensa_relax_info (sec);
-  if (!relax_info)
-    return TRUE;
-  for (r = relax_info->fix_list; r != NULL; r = r->next)
-    if (!translate_reloc_bfd_fix (r))
-      return FALSE;
-  return TRUE;
-/* Translate a fix given the mapping in the relax info for the target
-   section.  If it has already been translated, no work is required.  */
-static bfd_boolean
-translate_reloc_bfd_fix (reloc_bfd_fix *fix)
-  reloc_bfd_fix new_fix;
-  asection *sec;
-  xtensa_relax_info *relax_info;
-  removed_literal *removed;
-  bfd_vma new_offset, target_offset;
-  if (fix->translated)
-    return TRUE;
-  sec = fix->target_sec;
-  target_offset = fix->target_offset;
-  relax_info = get_xtensa_relax_info (sec);
-  if (!relax_info)
-    {
-      fix->translated = TRUE;
-      return TRUE;
-    }
-  new_fix = *fix;
-  /* The fix does not need to be translated if the section cannot change.  */
-  if (!relax_info->is_relaxable_literal_section
-      && !relax_info->is_relaxable_asm_section)
-    {
-      fix->translated = TRUE;
-      return TRUE;
-    }
-  /* If the literal has been moved and this relocation was on an
-     opcode, then the relocation should move to the new literal
-     location.  Otherwise, the relocation should move within the
-     section.  */
-  removed = FALSE;
-  if (is_operand_relocation (fix->src_type))
-    {
-      /* Check if the original relocation is against a literal being
-	 removed.  */
-      removed = find_removed_literal (&relax_info->removed_list,
-				      target_offset);
-    }
-  if (removed)
-    {
-      asection *new_sec;
-      /* The fact that there is still a relocation to this literal indicates
-	 that the literal is being coalesced, not simply removed.  */
-      BFD_ASSERT (removed->to.abfd != NULL);
-      /* This was moved to some other address (possibly another section).  */
-      new_sec = rz_reloc_get_section (&removed->to);
-      if (new_sec != sec)
-	{
-	  sec = new_sec;
-	  relax_info = get_xtensa_relax_info (sec);
-	  if (!relax_info ||
-	      (!relax_info->is_relaxable_literal_section
-	       && !relax_info->is_relaxable_asm_section))
-	    {
-	      target_offset = removed->to.target_offset;
-	      new_fix.target_sec = new_sec;
-	      new_fix.target_offset = target_offset;
-	      new_fix.translated = TRUE;
-	      *fix = new_fix;
-	      return TRUE;
-	    }
-	}
-      target_offset = removed->to.target_offset;
-      new_fix.target_sec = new_sec;
-    }
-  /* The target address may have been moved within its section.  */
-  new_offset = offset_with_removed_text (&relax_info->action_list,
-					 target_offset);
-  new_fix.target_offset = new_offset;
-  new_fix.target_offset = new_offset;
-  new_fix.translated = TRUE;
-  *fix = new_fix;
-  return TRUE;
-/* Fix up a relocation to take account of removed literals.  */
-static asection *
-translate_reloc (const rz_reloc *orig_rel, rz_reloc *new_rel, asection *sec)
-  xtensa_relax_info *relax_info;
-  removed_literal *removed;
-  bfd_vma target_offset, base_offset;
-  *new_rel = *orig_rel;
-  if (!rz_reloc_is_defined (orig_rel))
-    return sec ;
-  relax_info = get_xtensa_relax_info (sec);
-  BFD_ASSERT (relax_info && (relax_info->is_relaxable_literal_section
-			     || relax_info->is_relaxable_asm_section));
-  target_offset = orig_rel->target_offset;
-  removed = FALSE;
-  if (is_operand_relocation (ELF32_R_TYPE (orig_rel->rela.rz_info)))
-    {
-      /* Check if the original relocation is against a literal being
-	 removed.  */
-      removed = find_removed_literal (&relax_info->removed_list,
-				      target_offset);
-    }
-  if (removed && removed->to.abfd)
-    {
-      asection *new_sec;
-      /* The fact that there is still a relocation to this literal indicates
-	 that the literal is being coalesced, not simply removed.  */
-      BFD_ASSERT (removed->to.abfd != NULL);
-      /* This was moved to some other address
-	 (possibly in another section).  */
-      *new_rel = removed->to;
-      new_sec = rz_reloc_get_section (new_rel);
-      if (new_sec != sec)
-	{
-	  sec = new_sec;
-	  relax_info = get_xtensa_relax_info (sec);
-	  if (!relax_info
-	      || (!relax_info->is_relaxable_literal_section
-		  && !relax_info->is_relaxable_asm_section))
-	    return sec;
-	}
-      target_offset = new_rel->target_offset;
-    }
-  /* Find the base offset of the reloc symbol, excluding any addend from the
-     reloc or from the section contents (for a partial_inplace reloc).  Then
-     find the adjusted values of the offsets due to relaxation.  The base
-     offset is needed to determine the change to the reloc's addend; the reloc
-     addend should not be adjusted due to relaxations located before the base
-     offset.  */
-  base_offset = rz_reloc_get_target_offset (new_rel) - new_rel->rela.rz_addend;
-  if (base_offset <= target_offset)
-    {
-      int base_removed = removed_by_actions_map (&relax_info->action_list,
-						 base_offset, FALSE);
-      int addend_removed = removed_by_actions_map (&relax_info->action_list,
-						   target_offset, FALSE) -
-	base_removed;
-      new_rel->target_offset = target_offset - base_removed - addend_removed;
-      new_rel->rela.rz_addend -= addend_removed;
-    }
-  else
-    {
-      /* Handle a negative addend.  The base offset comes first.  */
-      int tgt_removed = removed_by_actions_map (&relax_info->action_list,
-						target_offset, FALSE);
-      int addend_removed = removed_by_actions_map (&relax_info->action_list,
-						   base_offset, FALSE) -
-	tgt_removed;
-      new_rel->target_offset = target_offset - tgt_removed;
-      new_rel->rela.rz_addend += addend_removed;
-    }
-  return sec;
-/* For dynamic links, there may be a dynamic relocation for each
-   literal.  The number of dynamic relocations must be computed in
-   size_dynamic_sections, which occurs before relaxation.  When a
-   literal is removed, this function checks if there is a corresponding
-   dynamic relocation and shrinks the size of the appropriate dynamic
-   relocation section accordingly.  At this point, the contents of the
-   dynamic relocation sections have not yet been filled in, so there's
-   nothing else that needs to be done.  */
-static void
-shrink_dynamic_reloc_sections (struct bfd_link_info *info,
-			       bfd *abfd,
-			       asection *input_section,
-			       Elf_Internal_Rela *rel)
-  struct elf_xtensa_link_hash_table *htab;
-  Elf_Internal_Shdr *symtab_hdr;
-  struct elf_link_hash_entry **sym_hashes;
-  unsigned long rz_symndx;
-  int rz_type;
-  struct elf_link_hash_entry *h;
-  bfd_boolean dynamic_symbol;
-  htab = elf_xtensa_hash_table (info);
-  if (htab == NULL)
-    return;
-  symtab_hdr = &elf_tdata (abfd)->symtab_hdr;
-  sym_hashes = elf_sym_hashes (abfd);
-  rz_type = ELF32_R_TYPE (rel->rz_info);
-  rz_symndx = ELF32_R_SYM (rel->rz_info);
-  if (rz_symndx < symtab_hdr->sh_info)
-    h = NULL;
-  else
-    h = sym_hashes[rz_symndx - symtab_hdr->sh_info];
-  dynamic_symbol = elf_xtensa_dynamic_symbol_p (h, info);
-  if ((rz_type == RZ_XTENSA_32 || rz_type == RZ_XTENSA_PLT)
-      && (input_section->flags & SEC_ALLOC) != 0
-      && (dynamic_symbol || info->shared))
-    {
-      asection *srel;
-      bfd_boolean is_plt = FALSE;
-      if (dynamic_symbol && rz_type == RZ_XTENSA_PLT)
-	{
-	  srel = htab->srelplt;
-	  is_plt = TRUE;
-	}
-      else
-	srel = htab->srelgot;
-      /* Reduce size of the .rela.* section by one reloc.  */
-      BFD_ASSERT (srel != NULL);
-      BFD_ASSERT (srel->size >= sizeof (Elf32_External_Rela));
-      srel->size -= sizeof (Elf32_External_Rela);
-      if (is_plt)
-	{
-	  asection *splt, *sgotplt, *srelgot;
-	  int reloc_index, chunk;
-	  /* Find the PLT reloc index of the entry being removed.  This
-	     is computed from the size of ".rela.plt".  It is needed to
-	     figure out which PLT chunk to resize.  Usually "last index
-	     = size - 1" since the index starts at zero, but in this
-	     context, the size has just been decremented so there's no
-	     need to subtract one.  */
-	  reloc_index = srel->size / sizeof (Elf32_External_Rela);
-	  chunk = reloc_index / PLT_ENTRIES_PER_CHUNK;
-	  splt = elf_xtensa_get_plt_section (info, chunk);
-	  sgotplt = elf_xtensa_get_gotplt_section (info, chunk);
-	  BFD_ASSERT (splt != NULL && sgotplt != NULL);
-	  /* Check if an entire PLT chunk has just been eliminated.  */
-	  if (reloc_index % PLT_ENTRIES_PER_CHUNK == 0)
-	    {
-	      /* The two magic GOT entries for that chunk can go away.  */
-	      srelgot = htab->srelgot;
-	      BFD_ASSERT (srelgot != NULL);
-	      srelgot->reloc_count -= 2;
-	      srelgot->size -= 2 * sizeof (Elf32_External_Rela);
-	      sgotplt->size -= 8;
-	      /* There should be only one entry left (and it will be
-		 removed below).  */
-	      BFD_ASSERT (sgotplt->size == 4);
-	      BFD_ASSERT (splt->size == PLT_ENTRY_SIZE);
-	    }
-	  BFD_ASSERT (sgotplt->size >= 4);
-	  BFD_ASSERT (splt->size >= PLT_ENTRY_SIZE);
-	  sgotplt->size -= 4;
-	  splt->size -= PLT_ENTRY_SIZE;
-	}
-    }
-/* Take an rz_rel and move it to another section.  This usually
-   requires extending the interal_relocation array and pinning it.  If
-   the original rz_rel is from the same BFD, we can complete this here.
-   Otherwise, we add a fix record to let the final link fix the
-   appropriate address.  Contents and internal relocations for the
-   section must be pinned after calling this routine.  */
-static bfd_boolean
-move_literal (bfd *abfd,
-	      struct bfd_link_info *link_info,
-	      asection *sec,
-	      bfd_vma offset,
-	      bfd_byte *contents,
-	      xtensa_relax_info *relax_info,
-	      Elf_Internal_Rela **internal_relocs_p,
-	      const literal_value *lit)
-  Elf_Internal_Rela *new_relocs = NULL;
-  size_t new_relocs_count = 0;
-  Elf_Internal_Rela this_rela;
-  const rz_reloc *rz_rel;
-  rz_rel = &lit->rz_rel;
-  BFD_ASSERT (elf_section_data (sec)->relocs == *internal_relocs_p);
-  if (rz_reloc_is_const (rz_rel))
-    bfd_put_32 (abfd, lit->value, contents + offset);
-  else
-    {
-      int rz_type;
-      unsigned i;
-      reloc_bfd_fix *fix;
-      unsigned insert_at;
-      rz_type = ELF32_R_TYPE (rz_rel->rela.rz_info);
-      /* This is the difficult case.  We have to create a fix up.  */
-      this_rela.rz_offset = offset;
-      this_rela.rz_info = ELF32_R_INFO (0, rz_type);
-      this_rela.rz_addend =
-	rz_rel->target_offset - rz_reloc_get_target_offset (rz_rel);
-      bfd_put_32 (abfd, lit->value, contents + offset);
-      /* Currently, we cannot move relocations during a relocatable link.  */
-      BFD_ASSERT (!link_info->relocatable);
-      fix = reloc_bfd_fix_init (sec, offset, rz_type,
-				rz_reloc_get_section (rz_rel),
-				rz_rel->target_offset + rz_rel->virtual_offset,
-				FALSE);
-      /* We also need to mark that relocations are needed here.  */
-      sec->flags |= SEC_RELOC;
-      translate_reloc_bfd_fix (fix);
-      /* This fix has not yet been translated.  */
-      add_fix (sec, fix);
-      /* Add the relocation.  If we have already allocated our own
-	 space for the relocations and we have room for more, then use
-	 it.  Otherwise, allocate new space and move the literals.  */
-      insert_at = sec->reloc_count;
-      for (i = 0; i < sec->reloc_count; ++i)
-	{
-	  if (this_rela.rz_offset < (*internal_relocs_p)[i].rz_offset)
-	    {
-	      insert_at = i;
-	      break;
-	    }
-	}
-      if (*internal_relocs_p != relax_info->allocated_relocs
-	  || sec->reloc_count + 1 > relax_info->allocated_relocs_count)
-	{
-	  BFD_ASSERT (relax_info->allocated_relocs == NULL
-		      || sec->reloc_count == relax_info->relocs_count);
-	  if (relax_info->allocated_relocs_count == 0)
-	    new_relocs_count = (sec->reloc_count + 2) * 2;
-	  else
-	    new_relocs_count = (relax_info->allocated_relocs_count + 2) * 2;
-	  new_relocs = (Elf_Internal_Rela *)
-	    bfd_zmalloc (sizeof (Elf_Internal_Rela) * (new_relocs_count));
-	  if (!new_relocs)
-	    return FALSE;
-	  /* We could handle this more quickly by finding the split point.  */
-	  if (insert_at != 0)
-	    memcpy (new_relocs, *internal_relocs_p,
-		    insert_at * sizeof (Elf_Internal_Rela));
-	  new_relocs[insert_at] = this_rela;
-	  if (insert_at != sec->reloc_count)
-	    memcpy (new_relocs + insert_at + 1,
-		    (*internal_relocs_p) + insert_at,
-		    (sec->reloc_count - insert_at)
-		    * sizeof (Elf_Internal_Rela));
-	  if (*internal_relocs_p != relax_info->allocated_relocs)
-	    {
-	      /* The first time we re-allocate, we can only free the
-		 old relocs if they were allocated with bfd_malloc.
-		 This is not true when keep_memory is in effect.  */
-	      if (!link_info->keep_memory)
-		free (*internal_relocs_p);
-	    }
-	  else
-	    free (*internal_relocs_p);
-	  relax_info->allocated_relocs = new_relocs;
-	  relax_info->allocated_relocs_count = new_relocs_count;
-	  elf_section_data (sec)->relocs = new_relocs;
-	  sec->reloc_count++;
-	  relax_info->relocs_count = sec->reloc_count;
-	  *internal_relocs_p = new_relocs;
-	}
-      else
-	{
-	  if (insert_at != sec->reloc_count)
-	    {
-	      unsigned idx;
-	      for (idx = sec->reloc_count; idx > insert_at; idx--)
-		(*internal_relocs_p)[idx] = (*internal_relocs_p)[idx-1];
-	    }
-	  (*internal_relocs_p)[insert_at] = this_rela;
-	  sec->reloc_count++;
-	  if (relax_info->allocated_relocs)
-	    relax_info->relocs_count = sec->reloc_count;
-	}
-    }
-  return TRUE;
-/* This is similar to relax_section except that when a target is moved,
-   we shift addresses up.  We also need to modify the size.  This
-   algorithm does NOT allow for relocations into the middle of the
-   property sections.  */
-static bfd_boolean
-relax_property_section (bfd *abfd,
-			asection *sec,
-			struct bfd_link_info *link_info)
-  Elf_Internal_Rela *internal_relocs;
-  bfd_byte *contents;
-  unsigned i;
-  bfd_boolean ok = TRUE;
-  bfd_boolean is_full_prop_section;
-  size_t last_zfill_target_offset = 0;
-  asection *last_zfill_target_sec = NULL;
-  bfd_size_type sec_size;
-  bfd_size_type entry_size;
-  sec_size = bfd_get_section_limit (abfd, sec);
-  internal_relocs = retrieve_internal_relocs (abfd, sec,
-					      link_info->keep_memory);
-  contents = retrieve_contents (abfd, sec, link_info->keep_memory);
-  if (contents == NULL && sec_size != 0)
-    {
-      ok = FALSE;
-      goto error_return;
-    }
-  is_full_prop_section = xtensa_is_proptable_section (sec);
-  if (is_full_prop_section)
-    entry_size = 12;
-  else
-    entry_size = 8;
-  if (internal_relocs)
-    {
-      for (i = 0; i < sec->reloc_count; i++)
-	{
-	  Elf_Internal_Rela *irel;
-	  xtensa_relax_info *target_relax_info;
-	  unsigned rz_type;
-	  asection *target_sec;
-	  literal_value val;
-	  bfd_byte *size_p, *flags_p;
-	  /* Locally change the source address.
-	     Translate the target to the new target address.
-	     If it points to this section and has been removed, MOVE IT.
-	     Also, don't forget to modify the associated SIZE at
-	     (offset + 4).  */
-	  irel = &internal_relocs[i];
-	  rz_type = ELF32_R_TYPE (irel->rz_info);
-	  if (rz_type == RZ_XTENSA_NONE)
-	    continue;
-	  /* Find the literal value.  */
-	  rz_reloc_init (&val.rz_rel, abfd, irel, contents, sec_size);
-	  size_p = &contents[irel->rz_offset + 4];
-	  flags_p = NULL;
-	  if (is_full_prop_section)
-	    flags_p = &contents[irel->rz_offset + 8];
-	  BFD_ASSERT (irel->rz_offset + entry_size <= sec_size);
-	  target_sec = rz_reloc_get_section (&val.rz_rel);
-	  target_relax_info = get_xtensa_relax_info (target_sec);
-	  if (target_relax_info
-	      && (target_relax_info->is_relaxable_literal_section
-		  || target_relax_info->is_relaxable_asm_section ))
-	    {
-	      /* Translate the relocation's destination.  */
-	      bfd_vma old_offset = val.rz_rel.target_offset;
-	      bfd_vma new_offset;
-	      long old_size, new_size;
-	      int removed_by_old_offset =
-		removed_by_actions_map (&target_relax_info->action_list,
-					old_offset, FALSE);
-	      new_offset = old_offset - removed_by_old_offset;
-	      /* Assert that we are not out of bounds.  */
-	      old_size = bfd_get_32 (abfd, size_p);
-	      new_size = old_size;
-	      if (old_size == 0)
-		{
-		  /* Only the first zero-sized unreachable entry is
-		     allowed to expand.  In this case the new offset
-		     should be the offset before the fill and the new
-		     size is the expansion size.  For other zero-sized
-		     entries the resulting size should be zero with an
-		     offset before or after the fill address depending
-		     on whether the expanding unreachable entry
-		     preceeds it.  */
-		  if (last_zfill_target_sec == 0
-		      || last_zfill_target_sec != target_sec
-		      || last_zfill_target_offset != old_offset)
-		    {
-		      bfd_vma new_end_offset = new_offset;
-		      /* Recompute the new_offset, but this time don't
-			 include any fill inserted by relaxation.  */
-		      removed_by_old_offset =
-			removed_by_actions_map (&target_relax_info->action_list,
-						old_offset, TRUE);
-		      new_offset = old_offset - removed_by_old_offset;
-		      /* If it is not unreachable and we have not yet
-			 seen an unreachable at this address, place it
-			 before the fill address.  */
-		      if (flags_p && (bfd_get_32 (abfd, flags_p)
-				      & XTENSA_PROP_UNREACHABLE) != 0)
-			{
-			  new_size = new_end_offset - new_offset;
-			  last_zfill_target_sec = target_sec;
-			  last_zfill_target_offset = old_offset;
-			}
-		    }
-		}
-	      else
-		{
-		  int removed_by_old_offset_size =
-		    removed_by_actions_map (&target_relax_info->action_list,
-					    old_offset + old_size, TRUE);
-		  new_size -= removed_by_old_offset_size - removed_by_old_offset;
-		}
-	      if (new_size != old_size)
-		{
-		  bfd_put_32 (abfd, new_size, size_p);
-		  pin_contents (sec, contents);
-		}
-	      if (new_offset != old_offset)
-		{
-		  bfd_vma diff = new_offset - old_offset;
-		  irel->rz_addend += diff;
-		  pin_internal_relocs (sec, internal_relocs);
-		}
-	    }
-	}
-    }
-  /* Combine adjacent property table entries.  This is also done in
-     finish_dynamic_sections() but at that point it's too late to
-     reclaim the space in the output section, so we do this twice.  */
-  if (internal_relocs && (!link_info->relocatable
-			  || xtensa_is_littable_section (sec)))
-    {
-      Elf_Internal_Rela *last_irel = NULL;
-      Elf_Internal_Rela *irel, *next_rel, *rel_end;
-      int removed_bytes = 0;
-      bfd_vma offset;
-      flagword predef_flags;
-      predef_flags = xtensa_get_property_predef_flags (sec);
-      /* Walk over memory and relocations at the same time.
-         This REQUIRES that the internal_relocs be sorted by offset.  */
-      qsort (internal_relocs, sec->reloc_count, sizeof (Elf_Internal_Rela),
-	     internal_reloc_compare);
-      pin_internal_relocs (sec, internal_relocs);
-      pin_contents (sec, contents);
-      next_rel = internal_relocs;
-      rel_end = internal_relocs + sec->reloc_count;
-      BFD_ASSERT (sec->size % entry_size == 0);
-      for (offset = 0; offset < sec->size; offset += entry_size)
-	{
-	  Elf_Internal_Rela *offset_rel, *extra_rel;
-	  bfd_vma bytes_to_remove, size, actual_offset;
-	  bfd_boolean remove_this_rel;
-	  flagword flags;
-	  /* Find the first relocation for the entry at the current offset.
-	     Adjust the offsets of any extra relocations for the previous
-	     entry.  */
-	  offset_rel = NULL;
-	  if (next_rel)
-	    {
-	      for (irel = next_rel; irel < rel_end; irel++)
-		{
-		  if ((irel->rz_offset == offset
-		       && ELF32_R_TYPE (irel->rz_info) != RZ_XTENSA_NONE)
-		      || irel->rz_offset > offset)
-		    {
-		      offset_rel = irel;
-		      break;
-		    }
-		  irel->rz_offset -= removed_bytes;
-		}
-	    }
-	  /* Find the next relocation (if there are any left).  */
-	  extra_rel = NULL;
-	  if (offset_rel)
-	    {
-	      for (irel = offset_rel + 1; irel < rel_end; irel++)
-		{
-		  if (ELF32_R_TYPE (irel->rz_info) != RZ_XTENSA_NONE)
-		    {
-		      extra_rel = irel;
-		      break;
-		    }
-		}
-	    }
-	  /* Check if there are relocations on the current entry.  There
-	     should usually be a relocation on the offset field.  If there
-	     are relocations on the size or flags, then we can't optimize
-	     this entry.  Also, find the next relocation to examine on the
-	     next iteration.  */
-	  if (offset_rel)
-	    {
-	      if (offset_rel->rz_offset >= offset + entry_size)
-		{
-		  next_rel = offset_rel;
-		  /* There are no relocations on the current entry, but we
-		     might still be able to remove it if the size is zero.  */
-		  offset_rel = NULL;
-		}
-	      else if (offset_rel->rz_offset > offset
-		       || (extra_rel
-			   && extra_rel->rz_offset < offset + entry_size))
-		{
-		  /* There is a relocation on the size or flags, so we can't
-		     do anything with this entry.  Continue with the next.  */
-		  next_rel = offset_rel;
-		  continue;
-		}
-	      else
-		{
-		  BFD_ASSERT (offset_rel->rz_offset == offset);
-		  offset_rel->rz_offset -= removed_bytes;
-		  next_rel = offset_rel + 1;
-		}
-	    }
-	  else
-	    next_rel = NULL;
-	  remove_this_rel = FALSE;
-	  bytes_to_remove = 0;
-	  actual_offset = offset - removed_bytes;
-	  size = bfd_get_32 (abfd, &contents[actual_offset + 4]);
-	  if (is_full_prop_section)
-	    flags = bfd_get_32 (abfd, &contents[actual_offset + 8]);
-	  else
-	    flags = predef_flags;
-	  if (size == 0
-	      && (flags & XTENSA_PROP_ALIGN) == 0
-	      && (flags & XTENSA_PROP_UNREACHABLE) == 0)
-	    {
-	      /* Always remove entries with zero size and no alignment.  */
-	      bytes_to_remove = entry_size;
-	      if (offset_rel)
-		remove_this_rel = TRUE;
-	    }
-	  else if (offset_rel
-		   && ELF32_R_TYPE (offset_rel->rz_info) == RZ_XTENSA_32)
-	    {
-	      if (last_irel)
-		{
-		  flagword old_flags;
-		  bfd_vma old_size =
-		    bfd_get_32 (abfd, &contents[last_irel->rz_offset + 4]);
-		  bfd_vma old_address =
-		    (last_irel->rz_addend
-		     + bfd_get_32 (abfd, &contents[last_irel->rz_offset]));
-		  bfd_vma new_address =
-		    (offset_rel->rz_addend
-		     + bfd_get_32 (abfd, &contents[actual_offset]));
-		  if (is_full_prop_section)
-		    old_flags = bfd_get_32
-		      (abfd, &contents[last_irel->rz_offset + 8]);
-		  else
-		    old_flags = predef_flags;
-		  if ((ELF32_R_SYM (offset_rel->rz_info)
-		       == ELF32_R_SYM (last_irel->rz_info))
-		      && old_address + old_size == new_address
-		      && old_flags == flags
-		      && (old_flags & XTENSA_PROP_INSN_BRANCH_TARGET) == 0
-		      && (old_flags & XTENSA_PROP_INSN_LOOP_TARGET) == 0)
-		    {
-		      /* Fix the old size.  */
-		      bfd_put_32 (abfd, old_size + size,
-				  &contents[last_irel->rz_offset + 4]);
-		      bytes_to_remove = entry_size;
-		      remove_this_rel = TRUE;
-		    }
-		  else
-		    last_irel = offset_rel;
-		}
-	      else
-		last_irel = offset_rel;
-	    }
-	  if (remove_this_rel)
-	    {
-	      offset_rel->rz_info = ELF32_R_INFO (0, RZ_XTENSA_NONE);
-	      offset_rel->rz_offset = 0;
-	    }
-	  if (bytes_to_remove != 0)
-	    {
-	      removed_bytes += bytes_to_remove;
-	      if (offset + bytes_to_remove < sec->size)
-		memmove (&contents[actual_offset],
-			 &contents[actual_offset + bytes_to_remove],
-			 sec->size - offset - bytes_to_remove);
-	    }
-	}
-      if (removed_bytes)
-	{
-	  /* Fix up any extra relocations on the last entry.  */
-	  for (irel = next_rel; irel < rel_end; irel++)
-	    irel->rz_offset -= removed_bytes;
-	  /* Clear the removed bytes.  */
-	  memset (&contents[sec->size - removed_bytes], 0, removed_bytes);
-	  if (sec->rawsize == 0)
-	    sec->rawsize = sec->size;
-	  sec->size -= removed_bytes;
-	  if (xtensa_is_littable_section (sec))
-	    {
-	      asection *sgotloc = elf_xtensa_hash_table (link_info)->sgotloc;
-	      if (sgotloc)
-		sgotloc->size -= removed_bytes;
-	    }
-	}
-    }
- error_return:
-  release_internal_relocs (sec, internal_relocs);
-  release_contents (sec, contents);
-  return ok;
-/* Third relaxation pass.  */
-/* Change symbol values to account for removed literals.  */
-relax_section_symbols (bfd *abfd, asection *sec)
-  xtensa_relax_info *relax_info;
-  unsigned int sec_shndx;
-  Elf_Internal_Shdr *symtab_hdr;
-  Elf_Internal_Sym *isymbuf;
-  unsigned i, num_syms, num_locals;
-  relax_info = get_xtensa_relax_info (sec);
-  BFD_ASSERT (relax_info);
-  if (!relax_info->is_relaxable_literal_section
-      && !relax_info->is_relaxable_asm_section)
-    return TRUE;
-  sec_shndx = _bfd_elf_section_from_bfd_section (abfd, sec);
-  symtab_hdr = &elf_tdata (abfd)->symtab_hdr;
-  isymbuf = retrieve_local_syms (abfd);
-  num_syms = symtab_hdr->sh_size / sizeof (Elf32_External_Sym);
-  num_locals = symtab_hdr->sh_info;
-  /* Adjust the local symbols defined in this section.  */
-  for (i = 0; i < num_locals; i++)
-    {
-      Elf_Internal_Sym *isym = &isymbuf[i];
-      if (isym->st_shndx == sec_shndx)
-	{
-	  bfd_vma orig_addr = isym->st_value;
-	  int removed = removed_by_actions_map (&relax_info->action_list,
-						orig_addr, FALSE);
-	  isym->st_value -= removed;
-	  if (ELF32_ST_TYPE (isym->st_info) == STT_FUNC)
-	    isym->st_size -=
-	      removed_by_actions_map (&relax_info->action_list,
-				      orig_addr + isym->st_size, FALSE) -
-	      removed;
-	}
-    }
-  /* Now adjust the global symbols defined in this section.  */
-  for (i = 0; i < (num_syms - num_locals); i++)
-    {
-      struct elf_link_hash_entry *sym_hash;
-      sym_hash = elf_sym_hashes (abfd)[i];
-      if (sym_hash->root.type == bfd_link_hash_warning)
-	sym_hash = (struct elf_link_hash_entry *) sym_hash->root.u.i.link;
-      if ((sym_hash->root.type == bfd_link_hash_defined
-	   || sym_hash->root.type == bfd_link_hash_defweak)
-	  && sym_hash->root.u.def.section == sec)
-	{
-	  bfd_vma orig_addr = sym_hash->root.u.def.value;
-	  int removed = removed_by_actions_map (&relax_info->action_list,
-						orig_addr, FALSE);
-	  sym_hash->root.u.def.value -= removed;
-	  if (sym_hash->type == STT_FUNC)
-	    sym_hash->size -=
-	      removed_by_actions_map (&relax_info->action_list,
-				      orig_addr + sym_hash->size, FALSE) -
-	      removed;
-	}
-    }
-  return TRUE;
-/* "Fix" handling functions, called while performing relocations.  */
-static bfd_boolean
-do_fix_for_relocatable_link (Elf_Internal_Rela *rel,
-			     bfd *input_bfd,
-			     asection *input_section,
-			     bfd_byte *contents)
-  rz_reloc rz_rel;
-  asection *sec, *old_sec;
-  bfd_vma old_offset;
-  int rz_type = ELF32_R_TYPE (rel->rz_info);
-  reloc_bfd_fix *fix;
-  if (rz_type == RZ_XTENSA_NONE)
-    return TRUE;
-  fix = get_bfd_fix (input_section, rel->rz_offset, rz_type);
-  if (!fix)
-    return TRUE;
-  rz_reloc_init (&rz_rel, input_bfd, rel, contents,
-		bfd_get_section_limit (input_bfd, input_section));
-  old_sec = rz_reloc_get_section (&rz_rel);
-  old_offset = rz_rel.target_offset;
-  if (!old_sec || !rz_reloc_is_defined (&rz_rel))
-    {
-      if (rz_type != RZ_XTENSA_ASM_EXPAND)
-	{
-	  (*_bfd_error_handler)
-	    (_("%B(%A+0x%lx): unexpected fix for %s relocation"),
-	     input_bfd, input_section, rel->rz_offset,
-	     elf_howto_table[rz_type].name);
-	  return FALSE;
-	}
-      /* Leave it be.  Resolution will happen in a later stage.  */
-    }
-  else
-    {
-      sec = fix->target_sec;
-      rel->rz_addend += ((sec->output_offset + fix->target_offset)
-			- (old_sec->output_offset + old_offset));
-    }
-  return TRUE;
-static void
-do_fix_for_final_link (Elf_Internal_Rela *rel,
-		       bfd *input_bfd,
-		       asection *input_section,
-		       bfd_byte *contents,
-		       bfd_vma *relocationp)
-  asection *sec;
-  int rz_type = ELF32_R_TYPE (rel->rz_info);
-  reloc_bfd_fix *fix;
-  bfd_vma fixup_diff;
-  if (rz_type == RZ_XTENSA_NONE)
-    return;
-  fix = get_bfd_fix (input_section, rel->rz_offset, rz_type);
-  if (!fix)
-    return;
-  sec = fix->target_sec;
-  fixup_diff = rel->rz_addend;
-  if (elf_howto_table[fix->src_type].partial_inplace)
-    {
-      bfd_vma inplace_val;
-      BFD_ASSERT (fix->src_offset
-		  < bfd_get_section_limit (input_bfd, input_section));
-      inplace_val = bfd_get_32 (input_bfd, &contents[fix->src_offset]);
-      fixup_diff += inplace_val;
-    }
-  *relocationp = (sec->output_section->vma
-		  + sec->output_offset
-		  + fix->target_offset - fixup_diff);
-/* Miscellaneous utility functions....  */
-static asection *
-elf_xtensa_get_plt_section (struct bfd_link_info *info, int chunk)
-  struct elf_xtensa_link_hash_table *htab;
-  bfd *dynobj;
-  char plt_name[10];
-  if (chunk == 0)
-    {
-      htab = elf_xtensa_hash_table (info);
-      if (htab == NULL)
-	return NULL;
-      return htab->splt;
-    }
-  dynobj = elf_hash_table (info)->dynobj;
-  sprintf (plt_name, ".plt.%u", chunk);
-  return bfd_get_linker_section (dynobj, plt_name);
-static asection *
-elf_xtensa_get_gotplt_section (struct bfd_link_info *info, int chunk)
-  struct elf_xtensa_link_hash_table *htab;
-  bfd *dynobj;
-  char got_name[14];
-  if (chunk == 0)
-    {
-      htab = elf_xtensa_hash_table (info);
-      if (htab == NULL)
-	return NULL;
-      return htab->sgotplt;
-    }
-  dynobj = elf_hash_table (info)->dynobj;
-  sprintf (got_name, ".got.plt.%u", chunk);
-  return bfd_get_linker_section (dynobj, got_name);
-/* Get the input section for a given symbol index.
-   If the symbol is:
-   . a section symbol, return the section;
-   . a common symbol, return the common section;
-   . an undefined symbol, return the undefined section;
-   . an indirect symbol, follow the links;
-   . an absolute value, return the absolute section.  */
-static asection *
-get_elf_r_symndx_section (bfd *abfd, unsigned long rz_symndx)
-  Elf_Internal_Shdr *symtab_hdr = &elf_tdata (abfd)->symtab_hdr;
-  asection *target_sec = NULL;
-  if (rz_symndx < symtab_hdr->sh_info)
-    {
-      Elf_Internal_Sym *isymbuf;
-      unsigned int section_index;
-      isymbuf = retrieve_local_syms (abfd);
-      section_index = isymbuf[rz_symndx].st_shndx;
-      if (section_index == SHN_UNDEF)
-	target_sec = bfd_und_section_ptr;
-      else if (section_index == SHN_ABS)
-	target_sec = bfd_abs_section_ptr;
-      else if (section_index == SHN_COMMON)
-	target_sec = bfd_com_section_ptr;
-      else
-	target_sec = bfd_section_from_elf_index (abfd, section_index);
-    }
-  else
-    {
-      unsigned long indx = rz_symndx - symtab_hdr->sh_info;
-      struct elf_link_hash_entry *h = elf_sym_hashes (abfd)[indx];
-      while (h->root.type == bfd_link_hash_indirect
-             || h->root.type == bfd_link_hash_warning)
-        h = (struct elf_link_hash_entry *) h->root.u.i.link;
-      switch (h->root.type)
-	{
-	case bfd_link_hash_defined:
-	case  bfd_link_hash_defweak:
-	  target_sec = h->root.u.def.section;
-	  break;
-	case bfd_link_hash_common:
-	  target_sec = bfd_com_section_ptr;
-	  break;
-	case bfd_link_hash_undefined:
-	case bfd_link_hash_undefweak:
-	  target_sec = bfd_und_section_ptr;
-	  break;
-	default: /* New indirect warning.  */
-	  target_sec = bfd_und_section_ptr;
-	  break;
-	}
-    }
-  return target_sec;
-static struct elf_link_hash_entry *
-get_elf_r_symndx_hash_entry (bfd *abfd, unsigned long rz_symndx)
-  unsigned long indx;
-  struct elf_link_hash_entry *h;
-  Elf_Internal_Shdr *symtab_hdr = &elf_tdata (abfd)->symtab_hdr;
-  if (rz_symndx < symtab_hdr->sh_info)
-    return NULL;
-  indx = rz_symndx - symtab_hdr->sh_info;
-  h = elf_sym_hashes (abfd)[indx];
-  while (h->root.type == bfd_link_hash_indirect
-	 || h->root.type == bfd_link_hash_warning)
-    h = (struct elf_link_hash_entry *) h->root.u.i.link;
-  return h;
-/* Get the section-relative offset for a symbol number.  */
-static bfd_vma
-get_elf_r_symndx_offset (bfd *abfd, unsigned long rz_symndx)
-  Elf_Internal_Shdr *symtab_hdr = &elf_tdata (abfd)->symtab_hdr;
-  bfd_vma offset = 0;
-  if (rz_symndx < symtab_hdr->sh_info)
-    {
-      Elf_Internal_Sym *isymbuf;
-      isymbuf = retrieve_local_syms (abfd);
-      offset = isymbuf[rz_symndx].st_value;
-    }
-  else
-    {
-      unsigned long indx = rz_symndx - symtab_hdr->sh_info;
-      struct elf_link_hash_entry *h =
-	elf_sym_hashes (abfd)[indx];
-      while (h->root.type == bfd_link_hash_indirect
-             || h->root.type == bfd_link_hash_warning)
-	h = (struct elf_link_hash_entry *) h->root.u.i.link;
-      if (h->root.type == bfd_link_hash_defined
-          || h->root.type == bfd_link_hash_defweak)
-	offset = h->root.u.def.value;
-    }
-  return offset;
-static bfd_boolean
-is_reloc_sym_weak (bfd *abfd, Elf_Internal_Rela *rel)
-  unsigned long rz_symndx = ELF32_R_SYM (rel->rz_info);
-  struct elf_link_hash_entry *h;
-  h = get_elf_r_symndx_hash_entry (abfd, rz_symndx);
-  if (h && h->root.type == bfd_link_hash_defweak)
-    return TRUE;
-  return FALSE;
-static bfd_boolean
-pcrel_reloc_fits (xtensa_opcode opc,
-		  int opnd,
-		  bfd_vma self_address,
-		  bfd_vma dest_address)
-  xtensa_isa isa = xtensa_default_isa;
-  uint32 valp = dest_address;
-  if (xtensa_operand_do_reloc (isa, opc, opnd, &valp, self_address)
-      || xtensa_operand_encode (isa, opc, opnd, &valp))
-    return FALSE;
-  return TRUE;
-static bfd_boolean
-xtensa_is_property_section (asection *sec)
-  if (xtensa_is_insntable_section (sec)
-      || xtensa_is_littable_section (sec)
-      || xtensa_is_proptable_section (sec))
-    return TRUE;
-  return FALSE;
-static bfd_boolean
-xtensa_is_insntable_section (asection *sec)
-      || CONST_STRNEQ (sec->name, ".gnu.linkonce.x."))
-    return TRUE;
-  return FALSE;
-static bfd_boolean
-xtensa_is_littable_section (asection *sec)
-      || CONST_STRNEQ (sec->name, ".gnu.linkonce.p."))
-    return TRUE;
-  return FALSE;
-static bfd_boolean
-xtensa_is_proptable_section (asection *sec)
-      || CONST_STRNEQ (sec->name, ".gnu.linkonce.prop."))
-    return TRUE;
-  return FALSE;
-static int
-internal_reloc_compare (const void *ap, const void *bp)
-  const Elf_Internal_Rela *a = (const Elf_Internal_Rela *) ap;
-  const Elf_Internal_Rela *b = (const Elf_Internal_Rela *) bp;
-  if (a->rz_offset != b->rz_offset)
-    return (a->rz_offset - b->rz_offset);
-  /* We don't need to sort on these criteria for correctness,
-     but enforcing a more strict ordering prevents unstable qsort
-     from behaving differently with different implementations.
-     Without the code below we get correct but different results
-     on Solaris 2.7 and 2.8.  We would like to always produce the
-     same results no matter the host.  */
-  if (a->rz_info != b->rz_info)
-    return (a->rz_info - b->rz_info);
-  return (a->rz_addend - b->rz_addend);
-static int
-internal_reloc_matches (const void *ap, const void *bp)
-  const Elf_Internal_Rela *a = (const Elf_Internal_Rela *) ap;
-  const Elf_Internal_Rela *b = (const Elf_Internal_Rela *) bp;
-  /* Check if one entry overlaps with the other; this shouldn't happen
-     except when searching for a match.  */
-  return (a->rz_offset - b->rz_offset);
-/* Predicate function used to look up a section in a particular group.  */
-static bfd_boolean
-match_section_group (bfd *abfd ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED, asection *sec, void *inf)
-  const char *gname = inf;
-  const char *group_name = elf_group_name (sec);
-  return (group_name == gname
-	  || (group_name != NULL
-	      && gname != NULL
-	      && strcmp (group_name, gname) == 0));
-static int linkonce_len = sizeof (".gnu.linkonce.") - 1;
-static char *
-xtensa_property_section_name (asection *sec, const char *base_name)
-  const char *suffix, *group_name;
-  char *prop_sec_name;
-  group_name = elf_group_name (sec);
-  if (group_name)
-    {
-      suffix = strrchr (sec->name, '.');
-      if (suffix == sec->name)
-	suffix = 0;
-      prop_sec_name = (char *) bfd_malloc (strlen (base_name) + 1
-					   + (suffix ? strlen (suffix) : 0));
-      strcpy (prop_sec_name, base_name);
-      if (suffix)
-	strcat (prop_sec_name, suffix);
-    }
-  else if (strncmp (sec->name, ".gnu.linkonce.", linkonce_len) == 0)
-    {
-      char *linkonce_kind = 0;
-      if (strcmp (base_name, XTENSA_INSN_SEC_NAME) == 0)
-	linkonce_kind = "x.";
-      else if (strcmp (base_name, XTENSA_LIT_SEC_NAME) == 0)
-	linkonce_kind = "p.";
-      else if (strcmp (base_name, XTENSA_PROP_SEC_NAME) == 0)
-	linkonce_kind = "prop.";
-      else
-	abort ();
-      prop_sec_name = (char *) bfd_malloc (strlen (sec->name)
-					   + strlen (linkonce_kind) + 1);
-      memcpy (prop_sec_name, ".gnu.linkonce.", linkonce_len);
-      strcpy (prop_sec_name + linkonce_len, linkonce_kind);
-      suffix = sec->name + linkonce_len;
-      /* For backward compatibility, replace "t." instead of inserting
-         the new linkonce_kind (but not for "prop" sections).  */
-      if (CONST_STRNEQ (suffix, "t.") && linkonce_kind[1] == '.')
-        suffix += 2;
-      strcat (prop_sec_name + linkonce_len, suffix);
-    }
-  else
-    prop_sec_name = strdup (base_name);
-  return prop_sec_name;
-static asection *
-xtensa_get_property_section (asection *sec, const char *base_name)
-  char *prop_sec_name;
-  asection *prop_sec;
-  prop_sec_name = xtensa_property_section_name (sec, base_name);
-  prop_sec = bfd_get_section_by_name_if (sec->owner, prop_sec_name,
-					 match_section_group,
-					 (void *) elf_group_name (sec));
-  free (prop_sec_name);
-  return prop_sec;
-asection *
-xtensa_make_property_section (asection *sec, const char *base_name)
-  char *prop_sec_name;
-  asection *prop_sec;
-  /* Check if the section already exists.  */
-  prop_sec_name = xtensa_property_section_name (sec, base_name);
-  prop_sec = bfd_get_section_by_name_if (sec->owner, prop_sec_name,
-					 match_section_group,
-					 (void *) elf_group_name (sec));
-  /* If not, create it.  */
-  if (! prop_sec)
-    {
-      flagword flags = (SEC_RELOC | SEC_HAS_CONTENTS | SEC_READONLY);
-      flags |= (bfd_get_section_flags (sec->owner, sec)
-      prop_sec = bfd_make_section_anyway_with_flags
-	(sec->owner, strdup (prop_sec_name), flags);
-      if (! prop_sec)
-	return 0;
-      elf_group_name (prop_sec) = elf_group_name (sec);
-    }
-  free (prop_sec_name);
-  return prop_sec;
-xtensa_get_property_predef_flags (asection *sec)
-  if (xtensa_is_insntable_section (sec))
-    return (XTENSA_PROP_INSN
-  if (xtensa_is_littable_section (sec))
-  return 0;
-/* Other functions called directly by the linker.  */
-xtensa_callback_required_dependence (bfd *abfd,
-				     asection *sec,
-				     struct bfd_link_info *link_info,
-				     deps_callback_t callback,
-				     void *closure)
-  Elf_Internal_Rela *internal_relocs;
-  bfd_byte *contents;
-  unsigned i;
-  bfd_boolean ok = TRUE;
-  bfd_size_type sec_size;
-  sec_size = bfd_get_section_limit (abfd, sec);
-  /* ".plt*" sections have no explicit relocations but they contain L32R
-     instructions that reference the corresponding ".got.plt*" sections.  */
-  if ((sec->flags & SEC_LINKER_CREATED) != 0
-      && CONST_STRNEQ (sec->name, ".plt"))
-    {
-      asection *sgotplt;
-      /* Find the corresponding ".got.plt*" section.  */
-      if (sec->name[4] == '\0')
-	sgotplt = bfd_get_linker_section (sec->owner, ".got.plt");
-      else
-	{
-	  char got_name[14];
-	  int chunk = 0;
-	  BFD_ASSERT (sec->name[4] == '.');
-	  chunk = strtol (&sec->name[5], NULL, 10);
-	  sprintf (got_name, ".got.plt.%u", chunk);
-	  sgotplt = bfd_get_linker_section (sec->owner, got_name);
-	}
-      BFD_ASSERT (sgotplt);
-      /* Assume worst-case offsets: L32R at the very end of the ".plt"
-	 section referencing a literal at the very beginning of
-	 ".got.plt".  This is very close to the real dependence, anyway.  */
-      (*callback) (sec, sec_size, sgotplt, 0, closure);
-    }
-  /* Only ELF files are supported for Xtensa.  Check here to avoid a segfault
-     when building uclibc, which runs "ld -b binary /dev/null".  */
-  if (bfd_get_flavour (abfd) != bfd_target_elf_flavour)
-    return ok;
-  internal_relocs = retrieve_internal_relocs (abfd, sec,
-					      link_info->keep_memory);
-  if (internal_relocs == NULL
-      || sec->reloc_count == 0)
-    return ok;
-  /* Cache the contents for the duration of this scan.  */
-  contents = retrieve_contents (abfd, sec, link_info->keep_memory);
-  if (contents == NULL && sec_size != 0)
-    {
-      ok = FALSE;
-      goto error_return;
-    }
-  if (!xtensa_default_isa)
-    xtensa_default_isa = xtensa_isa_init (0, 0);
-  for (i = 0; i < sec->reloc_count; i++)
-    {
-      Elf_Internal_Rela *irel = &internal_relocs[i];
-      if (is_l32r_relocation (abfd, sec, contents, irel))
-	{
-	  rz_reloc l32r_rel;
-	  asection *target_sec;
-	  bfd_vma target_offset;
-	  rz_reloc_init (&l32r_rel, abfd, irel, contents, sec_size);
-	  target_sec = NULL;
-	  target_offset = 0;
-	  /* L32Rs must be local to the input file.  */
-	  if (rz_reloc_is_defined (&l32r_rel))
-	    {
-	      target_sec = rz_reloc_get_section (&l32r_rel);
-	      target_offset = l32r_rel.target_offset;
-	    }
-	  (*callback) (sec, irel->rz_offset, target_sec, target_offset,
-		       closure);
-	}
-    }
- error_return:
-  release_internal_relocs (sec, internal_relocs);
-  release_contents (sec, contents);
-  return ok;
-/* The default literal sections should always be marked as "code" (i.e.,
-   SHF_EXECINSTR).  This is particularly important for the Linux kernel
-   module loader so that the literals are not placed after the text.  */
-static const struct bfd_elf_special_section elf_xtensa_special_sections[] =
-  { STRING_COMMA_LEN (".xtensa.info"),  0, SHT_NOTE,     0 },
-  { NULL,                       0,      0, 0,            0 }
-#ifndef ELF_ARCH
-#define TARGET_LITTLE_SYM		xtensa_elf32_le_vec
-#define TARGET_LITTLE_NAME		"elf32-xtensa-le"
-#define TARGET_BIG_SYM			xtensa_elf32_be_vec
-#define TARGET_BIG_NAME			"elf32-xtensa-be"
-#define ELF_ARCH			bfd_arch_xtensa
-#else /* !XCHAL_HAVE_MMU */
-#define ELF_MAXPAGESIZE			1
-#endif /* !XCHAL_HAVE_MMU */
-#endif /* ELF_ARCH */
-#define elf_backend_can_gc_sections	1
-#define elf_backend_can_refcount	1
-#define elf_backend_plt_readonly	1
-#define elf_backend_got_header_size	4
-#define elf_backend_want_dynbss		0
-#define elf_backend_want_got_plt	1
-#define elf_info_to_howto		     elf_xtensa_info_to_howto_rela
-#define bfd_elf32_mkobject		     elf_xtensa_mkobject
-#define bfd_elf32_bfd_merge_private_bfd_data elf_xtensa_merge_private_bfd_data
-#define bfd_elf32_new_section_hook	     elf_xtensa_new_section_hook
-#define bfd_elf32_bfd_print_private_bfd_data elf_xtensa_print_private_bfd_data
-#define bfd_elf32_bfd_relax_section	     elf_xtensa_relax_section
-#define bfd_elf32_bfd_reloc_type_lookup	     elf_xtensa_reloc_type_lookup
-#define bfd_elf32_bfd_reloc_name_lookup \
-  elf_xtensa_reloc_name_lookup
-#define bfd_elf32_bfd_set_private_flags	     elf_xtensa_set_private_flags
-#define bfd_elf32_bfd_link_hash_table_create elf_xtensa_link_hash_table_create
-#define elf_backend_adjust_dynamic_symbol    elf_xtensa_adjust_dynamic_symbol
-#define elf_backend_check_relocs	     elf_xtensa_check_relocs
-#define elf_backend_create_dynamic_sections  elf_xtensa_create_dynamic_sections
-#define elf_backend_discard_info	     elf_xtensa_discard_info
-#define elf_backend_ignore_discarded_relocs  elf_xtensa_ignore_discarded_relocs
-#define elf_backend_final_write_processing   elf_xtensa_final_write_processing
-#define elf_backend_finish_dynamic_sections  elf_xtensa_finish_dynamic_sections
-#define elf_backend_finish_dynamic_symbol    elf_xtensa_finish_dynamic_symbol
-#define elf_backend_gc_mark_hook	     elf_xtensa_gc_mark_hook
-#define elf_backend_gc_sweep_hook	     elf_xtensa_gc_sweep_hook
-#define elf_backend_grok_prstatus	     elf_xtensa_grok_prstatus
-#define elf_backend_grok_psinfo		     elf_xtensa_grok_psinfo
-#define elf_backend_hide_symbol		     elf_xtensa_hide_symbol
-#define elf_backend_object_p		     elf_xtensa_object_p
-#define elf_backend_reloc_type_class	     elf_xtensa_reloc_type_class
-#define elf_backend_relocate_section	     elf_xtensa_relocate_section
-#define elf_backend_size_dynamic_sections    elf_xtensa_size_dynamic_sections
-#define elf_backend_always_size_sections     elf_xtensa_always_size_sections
-#define elf_backend_omit_section_dynsym \
-  ((bfd_boolean (*) (bfd *, struct bfd_link_info *, asection *)) bfd_true)
-#define elf_backend_special_sections	     elf_xtensa_special_sections
-#define elf_backend_action_discarded	     elf_xtensa_action_discarded
-#define elf_backend_copy_indirect_symbol     elf_xtensa_copy_indirect_symbol
-#include "elf32-target.h"
diff --git a/librz/arch/isa_gnu/xtensa/xtensa-dis.c b/librz/arch/isa_gnu/xtensa/xtensa-dis.c
deleted file mode 100644
index ba31e2b6de4..00000000000
--- a/librz/arch/isa_gnu/xtensa/xtensa-dis.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,290 +0,0 @@
-/* xtensa-dis.c.  Disassembly functions for Xtensa.
-   Copyright (C) 2003-2015 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-   Contributed by Bob Wilson at Tensilica, Inc. (bwilson@tensilica.com)
-   This file is part of the GNU opcodes library.
-   This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-   the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
-   any later version.
-   It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
-   ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
-   or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public
-   License for more details.
-   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-   along with this file; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to the
-   Free Software Foundation, 51 Franklin Street - Fifth Floor, Boston,
-   MA 02110-1301, USA.  */
-#include <common_gnu/sysdep.h>
-#include <common_gnu/ansidecl.h>
-#include <common_gnu/disas-asm.h>
-#include <common_gnu/libiberty.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <setjmp.h>
-#include "xtensa-isa.h"
-#if defined(_MSC_VER)
-extern xtensa_isa xtensa_default_isa;
-#ifndef MAX
-#define MAX(a,b) (((a)) > ((b)) ? ((a)) : ((b)))
-#if 1
-static void nothing(void) {
-	return;
-#define OPCODES_SIGJMP_BUF              void*
-#define OPCODES_SIGSETJMP(buf)          nothing()
-#define OPCODES_SIGLONGJMP(buf,val)     nothing()
-#define OPCODES_SIGJMP_BUF              sigjmp_buf
-#define OPCODES_SIGSETJMP(buf)          sigsetjmp((buf), 0)
-#define OPCODES_SIGLONGJMP(buf,val)     siglongjmp((buf), (val))
-int show_raw_fields;
-struct dis_private
-  bfd_byte *byte_buf;
-static int
-fetch_data (struct disassemble_info *info, bfd_vma memaddr)
-  int length, status = 0;
-  struct dis_private *priv = (struct dis_private *) info->private_data;
-  int insn_size = xtensa_isa_maxlength (xtensa_default_isa);
-  /* Read the maximum instruction size, padding with zeros if we go past
-     the end of the text section.  This code will automatically adjust
-     length when we hit the end of the buffer.  */
-  memset (priv->byte_buf, 0, insn_size);
-  for (length = insn_size; length > 0; length--)
-    {
-      status = (*info->read_memory_func) (memaddr, priv->byte_buf, length,
-					  info);
-      if (status == 0) {
-	      return length;
-      }
-    }
-  (*info->memory_error_func) (status, memaddr, info);
-  OPCODES_SIGLONGJMP (priv->bailout, 1);
-return -1;
-static void
-print_xtensa_operand (bfd_vma memaddr,
-		      struct disassemble_info *info,
-		      xtensa_opcode opc,
-		      int opnd,
-		      unsigned operand_val)
-  xtensa_isa isa = xtensa_default_isa;
-  int signed_operand_val;
-  if (show_raw_fields)
-    {
-	  if (operand_val < 0xa) {
-		  (*info->fprintf_func) (info->stream, "%u", operand_val);
-	  } else {
-		  (*info->fprintf_func) (info->stream, "0x%x", operand_val);
-	  }
-	  return;
-    }
-  (void) xtensa_operand_decode (isa, opc, opnd, &operand_val);
-  signed_operand_val = (int) operand_val;
-  if (xtensa_operand_is_register (isa, opc, opnd) == 0)
-    {
-      if (xtensa_operand_is_PCrelative (isa, opc, opnd) == 1)
-	{
-	  (void) xtensa_operand_undo_reloc (isa, opc, opnd,
-					    &operand_val, memaddr);
-	  info->target = operand_val;
-	  (*info->print_address_func) (info->target, info);
-	}
-      else
-	{
-		if ((signed_operand_val > -256) && (signed_operand_val < 256)) {
-			(*info->fprintf_func) (info->stream, "%d", signed_operand_val);
-		} else {
-			(*info->fprintf_func) (info->stream, "0x%x", signed_operand_val);
-		}
-	}
-    }
-  else
-    {
-      int i = 1;
-      xtensa_regfile opnd_rf = xtensa_operand_regfile (isa, opc, opnd);
-      (*info->fprintf_func) (info->stream, "%s%u",
-			     xtensa_regfile_shortname (isa, opnd_rf),
-			     operand_val);
-      while (i < xtensa_operand_num_regs (isa, opc, opnd))
-	{
-	  operand_val++;
-	  (*info->fprintf_func) (info->stream, ":%s%u",
-				 xtensa_regfile_shortname (isa, opnd_rf),
-				 operand_val);
-	  i++;
-	} 
-    }
-/* Print the Xtensa instruction at address MEMADDR on info->stream.
-   Returns length of the instruction in bytes.  */
-print_insn_xtensa (bfd_vma memaddr, struct disassemble_info *info)
-  unsigned operand_val;
-  int bytes_fetched, size, maxsize, i, n, noperands, nslots;
-  xtensa_isa isa;
-  xtensa_opcode opc;
-  xtensa_format fmt;
-  struct dis_private priv;
-  static bfd_byte *byte_buf = NULL;
-  static xtensa_insnbuf insn_buffer = NULL;
-  static xtensa_insnbuf slot_buffer = NULL;
-  int first, first_slot, valid_insn;
-  if (!xtensa_default_isa) {
-	  xtensa_default_isa = xtensa_isa_init (0, 0);
-  }
-  info->target = 0;
-  maxsize = xtensa_isa_maxlength (xtensa_default_isa);
-  /* Set bytes_per_line to control the amount of whitespace between the hex
-     values and the opcode.  For Xtensa, we always print one "chunk" and we
-     vary bytes_per_chunk to determine how many bytes to print.  (objdump
-     would apparently prefer that we set bytes_per_chunk to 1 and vary
-     bytes_per_line but that makes it hard to fit 64-bit instructions on
-     an 80-column screen.)  The value of bytes_per_line here is not exactly
-     right, because objdump adds an extra space for each chunk so that the
-     amount of whitespace depends on the chunk size.  Oh well, it's good
-     enough....  Note that we set the minimum size to 4 to accommodate
-     literal pools.  */
-  info->bytes_per_line = MAX (maxsize, 4);
-  /* Allocate buffers the first time through.  */
-  if (!insn_buffer)
-    {
-      insn_buffer = xtensa_insnbuf_alloc (xtensa_default_isa);
-      slot_buffer = xtensa_insnbuf_alloc (xtensa_default_isa);
-      byte_buf = (bfd_byte *) xmalloc (MAX (maxsize, 4));
-    }
-  priv.byte_buf = byte_buf;
-  info->private_data = (void *) &priv;
-#if 0
-  if (OPCODES_SIGSETJMP (priv.bailout) != 0)
-      /* Error return.  */
-      return -1;
-  /* Don't set "isa" before the setjmp to keep the compiler from griping.  */
-  isa = xtensa_default_isa;
-  size = 0;
-  nslots = 0;
-  /* Fetch the maximum size instruction.  */
-  bytes_fetched = fetch_data (info, memaddr);
-  /* Copy the bytes into the decode buffer.  */
-  memset (insn_buffer, 0, (xtensa_insnbuf_size (isa) *
-			   sizeof (xtensa_insnbuf_word)));
-  xtensa_insnbuf_from_chars (isa, insn_buffer, priv.byte_buf, bytes_fetched);
-  fmt = xtensa_format_decode (isa, insn_buffer);
-  if (fmt == XTENSA_UNDEFINED || ((size = xtensa_format_length (isa, fmt)) > bytes_fetched)) {
-	  valid_insn = 0;
-  } else {
-	  /* Make sure all the opcodes are valid.  */
-	  valid_insn = 1;
-	  nslots = xtensa_format_num_slots (isa, fmt);
-	  for (n = 0; n < nslots; n++) {
-		  xtensa_format_get_slot (isa, fmt, n, insn_buffer, slot_buffer);
-		  if (xtensa_opcode_decode (isa, fmt, n, slot_buffer) == XTENSA_UNDEFINED) {
-			  valid_insn = 0;
-			  break;
-		  }
-	  }
-    }
-  if (!valid_insn)
-    {
-      (*info->fprintf_func) (info->stream, ".byte %#02x", priv.byte_buf[0]);
-      return 1;
-    }
-    if (nslots > 1) {
-	    (*info->fprintf_func) (info->stream, "{ ");
-    }
-    first_slot = 1;
-    for (n = 0; n < nslots; n++) {
-	    if (first_slot) {
-		    first_slot = 0;
-	    } else {
-		    (*info->fprintf_func) (info->stream, "; ");
-	    }
-	    xtensa_format_get_slot (isa, fmt, n, insn_buffer, slot_buffer);
-	    opc = xtensa_opcode_decode (isa, fmt, n, slot_buffer);
-	    (*info->fprintf_func) (info->stream, "%s",
-		    xtensa_opcode_name (isa, opc));
-	    /* Print the operands (if any).  */
-	    noperands = xtensa_opcode_num_operands (isa, opc);
-	    first = 1;
-	    for (i = 0; i < noperands; i++) {
-		    if (xtensa_operand_is_visible (isa, opc, i) == 0) {
-			    continue;
-		    }
-		    if (first) {
-			    (*info->fprintf_func) (info->stream, " ");
-			    first = 0;
-		    } else {
-			    (*info->fprintf_func) (info->stream, ", ");
-		    }
-		    (void)xtensa_operand_get_field (isa, opc, i, fmt, n,
-			    slot_buffer, &operand_val);
-		    print_xtensa_operand (memaddr, info, opc, i, operand_val);
-	    }
-    }
-    if (nslots > 1) {
-	    (*info->fprintf_func) (info->stream, " }");
-    }
-    info->bytes_per_chunk = size;
-    info->display_endian = info->endian;
-    return size;
diff --git a/librz/arch/isa_gnu/xtensa/xtensa-isa-internal.h b/librz/arch/isa_gnu/xtensa/xtensa-isa-internal.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 5557784571c..00000000000
--- a/librz/arch/isa_gnu/xtensa/xtensa-isa-internal.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,223 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2003-2015 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
-/* Internal definitions for configurable Xtensa ISA support.
-   Copyright (C) 2003-2015 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-   This file is part of BFD, the Binary File Descriptor library.
-   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-   the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
-   (at your option) any later version.
-   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-   GNU General Public License for more details.
-   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-   along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-   Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street - Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301,
-   USA.  */
-/* Flags.  */
-#define XTENSA_OPERAND_IS_REGISTER   0x00000001
-#define XTENSA_OPERAND_IS_INVISIBLE  0x00000004
-#define XTENSA_OPERAND_IS_UNKNOWN    0x00000008
-#define XTENSA_OPCODE_IS_BRANCH 0x00000001
-#define XTENSA_OPCODE_IS_JUMP   0x00000002
-#define XTENSA_OPCODE_IS_LOOP   0x00000004
-#define XTENSA_OPCODE_IS_CALL   0x00000008
-#define XTENSA_STATE_IS_EXPORTED  0x00000001
-#define XTENSA_STATE_IS_SHARED_OR 0x00000002
-/* Function pointer typedefs */
-typedef void (*xtensa_format_encode_fn)(xtensa_insnbuf);
-typedef void (*xtensa_get_slot_fn)(const xtensa_insnbuf, xtensa_insnbuf);
-typedef void (*xtensa_set_slot_fn)(xtensa_insnbuf, const xtensa_insnbuf);
-typedef int (*xtensa_opcode_decode_fn)(const xtensa_insnbuf);
-typedef uint32 (*xtensa_get_field_fn)(const xtensa_insnbuf);
-typedef void (*xtensa_set_field_fn)(xtensa_insnbuf, uint32);
-typedef int (*xtensa_immed_decode_fn)(uint32 *);
-typedef int (*xtensa_immed_encode_fn)(uint32 *);
-typedef int (*xtensa_do_reloc_fn)(uint32 *, uint32);
-typedef int (*xtensa_undo_reloc_fn)(uint32 *, uint32);
-typedef void (*xtensa_opcode_encode_fn)(xtensa_insnbuf);
-typedef int (*xtensa_format_decode_fn)(const xtensa_insnbuf);
-typedef int (*xtensa_length_decode_fn)(const unsigned char *);
-typedef struct xtensa_format_internal_struct {
-	const char *name; /* Instruction format name.  */
-	int length; /* Instruction length in bytes.  */
-	xtensa_format_encode_fn encode_fn;
-	int num_slots;
-	int *slot_id; /* Array[num_slots] of slot IDs.  */
-} xtensa_format_internal;
-typedef struct xtensa_slot_internal_struct {
-	const char *name; /* Not necessarily unique.  */
-	const char *format;
-	int position;
-	xtensa_get_slot_fn get_fn;
-	xtensa_set_slot_fn set_fn;
-	xtensa_get_field_fn *get_field_fns; /* Array[field_id].  */
-	xtensa_set_field_fn *set_field_fns; /* Array[field_id].  */
-	xtensa_opcode_decode_fn opcode_decode_fn;
-	const char *nop_name;
-} xtensa_slot_internal;
-typedef struct xtensa_operand_internal_struct {
-	const char *name;
-	int field_id;
-	xtensa_regfile regfile; /* Register file.  */
-	int num_regs; /* Usually 1; 2 for reg pairs, etc.  */
-	uint32 flags; /* See XTENSA_OPERAND_* flags.  */
-	xtensa_immed_encode_fn encode; /* Encode the operand value.  */
-	xtensa_immed_decode_fn decode; /* Decode the value from the field.  */
-	xtensa_do_reloc_fn do_reloc; /* Perform a PC-relative reloc.  */
-	xtensa_undo_reloc_fn undo_reloc; /* Undo a PC-relative relocation.  */
-} xtensa_operand_internal;
-typedef struct xtensa_arg_internal_struct {
-	union {
-		int operand_id; /* For normal operands.  */
-		xtensa_state state; /* For stateOperands.  */
-	} u;
-	char inout; /* Direction: 'i', 'o', or 'm'.  */
-} xtensa_arg_internal;
-typedef struct xtensa_iclass_internal_struct {
-	int num_operands; /* Size of "operands" array.  */
-	xtensa_arg_internal *operands; /* Array[num_operands].  */
-	int num_stateOperands; /* Size of "stateOperands" array.  */
-	xtensa_arg_internal *stateOperands; /* Array[num_stateOperands].  */
-	int num_interfaceOperands; /* Size of "interfaceOperands".  */
-	xtensa_interface *interfaceOperands; /* Array[num_interfaceOperands].  */
-} xtensa_iclass_internal;
-typedef struct xtensa_opcode_internal_struct {
-	const char *name; /* Opcode mnemonic.  */
-	int iclass_id; /* Iclass for this opcode.  */
-	uint32 flags; /* See XTENSA_OPCODE_* flags.  */
-	xtensa_opcode_encode_fn *encode_fns; /* Array[slot_id].  */
-	int num_funcUnit_uses; /* Number of funcUnit_use entries.  */
-	xtensa_funcUnit_use *funcUnit_uses; /* Array[num_funcUnit_uses].  */
-} xtensa_opcode_internal;
-typedef struct xtensa_regfile_internal_struct {
-	const char *name; /* Full name of the regfile.  */
-	const char *shortname; /* Abbreviated name.  */
-	xtensa_regfile parent; /* View parent (or identity).  */
-	int num_bits; /* Width of the registers.  */
-	int num_entries; /* Number of registers.  */
-} xtensa_regfile_internal;
-typedef struct xtensa_interface_internal_struct {
-	const char *name; /* Interface name.  */
-	int num_bits; /* Width of the interface.  */
-	uint32 flags; /* See XTENSA_INTERFACE_* flags.  */
-	int class_id; /* Class of related interfaces.  */
-	char inout; /* "i" or "o".  */
-} xtensa_interface_internal;
-typedef struct xtensa_funcUnit_internal_struct {
-	const char *name; /* Functional unit name.  */
-	int num_copies; /* Number of instances.  */
-} xtensa_funcUnit_internal;
-typedef struct xtensa_state_internal_struct {
-	const char *name; /* State name.  */
-	int num_bits; /* Number of state bits.  */
-	uint32 flags; /* See XTENSA_STATE_* flags.  */
-} xtensa_state_internal;
-typedef struct xtensa_sysreg_internal_struct {
-	const char *name; /* Register name.  */
-	int number; /* Register number.  */
-	int is_user; /* Non-zero if a "user register".  */
-} xtensa_sysreg_internal;
-typedef struct xtensa_lookup_entry_struct {
-	const char *key;
-	union {
-		xtensa_opcode opcode; /* Internal opcode number.  */
-		xtensa_sysreg sysreg; /* Internal sysreg number.  */
-		xtensa_state state; /* Internal state number.  */
-		xtensa_interface intf; /* Internal interface number.  */
-		xtensa_funcUnit fun; /* Internal funcUnit number.  */
-	} u;
-} xtensa_lookup_entry;
-typedef struct xtensa_isa_internal_struct {
-	int is_big_endian; /* Endianness.  */
-	int insn_size; /* Maximum length in bytes.  */
-	int insnbuf_size; /* Number of insnbuf_words.  */
-	int num_formats;
-	xtensa_format_internal *formats;
-	xtensa_format_decode_fn format_decode_fn;
-	xtensa_length_decode_fn length_decode_fn;
-	int num_slots;
-	xtensa_slot_internal *slots;
-	int num_fields;
-	int num_operands;
-	xtensa_operand_internal *operands;
-	int num_iclasses;
-	xtensa_iclass_internal *iclasses;
-	int num_opcodes;
-	xtensa_opcode_internal *opcodes;
-	xtensa_lookup_entry *opname_lookup_table;
-	int num_regfiles;
-	xtensa_regfile_internal *regfiles;
-	int num_states;
-	xtensa_state_internal *states;
-	xtensa_lookup_entry *state_lookup_table;
-	int num_sysregs;
-	xtensa_sysreg_internal *sysregs;
-	xtensa_lookup_entry *sysreg_lookup_table;
-	/* The current Xtensa ISA only supports 256 of each kind of sysreg so
-     we can get away with implementing lookups with tables indexed by
-     the register numbers.  If we ever allow larger sysreg numbers, this
-     may have to be reimplemented.  The first entry in the following
-     arrays corresponds to "special" registers and the second to "user"
-     registers.  */
-	int max_sysreg_num[2];
-	xtensa_sysreg *sysreg_table[2];
-	int num_interfaces;
-	xtensa_interface_internal *interfaces;
-	xtensa_lookup_entry *interface_lookup_table;
-	int num_funcUnits;
-	xtensa_funcUnit_internal *funcUnits;
-	xtensa_lookup_entry *funcUnit_lookup_table;
-} xtensa_isa_internal;
-extern int xtensa_isa_name_compare(const void *, const void *);
-extern xtensa_isa_status xtisa_errno;
-extern char xtisa_error_msg[];
-#endif /* !XTENSA_ISA_INTERNAL_H */
diff --git a/librz/arch/isa_gnu/xtensa/xtensa-isa.c b/librz/arch/isa_gnu/xtensa/xtensa-isa.c
deleted file mode 100644
index a54327c97ba..00000000000
--- a/librz/arch/isa_gnu/xtensa/xtensa-isa.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1851 +0,0 @@
-/* Configurable Xtensa ISA support.
-   Copyright (C) 2003-2015 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-   This file is part of BFD, the Binary File Descriptor library.
-   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-   the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
-   (at your option) any later version.
-   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-   GNU General Public License for more details.
