bundle install
Sanity Check
rspec spec
Checkout app
rails server
About This App (Rails 4 Diving In)
A simple tool useful during the development of apps that integrate with external services, such as http clients, webhooks, etc. It provides these services with an endpoint to which they can send requests and notifications.
- http[some url]/[endpoint
The endpoint is defined dynamically and can be arbitrary
Requests are saved into a database and can be viewed via endpoint/requests to view all requests listed in descending order by creation date or endpoint/request/ to view individual requests
The root url gives more detail about this tool
Live updates while viewing ‘[endpoint]/requests’ without page refresh
A simple mechanism to allow for calling controller action specific javascript
Used custom middleware for capturing requests
Test Driven Development
Deployed to heroku (works on heroku as well)
Tech Stack
Rails 4
Ruby 2.1.1
Postgres (requests stored in json column)
Pusher (secret ingredient that makes live update without page refresh possible)
Rspec with Shoulda
Factory Girl