diff --git a/rmw/include/rmw/rmw.h b/rmw/include/rmw/rmw.h
index 373bf1a6..8606bcfd 100644
--- a/rmw/include/rmw/rmw.h
+++ b/rmw/include/rmw/rmw.h
@@ -3041,6 +3041,43 @@ rmw_count_services(
const char * service_name,
size_t * count);
+/// Get the number of messages ready for a subscription
+ * This function returns the number of messages ready for a given subscriber
+ *
+ *
+ * Attribute | Adherence
+ * ------------------ | -------------
+ * Allocates Memory | No
+ * Thread-Safe | Yes
+ * Uses Atomics | Maybe [1]
+ * Lock-Free | Maybe [1]
+ * [1] implementation defined, check the implementation documentation
+ *
+ * \par Thread-safety
+ * Subscriptions are thread-safe objects, and so are all operations on them except for
+ * finalization.
+ * Therefore, it is safe to get the messages ready from the same subscription concurrently.
+ * However, access to the messages is not synchronized.
+ * It is not safe to read or write `count` while rmw_count_messages_ready() uses it.
+ *
+ * \pre Given `subscription` must be a valid subscription, as returned by
+ * rmw_create_subscription().
+ *
+ * \param[in] subscription Subscription which is meant to be queried for messages ready
+ * \param[out] count Number of messages that are ready for the given subscription.
+ * \return `RMW_RET_OK` if the query was successful, or
+ * \return `RMW_RET_INVALID_ARGUMENT` if `subscription` is NULL, or
+ * \return `RMW_RET_INVALID_ARGUMENT` if `count` is NULL, or
+ * \return `RMW_RET_INCORRECT_RMW_IMPLEMENTATION` if the `subscription` implementation
+ * identifier does not match this implementation, or
+ * \return `RMW_RET_ERROR` if an unspecified error occurs.
+ */
+rmw_count_messages_ready(const rmw_subscripion_t * subscription, size_t * count);
/// Get the globally unique identifier (GID) of a publisher.