-   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-   along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-   Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street - Fifth Floor, Boston,
-   MA 02110-1301, USA.  */
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <rz_util.h>
-#include <common_gnu/disas-asm.h>
-#include <common_gnu/sysdep.h>
-#include "xtensa-isa.h"
-#include "xtensa-isa-internal.h"
-extern int filename_cmp (const char *s1, const char *s2);
-xtensa_isa_status xtisa_errno;
-char xtisa_error_msg[1024];
-xtensa_isa_errno (xtensa_isa isa __attribute__ ((unused)))
-  return xtisa_errno;
-char *
-xtensa_isa_error_msg (xtensa_isa isa __attribute__ ((unused)))
-  return xtisa_error_msg;
-  do { \
-    if ((MEM) == 0) \
-      { \
-	xtisa_errno = xtensa_isa_out_of_memory; \
-	strcpy (xtisa_error_msg, "out of memory"); \
-	return (ERRVAL); \
-      } \
-  } while (0)
-  do { \
-    if ((MEM) == 0) \
-      { \
-	xtisa_errno = xtensa_isa_out_of_memory; \
-	strcpy (xtisa_error_msg, "out of memory"); \
-	if (ERRNO_P) *(ERRNO_P) = xtisa_errno; \
-	if (ERROR_MSG_P) *(ERROR_MSG_P) = xtisa_error_msg; \
-	return (ERRVAL); \
-      } \
-  } while (0)
-/* Instruction buffers.  */
-xtensa_insnbuf_size (xtensa_isa isa)
-  xtensa_isa_internal *intisa = (xtensa_isa_internal *) isa;
-  return intisa->insnbuf_size;
-xtensa_insnbuf_alloc (xtensa_isa isa)
-  xtensa_insnbuf result = (xtensa_insnbuf)
-    malloc (xtensa_insnbuf_size (isa) * sizeof (xtensa_insnbuf_word));
-  CHECK_ALLOC (result, 0);
-  return result;
-xtensa_insnbuf_free (xtensa_isa isa __attribute__ ((unused)),
-		     xtensa_insnbuf buf)
-  free (buf);
-/* Given <byte_index>, the index of a byte in a xtensa_insnbuf, our
-   internal representation of a xtensa instruction word, return the index of
-   its word and the bit index of its low order byte in the xtensa_insnbuf.  */
-static inline int
-byte_to_word_index (int byte_index)
-  return byte_index / sizeof (xtensa_insnbuf_word);
-static inline int
-byte_to_bit_index (int byte_index)
-  return (byte_index & 0x3) * 8;
-/* Copy an instruction in the 32-bit words pointed at by "insn" to
-   characters pointed at by "cp".  This is more complicated than you
-   might think because we want 16-bit instructions in bytes 2 & 3 for
-   big-endian configurations.  This function allows us to specify
-   which byte in "insn" to start with and which way to increment,
-   allowing trivial implementation for both big- and little-endian
-   configurations....and it seems to make pretty good code for
-   both.  */
-xtensa_insnbuf_to_chars (xtensa_isa isa,
-			 const xtensa_insnbuf insn,
-			 unsigned char *cp,
-			 int num_chars)
-  xtensa_isa_internal *intisa = (xtensa_isa_internal *) isa;
-  int insn_size = xtensa_isa_maxlength (isa);
-  int fence_post, start, increment, i, byte_count;
-  xtensa_format fmt;
-  if (num_chars == 0) {
-	  num_chars = insn_size;
-  }
-  if (intisa->is_big_endian)
-    {
-      start = insn_size - 1;
-      increment = -1;
-    }
-  else
-    {
-      start = 0;
-      increment = 1;
-    }
-  /* Find the instruction format.  Do nothing if the buffer does not contain
-     a valid instruction since we need to know how many bytes to copy.  */
-  fmt = xtensa_format_decode (isa, insn);
-  if (fmt == XTENSA_UNDEFINED) {
-  }
-  byte_count = xtensa_format_length (isa, fmt);
-  if (byte_count == XTENSA_UNDEFINED) {
-  }
-  if (byte_count > num_chars)
-    {
-      xtisa_errno = xtensa_isa_buffer_overflow;
-      strcpy (xtisa_error_msg, "output buffer too small for instruction");
-      return XTENSA_UNDEFINED;
-    }
-  fence_post = start + (byte_count * increment);
-  for (i = start; i != fence_post; i += increment, ++cp)
-    {
-      int word_inx = byte_to_word_index (i);
-      int bit_inx = byte_to_bit_index (i);
-      *cp = (insn[word_inx] >> bit_inx) & 0xff;
-    }
-  return byte_count;
-/* Inward conversion from byte stream to xtensa_insnbuf.  See
-   xtensa_insnbuf_to_chars for a discussion of why this is complicated
-   by endianness.  */
-xtensa_insnbuf_from_chars (xtensa_isa isa,
-			   xtensa_insnbuf insn,
-			   const unsigned char *cp,
-			   int num_chars)
-  xtensa_isa_internal *intisa = (xtensa_isa_internal *) isa;
-  int max_size, insn_size, fence_post, start, increment, i;
-  max_size = xtensa_isa_maxlength (isa);
-  /* Decode the instruction length so we know how many bytes to read.  */
-  insn_size = (intisa->length_decode_fn) (cp);
-  if (insn_size == XTENSA_UNDEFINED)
-    {
-      /* This should never happen when the byte stream contains a
-	 valid instruction.  Just read the maximum number of bytes....  */
-      insn_size = max_size;
-    }
-    if (num_chars == 0 || num_chars > insn_size) {
-	    num_chars = insn_size;
-    }
-    if (intisa->is_big_endian) {
-	    start = max_size - 1;
-	    increment = -1;
-    }
-  else
-    {
-      start = 0;
-      increment = 1;
-    }
-  fence_post = start + (num_chars * increment);
-  memset (insn, 0, xtensa_insnbuf_size (isa) * sizeof (xtensa_insnbuf_word));
-  for (i = start; i != fence_post; i += increment, ++cp)
-    {
-      int word_inx = byte_to_word_index (i);
-      int bit_inx = byte_to_bit_index (i);
-      insn[word_inx] |= (*cp & 0xff) << bit_inx;
-    }
-/* ISA information.  */
-extern xtensa_isa_internal xtensa_modules;
-xtensa_isa_init (xtensa_isa_status *errno_p, char **error_msg_p)
-  xtensa_isa_internal *isa = &xtensa_modules;
-  int n, is_user;
-  /* Set up the opcode name lookup table.  */
-  isa->opname_lookup_table =
-    bfd_malloc (isa->num_opcodes * sizeof (xtensa_lookup_entry));
-  CHECK_ALLOC_FOR_INIT (isa->opname_lookup_table, NULL, errno_p, error_msg_p);
-  for (n = 0; n < isa->num_opcodes; n++)
-    {
-      isa->opname_lookup_table[n].key = isa->opcodes[n].name;
-      isa->opname_lookup_table[n].u.opcode = n;
-    }
-  qsort (isa->opname_lookup_table, isa->num_opcodes,
-	 sizeof (xtensa_lookup_entry), xtensa_isa_name_compare);
-  /* Set up the state name lookup table.  */
-  isa->state_lookup_table =
-    bfd_malloc (isa->num_states * sizeof (xtensa_lookup_entry));
-  CHECK_ALLOC_FOR_INIT (isa->state_lookup_table, NULL, errno_p, error_msg_p);
-  for (n = 0; n < isa->num_states; n++)
-    {
-      isa->state_lookup_table[n].key = isa->states[n].name;
-      isa->state_lookup_table[n].u.state = n;
-    }
-  qsort (isa->state_lookup_table, isa->num_states,
-	 sizeof (xtensa_lookup_entry), xtensa_isa_name_compare);
-  /* Set up the sysreg name lookup table.  */
-  isa->sysreg_lookup_table =
-    bfd_malloc (isa->num_sysregs * sizeof (xtensa_lookup_entry));
-  CHECK_ALLOC_FOR_INIT (isa->sysreg_lookup_table, NULL, errno_p, error_msg_p);
-  for (n = 0; n < isa->num_sysregs; n++)
-    {
-      isa->sysreg_lookup_table[n].key = isa->sysregs[n].name;
-      isa->sysreg_lookup_table[n].u.sysreg = n;
-    }
-  qsort (isa->sysreg_lookup_table, isa->num_sysregs,
-	 sizeof (xtensa_lookup_entry), xtensa_isa_name_compare);
-  /* Set up the user & system sysreg number tables.  */
-  for (is_user = 0; is_user < 2; is_user++)
-    {
-      isa->sysreg_table[is_user] =
-	bfd_malloc ((isa->max_sysreg_num[is_user] + 1)
-		    * sizeof (xtensa_sysreg));
-      CHECK_ALLOC_FOR_INIT (isa->sysreg_table[is_user], NULL,
-			    errno_p, error_msg_p);
-      for (n = 0; n <= isa->max_sysreg_num[is_user]; n++) {
-	      isa->sysreg_table[is_user][n] = XTENSA_UNDEFINED;
-      }
-    }
-  for (n = 0; n < isa->num_sysregs; n++)
-    {
-      xtensa_sysreg_internal *sreg = &isa->sysregs[n];
-      is_user = sreg->is_user;
-      isa->sysreg_table[is_user][sreg->number] = n;
-    }
-  /* Set up the interface lookup table.  */
-  isa->interface_lookup_table =
-    calloc (isa->num_interfaces, sizeof (xtensa_lookup_entry));
-  CHECK_ALLOC_FOR_INIT (isa->interface_lookup_table, NULL, errno_p,
-			error_msg_p);
-  for (n = 0; n < isa->num_interfaces; n++)
-    {
-      isa->interface_lookup_table[n].key = isa->interfaces[n].name;
-      isa->interface_lookup_table[n].u.intf = n;
-    }
-  qsort (isa->interface_lookup_table, isa->num_interfaces,
-	 sizeof (xtensa_lookup_entry), xtensa_isa_name_compare);
-  /* Set up the funcUnit lookup table.  */
-  isa->funcUnit_lookup_table =
-    bfd_malloc (isa->num_funcUnits * sizeof (xtensa_lookup_entry));
-  CHECK_ALLOC_FOR_INIT (isa->funcUnit_lookup_table, NULL, errno_p,
-			error_msg_p);
-  for (n = 0; n < isa->num_funcUnits; n++)
-    {
-      isa->funcUnit_lookup_table[n].key = isa->funcUnits[n].name;
-      isa->funcUnit_lookup_table[n].u.fun = n;
-    }
-  qsort (isa->funcUnit_lookup_table, isa->num_funcUnits,
-	 sizeof (xtensa_lookup_entry), xtensa_isa_name_compare);
-  isa->insnbuf_size = ((isa->insn_size + sizeof (xtensa_insnbuf_word) - 1) /
-		       sizeof (xtensa_insnbuf_word));
-  return (xtensa_isa) isa;
-xtensa_isa_free (xtensa_isa isa)
-  xtensa_isa_internal *intisa = (xtensa_isa_internal *) isa;
-  int n;
-  /* With this version of the code, the xtensa_isa structure is not
-     dynamically allocated, so this function is not essential.  Free
-     the memory allocated by xtensa_isa_init and restore the xtensa_isa
-     structure to its initial state.  */
-  if (intisa->opname_lookup_table)
-    {
-      free (intisa->opname_lookup_table);
-      intisa->opname_lookup_table = 0;
-    }
-  if (intisa->state_lookup_table)
-    {
-      free (intisa->state_lookup_table);
-      intisa->state_lookup_table = 0;
-    }
-  if (intisa->sysreg_lookup_table)
-    {
-      free (intisa->sysreg_lookup_table);
-      intisa->sysreg_lookup_table = 0;
-    }
-  for (n = 0; n < 2; n++)
-    {
-      if (intisa->sysreg_table[n])
-	{
-	  free (intisa->sysreg_table[n]);
-	  intisa->sysreg_table[n] = 0;
-	}
-    }
-  if (intisa->interface_lookup_table)
-    {
-      free (intisa->interface_lookup_table);
-      intisa->interface_lookup_table = 0;
-    }
-  if (intisa->funcUnit_lookup_table)
-    {
-      free (intisa->funcUnit_lookup_table);
-      intisa->funcUnit_lookup_table = 0;
-    }
-xtensa_isa_name_compare (const void *v1, const void *v2)
-  xtensa_lookup_entry *e1 = (xtensa_lookup_entry *) v1;
-  xtensa_lookup_entry *e2 = (xtensa_lookup_entry *) v2;
-  return rz_str_casecmp (e1->key, e2->key);
-xtensa_isa_maxlength (xtensa_isa isa)
-  xtensa_isa_internal *intisa = (xtensa_isa_internal *) isa;
-  return intisa->insn_size;
-xtensa_isa_length_from_chars (xtensa_isa isa, const unsigned char *cp)
-  xtensa_isa_internal *intisa = (xtensa_isa_internal *) isa;
-  return (intisa->length_decode_fn) (cp);
-xtensa_isa_num_pipe_stages (xtensa_isa isa)
-  xtensa_opcode opcode;
-  xtensa_funcUnit_use *use;
-  int num_opcodes, num_uses;
-  int i, stage;
-  static int max_stage = XTENSA_UNDEFINED;
-  /* Only compute the value once.  */
-  if (max_stage != XTENSA_UNDEFINED) {
-	  return max_stage + 1;
-  }
-  num_opcodes = xtensa_isa_num_opcodes (isa);
-  for (opcode = 0; opcode < num_opcodes; opcode++)
-    {
-      num_uses = xtensa_opcode_num_funcUnit_uses (isa, opcode);
-      for (i = 0; i < num_uses; i++)
-	{
-	  use = xtensa_opcode_funcUnit_use (isa, opcode, i);
-	  stage = use->stage;
-	  if (stage > max_stage) {
-		  max_stage = stage;
-	  }
-	}
-    }
-  return max_stage + 1;
-xtensa_isa_num_formats (xtensa_isa isa)
-  xtensa_isa_internal *intisa = (xtensa_isa_internal *) isa;
-  return intisa->num_formats;
-xtensa_isa_num_opcodes (xtensa_isa isa)
-  xtensa_isa_internal *intisa = (xtensa_isa_internal *) isa;
-  return intisa->num_opcodes;
-xtensa_isa_num_regfiles (xtensa_isa isa)
-  xtensa_isa_internal *intisa = (xtensa_isa_internal *) isa;
-  return intisa->num_regfiles;
-xtensa_isa_num_states (xtensa_isa isa)
-  xtensa_isa_internal *intisa = (xtensa_isa_internal *) isa;
-  return intisa->num_states;
-xtensa_isa_num_sysregs (xtensa_isa isa)
-  xtensa_isa_internal *intisa = (xtensa_isa_internal *) isa;
-  return intisa->num_sysregs;
-xtensa_isa_num_interfaces (xtensa_isa isa)
-  xtensa_isa_internal *intisa = (xtensa_isa_internal *) isa;
-  return intisa->num_interfaces;
-xtensa_isa_num_funcUnits (xtensa_isa isa)
-  xtensa_isa_internal *intisa = (xtensa_isa_internal *) isa;
-  return intisa->num_funcUnits;
-/* Instruction formats.  */
-  do { \
-    if ((FMT) < 0 || (FMT) >= (INTISA)->num_formats) \
-      { \
-	xtisa_errno = xtensa_isa_bad_format; \
-	strcpy (xtisa_error_msg, "invalid format specifier"); \
-	return (ERRVAL); \
-      } \
-  } while (0)
-  do { \
-    if ((SLOT) < 0 || (SLOT) >= (INTISA)->formats[FMT].num_slots) \
-      { \
-	xtisa_errno = xtensa_isa_bad_slot; \
-	strcpy (xtisa_error_msg, "invalid slot specifier"); \
-	return (ERRVAL); \
-      } \
-  } while (0)
-const char *
-xtensa_format_name (xtensa_isa isa, xtensa_format fmt)
-  xtensa_isa_internal *intisa = (xtensa_isa_internal *) isa;
-  CHECK_FORMAT (intisa, fmt, NULL);
-  return intisa->formats[fmt].name;
-xtensa_format_lookup (xtensa_isa isa, const char *fmtname)
-  xtensa_isa_internal *intisa = (xtensa_isa_internal *) isa;
-  int fmt;
-  if (!fmtname || !*fmtname)
-    {
-      xtisa_errno = xtensa_isa_bad_format;
-      strcpy (xtisa_error_msg, "invalid format name");
-      return XTENSA_UNDEFINED;
-    }
-  for (fmt = 0; fmt < intisa->num_formats; fmt++)
-    {
-	  if (rz_str_casecmp (fmtname, intisa->formats[fmt].name) == 0) {
-		  return fmt;
-	  }
-    }
-  xtisa_errno = xtensa_isa_bad_format;
-  sprintf (xtisa_error_msg, "format \"%s\" not recognized", fmtname);
-xtensa_format_decode (xtensa_isa isa, const xtensa_insnbuf insn)
-  xtensa_isa_internal *intisa = (xtensa_isa_internal *) isa;
-  xtensa_format fmt;
-  fmt = (intisa->format_decode_fn) (insn);
-  if (fmt != XTENSA_UNDEFINED) {
-	  return fmt;
-  }
-  xtisa_errno = xtensa_isa_bad_format;
-  strcpy (xtisa_error_msg, "cannot decode instruction format");
-xtensa_format_encode (xtensa_isa isa, xtensa_format fmt, xtensa_insnbuf insn)
-  xtensa_isa_internal *intisa = (xtensa_isa_internal *) isa;
-  CHECK_FORMAT (intisa, fmt, -1);
-  (*intisa->formats[fmt].encode_fn) (insn);
-  return 0;
-xtensa_format_length (xtensa_isa isa, xtensa_format fmt)
-  xtensa_isa_internal *intisa = (xtensa_isa_internal *) isa;
-  return intisa->formats[fmt].length;
-xtensa_format_num_slots (xtensa_isa isa, xtensa_format fmt)
-  xtensa_isa_internal *intisa = (xtensa_isa_internal *) isa;
-  return intisa->formats[fmt].num_slots;
-xtensa_format_slot_nop_opcode (xtensa_isa isa, xtensa_format fmt, int slot)
-  xtensa_isa_internal *intisa = (xtensa_isa_internal *) isa;
-  int slot_id;
-  CHECK_SLOT (intisa, fmt, slot, XTENSA_UNDEFINED);
-  slot_id = intisa->formats[fmt].slot_id[slot];
-  return xtensa_opcode_lookup (isa, intisa->slots[slot_id].nop_name);
-xtensa_format_get_slot (xtensa_isa isa, xtensa_format fmt, int slot,
-			const xtensa_insnbuf insn, xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  xtensa_isa_internal *intisa = (xtensa_isa_internal *) isa;
-  int slot_id;
-  CHECK_FORMAT (intisa, fmt, -1);
-  CHECK_SLOT (intisa, fmt, slot, -1);
-  slot_id = intisa->formats[fmt].slot_id[slot];
-  (*intisa->slots[slot_id].get_fn) (insn, slotbuf);
-  return 0;
-xtensa_format_set_slot (xtensa_isa isa, xtensa_format fmt, int slot,
-			xtensa_insnbuf insn, const xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  xtensa_isa_internal *intisa = (xtensa_isa_internal *) isa;
-  int slot_id;
-  CHECK_FORMAT (intisa, fmt, -1);
-  CHECK_SLOT (intisa, fmt, slot, -1);
-  slot_id = intisa->formats[fmt].slot_id[slot];
-  (*intisa->slots[slot_id].set_fn) (insn, slotbuf);
-  return 0;
-/* Opcode information.  */
-  do { \
-    if ((OPC) < 0 || (OPC) >= (INTISA)->num_opcodes) \
-      { \
-	xtisa_errno = xtensa_isa_bad_opcode; \
-	strcpy (xtisa_error_msg, "invalid opcode specifier"); \
-	return (ERRVAL); \
-      } \
-  } while (0)
-xtensa_opcode_lookup (xtensa_isa isa, const char *opname)
-  xtensa_isa_internal *intisa = (xtensa_isa_internal *) isa;
-  xtensa_lookup_entry entry, *result = 0;
-  if (!opname || !*opname)
-    {
-      xtisa_errno = xtensa_isa_bad_opcode;
-      strcpy (xtisa_error_msg, "invalid opcode name");
-      return XTENSA_UNDEFINED;
-    }
-  if (intisa->num_opcodes != 0)
-    {
-      entry.key = opname;
-      result = bsearch (&entry, intisa->opname_lookup_table,
-			intisa->num_opcodes, sizeof (xtensa_lookup_entry),
-			xtensa_isa_name_compare);
-    }
-  if (!result)
-    {
-      xtisa_errno = xtensa_isa_bad_opcode;
-      sprintf (xtisa_error_msg, "opcode \"%s\" not recognized", opname);
-      return XTENSA_UNDEFINED;
-    }
-  return result->u.opcode;
-xtensa_opcode_decode (xtensa_isa isa, xtensa_format fmt, int slot,
-		      const xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  xtensa_isa_internal *intisa = (xtensa_isa_internal *) isa;
-  int slot_id;
-  xtensa_opcode opc;
-  CHECK_SLOT (intisa, fmt, slot, XTENSA_UNDEFINED);
-  slot_id = intisa->formats[fmt].slot_id[slot];
-  opc = (intisa->slots[slot_id].opcode_decode_fn) (slotbuf);
-  if (opc != XTENSA_UNDEFINED) {
-	  return opc;
-  }
-  xtisa_errno = xtensa_isa_bad_opcode;
-  strcpy (xtisa_error_msg, "cannot decode opcode");
-xtensa_opcode_encode (xtensa_isa isa, xtensa_format fmt, int slot,
-		      xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf, xtensa_opcode opc)
-  xtensa_isa_internal *intisa = (xtensa_isa_internal *) isa;
-  int slot_id;
-  xtensa_opcode_encode_fn encode_fn;
-  CHECK_FORMAT (intisa, fmt, -1);
-  CHECK_SLOT (intisa, fmt, slot, -1);
-  CHECK_OPCODE (intisa, opc, -1);
-  slot_id = intisa->formats[fmt].slot_id[slot];
-  encode_fn = intisa->opcodes[opc].encode_fns[slot_id];
-  if (!encode_fn)
-    {
-      xtisa_errno = xtensa_isa_wrong_slot;
-      sprintf (xtisa_error_msg,
-	       "opcode \"%s\" is not allowed in slot %d of format \"%s\"",
-	       intisa->opcodes[opc].name, slot, intisa->formats[fmt].name);
-      return -1;
-    }
-  (*encode_fn) (slotbuf);
-  return 0;
-const char *
-xtensa_opcode_name (xtensa_isa isa, xtensa_opcode opc)
-  xtensa_isa_internal *intisa = (xtensa_isa_internal *) isa;
-  CHECK_OPCODE (intisa, opc, NULL);
-  return intisa->opcodes[opc].name;
-xtensa_opcode_is_branch (xtensa_isa isa, xtensa_opcode opc)
-  xtensa_isa_internal *intisa = (xtensa_isa_internal *) isa;
-  if ((intisa->opcodes[opc].flags & XTENSA_OPCODE_IS_BRANCH) != 0) {
-	  return 1;
-  }
-  return 0;
-xtensa_opcode_is_jump (xtensa_isa isa, xtensa_opcode opc)
-  xtensa_isa_internal *intisa = (xtensa_isa_internal *) isa;
-  if ((intisa->opcodes[opc].flags & XTENSA_OPCODE_IS_JUMP) != 0) {
-	  return 1;
-  }
-  return 0;
-xtensa_opcode_is_loop (xtensa_isa isa, xtensa_opcode opc)
-  xtensa_isa_internal *intisa = (xtensa_isa_internal *) isa;
-  if ((intisa->opcodes[opc].flags & XTENSA_OPCODE_IS_LOOP) != 0) {
-	  return 1;
-  }
-  return 0;
-xtensa_opcode_is_call (xtensa_isa isa, xtensa_opcode opc)
-  xtensa_isa_internal *intisa = (xtensa_isa_internal *) isa;
-  if ((intisa->opcodes[opc].flags & XTENSA_OPCODE_IS_CALL) != 0) {
-	  return 1;
-  }
-  return 0;
-xtensa_opcode_num_operands (xtensa_isa isa, xtensa_opcode opc)
-  xtensa_isa_internal *intisa = (xtensa_isa_internal *) isa;
-  int iclass_id;
-  iclass_id = intisa->opcodes[opc].iclass_id;
-  return intisa->iclasses[iclass_id].num_operands;
-xtensa_opcode_num_stateOperands (xtensa_isa isa, xtensa_opcode opc)
-  xtensa_isa_internal *intisa = (xtensa_isa_internal *) isa;
-  int iclass_id;
-  iclass_id = intisa->opcodes[opc].iclass_id;
-  return intisa->iclasses[iclass_id].num_stateOperands;
-xtensa_opcode_num_interfaceOperands (xtensa_isa isa, xtensa_opcode opc)
-  xtensa_isa_internal *intisa = (xtensa_isa_internal *) isa;
-  int iclass_id;
-  iclass_id = intisa->opcodes[opc].iclass_id;
-  return intisa->iclasses[iclass_id].num_interfaceOperands;
-xtensa_opcode_num_funcUnit_uses (xtensa_isa isa, xtensa_opcode opc)
-  xtensa_isa_internal *intisa = (xtensa_isa_internal *) isa;
-  return intisa->opcodes[opc].num_funcUnit_uses;
-xtensa_funcUnit_use *
-xtensa_opcode_funcUnit_use (xtensa_isa isa, xtensa_opcode opc, int u)
-  xtensa_isa_internal *intisa = (xtensa_isa_internal *) isa;
-  CHECK_OPCODE (intisa, opc, NULL);
-  if (u < 0 || u >= intisa->opcodes[opc].num_funcUnit_uses)
-    {
-      xtisa_errno = xtensa_isa_bad_funcUnit;
-      sprintf (xtisa_error_msg, "invalid functional unit use number (%d); "
-	       "opcode \"%s\" has %d", u, intisa->opcodes[opc].name,
-	       intisa->opcodes[opc].num_funcUnit_uses);
-      return NULL;
-    }
-  return &intisa->opcodes[opc].funcUnit_uses[u];
-/* Operand information.  */
-  do { \
-    if ((OPND) < 0 || (OPND) >= (ICLASS)->num_operands) \
-      { \
-	xtisa_errno = xtensa_isa_bad_operand; \
-	sprintf (xtisa_error_msg, "invalid operand number (%d); " \
-		 "opcode \"%s\" has %d operands", (OPND), \
-		 (INTISA)->opcodes[(OPC)].name, (ICLASS)->num_operands); \
-	return (ERRVAL); \
-      } \
-  } while (0)
-static xtensa_operand_internal *
-get_operand (xtensa_isa_internal *intisa, xtensa_opcode opc, int opnd)
-  xtensa_iclass_internal *iclass;
-  int iclass_id, operand_id;
-  CHECK_OPCODE (intisa, opc, NULL);
-  iclass_id = intisa->opcodes[opc].iclass_id;
-  iclass = &intisa->iclasses[iclass_id];
-  CHECK_OPERAND (intisa, opc, iclass, opnd, NULL);
-  operand_id = iclass->operands[opnd].u.operand_id;
-  return &intisa->operands[operand_id];
-const char *
-xtensa_operand_name (xtensa_isa isa, xtensa_opcode opc, int opnd)
-  xtensa_isa_internal *intisa = (xtensa_isa_internal *) isa;
-  xtensa_operand_internal *intop;
-  intop = get_operand (intisa, opc, opnd);
-  if (!intop) {
-	  return NULL;
-  }
-  return intop->name;
-xtensa_operand_is_visible (xtensa_isa isa, xtensa_opcode opc, int opnd)
-  xtensa_isa_internal *intisa = (xtensa_isa_internal *) isa;
-  xtensa_iclass_internal *iclass;
-  int iclass_id, operand_id;
-  xtensa_operand_internal *intop;
-  iclass_id = intisa->opcodes[opc].iclass_id;
-  iclass = &intisa->iclasses[iclass_id];
-  CHECK_OPERAND (intisa, opc, iclass, opnd, XTENSA_UNDEFINED);
-  /* Special case for "sout" operands.  */
-  if (iclass->operands[opnd].inout == 's') {
-	  return 0;
-  }
-  operand_id = iclass->operands[opnd].u.operand_id;
-  intop = &intisa->operands[operand_id];
-  if ((intop->flags & XTENSA_OPERAND_IS_INVISIBLE) == 0) {
-	  return 1;
-  }
-  return 0;
-xtensa_operand_inout (xtensa_isa isa, xtensa_opcode opc, int opnd)
-  xtensa_isa_internal *intisa = (xtensa_isa_internal *) isa;
-  xtensa_iclass_internal *iclass;
-  int iclass_id;
-  char inout;
-  CHECK_OPCODE (intisa, opc, 0);
-  iclass_id = intisa->opcodes[opc].iclass_id;
-  iclass = &intisa->iclasses[iclass_id];
-  CHECK_OPERAND (intisa, opc, iclass, opnd, 0);
-  inout = iclass->operands[opnd].inout;
-  /* Special case for "sout" operands.  */
-  if (inout == 's') {
-	  return 'o';
-  }
-  return inout;
-xtensa_operand_get_field (xtensa_isa isa, xtensa_opcode opc, int opnd,
-			  xtensa_format fmt, int slot,
-			  const xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf, uint32 *valp)
-  xtensa_isa_internal *intisa = (xtensa_isa_internal *) isa;
-  xtensa_operand_internal *intop;
-  int slot_id;
-  xtensa_get_field_fn get_fn;
-  intop = get_operand (intisa, opc, opnd);
-  if (!intop) {
-	  return -1;
-  }
-  CHECK_FORMAT (intisa, fmt, -1);
-  CHECK_SLOT (intisa, fmt, slot, -1);
-  slot_id = intisa->formats[fmt].slot_id[slot];
-  if (intop->field_id == XTENSA_UNDEFINED)
-    {
-      xtisa_errno = xtensa_isa_no_field;
-      strcpy (xtisa_error_msg, "implicit operand has no field");
-      return -1;
-    }
-  get_fn = intisa->slots[slot_id].get_field_fns[intop->field_id];
-  if (!get_fn)
-    {
-      xtisa_errno = xtensa_isa_wrong_slot;
-      sprintf (xtisa_error_msg,
-	       "operand \"%s\" does not exist in slot %d of format \"%s\"",
-	       intop->name, slot, intisa->formats[fmt].name);
-      return -1;
-    }
-  *valp = (*get_fn) (slotbuf);
-  return 0;
-xtensa_operand_set_field (xtensa_isa isa, xtensa_opcode opc, int opnd,
-			  xtensa_format fmt, int slot,
-			  xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf, uint32 val)
-  xtensa_isa_internal *intisa = (xtensa_isa_internal *) isa;
-  xtensa_operand_internal *intop;
-  int slot_id;
-  xtensa_set_field_fn set_fn;
-  intop = get_operand (intisa, opc, opnd);
-  if (!intop) {
-	  return -1;
-  }
-  CHECK_FORMAT (intisa, fmt, -1);
-  CHECK_SLOT (intisa, fmt, slot, -1);
-  slot_id = intisa->formats[fmt].slot_id[slot];
-  if (intop->field_id == XTENSA_UNDEFINED)
-    {
-      xtisa_errno = xtensa_isa_no_field;
-      strcpy (xtisa_error_msg, "implicit operand has no field");
-      return -1;
-    }
-  set_fn = intisa->slots[slot_id].set_field_fns[intop->field_id];
-  if (!set_fn)
-    {
-      xtisa_errno = xtensa_isa_wrong_slot;
-      sprintf (xtisa_error_msg,
-	       "operand \"%s\" does not exist in slot %d of format \"%s\"",
-	       intop->name, slot, intisa->formats[fmt].name);
-      return -1;
-    }
-  (*set_fn) (slotbuf, val);
-  return 0;
-xtensa_operand_encode (xtensa_isa isa, xtensa_opcode opc, int opnd,
-		       uint32 *valp)
-  xtensa_isa_internal *intisa = (xtensa_isa_internal *) isa;
-  xtensa_operand_internal *intop;
-  uint32 test_val, orig_val;
-  intop = get_operand (intisa, opc, opnd);
-  if (!intop) {
-	  return -1;
-  }
-  if (!intop->encode)
-    {
-      /* This is a default operand for a field.  How can we tell if the
-	 value fits in the field?  Write the value into the field,
-	 read it back, and then make sure we get the same value.  */
-      static xtensa_insnbuf tmpbuf = 0;
-      int slot_id;
-      if (!tmpbuf)
-	{
-	  tmpbuf = xtensa_insnbuf_alloc (isa);
-	  CHECK_ALLOC (tmpbuf, -1);
-	}
-      /* A default operand is always associated with a field,
-	 but check just to be sure....  */
-      if (intop->field_id == XTENSA_UNDEFINED)
-	{
-	  xtisa_errno = xtensa_isa_internal_error;
-	  strcpy (xtisa_error_msg, "operand has no field");
-	  return -1;
-	}
-      /* Find some slot that includes the field.  */
-      for (slot_id = 0; slot_id < intisa->num_slots; slot_id++)
-	{
-	  xtensa_get_field_fn get_fn =
-	    intisa->slots[slot_id].get_field_fns[intop->field_id];
-	  xtensa_set_field_fn set_fn =
-	    intisa->slots[slot_id].set_field_fns[intop->field_id];
-	  if (get_fn && set_fn)
-	    {
-	      (*set_fn) (tmpbuf, *valp);
-	      return ((*get_fn) (tmpbuf) != *valp);
-	    }
-	}
-      /* Couldn't find any slot containing the field....  */
-      xtisa_errno = xtensa_isa_no_field;
-      strcpy (xtisa_error_msg, "field does not exist in any slot");
-      return -1;
-    }
-  /* Encode the value.  In some cases, the encoding function may detect
-     errors, but most of the time the only way to determine if the value
-     was successfully encoded is to decode it and check if it matches
-     the original value.  */
-  orig_val = *valp;
-  if ((*intop->encode) (valp)
-      || (test_val = *valp, (*intop->decode) (&test_val))
-      || test_val != orig_val)
-    {
-      xtisa_errno = xtensa_isa_bad_value;
-      sprintf (xtisa_error_msg, "cannot encode operand value 0x%08x", *valp);
-      return -1;
-    }
-  return 0;
-xtensa_operand_decode (xtensa_isa isa, xtensa_opcode opc, int opnd,
-		       uint32 *valp)
-  xtensa_isa_internal *intisa = (xtensa_isa_internal *) isa;
-  xtensa_operand_internal *intop;
-  intop = get_operand (intisa, opc, opnd);
-  if (!intop) {
-	  return -1;
-  }
-  /* Use identity function for "default" operands.  */
-  if (!intop->decode) {
-	  return 0;
-  }
-  if ((*intop->decode) (valp))
-    {
-      xtisa_errno = xtensa_isa_bad_value;
-      sprintf (xtisa_error_msg, "cannot decode operand value 0x%08x", *valp);
-      return -1;
-    }
-  return 0;
-xtensa_operand_is_register (xtensa_isa isa, xtensa_opcode opc, int opnd)
-  xtensa_isa_internal *intisa = (xtensa_isa_internal *) isa;
-  xtensa_operand_internal *intop;
-  intop = get_operand (intisa, opc, opnd);
-  if (!intop) {
-  }
-  if ((intop->flags & XTENSA_OPERAND_IS_REGISTER) != 0) {
-	  return 1;
-  }
-  return 0;
-xtensa_operand_regfile (xtensa_isa isa, xtensa_opcode opc, int opnd)
-  xtensa_isa_internal *intisa = (xtensa_isa_internal *) isa;
-  xtensa_operand_internal *intop;
-  intop = get_operand (intisa, opc, opnd);
-  if (!intop) {
-  }
-  return intop->regfile;
-xtensa_operand_num_regs (xtensa_isa isa, xtensa_opcode opc, int opnd)
-  xtensa_isa_internal *intisa = (xtensa_isa_internal *) isa;
-  xtensa_operand_internal *intop;
-  intop = get_operand (intisa, opc, opnd);
-  if (!intop) {
-  }
-  return intop->num_regs;
-xtensa_operand_is_known_reg (xtensa_isa isa, xtensa_opcode opc, int opnd)
-  xtensa_isa_internal *intisa = (xtensa_isa_internal *) isa;
-  xtensa_operand_internal *intop;
-  intop = get_operand (intisa, opc, opnd);
-  if (!intop) {
-  }
-  if ((intop->flags & XTENSA_OPERAND_IS_UNKNOWN) == 0) {
-	  return 1;
-  }
-  return 0;
-xtensa_operand_is_PCrelative (xtensa_isa isa, xtensa_opcode opc, int opnd)
-  xtensa_isa_internal *intisa = (xtensa_isa_internal *) isa;
-  xtensa_operand_internal *intop;
-  intop = get_operand (intisa, opc, opnd);
-  if (!intop) {
-  }
-  if ((intop->flags & XTENSA_OPERAND_IS_PCRELATIVE) != 0) {
-	  return 1;
-  }
-  return 0;
-xtensa_operand_do_reloc (xtensa_isa isa, xtensa_opcode opc, int opnd,
-			 uint32 *valp, uint32 pc)
-  xtensa_isa_internal *intisa = (xtensa_isa_internal *) isa;
-  xtensa_operand_internal *intop;
-  intop = get_operand (intisa, opc, opnd);
-  if (!intop) {
-	  return -1;
-  }
-  if ((intop->flags & XTENSA_OPERAND_IS_PCRELATIVE) == 0) {
-	  return 0;
-  }
-  if (!intop->do_reloc)
-    {
-      xtisa_errno = xtensa_isa_internal_error;
-      strcpy (xtisa_error_msg, "operand missing do_reloc function");
-      return -1;
-    }
-  if ((*intop->do_reloc) (valp, pc))
-    {
-      xtisa_errno = xtensa_isa_bad_value;
-      sprintf (xtisa_error_msg,
-	       "do_reloc failed for value 0x%08x at PC 0x%08x", *valp, pc);
-      return -1;
-    }
-  return 0;
-xtensa_operand_undo_reloc (xtensa_isa isa, xtensa_opcode opc, int opnd,
-			   uint32 *valp, uint32 pc)
-  xtensa_isa_internal *intisa = (xtensa_isa_internal *) isa;
-  xtensa_operand_internal *intop;
-  intop = get_operand (intisa, opc, opnd);
-  if (!intop) {
-	  return -1;
-  }
-  if ((intop->flags & XTENSA_OPERAND_IS_PCRELATIVE) == 0) {
-	  return 0;
-  }
-  if (!intop->undo_reloc)
-    {
-      xtisa_errno = xtensa_isa_internal_error;
-      strcpy (xtisa_error_msg, "operand missing undo_reloc function");
-      return -1;
-    }
-  if ((*intop->undo_reloc) (valp, pc))
-    {
-      xtisa_errno = xtensa_isa_bad_value;
-      sprintf (xtisa_error_msg,
-	       "undo_reloc failed for value 0x%08x at PC 0x%08x", *valp, pc);
-      return -1;
-    }
-  return 0;
-/* State Operands.  */
-  do { \
-    if ((STOP) < 0 || (STOP) >= (ICLASS)->num_stateOperands) \
-      { \
-	xtisa_errno = xtensa_isa_bad_operand; \
-	sprintf (xtisa_error_msg, "invalid state operand number (%d); " \
-		 "opcode \"%s\" has %d state operands", (STOP), \
-		 (INTISA)->opcodes[(OPC)].name, (ICLASS)->num_stateOperands); \
-	return (ERRVAL); \
-      } \
-  } while (0)
-xtensa_stateOperand_state (xtensa_isa isa, xtensa_opcode opc, int stOp)
-  xtensa_isa_internal *intisa = (xtensa_isa_internal *) isa;
-  xtensa_iclass_internal *iclass;
-  int iclass_id;
-  iclass_id = intisa->opcodes[opc].iclass_id;
-  iclass = &intisa->iclasses[iclass_id];
-  CHECK_STATE_OPERAND (intisa, opc, iclass, stOp, XTENSA_UNDEFINED);
-  return iclass->stateOperands[stOp].u.state;
-xtensa_stateOperand_inout (xtensa_isa isa, xtensa_opcode opc, int stOp)
-  xtensa_isa_internal *intisa = (xtensa_isa_internal *) isa;
-  xtensa_iclass_internal *iclass;
-  int iclass_id;
-  CHECK_OPCODE (intisa, opc, 0);
-  iclass_id = intisa->opcodes[opc].iclass_id;
-  iclass = &intisa->iclasses[iclass_id];
-  CHECK_STATE_OPERAND (intisa, opc, iclass, stOp, 0);
-  return iclass->stateOperands[stOp].inout;
-/* Interface Operands.  */
-  do { \
-    if ((IFOP) < 0 || (IFOP) >= (ICLASS)->num_interfaceOperands) \
-      { \
-	xtisa_errno = xtensa_isa_bad_operand; \
-	sprintf (xtisa_error_msg, "invalid interface operand number (%d); " \
-		 "opcode \"%s\" has %d interface operands", (IFOP), \
-		 (INTISA)->opcodes[(OPC)].name, \
-		 (ICLASS)->num_interfaceOperands); \
-	return (ERRVAL); \
-      } \
-  } while (0)
-xtensa_interfaceOperand_interface (xtensa_isa isa, xtensa_opcode opc,
-				   int ifOp)
-  xtensa_isa_internal *intisa = (xtensa_isa_internal *) isa;
-  xtensa_iclass_internal *iclass;
-  int iclass_id;
-  iclass_id = intisa->opcodes[opc].iclass_id;
-  iclass = &intisa->iclasses[iclass_id];
-  return iclass->interfaceOperands[ifOp];
-/* Register Files.  */
-  do { \
-    if ((RF) < 0 || (RF) >= (INTISA)->num_regfiles) \
-      { \
-	xtisa_errno = xtensa_isa_bad_regfile; \
-	strcpy (xtisa_error_msg, "invalid regfile specifier"); \
-	return (ERRVAL); \
-      } \
-  } while (0)
-xtensa_regfile_lookup (xtensa_isa isa, const char *name)
-  xtensa_isa_internal *intisa = (xtensa_isa_internal *) isa;
-  int n;
-  if (!name || !*name)
-    {
-      xtisa_errno = xtensa_isa_bad_regfile;
-      strcpy (xtisa_error_msg, "invalid regfile name");
-      return XTENSA_UNDEFINED;
-    }
-  /* The expected number of regfiles is small; use a linear search.  */
-  for (n = 0; n < intisa->num_regfiles; n++)
-    {
-	  if (!filename_cmp (intisa->regfiles[n].name, name)) {
-		  return n;
-	  }
-    }
-  xtisa_errno = xtensa_isa_bad_regfile;
-  sprintf (xtisa_error_msg, "regfile \"%s\" not recognized", name);
-xtensa_regfile_lookup_shortname (xtensa_isa isa, const char *shortname)
-  xtensa_isa_internal *intisa = (xtensa_isa_internal *) isa;
-  int n;
-  if (!shortname || !*shortname)
-    {
-      xtisa_errno = xtensa_isa_bad_regfile;
-      strcpy (xtisa_error_msg, "invalid regfile shortname");
-      return XTENSA_UNDEFINED;
-    }
-  /* The expected number of regfiles is small; use a linear search.  */
-  for (n = 0; n < intisa->num_regfiles; n++)
-    {
-      /* Ignore regfile views since they always have the same shortnames
-	 as their parents.  */
-      if (intisa->regfiles[n].parent != n) {
-	      continue;
-      }
-      if (!filename_cmp (intisa->regfiles[n].shortname, shortname)) {
-	      return n;
-      }
-    }
-  xtisa_errno = xtensa_isa_bad_regfile;
-  sprintf (xtisa_error_msg, "regfile shortname \"%s\" not recognized",
-	   shortname);
-const char *
-xtensa_regfile_name (xtensa_isa isa, xtensa_regfile rf)
-  xtensa_isa_internal *intisa = (xtensa_isa_internal *) isa;
-  CHECK_REGFILE (intisa, rf, NULL);
-  return intisa->regfiles[rf].name;
-const char *
-xtensa_regfile_shortname (xtensa_isa isa, xtensa_regfile rf)
-  xtensa_isa_internal *intisa = (xtensa_isa_internal *) isa;
-  CHECK_REGFILE (intisa, rf, NULL);
-  return intisa->regfiles[rf].shortname;
-xtensa_regfile_view_parent (xtensa_isa isa, xtensa_regfile rf)
-  xtensa_isa_internal *intisa = (xtensa_isa_internal *) isa;
-  return intisa->regfiles[rf].parent;
-xtensa_regfile_num_bits (xtensa_isa isa, xtensa_regfile rf)
-  xtensa_isa_internal *intisa = (xtensa_isa_internal *) isa;
-  return intisa->regfiles[rf].num_bits;
-xtensa_regfile_num_entries (xtensa_isa isa, xtensa_regfile rf)
-  xtensa_isa_internal *intisa = (xtensa_isa_internal *) isa;
-  return intisa->regfiles[rf].num_entries;
-/* Processor States.  */
-  do { \
-    if ((ST) < 0 || (ST) >= (INTISA)->num_states) \
-      { \
-	xtisa_errno = xtensa_isa_bad_state; \
-	strcpy (xtisa_error_msg, "invalid state specifier"); \
-	return (ERRVAL); \
-      } \
-  } while (0)
-xtensa_state_lookup (xtensa_isa isa, const char *name)
-  xtensa_isa_internal *intisa = (xtensa_isa_internal *) isa;
-  xtensa_lookup_entry entry, *result = 0;
-  if (!name || !*name)
-    {
-      xtisa_errno = xtensa_isa_bad_state;
-      strcpy (xtisa_error_msg, "invalid state name");
-      return XTENSA_UNDEFINED;
-    }
-  if (intisa->num_states != 0)
-    {
-      entry.key = name;
-      result = bsearch (&entry, intisa->state_lookup_table, intisa->num_states,
-			sizeof (xtensa_lookup_entry), xtensa_isa_name_compare);
-    }
-  if (!result)
-    {
-      xtisa_errno = xtensa_isa_bad_state;
-      sprintf (xtisa_error_msg, "state \"%s\" not recognized", name);
-      return XTENSA_UNDEFINED;
-    }
-  return result->u.state;
-const char *
-xtensa_state_name (xtensa_isa isa, xtensa_state st)
-  xtensa_isa_internal *intisa = (xtensa_isa_internal *) isa;
-  CHECK_STATE (intisa, st, NULL);
-  return intisa->states[st].name;
-xtensa_state_num_bits (xtensa_isa isa, xtensa_state st)
-  xtensa_isa_internal *intisa = (xtensa_isa_internal *) isa;
-  return intisa->states[st].num_bits;
-xtensa_state_is_exported (xtensa_isa isa, xtensa_state st)
-  xtensa_isa_internal *intisa = (xtensa_isa_internal *) isa;
-  if ((intisa->states[st].flags & XTENSA_STATE_IS_EXPORTED) != 0) {
-	  return 1;
-  }
-  return 0;
-xtensa_state_is_shared_or (xtensa_isa isa, xtensa_state st)
-  xtensa_isa_internal *intisa = (xtensa_isa_internal *) isa;
-  if ((intisa->states[st].flags & XTENSA_STATE_IS_SHARED_OR) != 0) {
-	  return 1;
-  }
-  return 0;
-/* Sysregs.  */
-  do { \
-    if ((SYSREG) < 0 || (SYSREG) >= (INTISA)->num_sysregs) \
-      { \
-	xtisa_errno = xtensa_isa_bad_sysreg; \
-	strcpy (xtisa_error_msg, "invalid sysreg specifier"); \
-	return (ERRVAL); \
-      } \
-  } while (0)
-xtensa_sysreg_lookup (xtensa_isa isa, int num, int is_user)
-  xtensa_isa_internal *intisa = (xtensa_isa_internal *) isa;
-  if (is_user != 0) {
-	  is_user = 1;
-  }
-  if (num < 0 || num > intisa->max_sysreg_num[is_user]
-      || intisa->sysreg_table[is_user][num] == XTENSA_UNDEFINED)
-    {
-      xtisa_errno = xtensa_isa_bad_sysreg;
-      strcpy (xtisa_error_msg, "sysreg not recognized");
-      return XTENSA_UNDEFINED;
-    }
-  return intisa->sysreg_table[is_user][num];
-xtensa_sysreg_lookup_name (xtensa_isa isa, const char *name)
-  xtensa_isa_internal *intisa = (xtensa_isa_internal *) isa;
-  xtensa_lookup_entry entry, *result = 0;
-  if (!name || !*name)
-    {
-      xtisa_errno = xtensa_isa_bad_sysreg;
-      strcpy (xtisa_error_msg, "invalid sysreg name");
-      return XTENSA_UNDEFINED;
-    }
-  if (intisa->num_sysregs != 0)
-    {
-      entry.key = name;
-      result = bsearch (&entry, intisa->sysreg_lookup_table,
-			intisa->num_sysregs, sizeof (xtensa_lookup_entry),
-			xtensa_isa_name_compare);
-    }
-  if (!result)
-    {
-      xtisa_errno = xtensa_isa_bad_sysreg;
-      sprintf (xtisa_error_msg, "sysreg \"%s\" not recognized", name);
-      return XTENSA_UNDEFINED;
-    }
-  return result->u.sysreg;
-const char *
-xtensa_sysreg_name (xtensa_isa isa, xtensa_sysreg sysreg)
-  xtensa_isa_internal *intisa = (xtensa_isa_internal *) isa;
-  CHECK_SYSREG (intisa, sysreg, NULL);
-  return intisa->sysregs[sysreg].name;
-xtensa_sysreg_number (xtensa_isa isa, xtensa_sysreg sysreg)
-  xtensa_isa_internal *intisa = (xtensa_isa_internal *) isa;
-  return intisa->sysregs[sysreg].number;
-xtensa_sysreg_is_user (xtensa_isa isa, xtensa_sysreg sysreg)
-  xtensa_isa_internal *intisa = (xtensa_isa_internal *) isa;
-  if (intisa->sysregs[sysreg].is_user) {
-	  return 1;
-  }
-  return 0;
-/* Interfaces.  */
-  do { \
-    if ((INTF) < 0 || (INTF) >= (INTISA)->num_interfaces) \
-      { \
-	xtisa_errno = xtensa_isa_bad_interface; \
-	strcpy (xtisa_error_msg, "invalid interface specifier"); \
-	return (ERRVAL); \
-      } \
-  } while (0)
-xtensa_interface_lookup (xtensa_isa isa, const char *ifname)
-  xtensa_isa_internal *intisa = (xtensa_isa_internal *) isa;
-  xtensa_lookup_entry entry, *result = 0;
-  if (!ifname || !*ifname)
-    {
-      xtisa_errno = xtensa_isa_bad_interface;
-      strcpy (xtisa_error_msg, "invalid interface name");
-      return XTENSA_UNDEFINED;
-    }
-  if (intisa->num_interfaces != 0)
-    {
-      entry.key = ifname;
-      result = bsearch (&entry, intisa->interface_lookup_table,
-			intisa->num_interfaces, sizeof (xtensa_lookup_entry),
-			xtensa_isa_name_compare);
-    }
-  if (!result)
-    {
-      xtisa_errno = xtensa_isa_bad_interface;
-      sprintf (xtisa_error_msg, "interface \"%s\" not recognized", ifname);
-      return XTENSA_UNDEFINED;
-    }
-  return result->u.intf;
-const char *
-xtensa_interface_name (xtensa_isa isa, xtensa_interface intf)
-  xtensa_isa_internal *intisa = (xtensa_isa_internal *) isa;
-  CHECK_INTERFACE (intisa, intf, NULL);
-  return intisa->interfaces[intf].name;
-xtensa_interface_num_bits (xtensa_isa isa, xtensa_interface intf)
-  xtensa_isa_internal *intisa = (xtensa_isa_internal *) isa;
-  return intisa->interfaces[intf].num_bits;
-xtensa_interface_inout (xtensa_isa isa, xtensa_interface intf)
-  xtensa_isa_internal *intisa = (xtensa_isa_internal *) isa;
-  CHECK_INTERFACE (intisa, intf, 0);
-  return intisa->interfaces[intf].inout;
-xtensa_interface_has_side_effect (xtensa_isa isa, xtensa_interface intf)
-  xtensa_isa_internal *intisa = (xtensa_isa_internal *) isa;
-  if ((intisa->interfaces[intf].flags & XTENSA_INTERFACE_HAS_SIDE_EFFECT) != 0) {
-	  return 1;
-  }
-  return 0;
-xtensa_interface_class_id (xtensa_isa isa, xtensa_interface intf)
-  xtensa_isa_internal *intisa = (xtensa_isa_internal *) isa;
-  return intisa->interfaces[intf].class_id;
-/* Functional Units.  */
-  do { \
-    if ((FUN) < 0 || (FUN) >= (INTISA)->num_funcUnits) \
-      { \
-	xtisa_errno = xtensa_isa_bad_funcUnit; \
-	strcpy (xtisa_error_msg, "invalid functional unit specifier"); \
-	return (ERRVAL); \
-      } \
-  } while (0)
-xtensa_funcUnit_lookup (xtensa_isa isa, const char *fname)
-  xtensa_isa_internal *intisa = (xtensa_isa_internal *) isa;
-  xtensa_lookup_entry entry, *result = 0;
-  if (!fname || !*fname)
-    {
-      xtisa_errno = xtensa_isa_bad_funcUnit;
-      strcpy (xtisa_error_msg, "invalid functional unit name");
-      return XTENSA_UNDEFINED;
-    }
-  if (intisa->num_funcUnits != 0)
-    {
-      entry.key = fname;
-      result = bsearch (&entry, intisa->funcUnit_lookup_table,
-			intisa->num_funcUnits, sizeof (xtensa_lookup_entry),
-			xtensa_isa_name_compare);
-    }
-  if (!result)
-    {
-      xtisa_errno = xtensa_isa_bad_funcUnit;
-      sprintf (xtisa_error_msg,
-	       "functional unit \"%s\" not recognized", fname);
-      return XTENSA_UNDEFINED;
-    }
-  return result->u.fun;
-const char *
-xtensa_funcUnit_name (xtensa_isa isa, xtensa_funcUnit fun)
-  xtensa_isa_internal *intisa = (xtensa_isa_internal *) isa;
-  CHECK_FUNCUNIT (intisa, fun, NULL);
-  return intisa->funcUnits[fun].name;
-xtensa_funcUnit_num_copies (xtensa_isa isa, xtensa_funcUnit fun)
-  xtensa_isa_internal *intisa = (xtensa_isa_internal *) isa;
-  return intisa->funcUnits[fun].num_copies;
diff --git a/librz/arch/isa_gnu/xtensa/xtensa-isa.h b/librz/arch/isa_gnu/xtensa/xtensa-isa.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 8fd13f87587..00000000000
--- a/librz/arch/isa_gnu/xtensa/xtensa-isa.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,743 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2003-2015 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
-/* Interface definition for configurable Xtensa ISA support.
-   Copyright (C) 2003-2015 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-   This file is part of BFD, the Binary File Descriptor library.
-   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-   the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
-   (at your option) any later version.
-   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-   GNU General Public License for more details.
-   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-   along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-   Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street - Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301,
-   USA.  */
-#include <rz_types.h>
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-extern "C" {
-/* Version number: This is intended to help support code that works with
-   versions of this library from multiple Xtensa releases.  */
-#define XTENSA_ISA_VERSION 7000
-#ifndef uint32
-#define uint32 unsigned int
-/* This file defines the interface to the Xtensa ISA library.  This
-   library contains most of the ISA-specific information for a
-   particular Xtensa processor.  For example, the set of valid
-   instructions, their opcode encodings and operand fields are all
-   included here.
-   This interface basically defines a number of abstract data types.
-   . an instruction buffer - for holding the raw instruction bits
-   . ISA info - information about the ISA as a whole
-   . instruction formats - instruction size and slot structure
-   . opcodes - information about individual instructions
-   . operands - information about register and immediate instruction operands
-   . stateOperands - information about processor state instruction operands
-   . interfaceOperands - information about interface instruction operands
-   . register files - register file information
-   . processor states - internal processor state information
-   . system registers - "special registers" and "user registers"
-   . interfaces - TIE interfaces that are external to the processor
-   . functional units - TIE shared functions
-   The interface defines a set of functions to access each data type.
-   With the exception of the instruction buffer, the internal
-   representations of the data structures are hidden.  All accesses must
-   be made through the functions defined here.  */
-typedef struct xtensa_isa_opaque {
-	int unused;
-} *xtensa_isa;
-#if defined(_MSC_VER)
-	extern xtensa_isa xtensa_default_isa;
-/* Most of the Xtensa ISA entities (e.g., opcodes, regfiles, etc.) are
-   represented here using sequential integers beginning with 0.  The
-   specific values are only fixed for a particular instantiation of an
-   xtensa_isa structure, so these values should only be used
-   internally.  */
-typedef int xtensa_opcode;
-typedef int xtensa_format;
-typedef int xtensa_regfile;
-typedef int xtensa_state;
-typedef int xtensa_sysreg;
-typedef int xtensa_interface;
-typedef int xtensa_funcUnit;
-/* Define a unique value for undefined items.  */
-/* Overview of using this interface to decode/encode instructions:
-   Each Xtensa instruction is associated with a particular instruction
-   format, where the format defines a fixed number of slots for
-   operations.  The formats for the core Xtensa ISA have only one slot,
-   but FLIX instructions may have multiple slots.  Within each slot,
-   there is a single opcode and some number of associated operands.
-   The encoding and decoding functions operate on instruction buffers,
-   not on the raw bytes of the instructions.  The same instruction
-   buffer data structure is used for both entire instructions and
-   individual slots in those instructions -- the contents of a slot need
-   to be extracted from or inserted into the buffer for the instruction
-   as a whole.
-   Decoding an instruction involves first finding the format, which
-   identifies the number of slots, and then decoding each slot
-   separately.  A slot is decoded by finding the opcode and then using
-   the opcode to determine how many operands there are.  For example:
-   xtensa_insnbuf_from_chars
-   xtensa_format_decode
-   for each slot {
-     xtensa_format_get_slot
-     xtensa_opcode_decode
-     for each operand {
-       xtensa_operand_get_field
-       xtensa_operand_decode
-     }
-   }
-   Encoding an instruction is roughly the same procedure in reverse:
-   xtensa_format_encode
-   for each slot {
-     xtensa_opcode_encode
-     for each operand {
-       xtensa_operand_encode
-       xtensa_operand_set_field
-     }
-     xtensa_format_set_slot
-   }
-   xtensa_insnbuf_to_chars
-/* Error handling.  */
-/* Error codes.  The code for the most recent error condition can be
-   retrieved with the "errno" function.  For any result other than
-   xtensa_isa_ok, an error message containing additional information
-   about the problem can be retrieved using the "error_msg" function.
-   The error messages are stored in an internal buffer, which should
-   not be freed and may be overwritten by subsequent operations.  */
-typedef enum xtensa_isa_status_enum {
-	xtensa_isa_ok = 0,
-	xtensa_isa_bad_format,
-	xtensa_isa_bad_slot,
-	xtensa_isa_bad_opcode,
-	xtensa_isa_bad_operand,
-	xtensa_isa_bad_field,
-	xtensa_isa_bad_iclass,
-	xtensa_isa_bad_regfile,
-	xtensa_isa_bad_sysreg,
-	xtensa_isa_bad_state,
-	xtensa_isa_bad_interface,
-	xtensa_isa_bad_funcUnit,
-	xtensa_isa_wrong_slot,
-	xtensa_isa_no_field,
-	xtensa_isa_out_of_memory,
-	xtensa_isa_buffer_overflow,
-	xtensa_isa_internal_error,
-	xtensa_isa_bad_value
-} xtensa_isa_status;
-extern xtensa_isa_status
-xtensa_isa_errno(xtensa_isa isa);
-extern char *
-xtensa_isa_error_msg(xtensa_isa isa);
-/* Instruction buffers.  */
-typedef uint32 xtensa_insnbuf_word;
-typedef xtensa_insnbuf_word *xtensa_insnbuf;
-/* Get the size in "insnbuf_words" of the xtensa_insnbuf array.  */
-extern int
-xtensa_insnbuf_size(xtensa_isa isa);
-/* Allocate an xtensa_insnbuf of the right size.  */
-extern xtensa_insnbuf
-xtensa_insnbuf_alloc(xtensa_isa isa);
-/* Release an xtensa_insnbuf.  */
-extern void
-xtensa_insnbuf_free(xtensa_isa isa, xtensa_insnbuf buf);
-/* Conversion between raw memory (char arrays) and our internal
-   instruction representation.  This is complicated by the Xtensa ISA's
-   variable instruction lengths.  When converting to chars, the buffer
-   must contain a valid instruction so we know how many bytes to copy;
-   thus, the "to_chars" function returns the number of bytes copied or
-   XTENSA_UNDEFINED on error.  The "from_chars" function first reads the
-   minimal number of bytes required to decode the instruction length and
-   then proceeds to copy the entire instruction into the buffer; if the
-   memory does not contain a valid instruction, it copies the maximum
-   number of bytes required for the longest Xtensa instruction.  The
-   "num_chars" argument may be used to limit the number of bytes that
-   can be read or written.  Otherwise, if "num_chars" is zero, the
-   functions may read or write past the end of the code.  */
-extern int
-xtensa_insnbuf_to_chars(xtensa_isa isa, const xtensa_insnbuf insn,
-	unsigned char *cp, int num_chars);
-extern void
-xtensa_insnbuf_from_chars(xtensa_isa isa, xtensa_insnbuf insn,
-	const unsigned char *cp, int num_chars);
-/* ISA information.  */
-/* Initialize the ISA information.  */
-extern xtensa_isa
-xtensa_isa_init(xtensa_isa_status *errno_p, char **error_msg_p);
-/* Deallocate an xtensa_isa structure.  */
-extern void
-xtensa_isa_free(xtensa_isa isa);
-/* Get the maximum instruction size in bytes.  */
-extern int
-xtensa_isa_maxlength(xtensa_isa isa);
-/* Decode the length in bytes of an instruction in raw memory (not an
-   insnbuf).  This function reads only the minimal number of bytes
-   required to decode the instruction length.  Returns
-   XTENSA_UNDEFINED on error.  */
-extern int
-xtensa_isa_length_from_chars(xtensa_isa isa, const unsigned char *cp);
-/* Get the number of stages in the processor's pipeline.  The pipeline
-   stage values returned by other functions in this library will range
-   from 0 to N-1, where N is the value returned by this function.
-   Note that the stage numbers used here may not correspond to the
-   actual processor hardware, e.g., the hardware may have additional
-   stages before stage 0.  Returns XTENSA_UNDEFINED on error.  */
-extern int
-xtensa_isa_num_pipe_stages(xtensa_isa isa);
-/* Get the number of various entities that are defined for this processor.  */
-extern int
-xtensa_isa_num_formats(xtensa_isa isa);
-extern int
-xtensa_isa_num_opcodes(xtensa_isa isa);
-extern int
-xtensa_isa_num_regfiles(xtensa_isa isa);
-extern int
-xtensa_isa_num_states(xtensa_isa isa);
-extern int
-xtensa_isa_num_sysregs(xtensa_isa isa);
-extern int
-xtensa_isa_num_interfaces(xtensa_isa isa);
-extern int
-xtensa_isa_num_funcUnits(xtensa_isa isa);
-/* Instruction formats.  */
-/* Get the name of a format.  Returns null on error.  */
-extern const char *
-xtensa_format_name(xtensa_isa isa, xtensa_format fmt);
-/* Given a format name, return the format number.  Returns
-   XTENSA_UNDEFINED if the name is not a valid format.  */
-extern xtensa_format
-xtensa_format_lookup(xtensa_isa isa, const char *fmtname);
-/* Decode the instruction format from a binary instruction buffer.
-   Returns XTENSA_UNDEFINED if the format is not recognized.  */
-extern xtensa_format
-xtensa_format_decode(xtensa_isa isa, const xtensa_insnbuf insn);
-/* Set the instruction format field(s) in a binary instruction buffer.
-   All the other fields are set to zero.  Returns non-zero on error.  */
-extern int
-xtensa_format_encode(xtensa_isa isa, xtensa_format fmt, xtensa_insnbuf insn);
-/* Find the length (in bytes) of an instruction.  Returns
-   XTENSA_UNDEFINED on error.  */
-extern int
-xtensa_format_length(xtensa_isa isa, xtensa_format fmt);
-/* Get the number of slots in an instruction.  Returns XTENSA_UNDEFINED
-   on error.  */
-extern int
-xtensa_format_num_slots(xtensa_isa isa, xtensa_format fmt);
-/* Get the opcode for a no-op in a particular slot.
-   Returns XTENSA_UNDEFINED on error.  */
-extern xtensa_opcode
-xtensa_format_slot_nop_opcode(xtensa_isa isa, xtensa_format fmt, int slot);
-/* Get the bits for a specified slot out of an insnbuf for the
-   instruction as a whole and put them into an insnbuf for that one
-   slot, and do the opposite to set a slot.  Return non-zero on error.  */
-extern int
-xtensa_format_get_slot(xtensa_isa isa, xtensa_format fmt, int slot,
-	const xtensa_insnbuf insn, xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf);
-extern int
-xtensa_format_set_slot(xtensa_isa isa, xtensa_format fmt, int slot,
-	xtensa_insnbuf insn, const xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf);
-/* Opcode information.  */
-/* Translate a mnemonic name to an opcode.  Returns XTENSA_UNDEFINED if
-   the name is not a valid opcode mnemonic.  */
-extern xtensa_opcode
-xtensa_opcode_lookup(xtensa_isa isa, const char *opname);
-/* Decode the opcode for one instruction slot from a binary instruction
-   buffer.  Returns the opcode or XTENSA_UNDEFINED if the opcode is
-   illegal.  */
-extern xtensa_opcode
-xtensa_opcode_decode(xtensa_isa isa, xtensa_format fmt, int slot,
-	const xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf);
-/* Set the opcode field(s) for an instruction slot.  All other fields
-   in the slot are set to zero.  Returns non-zero if the opcode cannot
-   be encoded.  */
-extern int
-xtensa_opcode_encode(xtensa_isa isa, xtensa_format fmt, int slot,
-	xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf, xtensa_opcode opc);
-/* Get the mnemonic name for an opcode.  Returns null on error.  */
-extern const char *
-xtensa_opcode_name(xtensa_isa isa, xtensa_opcode opc);
-/* Check various properties of opcodes.  These functions return 0 if
-   the condition is false, 1 if the condition is true, and
-   XTENSA_UNDEFINED on error.  The instructions are classified as
-   follows:
-   branch: conditional branch; may fall through to next instruction (B*)
-   jump: unconditional branch (J, JX, RET*, RF*)
-   loop: zero-overhead loop (LOOP*)
-   call: unconditional call; control returns to next instruction (CALL*)
-   For the opcodes that affect control flow in some way, the branch
-   target may be specified by an immediate operand or it may be an
-   address stored in a register.  You can distinguish these by
-   checking if the instruction has a PC-relative immediate
-   operand.  */
-extern int
-xtensa_opcode_is_branch(xtensa_isa isa, xtensa_opcode opc);
-extern int
-xtensa_opcode_is_jump(xtensa_isa isa, xtensa_opcode opc);
-extern int
-xtensa_opcode_is_loop(xtensa_isa isa, xtensa_opcode opc);
-extern int
-xtensa_opcode_is_call(xtensa_isa isa, xtensa_opcode opc);
-/* Find the number of ordinary operands, state operands, and interface
-   operands for an instruction.  These return XTENSA_UNDEFINED on
-   error.  */
-extern int
-xtensa_opcode_num_operands(xtensa_isa isa, xtensa_opcode opc);
-extern int
-xtensa_opcode_num_stateOperands(xtensa_isa isa, xtensa_opcode opc);
-extern int
-xtensa_opcode_num_interfaceOperands(xtensa_isa isa, xtensa_opcode opc);
-/* Get functional unit usage requirements for an opcode.  Each "use"
-   is identified by a <functional unit, pipeline stage> pair.  The
-   "num_funcUnit_uses" function returns the number of these "uses" or
-   XTENSA_UNDEFINED on error.  The "funcUnit_use" function returns
-   a pointer to a "use" pair or null on error.  */
-typedef struct xtensa_funcUnit_use_struct {
-	xtensa_funcUnit unit;
-	int stage;
-} xtensa_funcUnit_use;
-extern int
-xtensa_opcode_num_funcUnit_uses(xtensa_isa isa, xtensa_opcode opc);
-extern xtensa_funcUnit_use *
-xtensa_opcode_funcUnit_use(xtensa_isa isa, xtensa_opcode opc, int u);
-/* Operand information.  */
-/* Get the name of an operand.  Returns null on error.  */
-extern const char *
-xtensa_operand_name(xtensa_isa isa, xtensa_opcode opc, int opnd);
-/* Some operands are "invisible", i.e., not explicitly specified in
-   assembly language.  When assembling an instruction, you need not set
-   the values of invisible operands, since they are either hardwired or
-   derived from other field values.  The values of invisible operands
-   can be examined in the same way as other operands, but remember that
-   an invisible operand may get its value from another visible one, so
-   the entire instruction must be available before examining the
-   invisible operand values.  This function returns 1 if an operand is
-   visible, 0 if it is invisible, or XTENSA_UNDEFINED on error.  Note
-   that whether an operand is visible is orthogonal to whether it is
-   "implicit", i.e., whether it is encoded in a field in the
-   instruction.  */
-extern int
-xtensa_operand_is_visible(xtensa_isa isa, xtensa_opcode opc, int opnd);
-/* Check if an operand is an input ('i'), output ('o'), or inout ('m')
-   operand.  Note: The output operand of a conditional assignment
-   (e.g., movnez) appears here as an inout ('m') even if it is declared
-   in the TIE code as an output ('o'); this allows the compiler to
-   properly handle register allocation for conditional assignments.
-   Returns 0 on error.  */
-extern char
-xtensa_operand_inout(xtensa_isa isa, xtensa_opcode opc, int opnd);
-/* Get and set the raw (encoded) value of the field for the specified
-   operand.  The "set" function does not check if the value fits in the
-   field; that is done by the "encode" function below.  Both of these
-   functions return non-zero on error, e.g., if the field is not defined
-   for the specified slot.  */
-extern int
-xtensa_operand_get_field(xtensa_isa isa, xtensa_opcode opc, int opnd,
-	xtensa_format fmt, int slot,
-	const xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf, uint32 *valp);
-extern int
-xtensa_operand_set_field(xtensa_isa isa, xtensa_opcode opc, int opnd,
-	xtensa_format fmt, int slot,
-	xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf, uint32 val);
-/* Encode and decode operands.  The raw bits in the operand field may
-   be encoded in a variety of different ways.  These functions hide
-   the details of that encoding.  The result values are returned through
-   the argument pointer.  The return value is non-zero on error.  */
-extern int
-xtensa_operand_encode(xtensa_isa isa, xtensa_opcode opc, int opnd,
-	uint32 *valp);
-extern int
-xtensa_operand_decode(xtensa_isa isa, xtensa_opcode opc, int opnd,
-	uint32 *valp);
-/* An operand may be either a register operand or an immediate of some
-   sort (e.g., PC-relative or not).  The "is_register" function returns
-   0 if the operand is an immediate, 1 if it is a register, and
-   XTENSA_UNDEFINED on error.  The "regfile" function returns the
-   regfile for a register operand, or XTENSA_UNDEFINED on error.  */
-extern int
-xtensa_operand_is_register(xtensa_isa isa, xtensa_opcode opc, int opnd);
-extern xtensa_regfile
-xtensa_operand_regfile(xtensa_isa isa, xtensa_opcode opc, int opnd);
-/* Register operands may span multiple consecutive registers, e.g., a
-   64-bit data type may occupy two 32-bit registers.  Only the first
-   register is encoded in the operand field.  This function specifies
-   the number of consecutive registers occupied by this operand.  For
-   non-register operands, the return value is undefined.  Returns
-   XTENSA_UNDEFINED on error.  */
-extern int
-xtensa_operand_num_regs(xtensa_isa isa, xtensa_opcode opc, int opnd);
-/* Some register operands do not completely identify the register being
-   accessed.  For example, the operand value may be added to an internal
-   state value.  By definition, this implies that the corresponding
-   regfile is not allocatable.  Unknown registers should generally be
-   treated with worst-case assumptions.  The function returns 0 if the
-   register value is unknown, 1 if known, and XTENSA_UNDEFINED on
-   error.  */
-extern int
-xtensa_operand_is_known_reg(xtensa_isa isa, xtensa_opcode opc, int opnd);
-/* Check if an immediate operand is PC-relative.  Returns 0 for register
-   operands and non-PC-relative immediates, 1 for PC-relative
-   immediates, and XTENSA_UNDEFINED on error.  */
-extern int
-xtensa_operand_is_PCrelative(xtensa_isa isa, xtensa_opcode opc, int opnd);
-/* For PC-relative offset operands, the interpretation of the offset may
-   vary between opcodes, e.g., is it relative to the current PC or that
-   of the next instruction?  The following functions are defined to
-   perform PC-relative relocations and to undo them (as in the
-   disassembler).  The "do_reloc" function takes the desired address
-   value and the PC of the current instruction and sets the value to the
-   corresponding PC-relative offset (which can then be encoded and
-   stored into the operand field).  The "undo_reloc" function takes the
-   unencoded offset value and the current PC and sets the value to the
-   appropriate address.  The return values are non-zero on error.  Note
-   that these functions do not replace the encode/decode functions; the
-   operands must be encoded/decoded separately and the encode functions
-   are responsible for detecting invalid operand values.  */
-extern int
-xtensa_operand_do_reloc(xtensa_isa isa, xtensa_opcode opc, int opnd,
-	uint32 *valp, uint32 pc);
-extern int
-xtensa_operand_undo_reloc(xtensa_isa isa, xtensa_opcode opc, int opnd,
-	uint32 *valp, uint32 pc);
-/* State Operands.  */
-/* Get the state accessed by a state operand.  Returns XTENSA_UNDEFINED
-   on error.  */
-extern xtensa_state
-xtensa_stateOperand_state(xtensa_isa isa, xtensa_opcode opc, int stOp);
-/* Check if a state operand is an input ('i'), output ('o'), or inout
-   ('m') operand.  Returns 0 on error.  */
-extern char
-xtensa_stateOperand_inout(xtensa_isa isa, xtensa_opcode opc, int stOp);
-/* Interface Operands.  */
-/* Get the external interface accessed by an interface operand.
-   Returns XTENSA_UNDEFINED on error.  */
-extern xtensa_interface
-xtensa_interfaceOperand_interface(xtensa_isa isa, xtensa_opcode opc,
-	int ifOp);
-/* Register Files.  */
-/* Regfiles include both "real" regfiles and "views", where a view
-   allows a group of adjacent registers in a real "parent" regfile to be
-   viewed as a single register.  A regfile view has all the same
-   properties as its parent except for its (long) name, bit width, number
-   of entries, and default ctype.  You can use the parent function to
-   distinguish these two classes.  */
-/* Look up a regfile by either its name or its abbreviated "short name".
-   Returns XTENSA_UNDEFINED on error.  The "lookup_shortname" function
-   ignores "view" regfiles since they always have the same shortname as
-   their parents.  */
-extern xtensa_regfile
-xtensa_regfile_lookup(xtensa_isa isa, const char *name);
-extern xtensa_regfile
-xtensa_regfile_lookup_shortname(xtensa_isa isa, const char *shortname);
-/* Get the name or abbreviated "short name" of a regfile.
-   Returns null on error.  */
-extern const char *
-xtensa_regfile_name(xtensa_isa isa, xtensa_regfile rf);
-extern const char *
-xtensa_regfile_shortname(xtensa_isa isa, xtensa_regfile rf);
-/* Get the parent regfile of a "view" regfile.  If the regfile is not a
-   view, the result is the same as the input parameter.  Returns
-   XTENSA_UNDEFINED on error.  */
-extern xtensa_regfile
-xtensa_regfile_view_parent(xtensa_isa isa, xtensa_regfile rf);
-/* Get the bit width of a regfile or regfile view.
-   Returns XTENSA_UNDEFINED on error.  */
-extern int
-xtensa_regfile_num_bits(xtensa_isa isa, xtensa_regfile rf);
-/* Get the number of regfile entries.  Returns XTENSA_UNDEFINED on
-   error.  */
-extern int
-xtensa_regfile_num_entries(xtensa_isa isa, xtensa_regfile rf);
-/* Processor States.  */
-/* Look up a state by name.  Returns XTENSA_UNDEFINED on error.  */
-extern xtensa_state
-xtensa_state_lookup(xtensa_isa isa, const char *name);
-/* Get the name for a processor state.  Returns null on error.  */
-extern const char *
-xtensa_state_name(xtensa_isa isa, xtensa_state st);
-/* Get the bit width for a processor state.
-   Returns XTENSA_UNDEFINED on error.  */
-extern int
-xtensa_state_num_bits(xtensa_isa isa, xtensa_state st);
-/* Check if a state is exported from the processor core.  Returns 0 if
-   the condition is false, 1 if the condition is true, and
-   XTENSA_UNDEFINED on error.  */
-extern int
-xtensa_state_is_exported(xtensa_isa isa, xtensa_state st);
-/* Check for a "shared_or" state.  Returns 0 if the condition is false,
-   1 if the condition is true, and XTENSA_UNDEFINED on error.  */
-extern int
-xtensa_state_is_shared_or(xtensa_isa isa, xtensa_state st);
-/* Sysregs ("special registers" and "user registers").  */
-/* Look up a register by its number and whether it is a "user register"
-   or a "special register".  Returns XTENSA_UNDEFINED if the sysreg does
-   not exist.  */
-extern xtensa_sysreg
-xtensa_sysreg_lookup(xtensa_isa isa, int num, int is_user);
-/* Check if there exists a sysreg with a given name.
-   If not, this function returns XTENSA_UNDEFINED.  */
-extern xtensa_sysreg
-xtensa_sysreg_lookup_name(xtensa_isa isa, const char *name);
-/* Get the name of a sysreg.  Returns null on error.  */
-extern const char *
-xtensa_sysreg_name(xtensa_isa isa, xtensa_sysreg sysreg);
-/* Get the register number.  Returns XTENSA_UNDEFINED on error.  */
-extern int
-xtensa_sysreg_number(xtensa_isa isa, xtensa_sysreg sysreg);
-/* Check if a sysreg is a "special register" or a "user register".
-   Returns 0 for special registers, 1 for user registers and
-   XTENSA_UNDEFINED on error.  */
-extern int
-xtensa_sysreg_is_user(xtensa_isa isa, xtensa_sysreg sysreg);
-/* Interfaces.  */
-/* Find an interface by name.  The return value is XTENSA_UNDEFINED if
-   the specified interface is not found.  */
-extern xtensa_interface
-xtensa_interface_lookup(xtensa_isa isa, const char *ifname);
-/* Get the name of an interface.  Returns null on error.  */
-extern const char *
-xtensa_interface_name(xtensa_isa isa, xtensa_interface intf);
-/* Get the bit width for an interface.
-   Returns XTENSA_UNDEFINED on error.  */
-extern int
-xtensa_interface_num_bits(xtensa_isa isa, xtensa_interface intf);
-/* Check if an interface is an input ('i') or output ('o') with respect
-   to the Xtensa processor core.  Returns 0 on error.  */
-extern char
-xtensa_interface_inout(xtensa_isa isa, xtensa_interface intf);
-/* Check if accessing an interface has potential side effects.
-   Currently "data" interfaces have side effects and "control"
-   interfaces do not.  Returns 1 if there are side effects, 0 if not,
-   and XTENSA_UNDEFINED on error.  */
-extern int
-xtensa_interface_has_side_effect(xtensa_isa isa, xtensa_interface intf);
-/* Some interfaces may be related such that accessing one interface
-   has side effects on a set of related interfaces.  The interfaces
-   are partitioned into equivalence classes of related interfaces, and
-   each class is assigned a unique identifier number.  This function
-   returns the class identifier for an interface, or XTENSA_UNDEFINED
-   on error.  These identifiers can be compared to determine if two
-   interfaces are related; the specific values of the identifiers have
-   no particular meaning otherwise.  */
-extern int
-xtensa_interface_class_id(xtensa_isa isa, xtensa_interface intf);
-/* Functional Units.  */
-/* Find a functional unit by name.  The return value is XTENSA_UNDEFINED if
-   the specified unit is not found.  */
-extern xtensa_funcUnit
-xtensa_funcUnit_lookup(xtensa_isa isa, const char *fname);
-/* Get the name of a functional unit.  Returns null on error.  */
-extern const char *
-xtensa_funcUnit_name(xtensa_isa isa, xtensa_funcUnit fun);
-/* Functional units may be replicated.  See how many instances of a
-   particular function unit exist.  Returns XTENSA_UNDEFINED on error.  */
-extern int
-xtensa_funcUnit_num_copies(xtensa_isa isa, xtensa_funcUnit fun);
-#ifdef __cplusplus
-#endif /* XTENSA_LIBISA_H */
diff --git a/librz/arch/isa_gnu/xtensa/xtensa-modules.c b/librz/arch/isa_gnu/xtensa/xtensa-modules.c
deleted file mode 100644
index afa0c794f0c..00000000000
--- a/librz/arch/isa_gnu/xtensa/xtensa-modules.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21469 +0,0 @@
-/* Xtensa configuration-specific ISA information.
-   Copyright (C) 2003-2015 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-   This file is part of BFD, the Binary File Descriptor library.
-   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-   modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
-   published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
-   License, or (at your option) any later version.
-   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-   General Public License for more details.
-   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-   along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-   Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street - Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
-   02110-1301, USA.  */
-#include "xtensa-isa.h"
-#include "xtensa-isa-internal.h"
-/* Sysregs.  */
-static xtensa_sysreg_internal sysregs[] = {
-  { "LBEG", 0, 0 },
-  { "LEND", 1, 0 },
-  { "LCOUNT", 2, 0 },
-  { "BR", 4, 0 },
-  { "ACCLO", 16, 0 },
-  { "ACCHI", 17, 0 },
-  { "M0", 32, 0 },
-  { "M1", 33, 0 },
-  { "M2", 34, 0 },
-  { "M3", 35, 0 },
-  { "PTEVADDR", 83, 0 },
-  { "MMID", 89, 0 },
-  { "DDR", 104, 0 },
-  { "176", 176, 0 },
-  { "208", 208, 0 },
-  { "INTERRUPT", 226, 0 },
-  { "INTCLEAR", 227, 0 },
-  { "CCOUNT", 234, 0 },
-  { "PRID", 235, 0 },
-  { "ICOUNT", 236, 0 },
-  { "CCOMPARE0", 240, 0 },
-  { "CCOMPARE1", 241, 0 },
-  { "CCOMPARE2", 242, 0 },
-  { "VECBASE", 231, 0 },
-  { "EPC1", 177, 0 },
-  { "EPC2", 178, 0 },
-  { "EPC3", 179, 0 },
-  { "EPC4", 180, 0 },
-  { "EPC5", 181, 0 },
-  { "EPC6", 182, 0 },
-  { "EPC7", 183, 0 },
-  { "EXCSAVE1", 209, 0 },
-  { "EXCSAVE2", 210, 0 },
-  { "EXCSAVE3", 211, 0 },
-  { "EXCSAVE4", 212, 0 },
-  { "EXCSAVE5", 213, 0 },
-  { "EXCSAVE6", 214, 0 },
-  { "EXCSAVE7", 215, 0 },
-  { "EPS2", 194, 0 },
-  { "EPS3", 195, 0 },
-  { "EPS4", 196, 0 },
-  { "EPS5", 197, 0 },
-  { "EPS6", 198, 0 },
-  { "EPS7", 199, 0 },
-  { "EXCCAUSE", 232, 0 },
-  { "DEPC", 192, 0 },
-  { "EXCVADDR", 238, 0 },
-  { "WINDOWBASE", 72, 0 },
-  { "WINDOWSTART", 73, 0 },
-  { "SAR", 3, 0 },
-  { "LITBASE", 5, 0 },
-  { "PS", 230, 0 },
-  { "MISC0", 244, 0 },
-  { "MISC1", 245, 0 },
-  { "MISC2", 246, 0 },
-  { "MISC3", 247, 0 },
-  { "INTENABLE", 228, 0 },
-  { "DBREAKA0", 144, 0 },
-  { "DBREAKC0", 160, 0 },
-  { "DBREAKA1", 145, 0 },
-  { "DBREAKC1", 161, 0 },
-  { "IBREAKA0", 128, 0 },
-  { "IBREAKA1", 129, 0 },
-  { "IBREAKENABLE", 96, 0 },
-  { "ICOUNTLEVEL", 237, 0 },
-  { "DEBUGCAUSE", 233, 0 },
-  { "RASID", 90, 0 },
-  { "ITLBCFG", 91, 0 },
-  { "DTLBCFG", 92, 0 },
-  { "CPENABLE", 224, 0 },
-  { "SCOMPARE1", 12, 0 },
-  { "THREADPTR", 231, 1 },
-  { "FCR", 232, 1 },
-  { "FSR", 233, 1 }
-#define NUM_SYSREGS 74
-#define MAX_SPECIAL_REG 247
-#define MAX_USER_REG 233
-/* Processor states.  */
-static xtensa_state_internal states[] = {
-  { "LCOUNT", 32, 0 },
-  { "PC", 32, 0 },
-  { "ICOUNT", 32, 0 },
-  { "DDR", 32, 0 },
-  { "INTERRUPT", 32, 0 },
-  { "CCOUNT", 32, 0 },
-  { "XTSYNC", 1, 0 },
-  { "VECBASE", 22, 0 },
-  { "EPC1", 32, 0 },
-  { "EPC2", 32, 0 },
-  { "EPC3", 32, 0 },
-  { "EPC4", 32, 0 },
-  { "EPC5", 32, 0 },
-  { "EPC6", 32, 0 },
-  { "EPC7", 32, 0 },
-  { "EXCSAVE1", 32, 0 },
-  { "EXCSAVE2", 32, 0 },
-  { "EXCSAVE3", 32, 0 },
-  { "EXCSAVE4", 32, 0 },
-  { "EXCSAVE5", 32, 0 },
-  { "EXCSAVE6", 32, 0 },
-  { "EXCSAVE7", 32, 0 },
-  { "EPS2", 15, 0 },
-  { "EPS3", 15, 0 },
-  { "EPS4", 15, 0 },
-  { "EPS5", 15, 0 },
-  { "EPS6", 15, 0 },
-  { "EPS7", 15, 0 },
-  { "EXCCAUSE", 6, 0 },
-  { "PSINTLEVEL", 4, 0 },
-  { "PSUM", 1, 0 },
-  { "PSWOE", 1, 0 },
-  { "PSRING", 2, 0 },
-  { "PSEXCM", 1, 0 },
-  { "DEPC", 32, 0 },
-  { "EXCVADDR", 32, 0 },
-  { "WindowBase", 4, 0 },
-  { "WindowStart", 16, 0 },
-  { "PSCALLINC", 2, 0 },
-  { "PSOWB", 4, 0 },
-  { "LBEG", 32, 0 },
-  { "LEND", 32, 0 },
-  { "SAR", 6, 0 },
-  { "THREADPTR", 32, 0 },
-  { "LITBADDR", 20, 0 },
-  { "LITBEN", 1, 0 },
-  { "MISC0", 32, 0 },
-  { "MISC1", 32, 0 },
-  { "MISC2", 32, 0 },
-  { "MISC3", 32, 0 },
-  { "ACC", 40, 0 },
-  { "InOCDMode", 1, 0 },
-  { "INTENABLE", 32, 0 },
-  { "DBREAKA0", 32, 0 },
-  { "DBREAKC0", 8, 0 },
-  { "DBREAKA1", 32, 0 },
-  { "DBREAKC1", 8, 0 },
-  { "IBREAKA0", 32, 0 },
-  { "IBREAKA1", 32, 0 },
-  { "IBREAKENABLE", 2, 0 },
-  { "ICOUNTLEVEL", 4, 0 },
-  { "DEBUGCAUSE", 6, 0 },
-  { "DBNUM", 4, 0 },
-  { "CCOMPARE0", 32, 0 },
-  { "CCOMPARE1", 32, 0 },
-  { "CCOMPARE2", 32, 0 },
-  { "ASID3", 8, 0 },
-  { "ASID2", 8, 0 },
-  { "ASID1", 8, 0 },
-  { "INSTPGSZID4", 2, 0 },
-  { "DATAPGSZID4", 2, 0 },
-  { "PTBASE", 10, 0 },
-  { "CPENABLE", 1, 0 },
-  { "SCOMPARE1", 32, 0 },
-  { "RoundMode", 2, 0 },
-  { "InvalidEnable", 1, 0 },
-  { "DivZeroEnable", 1, 0 },
-  { "OverflowEnable", 1, 0 },
-  { "UnderflowEnable", 1, 0 },
-  { "InexactEnable", 1, 0 },
-  { "InvalidFlag", 1, 0 },
-  { "DivZeroFlag", 1, 0 },
-  { "OverflowFlag", 1, 0 },
-  { "UnderflowFlag", 1, 0 },
-  { "InexactFlag", 1, 0 },
-  { "FPreserved20", 20, 0 },
-  { "FPreserved20a", 20, 0 },
-  { "FPreserved5", 5, 0 },
-  { "FPreserved7", 7, 0 }
-#define NUM_STATES 89
-/* Macros for xtensa_state numbers (for use in iclasses because the
-   state numbers are not available when the iclass table is generated).  */
-#define STATE_LCOUNT 0
-#define STATE_PC 1
-#define STATE_ICOUNT 2
-#define STATE_DDR 3
-#define STATE_CCOUNT 5
-#define STATE_XTSYNC 6
-#define STATE_VECBASE 7
-#define STATE_EPC1 8
-#define STATE_EPC2 9
-#define STATE_EPC3 10
-#define STATE_EPC4 11
-#define STATE_EPC5 12
-#define STATE_EPC6 13
-#define STATE_EPC7 14
-#define STATE_EXCSAVE1 15
-#define STATE_EXCSAVE2 16
-#define STATE_EXCSAVE3 17
-#define STATE_EXCSAVE4 18
-#define STATE_EXCSAVE5 19
-#define STATE_EXCSAVE6 20
-#define STATE_EXCSAVE7 21
-#define STATE_EPS2 22
-#define STATE_EPS3 23
-#define STATE_EPS4 24
-#define STATE_EPS5 25
-#define STATE_EPS6 26
-#define STATE_EPS7 27
-#define STATE_EXCCAUSE 28
-#define STATE_PSUM 30
-#define STATE_PSWOE 31
-#define STATE_PSRING 32
-#define STATE_PSEXCM 33
-#define STATE_DEPC 34
-#define STATE_EXCVADDR 35
-#define STATE_WindowBase 36
-#define STATE_WindowStart 37
-#define STATE_PSOWB 39
-#define STATE_LBEG 40
-#define STATE_LEND 41
-#define STATE_SAR 42
-#define STATE_LITBADDR 44
-#define STATE_LITBEN 45
-#define STATE_MISC0 46
-#define STATE_MISC1 47
-#define STATE_MISC2 48
-#define STATE_MISC3 49
-#define STATE_ACC 50
-#define STATE_InOCDMode 51
-#define STATE_DBREAKA0 53
-#define STATE_DBREAKC0 54
-#define STATE_DBREAKA1 55
-#define STATE_DBREAKC1 56
-#define STATE_IBREAKA0 57
-#define STATE_IBREAKA1 58
-#define STATE_DBNUM 62
-#define STATE_CCOMPARE0 63
-#define STATE_CCOMPARE1 64
-#define STATE_CCOMPARE2 65
-#define STATE_ASID3 66
-#define STATE_ASID2 67
-#define STATE_ASID1 68
-#define STATE_PTBASE 71
-#define STATE_CPENABLE 72
-#define STATE_SCOMPARE1 73
-#define STATE_RoundMode 74
-#define STATE_InvalidEnable 75
-#define STATE_DivZeroEnable 76
-#define STATE_OverflowEnable 77
-#define STATE_UnderflowEnable 78
-#define STATE_InexactEnable 79
-#define STATE_InvalidFlag 80
-#define STATE_DivZeroFlag 81
-#define STATE_OverflowFlag 82
-#define STATE_UnderflowFlag 83
-#define STATE_InexactFlag 84
-#define STATE_FPreserved20 85
-#define STATE_FPreserved20a 86
-#define STATE_FPreserved5 87
-#define STATE_FPreserved7 88
-/* Field definitions.  */
-static unsigned
-Field_t_Slot_inst_get (const xtensa_insnbuf insn)
-  unsigned tie_t = 0;
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 4) | ((insn[0] << 24) >> 28);
-  return tie_t;
-static void
-Field_t_Slot_inst_set (xtensa_insnbuf insn, uint32 val)
-  uint32 tie_t;
-  tie_t = (val << 28) >> 28;
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0xf0) | (tie_t << 4);
-static unsigned
-Field_t_Slot_inst16a_get (const xtensa_insnbuf insn)
-  unsigned tie_t = 0;
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 4) | ((insn[0] << 24) >> 28);
-  return tie_t;
-static void
-Field_t_Slot_inst16a_set (xtensa_insnbuf insn, uint32 val)
-  uint32 tie_t;
-  tie_t = (val << 28) >> 28;
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0xf0) | (tie_t << 4);
-static unsigned
-Field_t_Slot_inst16b_get (const xtensa_insnbuf insn)
-  unsigned tie_t = 0;
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 4) | ((insn[0] << 24) >> 28);
-  return tie_t;
-static void
-Field_t_Slot_inst16b_set (xtensa_insnbuf insn, uint32 val)
-  uint32 tie_t;
-  tie_t = (val << 28) >> 28;
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0xf0) | (tie_t << 4);
-static unsigned
-Field_t_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_get (const xtensa_insnbuf insn)
-  unsigned tie_t = 0;
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 4) | ((insn[0] << 28) >> 28);
-  return tie_t;
-static void
-Field_t_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_set (xtensa_insnbuf insn, uint32 val)
-  uint32 tie_t;
-  tie_t = (val << 28) >> 28;
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0xf) | (tie_t << 0);
-static unsigned
-Field_t_Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_get (const xtensa_insnbuf insn)
-  unsigned tie_t = 0;
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 4) | ((insn[0] << 28) >> 28);
-  return tie_t;
-static void
-Field_t_Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_set (xtensa_insnbuf insn, uint32 val)
-  uint32 tie_t;
-  tie_t = (val << 28) >> 28;
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0xf) | (tie_t << 0);
-static unsigned
-Field_t_Slot_xt_flix64_slot2_get (const xtensa_insnbuf insn)
-  unsigned tie_t = 0;
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 4) | ((insn[0] << 28) >> 28);
-  return tie_t;
-static void
-Field_t_Slot_xt_flix64_slot2_set (xtensa_insnbuf insn, uint32 val)
-  uint32 tie_t;
-  tie_t = (val << 28) >> 28;
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0xf) | (tie_t << 0);
-static unsigned
-Field_t_Slot_xt_flix64_slot3_get (const xtensa_insnbuf insn)
-  unsigned tie_t = 0;
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 4) | ((insn[0] << 28) >> 28);
-  return tie_t;
-static void
-Field_t_Slot_xt_flix64_slot3_set (xtensa_insnbuf insn, uint32 val)
-  uint32 tie_t;
-  tie_t = (val << 28) >> 28;
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0xf) | (tie_t << 0);
-static unsigned
-Field_bbi4_Slot_inst_get (const xtensa_insnbuf insn)
-  unsigned tie_t = 0;
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 1) | ((insn[0] << 19) >> 31);
-  return tie_t;
-static void
-Field_bbi4_Slot_inst_set (xtensa_insnbuf insn, uint32 val)
-  uint32 tie_t;
-  tie_t = (val << 31) >> 31;
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0x1000) | (tie_t << 12);
-static unsigned
-Field_bbi_Slot_inst_get (const xtensa_insnbuf insn)
-  unsigned tie_t = 0;
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 1) | ((insn[0] << 19) >> 31);
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 4) | ((insn[0] << 24) >> 28);
-  return tie_t;
-static void
-Field_bbi_Slot_inst_set (xtensa_insnbuf insn, uint32 val)
-  uint32 tie_t;
-  tie_t = (val << 28) >> 28;
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0xf0) | (tie_t << 4);
-  tie_t = (val << 27) >> 31;
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0x1000) | (tie_t << 12);
-static unsigned
-Field_bbi_Slot_xt_flix64_slot3_get (const xtensa_insnbuf insn)
-  unsigned tie_t = 0;
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 1) | ((insn[0] << 5) >> 31);
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 4) | ((insn[0] << 28) >> 28);
-  return tie_t;
-static void
-Field_bbi_Slot_xt_flix64_slot3_set (xtensa_insnbuf insn, uint32 val)
-  uint32 tie_t;
-  tie_t = (val << 28) >> 28;
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0xf) | (tie_t << 0);
-  tie_t = (val << 27) >> 31;
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0x4000000) | (tie_t << 26);
-static unsigned
-Field_imm12_Slot_inst_get (const xtensa_insnbuf insn)
-  unsigned tie_t = 0;
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 12) | ((insn[0] << 8) >> 20);
-  return tie_t;
-static void
-Field_imm12_Slot_inst_set (xtensa_insnbuf insn, uint32 val)
-  uint32 tie_t;
-  tie_t = (val << 20) >> 20;
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0xfff000) | (tie_t << 12);
-static unsigned
-Field_imm8_Slot_inst_get (const xtensa_insnbuf insn)
-  unsigned tie_t = 0;
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 8) | ((insn[0] << 8) >> 24);
-  return tie_t;
-static void
-Field_imm8_Slot_inst_set (xtensa_insnbuf insn, uint32 val)
-  uint32 tie_t;
-  tie_t = (val << 24) >> 24;
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0xff0000) | (tie_t << 16);
-static unsigned
-Field_imm8_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_get (const xtensa_insnbuf insn)
-  unsigned tie_t = 0;
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 8) | ((insn[0] << 12) >> 24);
-  return tie_t;
-static void
-Field_imm8_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_set (xtensa_insnbuf insn, uint32 val)
-  uint32 tie_t;
-  tie_t = (val << 24) >> 24;
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0xff000) | (tie_t << 12);
-static unsigned
-Field_imm8_Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_get (const xtensa_insnbuf insn)
-  unsigned tie_t = 0;
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 4) | ((insn[0] << 16) >> 28);
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 4) | ((insn[0] << 24) >> 28);
-  return tie_t;
-static void
-Field_imm8_Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_set (xtensa_insnbuf insn, uint32 val)
-  uint32 tie_t;
-  tie_t = (val << 28) >> 28;
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0xf0) | (tie_t << 4);
-  tie_t = (val << 24) >> 28;
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0xf000) | (tie_t << 12);
-static unsigned
-Field_s_Slot_inst_get (const xtensa_insnbuf insn)
-  unsigned tie_t = 0;
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 4) | ((insn[0] << 20) >> 28);
-  return tie_t;
-static void
-Field_s_Slot_inst_set (xtensa_insnbuf insn, uint32 val)
-  uint32 tie_t;
-  tie_t = (val << 28) >> 28;
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0xf00) | (tie_t << 8);
-static unsigned
-Field_s_Slot_inst16a_get (const xtensa_insnbuf insn)
-  unsigned tie_t = 0;
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 4) | ((insn[0] << 20) >> 28);
-  return tie_t;
-static void
-Field_s_Slot_inst16a_set (xtensa_insnbuf insn, uint32 val)
-  uint32 tie_t;
-  tie_t = (val << 28) >> 28;
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0xf00) | (tie_t << 8);
-static unsigned
-Field_s_Slot_inst16b_get (const xtensa_insnbuf insn)
-  unsigned tie_t = 0;
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 4) | ((insn[0] << 20) >> 28);
-  return tie_t;
-static void
-Field_s_Slot_inst16b_set (xtensa_insnbuf insn, uint32 val)
-  uint32 tie_t;
-  tie_t = (val << 28) >> 28;
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0xf00) | (tie_t << 8);
-static unsigned
-Field_s_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_get (const xtensa_insnbuf insn)
-  unsigned tie_t = 0;
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 4) | ((insn[0] << 24) >> 28);
-  return tie_t;
-static void
-Field_s_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_set (xtensa_insnbuf insn, uint32 val)
-  uint32 tie_t;
-  tie_t = (val << 28) >> 28;
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0xf0) | (tie_t << 4);
-static unsigned
-Field_s_Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_get (const xtensa_insnbuf insn)
-  unsigned tie_t = 0;
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 4) | ((insn[0] << 20) >> 28);
-  return tie_t;
-static void
-Field_s_Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_set (xtensa_insnbuf insn, uint32 val)
-  uint32 tie_t;
-  tie_t = (val << 28) >> 28;
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0xf00) | (tie_t << 8);
-static unsigned
-Field_s_Slot_xt_flix64_slot2_get (const xtensa_insnbuf insn)
-  unsigned tie_t = 0;
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 4) | ((insn[0] << 20) >> 28);
-  return tie_t;
-static void
-Field_s_Slot_xt_flix64_slot2_set (xtensa_insnbuf insn, uint32 val)
-  uint32 tie_t;
-  tie_t = (val << 28) >> 28;
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0xf00) | (tie_t << 8);
-static unsigned
-Field_s_Slot_xt_flix64_slot3_get (const xtensa_insnbuf insn)
-  unsigned tie_t = 0;
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 4) | ((insn[0] << 24) >> 28);
-  return tie_t;
-static void
-Field_s_Slot_xt_flix64_slot3_set (xtensa_insnbuf insn, uint32 val)
-  uint32 tie_t;
-  tie_t = (val << 28) >> 28;
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0xf0) | (tie_t << 4);
-static unsigned
-Field_imm12b_Slot_inst_get (const xtensa_insnbuf insn)
-  unsigned tie_t = 0;
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 4) | ((insn[0] << 20) >> 28);
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 8) | ((insn[0] << 8) >> 24);
-  return tie_t;
-static void
-Field_imm12b_Slot_inst_set (xtensa_insnbuf insn, uint32 val)
-  uint32 tie_t;
-  tie_t = (val << 24) >> 24;
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0xff0000) | (tie_t << 16);
-  tie_t = (val << 20) >> 28;
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0xf00) | (tie_t << 8);
-static unsigned
-Field_imm12b_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_get (const xtensa_insnbuf insn)
-  unsigned tie_t = 0;
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 4) | ((insn[0] << 24) >> 28);
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 8) | ((insn[0] << 12) >> 24);
-  return tie_t;
-static void
-Field_imm12b_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_set (xtensa_insnbuf insn, uint32 val)
-  uint32 tie_t;
-  tie_t = (val << 24) >> 24;
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0xff000) | (tie_t << 12);
-  tie_t = (val << 20) >> 28;
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0xf0) | (tie_t << 4);
-static unsigned
-Field_imm12b_Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_get (const xtensa_insnbuf insn)
-  unsigned tie_t = 0;
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 12) | ((insn[0] << 16) >> 20);
-  return tie_t;
-static void
-Field_imm12b_Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_set (xtensa_insnbuf insn, uint32 val)
-  uint32 tie_t;
-  tie_t = (val << 20) >> 20;
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0xfff0) | (tie_t << 4);
-static unsigned
-Field_imm16_Slot_inst_get (const xtensa_insnbuf insn)
-  unsigned tie_t = 0;
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 16) | ((insn[0] << 8) >> 16);
-  return tie_t;
-static void
-Field_imm16_Slot_inst_set (xtensa_insnbuf insn, uint32 val)
-  uint32 tie_t;
-  tie_t = (val << 16) >> 16;
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0xffff00) | (tie_t << 8);
-static unsigned
-Field_imm16_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_get (const xtensa_insnbuf insn)
-  unsigned tie_t = 0;
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 16) | ((insn[0] << 12) >> 16);
-  return tie_t;
-static void
-Field_imm16_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_set (xtensa_insnbuf insn, uint32 val)
-  uint32 tie_t;
-  tie_t = (val << 16) >> 16;
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0xffff0) | (tie_t << 4);
-static unsigned
-Field_m_Slot_inst_get (const xtensa_insnbuf insn)
-  unsigned tie_t = 0;
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 2) | ((insn[0] << 24) >> 30);
-  return tie_t;
-static void
-Field_m_Slot_inst_set (xtensa_insnbuf insn, uint32 val)
-  uint32 tie_t;
-  tie_t = (val << 30) >> 30;
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0xc0) | (tie_t << 6);
-static unsigned
-Field_m_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_get (const xtensa_insnbuf insn)
-  unsigned tie_t = 0;
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 2) | ((insn[0] << 28) >> 30);
-  return tie_t;
-static void
-Field_m_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_set (xtensa_insnbuf insn, uint32 val)
-  uint32 tie_t;
-  tie_t = (val << 30) >> 30;
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0xc) | (tie_t << 2);
-static unsigned
-Field_n_Slot_inst_get (const xtensa_insnbuf insn)
-  unsigned tie_t = 0;
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 2) | ((insn[0] << 26) >> 30);
-  return tie_t;
-static void
-Field_n_Slot_inst_set (xtensa_insnbuf insn, uint32 val)
-  uint32 tie_t;
-  tie_t = (val << 30) >> 30;
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0x30) | (tie_t << 4);
-static unsigned
-Field_n_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_get (const xtensa_insnbuf insn)
-  unsigned tie_t = 0;
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 2) | ((insn[0] << 30) >> 30);
-  return tie_t;
-static void
-Field_n_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_set (xtensa_insnbuf insn, uint32 val)
-  uint32 tie_t;
-  tie_t = (val << 30) >> 30;
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0x3) | (tie_t << 0);
-static unsigned
-Field_offset_Slot_inst_get (const xtensa_insnbuf insn)
-  unsigned tie_t = 0;
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 18) | ((insn[0] << 8) >> 14);
-  return tie_t;
-static void
-Field_offset_Slot_inst_set (xtensa_insnbuf insn, uint32 val)
-  uint32 tie_t;
-  tie_t = (val << 14) >> 14;
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0xffffc0) | (tie_t << 6);
-static unsigned
-Field_offset_Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_get (const xtensa_insnbuf insn)
-  unsigned tie_t = 0;
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 18) | ((insn[0] << 14) >> 14);
-  return tie_t;
-static void
-Field_offset_Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_set (xtensa_insnbuf insn, uint32 val)
-  uint32 tie_t;
-  tie_t = (val << 14) >> 14;
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0x3ffff) | (tie_t << 0);
-static unsigned
-Field_op0_Slot_inst_get (const xtensa_insnbuf insn)
-  unsigned tie_t = 0;
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 4) | ((insn[0] << 28) >> 28);
-  return tie_t;
-static void
-Field_op0_Slot_inst_set (xtensa_insnbuf insn, uint32 val)
-  uint32 tie_t;
-  tie_t = (val << 28) >> 28;
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0xf) | (tie_t << 0);
-static unsigned
-Field_op0_Slot_inst16a_get (const xtensa_insnbuf insn)
-  unsigned tie_t = 0;
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 4) | ((insn[0] << 28) >> 28);
-  return tie_t;
-static void
-Field_op0_Slot_inst16a_set (xtensa_insnbuf insn, uint32 val)
-  uint32 tie_t;
-  tie_t = (val << 28) >> 28;
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0xf) | (tie_t << 0);
-static unsigned
-Field_op0_Slot_inst16b_get (const xtensa_insnbuf insn)
-  unsigned tie_t = 0;
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 4) | ((insn[0] << 28) >> 28);
-  return tie_t;
-static void
-Field_op0_Slot_inst16b_set (xtensa_insnbuf insn, uint32 val)
-  uint32 tie_t;
-  tie_t = (val << 28) >> 28;
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0xf) | (tie_t << 0);
-static unsigned
-Field_op1_Slot_inst_get (const xtensa_insnbuf insn)
-  unsigned tie_t = 0;
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 4) | ((insn[0] << 12) >> 28);
-  return tie_t;
-static void
-Field_op1_Slot_inst_set (xtensa_insnbuf insn, uint32 val)
-  uint32 tie_t;
-  tie_t = (val << 28) >> 28;
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0xf0000) | (tie_t << 16);
-static unsigned
-Field_op1_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_get (const xtensa_insnbuf insn)
-  unsigned tie_t = 0;
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 4) | ((insn[0] << 16) >> 28);
-  return tie_t;
-static void
-Field_op1_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_set (xtensa_insnbuf insn, uint32 val)
-  uint32 tie_t;
-  tie_t = (val << 28) >> 28;
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0xf000) | (tie_t << 12);
-static unsigned
-Field_op2_Slot_inst_get (const xtensa_insnbuf insn)
-  unsigned tie_t = 0;
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 4) | ((insn[0] << 8) >> 28);
-  return tie_t;
-static void
-Field_op2_Slot_inst_set (xtensa_insnbuf insn, uint32 val)
-  uint32 tie_t;
-  tie_t = (val << 28) >> 28;
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0xf00000) | (tie_t << 20);
-static unsigned
-Field_op2_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_get (const xtensa_insnbuf insn)
-  unsigned tie_t = 0;
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 4) | ((insn[0] << 12) >> 28);
-  return tie_t;
-static void
-Field_op2_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_set (xtensa_insnbuf insn, uint32 val)
-  uint32 tie_t;
-  tie_t = (val << 28) >> 28;
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0xf0000) | (tie_t << 16);
-static unsigned
-Field_op2_Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_get (const xtensa_insnbuf insn)
-  unsigned tie_t = 0;
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 4) | ((insn[0] << 20) >> 28);
-  return tie_t;
-static void
-Field_op2_Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_set (xtensa_insnbuf insn, uint32 val)
-  uint32 tie_t;
-  tie_t = (val << 28) >> 28;
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0xf00) | (tie_t << 8);
-static unsigned
-Field_r_Slot_inst_get (const xtensa_insnbuf insn)
-  unsigned tie_t = 0;
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 4) | ((insn[0] << 16) >> 28);
-  return tie_t;
-static void
-Field_r_Slot_inst_set (xtensa_insnbuf insn, uint32 val)
-  uint32 tie_t;
-  tie_t = (val << 28) >> 28;
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0xf000) | (tie_t << 12);
-static unsigned
-Field_r_Slot_inst16a_get (const xtensa_insnbuf insn)
-  unsigned tie_t = 0;
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 4) | ((insn[0] << 16) >> 28);
-  return tie_t;
-static void
-Field_r_Slot_inst16a_set (xtensa_insnbuf insn, uint32 val)
-  uint32 tie_t;
-  tie_t = (val << 28) >> 28;
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0xf000) | (tie_t << 12);
-static unsigned
-Field_r_Slot_inst16b_get (const xtensa_insnbuf insn)
-  unsigned tie_t = 0;
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 4) | ((insn[0] << 16) >> 28);
-  return tie_t;
-static void
-Field_r_Slot_inst16b_set (xtensa_insnbuf insn, uint32 val)
-  uint32 tie_t;
-  tie_t = (val << 28) >> 28;
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0xf000) | (tie_t << 12);
-static unsigned
-Field_r_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_get (const xtensa_insnbuf insn)
-  unsigned tie_t = 0;
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 4) | ((insn[0] << 20) >> 28);
-  return tie_t;
-static void
-Field_r_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_set (xtensa_insnbuf insn, uint32 val)
-  uint32 tie_t;
-  tie_t = (val << 28) >> 28;
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0xf00) | (tie_t << 8);
-static unsigned
-Field_r_Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_get (const xtensa_insnbuf insn)
-  unsigned tie_t = 0;
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 4) | ((insn[0] << 24) >> 28);
-  return tie_t;
-static void
-Field_r_Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_set (xtensa_insnbuf insn, uint32 val)
-  uint32 tie_t;
-  tie_t = (val << 28) >> 28;
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0xf0) | (tie_t << 4);
-static unsigned
-Field_r_Slot_xt_flix64_slot2_get (const xtensa_insnbuf insn)
-  unsigned tie_t = 0;
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 4) | ((insn[0] << 24) >> 28);
-  return tie_t;
-static void
-Field_r_Slot_xt_flix64_slot2_set (xtensa_insnbuf insn, uint32 val)
-  uint32 tie_t;
-  tie_t = (val << 28) >> 28;
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0xf0) | (tie_t << 4);
-static unsigned
-Field_r_Slot_xt_flix64_slot3_get (const xtensa_insnbuf insn)
-  unsigned tie_t = 0;
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 4) | ((insn[0] << 28) >> 28);
-  return tie_t;
-static void
-Field_r_Slot_xt_flix64_slot3_set (xtensa_insnbuf insn, uint32 val)
-  uint32 tie_t;
-  tie_t = (val << 28) >> 28;
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0xf) | (tie_t << 0);
-static unsigned
-Field_sa4_Slot_inst_get (const xtensa_insnbuf insn)
-  unsigned tie_t = 0;
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 1) | ((insn[0] << 11) >> 31);
-  return tie_t;
-static void
-Field_sa4_Slot_inst_set (xtensa_insnbuf insn, uint32 val)
-  uint32 tie_t;
-  tie_t = (val << 31) >> 31;
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0x100000) | (tie_t << 20);
-static unsigned
-Field_sae4_Slot_inst_get (const xtensa_insnbuf insn)
-  unsigned tie_t = 0;
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 1) | ((insn[0] << 15) >> 31);
-  return tie_t;
-static void
-Field_sae4_Slot_inst_set (xtensa_insnbuf insn, uint32 val)
-  uint32 tie_t;
-  tie_t = (val << 31) >> 31;
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0x10000) | (tie_t << 16);
-static unsigned
-Field_sae4_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_get (const xtensa_insnbuf insn)
-  unsigned tie_t = 0;
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 1) | ((insn[0] << 19) >> 31);
-  return tie_t;
-static void
-Field_sae4_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_set (xtensa_insnbuf insn, uint32 val)
-  uint32 tie_t;
-  tie_t = (val << 31) >> 31;
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0x1000) | (tie_t << 12);
-static unsigned
-Field_sae_Slot_inst_get (const xtensa_insnbuf insn)
-  unsigned tie_t = 0;
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 1) | ((insn[0] << 15) >> 31);
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 4) | ((insn[0] << 20) >> 28);
-  return tie_t;
-static void
-Field_sae_Slot_inst_set (xtensa_insnbuf insn, uint32 val)
-  uint32 tie_t;
-  tie_t = (val << 28) >> 28;
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0xf00) | (tie_t << 8);
-  tie_t = (val << 27) >> 31;
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0x10000) | (tie_t << 16);
-static unsigned
-Field_sae_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_get (const xtensa_insnbuf insn)
-  unsigned tie_t = 0;
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 1) | ((insn[0] << 19) >> 31);
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 4) | ((insn[0] << 24) >> 28);
-  return tie_t;
-static void
-Field_sae_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_set (xtensa_insnbuf insn, uint32 val)
-  uint32 tie_t;
-  tie_t = (val << 28) >> 28;
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0xf0) | (tie_t << 4);
-  tie_t = (val << 27) >> 31;
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0x1000) | (tie_t << 12);
-static unsigned
-Field_sae_Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_get (const xtensa_insnbuf insn)
-  unsigned tie_t = 0;
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 5) | ((insn[0] << 15) >> 27);
-  return tie_t;
-static void
-Field_sae_Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_set (xtensa_insnbuf insn, uint32 val)
-  uint32 tie_t;
-  tie_t = (val << 27) >> 27;
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0x1f000) | (tie_t << 12);
-static unsigned
-Field_sal_Slot_inst_get (const xtensa_insnbuf insn)
-  unsigned tie_t = 0;
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 1) | ((insn[0] << 11) >> 31);
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 4) | ((insn[0] << 24) >> 28);
-  return tie_t;
-static void
-Field_sal_Slot_inst_set (xtensa_insnbuf insn, uint32 val)
-  uint32 tie_t;
-  tie_t = (val << 28) >> 28;
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0xf0) | (tie_t << 4);
-  tie_t = (val << 27) >> 31;
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0x100000) | (tie_t << 20);
-static unsigned
-Field_sal_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_get (const xtensa_insnbuf insn)
-  unsigned tie_t = 0;
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 1) | ((insn[0] << 15) >> 31);
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 4) | ((insn[0] << 28) >> 28);
-  return tie_t;
-static void
-Field_sal_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_set (xtensa_insnbuf insn, uint32 val)
-  uint32 tie_t;
-  tie_t = (val << 28) >> 28;
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0xf) | (tie_t << 0);
-  tie_t = (val << 27) >> 31;
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0x10000) | (tie_t << 16);
-static unsigned
-Field_sal_Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_get (const xtensa_insnbuf insn)
-  unsigned tie_t = 0;
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 1) | ((insn[0] << 19) >> 31);
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 4) | ((insn[0] << 28) >> 28);
-  return tie_t;
-static void
-Field_sal_Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_set (xtensa_insnbuf insn, uint32 val)
-  uint32 tie_t;
-  tie_t = (val << 28) >> 28;
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0xf) | (tie_t << 0);
-  tie_t = (val << 27) >> 31;
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0x1000) | (tie_t << 12);
-static unsigned
-Field_sargt_Slot_inst_get (const xtensa_insnbuf insn)
-  unsigned tie_t = 0;
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 1) | ((insn[0] << 11) >> 31);
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 4) | ((insn[0] << 20) >> 28);
-  return tie_t;
-static void
-Field_sargt_Slot_inst_set (xtensa_insnbuf insn, uint32 val)
-  uint32 tie_t;
-  tie_t = (val << 28) >> 28;
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0xf00) | (tie_t << 8);
-  tie_t = (val << 27) >> 31;
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0x100000) | (tie_t << 20);
-static unsigned
-Field_sargt_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_get (const xtensa_insnbuf insn)
-  unsigned tie_t = 0;
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 1) | ((insn[0] << 15) >> 31);
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 4) | ((insn[0] << 24) >> 28);
-  return tie_t;
-static void
-Field_sargt_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_set (xtensa_insnbuf insn, uint32 val)
-  uint32 tie_t;
-  tie_t = (val << 28) >> 28;
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0xf0) | (tie_t << 4);
-  tie_t = (val << 27) >> 31;
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0x10000) | (tie_t << 16);
-static unsigned
-Field_sargt_Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_get (const xtensa_insnbuf insn)
-  unsigned tie_t = 0;
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 5) | ((insn[0] << 19) >> 27);
-  return tie_t;
-static void
-Field_sargt_Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_set (xtensa_insnbuf insn, uint32 val)
-  uint32 tie_t;
-  tie_t = (val << 27) >> 27;
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0x1f00) | (tie_t << 8);
-static unsigned
-Field_sargt_Slot_xt_flix64_slot2_get (const xtensa_insnbuf insn)
-  unsigned tie_t = 0;
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 5) | ((insn[0] << 19) >> 27);
-  return tie_t;
-static void
-Field_sargt_Slot_xt_flix64_slot2_set (xtensa_insnbuf insn, uint32 val)
-  uint32 tie_t;
-  tie_t = (val << 27) >> 27;
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0x1f00) | (tie_t << 8);
-static unsigned
-Field_sas4_Slot_inst_get (const xtensa_insnbuf insn)
-  unsigned tie_t = 0;
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 1) | ((insn[0] << 27) >> 31);
-  return tie_t;
-static void
-Field_sas4_Slot_inst_set (xtensa_insnbuf insn, uint32 val)
-  uint32 tie_t;
-  tie_t = (val << 31) >> 31;
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0x10) | (tie_t << 4);
-static unsigned
-Field_sas_Slot_inst_get (const xtensa_insnbuf insn)
-  unsigned tie_t = 0;
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 1) | ((insn[0] << 27) >> 31);
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 4) | ((insn[0] << 20) >> 28);
-  return tie_t;
-static void
-Field_sas_Slot_inst_set (xtensa_insnbuf insn, uint32 val)
-  uint32 tie_t;
-  tie_t = (val << 28) >> 28;
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0xf00) | (tie_t << 8);
-  tie_t = (val << 27) >> 31;
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0x10) | (tie_t << 4);
-static unsigned
-Field_sas_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_get (const xtensa_insnbuf insn)
-  unsigned tie_t = 0;
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 1) | ((insn[0] << 31) >> 31);
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 4) | ((insn[0] << 24) >> 28);
-  return tie_t;
-static void
-Field_sas_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_set (xtensa_insnbuf insn, uint32 val)
-  uint32 tie_t;
-  tie_t = (val << 28) >> 28;
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0xf0) | (tie_t << 4);
-  tie_t = (val << 27) >> 31;
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0x1) | (tie_t << 0);
-static unsigned
-Field_sr_Slot_inst_get (const xtensa_insnbuf insn)
-  unsigned tie_t = 0;
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 4) | ((insn[0] << 16) >> 28);
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 4) | ((insn[0] << 20) >> 28);
-  return tie_t;
-static void
-Field_sr_Slot_inst_set (xtensa_insnbuf insn, uint32 val)
-  uint32 tie_t;
-  tie_t = (val << 28) >> 28;
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0xf00) | (tie_t << 8);
-  tie_t = (val << 24) >> 28;
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0xf000) | (tie_t << 12);
-static unsigned
-Field_sr_Slot_inst16a_get (const xtensa_insnbuf insn)
-  unsigned tie_t = 0;
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 4) | ((insn[0] << 16) >> 28);
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 4) | ((insn[0] << 20) >> 28);
-  return tie_t;
-static void
-Field_sr_Slot_inst16a_set (xtensa_insnbuf insn, uint32 val)
-  uint32 tie_t;
-  tie_t = (val << 28) >> 28;
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0xf00) | (tie_t << 8);
-  tie_t = (val << 24) >> 28;
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0xf000) | (tie_t << 12);
-static unsigned
-Field_sr_Slot_inst16b_get (const xtensa_insnbuf insn)
-  unsigned tie_t = 0;
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 4) | ((insn[0] << 16) >> 28);
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 4) | ((insn[0] << 20) >> 28);
-  return tie_t;
-static void
-Field_sr_Slot_inst16b_set (xtensa_insnbuf insn, uint32 val)
-  uint32 tie_t;
-  tie_t = (val << 28) >> 28;
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0xf00) | (tie_t << 8);
-  tie_t = (val << 24) >> 28;
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0xf000) | (tie_t << 12);
-static unsigned
-Field_st_Slot_inst_get (const xtensa_insnbuf insn)
-  unsigned tie_t = 0;
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 4) | ((insn[0] << 20) >> 28);
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 4) | ((insn[0] << 24) >> 28);
-  return tie_t;
-static void
-Field_st_Slot_inst_set (xtensa_insnbuf insn, uint32 val)
-  uint32 tie_t;
-  tie_t = (val << 28) >> 28;
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0xf0) | (tie_t << 4);
-  tie_t = (val << 24) >> 28;
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0xf00) | (tie_t << 8);
-static unsigned
-Field_st_Slot_inst16a_get (const xtensa_insnbuf insn)
-  unsigned tie_t = 0;
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 4) | ((insn[0] << 20) >> 28);
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 4) | ((insn[0] << 24) >> 28);
-  return tie_t;
-static void
-Field_st_Slot_inst16a_set (xtensa_insnbuf insn, uint32 val)
-  uint32 tie_t;
-  tie_t = (val << 28) >> 28;
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0xf0) | (tie_t << 4);
-  tie_t = (val << 24) >> 28;
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0xf00) | (tie_t << 8);
-static unsigned
