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Polygon ETL Airflow

Airflow DAGs for exporting and loading the Polygon blockchain data to Google BigQuery:


  • linux/macos terminal
  • git
  • gcloud

Setting Up

  1. Create a GCS bucket to hold export files:

    gcloud config set project <your_gcp_project>
    PROJECT=$(gcloud config get-value project 2> /dev/null)
    gsutil mb gs://${BUCKET}/
  2. Create a Google Cloud Composer environment:

    gcloud composer environments create \
      --location=us-central1 \
      --image-version=composer-2.0.28-airflow-2.2.5 \
      --environment-size=small \
      --scheduler-cpu=2 \
      --scheduler-memory=4 \
      --scheduler-storage=1 \
      --scheduler-count=1 \
      --web-server-cpu=1 \
      --web-server-memory=2 \
      --web-server-storage=512MB \
      --worker-cpu=2 \
      --worker-memory=13 \
      --worker-storage=1 \
      --min-workers=1 \
      --max-workers=4 \
    gcloud composer environments update $ENVIRONMENT_NAME --location=us-central1 --update-pypi-packages-from-file=requirements_airflow.txt

    Note that if Composer API is not enabled the command above will auto prompt to enable it.

  3. This will be a good time to go to the bigquery console and cretae 3 new datasets under your project.

    1. crypto_polygon
    2. crypto_polygon_raw
    3. crypto_polygon_temp
  4. Follow the steps in Configuring Airflow Variables to configure Airfow variables.

  5. Follow the steps in Deploying Airflow DAGs to deploy Airflow DAGs to Cloud Composer Environment.

  6. Follow the steps here to configure email notifications.

Configuring Airflow Variables

  • For a new environment clone polygon ETL Airflow: git clone && cd polygon-etl/airflow. For an existing environment use the airflow_variables.json file from Cloud Source Repository for your environment.
  • Copy example_airflow_variables.json to airflow_variables.json. Edit airflow_variables.json and update configuration options with your values. You can find variables description in the table below. For the polygon_output_bucket variable specify the bucket created on step 1 above. You can get it by running echo $BUCKET.
  • Open Airflow UI. You can get its URL from airflowUri configuration option: gcloud composer environments describe ${ENVIRONMENT_NAME} --location us-central1.
  • Navigate to Admin > Variables in the Airflow UI, click Choose File, select airflow_variables.json, and click Import Variables.

Airflow Variables

Note that the variable names must be prefixed with {chain}_, e.g. polygon_output_bucket.

Variable Description
output_bucket GCS bucket where exported files with blockchain data will be stored
export_start_date export start date, default: 2019-04-22
export_end_date export end date, used for integration testing, default: None
export_schedule_interval export cron schedule, default: 0 1 * * *
provider_uris comma-separated list of provider URIs for polygon-etl command
notification_emails comma-separated list of emails where notifications on DAG failures, retries and successes will be delivered. This variable must not be prefixed with {chain}_
export_max_active_runs max active DAG runs for export, default: 3
export_max_workers max workers for polygon-etl command, default: 5
destination_dataset_project_id GCS project id where destination BigQuery dataset is
load_schedule_interval load cron schedule, default: 0 2 * * *
load_end_date load end date, used for integration testing, default: None

Creating a Cloud Source Repository for Configuration Files

It is recommended to keep airflow_variables.json in a version control system e.g. git. Below are the commands for creating a Cloud Source Repository to hold airflow_variables.json:

REPO_NAME=${PROJECT}-airflow-config-${ENVIRONMENT_INDEX} && echo "Repo name ${REPO_NAME}"
gcloud source repos create ${REPO_NAME}
gcloud source repos clone ${REPO_NAME} && cd ${REPO_NAME}

# Put airflow_variables.json to the root of the repo

git add airflow_variables.json && git commit -m "Initial commit"
git push

To automate import variables in airflow_variables.json to Cloud composer, perform the following steps:

  • Copy example cloud build to the root of repository
  • Navigate to Cloud Build Triggers console
  • Click Create push trigger button.
  • Specify the following configuration options for the trigger:
    • Name: import-airflow-variables
    • Event: Push to a branch
    • Source: ^master$
    • Included files filter: airflow/**
    • Build configuration: Cloud Build configuration file (yaml or json)
    • Cloud Build configuration file location: cloudbuild.yaml
    • Substitution variables:
      • _ENVIRONMENT_NAME: Cloud Composer environment name, e.g. _ENVIRONMENT_NAME: polygon-etl-0
      • _LOCATION: Cloud Composer location, e.g. _LOCATION: us-central1

Deploying Airflow DAGs

  • Get the value from dagGcsPrefix configuration option from the output of: gcloud composer environments describe ${ENVIRONMENT_NAME} --location us-central1.
  • Upload DAGs to the bucket. Make sure to replace <dag_gcs_prefix> with the value from the previous step: ./ <dag_gcs_prefix>.
  • To understand more about how the Airflow DAGs are structured read this article.
  • Note that it will take one or more days for polygon_export_dag to finish exporting the historical data.
  • To setup automated deployment of DAGs refer to Cloud Build Configuration.

Integration Testing

It is recommended to use a dedicated Cloud Composer environment for integration testing with Airflow.

To run integration tests:

  • Create a new environment following the steps in the Setting Up section.
  • On the Configuring Airflow Variables step specify the following additional configuration variables:
    • export_end_date: 2020-05-30
    • load_end_date: 2020-05-30
  • This will run the DAGs only for the first day. At the end of the load DAG the verification tasks will ensure the correctness of the result.


To troubleshoot issues with Airflow tasks use View Log button in the Airflow console for individual tasks. Read Airflow UI overview and Troubleshooting DAGs for more info.

In rare cases you may need to inspect GKE cluster logs in GKE console.

Local testing

Python 3.8.12 does not suffer the same installation issues as 3.6 on Mac OS So you should be able to install using brew, pyenv, venv, etc.

Or you may prefer to use the Dockerfile supplied for this purpose. Expected context is repository root. This makes cli folder is accessible to the Dockerfile

docker build -f . -t polygon-etl-airflow-tests ..
docker run polygon-etl-airflow-tests

(this closely mirrors the github action used by CI/CD .github/workflows/airflow-tests.yml)