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Max Del Canto edited this page Jan 28, 2024 · 9 revisions

Lovely statusline

Feel free to change "love" to your favourite Rosé Pine accent colour

Screenshot 2023-02-23 at 14 31 40
vim.opt.laststatus = 2 -- Or 3 for global statusline
vim.opt.statusline = " %f %m %= %l:%c ♥ "

	highlight_groups = {
		StatusLine = { fg = "love", bg = "love", blend = 10 },
		StatusLineNC = { fg = "subtle", bg = "surface" },

Rose-pine custom statusline

Captura de tela de 2024-01-28 16-21-39


source code
vim.opt.statusline = "%!v:lua.require('core.statusline').setup()"
local M = {}

local icons = {
  vim = '',
  git = {
    head = '',
    added = '',
    changed = '',
    removed = '',
  diagnostic = {
    Error = '',
    Warning = '',
    Information = '',
    Question = '',
    Hint = '󰌶',
    Debug = '',
    Ok = '󰧱',
  default = { left = '', right = '' },
  block = { left = '', right = '' },
  round = { left = '', right = '' },

---@param item string
---@param group_name string
---@return string
local function color(item, group_name)
  return '%#' .. group_name .. '#' .. item .. '%*'

local function set_highlight()
  local group = 'St'
  local colors = require 'rose-pine.palette'
  local hl = vim.api.nvim_set_hl

  hl(0, group .. 'Primary', { fg = colors.foam, bg = colors.base })
  hl(0, group .. 'Neovim', { fg = colors.foam, reverse = true })
  hl(0, group .. 'GitHead', { fg = colors.iris, bg = colors.base })
  hl(0, group .. 'GitAdded', { link = 'GitSignsAdd' })
  hl(0, group .. 'GitRemoved', { link = 'GitSignsDelete' })
  hl(0, group .. 'GitChanged', { link = 'GitSignsChange' })
  hl(0, group .. 'DiagnosticError', { fg =, reverse = true })
  hl(0, group .. 'DiagnosticWarn', { fg =, reverse = true })
  hl(0, group .. 'DiagnosticHint', { fg = colors.iris, reverse = true })
  hl(0, group .. 'DiagnosticInfo', { fg = colors.foam, reverse = true })
  hl(0, group .. 'Lsp', { fg = colors.foam, bg = colors.base })
  hl(0, group .. 'LspReverse', { fg = colors.foam, reverse = true })
  hl(0, group .. 'Info', { fg = colors.foam, bg = colors.base })
  hl(0, group .. 'InfoReverse', { fg = colors.foam, reverse = true })

--- mode
---@return string
local function layout_a()
  local modes = {
    ['n'] = 'NORMAL',
    ['no'] = 'NORMAL (no)',
    ['nov'] = 'NORMAL (nov)',
    ['noV'] = 'NORMAL (noV)',
    ['noCTRL-V'] = 'NORMAL',
    ['niI'] = 'NORMAL i',
    ['niR'] = 'NORMAL r',
    ['niV'] = 'NORMAL v',
    ['nt'] = 'NTERMINAL',
    ['ntT'] = 'NTERMINAL (ntT)',
    ['v'] = 'VISUAL',
    ['vs'] = 'V-CHAR (Ctrl O)',
    ['V'] = 'V-LINE',
    ['Vs'] = 'V-LINE',
    [''] = 'V-BLOCK',
    ['i'] = 'INSERT',
    ['ic'] = 'INSERT (completion)',
    ['ix'] = 'INSERT completion',
    ['t'] = 'TERMINAL',
    ['R'] = 'REPLACE',
    ['Rc'] = 'REPLACE (Rc)',
    ['Rx'] = 'REPLACEa (Rx)',
    ['Rv'] = 'V-REPLACE',
    ['Rvc'] = 'V-REPLACE (Rvc)',
    ['Rvx'] = 'V-REPLACE (Rvx)',
    ['s'] = 'SELECT',
    ['S'] = 'S-LINE',
    [''] = 'S-BLOCK',
    ['c'] = 'COMMAND',
    ['cv'] = 'COMMAND',
    ['ce'] = 'COMMAND',
    ['r'] = 'PROMPT',
    ['rm'] = 'MORE',
    ['r?'] = 'CONFIRM',
    ['x'] = 'CONFIRM',
    ['!'] = 'SHELL',

  local block = color(icons.block.left, 'StPrimary')
  local neovim = color(icons.vim, 'StNeovim')
  local mode = color(modes[vim.fn.mode()], 'StNeovim')
  local default_right = color(icons.default.right, 'StPrimary')
  return string.format('%s%s%s%s%s', block, neovim, block, mode, default_right)