-Field_st_Slot_inst16b_get (const xtensa_insnbuf insn)
-  unsigned tie_t = 0;
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 4) | ((insn[0] << 20) >> 28);
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 4) | ((insn[0] << 24) >> 28);
-  return tie_t;
-static void
-Field_st_Slot_inst16b_set (xtensa_insnbuf insn, uint32 val)
-  uint32 tie_t;
-  tie_t = (val << 28) >> 28;
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0xf0) | (tie_t << 4);
-  tie_t = (val << 24) >> 28;
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0xf00) | (tie_t << 8);
-static unsigned
-Field_thi3_Slot_inst_get (const xtensa_insnbuf insn)
-  unsigned tie_t = 0;
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 3) | ((insn[0] << 24) >> 29);
-  return tie_t;
-static void
-Field_thi3_Slot_inst_set (xtensa_insnbuf insn, uint32 val)
-  uint32 tie_t;
-  tie_t = (val << 29) >> 29;
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0xe0) | (tie_t << 5);
-static unsigned
-Field_thi3_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_get (const xtensa_insnbuf insn)
-  unsigned tie_t = 0;
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 3) | ((insn[0] << 28) >> 29);
-  return tie_t;
-static void
-Field_thi3_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_set (xtensa_insnbuf insn, uint32 val)
-  uint32 tie_t;
-  tie_t = (val << 29) >> 29;
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0xe) | (tie_t << 1);
-static unsigned
-Field_imm4_Slot_inst_get (const xtensa_insnbuf insn)
-  unsigned tie_t = 0;
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 4) | ((insn[0] << 16) >> 28);
-  return tie_t;
-static void
-Field_imm4_Slot_inst_set (xtensa_insnbuf insn, uint32 val)
-  uint32 tie_t;
-  tie_t = (val << 28) >> 28;
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0xf000) | (tie_t << 12);
-static unsigned
-Field_imm4_Slot_inst16a_get (const xtensa_insnbuf insn)
-  unsigned tie_t = 0;
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 4) | ((insn[0] << 16) >> 28);
-  return tie_t;
-static void
-Field_imm4_Slot_inst16a_set (xtensa_insnbuf insn, uint32 val)
-  uint32 tie_t;
-  tie_t = (val << 28) >> 28;
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0xf000) | (tie_t << 12);
-static unsigned
-Field_imm4_Slot_inst16b_get (const xtensa_insnbuf insn)
-  unsigned tie_t = 0;
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 4) | ((insn[0] << 16) >> 28);
-  return tie_t;
-static void
-Field_imm4_Slot_inst16b_set (xtensa_insnbuf insn, uint32 val)
-  uint32 tie_t;
-  tie_t = (val << 28) >> 28;
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0xf000) | (tie_t << 12);
-static unsigned
-Field_mn_Slot_inst_get (const xtensa_insnbuf insn)
-  unsigned tie_t = 0;
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 2) | ((insn[0] << 24) >> 30);
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 2) | ((insn[0] << 26) >> 30);
-  return tie_t;
-static void
-Field_mn_Slot_inst_set (xtensa_insnbuf insn, uint32 val)
-  uint32 tie_t;
-  tie_t = (val << 30) >> 30;
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0x30) | (tie_t << 4);
-  tie_t = (val << 28) >> 30;
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0xc0) | (tie_t << 6);
-static unsigned
-Field_i_Slot_inst16a_get (const xtensa_insnbuf insn)
-  unsigned tie_t = 0;
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 1) | ((insn[0] << 24) >> 31);
-  return tie_t;
-static void
-Field_i_Slot_inst16a_set (xtensa_insnbuf insn, uint32 val)
-  uint32 tie_t;
-  tie_t = (val << 31) >> 31;
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0x80) | (tie_t << 7);
-static unsigned
-Field_i_Slot_inst16b_get (const xtensa_insnbuf insn)
-  unsigned tie_t = 0;
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 1) | ((insn[0] << 24) >> 31);
-  return tie_t;
-static void
-Field_i_Slot_inst16b_set (xtensa_insnbuf insn, uint32 val)
-  uint32 tie_t;
-  tie_t = (val << 31) >> 31;
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0x80) | (tie_t << 7);
-static unsigned
-Field_imm6lo_Slot_inst16a_get (const xtensa_insnbuf insn)
-  unsigned tie_t = 0;
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 4) | ((insn[0] << 16) >> 28);
-  return tie_t;
-static void
-Field_imm6lo_Slot_inst16a_set (xtensa_insnbuf insn, uint32 val)
-  uint32 tie_t;
-  tie_t = (val << 28) >> 28;
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0xf000) | (tie_t << 12);
-static unsigned
-Field_imm6lo_Slot_inst16b_get (const xtensa_insnbuf insn)
-  unsigned tie_t = 0;
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 4) | ((insn[0] << 16) >> 28);
-  return tie_t;
-static void
-Field_imm6lo_Slot_inst16b_set (xtensa_insnbuf insn, uint32 val)
-  uint32 tie_t;
-  tie_t = (val << 28) >> 28;
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0xf000) | (tie_t << 12);
-static unsigned
-Field_imm6hi_Slot_inst16a_get (const xtensa_insnbuf insn)
-  unsigned tie_t = 0;
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 2) | ((insn[0] << 26) >> 30);
-  return tie_t;
-static void
-Field_imm6hi_Slot_inst16a_set (xtensa_insnbuf insn, uint32 val)
-  uint32 tie_t;
-  tie_t = (val << 30) >> 30;
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0x30) | (tie_t << 4);
-static unsigned
-Field_imm6hi_Slot_inst16b_get (const xtensa_insnbuf insn)
-  unsigned tie_t = 0;
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 2) | ((insn[0] << 26) >> 30);
-  return tie_t;
-static void
-Field_imm6hi_Slot_inst16b_set (xtensa_insnbuf insn, uint32 val)
-  uint32 tie_t;
-  tie_t = (val << 30) >> 30;
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0x30) | (tie_t << 4);
-static unsigned
-Field_imm7lo_Slot_inst16a_get (const xtensa_insnbuf insn)
-  unsigned tie_t = 0;
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 4) | ((insn[0] << 16) >> 28);
-  return tie_t;
-static void
-Field_imm7lo_Slot_inst16a_set (xtensa_insnbuf insn, uint32 val)
-  uint32 tie_t;
-  tie_t = (val << 28) >> 28;
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0xf000) | (tie_t << 12);
-static unsigned
-Field_imm7lo_Slot_inst16b_get (const xtensa_insnbuf insn)
-  unsigned tie_t = 0;
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 4) | ((insn[0] << 16) >> 28);
-  return tie_t;
-static void
-Field_imm7lo_Slot_inst16b_set (xtensa_insnbuf insn, uint32 val)
-  uint32 tie_t;
-  tie_t = (val << 28) >> 28;
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0xf000) | (tie_t << 12);
-static unsigned
-Field_imm7hi_Slot_inst16a_get (const xtensa_insnbuf insn)
-  unsigned tie_t = 0;
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 3) | ((insn[0] << 25) >> 29);
-  return tie_t;
-static void
-Field_imm7hi_Slot_inst16a_set (xtensa_insnbuf insn, uint32 val)
-  uint32 tie_t;
-  tie_t = (val << 29) >> 29;
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0x70) | (tie_t << 4);
-static unsigned
-Field_imm7hi_Slot_inst16b_get (const xtensa_insnbuf insn)
-  unsigned tie_t = 0;
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 3) | ((insn[0] << 25) >> 29);
-  return tie_t;
-static void
-Field_imm7hi_Slot_inst16b_set (xtensa_insnbuf insn, uint32 val)
-  uint32 tie_t;
-  tie_t = (val << 29) >> 29;
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0x70) | (tie_t << 4);
-static unsigned
-Field_z_Slot_inst16a_get (const xtensa_insnbuf insn)
-  unsigned tie_t = 0;
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 1) | ((insn[0] << 25) >> 31);
-  return tie_t;
-static void
-Field_z_Slot_inst16a_set (xtensa_insnbuf insn, uint32 val)
-  uint32 tie_t;
-  tie_t = (val << 31) >> 31;
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0x40) | (tie_t << 6);
-static unsigned
-Field_z_Slot_inst16b_get (const xtensa_insnbuf insn)
-  unsigned tie_t = 0;
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 1) | ((insn[0] << 25) >> 31);
-  return tie_t;
-static void
-Field_z_Slot_inst16b_set (xtensa_insnbuf insn, uint32 val)
-  uint32 tie_t;
-  tie_t = (val << 31) >> 31;
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0x40) | (tie_t << 6);
-static unsigned
-Field_imm6_Slot_inst16a_get (const xtensa_insnbuf insn)
-  unsigned tie_t = 0;
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 2) | ((insn[0] << 26) >> 30);
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 4) | ((insn[0] << 16) >> 28);
-  return tie_t;
-static void
-Field_imm6_Slot_inst16a_set (xtensa_insnbuf insn, uint32 val)
-  uint32 tie_t;
-  tie_t = (val << 28) >> 28;
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0xf000) | (tie_t << 12);
-  tie_t = (val << 26) >> 30;
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0x30) | (tie_t << 4);
-static unsigned
-Field_imm6_Slot_inst16b_get (const xtensa_insnbuf insn)
-  unsigned tie_t = 0;
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 2) | ((insn[0] << 26) >> 30);
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 4) | ((insn[0] << 16) >> 28);
-  return tie_t;
-static void
-Field_imm6_Slot_inst16b_set (xtensa_insnbuf insn, uint32 val)
-  uint32 tie_t;
-  tie_t = (val << 28) >> 28;
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0xf000) | (tie_t << 12);
-  tie_t = (val << 26) >> 30;
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0x30) | (tie_t << 4);
-static unsigned
-Field_imm7_Slot_inst16a_get (const xtensa_insnbuf insn)
-  unsigned tie_t = 0;
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 3) | ((insn[0] << 25) >> 29);
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 4) | ((insn[0] << 16) >> 28);
-  return tie_t;
-static void
-Field_imm7_Slot_inst16a_set (xtensa_insnbuf insn, uint32 val)
-  uint32 tie_t;
-  tie_t = (val << 28) >> 28;
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0xf000) | (tie_t << 12);
-  tie_t = (val << 25) >> 29;
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0x70) | (tie_t << 4);
-static unsigned
-Field_imm7_Slot_inst16b_get (const xtensa_insnbuf insn)
-  unsigned tie_t = 0;
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 3) | ((insn[0] << 25) >> 29);
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 4) | ((insn[0] << 16) >> 28);
-  return tie_t;
-static void
-Field_imm7_Slot_inst16b_set (xtensa_insnbuf insn, uint32 val)
-  uint32 tie_t;
-  tie_t = (val << 28) >> 28;
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0xf000) | (tie_t << 12);
-  tie_t = (val << 25) >> 29;
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0x70) | (tie_t << 4);
-static unsigned
-Field_imm7_Slot_xt_flix64_slot2_get (const xtensa_insnbuf insn)
-  unsigned tie_t = 0;
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 7) | ((insn[0] << 25) >> 25);
-  return tie_t;
-static void
-Field_imm7_Slot_xt_flix64_slot2_set (xtensa_insnbuf insn, uint32 val)
-  uint32 tie_t;
-  tie_t = (val << 25) >> 25;
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0x7f) | (tie_t << 0);
-static unsigned
-Field_r3_Slot_inst_get (const xtensa_insnbuf insn)
-  unsigned tie_t = 0;
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 1) | ((insn[0] << 16) >> 31);
-  return tie_t;
-static void
-Field_r3_Slot_inst_set (xtensa_insnbuf insn, uint32 val)
-  uint32 tie_t;
-  tie_t = (val << 31) >> 31;
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0x8000) | (tie_t << 15);
-static unsigned
-Field_rbit2_Slot_inst_get (const xtensa_insnbuf insn)
-  unsigned tie_t = 0;
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 1) | ((insn[0] << 17) >> 31);
-  return tie_t;
-static void
-Field_rbit2_Slot_inst_set (xtensa_insnbuf insn, uint32 val)
-  uint32 tie_t;
-  tie_t = (val << 31) >> 31;
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0x4000) | (tie_t << 14);
-static unsigned
-Field_rhi_Slot_inst_get (const xtensa_insnbuf insn)
-  unsigned tie_t = 0;
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 2) | ((insn[0] << 16) >> 30);
-  return tie_t;
-static void
-Field_rhi_Slot_inst_set (xtensa_insnbuf insn, uint32 val)
-  uint32 tie_t;
-  tie_t = (val << 30) >> 30;
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0xc000) | (tie_t << 14);
-static unsigned
-Field_t3_Slot_inst_get (const xtensa_insnbuf insn)
-  unsigned tie_t = 0;
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 1) | ((insn[0] << 24) >> 31);
-  return tie_t;
-static void
-Field_t3_Slot_inst_set (xtensa_insnbuf insn, uint32 val)
-  uint32 tie_t;
-  tie_t = (val << 31) >> 31;
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0x80) | (tie_t << 7);
-static unsigned
-Field_tbit2_Slot_inst_get (const xtensa_insnbuf insn)
-  unsigned tie_t = 0;
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 1) | ((insn[0] << 25) >> 31);
-  return tie_t;
-static void
-Field_tbit2_Slot_inst_set (xtensa_insnbuf insn, uint32 val)
-  uint32 tie_t;
-  tie_t = (val << 31) >> 31;
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0x40) | (tie_t << 6);
-static unsigned
-Field_tlo_Slot_inst_get (const xtensa_insnbuf insn)
-  unsigned tie_t = 0;
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 2) | ((insn[0] << 26) >> 30);
-  return tie_t;
-static void
-Field_tlo_Slot_inst_set (xtensa_insnbuf insn, uint32 val)
-  uint32 tie_t;
-  tie_t = (val << 30) >> 30;
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0x30) | (tie_t << 4);
-static unsigned
-Field_w_Slot_inst_get (const xtensa_insnbuf insn)
-  unsigned tie_t = 0;
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 2) | ((insn[0] << 18) >> 30);
-  return tie_t;
-static void
-Field_w_Slot_inst_set (xtensa_insnbuf insn, uint32 val)
-  uint32 tie_t;
-  tie_t = (val << 30) >> 30;
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0x3000) | (tie_t << 12);
-static unsigned
-Field_y_Slot_inst_get (const xtensa_insnbuf insn)
-  unsigned tie_t = 0;
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 1) | ((insn[0] << 25) >> 31);
-  return tie_t;
-static void
-Field_y_Slot_inst_set (xtensa_insnbuf insn, uint32 val)
-  uint32 tie_t;
-  tie_t = (val << 31) >> 31;
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0x40) | (tie_t << 6);
-static unsigned
-Field_x_Slot_inst_get (const xtensa_insnbuf insn)
-  unsigned tie_t = 0;
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 1) | ((insn[0] << 17) >> 31);
-  return tie_t;
-static void
-Field_x_Slot_inst_set (xtensa_insnbuf insn, uint32 val)
-  uint32 tie_t;
-  tie_t = (val << 31) >> 31;
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0x4000) | (tie_t << 14);
-static unsigned
-Field_t2_Slot_inst_get (const xtensa_insnbuf insn)
-  unsigned tie_t = 0;
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 3) | ((insn[0] << 24) >> 29);
-  return tie_t;
-static void
-Field_t2_Slot_inst_set (xtensa_insnbuf insn, uint32 val)
-  uint32 tie_t;
-  tie_t = (val << 29) >> 29;
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0xe0) | (tie_t << 5);
-static unsigned
-Field_t2_Slot_inst16a_get (const xtensa_insnbuf insn)
-  unsigned tie_t = 0;
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 3) | ((insn[0] << 24) >> 29);
-  return tie_t;
-static void
-Field_t2_Slot_inst16a_set (xtensa_insnbuf insn, uint32 val)
-  uint32 tie_t;
-  tie_t = (val << 29) >> 29;
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0xe0) | (tie_t << 5);
-static unsigned
-Field_t2_Slot_inst16b_get (const xtensa_insnbuf insn)
-  unsigned tie_t = 0;
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 3) | ((insn[0] << 24) >> 29);
-  return tie_t;
-static void
-Field_t2_Slot_inst16b_set (xtensa_insnbuf insn, uint32 val)
-  uint32 tie_t;
-  tie_t = (val << 29) >> 29;
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0xe0) | (tie_t << 5);
-static unsigned
-Field_s2_Slot_inst_get (const xtensa_insnbuf insn)
-  unsigned tie_t = 0;
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 3) | ((insn[0] << 20) >> 29);
-  return tie_t;
-static void
-Field_s2_Slot_inst_set (xtensa_insnbuf insn, uint32 val)
-  uint32 tie_t;
-  tie_t = (val << 29) >> 29;
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0xe00) | (tie_t << 9);
-static unsigned
-Field_s2_Slot_inst16a_get (const xtensa_insnbuf insn)
-  unsigned tie_t = 0;
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 3) | ((insn[0] << 20) >> 29);
-  return tie_t;
-static void
-Field_s2_Slot_inst16a_set (xtensa_insnbuf insn, uint32 val)
-  uint32 tie_t;
-  tie_t = (val << 29) >> 29;
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0xe00) | (tie_t << 9);
-static unsigned
-Field_s2_Slot_inst16b_get (const xtensa_insnbuf insn)
-  unsigned tie_t = 0;
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 3) | ((insn[0] << 20) >> 29);
-  return tie_t;
-static void
-Field_s2_Slot_inst16b_set (xtensa_insnbuf insn, uint32 val)
-  uint32 tie_t;
-  tie_t = (val << 29) >> 29;
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0xe00) | (tie_t << 9);
-static unsigned
-Field_rz_Slot_inst_get (const xtensa_insnbuf insn)
-  unsigned tie_t = 0;
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 3) | ((insn[0] << 16) >> 29);
-  return tie_t;
-static void
-Field_rz_Slot_inst_set (xtensa_insnbuf insn, uint32 val)
-  uint32 tie_t;
-  tie_t = (val << 29) >> 29;
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0xe000) | (tie_t << 13);
-static unsigned
-Field_rz_Slot_inst16a_get (const xtensa_insnbuf insn)
-  unsigned tie_t = 0;
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 3) | ((insn[0] << 16) >> 29);
-  return tie_t;
-static void
-Field_rz_Slot_inst16a_set (xtensa_insnbuf insn, uint32 val)
-  uint32 tie_t;
-  tie_t = (val << 29) >> 29;
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0xe000) | (tie_t << 13);
-static unsigned
-Field_rz_Slot_inst16b_get (const xtensa_insnbuf insn)
-  unsigned tie_t = 0;
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 3) | ((insn[0] << 16) >> 29);
-  return tie_t;
-static void
-Field_rz_Slot_inst16b_set (xtensa_insnbuf insn, uint32 val)
-  uint32 tie_t;
-  tie_t = (val << 29) >> 29;
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0xe000) | (tie_t << 13);
-static unsigned
-Field_t4_Slot_inst_get (const xtensa_insnbuf insn)
-  unsigned tie_t = 0;
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 2) | ((insn[0] << 24) >> 30);
-  return tie_t;
-static void
-Field_t4_Slot_inst_set (xtensa_insnbuf insn, uint32 val)
-  uint32 tie_t;
-  tie_t = (val << 30) >> 30;
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0xc0) | (tie_t << 6);
-static unsigned
-Field_t4_Slot_inst16a_get (const xtensa_insnbuf insn)
-  unsigned tie_t = 0;
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 2) | ((insn[0] << 24) >> 30);
-  return tie_t;
-static void
-Field_t4_Slot_inst16a_set (xtensa_insnbuf insn, uint32 val)
-  uint32 tie_t;
-  tie_t = (val << 30) >> 30;
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0xc0) | (tie_t << 6);
-static unsigned
-Field_t4_Slot_inst16b_get (const xtensa_insnbuf insn)
-  unsigned tie_t = 0;
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 2) | ((insn[0] << 24) >> 30);
-  return tie_t;
-static void
-Field_t4_Slot_inst16b_set (xtensa_insnbuf insn, uint32 val)
-  uint32 tie_t;
-  tie_t = (val << 30) >> 30;
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0xc0) | (tie_t << 6);
-static unsigned
-Field_s4_Slot_inst_get (const xtensa_insnbuf insn)
-  unsigned tie_t = 0;
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 2) | ((insn[0] << 20) >> 30);
-  return tie_t;
-static void
-Field_s4_Slot_inst_set (xtensa_insnbuf insn, uint32 val)
-  uint32 tie_t;
-  tie_t = (val << 30) >> 30;
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0xc00) | (tie_t << 10);
-static unsigned
-Field_s4_Slot_inst16a_get (const xtensa_insnbuf insn)
-  unsigned tie_t = 0;
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 2) | ((insn[0] << 20) >> 30);
-  return tie_t;
-static void
-Field_s4_Slot_inst16a_set (xtensa_insnbuf insn, uint32 val)
-  uint32 tie_t;
-  tie_t = (val << 30) >> 30;
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0xc00) | (tie_t << 10);
-static unsigned
-Field_s4_Slot_inst16b_get (const xtensa_insnbuf insn)
-  unsigned tie_t = 0;
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 2) | ((insn[0] << 20) >> 30);
-  return tie_t;
-static void
-Field_s4_Slot_inst16b_set (xtensa_insnbuf insn, uint32 val)
-  uint32 tie_t;
-  tie_t = (val << 30) >> 30;
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0xc00) | (tie_t << 10);
-static unsigned
-Field_r4_Slot_inst_get (const xtensa_insnbuf insn)
-  unsigned tie_t = 0;
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 2) | ((insn[0] << 16) >> 30);
-  return tie_t;
-static void
-Field_r4_Slot_inst_set (xtensa_insnbuf insn, uint32 val)
-  uint32 tie_t;
-  tie_t = (val << 30) >> 30;
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0xc000) | (tie_t << 14);
-static unsigned
-Field_r4_Slot_inst16a_get (const xtensa_insnbuf insn)
-  unsigned tie_t = 0;
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 2) | ((insn[0] << 16) >> 30);
-  return tie_t;
-static void
-Field_r4_Slot_inst16a_set (xtensa_insnbuf insn, uint32 val)
-  uint32 tie_t;
-  tie_t = (val << 30) >> 30;
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0xc000) | (tie_t << 14);
-static unsigned
-Field_r4_Slot_inst16b_get (const xtensa_insnbuf insn)
-  unsigned tie_t = 0;
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 2) | ((insn[0] << 16) >> 30);
-  return tie_t;
-static void
-Field_r4_Slot_inst16b_set (xtensa_insnbuf insn, uint32 val)
-  uint32 tie_t;
-  tie_t = (val << 30) >> 30;
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0xc000) | (tie_t << 14);
-static unsigned
-Field_t8_Slot_inst_get (const xtensa_insnbuf insn)
-  unsigned tie_t = 0;
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 1) | ((insn[0] << 24) >> 31);
-  return tie_t;
-static void
-Field_t8_Slot_inst_set (xtensa_insnbuf insn, uint32 val)
-  uint32 tie_t;
-  tie_t = (val << 31) >> 31;
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0x80) | (tie_t << 7);
-static unsigned
-Field_t8_Slot_inst16a_get (const xtensa_insnbuf insn)
-  unsigned tie_t = 0;
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 1) | ((insn[0] << 24) >> 31);
-  return tie_t;
-static void
-Field_t8_Slot_inst16a_set (xtensa_insnbuf insn, uint32 val)
-  uint32 tie_t;
-  tie_t = (val << 31) >> 31;
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0x80) | (tie_t << 7);
-static unsigned
-Field_t8_Slot_inst16b_get (const xtensa_insnbuf insn)
-  unsigned tie_t = 0;
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 1) | ((insn[0] << 24) >> 31);
-  return tie_t;
-static void
-Field_t8_Slot_inst16b_set (xtensa_insnbuf insn, uint32 val)
-  uint32 tie_t;
-  tie_t = (val << 31) >> 31;
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0x80) | (tie_t << 7);
-static unsigned
-Field_s8_Slot_inst_get (const xtensa_insnbuf insn)
-  unsigned tie_t = 0;
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 1) | ((insn[0] << 20) >> 31);
-  return tie_t;
-static void
-Field_s8_Slot_inst_set (xtensa_insnbuf insn, uint32 val)
-  uint32 tie_t;
-  tie_t = (val << 31) >> 31;
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0x800) | (tie_t << 11);
-static unsigned
-Field_s8_Slot_inst16a_get (const xtensa_insnbuf insn)
-  unsigned tie_t = 0;
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 1) | ((insn[0] << 20) >> 31);
-  return tie_t;
-static void
-Field_s8_Slot_inst16a_set (xtensa_insnbuf insn, uint32 val)
-  uint32 tie_t;
-  tie_t = (val << 31) >> 31;
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0x800) | (tie_t << 11);
-static unsigned
-Field_s8_Slot_inst16b_get (const xtensa_insnbuf insn)
-  unsigned tie_t = 0;
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 1) | ((insn[0] << 20) >> 31);
-  return tie_t;
-static void
-Field_s8_Slot_inst16b_set (xtensa_insnbuf insn, uint32 val)
-  uint32 tie_t;
-  tie_t = (val << 31) >> 31;
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0x800) | (tie_t << 11);
-static unsigned
-Field_r8_Slot_inst_get (const xtensa_insnbuf insn)
-  unsigned tie_t = 0;
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 1) | ((insn[0] << 16) >> 31);
-  return tie_t;
-static void
-Field_r8_Slot_inst_set (xtensa_insnbuf insn, uint32 val)
-  uint32 tie_t;
-  tie_t = (val << 31) >> 31;
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0x8000) | (tie_t << 15);
-static unsigned
-Field_r8_Slot_inst16a_get (const xtensa_insnbuf insn)
-  unsigned tie_t = 0;
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 1) | ((insn[0] << 16) >> 31);
-  return tie_t;
-static void
-Field_r8_Slot_inst16a_set (xtensa_insnbuf insn, uint32 val)
-  uint32 tie_t;
-  tie_t = (val << 31) >> 31;
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0x8000) | (tie_t << 15);
-static unsigned
-Field_r8_Slot_inst16b_get (const xtensa_insnbuf insn)
-  unsigned tie_t = 0;
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 1) | ((insn[0] << 16) >> 31);
-  return tie_t;
-static void
-Field_r8_Slot_inst16b_set (xtensa_insnbuf insn, uint32 val)
-  uint32 tie_t;
-  tie_t = (val << 31) >> 31;
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0x8000) | (tie_t << 15);
-static unsigned
-Field_xt_wbr15_imm_Slot_inst_get (const xtensa_insnbuf insn)
-  unsigned tie_t = 0;
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 15) | ((insn[0] << 8) >> 17);
-  return tie_t;
-static void
-Field_xt_wbr15_imm_Slot_inst_set (xtensa_insnbuf insn, uint32 val)
-  uint32 tie_t;
-  tie_t = (val << 17) >> 17;
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0xfffe00) | (tie_t << 9);
-static unsigned
-Field_xt_wbr18_imm_Slot_inst_get (const xtensa_insnbuf insn)
-  unsigned tie_t = 0;
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 18) | ((insn[0] << 8) >> 14);
-  return tie_t;
-static void
-Field_xt_wbr18_imm_Slot_inst_set (xtensa_insnbuf insn, uint32 val)
-  uint32 tie_t;
-  tie_t = (val << 14) >> 14;
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0xffffc0) | (tie_t << 6);
-static unsigned
-Field_xt_wbr18_imm_Slot_xt_flix64_slot3_get (const xtensa_insnbuf insn)
-  unsigned tie_t = 0;
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 18) | ((insn[0] << 6) >> 14);
-  return tie_t;
-static void
-Field_xt_wbr18_imm_Slot_xt_flix64_slot3_set (xtensa_insnbuf insn, uint32 val)
-  uint32 tie_t;
-  tie_t = (val << 14) >> 14;
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0x3ffff00) | (tie_t << 8);
-static unsigned
-Field_op0_xt_flix64_slot0_s3_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_get (const xtensa_insnbuf insn)
-  unsigned tie_t = 0;
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 4) | ((insn[0] << 8) >> 28);
-  return tie_t;
-static void
-Field_op0_xt_flix64_slot0_s3_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_set (xtensa_insnbuf insn, uint32 val)
-  uint32 tie_t;
-  tie_t = (val << 28) >> 28;
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0xf00000) | (tie_t << 20);
-static unsigned
-Field_combined3e2c5767_fld7_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_get (const xtensa_insnbuf insn)
-  unsigned tie_t = 0;
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 3) | ((insn[0] << 16) >> 29);
-  return tie_t;
-static void
-Field_combined3e2c5767_fld7_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_set (xtensa_insnbuf insn, uint32 val)
-  uint32 tie_t;
-  tie_t = (val << 29) >> 29;
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0xe000) | (tie_t << 13);
-static unsigned
-Field_combined3e2c5767_fld8_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_get (const xtensa_insnbuf insn)
-  unsigned tie_t = 0;
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 3) | ((insn[0] << 16) >> 29);
-  return tie_t;
-static void
-Field_combined3e2c5767_fld8_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_set (xtensa_insnbuf insn, uint32 val)
-  uint32 tie_t;
-  tie_t = (val << 29) >> 29;
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0xe000) | (tie_t << 13);
-static unsigned
-Field_combined3e2c5767_fld9_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_get (const xtensa_insnbuf insn)
-  unsigned tie_t = 0;
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 3) | ((insn[0] << 12) >> 29);
-  return tie_t;
-static void
-Field_combined3e2c5767_fld9_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_set (xtensa_insnbuf insn, uint32 val)
-  uint32 tie_t;
-  tie_t = (val << 29) >> 29;
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0xe0000) | (tie_t << 17);
-static unsigned
-Field_combined3e2c5767_fld11_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_get (const xtensa_insnbuf insn)
-  unsigned tie_t = 0;
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 3) | ((insn[0] << 12) >> 29);
-  return tie_t;
-static void
-Field_combined3e2c5767_fld11_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_set (xtensa_insnbuf insn, uint32 val)
-  uint32 tie_t;
-  tie_t = (val << 29) >> 29;
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0xe0000) | (tie_t << 17);
-static unsigned
-Field_combined3e2c5767_fld49xt_flix64_slot0_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_get (const xtensa_insnbuf insn)
-  unsigned tie_t = 0;
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 4) | ((insn[0] << 12) >> 28);
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 4) | ((insn[0] << 20) >> 28);
-  return tie_t;
-static void
-Field_combined3e2c5767_fld49xt_flix64_slot0_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_set (xtensa_insnbuf insn, uint32 val)
-  uint32 tie_t;
-  tie_t = (val << 28) >> 28;
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0xf00) | (tie_t << 8);
-  tie_t = (val << 24) >> 28;
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0xf0000) | (tie_t << 16);
-static unsigned
-Field_op0_s4_Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_get (const xtensa_insnbuf insn)
-  unsigned tie_t = 0;
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 2) | ((insn[0] << 12) >> 30);
-  return tie_t;
-static void
-Field_op0_s4_Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_set (xtensa_insnbuf insn, uint32 val)
-  uint32 tie_t;
-  tie_t = (val << 30) >> 30;
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0xc0000) | (tie_t << 18);
-static unsigned
-Field_combined3e2c5767_fld16_Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_get (const xtensa_insnbuf insn)
-  unsigned tie_t = 0;
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 4) | ((insn[0] << 16) >> 28);
-  return tie_t;
-static void
-Field_combined3e2c5767_fld16_Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_set (xtensa_insnbuf insn, uint32 val)
-  uint32 tie_t;
-  tie_t = (val << 28) >> 28;
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0xf000) | (tie_t << 12);
-static unsigned
-Field_combined3e2c5767_fld19xt_flix64_slot1_Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_get (const xtensa_insnbuf insn)
-  unsigned tie_t = 0;
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 1) | ((insn[0] << 14) >> 31);
-  return tie_t;
-static void
-Field_combined3e2c5767_fld19xt_flix64_slot1_Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_set (xtensa_insnbuf insn, uint32 val)
-  uint32 tie_t;
-  tie_t = (val << 31) >> 31;
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0x20000) | (tie_t << 17);
-static unsigned
-Field_combined3e2c5767_fld20xt_flix64_slot1_Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_get (const xtensa_insnbuf insn)
-  unsigned tie_t = 0;
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 2) | ((insn[0] << 14) >> 30);
-  return tie_t;
-static void
-Field_combined3e2c5767_fld20xt_flix64_slot1_Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_set (xtensa_insnbuf insn, uint32 val)
-  uint32 tie_t;
-  tie_t = (val << 30) >> 30;
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0x30000) | (tie_t << 16);
-static unsigned
-Field_combined3e2c5767_fld21xt_flix64_slot1_Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_get (const xtensa_insnbuf insn)
-  unsigned tie_t = 0;
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 5) | ((insn[0] << 14) >> 27);
-  return tie_t;
-static void
-Field_combined3e2c5767_fld21xt_flix64_slot1_Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_set (xtensa_insnbuf insn, uint32 val)
-  uint32 tie_t;
-  tie_t = (val << 27) >> 27;
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0x3e000) | (tie_t << 13);
-static unsigned
-Field_combined3e2c5767_fld22xt_flix64_slot1_Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_get (const xtensa_insnbuf insn)
-  unsigned tie_t = 0;
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 6) | ((insn[0] << 14) >> 26);
-  return tie_t;
-static void
-Field_combined3e2c5767_fld22xt_flix64_slot1_Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_set (xtensa_insnbuf insn, uint32 val)
-  uint32 tie_t;
-  tie_t = (val << 26) >> 26;
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0x3f000) | (tie_t << 12);
-static unsigned
-Field_combined3e2c5767_fld23xt_flix64_slot1_Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_get (const xtensa_insnbuf insn)
-  unsigned tie_t = 0;
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 6) | ((insn[0] << 14) >> 26);
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 3) | ((insn[0] << 25) >> 29);
-  return tie_t;
-static void
-Field_combined3e2c5767_fld23xt_flix64_slot1_Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_set (xtensa_insnbuf insn, uint32 val)
-  uint32 tie_t;
-  tie_t = (val << 29) >> 29;
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0x70) | (tie_t << 4);
-  tie_t = (val << 23) >> 26;
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0x3f000) | (tie_t << 12);
-static unsigned
-Field_combined3e2c5767_fld25xt_flix64_slot1_Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_get (const xtensa_insnbuf insn)
-  unsigned tie_t = 0;
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 6) | ((insn[0] << 14) >> 26);
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 3) | ((insn[0] << 25) >> 29);
-  return tie_t;
-static void
-Field_combined3e2c5767_fld25xt_flix64_slot1_Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_set (xtensa_insnbuf insn, uint32 val)
-  uint32 tie_t;
-  tie_t = (val << 29) >> 29;
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0x70) | (tie_t << 4);
-  tie_t = (val << 23) >> 26;
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0x3f000) | (tie_t << 12);
-static unsigned
-Field_combined3e2c5767_fld26xt_flix64_slot1_Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_get (const xtensa_insnbuf insn)
-  unsigned tie_t = 0;
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 6) | ((insn[0] << 14) >> 26);
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 2) | ((insn[0] << 25) >> 30);
-  return tie_t;
-static void
-Field_combined3e2c5767_fld26xt_flix64_slot1_Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_set (xtensa_insnbuf insn, uint32 val)
-  uint32 tie_t;
-  tie_t = (val << 30) >> 30;
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0x60) | (tie_t << 5);
-  tie_t = (val << 24) >> 26;
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0x3f000) | (tie_t << 12);
-static unsigned
-Field_combined3e2c5767_fld28xt_flix64_slot1_Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_get (const xtensa_insnbuf insn)
-  unsigned tie_t = 0;
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 6) | ((insn[0] << 14) >> 26);
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 1) | ((insn[0] << 25) >> 31);
-  return tie_t;
-static void
-Field_combined3e2c5767_fld28xt_flix64_slot1_Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_set (xtensa_insnbuf insn, uint32 val)
-  uint32 tie_t;
-  tie_t = (val << 31) >> 31;
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0x40) | (tie_t << 6);
-  tie_t = (val << 25) >> 26;
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0x3f000) | (tie_t << 12);
-static unsigned
-Field_combined3e2c5767_fld30xt_flix64_slot1_Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_get (const xtensa_insnbuf insn)
-  unsigned tie_t = 0;
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 6) | ((insn[0] << 14) >> 26);
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 2) | ((insn[0] << 22) >> 30);
-  return tie_t;
-static void
-Field_combined3e2c5767_fld30xt_flix64_slot1_Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_set (xtensa_insnbuf insn, uint32 val)
-  uint32 tie_t;
-  tie_t = (val << 30) >> 30;
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0x300) | (tie_t << 8);
-  tie_t = (val << 24) >> 26;
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0x3f000) | (tie_t << 12);
-static unsigned
-Field_combined3e2c5767_fld32xt_flix64_slot1_Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_get (const xtensa_insnbuf insn)
-  unsigned tie_t = 0;
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 6) | ((insn[0] << 14) >> 26);
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 2) | ((insn[0] << 22) >> 30);
-  return tie_t;
-static void
-Field_combined3e2c5767_fld32xt_flix64_slot1_Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_set (xtensa_insnbuf insn, uint32 val)
-  uint32 tie_t;
-  tie_t = (val << 30) >> 30;
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0x300) | (tie_t << 8);
-  tie_t = (val << 24) >> 26;
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0x3f000) | (tie_t << 12);
-static unsigned
-Field_combined3e2c5767_fld33xt_flix64_slot1_Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_get (const xtensa_insnbuf insn)
-  unsigned tie_t = 0;
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 6) | ((insn[0] << 14) >> 26);
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 1) | ((insn[0] << 22) >> 31);
-  return tie_t;
-static void
-Field_combined3e2c5767_fld33xt_flix64_slot1_Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_set (xtensa_insnbuf insn, uint32 val)
-  uint32 tie_t;
-  tie_t = (val << 31) >> 31;
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0x200) | (tie_t << 9);
-  tie_t = (val << 25) >> 26;
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0x3f000) | (tie_t << 12);
-static unsigned
-Field_combined3e2c5767_fld35xt_flix64_slot1_Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_get (const xtensa_insnbuf insn)
-  unsigned tie_t = 0;
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 3) | ((insn[0] << 14) >> 29);
-  return tie_t;
-static void
-Field_combined3e2c5767_fld35xt_flix64_slot1_Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_set (xtensa_insnbuf insn, uint32 val)
-  uint32 tie_t;
-  tie_t = (val << 29) >> 29;
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0x38000) | (tie_t << 15);
-static unsigned
-Field_combined3e2c5767_fld51xt_flix64_slot1_Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_get (const xtensa_insnbuf insn)
-  unsigned tie_t = 0;
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 1) | ((insn[0] << 24) >> 31);
-  return tie_t;
-static void
-Field_combined3e2c5767_fld51xt_flix64_slot1_Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_set (xtensa_insnbuf insn, uint32 val)
-  uint32 tie_t;
-  tie_t = (val << 31) >> 31;
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0x80) | (tie_t << 7);
-static unsigned
-Field_combined3e2c5767_fld52xt_flix64_slot1_Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_get (const xtensa_insnbuf insn)
-  unsigned tie_t = 0;
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 1) | ((insn[0] << 24) >> 31);
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 4) | ((insn[0] << 28) >> 28);
-  return tie_t;
-static void
-Field_combined3e2c5767_fld52xt_flix64_slot1_Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_set (xtensa_insnbuf insn, uint32 val)
-  uint32 tie_t;
-  tie_t = (val << 28) >> 28;
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0xf) | (tie_t << 0);
-  tie_t = (val << 27) >> 31;
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0x80) | (tie_t << 7);
-static unsigned
-Field_combined3e2c5767_fld53xt_flix64_slot1_Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_get (const xtensa_insnbuf insn)
-  unsigned tie_t = 0;
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 2) | ((insn[0] << 20) >> 30);
-  return tie_t;
-static void
-Field_combined3e2c5767_fld53xt_flix64_slot1_Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_set (xtensa_insnbuf insn, uint32 val)
-  uint32 tie_t;
-  tie_t = (val << 30) >> 30;
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0xc00) | (tie_t << 10);
-static unsigned
-Field_combined3e2c5767_fld54xt_flix64_slot1_Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_get (const xtensa_insnbuf insn)
-  unsigned tie_t = 0;
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 5) | ((insn[0] << 20) >> 27);
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 6) | ((insn[0] << 26) >> 26);
-  return tie_t;
-static void
-Field_combined3e2c5767_fld54xt_flix64_slot1_Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_set (xtensa_insnbuf insn, uint32 val)
-  uint32 tie_t;
-  tie_t = (val << 26) >> 26;
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0x3f) | (tie_t << 0);
-  tie_t = (val << 21) >> 27;
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0xf80) | (tie_t << 7);
-static unsigned
-Field_combined3e2c5767_fld57xt_flix64_slot1_Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_get (const xtensa_insnbuf insn)
-  unsigned tie_t = 0;
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 1) | ((insn[0] << 19) >> 31);
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 4) | ((insn[0] << 28) >> 28);
-  return tie_t;
-static void
-Field_combined3e2c5767_fld57xt_flix64_slot1_Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_set (xtensa_insnbuf insn, uint32 val)
-  uint32 tie_t;
-  tie_t = (val << 28) >> 28;
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0xf) | (tie_t << 0);
-  tie_t = (val << 27) >> 31;
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0x1000) | (tie_t << 12);
-static unsigned
-Field_combined3e2c5767_fld58xt_flix64_slot1_Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_get (const xtensa_insnbuf insn)
-  unsigned tie_t = 0;
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 2) | ((insn[0] << 20) >> 30);
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 1) | ((insn[0] << 23) >> 31);
-  return tie_t;
-static void
-Field_combined3e2c5767_fld58xt_flix64_slot1_Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_set (xtensa_insnbuf insn, uint32 val)
-  uint32 tie_t;
-  tie_t = (val << 31) >> 31;
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0x100) | (tie_t << 8);
-  tie_t = (val << 29) >> 30;
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0xc00) | (tie_t << 10);
-static unsigned
-Field_combined3e2c5767_fld60xt_flix64_slot1_Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_get (const xtensa_insnbuf insn)
-  unsigned tie_t = 0;
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 1) | ((insn[0] << 24) >> 31);
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 5) | ((insn[0] << 27) >> 27);
-  return tie_t;
-static void
-Field_combined3e2c5767_fld60xt_flix64_slot1_Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_set (xtensa_insnbuf insn, uint32 val)
-  uint32 tie_t;
-  tie_t = (val << 27) >> 27;
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0x1f) | (tie_t << 0);
-  tie_t = (val << 26) >> 31;
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0x80) | (tie_t << 7);
-static unsigned
-Field_combined3e2c5767_fld62xt_flix64_slot1_Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_get (const xtensa_insnbuf insn)
-  unsigned tie_t = 0;
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 3) | ((insn[0] << 17) >> 29);
-  return tie_t;
-static void
-Field_combined3e2c5767_fld62xt_flix64_slot1_Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_set (xtensa_insnbuf insn, uint32 val)
-  uint32 tie_t;
-  tie_t = (val << 29) >> 29;
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0x7000) | (tie_t << 12);
-static unsigned
-Field_op0_s5_Slot_xt_flix64_slot2_get (const xtensa_insnbuf insn)
-  unsigned tie_t = 0;
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 3) | ((insn[0] << 16) >> 29);
-  return tie_t;
-static void
-Field_op0_s5_Slot_xt_flix64_slot2_set (xtensa_insnbuf insn, uint32 val)
-  uint32 tie_t;
-  tie_t = (val << 29) >> 29;
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0xe000) | (tie_t << 13);
-static unsigned
-Field_combined3e2c5767_fld36xt_flix64_slot2_Slot_xt_flix64_slot2_get (const xtensa_insnbuf insn)
-  unsigned tie_t = 0;
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 1) | ((insn[0] << 19) >> 31);
-  return tie_t;
-static void
-Field_combined3e2c5767_fld36xt_flix64_slot2_Slot_xt_flix64_slot2_set (xtensa_insnbuf insn, uint32 val)
-  uint32 tie_t;
-  tie_t = (val << 31) >> 31;
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0x1000) | (tie_t << 12);
-static unsigned
-Field_combined3e2c5767_fld37xt_flix64_slot2_Slot_xt_flix64_slot2_get (const xtensa_insnbuf insn)
-  unsigned tie_t = 0;
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 1) | ((insn[0] << 19) >> 31);
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 1) | ((insn[0] << 24) >> 31);
-  return tie_t;
-static void
-Field_combined3e2c5767_fld37xt_flix64_slot2_Slot_xt_flix64_slot2_set (xtensa_insnbuf insn, uint32 val)
-  uint32 tie_t;
-  tie_t = (val << 31) >> 31;
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0x80) | (tie_t << 7);
-  tie_t = (val << 30) >> 31;
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0x1000) | (tie_t << 12);
-static unsigned
-Field_combined3e2c5767_fld39xt_flix64_slot2_Slot_xt_flix64_slot2_get (const xtensa_insnbuf insn)
-  unsigned tie_t = 0;
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 1) | ((insn[0] << 19) >> 31);
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 1) | ((insn[0] << 24) >> 31);
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 1) | ((insn[0] << 27) >> 31);
-  return tie_t;
-static void
-Field_combined3e2c5767_fld39xt_flix64_slot2_Slot_xt_flix64_slot2_set (xtensa_insnbuf insn, uint32 val)
-  uint32 tie_t;
-  tie_t = (val << 31) >> 31;
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0x10) | (tie_t << 4);
-  tie_t = (val << 30) >> 31;
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0x80) | (tie_t << 7);
-  tie_t = (val << 29) >> 31;
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0x1000) | (tie_t << 12);
-static unsigned
-Field_combined3e2c5767_fld41xt_flix64_slot2_Slot_xt_flix64_slot2_get (const xtensa_insnbuf insn)
-  unsigned tie_t = 0;
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 1) | ((insn[0] << 19) >> 31);
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 1) | ((insn[0] << 24) >> 31);
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 1) | ((insn[0] << 27) >> 31);
-  return tie_t;
-static void
-Field_combined3e2c5767_fld41xt_flix64_slot2_Slot_xt_flix64_slot2_set (xtensa_insnbuf insn, uint32 val)
-  uint32 tie_t;
-  tie_t = (val << 31) >> 31;
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0x10) | (tie_t << 4);
-  tie_t = (val << 30) >> 31;
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0x80) | (tie_t << 7);
-  tie_t = (val << 29) >> 31;
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0x1000) | (tie_t << 12);
-static unsigned
-Field_combined3e2c5767_fld42xt_flix64_slot2_Slot_xt_flix64_slot2_get (const xtensa_insnbuf insn)
-  unsigned tie_t = 0;
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 1) | ((insn[0] << 19) >> 31);
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 3) | ((insn[0] << 21) >> 29);
-  return tie_t;
-static void
-Field_combined3e2c5767_fld42xt_flix64_slot2_Slot_xt_flix64_slot2_set (xtensa_insnbuf insn, uint32 val)
-  uint32 tie_t;
-  tie_t = (val << 29) >> 29;
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0x700) | (tie_t << 8);
-  tie_t = (val << 28) >> 31;
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0x1000) | (tie_t << 12);
-static unsigned
-Field_combined3e2c5767_fld44xt_flix64_slot2_Slot_xt_flix64_slot2_get (const xtensa_insnbuf insn)
-  unsigned tie_t = 0;
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 1) | ((insn[0] << 19) >> 31);
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 3) | ((insn[0] << 21) >> 29);
-  return tie_t;
-static void
-Field_combined3e2c5767_fld44xt_flix64_slot2_Slot_xt_flix64_slot2_set (xtensa_insnbuf insn, uint32 val)
-  uint32 tie_t;
-  tie_t = (val << 29) >> 29;
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0x700) | (tie_t << 8);
-  tie_t = (val << 28) >> 31;
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0x1000) | (tie_t << 12);
-static unsigned
-Field_combined3e2c5767_fld45xt_flix64_slot2_Slot_xt_flix64_slot2_get (const xtensa_insnbuf insn)
-  unsigned tie_t = 0;
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 1) | ((insn[0] << 19) >> 31);
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 2) | ((insn[0] << 21) >> 30);
-  return tie_t;
-static void
-Field_combined3e2c5767_fld45xt_flix64_slot2_Slot_xt_flix64_slot2_set (xtensa_insnbuf insn, uint32 val)
-  uint32 tie_t;
-  tie_t = (val << 30) >> 30;
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0x600) | (tie_t << 9);
-  tie_t = (val << 29) >> 31;
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0x1000) | (tie_t << 12);
-static unsigned
-Field_combined3e2c5767_fld47xt_flix64_slot2_Slot_xt_flix64_slot2_get (const xtensa_insnbuf insn)
-  unsigned tie_t = 0;
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 1) | ((insn[0] << 19) >> 31);
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 1) | ((insn[0] << 21) >> 31);
-  return tie_t;
-static void
-Field_combined3e2c5767_fld47xt_flix64_slot2_Slot_xt_flix64_slot2_set (xtensa_insnbuf insn, uint32 val)
-  uint32 tie_t;
-  tie_t = (val << 31) >> 31;
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0x400) | (tie_t << 10);
-  tie_t = (val << 30) >> 31;
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0x1000) | (tie_t << 12);
-static unsigned
-Field_combined3e2c5767_fld63xt_flix64_slot2_Slot_xt_flix64_slot2_get (const xtensa_insnbuf insn)
-  unsigned tie_t = 0;
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 2) | ((insn[0] << 25) >> 30);
-  return tie_t;
-static void
-Field_combined3e2c5767_fld63xt_flix64_slot2_Slot_xt_flix64_slot2_set (xtensa_insnbuf insn, uint32 val)
-  uint32 tie_t;
-  tie_t = (val << 30) >> 30;
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0x60) | (tie_t << 5);
-static unsigned
-Field_combined3e2c5767_fld64xt_flix64_slot2_Slot_xt_flix64_slot2_get (const xtensa_insnbuf insn)
-  unsigned tie_t = 0;
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 1) | ((insn[0] << 20) >> 31);
-  return tie_t;
-static void
-Field_combined3e2c5767_fld64xt_flix64_slot2_Slot_xt_flix64_slot2_set (xtensa_insnbuf insn, uint32 val)
-  uint32 tie_t;
-  tie_t = (val << 31) >> 31;
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0x800) | (tie_t << 11);
-static unsigned
-Field_combined3e2c5767_fld65xt_flix64_slot2_Slot_xt_flix64_slot2_get (const xtensa_insnbuf insn)
-  unsigned tie_t = 0;
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 4) | ((insn[0] << 20) >> 28);
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 2) | ((insn[0] << 25) >> 30);
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 4) | ((insn[0] << 28) >> 28);
-  return tie_t;
-static void
-Field_combined3e2c5767_fld65xt_flix64_slot2_Slot_xt_flix64_slot2_set (xtensa_insnbuf insn, uint32 val)
-  uint32 tie_t;
-  tie_t = (val << 28) >> 28;
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0xf) | (tie_t << 0);
-  tie_t = (val << 26) >> 30;
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0x60) | (tie_t << 5);
-  tie_t = (val << 22) >> 28;
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0xf00) | (tie_t << 8);
-static unsigned
-Field_combined3e2c5767_fld66xt_flix64_slot2_Slot_xt_flix64_slot2_get (const xtensa_insnbuf insn)
-  unsigned tie_t = 0;
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 1) | ((insn[0] << 20) >> 31);
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 1) | ((insn[0] << 23) >> 31);
-  return tie_t;
-static void
-Field_combined3e2c5767_fld66xt_flix64_slot2_Slot_xt_flix64_slot2_set (xtensa_insnbuf insn, uint32 val)
-  uint32 tie_t;
-  tie_t = (val << 31) >> 31;
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0x100) | (tie_t << 8);
-  tie_t = (val << 30) >> 31;
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0x800) | (tie_t << 11);
-static unsigned
-Field_combined3e2c5767_fld68xt_flix64_slot2_Slot_xt_flix64_slot2_get (const xtensa_insnbuf insn)
-  unsigned tie_t = 0;
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 1) | ((insn[0] << 20) >> 31);
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 2) | ((insn[0] << 22) >> 30);
-  return tie_t;
-static void
-Field_combined3e2c5767_fld68xt_flix64_slot2_Slot_xt_flix64_slot2_set (xtensa_insnbuf insn, uint32 val)
-  uint32 tie_t;
-  tie_t = (val << 30) >> 30;
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0x300) | (tie_t << 8);
-  tie_t = (val << 29) >> 31;
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0x800) | (tie_t << 11);
-static unsigned
-Field_op0_s6_Slot_xt_flix64_slot3_get (const xtensa_insnbuf insn)
-  unsigned tie_t = 0;
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 5) | ((insn[0] << 0) >> 27);
-  return tie_t;
-static void
-Field_op0_s6_Slot_xt_flix64_slot3_set (xtensa_insnbuf insn, uint32 val)
-  uint32 tie_t;
-  tie_t = (val << 27) >> 27;
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0xf8000000) | (tie_t << 27);
-static unsigned
-Field_combined3e2c5767_fld70xt_flix64_slot3_Slot_xt_flix64_slot3_get (const xtensa_insnbuf insn)
-  unsigned tie_t = 0;
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 3) | ((insn[1] << 29) >> 29);
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 1) | ((insn[0] << 5) >> 31);
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 4) | ((insn[0] << 28) >> 28);
-  return tie_t;
-static void
-Field_combined3e2c5767_fld70xt_flix64_slot3_Slot_xt_flix64_slot3_set (xtensa_insnbuf insn, uint32 val)
-  uint32 tie_t;
-  tie_t = (val << 28) >> 28;
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0xf) | (tie_t << 0);
-  tie_t = (val << 27) >> 31;
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0x4000000) | (tie_t << 26);
-  tie_t = (val << 24) >> 29;
-  insn[1] = (insn[1] & ~0x7) | (tie_t << 0);
-static unsigned
-Field_combined3e2c5767_fld71_Slot_xt_flix64_slot3_get (const xtensa_insnbuf insn)
-  unsigned tie_t = 0;
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 3) | ((insn[1] << 29) >> 29);
-  return tie_t;
-static void
-Field_combined3e2c5767_fld71_Slot_xt_flix64_slot3_set (xtensa_insnbuf insn, uint32 val)
-  uint32 tie_t;
-  tie_t = (val << 29) >> 29;
-  insn[1] = (insn[1] & ~0x7) | (tie_t << 0);
-static unsigned
-Field_combined3e2c5767_fld72xt_flix64_slot3_Slot_xt_flix64_slot3_get (const xtensa_insnbuf insn)
-  unsigned tie_t = 0;
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 3) | ((insn[1] << 29) >> 29);
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 1) | ((insn[0] << 5) >> 31);
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 4) | ((insn[0] << 28) >> 28);
-  return tie_t;
-static void
-Field_combined3e2c5767_fld72xt_flix64_slot3_Slot_xt_flix64_slot3_set (xtensa_insnbuf insn, uint32 val)
-  uint32 tie_t;
-  tie_t = (val << 28) >> 28;
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0xf) | (tie_t << 0);
-  tie_t = (val << 27) >> 31;
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0x4000000) | (tie_t << 26);
-  tie_t = (val << 24) >> 29;
-  insn[1] = (insn[1] & ~0x7) | (tie_t << 0);
-static unsigned
-Field_combined3e2c5767_fld73xt_flix64_slot3_Slot_xt_flix64_slot3_get (const xtensa_insnbuf insn)
-  unsigned tie_t = 0;
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 3) | ((insn[1] << 29) >> 29);
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 1) | ((insn[0] << 5) >> 31);
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 4) | ((insn[0] << 28) >> 28);
-  return tie_t;
-static void
-Field_combined3e2c5767_fld73xt_flix64_slot3_Slot_xt_flix64_slot3_set (xtensa_insnbuf insn, uint32 val)
-  uint32 tie_t;
-  tie_t = (val << 28) >> 28;
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0xf) | (tie_t << 0);
-  tie_t = (val << 27) >> 31;
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0x4000000) | (tie_t << 26);
-  tie_t = (val << 24) >> 29;
-  insn[1] = (insn[1] & ~0x7) | (tie_t << 0);
-static unsigned
-Field_combined3e2c5767_fld74xt_flix64_slot3_Slot_xt_flix64_slot3_get (const xtensa_insnbuf insn)
-  unsigned tie_t = 0;
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 3) | ((insn[1] << 29) >> 29);
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 1) | ((insn[0] << 5) >> 31);
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 4) | ((insn[0] << 28) >> 28);
-  return tie_t;
-static void
-Field_combined3e2c5767_fld74xt_flix64_slot3_Slot_xt_flix64_slot3_set (xtensa_insnbuf insn, uint32 val)
-  uint32 tie_t;
-  tie_t = (val << 28) >> 28;
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0xf) | (tie_t << 0);
-  tie_t = (val << 27) >> 31;
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0x4000000) | (tie_t << 26);
-  tie_t = (val << 24) >> 29;
-  insn[1] = (insn[1] & ~0x7) | (tie_t << 0);
-static unsigned
-Field_combined3e2c5767_fld75xt_flix64_slot3_Slot_xt_flix64_slot3_get (const xtensa_insnbuf insn)
-  unsigned tie_t = 0;
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 3) | ((insn[1] << 29) >> 29);
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 1) | ((insn[0] << 5) >> 31);
-  return tie_t;
-static void
-Field_combined3e2c5767_fld75xt_flix64_slot3_Slot_xt_flix64_slot3_set (xtensa_insnbuf insn, uint32 val)
-  uint32 tie_t;
-  tie_t = (val << 31) >> 31;
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0x4000000) | (tie_t << 26);
-  tie_t = (val << 28) >> 29;
-  insn[1] = (insn[1] & ~0x7) | (tie_t << 0);
-static unsigned
-Field_combined3e2c5767_fld76xt_flix64_slot3_Slot_xt_flix64_slot3_get (const xtensa_insnbuf insn)
-  unsigned tie_t = 0;
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 3) | ((insn[1] << 29) >> 29);
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 1) | ((insn[0] << 5) >> 31);
-  return tie_t;
-static void
-Field_combined3e2c5767_fld76xt_flix64_slot3_Slot_xt_flix64_slot3_set (xtensa_insnbuf insn, uint32 val)
-  uint32 tie_t;
-  tie_t = (val << 31) >> 31;
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0x4000000) | (tie_t << 26);
-  tie_t = (val << 28) >> 29;
-  insn[1] = (insn[1] & ~0x7) | (tie_t << 0);
-static unsigned
-Field_combined3e2c5767_fld77xt_flix64_slot3_Slot_xt_flix64_slot3_get (const xtensa_insnbuf insn)
-  unsigned tie_t = 0;
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 3) | ((insn[1] << 29) >> 29);
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 1) | ((insn[0] << 5) >> 31);
-  return tie_t;
-static void
-Field_combined3e2c5767_fld77xt_flix64_slot3_Slot_xt_flix64_slot3_set (xtensa_insnbuf insn, uint32 val)
-  uint32 tie_t;
-  tie_t = (val << 31) >> 31;
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0x4000000) | (tie_t << 26);
-  tie_t = (val << 28) >> 29;
-  insn[1] = (insn[1] & ~0x7) | (tie_t << 0);
-static unsigned
-Field_combined3e2c5767_fld78xt_flix64_slot3_Slot_xt_flix64_slot3_get (const xtensa_insnbuf insn)
-  unsigned tie_t = 0;
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 3) | ((insn[1] << 29) >> 29);
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 1) | ((insn[0] << 5) >> 31);
-  return tie_t;
-static void
-Field_combined3e2c5767_fld78xt_flix64_slot3_Slot_xt_flix64_slot3_set (xtensa_insnbuf insn, uint32 val)
-  uint32 tie_t;
-  tie_t = (val << 31) >> 31;
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0x4000000) | (tie_t << 26);
-  tie_t = (val << 28) >> 29;
-  insn[1] = (insn[1] & ~0x7) | (tie_t << 0);
-static unsigned
-Field_combined3e2c5767_fld79xt_flix64_slot3_Slot_xt_flix64_slot3_get (const xtensa_insnbuf insn)
-  unsigned tie_t = 0;
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 3) | ((insn[1] << 29) >> 29);
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 1) | ((insn[0] << 5) >> 31);
-  return tie_t;
-static void
-Field_combined3e2c5767_fld79xt_flix64_slot3_Slot_xt_flix64_slot3_set (xtensa_insnbuf insn, uint32 val)
-  uint32 tie_t;
-  tie_t = (val << 31) >> 31;
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0x4000000) | (tie_t << 26);
-  tie_t = (val << 28) >> 29;
-  insn[1] = (insn[1] & ~0x7) | (tie_t << 0);
-static unsigned
-Field_combined3e2c5767_fld80xt_flix64_slot3_Slot_xt_flix64_slot3_get (const xtensa_insnbuf insn)
-  unsigned tie_t = 0;
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 3) | ((insn[1] << 29) >> 29);
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 1) | ((insn[0] << 5) >> 31);
-  return tie_t;
-static void
-Field_combined3e2c5767_fld80xt_flix64_slot3_Slot_xt_flix64_slot3_set (xtensa_insnbuf insn, uint32 val)
-  uint32 tie_t;
-  tie_t = (val << 31) >> 31;
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0x4000000) | (tie_t << 26);
-  tie_t = (val << 28) >> 29;
-  insn[1] = (insn[1] & ~0x7) | (tie_t << 0);
-static unsigned
-Field_combined3e2c5767_fld81xt_flix64_slot3_Slot_xt_flix64_slot3_get (const xtensa_insnbuf insn)
-  unsigned tie_t = 0;
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 3) | ((insn[1] << 29) >> 29);
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 1) | ((insn[0] << 5) >> 31);
-  return tie_t;
-static void
-Field_combined3e2c5767_fld81xt_flix64_slot3_Slot_xt_flix64_slot3_set (xtensa_insnbuf insn, uint32 val)
-  uint32 tie_t;
-  tie_t = (val << 31) >> 31;
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0x4000000) | (tie_t << 26);
-  tie_t = (val << 28) >> 29;
-  insn[1] = (insn[1] & ~0x7) | (tie_t << 0);
-static unsigned
-Field_combined3e2c5767_fld82xt_flix64_slot3_Slot_xt_flix64_slot3_get (const xtensa_insnbuf insn)
-  unsigned tie_t = 0;
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 3) | ((insn[1] << 29) >> 29);
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 1) | ((insn[0] << 5) >> 31);
-  return tie_t;
-static void
-Field_combined3e2c5767_fld82xt_flix64_slot3_Slot_xt_flix64_slot3_set (xtensa_insnbuf insn, uint32 val)
-  uint32 tie_t;
-  tie_t = (val << 31) >> 31;
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0x4000000) | (tie_t << 26);
-  tie_t = (val << 28) >> 29;
-  insn[1] = (insn[1] & ~0x7) | (tie_t << 0);
-static unsigned
-Field_combined3e2c5767_fld83xt_flix64_slot3_Slot_xt_flix64_slot3_get (const xtensa_insnbuf insn)
-  unsigned tie_t = 0;
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 3) | ((insn[1] << 29) >> 29);
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 1) | ((insn[0] << 5) >> 31);
-  return tie_t;
-static void
-Field_combined3e2c5767_fld83xt_flix64_slot3_Slot_xt_flix64_slot3_set (xtensa_insnbuf insn, uint32 val)
-  uint32 tie_t;
-  tie_t = (val << 31) >> 31;
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0x4000000) | (tie_t << 26);
-  tie_t = (val << 28) >> 29;
-  insn[1] = (insn[1] & ~0x7) | (tie_t << 0);
-static unsigned
-Field_combined3e2c5767_fld84xt_flix64_slot3_Slot_xt_flix64_slot3_get (const xtensa_insnbuf insn)
-  unsigned tie_t = 0;
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 3) | ((insn[1] << 29) >> 29);
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 1) | ((insn[0] << 5) >> 31);
-  return tie_t;
-static void
-Field_combined3e2c5767_fld84xt_flix64_slot3_Slot_xt_flix64_slot3_set (xtensa_insnbuf insn, uint32 val)
-  uint32 tie_t;
-  tie_t = (val << 31) >> 31;
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0x4000000) | (tie_t << 26);
-  tie_t = (val << 28) >> 29;
-  insn[1] = (insn[1] & ~0x7) | (tie_t << 0);
-static unsigned
-Field_combined3e2c5767_fld85xt_flix64_slot3_Slot_xt_flix64_slot3_get (const xtensa_insnbuf insn)
-  unsigned tie_t = 0;
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 3) | ((insn[1] << 29) >> 29);
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 1) | ((insn[0] << 5) >> 31);
-  return tie_t;
-static void
-Field_combined3e2c5767_fld85xt_flix64_slot3_Slot_xt_flix64_slot3_set (xtensa_insnbuf insn, uint32 val)
-  uint32 tie_t;
-  tie_t = (val << 31) >> 31;
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0x4000000) | (tie_t << 26);
-  tie_t = (val << 28) >> 29;
-  insn[1] = (insn[1] & ~0x7) | (tie_t << 0);
-static unsigned
-Field_combined3e2c5767_fld86xt_flix64_slot3_Slot_xt_flix64_slot3_get (const xtensa_insnbuf insn)
-  unsigned tie_t = 0;
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 3) | ((insn[1] << 29) >> 29);
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 1) | ((insn[0] << 5) >> 31);
-  return tie_t;
-static void
-Field_combined3e2c5767_fld86xt_flix64_slot3_Slot_xt_flix64_slot3_set (xtensa_insnbuf insn, uint32 val)
-  uint32 tie_t;
-  tie_t = (val << 31) >> 31;
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0x4000000) | (tie_t << 26);
-  tie_t = (val << 28) >> 29;
-  insn[1] = (insn[1] & ~0x7) | (tie_t << 0);
-static unsigned
-Field_combined3e2c5767_fld87xt_flix64_slot3_Slot_xt_flix64_slot3_get (const xtensa_insnbuf insn)
-  unsigned tie_t = 0;
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 3) | ((insn[1] << 29) >> 29);
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 1) | ((insn[0] << 5) >> 31);
-  return tie_t;
-static void
-Field_combined3e2c5767_fld87xt_flix64_slot3_Slot_xt_flix64_slot3_set (xtensa_insnbuf insn, uint32 val)
-  uint32 tie_t;
-  tie_t = (val << 31) >> 31;
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0x4000000) | (tie_t << 26);
-  tie_t = (val << 28) >> 29;
-  insn[1] = (insn[1] & ~0x7) | (tie_t << 0);
-static unsigned
-Field_combined3e2c5767_fld88xt_flix64_slot3_Slot_xt_flix64_slot3_get (const xtensa_insnbuf insn)
-  unsigned tie_t = 0;
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 3) | ((insn[1] << 29) >> 29);
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 1) | ((insn[0] << 5) >> 31);
-  return tie_t;
-static void
-Field_combined3e2c5767_fld88xt_flix64_slot3_Slot_xt_flix64_slot3_set (xtensa_insnbuf insn, uint32 val)
-  uint32 tie_t;
-  tie_t = (val << 31) >> 31;
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0x4000000) | (tie_t << 26);
-  tie_t = (val << 28) >> 29;
-  insn[1] = (insn[1] & ~0x7) | (tie_t << 0);
-static unsigned
-Field_combined3e2c5767_fld89xt_flix64_slot3_Slot_xt_flix64_slot3_get (const xtensa_insnbuf insn)
-  unsigned tie_t = 0;
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 3) | ((insn[1] << 29) >> 29);
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 1) | ((insn[0] << 5) >> 31);
-  return tie_t;
-static void
-Field_combined3e2c5767_fld89xt_flix64_slot3_Slot_xt_flix64_slot3_set (xtensa_insnbuf insn, uint32 val)
-  uint32 tie_t;
-  tie_t = (val << 31) >> 31;
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0x4000000) | (tie_t << 26);
-  tie_t = (val << 28) >> 29;
-  insn[1] = (insn[1] & ~0x7) | (tie_t << 0);
-static unsigned
-Field_combined3e2c5767_fld90xt_flix64_slot3_Slot_xt_flix64_slot3_get (const xtensa_insnbuf insn)
-  unsigned tie_t = 0;
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 3) | ((insn[1] << 29) >> 29);
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 1) | ((insn[0] << 5) >> 31);
-  return tie_t;
-static void
-Field_combined3e2c5767_fld90xt_flix64_slot3_Slot_xt_flix64_slot3_set (xtensa_insnbuf insn, uint32 val)
-  uint32 tie_t;
-  tie_t = (val << 31) >> 31;
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0x4000000) | (tie_t << 26);
-  tie_t = (val << 28) >> 29;
-  insn[1] = (insn[1] & ~0x7) | (tie_t << 0);
-static unsigned
-Field_combined3e2c5767_fld91xt_flix64_slot3_Slot_xt_flix64_slot3_get (const xtensa_insnbuf insn)
-  unsigned tie_t = 0;
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 3) | ((insn[1] << 29) >> 29);
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 1) | ((insn[0] << 5) >> 31);
-  return tie_t;
-static void
-Field_combined3e2c5767_fld91xt_flix64_slot3_Slot_xt_flix64_slot3_set (xtensa_insnbuf insn, uint32 val)
-  uint32 tie_t;
-  tie_t = (val << 31) >> 31;
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0x4000000) | (tie_t << 26);
-  tie_t = (val << 28) >> 29;
-  insn[1] = (insn[1] & ~0x7) | (tie_t << 0);
-static unsigned
-Field_combined3e2c5767_fld92xt_flix64_slot3_Slot_xt_flix64_slot3_get (const xtensa_insnbuf insn)
-  unsigned tie_t = 0;
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 3) | ((insn[1] << 29) >> 29);
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 1) | ((insn[0] << 5) >> 31);
-  return tie_t;
-static void
-Field_combined3e2c5767_fld92xt_flix64_slot3_Slot_xt_flix64_slot3_set (xtensa_insnbuf insn, uint32 val)
-  uint32 tie_t;
-  tie_t = (val << 31) >> 31;
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0x4000000) | (tie_t << 26);
-  tie_t = (val << 28) >> 29;
-  insn[1] = (insn[1] & ~0x7) | (tie_t << 0);
-static unsigned
-Field_combined3e2c5767_fld93xt_flix64_slot3_Slot_xt_flix64_slot3_get (const xtensa_insnbuf insn)
-  unsigned tie_t = 0;
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 3) | ((insn[1] << 29) >> 29);
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 27) | ((insn[0] << 5) >> 5);
-  return tie_t;
-static void
-Field_combined3e2c5767_fld93xt_flix64_slot3_Slot_xt_flix64_slot3_set (xtensa_insnbuf insn, uint32 val)
-  uint32 tie_t;
-  tie_t = (val << 5) >> 5;
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0x7ffffff) | (tie_t << 0);
-  tie_t = (val << 2) >> 29;
-  insn[1] = (insn[1] & ~0x7) | (tie_t << 0);
-static unsigned
-Field_op0_xt_flix64_slot0_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_get (const xtensa_insnbuf insn)
-  unsigned tie_t = 0;
-  tie_t = (tie_t << 4) | ((insn[0] << 8) >> 28);
-  return tie_t;
-static void
-Field_op0_xt_flix64_slot0_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_set (xtensa_insnbuf insn, uint32 val)
-  uint32 tie_t;
-  tie_t = (val << 28) >> 28;
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0xf00000) | (tie_t << 20);
-static void
-Implicit_Field_set (xtensa_insnbuf insn ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED,
-		    uint32 val ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED)
-  /* Do nothing.  */
-static unsigned
-Implicit_Field_ar0_get (const xtensa_insnbuf insn ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED)
-  return 0;
-static unsigned
-Implicit_Field_ar4_get (const xtensa_insnbuf insn ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED)
-  return 4;
-static unsigned
-Implicit_Field_ar8_get (const xtensa_insnbuf insn ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED)
-  return 8;
-static unsigned
-Implicit_Field_ar12_get (const xtensa_insnbuf insn ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED)
-  return 12;
-static unsigned
-Implicit_Field_mr0_get (const xtensa_insnbuf insn ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED)
-  return 0;
-static unsigned
-Implicit_Field_mr1_get (const xtensa_insnbuf insn ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED)
-  return 1;
-static unsigned
-Implicit_Field_mr2_get (const xtensa_insnbuf insn ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED)
-  return 2;
-static unsigned
-Implicit_Field_mr3_get (const xtensa_insnbuf insn ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED)
-  return 3;
-static unsigned
-Implicit_Field_bt16_get (const xtensa_insnbuf insn ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED)
-  return 0;
-static unsigned
-Implicit_Field_bs16_get (const xtensa_insnbuf insn ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED)
-  return 0;
-static unsigned
-Implicit_Field_br16_get (const xtensa_insnbuf insn ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED)
-  return 0;
-static unsigned
-Implicit_Field_brall_get (const xtensa_insnbuf insn ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED)
-  return 0;
-/* Functional units.  */
-static xtensa_funcUnit_internal funcUnits[] = {
-  { 0 }
-/* Register files.  */
-static xtensa_regfile_internal regfiles[] = {
-  { "AR", "a", 0, 32, 64 },
-  { "MR", "m", 1, 32, 4 },
-  { "BR", "b", 2, 1, 16 },
-  { "FR", "f", 3, 32, 16 },
-  { "BR2", "b", 2, 2, 8 },
-  { "BR4", "b", 2, 4, 4 },
-  { "BR8", "b", 2, 8, 2 },
-  { "BR16", "b", 2, 16, 1 }
-/* Interfaces.  */
-static xtensa_interface_internal interfaces[] = {
-  { 0 }
-/* Constant tables.  */
-/* constant table ai4c */
-static const unsigned CONST_TBL_ai4c_0[] = {
-  0xffffffff,
-  0x1,
-  0x2,
-  0x3,
-  0x4,
-  0x5,
-  0x6,
-  0x7,
-  0x8,
-  0x9,
-  0xa,
-  0xb,
-  0xc,
-  0xd,
-  0xe,
-  0xf,
-  0
-/* constant table b4c */
-static const unsigned CONST_TBL_b4c_0[] = {
-  0xffffffff,
-  0x1,
-  0x2,
-  0x3,
-  0x4,
-  0x5,
-  0x6,
-  0x7,
-  0x8,
-  0xa,
-  0xc,
-  0x10,
-  0x20,
-  0x40,
-  0x80,
-  0x100,
-  0
-/* constant table b4cu */
-static const unsigned CONST_TBL_b4cu_0[] = {
-  0x8000,
-  0x10000,
-  0x2,
-  0x3,
-  0x4,
-  0x5,
-  0x6,
-  0x7,
-  0x8,
-  0xa,
-  0xc,
-  0x10,
-  0x20,
-  0x40,
-  0x80,
-  0x100,
-  0
-/* Instruction operands.  */
-static int
-Operand_soffsetx4_decode (uint32 *valp)
-  unsigned soffsetx4_0, offset_0;
-  offset_0 = *valp & 0x3ffff;
-  soffsetx4_0 = 0x4 + ((((int) offset_0 << 14) >> 14) << 2);
-  *valp = soffsetx4_0;
-  return 0;
-static int
-Operand_soffsetx4_encode (uint32 *valp)
-  unsigned offset_0, soffsetx4_0;
-  soffsetx4_0 = *valp;
-  offset_0 = ((soffsetx4_0 - 0x4) >> 2) & 0x3ffff;
-  *valp = offset_0;
-  return 0;
-static int
-Operand_soffsetx4_ator (uint32 *valp, uint32 pc)
-  *valp -= (pc & ~0x3);
-  return 0;
-static int
-Operand_soffsetx4_rtoa (uint32 *valp, uint32 pc)
-  *valp += (pc & ~0x3);
-  return 0;
-static int
-Operand_uimm12x8_decode (uint32 *valp)
-  unsigned uimm12x8_0, imm12_0;
-  imm12_0 = *valp & 0xfff;
-  uimm12x8_0 = imm12_0 << 3;
-  *valp = uimm12x8_0;
-  return 0;
-static int
-Operand_uimm12x8_encode (uint32 *valp)
-  unsigned imm12_0, uimm12x8_0;
-  uimm12x8_0 = *valp;
-  imm12_0 = ((uimm12x8_0 >> 3) & 0xfff);
-  *valp = imm12_0;
-  return 0;
-static int
-Operand_simm4_decode (uint32 *valp)
-  unsigned simm4_0, mn_0;
-  mn_0 = *valp & 0xf;
-  simm4_0 = ((int) mn_0 << 28) >> 28;
-  *valp = simm4_0;
-  return 0;
-static int
-Operand_simm4_encode (uint32 *valp)
-  unsigned mn_0, simm4_0;
-  simm4_0 = *valp;
-  mn_0 = (simm4_0 & 0xf);
-  *valp = mn_0;
-  return 0;
-static int
-Operand_arr_decode (uint32 *valp ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED)
-  return 0;
-static int
-Operand_arr_encode (uint32 *valp)
-  int error;
-  error = (*valp & ~0xf) != 0;
-  return error;
-static int
-Operand_ars_decode (uint32 *valp ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED)
-  return 0;
-static int
-Operand_ars_encode (uint32 *valp)
-  int error;
-  error = (*valp & ~0xf) != 0;
-  return error;
-static int
-Operand_art_decode (uint32 *valp ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED)
-  return 0;
-static int
-Operand_art_encode (uint32 *valp)
-  int error;
-  error = (*valp & ~0xf) != 0;
-  return error;
-static int
-Operand_ar0_decode (uint32 *valp ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED)
-  return 0;
-static int
-Operand_ar0_encode (uint32 *valp)
-  int error;
-  error = (*valp & ~0x3f) != 0;
-  return error;
-static int
-Operand_ar4_decode (uint32 *valp ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED)
-  return 0;
-static int
-Operand_ar4_encode (uint32 *valp)
-  int error;
-  error = (*valp & ~0x3f) != 0;
-  return error;
-static int
-Operand_ar8_decode (uint32 *valp ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED)
-  return 0;
-static int
-Operand_ar8_encode (uint32 *valp)
-  int error;
-  error = (*valp & ~0x3f) != 0;
-  return error;
-static int
-Operand_ar12_decode (uint32 *valp ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED)
-  return 0;
-static int
-Operand_ar12_encode (uint32 *valp)
-  int error;
-  error = (*valp & ~0x3f) != 0;
-  return error;
-static int
-Operand_ars_entry_decode (uint32 *valp ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED)
-  return 0;
-static int
-Operand_ars_entry_encode (uint32 *valp)
-  int error;
-  error = (*valp & ~0x3f) != 0;
-  return error;
-static int
-Operand_immrx4_decode (uint32 *valp)
-  unsigned immrx4_0, rz_0;
-  rz_0 = *valp & 0xf;
-  immrx4_0 = (((0xfffffff) << 4) | rz_0) << 2;
-  *valp = immrx4_0;
-  return 0;
-static int
-Operand_immrx4_encode (uint32 *valp)
-  unsigned rz_0, immrx4_0;
-  immrx4_0 = *valp;
-  rz_0 = ((immrx4_0 >> 2) & 0xf);
-  *valp = rz_0;
-  return 0;
-static int
-Operand_lsi4x4_decode (uint32 *valp)
-  unsigned lsi4x4_0, rz_0;
-  rz_0 = *valp & 0xf;
-  lsi4x4_0 = rz_0 << 2;
-  *valp = lsi4x4_0;
-  return 0;
-static int
-Operand_lsi4x4_encode (uint32 *valp)
-  unsigned rz_0, lsi4x4_0;
-  lsi4x4_0 = *valp;
-  rz_0 = ((lsi4x4_0 >> 2) & 0xf);
-  *valp = rz_0;
-  return 0;
-static int
-Operand_simm7_decode (uint32 *valp)
-  unsigned simm7_0, imm7_0;
-  imm7_0 = *valp & 0x7f;
-  simm7_0 = ((((-((((imm7_0 >> 6) & 1)) & (((imm7_0 >> 5) & 1)))) & 0x1ffffff)) << 7) | imm7_0;
-  *valp = simm7_0;
-  return 0;
-static int
-Operand_simm7_encode (uint32 *valp)
-  unsigned imm7_0, simm7_0;
-  simm7_0 = *valp;
-  imm7_0 = (simm7_0 & 0x7f);
-  *valp = imm7_0;
-  return 0;
-static int
-Operand_uimm6_decode (uint32 *valp)
-  unsigned uimm6_0, imm6_0;
-  imm6_0 = *valp & 0x3f;
-  uimm6_0 = 0x4 + (((0) << 6) | imm6_0);
-  *valp = uimm6_0;
-  return 0;
-static int
-Operand_uimm6_encode (uint32 *valp)
-  unsigned imm6_0, uimm6_0;
-  uimm6_0 = *valp;
-  imm6_0 = (uimm6_0 - 0x4) & 0x3f;
-  *valp = imm6_0;
-  return 0;
-static int
-Operand_uimm6_ator (uint32 *valp, uint32 pc)
-  *valp -= pc;
-  return 0;
-static int
-Operand_uimm6_rtoa (uint32 *valp, uint32 pc)
-  *valp += pc;
-  return 0;
-static int
-Operand_ai4const_decode (uint32 *valp)
-  unsigned ai4const_0, t_0;
-  t_0 = *valp & 0xf;
-  ai4const_0 = CONST_TBL_ai4c_0[t_0 & 0xf];
-  *valp = ai4const_0;
-  return 0;
-static int
-Operand_ai4const_encode (uint32 *valp)
-  unsigned t_0, ai4const_0;
-  ai4const_0 = *valp;
-  switch (ai4const_0)
-    {
-    case 0xffffffff: t_0 = 0; break;
-    case 0x1: t_0 = 0x1; break;
-    case 0x2: t_0 = 0x2; break;
-    case 0x3: t_0 = 0x3; break;
-    case 0x4: t_0 = 0x4; break;
-    case 0x5: t_0 = 0x5; break;
-    case 0x6: t_0 = 0x6; break;
-    case 0x7: t_0 = 0x7; break;
-    case 0x8: t_0 = 0x8; break;
-    case 0x9: t_0 = 0x9; break;
-    case 0xa: t_0 = 0xa; break;
-    case 0xb: t_0 = 0xb; break;
-    case 0xc: t_0 = 0xc; break;
-    case 0xd: t_0 = 0xd; break;
-    case 0xe: t_0 = 0xe; break;
-    default: t_0 = 0xf; break;
-    }
-  *valp = t_0;
-  return 0;
-static int
-Operand_b4const_decode (uint32 *valp)
-  unsigned b4const_0, rz_0;
-  rz_0 = *valp & 0xf;
-  b4const_0 = CONST_TBL_b4c_0[rz_0 & 0xf];
-  *valp = b4const_0;
-  return 0;
-static int
-Operand_b4const_encode (uint32 *valp)
-  unsigned rz_0, b4const_0;
-  b4const_0 = *valp;
-  switch (b4const_0)
-    {
-    case 0xffffffff: rz_0 = 0; break;
-    case 0x1: rz_0 = 0x1; break;
-    case 0x2: rz_0 = 0x2; break;
-    case 0x3: rz_0 = 0x3; break;
-    case 0x4: rz_0 = 0x4; break;
-    case 0x5: rz_0 = 0x5; break;
-    case 0x6: rz_0 = 0x6; break;
-    case 0x7: rz_0 = 0x7; break;
-    case 0x8: rz_0 = 0x8; break;
-    case 0xa: rz_0 = 0x9; break;
-    case 0xc: rz_0 = 0xa; break;
-    case 0x10: rz_0 = 0xb; break;
-    case 0x20: rz_0 = 0xc; break;
-    case 0x40: rz_0 = 0xd; break;
-    case 0x80: rz_0 = 0xe; break;
-    default: rz_0 = 0xf; break;
-    }
-  *valp = rz_0;
-  return 0;
-static int
-Operand_b4constu_decode (uint32 *valp)
-  unsigned b4constu_0, rz_0;
-  rz_0 = *valp & 0xf;
-  b4constu_0 = CONST_TBL_b4cu_0[rz_0 & 0xf];
-  *valp = b4constu_0;
-  return 0;
-static int
-Operand_b4constu_encode (uint32 *valp)
-  unsigned rz_0, b4constu_0;
-  b4constu_0 = *valp;
-  switch (b4constu_0)
-    {
-    case 0x8000: rz_0 = 0; break;
-    case 0x10000: rz_0 = 0x1; break;
-    case 0x2: rz_0 = 0x2; break;
-    case 0x3: rz_0 = 0x3; break;
-    case 0x4: rz_0 = 0x4; break;
-    case 0x5: rz_0 = 0x5; break;
-    case 0x6: rz_0 = 0x6; break;
-    case 0x7: rz_0 = 0x7; break;
-    case 0x8: rz_0 = 0x8; break;
-    case 0xa: rz_0 = 0x9; break;
-    case 0xc: rz_0 = 0xa; break;
-    case 0x10: rz_0 = 0xb; break;
-    case 0x20: rz_0 = 0xc; break;
-    case 0x40: rz_0 = 0xd; break;
-    case 0x80: rz_0 = 0xe; break;
-    default: rz_0 = 0xf; break;
-    }
-  *valp = rz_0;
-  return 0;
-static int
-Operand_uimm8_decode (uint32 *valp)
-  unsigned uimm8_0, imm8_0;
-  imm8_0 = *valp & 0xff;
-  uimm8_0 = imm8_0;
-  *valp = uimm8_0;
-  return 0;
-static int
-Operand_uimm8_encode (uint32 *valp)
-  unsigned imm8_0, uimm8_0;
-  uimm8_0 = *valp;
-  imm8_0 = (uimm8_0 & 0xff);
-  *valp = imm8_0;
-  return 0;
-static int
-Operand_uimm8x2_decode (uint32 *valp)
-  unsigned uimm8x2_0, imm8_0;
-  imm8_0 = *valp & 0xff;
-  uimm8x2_0 = imm8_0 << 1;
-  *valp = uimm8x2_0;
-  return 0;
-static int
-Operand_uimm8x2_encode (uint32 *valp)
-  unsigned imm8_0, uimm8x2_0;
-  uimm8x2_0 = *valp;
-  imm8_0 = ((uimm8x2_0 >> 1) & 0xff);
-  *valp = imm8_0;
-  return 0;
-static int
-Operand_uimm8x4_decode (uint32 *valp)
-  unsigned uimm8x4_0, imm8_0;
-  imm8_0 = *valp & 0xff;
-  uimm8x4_0 = imm8_0 << 2;
-  *valp = uimm8x4_0;
-  return 0;
-static int
-Operand_uimm8x4_encode (uint32 *valp)
-  unsigned imm8_0, uimm8x4_0;
-  uimm8x4_0 = *valp;
-  imm8_0 = ((uimm8x4_0 >> 2) & 0xff);
-  *valp = imm8_0;
-  return 0;
-static int
-Operand_uimm4x16_decode (uint32 *valp)
-  unsigned uimm4x16_0, op2_0;
-  op2_0 = *valp & 0xf;
-  uimm4x16_0 = op2_0 << 4;
-  *valp = uimm4x16_0;
-  return 0;
-static int
-Operand_uimm4x16_encode (uint32 *valp)
-  unsigned op2_0, uimm4x16_0;
-  uimm4x16_0 = *valp;
-  op2_0 = ((uimm4x16_0 >> 4) & 0xf);
-  *valp = op2_0;
-  return 0;
-static int
-Operand_simm8_decode (uint32 *valp)
-  unsigned simm8_0, imm8_0;
-  imm8_0 = *valp & 0xff;
-  simm8_0 = ((int) imm8_0 << 24) >> 24;
-  *valp = simm8_0;
-  return 0;
-static int
-Operand_simm8_encode (uint32 *valp)
-  unsigned imm8_0, simm8_0;
-  simm8_0 = *valp;
-  imm8_0 = (simm8_0 & 0xff);
-  *valp = imm8_0;
-  return 0;
-static int
-Operand_simm8x256_decode (uint32 *valp)
-  unsigned simm8x256_0, imm8_0;
-  imm8_0 = *valp & 0xff;
-  simm8x256_0 = (((int) imm8_0 << 24) >> 24) << 8;
-  *valp = simm8x256_0;
-  return 0;
-static int
-Operand_simm8x256_encode (uint32 *valp)
-  unsigned imm8_0, simm8x256_0;
-  simm8x256_0 = *valp;
-  imm8_0 = ((simm8x256_0 >> 8) & 0xff);
-  *valp = imm8_0;
-  return 0;
-static int
-Operand_simm12b_decode (uint32 *valp)
-  unsigned simm12b_0, imm12b_0;
-  imm12b_0 = *valp & 0xfff;
-  simm12b_0 = ((int) imm12b_0 << 20) >> 20;
-  *valp = simm12b_0;
-  return 0;
-static int
-Operand_simm12b_encode (uint32 *valp)
-  unsigned imm12b_0, simm12b_0;
-  simm12b_0 = *valp;
-  imm12b_0 = (simm12b_0 & 0xfff);
-  *valp = imm12b_0;
-  return 0;
-static int
-Operand_msalp32_decode (uint32 *valp)
-  unsigned msalp32_0, sal_0;
-  sal_0 = *valp & 0x1f;
-  msalp32_0 = 0x20 - sal_0;
-  *valp = msalp32_0;
-  return 0;
-static int
-Operand_msalp32_encode (uint32 *valp)
-  unsigned sal_0, msalp32_0;
-  msalp32_0 = *valp;
-  sal_0 = (0x20 - msalp32_0) & 0x1f;
-  *valp = sal_0;
-  return 0;
-static int
-Operand_op2p1_decode (uint32 *valp)
-  unsigned op2p1_0, op2_0;
-  op2_0 = *valp & 0xf;
-  op2p1_0 = op2_0 + 0x1;
-  *valp = op2p1_0;
-  return 0;
-static int
-Operand_op2p1_encode (uint32 *valp)
-  unsigned op2_0, op2p1_0;
-  op2p1_0 = *valp;
-  op2_0 = (op2p1_0 - 0x1) & 0xf;
-  *valp = op2_0;
-  return 0;
-static int
-Operand_label8_decode (uint32 *valp)
-  unsigned label8_0, imm8_0;
-  imm8_0 = *valp & 0xff;
-  label8_0 = 0x4 + (((int) imm8_0 << 24) >> 24);
-  *valp = label8_0;
-  return 0;
-static int
-Operand_label8_encode (uint32 *valp)
-  unsigned imm8_0, label8_0;
-  label8_0 = *valp;
-  imm8_0 = (label8_0 - 0x4) & 0xff;
-  *valp = imm8_0;
-  return 0;
-static int
-Operand_label8_ator (uint32 *valp, uint32 pc)
-  *valp -= pc;
-  return 0;
-static int
-Operand_label8_rtoa (uint32 *valp, uint32 pc)
-  *valp += pc;
-  return 0;
-static int
-Operand_ulabel8_decode (uint32 *valp)
-  unsigned ulabel8_0, imm8_0;
-  imm8_0 = *valp & 0xff;
-  ulabel8_0 = 0x4 + (((0) << 8) | imm8_0);
-  *valp = ulabel8_0;
-  return 0;
-static int
-Operand_ulabel8_encode (uint32 *valp)
-  unsigned imm8_0, ulabel8_0;
-  ulabel8_0 = *valp;
-  imm8_0 = (ulabel8_0 - 0x4) & 0xff;
-  *valp = imm8_0;
-  return 0;
-static int
-Operand_ulabel8_ator (uint32 *valp, uint32 pc)
-  *valp -= pc;
-  return 0;
-static int
-Operand_ulabel8_rtoa (uint32 *valp, uint32 pc)
-  *valp += pc;
-  return 0;
-static int
-Operand_label12_decode (uint32 *valp)
-  unsigned label12_0, imm12_0;
-  imm12_0 = *valp & 0xfff;
-  label12_0 = 0x4 + (((int) imm12_0 << 20) >> 20);
-  *valp = label12_0;
-  return 0;
-static int
-Operand_label12_encode (uint32 *valp)
-  unsigned imm12_0, label12_0;
-  label12_0 = *valp;
-  imm12_0 = (label12_0 - 0x4) & 0xfff;
-  *valp = imm12_0;
-  return 0;
-static int
-Operand_label12_ator (uint32 *valp, uint32 pc)
-  *valp -= pc;
-  return 0;
-static int
-Operand_label12_rtoa (uint32 *valp, uint32 pc)
-  *valp += pc;
-  return 0;
-static int
-Operand_soffset_decode (uint32 *valp)
-  unsigned soffset_0, offset_0;
-  offset_0 = *valp & 0x3ffff;
-  soffset_0 = 0x4 + (((int) offset_0 << 14) >> 14);
-  *valp = soffset_0;
-  return 0;
-static int
-Operand_soffset_encode (uint32 *valp)
-  unsigned offset_0, soffset_0;
-  soffset_0 = *valp;
-  offset_0 = (soffset_0 - 0x4) & 0x3ffff;
-  *valp = offset_0;
-  return 0;
-static int
-Operand_soffset_ator (uint32 *valp, uint32 pc)
-  *valp -= pc;
-  return 0;
-static int
-Operand_soffset_rtoa (uint32 *valp, uint32 pc)
-  *valp += pc;
-  return 0;
-static int
-Operand_uimm16x4_decode (uint32 *valp)
-  unsigned uimm16x4_0, imm16_0;
-  imm16_0 = *valp & 0xffff;
-  uimm16x4_0 = (((0xffff) << 16) | imm16_0) << 2;
-  *valp = uimm16x4_0;
-  return 0;
-static int
-Operand_uimm16x4_encode (uint32 *valp)
-  unsigned imm16_0, uimm16x4_0;
-  uimm16x4_0 = *valp;
-  imm16_0 = (uimm16x4_0 >> 2) & 0xffff;
-  *valp = imm16_0;
-  return 0;
-static int
-Operand_uimm16x4_ator (uint32 *valp, uint32 pc)
-  *valp -= ((pc + 3) & ~0x3);
-  return 0;
-static int
-Operand_uimm16x4_rtoa (uint32 *valp, uint32 pc)
-  *valp += ((pc + 3) & ~0x3);
-  return 0;
-static int
-Operand_mx_decode (uint32 *valp ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED)
-  return 0;
-static int
-Operand_mx_encode (uint32 *valp)
-  int error;
-  error = (*valp & ~0x3) != 0;
-  return error;
-static int
-Operand_my_decode (uint32 *valp)
-  *valp += 2;
-  return 0;
-static int
-Operand_my_encode (uint32 *valp)
-  int error;
-  error = ((*valp & ~0x3) != 0) || ((*valp & 0x2) == 0);
-  *valp = *valp & 1;
-  return error;
-static int
-Operand_mw_decode (uint32 *valp ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED)
-  return 0;
-static int
-Operand_mw_encode (uint32 *valp)
-  int error;
-  error = (*valp & ~0x3) != 0;
-  return error;
-static int
-Operand_mr0_decode (uint32 *valp ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED)
-  return 0;
-static int
-Operand_mr0_encode (uint32 *valp)
-  int error;
-  error = (*valp & ~0x3) != 0;
-  return error;
-static int
-Operand_mr1_decode (uint32 *valp ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED)
-  return 0;
-static int
-Operand_mr1_encode (uint32 *valp)
-  int error;
-  error = (*valp & ~0x3) != 0;
-  return error;
-static int
-Operand_mr2_decode (uint32 *valp ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED)
-  return 0;
-static int
-Operand_mr2_encode (uint32 *valp)
-  int error;
-  error = (*valp & ~0x3) != 0;
-  return error;
-static int
-Operand_mr3_decode (uint32 *valp ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED)
-  return 0;
-static int
-Operand_mr3_encode (uint32 *valp)
-  int error;
-  error = (*valp & ~0x3) != 0;
-  return error;
-static int
-Operand_immt_decode (uint32 *valp)
-  unsigned immt_0, t_0;
-  t_0 = *valp & 0xf;
-  immt_0 = t_0;
-  *valp = immt_0;
-  return 0;
-static int
-Operand_immt_encode (uint32 *valp)
-  unsigned t_0, immt_0;
-  immt_0 = *valp;
-  t_0 = immt_0 & 0xf;
-  *valp = t_0;
-  return 0;
-static int
-Operand_imms_decode (uint32 *valp)
-  unsigned imms_0, s_0;
-  s_0 = *valp & 0xf;
-  imms_0 = s_0;
-  *valp = imms_0;
-  return 0;
-static int
-Operand_imms_encode (uint32 *valp)
-  unsigned s_0, imms_0;
-  imms_0 = *valp;
-  s_0 = imms_0 & 0xf;
-  *valp = s_0;
-  return 0;
-static int
-Operand_bt_decode (uint32 *valp ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED)
-  return 0;
-static int
-Operand_bt_encode (uint32 *valp)
-  int error;
-  error = (*valp & ~0xf) != 0;
-  return error;
-static int
-Operand_bs_decode (uint32 *valp ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED)
-  return 0;
-static int
-Operand_bs_encode (uint32 *valp)
-  int error;
-  error = (*valp & ~0xf) != 0;
-  return error;
-static int
-Operand_br_decode (uint32 *valp ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED)
-  return 0;
-static int
-Operand_br_encode (uint32 *valp)
-  int error;
-  error = (*valp & ~0xf) != 0;
-  return error;
-static int
-Operand_bt2_decode (uint32 *valp)
-  *valp = *valp << 1;
-  return 0;
-static int
-Operand_bt2_encode (uint32 *valp)
-  int error;
-  error = (*valp & ~(0x7 << 1)) != 0;
-  *valp = *valp >> 1;
-  return error;
-static int
-Operand_bs2_decode (uint32 *valp)
-  *valp = *valp << 1;
-  return 0;
-static int
-Operand_bs2_encode (uint32 *valp)
-  int error;
-  error = (*valp & ~(0x7 << 1)) != 0;
-  *valp = *valp >> 1;
-  return error;
-static int
-Operand_br2_decode (uint32 *valp)
-  *valp = *valp << 1;
-  return 0;
-static int
-Operand_br2_encode (uint32 *valp)
-  int error;
-  error = (*valp & ~(0x7 << 1)) != 0;
-  *valp = *valp >> 1;
-  return error;
-static int
-Operand_bt4_decode (uint32 *valp)
-  *valp = *valp << 2;
-  return 0;
-static int
-Operand_bt4_encode (uint32 *valp)
-  int error;
-  error = (*valp & ~(0x3 << 2)) != 0;
-  *valp = *valp >> 2;
-  return error;
-static int
-Operand_bs4_decode (uint32 *valp)
-  *valp = *valp << 2;
-  return 0;
-static int
-Operand_bs4_encode (uint32 *valp)
-  int error;
-  error = (*valp & ~(0x3 << 2)) != 0;
-  *valp = *valp >> 2;
-  return error;
-static int
-Operand_br4_decode (uint32 *valp)
-  *valp = *valp << 2;
-  return 0;
-static int
-Operand_br4_encode (uint32 *valp)
-  int error;
-  error = (*valp & ~(0x3 << 2)) != 0;
-  *valp = *valp >> 2;
-  return error;
-static int
-Operand_bt8_decode (uint32 *valp)
-  *valp = *valp << 3;
-  return 0;
-static int
-Operand_bt8_encode (uint32 *valp)
-  int error;
-  error = (*valp & ~(0x1 << 3)) != 0;
-  *valp = *valp >> 3;
-  return error;
-static int
-Operand_bs8_decode (uint32 *valp)
-  *valp = *valp << 3;
-  return 0;
-static int
-Operand_bs8_encode (uint32 *valp)
-  int error;
-  error = (*valp & ~(0x1 << 3)) != 0;
-  *valp = *valp >> 3;
-  return error;
-static int
-Operand_br8_decode (uint32 *valp)
-  *valp = *valp << 3;
-  return 0;
-static int
-Operand_br8_encode (uint32 *valp)
-  int error;
-  error = (*valp & ~(0x1 << 3)) != 0;
-  *valp = *valp >> 3;
-  return error;
-static int
-Operand_bt16_decode (uint32 *valp)
-  *valp = *valp << 4;
-  return 0;
-static int
-Operand_bt16_encode (uint32 *valp)
-  int error;
-  error = (*valp & ~(0 << 4)) != 0;
-  *valp = *valp >> 4;
-  return error;
-static int
-Operand_bs16_decode (uint32 *valp)
-  *valp = *valp << 4;
-  return 0;
-static int
-Operand_bs16_encode (uint32 *valp)
-  int error;
-  error = (*valp & ~(0 << 4)) != 0;
-  *valp = *valp >> 4;
-  return error;
-static int
-Operand_br16_decode (uint32 *valp)
-  *valp = *valp << 4;
-  return 0;
-static int
-Operand_br16_encode (uint32 *valp)
-  int error;
-  error = (*valp & ~(0 << 4)) != 0;
-  *valp = *valp >> 4;
-  return error;
-static int
-Operand_brall_decode (uint32 *valp)
-  *valp = *valp << 4;
-  return 0;
-static int
-Operand_brall_encode (uint32 *valp)
-  int error;
-  error = (*valp & ~(0 << 4)) != 0;
-  *valp = *valp >> 4;
-  return error;
-static int
-Operand_tp7_decode (uint32 *valp)
-  unsigned tp7_0, t_0;
-  t_0 = *valp & 0xf;
-  tp7_0 = t_0 + 0x7;
-  *valp = tp7_0;
-  return 0;
-static int
-Operand_tp7_encode (uint32 *valp)
-  unsigned t_0, tp7_0;
-  tp7_0 = *valp;
-  t_0 = (tp7_0 - 0x7) & 0xf;
-  *valp = t_0;
-  return 0;
-static int
-Operand_xt_wbr15_label_decode (uint32 *valp)
-  unsigned xt_wbr15_label_0, xt_wbr15_imm_0;
-  xt_wbr15_imm_0 = *valp & 0x7fff;
-  xt_wbr15_label_0 = 0x4 + (((int) xt_wbr15_imm_0 << 17) >> 17);
-  *valp = xt_wbr15_label_0;
-  return 0;
-static int
-Operand_xt_wbr15_label_encode (uint32 *valp)
-  unsigned xt_wbr15_imm_0, xt_wbr15_label_0;
-  xt_wbr15_label_0 = *valp;
-  xt_wbr15_imm_0 = (xt_wbr15_label_0 - 0x4) & 0x7fff;
-  *valp = xt_wbr15_imm_0;
-  return 0;
-static int
-Operand_xt_wbr15_label_ator (uint32 *valp, uint32 pc)
-  *valp -= pc;
-  return 0;
-static int
-Operand_xt_wbr15_label_rtoa (uint32 *valp, uint32 pc)
-  *valp += pc;
-  return 0;
-static int
-Operand_xt_wbr18_label_decode (uint32 *valp)
-  unsigned xt_wbr18_label_0, xt_wbr18_imm_0;
-  xt_wbr18_imm_0 = *valp & 0x3ffff;
-  xt_wbr18_label_0 = 0x4 + (((int) xt_wbr18_imm_0 << 14) >> 14);
-  *valp = xt_wbr18_label_0;
-  return 0;
-static int
-Operand_xt_wbr18_label_encode (uint32 *valp)
-  unsigned xt_wbr18_imm_0, xt_wbr18_label_0;
-  xt_wbr18_label_0 = *valp;
-  xt_wbr18_imm_0 = (xt_wbr18_label_0 - 0x4) & 0x3ffff;
-  *valp = xt_wbr18_imm_0;
-  return 0;
-static int
-Operand_xt_wbr18_label_ator (uint32 *valp, uint32 pc)
-  *valp -= pc;
-  return 0;
-static int
-Operand_xt_wbr18_label_rtoa (uint32 *valp, uint32 pc)
-  *valp += pc;
-  return 0;
-static int
-Operand_cimm8x4_decode (uint32 *valp)
-  unsigned cimm8x4_0, imm8_0;
-  imm8_0 = *valp & 0xff;
-  cimm8x4_0 = (imm8_0 << 2) | 0;
-  *valp = cimm8x4_0;
-  return 0;
-static int
-Operand_cimm8x4_encode (uint32 *valp)
-  unsigned imm8_0, cimm8x4_0;
-  cimm8x4_0 = *valp;
-  imm8_0 = (cimm8x4_0 >> 2) & 0xff;
-  *valp = imm8_0;
-  return 0;
-static int
-Operand_frr_decode (uint32 *valp ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED)
-  return 0;
-static int
-Operand_frr_encode (uint32 *valp)
-  int error;
-  error = (*valp & ~0xf) != 0;
-  return error;
-static int
-Operand_frs_decode (uint32 *valp ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED)
-  return 0;
-static int
-Operand_frs_encode (uint32 *valp)
-  int error;
-  error = (*valp & ~0xf) != 0;
-  return error;
-static int
-Operand_frt_decode (uint32 *valp ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED)
-  return 0;
-static int
-Operand_frt_encode (uint32 *valp)
-  int error;
-  error = (*valp & ~0xf) != 0;
-  return error;
-static xtensa_operand_internal operands[] = {
-  { "soffsetx4", 10, -1, 0,
-    Operand_soffsetx4_encode, Operand_soffsetx4_decode,
-    Operand_soffsetx4_ator, Operand_soffsetx4_rtoa },
-  { "uimm12x8", 3, -1, 0,
-    0,
-    Operand_uimm12x8_encode, Operand_uimm12x8_decode,
-    0, 0 },
-  { "simm4", 26, -1, 0,
-    0,
-    Operand_simm4_encode, Operand_simm4_decode,
-    0, 0 },
-  { "arr", 14, 0, 1,
-    Operand_arr_encode, Operand_arr_decode,
-    0, 0 },
-  { "ars", 5, 0, 1,
-    Operand_ars_encode, Operand_ars_decode,
-    0, 0 },
-  { "*ars_invisible", 5, 0, 1,
-    Operand_ars_encode, Operand_ars_decode,
-    0, 0 },
-  { "art", 0, 0, 1,
-    Operand_art_encode, Operand_art_decode,
-    0, 0 },
-  { "ar0", 123, 0, 1,
-    Operand_ar0_encode, Operand_ar0_decode,
-    0, 0 },
-  { "ar4", 124, 0, 1,
-    Operand_ar4_encode, Operand_ar4_decode,
-    0, 0 },
-  { "ar8", 125, 0, 1,
-    Operand_ar8_encode, Operand_ar8_decode,
-    0, 0 },
-  { "ar12", 126, 0, 1,
-    Operand_ar12_encode, Operand_ar12_decode,
-    0, 0 },
-  { "ars_entry", 5, 0, 1,
-    Operand_ars_entry_encode, Operand_ars_entry_decode,
-    0, 0 },
-  { "immrx4", 14, -1, 0,
-    0,
-    Operand_immrx4_encode, Operand_immrx4_decode,
-    0, 0 },
-  { "lsi4x4", 14, -1, 0,
-    0,
-    Operand_lsi4x4_encode, Operand_lsi4x4_decode,
-    0, 0 },
-  { "simm7", 34, -1, 0,
-    0,
-    Operand_simm7_encode, Operand_simm7_decode,
-    0, 0 },
-  { "uimm6", 33, -1, 0,
-    Operand_uimm6_encode, Operand_uimm6_decode,
-    Operand_uimm6_ator, Operand_uimm6_rtoa },
-  { "ai4const", 0, -1, 0,
-    0,
-    Operand_ai4const_encode, Operand_ai4const_decode,
-    0, 0 },
-  { "b4const", 14, -1, 0,
-    0,
-    Operand_b4const_encode, Operand_b4const_decode,
-    0, 0 },
-  { "b4constu", 14, -1, 0,
-    0,
-    Operand_b4constu_encode, Operand_b4constu_decode,
-    0, 0 },
-  { "uimm8", 4, -1, 0,
-    0,
-    Operand_uimm8_encode, Operand_uimm8_decode,
-    0, 0 },
-  { "uimm8x2", 4, -1, 0,
-    0,
-    Operand_uimm8x2_encode, Operand_uimm8x2_decode,
-    0, 0 },
-  { "uimm8x4", 4, -1, 0,
-    0,
-    Operand_uimm8x4_encode, Operand_uimm8x4_decode,
-    0, 0 },
-  { "uimm4x16", 13, -1, 0,
-    0,
-    Operand_uimm4x16_encode, Operand_uimm4x16_decode,
-    0, 0 },
-  { "simm8", 4, -1, 0,
-    0,
-    Operand_simm8_encode, Operand_simm8_decode,
-    0, 0 },
-  { "simm8x256", 4, -1, 0,
-    0,
-    Operand_simm8x256_encode, Operand_simm8x256_decode,
-    0, 0 },
-  { "simm12b", 6, -1, 0,
-    0,
-    Operand_simm12b_encode, Operand_simm12b_decode,
-    0, 0 },
-  { "msalp32", 18, -1, 0,
-    0,
-    Operand_msalp32_encode, Operand_msalp32_decode,
-    0, 0 },
-  { "op2p1", 13, -1, 0,
-    0,
-    Operand_op2p1_encode, Operand_op2p1_decode,
-    0, 0 },
-  { "label8", 4, -1, 0,
-    Operand_label8_encode, Operand_label8_decode,
-    Operand_label8_ator, Operand_label8_rtoa },
-  { "ulabel8", 4, -1, 0,
-    Operand_ulabel8_encode, Operand_ulabel8_decode,
-    Operand_ulabel8_ator, Operand_ulabel8_rtoa },
-  { "label12", 3, -1, 0,
-    Operand_label12_encode, Operand_label12_decode,
-    Operand_label12_ator, Operand_label12_rtoa },
-  { "soffset", 10, -1, 0,
-    Operand_soffset_encode, Operand_soffset_decode,
-    Operand_soffset_ator, Operand_soffset_rtoa },
-  { "uimm16x4", 7, -1, 0,
-    Operand_uimm16x4_encode, Operand_uimm16x4_decode,
-    Operand_uimm16x4_ator, Operand_uimm16x4_rtoa },
-  { "mx", 43, 1, 1,
-    Operand_mx_encode, Operand_mx_decode,
-    0, 0 },
-  { "my", 42, 1, 1,
-    Operand_my_encode, Operand_my_decode,
-    0, 0 },
-  { "mw", 41, 1, 1,
-    Operand_mw_encode, Operand_mw_decode,
-    0, 0 },
-  { "mr0", 127, 1, 1,
-    Operand_mr0_encode, Operand_mr0_decode,
-    0, 0 },
-  { "mr1", 128, 1, 1,
-    Operand_mr1_encode, Operand_mr1_decode,
-    0, 0 },
-  { "mr2", 129, 1, 1,
-    Operand_mr2_encode, Operand_mr2_decode,
-    0, 0 },
-  { "mr3", 130, 1, 1,
-    Operand_mr3_encode, Operand_mr3_decode,
-    0, 0 },
-  { "immt", 0, -1, 0,
-    0,
-    Operand_immt_encode, Operand_immt_decode,
-    0, 0 },
-  { "imms", 5, -1, 0,
-    0,
-    Operand_imms_encode, Operand_imms_decode,
-    0, 0 },
-  { "bt", 0, 2, 1,
-    Operand_bt_encode, Operand_bt_decode,
-    0, 0 },
-  { "bs", 5, 2, 1,
-    Operand_bs_encode, Operand_bs_decode,
-    0, 0 },
-  { "br", 14, 2, 1,
-    Operand_br_encode, Operand_br_decode,
-    0, 0 },
-  { "bt2", 44, 2, 2,
-    Operand_bt2_encode, Operand_bt2_decode,
-    0, 0 },
-  { "bs2", 45, 2, 2,
-    Operand_bs2_encode, Operand_bs2_decode,
-    0, 0 },
-  { "br2", 46, 2, 2,
-    Operand_br2_encode, Operand_br2_decode,
-    0, 0 },
-  { "bt4", 47, 2, 4,
-    Operand_bt4_encode, Operand_bt4_decode,
-    0, 0 },
-  { "bs4", 48, 2, 4,
-    Operand_bs4_encode, Operand_bs4_decode,
-    0, 0 },
-  { "br4", 49, 2, 4,
-    Operand_br4_encode, Operand_br4_decode,
-    0, 0 },
-  { "bt8", 50, 2, 8,
-    Operand_bt8_encode, Operand_bt8_decode,
-    0, 0 },
-  { "bs8", 51, 2, 8,
-    Operand_bs8_encode, Operand_bs8_decode,
-    0, 0 },
-  { "br8", 52, 2, 8,
-    Operand_br8_encode, Operand_br8_decode,
-    0, 0 },
-  { "bt16", 131, 2, 16,
-    Operand_bt16_encode, Operand_bt16_decode,
-    0, 0 },
-  { "bs16", 132, 2, 16,
-    Operand_bs16_encode, Operand_bs16_decode,
-    0, 0 },
-  { "br16", 133, 2, 16,
-    Operand_br16_encode, Operand_br16_decode,
-    0, 0 },
-  { "brall", 134, 2, 16,
-    Operand_brall_encode, Operand_brall_decode,
-    0, 0 },
-  { "tp7", 0, -1, 0,
-    0,
-    Operand_tp7_encode, Operand_tp7_decode,
-    0, 0 },
-  { "xt_wbr15_label", 53, -1, 0,
-    Operand_xt_wbr15_label_encode, Operand_xt_wbr15_label_decode,
-    Operand_xt_wbr15_label_ator, Operand_xt_wbr15_label_rtoa },
-  { "xt_wbr18_label", 54, -1, 0,
-    Operand_xt_wbr18_label_encode, Operand_xt_wbr18_label_decode,
-    Operand_xt_wbr18_label_ator, Operand_xt_wbr18_label_rtoa },
-  { "cimm8x4", 4, -1, 0,
-    0,
-    Operand_cimm8x4_encode, Operand_cimm8x4_decode,
-    0, 0 },
-  { "frr", 14, 3, 1,
-    Operand_frr_encode, Operand_frr_decode,
-    0, 0 },
-  { "frs", 5, 3, 1,
-    Operand_frs_encode, Operand_frs_decode,
-    0, 0 },
-  { "frt", 0, 3, 1,
-    Operand_frt_encode, Operand_frt_decode,
-    0, 0 },
-  { "t", 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
-  { "bbi4", 1, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
-  { "bbi", 2, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
-  { "imm12", 3, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
-  { "imm8", 4, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
-  { "s", 5, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
-  { "imm12b", 6, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
-  { "imm16", 7, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
-  { "m", 8, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
-  { "n", 9, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
-  { "offset", 10, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
-  { "op0", 11, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
-  { "op1", 12, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
-  { "op2", 13, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
-  { "r", 14, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
-  { "sa4", 15, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
-  { "sae4", 16, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
-  { "sae", 17, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
-  { "sal", 18, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
-  { "sargt", 19, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
-  { "sas4", 20, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
-  { "sas", 21, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
-  { "sr", 22, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
-  { "st", 23, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
-  { "thi3", 24, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
-  { "imm4", 25, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
-  { "mn", 26, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
-  { "i", 27, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
-  { "imm6lo", 28, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
-  { "imm6hi", 29, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
-  { "imm7lo", 30, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
-  { "imm7hi", 31, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
-  { "z", 32, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
-  { "imm6", 33, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
-  { "imm7", 34, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
-  { "r3", 35, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
-  { "rbit2", 36, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
-  { "rhi", 37, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
-  { "t3", 38, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
-  { "tbit2", 39, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
-  { "tlo", 40, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
-  { "w", 41, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
-  { "y", 42, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
-  { "x", 43, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
-  { "t2", 44, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
-  { "s2", 45, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
-  { "r2", 46, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
-  { "t4", 47, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
-  { "s4", 48, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
-  { "r4", 49, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
-  { "t8", 50, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
-  { "s8", 51, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
-  { "r8", 52, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
-  { "xt_wbr15_imm", 53, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
-  { "xt_wbr18_imm", 54, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
-  { "op0_xt_flix64_slot0_s3", 55, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
-  { "combined3e2c5767_fld7", 56, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
-  { "combined3e2c5767_fld8", 57, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
-  { "combined3e2c5767_fld9", 58, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
-  { "combined3e2c5767_fld11", 59, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
-  { "combined3e2c5767_fld49xt_flix64_slot0", 60, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
-  { "op0_s4", 61, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
-  { "combined3e2c5767_fld16", 62, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
-  { "combined3e2c5767_fld19xt_flix64_slot1", 63, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
-  { "combined3e2c5767_fld20xt_flix64_slot1", 64, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
-  { "combined3e2c5767_fld21xt_flix64_slot1", 65, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
-  { "combined3e2c5767_fld22xt_flix64_slot1", 66, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
-  { "combined3e2c5767_fld23xt_flix64_slot1", 67, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
-  { "combined3e2c5767_fld25xt_flix64_slot1", 68, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
-  { "combined3e2c5767_fld26xt_flix64_slot1", 69, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
-  { "combined3e2c5767_fld28xt_flix64_slot1", 70, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
-  { "combined3e2c5767_fld30xt_flix64_slot1", 71, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
-  { "combined3e2c5767_fld32xt_flix64_slot1", 72, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
-  { "combined3e2c5767_fld33xt_flix64_slot1", 73, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
-  { "combined3e2c5767_fld35xt_flix64_slot1", 74, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
-  { "combined3e2c5767_fld51xt_flix64_slot1", 75, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
-  { "combined3e2c5767_fld52xt_flix64_slot1", 76, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
-  { "combined3e2c5767_fld53xt_flix64_slot1", 77, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
-  { "combined3e2c5767_fld54xt_flix64_slot1", 78, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
-  { "combined3e2c5767_fld57xt_flix64_slot1", 79, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
-  { "combined3e2c5767_fld58xt_flix64_slot1", 80, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
-  { "combined3e2c5767_fld60xt_flix64_slot1", 81, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
-  { "combined3e2c5767_fld62xt_flix64_slot1", 82, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
-  { "op0_s5", 83, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
-  { "combined3e2c5767_fld36xt_flix64_slot2", 84, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
-  { "combined3e2c5767_fld37xt_flix64_slot2", 85, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
-  { "combined3e2c5767_fld39xt_flix64_slot2", 86, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
-  { "combined3e2c5767_fld41xt_flix64_slot2", 87, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
-  { "combined3e2c5767_fld42xt_flix64_slot2", 88, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
-  { "combined3e2c5767_fld44xt_flix64_slot2", 89, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
-  { "combined3e2c5767_fld45xt_flix64_slot2", 90, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
-  { "combined3e2c5767_fld47xt_flix64_slot2", 91, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
-  { "combined3e2c5767_fld63xt_flix64_slot2", 92, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
-  { "combined3e2c5767_fld64xt_flix64_slot2", 93, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
-  { "combined3e2c5767_fld65xt_flix64_slot2", 94, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
-  { "combined3e2c5767_fld66xt_flix64_slot2", 95, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
-  { "combined3e2c5767_fld68xt_flix64_slot2", 96, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
-  { "op0_s6", 97, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
-  { "combined3e2c5767_fld70xt_flix64_slot3", 98, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
-  { "combined3e2c5767_fld71", 99, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
-  { "combined3e2c5767_fld72xt_flix64_slot3", 100, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
-  { "combined3e2c5767_fld73xt_flix64_slot3", 101, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
-  { "combined3e2c5767_fld74xt_flix64_slot3", 102, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
-  { "combined3e2c5767_fld75xt_flix64_slot3", 103, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
-  { "combined3e2c5767_fld76xt_flix64_slot3", 104, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
-  { "combined3e2c5767_fld77xt_flix64_slot3", 105, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
