+ {action.icon && action.icon}
+ {ancestors.length > 0 &&
+ ancestors.map((ancestor: any) => (
+ {ancestor.name}
+ ›
+ ))}
+ {action.name}
+ {action.subtitle && (
+ )}
+ {action.shortcut?.length ? (
+ {action.shortcut.map((sc: any) => (
+ {sc}
+ ))}
+ ) : null}
+ );
+ }
+export default KbarResultItem;
diff --git a/src/contexts/CommandKProvider.tsx b/src/contexts/CommandKProvider.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3c5f751c7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/contexts/CommandKProvider.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
+import { useTheme } from "@mui/material";
+import {
+ navOpenAtom,
+ projectScope,
+ tableSettingsDialogAtom,
+} from "@src/atoms/projectScope";
+import KbarRenderResults from "@src/components/Kbar/KbarRenderResults";
+import { useSetAtom } from "jotai";
+import {
+ KBarAnimator,
+ KBarPortal,
+ KBarPositioner,
+ KBarProvider,
+ KBarSearch,
+} from "kbar";
+import { ReactNode } from "react";
+import { useNavigate } from "react-router-dom";
+const CommandKProvider = ({ children }: { children: ReactNode }) => {
+ const theme = useTheme();
+ const setTableSettingsDialog = useSetAtom(
+ tableSettingsDialogAtom,
+ projectScope
+ );
+ const setNavOpen = useSetAtom(navOpenAtom, projectScope);
+ const navigate = useNavigate();
+ // styles according to kbar docs
+ const searchStyle = {
+ padding: "16px 16px",
+ fontSize: "16px",
+ width: "100%",
+ boxSizing: "border-box" as React.CSSProperties["boxSizing"],
+ outline: "none",
+ border: "none",
+ background: theme.palette.mode === "dark" ? "#1C1C1F" : "#FFFFFF", //bgColor based on theme
+ color: theme.palette.text.primary,
+ zIndex: "2000",
+ };
+ const animatorStyle = {
+ maxWidth: "600px",
+ width: "100%",
+ background: theme.palette.mode === "dark" ? "#1C1C1F" : "#FFFFFF",
+ color: theme.palette.text.primary,
+ borderRadius: "8px",
+ overflow: "hidden",
+ boxShadow: "0px 6px 20px rgb(0 0 0 / 30%)",
+ zIndex: "2000",
+ };
+ // Static actions
+ const actions = [
+ {
+ id: "tables",
+ name: "Tables",
+ shortcut: ["t"], // hotkey for this action
+ keywords: "Go to tables page",
+ perform: () => navigate("/tables"),
+ },
+ {
+ id: "tableTutorial",
+ name: "Tables Tutorial",
+ shortcut: ["j"],
+ keywords: "Go through a tutorial",
+ perform: () => navigate("/tutorial/table"),
+ },
+ {
+ id: "settings",
+ name: "Settings",
+ shortcut: ["s"],
+ keywords: "Go to settings",
+ perform: () => navigate("/settings"),
+ },
+ {
+ id: "userSettings",
+ name: "User settings",
+ shortcut: ["u"],
+ keywords: "Go to user settings",
+ perform: () => navigate("/settings/user"),
+ },
+ {
+ id: "projectSettings",
+ name: "Project settings",
+ shortcut: ["p"],
+ keywords: "Go to project settings",
+ perform: () => navigate("/settings/project"),
+ },
+ {
+ id: "members",
+ name: "Members page",
+ shortcut: ["m"],
+ keywords: "Go to Members page",
+ perform: () => navigate("/members"),
+ },
+ {
+ id: "debug",
+ name: "Debug",
+ shortcut: ["d"],
+ keywords: "Debug",
+ perform: () => navigate("/debug"),
+ },
+ {
+ id: "createTable",
+ name: "Create Table",
+ shortcut: ["c"],
+ keywords: "create",
+ perform: () => {
+ setTableSettingsDialog({ open: true });
+ },
+ },
+ {
+ id: "toggleNav",
+ name: "Toggle Nav Drawer",
+ shortcut: ["n"],
+ keywords: "toggle",
+ perform: () => {
+ setNavOpen((value) => !value);
+ },
+ },
+ ];
+ return (