This program can either be run locally or on Duke Compute Cluster (DCC). DCC is suggested to use due to the large amount of data that is downloaded from the thousands of samples.
Make a top-level directory with three directories inside, named "data", "results", and "src". Now copy all source code files in this repository into "src".
data/prokaryotes.txt should be downloaded from:
results/prokaryotes-with-chromosomes-and-plasmids.txt should then be generated with the following command (run from src/ directory):
(head -n 1 ../data/prokaryotes.txt && grep "plasmid" ../data/prokaryotes.txt | grep "chromosome") > ../results/prokaryotes-with-chromosomes-and-plasmids.txt
This command ensures that every genome has both an annotated chromosome and at least one annotated plasmid.
SRA data for ~6000 genomes was downloaded, but only have about ~4500 reference genomes. to understand this discrepancy, I ran: cd ../data/NCBI-reference-genomes ls | grep ".gbff.gz" | sed 's/_genomic.gbff.gz$//' > ../../results/downloaded-genome-ids.txt