-  { "combined3e2c5767_fld78xt_flix64_slot3", 106, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
-  { "combined3e2c5767_fld79xt_flix64_slot3", 107, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
-  { "combined3e2c5767_fld80xt_flix64_slot3", 108, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
-  { "combined3e2c5767_fld81xt_flix64_slot3", 109, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
-  { "combined3e2c5767_fld82xt_flix64_slot3", 110, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
-  { "combined3e2c5767_fld83xt_flix64_slot3", 111, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
-  { "combined3e2c5767_fld84xt_flix64_slot3", 112, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
-  { "combined3e2c5767_fld85xt_flix64_slot3", 113, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
-  { "combined3e2c5767_fld86xt_flix64_slot3", 114, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
-  { "combined3e2c5767_fld87xt_flix64_slot3", 115, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
-  { "combined3e2c5767_fld88xt_flix64_slot3", 116, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
-  { "combined3e2c5767_fld89xt_flix64_slot3", 117, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
-  { "combined3e2c5767_fld90xt_flix64_slot3", 118, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
-  { "combined3e2c5767_fld91xt_flix64_slot3", 119, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
-  { "combined3e2c5767_fld92xt_flix64_slot3", 120, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
-  { "combined3e2c5767_fld93xt_flix64_slot3", 121, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 },
-  { "op0_xt_flix64_slot0", 122, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }
-/* Iclass table.  */
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_rfe_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_PSRING }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_PSEXCM }, 'm' },
-  { { STATE_EPC1 }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_rfde_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_PSEXCM }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_PSRING }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_DEPC }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_call12_args[] = {
-  { { 0 /* soffsetx4 */ }, 'i' },
-  { { 10 /* ar12 */ }, 'o' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_call12_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_PSCALLINC }, 'o' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_call8_args[] = {
-  { { 0 /* soffsetx4 */ }, 'i' },
-  { { 9 /* ar8 */ }, 'o' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_call8_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_PSCALLINC }, 'o' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_call4_args[] = {
-  { { 0 /* soffsetx4 */ }, 'i' },
-  { { 8 /* ar4 */ }, 'o' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_call4_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_PSCALLINC }, 'o' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_callx12_args[] = {
-  { { 4 /* ars */ }, 'i' },
-  { { 10 /* ar12 */ }, 'o' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_callx12_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_PSCALLINC }, 'o' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_callx8_args[] = {
-  { { 4 /* ars */ }, 'i' },
-  { { 9 /* ar8 */ }, 'o' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_callx8_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_PSCALLINC }, 'o' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_callx4_args[] = {
-  { { 4 /* ars */ }, 'i' },
-  { { 8 /* ar4 */ }, 'o' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_callx4_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_PSCALLINC }, 'o' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_entry_args[] = {
-  { { 11 /* ars_entry */ }, 's' },
-  { { 4 /* ars */ }, 'i' },
-  { { 1 /* uimm12x8 */ }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_entry_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_PSCALLINC }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_PSEXCM }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_PSWOE }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_WindowBase }, 'm' },
-  { { STATE_WindowStart }, 'm' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_movsp_args[] = {
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'o' },
-  { { 4 /* ars */ }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_movsp_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_WindowBase }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_WindowStart }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_rotw_args[] = {
-  { { 2 /* simm4 */ }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_rotw_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_PSEXCM }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_PSRING }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_WindowBase }, 'm' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_retw_args[] = {
-  { { 5 /* *ars_invisible */ }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_retw_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_WindowBase }, 'm' },
-  { { STATE_WindowStart }, 'm' },
-  { { STATE_PSEXCM }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_PSWOE }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_rfwou_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_EPC1 }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_PSEXCM }, 'm' },
-  { { STATE_PSRING }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_WindowBase }, 'm' },
-  { { STATE_WindowStart }, 'm' },
-  { { STATE_PSOWB }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_l32e_args[] = {
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'o' },
-  { { 4 /* ars */ }, 'i' },
-  { { 12 /* immrx4 */ }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_l32e_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_PSEXCM }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_PSRING }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_s32e_args[] = {
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'i' },
-  { { 4 /* ars */ }, 'i' },
-  { { 12 /* immrx4 */ }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_s32e_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_PSEXCM }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_PSRING }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_windowbase_args[] = {
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'o' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_windowbase_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_PSEXCM }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_PSRING }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_WindowBase }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_windowbase_args[] = {
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_windowbase_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_PSEXCM }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_PSRING }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_WindowBase }, 'o' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_xsr_windowbase_args[] = {
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'm' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_xsr_windowbase_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_PSEXCM }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_PSRING }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_WindowBase }, 'm' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_windowstart_args[] = {
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'o' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_windowstart_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_PSEXCM }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_PSRING }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_WindowStart }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_windowstart_args[] = {
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_windowstart_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_PSEXCM }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_PSRING }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_WindowStart }, 'o' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_xsr_windowstart_args[] = {
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'm' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_xsr_windowstart_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_PSEXCM }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_PSRING }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_WindowStart }, 'm' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_add_n_args[] = {
-  { { 3 /* arr */ }, 'o' },
-  { { 4 /* ars */ }, 'i' },
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_addi_n_args[] = {
-  { { 3 /* arr */ }, 'o' },
-  { { 4 /* ars */ }, 'i' },
-  { { 16 /* ai4const */ }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_bz6_args[] = {
-  { { 4 /* ars */ }, 'i' },
-  { { 15 /* uimm6 */ }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_loadi4_args[] = {
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'o' },
-  { { 4 /* ars */ }, 'i' },
-  { { 13 /* lsi4x4 */ }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_mov_n_args[] = {
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'o' },
-  { { 4 /* ars */ }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_movi_n_args[] = {
-  { { 4 /* ars */ }, 'o' },
-  { { 14 /* simm7 */ }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_retn_args[] = {
-  { { 5 /* *ars_invisible */ }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_storei4_args[] = {
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'i' },
-  { { 4 /* ars */ }, 'i' },
-  { { 13 /* lsi4x4 */ }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_rur_threadptr_args[] = {
-  { { 3 /* arr */ }, 'o' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_rur_threadptr_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_THREADPTR }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_wur_threadptr_args[] = {
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_wur_threadptr_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_THREADPTR }, 'o' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_addi_args[] = {
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'o' },
-  { { 4 /* ars */ }, 'i' },
-  { { 23 /* simm8 */ }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_addmi_args[] = {
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'o' },
-  { { 4 /* ars */ }, 'i' },
-  { { 24 /* simm8x256 */ }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_addsub_args[] = {
-  { { 3 /* arr */ }, 'o' },
-  { { 4 /* ars */ }, 'i' },
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_bit_args[] = {
-  { { 3 /* arr */ }, 'o' },
-  { { 4 /* ars */ }, 'i' },
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_bsi8_args[] = {
-  { { 4 /* ars */ }, 'i' },
-  { { 17 /* b4const */ }, 'i' },
-  { { 28 /* label8 */ }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_bsi8b_args[] = {
-  { { 4 /* ars */ }, 'i' },
-  { { 67 /* bbi */ }, 'i' },
-  { { 28 /* label8 */ }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_bsi8u_args[] = {
-  { { 4 /* ars */ }, 'i' },
-  { { 18 /* b4constu */ }, 'i' },
-  { { 28 /* label8 */ }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_bst8_args[] = {
-  { { 4 /* ars */ }, 'i' },
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'i' },
-  { { 28 /* label8 */ }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_bsz12_args[] = {
-  { { 4 /* ars */ }, 'i' },
-  { { 30 /* label12 */ }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_call0_args[] = {
-  { { 0 /* soffsetx4 */ }, 'i' },
-  { { 7 /* ar0 */ }, 'o' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_callx0_args[] = {
-  { { 4 /* ars */ }, 'i' },
-  { { 7 /* ar0 */ }, 'o' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_exti_args[] = {
-  { { 3 /* arr */ }, 'o' },
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'i' },
-  { { 82 /* sae */ }, 'i' },
-  { { 27 /* op2p1 */ }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_jump_args[] = {
-  { { 31 /* soffset */ }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_jumpx_args[] = {
-  { { 4 /* ars */ }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_l16ui_args[] = {
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'o' },
-  { { 4 /* ars */ }, 'i' },
-  { { 20 /* uimm8x2 */ }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_l16si_args[] = {
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'o' },
-  { { 4 /* ars */ }, 'i' },
-  { { 20 /* uimm8x2 */ }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_l32i_args[] = {
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'o' },
-  { { 4 /* ars */ }, 'i' },
-  { { 21 /* uimm8x4 */ }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_l32r_args[] = {
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'o' },
-  { { 32 /* uimm16x4 */ }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_l32r_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_LITBADDR }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_LITBEN }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_l8i_args[] = {
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'o' },
-  { { 4 /* ars */ }, 'i' },
-  { { 19 /* uimm8 */ }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_loop_args[] = {
-  { { 4 /* ars */ }, 'i' },
-  { { 29 /* ulabel8 */ }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_loop_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_LBEG }, 'o' },
-  { { STATE_LEND }, 'o' },
-  { { STATE_LCOUNT }, 'o' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_loopz_args[] = {
-  { { 4 /* ars */ }, 'i' },
-  { { 29 /* ulabel8 */ }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_loopz_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_LBEG }, 'o' },
-  { { STATE_LEND }, 'o' },
-  { { STATE_LCOUNT }, 'o' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_movi_args[] = {
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'o' },
-  { { 25 /* simm12b */ }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_movz_args[] = {
-  { { 3 /* arr */ }, 'm' },
-  { { 4 /* ars */ }, 'i' },
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_neg_args[] = {
-  { { 3 /* arr */ }, 'o' },
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_return_args[] = {
-  { { 5 /* *ars_invisible */ }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_s16i_args[] = {
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'i' },
-  { { 4 /* ars */ }, 'i' },
-  { { 20 /* uimm8x2 */ }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_s32i_args[] = {
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'i' },
-  { { 4 /* ars */ }, 'i' },
-  { { 21 /* uimm8x4 */ }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_s8i_args[] = {
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'i' },
-  { { 4 /* ars */ }, 'i' },
-  { { 19 /* uimm8 */ }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_sar_args[] = {
-  { { 4 /* ars */ }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_sar_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_SAR }, 'o' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_sari_args[] = {
-  { { 86 /* sas */ }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_sari_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_SAR }, 'o' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_shifts_args[] = {
-  { { 3 /* arr */ }, 'o' },
-  { { 4 /* ars */ }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_shifts_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_SAR }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_shiftst_args[] = {
-  { { 3 /* arr */ }, 'o' },
-  { { 4 /* ars */ }, 'i' },
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_shiftst_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_SAR }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_shiftt_args[] = {
-  { { 3 /* arr */ }, 'o' },
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_shiftt_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_SAR }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_slli_args[] = {
-  { { 3 /* arr */ }, 'o' },
-  { { 4 /* ars */ }, 'i' },
-  { { 26 /* msalp32 */ }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_srai_args[] = {
-  { { 3 /* arr */ }, 'o' },
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'i' },
-  { { 84 /* sargt */ }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_srli_args[] = {
-  { { 3 /* arr */ }, 'o' },
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'i' },
-  { { 70 /* s */ }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_sync_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_XTSYNC }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_rsil_args[] = {
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'o' },
-  { { 70 /* s */ }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_rsil_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_PSWOE }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_PSCALLINC }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_PSOWB }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_PSRING }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_PSUM }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_PSEXCM }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_PSINTLEVEL }, 'm' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_lend_args[] = {
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'o' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_lend_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_LEND }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_lend_args[] = {
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_lend_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_LEND }, 'o' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_xsr_lend_args[] = {
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'm' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_xsr_lend_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_LEND }, 'm' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_lcount_args[] = {
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'o' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_lcount_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_LCOUNT }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_lcount_args[] = {
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_lcount_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_XTSYNC }, 'o' },
-  { { STATE_LCOUNT }, 'o' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_xsr_lcount_args[] = {
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'm' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_xsr_lcount_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_XTSYNC }, 'o' },
-  { { STATE_LCOUNT }, 'm' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_lbeg_args[] = {
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'o' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_lbeg_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_LBEG }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_lbeg_args[] = {
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_lbeg_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_LBEG }, 'o' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_xsr_lbeg_args[] = {
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'm' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_xsr_lbeg_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_LBEG }, 'm' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_sar_args[] = {
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'o' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_sar_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_SAR }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_sar_args[] = {
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_sar_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_SAR }, 'o' },
-  { { STATE_XTSYNC }, 'o' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_xsr_sar_args[] = {
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'm' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_xsr_sar_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_SAR }, 'm' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_litbase_args[] = {
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'o' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_litbase_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_LITBADDR }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_LITBEN }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_litbase_args[] = {
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_litbase_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_LITBADDR }, 'o' },
-  { { STATE_LITBEN }, 'o' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_xsr_litbase_args[] = {
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'm' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_xsr_litbase_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_LITBADDR }, 'm' },
-  { { STATE_LITBEN }, 'm' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_176_args[] = {
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'o' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_176_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_PSEXCM }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_PSRING }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_208_args[] = {
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'o' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_208_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_PSEXCM }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_PSRING }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_ps_args[] = {
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'o' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_ps_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_PSWOE }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_PSCALLINC }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_PSOWB }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_PSRING }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_PSUM }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_PSEXCM }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_PSINTLEVEL }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_ps_args[] = {
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_ps_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_PSWOE }, 'o' },
-  { { STATE_PSCALLINC }, 'o' },
-  { { STATE_PSOWB }, 'o' },
-  { { STATE_PSRING }, 'm' },
-  { { STATE_PSUM }, 'o' },
-  { { STATE_PSEXCM }, 'm' },
-  { { STATE_PSINTLEVEL }, 'o' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_xsr_ps_args[] = {
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'm' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_xsr_ps_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_PSWOE }, 'm' },
-  { { STATE_PSCALLINC }, 'm' },
-  { { STATE_PSOWB }, 'm' },
-  { { STATE_PSRING }, 'm' },
-  { { STATE_PSUM }, 'm' },
-  { { STATE_PSEXCM }, 'm' },
-  { { STATE_PSINTLEVEL }, 'm' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_epc1_args[] = {
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'o' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_epc1_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_PSEXCM }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_PSRING }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_EPC1 }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_epc1_args[] = {
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_epc1_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_PSEXCM }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_PSRING }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_EPC1 }, 'o' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_xsr_epc1_args[] = {
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'm' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_xsr_epc1_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_PSEXCM }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_PSRING }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_EPC1 }, 'm' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_excsave1_args[] = {
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'o' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_excsave1_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_PSEXCM }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_PSRING }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_EXCSAVE1 }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_excsave1_args[] = {
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_excsave1_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_PSEXCM }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_PSRING }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_EXCSAVE1 }, 'o' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_xsr_excsave1_args[] = {
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'm' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_xsr_excsave1_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_PSEXCM }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_PSRING }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_EXCSAVE1 }, 'm' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_epc2_args[] = {
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'o' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_epc2_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_PSEXCM }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_PSRING }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_EPC2 }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_epc2_args[] = {
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_epc2_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_PSEXCM }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_PSRING }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_EPC2 }, 'o' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_xsr_epc2_args[] = {
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'm' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_xsr_epc2_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_PSEXCM }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_PSRING }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_EPC2 }, 'm' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_excsave2_args[] = {
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'o' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_excsave2_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_PSEXCM }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_PSRING }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_EXCSAVE2 }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_excsave2_args[] = {
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_excsave2_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_PSEXCM }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_PSRING }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_EXCSAVE2 }, 'o' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_xsr_excsave2_args[] = {
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'm' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_xsr_excsave2_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_PSEXCM }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_PSRING }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_EXCSAVE2 }, 'm' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_epc3_args[] = {
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'o' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_epc3_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_PSEXCM }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_PSRING }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_EPC3 }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_epc3_args[] = {
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_epc3_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_PSEXCM }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_PSRING }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_EPC3 }, 'o' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_xsr_epc3_args[] = {
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'm' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_xsr_epc3_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_PSEXCM }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_PSRING }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_EPC3 }, 'm' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_excsave3_args[] = {
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'o' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_excsave3_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_PSEXCM }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_PSRING }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_EXCSAVE3 }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_excsave3_args[] = {
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_excsave3_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_PSEXCM }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_PSRING }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_EXCSAVE3 }, 'o' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_xsr_excsave3_args[] = {
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'm' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_xsr_excsave3_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_PSEXCM }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_PSRING }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_EXCSAVE3 }, 'm' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_epc4_args[] = {
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'o' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_epc4_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_PSEXCM }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_PSRING }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_EPC4 }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_epc4_args[] = {
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_epc4_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_PSEXCM }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_PSRING }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_EPC4 }, 'o' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_xsr_epc4_args[] = {
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'm' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_xsr_epc4_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_PSEXCM }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_PSRING }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_EPC4 }, 'm' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_excsave4_args[] = {
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'o' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_excsave4_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_PSEXCM }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_PSRING }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_EXCSAVE4 }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_excsave4_args[] = {
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_excsave4_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_PSEXCM }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_PSRING }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_EXCSAVE4 }, 'o' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_xsr_excsave4_args[] = {
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'm' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_xsr_excsave4_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_PSEXCM }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_PSRING }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_EXCSAVE4 }, 'm' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_epc5_args[] = {
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'o' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_epc5_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_PSEXCM }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_PSRING }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_EPC5 }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_epc5_args[] = {
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_epc5_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_PSEXCM }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_PSRING }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_EPC5 }, 'o' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_xsr_epc5_args[] = {
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'm' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_xsr_epc5_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_PSEXCM }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_PSRING }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_EPC5 }, 'm' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_excsave5_args[] = {
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'o' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_excsave5_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_PSEXCM }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_PSRING }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_EXCSAVE5 }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_excsave5_args[] = {
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_excsave5_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_PSEXCM }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_PSRING }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_EXCSAVE5 }, 'o' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_xsr_excsave5_args[] = {
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'm' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_xsr_excsave5_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_PSEXCM }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_PSRING }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_EXCSAVE5 }, 'm' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_epc6_args[] = {
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'o' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_epc6_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_PSEXCM }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_PSRING }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_EPC6 }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_epc6_args[] = {
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_epc6_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_PSEXCM }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_PSRING }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_EPC6 }, 'o' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_xsr_epc6_args[] = {
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'm' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_xsr_epc6_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_PSEXCM }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_PSRING }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_EPC6 }, 'm' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_excsave6_args[] = {
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'o' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_excsave6_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_PSEXCM }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_PSRING }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_EXCSAVE6 }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_excsave6_args[] = {
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_excsave6_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_PSEXCM }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_PSRING }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_EXCSAVE6 }, 'o' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_xsr_excsave6_args[] = {
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'm' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_xsr_excsave6_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_PSEXCM }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_PSRING }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_EXCSAVE6 }, 'm' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_epc7_args[] = {
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'o' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_epc7_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_PSEXCM }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_PSRING }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_EPC7 }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_epc7_args[] = {
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_epc7_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_PSEXCM }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_PSRING }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_EPC7 }, 'o' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_xsr_epc7_args[] = {
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'm' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_xsr_epc7_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_PSEXCM }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_PSRING }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_EPC7 }, 'm' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_excsave7_args[] = {
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'o' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_excsave7_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_PSEXCM }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_PSRING }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_EXCSAVE7 }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_excsave7_args[] = {
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_excsave7_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_PSEXCM }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_PSRING }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_EXCSAVE7 }, 'o' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_xsr_excsave7_args[] = {
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'm' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_xsr_excsave7_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_PSEXCM }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_PSRING }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_EXCSAVE7 }, 'm' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_eps2_args[] = {
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'o' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_eps2_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_PSEXCM }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_PSRING }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_EPS2 }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_eps2_args[] = {
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_eps2_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_PSEXCM }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_PSRING }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_EPS2 }, 'o' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_xsr_eps2_args[] = {
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'm' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_xsr_eps2_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_PSEXCM }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_PSRING }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_EPS2 }, 'm' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_eps3_args[] = {
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'o' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_eps3_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_PSEXCM }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_PSRING }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_EPS3 }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_eps3_args[] = {
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_eps3_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_PSEXCM }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_PSRING }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_EPS3 }, 'o' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_xsr_eps3_args[] = {
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'm' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_xsr_eps3_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_PSEXCM }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_PSRING }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_EPS3 }, 'm' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_eps4_args[] = {
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'o' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_eps4_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_PSEXCM }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_PSRING }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_EPS4 }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_eps4_args[] = {
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_eps4_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_PSEXCM }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_PSRING }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_EPS4 }, 'o' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_xsr_eps4_args[] = {
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'm' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_xsr_eps4_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_PSEXCM }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_PSRING }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_EPS4 }, 'm' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_eps5_args[] = {
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'o' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_eps5_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_PSEXCM }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_PSRING }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_EPS5 }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_eps5_args[] = {
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_eps5_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_PSEXCM }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_PSRING }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_EPS5 }, 'o' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_xsr_eps5_args[] = {
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'm' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_xsr_eps5_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_PSEXCM }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_PSRING }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_EPS5 }, 'm' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_eps6_args[] = {
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'o' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_eps6_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_PSEXCM }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_PSRING }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_EPS6 }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_eps6_args[] = {
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_eps6_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_PSEXCM }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_PSRING }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_EPS6 }, 'o' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_xsr_eps6_args[] = {
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'm' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_xsr_eps6_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_PSEXCM }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_PSRING }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_EPS6 }, 'm' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_eps7_args[] = {
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'o' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_eps7_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_PSEXCM }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_PSRING }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_EPS7 }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_eps7_args[] = {
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_eps7_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_PSEXCM }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_PSRING }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_EPS7 }, 'o' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_xsr_eps7_args[] = {
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'm' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_xsr_eps7_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_PSEXCM }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_PSRING }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_EPS7 }, 'm' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_excvaddr_args[] = {
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'o' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_excvaddr_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_PSEXCM }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_PSRING }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_EXCVADDR }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_excvaddr_args[] = {
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_excvaddr_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_PSEXCM }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_PSRING }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_EXCVADDR }, 'o' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_xsr_excvaddr_args[] = {
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'm' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_xsr_excvaddr_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_PSEXCM }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_PSRING }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_EXCVADDR }, 'm' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_depc_args[] = {
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'o' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_depc_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_PSEXCM }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_PSRING }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_DEPC }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_depc_args[] = {
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_depc_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_PSEXCM }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_PSRING }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_DEPC }, 'o' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_xsr_depc_args[] = {
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'm' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_xsr_depc_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_PSEXCM }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_PSRING }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_DEPC }, 'm' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_exccause_args[] = {
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'o' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_exccause_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_PSEXCM }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_PSRING }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_EXCCAUSE }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_XTSYNC }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_exccause_args[] = {
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_exccause_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_PSEXCM }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_PSRING }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_EXCCAUSE }, 'o' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_xsr_exccause_args[] = {
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'm' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_xsr_exccause_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_PSEXCM }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_PSRING }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_EXCCAUSE }, 'm' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_misc0_args[] = {
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'o' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_misc0_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_PSEXCM }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_PSRING }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_MISC0 }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_misc0_args[] = {
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_misc0_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_PSEXCM }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_PSRING }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_MISC0 }, 'o' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_xsr_misc0_args[] = {
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'm' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_xsr_misc0_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_PSEXCM }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_PSRING }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_MISC0 }, 'm' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_misc1_args[] = {
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'o' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_misc1_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_PSEXCM }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_PSRING }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_MISC1 }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_misc1_args[] = {
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_misc1_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_PSEXCM }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_PSRING }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_MISC1 }, 'o' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_xsr_misc1_args[] = {
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'm' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_xsr_misc1_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_PSEXCM }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_PSRING }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_MISC1 }, 'm' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_misc2_args[] = {
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'o' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_misc2_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_PSEXCM }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_PSRING }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_MISC2 }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_misc2_args[] = {
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_misc2_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_PSEXCM }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_PSRING }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_MISC2 }, 'o' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_xsr_misc2_args[] = {
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'm' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_xsr_misc2_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_PSEXCM }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_PSRING }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_MISC2 }, 'm' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_misc3_args[] = {
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'o' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_misc3_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_PSEXCM }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_PSRING }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_MISC3 }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_misc3_args[] = {
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_misc3_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_PSEXCM }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_PSRING }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_MISC3 }, 'o' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_xsr_misc3_args[] = {
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'm' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_xsr_misc3_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_PSEXCM }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_PSRING }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_MISC3 }, 'm' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_prid_args[] = {
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'o' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_prid_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_PSEXCM }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_PSRING }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_vecbase_args[] = {
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'o' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_vecbase_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_PSEXCM }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_PSRING }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_VECBASE }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_vecbase_args[] = {
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_vecbase_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_PSEXCM }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_PSRING }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_VECBASE }, 'o' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_xsr_vecbase_args[] = {
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'm' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_xsr_vecbase_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_PSEXCM }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_PSRING }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_VECBASE }, 'm' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_mac16_aa_args[] = {
-  { { 4 /* ars */ }, 'i' },
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_mac16_aa_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_ACC }, 'o' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_mac16_ad_args[] = {
-  { { 4 /* ars */ }, 'i' },
-  { { 34 /* my */ }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_mac16_ad_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_ACC }, 'o' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_mac16_da_args[] = {
-  { { 33 /* mx */ }, 'i' },
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_mac16_da_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_ACC }, 'o' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_mac16_dd_args[] = {
-  { { 33 /* mx */ }, 'i' },
-  { { 34 /* my */ }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_mac16_dd_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_ACC }, 'o' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_mac16a_aa_args[] = {
-  { { 4 /* ars */ }, 'i' },
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_mac16a_aa_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_ACC }, 'm' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_mac16a_ad_args[] = {
-  { { 4 /* ars */ }, 'i' },
-  { { 34 /* my */ }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_mac16a_ad_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_ACC }, 'm' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_mac16a_da_args[] = {
-  { { 33 /* mx */ }, 'i' },
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_mac16a_da_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_ACC }, 'm' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_mac16a_dd_args[] = {
-  { { 33 /* mx */ }, 'i' },
-  { { 34 /* my */ }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_mac16a_dd_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_ACC }, 'm' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_mac16al_da_args[] = {
-  { { 35 /* mw */ }, 'o' },
-  { { 4 /* ars */ }, 'm' },
-  { { 33 /* mx */ }, 'i' },
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_mac16al_da_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_ACC }, 'm' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_mac16al_dd_args[] = {
-  { { 35 /* mw */ }, 'o' },
-  { { 4 /* ars */ }, 'm' },
-  { { 33 /* mx */ }, 'i' },
-  { { 34 /* my */ }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_mac16al_dd_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_ACC }, 'm' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_mac16_l_args[] = {
-  { { 35 /* mw */ }, 'o' },
-  { { 4 /* ars */ }, 'm' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_mul16_args[] = {
-  { { 3 /* arr */ }, 'o' },
-  { { 4 /* ars */ }, 'i' },
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_m0_args[] = {
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'o' },
-  { { 36 /* mr0 */ }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_m0_args[] = {
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'i' },
-  { { 36 /* mr0 */ }, 'o' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_xsr_m0_args[] = {
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'm' },
-  { { 36 /* mr0 */ }, 'm' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_m1_args[] = {
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'o' },
-  { { 37 /* mr1 */ }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_m1_args[] = {
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'i' },
-  { { 37 /* mr1 */ }, 'o' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_xsr_m1_args[] = {
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'm' },
-  { { 37 /* mr1 */ }, 'm' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_m2_args[] = {
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'o' },
-  { { 38 /* mr2 */ }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_m2_args[] = {
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'i' },
-  { { 38 /* mr2 */ }, 'o' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_xsr_m2_args[] = {
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'm' },
-  { { 38 /* mr2 */ }, 'm' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_m3_args[] = {
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'o' },
-  { { 39 /* mr3 */ }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_m3_args[] = {
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'i' },
-  { { 39 /* mr3 */ }, 'o' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_xsr_m3_args[] = {
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'm' },
-  { { 39 /* mr3 */ }, 'm' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_acclo_args[] = {
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'o' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_acclo_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_ACC }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_acclo_args[] = {
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_acclo_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_ACC }, 'm' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_xsr_acclo_args[] = {
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'm' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_xsr_acclo_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_ACC }, 'm' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_acchi_args[] = {
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'o' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_acchi_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_ACC }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_acchi_args[] = {
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_acchi_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_ACC }, 'm' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_xsr_acchi_args[] = {
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'm' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_xsr_acchi_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_ACC }, 'm' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_rfi_args[] = {
-  { { 70 /* s */ }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_rfi_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_PSWOE }, 'o' },
-  { { STATE_PSCALLINC }, 'o' },
-  { { STATE_PSOWB }, 'o' },
-  { { STATE_PSRING }, 'm' },
-  { { STATE_PSUM }, 'o' },
-  { { STATE_PSEXCM }, 'm' },
-  { { STATE_PSINTLEVEL }, 'o' },
-  { { STATE_EPC1 }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_EPC2 }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_EPC3 }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_EPC4 }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_EPC5 }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_EPC6 }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_EPC7 }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_EPS2 }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_EPS3 }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_EPS4 }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_EPS5 }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_EPS6 }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_EPS7 }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_InOCDMode }, 'm' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_wait_args[] = {
-  { { 70 /* s */ }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_wait_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_PSEXCM }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_PSRING }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_PSINTLEVEL }, 'o' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_interrupt_args[] = {
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'o' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_interrupt_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_PSEXCM }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_PSRING }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_INTERRUPT }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_intset_args[] = {
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_intset_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_PSEXCM }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_PSRING }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_XTSYNC }, 'o' },
-  { { STATE_INTERRUPT }, 'm' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_intclear_args[] = {
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_intclear_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_PSEXCM }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_PSRING }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_XTSYNC }, 'o' },
-  { { STATE_INTERRUPT }, 'm' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_intenable_args[] = {
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'o' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_intenable_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_PSEXCM }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_PSRING }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_INTENABLE }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_intenable_args[] = {
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_intenable_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_PSEXCM }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_PSRING }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_INTENABLE }, 'o' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_xsr_intenable_args[] = {
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'm' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_xsr_intenable_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_PSEXCM }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_PSRING }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_INTENABLE }, 'm' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_break_args[] = {
-  { { 41 /* imms */ }, 'i' },
-  { { 40 /* immt */ }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_break_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_PSEXCM }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_PSINTLEVEL }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_break_n_args[] = {
-  { { 41 /* imms */ }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_break_n_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_PSEXCM }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_PSINTLEVEL }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_dbreaka0_args[] = {
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'o' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_dbreaka0_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_PSEXCM }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_PSRING }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_DBREAKA0 }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_dbreaka0_args[] = {
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_dbreaka0_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_PSEXCM }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_PSRING }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_DBREAKA0 }, 'o' },
-  { { STATE_XTSYNC }, 'o' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_xsr_dbreaka0_args[] = {
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'm' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_xsr_dbreaka0_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_PSEXCM }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_PSRING }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_DBREAKA0 }, 'm' },
-  { { STATE_XTSYNC }, 'o' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_dbreakc0_args[] = {
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'o' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_dbreakc0_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_PSEXCM }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_PSRING }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_DBREAKC0 }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_dbreakc0_args[] = {
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_dbreakc0_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_PSEXCM }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_PSRING }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_DBREAKC0 }, 'o' },
-  { { STATE_XTSYNC }, 'o' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_xsr_dbreakc0_args[] = {
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'm' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_xsr_dbreakc0_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_PSEXCM }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_PSRING }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_DBREAKC0 }, 'm' },
-  { { STATE_XTSYNC }, 'o' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_dbreaka1_args[] = {
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'o' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_dbreaka1_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_PSEXCM }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_PSRING }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_DBREAKA1 }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_dbreaka1_args[] = {
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_dbreaka1_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_PSEXCM }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_PSRING }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_DBREAKA1 }, 'o' },
-  { { STATE_XTSYNC }, 'o' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_xsr_dbreaka1_args[] = {
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'm' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_xsr_dbreaka1_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_PSEXCM }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_PSRING }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_DBREAKA1 }, 'm' },
-  { { STATE_XTSYNC }, 'o' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_dbreakc1_args[] = {
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'o' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_dbreakc1_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_PSEXCM }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_PSRING }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_DBREAKC1 }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_dbreakc1_args[] = {
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_dbreakc1_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_PSEXCM }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_PSRING }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_DBREAKC1 }, 'o' },
-  { { STATE_XTSYNC }, 'o' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_xsr_dbreakc1_args[] = {
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'm' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_xsr_dbreakc1_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_PSEXCM }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_PSRING }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_DBREAKC1 }, 'm' },
-  { { STATE_XTSYNC }, 'o' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_ibreaka0_args[] = {
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'o' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_ibreaka0_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_PSEXCM }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_PSRING }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_IBREAKA0 }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_ibreaka0_args[] = {
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_ibreaka0_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_PSEXCM }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_PSRING }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_IBREAKA0 }, 'o' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_xsr_ibreaka0_args[] = {
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'm' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_xsr_ibreaka0_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_PSEXCM }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_PSRING }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_IBREAKA0 }, 'm' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_ibreaka1_args[] = {
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'o' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_ibreaka1_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_PSEXCM }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_PSRING }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_IBREAKA1 }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_ibreaka1_args[] = {
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_ibreaka1_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_PSEXCM }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_PSRING }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_IBREAKA1 }, 'o' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_xsr_ibreaka1_args[] = {
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'm' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_xsr_ibreaka1_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_PSEXCM }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_PSRING }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_IBREAKA1 }, 'm' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_ibreakenable_args[] = {
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'o' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_ibreakenable_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_PSEXCM }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_PSRING }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_IBREAKENABLE }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_ibreakenable_args[] = {
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_ibreakenable_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_PSEXCM }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_PSRING }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_IBREAKENABLE }, 'o' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_xsr_ibreakenable_args[] = {
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'm' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_xsr_ibreakenable_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_PSEXCM }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_PSRING }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_IBREAKENABLE }, 'm' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_debugcause_args[] = {
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'o' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_debugcause_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_PSEXCM }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_PSRING }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_DEBUGCAUSE }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_DBNUM }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_debugcause_args[] = {
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_debugcause_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_PSEXCM }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_PSRING }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_DEBUGCAUSE }, 'o' },
-  { { STATE_DBNUM }, 'o' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_xsr_debugcause_args[] = {
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'm' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_xsr_debugcause_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_PSEXCM }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_PSRING }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_DEBUGCAUSE }, 'm' },
-  { { STATE_DBNUM }, 'm' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_icount_args[] = {
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'o' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_icount_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_PSEXCM }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_PSRING }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_ICOUNT }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_icount_args[] = {
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_icount_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_PSEXCM }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_PSRING }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_XTSYNC }, 'o' },
-  { { STATE_ICOUNT }, 'o' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_xsr_icount_args[] = {
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'm' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_xsr_icount_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_PSEXCM }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_PSRING }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_XTSYNC }, 'o' },
-  { { STATE_ICOUNT }, 'm' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_icountlevel_args[] = {
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'o' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_icountlevel_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_PSEXCM }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_PSRING }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_ICOUNTLEVEL }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_icountlevel_args[] = {
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_icountlevel_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_PSEXCM }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_PSRING }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_ICOUNTLEVEL }, 'o' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_xsr_icountlevel_args[] = {
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'm' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_xsr_icountlevel_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_PSEXCM }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_PSRING }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_ICOUNTLEVEL }, 'm' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_ddr_args[] = {
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'o' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_ddr_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_PSEXCM }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_PSRING }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_DDR }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_ddr_args[] = {
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_ddr_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_PSEXCM }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_PSRING }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_XTSYNC }, 'o' },
-  { { STATE_DDR }, 'o' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_xsr_ddr_args[] = {
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'm' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_xsr_ddr_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_PSEXCM }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_PSRING }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_XTSYNC }, 'o' },
-  { { STATE_DDR }, 'm' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_rfdo_args[] = {
-  { { 41 /* imms */ }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_rfdo_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_InOCDMode }, 'm' },
-  { { STATE_EPC6 }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_PSWOE }, 'o' },
-  { { STATE_PSCALLINC }, 'o' },
-  { { STATE_PSOWB }, 'o' },
-  { { STATE_PSRING }, 'o' },
-  { { STATE_PSUM }, 'o' },
-  { { STATE_PSEXCM }, 'o' },
-  { { STATE_PSINTLEVEL }, 'o' },
-  { { STATE_EPS6 }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_rfdd_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_InOCDMode }, 'm' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_mmid_args[] = {
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_mmid_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_PSEXCM }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_PSRING }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_XTSYNC }, 'o' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_bbool1_args[] = {
-  { { 44 /* br */ }, 'o' },
-  { { 43 /* bs */ }, 'i' },
-  { { 42 /* bt */ }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_bbool4_args[] = {
-  { { 42 /* bt */ }, 'o' },
-  { { 49 /* bs4 */ }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_bbool8_args[] = {
-  { { 42 /* bt */ }, 'o' },
-  { { 52 /* bs8 */ }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_bbranch_args[] = {
-  { { 43 /* bs */ }, 'i' },
-  { { 28 /* label8 */ }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_bmove_args[] = {
-  { { 3 /* arr */ }, 'm' },
-  { { 4 /* ars */ }, 'i' },
-  { { 42 /* bt */ }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_RSR_BR_args[] = {
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'o' },
-  { { 57 /* brall */ }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_WSR_BR_args[] = {
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'i' },
-  { { 57 /* brall */ }, 'o' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_XSR_BR_args[] = {
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'm' },
-  { { 57 /* brall */ }, 'm' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_ccount_args[] = {
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'o' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_ccount_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_PSEXCM }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_PSRING }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_CCOUNT }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_ccount_args[] = {
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_ccount_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_PSEXCM }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_PSRING }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_XTSYNC }, 'o' },
-  { { STATE_CCOUNT }, 'o' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_xsr_ccount_args[] = {
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'm' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_xsr_ccount_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_PSEXCM }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_PSRING }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_XTSYNC }, 'o' },
-  { { STATE_CCOUNT }, 'm' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_ccompare0_args[] = {
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'o' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_ccompare0_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_PSEXCM }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_PSRING }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_CCOMPARE0 }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_ccompare0_args[] = {
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_ccompare0_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_PSEXCM }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_PSRING }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_CCOMPARE0 }, 'o' },
-  { { STATE_INTERRUPT }, 'm' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_xsr_ccompare0_args[] = {
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'm' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_xsr_ccompare0_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_PSEXCM }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_PSRING }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_CCOMPARE0 }, 'm' },
-  { { STATE_INTERRUPT }, 'm' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_ccompare1_args[] = {
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'o' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_ccompare1_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_PSEXCM }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_PSRING }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_CCOMPARE1 }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_ccompare1_args[] = {
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_ccompare1_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_PSEXCM }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_PSRING }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_CCOMPARE1 }, 'o' },
-  { { STATE_INTERRUPT }, 'm' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_xsr_ccompare1_args[] = {
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'm' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_xsr_ccompare1_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_PSEXCM }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_PSRING }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_CCOMPARE1 }, 'm' },
-  { { STATE_INTERRUPT }, 'm' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_ccompare2_args[] = {
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'o' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_ccompare2_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_PSEXCM }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_PSRING }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_CCOMPARE2 }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_ccompare2_args[] = {
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_ccompare2_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_PSEXCM }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_PSRING }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_CCOMPARE2 }, 'o' },
-  { { STATE_INTERRUPT }, 'm' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_xsr_ccompare2_args[] = {
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'm' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_xsr_ccompare2_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_PSEXCM }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_PSRING }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_CCOMPARE2 }, 'm' },
-  { { STATE_INTERRUPT }, 'm' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_icache_args[] = {
-  { { 4 /* ars */ }, 'i' },
-  { { 21 /* uimm8x4 */ }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_icache_lock_args[] = {
-  { { 4 /* ars */ }, 'i' },
-  { { 22 /* uimm4x16 */ }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_icache_lock_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_PSEXCM }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_PSRING }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_icache_inv_args[] = {
-  { { 4 /* ars */ }, 'i' },
-  { { 21 /* uimm8x4 */ }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_icache_inv_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_PSEXCM }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_PSRING }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_licx_args[] = {
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'o' },
-  { { 4 /* ars */ }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_licx_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_PSEXCM }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_PSRING }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_sicx_args[] = {
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'i' },
-  { { 4 /* ars */ }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_sicx_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_PSEXCM }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_PSRING }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_dcache_args[] = {
-  { { 4 /* ars */ }, 'i' },
-  { { 21 /* uimm8x4 */ }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_dcache_ind_args[] = {
-  { { 4 /* ars */ }, 'i' },
-  { { 22 /* uimm4x16 */ }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_dcache_ind_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_PSEXCM }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_PSRING }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_dcache_inv_args[] = {
-  { { 4 /* ars */ }, 'i' },
-  { { 21 /* uimm8x4 */ }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_dcache_inv_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_PSEXCM }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_PSRING }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_dpf_args[] = {
-  { { 4 /* ars */ }, 'i' },
-  { { 21 /* uimm8x4 */ }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_dcache_lock_args[] = {
-  { { 4 /* ars */ }, 'i' },
-  { { 22 /* uimm4x16 */ }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_dcache_lock_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_PSEXCM }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_PSRING }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_sdct_args[] = {
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'i' },
-  { { 4 /* ars */ }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_sdct_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_PSEXCM }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_PSRING }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_ldct_args[] = {
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'o' },
-  { { 4 /* ars */ }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_ldct_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_PSEXCM }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_PSRING }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_ptevaddr_args[] = {
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_ptevaddr_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_PSEXCM }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_PSRING }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_PTBASE }, 'o' },
-  { { STATE_XTSYNC }, 'o' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_ptevaddr_args[] = {
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'o' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_ptevaddr_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_PSEXCM }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_PSRING }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_PTBASE }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_EXCVADDR }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_xsr_ptevaddr_args[] = {
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'm' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_xsr_ptevaddr_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_PSEXCM }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_PSRING }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_PTBASE }, 'm' },
-  { { STATE_EXCVADDR }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_XTSYNC }, 'o' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_rasid_args[] = {
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'o' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_rasid_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_PSEXCM }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_PSRING }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_ASID3 }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_ASID2 }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_ASID1 }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_rasid_args[] = {
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_rasid_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_XTSYNC }, 'o' },
-  { { STATE_PSEXCM }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_PSRING }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_ASID3 }, 'o' },
-  { { STATE_ASID2 }, 'o' },
-  { { STATE_ASID1 }, 'o' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_xsr_rasid_args[] = {
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'm' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_xsr_rasid_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_XTSYNC }, 'o' },
-  { { STATE_PSEXCM }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_PSRING }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_ASID3 }, 'm' },
-  { { STATE_ASID2 }, 'm' },
-  { { STATE_ASID1 }, 'm' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_itlbcfg_args[] = {
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'o' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_itlbcfg_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_PSEXCM }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_PSRING }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_INSTPGSZID4 }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_itlbcfg_args[] = {
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_itlbcfg_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_XTSYNC }, 'o' },
-  { { STATE_PSEXCM }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_PSRING }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_INSTPGSZID4 }, 'o' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_xsr_itlbcfg_args[] = {
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'm' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_xsr_itlbcfg_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_XTSYNC }, 'o' },
-  { { STATE_PSEXCM }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_PSRING }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_INSTPGSZID4 }, 'm' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_dtlbcfg_args[] = {
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'o' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_dtlbcfg_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_PSEXCM }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_PSRING }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_DATAPGSZID4 }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_dtlbcfg_args[] = {
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_dtlbcfg_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_XTSYNC }, 'o' },
-  { { STATE_PSEXCM }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_PSRING }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_DATAPGSZID4 }, 'o' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_xsr_dtlbcfg_args[] = {
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'm' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_xsr_dtlbcfg_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_XTSYNC }, 'o' },
-  { { STATE_PSEXCM }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_PSRING }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_DATAPGSZID4 }, 'm' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_idtlb_args[] = {
-  { { 4 /* ars */ }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_idtlb_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_PSEXCM }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_PSRING }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_XTSYNC }, 'o' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_rdtlb_args[] = {
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'o' },
-  { { 4 /* ars */ }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_rdtlb_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_PSEXCM }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_PSRING }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_wdtlb_args[] = {
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'i' },
-  { { 4 /* ars */ }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_wdtlb_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_PSEXCM }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_PSRING }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_XTSYNC }, 'o' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_iitlb_args[] = {
-  { { 4 /* ars */ }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_iitlb_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_PSEXCM }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_PSRING }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_ritlb_args[] = {
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'o' },
-  { { 4 /* ars */ }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_ritlb_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_PSEXCM }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_PSRING }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_witlb_args[] = {
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'i' },
-  { { 4 /* ars */ }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_witlb_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_PSEXCM }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_PSRING }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_ldpte_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_PTBASE }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_EXCVADDR }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_hwwitlba_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_EXCVADDR }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_hwwdtlba_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_EXCVADDR }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_cpenable_args[] = {
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'o' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_cpenable_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_PSEXCM }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_PSRING }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_CPENABLE }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_cpenable_args[] = {
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_cpenable_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_PSEXCM }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_PSRING }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_CPENABLE }, 'o' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_xsr_cpenable_args[] = {
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'm' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_xsr_cpenable_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_PSEXCM }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_PSRING }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_CPENABLE }, 'm' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_clamp_args[] = {
-  { { 3 /* arr */ }, 'o' },
-  { { 4 /* ars */ }, 'i' },
-  { { 58 /* tp7 */ }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_minmax_args[] = {
-  { { 3 /* arr */ }, 'o' },
-  { { 4 /* ars */ }, 'i' },
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_nsa_args[] = {
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'o' },
-  { { 4 /* ars */ }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_sx_args[] = {
-  { { 3 /* arr */ }, 'o' },
-  { { 4 /* ars */ }, 'i' },
-  { { 58 /* tp7 */ }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_l32ai_args[] = {
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'o' },
-  { { 4 /* ars */ }, 'i' },
-  { { 21 /* uimm8x4 */ }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_s32ri_args[] = {
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'i' },
-  { { 4 /* ars */ }, 'i' },
-  { { 21 /* uimm8x4 */ }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_s32c1i_args[] = {
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'm' },
-  { { 4 /* ars */ }, 'i' },
-  { { 21 /* uimm8x4 */ }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_s32c1i_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_SCOMPARE1 }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_SCOMPARE1 }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_scompare1_args[] = {
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'o' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_scompare1_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_SCOMPARE1 }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_scompare1_args[] = {
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_scompare1_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_SCOMPARE1 }, 'o' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_xsr_scompare1_args[] = {
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'm' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_xsr_scompare1_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_SCOMPARE1 }, 'm' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_div_args[] = {
-  { { 3 /* arr */ }, 'o' },
-  { { 4 /* ars */ }, 'i' },
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_mul32_args[] = {
-  { { 3 /* arr */ }, 'o' },
-  { { 4 /* ars */ }, 'i' },
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_rur_fcr_args[] = {
-  { { 3 /* arr */ }, 'o' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_rur_fcr_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_RoundMode }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_InvalidEnable }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_DivZeroEnable }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_OverflowEnable }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_UnderflowEnable }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_InexactEnable }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_FPreserved20 }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_FPreserved5 }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_CPENABLE }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_wur_fcr_args[] = {
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_wur_fcr_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_RoundMode }, 'o' },
-  { { STATE_InvalidEnable }, 'o' },
-  { { STATE_DivZeroEnable }, 'o' },
-  { { STATE_OverflowEnable }, 'o' },
-  { { STATE_UnderflowEnable }, 'o' },
-  { { STATE_InexactEnable }, 'o' },
-  { { STATE_FPreserved20 }, 'o' },
-  { { STATE_FPreserved5 }, 'o' },
-  { { STATE_CPENABLE }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_rur_fsr_args[] = {
-  { { 3 /* arr */ }, 'o' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_rur_fsr_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_InvalidFlag }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_DivZeroFlag }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_OverflowFlag }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_UnderflowFlag }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_InexactFlag }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_FPreserved20a }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_FPreserved7 }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_CPENABLE }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_wur_fsr_args[] = {
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_wur_fsr_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_InvalidFlag }, 'o' },
-  { { STATE_DivZeroFlag }, 'o' },
-  { { STATE_OverflowFlag }, 'o' },
-  { { STATE_UnderflowFlag }, 'o' },
-  { { STATE_InexactFlag }, 'o' },
-  { { STATE_FPreserved20a }, 'o' },
-  { { STATE_FPreserved7 }, 'o' },
-  { { STATE_CPENABLE }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_fp_args[] = {
-  { { 62 /* frr */ }, 'o' },
-  { { 63 /* frs */ }, 'i' },
-  { { 64 /* frt */ }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_fp_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_RoundMode }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_CPENABLE }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_fp_mac_args[] = {
-  { { 62 /* frr */ }, 'm' },
-  { { 63 /* frs */ }, 'i' },
-  { { 64 /* frt */ }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_fp_mac_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_RoundMode }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_CPENABLE }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_fp_cmov_args[] = {
-  { { 62 /* frr */ }, 'm' },
-  { { 63 /* frs */ }, 'i' },
-  { { 42 /* bt */ }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_fp_cmov_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_CPENABLE }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_fp_mov_args[] = {
-  { { 62 /* frr */ }, 'm' },
-  { { 63 /* frs */ }, 'i' },
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_fp_mov_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_CPENABLE }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_fp_mov2_args[] = {
-  { { 62 /* frr */ }, 'o' },
-  { { 63 /* frs */ }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_fp_mov2_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_CPENABLE }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_fp_cmp_args[] = {
-  { { 44 /* br */ }, 'o' },
-  { { 63 /* frs */ }, 'i' },
-  { { 64 /* frt */ }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_fp_cmp_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_CPENABLE }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_fp_float_args[] = {
-  { { 62 /* frr */ }, 'o' },
-  { { 4 /* ars */ }, 'i' },
-  { { 65 /* t */ }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_fp_float_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_RoundMode }, 'i' },
-  { { STATE_CPENABLE }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_fp_int_args[] = {
-  { { 3 /* arr */ }, 'o' },
-  { { 63 /* frs */ }, 'i' },
-  { { 65 /* t */ }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_fp_int_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_CPENABLE }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_fp_rfr_args[] = {
-  { { 3 /* arr */ }, 'o' },
-  { { 63 /* frs */ }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_fp_rfr_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_CPENABLE }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_fp_wfr_args[] = {
-  { { 62 /* frr */ }, 'o' },
-  { { 4 /* ars */ }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_fp_wfr_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_CPENABLE }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_fp_lsi_args[] = {
-  { { 64 /* frt */ }, 'o' },
-  { { 4 /* ars */ }, 'i' },
-  { { 61 /* cimm8x4 */ }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_fp_lsi_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_CPENABLE }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_fp_lsiu_args[] = {
-  { { 64 /* frt */ }, 'o' },
-  { { 4 /* ars */ }, 'm' },
-  { { 61 /* cimm8x4 */ }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_fp_lsiu_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_CPENABLE }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_fp_lsx_args[] = {
-  { { 62 /* frr */ }, 'o' },
-  { { 4 /* ars */ }, 'i' },
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_fp_lsx_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_CPENABLE }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_fp_lsxu_args[] = {
-  { { 62 /* frr */ }, 'o' },
-  { { 4 /* ars */ }, 'm' },
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_fp_lsxu_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_CPENABLE }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_fp_ssi_args[] = {
-  { { 64 /* frt */ }, 'i' },
-  { { 4 /* ars */ }, 'i' },
-  { { 61 /* cimm8x4 */ }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_fp_ssi_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_CPENABLE }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_fp_ssiu_args[] = {
-  { { 64 /* frt */ }, 'i' },
-  { { 4 /* ars */ }, 'm' },
-  { { 61 /* cimm8x4 */ }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_fp_ssiu_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_CPENABLE }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_fp_ssx_args[] = {
-  { { 62 /* frr */ }, 'i' },
-  { { 4 /* ars */ }, 'i' },
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_fp_ssx_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_CPENABLE }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_fp_ssxu_args[] = {
-  { { 62 /* frr */ }, 'i' },
-  { { 4 /* ars */ }, 'm' },
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_fp_ssxu_stateArgs[] = {
-  { { STATE_CPENABLE }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_wb18_0_args[] = {
-  { { 4 /* ars */ }, 'i' },
-  { { 60 /* xt_wbr18_label */ }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_wb18_1_args[] = {
-  { { 4 /* ars */ }, 'i' },
-  { { 17 /* b4const */ }, 'i' },
-  { { 60 /* xt_wbr18_label */ }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_wb18_2_args[] = {
-  { { 4 /* ars */ }, 'i' },
-  { { 18 /* b4constu */ }, 'i' },
-  { { 60 /* xt_wbr18_label */ }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_wb18_3_args[] = {
-  { { 4 /* ars */ }, 'i' },
-  { { 67 /* bbi */ }, 'i' },
-  { { 60 /* xt_wbr18_label */ }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_arg_internal Iclass_xt_iclass_wb18_4_args[] = {
-  { { 4 /* ars */ }, 'i' },
-  { { 6 /* art */ }, 'i' },
-  { { 60 /* xt_wbr18_label */ }, 'i' }
-static xtensa_iclass_internal iclasses[] = {
-  { 0, 0 /* xt_iclass_excw */,
-    0, 0, 0, 0 },
-  { 0, 0 /* xt_iclass_rfe */,
-    3, Iclass_xt_iclass_rfe_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 0, 0 /* xt_iclass_rfde */,
-    3, Iclass_xt_iclass_rfde_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 0, 0 /* xt_iclass_syscall */,
-    0, 0, 0, 0 },
-  { 0, 0 /* xt_iclass_simcall */,
-    0, 0, 0, 0 },
-  { 2, Iclass_xt_iclass_call12_args,
-    1, Iclass_xt_iclass_call12_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 2, Iclass_xt_iclass_call8_args,
-    1, Iclass_xt_iclass_call8_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 2, Iclass_xt_iclass_call4_args,
-    1, Iclass_xt_iclass_call4_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 2, Iclass_xt_iclass_callx12_args,
-    1, Iclass_xt_iclass_callx12_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 2, Iclass_xt_iclass_callx8_args,
-    1, Iclass_xt_iclass_callx8_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 2, Iclass_xt_iclass_callx4_args,
-    1, Iclass_xt_iclass_callx4_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 3, Iclass_xt_iclass_entry_args,
-    5, Iclass_xt_iclass_entry_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 2, Iclass_xt_iclass_movsp_args,
-    2, Iclass_xt_iclass_movsp_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 1, Iclass_xt_iclass_rotw_args,
-    3, Iclass_xt_iclass_rotw_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 1, Iclass_xt_iclass_retw_args,
-    4, Iclass_xt_iclass_retw_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 0, 0 /* xt_iclass_rfwou */,
-    6, Iclass_xt_iclass_rfwou_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 3, Iclass_xt_iclass_l32e_args,
-    2, Iclass_xt_iclass_l32e_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 3, Iclass_xt_iclass_s32e_args,
-    2, Iclass_xt_iclass_s32e_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 1, Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_windowbase_args,
-    3, Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_windowbase_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 1, Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_windowbase_args,
-    3, Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_windowbase_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 1, Iclass_xt_iclass_xsr_windowbase_args,
-    3, Iclass_xt_iclass_xsr_windowbase_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 1, Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_windowstart_args,
-    3, Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_windowstart_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 1, Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_windowstart_args,
-    3, Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_windowstart_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 1, Iclass_xt_iclass_xsr_windowstart_args,
-    3, Iclass_xt_iclass_xsr_windowstart_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 3, Iclass_xt_iclass_add_n_args,
-    0, 0, 0, 0 },
-  { 3, Iclass_xt_iclass_addi_n_args,
-    0, 0, 0, 0 },
-  { 2, Iclass_xt_iclass_bz6_args,
-    0, 0, 0, 0 },