--- git sign
---@return string
local function layout_b()
  ---@diagnostic disable-next-line: undefined-field
  local git = vim.b.gitsigns_status_dict or {}
  local head = ''
  local added = ''
  local changed = ''
  local removed = ''

  if git then
    if git.head then
      head = string.format('%s %s', icons.git.head, git.head)
      head = color(head, 'StGitHead')

    if git.added and git.added ~= 0 then
      added = string.format('%s %s', icons.git.added, git.added)
      added = color(added, 'StGitAdded')

    if git.changed and git.changed ~= 0 then
      changed = string.format('%s %s', icons.git.changed, git.changed)
      changed = color(changed, 'StGitChanged')

    if git.removed and git.removed ~= 0 then
      removed = string.format('%s %s', icons.git.removed, git.removed)
      removed = color(removed, 'StGitRemoved')

  return string.format('%s %s %s %s', head, added, changed, removed)

--- lsp and diagnostic
---@return string
local function layout_d()
  local bufnr = vim.api.nvim_get_current_buf()
  local clients = vim.lsp.get_active_clients { bufnr = bufnr }
  local client_name = ''
  local default_msg = icons.diagnostic.Ok .. ' No Active Client'

  if clients and vim.tbl_isempty(clients) then
    return default_msg

  for _, client in pairs(clients) do
    if ~= 'null-ls' then
      client_name =

  if client_name == '' then
    return default_msg

  local errors = #vim.diagnostic.get(bufnr, { severity = vim.diagnostic.severity.ERROR })
  local warnings = #vim.diagnostic.get(bufnr, { severity = vim.diagnostic.severity.WARN })
  local hints = #vim.diagnostic.get(bufnr, { severity = vim.diagnostic.severity.HINT })
  local info = #vim.diagnostic.get(bufnr, { severity = vim.diagnostic.severity.INFO })

  local error_msg = (errors and errors > 0) and (icons.diagnostic.Error .. ' ' .. errors) or nil
  local warning_msg = (warnings and warnings > 0) and (icons.diagnostic.Warning .. ' ' .. warnings)
      or nil
  local hint_msg = (hints and hints > 0) and (icons.diagnostic.Hint .. ' ' .. hints) or nil
  local info_msg = (info and info > 0) and (icons.diagnostic.Information .. ' ' .. info) or nil

  ---@param msg string
  ---@param severity string
  ---@return string
  local function diagnostic_message(msg, severity)
    return string.format(
      '%s%s%s %s',
      color(icons.round.left, 'Diagnostic' .. severity),
      color(msg, 'StDiagnostic' .. severity),
      color(icons.block.right, 'Diagnostic' .. severity),
      color(client_name, 'Diagnostic' .. severity)

  if error_msg then
    return diagnostic_message(error_msg, 'Error')
  elseif warning_msg then
    return diagnostic_message(warning_msg, 'Warn')
  elseif hint_msg then
    return diagnostic_message(hint_msg, 'Hint')
  elseif info_msg then
    return diagnostic_message(info_msg, 'Info')

  return string.format(
    '%s%s%s %s',
    color(icons.round.left, 'StLsp'),
    color(icons.diagnostic.Ok, 'StLspReverse'),
    color(icons.block.right, 'StLsp'),
    color(client_name, 'StLsp')

local function layout_e()
  return string.format(
    '%s%s%s %s',
    color(icons.round.left, 'StInfo'),
    color('%l:%L', 'StInfoReverse'),
    color(icons.block.right, 'StInfo'),
    color('%t', 'StInfo')

function M.setup()

  local layout = {
    a = layout_a(),
    b = layout_b(),
    c = '',
    d = layout_d(),
    e = layout_e(),

  return string.format('%s %s %%= %s %%= %s %s', layout.a, layout.b, layout.c, layout.d, layout.e)

return M

Transparent telescope.nvim

This example uses "base" instead of "none" in some cases to match our kitty theme and kitty's background opacity feature

Remove selected background and use foreground + bright caret to distinguish current selection.

Screenshot 2023-02-23 at 14 02 47
	highlight_groups = {
		TelescopeBorder = { fg = "highlight_high", bg = "none" },
		TelescopeNormal = { bg = "none" },
		TelescopePromptNormal = { bg = "base" },
		TelescopeResultsNormal = { fg = "subtle", bg = "none" },
		TelescopeSelection = { fg = "text", bg = "base" },
		TelescopeSelectionCaret = { fg = "rose", bg = "rose" },

Borderless telescope.nvim

    highlight_groups = {
        TelescopeBorder = { fg = "overlay", bg = "overlay" },
        TelescopeNormal = { fg = "subtle", bg = "overlay" },
        TelescopeSelection = { fg = "text", bg = "highlight_med" },
        TelescopeSelectionCaret = { fg = "love", bg = "highlight_med" },
        TelescopeMultiSelection = { fg = "text", bg = "highlight_high" },

        TelescopeTitle = { fg = "base", bg = "love" },
        TelescopePromptTitle = { fg = "base", bg = "pine" },
        TelescopePreviewTitle = { fg = "base", bg = "iris" },

        TelescopePromptNormal = { fg = "text", bg = "surface" },
        TelescopePromptBorder = { fg = "surface", bg = "surface" },
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