-  { 0, 0 /* xt_iclass_ill_n */,
-    0, 0, 0, 0 },
-  { 3, Iclass_xt_iclass_loadi4_args,
-    0, 0, 0, 0 },
-  { 2, Iclass_xt_iclass_mov_n_args,
-    0, 0, 0, 0 },
-  { 2, Iclass_xt_iclass_movi_n_args,
-    0, 0, 0, 0 },
-  { 0, 0 /* xt_iclass_nopn */,
-    0, 0, 0, 0 },
-  { 1, Iclass_xt_iclass_retn_args,
-    0, 0, 0, 0 },
-  { 3, Iclass_xt_iclass_storei4_args,
-    0, 0, 0, 0 },
-  { 1, Iclass_rur_threadptr_args,
-    1, Iclass_rur_threadptr_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 1, Iclass_wur_threadptr_args,
-    1, Iclass_wur_threadptr_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 3, Iclass_xt_iclass_addi_args,
-    0, 0, 0, 0 },
-  { 3, Iclass_xt_iclass_addmi_args,
-    0, 0, 0, 0 },
-  { 3, Iclass_xt_iclass_addsub_args,
-    0, 0, 0, 0 },
-  { 3, Iclass_xt_iclass_bit_args,
-    0, 0, 0, 0 },
-  { 3, Iclass_xt_iclass_bsi8_args,
-    0, 0, 0, 0 },
-  { 3, Iclass_xt_iclass_bsi8b_args,
-    0, 0, 0, 0 },
-  { 3, Iclass_xt_iclass_bsi8u_args,
-    0, 0, 0, 0 },
-  { 3, Iclass_xt_iclass_bst8_args,
-    0, 0, 0, 0 },
-  { 2, Iclass_xt_iclass_bsz12_args,
-    0, 0, 0, 0 },
-  { 2, Iclass_xt_iclass_call0_args,
-    0, 0, 0, 0 },
-  { 2, Iclass_xt_iclass_callx0_args,
-    0, 0, 0, 0 },
-  { 4, Iclass_xt_iclass_exti_args,
-    0, 0, 0, 0 },
-  { 0, 0 /* xt_iclass_ill */,
-    0, 0, 0, 0 },
-  { 1, Iclass_xt_iclass_jump_args,
-    0, 0, 0, 0 },
-  { 1, Iclass_xt_iclass_jumpx_args,
-    0, 0, 0, 0 },
-  { 3, Iclass_xt_iclass_l16ui_args,
-    0, 0, 0, 0 },
-  { 3, Iclass_xt_iclass_l16si_args,
-    0, 0, 0, 0 },
-  { 3, Iclass_xt_iclass_l32i_args,
-    0, 0, 0, 0 },
-  { 2, Iclass_xt_iclass_l32r_args,
-    2, Iclass_xt_iclass_l32r_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 3, Iclass_xt_iclass_l8i_args,
-    0, 0, 0, 0 },
-  { 2, Iclass_xt_iclass_loop_args,
-    3, Iclass_xt_iclass_loop_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 2, Iclass_xt_iclass_loopz_args,
-    3, Iclass_xt_iclass_loopz_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 2, Iclass_xt_iclass_movi_args,
-    0, 0, 0, 0 },
-  { 3, Iclass_xt_iclass_movz_args,
-    0, 0, 0, 0 },
-  { 2, Iclass_xt_iclass_neg_args,
-    0, 0, 0, 0 },
-  { 0, 0 /* xt_iclass_nop */,
-    0, 0, 0, 0 },
-  { 1, Iclass_xt_iclass_return_args,
-    0, 0, 0, 0 },
-  { 3, Iclass_xt_iclass_s16i_args,
-    0, 0, 0, 0 },
-  { 3, Iclass_xt_iclass_s32i_args,
-    0, 0, 0, 0 },
-  { 3, Iclass_xt_iclass_s8i_args,
-    0, 0, 0, 0 },
-  { 1, Iclass_xt_iclass_sar_args,
-    1, Iclass_xt_iclass_sar_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 1, Iclass_xt_iclass_sari_args,
-    1, Iclass_xt_iclass_sari_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 2, Iclass_xt_iclass_shifts_args,
-    1, Iclass_xt_iclass_shifts_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 3, Iclass_xt_iclass_shiftst_args,
-    1, Iclass_xt_iclass_shiftst_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 2, Iclass_xt_iclass_shiftt_args,
-    1, Iclass_xt_iclass_shiftt_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 3, Iclass_xt_iclass_slli_args,
-    0, 0, 0, 0 },
-  { 3, Iclass_xt_iclass_srai_args,
-    0, 0, 0, 0 },
-  { 3, Iclass_xt_iclass_srli_args,
-    0, 0, 0, 0 },
-  { 0, 0 /* xt_iclass_memw */,
-    0, 0, 0, 0 },
-  { 0, 0 /* xt_iclass_extw */,
-    0, 0, 0, 0 },
-  { 0, 0 /* xt_iclass_isync */,
-    0, 0, 0, 0 },
-  { 0, 0 /* xt_iclass_sync */,
-    1, Iclass_xt_iclass_sync_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 2, Iclass_xt_iclass_rsil_args,
-    7, Iclass_xt_iclass_rsil_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 1, Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_lend_args,
-    1, Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_lend_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 1, Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_lend_args,
-    1, Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_lend_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 1, Iclass_xt_iclass_xsr_lend_args,
-    1, Iclass_xt_iclass_xsr_lend_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 1, Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_lcount_args,
-    1, Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_lcount_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 1, Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_lcount_args,
-    2, Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_lcount_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 1, Iclass_xt_iclass_xsr_lcount_args,
-    2, Iclass_xt_iclass_xsr_lcount_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 1, Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_lbeg_args,
-    1, Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_lbeg_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 1, Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_lbeg_args,
-    1, Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_lbeg_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 1, Iclass_xt_iclass_xsr_lbeg_args,
-    1, Iclass_xt_iclass_xsr_lbeg_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 1, Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_sar_args,
-    1, Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_sar_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 1, Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_sar_args,
-    2, Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_sar_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 1, Iclass_xt_iclass_xsr_sar_args,
-    1, Iclass_xt_iclass_xsr_sar_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 1, Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_litbase_args,
-    2, Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_litbase_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 1, Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_litbase_args,
-    2, Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_litbase_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 1, Iclass_xt_iclass_xsr_litbase_args,
-    2, Iclass_xt_iclass_xsr_litbase_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 1, Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_176_args,
-    2, Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_176_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 1, Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_208_args,
-    2, Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_208_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 1, Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_ps_args,
-    7, Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_ps_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 1, Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_ps_args,
-    7, Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_ps_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 1, Iclass_xt_iclass_xsr_ps_args,
-    7, Iclass_xt_iclass_xsr_ps_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 1, Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_epc1_args,
-    3, Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_epc1_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 1, Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_epc1_args,
-    3, Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_epc1_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 1, Iclass_xt_iclass_xsr_epc1_args,
-    3, Iclass_xt_iclass_xsr_epc1_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 1, Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_excsave1_args,
-    3, Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_excsave1_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 1, Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_excsave1_args,
-    3, Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_excsave1_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 1, Iclass_xt_iclass_xsr_excsave1_args,
-    3, Iclass_xt_iclass_xsr_excsave1_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 1, Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_epc2_args,
-    3, Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_epc2_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 1, Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_epc2_args,
-    3, Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_epc2_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 1, Iclass_xt_iclass_xsr_epc2_args,
-    3, Iclass_xt_iclass_xsr_epc2_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 1, Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_excsave2_args,
-    3, Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_excsave2_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 1, Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_excsave2_args,
-    3, Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_excsave2_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 1, Iclass_xt_iclass_xsr_excsave2_args,
-    3, Iclass_xt_iclass_xsr_excsave2_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 1, Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_epc3_args,
-    3, Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_epc3_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 1, Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_epc3_args,
-    3, Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_epc3_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 1, Iclass_xt_iclass_xsr_epc3_args,
-    3, Iclass_xt_iclass_xsr_epc3_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 1, Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_excsave3_args,
-    3, Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_excsave3_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 1, Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_excsave3_args,
-    3, Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_excsave3_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 1, Iclass_xt_iclass_xsr_excsave3_args,
-    3, Iclass_xt_iclass_xsr_excsave3_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 1, Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_epc4_args,
-    3, Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_epc4_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 1, Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_epc4_args,
-    3, Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_epc4_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 1, Iclass_xt_iclass_xsr_epc4_args,
-    3, Iclass_xt_iclass_xsr_epc4_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 1, Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_excsave4_args,
-    3, Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_excsave4_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 1, Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_excsave4_args,
-    3, Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_excsave4_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 1, Iclass_xt_iclass_xsr_excsave4_args,
-    3, Iclass_xt_iclass_xsr_excsave4_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 1, Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_epc5_args,
-    3, Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_epc5_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 1, Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_epc5_args,
-    3, Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_epc5_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 1, Iclass_xt_iclass_xsr_epc5_args,
-    3, Iclass_xt_iclass_xsr_epc5_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 1, Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_excsave5_args,
-    3, Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_excsave5_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 1, Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_excsave5_args,
-    3, Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_excsave5_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 1, Iclass_xt_iclass_xsr_excsave5_args,
-    3, Iclass_xt_iclass_xsr_excsave5_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 1, Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_epc6_args,
-    3, Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_epc6_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 1, Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_epc6_args,
-    3, Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_epc6_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 1, Iclass_xt_iclass_xsr_epc6_args,
-    3, Iclass_xt_iclass_xsr_epc6_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 1, Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_excsave6_args,
-    3, Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_excsave6_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 1, Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_excsave6_args,
-    3, Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_excsave6_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 1, Iclass_xt_iclass_xsr_excsave6_args,
-    3, Iclass_xt_iclass_xsr_excsave6_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 1, Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_epc7_args,
-    3, Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_epc7_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 1, Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_epc7_args,
-    3, Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_epc7_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 1, Iclass_xt_iclass_xsr_epc7_args,
-    3, Iclass_xt_iclass_xsr_epc7_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 1, Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_excsave7_args,
-    3, Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_excsave7_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 1, Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_excsave7_args,
-    3, Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_excsave7_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 1, Iclass_xt_iclass_xsr_excsave7_args,
-    3, Iclass_xt_iclass_xsr_excsave7_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 1, Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_eps2_args,
-    3, Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_eps2_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 1, Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_eps2_args,
-    3, Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_eps2_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 1, Iclass_xt_iclass_xsr_eps2_args,
-    3, Iclass_xt_iclass_xsr_eps2_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 1, Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_eps3_args,
-    3, Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_eps3_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 1, Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_eps3_args,
-    3, Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_eps3_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 1, Iclass_xt_iclass_xsr_eps3_args,
-    3, Iclass_xt_iclass_xsr_eps3_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 1, Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_eps4_args,
-    3, Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_eps4_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 1, Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_eps4_args,
-    3, Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_eps4_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 1, Iclass_xt_iclass_xsr_eps4_args,
-    3, Iclass_xt_iclass_xsr_eps4_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 1, Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_eps5_args,
-    3, Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_eps5_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 1, Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_eps5_args,
-    3, Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_eps5_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 1, Iclass_xt_iclass_xsr_eps5_args,
-    3, Iclass_xt_iclass_xsr_eps5_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 1, Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_eps6_args,
-    3, Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_eps6_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 1, Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_eps6_args,
-    3, Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_eps6_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 1, Iclass_xt_iclass_xsr_eps6_args,
-    3, Iclass_xt_iclass_xsr_eps6_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 1, Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_eps7_args,
-    3, Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_eps7_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 1, Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_eps7_args,
-    3, Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_eps7_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 1, Iclass_xt_iclass_xsr_eps7_args,
-    3, Iclass_xt_iclass_xsr_eps7_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 1, Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_excvaddr_args,
-    3, Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_excvaddr_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 1, Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_excvaddr_args,
-    3, Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_excvaddr_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 1, Iclass_xt_iclass_xsr_excvaddr_args,
-    3, Iclass_xt_iclass_xsr_excvaddr_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 1, Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_depc_args,
-    3, Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_depc_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 1, Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_depc_args,
-    3, Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_depc_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 1, Iclass_xt_iclass_xsr_depc_args,
-    3, Iclass_xt_iclass_xsr_depc_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 1, Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_exccause_args,
-    4, Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_exccause_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 1, Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_exccause_args,
-    3, Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_exccause_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 1, Iclass_xt_iclass_xsr_exccause_args,
-    3, Iclass_xt_iclass_xsr_exccause_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 1, Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_misc0_args,
-    3, Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_misc0_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 1, Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_misc0_args,
-    3, Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_misc0_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 1, Iclass_xt_iclass_xsr_misc0_args,
-    3, Iclass_xt_iclass_xsr_misc0_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 1, Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_misc1_args,
-    3, Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_misc1_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 1, Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_misc1_args,
-    3, Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_misc1_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 1, Iclass_xt_iclass_xsr_misc1_args,
-    3, Iclass_xt_iclass_xsr_misc1_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 1, Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_misc2_args,
-    3, Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_misc2_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 1, Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_misc2_args,
-    3, Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_misc2_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 1, Iclass_xt_iclass_xsr_misc2_args,
-    3, Iclass_xt_iclass_xsr_misc2_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 1, Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_misc3_args,
-    3, Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_misc3_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 1, Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_misc3_args,
-    3, Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_misc3_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 1, Iclass_xt_iclass_xsr_misc3_args,
-    3, Iclass_xt_iclass_xsr_misc3_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 1, Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_prid_args,
-    2, Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_prid_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 1, Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_vecbase_args,
-    3, Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_vecbase_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 1, Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_vecbase_args,
-    3, Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_vecbase_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 1, Iclass_xt_iclass_xsr_vecbase_args,
-    3, Iclass_xt_iclass_xsr_vecbase_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 2, Iclass_xt_iclass_mac16_aa_args,
-    1, Iclass_xt_iclass_mac16_aa_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 2, Iclass_xt_iclass_mac16_ad_args,
-    1, Iclass_xt_iclass_mac16_ad_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 2, Iclass_xt_iclass_mac16_da_args,
-    1, Iclass_xt_iclass_mac16_da_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 2, Iclass_xt_iclass_mac16_dd_args,
-    1, Iclass_xt_iclass_mac16_dd_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 2, Iclass_xt_iclass_mac16a_aa_args,
-    1, Iclass_xt_iclass_mac16a_aa_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 2, Iclass_xt_iclass_mac16a_ad_args,
-    1, Iclass_xt_iclass_mac16a_ad_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 2, Iclass_xt_iclass_mac16a_da_args,
-    1, Iclass_xt_iclass_mac16a_da_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 2, Iclass_xt_iclass_mac16a_dd_args,
-    1, Iclass_xt_iclass_mac16a_dd_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 4, Iclass_xt_iclass_mac16al_da_args,
-    1, Iclass_xt_iclass_mac16al_da_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 4, Iclass_xt_iclass_mac16al_dd_args,
-    1, Iclass_xt_iclass_mac16al_dd_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 2, Iclass_xt_iclass_mac16_l_args,
-    0, 0, 0, 0 },
-  { 3, Iclass_xt_iclass_mul16_args,
-    0, 0, 0, 0 },
-  { 2, Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_m0_args,
-    0, 0, 0, 0 },
-  { 2, Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_m0_args,
-    0, 0, 0, 0 },
-  { 2, Iclass_xt_iclass_xsr_m0_args,
-    0, 0, 0, 0 },
-  { 2, Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_m1_args,
-    0, 0, 0, 0 },
-  { 2, Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_m1_args,
-    0, 0, 0, 0 },
-  { 2, Iclass_xt_iclass_xsr_m1_args,
-    0, 0, 0, 0 },
-  { 2, Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_m2_args,
-    0, 0, 0, 0 },
-  { 2, Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_m2_args,
-    0, 0, 0, 0 },
-  { 2, Iclass_xt_iclass_xsr_m2_args,
-    0, 0, 0, 0 },
-  { 2, Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_m3_args,
-    0, 0, 0, 0 },
-  { 2, Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_m3_args,
-    0, 0, 0, 0 },
-  { 2, Iclass_xt_iclass_xsr_m3_args,
-    0, 0, 0, 0 },
-  { 1, Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_acclo_args,
-    1, Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_acclo_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 1, Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_acclo_args,
-    1, Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_acclo_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 1, Iclass_xt_iclass_xsr_acclo_args,
-    1, Iclass_xt_iclass_xsr_acclo_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 1, Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_acchi_args,
-    1, Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_acchi_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 1, Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_acchi_args,
-    1, Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_acchi_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 1, Iclass_xt_iclass_xsr_acchi_args,
-    1, Iclass_xt_iclass_xsr_acchi_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 1, Iclass_xt_iclass_rfi_args,
-    21, Iclass_xt_iclass_rfi_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 1, Iclass_xt_iclass_wait_args,
-    3, Iclass_xt_iclass_wait_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 1, Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_interrupt_args,
-    3, Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_interrupt_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 1, Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_intset_args,
-    4, Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_intset_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 1, Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_intclear_args,
-    4, Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_intclear_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 1, Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_intenable_args,
-    3, Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_intenable_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 1, Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_intenable_args,
-    3, Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_intenable_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 1, Iclass_xt_iclass_xsr_intenable_args,
-    3, Iclass_xt_iclass_xsr_intenable_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 2, Iclass_xt_iclass_break_args,
-    2, Iclass_xt_iclass_break_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 1, Iclass_xt_iclass_break_n_args,
-    2, Iclass_xt_iclass_break_n_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 1, Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_dbreaka0_args,
-    3, Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_dbreaka0_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 1, Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_dbreaka0_args,
-    4, Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_dbreaka0_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 1, Iclass_xt_iclass_xsr_dbreaka0_args,
-    4, Iclass_xt_iclass_xsr_dbreaka0_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 1, Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_dbreakc0_args,
-    3, Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_dbreakc0_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 1, Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_dbreakc0_args,
-    4, Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_dbreakc0_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 1, Iclass_xt_iclass_xsr_dbreakc0_args,
-    4, Iclass_xt_iclass_xsr_dbreakc0_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 1, Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_dbreaka1_args,
-    3, Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_dbreaka1_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 1, Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_dbreaka1_args,
-    4, Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_dbreaka1_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 1, Iclass_xt_iclass_xsr_dbreaka1_args,
-    4, Iclass_xt_iclass_xsr_dbreaka1_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 1, Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_dbreakc1_args,
-    3, Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_dbreakc1_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 1, Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_dbreakc1_args,
-    4, Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_dbreakc1_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 1, Iclass_xt_iclass_xsr_dbreakc1_args,
-    4, Iclass_xt_iclass_xsr_dbreakc1_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 1, Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_ibreaka0_args,
-    3, Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_ibreaka0_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 1, Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_ibreaka0_args,
-    3, Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_ibreaka0_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 1, Iclass_xt_iclass_xsr_ibreaka0_args,
-    3, Iclass_xt_iclass_xsr_ibreaka0_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 1, Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_ibreaka1_args,
-    3, Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_ibreaka1_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 1, Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_ibreaka1_args,
-    3, Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_ibreaka1_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 1, Iclass_xt_iclass_xsr_ibreaka1_args,
-    3, Iclass_xt_iclass_xsr_ibreaka1_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 1, Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_ibreakenable_args,
-    3, Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_ibreakenable_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 1, Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_ibreakenable_args,
-    3, Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_ibreakenable_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 1, Iclass_xt_iclass_xsr_ibreakenable_args,
-    3, Iclass_xt_iclass_xsr_ibreakenable_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 1, Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_debugcause_args,
-    4, Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_debugcause_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 1, Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_debugcause_args,
-    4, Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_debugcause_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 1, Iclass_xt_iclass_xsr_debugcause_args,
-    4, Iclass_xt_iclass_xsr_debugcause_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 1, Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_icount_args,
-    3, Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_icount_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 1, Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_icount_args,
-    4, Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_icount_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 1, Iclass_xt_iclass_xsr_icount_args,
-    4, Iclass_xt_iclass_xsr_icount_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 1, Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_icountlevel_args,
-    3, Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_icountlevel_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 1, Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_icountlevel_args,
-    3, Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_icountlevel_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 1, Iclass_xt_iclass_xsr_icountlevel_args,
-    3, Iclass_xt_iclass_xsr_icountlevel_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 1, Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_ddr_args,
-    3, Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_ddr_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 1, Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_ddr_args,
-    4, Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_ddr_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 1, Iclass_xt_iclass_xsr_ddr_args,
-    4, Iclass_xt_iclass_xsr_ddr_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 1, Iclass_xt_iclass_rfdo_args,
-    10, Iclass_xt_iclass_rfdo_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 0, 0 /* xt_iclass_rfdd */,
-    1, Iclass_xt_iclass_rfdd_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 1, Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_mmid_args,
-    3, Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_mmid_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 3, Iclass_xt_iclass_bbool1_args,
-    0, 0, 0, 0 },
-  { 2, Iclass_xt_iclass_bbool4_args,
-    0, 0, 0, 0 },
-  { 2, Iclass_xt_iclass_bbool8_args,
-    0, 0, 0, 0 },
-  { 2, Iclass_xt_iclass_bbranch_args,
-    0, 0, 0, 0 },
-  { 3, Iclass_xt_iclass_bmove_args,
-    0, 0, 0, 0 },
-  { 2, Iclass_xt_iclass_RSR_BR_args,
-    0, 0, 0, 0 },
-  { 2, Iclass_xt_iclass_WSR_BR_args,
-    0, 0, 0, 0 },
-  { 2, Iclass_xt_iclass_XSR_BR_args,
-    0, 0, 0, 0 },
-  { 1, Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_ccount_args,
-    3, Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_ccount_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 1, Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_ccount_args,
-    4, Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_ccount_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 1, Iclass_xt_iclass_xsr_ccount_args,
-    4, Iclass_xt_iclass_xsr_ccount_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 1, Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_ccompare0_args,
-    3, Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_ccompare0_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 1, Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_ccompare0_args,
-    4, Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_ccompare0_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 1, Iclass_xt_iclass_xsr_ccompare0_args,
-    4, Iclass_xt_iclass_xsr_ccompare0_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 1, Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_ccompare1_args,
-    3, Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_ccompare1_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 1, Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_ccompare1_args,
-    4, Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_ccompare1_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 1, Iclass_xt_iclass_xsr_ccompare1_args,
-    4, Iclass_xt_iclass_xsr_ccompare1_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 1, Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_ccompare2_args,
-    3, Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_ccompare2_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 1, Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_ccompare2_args,
-    4, Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_ccompare2_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 1, Iclass_xt_iclass_xsr_ccompare2_args,
-    4, Iclass_xt_iclass_xsr_ccompare2_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 2, Iclass_xt_iclass_icache_args,
-    0, 0, 0, 0 },
-  { 2, Iclass_xt_iclass_icache_lock_args,
-    2, Iclass_xt_iclass_icache_lock_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 2, Iclass_xt_iclass_icache_inv_args,
-    2, Iclass_xt_iclass_icache_inv_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 2, Iclass_xt_iclass_licx_args,
-    2, Iclass_xt_iclass_licx_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 2, Iclass_xt_iclass_sicx_args,
-    2, Iclass_xt_iclass_sicx_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 2, Iclass_xt_iclass_dcache_args,
-    0, 0, 0, 0 },
-  { 2, Iclass_xt_iclass_dcache_ind_args,
-    2, Iclass_xt_iclass_dcache_ind_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 2, Iclass_xt_iclass_dcache_inv_args,
-    2, Iclass_xt_iclass_dcache_inv_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 2, Iclass_xt_iclass_dpf_args,
-    0, 0, 0, 0 },
-  { 2, Iclass_xt_iclass_dcache_lock_args,
-    2, Iclass_xt_iclass_dcache_lock_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 2, Iclass_xt_iclass_sdct_args,
-    2, Iclass_xt_iclass_sdct_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 2, Iclass_xt_iclass_ldct_args,
-    2, Iclass_xt_iclass_ldct_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 1, Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_ptevaddr_args,
-    4, Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_ptevaddr_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 1, Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_ptevaddr_args,
-    4, Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_ptevaddr_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 1, Iclass_xt_iclass_xsr_ptevaddr_args,
-    5, Iclass_xt_iclass_xsr_ptevaddr_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 1, Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_rasid_args,
-    5, Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_rasid_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 1, Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_rasid_args,
-    6, Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_rasid_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 1, Iclass_xt_iclass_xsr_rasid_args,
-    6, Iclass_xt_iclass_xsr_rasid_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 1, Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_itlbcfg_args,
-    3, Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_itlbcfg_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 1, Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_itlbcfg_args,
-    4, Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_itlbcfg_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 1, Iclass_xt_iclass_xsr_itlbcfg_args,
-    4, Iclass_xt_iclass_xsr_itlbcfg_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 1, Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_dtlbcfg_args,
-    3, Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_dtlbcfg_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 1, Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_dtlbcfg_args,
-    4, Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_dtlbcfg_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 1, Iclass_xt_iclass_xsr_dtlbcfg_args,
-    4, Iclass_xt_iclass_xsr_dtlbcfg_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 1, Iclass_xt_iclass_idtlb_args,
-    3, Iclass_xt_iclass_idtlb_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 2, Iclass_xt_iclass_rdtlb_args,
-    2, Iclass_xt_iclass_rdtlb_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 2, Iclass_xt_iclass_wdtlb_args,
-    3, Iclass_xt_iclass_wdtlb_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 1, Iclass_xt_iclass_iitlb_args,
-    2, Iclass_xt_iclass_iitlb_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 2, Iclass_xt_iclass_ritlb_args,
-    2, Iclass_xt_iclass_ritlb_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 2, Iclass_xt_iclass_witlb_args,
-    2, Iclass_xt_iclass_witlb_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 0, 0 /* xt_iclass_ldpte */,
-    2, Iclass_xt_iclass_ldpte_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 0, 0 /* xt_iclass_hwwitlba */,
-    1, Iclass_xt_iclass_hwwitlba_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 0, 0 /* xt_iclass_hwwdtlba */,
-    1, Iclass_xt_iclass_hwwdtlba_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 1, Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_cpenable_args,
-    3, Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_cpenable_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 1, Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_cpenable_args,
-    3, Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_cpenable_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 1, Iclass_xt_iclass_xsr_cpenable_args,
-    3, Iclass_xt_iclass_xsr_cpenable_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 3, Iclass_xt_iclass_clamp_args,
-    0, 0, 0, 0 },
-  { 3, Iclass_xt_iclass_minmax_args,
-    0, 0, 0, 0 },
-  { 2, Iclass_xt_iclass_nsa_args,
-    0, 0, 0, 0 },
-  { 3, Iclass_xt_iclass_sx_args,
-    0, 0, 0, 0 },
-  { 3, Iclass_xt_iclass_l32ai_args,
-    0, 0, 0, 0 },
-  { 3, Iclass_xt_iclass_s32ri_args,
-    0, 0, 0, 0 },
-  { 3, Iclass_xt_iclass_s32c1i_args,
-    2, Iclass_xt_iclass_s32c1i_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 1, Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_scompare1_args,
-    1, Iclass_xt_iclass_rsr_scompare1_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 1, Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_scompare1_args,
-    1, Iclass_xt_iclass_wsr_scompare1_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 1, Iclass_xt_iclass_xsr_scompare1_args,
-    1, Iclass_xt_iclass_xsr_scompare1_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 3, Iclass_xt_iclass_div_args,
-    0, 0, 0, 0 },
-  { 3, Iclass_xt_mul32_args,
-    0, 0, 0, 0 },
-  { 1, Iclass_rur_fcr_args,
-    9, Iclass_rur_fcr_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 1, Iclass_wur_fcr_args,
-    9, Iclass_wur_fcr_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 1, Iclass_rur_fsr_args,
-    8, Iclass_rur_fsr_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 1, Iclass_wur_fsr_args,
-    8, Iclass_wur_fsr_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 3, Iclass_fp_args,
-    2, Iclass_fp_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 3, Iclass_fp_mac_args,
-    2, Iclass_fp_mac_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 3, Iclass_fp_cmov_args,
-    1, Iclass_fp_cmov_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 3, Iclass_fp_mov_args,
-    1, Iclass_fp_mov_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 2, Iclass_fp_mov2_args,
-    1, Iclass_fp_mov2_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 3, Iclass_fp_cmp_args,
-    1, Iclass_fp_cmp_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 3, Iclass_fp_float_args,
-    2, Iclass_fp_float_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 3, Iclass_fp_int_args,
-    1, Iclass_fp_int_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 2, Iclass_fp_rfr_args,
-    1, Iclass_fp_rfr_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 2, Iclass_fp_wfr_args,
-    1, Iclass_fp_wfr_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 3, Iclass_fp_lsi_args,
-    1, Iclass_fp_lsi_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 3, Iclass_fp_lsiu_args,
-    1, Iclass_fp_lsiu_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 3, Iclass_fp_lsx_args,
-    1, Iclass_fp_lsx_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 3, Iclass_fp_lsxu_args,
-    1, Iclass_fp_lsxu_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 3, Iclass_fp_ssi_args,
-    1, Iclass_fp_ssi_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 3, Iclass_fp_ssiu_args,
-    1, Iclass_fp_ssiu_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 3, Iclass_fp_ssx_args,
-    1, Iclass_fp_ssx_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 3, Iclass_fp_ssxu_args,
-    1, Iclass_fp_ssxu_stateArgs, 0, 0 },
-  { 2, Iclass_xt_iclass_wb18_0_args,
-    0, 0, 0, 0 },
-  { 3, Iclass_xt_iclass_wb18_1_args,
-    0, 0, 0, 0 },
-  { 3, Iclass_xt_iclass_wb18_2_args,
-    0, 0, 0, 0 },
-  { 3, Iclass_xt_iclass_wb18_3_args,
-    0, 0, 0, 0 },
-  { 3, Iclass_xt_iclass_wb18_4_args,
-    0, 0, 0, 0 }
-/*  Opcode encodings.  */
-static void
-Opcode_excw_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x2080;
-static void
-Opcode_rfe_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x3000;
-static void
-Opcode_rfde_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x3200;
-static void
-Opcode_syscall_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x5000;
-static void
-Opcode_simcall_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x5100;
-static void
-Opcode_call12_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x35;
-static void
-Opcode_call8_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x25;
-static void
-Opcode_call4_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x15;
-static void
-Opcode_callx12_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0xf0;
-static void
-Opcode_callx8_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0xe0;
-static void
-Opcode_callx4_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0xd0;
-static void
-Opcode_entry_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x36;
-static void
-Opcode_movsp_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x1000;
-static void
-Opcode_rotw_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x408000;
-static void
-Opcode_retw_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x90;
-static void
-Opcode_retw_n_Slot_inst16b_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0xf01d;
-static void
-Opcode_rfwo_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x3400;
-static void
-Opcode_rfwu_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x3500;
-static void
-Opcode_l32e_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x90000;
-static void
-Opcode_s32e_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x490000;
-static void
-Opcode_rsr_windowbase_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x34800;
-static void
-Opcode_wsr_windowbase_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x134800;
-static void
-Opcode_xsr_windowbase_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x614800;
-static void
-Opcode_rsr_windowstart_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x34900;
-static void
-Opcode_wsr_windowstart_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x134900;
-static void
-Opcode_xsr_windowstart_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x614900;
-static void
-Opcode_add_n_Slot_inst16a_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0xa;
-static void
-Opcode_addi_n_Slot_inst16a_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0xb;
-static void
-Opcode_addi_n_Slot_xt_flix64_slot2_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x3000;
-static void
-Opcode_beqz_n_Slot_inst16b_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x8c;
-static void
-Opcode_bnez_n_Slot_inst16b_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0xcc;
-static void
-Opcode_ill_n_Slot_inst16b_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0xf06d;
-static void
-Opcode_l32i_n_Slot_inst16a_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x8;
-static void
-Opcode_mov_n_Slot_inst16b_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0xd;
-static void
-Opcode_mov_n_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x6000;
-static void
-Opcode_mov_n_Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0xa3000;
-static void
-Opcode_mov_n_Slot_xt_flix64_slot2_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0xc080;
-static void
-Opcode_movi_n_Slot_inst16b_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0xc;
-static void
-Opcode_movi_n_Slot_xt_flix64_slot2_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0xc000;
-static void
-Opcode_nop_n_Slot_inst16b_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0xf03d;
-static void
-Opcode_ret_n_Slot_inst16b_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0xf00d;
-static void
-Opcode_s32i_n_Slot_inst16a_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x9;
-static void
-Opcode_rur_threadptr_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0xe30e70;
-static void
-Opcode_wur_threadptr_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0xf3e700;
-static void
-Opcode_addi_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0xc002;
-static void
-Opcode_addi_Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x60000;
-static void
-Opcode_addi_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x200c00;
-static void
-Opcode_addmi_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0xd002;
-static void
-Opcode_addmi_Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x70000;
-static void
-Opcode_addmi_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x200d00;
-static void
-Opcode_add_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x800000;
-static void
-Opcode_add_Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x92000;
-static void
-Opcode_add_Slot_xt_flix64_slot2_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x2000;
-static void
-Opcode_add_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x80000;
-static void
-Opcode_sub_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0xc00000;
-static void
-Opcode_sub_Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0xa8000;
-static void
-Opcode_sub_Slot_xt_flix64_slot2_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0xa000;
-static void
-Opcode_sub_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0xc0000;
-static void
-Opcode_addx2_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x900000;
-static void
-Opcode_addx2_Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x94000;
-static void
-Opcode_addx2_Slot_xt_flix64_slot2_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x4000;
-static void
-Opcode_addx2_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x90000;
-static void
-Opcode_addx4_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0xa00000;
-static void
-Opcode_addx4_Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x98000;
-static void
-Opcode_addx4_Slot_xt_flix64_slot2_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x5000;
-static void
-Opcode_addx4_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0xa0000;
-static void
-Opcode_addx8_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0xb00000;
-static void
-Opcode_addx8_Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x93000;
-static void
-Opcode_addx8_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0xb0000;
-static void
-Opcode_subx2_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0xd00000;
-static void
-Opcode_subx2_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0xd0000;
-static void
-Opcode_subx4_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0xe00000;
-static void
-Opcode_subx4_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0xe0000;
-static void
-Opcode_subx8_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0xf00000;
-static void
-Opcode_subx8_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0xf0000;
-static void
-Opcode_and_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x100000;
-static void
-Opcode_and_Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x95000;
-static void
-Opcode_and_Slot_xt_flix64_slot2_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x6000;
-static void
-Opcode_and_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x10000;
-static void
-Opcode_or_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x200000;
-static void
-Opcode_or_Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x9e000;
-static void
-Opcode_or_Slot_xt_flix64_slot2_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x7000;
-static void
-Opcode_or_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x20000;
-static void
-Opcode_xor_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x300000;
-static void
-Opcode_xor_Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0xb0000;
-static void
-Opcode_xor_Slot_xt_flix64_slot2_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0xb000;
-static void
-Opcode_xor_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x30000;
-static void
-Opcode_beqi_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x26;
-static void
-Opcode_bnei_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x66;
-static void
-Opcode_bgei_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0xe6;
-static void
-Opcode_blti_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0xa6;
-static void
-Opcode_bbci_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x6007;
-static void
-Opcode_bbsi_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0xe007;
-static void
-Opcode_bgeui_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0xf6;
-static void
-Opcode_bltui_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0xb6;
-static void
-Opcode_beq_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x1007;
-static void
-Opcode_bne_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x9007;
-static void
-Opcode_bge_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0xa007;
-static void
-Opcode_blt_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x2007;
-static void
-Opcode_bgeu_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0xb007;
-static void
-Opcode_bltu_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x3007;
-static void
-Opcode_bany_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x8007;
-static void
-Opcode_bnone_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x7;
-static void
-Opcode_ball_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x4007;
-static void
-Opcode_bnall_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0xc007;
-static void
-Opcode_bbc_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x5007;
-static void
-Opcode_bbs_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0xd007;
-static void
-Opcode_beqz_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x16;
-static void
-Opcode_bnez_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x56;
-static void
-Opcode_bgez_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0xd6;
-static void
-Opcode_bltz_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x96;
-static void
-Opcode_call0_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x5;
-static void
-Opcode_callx0_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0xc0;
-static void
-Opcode_extui_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x40000;
-static void
-Opcode_extui_Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x40000;
-static void
-Opcode_extui_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x4000;
-static void
-Opcode_ill_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0;
-static void
-Opcode_j_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x6;
-static void
-Opcode_j_Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0xc0000;
-static void
-Opcode_jx_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0xa0;
-static void
-Opcode_jx_Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0xa3010;
-static void
-Opcode_l16ui_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x1002;
-static void
-Opcode_l16ui_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x200100;
-static void
-Opcode_l16si_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x9002;
-static void
-Opcode_l16si_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x200900;
-static void
-Opcode_l32i_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x2002;
-static void
-Opcode_l32i_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x200200;
-static void
-Opcode_l32r_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x1;
-static void
-Opcode_l32r_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x100000;
-static void
-Opcode_l8ui_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x2;
-static void
-Opcode_l8ui_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x200000;
-static void
-Opcode_loop_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x8076;
-static void
-Opcode_loopnez_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x9076;
-static void
-Opcode_loopgtz_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0xa076;
-static void
-Opcode_movi_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0xa002;
-static void
-Opcode_movi_Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x80000;
-static void
-Opcode_movi_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x200a00;
-static void
-Opcode_moveqz_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x830000;
-static void
-Opcode_moveqz_Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x96000;
-static void
-Opcode_moveqz_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x83000;
-static void
-Opcode_movnez_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x930000;
-static void
-Opcode_movnez_Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x9a000;
-static void
-Opcode_movnez_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x93000;
-static void
-Opcode_movltz_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0xa30000;
-static void
-Opcode_movltz_Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x99000;
-static void
-Opcode_movltz_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0xa3000;
-static void
-Opcode_movgez_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0xb30000;
-static void
-Opcode_movgez_Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x97000;
-static void
-Opcode_movgez_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0xb3000;
-static void
-Opcode_neg_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x600000;
-static void
-Opcode_neg_Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0xa5000;
-static void
-Opcode_neg_Slot_xt_flix64_slot2_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0xd100;
-static void
-Opcode_neg_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x60000;
-static void
-Opcode_abs_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x600100;
-static void
-Opcode_abs_Slot_xt_flix64_slot2_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0xd000;
-static void
-Opcode_abs_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x60010;
-static void
-Opcode_nop_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x20f0;
-static void
-Opcode_nop_Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0xa3040;
-static void
-Opcode_nop_Slot_xt_flix64_slot2_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0xc090;
-static void
-Opcode_nop_Slot_xt_flix64_slot3_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0xc8000000;
-  slotbuf[1] = 0;
-static void
-Opcode_nop_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x20f;
-static void
-Opcode_ret_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x80;
-static void
-Opcode_s16i_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x5002;
-static void
-Opcode_s16i_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x200500;
-static void
-Opcode_s32i_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x6002;
-static void
-Opcode_s32i_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x200600;
-static void
-Opcode_s8i_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x4002;
-static void
-Opcode_s8i_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x200400;
-static void
-Opcode_ssr_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x400000;
-static void
-Opcode_ssr_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x40000;
-static void
-Opcode_ssl_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x401000;
-static void
-Opcode_ssl_Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0xa3020;
-static void
-Opcode_ssl_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x40100;
-static void
-Opcode_ssa8l_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x402000;
-static void
-Opcode_ssa8l_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x40200;
-static void
-Opcode_ssa8b_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x403000;
-static void
-Opcode_ssa8b_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x40300;
-static void
-Opcode_ssai_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x404000;
-static void
-Opcode_ssai_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x40400;
-static void
-Opcode_sll_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0xa10000;
-static void
-Opcode_sll_Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0xa6000;
-static void
-Opcode_sll_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0xa1000;
-static void
-Opcode_src_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x810000;
-static void
-Opcode_src_Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0xa2000;
-static void
-Opcode_src_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x81000;
-static void
-Opcode_srl_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x910000;
-static void
-Opcode_srl_Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0xa5200;
-static void
-Opcode_srl_Slot_xt_flix64_slot2_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0xd400;
-static void
-Opcode_srl_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x91000;
-static void
-Opcode_sra_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0xb10000;
-static void
-Opcode_sra_Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0xa5100;
-static void
-Opcode_sra_Slot_xt_flix64_slot2_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0xd200;
-static void
-Opcode_sra_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0xb1000;
-static void
-Opcode_slli_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x10000;
-static void
-Opcode_slli_Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x90000;
-static void
-Opcode_slli_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x1000;
-static void
-Opcode_srai_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x210000;
-static void
-Opcode_srai_Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0xa0000;
-static void
-Opcode_srai_Slot_xt_flix64_slot2_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0xe000;
-static void
-Opcode_srai_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x21000;
-static void
-Opcode_srli_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x410000;
-static void
-Opcode_srli_Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0xa4000;
-static void
-Opcode_srli_Slot_xt_flix64_slot2_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x9000;
-static void
-Opcode_srli_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x41000;
-static void
-Opcode_memw_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x20c0;
-static void
-Opcode_extw_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x20d0;
-static void
-Opcode_isync_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x2000;
-static void
-Opcode_rsync_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x2010;
-static void
-Opcode_esync_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x2020;
-static void
-Opcode_dsync_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x2030;
-static void
-Opcode_rsil_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x6000;
-static void
-Opcode_rsr_lend_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x30100;
-static void
-Opcode_wsr_lend_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x130100;
-static void
-Opcode_xsr_lend_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x610100;
-static void
-Opcode_rsr_lcount_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x30200;
-static void
-Opcode_wsr_lcount_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x130200;
-static void
-Opcode_xsr_lcount_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x610200;
-static void
-Opcode_rsr_lbeg_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x30000;
-static void
-Opcode_wsr_lbeg_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x130000;
-static void
-Opcode_xsr_lbeg_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x610000;
-static void
-Opcode_rsr_sar_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x30300;
-static void
-Opcode_wsr_sar_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x130300;
-static void
-Opcode_xsr_sar_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x610300;
-static void
-Opcode_rsr_litbase_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x30500;
-static void
-Opcode_wsr_litbase_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x130500;
-static void
-Opcode_xsr_litbase_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x610500;
-static void
-Opcode_rsr_176_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x3b000;
-static void
-Opcode_rsr_208_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x3d000;
-static void
-Opcode_rsr_ps_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x3e600;
-static void
-Opcode_wsr_ps_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x13e600;
-static void
-Opcode_xsr_ps_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x61e600;
-static void
-Opcode_rsr_epc1_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x3b100;
-static void
-Opcode_wsr_epc1_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x13b100;
-static void
-Opcode_xsr_epc1_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x61b100;
-static void
-Opcode_rsr_excsave1_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x3d100;
-static void
-Opcode_wsr_excsave1_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x13d100;
-static void
-Opcode_xsr_excsave1_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x61d100;
-static void
-Opcode_rsr_epc2_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x3b200;
-static void
-Opcode_wsr_epc2_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x13b200;
-static void
-Opcode_xsr_epc2_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x61b200;
-static void
-Opcode_rsr_excsave2_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x3d200;
-static void
-Opcode_wsr_excsave2_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x13d200;
-static void
-Opcode_xsr_excsave2_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x61d200;
-static void
-Opcode_rsr_epc3_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x3b300;
-static void
-Opcode_wsr_epc3_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x13b300;
-static void
-Opcode_xsr_epc3_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x61b300;
-static void
-Opcode_rsr_excsave3_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x3d300;
-static void
-Opcode_wsr_excsave3_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x13d300;
-static void
-Opcode_xsr_excsave3_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x61d300;
-static void
-Opcode_rsr_epc4_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x3b400;
-static void
-Opcode_wsr_epc4_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x13b400;
-static void
-Opcode_xsr_epc4_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x61b400;
-static void
-Opcode_rsr_excsave4_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x3d400;
-static void
-Opcode_wsr_excsave4_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x13d400;
-static void
-Opcode_xsr_excsave4_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x61d400;
-static void
-Opcode_rsr_epc5_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x3b500;
-static void
-Opcode_wsr_epc5_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x13b500;
-static void
-Opcode_xsr_epc5_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x61b500;
-static void
-Opcode_rsr_excsave5_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x3d500;
-static void
-Opcode_wsr_excsave5_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x13d500;
-static void
-Opcode_xsr_excsave5_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x61d500;
-static void
-Opcode_rsr_epc6_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x3b600;
-static void
-Opcode_wsr_epc6_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x13b600;
-static void
-Opcode_xsr_epc6_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x61b600;
-static void
-Opcode_rsr_excsave6_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x3d600;
-static void
-Opcode_wsr_excsave6_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x13d600;
-static void
-Opcode_xsr_excsave6_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x61d600;
-static void
-Opcode_rsr_epc7_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x3b700;
-static void
-Opcode_wsr_epc7_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x13b700;
-static void
-Opcode_xsr_epc7_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x61b700;
-static void
-Opcode_rsr_excsave7_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x3d700;
-static void
-Opcode_wsr_excsave7_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x13d700;
-static void
-Opcode_xsr_excsave7_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x61d700;
-static void
-Opcode_rsr_eps2_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x3c200;
-static void
-Opcode_wsr_eps2_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x13c200;
-static void
-Opcode_xsr_eps2_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x61c200;
-static void
-Opcode_rsr_eps3_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x3c300;
-static void
-Opcode_wsr_eps3_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x13c300;
-static void
-Opcode_xsr_eps3_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x61c300;
-static void
-Opcode_rsr_eps4_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x3c400;
-static void
-Opcode_wsr_eps4_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x13c400;
-static void
-Opcode_xsr_eps4_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x61c400;
-static void
-Opcode_rsr_eps5_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x3c500;
-static void
-Opcode_wsr_eps5_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x13c500;
-static void
-Opcode_xsr_eps5_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x61c500;
-static void
-Opcode_rsr_eps6_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x3c600;
-static void
-Opcode_wsr_eps6_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x13c600;
-static void
-Opcode_xsr_eps6_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x61c600;
-static void
-Opcode_rsr_eps7_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x3c700;
-static void
-Opcode_wsr_eps7_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x13c700;
-static void
-Opcode_xsr_eps7_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x61c700;
-static void
-Opcode_rsr_excvaddr_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x3ee00;
-static void
-Opcode_wsr_excvaddr_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x13ee00;
-static void
-Opcode_xsr_excvaddr_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x61ee00;
-static void
-Opcode_rsr_depc_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x3c000;
-static void
-Opcode_wsr_depc_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x13c000;
-static void
-Opcode_xsr_depc_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x61c000;
-static void
-Opcode_rsr_exccause_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x3e800;
-static void
-Opcode_wsr_exccause_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x13e800;
-static void
-Opcode_xsr_exccause_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x61e800;
-static void
-Opcode_rsr_misc0_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x3f400;
-static void
-Opcode_wsr_misc0_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x13f400;
-static void
-Opcode_xsr_misc0_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x61f400;
-static void
-Opcode_rsr_misc1_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x3f500;
-static void
-Opcode_wsr_misc1_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x13f500;
-static void
-Opcode_xsr_misc1_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x61f500;
-static void
-Opcode_rsr_misc2_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x3f600;
-static void
-Opcode_wsr_misc2_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x13f600;
-static void
-Opcode_xsr_misc2_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x61f600;
-static void
-Opcode_rsr_misc3_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x3f700;
-static void
-Opcode_wsr_misc3_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x13f700;
-static void
-Opcode_xsr_misc3_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x61f700;
-static void
-Opcode_rsr_prid_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x3eb00;
-static void
-Opcode_rsr_vecbase_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x3e700;
-static void
-Opcode_wsr_vecbase_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x13e700;
-static void
-Opcode_xsr_vecbase_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x61e700;
-static void
-Opcode_mul_aa_ll_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x740004;
-static void
-Opcode_mul_aa_hl_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x750004;
-static void
-Opcode_mul_aa_lh_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x760004;
-static void
-Opcode_mul_aa_hh_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x770004;
-static void
-Opcode_umul_aa_ll_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x700004;
-static void
-Opcode_umul_aa_hl_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x710004;
-static void
-Opcode_umul_aa_lh_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x720004;
-static void
-Opcode_umul_aa_hh_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x730004;
-static void
-Opcode_mul_ad_ll_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x340004;
-static void
-Opcode_mul_ad_hl_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x350004;
-static void
-Opcode_mul_ad_lh_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x360004;
-static void
-Opcode_mul_ad_hh_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x370004;
-static void
-Opcode_mul_da_ll_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x640004;
-static void
-Opcode_mul_da_hl_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x650004;
-static void
-Opcode_mul_da_lh_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x660004;
-static void
-Opcode_mul_da_hh_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x670004;
-static void
-Opcode_mul_dd_ll_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x240004;
-static void
-Opcode_mul_dd_hl_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x250004;
-static void
-Opcode_mul_dd_lh_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x260004;
-static void
-Opcode_mul_dd_hh_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x270004;
-static void
-Opcode_mula_aa_ll_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x780004;
-static void
-Opcode_mula_aa_hl_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x790004;
-static void
-Opcode_mula_aa_lh_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x7a0004;
-static void
-Opcode_mula_aa_hh_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x7b0004;
-static void
-Opcode_muls_aa_ll_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x7c0004;
-static void
-Opcode_muls_aa_hl_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x7d0004;
-static void
-Opcode_muls_aa_lh_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x7e0004;
-static void
-Opcode_muls_aa_hh_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x7f0004;
-static void
-Opcode_mula_ad_ll_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x380004;
-static void
-Opcode_mula_ad_hl_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x390004;
-static void
-Opcode_mula_ad_lh_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x3a0004;
-static void
-Opcode_mula_ad_hh_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x3b0004;
-static void
-Opcode_muls_ad_ll_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x3c0004;
-static void
-Opcode_muls_ad_hl_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x3d0004;
-static void
-Opcode_muls_ad_lh_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x3e0004;
-static void
-Opcode_muls_ad_hh_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x3f0004;
-static void
-Opcode_mula_da_ll_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x680004;
-static void
-Opcode_mula_da_hl_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x690004;
-static void
-Opcode_mula_da_lh_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x6a0004;
-static void
-Opcode_mula_da_hh_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x6b0004;
-static void
-Opcode_muls_da_ll_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x6c0004;
-static void
-Opcode_muls_da_hl_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x6d0004;
-static void
-Opcode_muls_da_lh_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x6e0004;
-static void
-Opcode_muls_da_hh_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x6f0004;
-static void
-Opcode_mula_dd_ll_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x280004;
-static void
-Opcode_mula_dd_hl_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x290004;
-static void
-Opcode_mula_dd_lh_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x2a0004;
-static void
-Opcode_mula_dd_hh_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x2b0004;
-static void
-Opcode_muls_dd_ll_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x2c0004;
-static void
-Opcode_muls_dd_hl_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x2d0004;
-static void
-Opcode_muls_dd_lh_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x2e0004;
-static void
-Opcode_muls_dd_hh_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x2f0004;
-static void
-Opcode_mula_da_ll_lddec_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x580004;
-static void
-Opcode_mula_da_ll_ldinc_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x480004;
-static void
-Opcode_mula_da_hl_lddec_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x590004;
-static void
-Opcode_mula_da_hl_ldinc_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x490004;
-static void
-Opcode_mula_da_lh_lddec_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x5a0004;
-static void
-Opcode_mula_da_lh_ldinc_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x4a0004;
-static void
-Opcode_mula_da_hh_lddec_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x5b0004;
-static void
-Opcode_mula_da_hh_ldinc_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x4b0004;
-static void
-Opcode_mula_dd_ll_lddec_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x180004;
-static void
-Opcode_mula_dd_ll_ldinc_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x80004;
-static void
-Opcode_mula_dd_hl_lddec_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x190004;
-static void
-Opcode_mula_dd_hl_ldinc_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x90004;
-static void
-Opcode_mula_dd_lh_lddec_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x1a0004;
-static void
-Opcode_mula_dd_lh_ldinc_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0xa0004;
-static void
-Opcode_mula_dd_hh_lddec_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x1b0004;
-static void
-Opcode_mula_dd_hh_ldinc_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0xb0004;
-static void
-Opcode_lddec_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x900004;
-static void
-Opcode_ldinc_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x800004;
-static void
-Opcode_mul16u_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0xc10000;
-static void
-Opcode_mul16u_Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x9b000;
-static void
-Opcode_mul16u_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0xc1000;
-static void
-Opcode_mul16s_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0xd10000;
-static void
-Opcode_mul16s_Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x9c000;
-static void
-Opcode_mul16s_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0xd1000;
-static void
-Opcode_rsr_m0_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x32000;
-static void
-Opcode_wsr_m0_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x132000;
-static void
-Opcode_xsr_m0_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x612000;
-static void
-Opcode_rsr_m1_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x32100;
-static void
-Opcode_wsr_m1_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x132100;
-static void
-Opcode_xsr_m1_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x612100;
-static void
-Opcode_rsr_m2_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x32200;
-static void
-Opcode_wsr_m2_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x132200;
-static void
-Opcode_xsr_m2_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x612200;
-static void
-Opcode_rsr_m3_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x32300;
-static void
-Opcode_wsr_m3_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x132300;
-static void
-Opcode_xsr_m3_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x612300;
-static void
-Opcode_rsr_acclo_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x31000;
-static void
-Opcode_wsr_acclo_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x131000;
-static void
-Opcode_xsr_acclo_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x611000;
-static void
-Opcode_rsr_acchi_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x31100;
-static void
-Opcode_wsr_acchi_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x131100;
-static void
-Opcode_xsr_acchi_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x611100;
-static void
-Opcode_rfi_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x3010;
-static void
-Opcode_waiti_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x7000;
-static void
-Opcode_rsr_interrupt_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x3e200;
-static void
-Opcode_wsr_intset_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x13e200;
-static void
-Opcode_wsr_intclear_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x13e300;
-static void
-Opcode_rsr_intenable_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x3e400;
-static void
-Opcode_wsr_intenable_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x13e400;
-static void
-Opcode_xsr_intenable_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x61e400;
-static void
-Opcode_break_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x4000;
-static void
-Opcode_break_n_Slot_inst16b_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0xf02d;
-static void
-Opcode_rsr_dbreaka0_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x39000;
-static void
-Opcode_wsr_dbreaka0_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x139000;
-static void
-Opcode_xsr_dbreaka0_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x619000;
-static void
-Opcode_rsr_dbreakc0_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x3a000;
-static void
-Opcode_wsr_dbreakc0_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x13a000;
-static void
-Opcode_xsr_dbreakc0_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x61a000;
-static void
-Opcode_rsr_dbreaka1_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x39100;
-static void
-Opcode_wsr_dbreaka1_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x139100;
-static void
-Opcode_xsr_dbreaka1_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x619100;
-static void
-Opcode_rsr_dbreakc1_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x3a100;
-static void
-Opcode_wsr_dbreakc1_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x13a100;
-static void
-Opcode_xsr_dbreakc1_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x61a100;
-static void
-Opcode_rsr_ibreaka0_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x38000;
-static void
-Opcode_wsr_ibreaka0_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x138000;
-static void
-Opcode_xsr_ibreaka0_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x618000;
-static void
-Opcode_rsr_ibreaka1_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x38100;
-static void
-Opcode_wsr_ibreaka1_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x138100;
-static void
-Opcode_xsr_ibreaka1_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x618100;
-static void
-Opcode_rsr_ibreakenable_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x36000;
-static void
-Opcode_wsr_ibreakenable_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x136000;
-static void
-Opcode_xsr_ibreakenable_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x616000;
-static void
-Opcode_rsr_debugcause_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x3e900;
-static void
-Opcode_wsr_debugcause_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x13e900;
-static void
-Opcode_xsr_debugcause_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x61e900;
-static void
-Opcode_rsr_icount_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x3ec00;
-static void
-Opcode_wsr_icount_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x13ec00;
-static void
-Opcode_xsr_icount_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x61ec00;
-static void
-Opcode_rsr_icountlevel_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x3ed00;
-static void
-Opcode_wsr_icountlevel_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x13ed00;
-static void
-Opcode_xsr_icountlevel_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x61ed00;
-static void
-Opcode_rsr_ddr_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x36800;
-static void
-Opcode_wsr_ddr_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x136800;
-static void
-Opcode_xsr_ddr_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x616800;
-static void
-Opcode_rfdo_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0xf1e000;
-static void
-Opcode_rfdd_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0xf1e010;
-static void
-Opcode_wsr_mmid_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x135900;
-static void
-Opcode_andb_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x20000;
-static void
-Opcode_andbc_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x120000;
-static void
-Opcode_orb_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x220000;
-static void
-Opcode_orbc_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x320000;
-static void
-Opcode_xorb_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x420000;
-static void
-Opcode_any4_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x8000;
-static void
-Opcode_all4_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x9000;
-static void
-Opcode_any8_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0xa000;
-static void
-Opcode_all8_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0xb000;
-static void
-Opcode_bf_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x76;
-static void
-Opcode_bt_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x1076;
-static void
-Opcode_movf_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0xc30000;
-static void
-Opcode_movt_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0xd30000;
-static void
-Opcode_rsr_br_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x30400;
-static void
-Opcode_wsr_br_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x130400;
-static void
-Opcode_xsr_br_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x610400;
-static void
-Opcode_rsr_ccount_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x3ea00;
-static void
-Opcode_wsr_ccount_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x13ea00;
-static void
-Opcode_xsr_ccount_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x61ea00;
-static void
-Opcode_rsr_ccompare0_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x3f000;
-static void
-Opcode_wsr_ccompare0_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x13f000;
-static void
-Opcode_xsr_ccompare0_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x61f000;
-static void
-Opcode_rsr_ccompare1_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x3f100;
-static void
-Opcode_wsr_ccompare1_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x13f100;
-static void
-Opcode_xsr_ccompare1_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x61f100;
-static void
-Opcode_rsr_ccompare2_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x3f200;
-static void
-Opcode_wsr_ccompare2_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x13f200;
-static void
-Opcode_xsr_ccompare2_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x61f200;
-static void
-Opcode_ipf_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x70c2;
-static void
-Opcode_ihi_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x70e2;
-static void
-Opcode_ipfl_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x70d2;
-static void
-Opcode_ihu_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x270d2;
-static void
-Opcode_iiu_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x370d2;
-static void
-Opcode_iii_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x70f2;
-static void
-Opcode_lict_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0xf10000;
-static void
-Opcode_licw_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0xf12000;
-static void
-Opcode_sict_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0xf11000;
-static void
-Opcode_sicw_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0xf13000;
-static void
-Opcode_dhwb_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x7042;
-static void
-Opcode_dhwbi_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x7052;
-static void
-Opcode_diwb_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x47082;
-static void
-Opcode_diwbi_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x57082;
-static void
-Opcode_dhi_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x7062;
-static void
-Opcode_dii_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x7072;
-static void
-Opcode_dpfr_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x7002;
-static void
-Opcode_dpfw_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x7012;
-static void
-Opcode_dpfro_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x7022;
-static void
-Opcode_dpfwo_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x7032;
-static void
-Opcode_dpfl_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x7082;
-static void
-Opcode_dhu_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x27082;
-static void
-Opcode_diu_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x37082;
-static void
-Opcode_sdct_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0xf19000;
-static void
-Opcode_ldct_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0xf18000;
-static void
-Opcode_wsr_ptevaddr_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x135300;
-static void
-Opcode_rsr_ptevaddr_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x35300;
-static void
-Opcode_xsr_ptevaddr_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x615300;
-static void
-Opcode_rsr_rasid_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x35a00;
-static void
-Opcode_wsr_rasid_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x135a00;
-static void
-Opcode_xsr_rasid_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x615a00;
-static void
-Opcode_rsr_itlbcfg_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x35b00;
-static void
-Opcode_wsr_itlbcfg_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x135b00;
-static void
-Opcode_xsr_itlbcfg_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x615b00;
-static void
-Opcode_rsr_dtlbcfg_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x35c00;
-static void
-Opcode_wsr_dtlbcfg_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x135c00;
-static void
-Opcode_xsr_dtlbcfg_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x615c00;
-static void
-Opcode_idtlb_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x50c000;
-static void
-Opcode_pdtlb_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x50d000;
-static void
-Opcode_rdtlb0_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x50b000;
-static void
-Opcode_rdtlb1_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x50f000;
-static void
-Opcode_wdtlb_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x50e000;
-static void
-Opcode_iitlb_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x504000;
-static void
-Opcode_pitlb_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x505000;
-static void
-Opcode_ritlb0_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x503000;
-static void
-Opcode_ritlb1_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x507000;
-static void
-Opcode_witlb_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x506000;
-static void
-Opcode_ldpte_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0xf1f000;
-static void
-Opcode_hwwitlba_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x501000;
-static void
-Opcode_hwwdtlba_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x509000;
-static void
-Opcode_rsr_cpenable_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x3e000;
-static void
-Opcode_wsr_cpenable_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x13e000;
-static void
-Opcode_xsr_cpenable_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x61e000;
-static void
-Opcode_clamps_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x330000;
-static void
-Opcode_clamps_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x33000;
-static void
-Opcode_min_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x430000;
-static void
-Opcode_min_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x43000;
-static void
-Opcode_max_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x530000;
-static void
-Opcode_max_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x53000;
-static void
-Opcode_minu_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x630000;
-static void
-Opcode_minu_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x63000;
-static void
-Opcode_maxu_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x730000;
-static void
-Opcode_maxu_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x73000;
-static void
-Opcode_nsa_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x40e000;
-static void
-Opcode_nsa_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x40e00;
-static void
-Opcode_nsau_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x40f000;
-static void
-Opcode_nsau_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x40f00;
-static void
-Opcode_sext_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x230000;
-static void
-Opcode_sext_Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x9f000;
-static void
-Opcode_sext_Slot_xt_flix64_slot2_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x8000;
-static void
-Opcode_sext_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x23000;
-static void
-Opcode_l32ai_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0xb002;
-static void
-Opcode_s32ri_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0xf002;
-static void
-Opcode_s32c1i_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0xe002;
-static void
-Opcode_rsr_scompare1_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x30c00;
-static void
-Opcode_wsr_scompare1_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x130c00;
-static void
-Opcode_xsr_scompare1_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x610c00;
-static void
-Opcode_quou_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0xc20000;
-static void
-Opcode_quos_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0xd20000;
-static void
-Opcode_remu_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0xe20000;
-static void
-Opcode_rems_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0xf20000;
-static void
-Opcode_mull_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x820000;
-static void
-Opcode_mull_Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x9d000;
-static void
-Opcode_mull_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x82000;
-static void
-Opcode_muluh_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0xa20000;
-static void
-Opcode_mulsh_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0xb20000;
-static void
-Opcode_rur_fcr_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0xe30e80;
-static void
-Opcode_wur_fcr_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0xf3e800;
-static void
-Opcode_rur_fsr_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0xe30e90;
-static void
-Opcode_wur_fsr_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0xf3e900;
-static void
-Opcode_add_s_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0xa0000;
-static void
-Opcode_sub_s_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x1a0000;
-static void
-Opcode_mul_s_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x2a0000;
-static void
-Opcode_madd_s_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x4a0000;
-static void
-Opcode_msub_s_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x5a0000;
-static void
-Opcode_movf_s_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0xcb0000;
-static void
-Opcode_movt_s_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0xdb0000;
-static void
-Opcode_moveqz_s_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x8b0000;
-static void
-Opcode_movnez_s_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x9b0000;
-static void
-Opcode_movltz_s_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0xab0000;
-static void
-Opcode_movgez_s_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0xbb0000;
-static void
-Opcode_abs_s_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0xfa0010;
-static void
-Opcode_mov_s_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0xfa0000;
-static void
-Opcode_neg_s_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0xfa0060;
-static void
-Opcode_un_s_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x1b0000;
-static void
-Opcode_oeq_s_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x2b0000;
-static void
-Opcode_ueq_s_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x3b0000;
-static void
-Opcode_olt_s_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x4b0000;
-static void
-Opcode_ult_s_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x5b0000;
-static void
-Opcode_ole_s_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x6b0000;
-static void
-Opcode_ule_s_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x7b0000;
-static void
-Opcode_float_s_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0xca0000;
-static void
-Opcode_ufloat_s_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0xda0000;
-static void
-Opcode_round_s_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x8a0000;
-static void
-Opcode_ceil_s_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0xba0000;
-static void
-Opcode_floor_s_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0xaa0000;
-static void
-Opcode_trunc_s_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x9a0000;
-static void
-Opcode_utrunc_s_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0xea0000;
-static void
-Opcode_rfr_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0xfa0040;
-static void
-Opcode_wfr_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0xfa0050;
-static void
-Opcode_lsi_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x3;
-static void
-Opcode_lsiu_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x8003;
-static void
-Opcode_lsx_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x80000;
-static void
-Opcode_lsxu_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x180000;
-static void
-Opcode_ssi_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x4003;
-static void
-Opcode_ssiu_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0xc003;
-static void
-Opcode_ssx_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x480000;
-static void
-Opcode_ssxu_Slot_inst_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x580000;
-static void
-Opcode_beqz_w18_Slot_xt_flix64_slot3_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0xa8000000;
-  slotbuf[1] = 0;
-static void
-Opcode_bnez_w18_Slot_xt_flix64_slot3_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0xc0000000;
-  slotbuf[1] = 0;
-static void
-Opcode_bgez_w18_Slot_xt_flix64_slot3_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0xb0000000;
-  slotbuf[1] = 0;
-static void
-Opcode_bltz_w18_Slot_xt_flix64_slot3_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0xb8000000;
-  slotbuf[1] = 0;
-static void
-Opcode_beqi_w18_Slot_xt_flix64_slot3_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x40000000;
-  slotbuf[1] = 0;
-static void
-Opcode_bnei_w18_Slot_xt_flix64_slot3_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x98000000;
-  slotbuf[1] = 0;
-static void
-Opcode_bgei_w18_Slot_xt_flix64_slot3_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x50000000;
-  slotbuf[1] = 0;
-static void
-Opcode_blti_w18_Slot_xt_flix64_slot3_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x70000000;
-  slotbuf[1] = 0;
-static void
-Opcode_bgeui_w18_Slot_xt_flix64_slot3_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x60000000;
-  slotbuf[1] = 0;
-static void
-Opcode_bltui_w18_Slot_xt_flix64_slot3_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x80000000;
-  slotbuf[1] = 0;
-static void
-Opcode_bbci_w18_Slot_xt_flix64_slot3_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x8000000;
-  slotbuf[1] = 0;
-static void
-Opcode_bbsi_w18_Slot_xt_flix64_slot3_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x10000000;
-  slotbuf[1] = 0;
-static void
-Opcode_beq_w18_Slot_xt_flix64_slot3_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x38000000;
-  slotbuf[1] = 0;
-static void
-Opcode_bne_w18_Slot_xt_flix64_slot3_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x90000000;
-  slotbuf[1] = 0;
-static void
-Opcode_bge_w18_Slot_xt_flix64_slot3_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x48000000;
-  slotbuf[1] = 0;
-static void
-Opcode_blt_w18_Slot_xt_flix64_slot3_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x68000000;
-  slotbuf[1] = 0;
-static void
-Opcode_bgeu_w18_Slot_xt_flix64_slot3_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x58000000;
-  slotbuf[1] = 0;
-static void
-Opcode_bltu_w18_Slot_xt_flix64_slot3_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x78000000;
-  slotbuf[1] = 0;
-static void
-Opcode_bany_w18_Slot_xt_flix64_slot3_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x20000000;
-  slotbuf[1] = 0;
-static void
-Opcode_bnone_w18_Slot_xt_flix64_slot3_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0xa0000000;
-  slotbuf[1] = 0;
-static void
-Opcode_ball_w18_Slot_xt_flix64_slot3_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x18000000;
-  slotbuf[1] = 0;
-static void
-Opcode_bnall_w18_Slot_xt_flix64_slot3_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x88000000;
-  slotbuf[1] = 0;
-static void
-Opcode_bbc_w18_Slot_xt_flix64_slot3_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x28000000;
-  slotbuf[1] = 0;
-static void
-Opcode_bbs_w18_Slot_xt_flix64_slot3_encode (xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = 0x30000000;
-  slotbuf[1] = 0;
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_excw_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_excw_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_rfe_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_rfe_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_rfde_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_rfde_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_syscall_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_syscall_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_simcall_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_simcall_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_call12_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_call12_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_call8_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_call8_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_call4_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_call4_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_callx12_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_callx12_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_callx8_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_callx8_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_callx4_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_callx4_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_entry_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_entry_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_movsp_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_movsp_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_rotw_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_rotw_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_retw_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_retw_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_retw_n_encode_fns[] = {
-  0, 0, Opcode_retw_n_Slot_inst16b_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_rfwo_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_rfwo_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_rfwu_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_rfwu_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_l32e_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_l32e_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_s32e_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_s32e_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_rsr_windowbase_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_rsr_windowbase_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_wsr_windowbase_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_wsr_windowbase_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_xsr_windowbase_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_xsr_windowbase_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_rsr_windowstart_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_rsr_windowstart_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_wsr_windowstart_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_wsr_windowstart_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_xsr_windowstart_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_xsr_windowstart_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_add_n_encode_fns[] = {
-  0, Opcode_add_n_Slot_inst16a_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_addi_n_encode_fns[] = {
-  0, Opcode_addi_n_Slot_inst16a_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, Opcode_addi_n_Slot_xt_flix64_slot2_encode, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_beqz_n_encode_fns[] = {
-  0, 0, Opcode_beqz_n_Slot_inst16b_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_bnez_n_encode_fns[] = {
-  0, 0, Opcode_bnez_n_Slot_inst16b_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_ill_n_encode_fns[] = {
-  0, 0, Opcode_ill_n_Slot_inst16b_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_l32i_n_encode_fns[] = {
-  0, Opcode_l32i_n_Slot_inst16a_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_mov_n_encode_fns[] = {
-  0, 0, Opcode_mov_n_Slot_inst16b_encode, Opcode_mov_n_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_encode, Opcode_mov_n_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_encode, Opcode_mov_n_Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_encode, Opcode_mov_n_Slot_xt_flix64_slot2_encode, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_movi_n_encode_fns[] = {
-  0, 0, Opcode_movi_n_Slot_inst16b_encode, 0, 0, 0, Opcode_movi_n_Slot_xt_flix64_slot2_encode, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_nop_n_encode_fns[] = {
-  0, 0, Opcode_nop_n_Slot_inst16b_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_ret_n_encode_fns[] = {
-  0, 0, Opcode_ret_n_Slot_inst16b_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_s32i_n_encode_fns[] = {
-  0, Opcode_s32i_n_Slot_inst16a_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_rur_threadptr_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_rur_threadptr_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_wur_threadptr_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_wur_threadptr_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_addi_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_addi_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, Opcode_addi_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_encode, Opcode_addi_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_encode, Opcode_addi_Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_encode, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_addmi_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_addmi_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, Opcode_addmi_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_encode, Opcode_addmi_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_encode, Opcode_addmi_Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_encode, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_add_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_add_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, Opcode_add_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_encode, Opcode_add_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_encode, Opcode_add_Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_encode, Opcode_add_Slot_xt_flix64_slot2_encode, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_sub_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_sub_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, Opcode_sub_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_encode, Opcode_sub_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_encode, Opcode_sub_Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_encode, Opcode_sub_Slot_xt_flix64_slot2_encode, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_addx2_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_addx2_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, Opcode_addx2_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_encode, Opcode_addx2_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_encode, Opcode_addx2_Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_encode, Opcode_addx2_Slot_xt_flix64_slot2_encode, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_addx4_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_addx4_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, Opcode_addx4_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_encode, Opcode_addx4_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_encode, Opcode_addx4_Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_encode, Opcode_addx4_Slot_xt_flix64_slot2_encode, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_addx8_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_addx8_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, Opcode_addx8_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_encode, Opcode_addx8_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_encode, Opcode_addx8_Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_encode, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_subx2_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_subx2_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, Opcode_subx2_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_encode, Opcode_subx2_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_encode, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_subx4_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_subx4_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, Opcode_subx4_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_encode, Opcode_subx4_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_encode, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_subx8_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_subx8_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, Opcode_subx8_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_encode, Opcode_subx8_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_encode, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_and_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_and_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, Opcode_and_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_encode, Opcode_and_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_encode, Opcode_and_Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_encode, Opcode_and_Slot_xt_flix64_slot2_encode, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_or_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_or_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, Opcode_or_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_encode, Opcode_or_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_encode, Opcode_or_Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_encode, Opcode_or_Slot_xt_flix64_slot2_encode, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_xor_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_xor_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, Opcode_xor_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_encode, Opcode_xor_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_encode, Opcode_xor_Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_encode, Opcode_xor_Slot_xt_flix64_slot2_encode, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_beqi_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_beqi_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_bnei_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_bnei_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_bgei_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_bgei_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_blti_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_blti_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_bbci_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_bbci_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_bbsi_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_bbsi_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_bgeui_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_bgeui_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_bltui_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_bltui_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_beq_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_beq_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_bne_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_bne_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_bge_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_bge_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_blt_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_blt_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_bgeu_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_bgeu_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_bltu_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_bltu_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_bany_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_bany_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_bnone_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_bnone_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_ball_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_ball_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_bnall_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_bnall_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_bbc_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_bbc_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_bbs_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_bbs_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_beqz_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_beqz_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_bnez_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_bnez_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_bgez_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_bgez_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_bltz_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_bltz_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_call0_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_call0_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_callx0_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_callx0_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_extui_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_extui_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, Opcode_extui_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_encode, Opcode_extui_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_encode, Opcode_extui_Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_encode, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_ill_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_ill_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_j_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_j_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, Opcode_j_Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_encode, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_jx_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_jx_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, Opcode_jx_Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_encode, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_l16ui_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_l16ui_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, Opcode_l16ui_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_encode, Opcode_l16ui_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_encode, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_l16si_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_l16si_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, Opcode_l16si_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_encode, Opcode_l16si_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_encode, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_l32i_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_l32i_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, Opcode_l32i_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_encode, Opcode_l32i_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_encode, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_l32r_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_l32r_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, Opcode_l32r_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_encode, Opcode_l32r_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_encode, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_l8ui_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_l8ui_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, Opcode_l8ui_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_encode, Opcode_l8ui_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_encode, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_loop_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_loop_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_loopnez_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_loopnez_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_loopgtz_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_loopgtz_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_movi_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_movi_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, Opcode_movi_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_encode, Opcode_movi_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_encode, Opcode_movi_Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_encode, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_moveqz_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_moveqz_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, Opcode_moveqz_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_encode, Opcode_moveqz_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_encode, Opcode_moveqz_Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_encode, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_movnez_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_movnez_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, Opcode_movnez_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_encode, Opcode_movnez_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_encode, Opcode_movnez_Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_encode, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_movltz_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_movltz_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, Opcode_movltz_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_encode, Opcode_movltz_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_encode, Opcode_movltz_Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_encode, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_movgez_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_movgez_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, Opcode_movgez_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_encode, Opcode_movgez_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_encode, Opcode_movgez_Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_encode, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_neg_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_neg_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, Opcode_neg_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_encode, Opcode_neg_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_encode, Opcode_neg_Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_encode, Opcode_neg_Slot_xt_flix64_slot2_encode, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_abs_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_abs_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, Opcode_abs_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_encode, Opcode_abs_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_encode, 0, Opcode_abs_Slot_xt_flix64_slot2_encode, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_nop_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_nop_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, Opcode_nop_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_encode, Opcode_nop_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_encode, Opcode_nop_Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_encode, Opcode_nop_Slot_xt_flix64_slot2_encode, Opcode_nop_Slot_xt_flix64_slot3_encode
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_ret_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_ret_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_s16i_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_s16i_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, Opcode_s16i_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_encode, Opcode_s16i_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_encode, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_s32i_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_s32i_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, Opcode_s32i_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_encode, Opcode_s32i_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_encode, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_s8i_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_s8i_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, Opcode_s8i_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_encode, Opcode_s8i_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_encode, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_ssr_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_ssr_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, Opcode_ssr_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_encode, Opcode_ssr_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_encode, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_ssl_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_ssl_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, Opcode_ssl_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_encode, Opcode_ssl_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_encode, Opcode_ssl_Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_encode, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_ssa8l_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_ssa8l_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, Opcode_ssa8l_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_encode, Opcode_ssa8l_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_encode, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_ssa8b_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_ssa8b_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, Opcode_ssa8b_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_encode, Opcode_ssa8b_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_encode, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_ssai_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_ssai_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, Opcode_ssai_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_encode, Opcode_ssai_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_encode, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_sll_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_sll_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, Opcode_sll_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_encode, Opcode_sll_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_encode, Opcode_sll_Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_encode, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_src_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_src_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, Opcode_src_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_encode, Opcode_src_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_encode, Opcode_src_Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_encode, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_srl_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_srl_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, Opcode_srl_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_encode, Opcode_srl_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_encode, Opcode_srl_Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_encode, Opcode_srl_Slot_xt_flix64_slot2_encode, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_sra_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_sra_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, Opcode_sra_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_encode, Opcode_sra_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_encode, Opcode_sra_Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_encode, Opcode_sra_Slot_xt_flix64_slot2_encode, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_slli_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_slli_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, Opcode_slli_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_encode, Opcode_slli_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_encode, Opcode_slli_Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_encode, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_srai_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_srai_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, Opcode_srai_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_encode, Opcode_srai_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_encode, Opcode_srai_Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_encode, Opcode_srai_Slot_xt_flix64_slot2_encode, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_srli_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_srli_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, Opcode_srli_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_encode, Opcode_srli_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_encode, Opcode_srli_Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_encode, Opcode_srli_Slot_xt_flix64_slot2_encode, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_memw_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_memw_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_extw_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_extw_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_isync_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_isync_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_rsync_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_rsync_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_esync_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_esync_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_dsync_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_dsync_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_rsil_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_rsil_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_rsr_lend_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_rsr_lend_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_wsr_lend_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_wsr_lend_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_xsr_lend_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_xsr_lend_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_rsr_lcount_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_rsr_lcount_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_wsr_lcount_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_wsr_lcount_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_xsr_lcount_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_xsr_lcount_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_rsr_lbeg_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_rsr_lbeg_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_wsr_lbeg_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_wsr_lbeg_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_xsr_lbeg_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_xsr_lbeg_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_rsr_sar_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_rsr_sar_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_wsr_sar_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_wsr_sar_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_xsr_sar_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_xsr_sar_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_rsr_litbase_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_rsr_litbase_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_wsr_litbase_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_wsr_litbase_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_xsr_litbase_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_xsr_litbase_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_rsr_176_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_rsr_176_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_rsr_208_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_rsr_208_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_rsr_ps_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_rsr_ps_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_wsr_ps_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_wsr_ps_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_xsr_ps_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_xsr_ps_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_rsr_epc1_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_rsr_epc1_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_wsr_epc1_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_wsr_epc1_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_xsr_epc1_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_xsr_epc1_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_rsr_excsave1_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_rsr_excsave1_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_wsr_excsave1_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_wsr_excsave1_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_xsr_excsave1_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_xsr_excsave1_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_rsr_epc2_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_rsr_epc2_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_wsr_epc2_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_wsr_epc2_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_xsr_epc2_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_xsr_epc2_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_rsr_excsave2_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_rsr_excsave2_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_wsr_excsave2_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_wsr_excsave2_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_xsr_excsave2_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_xsr_excsave2_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_rsr_epc3_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_rsr_epc3_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_wsr_epc3_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_wsr_epc3_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_xsr_epc3_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_xsr_epc3_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_rsr_excsave3_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_rsr_excsave3_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_wsr_excsave3_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_wsr_excsave3_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_xsr_excsave3_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_xsr_excsave3_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_rsr_epc4_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_rsr_epc4_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_wsr_epc4_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_wsr_epc4_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_xsr_epc4_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_xsr_epc4_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_rsr_excsave4_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_rsr_excsave4_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_wsr_excsave4_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_wsr_excsave4_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_xsr_excsave4_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_xsr_excsave4_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_rsr_epc5_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_rsr_epc5_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_wsr_epc5_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_wsr_epc5_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_xsr_epc5_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_xsr_epc5_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_rsr_excsave5_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_rsr_excsave5_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_wsr_excsave5_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_wsr_excsave5_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_xsr_excsave5_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_xsr_excsave5_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_rsr_epc6_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_rsr_epc6_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_wsr_epc6_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_wsr_epc6_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_xsr_epc6_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_xsr_epc6_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_rsr_excsave6_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_rsr_excsave6_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_wsr_excsave6_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_wsr_excsave6_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_xsr_excsave6_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_xsr_excsave6_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_rsr_epc7_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_rsr_epc7_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_wsr_epc7_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_wsr_epc7_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_xsr_epc7_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_xsr_epc7_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_rsr_excsave7_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_rsr_excsave7_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_wsr_excsave7_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_wsr_excsave7_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_xsr_excsave7_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_xsr_excsave7_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_rsr_eps2_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_rsr_eps2_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_wsr_eps2_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_wsr_eps2_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_xsr_eps2_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_xsr_eps2_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_rsr_eps3_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_rsr_eps3_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_wsr_eps3_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_wsr_eps3_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_xsr_eps3_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_xsr_eps3_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_rsr_eps4_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_rsr_eps4_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_wsr_eps4_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_wsr_eps4_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_xsr_eps4_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_xsr_eps4_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_rsr_eps5_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_rsr_eps5_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_wsr_eps5_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_wsr_eps5_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_xsr_eps5_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_xsr_eps5_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_rsr_eps6_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_rsr_eps6_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_wsr_eps6_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_wsr_eps6_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_xsr_eps6_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_xsr_eps6_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_rsr_eps7_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_rsr_eps7_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_wsr_eps7_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_wsr_eps7_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_xsr_eps7_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_xsr_eps7_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_rsr_excvaddr_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_rsr_excvaddr_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_wsr_excvaddr_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_wsr_excvaddr_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_xsr_excvaddr_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_xsr_excvaddr_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_rsr_depc_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_rsr_depc_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_wsr_depc_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_wsr_depc_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_xsr_depc_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_xsr_depc_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_rsr_exccause_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_rsr_exccause_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_wsr_exccause_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_wsr_exccause_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_xsr_exccause_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_xsr_exccause_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_rsr_misc0_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_rsr_misc0_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_wsr_misc0_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_wsr_misc0_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_xsr_misc0_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_xsr_misc0_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_rsr_misc1_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_rsr_misc1_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_wsr_misc1_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_wsr_misc1_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_xsr_misc1_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_xsr_misc1_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_rsr_misc2_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_rsr_misc2_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_wsr_misc2_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_wsr_misc2_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_xsr_misc2_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_xsr_misc2_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_rsr_misc3_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_rsr_misc3_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_wsr_misc3_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_wsr_misc3_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_xsr_misc3_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_xsr_misc3_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_rsr_prid_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_rsr_prid_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_rsr_vecbase_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_rsr_vecbase_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_wsr_vecbase_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_wsr_vecbase_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_xsr_vecbase_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_xsr_vecbase_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_mul_aa_ll_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_mul_aa_ll_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_mul_aa_hl_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_mul_aa_hl_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_mul_aa_lh_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_mul_aa_lh_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_mul_aa_hh_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_mul_aa_hh_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_umul_aa_ll_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_umul_aa_ll_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_umul_aa_hl_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_umul_aa_hl_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_umul_aa_lh_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_umul_aa_lh_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_umul_aa_hh_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_umul_aa_hh_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_mul_ad_ll_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_mul_ad_ll_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_mul_ad_hl_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_mul_ad_hl_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_mul_ad_lh_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_mul_ad_lh_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_mul_ad_hh_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_mul_ad_hh_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_mul_da_ll_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_mul_da_ll_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_mul_da_hl_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_mul_da_hl_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_mul_da_lh_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_mul_da_lh_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_mul_da_hh_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_mul_da_hh_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_mul_dd_ll_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_mul_dd_ll_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_mul_dd_hl_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_mul_dd_hl_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_mul_dd_lh_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_mul_dd_lh_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_mul_dd_hh_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_mul_dd_hh_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_mula_aa_ll_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_mula_aa_ll_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_mula_aa_hl_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_mula_aa_hl_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_mula_aa_lh_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_mula_aa_lh_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_mula_aa_hh_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_mula_aa_hh_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_muls_aa_ll_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_muls_aa_ll_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_muls_aa_hl_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_muls_aa_hl_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_muls_aa_lh_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_muls_aa_lh_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_muls_aa_hh_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_muls_aa_hh_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_mula_ad_ll_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_mula_ad_ll_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_mula_ad_hl_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_mula_ad_hl_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_mula_ad_lh_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_mula_ad_lh_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_mula_ad_hh_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_mula_ad_hh_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_muls_ad_ll_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_muls_ad_ll_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_muls_ad_hl_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_muls_ad_hl_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_muls_ad_lh_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_muls_ad_lh_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_muls_ad_hh_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_muls_ad_hh_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_mula_da_ll_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_mula_da_ll_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_mula_da_hl_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_mula_da_hl_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_mula_da_lh_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_mula_da_lh_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_mula_da_hh_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_mula_da_hh_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_muls_da_ll_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_muls_da_ll_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_muls_da_hl_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_muls_da_hl_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_muls_da_lh_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_muls_da_lh_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_muls_da_hh_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_muls_da_hh_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_mula_dd_ll_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_mula_dd_ll_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_mula_dd_hl_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_mula_dd_hl_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_mula_dd_lh_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_mula_dd_lh_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_mula_dd_hh_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_mula_dd_hh_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_muls_dd_ll_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_muls_dd_ll_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_muls_dd_hl_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_muls_dd_hl_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_muls_dd_lh_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_muls_dd_lh_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_muls_dd_hh_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_muls_dd_hh_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_mula_da_ll_lddec_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_mula_da_ll_lddec_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_mula_da_ll_ldinc_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_mula_da_ll_ldinc_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_mula_da_hl_lddec_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_mula_da_hl_lddec_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_mula_da_hl_ldinc_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_mula_da_hl_ldinc_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_mula_da_lh_lddec_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_mula_da_lh_lddec_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_mula_da_lh_ldinc_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_mula_da_lh_ldinc_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_mula_da_hh_lddec_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_mula_da_hh_lddec_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_mula_da_hh_ldinc_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_mula_da_hh_ldinc_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_mula_dd_ll_lddec_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_mula_dd_ll_lddec_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_mula_dd_ll_ldinc_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_mula_dd_ll_ldinc_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_mula_dd_hl_lddec_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_mula_dd_hl_lddec_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_mula_dd_hl_ldinc_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_mula_dd_hl_ldinc_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_mula_dd_lh_lddec_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_mula_dd_lh_lddec_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_mula_dd_lh_ldinc_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_mula_dd_lh_ldinc_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_mula_dd_hh_lddec_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_mula_dd_hh_lddec_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_mula_dd_hh_ldinc_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_mula_dd_hh_ldinc_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_lddec_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_lddec_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_ldinc_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_ldinc_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_mul16u_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_mul16u_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, Opcode_mul16u_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_encode, Opcode_mul16u_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_encode, Opcode_mul16u_Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_encode, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_mul16s_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_mul16s_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, Opcode_mul16s_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_encode, Opcode_mul16s_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_encode, Opcode_mul16s_Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_encode, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_rsr_m0_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_rsr_m0_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_wsr_m0_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_wsr_m0_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_xsr_m0_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_xsr_m0_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_rsr_m1_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_rsr_m1_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_wsr_m1_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_wsr_m1_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_xsr_m1_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_xsr_m1_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_rsr_m2_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_rsr_m2_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_wsr_m2_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_wsr_m2_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_xsr_m2_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_xsr_m2_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_rsr_m3_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_rsr_m3_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_wsr_m3_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_wsr_m3_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_xsr_m3_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_xsr_m3_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_rsr_acclo_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_rsr_acclo_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_wsr_acclo_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_wsr_acclo_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_xsr_acclo_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_xsr_acclo_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_rsr_acchi_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_rsr_acchi_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_wsr_acchi_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_wsr_acchi_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_xsr_acchi_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_xsr_acchi_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_rfi_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_rfi_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_waiti_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_waiti_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_rsr_interrupt_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_rsr_interrupt_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_wsr_intset_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_wsr_intset_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_wsr_intclear_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_wsr_intclear_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_rsr_intenable_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_rsr_intenable_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_wsr_intenable_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_wsr_intenable_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_xsr_intenable_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_xsr_intenable_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_break_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_break_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_break_n_encode_fns[] = {
-  0, 0, Opcode_break_n_Slot_inst16b_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_rsr_dbreaka0_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_rsr_dbreaka0_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_wsr_dbreaka0_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_wsr_dbreaka0_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_xsr_dbreaka0_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_xsr_dbreaka0_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_rsr_dbreakc0_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_rsr_dbreakc0_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_wsr_dbreakc0_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_wsr_dbreakc0_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_xsr_dbreakc0_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_xsr_dbreakc0_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_rsr_dbreaka1_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_rsr_dbreaka1_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_wsr_dbreaka1_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_wsr_dbreaka1_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_xsr_dbreaka1_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_xsr_dbreaka1_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_rsr_dbreakc1_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_rsr_dbreakc1_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_wsr_dbreakc1_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_wsr_dbreakc1_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_xsr_dbreakc1_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_xsr_dbreakc1_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_rsr_ibreaka0_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_rsr_ibreaka0_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_wsr_ibreaka0_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_wsr_ibreaka0_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_xsr_ibreaka0_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_xsr_ibreaka0_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_rsr_ibreaka1_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_rsr_ibreaka1_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_wsr_ibreaka1_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_wsr_ibreaka1_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_xsr_ibreaka1_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_xsr_ibreaka1_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_rsr_ibreakenable_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_rsr_ibreakenable_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_wsr_ibreakenable_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_wsr_ibreakenable_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_xsr_ibreakenable_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_xsr_ibreakenable_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_rsr_debugcause_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_rsr_debugcause_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_wsr_debugcause_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_wsr_debugcause_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_xsr_debugcause_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_xsr_debugcause_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_rsr_icount_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_rsr_icount_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_wsr_icount_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_wsr_icount_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_xsr_icount_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_xsr_icount_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_rsr_icountlevel_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_rsr_icountlevel_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_wsr_icountlevel_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_wsr_icountlevel_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_xsr_icountlevel_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_xsr_icountlevel_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_rsr_ddr_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_rsr_ddr_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_wsr_ddr_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_wsr_ddr_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_xsr_ddr_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_xsr_ddr_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_rfdo_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_rfdo_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_rfdd_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_rfdd_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_wsr_mmid_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_wsr_mmid_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_andb_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_andb_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_andbc_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_andbc_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_orb_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_orb_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_orbc_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_orbc_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_xorb_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_xorb_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_any4_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_any4_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_all4_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_all4_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_any8_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_any8_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_all8_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_all8_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_bf_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_bf_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_bt_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_bt_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_movf_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_movf_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_movt_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_movt_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_rsr_br_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_rsr_br_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_wsr_br_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_wsr_br_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_xsr_br_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_xsr_br_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_rsr_ccount_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_rsr_ccount_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_wsr_ccount_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_wsr_ccount_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_xsr_ccount_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_xsr_ccount_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_rsr_ccompare0_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_rsr_ccompare0_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_wsr_ccompare0_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_wsr_ccompare0_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_xsr_ccompare0_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_xsr_ccompare0_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_rsr_ccompare1_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_rsr_ccompare1_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_wsr_ccompare1_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_wsr_ccompare1_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_xsr_ccompare1_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_xsr_ccompare1_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_rsr_ccompare2_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_rsr_ccompare2_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_wsr_ccompare2_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_wsr_ccompare2_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_xsr_ccompare2_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_xsr_ccompare2_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_ipf_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_ipf_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_ihi_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_ihi_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_ipfl_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_ipfl_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_ihu_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_ihu_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_iiu_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_iiu_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_iii_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_iii_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_lict_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_lict_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_licw_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_licw_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_sict_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_sict_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_sicw_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_sicw_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_dhwb_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_dhwb_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_dhwbi_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_dhwbi_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_diwb_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_diwb_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_diwbi_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_diwbi_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_dhi_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_dhi_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_dii_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_dii_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_dpfr_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_dpfr_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_dpfw_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_dpfw_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_dpfro_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_dpfro_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_dpfwo_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_dpfwo_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_dpfl_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_dpfl_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_dhu_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_dhu_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_diu_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_diu_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_sdct_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_sdct_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_ldct_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_ldct_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_wsr_ptevaddr_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_wsr_ptevaddr_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_rsr_ptevaddr_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_rsr_ptevaddr_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_xsr_ptevaddr_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_xsr_ptevaddr_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_rsr_rasid_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_rsr_rasid_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_wsr_rasid_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_wsr_rasid_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_xsr_rasid_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_xsr_rasid_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_rsr_itlbcfg_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_rsr_itlbcfg_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_wsr_itlbcfg_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_wsr_itlbcfg_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_xsr_itlbcfg_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_xsr_itlbcfg_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_rsr_dtlbcfg_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_rsr_dtlbcfg_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_wsr_dtlbcfg_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_wsr_dtlbcfg_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_xsr_dtlbcfg_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_xsr_dtlbcfg_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_idtlb_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_idtlb_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_pdtlb_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_pdtlb_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_rdtlb0_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_rdtlb0_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_rdtlb1_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_rdtlb1_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_wdtlb_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_wdtlb_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_iitlb_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_iitlb_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_pitlb_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_pitlb_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_ritlb0_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_ritlb0_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_ritlb1_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_ritlb1_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_witlb_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_witlb_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_ldpte_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_ldpte_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_hwwitlba_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_hwwitlba_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_hwwdtlba_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_hwwdtlba_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_rsr_cpenable_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_rsr_cpenable_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_wsr_cpenable_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_wsr_cpenable_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_xsr_cpenable_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_xsr_cpenable_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_clamps_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_clamps_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, Opcode_clamps_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_encode, Opcode_clamps_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_encode, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_min_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_min_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, Opcode_min_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_encode, Opcode_min_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_encode, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_max_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_max_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, Opcode_max_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_encode, Opcode_max_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_encode, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_minu_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_minu_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, Opcode_minu_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_encode, Opcode_minu_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_encode, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_maxu_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_maxu_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, Opcode_maxu_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_encode, Opcode_maxu_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_encode, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_nsa_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_nsa_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, Opcode_nsa_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_encode, Opcode_nsa_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_encode, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_nsau_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_nsau_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, Opcode_nsau_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_encode, Opcode_nsau_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_encode, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_sext_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_sext_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, Opcode_sext_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_encode, Opcode_sext_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_encode, Opcode_sext_Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_encode, Opcode_sext_Slot_xt_flix64_slot2_encode, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_l32ai_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_l32ai_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_s32ri_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_s32ri_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_s32c1i_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_s32c1i_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_rsr_scompare1_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_rsr_scompare1_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_wsr_scompare1_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_wsr_scompare1_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_xsr_scompare1_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_xsr_scompare1_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_quou_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_quou_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_quos_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_quos_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_remu_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_remu_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_rems_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_rems_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_mull_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_mull_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, Opcode_mull_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_encode, Opcode_mull_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_encode, Opcode_mull_Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_encode, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_muluh_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_muluh_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_mulsh_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_mulsh_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_rur_fcr_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_rur_fcr_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_wur_fcr_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_wur_fcr_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_rur_fsr_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_rur_fsr_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_wur_fsr_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_wur_fsr_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_add_s_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_add_s_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_sub_s_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_sub_s_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_mul_s_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_mul_s_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_madd_s_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_madd_s_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_msub_s_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_msub_s_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_movf_s_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_movf_s_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_movt_s_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_movt_s_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_moveqz_s_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_moveqz_s_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_movnez_s_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_movnez_s_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_movltz_s_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_movltz_s_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_movgez_s_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_movgez_s_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_abs_s_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_abs_s_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_mov_s_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_mov_s_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_neg_s_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_neg_s_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_un_s_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_un_s_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_oeq_s_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_oeq_s_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_ueq_s_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_ueq_s_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_olt_s_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_olt_s_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_ult_s_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_ult_s_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_ole_s_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_ole_s_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_ule_s_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_ule_s_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_float_s_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_float_s_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_ufloat_s_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_ufloat_s_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_round_s_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_round_s_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_ceil_s_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_ceil_s_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_floor_s_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_floor_s_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_trunc_s_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_trunc_s_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_utrunc_s_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_utrunc_s_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_rfr_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_rfr_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_wfr_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_wfr_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_lsi_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_lsi_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_lsiu_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_lsiu_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_lsx_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_lsx_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_lsxu_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_lsxu_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_ssi_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_ssi_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_ssiu_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_ssiu_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_ssx_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_ssx_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_ssxu_encode_fns[] = {
-  Opcode_ssxu_Slot_inst_encode, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_beqz_w18_encode_fns[] = {
-  0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, Opcode_beqz_w18_Slot_xt_flix64_slot3_encode
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_bnez_w18_encode_fns[] = {
-  0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, Opcode_bnez_w18_Slot_xt_flix64_slot3_encode
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_bgez_w18_encode_fns[] = {
-  0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, Opcode_bgez_w18_Slot_xt_flix64_slot3_encode
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_bltz_w18_encode_fns[] = {
-  0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, Opcode_bltz_w18_Slot_xt_flix64_slot3_encode
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_beqi_w18_encode_fns[] = {
-  0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, Opcode_beqi_w18_Slot_xt_flix64_slot3_encode
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_bnei_w18_encode_fns[] = {
-  0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, Opcode_bnei_w18_Slot_xt_flix64_slot3_encode
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_bgei_w18_encode_fns[] = {
-  0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, Opcode_bgei_w18_Slot_xt_flix64_slot3_encode
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_blti_w18_encode_fns[] = {
-  0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, Opcode_blti_w18_Slot_xt_flix64_slot3_encode
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_bgeui_w18_encode_fns[] = {
-  0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, Opcode_bgeui_w18_Slot_xt_flix64_slot3_encode
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_bltui_w18_encode_fns[] = {
-  0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, Opcode_bltui_w18_Slot_xt_flix64_slot3_encode
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_bbci_w18_encode_fns[] = {
-  0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, Opcode_bbci_w18_Slot_xt_flix64_slot3_encode
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_bbsi_w18_encode_fns[] = {
-  0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, Opcode_bbsi_w18_Slot_xt_flix64_slot3_encode
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_beq_w18_encode_fns[] = {
-  0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, Opcode_beq_w18_Slot_xt_flix64_slot3_encode
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_bne_w18_encode_fns[] = {
-  0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, Opcode_bne_w18_Slot_xt_flix64_slot3_encode
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_bge_w18_encode_fns[] = {
-  0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, Opcode_bge_w18_Slot_xt_flix64_slot3_encode
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_blt_w18_encode_fns[] = {
-  0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, Opcode_blt_w18_Slot_xt_flix64_slot3_encode
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_bgeu_w18_encode_fns[] = {
-  0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, Opcode_bgeu_w18_Slot_xt_flix64_slot3_encode
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_bltu_w18_encode_fns[] = {
-  0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, Opcode_bltu_w18_Slot_xt_flix64_slot3_encode
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_bany_w18_encode_fns[] = {
-  0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, Opcode_bany_w18_Slot_xt_flix64_slot3_encode
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_bnone_w18_encode_fns[] = {
-  0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, Opcode_bnone_w18_Slot_xt_flix64_slot3_encode
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_ball_w18_encode_fns[] = {
-  0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, Opcode_ball_w18_Slot_xt_flix64_slot3_encode
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_bnall_w18_encode_fns[] = {
-  0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, Opcode_bnall_w18_Slot_xt_flix64_slot3_encode
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_bbc_w18_encode_fns[] = {
-  0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, Opcode_bbc_w18_Slot_xt_flix64_slot3_encode
-xtensa_opcode_encode_fn Opcode_bbs_w18_encode_fns[] = {
-  0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, Opcode_bbs_w18_Slot_xt_flix64_slot3_encode
-/* Opcode table.  */
-static xtensa_opcode_internal opcodes[] = {
-  { "excw", 0 /* xt_iclass_excw */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_excw_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "rfe", 1 /* xt_iclass_rfe */,
-    Opcode_rfe_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "rfde", 2 /* xt_iclass_rfde */,
-    Opcode_rfde_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "syscall", 3 /* xt_iclass_syscall */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_syscall_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "simcall", 4 /* xt_iclass_simcall */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_simcall_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "call12", 5 /* xt_iclass_call12 */,
-    Opcode_call12_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "call8", 6 /* xt_iclass_call8 */,
-    Opcode_call8_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "call4", 7 /* xt_iclass_call4 */,
-    Opcode_call4_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "callx12", 8 /* xt_iclass_callx12 */,
-    Opcode_callx12_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "callx8", 9 /* xt_iclass_callx8 */,
-    Opcode_callx8_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "callx4", 10 /* xt_iclass_callx4 */,
-    Opcode_callx4_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "entry", 11 /* xt_iclass_entry */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_entry_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "movsp", 12 /* xt_iclass_movsp */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_movsp_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "rotw", 13 /* xt_iclass_rotw */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_rotw_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "retw", 14 /* xt_iclass_retw */,
-    Opcode_retw_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "retw.n", 14 /* xt_iclass_retw */,
-    Opcode_retw_n_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "rfwo", 15 /* xt_iclass_rfwou */,
-    Opcode_rfwo_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "rfwu", 15 /* xt_iclass_rfwou */,
-    Opcode_rfwu_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "l32e", 16 /* xt_iclass_l32e */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_l32e_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "s32e", 17 /* xt_iclass_s32e */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_s32e_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "rsr.windowbase", 18 /* xt_iclass_rsr.windowbase */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_rsr_windowbase_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "wsr.windowbase", 19 /* xt_iclass_wsr.windowbase */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_wsr_windowbase_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "xsr.windowbase", 20 /* xt_iclass_xsr.windowbase */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_xsr_windowbase_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "rsr.windowstart", 21 /* xt_iclass_rsr.windowstart */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_rsr_windowstart_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "wsr.windowstart", 22 /* xt_iclass_wsr.windowstart */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_wsr_windowstart_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "xsr.windowstart", 23 /* xt_iclass_xsr.windowstart */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_xsr_windowstart_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "add.n", 24 /* xt_iclass_add.n */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_add_n_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "addi.n", 25 /* xt_iclass_addi.n */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_addi_n_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "beqz.n", 26 /* xt_iclass_bz6 */,
-    Opcode_beqz_n_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "bnez.n", 26 /* xt_iclass_bz6 */,
-    Opcode_bnez_n_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "ill.n", 27 /* xt_iclass_ill.n */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_ill_n_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "l32i.n", 28 /* xt_iclass_loadi4 */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_l32i_n_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "mov.n", 29 /* xt_iclass_mov.n */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_mov_n_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "movi.n", 30 /* xt_iclass_movi.n */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_movi_n_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "nop.n", 31 /* xt_iclass_nopn */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_nop_n_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "ret.n", 32 /* xt_iclass_retn */,
-    Opcode_ret_n_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "s32i.n", 33 /* xt_iclass_storei4 */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_s32i_n_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "rur.threadptr", 34 /* rur_threadptr */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_rur_threadptr_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "wur.threadptr", 35 /* wur_threadptr */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_wur_threadptr_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "addi", 36 /* xt_iclass_addi */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_addi_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "addmi", 37 /* xt_iclass_addmi */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_addmi_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "add", 38 /* xt_iclass_addsub */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_add_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "sub", 38 /* xt_iclass_addsub */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_sub_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "addx2", 38 /* xt_iclass_addsub */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_addx2_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "addx4", 38 /* xt_iclass_addsub */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_addx4_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "addx8", 38 /* xt_iclass_addsub */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_addx8_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "subx2", 38 /* xt_iclass_addsub */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_subx2_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "subx4", 38 /* xt_iclass_addsub */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_subx4_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "subx8", 38 /* xt_iclass_addsub */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_subx8_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "and", 39 /* xt_iclass_bit */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_and_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "or", 39 /* xt_iclass_bit */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_or_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "xor", 39 /* xt_iclass_bit */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_xor_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "beqi", 40 /* xt_iclass_bsi8 */,
-    Opcode_beqi_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "bnei", 40 /* xt_iclass_bsi8 */,
-    Opcode_bnei_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "bgei", 40 /* xt_iclass_bsi8 */,
-    Opcode_bgei_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "blti", 40 /* xt_iclass_bsi8 */,
-    Opcode_blti_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "bbci", 41 /* xt_iclass_bsi8b */,
-    Opcode_bbci_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "bbsi", 41 /* xt_iclass_bsi8b */,
-    Opcode_bbsi_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "bgeui", 42 /* xt_iclass_bsi8u */,
-    Opcode_bgeui_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "bltui", 42 /* xt_iclass_bsi8u */,
-    Opcode_bltui_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "beq", 43 /* xt_iclass_bst8 */,
-    Opcode_beq_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "bne", 43 /* xt_iclass_bst8 */,
-    Opcode_bne_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "bge", 43 /* xt_iclass_bst8 */,
-    Opcode_bge_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "blt", 43 /* xt_iclass_bst8 */,
-    Opcode_blt_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "bgeu", 43 /* xt_iclass_bst8 */,
-    Opcode_bgeu_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "bltu", 43 /* xt_iclass_bst8 */,
-    Opcode_bltu_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "bany", 43 /* xt_iclass_bst8 */,
-    Opcode_bany_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "bnone", 43 /* xt_iclass_bst8 */,
-    Opcode_bnone_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "ball", 43 /* xt_iclass_bst8 */,
-    Opcode_ball_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "bnall", 43 /* xt_iclass_bst8 */,
-    Opcode_bnall_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "bbc", 43 /* xt_iclass_bst8 */,
-    Opcode_bbc_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "bbs", 43 /* xt_iclass_bst8 */,
-    Opcode_bbs_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "beqz", 44 /* xt_iclass_bsz12 */,
-    Opcode_beqz_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "bnez", 44 /* xt_iclass_bsz12 */,
-    Opcode_bnez_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "bgez", 44 /* xt_iclass_bsz12 */,
-    Opcode_bgez_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "bltz", 44 /* xt_iclass_bsz12 */,
-    Opcode_bltz_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "call0", 45 /* xt_iclass_call0 */,
-    Opcode_call0_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "callx0", 46 /* xt_iclass_callx0 */,
-    Opcode_callx0_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "extui", 47 /* xt_iclass_exti */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_extui_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "ill", 48 /* xt_iclass_ill */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_ill_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "j", 49 /* xt_iclass_jump */,
-    Opcode_j_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "jx", 50 /* xt_iclass_jumpx */,
-    Opcode_jx_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "l16ui", 51 /* xt_iclass_l16ui */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_l16ui_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "l16si", 52 /* xt_iclass_l16si */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_l16si_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "l32i", 53 /* xt_iclass_l32i */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_l32i_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "l32r", 54 /* xt_iclass_l32r */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_l32r_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "l8ui", 55 /* xt_iclass_l8i */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_l8ui_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "loop", 56 /* xt_iclass_loop */,
-    Opcode_loop_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "loopnez", 57 /* xt_iclass_loopz */,
-    Opcode_loopnez_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "loopgtz", 57 /* xt_iclass_loopz */,
-    Opcode_loopgtz_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "movi", 58 /* xt_iclass_movi */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_movi_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "moveqz", 59 /* xt_iclass_movz */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_moveqz_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "movnez", 59 /* xt_iclass_movz */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_movnez_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "movltz", 59 /* xt_iclass_movz */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_movltz_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "movgez", 59 /* xt_iclass_movz */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_movgez_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "neg", 60 /* xt_iclass_neg */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_neg_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "abs", 60 /* xt_iclass_neg */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_abs_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "nop", 61 /* xt_iclass_nop */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_nop_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "ret", 62 /* xt_iclass_return */,
-    Opcode_ret_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "s16i", 63 /* xt_iclass_s16i */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_s16i_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "s32i", 64 /* xt_iclass_s32i */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_s32i_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "s8i", 65 /* xt_iclass_s8i */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_s8i_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "ssr", 66 /* xt_iclass_sar */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_ssr_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "ssl", 66 /* xt_iclass_sar */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_ssl_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "ssa8l", 66 /* xt_iclass_sar */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_ssa8l_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "ssa8b", 66 /* xt_iclass_sar */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_ssa8b_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "ssai", 67 /* xt_iclass_sari */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_ssai_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "sll", 68 /* xt_iclass_shifts */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_sll_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "src", 69 /* xt_iclass_shiftst */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_src_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "srl", 70 /* xt_iclass_shiftt */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_srl_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "sra", 70 /* xt_iclass_shiftt */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_sra_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "slli", 71 /* xt_iclass_slli */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_slli_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "srai", 72 /* xt_iclass_srai */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_srai_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "srli", 73 /* xt_iclass_srli */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_srli_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "memw", 74 /* xt_iclass_memw */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_memw_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "extw", 75 /* xt_iclass_extw */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_extw_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "isync", 76 /* xt_iclass_isync */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_isync_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "rsync", 77 /* xt_iclass_sync */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_rsync_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "esync", 77 /* xt_iclass_sync */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_esync_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "dsync", 77 /* xt_iclass_sync */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_dsync_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "rsil", 78 /* xt_iclass_rsil */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_rsil_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "rsr.lend", 79 /* xt_iclass_rsr.lend */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_rsr_lend_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "wsr.lend", 80 /* xt_iclass_wsr.lend */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_wsr_lend_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "xsr.lend", 81 /* xt_iclass_xsr.lend */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_xsr_lend_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "rsr.lcount", 82 /* xt_iclass_rsr.lcount */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_rsr_lcount_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "wsr.lcount", 83 /* xt_iclass_wsr.lcount */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_wsr_lcount_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "xsr.lcount", 84 /* xt_iclass_xsr.lcount */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_xsr_lcount_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "rsr.lbeg", 85 /* xt_iclass_rsr.lbeg */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_rsr_lbeg_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "wsr.lbeg", 86 /* xt_iclass_wsr.lbeg */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_wsr_lbeg_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "xsr.lbeg", 87 /* xt_iclass_xsr.lbeg */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_xsr_lbeg_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "rsr.sar", 88 /* xt_iclass_rsr.sar */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_rsr_sar_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "wsr.sar", 89 /* xt_iclass_wsr.sar */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_wsr_sar_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "xsr.sar", 90 /* xt_iclass_xsr.sar */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_xsr_sar_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "rsr.litbase", 91 /* xt_iclass_rsr.litbase */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_rsr_litbase_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "wsr.litbase", 92 /* xt_iclass_wsr.litbase */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_wsr_litbase_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "xsr.litbase", 93 /* xt_iclass_xsr.litbase */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_xsr_litbase_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "rsr.176", 94 /* xt_iclass_rsr.176 */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_rsr_176_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "rsr.208", 95 /* xt_iclass_rsr.208 */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_rsr_208_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "rsr.ps", 96 /* xt_iclass_rsr.ps */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_rsr_ps_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "wsr.ps", 97 /* xt_iclass_wsr.ps */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_wsr_ps_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "xsr.ps", 98 /* xt_iclass_xsr.ps */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_xsr_ps_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "rsr.epc1", 99 /* xt_iclass_rsr.epc1 */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_rsr_epc1_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "wsr.epc1", 100 /* xt_iclass_wsr.epc1 */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_wsr_epc1_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "xsr.epc1", 101 /* xt_iclass_xsr.epc1 */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_xsr_epc1_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "rsr.excsave1", 102 /* xt_iclass_rsr.excsave1 */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_rsr_excsave1_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "wsr.excsave1", 103 /* xt_iclass_wsr.excsave1 */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_wsr_excsave1_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "xsr.excsave1", 104 /* xt_iclass_xsr.excsave1 */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_xsr_excsave1_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "rsr.epc2", 105 /* xt_iclass_rsr.epc2 */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_rsr_epc2_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "wsr.epc2", 106 /* xt_iclass_wsr.epc2 */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_wsr_epc2_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "xsr.epc2", 107 /* xt_iclass_xsr.epc2 */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_xsr_epc2_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "rsr.excsave2", 108 /* xt_iclass_rsr.excsave2 */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_rsr_excsave2_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "wsr.excsave2", 109 /* xt_iclass_wsr.excsave2 */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_wsr_excsave2_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "xsr.excsave2", 110 /* xt_iclass_xsr.excsave2 */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_xsr_excsave2_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "rsr.epc3", 111 /* xt_iclass_rsr.epc3 */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_rsr_epc3_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "wsr.epc3", 112 /* xt_iclass_wsr.epc3 */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_wsr_epc3_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "xsr.epc3", 113 /* xt_iclass_xsr.epc3 */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_xsr_epc3_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "rsr.excsave3", 114 /* xt_iclass_rsr.excsave3 */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_rsr_excsave3_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "wsr.excsave3", 115 /* xt_iclass_wsr.excsave3 */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_wsr_excsave3_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "xsr.excsave3", 116 /* xt_iclass_xsr.excsave3 */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_xsr_excsave3_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "rsr.epc4", 117 /* xt_iclass_rsr.epc4 */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_rsr_epc4_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "wsr.epc4", 118 /* xt_iclass_wsr.epc4 */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_wsr_epc4_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "xsr.epc4", 119 /* xt_iclass_xsr.epc4 */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_xsr_epc4_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "rsr.excsave4", 120 /* xt_iclass_rsr.excsave4 */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_rsr_excsave4_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "wsr.excsave4", 121 /* xt_iclass_wsr.excsave4 */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_wsr_excsave4_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "xsr.excsave4", 122 /* xt_iclass_xsr.excsave4 */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_xsr_excsave4_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "rsr.epc5", 123 /* xt_iclass_rsr.epc5 */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_rsr_epc5_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "wsr.epc5", 124 /* xt_iclass_wsr.epc5 */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_wsr_epc5_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "xsr.epc5", 125 /* xt_iclass_xsr.epc5 */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_xsr_epc5_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "rsr.excsave5", 126 /* xt_iclass_rsr.excsave5 */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_rsr_excsave5_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "wsr.excsave5", 127 /* xt_iclass_wsr.excsave5 */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_wsr_excsave5_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "xsr.excsave5", 128 /* xt_iclass_xsr.excsave5 */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_xsr_excsave5_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "rsr.epc6", 129 /* xt_iclass_rsr.epc6 */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_rsr_epc6_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "wsr.epc6", 130 /* xt_iclass_wsr.epc6 */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_wsr_epc6_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "xsr.epc6", 131 /* xt_iclass_xsr.epc6 */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_xsr_epc6_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "rsr.excsave6", 132 /* xt_iclass_rsr.excsave6 */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_rsr_excsave6_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "wsr.excsave6", 133 /* xt_iclass_wsr.excsave6 */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_wsr_excsave6_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "xsr.excsave6", 134 /* xt_iclass_xsr.excsave6 */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_xsr_excsave6_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "rsr.epc7", 135 /* xt_iclass_rsr.epc7 */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_rsr_epc7_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "wsr.epc7", 136 /* xt_iclass_wsr.epc7 */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_wsr_epc7_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "xsr.epc7", 137 /* xt_iclass_xsr.epc7 */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_xsr_epc7_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "rsr.excsave7", 138 /* xt_iclass_rsr.excsave7 */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_rsr_excsave7_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "wsr.excsave7", 139 /* xt_iclass_wsr.excsave7 */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_wsr_excsave7_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "xsr.excsave7", 140 /* xt_iclass_xsr.excsave7 */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_xsr_excsave7_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "rsr.eps2", 141 /* xt_iclass_rsr.eps2 */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_rsr_eps2_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "wsr.eps2", 142 /* xt_iclass_wsr.eps2 */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_wsr_eps2_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "xsr.eps2", 143 /* xt_iclass_xsr.eps2 */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_xsr_eps2_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "rsr.eps3", 144 /* xt_iclass_rsr.eps3 */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_rsr_eps3_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "wsr.eps3", 145 /* xt_iclass_wsr.eps3 */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_wsr_eps3_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "xsr.eps3", 146 /* xt_iclass_xsr.eps3 */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_xsr_eps3_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "rsr.eps4", 147 /* xt_iclass_rsr.eps4 */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_rsr_eps4_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "wsr.eps4", 148 /* xt_iclass_wsr.eps4 */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_wsr_eps4_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "xsr.eps4", 149 /* xt_iclass_xsr.eps4 */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_xsr_eps4_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "rsr.eps5", 150 /* xt_iclass_rsr.eps5 */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_rsr_eps5_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "wsr.eps5", 151 /* xt_iclass_wsr.eps5 */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_wsr_eps5_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "xsr.eps5", 152 /* xt_iclass_xsr.eps5 */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_xsr_eps5_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "rsr.eps6", 153 /* xt_iclass_rsr.eps6 */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_rsr_eps6_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "wsr.eps6", 154 /* xt_iclass_wsr.eps6 */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_wsr_eps6_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "xsr.eps6", 155 /* xt_iclass_xsr.eps6 */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_xsr_eps6_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "rsr.eps7", 156 /* xt_iclass_rsr.eps7 */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_rsr_eps7_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "wsr.eps7", 157 /* xt_iclass_wsr.eps7 */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_wsr_eps7_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "xsr.eps7", 158 /* xt_iclass_xsr.eps7 */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_xsr_eps7_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "rsr.excvaddr", 159 /* xt_iclass_rsr.excvaddr */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_rsr_excvaddr_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "wsr.excvaddr", 160 /* xt_iclass_wsr.excvaddr */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_wsr_excvaddr_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "xsr.excvaddr", 161 /* xt_iclass_xsr.excvaddr */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_xsr_excvaddr_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "rsr.depc", 162 /* xt_iclass_rsr.depc */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_rsr_depc_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "wsr.depc", 163 /* xt_iclass_wsr.depc */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_wsr_depc_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "xsr.depc", 164 /* xt_iclass_xsr.depc */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_xsr_depc_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "rsr.exccause", 165 /* xt_iclass_rsr.exccause */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_rsr_exccause_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "wsr.exccause", 166 /* xt_iclass_wsr.exccause */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_wsr_exccause_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "xsr.exccause", 167 /* xt_iclass_xsr.exccause */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_xsr_exccause_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "rsr.misc0", 168 /* xt_iclass_rsr.misc0 */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_rsr_misc0_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "wsr.misc0", 169 /* xt_iclass_wsr.misc0 */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_wsr_misc0_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "xsr.misc0", 170 /* xt_iclass_xsr.misc0 */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_xsr_misc0_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "rsr.misc1", 171 /* xt_iclass_rsr.misc1 */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_rsr_misc1_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "wsr.misc1", 172 /* xt_iclass_wsr.misc1 */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_wsr_misc1_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "xsr.misc1", 173 /* xt_iclass_xsr.misc1 */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_xsr_misc1_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "rsr.misc2", 174 /* xt_iclass_rsr.misc2 */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_rsr_misc2_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "wsr.misc2", 175 /* xt_iclass_wsr.misc2 */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_wsr_misc2_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "xsr.misc2", 176 /* xt_iclass_xsr.misc2 */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_xsr_misc2_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "rsr.misc3", 177 /* xt_iclass_rsr.misc3 */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_rsr_misc3_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "wsr.misc3", 178 /* xt_iclass_wsr.misc3 */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_wsr_misc3_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "xsr.misc3", 179 /* xt_iclass_xsr.misc3 */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_xsr_misc3_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "rsr.prid", 180 /* xt_iclass_rsr.prid */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_rsr_prid_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "rsr.vecbase", 181 /* xt_iclass_rsr.vecbase */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_rsr_vecbase_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "wsr.vecbase", 182 /* xt_iclass_wsr.vecbase */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_wsr_vecbase_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "xsr.vecbase", 183 /* xt_iclass_xsr.vecbase */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_xsr_vecbase_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "mul.aa.ll", 184 /* xt_iclass_mac16_aa */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_mul_aa_ll_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "mul.aa.hl", 184 /* xt_iclass_mac16_aa */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_mul_aa_hl_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "mul.aa.lh", 184 /* xt_iclass_mac16_aa */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_mul_aa_lh_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "mul.aa.hh", 184 /* xt_iclass_mac16_aa */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_mul_aa_hh_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "umul.aa.ll", 184 /* xt_iclass_mac16_aa */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_umul_aa_ll_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "umul.aa.hl", 184 /* xt_iclass_mac16_aa */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_umul_aa_hl_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "umul.aa.lh", 184 /* xt_iclass_mac16_aa */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_umul_aa_lh_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "umul.aa.hh", 184 /* xt_iclass_mac16_aa */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_umul_aa_hh_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "mul.ad.ll", 185 /* xt_iclass_mac16_ad */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_mul_ad_ll_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "mul.ad.hl", 185 /* xt_iclass_mac16_ad */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_mul_ad_hl_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "mul.ad.lh", 185 /* xt_iclass_mac16_ad */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_mul_ad_lh_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "mul.ad.hh", 185 /* xt_iclass_mac16_ad */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_mul_ad_hh_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "mul.da.ll", 186 /* xt_iclass_mac16_da */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_mul_da_ll_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "mul.da.hl", 186 /* xt_iclass_mac16_da */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_mul_da_hl_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "mul.da.lh", 186 /* xt_iclass_mac16_da */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_mul_da_lh_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "mul.da.hh", 186 /* xt_iclass_mac16_da */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_mul_da_hh_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "mul.dd.ll", 187 /* xt_iclass_mac16_dd */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_mul_dd_ll_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "mul.dd.hl", 187 /* xt_iclass_mac16_dd */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_mul_dd_hl_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "mul.dd.lh", 187 /* xt_iclass_mac16_dd */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_mul_dd_lh_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "mul.dd.hh", 187 /* xt_iclass_mac16_dd */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_mul_dd_hh_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "mula.aa.ll", 188 /* xt_iclass_mac16a_aa */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_mula_aa_ll_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "mula.aa.hl", 188 /* xt_iclass_mac16a_aa */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_mula_aa_hl_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "mula.aa.lh", 188 /* xt_iclass_mac16a_aa */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_mula_aa_lh_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "mula.aa.hh", 188 /* xt_iclass_mac16a_aa */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_mula_aa_hh_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "muls.aa.ll", 188 /* xt_iclass_mac16a_aa */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_muls_aa_ll_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "muls.aa.hl", 188 /* xt_iclass_mac16a_aa */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_muls_aa_hl_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "muls.aa.lh", 188 /* xt_iclass_mac16a_aa */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_muls_aa_lh_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "muls.aa.hh", 188 /* xt_iclass_mac16a_aa */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_muls_aa_hh_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "mula.ad.ll", 189 /* xt_iclass_mac16a_ad */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_mula_ad_ll_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "mula.ad.hl", 189 /* xt_iclass_mac16a_ad */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_mula_ad_hl_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "mula.ad.lh", 189 /* xt_iclass_mac16a_ad */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_mula_ad_lh_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "mula.ad.hh", 189 /* xt_iclass_mac16a_ad */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_mula_ad_hh_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "muls.ad.ll", 189 /* xt_iclass_mac16a_ad */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_muls_ad_ll_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "muls.ad.hl", 189 /* xt_iclass_mac16a_ad */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_muls_ad_hl_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "muls.ad.lh", 189 /* xt_iclass_mac16a_ad */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_muls_ad_lh_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "muls.ad.hh", 189 /* xt_iclass_mac16a_ad */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_muls_ad_hh_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "mula.da.ll", 190 /* xt_iclass_mac16a_da */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_mula_da_ll_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "mula.da.hl", 190 /* xt_iclass_mac16a_da */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_mula_da_hl_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "mula.da.lh", 190 /* xt_iclass_mac16a_da */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_mula_da_lh_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "mula.da.hh", 190 /* xt_iclass_mac16a_da */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_mula_da_hh_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "muls.da.ll", 190 /* xt_iclass_mac16a_da */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_muls_da_ll_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "muls.da.hl", 190 /* xt_iclass_mac16a_da */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_muls_da_hl_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "muls.da.lh", 190 /* xt_iclass_mac16a_da */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_muls_da_lh_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "muls.da.hh", 190 /* xt_iclass_mac16a_da */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_muls_da_hh_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "mula.dd.ll", 191 /* xt_iclass_mac16a_dd */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_mula_dd_ll_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "mula.dd.hl", 191 /* xt_iclass_mac16a_dd */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_mula_dd_hl_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "mula.dd.lh", 191 /* xt_iclass_mac16a_dd */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_mula_dd_lh_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "mula.dd.hh", 191 /* xt_iclass_mac16a_dd */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_mula_dd_hh_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "muls.dd.ll", 191 /* xt_iclass_mac16a_dd */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_muls_dd_ll_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "muls.dd.hl", 191 /* xt_iclass_mac16a_dd */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_muls_dd_hl_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "muls.dd.lh", 191 /* xt_iclass_mac16a_dd */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_muls_dd_lh_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "muls.dd.hh", 191 /* xt_iclass_mac16a_dd */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_muls_dd_hh_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "mula.da.ll.lddec", 192 /* xt_iclass_mac16al_da */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_mula_da_ll_lddec_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "mula.da.ll.ldinc", 192 /* xt_iclass_mac16al_da */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_mula_da_ll_ldinc_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "mula.da.hl.lddec", 192 /* xt_iclass_mac16al_da */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_mula_da_hl_lddec_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "mula.da.hl.ldinc", 192 /* xt_iclass_mac16al_da */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_mula_da_hl_ldinc_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "mula.da.lh.lddec", 192 /* xt_iclass_mac16al_da */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_mula_da_lh_lddec_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "mula.da.lh.ldinc", 192 /* xt_iclass_mac16al_da */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_mula_da_lh_ldinc_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "mula.da.hh.lddec", 192 /* xt_iclass_mac16al_da */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_mula_da_hh_lddec_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "mula.da.hh.ldinc", 192 /* xt_iclass_mac16al_da */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_mula_da_hh_ldinc_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "mula.dd.ll.lddec", 193 /* xt_iclass_mac16al_dd */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_mula_dd_ll_lddec_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "mula.dd.ll.ldinc", 193 /* xt_iclass_mac16al_dd */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_mula_dd_ll_ldinc_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "mula.dd.hl.lddec", 193 /* xt_iclass_mac16al_dd */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_mula_dd_hl_lddec_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "mula.dd.hl.ldinc", 193 /* xt_iclass_mac16al_dd */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_mula_dd_hl_ldinc_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "mula.dd.lh.lddec", 193 /* xt_iclass_mac16al_dd */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_mula_dd_lh_lddec_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "mula.dd.lh.ldinc", 193 /* xt_iclass_mac16al_dd */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_mula_dd_lh_ldinc_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "mula.dd.hh.lddec", 193 /* xt_iclass_mac16al_dd */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_mula_dd_hh_lddec_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "mula.dd.hh.ldinc", 193 /* xt_iclass_mac16al_dd */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_mula_dd_hh_ldinc_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "lddec", 194 /* xt_iclass_mac16_l */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_lddec_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "ldinc", 194 /* xt_iclass_mac16_l */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_ldinc_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "mul16u", 195 /* xt_iclass_mul16 */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_mul16u_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "mul16s", 195 /* xt_iclass_mul16 */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_mul16s_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "rsr.m0", 196 /* xt_iclass_rsr.m0 */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_rsr_m0_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "wsr.m0", 197 /* xt_iclass_wsr.m0 */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_wsr_m0_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "xsr.m0", 198 /* xt_iclass_xsr.m0 */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_xsr_m0_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "rsr.m1", 199 /* xt_iclass_rsr.m1 */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_rsr_m1_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "wsr.m1", 200 /* xt_iclass_wsr.m1 */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_wsr_m1_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "xsr.m1", 201 /* xt_iclass_xsr.m1 */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_xsr_m1_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "rsr.m2", 202 /* xt_iclass_rsr.m2 */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_rsr_m2_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "wsr.m2", 203 /* xt_iclass_wsr.m2 */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_wsr_m2_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "xsr.m2", 204 /* xt_iclass_xsr.m2 */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_xsr_m2_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "rsr.m3", 205 /* xt_iclass_rsr.m3 */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_rsr_m3_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "wsr.m3", 206 /* xt_iclass_wsr.m3 */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_wsr_m3_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "xsr.m3", 207 /* xt_iclass_xsr.m3 */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_xsr_m3_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "rsr.acclo", 208 /* xt_iclass_rsr.acclo */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_rsr_acclo_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "wsr.acclo", 209 /* xt_iclass_wsr.acclo */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_wsr_acclo_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "xsr.acclo", 210 /* xt_iclass_xsr.acclo */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_xsr_acclo_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "rsr.acchi", 211 /* xt_iclass_rsr.acchi */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_rsr_acchi_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "wsr.acchi", 212 /* xt_iclass_wsr.acchi */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_wsr_acchi_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "xsr.acchi", 213 /* xt_iclass_xsr.acchi */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_xsr_acchi_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "rfi", 214 /* xt_iclass_rfi */,
-    Opcode_rfi_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "waiti", 215 /* xt_iclass_wait */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_waiti_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "rsr.interrupt", 216 /* xt_iclass_rsr.interrupt */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_rsr_interrupt_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "wsr.intset", 217 /* xt_iclass_wsr.intset */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_wsr_intset_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "wsr.intclear", 218 /* xt_iclass_wsr.intclear */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_wsr_intclear_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "rsr.intenable", 219 /* xt_iclass_rsr.intenable */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_rsr_intenable_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "wsr.intenable", 220 /* xt_iclass_wsr.intenable */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_wsr_intenable_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "xsr.intenable", 221 /* xt_iclass_xsr.intenable */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_xsr_intenable_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "break", 222 /* xt_iclass_break */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_break_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "break.n", 223 /* xt_iclass_break.n */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_break_n_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "rsr.dbreaka0", 224 /* xt_iclass_rsr.dbreaka0 */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_rsr_dbreaka0_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "wsr.dbreaka0", 225 /* xt_iclass_wsr.dbreaka0 */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_wsr_dbreaka0_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "xsr.dbreaka0", 226 /* xt_iclass_xsr.dbreaka0 */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_xsr_dbreaka0_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "rsr.dbreakc0", 227 /* xt_iclass_rsr.dbreakc0 */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_rsr_dbreakc0_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "wsr.dbreakc0", 228 /* xt_iclass_wsr.dbreakc0 */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_wsr_dbreakc0_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "xsr.dbreakc0", 229 /* xt_iclass_xsr.dbreakc0 */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_xsr_dbreakc0_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "rsr.dbreaka1", 230 /* xt_iclass_rsr.dbreaka1 */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_rsr_dbreaka1_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "wsr.dbreaka1", 231 /* xt_iclass_wsr.dbreaka1 */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_wsr_dbreaka1_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "xsr.dbreaka1", 232 /* xt_iclass_xsr.dbreaka1 */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_xsr_dbreaka1_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "rsr.dbreakc1", 233 /* xt_iclass_rsr.dbreakc1 */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_rsr_dbreakc1_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "wsr.dbreakc1", 234 /* xt_iclass_wsr.dbreakc1 */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_wsr_dbreakc1_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "xsr.dbreakc1", 235 /* xt_iclass_xsr.dbreakc1 */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_xsr_dbreakc1_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "rsr.ibreaka0", 236 /* xt_iclass_rsr.ibreaka0 */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_rsr_ibreaka0_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "wsr.ibreaka0", 237 /* xt_iclass_wsr.ibreaka0 */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_wsr_ibreaka0_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "xsr.ibreaka0", 238 /* xt_iclass_xsr.ibreaka0 */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_xsr_ibreaka0_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "rsr.ibreaka1", 239 /* xt_iclass_rsr.ibreaka1 */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_rsr_ibreaka1_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "wsr.ibreaka1", 240 /* xt_iclass_wsr.ibreaka1 */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_wsr_ibreaka1_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "xsr.ibreaka1", 241 /* xt_iclass_xsr.ibreaka1 */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_xsr_ibreaka1_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "rsr.ibreakenable", 242 /* xt_iclass_rsr.ibreakenable */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_rsr_ibreakenable_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "wsr.ibreakenable", 243 /* xt_iclass_wsr.ibreakenable */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_wsr_ibreakenable_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "xsr.ibreakenable", 244 /* xt_iclass_xsr.ibreakenable */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_xsr_ibreakenable_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "rsr.debugcause", 245 /* xt_iclass_rsr.debugcause */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_rsr_debugcause_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "wsr.debugcause", 246 /* xt_iclass_wsr.debugcause */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_wsr_debugcause_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "xsr.debugcause", 247 /* xt_iclass_xsr.debugcause */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_xsr_debugcause_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "rsr.icount", 248 /* xt_iclass_rsr.icount */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_rsr_icount_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "wsr.icount", 249 /* xt_iclass_wsr.icount */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_wsr_icount_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "xsr.icount", 250 /* xt_iclass_xsr.icount */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_xsr_icount_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "rsr.icountlevel", 251 /* xt_iclass_rsr.icountlevel */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_rsr_icountlevel_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "wsr.icountlevel", 252 /* xt_iclass_wsr.icountlevel */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_wsr_icountlevel_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "xsr.icountlevel", 253 /* xt_iclass_xsr.icountlevel */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_xsr_icountlevel_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "rsr.ddr", 254 /* xt_iclass_rsr.ddr */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_rsr_ddr_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "wsr.ddr", 255 /* xt_iclass_wsr.ddr */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_wsr_ddr_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "xsr.ddr", 256 /* xt_iclass_xsr.ddr */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_xsr_ddr_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "rfdo", 257 /* xt_iclass_rfdo */,
-    Opcode_rfdo_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "rfdd", 258 /* xt_iclass_rfdd */,
-    Opcode_rfdd_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "wsr.mmid", 259 /* xt_iclass_wsr.mmid */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_wsr_mmid_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "andb", 260 /* xt_iclass_bbool1 */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_andb_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "andbc", 260 /* xt_iclass_bbool1 */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_andbc_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "orb", 260 /* xt_iclass_bbool1 */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_orb_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "orbc", 260 /* xt_iclass_bbool1 */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_orbc_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "xorb", 260 /* xt_iclass_bbool1 */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_xorb_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "any4", 261 /* xt_iclass_bbool4 */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_any4_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "all4", 261 /* xt_iclass_bbool4 */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_all4_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "any8", 262 /* xt_iclass_bbool8 */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_any8_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "all8", 262 /* xt_iclass_bbool8 */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_all8_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "bf", 263 /* xt_iclass_bbranch */,
-    Opcode_bf_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "bt", 263 /* xt_iclass_bbranch */,
-    Opcode_bt_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "movf", 264 /* xt_iclass_bmove */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_movf_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "movt", 264 /* xt_iclass_bmove */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_movt_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "rsr.br", 265 /* xt_iclass_RSR.BR */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_rsr_br_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "wsr.br", 266 /* xt_iclass_WSR.BR */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_wsr_br_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "xsr.br", 267 /* xt_iclass_XSR.BR */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_xsr_br_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "rsr.ccount", 268 /* xt_iclass_rsr.ccount */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_rsr_ccount_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "wsr.ccount", 269 /* xt_iclass_wsr.ccount */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_wsr_ccount_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "xsr.ccount", 270 /* xt_iclass_xsr.ccount */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_xsr_ccount_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "rsr.ccompare0", 271 /* xt_iclass_rsr.ccompare0 */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_rsr_ccompare0_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "wsr.ccompare0", 272 /* xt_iclass_wsr.ccompare0 */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_wsr_ccompare0_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "xsr.ccompare0", 273 /* xt_iclass_xsr.ccompare0 */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_xsr_ccompare0_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "rsr.ccompare1", 274 /* xt_iclass_rsr.ccompare1 */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_rsr_ccompare1_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "wsr.ccompare1", 275 /* xt_iclass_wsr.ccompare1 */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_wsr_ccompare1_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "xsr.ccompare1", 276 /* xt_iclass_xsr.ccompare1 */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_xsr_ccompare1_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "rsr.ccompare2", 277 /* xt_iclass_rsr.ccompare2 */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_rsr_ccompare2_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "wsr.ccompare2", 278 /* xt_iclass_wsr.ccompare2 */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_wsr_ccompare2_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "xsr.ccompare2", 279 /* xt_iclass_xsr.ccompare2 */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_xsr_ccompare2_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "ipf", 280 /* xt_iclass_icache */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_ipf_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "ihi", 280 /* xt_iclass_icache */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_ihi_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "ipfl", 281 /* xt_iclass_icache_lock */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_ipfl_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "ihu", 281 /* xt_iclass_icache_lock */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_ihu_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "iiu", 281 /* xt_iclass_icache_lock */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_iiu_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "iii", 282 /* xt_iclass_icache_inv */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_iii_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "lict", 283 /* xt_iclass_licx */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_lict_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "licw", 283 /* xt_iclass_licx */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_licw_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "sict", 284 /* xt_iclass_sicx */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_sict_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "sicw", 284 /* xt_iclass_sicx */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_sicw_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "dhwb", 285 /* xt_iclass_dcache */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_dhwb_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "dhwbi", 285 /* xt_iclass_dcache */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_dhwbi_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "diwb", 286 /* xt_iclass_dcache_ind */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_diwb_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "diwbi", 286 /* xt_iclass_dcache_ind */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_diwbi_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "dhi", 287 /* xt_iclass_dcache_inv */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_dhi_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "dii", 287 /* xt_iclass_dcache_inv */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_dii_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "dpfr", 288 /* xt_iclass_dpf */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_dpfr_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "dpfw", 288 /* xt_iclass_dpf */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_dpfw_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "dpfro", 288 /* xt_iclass_dpf */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_dpfro_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "dpfwo", 288 /* xt_iclass_dpf */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_dpfwo_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "dpfl", 289 /* xt_iclass_dcache_lock */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_dpfl_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "dhu", 289 /* xt_iclass_dcache_lock */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_dhu_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "diu", 289 /* xt_iclass_dcache_lock */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_diu_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "sdct", 290 /* xt_iclass_sdct */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_sdct_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "ldct", 291 /* xt_iclass_ldct */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_ldct_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "wsr.ptevaddr", 292 /* xt_iclass_wsr.ptevaddr */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_wsr_ptevaddr_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "rsr.ptevaddr", 293 /* xt_iclass_rsr.ptevaddr */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_rsr_ptevaddr_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "xsr.ptevaddr", 294 /* xt_iclass_xsr.ptevaddr */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_xsr_ptevaddr_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "rsr.rasid", 295 /* xt_iclass_rsr.rasid */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_rsr_rasid_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "wsr.rasid", 296 /* xt_iclass_wsr.rasid */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_wsr_rasid_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "xsr.rasid", 297 /* xt_iclass_xsr.rasid */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_xsr_rasid_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "rsr.itlbcfg", 298 /* xt_iclass_rsr.itlbcfg */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_rsr_itlbcfg_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "wsr.itlbcfg", 299 /* xt_iclass_wsr.itlbcfg */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_wsr_itlbcfg_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "xsr.itlbcfg", 300 /* xt_iclass_xsr.itlbcfg */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_xsr_itlbcfg_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "rsr.dtlbcfg", 301 /* xt_iclass_rsr.dtlbcfg */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_rsr_dtlbcfg_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "wsr.dtlbcfg", 302 /* xt_iclass_wsr.dtlbcfg */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_wsr_dtlbcfg_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "xsr.dtlbcfg", 303 /* xt_iclass_xsr.dtlbcfg */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_xsr_dtlbcfg_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "idtlb", 304 /* xt_iclass_idtlb */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_idtlb_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "pdtlb", 305 /* xt_iclass_rdtlb */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_pdtlb_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "rdtlb0", 305 /* xt_iclass_rdtlb */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_rdtlb0_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "rdtlb1", 305 /* xt_iclass_rdtlb */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_rdtlb1_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "wdtlb", 306 /* xt_iclass_wdtlb */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_wdtlb_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "iitlb", 307 /* xt_iclass_iitlb */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_iitlb_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "pitlb", 308 /* xt_iclass_ritlb */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_pitlb_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "ritlb0", 308 /* xt_iclass_ritlb */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_ritlb0_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "ritlb1", 308 /* xt_iclass_ritlb */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_ritlb1_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "witlb", 309 /* xt_iclass_witlb */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_witlb_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "ldpte", 310 /* xt_iclass_ldpte */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_ldpte_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "hwwitlba", 311 /* xt_iclass_hwwitlba */,
-    Opcode_hwwitlba_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "hwwdtlba", 312 /* xt_iclass_hwwdtlba */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_hwwdtlba_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "rsr.cpenable", 313 /* xt_iclass_rsr.cpenable */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_rsr_cpenable_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "wsr.cpenable", 314 /* xt_iclass_wsr.cpenable */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_wsr_cpenable_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "xsr.cpenable", 315 /* xt_iclass_xsr.cpenable */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_xsr_cpenable_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "clamps", 316 /* xt_iclass_clamp */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_clamps_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "min", 317 /* xt_iclass_minmax */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_min_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "max", 317 /* xt_iclass_minmax */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_max_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "minu", 317 /* xt_iclass_minmax */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_minu_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "maxu", 317 /* xt_iclass_minmax */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_maxu_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "nsa", 318 /* xt_iclass_nsa */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_nsa_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "nsau", 318 /* xt_iclass_nsa */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_nsau_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "sext", 319 /* xt_iclass_sx */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_sext_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "l32ai", 320 /* xt_iclass_l32ai */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_l32ai_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "s32ri", 321 /* xt_iclass_s32ri */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_s32ri_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "s32c1i", 322 /* xt_iclass_s32c1i */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_s32c1i_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "rsr.scompare1", 323 /* xt_iclass_rsr.scompare1 */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_rsr_scompare1_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "wsr.scompare1", 324 /* xt_iclass_wsr.scompare1 */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_wsr_scompare1_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "xsr.scompare1", 325 /* xt_iclass_xsr.scompare1 */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_xsr_scompare1_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "quou", 326 /* xt_iclass_div */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_quou_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "quos", 326 /* xt_iclass_div */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_quos_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "remu", 326 /* xt_iclass_div */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_remu_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "rems", 326 /* xt_iclass_div */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_rems_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "mull", 327 /* xt_mul32 */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_mull_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "muluh", 327 /* xt_mul32 */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_muluh_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "mulsh", 327 /* xt_mul32 */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_mulsh_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "rur.fcr", 328 /* rur_fcr */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_rur_fcr_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "wur.fcr", 329 /* wur_fcr */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_wur_fcr_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "rur.fsr", 330 /* rur_fsr */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_rur_fsr_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "wur.fsr", 331 /* wur_fsr */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_wur_fsr_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "add.s", 332 /* fp */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_add_s_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "sub.s", 332 /* fp */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_sub_s_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "mul.s", 332 /* fp */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_mul_s_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "madd.s", 333 /* fp_mac */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_madd_s_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "msub.s", 333 /* fp_mac */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_msub_s_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "movf.s", 334 /* fp_cmov */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_movf_s_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "movt.s", 334 /* fp_cmov */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_movt_s_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "moveqz.s", 335 /* fp_mov */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_moveqz_s_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "movnez.s", 335 /* fp_mov */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_movnez_s_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "movltz.s", 335 /* fp_mov */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_movltz_s_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "movgez.s", 335 /* fp_mov */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_movgez_s_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "abs.s", 336 /* fp_mov2 */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_abs_s_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "mov.s", 336 /* fp_mov2 */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_mov_s_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "neg.s", 336 /* fp_mov2 */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_neg_s_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "un.s", 337 /* fp_cmp */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_un_s_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "oeq.s", 337 /* fp_cmp */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_oeq_s_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "ueq.s", 337 /* fp_cmp */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_ueq_s_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "olt.s", 337 /* fp_cmp */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_olt_s_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "ult.s", 337 /* fp_cmp */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_ult_s_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "ole.s", 337 /* fp_cmp */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_ole_s_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "ule.s", 337 /* fp_cmp */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_ule_s_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "float.s", 338 /* fp_float */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_float_s_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "ufloat.s", 338 /* fp_float */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_ufloat_s_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "round.s", 339 /* fp_int */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_round_s_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "ceil.s", 339 /* fp_int */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_ceil_s_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "floor.s", 339 /* fp_int */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_floor_s_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "trunc.s", 339 /* fp_int */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_trunc_s_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "utrunc.s", 339 /* fp_int */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_utrunc_s_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "rfr", 340 /* fp_rfr */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_rfr_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "wfr", 341 /* fp_wfr */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_wfr_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "lsi", 342 /* fp_lsi */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_lsi_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "lsiu", 343 /* fp_lsiu */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_lsiu_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "lsx", 344 /* fp_lsx */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_lsx_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "lsxu", 345 /* fp_lsxu */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_lsxu_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "ssi", 346 /* fp_ssi */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_ssi_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "ssiu", 347 /* fp_ssiu */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_ssiu_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "ssx", 348 /* fp_ssx */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_ssx_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "ssxu", 349 /* fp_ssxu */,
-    0,
-    Opcode_ssxu_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "beqz.w18", 350 /* xt_iclass_wb18_0 */,
-    Opcode_beqz_w18_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "bnez.w18", 350 /* xt_iclass_wb18_0 */,
-    Opcode_bnez_w18_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "bgez.w18", 350 /* xt_iclass_wb18_0 */,
-    Opcode_bgez_w18_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "bltz.w18", 350 /* xt_iclass_wb18_0 */,
-    Opcode_bltz_w18_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "beqi.w18", 351 /* xt_iclass_wb18_1 */,
-    Opcode_beqi_w18_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "bnei.w18", 351 /* xt_iclass_wb18_1 */,
-    Opcode_bnei_w18_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "bgei.w18", 351 /* xt_iclass_wb18_1 */,
-    Opcode_bgei_w18_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "blti.w18", 351 /* xt_iclass_wb18_1 */,
-    Opcode_blti_w18_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "bgeui.w18", 352 /* xt_iclass_wb18_2 */,
-    Opcode_bgeui_w18_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "bltui.w18", 352 /* xt_iclass_wb18_2 */,
-    Opcode_bltui_w18_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "bbci.w18", 353 /* xt_iclass_wb18_3 */,
-    Opcode_bbci_w18_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "bbsi.w18", 353 /* xt_iclass_wb18_3 */,
-    Opcode_bbsi_w18_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "beq.w18", 354 /* xt_iclass_wb18_4 */,
-    Opcode_beq_w18_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "bne.w18", 354 /* xt_iclass_wb18_4 */,
-    Opcode_bne_w18_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "bge.w18", 354 /* xt_iclass_wb18_4 */,
-    Opcode_bge_w18_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "blt.w18", 354 /* xt_iclass_wb18_4 */,
-    Opcode_blt_w18_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "bgeu.w18", 354 /* xt_iclass_wb18_4 */,
-    Opcode_bgeu_w18_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "bltu.w18", 354 /* xt_iclass_wb18_4 */,
-    Opcode_bltu_w18_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "bany.w18", 354 /* xt_iclass_wb18_4 */,
-    Opcode_bany_w18_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "bnone.w18", 354 /* xt_iclass_wb18_4 */,
-    Opcode_bnone_w18_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "ball.w18", 354 /* xt_iclass_wb18_4 */,
-    Opcode_ball_w18_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "bnall.w18", 354 /* xt_iclass_wb18_4 */,
-    Opcode_bnall_w18_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "bbc.w18", 354 /* xt_iclass_wb18_4 */,
-    Opcode_bbc_w18_encode_fns, 0, 0 },
-  { "bbs.w18", 354 /* xt_iclass_wb18_4 */,
-    Opcode_bbs_w18_encode_fns, 0, 0 }
-/* Slot-specific opcode decode functions.  */
-static int
-Slot_inst_decode (const xtensa_insnbuf insn)
-  switch (Field_op0_Slot_inst_get (insn))
-    {
-    case 0:
-      switch (Field_op1_Slot_inst_get (insn))
-	{
-	case 0:
-	  switch (Field_op2_Slot_inst_get (insn))
-	    {
-	    case 0:
-	      switch (Field_r_Slot_inst_get (insn))
-		{
-		case 0:
-		  switch (Field_m_Slot_inst_get (insn))
-		    {
-		    case 0:
-			    if (Field_s_Slot_inst_get (insn) == 0 &&
-				    Field_n_Slot_inst_get (insn) == 0) {
-				    return 79; /* ill */
-			    }
-			    break;
-		    case 2:
-		      switch (Field_n_Slot_inst_get (insn))
-			{
-			case 0:
-			  return 98; /* ret */
-			case 1:
-			  return 14; /* retw */
-			case 2:
-			  return 81; /* jx */
-			}
-		      break;
-		    case 3:
-		      switch (Field_n_Slot_inst_get (insn))
-			{
-			case 0:
-			  return 77; /* callx0 */
-			case 1:
-			  return 10; /* callx4 */
-			case 2:
-			  return 9; /* callx8 */
-			case 3:
-			  return 8; /* callx12 */
-			}
-		      break;
-		    }
-		  break;
-		case 1:
-		  return 12; /* movsp */
-		case 2:
-		  if (Field_s_Slot_inst_get (insn) == 0)
-		    {
-		      switch (Field_t_Slot_inst_get (insn))
-			{
-			case 0:
-			  return 116; /* isync */
-			case 1:
-			  return 117; /* rsync */
-			case 2:
-			  return 118; /* esync */
-			case 3:
-			  return 119; /* dsync */
-			case 8:
-			  return 0; /* excw */
-			case 12:
-			  return 114; /* memw */
-			case 13:
-			  return 115; /* extw */
-			case 15:
-			  return 97; /* nop */
-			}
-		    }
-		  break;
-		case 3:
-		  switch (Field_t_Slot_inst_get (insn))
-		    {
-		    case 0:
-		      switch (Field_s_Slot_inst_get (insn))
-			{
-			case 0:
-			  return 1; /* rfe */
-			case 2:
-			  return 2; /* rfde */
-			case 4:
-			  return 16; /* rfwo */
-			case 5:
-			  return 17; /* rfwu */
-			}
-		      break;
-		    case 1:
-		      return 316; /* rfi */
-		    }
-		  break;
-		case 4:
-		  return 324; /* break */
-		case 5:
-		  switch (Field_s_Slot_inst_get (insn))
-		    {
-		    case 0:
-			    if (Field_t_Slot_inst_get (insn) == 0) {
-				    return 3; /* syscall */
-			    }
-			    break;
-		    case 1:
-			    if (Field_t_Slot_inst_get (insn) == 0) {
-				    return 4; /* simcall */
-			    }
-			    break;
-		    }
-		  break;
-		case 6:
-		  return 120; /* rsil */
-		case 7:
-			if (Field_t_Slot_inst_get (insn) == 0) {
-				return 317; /* waiti */
-			}
-			break;
-		case 8:
-		  return 367; /* any4 */
-		case 9:
-		  return 368; /* all4 */
-		case 10:
-		  return 369; /* any8 */
-		case 11:
-		  return 370; /* all8 */
-		}
-	      break;
-	    case 1:
-	      return 49; /* and */
-	    case 2:
-	      return 50; /* or */
-	    case 3:
-	      return 51; /* xor */
-	    case 4:
-	      switch (Field_r_Slot_inst_get (insn))
-		{
-		case 0:
-			if (Field_t_Slot_inst_get (insn) == 0) {
-				return 102; /* ssr */
-			}
-			break;
-		case 1:
-			if (Field_t_Slot_inst_get (insn) == 0) {
-				return 103; /* ssl */
-			}
-			break;
-		case 2:
-			if (Field_t_Slot_inst_get (insn) == 0) {
-				return 104; /* ssa8l */
-			}
-			break;
-		case 3:
-			if (Field_t_Slot_inst_get (insn) == 0) {
-				return 105; /* ssa8b */
-			}
-			break;
-		case 4:
-			if (Field_thi3_Slot_inst_get (insn) == 0) {
-				return 106; /* ssai */
-			}
-			break;
-		case 8:
-			if (Field_s_Slot_inst_get (insn) == 0) {
-				return 13; /* rotw */
-			}
-			break;
-		case 14:
-		  return 448; /* nsa */
-		case 15:
-		  return 449; /* nsau */
-		}
-	      break;
-	    case 5:
-	      switch (Field_r_Slot_inst_get (insn))
-		{
-		case 1:
-		  return 438; /* hwwitlba */
-		case 3:
-		  return 434; /* ritlb0 */
-		case 4:
-			if (Field_t_Slot_inst_get (insn) == 0) {
-				return 432; /* iitlb */
-			}
-			break;
-		case 5:
-		  return 433; /* pitlb */
-		case 6:
-		  return 436; /* witlb */
-		case 7:
-		  return 435; /* ritlb1 */
-		case 9:
-		  return 439; /* hwwdtlba */
-		case 11:
-		  return 429; /* rdtlb0 */
-		case 12:
-			if (Field_t_Slot_inst_get (insn) == 0) {
-				return 427; /* idtlb */
-			}
-			break;
-		case 13:
-		  return 428; /* pdtlb */
-		case 14:
-		  return 431; /* wdtlb */
-		case 15:
-		  return 430; /* rdtlb1 */
-		}
-	      break;
-	    case 6:
-	      switch (Field_s_Slot_inst_get (insn))
-		{
-		case 0:
-		  return 95; /* neg */
-		case 1:
-		  return 96; /* abs */
-		}
-	      break;
-	    case 8:
-	      return 41; /* add */
-	    case 9:
-	      return 43; /* addx2 */
-	    case 10:
-	      return 44; /* addx4 */
-	    case 11:
-	      return 45; /* addx8 */
-	    case 12:
-	      return 42; /* sub */
-	    case 13:
-	      return 46; /* subx2 */
-	    case 14:
-	      return 47; /* subx4 */
-	    case 15:
-	      return 48; /* subx8 */
-	    }
-	  break;
-	case 1:
-	  switch (Field_op2_Slot_inst_get (insn))
-	    {
-	    case 0:
-	    case 1:
-	      return 111; /* slli */
-	    case 2:
-	    case 3:
-	      return 112; /* srai */
-	    case 4:
-	      return 113; /* srli */
-	    case 6:
-	      switch (Field_sr_Slot_inst_get (insn))
-		{
-		case 0:
-		  return 129; /* xsr.lbeg */
-		case 1:
-		  return 123; /* xsr.lend */
-		case 2:
-		  return 126; /* xsr.lcount */
-		case 3:
-		  return 132; /* xsr.sar */
-		case 4:
-		  return 377; /* xsr.br */
-		case 5:
-		  return 135; /* xsr.litbase */
-		case 12:
-		  return 456; /* xsr.scompare1 */
-		case 16:
-		  return 312; /* xsr.acclo */
-		case 17:
-		  return 315; /* xsr.acchi */
-		case 32:
-		  return 300; /* xsr.m0 */
-		case 33:
-		  return 303; /* xsr.m1 */
-		case 34:
-		  return 306; /* xsr.m2 */
-		case 35:
-		  return 309; /* xsr.m3 */
-		case 72:
-		  return 22; /* xsr.windowbase */
-		case 73:
-		  return 25; /* xsr.windowstart */
-		case 83:
-		  return 417; /* xsr.ptevaddr */
-		case 90:
-		  return 420; /* xsr.rasid */
-		case 91:
-		  return 423; /* xsr.itlbcfg */
-		case 92:
-		  return 426; /* xsr.dtlbcfg */
-		case 96:
-		  return 346; /* xsr.ibreakenable */
-		case 104:
-		  return 358; /* xsr.ddr */
-		case 128:
-		  return 340; /* xsr.ibreaka0 */
-		case 129:
-		  return 343; /* xsr.ibreaka1 */
-		case 144:
-		  return 328; /* xsr.dbreaka0 */
-		case 145:
-		  return 334; /* xsr.dbreaka1 */
-		case 160:
-		  return 331; /* xsr.dbreakc0 */
-		case 161:
-		  return 337; /* xsr.dbreakc1 */
-		case 177:
-		  return 143; /* xsr.epc1 */
-		case 178:
-		  return 149; /* xsr.epc2 */
-		case 179:
-		  return 155; /* xsr.epc3 */
-		case 180:
-		  return 161; /* xsr.epc4 */
-		case 181:
-		  return 167; /* xsr.epc5 */
-		case 182:
-		  return 173; /* xsr.epc6 */
-		case 183:
-		  return 179; /* xsr.epc7 */
-		case 192:
-		  return 206; /* xsr.depc */
-		case 194:
-		  return 185; /* xsr.eps2 */
-		case 195:
-		  return 188; /* xsr.eps3 */
-		case 196:
-		  return 191; /* xsr.eps4 */
-		case 197:
-		  return 194; /* xsr.eps5 */
-		case 198:
-		  return 197; /* xsr.eps6 */
-		case 199:
-		  return 200; /* xsr.eps7 */
-		case 209:
-		  return 146; /* xsr.excsave1 */
-		case 210:
-		  return 152; /* xsr.excsave2 */
-		case 211:
-		  return 158; /* xsr.excsave3 */
-		case 212:
-		  return 164; /* xsr.excsave4 */
-		case 213:
-		  return 170; /* xsr.excsave5 */
-		case 214:
-		  return 176; /* xsr.excsave6 */
-		case 215:
-		  return 182; /* xsr.excsave7 */
-		case 224:
-		  return 442; /* xsr.cpenable */
-		case 228:
-		  return 323; /* xsr.intenable */
-		case 230:
-		  return 140; /* xsr.ps */
-		case 231:
-		  return 225; /* xsr.vecbase */
-		case 232:
-		  return 209; /* xsr.exccause */
-		case 233:
-		  return 349; /* xsr.debugcause */
-		case 234:
-		  return 380; /* xsr.ccount */
-		case 236:
-		  return 352; /* xsr.icount */
-		case 237:
-		  return 355; /* xsr.icountlevel */
-		case 238:
-		  return 203; /* xsr.excvaddr */
-		case 240:
-		  return 383; /* xsr.ccompare0 */
-		case 241:
-		  return 386; /* xsr.ccompare1 */
-		case 242:
-		  return 389; /* xsr.ccompare2 */
-		case 244:
-		  return 212; /* xsr.misc0 */
-		case 245:
-		  return 215; /* xsr.misc1 */
-		case 246:
-		  return 218; /* xsr.misc2 */
-		case 247:
-		  return 221; /* xsr.misc3 */
-		}
-	      break;
-	    case 8:
-	      return 108; /* src */
-	    case 9:
-		    if (Field_s_Slot_inst_get (insn) == 0) {
-			    return 109; /* srl */
-		    }
-		    break;
-	    case 10:
-		    if (Field_t_Slot_inst_get (insn) == 0) {
-			    return 107; /* sll */
-		    }
-		    break;
-	    case 11:
-		    if (Field_s_Slot_inst_get (insn) == 0) {
-			    return 110; /* sra */
-		    }
-		    break;
-	    case 12:
-	      return 296; /* mul16u */
-	    case 13:
-	      return 297; /* mul16s */
-	    case 15:
-	      switch (Field_r_Slot_inst_get (insn))
-		{
-		case 0:
-		  return 396; /* lict */
-		case 1:
-		  return 398; /* sict */
-		case 2:
-		  return 397; /* licw */
-		case 3:
-		  return 399; /* sicw */
-		case 8:
-		  return 414; /* ldct */
-		case 9:
-		  return 413; /* sdct */
-		case 14:
-			if (Field_t_Slot_inst_get (insn) == 0) {
-				return 359; /* rfdo */
-			}
-			if (Field_t_Slot_inst_get (insn) == 1) {
-				return 360; /* rfdd */
-			}
-			break;
-		case 15:
-		  return 437; /* ldpte */
-		}
-	      break;
-	    }
-	  break;
-	case 2:
-	  switch (Field_op2_Slot_inst_get (insn))
-	    {
-	    case 0:
-	      return 362; /* andb */
-	    case 1:
-	      return 363; /* andbc */
-	    case 2:
-	      return 364; /* orb */
-	    case 3:
-	      return 365; /* orbc */
-	    case 4:
-	      return 366; /* xorb */
-	    case 8:
-	      return 461; /* mull */
-	    case 10:
-	      return 462; /* muluh */
-	    case 11:
-	      return 463; /* mulsh */
-	    case 12:
-	      return 457; /* quou */
-	    case 13:
-	      return 458; /* quos */
-	    case 14:
-	      return 459; /* remu */
-	    case 15:
-	      return 460; /* rems */
-	    }
-	  break;
-	case 3:
-	  switch (Field_op2_Slot_inst_get (insn))
-	    {
-	    case 0:
-	      switch (Field_sr_Slot_inst_get (insn))
-		{
-		case 0:
-		  return 127; /* rsr.lbeg */
-		case 1:
-		  return 121; /* rsr.lend */
-		case 2:
-		  return 124; /* rsr.lcount */
-		case 3:
-		  return 130; /* rsr.sar */
-		case 4:
-		  return 375; /* rsr.br */
-		case 5:
-		  return 133; /* rsr.litbase */
-		case 12:
-		  return 454; /* rsr.scompare1 */
-		case 16:
-		  return 310; /* rsr.acclo */
-		case 17:
-		  return 313; /* rsr.acchi */
-		case 32:
-		  return 298; /* rsr.m0 */
-		case 33:
-		  return 301; /* rsr.m1 */
-		case 34:
-		  return 304; /* rsr.m2 */
-		case 35:
-		  return 307; /* rsr.m3 */
-		case 72:
-		  return 20; /* rsr.windowbase */
-		case 73:
-		  return 23; /* rsr.windowstart */
-		case 83:
-		  return 416; /* rsr.ptevaddr */
-		case 90:
-		  return 418; /* rsr.rasid */
-		case 91:
-		  return 421; /* rsr.itlbcfg */
-		case 92:
-		  return 424; /* rsr.dtlbcfg */
-		case 96:
-		  return 344; /* rsr.ibreakenable */
-		case 104:
-		  return 356; /* rsr.ddr */
-		case 128:
-		  return 338; /* rsr.ibreaka0 */
-		case 129:
-		  return 341; /* rsr.ibreaka1 */
-		case 144:
-		  return 326; /* rsr.dbreaka0 */
-		case 145:
-		  return 332; /* rsr.dbreaka1 */
-		case 160:
-		  return 329; /* rsr.dbreakc0 */
-		case 161:
-		  return 335; /* rsr.dbreakc1 */
-		case 176:
-		  return 136; /* rsr.176 */
-		case 177:
-		  return 141; /* rsr.epc1 */
-		case 178:
-		  return 147; /* rsr.epc2 */
-		case 179:
-		  return 153; /* rsr.epc3 */
-		case 180:
-		  return 159; /* rsr.epc4 */
-		case 181:
-		  return 165; /* rsr.epc5 */
-		case 182:
-		  return 171; /* rsr.epc6 */
-		case 183:
-		  return 177; /* rsr.epc7 */
-		case 192:
-		  return 204; /* rsr.depc */
-		case 194:
-		  return 183; /* rsr.eps2 */
-		case 195:
-		  return 186; /* rsr.eps3 */
-		case 196:
-		  return 189; /* rsr.eps4 */
-		case 197:
-		  return 192; /* rsr.eps5 */
-		case 198:
-		  return 195; /* rsr.eps6 */
-		case 199:
-		  return 198; /* rsr.eps7 */
-		case 208:
-		  return 137; /* rsr.208 */
-		case 209:
-		  return 144; /* rsr.excsave1 */
-		case 210:
-		  return 150; /* rsr.excsave2 */
-		case 211:
-		  return 156; /* rsr.excsave3 */
-		case 212:
-		  return 162; /* rsr.excsave4 */
-		case 213:
-		  return 168; /* rsr.excsave5 */
-		case 214:
-		  return 174; /* rsr.excsave6 */
-		case 215:
-		  return 180; /* rsr.excsave7 */
-		case 224:
-		  return 440; /* rsr.cpenable */
-		case 226:
-		  return 318; /* rsr.interrupt */
-		case 228:
-		  return 321; /* rsr.intenable */
-		case 230:
-		  return 138; /* rsr.ps */
-		case 231:
-		  return 223; /* rsr.vecbase */
-		case 232:
-		  return 207; /* rsr.exccause */
-		case 233:
-		  return 347; /* rsr.debugcause */
-		case 234:
-		  return 378; /* rsr.ccount */
-		case 235:
-		  return 222; /* rsr.prid */
-		case 236:
-		  return 350; /* rsr.icount */
-		case 237:
-		  return 353; /* rsr.icountlevel */
-		case 238:
-		  return 201; /* rsr.excvaddr */
-		case 240:
-		  return 381; /* rsr.ccompare0 */
-		case 241:
-		  return 384; /* rsr.ccompare1 */
-		case 242:
-		  return 387; /* rsr.ccompare2 */
-		case 244:
-		  return 210; /* rsr.misc0 */
-		case 245:
-		  return 213; /* rsr.misc1 */
-		case 246:
-		  return 216; /* rsr.misc2 */
-		case 247:
-		  return 219; /* rsr.misc3 */
-		}
-	      break;
-	    case 1:
-	      switch (Field_sr_Slot_inst_get (insn))
-		{
-		case 0:
-		  return 128; /* wsr.lbeg */
-		case 1:
-		  return 122; /* wsr.lend */
-		case 2:
-		  return 125; /* wsr.lcount */
-		case 3:
-		  return 131; /* wsr.sar */
-		case 4:
-		  return 376; /* wsr.br */
-		case 5:
-		  return 134; /* wsr.litbase */
-		case 12:
-		  return 455; /* wsr.scompare1 */
-		case 16:
-		  return 311; /* wsr.acclo */
-		case 17:
-		  return 314; /* wsr.acchi */
-		case 32:
-		  return 299; /* wsr.m0 */
-		case 33:
-		  return 302; /* wsr.m1 */
-		case 34:
-		  return 305; /* wsr.m2 */
-		case 35:
-		  return 308; /* wsr.m3 */
-		case 72:
-		  return 21; /* wsr.windowbase */
-		case 73:
-		  return 24; /* wsr.windowstart */
-		case 83:
-		  return 415; /* wsr.ptevaddr */
-		case 89:
-		  return 361; /* wsr.mmid */
-		case 90:
-		  return 419; /* wsr.rasid */
-		case 91:
-		  return 422; /* wsr.itlbcfg */
-		case 92:
-		  return 425; /* wsr.dtlbcfg */
-		case 96:
-		  return 345; /* wsr.ibreakenable */
-		case 104:
-		  return 357; /* wsr.ddr */
-		case 128:
-		  return 339; /* wsr.ibreaka0 */
-		case 129:
-		  return 342; /* wsr.ibreaka1 */
-		case 144:
-		  return 327; /* wsr.dbreaka0 */
-		case 145:
-		  return 333; /* wsr.dbreaka1 */
-		case 160:
-		  return 330; /* wsr.dbreakc0 */
-		case 161:
-		  return 336; /* wsr.dbreakc1 */
-		case 177:
-		  return 142; /* wsr.epc1 */
-		case 178:
-		  return 148; /* wsr.epc2 */
-		case 179:
-		  return 154; /* wsr.epc3 */
-		case 180:
-		  return 160; /* wsr.epc4 */
-		case 181:
-		  return 166; /* wsr.epc5 */
-		case 182:
-		  return 172; /* wsr.epc6 */
-		case 183:
-		  return 178; /* wsr.epc7 */
-		case 192:
-		  return 205; /* wsr.depc */
-		case 194:
-		  return 184; /* wsr.eps2 */
-		case 195:
-		  return 187; /* wsr.eps3 */
-		case 196:
-		  return 190; /* wsr.eps4 */
-		case 197:
-		  return 193; /* wsr.eps5 */
-		case 198:
-		  return 196; /* wsr.eps6 */
-		case 199:
-		  return 199; /* wsr.eps7 */
-		case 209:
-		  return 145; /* wsr.excsave1 */
-		case 210:
-		  return 151; /* wsr.excsave2 */
-		case 211:
-		  return 157; /* wsr.excsave3 */
-		case 212:
-		  return 163; /* wsr.excsave4 */
-		case 213:
-		  return 169; /* wsr.excsave5 */
-		case 214:
-		  return 175; /* wsr.excsave6 */
-		case 215:
-		  return 181; /* wsr.excsave7 */
-		case 224:
-		  return 441; /* wsr.cpenable */
-		case 226:
-		  return 319; /* wsr.intset */
-		case 227:
-		  return 320; /* wsr.intclear */
-		case 228:
-		  return 322; /* wsr.intenable */
-		case 230:
-		  return 139; /* wsr.ps */
-		case 231:
-		  return 224; /* wsr.vecbase */
-		case 232:
-		  return 208; /* wsr.exccause */
-		case 233:
-		  return 348; /* wsr.debugcause */
-		case 234:
-		  return 379; /* wsr.ccount */
-		case 236:
-		  return 351; /* wsr.icount */
-		case 237:
-		  return 354; /* wsr.icountlevel */
-		case 238:
-		  return 202; /* wsr.excvaddr */
-		case 240:
-		  return 382; /* wsr.ccompare0 */
-		case 241:
-		  return 385; /* wsr.ccompare1 */
-		case 242:
-		  return 388; /* wsr.ccompare2 */
-		case 244:
-		  return 211; /* wsr.misc0 */
-		case 245:
-		  return 214; /* wsr.misc1 */
-		case 246:
-		  return 217; /* wsr.misc2 */
-		case 247:
-		  return 220; /* wsr.misc3 */
-		}
-	      break;
-	    case 2:
-	      return 450; /* sext */
-	    case 3:
-	      return 443; /* clamps */
-	    case 4:
-	      return 444; /* min */
-	    case 5:
-	      return 445; /* max */
-	    case 6:
-	      return 446; /* minu */
-	    case 7:
-	      return 447; /* maxu */
-	    case 8:
-	      return 91; /* moveqz */
-	    case 9:
-	      return 92; /* movnez */
-	    case 10:
-	      return 93; /* movltz */
-	    case 11:
-	      return 94; /* movgez */
-	    case 12:
-	      return 373; /* movf */
-	    case 13:
-	      return 374; /* movt */
-	    case 14:
-	      switch (Field_st_Slot_inst_get (insn))
-		{
-		case 231:
-		  return 37; /* rur.threadptr */
-		case 232:
-		  return 464; /* rur.fcr */
-		case 233:
-		  return 466; /* rur.fsr */
-		}
-	      break;
-	    case 15:
-	      switch (Field_sr_Slot_inst_get (insn))
-		{
-		case 231:
-		  return 38; /* wur.threadptr */
-		case 232:
-		  return 465; /* wur.fcr */
-		case 233:
-		  return 467; /* wur.fsr */
-		}
-	      break;
-	    }
-	  break;
-	case 4:
-	case 5:
-	  return 78; /* extui */
-	case 8:
-	  switch (Field_op2_Slot_inst_get (insn))
-	    {
-	    case 0:
-	      return 500; /* lsx */
-	    case 1:
-	      return 501; /* lsxu */
-	    case 4:
-	      return 504; /* ssx */
-	    case 5:
-	      return 505; /* ssxu */
-	    }
-	  break;
-	case 9:
-	  switch (Field_op2_Slot_inst_get (insn))
-	    {
-	    case 0:
-	      return 18; /* l32e */
-	    case 4:
-	      return 19; /* s32e */
-	    }
-	  break;
-	case 10:
-	  switch (Field_op2_Slot_inst_get (insn))
-	    {
-	    case 0:
-	      return 468; /* add.s */
-	    case 1:
-	      return 469; /* sub.s */
-	    case 2:
-	      return 470; /* mul.s */
-	    case 4:
-	      return 471; /* madd.s */
-	    case 5:
-	      return 472; /* msub.s */
-	    case 8:
-	      return 491; /* round.s */
-	    case 9:
-	      return 494; /* trunc.s */
-	    case 10:
-	      return 493; /* floor.s */
-	    case 11:
-	      return 492; /* ceil.s */
-	    case 12:
-	      return 489; /* float.s */
-	    case 13:
-	      return 490; /* ufloat.s */
-	    case 14:
-	      return 495; /* utrunc.s */
-	    case 15:
-	      switch (Field_t_Slot_inst_get (insn))
-		{
-		case 0:
-		  return 480; /* mov.s */
-		case 1:
-		  return 479; /* abs.s */
-		case 4:
-		  return 496; /* rfr */
-		case 5:
-		  return 497; /* wfr */
-		case 6:
-		  return 481; /* neg.s */
-		}
-	      break;
-	    }
-	  break;
-	case 11:
-	  switch (Field_op2_Slot_inst_get (insn))
-	    {
-	    case 1:
-	      return 482; /* un.s */
-	    case 2:
-	      return 483; /* oeq.s */
-	    case 3:
-	      return 484; /* ueq.s */
-	    case 4:
-	      return 485; /* olt.s */
-	    case 5:
-	      return 486; /* ult.s */
-	    case 6:
-	      return 487; /* ole.s */
-	    case 7:
-	      return 488; /* ule.s */
-	    case 8:
-	      return 475; /* moveqz.s */
-	    case 9:
-	      return 476; /* movnez.s */
-	    case 10:
-	      return 477; /* movltz.s */
-	    case 11:
-	      return 478; /* movgez.s */
-	    case 12:
-	      return 473; /* movf.s */
-	    case 13:
-	      return 474; /* movt.s */
-	    }
-	  break;
-	}
-      break;
-    case 1:
-      return 85; /* l32r */
-    case 2:
-      switch (Field_r_Slot_inst_get (insn))
-	{
-	case 0:
-	  return 86; /* l8ui */
-	case 1:
-	  return 82; /* l16ui */
-	case 2:
-	  return 84; /* l32i */
-	case 4:
-	  return 101; /* s8i */
-	case 5:
-	  return 99; /* s16i */
-	case 6:
-	  return 100; /* s32i */
-	case 7:
-	  switch (Field_t_Slot_inst_get (insn))
-	    {
-	    case 0:
-	      return 406; /* dpfr */
-	    case 1:
-	      return 407; /* dpfw */
-	    case 2:
-	      return 408; /* dpfro */
-	    case 3:
-	      return 409; /* dpfwo */
-	    case 4:
-	      return 400; /* dhwb */
-	    case 5:
-	      return 401; /* dhwbi */
-	    case 6:
-	      return 404; /* dhi */
-	    case 7:
-	      return 405; /* dii */
-	    case 8:
-	      switch (Field_op1_Slot_inst_get (insn))
-		{
-		case 0:
-		  return 410; /* dpfl */
-		case 2:
-		  return 411; /* dhu */
-		case 3:
-		  return 412; /* diu */
-		case 4:
-		  return 402; /* diwb */
-		case 5:
-		  return 403; /* diwbi */
-		}
-	      break;
-	    case 12:
-	      return 390; /* ipf */
-	    case 13:
-	      switch (Field_op1_Slot_inst_get (insn))
-		{
-		case 0:
-		  return 392; /* ipfl */
-		case 2:
-		  return 393; /* ihu */
-		case 3:
-		  return 394; /* iiu */
-		}
-	      break;
-	    case 14:
-	      return 391; /* ihi */
-	    case 15:
-	      return 395; /* iii */
-	    }
-	  break;
-	case 9:
-	  return 83; /* l16si */
-	case 10:
-	  return 90; /* movi */
-	case 11:
-	  return 451; /* l32ai */
-	case 12:
-	  return 39; /* addi */
-	case 13:
-	  return 40; /* addmi */
-	case 14:
-	  return 453; /* s32c1i */
-	case 15:
-	  return 452; /* s32ri */
-	}
-      break;
-    case 3:
-      switch (Field_r_Slot_inst_get (insn))
-	{
-	case 0:
-	  return 498; /* lsi */
-	case 4:
-	  return 502; /* ssi */
-	case 8:
-	  return 499; /* lsiu */
-	case 12:
-	  return 503; /* ssiu */
-	}
-      break;
-    case 4:
-      switch (Field_op2_Slot_inst_get (insn))
-	{
-	case 0:
-	  switch (Field_op1_Slot_inst_get (insn))
-	    {
-	    case 8:
-		    if (Field_t3_Slot_inst_get (insn) == 0 &&
-			    Field_tlo_Slot_inst_get (insn) == 0 &&
-			    Field_r3_Slot_inst_get (insn) == 0) {
-			    return 287; /* mula.dd.ll.ldinc */
-		    }
-		    break;
-	    case 9:
-		    if (Field_t3_Slot_inst_get (insn) == 0 &&
-			    Field_tlo_Slot_inst_get (insn) == 0 &&
-			    Field_r3_Slot_inst_get (insn) == 0) {
-			    return 289; /* mula.dd.hl.ldinc */
-		    }
-		    break;
-	    case 10:
-		    if (Field_t3_Slot_inst_get (insn) == 0 &&
-			    Field_tlo_Slot_inst_get (insn) == 0 &&
-			    Field_r3_Slot_inst_get (insn) == 0) {
-			    return 291; /* mula.dd.lh.ldinc */
-		    }
-		    break;
-	    case 11:
-		    if (Field_t3_Slot_inst_get (insn) == 0 &&
-			    Field_tlo_Slot_inst_get (insn) == 0 &&
-			    Field_r3_Slot_inst_get (insn) == 0) {
-			    return 293; /* mula.dd.hh.ldinc */
-		    }
-		    break;
-	    }
-	  break;
-	case 1:
-	  switch (Field_op1_Slot_inst_get (insn))
-	    {
-	    case 8:
-		    if (Field_t3_Slot_inst_get (insn) == 0 &&
-			    Field_tlo_Slot_inst_get (insn) == 0 &&
-			    Field_r3_Slot_inst_get (insn) == 0) {
-			    return 286; /* mula.dd.ll.lddec */
-		    }
-		    break;
-	    case 9:
-		    if (Field_t3_Slot_inst_get (insn) == 0 &&
-			    Field_tlo_Slot_inst_get (insn) == 0 &&
-			    Field_r3_Slot_inst_get (insn) == 0) {
-			    return 288; /* mula.dd.hl.lddec */
-		    }
-		    break;
-	    case 10:
-		    if (Field_t3_Slot_inst_get (insn) == 0 &&
-			    Field_tlo_Slot_inst_get (insn) == 0 &&
-			    Field_r3_Slot_inst_get (insn) == 0) {
-			    return 290; /* mula.dd.lh.lddec */
-		    }
-		    break;
-	    case 11:
-		    if (Field_t3_Slot_inst_get (insn) == 0 &&
-			    Field_tlo_Slot_inst_get (insn) == 0 &&
-			    Field_r3_Slot_inst_get (insn) == 0) {
-			    return 292; /* mula.dd.hh.lddec */
-		    }
-		    break;
-	    }
-	  break;
-	case 2:
-	  switch (Field_op1_Slot_inst_get (insn))
-	    {
-	    case 4:
-		    if (Field_s_Slot_inst_get (insn) == 0 &&
-			    Field_w_Slot_inst_get (insn) == 0 &&
-			    Field_r3_Slot_inst_get (insn) == 0 &&
-			    Field_t3_Slot_inst_get (insn) == 0 &&
-			    Field_tlo_Slot_inst_get (insn) == 0) {
-			    return 242; /* mul.dd.ll */
-		    }
-		    break;
-	    case 5:
-		    if (Field_s_Slot_inst_get (insn) == 0 &&
-			    Field_w_Slot_inst_get (insn) == 0 &&
-			    Field_r3_Slot_inst_get (insn) == 0 &&
-			    Field_t3_Slot_inst_get (insn) == 0 &&
-			    Field_tlo_Slot_inst_get (insn) == 0) {
-			    return 243; /* mul.dd.hl */
-		    }
-		    break;
-	    case 6:
-		    if (Field_s_Slot_inst_get (insn) == 0 &&
-			    Field_w_Slot_inst_get (insn) == 0 &&
-			    Field_r3_Slot_inst_get (insn) == 0 &&
-			    Field_t3_Slot_inst_get (insn) == 0 &&
-			    Field_tlo_Slot_inst_get (insn) == 0) {
-			    return 244; /* mul.dd.lh */
-		    }
-		    break;
-	    case 7:
-		    if (Field_s_Slot_inst_get (insn) == 0 &&
-			    Field_w_Slot_inst_get (insn) == 0 &&
-			    Field_r3_Slot_inst_get (insn) == 0 &&
-			    Field_t3_Slot_inst_get (insn) == 0 &&
-			    Field_tlo_Slot_inst_get (insn) == 0) {
-			    return 245; /* mul.dd.hh */
-		    }
-		    break;
-	    case 8:
-		    if (Field_s_Slot_inst_get (insn) == 0 &&
-			    Field_w_Slot_inst_get (insn) == 0 &&
-			    Field_r3_Slot_inst_get (insn) == 0 &&
-			    Field_t3_Slot_inst_get (insn) == 0 &&
-			    Field_tlo_Slot_inst_get (insn) == 0) {
-			    return 270; /* mula.dd.ll */
-		    }
-		    break;
-	    case 9:
-		    if (Field_s_Slot_inst_get (insn) == 0 &&
-			    Field_w_Slot_inst_get (insn) == 0 &&
-			    Field_r3_Slot_inst_get (insn) == 0 &&
-			    Field_t3_Slot_inst_get (insn) == 0 &&
-			    Field_tlo_Slot_inst_get (insn) == 0) {
-			    return 271; /* mula.dd.hl */
-		    }
-		    break;
-	    case 10:
-		    if (Field_s_Slot_inst_get (insn) == 0 &&
-			    Field_w_Slot_inst_get (insn) == 0 &&
-			    Field_r3_Slot_inst_get (insn) == 0 &&
-			    Field_t3_Slot_inst_get (insn) == 0 &&
-			    Field_tlo_Slot_inst_get (insn) == 0) {
-			    return 272; /* mula.dd.lh */
-		    }
-		    break;
-	    case 11:
-		    if (Field_s_Slot_inst_get (insn) == 0 &&
-			    Field_w_Slot_inst_get (insn) == 0 &&
-			    Field_r3_Slot_inst_get (insn) == 0 &&
-			    Field_t3_Slot_inst_get (insn) == 0 &&
-			    Field_tlo_Slot_inst_get (insn) == 0) {
-			    return 273; /* mula.dd.hh */
-		    }
-		    break;
-	    case 12:
-		    if (Field_s_Slot_inst_get (insn) == 0 &&
-			    Field_w_Slot_inst_get (insn) == 0 &&
-			    Field_r3_Slot_inst_get (insn) == 0 &&
-			    Field_t3_Slot_inst_get (insn) == 0 &&
-			    Field_tlo_Slot_inst_get (insn) == 0) {
-			    return 274; /* muls.dd.ll */
-		    }
-		    break;
-	    case 13:
-		    if (Field_s_Slot_inst_get (insn) == 0 &&
-			    Field_w_Slot_inst_get (insn) == 0 &&
-			    Field_r3_Slot_inst_get (insn) == 0 &&
-			    Field_t3_Slot_inst_get (insn) == 0 &&
-			    Field_tlo_Slot_inst_get (insn) == 0) {
-			    return 275; /* muls.dd.hl */
-		    }
-		    break;
-	    case 14:
-		    if (Field_s_Slot_inst_get (insn) == 0 &&
-			    Field_w_Slot_inst_get (insn) == 0 &&
-			    Field_r3_Slot_inst_get (insn) == 0 &&
-			    Field_t3_Slot_inst_get (insn) == 0 &&
-			    Field_tlo_Slot_inst_get (insn) == 0) {
-			    return 276; /* muls.dd.lh */
-		    }
-		    break;
-	    case 15:
-		    if (Field_s_Slot_inst_get (insn) == 0 &&
-			    Field_w_Slot_inst_get (insn) == 0 &&
-			    Field_r3_Slot_inst_get (insn) == 0 &&
-			    Field_t3_Slot_inst_get (insn) == 0 &&
-			    Field_tlo_Slot_inst_get (insn) == 0) {
-			    return 277; /* muls.dd.hh */
-		    }
-		    break;
-	    }
-	  break;
-	case 3:
-	  switch (Field_op1_Slot_inst_get (insn))
-	    {
-	    case 4:
-		    if (Field_r_Slot_inst_get (insn) == 0 &&
-			    Field_t3_Slot_inst_get (insn) == 0 &&
-			    Field_tlo_Slot_inst_get (insn) == 0) {
-			    return 234; /* mul.ad.ll */
-		    }
-		    break;
-	    case 5:
-		    if (Field_r_Slot_inst_get (insn) == 0 &&
-			    Field_t3_Slot_inst_get (insn) == 0 &&
-			    Field_tlo_Slot_inst_get (insn) == 0) {
-			    return 235; /* mul.ad.hl */
-		    }
-		    break;
-	    case 6:
-		    if (Field_r_Slot_inst_get (insn) == 0 &&
-			    Field_t3_Slot_inst_get (insn) == 0 &&
-			    Field_tlo_Slot_inst_get (insn) == 0) {
-			    return 236; /* mul.ad.lh */
-		    }
-		    break;
-	    case 7:
-		    if (Field_r_Slot_inst_get (insn) == 0 &&
-			    Field_t3_Slot_inst_get (insn) == 0 &&
-			    Field_tlo_Slot_inst_get (insn) == 0) {
-			    return 237; /* mul.ad.hh */
-		    }
-		    break;
-	    case 8:
-		    if (Field_r_Slot_inst_get (insn) == 0 &&
-			    Field_t3_Slot_inst_get (insn) == 0 &&
-			    Field_tlo_Slot_inst_get (insn) == 0) {
-			    return 254; /* mula.ad.ll */
-		    }
-		    break;
-	    case 9:
-		    if (Field_r_Slot_inst_get (insn) == 0 &&
-			    Field_t3_Slot_inst_get (insn) == 0 &&
-			    Field_tlo_Slot_inst_get (insn) == 0) {
-			    return 255; /* mula.ad.hl */
-		    }
-		    break;
-	    case 10:
-		    if (Field_r_Slot_inst_get (insn) == 0 &&
-			    Field_t3_Slot_inst_get (insn) == 0 &&
-			    Field_tlo_Slot_inst_get (insn) == 0) {
-			    return 256; /* mula.ad.lh */
-		    }
-		    break;
-	    case 11:
-		    if (Field_r_Slot_inst_get (insn) == 0 &&
-			    Field_t3_Slot_inst_get (insn) == 0 &&
-			    Field_tlo_Slot_inst_get (insn) == 0) {
-			    return 257; /* mula.ad.hh */
-		    }
-		    break;
-	    case 12:
-		    if (Field_r_Slot_inst_get (insn) == 0 &&
-			    Field_t3_Slot_inst_get (insn) == 0 &&
-			    Field_tlo_Slot_inst_get (insn) == 0) {
-			    return 258; /* muls.ad.ll */
-		    }
-		    break;
-	    case 13:
-		    if (Field_r_Slot_inst_get (insn) == 0 &&
-			    Field_t3_Slot_inst_get (insn) == 0 &&
-			    Field_tlo_Slot_inst_get (insn) == 0) {
-			    return 259; /* muls.ad.hl */
-		    }
-		    break;
-	    case 14:
-		    if (Field_r_Slot_inst_get (insn) == 0 &&
-			    Field_t3_Slot_inst_get (insn) == 0 &&
-			    Field_tlo_Slot_inst_get (insn) == 0) {
-			    return 260; /* muls.ad.lh */
-		    }
-		    break;
-	    case 15:
-		    if (Field_r_Slot_inst_get (insn) == 0 &&
-			    Field_t3_Slot_inst_get (insn) == 0 &&
-			    Field_tlo_Slot_inst_get (insn) == 0) {
-			    return 261; /* muls.ad.hh */
-		    }
-		    break;
-	    }
-	  break;
-	case 4:
-	  switch (Field_op1_Slot_inst_get (insn))
-	    {
-	    case 8:
-		    if (Field_r3_Slot_inst_get (insn) == 0) {
-			    return 279; /* mula.da.ll.ldinc */
-		    }
-		    break;
-	    case 9:
-		    if (Field_r3_Slot_inst_get (insn) == 0) {
-			    return 281; /* mula.da.hl.ldinc */
-		    }
-		    break;
-	    case 10:
-		    if (Field_r3_Slot_inst_get (insn) == 0) {
-			    return 283; /* mula.da.lh.ldinc */
-		    }
-		    break;
-	    case 11:
-		    if (Field_r3_Slot_inst_get (insn) == 0) {
-			    return 285; /* mula.da.hh.ldinc */
-		    }
-		    break;
-	    }
-	  break;
-	case 5:
-	  switch (Field_op1_Slot_inst_get (insn))
-	    {
-	    case 8:
-		    if (Field_r3_Slot_inst_get (insn) == 0) {
-			    return 278; /* mula.da.ll.lddec */
-		    }
-		    break;
-	    case 9:
-		    if (Field_r3_Slot_inst_get (insn) == 0) {
-			    return 280; /* mula.da.hl.lddec */
-		    }
-		    break;
-	    case 10:
-		    if (Field_r3_Slot_inst_get (insn) == 0) {
-			    return 282; /* mula.da.lh.lddec */
-		    }
-		    break;
-	    case 11:
-		    if (Field_r3_Slot_inst_get (insn) == 0) {
-			    return 284; /* mula.da.hh.lddec */
-		    }
-		    break;
-	    }
-	  break;
-	case 6:
-	  switch (Field_op1_Slot_inst_get (insn))
-	    {
-	    case 4:
-		    if (Field_s_Slot_inst_get (insn) == 0 &&
-			    Field_w_Slot_inst_get (insn) == 0 &&
-			    Field_r3_Slot_inst_get (insn) == 0) {
-			    return 238; /* mul.da.ll */
-		    }
-		    break;
-	    case 5:
-		    if (Field_s_Slot_inst_get (insn) == 0 &&
-			    Field_w_Slot_inst_get (insn) == 0 &&
-			    Field_r3_Slot_inst_get (insn) == 0) {
-			    return 239; /* mul.da.hl */
-		    }
-		    break;
-	    case 6:
-		    if (Field_s_Slot_inst_get (insn) == 0 &&
-			    Field_w_Slot_inst_get (insn) == 0 &&
-			    Field_r3_Slot_inst_get (insn) == 0) {
-			    return 240; /* mul.da.lh */
-		    }
-		    break;
-	    case 7:
-		    if (Field_s_Slot_inst_get (insn) == 0 &&
-			    Field_w_Slot_inst_get (insn) == 0 &&
-			    Field_r3_Slot_inst_get (insn) == 0) {
-			    return 241; /* mul.da.hh */
-		    }
-		    break;
-	    case 8:
-		    if (Field_s_Slot_inst_get (insn) == 0 &&
-			    Field_w_Slot_inst_get (insn) == 0 &&
-			    Field_r3_Slot_inst_get (insn) == 0) {
-			    return 262; /* mula.da.ll */
-		    }
-		    break;
-	    case 9:
-		    if (Field_s_Slot_inst_get (insn) == 0 &&
-			    Field_w_Slot_inst_get (insn) == 0 &&
-			    Field_r3_Slot_inst_get (insn) == 0) {
-			    return 263; /* mula.da.hl */
-		    }
-		    break;
-	    case 10:
-		    if (Field_s_Slot_inst_get (insn) == 0 &&
-			    Field_w_Slot_inst_get (insn) == 0 &&
-			    Field_r3_Slot_inst_get (insn) == 0) {
-			    return 264; /* mula.da.lh */
-		    }
-		    break;
-	    case 11:
-		    if (Field_s_Slot_inst_get (insn) == 0 &&
-			    Field_w_Slot_inst_get (insn) == 0 &&
-			    Field_r3_Slot_inst_get (insn) == 0) {
-			    return 265; /* mula.da.hh */
-		    }
-		    break;
-	    case 12:
-		    if (Field_s_Slot_inst_get (insn) == 0 &&
-			    Field_w_Slot_inst_get (insn) == 0 &&
-			    Field_r3_Slot_inst_get (insn) == 0) {
-			    return 266; /* muls.da.ll */
-		    }
-		    break;
-	    case 13:
-		    if (Field_s_Slot_inst_get (insn) == 0 &&
-			    Field_w_Slot_inst_get (insn) == 0 &&
-			    Field_r3_Slot_inst_get (insn) == 0) {
-			    return 267; /* muls.da.hl */
-		    }
-		    break;
-	    case 14:
-		    if (Field_s_Slot_inst_get (insn) == 0 &&
-			    Field_w_Slot_inst_get (insn) == 0 &&
-			    Field_r3_Slot_inst_get (insn) == 0) {
-			    return 268; /* muls.da.lh */
-		    }
-		    break;
-	    case 15:
-		    if (Field_s_Slot_inst_get (insn) == 0 &&
-			    Field_w_Slot_inst_get (insn) == 0 &&
-			    Field_r3_Slot_inst_get (insn) == 0) {
-			    return 269; /* muls.da.hh */
-		    }
-		    break;
-	    }
-	  break;
-	case 7:
-	  switch (Field_op1_Slot_inst_get (insn))
-	    {
-	    case 0:
-		    if (Field_r_Slot_inst_get (insn) == 0) {
-			    return 230; /* umul.aa.ll */
-		    }
-		    break;
-	    case 1:
-		    if (Field_r_Slot_inst_get (insn) == 0) {
-			    return 231; /* umul.aa.hl */
-		    }
-		    break;
-	    case 2:
-		    if (Field_r_Slot_inst_get (insn) == 0) {
-			    return 232; /* umul.aa.lh */
-		    }
-		    break;
-	    case 3:
-		    if (Field_r_Slot_inst_get (insn) == 0) {
-			    return 233; /* umul.aa.hh */
-		    }
-		    break;
-	    case 4:
-		    if (Field_r_Slot_inst_get (insn) == 0) {
-			    return 226; /* mul.aa.ll */
-		    }
-		    break;
-	    case 5:
-		    if (Field_r_Slot_inst_get (insn) == 0) {
-			    return 227; /* mul.aa.hl */
-		    }
-		    break;
-	    case 6:
-		    if (Field_r_Slot_inst_get (insn) == 0) {
-			    return 228; /* mul.aa.lh */
-		    }
-		    break;
-	    case 7:
-		    if (Field_r_Slot_inst_get (insn) == 0) {
-			    return 229; /* mul.aa.hh */
-		    }
-		    break;
-	    case 8:
-		    if (Field_r_Slot_inst_get (insn) == 0) {
-			    return 246; /* mula.aa.ll */
-		    }
-		    break;
-	    case 9:
-		    if (Field_r_Slot_inst_get (insn) == 0) {
-			    return 247; /* mula.aa.hl */
-		    }
-		    break;
-	    case 10:
-		    if (Field_r_Slot_inst_get (insn) == 0) {
-			    return 248; /* mula.aa.lh */
-		    }
-		    break;
-	    case 11:
-		    if (Field_r_Slot_inst_get (insn) == 0) {
-			    return 249; /* mula.aa.hh */
-		    }
-		    break;
-	    case 12:
-		    if (Field_r_Slot_inst_get (insn) == 0) {
-			    return 250; /* muls.aa.ll */
-		    }
-		    break;
-	    case 13:
-		    if (Field_r_Slot_inst_get (insn) == 0) {
-			    return 251; /* muls.aa.hl */
-		    }
-		    break;
-	    case 14:
-		    if (Field_r_Slot_inst_get (insn) == 0) {
-			    return 252; /* muls.aa.lh */
-		    }
-		    break;
-	    case 15:
-		    if (Field_r_Slot_inst_get (insn) == 0) {
-			    return 253; /* muls.aa.hh */
-		    }
-		    break;
-	    }
-	  break;
-	case 8:
-		if (Field_op1_Slot_inst_get (insn) == 0 &&
-			Field_t_Slot_inst_get (insn) == 0 &&
-			Field_rhi_Slot_inst_get (insn) == 0) {
-			return 295; /* ldinc */
-		}
-		break;
-	case 9:
-		if (Field_op1_Slot_inst_get (insn) == 0 &&
-			Field_t_Slot_inst_get (insn) == 0 &&
-			Field_rhi_Slot_inst_get (insn) == 0) {
-			return 294; /* lddec */
-		}
-		break;
-	}
-      break;
-    case 5:
-      switch (Field_n_Slot_inst_get (insn))
-	{
-	case 0:
-	  return 76; /* call0 */
-	case 1:
-	  return 7; /* call4 */
-	case 2:
-	  return 6; /* call8 */
-	case 3:
-	  return 5; /* call12 */
-	}
-      break;
-    case 6:
-      switch (Field_n_Slot_inst_get (insn))
-	{
-	case 0:
-	  return 80; /* j */
-	case 1:
-	  switch (Field_m_Slot_inst_get (insn))
-	    {
-	    case 0:
-	      return 72; /* beqz */
-	    case 1:
-	      return 73; /* bnez */
-	    case 2:
-	      return 75; /* bltz */
-	    case 3:
-	      return 74; /* bgez */
-	    }
-	  break;
-	case 2:
-	  switch (Field_m_Slot_inst_get (insn))
-	    {
-	    case 0:
-	      return 52; /* beqi */
-	    case 1:
-	      return 53; /* bnei */
-	    case 2:
-	      return 55; /* blti */
-	    case 3:
-	      return 54; /* bgei */
-	    }
-	  break;
-	case 3:
-	  switch (Field_m_Slot_inst_get (insn))
-	    {
-	    case 0:
-	      return 11; /* entry */
-	    case 1:
-	      switch (Field_r_Slot_inst_get (insn))
-		{
-		case 0:
-		  return 371; /* bf */
-		case 1:
-		  return 372; /* bt */
-		case 8:
-		  return 87; /* loop */
-		case 9:
-		  return 88; /* loopnez */
-		case 10:
-		  return 89; /* loopgtz */
-		}
-	      break;
-	    case 2:
-	      return 59; /* bltui */
-	    case 3:
-	      return 58; /* bgeui */
-	    }
-	  break;
-	}
-      break;
-    case 7:
-      switch (Field_r_Slot_inst_get (insn))
-	{
-	case 0:
-	  return 67; /* bnone */
-	case 1:
-	  return 60; /* beq */
-	case 2:
-	  return 63; /* blt */
-	case 3:
-	  return 65; /* bltu */
-	case 4:
-	  return 68; /* ball */
-	case 5:
-	  return 70; /* bbc */
-	case 6:
-	case 7:
-	  return 56; /* bbci */
-	case 8:
-	  return 66; /* bany */
-	case 9:
-	  return 61; /* bne */
-	case 10:
-	  return 62; /* bge */
-	case 11:
-	  return 64; /* bgeu */
-	case 12:
-	  return 69; /* bnall */
-	case 13:
-	  return 71; /* bbs */
-	case 14:
-	case 15:
-	  return 57; /* bbsi */
-	}
-      break;
-    }
-  return 0;
-static int
-Slot_inst16b_decode (const xtensa_insnbuf insn)
-  switch (Field_op0_Slot_inst16b_get (insn))
-    {
-    case 12:
-      switch (Field_i_Slot_inst16b_get (insn))
-	{
-	case 0:
-	  return 33; /* movi.n */
-	case 1:
-	  switch (Field_z_Slot_inst16b_get (insn))
-	    {
-	    case 0:
-	      return 28; /* beqz.n */
-	    case 1:
-	      return 29; /* bnez.n */
-	    }
-	  break;
-	}
-      break;
-    case 13:
-      switch (Field_r_Slot_inst16b_get (insn))
-	{
-	case 0:
-	  return 32; /* mov.n */
-	case 15:
-	  switch (Field_t_Slot_inst16b_get (insn))
-	    {
-	    case 0:
-	      return 35; /* ret.n */
-	    case 1:
-	      return 15; /* retw.n */
-	    case 2:
-	      return 325; /* break.n */
-	    case 3:
-		    if (Field_s_Slot_inst16b_get (insn) == 0) {
-			    return 34; /* nop.n */
-		    }
-		    break;
-	    case 6:
-		    if (Field_s_Slot_inst16b_get (insn) == 0) {
-			    return 30; /* ill.n */
-		    }
-		    break;
-	    }
-	  break;
-	}
-      break;
-    }
-  return 0;
-static int
-Slot_inst16a_decode (const xtensa_insnbuf insn)
-  switch (Field_op0_Slot_inst16a_get (insn))
-    {
-    case 8:
-      return 31; /* l32i.n */
-    case 9:
-      return 36; /* s32i.n */
-    case 10:
-      return 26; /* add.n */
-    case 11:
-      return 27; /* addi.n */
-    }
-  return 0;
-static int
-Slot_xt_flix64_slot2_decode (const xtensa_insnbuf insn)
-  switch (Field_combined3e2c5767_fld36xt_flix64_slot2_Slot_xt_flix64_slot2_get (insn))
-    {
-    case 0:
-	    if (Field_op0_s5_Slot_xt_flix64_slot2_get (insn) == 1) {
-		    return 41; /* add */
-	    }
-	    if (Field_op0_s5_Slot_xt_flix64_slot2_get (insn) == 5) {
-		    return 42; /* sub */
-	    }
-	    if (Field_op0_s5_Slot_xt_flix64_slot2_get (insn) == 2) {
-		    return 43; /* addx2 */
-	    }
-	    if (Field_op0_s5_Slot_xt_flix64_slot2_get (insn) == 3) {
-		    return 49; /* and */
-	    }
-	    if (Field_op0_s5_Slot_xt_flix64_slot2_get (insn) == 4) {
-		    return 450; /* sext */
-	    }
-	    break;
-    case 1:
-	    if (Field_op0_s5_Slot_xt_flix64_slot2_get (insn) == 1) {
-		    return 27; /* addi.n */
-	    }
-	    if (Field_op0_s5_Slot_xt_flix64_slot2_get (insn) == 2) {
-		    return 44; /* addx4 */
-	    }
-	    if (Field_op0_s5_Slot_xt_flix64_slot2_get (insn) == 3) {
-		    return 50; /* or */
-	    }
-	    if (Field_op0_s5_Slot_xt_flix64_slot2_get (insn) == 5) {
-		    return 51; /* xor */
-	    }
-	    if (Field_op0_s5_Slot_xt_flix64_slot2_get (insn) == 4) {
-		    return 113; /* srli */
-	    }
-	    break;
-    }
-    if (Field_combined3e2c5767_fld37xt_flix64_slot2_Slot_xt_flix64_slot2_get (insn) == 0 &&
-	    Field_op0_s5_Slot_xt_flix64_slot2_get (insn) == 6) {
-	    return 33; /* movi.n */
-    }
-    if (Field_combined3e2c5767_fld39xt_flix64_slot2_Slot_xt_flix64_slot2_get (insn) == 2 &&
-	    Field_op0_s5_Slot_xt_flix64_slot2_get (insn) == 6 &&
-	    Field_combined3e2c5767_fld63xt_flix64_slot2_Slot_xt_flix64_slot2_get (insn) == 0) {
-	    return 32; /* mov.n */
-    }
-    if (Field_combined3e2c5767_fld41xt_flix64_slot2_Slot_xt_flix64_slot2_get (insn) == 3 &&
-	    Field_op0_s5_Slot_xt_flix64_slot2_get (insn) == 6 &&
-	    Field_combined3e2c5767_fld65xt_flix64_slot2_Slot_xt_flix64_slot2_get (insn) == 0) {
-	    return 97; /* nop */
-    }
-    if (Field_combined3e2c5767_fld42xt_flix64_slot2_Slot_xt_flix64_slot2_get (insn) == 8 &&
-	    Field_op0_s5_Slot_xt_flix64_slot2_get (insn) == 6 &&
-	    Field_combined3e2c5767_fld64xt_flix64_slot2_Slot_xt_flix64_slot2_get (insn) == 0) {
-	    return 96; /* abs */
-    }
-    if (Field_combined3e2c5767_fld44xt_flix64_slot2_Slot_xt_flix64_slot2_get (insn) == 9 &&
-	    Field_op0_s5_Slot_xt_flix64_slot2_get (insn) == 6 &&
-	    Field_combined3e2c5767_fld64xt_flix64_slot2_Slot_xt_flix64_slot2_get (insn) == 0) {
-	    return 95; /* neg */
-    }
-    if (Field_combined3e2c5767_fld45xt_flix64_slot2_Slot_xt_flix64_slot2_get (insn) == 5 &&
-	    Field_op0_s5_Slot_xt_flix64_slot2_get (insn) == 6 &&
-	    Field_combined3e2c5767_fld66xt_flix64_slot2_Slot_xt_flix64_slot2_get (insn) == 0) {
-	    return 110; /* sra */
-    }
-    if (Field_combined3e2c5767_fld47xt_flix64_slot2_Slot_xt_flix64_slot2_get (insn) == 3 &&
-	    Field_op0_s5_Slot_xt_flix64_slot2_get (insn) == 6 &&
-	    Field_combined3e2c5767_fld68xt_flix64_slot2_Slot_xt_flix64_slot2_get (insn) == 0) {
-	    return 109; /* srl */
-    }
-    if (Field_op0_s5_Slot_xt_flix64_slot2_get (insn) == 7) {
-	    return 112; /* srai */
-    }
-    return 0;
-static int
-Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_decode (const xtensa_insnbuf insn)
-  switch (Field_op0_xt_flix64_slot0_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_get (insn))
-    {
-    case 0:
-	    if (Field_combined3e2c5767_fld7_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_get (insn) == 2) {
-		    return 78; /* extui */
-	    }
-	    switch (Field_op1_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_get (insn)) {
-	    case 0:
-		    switch (Field_op2_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_get (insn)) {
-		    case 0:
-			    if (Field_r_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_get (insn) == 2) {
-				    if (Field_s_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_get (insn) == 0) {
-					    if (Field_t_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_get (insn) == 15) {
-						    return 97; /* nop */
-					    }
-				    }
-			    }
-			    break;
-		    case 1:
-			    return 49; /* and */
-		    case 2:
-			    return 50; /* or */
-		    case 3:
-			    return 51; /* xor */
-		    case 4:
-			    switch (Field_r_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_get (insn)) {
-			    case 0:
-				    if (Field_t_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_get (insn) == 0) {
-					    return 102; /* ssr */
-				    }
-				    break;
-			    case 1:
-				    if (Field_t_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_get (insn) == 0) {
-					    return 103; /* ssl */
-				    }
-				    break;
-			    case 2:
-				    if (Field_t_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_get (insn) == 0) {
-					    return 104; /* ssa8l */
-				    }
-				    break;
-			    case 3:
-				    if (Field_t_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_get (insn) == 0) {
-					    return 105; /* ssa8b */
-				    }
-				    break;
-			    case 4:
-				    if (Field_thi3_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_get (insn) == 0) {
-					    return 106; /* ssai */
-				    }
-				    break;
-			    case 14:
-				    return 448; /* nsa */
-			    case 15:
-				    return 449; /* nsau */
-			    }
-			    break;
-		    case 6:
-			    switch (Field_s_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_get (insn)) {
-			    case 0:
-				    return 95; /* neg */
-			    case 1:
-				    return 96; /* abs */
-			    }
-			    break;
-		    case 8:
-			    return 41; /* add */
-		    case 9:
-			    return 43; /* addx2 */
-		    case 10:
-			    return 44; /* addx4 */
-		    case 11:
-			    return 45; /* addx8 */
-		    case 12:
-			    return 42; /* sub */
-		    case 13:
-			    return 46; /* subx2 */
-		    case 14:
-			    return 47; /* subx4 */
-		    case 15:
-			    return 48; /* subx8 */
-		    }
-		    break;
-	    case 1:
-		    if (Field_combined3e2c5767_fld11_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_get (insn) == 1) {
-			    return 112; /* srai */
-		    }
-		    if (Field_combined3e2c5767_fld9_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_get (insn) == 0) {
-			    return 111; /* slli */
-		    }
-		    switch (Field_op2_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_get (insn)) {
-		    case 4:
-			    return 113; /* srli */
-		    case 8:
-			    return 108; /* src */
-		    case 9:
-			    if (Field_s_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_get (insn) == 0) {
-				    return 109; /* srl */
-			    }
-			    break;
-		    case 10:
-			    if (Field_t_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_get (insn) == 0) {
-				    return 107; /* sll */
-			    }
-			    break;
-		    case 11:
-			    if (Field_s_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_get (insn) == 0) {
-				    return 110; /* sra */
-			    }
-			    break;
-		    case 12:
-			    return 296; /* mul16u */
-		    case 13:
-			    return 297; /* mul16s */
-		    }
-		    break;
-	    case 2:
-		    if (Field_op2_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_get (insn) == 8) {
-			    return 461; /* mull */
-		    }
-		    break;
-	    case 3:
-		    switch (Field_op2_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_get (insn)) {
-		    case 2:
-			    return 450; /* sext */
-		    case 3:
-			    return 443; /* clamps */
-		    case 4:
-			    return 444; /* min */
-		    case 5:
-			    return 445; /* max */
-		    case 6:
-			    return 446; /* minu */
-		    case 7:
-			    return 447; /* maxu */
-		    case 8:
-			    return 91; /* moveqz */
-		    case 9:
-			    return 92; /* movnez */
-		    case 10:
-			    return 93; /* movltz */
-		    case 11:
-			    return 94; /* movgez */
-		    }
-		    break;
-	}
-      break;
-    case 2:
-      switch (Field_r_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_get (insn))
-	{
-	case 0:
-	  return 86; /* l8ui */
-	case 1:
-	  return 82; /* l16ui */
-	case 2:
-	  return 84; /* l32i */
-	case 4:
-	  return 101; /* s8i */
-	case 5:
-	  return 99; /* s16i */
-	case 6:
-	  return 100; /* s32i */
-	case 9:
-	  return 83; /* l16si */
-	case 10:
-	  return 90; /* movi */
-	case 12:
-	  return 39; /* addi */
-	case 13:
-	  return 40; /* addmi */
-	}
-      break;
-    }
-    if (Field_op0_xt_flix64_slot0_s3_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_get (insn) == 1) {
-	    return 85; /* l32r */
-    }
-    if (Field_sae4_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_get (insn) == 0 &&
-	    Field_combined3e2c5767_fld8_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_get (insn) == 3 &&
-	    Field_op0_xt_flix64_slot0_s3_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_get (insn) == 0 &&
-	    Field_combined3e2c5767_fld49xt_flix64_slot0_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_get (insn) == 0) {
-	    return 32; /* mov.n */
-    }
-    return 0;
-static int
-Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_decode (const xtensa_insnbuf insn)
-	if (Field_combined3e2c5767_fld19xt_flix64_slot1_Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_get (insn) == 0 &&
-		Field_op0_s4_Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_get (insn) == 1) {
-		return 78; /* extui */
-	}
-	switch (Field_combined3e2c5767_fld20xt_flix64_slot1_Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_get (insn)) {
-	case 0:
-		if (Field_op0_s4_Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_get (insn) == 2) {
-			return 90; /* movi */
-		}
-		break;
-	case 2:
-		if (Field_op0_s4_Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_get (insn) == 1) {
-			return 39; /* addi */
-		}
-		break;
-	case 3:
-		if (Field_op0_s4_Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_get (insn) == 1) {
-			return 40; /* addmi */
-		}
-		if (Field_op0_s4_Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_get (insn) == 2 &&
-			Field_combined3e2c5767_fld16_Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_get (insn) == 0) {
-			return 51; /* xor */
-		}
-		break;
-    }
-  switch (Field_combined3e2c5767_fld21xt_flix64_slot1_Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_get (insn))
-    {
-    case 8:
-	    if (Field_op0_s4_Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_get (insn) == 2) {
-		    return 111; /* slli */
-	    }
-	    break;
-    case 16:
-	    if (Field_op0_s4_Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_get (insn) == 2) {
-		    return 112; /* srai */
-	    }
-	    break;
-    case 19:
-	    if (Field_op0_s4_Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_get (insn) == 2 &&
-		    Field_combined3e2c5767_fld57xt_flix64_slot1_Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_get (insn) == 0) {
-		    return 107; /* sll */
-	    }
-	    break;
-    }
-  switch (Field_combined3e2c5767_fld22xt_flix64_slot1_Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_get (insn))
-    {
-    case 18:
-	    if (Field_op0_s4_Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_get (insn) == 2) {
-		    return 41; /* add */
-	    }
-	    break;
-    case 19:
-	    if (Field_op0_s4_Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_get (insn) == 2) {
-		    return 45; /* addx8 */
-	    }
-	    break;
-    case 20:
-	    if (Field_op0_s4_Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_get (insn) == 2) {
-		    return 43; /* addx2 */
-	    }
-	    break;
-    case 21:
-	    if (Field_op0_s4_Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_get (insn) == 2) {
-		    return 49; /* and */
-	    }
-	    break;
-    case 22:
-	    if (Field_op0_s4_Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_get (insn) == 2) {
-		    return 91; /* moveqz */
-	    }
-	    break;
-    case 23:
-	    if (Field_op0_s4_Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_get (insn) == 2) {
-		    return 94; /* movgez */
-	    }
-	    break;
-    case 24:
-	    if (Field_op0_s4_Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_get (insn) == 2) {
-		    return 44; /* addx4 */
-	    }
-	    break;
-    case 25:
-	    if (Field_op0_s4_Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_get (insn) == 2) {
-		    return 93; /* movltz */
-	    }
-	    break;
-    case 26:
-	    if (Field_op0_s4_Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_get (insn) == 2) {
-		    return 92; /* movnez */
-	    }
-	    break;
-    case 27:
-	    if (Field_op0_s4_Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_get (insn) == 2) {
-		    return 296; /* mul16u */
-	    }
-	    break;
-    case 28:
-	    if (Field_op0_s4_Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_get (insn) == 2) {
-		    return 297; /* mul16s */
-	    }
-	    break;
-    case 29:
-	    if (Field_op0_s4_Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_get (insn) == 2) {
-		    return 461; /* mull */
-	    }
-	    break;
-    case 30:
-	    if (Field_op0_s4_Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_get (insn) == 2) {
-		    return 50; /* or */
-	    }
-	    break;
-    case 31:
-	    if (Field_op0_s4_Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_get (insn) == 2) {
-		    return 450; /* sext */
-	    }
-	    break;
-    case 34:
-	    if (Field_op0_s4_Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_get (insn) == 2) {
-		    return 108; /* src */
-	    }
-	    break;
-    case 36:
-	    if (Field_op0_s4_Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_get (insn) == 2) {
-		    return 113; /* srli */
-	    }
-	    break;
-    }
-    if (Field_combined3e2c5767_fld23xt_flix64_slot1_Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_get (insn) == 280 &&
-	    Field_op0_s4_Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_get (insn) == 2 &&
-	    Field_combined3e2c5767_fld51xt_flix64_slot1_Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_get (insn) == 0) {
-	    return 32; /* mov.n */
-    }
-    if (Field_combined3e2c5767_fld25xt_flix64_slot1_Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_get (insn) == 281 &&
-	    Field_op0_s4_Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_get (insn) == 2 &&
-	    Field_combined3e2c5767_fld52xt_flix64_slot1_Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_get (insn) == 0) {
-	    return 81; /* jx */
-    }
-    if (Field_combined3e2c5767_fld26xt_flix64_slot1_Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_get (insn) == 141 &&
-	    Field_op0_s4_Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_get (insn) == 2 &&
-	    Field_combined3e2c5767_fld60xt_flix64_slot1_Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_get (insn) == 0) {
-	    return 103; /* ssl */
-    }
-    if (Field_combined3e2c5767_fld28xt_flix64_slot1_Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_get (insn) == 71 &&
-	    Field_op0_s4_Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_get (insn) == 2 &&
-	    Field_combined3e2c5767_fld54xt_flix64_slot1_Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_get (insn) == 0) {
-	    return 97; /* nop */
-    }
-    if (Field_combined3e2c5767_fld30xt_flix64_slot1_Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_get (insn) == 148 &&
-	    Field_op0_s4_Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_get (insn) == 2 &&
-	    Field_combined3e2c5767_fld53xt_flix64_slot1_Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_get (insn) == 0) {
-	    return 95; /* neg */
-    }
-    if (Field_combined3e2c5767_fld32xt_flix64_slot1_Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_get (insn) == 149 &&
-	    Field_op0_s4_Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_get (insn) == 2 &&
-	    Field_combined3e2c5767_fld53xt_flix64_slot1_Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_get (insn) == 0) {
-	    return 110; /* sra */
-    }
-    if (Field_combined3e2c5767_fld33xt_flix64_slot1_Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_get (insn) == 75 &&
-	    Field_op0_s4_Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_get (insn) == 2 &&
-	    Field_combined3e2c5767_fld58xt_flix64_slot1_Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_get (insn) == 0) {
-	    return 109; /* srl */
-    }
-    if (Field_combined3e2c5767_fld35xt_flix64_slot1_Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_get (insn) == 5 &&
-	    Field_op0_s4_Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_get (insn) == 2 &&
-	    Field_combined3e2c5767_fld62xt_flix64_slot1_Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_get (insn) == 0) {
-	    return 42; /* sub */
-    }
-    if (Field_op0_s4_Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_get (insn) == 3) {
-	    return 80; /* j */
-    }
-    return 0;
-static int
-Slot_xt_flix64_slot3_decode (const xtensa_insnbuf insn)
-  switch (Field_op0_s6_Slot_xt_flix64_slot3_get (insn))
-    {
-    case 1:
-	    if (Field_combined3e2c5767_fld71_Slot_xt_flix64_slot3_get (insn) == 0) {
-		    return 516; /* bbci.w18 */
-	    }
-	    break;
-    case 2:
-	    if (Field_combined3e2c5767_fld71_Slot_xt_flix64_slot3_get (insn) == 0) {
-		    return 517; /* bbsi.w18 */
-	    }
-	    break;
-    case 3:
-	    if (Field_combined3e2c5767_fld89xt_flix64_slot3_Slot_xt_flix64_slot3_get (insn) == 0) {
-		    return 526; /* ball.w18 */
-	    }
-	    break;
-    case 4:
-	    if (Field_combined3e2c5767_fld87xt_flix64_slot3_Slot_xt_flix64_slot3_get (insn) == 0) {
-		    return 524; /* bany.w18 */
-	    }
-	    break;
-    case 5:
-	    if (Field_combined3e2c5767_fld91xt_flix64_slot3_Slot_xt_flix64_slot3_get (insn) == 0) {
-		    return 528; /* bbc.w18 */
-	    }
-	    break;
-    case 6:
-	    if (Field_combined3e2c5767_fld92xt_flix64_slot3_Slot_xt_flix64_slot3_get (insn) == 0) {
-		    return 529; /* bbs.w18 */
-	    }
-	    break;
-    case 7:
-	    if (Field_combined3e2c5767_fld81xt_flix64_slot3_Slot_xt_flix64_slot3_get (insn) == 0) {
-		    return 518; /* beq.w18 */
-	    }
-	    break;
-    case 8:
-	    if (Field_combined3e2c5767_fld75xt_flix64_slot3_Slot_xt_flix64_slot3_get (insn) == 0) {
-		    return 510; /* beqi.w18 */
-	    }
-	    break;
-    case 9:
-	    if (Field_combined3e2c5767_fld83xt_flix64_slot3_Slot_xt_flix64_slot3_get (insn) == 0) {
-		    return 520; /* bge.w18 */
-	    }
-	    break;
-    case 10:
-	    if (Field_combined3e2c5767_fld77xt_flix64_slot3_Slot_xt_flix64_slot3_get (insn) == 0) {
-		    return 512; /* bgei.w18 */
-	    }
-	    break;
-    case 11:
-	    if (Field_combined3e2c5767_fld85xt_flix64_slot3_Slot_xt_flix64_slot3_get (insn) == 0) {
-		    return 522; /* bgeu.w18 */
-	    }
-	    break;
-    case 12:
-	    if (Field_combined3e2c5767_fld79xt_flix64_slot3_Slot_xt_flix64_slot3_get (insn) == 0) {
-		    return 514; /* bgeui.w18 */
-	    }
-	    break;
-    case 13:
-	    if (Field_combined3e2c5767_fld84xt_flix64_slot3_Slot_xt_flix64_slot3_get (insn) == 0) {
-		    return 521; /* blt.w18 */
-	    }
-	    break;
-    case 14:
-	    if (Field_combined3e2c5767_fld78xt_flix64_slot3_Slot_xt_flix64_slot3_get (insn) == 0) {
-		    return 513; /* blti.w18 */
-	    }
-	    break;
-    case 15:
-	    if (Field_combined3e2c5767_fld86xt_flix64_slot3_Slot_xt_flix64_slot3_get (insn) == 0) {
-		    return 523; /* bltu.w18 */
-	    }
-	    break;
-    case 16:
-	    if (Field_combined3e2c5767_fld80xt_flix64_slot3_Slot_xt_flix64_slot3_get (insn) == 0) {
-		    return 515; /* bltui.w18 */
-	    }
-	    break;
-    case 17:
-	    if (Field_combined3e2c5767_fld90xt_flix64_slot3_Slot_xt_flix64_slot3_get (insn) == 0) {
-		    return 527; /* bnall.w18 */
-	    }
-	    break;
-    case 18:
-	    if (Field_combined3e2c5767_fld82xt_flix64_slot3_Slot_xt_flix64_slot3_get (insn) == 0) {
-		    return 519; /* bne.w18 */
-	    }
-	    break;
-    case 19:
-	    if (Field_combined3e2c5767_fld76xt_flix64_slot3_Slot_xt_flix64_slot3_get (insn) == 0) {
-		    return 511; /* bnei.w18 */
-	    }
-	    break;
-    case 20:
-	    if (Field_combined3e2c5767_fld88xt_flix64_slot3_Slot_xt_flix64_slot3_get (insn) == 0) {
-		    return 525; /* bnone.w18 */
-	    }
-	    break;
-    case 21:
-	    if (Field_combined3e2c5767_fld70xt_flix64_slot3_Slot_xt_flix64_slot3_get (insn) == 0) {
-		    return 506; /* beqz.w18 */
-	    }
-	    break;
-    case 22:
-	    if (Field_combined3e2c5767_fld73xt_flix64_slot3_Slot_xt_flix64_slot3_get (insn) == 0) {
-		    return 508; /* bgez.w18 */
-	    }
-	    break;
-    case 23:
-	    if (Field_combined3e2c5767_fld74xt_flix64_slot3_Slot_xt_flix64_slot3_get (insn) == 0) {
-		    return 509; /* bltz.w18 */
-	    }
-	    break;
-    case 24:
-	    if (Field_combined3e2c5767_fld72xt_flix64_slot3_Slot_xt_flix64_slot3_get (insn) == 0) {
-		    return 507; /* bnez.w18 */
-	    }
-	    break;
-    case 25:
-	    if (Field_combined3e2c5767_fld93xt_flix64_slot3_Slot_xt_flix64_slot3_get (insn) == 0) {
-		    return 97; /* nop */
-	    }
-	    break;
-    }
-  return 0;
-/* Instruction slots.  */
-static void
-Slot_x24_Format_inst_0_get (const xtensa_insnbuf insn,
-			    xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[1] = 0;
-  slotbuf[0] = (insn[0] & 0xffffff);
-static void
-Slot_x24_Format_inst_0_set (xtensa_insnbuf insn,
-			    const xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0xffffff) | (slotbuf[0] & 0xffffff);
-static void
-Slot_x16a_Format_inst16a_0_get (const xtensa_insnbuf insn,
-				xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[1] = 0;
-  slotbuf[0] = (insn[0] & 0xffff);
-static void
-Slot_x16a_Format_inst16a_0_set (xtensa_insnbuf insn,
-				const xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0xffff) | (slotbuf[0] & 0xffff);
-static void
-Slot_x16b_Format_inst16b_0_get (const xtensa_insnbuf insn,
-				xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[1] = 0;
-  slotbuf[0] = (insn[0] & 0xffff);
-static void
-Slot_x16b_Format_inst16b_0_set (xtensa_insnbuf insn,
-				const xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0xffff) | (slotbuf[0] & 0xffff);
-static void
-Slot_xt_format1_Format_xt_flix64_slot0_4_get (const xtensa_insnbuf insn,
-					      xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[1] = 0;
-  slotbuf[0] = ((insn[0] & 0xffffff0) >> 4);
-static void
-Slot_xt_format1_Format_xt_flix64_slot0_4_set (xtensa_insnbuf insn,
-					      const xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0xffffff0) | ((slotbuf[0] & 0xffffff) << 4);
-static void
-Slot_xt_format2_Format_xt_flix64_slot0_4_get (const xtensa_insnbuf insn,
-					      xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[1] = 0;
-  slotbuf[0] = ((insn[0] & 0xffffff0) >> 4);
-static void
-Slot_xt_format2_Format_xt_flix64_slot0_4_set (xtensa_insnbuf insn,
-					      const xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0xffffff0) | ((slotbuf[0] & 0xffffff) << 4);
-static void
-Slot_xt_format1_Format_xt_flix64_slot1_28_get (const xtensa_insnbuf insn,
-					      xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[1] = 0;
-  slotbuf[0] = ((insn[0] & 0xf0000000) >> 28);
-  slotbuf[0] = (slotbuf[0] & ~0xffff0) | ((insn[1] & 0xffff) << 4);
-static void
-Slot_xt_format1_Format_xt_flix64_slot1_28_set (xtensa_insnbuf insn,
-					      const xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0xf0000000) | ((slotbuf[0] & 0xf) << 28);
-  insn[1] = (insn[1] & ~0xffff) | ((slotbuf[0] & 0xffff0) >> 4);
-static void
-Slot_xt_format1_Format_xt_flix64_slot2_48_get (const xtensa_insnbuf insn,
-					      xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[1] = 0;
-  slotbuf[0] = ((insn[1] & 0xffff0000) >> 16);
-static void
-Slot_xt_format1_Format_xt_flix64_slot2_48_set (xtensa_insnbuf insn,
-					      const xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  insn[1] = (insn[1] & ~0xffff0000) | ((slotbuf[0] & 0xffff) << 16);
-static void
-Slot_xt_format2_Format_xt_flix64_slot3_28_get (const xtensa_insnbuf insn,
-					      xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  slotbuf[0] = ((insn[0] & 0xf0000000) >> 28);
-  slotbuf[0] = (slotbuf[0] & ~0xfffffff0) | ((insn[1] & 0xfffffff) << 4);
-  slotbuf[1] = ((insn[1] & 0x70000000) >> 28);
-static void
-Slot_xt_format2_Format_xt_flix64_slot3_28_set (xtensa_insnbuf insn,
-					      const xtensa_insnbuf slotbuf)
-  insn[0] = (insn[0] & ~0xf0000000) | ((slotbuf[0] & 0xf) << 28);
-  insn[1] = (insn[1] & ~0xfffffff) | ((slotbuf[0] & 0xfffffff0) >> 4);
-  insn[1] = (insn[1] & ~0x70000000) | ((slotbuf[1] & 0x7) << 28);
-static xtensa_get_field_fn
-Slot_inst_get_field_fns[] = {
-  Field_t_Slot_inst_get,
-  Field_bbi4_Slot_inst_get,
-  Field_bbi_Slot_inst_get,
-  Field_imm12_Slot_inst_get,
-  Field_imm8_Slot_inst_get,
-  Field_s_Slot_inst_get,
-  Field_imm12b_Slot_inst_get,
-  Field_imm16_Slot_inst_get,
-  Field_m_Slot_inst_get,
-  Field_n_Slot_inst_get,
-  Field_offset_Slot_inst_get,
-  Field_op0_Slot_inst_get,
-  Field_op1_Slot_inst_get,
-  Field_op2_Slot_inst_get,
-  Field_r_Slot_inst_get,
-  Field_sa4_Slot_inst_get,
-  Field_sae4_Slot_inst_get,
-  Field_sae_Slot_inst_get,
-  Field_sal_Slot_inst_get,
-  Field_sargt_Slot_inst_get,
-  Field_sas4_Slot_inst_get,
-  Field_sas_Slot_inst_get,
-  Field_sr_Slot_inst_get,
-  Field_st_Slot_inst_get,
-  Field_thi3_Slot_inst_get,
-  Field_imm4_Slot_inst_get,
-  Field_mn_Slot_inst_get,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  Field_r3_Slot_inst_get,
-  Field_rbit2_Slot_inst_get,
-  Field_rhi_Slot_inst_get,
-  Field_t3_Slot_inst_get,
-  Field_tbit2_Slot_inst_get,
-  Field_tlo_Slot_inst_get,
-  Field_w_Slot_inst_get,
-  Field_y_Slot_inst_get,
-  Field_x_Slot_inst_get,
-  Field_t2_Slot_inst_get,
-  Field_s2_Slot_inst_get,
-  Field_rz_Slot_inst_get,
-  Field_t4_Slot_inst_get,
-  Field_s4_Slot_inst_get,
-  Field_r4_Slot_inst_get,
-  Field_t8_Slot_inst_get,
-  Field_s8_Slot_inst_get,
-  Field_r8_Slot_inst_get,
-  Field_xt_wbr15_imm_Slot_inst_get,
-  Field_xt_wbr18_imm_Slot_inst_get,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  Implicit_Field_ar0_get,
-  Implicit_Field_ar4_get,
-  Implicit_Field_ar8_get,
-  Implicit_Field_ar12_get,
-  Implicit_Field_mr0_get,
-  Implicit_Field_mr1_get,
-  Implicit_Field_mr2_get,
-  Implicit_Field_mr3_get,
-  Implicit_Field_bt16_get,
-  Implicit_Field_bs16_get,
-  Implicit_Field_br16_get,
-  Implicit_Field_brall_get
-static xtensa_set_field_fn
-Slot_inst_set_field_fns[] = {
-  Field_t_Slot_inst_set,
-  Field_bbi4_Slot_inst_set,
-  Field_bbi_Slot_inst_set,
-  Field_imm12_Slot_inst_set,
-  Field_imm8_Slot_inst_set,
-  Field_s_Slot_inst_set,
-  Field_imm12b_Slot_inst_set,
-  Field_imm16_Slot_inst_set,
-  Field_m_Slot_inst_set,
-  Field_n_Slot_inst_set,
-  Field_offset_Slot_inst_set,
-  Field_op0_Slot_inst_set,
-  Field_op1_Slot_inst_set,
-  Field_op2_Slot_inst_set,
-  Field_r_Slot_inst_set,
-  Field_sa4_Slot_inst_set,
-  Field_sae4_Slot_inst_set,
-  Field_sae_Slot_inst_set,
-  Field_sal_Slot_inst_set,
-  Field_sargt_Slot_inst_set,
-  Field_sas4_Slot_inst_set,
-  Field_sas_Slot_inst_set,
-  Field_sr_Slot_inst_set,
-  Field_st_Slot_inst_set,
-  Field_thi3_Slot_inst_set,
-  Field_imm4_Slot_inst_set,
-  Field_mn_Slot_inst_set,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  Field_r3_Slot_inst_set,
-  Field_rbit2_Slot_inst_set,
-  Field_rhi_Slot_inst_set,
-  Field_t3_Slot_inst_set,
-  Field_tbit2_Slot_inst_set,
-  Field_tlo_Slot_inst_set,
-  Field_w_Slot_inst_set,
-  Field_y_Slot_inst_set,
-  Field_x_Slot_inst_set,
-  Field_t2_Slot_inst_set,
-  Field_s2_Slot_inst_set,
-  Field_rz_Slot_inst_set,
-  Field_t4_Slot_inst_set,
-  Field_s4_Slot_inst_set,
-  Field_r4_Slot_inst_set,
-  Field_t8_Slot_inst_set,
-  Field_s8_Slot_inst_set,
-  Field_r8_Slot_inst_set,
-  Field_xt_wbr15_imm_Slot_inst_set,
-  Field_xt_wbr18_imm_Slot_inst_set,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  Implicit_Field_set,
-  Implicit_Field_set,
-  Implicit_Field_set,
-  Implicit_Field_set,
-  Implicit_Field_set,
-  Implicit_Field_set,
-  Implicit_Field_set,
-  Implicit_Field_set,
-  Implicit_Field_set,
-  Implicit_Field_set,
-  Implicit_Field_set,
-  Implicit_Field_set
-static xtensa_get_field_fn
-Slot_inst16a_get_field_fns[] = {
-  Field_t_Slot_inst16a_get,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  Field_s_Slot_inst16a_get,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  Field_op0_Slot_inst16a_get,
-  0,
-  0,
-  Field_r_Slot_inst16a_get,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  Field_sr_Slot_inst16a_get,
-  Field_st_Slot_inst16a_get,
-  0,
-  Field_imm4_Slot_inst16a_get,
-  0,
-  Field_i_Slot_inst16a_get,
-  Field_imm6lo_Slot_inst16a_get,
-  Field_imm6hi_Slot_inst16a_get,
-  Field_imm7lo_Slot_inst16a_get,
-  Field_imm7hi_Slot_inst16a_get,
-  Field_z_Slot_inst16a_get,
-  Field_imm6_Slot_inst16a_get,
-  Field_imm7_Slot_inst16a_get,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  Field_t2_Slot_inst16a_get,
-  Field_s2_Slot_inst16a_get,
-  Field_rz_Slot_inst16a_get,
-  Field_t4_Slot_inst16a_get,
-  Field_s4_Slot_inst16a_get,
-  Field_r4_Slot_inst16a_get,
-  Field_t8_Slot_inst16a_get,
-  Field_s8_Slot_inst16a_get,
-  Field_r8_Slot_inst16a_get,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  Implicit_Field_ar0_get,
-  Implicit_Field_ar4_get,
-  Implicit_Field_ar8_get,
-  Implicit_Field_ar12_get,
-  Implicit_Field_mr0_get,
-  Implicit_Field_mr1_get,
-  Implicit_Field_mr2_get,
-  Implicit_Field_mr3_get,
-  Implicit_Field_bt16_get,
-  Implicit_Field_bs16_get,
-  Implicit_Field_br16_get,
-  Implicit_Field_brall_get
-static xtensa_set_field_fn
-Slot_inst16a_set_field_fns[] = {
-  Field_t_Slot_inst16a_set,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  Field_s_Slot_inst16a_set,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  Field_op0_Slot_inst16a_set,
-  0,
-  0,
-  Field_r_Slot_inst16a_set,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  Field_sr_Slot_inst16a_set,
-  Field_st_Slot_inst16a_set,
-  0,
-  Field_imm4_Slot_inst16a_set,
-  0,
-  Field_i_Slot_inst16a_set,
-  Field_imm6lo_Slot_inst16a_set,
-  Field_imm6hi_Slot_inst16a_set,
-  Field_imm7lo_Slot_inst16a_set,
-  Field_imm7hi_Slot_inst16a_set,
-  Field_z_Slot_inst16a_set,
-  Field_imm6_Slot_inst16a_set,
-  Field_imm7_Slot_inst16a_set,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  Field_t2_Slot_inst16a_set,
-  Field_s2_Slot_inst16a_set,
-  Field_rz_Slot_inst16a_set,
-  Field_t4_Slot_inst16a_set,
-  Field_s4_Slot_inst16a_set,
-  Field_r4_Slot_inst16a_set,
-  Field_t8_Slot_inst16a_set,
-  Field_s8_Slot_inst16a_set,
-  Field_r8_Slot_inst16a_set,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  Implicit_Field_set,
-  Implicit_Field_set,
-  Implicit_Field_set,
-  Implicit_Field_set,
-  Implicit_Field_set,
-  Implicit_Field_set,
-  Implicit_Field_set,
-  Implicit_Field_set,
-  Implicit_Field_set,
-  Implicit_Field_set,
-  Implicit_Field_set,
-  Implicit_Field_set
-static xtensa_get_field_fn
-Slot_inst16b_get_field_fns[] = {
-  Field_t_Slot_inst16b_get,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  Field_s_Slot_inst16b_get,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  Field_op0_Slot_inst16b_get,
-  0,
-  0,
-  Field_r_Slot_inst16b_get,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  Field_sr_Slot_inst16b_get,
-  Field_st_Slot_inst16b_get,
-  0,
-  Field_imm4_Slot_inst16b_get,
-  0,
-  Field_i_Slot_inst16b_get,
-  Field_imm6lo_Slot_inst16b_get,
-  Field_imm6hi_Slot_inst16b_get,
-  Field_imm7lo_Slot_inst16b_get,
-  Field_imm7hi_Slot_inst16b_get,
-  Field_z_Slot_inst16b_get,
-  Field_imm6_Slot_inst16b_get,
-  Field_imm7_Slot_inst16b_get,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  Field_t2_Slot_inst16b_get,
-  Field_s2_Slot_inst16b_get,
-  Field_rz_Slot_inst16b_get,
-  Field_t4_Slot_inst16b_get,
-  Field_s4_Slot_inst16b_get,
-  Field_r4_Slot_inst16b_get,
-  Field_t8_Slot_inst16b_get,
-  Field_s8_Slot_inst16b_get,
-  Field_r8_Slot_inst16b_get,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  Implicit_Field_ar0_get,
-  Implicit_Field_ar4_get,
-  Implicit_Field_ar8_get,
-  Implicit_Field_ar12_get,
-  Implicit_Field_mr0_get,
-  Implicit_Field_mr1_get,
-  Implicit_Field_mr2_get,
-  Implicit_Field_mr3_get,
-  Implicit_Field_bt16_get,
-  Implicit_Field_bs16_get,
-  Implicit_Field_br16_get,
-  Implicit_Field_brall_get
-static xtensa_set_field_fn
-Slot_inst16b_set_field_fns[] = {
-  Field_t_Slot_inst16b_set,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  Field_s_Slot_inst16b_set,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  Field_op0_Slot_inst16b_set,
-  0,
-  0,
-  Field_r_Slot_inst16b_set,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  Field_sr_Slot_inst16b_set,
-  Field_st_Slot_inst16b_set,
-  0,
-  Field_imm4_Slot_inst16b_set,
-  0,
-  Field_i_Slot_inst16b_set,
-  Field_imm6lo_Slot_inst16b_set,
-  Field_imm6hi_Slot_inst16b_set,
-  Field_imm7lo_Slot_inst16b_set,
-  Field_imm7hi_Slot_inst16b_set,
-  Field_z_Slot_inst16b_set,
-  Field_imm6_Slot_inst16b_set,
-  Field_imm7_Slot_inst16b_set,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  Field_t2_Slot_inst16b_set,
-  Field_s2_Slot_inst16b_set,
-  Field_rz_Slot_inst16b_set,
-  Field_t4_Slot_inst16b_set,
-  Field_s4_Slot_inst16b_set,
-  Field_r4_Slot_inst16b_set,
-  Field_t8_Slot_inst16b_set,
-  Field_s8_Slot_inst16b_set,
-  Field_r8_Slot_inst16b_set,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  Implicit_Field_set,
-  Implicit_Field_set,
-  Implicit_Field_set,
-  Implicit_Field_set,
-  Implicit_Field_set,
-  Implicit_Field_set,
-  Implicit_Field_set,
-  Implicit_Field_set,
-  Implicit_Field_set,
-  Implicit_Field_set,
-  Implicit_Field_set,
-  Implicit_Field_set
-static xtensa_get_field_fn
-Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_get_field_fns[] = {
-  Field_t_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_get,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  Field_imm8_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_get,
-  Field_s_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_get,
-  Field_imm12b_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_get,
-  Field_imm16_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_get,
-  Field_m_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_get,
-  Field_n_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_get,
-  0,
-  0,
-  Field_op1_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_get,
-  Field_op2_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_get,
-  Field_r_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_get,
-  0,
-  Field_sae4_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_get,
-  Field_sae_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_get,
-  Field_sal_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_get,
-  Field_sargt_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_get,
-  0,
-  Field_sas_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_get,
-  0,
-  0,
-  Field_thi3_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_get,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  Field_op0_xt_flix64_slot0_s3_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_get,
-  Field_combined3e2c5767_fld7_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_get,
-  Field_combined3e2c5767_fld8_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_get,
-  Field_combined3e2c5767_fld9_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_get,
-  Field_combined3e2c5767_fld11_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_get,
-  Field_combined3e2c5767_fld49xt_flix64_slot0_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_get,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  Field_op0_xt_flix64_slot0_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_get,
-  Implicit_Field_ar0_get,
-  Implicit_Field_ar4_get,
-  Implicit_Field_ar8_get,
-  Implicit_Field_ar12_get,
-  Implicit_Field_mr0_get,
-  Implicit_Field_mr1_get,
-  Implicit_Field_mr2_get,
-  Implicit_Field_mr3_get,
-  Implicit_Field_bt16_get,
-  Implicit_Field_bs16_get,
-  Implicit_Field_br16_get,
-  Implicit_Field_brall_get
-static xtensa_set_field_fn
-Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_set_field_fns[] = {
-  Field_t_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_set,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  Field_imm8_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_set,
-  Field_s_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_set,
-  Field_imm12b_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_set,
-  Field_imm16_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_set,
-  Field_m_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_set,
-  Field_n_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_set,
-  0,
-  0,
-  Field_op1_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_set,
-  Field_op2_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_set,
-  Field_r_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_set,
-  0,
-  Field_sae4_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_set,
-  Field_sae_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_set,
-  Field_sal_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_set,
-  Field_sargt_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_set,
-  0,
-  Field_sas_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_set,
-  0,
-  0,
-  Field_thi3_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_set,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  Field_op0_xt_flix64_slot0_s3_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_set,
-  Field_combined3e2c5767_fld7_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_set,
-  Field_combined3e2c5767_fld8_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_set,
-  Field_combined3e2c5767_fld9_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_set,
-  Field_combined3e2c5767_fld11_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_set,
-  Field_combined3e2c5767_fld49xt_flix64_slot0_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_set,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  Field_op0_xt_flix64_slot0_Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_set,
-  Implicit_Field_set,
-  Implicit_Field_set,
-  Implicit_Field_set,
-  Implicit_Field_set,
-  Implicit_Field_set,
-  Implicit_Field_set,
-  Implicit_Field_set,
-  Implicit_Field_set,
-  Implicit_Field_set,
-  Implicit_Field_set,
-  Implicit_Field_set,
-  Implicit_Field_set
-static xtensa_get_field_fn
-Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_get_field_fns[] = {
-  Field_t_Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_get,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  Field_imm8_Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_get,
-  Field_s_Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_get,
-  Field_imm12b_Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_get,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  Field_offset_Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_get,
-  0,
-  0,
-  Field_op2_Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_get,
-  Field_r_Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_get,
-  0,
-  0,
-  Field_sae_Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_get,
-  Field_sal_Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_get,
-  Field_sargt_Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_get,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  Field_op0_s4_Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_get,
-  Field_combined3e2c5767_fld16_Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_get,
-  Field_combined3e2c5767_fld19xt_flix64_slot1_Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_get,
-  Field_combined3e2c5767_fld20xt_flix64_slot1_Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_get,
-  Field_combined3e2c5767_fld21xt_flix64_slot1_Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_get,
-  Field_combined3e2c5767_fld22xt_flix64_slot1_Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_get,
-  Field_combined3e2c5767_fld23xt_flix64_slot1_Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_get,
-  Field_combined3e2c5767_fld25xt_flix64_slot1_Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_get,
-  Field_combined3e2c5767_fld26xt_flix64_slot1_Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_get,
-  Field_combined3e2c5767_fld28xt_flix64_slot1_Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_get,
-  Field_combined3e2c5767_fld30xt_flix64_slot1_Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_get,
-  Field_combined3e2c5767_fld32xt_flix64_slot1_Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_get,
-  Field_combined3e2c5767_fld33xt_flix64_slot1_Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_get,
-  Field_combined3e2c5767_fld35xt_flix64_slot1_Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_get,
-  Field_combined3e2c5767_fld51xt_flix64_slot1_Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_get,
-  Field_combined3e2c5767_fld52xt_flix64_slot1_Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_get,
-  Field_combined3e2c5767_fld53xt_flix64_slot1_Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_get,
-  Field_combined3e2c5767_fld54xt_flix64_slot1_Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_get,
-  Field_combined3e2c5767_fld57xt_flix64_slot1_Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_get,
-  Field_combined3e2c5767_fld58xt_flix64_slot1_Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_get,
-  Field_combined3e2c5767_fld60xt_flix64_slot1_Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_get,
-  Field_combined3e2c5767_fld62xt_flix64_slot1_Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_get,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  Implicit_Field_ar0_get,
-  Implicit_Field_ar4_get,
-  Implicit_Field_ar8_get,
-  Implicit_Field_ar12_get,
-  Implicit_Field_mr0_get,
-  Implicit_Field_mr1_get,
-  Implicit_Field_mr2_get,
-  Implicit_Field_mr3_get,
-  Implicit_Field_bt16_get,
-  Implicit_Field_bs16_get,
-  Implicit_Field_br16_get,
-  Implicit_Field_brall_get
-static xtensa_set_field_fn
-Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_set_field_fns[] = {
-  Field_t_Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_set,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  Field_imm8_Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_set,
-  Field_s_Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_set,
-  Field_imm12b_Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_set,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  Field_offset_Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_set,
-  0,
-  0,
-  Field_op2_Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_set,
-  Field_r_Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_set,
-  0,
-  0,
-  Field_sae_Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_set,
-  Field_sal_Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_set,
-  Field_sargt_Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_set,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  Field_op0_s4_Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_set,
-  Field_combined3e2c5767_fld16_Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_set,
-  Field_combined3e2c5767_fld19xt_flix64_slot1_Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_set,
-  Field_combined3e2c5767_fld20xt_flix64_slot1_Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_set,
-  Field_combined3e2c5767_fld21xt_flix64_slot1_Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_set,
-  Field_combined3e2c5767_fld22xt_flix64_slot1_Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_set,
-  Field_combined3e2c5767_fld23xt_flix64_slot1_Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_set,
-  Field_combined3e2c5767_fld25xt_flix64_slot1_Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_set,
-  Field_combined3e2c5767_fld26xt_flix64_slot1_Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_set,
-  Field_combined3e2c5767_fld28xt_flix64_slot1_Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_set,
-  Field_combined3e2c5767_fld30xt_flix64_slot1_Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_set,
-  Field_combined3e2c5767_fld32xt_flix64_slot1_Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_set,
-  Field_combined3e2c5767_fld33xt_flix64_slot1_Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_set,
-  Field_combined3e2c5767_fld35xt_flix64_slot1_Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_set,
-  Field_combined3e2c5767_fld51xt_flix64_slot1_Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_set,
-  Field_combined3e2c5767_fld52xt_flix64_slot1_Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_set,
-  Field_combined3e2c5767_fld53xt_flix64_slot1_Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_set,
-  Field_combined3e2c5767_fld54xt_flix64_slot1_Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_set,
-  Field_combined3e2c5767_fld57xt_flix64_slot1_Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_set,
-  Field_combined3e2c5767_fld58xt_flix64_slot1_Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_set,
-  Field_combined3e2c5767_fld60xt_flix64_slot1_Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_set,
-  Field_combined3e2c5767_fld62xt_flix64_slot1_Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_set,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  Implicit_Field_set,
-  Implicit_Field_set,
-  Implicit_Field_set,
-  Implicit_Field_set,
-  Implicit_Field_set,
-  Implicit_Field_set,
-  Implicit_Field_set,
-  Implicit_Field_set,
-  Implicit_Field_set,
-  Implicit_Field_set,
-  Implicit_Field_set,
-  Implicit_Field_set
-static xtensa_get_field_fn
-Slot_xt_flix64_slot2_get_field_fns[] = {
-  Field_t_Slot_xt_flix64_slot2_get,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  Field_s_Slot_xt_flix64_slot2_get,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  Field_r_Slot_xt_flix64_slot2_get,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  Field_sargt_Slot_xt_flix64_slot2_get,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  Field_imm7_Slot_xt_flix64_slot2_get,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  Field_op0_s5_Slot_xt_flix64_slot2_get,
-  Field_combined3e2c5767_fld36xt_flix64_slot2_Slot_xt_flix64_slot2_get,
-  Field_combined3e2c5767_fld37xt_flix64_slot2_Slot_xt_flix64_slot2_get,
-  Field_combined3e2c5767_fld39xt_flix64_slot2_Slot_xt_flix64_slot2_get,
-  Field_combined3e2c5767_fld41xt_flix64_slot2_Slot_xt_flix64_slot2_get,
-  Field_combined3e2c5767_fld42xt_flix64_slot2_Slot_xt_flix64_slot2_get,
-  Field_combined3e2c5767_fld44xt_flix64_slot2_Slot_xt_flix64_slot2_get,
-  Field_combined3e2c5767_fld45xt_flix64_slot2_Slot_xt_flix64_slot2_get,
-  Field_combined3e2c5767_fld47xt_flix64_slot2_Slot_xt_flix64_slot2_get,
-  Field_combined3e2c5767_fld63xt_flix64_slot2_Slot_xt_flix64_slot2_get,
-  Field_combined3e2c5767_fld64xt_flix64_slot2_Slot_xt_flix64_slot2_get,
-  Field_combined3e2c5767_fld65xt_flix64_slot2_Slot_xt_flix64_slot2_get,
-  Field_combined3e2c5767_fld66xt_flix64_slot2_Slot_xt_flix64_slot2_get,
-  Field_combined3e2c5767_fld68xt_flix64_slot2_Slot_xt_flix64_slot2_get,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  Implicit_Field_ar0_get,
-  Implicit_Field_ar4_get,
-  Implicit_Field_ar8_get,
-  Implicit_Field_ar12_get,
-  Implicit_Field_mr0_get,
-  Implicit_Field_mr1_get,
-  Implicit_Field_mr2_get,
-  Implicit_Field_mr3_get,
-  Implicit_Field_bt16_get,
-  Implicit_Field_bs16_get,
-  Implicit_Field_br16_get,
-  Implicit_Field_brall_get
-static xtensa_set_field_fn
-Slot_xt_flix64_slot2_set_field_fns[] = {
-  Field_t_Slot_xt_flix64_slot2_set,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  Field_s_Slot_xt_flix64_slot2_set,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  Field_r_Slot_xt_flix64_slot2_set,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  Field_sargt_Slot_xt_flix64_slot2_set,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  Field_imm7_Slot_xt_flix64_slot2_set,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  Field_op0_s5_Slot_xt_flix64_slot2_set,
-  Field_combined3e2c5767_fld36xt_flix64_slot2_Slot_xt_flix64_slot2_set,
-  Field_combined3e2c5767_fld37xt_flix64_slot2_Slot_xt_flix64_slot2_set,
-  Field_combined3e2c5767_fld39xt_flix64_slot2_Slot_xt_flix64_slot2_set,
-  Field_combined3e2c5767_fld41xt_flix64_slot2_Slot_xt_flix64_slot2_set,
-  Field_combined3e2c5767_fld42xt_flix64_slot2_Slot_xt_flix64_slot2_set,
-  Field_combined3e2c5767_fld44xt_flix64_slot2_Slot_xt_flix64_slot2_set,
-  Field_combined3e2c5767_fld45xt_flix64_slot2_Slot_xt_flix64_slot2_set,
-  Field_combined3e2c5767_fld47xt_flix64_slot2_Slot_xt_flix64_slot2_set,
-  Field_combined3e2c5767_fld63xt_flix64_slot2_Slot_xt_flix64_slot2_set,
-  Field_combined3e2c5767_fld64xt_flix64_slot2_Slot_xt_flix64_slot2_set,
-  Field_combined3e2c5767_fld65xt_flix64_slot2_Slot_xt_flix64_slot2_set,
-  Field_combined3e2c5767_fld66xt_flix64_slot2_Slot_xt_flix64_slot2_set,
-  Field_combined3e2c5767_fld68xt_flix64_slot2_Slot_xt_flix64_slot2_set,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  Implicit_Field_set,
-  Implicit_Field_set,
-  Implicit_Field_set,
-  Implicit_Field_set,
-  Implicit_Field_set,
-  Implicit_Field_set,
-  Implicit_Field_set,
-  Implicit_Field_set,
-  Implicit_Field_set,
-  Implicit_Field_set,
-  Implicit_Field_set,
-  Implicit_Field_set
-static xtensa_get_field_fn
-Slot_xt_flix64_slot3_get_field_fns[] = {
-  Field_t_Slot_xt_flix64_slot3_get,
-  0,
-  Field_bbi_Slot_xt_flix64_slot3_get,
-  0,
-  0,
-  Field_s_Slot_xt_flix64_slot3_get,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  Field_r_Slot_xt_flix64_slot3_get,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  Field_xt_wbr18_imm_Slot_xt_flix64_slot3_get,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  Field_op0_s6_Slot_xt_flix64_slot3_get,
-  Field_combined3e2c5767_fld70xt_flix64_slot3_Slot_xt_flix64_slot3_get,
-  Field_combined3e2c5767_fld71_Slot_xt_flix64_slot3_get,
-  Field_combined3e2c5767_fld72xt_flix64_slot3_Slot_xt_flix64_slot3_get,
-  Field_combined3e2c5767_fld73xt_flix64_slot3_Slot_xt_flix64_slot3_get,
-  Field_combined3e2c5767_fld74xt_flix64_slot3_Slot_xt_flix64_slot3_get,
-  Field_combined3e2c5767_fld75xt_flix64_slot3_Slot_xt_flix64_slot3_get,
-  Field_combined3e2c5767_fld76xt_flix64_slot3_Slot_xt_flix64_slot3_get,
-  Field_combined3e2c5767_fld77xt_flix64_slot3_Slot_xt_flix64_slot3_get,
-  Field_combined3e2c5767_fld78xt_flix64_slot3_Slot_xt_flix64_slot3_get,
-  Field_combined3e2c5767_fld79xt_flix64_slot3_Slot_xt_flix64_slot3_get,
-  Field_combined3e2c5767_fld80xt_flix64_slot3_Slot_xt_flix64_slot3_get,
-  Field_combined3e2c5767_fld81xt_flix64_slot3_Slot_xt_flix64_slot3_get,
-  Field_combined3e2c5767_fld82xt_flix64_slot3_Slot_xt_flix64_slot3_get,
-  Field_combined3e2c5767_fld83xt_flix64_slot3_Slot_xt_flix64_slot3_get,
-  Field_combined3e2c5767_fld84xt_flix64_slot3_Slot_xt_flix64_slot3_get,
-  Field_combined3e2c5767_fld85xt_flix64_slot3_Slot_xt_flix64_slot3_get,
-  Field_combined3e2c5767_fld86xt_flix64_slot3_Slot_xt_flix64_slot3_get,
-  Field_combined3e2c5767_fld87xt_flix64_slot3_Slot_xt_flix64_slot3_get,
-  Field_combined3e2c5767_fld88xt_flix64_slot3_Slot_xt_flix64_slot3_get,
-  Field_combined3e2c5767_fld89xt_flix64_slot3_Slot_xt_flix64_slot3_get,
-  Field_combined3e2c5767_fld90xt_flix64_slot3_Slot_xt_flix64_slot3_get,
-  Field_combined3e2c5767_fld91xt_flix64_slot3_Slot_xt_flix64_slot3_get,
-  Field_combined3e2c5767_fld92xt_flix64_slot3_Slot_xt_flix64_slot3_get,
-  Field_combined3e2c5767_fld93xt_flix64_slot3_Slot_xt_flix64_slot3_get,
-  0,
-  Implicit_Field_ar0_get,
-  Implicit_Field_ar4_get,
-  Implicit_Field_ar8_get,
-  Implicit_Field_ar12_get,
-  Implicit_Field_mr0_get,
-  Implicit_Field_mr1_get,
-  Implicit_Field_mr2_get,
-  Implicit_Field_mr3_get,
-  Implicit_Field_bt16_get,
-  Implicit_Field_bs16_get,
-  Implicit_Field_br16_get,
-  Implicit_Field_brall_get
-static xtensa_set_field_fn
-Slot_xt_flix64_slot3_set_field_fns[] = {
-  Field_t_Slot_xt_flix64_slot3_set,
-  0,
-  Field_bbi_Slot_xt_flix64_slot3_set,
-  0,
-  0,
-  Field_s_Slot_xt_flix64_slot3_set,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  Field_r_Slot_xt_flix64_slot3_set,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  Field_xt_wbr18_imm_Slot_xt_flix64_slot3_set,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  0,
-  Field_op0_s6_Slot_xt_flix64_slot3_set,
-  Field_combined3e2c5767_fld70xt_flix64_slot3_Slot_xt_flix64_slot3_set,
-  Field_combined3e2c5767_fld71_Slot_xt_flix64_slot3_set,
-  Field_combined3e2c5767_fld72xt_flix64_slot3_Slot_xt_flix64_slot3_set,
-  Field_combined3e2c5767_fld73xt_flix64_slot3_Slot_xt_flix64_slot3_set,
-  Field_combined3e2c5767_fld74xt_flix64_slot3_Slot_xt_flix64_slot3_set,
-  Field_combined3e2c5767_fld75xt_flix64_slot3_Slot_xt_flix64_slot3_set,
-  Field_combined3e2c5767_fld76xt_flix64_slot3_Slot_xt_flix64_slot3_set,
-  Field_combined3e2c5767_fld77xt_flix64_slot3_Slot_xt_flix64_slot3_set,
-  Field_combined3e2c5767_fld78xt_flix64_slot3_Slot_xt_flix64_slot3_set,
-  Field_combined3e2c5767_fld79xt_flix64_slot3_Slot_xt_flix64_slot3_set,
-  Field_combined3e2c5767_fld80xt_flix64_slot3_Slot_xt_flix64_slot3_set,
-  Field_combined3e2c5767_fld81xt_flix64_slot3_Slot_xt_flix64_slot3_set,
-  Field_combined3e2c5767_fld82xt_flix64_slot3_Slot_xt_flix64_slot3_set,
-  Field_combined3e2c5767_fld83xt_flix64_slot3_Slot_xt_flix64_slot3_set,
-  Field_combined3e2c5767_fld84xt_flix64_slot3_Slot_xt_flix64_slot3_set,
-  Field_combined3e2c5767_fld85xt_flix64_slot3_Slot_xt_flix64_slot3_set,
-  Field_combined3e2c5767_fld86xt_flix64_slot3_Slot_xt_flix64_slot3_set,
-  Field_combined3e2c5767_fld87xt_flix64_slot3_Slot_xt_flix64_slot3_set,
-  Field_combined3e2c5767_fld88xt_flix64_slot3_Slot_xt_flix64_slot3_set,
-  Field_combined3e2c5767_fld89xt_flix64_slot3_Slot_xt_flix64_slot3_set,
-  Field_combined3e2c5767_fld90xt_flix64_slot3_Slot_xt_flix64_slot3_set,
-  Field_combined3e2c5767_fld91xt_flix64_slot3_Slot_xt_flix64_slot3_set,
-  Field_combined3e2c5767_fld92xt_flix64_slot3_Slot_xt_flix64_slot3_set,
-  Field_combined3e2c5767_fld93xt_flix64_slot3_Slot_xt_flix64_slot3_set,
-  0,
-  Implicit_Field_set,
-  Implicit_Field_set,
-  Implicit_Field_set,
-  Implicit_Field_set,
-  Implicit_Field_set,
-  Implicit_Field_set,
-  Implicit_Field_set,
-  Implicit_Field_set,
-  Implicit_Field_set,
-  Implicit_Field_set,
-  Implicit_Field_set,
-  Implicit_Field_set
-static xtensa_slot_internal slots[] = {
-  { "Inst", "x24", 0,
-    Slot_x24_Format_inst_0_get, Slot_x24_Format_inst_0_set,
-    Slot_inst_get_field_fns, Slot_inst_set_field_fns,
-    Slot_inst_decode, "nop" },
-  { "Inst16a", "x16a", 0,
-    Slot_x16a_Format_inst16a_0_get, Slot_x16a_Format_inst16a_0_set,
-    Slot_inst16a_get_field_fns, Slot_inst16a_set_field_fns,
-    Slot_inst16a_decode, "" },
-  { "Inst16b", "x16b", 0,
-    Slot_x16b_Format_inst16b_0_get, Slot_x16b_Format_inst16b_0_set,
-    Slot_inst16b_get_field_fns, Slot_inst16b_set_field_fns,
-    Slot_inst16b_decode, "nop.n" },
-  { "xt_flix64_slot0", "xt_format1", 0,
-    Slot_xt_format1_Format_xt_flix64_slot0_4_get, Slot_xt_format1_Format_xt_flix64_slot0_4_set,
-    Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_get_field_fns, Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_set_field_fns,
-    Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_decode, "nop" },
-  { "xt_flix64_slot0", "xt_format2", 0,
-    Slot_xt_format2_Format_xt_flix64_slot0_4_get, Slot_xt_format2_Format_xt_flix64_slot0_4_set,
-    Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_get_field_fns, Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_set_field_fns,
-    Slot_xt_flix64_slot0_decode, "nop" },
-  { "xt_flix64_slot1", "xt_format1", 1,
-    Slot_xt_format1_Format_xt_flix64_slot1_28_get, Slot_xt_format1_Format_xt_flix64_slot1_28_set,
-    Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_get_field_fns, Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_set_field_fns,
-    Slot_xt_flix64_slot1_decode, "nop" },
-  { "xt_flix64_slot2", "xt_format1", 2,
-    Slot_xt_format1_Format_xt_flix64_slot2_48_get, Slot_xt_format1_Format_xt_flix64_slot2_48_set,
-    Slot_xt_flix64_slot2_get_field_fns, Slot_xt_flix64_slot2_set_field_fns,
-    Slot_xt_flix64_slot2_decode, "nop" },
-  { "xt_flix64_slot3", "xt_format2", 1,
-    Slot_xt_format2_Format_xt_flix64_slot3_28_get, Slot_xt_format2_Format_xt_flix64_slot3_28_set,
-    Slot_xt_flix64_slot3_get_field_fns, Slot_xt_flix64_slot3_set_field_fns,
-    Slot_xt_flix64_slot3_decode, "nop" }
-/* Instruction formats.  */
-static void
-Format_x24_encode (xtensa_insnbuf insn)
-  insn[0] = 0;
-  insn[1] = 0;
-static void
-Format_x16a_encode (xtensa_insnbuf insn)
-  insn[0] = 0x8;
-  insn[1] = 0;
-static void
-Format_x16b_encode (xtensa_insnbuf insn)
-  insn[0] = 0xc;
-  insn[1] = 0;
-static void
-Format_xt_format1_encode (xtensa_insnbuf insn)
-  insn[0] = 0xe;
-  insn[1] = 0;
-static void
-Format_xt_format2_encode (xtensa_insnbuf insn)
-  insn[0] = 0xf;
-  insn[1] = 0;
-static int Format_x24_slots[] = { 0 };
-static int Format_x16a_slots[] = { 1 };
-static int Format_x16b_slots[] = { 2 };
-static int Format_xt_format1_slots[] = { 3, 5, 6 };
-static int Format_xt_format2_slots[] = { 4, 7 };
-static xtensa_format_internal formats[] = {
-  { "x24", 3, Format_x24_encode, 1, Format_x24_slots },
-  { "x16a", 2, Format_x16a_encode, 1, Format_x16a_slots },
-  { "x16b", 2, Format_x16b_encode, 1, Format_x16b_slots },
-  { "xt_format1", 8, Format_xt_format1_encode, 3, Format_xt_format1_slots },
-  { "xt_format2", 8, Format_xt_format2_encode, 2, Format_xt_format2_slots }
-static int
-format_decoder (const xtensa_insnbuf insn)
-	if ((insn[0] & 0x8) == 0 && (insn[1] & 0) == 0) {
-		return 0; /* x24 */
-	}
-	if ((insn[0] & 0xc) == 0x8 && (insn[1] & 0) == 0) {
-		return 1; /* x16a */
-	}
-	if ((insn[0] & 0xe) == 0xc && (insn[1] & 0) == 0) {
-		return 2; /* x16b */
-	}
-	if ((insn[0] & 0xf) == 0xe && (insn[1] & 0) == 0) {
-		return 3; /* xt_format1 */
-	}
-	if ((insn[0] & 0xf) == 0xf && (insn[1] & 0x80000000) == 0) {
-		return 4; /* xt_format2 */
-	}
-	return -1;
-static int length_table[16] = {
-  3,
-  3,
-  3,
-  3,
-  3,
-  3,
-  3,
-  3,
-  2,
-  2,
-  2,
-  2,
-  2,
-  2,
-  8,
-  8
-static int
-length_decoder (const unsigned char *insn)
-  int op0 = insn[0] & 0xf;
-  return length_table[op0];
-/* Top-level ISA structure.  */
-xtensa_isa_internal xtensa_modules = {
-  0 /* little-endian */,
-  8 /* insn_size */, 0,
-  5, formats, format_decoder, length_decoder,
-  8, slots,
-  135 /* num_fields */,
-  188, operands,
-  355, iclasses,
-  530, opcodes, 0,
-  8, regfiles,
-  NUM_STATES, states, 0,
-  NUM_SYSREGS, sysregs, 0,
-  { MAX_SPECIAL_REG, MAX_USER_REG }, { 0, 0 },
-  0, interfaces, 0,
-  0, funcUnits, 0
diff --git a/librz/arch/meson.build b/librz/arch/meson.build
index 0fd00351960..6a0603234c0 100644
--- a/librz/arch/meson.build
+++ b/librz/arch/meson.build
@@ -307,17 +307,21 @@ if capstone_dep.version() == 'next' or capstone_dep.version().split('.')[0].to_i
   arch_plugins_list += [
+    'xtensa_cs',
   # plugins sources
   arch_plugin_sources += [
+    'p/arch_xtensa_cs.c',
   # isa sources
   arch_isa_sources += [
+    'isa/xtensa/xtensa.c',
+    'isa/xtensa/xtensa_esil.c',
@@ -332,7 +336,6 @@ if get_option('use_gpl')
-    'xtensa_gnu',
@@ -346,7 +349,6 @@ if get_option('use_gpl')
-    'p_gnu/arch_xtensa.c',
@@ -369,10 +371,6 @@ if get_option('use_gpl')
-    'isa_gnu/xtensa/elf32-xtensa.c',
-    'isa_gnu/xtensa/xtensa-dis.c',
-    'isa_gnu/xtensa/xtensa-isa.c',
-    'isa_gnu/xtensa/xtensa-modules.c',
     # 'isa_gnu/z80/expressions.c',
     # 'isa_gnu/z80/z80.c',
     # 'isa_gnu/z80/z80asm.c',
diff --git a/librz/arch/p/analysis/analysis_xtensa_cs.c b/librz/arch/p/analysis/analysis_xtensa_cs.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..e3ef2f40eb5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/librz/arch/p/analysis/analysis_xtensa_cs.c
@@ -0,0 +1,366 @@
+// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2024 billow <billow.fun@gmail.com>
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-only
+#include <rz_lib.h>
+#include <rz_analysis.h>
+#include <rz_util.h>
+#include <rz_endian.h>
+#include <xtensa/xtensa.h>
+static int xtensa_archinfo(RzAnalysis *a, RzAnalysisInfoType query) {
+	switch (query) {
+		return 2;
+		return 6;
+		return 1;
+	default:
+		return -1;
+	}
+static char *xtensa_get_reg_profile(RzAnalysis *analysis) {
+	return rz_str_dup(
+		// Assuming call0 ABI
+		"# a0		return address\n"
+		"# a1		stack pointer\n"
+		"# a2-a7	arguments\n"
+		"# a2-a5	return value (call0 ABI)\n"
+		"# a12-a15	callee-saved (call0 ABI)\n"
+		"=PC	pc\n"
+		"=BP	a14\n"
+		"=SP	a1\n"
+		"=A0	a2\n"
+		"=A1	a3\n"
+		"=A2	a4\n"
+		"=A3	a5\n"
+		"=A4	a6\n"
+		"=A5	a7\n"
+		"=R0	a2\n"
+		"=R1	a3\n"
+		"=R2	a4\n"
+		"=R3	a5\n"
+		"gpr	a0	.32	0	0\n"
+		"gpr	a1	.32	4	0\n"
+		"gpr	a2	.32	8	0\n"
+		"gpr	a3	.32	16	0\n"
+		"gpr	a4	.32	20	0\n"
+		"gpr	a5	.32	24	0\n"
+		"gpr	a6	.32	28	0\n"
+		"gpr	a7	.32	32	0\n"
+		"gpr	a8	.32	36	0\n"
+		"gpr	a9	.32	40	0\n"
+		"gpr	a10	.32	44	0\n"
+		"gpr	a11	.32	48	0\n"
+		"gpr	a12	.32	52	0\n"
+		"gpr	a13	.32	56	0\n"
+		"gpr	a14	.32	60	0\n"
+		"gpr	a15	.32	64	0\n"
+		// pc
+		"gpr	pc	.32	68	0\n"
+		// sr
+		"gpr	sar	.32	72	0\n");
+static RzTypeCond xtensa_cond(xtensa_insn insn) {
+	switch (insn) {
+	case XTENSA_INS_BBS: break;
+	default: break;
+	}
+	return RZ_TYPE_COND_AL;
+static void xop_to_rval(RzAnalysis *a, XtensaContext *ctx, cs_xtensa_op *xop, RzAnalysisValue **prv) {
+	RzAnalysisValue *rv = rz_analysis_value_new();
+	if (!rv) {
+		return;
+	}
+	if (xop->access & CS_AC_WRITE) {
+		rv->access |= RZ_ANALYSIS_ACC_W;
+	}
+	if (xop->access & CS_AC_READ) {
+		rv->access |= RZ_ANALYSIS_ACC_R;
+	}
+	switch (xop->type) {
+		rv->reg = rz_reg_get(a->reg, cs_reg_name(ctx->handle, xop->reg), RZ_REG_TYPE_ANY);
+		rv->type = RZ_ANALYSIS_VAL_REG;
+		break;
+		rv->imm = xop->imm;
+		rv->type = RZ_ANALYSIS_VAL_IMM;
+		break;
+		rv->reg = rz_reg_get(a->reg, cs_reg_name(ctx->handle, xop->mem.base), RZ_REG_TYPE_ANY);
+		rv->delta = xop->mem.disp;
+		rv->type = RZ_ANALYSIS_VAL_MEM;
+		break;
+	case XTENSA_OP_L32R:
+		rv->reg = rz_reg_get(a->reg, "pc", RZ_REG_TYPE_ANY);
+		rv->delta = xop->imm;
+		rv->type = RZ_ANALYSIS_VAL_MEM;
+		break;
+	default:
+		rv->type = RZ_ANALYSIS_VAL_UNK;
+		break;
+	}
+	if (*prv) {
+		rz_analysis_value_free(*prv);
+	}
+	*prv = rv;
+static void xtensa_analyze_op(RzAnalysis *a, RzAnalysisOp *op, XtensaContext *ctx) {
+	int src_count = 0;
+	for (int i = 0; i < ctx->insn->detail->xtensa.op_count; ++i) {
+		cs_xtensa_op *xop = XOP(i);
+		if (xop->access & CS_AC_WRITE) {
+			xop_to_rval(a, ctx, xop, &op->dst);
+		}
+		if (xop->access & CS_AC_READ) {
+			xop_to_rval(a, ctx, xop, &op->src[src_count++]);
+		}
+	}
+	switch (ctx->insn->id) {
+	case XTENSA_INS_ADD: /* add */
+	case XTENSA_INS_ADDX2: /* addx2 */
+	case XTENSA_INS_ADDX4: /* addx4 */
+	case XTENSA_INS_ADDX8: /* addx8 */
+		op->type = RZ_ANALYSIS_OP_TYPE_ADD;
+		break;
+	case XTENSA_INS_SUB: /* sub */
+	case XTENSA_INS_SUBX2: /* subx2 */
+	case XTENSA_INS_SUBX4: /* subx4 */
+	case XTENSA_INS_SUBX8: /* subx8 */
+		op->type = RZ_ANALYSIS_OP_TYPE_SUB;
+		break;
+		op->type = RZ_ANALYSIS_OP_TYPE_MOV;
+		break;
+	case XTENSA_INS_NOP: /* nop.n */
+		op->type = RZ_ANALYSIS_OP_TYPE_NOP;
+		break;
+	case XTENSA_INS_S32I: /* s32i */
+	case XTENSA_INS_S16I: /* s16i */
+	case XTENSA_INS_S8I: /* s8i */
+	case XTENSA_INS_S32I_N:
+	case XTENSA_INS_S32C1I:
+		op->direction = RZ_ANALYSIS_OP_DIR_WRITE;
+		if (XOP(1)->type == XTENSA_OP_MEM && MEM(1)->base == XTENSA_REG_SP) {
+			op->type = RZ_ANALYSIS_OP_TYPE_PUSH;
+		}
+		break;
+	case XTENSA_INS_ADDI: /* addi */
+		op->type = RZ_ANALYSIS_OP_TYPE_ADD;
+		// a1 = stack
+		if (REGI(0) == XTENSA_REG_SP && REGI(1) == XTENSA_REG_SP) {
+			op->val = IMM(2);
+			op->stackptr = -IMM(2);
+			op->stackop = RZ_ANALYSIS_STACK_INC;
+		}
+		break;
+	}
+	case XTENSA_INS_RET: /* ret */
+		op->eob = true;
+		op->type = RZ_ANALYSIS_OP_TYPE_RET;
+		break;
+	case XTENSA_INS_L16UI: /* l16ui */
+	case XTENSA_INS_L16SI: /* l16si */
+	case XTENSA_INS_L32I: /* l32i */
+	case XTENSA_INS_L8UI: /* l8ui */
+	case XTENSA_INS_L32I_N:
+	case XTENSA_INS_L32R:
+	case XTENSA_INS_L32E:
+		op->direction = RZ_ANALYSIS_OP_DIR_READ;
+		if (XOP(1)->type == XTENSA_OP_MEM && MEM(1)->base == XTENSA_REG_SP) {
+			op->type = RZ_ANALYSIS_OP_TYPE_POP;
+		}
+		break;
+	case XTENSA_INS_ADDMI: /* addmi */
+		op->type = RZ_ANALYSIS_OP_TYPE_ADD;
+		break;
+	case XTENSA_INS_AND: /* and */
+	case XTENSA_INS_OR: /* or */
+	case XTENSA_INS_XOR: /* xor */
+		break;
+	case XTENSA_INS_BEQZ: /* beqz */
+	case XTENSA_INS_BNEZ: /* bnez */
+	case XTENSA_INS_BGEZ: /* bgez */
+	case XTENSA_INS_BLTZ: /* bltz */
+		op->jump = ctx->insn->address + IMM(1);
+		op->fail = ctx->insn->address + ctx->insn->size;
+		op->cond = xtensa_cond(ctx->insn->id);
+		break;
+	case XTENSA_INS_BGEU: /* bgeu */
+	case XTENSA_INS_BLTU: /* bltu */
+	case XTENSA_INS_BEQI: /* beqi */
+	case XTENSA_INS_BNEI: /* bnei */
+	case XTENSA_INS_BGEI: /* bgei */
+	case XTENSA_INS_BLTI: /* blti */
+	case XTENSA_INS_BGEUI: /* bgeui */
+	case XTENSA_INS_BLTUI: /* bltui */
+	case XTENSA_INS_BANY: /* bany */
+	case XTENSA_INS_BNONE: /* bnone */
+	case XTENSA_INS_BALL: /* ball */
+	case XTENSA_INS_BNALL: /* bnall */
+	case XTENSA_INS_BBCI: /* bbci */
+	case XTENSA_INS_BBSI: /* bbsi */
+	case XTENSA_INS_BBC: /* bbc */
+	case XTENSA_INS_BBS: /* bbs */
+		op->jump = ctx->insn->address + IMM(2);
+		op->fail = ctx->insn->address + ctx->insn->size;
+		op->cond = xtensa_cond(ctx->insn->id);
+		break;
+	case XTENSA_INS_EXTUI: /* extui */
+		break;
+	case XTENSA_INS_J: /* j */
+		op->type = RZ_ANALYSIS_OP_TYPE_JMP;
+		op->jump = ctx->insn->address + IMM(0);
+		op->fail = ctx->insn->address + ctx->insn->size;
+		break;
+	case XTENSA_INS_CALLX0: /* callx0 */
+		op->reg = REGN(0);
+		break;
+	case XTENSA_INS_CALL0: /* call0 */
+		op->jump = ctx->insn->address + IMM(0);
+		op->fail = ctx->insn->address + ctx->insn->size;
+		break;
+	case XTENSA_INS_MOVEQZ: /* moveqz */
+	case XTENSA_INS_MOVNEZ: /* movnez */
+	case XTENSA_INS_MOVLTZ: /* movltz */
+	case XTENSA_INS_MOVGEZ: /* movgez */
+		break;
+	case XTENSA_INS_ABS: /* abs */
+		op->type = RZ_ANALYSIS_OP_TYPE_ABS;
+		break;
+	case XTENSA_INS_NEG: /* neg */
+		break;
+	case XTENSA_INS_SSR: /* ssr */
+		op->type = RZ_ANALYSIS_OP_TYPE_SHR;
+		break;
+	case XTENSA_INS_SSL: /* ssl */
+		op->type = RZ_ANALYSIS_OP_TYPE_SHL;
+		break;
+	case XTENSA_INS_SLLI: /* slli */
+		op->type = RZ_ANALYSIS_OP_TYPE_SHL;
+		break;
+	case XTENSA_INS_SRLI: /* srli */
+		op->type = RZ_ANALYSIS_OP_TYPE_SHR;
+		break;
+	case XTENSA_INS_SSAI: /* ssai */
+		op->type = RZ_ANALYSIS_OP_TYPE_SAR;
+		break;
+	case XTENSA_INS_SLL: /* sll */
+		op->type = RZ_ANALYSIS_OP_TYPE_SHL;
+		break;
+	case XTENSA_INS_SRL: /* srl */
+		op->type = RZ_ANALYSIS_OP_TYPE_SHR;
+		break;
+	}
+static int xtensa_op(RzAnalysis *analysis, RzAnalysisOp *op, ut64 addr, const ut8 *buf, int len, RzAnalysisOpMask mask) {
+	XtensaContext *ctx = analysis->plugin_data;
+	if (!xtensa_open(ctx, analysis->cpu, analysis->big_endian)) {
+		goto beach;
+	}
+	if (!xtensa_disassemble(ctx, buf, len, addr)) {
+		goto beach;
+	}
+	xtensa_analyze_op(analysis, op, ctx);
+		op->mnemonic = rz_str_newf(
+			"%s%s%s",
+			ctx->insn->mnemonic,
+			ctx->insn->op_str[0] ? " " : "",
+			ctx->insn->op_str);
+	}
+	if (mask & RZ_ANALYSIS_OP_MASK_ESIL) {
+		xtensa_analyze_op_esil(ctx, op);
+	}
+	op->size = ctx->insn->size;
+	op->id = ctx->insn->id;
+	op->addr = addr;
+	xtensa_disassemble_fini(ctx);
+	return op->size;
+	xtensa_disassemble_fini(ctx);
+	return -1;
+RzAnalysisPlugin rz_analysis_plugin_xtensa_cs = {
+	.name = "xtensa",
+	.desc = "Capstone Xtensa analysis plugin",
+	.author = "billow",
+	.license = "LGPL3",
+	.arch = "xtensa",
+	.bits = 8,
+	.op = xtensa_op,
+	.esil = true,
+	.archinfo = xtensa_archinfo,
+	.get_reg_profile = xtensa_get_reg_profile,
+	.init = xtensa_init,
+	.fini = xtensa_fini,
diff --git a/librz/arch/p/arch_xtensa_cs.c b/librz/arch/p/arch_xtensa_cs.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..91bef5cea6f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/librz/arch/p/arch_xtensa_cs.c
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2024 billow <billow.fun@gmail.com>
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-only
+#include <rz_arch.h>
+#include <deprecated_arch_helper.h>
+#include "analysis/analysis_xtensa_cs.c"
+#include "asm/asm_xtensa_cs.c"
diff --git a/librz/arch/p/asm/asm_tricore_cs.c b/librz/arch/p/asm/asm_tricore_cs.c
index 276c7842f9f..ecdeaf36d07 100644
--- a/librz/arch/p/asm/asm_tricore_cs.c
+++ b/librz/arch/p/asm/asm_tricore_cs.c
@@ -106,6 +106,7 @@ static bool fini(void *u) {
 RzAsmPlugin rz_asm_plugin_tricore_cs = {
 	.name = "tricore",
 	.arch = "tricore",
+	.cpus = "tricore",
 	.author = "billow",
 	.license = "BSD",
 	.bits = 32,
diff --git a/librz/arch/p/asm/asm_xtensa_cs.c b/librz/arch/p/asm/asm_xtensa_cs.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..522cdbb27db
--- /dev/null
+++ b/librz/arch/p/asm/asm_xtensa_cs.c
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2024 billow <billow.fun@gmail.com>
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-only
+#include <rz_types.h>
+#include <rz_asm.h>
+#include <xtensa/xtensa.h>
+static int asm_xtensa_disassemble(RzAsm *a, RzAsmOp *op, const ut8 *buf, int len) {
+	XtensaContext *ctx = a->plugin_data;
+	if (!xtensa_open(ctx, a->cpu, a->big_endian)) {
+		goto beach;
+	}
+	if (!xtensa_disassemble(ctx, buf, len, a->pc)) {
+		goto beach;
+	}
+	rz_asm_op_setf_asm(op,
+		"%s%s%s",
+		ctx->insn->mnemonic,
+		ctx->insn->op_str[0] ? " " : "",
+		ctx->insn->op_str);
+	op->size = ctx->insn->size;
+	xtensa_disassemble_fini(ctx);
+	return op->size;
+	xtensa_disassemble_fini(ctx);
+	return -1;
+RzAsmPlugin rz_asm_plugin_xtensa_cs = {
+	.name = "xtensa",
+	.license = "LGPL3",
+	.desc = "Capstone Xtensa disassembly plugin",
+	.author = "billow",
+	.arch = "xtensa",
+	.cpus = "esp32,esp32s2,esp8266",
+	.bits = 32,
+	.disassemble = asm_xtensa_disassemble,
+	.init = &xtensa_init,
+	.fini = &xtensa_fini,
diff --git a/librz/arch/p_gnu/analysis/analysis_xtensa_gnu.c b/librz/arch/p_gnu/analysis/analysis_xtensa_gnu.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 69c00761cf7..00000000000
--- a/librz/arch/p_gnu/analysis/analysis_xtensa_gnu.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2079 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2016-2018 pancake <pancake@nopcode.org>
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-only
-#include <string.h>
-#include <rz_types.h>
-#include <rz_lib.h>
-#include <rz_asm.h>
-#include <rz_analysis.h>
-#include <xtensa/xtensa-isa.h>
-#define CM                ","
-typedef struct {
-	xtensa_insnbuf insn_buffer;
-	xtensa_insnbuf slot_buffer;
-} XtensaContext;
-static bool xtensa_init(void **user) {
-	XtensaContext *ctx = RZ_NEW0(XtensaContext);
-	rz_return_val_if_fail(ctx, false);
-	ctx->insn_buffer = NULL;
-	ctx->slot_buffer = NULL;
-	*user = ctx;
-	return true;
-static int xtensa_length(const ut8 *insn) {
-	static const int length_table[16] = { 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 8, 8 };
-	return length_table[*insn & 0xf];
-static inline ut64 xtensa_offset(ut64 addr, const ut8 *buf) {
-	ut32 offset = ((buf[0] >> 4) & 0xc) | (((ut32)buf[1]) << 4) | (((ut32)buf[2]) << 12);
-	if (offset & 0x80000) {
-		return (addr + 4 + offset - 0x100000) & ~3;
-	}
-	return (addr + 4 + offset) & ~3;
-static inline ut64 xtensa_imm18s(ut64 addr, const ut8 *buf) {
-	ut32 offset = (buf[0] >> 6) | (((ut32)buf[1]) << 2) | (((ut32)buf[2]) << 10);
-	if (offset & 0x20000) {
-		return addr + 4 + offset - 0x40000;
-	}
-	return addr + 4 + offset;
-static inline ut64 xtensa_imm6s(ut64 addr, const ut8 *buf) {
-	ut8 imm6 = (buf[1] >> 4) | (buf[0] & 0x30);
-	return (addr + 4 + imm6);
-static inline ut64 xtensa_imm8s(ut64 addr, ut8 imm8) {
-	if (imm8 & 0x80) {
-		return (addr + 4 + imm8 - 0x100);
-	}
-	return (addr + 4 + imm8);
-static inline ut64 xtensa_imm12s(ut64 addr, const ut8 *buf) {
-	ut16 imm12 = (buf[1] >> 4) | (((ut16)buf[2]) << 4);
-	if (imm12 & 0x800) {
-		return (addr + 4 + imm12 - 0x1000);
-	}
-	return (addr + 4 + imm12);
-typedef void (*XtensaOpFn)(RzAnalysis *analysis, RzAnalysisOp *op, ut64 addr, const ut8 *buf);
-static void xtensa_null_op(RzAnalysis *analysis, RzAnalysisOp *op, ut64 addr, const ut8 *buf) {
-static void xtensa_unk_op(RzAnalysis *analysis, RzAnalysisOp *op, ut64 addr, const ut8 *buf) {
-static void xtensa_mov_op(RzAnalysis *analysis, RzAnalysisOp *op, ut64 addr, const ut8 *buf) {
-static void xtensa_load_op(RzAnalysis *analysis, RzAnalysisOp *op, ut64 addr, const ut8 *buf) {
-static void xtensa_store_op(RzAnalysis *analysis, RzAnalysisOp *op, ut64 addr, const ut8 *buf) {
-static void xtensa_add_op(RzAnalysis *analysis, RzAnalysisOp *op, ut64 addr, const ut8 *buf) {
-static void xtensa_sub_op(RzAnalysis *analysis, RzAnalysisOp *op, ut64 addr, const ut8 *buf) {
-static void xtensa_mul_op(RzAnalysis *analysis, RzAnalysisOp *op, ut64 addr, const ut8 *buf) {
-static void xtensa_div_op(RzAnalysis *analysis, RzAnalysisOp *op, ut64 addr, const ut8 *buf) {
-static void xtensa_mod_op(RzAnalysis *analysis, RzAnalysisOp *op, ut64 addr, const ut8 *buf) {
-static void xtensa_and_op(RzAnalysis *analysis, RzAnalysisOp *op, ut64 addr, const ut8 *buf) {
-static void xtensa_or_op(RzAnalysis *analysis, RzAnalysisOp *op, ut64 addr, const ut8 *buf) {
-	op->type = RZ_ANALYSIS_OP_TYPE_OR;
-static void xtensa_xor_op(RzAnalysis *analysis, RzAnalysisOp *op, ut64 addr, const ut8 *buf) {
-static void xtensa_shl_op(RzAnalysis *analysis, RzAnalysisOp *op, ut64 addr, const ut8 *buf) {
-static void xtensa_shr_op(RzAnalysis *analysis, RzAnalysisOp *op, ut64 addr, const ut8 *buf) {
-static void xtensa_l32r_op(RzAnalysis *analysis, RzAnalysisOp *op, ut64 addr, const ut8 *buf) {
-	op->ptr = ((addr + 3) & ~3) + ((buf[2] << 8 | buf[1]) << 2) - 0x40000;
-	op->refptr = 4;
-static void xtensa_snm0_op(RzAnalysis *analysis, RzAnalysisOp *op, ut64 addr, const ut8 *buf) {
-	switch ((buf[0] >> 4) & 0xf) {
-	case 0x0:
-	case 0x1:
-	case 0x2:
-	case 0x3:
-		op->type = RZ_ANALYSIS_OP_TYPE_ILL;
-		break;
-	case 0x8:
-	case 0x9:
-		op->type = RZ_ANALYSIS_OP_TYPE_RET;
-		break;
-	case 0xa:
-		break;
-	case 0xc:
-	case 0xd:
-	case 0xe:
-	case 0xf:
-		break;
-	default:
-		xtensa_unk_op(analysis, op, addr, buf);
-		break;
-	}
-static void xtensa_sync_op(RzAnalysis *analysis, RzAnalysisOp *op, ut64 addr, const ut8 *buf) {
-	switch ((buf[0] >> 4) & 0xf) {
-	case 0x0:
-	case 0x1:
-	case 0x2:
-	case 0x3:
-	case 0x8:
-	case 0xc:
-	case 0xd:
-		/* Wait/sync instructions? */
-		break;
-	default:
-		xtensa_unk_op(analysis, op, addr, buf);
-		break;
-	}
-static void xtensa_rfei_op(RzAnalysis *analysis, RzAnalysisOp *op, ut64 addr, const ut8 *buf) {
-	switch ((buf[0] >> 4) & 0xf) {
-	case 0x0:
-		switch (buf[1] & 0xf) {
-		case 0x0:
-		case 0x1:
-		case 0x2:
-		case 0x4:
-		case 0x5:
-			op->type = RZ_ANALYSIS_OP_TYPE_RET;
-			break;
-		default:
-			xtensa_unk_op(analysis, op, addr, buf);
-			break;
-		}
-		break;
-	case 0x1:
-	case 0x2:
-		op->type = RZ_ANALYSIS_OP_TYPE_RET;
-		break;
-	default:
-		xtensa_unk_op(analysis, op, addr, buf);
-		break;
-	}
-static void xtensa_st0_op(RzAnalysis *analysis, RzAnalysisOp *op, ut64 addr, const ut8 *buf) {
-	switch ((buf[1] >> 4) & 0xf) {
-	case 0x0:
-		xtensa_snm0_op(analysis, op, addr, buf);
-		break;
-	case 0x1:
-		break;
-	case 0x2:
-		xtensa_sync_op(analysis, op, addr, buf);
-		break;
-	case 0x3:
-		xtensa_rfei_op(analysis, op, addr, buf);
-		break;
-	case 0x4:
-		break;
-	case 0x5:
-	case 0x6:
-	case 0x7:
-		op->type = RZ_ANALYSIS_OP_TYPE_SWI;
-		break;
-	case 0x8:
-	case 0x9:
-	case 0xa:
-	case 0xb:
-		op->type = RZ_ANALYSIS_OP_TYPE_MOV;
-		break;
-	default:
-		xtensa_unk_op(analysis, op, addr, buf);
-		break;
-	}
-static void xtensa_st1_op(RzAnalysis *analysis, RzAnalysisOp *op, ut64 addr, const ut8 *buf) {
-	switch ((buf[1] >> 4) & 0xf) {
-	case 0x0:
-	case 0x1:
-	case 0x2:
-	case 0x3:
-	case 0x4:
-		/* Set shift-amount-register */
-		/*op->type = RZ_ANALYSIS_OP_TYPE_MOV;*/
-		break;
-	case 0x6:
-	case 0x7:
-		op->type = RZ_ANALYSIS_OP_TYPE_IO;
-		/*op->type = RZ_ANALYSIS_OP_TYPE_MOV;*/
-		break;
-	case 0x8:
-		op->type = RZ_ANALYSIS_OP_TYPE_SWI;
-		break;
-	case 0xe:
-	case 0xf:
-		break;
-	default:
-		xtensa_unk_op(analysis, op, addr, buf);
-		break;
-	}
-static void xtensa_rt0_op(RzAnalysis *analysis, RzAnalysisOp *op, ut64 addr, const ut8 *buf) {
-	switch (buf[1] & 0xf) {
-	case 0:
-		op->type = RZ_ANALYSIS_OP_TYPE_NOT;
-		break;
-	case 1:
-		/*op->type = RZ_ANALYSIS_OP_TYPE_ABS;*/
-		op->type = RZ_ANALYSIS_OP_TYPE_MOV;
-		break;
-	default:
-		xtensa_unk_op(analysis, op, addr, buf);
-		break;
-	}
-static void xtensa_tlb_op(RzAnalysis *analysis, RzAnalysisOp *op, ut64 addr, const ut8 *buf) {
-	switch ((buf[2] >> 4) & 0xf) {
-	case 0x3:
-	case 0x4:
-	case 0x5:
-	case 0x6:
-	case 0x7:
-	case 0xb:
-	case 0xc:
-	case 0xd:
-	case 0xe:
-	case 0xf:
-		op->type = RZ_ANALYSIS_OP_TYPE_MOV;
-		break;
-	default:
-		xtensa_unk_op(analysis, op, addr, buf);
-		break;
-	}
-static void xtensa_accer_op(RzAnalysis *analysis, RzAnalysisOp *op, ut64 addr, const ut8 *buf) {
-	switch ((buf[2] >> 4) & 0xf) {
-	case 0x0:
-	case 0x8:
-		op->type = RZ_ANALYSIS_OP_TYPE_IO;
-		/*op->type = RZ_ANALYSIS_OP_TYPE_MOV;*/
-		break;
-	default:
-		xtensa_unk_op(analysis, op, addr, buf);
-		break;
-	}
-static void xtensa_imp_op(RzAnalysis *analysis, RzAnalysisOp *op, ut64 addr, const ut8 *buf) {
-	switch ((buf[1] >> 4) & 0xf) {
-	case 0x0:
-	case 0x1:
-	case 0x2:
-	case 0x3:
-	case 0x8:
-	case 0x9:
-		break;
-	case 0xe:
-		if (((buf[0] >> 4) & 0xf) <= 1) {
-			op->type = RZ_ANALYSIS_OP_TYPE_RET;
-		} else {
-			xtensa_unk_op(analysis, op, addr, buf);
-		}
-		break;
-	default:
-		xtensa_unk_op(analysis, op, addr, buf);
-		break;
-	}
-static XtensaOpFn xtensa_rst0_fns[] = {
-	xtensa_st0_op,
-	xtensa_and_op,
-	xtensa_or_op,
-	xtensa_xor_op,
-	xtensa_st1_op,
-	xtensa_tlb_op,
-	xtensa_rt0_op,
-	xtensa_unk_op,
-	xtensa_add_op,
-	xtensa_add_op,
-	xtensa_add_op,
-	xtensa_add_op,
-	xtensa_sub_op,
-	xtensa_sub_op,
-	xtensa_sub_op,
-	xtensa_sub_op
-static XtensaOpFn xtensa_rst1_fns[] = {
-	xtensa_shl_op,
-	xtensa_shl_op,
-	xtensa_shr_op,
-	xtensa_shr_op,
-	xtensa_shr_op,
-	xtensa_unk_op,
-	xtensa_null_op,
-	xtensa_accer_op,
-	xtensa_shr_op,
-	xtensa_shr_op,
-	xtensa_shl_op,
-	xtensa_shr_op,
-	xtensa_mul_op,
-	xtensa_mul_op,
-	xtensa_unk_op,
-	xtensa_imp_op
-static XtensaOpFn xtensa_rst2_fns[] = {
-	xtensa_and_op,
-	xtensa_and_op,
-	xtensa_or_op,
-	xtensa_or_op,
-	xtensa_xor_op,
-	xtensa_unk_op,
-	xtensa_unk_op,
-	xtensa_unk_op,
-	xtensa_mul_op,
-	xtensa_unk_op,
-	xtensa_mul_op,
-	xtensa_mul_op,
-	xtensa_div_op,
-	xtensa_div_op,
-	xtensa_mod_op,
-	xtensa_mod_op
-static void xtensa_rst0_op(RzAnalysis *analysis, RzAnalysisOp *op, ut64 addr, const ut8 *buf) {
-	xtensa_rst0_fns[(buf[2] >> 4) & 0xf](analysis, op, addr, buf);
-static void xtensa_rst1_op(RzAnalysis *analysis, RzAnalysisOp *op, ut64 addr, const ut8 *buf) {
-	xtensa_rst1_fns[(buf[2] >> 4) & 0xf](analysis, op, addr, buf);
-static void xtensa_rst2_op(RzAnalysis *analysis, RzAnalysisOp *op, ut64 addr, const ut8 *buf) {
-	xtensa_rst2_fns[(buf[2] >> 4) & 0xf](analysis, op, addr, buf);
-static void xtensa_lsc4_op(RzAnalysis *analysis, RzAnalysisOp *op, ut64 addr, const ut8 *buf) {
-	switch ((buf[2] >> 4) & 0xf) {
-	case 0x0:
-		xtensa_load_op(analysis, op, addr, buf);
-		break;
-	case 0x4:
-		xtensa_store_op(analysis, op, addr, buf);
-		break;
-	default:
-		xtensa_unk_op(analysis, op, addr, buf);
-		break;
-	}
-static void xtensa_lscx_op(RzAnalysis *analysis, RzAnalysisOp *op, ut64 addr, const ut8 *buf) {
-	switch ((buf[2] >> 4) & 0xf) {
-	case 0x0:
-	case 0x1:
-		xtensa_load_op(analysis, op, addr, buf);
-		break;
-	case 0x4:
-	case 0x5:
-		xtensa_store_op(analysis, op, addr, buf);
-		break;
-	default:
-		xtensa_unk_op(analysis, op, addr, buf);
-		break;
-	}
-static void xtensa_fp0_op(RzAnalysis *analysis, RzAnalysisOp *op, ut64 addr, const ut8 *buf) {
-	switch ((buf[2] >> 4) & 0xf) {
-	case 0x0:
-	case 0x4:
-		op->type = RZ_ANALYSIS_OP_TYPE_ADD;
-		break;
-	case 0x1:
-	case 0x5:
-		op->type = RZ_ANALYSIS_OP_TYPE_SUB;
-		break;
-	case 0x2:
-		op->type = RZ_ANALYSIS_OP_TYPE_MUL;
-		break;
-	case 0x8:
-	case 0x9:
-	case 0xa:
-	case 0xb:
-	case 0xc:
-	case 0xd:
-	case 0xe:
-		op->type = RZ_ANALYSIS_OP_TYPE_MOV;
-		break;
-	case 0xf:
-		switch ((buf[0] >> 4) & 0xf) {
-		case 0x0:
-		case 0x4:
-		case 0x5:
-			op->type = RZ_ANALYSIS_OP_TYPE_MOV;
-			break;
-		case 0x1:
-			op->type = RZ_ANALYSIS_OP_TYPE_ABS;
-			break;
-		case 0x6:
-			op->type = RZ_ANALYSIS_OP_TYPE_NOT;
-			break;
-		default:
-			xtensa_unk_op(analysis, op, addr, buf);
-			break;
-		}
-		break;
-	default:
-		xtensa_unk_op(analysis, op, addr, buf);
-		break;
-	}
-static void xtensa_fp1_op(RzAnalysis *analysis, RzAnalysisOp *op, ut64 addr, const ut8 *buf) {
-	switch ((buf[2] >> 4) & 0xf) {
-	case 0x1:
-	case 0x2:
-	case 0x3:
-	case 0x4:
-	case 0x5:
-	case 0x6:
-	case 0x7:
-		op->type = RZ_ANALYSIS_OP_TYPE_CMP;
-		break;
-	case 0x8:
-	case 0x9:
-	case 0xa:
-	case 0xb:
-	case 0xc:
-	case 0xd:
-		op->type = RZ_ANALYSIS_OP_TYPE_MOV;
-		break;
-	default:
-		xtensa_unk_op(analysis, op, addr, buf);
-		break;
-	}
-static XtensaOpFn xtensa_qrst_fns[] = {
-	xtensa_rst0_op,
-	xtensa_rst1_op,
-	xtensa_rst2_op,
-	xtensa_mov_op, /*xtensa_rst3_op,*/
-	xtensa_null_op, /*xtensa_extui_op,*/
-	xtensa_null_op, /*xtensa_extui_op,*/
-	xtensa_unk_op, /*xtensa_cust0_op,*/
-	xtensa_unk_op, /*xtensa_cust1_op,*/
-	xtensa_lscx_op,
-	xtensa_lsc4_op,
-	xtensa_fp0_op,
-	xtensa_fp1_op,
-	xtensa_unk_op,
-	xtensa_unk_op,
-	xtensa_unk_op,
-	xtensa_unk_op
-static void xtensa_qrst_op(RzAnalysis *analysis, RzAnalysisOp *op, ut64 addr, const ut8 *buf) {
-	xtensa_qrst_fns[buf[2] & 0xf](analysis, op, addr, buf);
-static XtensaOpFn xtensa_lsai_fns[] = {
-	xtensa_load_op,
-	xtensa_load_op,
-	xtensa_load_op,
-	xtensa_unk_op,
-	xtensa_store_op,
-	xtensa_store_op,
-	xtensa_store_op,
-	xtensa_null_op, /*xtensa_cache_op,probably not interesting for analysis?*/
-	xtensa_unk_op,
-	xtensa_load_op,
-	xtensa_mov_op,
-	xtensa_load_op,
-	xtensa_add_op,
-	xtensa_add_op,
-	xtensa_store_op,
-	xtensa_store_op
-static void xtensa_lsai_op(RzAnalysis *analysis, RzAnalysisOp *op, ut64 addr, const ut8 *buf) {
-	xtensa_lsai_fns[(buf[1] >> 4) & 0xf](analysis, op, addr, buf);
-static void xtensa_lsci_op(RzAnalysis *analysis, RzAnalysisOp *op, ut64 addr, const ut8 *buf) {
-	ut8 r = buf[1] >> 4;
-	if ((r & 3) == 0) {
-		if (r & 4) {
-			xtensa_store_op(analysis, op, addr, buf);
-		} else {
-			xtensa_load_op(analysis, op, addr, buf);
-		}
-	} else {
-		xtensa_unk_op(analysis, op, addr, buf);
-	}
-static void xtensa_calln_op(RzAnalysis *analysis, RzAnalysisOp *op, ut64 addr, const ut8 *buf) {
-	op->fail = addr + op->size;
-	op->jump = xtensa_offset(addr, buf);
-static void xtensa_b_op(RzAnalysis *analysis, RzAnalysisOp *op, ut64 addr, const ut8 *buf) {
-	op->fail = addr + op->size;
-	op->jump = xtensa_imm8s(addr, buf[2]);
-static void xtensa_si_op(RzAnalysis *analysis, RzAnalysisOp *op, ut64 addr, const ut8 *buf) {
-	ut8 n = (buf[0] >> 4) & 3;
-	ut8 m = (buf[0] >> 6);
-	switch (n) {
-	case 0:
-		op->type = RZ_ANALYSIS_OP_TYPE_JMP;
-		op->jump = xtensa_imm18s(addr, buf);
-		break;
-	case 1:
-		op->fail = addr + op->size;
-		op->jump = xtensa_imm12s(addr, buf);
-		break;
-	case 2:
-		xtensa_b_op(analysis, op, addr, buf);
-		break;
-	case 3:
-		switch (m) {
-		case 0:
-			break;
-		case 1:
-			switch (buf[1] >> 4) {
-			case 0:
-			case 1:
-				xtensa_b_op(analysis, op, addr, buf);
-				break;
-			case 0x8:
-			case 0x9:
-			case 0xa:
-				op->type = RZ_ANALYSIS_OP_TYPE_CJMP;
-				op->fail = addr + op->size;
-				op->jump = addr + 4 + buf[2];
-				break;
-			default:
-				xtensa_unk_op(analysis, op, addr, buf);
-				break;
-			}
-			break;
-		case 2:
-		case 3:
-			xtensa_b_op(analysis, op, addr, buf);
-			break;
-		default:
-			xtensa_unk_op(analysis, op, addr, buf);
-			break;
-		}
-		break;
-	default:
-		xtensa_unk_op(analysis, op, addr, buf);
-		break;
-	}
-static void xtensa_st2n_op(RzAnalysis *analysis, RzAnalysisOp *op, ut64 addr, const ut8 *buf) {
-	if (buf[0] & 0x80) {
-		op->fail = addr + op->size;
-		op->jump = xtensa_imm6s(addr, buf);
-	} else {
-		op->type = RZ_ANALYSIS_OP_TYPE_MOV;
-	}
-static void xtensa_st3n_op(RzAnalysis *analysis, RzAnalysisOp *op, ut64 addr, const ut8 *buf) {
-	switch ((buf[1] >> 4) & 0xf) {
-	case 0x0:
-		op->type = RZ_ANALYSIS_OP_TYPE_MOV;
-		break;
-	case 0xf:
-		switch ((buf[0] >> 4) & 0xf) {
-		case 0:
-		case 1:
-			op->type = RZ_ANALYSIS_OP_TYPE_RET;
-			break;
-		case 2:
-			op->type = RZ_ANALYSIS_OP_TYPE_TRAP;
-			break;
-		case 3:
-			op->type = RZ_ANALYSIS_OP_TYPE_NOP;
-			break;
-		case 6:
-			op->type = RZ_ANALYSIS_OP_TYPE_ILL;
-			break;
-		default:
-			xtensa_unk_op(analysis, op, addr, buf);
-			break;
-		}
-		break;
-	default:
-		xtensa_unk_op(analysis, op, addr, buf);
-		break;
-	}
-static XtensaOpFn xtensa_op0_fns[] = {
-	xtensa_qrst_op,
-	xtensa_l32r_op,
-	xtensa_lsai_op,
-	xtensa_lsci_op,
-	xtensa_null_op, /*xtensa_mac16_op,*/
-	xtensa_calln_op,
-	xtensa_si_op,
-	xtensa_b_op,
-	xtensa_load_op,
-	xtensa_store_op,
-	xtensa_add_op,
-	xtensa_add_op,
-	xtensa_st2n_op,
-	xtensa_st3n_op,
-	xtensa_null_op, /*xtensa_xt_format1_op,*/ /*TODO*/
-	xtensa_null_op /*xtensa_xt_format2_op*/ /*TODO*/
-static inline void sign_extend(st32 *value, ut8 bit) {
-	if (*value & (1 << bit)) {
-		*value |= 0xFFFFFFFF << bit;
-	}
-static inline void sign_extend2(st32 *value, ut8 bit1, ut8 bit2, ut8 shift) {
-	if (((*value >> bit1) & 1) && ((*value >> bit2) & 1)) {
-		*value |= UT32_MAX << (32 - shift);
-	}
-static void xtensa_check_stack_op(xtensa_isa isa, xtensa_opcode opcode, xtensa_format format,
-	size_t i, xtensa_insnbuf slot_buffer, RzAnalysisOp *op) {
-	st32 imm;
-	ut32 dst;
-	ut32 src;
-	xtensa_operand_get_field(isa, opcode, 0, format, i, slot_buffer, &dst);
-	xtensa_operand_get_field(isa, opcode, 1, format, i, slot_buffer, &src);
-	xtensa_operand_get_field(isa, opcode, 2, format, i, slot_buffer, (ut32 *)&imm);
-	// wide form of addi requires sign extension
-	if (opcode == 39) {
-		sign_extend(&imm, 7);
-	}
-	// a1 = stack
-	if (dst == 1 && src == 1) {
-		op->val = imm;
-		op->stackptr = -imm;
-		op->stackop = RZ_ANALYSIS_STACK_INC;
-	}
-static void esil_push_signed_imm(RzStrBuf *esil, st32 imm) {
-	if (imm >= 0) {
-		rz_strbuf_appendf(esil, "0x%x" CM, imm);
-	} else {
-		rz_strbuf_appendf(
-			esil,
-			"0x%x" CM
-			"0x0" CM
-			"-" CM,
-			-imm);
-	}
-static void esil_sign_extend(RzStrBuf *esil, ut8 bit) {
-	// check sign bit, and, if needed, apply or mask
-	ut32 bit_mask = 1 << bit;
-	ut32 extend_mask = 0xFFFFFFFF << bit;
-	rz_strbuf_appendf(
-		esil,
-		"DUP" CM
-		"0x%x" CM
-		"&" CM
-		"0" CM
-		"==,$z,!" CM
-		"?{" CM
-		"0x%x" CM
-		"|" CM
-		"}" CM,
-		bit_mask,
-		extend_mask);
-static void esil_load_imm(xtensa_isa isa, xtensa_opcode opcode, xtensa_format format,
-	size_t i, xtensa_insnbuf slot_buffer, RzAnalysisOp *op) {
-	ut32 offset;
-	ut32 reg_d;
-	ut32 reg_a;
-	ut8 sign_extend_bit;
-	xtensa_operand_get_field(isa, opcode, 0, format, i, slot_buffer, &reg_d);
-	xtensa_operand_get_field(isa, opcode, 1, format, i, slot_buffer, &reg_a);
-	xtensa_operand_get_field(isa, opcode, 2, format, i, slot_buffer, &offset);
-	xtensa_regfile dst_rf = xtensa_operand_regfile(isa, opcode, 0);
-	xtensa_regfile src_rf = xtensa_operand_regfile(isa, opcode, 1);
-	// example: l32i a2, a1, 0x10
-	//          0x10,a1,+, // address on stack
-	//          [x], // read data
-	//          a2, // push data reg
-	//			= // assign to data reg
-	ut8 data_size = opcode == 82 ? 2 // l16ui
-		: opcode == 83       ? 2 // l16si
-		: opcode == 84       ? 4 // l32i
-		: opcode == 31       ? 4 // l32i.n
-				     : 1; // opcode == 86 ? 1 : 1; // l8ui
-	sign_extend_bit = 0;
-	switch (opcode) {
-	case 84: // l32i
-	case 31: // l32i.n
-		offset <<= 2;
-		break;
-	case 83: // l16si
-		sign_extend_bit = 15;
-		// fallthrough
-	case 82:
-		// l16ui
-		offset <<= 1;
-		break;
-	}
-	rz_strbuf_appendf(
-		&op->esil,
-		"0x%x" CM
-		"%s%d" CM
-		"+" CM
-		"[%d]" CM,
-		// offset
-		offset,
-		// address
-		xtensa_regfile_shortname(isa, src_rf),
-		reg_a,
-		// size
-		data_size);
-	if (sign_extend_bit != 0) {
-		esil_sign_extend(&op->esil, sign_extend_bit);
-	}
-	rz_strbuf_appendf(
-		&op->esil,
-		"%s%d" CM
-		"=",
-		// data
-		xtensa_regfile_shortname(isa, dst_rf),
-		reg_d);
-static void esil_load_relative(xtensa_isa isa, xtensa_opcode opcode, xtensa_format format,
-	size_t i, xtensa_insnbuf slot_buffer, RzAnalysisOp *op) {
-	ut32 offset;
-	st32 dst;
-	xtensa_operand_get_field(isa, opcode, 0, format, i, slot_buffer, (ut32 *)&dst);
-	xtensa_operand_get_field(isa, opcode, 1, format, i, slot_buffer, &offset);
-	xtensa_regfile dst_rf = xtensa_operand_regfile(isa, opcode, 0);
-	// example: l32r a2, 0x10
-	//          0x10,$$,3,+ // l32r address + 3 on stack
-	//          0xFFFFFFFC,&, // clear 2 lsb
-	//          -, // subtract offset
-	//          [4], // read data
-	//          a2, // push data reg
-	//          = // assign to data reg
-	offset = -((offset | 0xFFFF0000) << 2);
-	rz_strbuf_appendf(
-		&op->esil,
-		"0x%x" CM
-		"$$" CM
-		"3" CM
-		"+" CM
-		"&" CM
-		"-" CM
-		"[4]" CM
-		"%s%d" CM
-		"=",
-		// offset
-		offset,
-		// data
-		xtensa_regfile_shortname(isa, dst_rf),
-		dst);
-static void esil_add_imm(xtensa_isa isa, xtensa_opcode opcode, xtensa_format format,
-	size_t i, xtensa_insnbuf slot_buffer, RzAnalysisOp *op) {
-	st32 imm;
-	ut32 dst;
-	ut32 src;
-	xtensa_operand_get_field(isa, opcode, 0, format, i, slot_buffer, &dst);
-	xtensa_operand_get_field(isa, opcode, 1, format, i, slot_buffer, &src);
-	xtensa_operand_get_field(isa, opcode, 2, format, i, slot_buffer, (ut32 *)&imm);
-	xtensa_regfile dst_rf = xtensa_operand_regfile(isa, opcode, 0);
-	xtensa_regfile src_rf = xtensa_operand_regfile(isa, opcode, 1);
-	// example: addi a3, a4, 0x01
-	//          a4,0x01,+,a3,=
-	// wide form of addi requires sign extension
-	if (opcode == 39) {
-		sign_extend(&imm, 7);
-	}
-	rz_strbuf_appendf(&op->esil, "%s%d" CM, xtensa_regfile_shortname(isa, src_rf), src);
-	esil_push_signed_imm(&op->esil, imm);
-	rz_strbuf_appendf(
-		&op->esil,
-		"+" CM
-		"%s%d" CM
-		"=",
-		xtensa_regfile_shortname(isa, dst_rf),
-		dst);
-static void esil_store_imm(xtensa_isa isa, xtensa_opcode opcode, xtensa_format format,
-	size_t i, xtensa_insnbuf slot_buffer, RzAnalysisOp *op) {
-	ut32 offset;
-	ut32 reg_d;
-	ut32 reg_a;
-	xtensa_operand_get_field(isa, opcode, 0, format, i, slot_buffer, &reg_d);
-	xtensa_operand_get_field(isa, opcode, 1, format, i, slot_buffer, &reg_a);
-	xtensa_operand_get_field(isa, opcode, 2, format, i, slot_buffer, &offset);
-	xtensa_regfile dst_rf = xtensa_operand_regfile(isa, opcode, 0);
-	xtensa_regfile src_rf = xtensa_operand_regfile(isa, opcode, 1);
-	// example: s32i a2, a1, 0x10
-	//          a2, // push data
-	//          0x10,a1,+, // address on stack
-	//          =[x] // write data
-	ut8 data_size =
-		opcode == 453   ? 4 // s32cli
-		: opcode == 36  ? 4 // s32i.n
-		: opcode == 100 ? 4 // s32i
-		: opcode == 99  ? 2 // s16i
-				: 1; // opcode == 101 ? 1 : 1; // s8i
-	switch (opcode) {
-	case 100: // s32i
-	case 453: // s32cli
-	case 36: // s32i.n
-		offset <<= 2;
-		break;
-	case 99: // s16i
-		offset <<= 1;
-		break;
-	}
-	rz_strbuf_appendf(
-		&op->esil,
-		"%s%d" CM
-		"0x%x" CM
-		"%s%d" CM
-		"+" CM
-		"=[%d]",
-		// data
-		xtensa_regfile_shortname(isa, dst_rf),
-		reg_d,
-		// offset
-		offset,
-		// address
-		xtensa_regfile_shortname(isa, src_rf),
-		reg_a,
-		// size
-		data_size);
-static void esil_move_imm(xtensa_isa isa, xtensa_opcode opcode, xtensa_format format,
-	size_t i, xtensa_insnbuf slot_buffer, RzAnalysisOp *op) {
-	st32 imm;
-	ut32 reg;
-	xtensa_operand_get_field(isa, opcode, 0, format, i, slot_buffer, &reg);
-	xtensa_operand_get_field(isa, opcode, 1, format, i, slot_buffer, (ut32 *)&imm);
-	xtensa_regfile rf = xtensa_operand_regfile(isa, opcode, 0);
-	// sign extension
-	// 90: movi
-	if (opcode == 90) {
-		sign_extend(&imm, 11);
-	}
-	// 33: movi.n
-	if (opcode == 33) {
-		sign_extend2(&imm, 6, 5, 25);
-	}
-	esil_push_signed_imm(&op->esil, imm);
-	rz_strbuf_appendf(
-		&op->esil,
-		"%s%d" CM
-		"=",
-		xtensa_regfile_shortname(isa, rf),
-		reg);
-static void esil_move(xtensa_isa isa, xtensa_opcode opcode, xtensa_format format,
-	size_t i, xtensa_insnbuf slot_buffer, RzAnalysisOp *op) {
-	ut32 dst;
-	ut32 src;
-	xtensa_operand_get_field(isa, opcode, 0, format, i, slot_buffer, &dst);
-	xtensa_operand_get_field(isa, opcode, 1, format, i, slot_buffer, &src);
-	xtensa_regfile dst_rf = xtensa_operand_regfile(isa, opcode, 0);
-	xtensa_regfile src_rf = xtensa_operand_regfile(isa, opcode, 1);
-	rz_strbuf_appendf(
-		&op->esil,
-		"%s%d" CM
-		"%s%d" CM
-		"=",
-		xtensa_regfile_shortname(isa, src_rf),
-		src,
-		xtensa_regfile_shortname(isa, dst_rf),
-		dst);
-static void esil_move_conditional(xtensa_isa isa, xtensa_opcode opcode, xtensa_format format,
-	size_t i, xtensa_insnbuf slot_buffer, RzAnalysisOp *op) {
-	ut32 dst;
-	ut32 src;
-	ut32 cond;
-	xtensa_operand_get_field(isa, opcode, 0, format, i, slot_buffer, &dst);
-	xtensa_operand_get_field(isa, opcode, 1, format, i, slot_buffer, &src);
-	xtensa_operand_get_field(isa, opcode, 2, format, i, slot_buffer, &cond);
-	xtensa_regfile dst_rf = xtensa_operand_regfile(isa, opcode, 0);
-	xtensa_regfile src_rf = xtensa_operand_regfile(isa, opcode, 1);
-	xtensa_regfile cond_rf = xtensa_operand_regfile(isa, opcode, 2);
-	const char *compare_op = "";
-	switch (opcode) {
-	case 91: /* moveqz */
-		compare_op = "==,$z";
-		break;
-	case 92: /* movnez */
-		compare_op = "==,$z,!";
-		break;
-	case 93: /* movltz */
-		compare_op = "<";
-		break;
-	case 94: /* movgez */
-		compare_op = ">=";
-		break;
-	}
-	// example: moveqz a3, a4, a5
-	//          0,
-	//          a5,
-	//          ==,
-	//          ?{,
-	//            a4,
-	//            a3,
-	//            =,
-	//          }
-	rz_strbuf_appendf(
-		&op->esil,
-		"0" CM
-		"%s%d" CM
-		"%s" CM
-		"?{" CM
-		"%s%d" CM
-		"%s%d" CM
-		"=" CM
-		"}",
-		xtensa_regfile_shortname(isa, cond_rf),
-		cond,
-		compare_op,
-		xtensa_regfile_shortname(isa, src_rf),
-		src,
-		xtensa_regfile_shortname(isa, dst_rf),
-		dst);
-static void esil_add_sub(xtensa_isa isa, xtensa_opcode opcode, xtensa_format format,
-	size_t i, xtensa_insnbuf slot_buffer, RzAnalysisOp *op) {
-	ut32 dst;
-	ut32 op1;
-	ut32 op2;
-	bool is_add;
-	ut8 shift;
-	xtensa_operand_get_field(isa, opcode, 0, format, i, slot_buffer, &dst);
-	xtensa_operand_get_field(isa, opcode, 1, format, i, slot_buffer, &op1);
-	xtensa_operand_get_field(isa, opcode, 2, format, i, slot_buffer, &op2);
-	xtensa_regfile dst_rf = xtensa_operand_regfile(isa, opcode, 0);
-	xtensa_regfile op1_rf = xtensa_operand_regfile(isa, opcode, 1);
-	xtensa_regfile op2_rf = xtensa_operand_regfile(isa, opcode, 2);
-	is_add =
-		(opcode == 26) ||
-		(opcode == 41) ||
-		(opcode == 43) ||
-		(opcode == 44) ||
-		(opcode == 45);
-	switch (opcode) {
-	case 43:
-	case 46:
-		shift = 1;
-		break;
-	case 44:
-	case 47:
-		shift = 2;
-		break;
-	case 45:
-	case 48:
-		shift = 3;
-		break;
-	default:
-		shift = 0;
-		break;
-	}
-	rz_strbuf_appendf(
-		&op->esil,
-		"%s%d" CM
-		"%d" CM
-		"%s%d" CM
-		"<<" CM
-		"%s" CM
-		"%s%d" CM
-		"=",
-		xtensa_regfile_shortname(isa, op2_rf),
-		op2,
-		shift,
-		xtensa_regfile_shortname(isa, op1_rf),
-		op1,
-		(is_add ? "+" : "-"),
-		xtensa_regfile_shortname(isa, dst_rf),
-		dst);
-static void esil_branch_compare_imm(xtensa_isa isa, xtensa_opcode opcode,
-	xtensa_format format, size_t i, xtensa_insnbuf slot_buffer, RzAnalysisOp *op) {
-	ut32 cmp_reg;
-	// Unsigned immediate operands still fit in st32
-	st32 cmp_imm;
-	st32 branch_imm;
-	const char *compare_op = "";
-	xtensa_operand_get_field(isa, opcode, 0, format, i, slot_buffer, &cmp_reg);
-	xtensa_operand_get_field(isa, opcode, 1, format, i, slot_buffer, (ut32 *)&cmp_imm);
-	xtensa_operand_get_field(isa, opcode, 2, format, i, slot_buffer, (ut32 *)&branch_imm);
-	xtensa_regfile cmp_rf = xtensa_operand_regfile(isa, opcode, 0);
-	// TODO: unsigned comparisons
-	switch (opcode) {
-	case 52: /* beqi */
-		compare_op = "==,$z";
-		break;
-	case 53: /* bnei */
-		compare_op = "==,$z,!";
-		break;
-	case 58: /* bgeui */
-	case 54: /* bgei */
-		compare_op = ">=";
-		break;
-	case 59: /* bltui */
-	case 55: /* blti */
-		compare_op = "<";
-		break;
-	}
-	// example: beqi a4, 4, offset
-	//            a4, // push data reg
-	//            0x4, // push imm operand
-	//            ==,
-	//            ?{,
-	//              offset,
-	//              pc,
-	//              +=,
-	//            }
-	rz_strbuf_appendf(
-		&op->esil,
-		"%s%d" CM,
-		// data reg
-		xtensa_regfile_shortname(isa, cmp_rf),
-		cmp_reg);
-	esil_push_signed_imm(&op->esil, cmp_imm);
-	rz_strbuf_appendf(&op->esil, "%s" CM, compare_op);
-	rz_strbuf_appendf(&op->esil, "?{" CM);
-	// ISA defines branch target as offset + 4,
-	// but at the time of ESIL evaluation
-	// PC will be already incremented by 3
-	esil_push_signed_imm(&op->esil, branch_imm + 4 - 3);
-	rz_strbuf_appendf(&op->esil, "pc" CM "+=" CM "}");
-static void esil_branch_compare(xtensa_isa isa, xtensa_opcode opcode,
-	xtensa_format format, size_t i, xtensa_insnbuf slot_buffer, RzAnalysisOp *op) {
-	ut32 op1_reg;
-	ut32 op2_reg;
-	st32 branch_imm;
-	const char *compare_op = "";
-	xtensa_operand_get_field(isa, opcode, 0, format, i, slot_buffer, &op1_reg);
-	xtensa_operand_get_field(isa, opcode, 1, format, i, slot_buffer, &op2_reg);
-	xtensa_operand_get_field(isa, opcode, 2, format, i, slot_buffer, (ut32 *)&branch_imm);
-	xtensa_regfile op1_rf = xtensa_operand_regfile(isa, opcode, 0);
-	xtensa_regfile op2_rf = xtensa_operand_regfile(isa, opcode, 1);
-	switch (opcode) {
-	case 60: /* beq */
-		compare_op = "==,$z";
-		break;
-	case 61: /* bne */
-		compare_op = "==,$z,!";
-		break;
-	case 62: /* bge */
-	case 64: /* bgeu */
-		compare_op = ">=";
-		break;
-	case 63: /* blt */
-	case 65: /* bltu */
-		compare_op = "<";
-		break;
-	}
-	sign_extend(&branch_imm, 7);
-	branch_imm += 4 - 3;
-	// example: beq a4, a3, offset
-	//            a3, // push op1
-	//            a4, // push op2
-	//            ==,
-	//            ?{,
-	//              offset,
-	//              pc,
-	//              +=,
-	//            }
-	rz_strbuf_appendf(
-		&op->esil,
-		"%s%d" CM
-		"%s%d" CM
-		"%s" CM
-		"?{" CM,
-		xtensa_regfile_shortname(isa, op2_rf),
-		op2_reg,
-		xtensa_regfile_shortname(isa, op1_rf),
-		op1_reg,
-		compare_op);
-	esil_push_signed_imm(&op->esil, branch_imm);
-	rz_strbuf_append(&op->esil, "pc" CM "+=" CM "}");
-static void esil_branch_compare_single(xtensa_isa isa, xtensa_opcode opcode,
-	xtensa_format format, size_t i, xtensa_insnbuf slot_buffer, RzAnalysisOp *op) {
-	ut32 op_reg;
-	st32 branch_imm;
-	const char *compare_op = "";
-	xtensa_operand_get_field(isa, opcode, 0, format, i, slot_buffer, &op_reg);
-	xtensa_operand_get_field(isa, opcode, 1, format, i, slot_buffer, (ut32 *)&branch_imm);
-	xtensa_regfile op_rf = xtensa_operand_regfile(isa, opcode, 0);
-	switch (opcode) {
-	case 72: /* beqz */
-	case 28: /* beqz.n */
-		compare_op = "==,$z";
-		break;
-	case 73: /* bnez */
-	case 29: /* bnez.n */
-		compare_op = "==,$z,!";
-		break;
-	case 74: /* bgez */
-		compare_op = ">=";
-		break;
-	case 75: /* bltz */
-		compare_op = "<";
-		break;
-	}
-	sign_extend(&branch_imm, 12);
-	branch_imm += 4 - 3;
-	// example: beqz a4, 0, offset
-	//            0,  // push 0
-	//            a4, // push op
-	//            ==,
-	//            ?{,
-	//              offset,
-	//              pc,
-	//              +=,
-	//            }
-	rz_strbuf_appendf(
-		&op->esil,
-		"0" CM
-		"%s%d" CM
-		"%s" CM
-		"?{" CM,
-		xtensa_regfile_shortname(isa, op_rf),
-		op_reg,
-		compare_op);
-	esil_push_signed_imm(&op->esil, branch_imm);
-	rz_strbuf_append(&op->esil, "pc" CM "+=" CM "}");
-static void esil_branch_check_mask(xtensa_isa isa, xtensa_opcode opcode,
-	xtensa_format format, size_t i, xtensa_insnbuf slot_buffer, RzAnalysisOp *op) {
-	ut32 op1_reg;
-	ut32 op2_reg;
-	st32 branch_imm;
-	const char *compare_op = "";
-	char compare_val[4] = "0";
-	xtensa_operand_get_field(isa, opcode, 0, format, i, slot_buffer, &op1_reg);
-	xtensa_operand_get_field(isa, opcode, 1, format, i, slot_buffer, &op2_reg);
-	xtensa_operand_get_field(isa, opcode, 2, format, i, slot_buffer, (ut32 *)&branch_imm);
-	xtensa_regfile op1_rf = xtensa_operand_regfile(isa, opcode, 0);
-	xtensa_regfile op2_rf = xtensa_operand_regfile(isa, opcode, 1);
-	switch (opcode) {
-	case 69: /* bnall */
-	case 66: /* bany */
-		compare_op = "==,$z,!";
-		break;
-	case 68: /* ball */
-	case 67: /* bnone */
-		compare_op = "==,$z";
-		break;
-	}
-	switch (opcode) {
-	case 69: /* bnall */
-	case 68: /* ball */
-		snprintf(
-			compare_val,
-			sizeof(compare_val),
-			"%s%d",
-			xtensa_regfile_shortname(isa, op2_rf),
-			op2_reg);
-		break;
-	}
-	sign_extend(&branch_imm, 7);
-	branch_imm += 4 - 3;
-	// example: bnall a4, a3, offset
-	//            a4, // push op1
-	//            a3, // push op2
-	//            &,
-	//            a3,
-	//            ==,!,
-	//            ?{,
-	//              offset,
-	//              pc,
-	//              +=,
-	//            }
-	rz_strbuf_appendf(
-		&op->esil,
-		"%s%d" CM
-		"%s%d" CM
-		"&" CM
-		"%s%d" CM
-		"%s" CM
-		"?{" CM,
-		xtensa_regfile_shortname(isa, op1_rf),
-		op1_reg,
-		xtensa_regfile_shortname(isa, op2_rf),
-		op2_reg,
-		xtensa_regfile_shortname(isa, op2_rf),
-		op2_reg,
-		compare_op);
-	esil_push_signed_imm(&op->esil, branch_imm);
-	rz_strbuf_append(&op->esil, "pc" CM "+=" CM "}");
-static void esil_bitwise_op(xtensa_isa isa, xtensa_opcode opcode, xtensa_format format,
-	size_t i, xtensa_insnbuf slot_buffer, RzAnalysisOp *op) {
-	ut32 dst;
-	ut32 op1;
-	ut32 op2;
-	char bop;
-	xtensa_operand_get_field(isa, opcode, 0, format, i, slot_buffer, &dst);
-	xtensa_operand_get_field(isa, opcode, 1, format, i, slot_buffer, &op1);
-	xtensa_operand_get_field(isa, opcode, 2, format, i, slot_buffer, &op2);
-	xtensa_regfile dst_rf = xtensa_operand_regfile(isa, opcode, 0);
-	xtensa_regfile op1_rf = xtensa_operand_regfile(isa, opcode, 1);
-	xtensa_regfile op2_rf = xtensa_operand_regfile(isa, opcode, 2);
-	switch (opcode) {
-	case 49: /* and */
-		bop = '&';
-		break;
-	case 50: /* or */
-		bop = '|';
-		break;
-	case 51: /* xor */
-		bop = '^';
-		break;
-	default:
-		bop = '=';
-		break;
-	}
-	rz_strbuf_appendf(
-		&op->esil,
-		"%s%d" CM
-		"%s%d" CM
-		"%c" CM
-		"%s%d" CM
-		"=",
-		xtensa_regfile_shortname(isa, op1_rf),
-		op1,
-		xtensa_regfile_shortname(isa, op2_rf),
-		op2,
-		bop,
-		xtensa_regfile_shortname(isa, dst_rf),
-		dst);
-static void esil_branch_check_bit_imm(xtensa_isa isa, xtensa_opcode opcode, xtensa_format format,
-	size_t i, xtensa_insnbuf slot_buffer, RzAnalysisOp *op) {
-	ut32 src_reg;
-	ut32 imm_bit;
-	st32 imm_offset;
-	ut8 bit_clear;
-	ut32 mask;
-	const char *cmp_op;
-	xtensa_operand_get_field(isa, opcode, 0, format, i, slot_buffer, &src_reg);
-	xtensa_operand_get_field(isa, opcode, 1, format, i, slot_buffer, &imm_bit);
-	xtensa_operand_decode(isa, opcode, 1, &imm_bit);
-	xtensa_operand_get_field(isa, opcode, 2, format, i, slot_buffer, (ut32 *)&imm_offset);
-	xtensa_regfile src_rf = xtensa_operand_regfile(isa, opcode, 0);
-	bit_clear = opcode == 56;
-	cmp_op = bit_clear ? "==,$z" : "==,$z,!";
-	mask = 1 << imm_bit;
-	sign_extend(&imm_offset, 7);
-	imm_offset += 4 - 3;
-	// example: bbsi a4, 2, offset
-	//          a4,
-	//          mask,
-	//          &,
-	//          0,
-	//          ==,
-	//          ?{,
-	//            offset,
-	//            pc,
-	//            +=,
-	//          }
-	rz_strbuf_appendf(
-		&op->esil,
-		"%s%d" CM
-		"0x%x" CM
-		"&" CM
-		"0" CM
-		"%s" CM
-		"?{" CM,
-		xtensa_regfile_shortname(isa, src_rf),
-		src_reg,
-		mask,
-		cmp_op);
-	esil_push_signed_imm(&op->esil, imm_offset);
-	rz_strbuf_appendf(
-		&op->esil,
-		"pc" CM
-		"+=" CM
-		"}");
-static void esil_branch_check_bit(xtensa_isa isa, xtensa_opcode opcode, xtensa_format format,
-	size_t i, xtensa_insnbuf slot_buffer, RzAnalysisOp *op) {
-	ut32 src_reg;
-	ut32 bit_reg;
-	st32 imm_offset;
-	ut8 bit_clear;
-	const char *cmp_op;
-	xtensa_operand_get_field(isa, opcode, 0, format, i, slot_buffer, &src_reg);
-	xtensa_operand_get_field(isa, opcode, 1, format, i, slot_buffer, &bit_reg);
-	xtensa_operand_get_field(isa, opcode, 2, format, i, slot_buffer, (ut32 *)&imm_offset);
-	xtensa_regfile src_rf = xtensa_operand_regfile(isa, opcode, 0);
-	xtensa_regfile bit_rf = xtensa_operand_regfile(isa, opcode, 1);
-	// bbc
-	bit_clear = opcode == 70;
-	cmp_op = bit_clear ? "==,$z" : "==,$z,!";
-	sign_extend(&imm_offset, 7);
-	imm_offset += 4 - 3;
-	// example: bbc a4, a2, offset
-	//          a2,
-	//          1,
-	//          <<,
-	//          a4,
-	//          &
-	//          0
-	//          ==,
-	//          ?{,
-	//            offset,
-	//            pc,
-	//            +=,
-	//          }
-	rz_strbuf_appendf(
-		&op->esil,
-		"%s%d" CM
-		"1" CM
-		"<<" CM
-		"%s%d" CM
-		"&" CM
-		"0" CM
-		"%s" CM
-		"?{" CM,
-		xtensa_regfile_shortname(isa, bit_rf),
-		bit_reg,
-		xtensa_regfile_shortname(isa, src_rf),
-		src_reg,
-		cmp_op);
-	esil_push_signed_imm(&op->esil, imm_offset);
-	rz_strbuf_appendf(
-		&op->esil,
-		"pc" CM
-		"+=" CM
-		"}");
-static void esil_abs_neg(xtensa_isa isa, xtensa_opcode opcode, xtensa_format format,
-	size_t i, xtensa_insnbuf slot_buffer, RzAnalysisOp *op) {
-	ut32 src_reg;
-	ut32 dst_reg;
-	ut8 neg;
-	xtensa_operand_get_field(isa, opcode, 1, format, i, slot_buffer, &dst_reg);
-	xtensa_operand_get_field(isa, opcode, 0, format, i, slot_buffer, &src_reg);
-	xtensa_regfile dst_rf = xtensa_operand_regfile(isa, opcode, 1);
-	xtensa_regfile src_rf = xtensa_operand_regfile(isa, opcode, 0);
-	neg = opcode == 95;
-	if (!neg) {
-		rz_strbuf_appendf(
-			&op->esil,
-			"0" CM
-			"%s%d" CM
-			"<" CM
-			"?{" CM
-			"0" CM
-			"%s%d" CM
-			"-" CM
-			"}" CM
-			"0" CM
-			"%s%d" CM
-			">=" CM
-			"?{" CM
-			"%s%d" CM
-			"}" CM,
-			xtensa_regfile_shortname(isa, src_rf),
-			src_reg,
-			xtensa_regfile_shortname(isa, src_rf),
-			src_reg,
-			xtensa_regfile_shortname(isa, src_rf),
-			src_reg,
-			xtensa_regfile_shortname(isa, src_rf),
-			src_reg);
-	} else {
-		rz_strbuf_appendf(
-			&op->esil,
-			"0" CM
-			"%s%d" CM
-			"-" CM,
-			xtensa_regfile_shortname(isa, src_rf),
-			src_reg);
-	}
-	rz_strbuf_appendf(
-		&op->esil,
-		"%s%d" CM
-		"=" CM,
-		xtensa_regfile_shortname(isa, dst_rf),
-		dst_reg);
-static void esil_call(xtensa_isa isa, xtensa_opcode opcode,
-	xtensa_format format, size_t i, xtensa_insnbuf slot_buffer, RzAnalysisOp *op) {
-	bool call = opcode == 76;
-	st32 imm_offset;
-	xtensa_operand_get_field(isa, opcode, 0, format, i, slot_buffer,
-		(ut32 *)&imm_offset);
-	if (call) {
-		rz_strbuf_append(
-			&op->esil,
-			"pc" CM
-			"a0" CM
-			"=" CM);
-	}
-	sign_extend(&imm_offset, 17);
-	if (call) {
-		imm_offset <<= 2;
-	}
-	imm_offset += 4 - 3;
-	esil_push_signed_imm(&op->esil, imm_offset);
-	rz_strbuf_append(&op->esil, "pc" CM "+=");
-static void esil_callx(xtensa_isa isa, xtensa_opcode opcode,
-	xtensa_format format, size_t i, xtensa_insnbuf slot_buffer, RzAnalysisOp *op) {
-	bool callx = opcode == 77;
-	ut32 dst_reg;
-	xtensa_operand_get_field(isa, opcode, 0, format, i, slot_buffer, &dst_reg);
-	xtensa_regfile dst_rf = xtensa_operand_regfile(isa, opcode, 0);
-	rz_strbuf_appendf(
-		&op->esil,
-		"%s%d" CM "0" CM "+" CM,
-		xtensa_regfile_shortname(isa, dst_rf),
-		dst_reg);
-	if (callx) {
-		rz_strbuf_append(
-			&op->esil,
-			"pc" CM
-			"a0" CM
-			"=" CM);
-	}
-	rz_strbuf_append(&op->esil, "pc" CM "=");
-static void esil_set_shift_amount(xtensa_isa isa, xtensa_opcode opcode,
-	xtensa_format format, size_t i, xtensa_insnbuf slot_buffer, RzAnalysisOp *op) {
-	ut32 src_reg;
-	xtensa_operand_get_field(isa, opcode, 0, format, i, slot_buffer, &src_reg);
-	xtensa_regfile src_rf = xtensa_operand_regfile(isa, opcode, 0);
-	rz_strbuf_appendf(
-		&op->esil,
-		"%s%d" CM
-		"sar" CM
-		"=",
-		xtensa_regfile_shortname(isa, src_rf),
-		src_reg);
-static void esil_set_shift_amount_imm(xtensa_isa isa, xtensa_opcode opcode,
-	xtensa_format format, size_t i, xtensa_insnbuf slot_buffer, RzAnalysisOp *op) {
-	ut32 sa_imm;
-	xtensa_operand_get_field(isa, opcode, 0, format, i, slot_buffer, &sa_imm);
-	xtensa_operand_decode(isa, opcode, 0, &sa_imm);
-	rz_strbuf_appendf(
-		&op->esil,
-		"0x%x" CM
-		"sar" CM
-		"=",
-		sa_imm);
-static void esil_shift_logic_imm(xtensa_isa isa, xtensa_opcode opcode,
-	xtensa_format format, size_t i, xtensa_insnbuf slot_buffer, RzAnalysisOp *op) {
-	ut32 reg_dst;
-	ut32 reg_src;
-	ut32 imm_amount;
-	const char *shift_op = "";
-	xtensa_operand_get_field(isa, opcode, 0, format, i, slot_buffer, &reg_dst);
-	xtensa_operand_get_field(isa, opcode, 1, format, i, slot_buffer, &reg_src);
-	xtensa_operand_get_field(isa, opcode, 2, format, i, slot_buffer, &imm_amount);
-	xtensa_operand_decode(isa, opcode, 2, &imm_amount);
-	xtensa_regfile dst_rf = xtensa_operand_regfile(isa, opcode, 0);
-	xtensa_regfile src_rf = xtensa_operand_regfile(isa, opcode, 1);
-	// srli
-	if (opcode == 113) {
-		shift_op = ">>";
-	} else {
-		shift_op = "<<";
-	}
-	rz_strbuf_appendf(
-		&op->esil,
-		"0x%x" CM
-		"%s%d" CM
-		"%s" CM
-		"%s%d" CM
-		"=",
-		imm_amount,
-		xtensa_regfile_shortname(isa, src_rf),
-		reg_src,
-		shift_op,
-		xtensa_regfile_shortname(isa, dst_rf),
-		reg_dst);
-static void esil_shift_logic_sar(xtensa_isa isa, xtensa_opcode opcode,
-	xtensa_format format, size_t i, xtensa_insnbuf slot_buffer, RzAnalysisOp *op) {
-	ut32 reg_dst;
-	ut32 reg_src;
-	const char *shift_op = "";
-	xtensa_operand_get_field(isa, opcode, 0, format, i, slot_buffer, &reg_dst);
-	xtensa_operand_get_field(isa, opcode, 1, format, i, slot_buffer, &reg_src);
-	xtensa_regfile dst_rf = xtensa_operand_regfile(isa, opcode, 0);
-	xtensa_regfile src_rf = xtensa_operand_regfile(isa, opcode, 1);
-	// srl
-	if (opcode == 109) {
-		shift_op = ">>";
-	} else {
-		shift_op = "<<";
-	}
-	rz_strbuf_appendf(
-		&op->esil,
-		"sar" CM
-		"%s%d" CM
-		"%s" CM
-		"%s%d" CM
-		"=",
-		xtensa_regfile_shortname(isa, src_rf),
-		reg_src,
-		shift_op,
-		xtensa_regfile_shortname(isa, dst_rf),
-		reg_dst);
-static void esil_extract_unsigned(xtensa_isa isa, xtensa_opcode opcode,
-	xtensa_format format, size_t i, xtensa_insnbuf slot_buffer, RzAnalysisOp *op) {
-	ut32 reg_dst;
-	ut32 reg_src;
-	ut32 imm_shift;
-	ut32 imm_mask;
-	xtensa_operand_get_field(isa, opcode, 0, format, i, slot_buffer, &reg_dst);
-	xtensa_operand_get_field(isa, opcode, 1, format, i, slot_buffer, &reg_src);
-	xtensa_operand_get_field(isa, opcode, 2, format, i, slot_buffer, &imm_shift);
-	xtensa_operand_get_field(isa, opcode, 3, format, i, slot_buffer, &imm_mask);
-	xtensa_regfile dst_rf = xtensa_operand_regfile(isa, opcode, 0);
-	xtensa_regfile src_rf = xtensa_operand_regfile(isa, opcode, 1);
-	ut32 and_mask = (1 << (imm_mask + 1)) - 1;
-	rz_strbuf_appendf(
-		&op->esil,
-		"0x%x" CM
-		"%s%d" CM
-		">>" CM
-		"0x%x" CM
-		"&" CM
-		"%s%d" CM
-		"=",
-		imm_shift,
-		xtensa_regfile_shortname(isa, src_rf),
-		reg_src,
-		and_mask,
-		xtensa_regfile_shortname(isa, dst_rf),
-		reg_dst);
-static void analyze_op_esil(xtensa_isa isa, xtensa_opcode opcode, xtensa_format format,
-	size_t i, xtensa_insnbuf slot_buffer, RzAnalysisOp *op) {
-	switch (opcode) {
-	case 26: /* add.n */
-	case 41: /* add */
-	case 43: /* addx2 */
-	case 44: /* addx4 */
-	case 45: /* addx8 */
-	case 42: /* sub */
-	case 46: /* subx2 */
-	case 47: /* subx4 */
-	case 48: /* subx8 */
-		esil_add_sub(isa, opcode, format, i, slot_buffer, op);
-		break;
-	case 32: /* mov.n */
-		esil_move(isa, opcode, format, i, slot_buffer, op);
-		break;
-	case 90: /* movi */
-	case 33: /* movi.n */
-		esil_move_imm(isa, opcode, format, i, slot_buffer, op);
-		break;
-	case 0: /* excw */
-	case 34: /* nop.n */
-		rz_strbuf_setf(&op->esil, "%s", "");
-		break;
-	// TODO: s32cli (s32c1i) is conditional (CAS)
-	// should it be handled here?
-	case 453: /* s32c1i */
-	case 36: /* s32i.n */
-	case 100: /* s32i */
-	case 99: /* s16i */
-	case 101: /* s8i */
-		esil_store_imm(isa, opcode, format, i, slot_buffer, op);
-		break;
-	case 27: /* addi.n */
-	case 39: /* addi */
-		xtensa_check_stack_op(isa, opcode, format, i, slot_buffer, op);
-		esil_add_imm(isa, opcode, format, i, slot_buffer, op);
-		break;
-	case 98: /* ret */
-	case 35: /* ret.n */
-		rz_strbuf_setf(&op->esil, "a0,pc,=");
-		break;
-	case 82: /* l16ui */
-	case 83: /* l16si */
-	case 84: /* l32i */
-	case 31: /* l32i.n */
-	case 86: /* l8ui */
-		esil_load_imm(isa, opcode, format, i, slot_buffer, op);
-		break;
-	// TODO: s32r
-	// l32r is different because it is relative to LITBASE
-	// which also may or may not be present
-	case 85: /* l32r */
-		esil_load_relative(isa, opcode, format, i, slot_buffer, op);
-		break;
-	case 40: /* addmi */
-		break;
-	case 49: /* and */
-	case 50: /* or */
-	case 51: /* xor */
-		esil_bitwise_op(isa, opcode, format, i, slot_buffer, op);
-		break;
-	case 52: /* beqi */
-	case 53: /* bnei */
-	case 54: /* bgei */
-	case 55: /* blti */
-	case 58: /* bgeui */
-	case 59: /* bltui */
-		esil_branch_compare_imm(isa, opcode, format, i, slot_buffer, op);
-		break;
-	case 56: /* bbci */
-	case 57: /* bbsi */
-		esil_branch_check_bit_imm(isa, opcode, format, i, slot_buffer, op);
-		break;
-	case 60: /* beq */
-	case 61: /* bne */
-	case 62: /* bge */
-	case 63: /* blt */
-	case 64: /* bgeu */
-	case 65: /* bltu */
-		esil_branch_compare(isa, opcode, format, i, slot_buffer, op);
-		break;
-	case 66: /* bany */
-	case 67: /* bnone */
-	case 68: /* ball */
-	case 69: /* bnall */
-		esil_branch_check_mask(isa, opcode, format, i, slot_buffer, op);
-		break;
-	case 70: /* bbc */
-	case 71: /* bbs */
-		esil_branch_check_bit(isa, opcode, format, i, slot_buffer, op);
-		break;
-	case 72: /* beqz */
-	case 73: /* bnez */
-	case 28: /* beqz.n */
-	case 29: /* bnez.n */
-	case 74: /* bgez */
-	case 75: /* bltz */
-		esil_branch_compare_single(isa, opcode, format, i, slot_buffer, op);
-		break;
-	case 78: /* extui */
-		esil_extract_unsigned(isa, opcode, format, i, slot_buffer, op);
-		break;
-	case 79: /* ill */
-		rz_strbuf_setf(&op->esil, "%s", "");
-		break;
-	// TODO: windowed calls?
-	case 7: /* call4 */
-		break;
-	case 76: /* call0 */
-	case 80: /* j */
-		esil_call(isa, opcode, format, i, slot_buffer, op);
-		break;
-	case 81: /* jx */
-	case 77: /* callx0 */
-		esil_callx(isa, opcode, format, i, slot_buffer, op);
-		break;
-	case 91: /* moveqz */
-	case 92: /* movnez */
-	case 93: /* movltz */
-	case 94: /* movgez */
-		esil_move_conditional(isa, opcode, format, i, slot_buffer, op);
-		break;
-	case 96: /* abs */
-	case 95: /* neg */
-		esil_abs_neg(isa, opcode, format, i, slot_buffer, op);
-		break;
-	case 102: /* ssr */
-	case 103: /* ssl */
-		esil_set_shift_amount(isa, opcode, format, i, slot_buffer, op);
-		break;
-	case 111: /* slli */
-	case 113: /* srli */
-		esil_shift_logic_imm(isa, opcode, format, i, slot_buffer, op);
-		break;
-	case 106: /* ssai */
-		esil_set_shift_amount_imm(isa, opcode, format, i, slot_buffer, op);
-		break;
-	case 107: /* sll */
-	case 109: /* srl */
-		esil_shift_logic_sar(isa, opcode, format, i, slot_buffer, op);
-		break;
-	}
-static int xtensa_op(RzAnalysis *analysis, RzAnalysisOp *op, ut64 addr, const ut8 *buf_original, int len_original, RzAnalysisOpMask mask) {
-	XtensaContext *ctx = (XtensaContext *)analysis->plugin_data;
-	if (!op) {
-		return 1;
-	}
-	op->size = xtensa_length(buf_original);
-	if (op->size > len_original) {
-		return 1;
-	}
-	xtensa_op0_fns[(buf_original[0] & 0xf)](analysis, op, addr, buf_original);
-	ut8 buffer[XTENSA_MAX_LENGTH] = { 0 };
-	int len = RZ_MIN(op->size, XTENSA_MAX_LENGTH);
-	memcpy(buffer, buf_original, len);
-	unsigned int i;
-	if (!xtensa_default_isa) {
-		xtensa_default_isa = xtensa_isa_init(0, 0);
-	}
-	xtensa_opcode opcode;
-	xtensa_isa isa = xtensa_default_isa;
-	xtensa_format format;
-	int nslots;
-	if (!ctx->insn_buffer) {
-		ctx->insn_buffer = xtensa_insnbuf_alloc(isa);
-		ctx->slot_buffer = xtensa_insnbuf_alloc(isa);
-	}
-	memset(ctx->insn_buffer, 0, xtensa_insnbuf_size(isa) * sizeof(xtensa_insnbuf_word));
-	xtensa_insnbuf_from_chars(isa, ctx->insn_buffer, buffer, len);
-	format = xtensa_format_decode(isa, ctx->insn_buffer);
-	if (format == XTENSA_UNDEFINED) {
-		return op->size;
-	}
-	nslots = xtensa_format_num_slots(isa, format);
-	if (nslots < 1) {
-		return op->size;
-	}
-	for (i = 0; i < nslots; i++) {
-		xtensa_format_get_slot(isa, format, i, ctx->insn_buffer, ctx->slot_buffer);
-		opcode = xtensa_opcode_decode(isa, format, i, ctx->slot_buffer);
-		if (opcode == 39) { /* addi */
-			xtensa_check_stack_op(isa, opcode, format, i, ctx->slot_buffer, op);
-		}
-		if (mask & RZ_ANALYSIS_OP_MASK_ESIL) {
-			analyze_op_esil(isa, opcode, format, i, ctx->slot_buffer, op);
-		}
-	}
-	return op->size;
-static char *get_reg_profile(RzAnalysis *analysis) {
-	return rz_str_dup(
-		// Assuming call0 ABI
-		"# a0		return address\n"
-		"# a1		stack pointer\n"
-		"# a2-a7	arguments\n"
-		"# a2-a5	return value (call0 ABI)\n"
-		"# a12-a15	callee-saved (call0 ABI)\n"
-		"=PC	pc\n"
-		"=BP	a14\n"
-		"=SP	a1\n"
-		"=A0	a2\n"
-		"=A1	a3\n"
-		"=A2	a4\n"
-		"=A3	a5\n"
-		"=A4	a6\n"
-		"=A5	a7\n"
-		"gpr	a0	.32	0	0\n"
-		"gpr	a1	.32	4	0\n"
-		"gpr	a2	.32	8	0\n"
-		"gpr	a3	.32	16	0\n"
-		"gpr	a4	.32	20	0\n"
-		"gpr	a5	.32	24	0\n"
-		"gpr	a6	.32	28	0\n"
-		"gpr	a7	.32	32	0\n"
-		"gpr	a8	.32	36	0\n"
-		"gpr	a9	.32	40	0\n"
-		"gpr	a10	.32	44	0\n"
-		"gpr	a11	.32	48	0\n"
-		"gpr	a12	.32	52	0\n"
-		"gpr	a13	.32	56	0\n"
-		"gpr	a14	.32	60	0\n"
-		"gpr	a15	.32	64	0\n"
-		// pc
-		"gpr	pc	.32	68	0\n"
-		// sr
-		"gpr	sar	.32	72	0\n");
-static bool xtensa_fini(void *user) {
-	XtensaContext *ctx = (XtensaContext *)user;
-	if (ctx) {
-		RZ_FREE(ctx);
-	}
-	return true;
-RzAnalysisPlugin rz_analysis_plugin_xtensa_gnu = {
-	.name = "xtensa",
-	.desc = "Xtensa disassembler",
-	.license = "LGPL3",
-	.arch = "xtensa",
-	.bits = 8,
-	.esil = true,
-	.op = &xtensa_op,
-	.init = xtensa_init,
-	.fini = xtensa_fini,
-	.get_reg_profile = get_reg_profile,
diff --git a/librz/arch/p_gnu/arch_xtensa.c b/librz/arch/p_gnu/arch_xtensa.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 28be737e346..00000000000
--- a/librz/arch/p_gnu/arch_xtensa.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2024 RizinOrg <info@rizin.re>
-// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2024 deroad <wargio@libero.it>
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-only
-#include <deprecated_arch_helper.h>
-#include "analysis/analysis_xtensa_gnu.c"
-#include "asm/asm_xtensa_gnu.c"
diff --git a/librz/arch/p_gnu/asm/asm_xtensa_gnu.c b/librz/arch/p_gnu/asm/asm_xtensa_gnu.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 33a0edf173f..00000000000
--- a/librz/arch/p_gnu/asm/asm_xtensa_gnu.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,77 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2016-2018 pancake <pancake@nopcode.org>
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-3.0-only
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdarg.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <rz_types.h>
-#include <rz_lib.h>
-#include <rz_util.h>
-#include <rz_asm.h>
-#include <common_gnu/disas-asm.h>
-static ut64 offset = 0;
-static RzStrBuf *buf_global = NULL;
-static ut8 bytes[INSN_BUFFER_SIZE];
-static int xtensa_buffer_read_memory(bfd_vma memaddr, bfd_byte *myaddr, ut32 length, struct disassemble_info *info) {
-	if (length > INSN_BUFFER_SIZE) {
-		length = INSN_BUFFER_SIZE;
-	}
-	memcpy(myaddr, bytes, length);
-	return 0;
-static int symbol_at_address(bfd_vma addr, struct disassemble_info *info) {
-	return 0;
-static void memory_error_func(int status, bfd_vma memaddr, struct disassemble_info *info) {
-	//--
-static int disassemble(RzAsm *a, RzAsmOp *op, const ut8 *buf, int len) {
-	struct disassemble_info disasm_obj;
-	buf_global = &op->buf_asm;
-	offset = a->pc;
-	if (len > INSN_BUFFER_SIZE) {
-	}
-	memcpy(bytes, buf, len); // TODO handle thumb
-	/* prepare disassembler */
-	memset(&disasm_obj, '\0', sizeof(struct disassemble_info));
-	disasm_obj.disassembler_options = (a->bits == 64) ? "64" : "";
-	disasm_obj.buffer = bytes;
-	disasm_obj.buffer_length = len;
-	disasm_obj.read_memory_func = &xtensa_buffer_read_memory;
-	disasm_obj.symbol_at_address_func = &symbol_at_address;
-	disasm_obj.memory_error_func = &memory_error_func;
-	disasm_obj.print_address_func = &generic_print_address_func;
-	disasm_obj.endian = !a->big_endian;
-	disasm_obj.fprintf_func = &generic_fprintf_func;
-	disasm_obj.stream = stdout;
-	op->size = print_insn_xtensa((bfd_vma)offset, &disasm_obj);
-	if (op->size == -1) {
-		rz_asm_op_set_asm(op, "(data)");
-	}
-	return op->size;
-RzAsmPlugin rz_asm_plugin_xtensa_gnu = {
-	.name = "xtensa",
-	.arch = "xtensa",
-	.license = "GPL3",
-	.bits = 32,
-	.desc = "XTensa CPU",
-	.disassemble = &disassemble
diff --git a/librz/core/cconfig.c b/librz/core/cconfig.c
index 190725e56b7..ea80742fd5d 100644
--- a/librz/core/cconfig.c
+++ b/librz/core/cconfig.c
@@ -510,26 +510,29 @@ static bool cb_asmarch(void *user, void *data) {
 		RZ_LOG_ERROR("core: asm.arch: cannot find (%s)\n", node->value);
 		return false;
-	// we should rz_str_dup here otherwise will crash if any rz_config_set
-	// free the old value
-	char *asm_cpu = rz_str_dup(rz_config_get(core->config, "asm.cpu"));
+	RzConfigNode *asm_cpu_node = rz_config_node_get(core->config, "asm.cpu");
 	if (core->rasm->cur) {
-		const char *newAsmCPU = core->rasm->cur->cpus;
-		if (newAsmCPU) {
-			if (*newAsmCPU) {
-				char *nac = rz_str_dup(newAsmCPU);
-				char *comma = strchr(nac, ',');
-				if (comma) {
-					if (!*asm_cpu || (*asm_cpu && !strstr(nac, asm_cpu))) {
+		const char *cpus = core->rasm->cur->cpus;
+		if (asm_cpu_node) {
+			if (RZ_STR_ISNOTEMPTY(cpus)) {
+				if ((asm_cpu_node->value && strstr(cpus, asm_cpu_node->value) == NULL) || RZ_STR_ISEMPTY(asm_cpu_node->value)) {
+					char *cpu0 = rz_str_dup(cpus);
+					char *comma = strchr(cpu0, ',');
+					if (comma) {
 						*comma = 0;
-						rz_config_set(core->config, "asm.cpu", nac);
+					if (!*asm_cpu_node->value || (*asm_cpu_node->value && RZ_STR_NE(cpu0, asm_cpu_node->value))) {
+						rz_config_set(core->config, "asm.cpu", cpu0);
+					}
+					free(cpu0);
-				free(nac);
-			} else {
+			} else if (cpus && !*cpus) {
 				rz_config_set(core->config, "asm.cpu", "");
 		bits = core->rasm->cur->bits;
 		if (8 & bits) {
 			bits = 8;
@@ -587,11 +590,9 @@ static bool cb_asmarch(void *user, void *data) {
 	// set endian of display to match binary
 	core->print->big_endian = big_endian;
-	rz_asm_set_cpu(core->rasm, asm_cpu);
-	free(asm_cpu);
-	RzConfigNode *asmcpu = rz_config_node_get(core->config, "asm.cpu");
-	if (asmcpu) {
-		update_asmcpu_options(core, asmcpu);
+	rz_asm_set_cpu(core->rasm, asm_cpu_node->value);
+	if (asm_cpu_node) {
+		update_asmcpu_options(core, asm_cpu_node);
 		int v = rz_analysis_archinfo(core->analysis, RZ_ANALYSIS_ARCHINFO_TEXT_ALIGN);
@@ -614,11 +615,11 @@ static bool cb_asmarch(void *user, void *data) {
 	const char *platform = rz_config_get(core->config, "asm.platform");
-	if (asmcpu) {
+	if (asm_cpu_node) {
 		char *platforms_dir = rz_path_system(RZ_SDB_ARCH_PLATFORMS);
 		char *cpus_dir = rz_path_system(RZ_SDB_ARCH_CPUS);
-		rz_platform_target_index_init(core->analysis->platform_target, node->value, asmcpu->value, platform, platforms_dir);
-		rz_platform_profiles_init(core->analysis->arch_target, asmcpu->value, node->value, cpus_dir);
+		rz_platform_target_index_init(core->analysis->platform_target, node->value, asm_cpu_node->value, platform, platforms_dir);
+		rz_platform_profiles_init(core->analysis->arch_target, asm_cpu_node->value, node->value, cpus_dir);
diff --git a/librz/core/cmd/cmd_print.c b/librz/core/cmd/cmd_print.c
index f49f92fb0b7..4d98685a6b1 100644
--- a/librz/core/cmd/cmd_print.c
+++ b/librz/core/cmd/cmd_print.c
@@ -3212,6 +3212,11 @@ static void disassembly_as_table(RzTable *t, RzCore *core, ut64 addr, int n_inst
 static bool core_disassembly(RzCore *core, int n_bytes, int n_instrs, RzCmdStateOutput *state, bool cbytes) {
 	ut64 offset = rz_core_backward_offset(core, core->offset, &n_instrs, &n_bytes);
+	if (n_bytes == 0) {
+		const int max_op_size = rz_analysis_archinfo(core->analysis, RZ_ANALYSIS_ARCHINFO_MAX_OP_SIZE);
+		n_bytes = max_op_size * n_instrs;
+	}
 	RZ_LOG_VERBOSE("disassembly at: 0x%" PFMT64x " "
 		       "blocksize: %" PFMT32d " "
 		       "n_bytes: %" PFMT32d " "
@@ -3220,6 +3225,7 @@ static bool core_disassembly(RzCore *core, int n_bytes, int n_instrs, RzCmdState
 	RzCoreDisasmOptions disasm_options = {
 		.cbytes = cbytes,
 	ut8 *buf = malloc(n_bytes + 1);
 	if (!buf) {
 		RZ_LOG_ERROR("Failed to allocate memory\n");
diff --git a/subprojects/capstone-next.wrap b/subprojects/capstone-next.wrap
index 002f8f9a571..7c7ae21ede8 100644
--- a/subprojects/capstone-next.wrap
+++ b/subprojects/capstone-next.wrap
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 url = https://github.com/capstone-engine/capstone.git
-revision = f6f967961b913cf4fc1c6233f6cf42194a0938ca
+revision = 1ecfb5b04235539e0d94cc67b8984347be2f6a73
 directory = capstone-next
 patch_directory = capstone-next
 depth = 1
diff --git a/subprojects/packagefiles/capstone-next/meson.build b/subprojects/packagefiles/capstone-next/meson.build
index 7750c39b12d..d6965e1f6d1 100644
--- a/subprojects/packagefiles/capstone-next/meson.build
+++ b/subprojects/packagefiles/capstone-next/meson.build
@@ -75,6 +75,10 @@ cs_files = [
+  'arch/Xtensa/XtensaDisassembler.c',
+  'arch/Xtensa/XtensaInstPrinter.c',
+  'arch/Xtensa/XtensaMapping.c',
+  'arch/Xtensa/XtensaModule.c',
@@ -106,6 +110,7 @@ libcapstone_c_args = [
 if meson.get_compiler('c').has_argument('-Wmaybe-uninitialized')
diff --git a/test/db/analysis/xtensa b/test/db/analysis/xtensa
index e6e5c4e6ef3..283fab6869b 100644
--- a/test/db/analysis/xtensa
+++ b/test/db/analysis/xtensa
@@ -18,12 +18,12 @@ e asm.arch=xtensa
 e asm.bits=32
 wx 12c1f0d91140d382c9213d0d093101f5ebc00000cd028c820c034d0d0112e4c0000008312d0cd811c82112c1100df0
-var int32_t var_ch @ stack - 0xc
-var int32_t var_8h @ stack - 0x8
-var int32_t var_4h @ stack - 0x4
+arg int32_t arg1 @ a2
+arg int32_t arg2 @ a3
+arg int32_t arg3 @ a4
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ wx 00000000ff11ff1121ffff0df0ff
 pD 3 @ 8
-            0x00000008      l32r  a2, 0x00000004                       ; [0x4:4]=0x11ff11ff
+            0x00000008      l32r  a2, . 4
diff --git a/test/db/cmd/cmd_list b/test/db/cmd/cmd_list
index 428a3fa9516..379bc1c59c7 100644
--- a/test/db/cmd/cmd_list
+++ b/test/db/cmd/cmd_list
@@ -444,7 +444,7 @@ a____ 16 32 64   x86.nasm    LGPL3   X86 nasm assembler
 a____ 16 32 64   x86.nz      LGPL3   x86 handmade assembler
 _dA__ 16         xap         PD      XAP4 RISC (CSR)
 _dA__ 32         xcore       BSD     Capstone XCore disassembler (by pancake)
-_dAe_ 32         xtensa      GPL3    XTensa CPU
+_dAe_ 32         xtensa      LGPL3   Capstone Xtensa disassembly plugin (by billow)
 adA__ 8          z80         GPL3    Zilog Z80 (by condret)
@@ -526,7 +526,7 @@ NAME=Print the asm/analysis plugins in JSON
-["6502":{"bits":"8 16 ","license":"LGPL3","description":"6502/NES/C64/Tamagotchi/T-1000 CPU","features":"_d"},"8051":{"bits":"8 ","license":"PD","description":"8051 Intel CPU","features":"ad"},"amd29k":{"bits":"32 ","license":"LGPL3","description":"AMD 29k RISC CPU","features":"_d"},"arc":{"bits":"16 32 ","license":"GPL3","description":"Argonaut RISC Core","features":"_d"},"arm":{"bits":"16 32 64","license":"BSD","description":"Capstone ARM disassembler","features":"ad"},"arm.as":{"bits":"16 32 64","license":"LGPL3","description":"as ARM Assembler (use RZ_ARM32_AS and RZ_ARM64_AS environment)","features":"a_"},"avr":{"bits":"8 16 ","license":"LGPL3","description":"AVR Atmel","features":"ad"},"bf":{"bits":"16 32 64","license":"LGPL3","description":"Brainfuck","features":"ad"},"chip8":{"bits":"32 ","license":"LGPL3","description":"Chip8 disassembler","features":"_d"},"cil":{"bits":"16 32 64","license":"LGPL3","description":".NET Common Intermediate 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","license":"BSD","description":"Intel 8080 CPU","features":"_d"},"java":{"bits":"32 ","license":"LGPL-3","description":"Java bytecode disassembler","features":"ad"},"lanai":{"bits":"32 ","license":"GPL3","description":"LANAI","features":"_d"},"lh5801":{"bits":"8 ","license":"LGPL3","description":"SHARP LH5801 disassembler","features":"_d"},"lm32":{"bits":"32 ","license":"BSD","description":"disassembly plugin for Lattice Micro 32 ISA","features":"_d"},"luac":{"bits":"8 ","license":"LGPL3","description":"luac disassemble plugin","features":"ad"},"m680x":{"bits":"8 32 ","license":"BSD","description":"Capstone M680X Disassembler","features":"_d"},"m68k":{"bits":"32 ","license":"BSD","description":"Capstone M68K disassembler","features":"_d"},"malbolge":{"bits":"32 ","license":"LGPL3","description":"Malbolge Ternary VM","features":"_d"},"mcore":{"bits":"32 ","license":"LGPL3","description":"Motorola MCORE disassembler","features":"_d"},"mcs96":{"bits":"16 ","license":"LGPL3","description":"condrets car","features":"_d"},"mips":{"bits":"16 32 64","license":"BSD","description":"Capstone MIPS disassembler","features":"ad"},"mips.gnu":{"bits":"32 64","license":"GPL3","description":"MIPS CPU","features":"ad"},"msp430":{"bits":"16 ","license":"LGPL3","description":"msp430 disassembly plugin","features":"_d"},"null":{"bits":"16 32 64","license":"MIT","description":"no disassemble","features":"ad"},"or1k":{"bits":"32 ","license":"LGPL3","description":"OpenRISC 1000","features":"_d"},"pic":{"bits":"16 32 ","license":"LGPL3","description":"PIC disassembler","features":"_d"},"ppc":{"bits":"32 64","license":"BSD","description":"Capstone PowerPC disassembler","features":"_d"},"ppc.as":{"bits":"32 64","license":"LGPL3","description":"as PPC Assembler (use RZ_PPC_AS environment)","features":"a_"},"propeller":{"bits":"32 ","license":"LGPL3","description":"propeller disassembly plugin","features":"_d"},"pyc":{"bits":"8 16 ","license":"LGPL3","description":"PYC disassemble plugin","features":"_d"},"riscv":{"bits":"32 64","license":"GPL3","description":"RISC-V","features":"_d"},"riscv.cs":{"bits":"32 64","license":"BSD","description":"Capstone RISCV disassembler","features":"_d"},"rl78":{"bits":"32 ","license":"LGPL3","description":"Renesas RL78 disassembler","features":"ad"},"rsp":{"bits":"32 ","license":"LGPL3","description":"Reality Signal Processor","features":"_d"},"rx":{"bits":"32 ","license":"LGPL3","description":"Renesas RX Family disassembler","features":"_d"},"sh":{"bits":"32 ","license":"LGPL3","description":"SuperH-4 CPU","features":"ad"},"snes":{"bits":"8 16 ","license":"LGPL3","description":"SuperNES CPU","features":"_d"},"sparc":{"bits":"32 64","license":"BSD","description":"Capstone SPARC disassembler","features":"_d"},"sparc.gnu":{"bits":"32 64","license":"GPL3","description":"Scalable Processor Architecture","features":"_d"},"spc700":{"bits":"16 ","license":"LGPL3","description":"spc700, 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+["6502":{"bits":"8 16 ","license":"LGPL3","description":"6502/NES/C64/Tamagotchi/T-1000 CPU","features":"_d"},"8051":{"bits":"8 ","license":"PD","description":"8051 Intel CPU","features":"ad"},"amd29k":{"bits":"32 ","license":"LGPL3","description":"AMD 29k RISC CPU","features":"_d"},"arc":{"bits":"16 32 ","license":"GPL3","description":"Argonaut RISC Core","features":"_d"},"arm":{"bits":"16 32 64","license":"BSD","description":"Capstone ARM disassembler","features":"ad"},"arm.as":{"bits":"16 32 64","license":"LGPL3","description":"as ARM Assembler (use RZ_ARM32_AS and RZ_ARM64_AS environment)","features":"a_"},"avr":{"bits":"8 16 ","license":"LGPL3","description":"AVR Atmel","features":"ad"},"bf":{"bits":"16 32 64","license":"LGPL3","description":"Brainfuck","features":"ad"},"chip8":{"bits":"32 ","license":"LGPL3","description":"Chip8 disassembler","features":"_d"},"cil":{"bits":"16 32 64","license":"LGPL3","description":".NET Common Intermediate 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","license":"LGPL3","description":"condrets car","features":"_d"},"mips":{"bits":"16 32 64","license":"BSD","description":"Capstone MIPS disassembler","features":"ad"},"mips.gnu":{"bits":"32 64","license":"GPL3","description":"MIPS CPU","features":"ad"},"msp430":{"bits":"16 ","license":"LGPL3","description":"msp430 disassembly plugin","features":"_d"},"null":{"bits":"16 32 64","license":"MIT","description":"no disassemble","features":"ad"},"or1k":{"bits":"32 ","license":"LGPL3","description":"OpenRISC 1000","features":"_d"},"pic":{"bits":"16 32 ","license":"LGPL3","description":"PIC disassembler","features":"_d"},"ppc":{"bits":"32 64","license":"BSD","description":"Capstone PowerPC disassembler","features":"_d"},"ppc.as":{"bits":"32 64","license":"LGPL3","description":"as PPC Assembler (use RZ_PPC_AS environment)","features":"a_"},"propeller":{"bits":"32 ","license":"LGPL3","description":"propeller disassembly plugin","features":"_d"},"pyc":{"bits":"8 16 ","license":"LGPL3","description":"PYC disassemble plugin","features":"_d"},"riscv":{"bits":"32 64","license":"GPL3","description":"RISC-V","features":"_d"},"riscv.cs":{"bits":"32 64","license":"BSD","description":"Capstone RISCV disassembler","features":"_d"},"rl78":{"bits":"32 ","license":"LGPL3","description":"Renesas RL78 disassembler","features":"ad"},"rsp":{"bits":"32 ","license":"LGPL3","description":"Reality Signal Processor","features":"_d"},"rx":{"bits":"32 ","license":"LGPL3","description":"Renesas RX Family disassembler","features":"_d"},"sh":{"bits":"32 ","license":"LGPL3","description":"SuperH-4 CPU","features":"ad"},"snes":{"bits":"8 16 ","license":"LGPL3","description":"SuperNES CPU","features":"_d"},"sparc":{"bits":"32 64","license":"BSD","description":"Capstone SPARC disassembler","features":"_d"},"sparc.gnu":{"bits":"32 64","license":"GPL3","description":"Scalable Processor Architecture","features":"_d"},"spc700":{"bits":"16 ","license":"LGPL3","description":"spc700, 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assembler","features":"a_"},"x86.nz":{"bits":"16 32 64","license":"LGPL3","description":"x86 handmade assembler","features":"a_"},"xap":{"bits":"16 ","license":"PD","description":"XAP4 RISC (CSR)","features":"_d"},"xcore":{"bits":"32 ","license":"BSD","description":"Capstone XCore disassembler","features":"_d"},"xtensa":{"bits":"32 ","license":"LGPL3","description":"Capstone Xtensa disassembly plugin","features":"_d"},"z80":{"bits":"8 ","license":"GPL3","description":"Zilog Z80","features":"ad"}]