diff --git a/lib/net/imap.rb b/lib/net/imap.rb
index 9a93c542..971b0130 100644
--- a/lib/net/imap.rb
+++ b/lib/net/imap.rb
@@ -720,11 +720,110 @@ class << self
alias default_imap_port default_port
alias default_imaps_port default_tls_port
alias default_ssl_port default_tls_port
+ # The default value for the +tls+ option of ::new, when +port+ is
+ # unspecified or non-standard.
+ #
+ # *Note*: A future release of Net::IMAP will set the default to +true+, as
+ # per RFC7525[https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7525],
+ # RFC7817[https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7817], and
+ # RFC8314[https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc8314].
+ #
+ # Set to +true+ for the secure default without warnings. Set to
+ # +false+ to globally silence warnings and use insecure defaults.
+ attr_accessor :default_tls
+ alias default_ssl default_tls
+ end
+ # Creates a new Net::IMAP object and connects it to the specified
+ # +host+.
+ #
+ # Accepts the following options:
+ #
+ # [port]
+ # Port number (default value is 143 for imap, or 993 for imaps)
+ # [tls]
+ # When +true+, the connection will use TLS with the default params set by
+ # {OpenSSL::SSL::SSLContext#set_params}[https://docs.ruby-lang.org/en/master/OpenSSL/SSL/SSLContext.html#method-i-set_params].
+ # Assign a hash to override TLS params—the keys are assignment methods on
+ # SSLContext[https://docs.ruby-lang.org/en/master/OpenSSL/SSL/SSLContext.html].
+ #
+ # When port: 993, +tls+ defaults to +true+.
+ # When port: 143, +tls+ defaults to +false+.
+ # When port is unspecified or non-standard, +tls+ defaults to
+ # ::default_tls. When ::default_tls is also +nil+, a warning is printed
+ # and the connection does _not_ use TLS.
+ #
+ # When +nil+ or unassigned a default value is assigned: the default is
+ # +true+ if port: 993, +false+ if port: 143, and
+ # ::default_tls when +port+ is unspecified or non-standard. When
+ # ::default_tls is +nil+, a back
+ #
+ # [open_timeout]
+ # Seconds to wait until a connection is opened
+ # [idle_response_timeout]
+ # Seconds to wait until an IDLE response is received
+ #
+ # The most common errors are:
+ #
+ # Errno::ECONNREFUSED:: Connection refused by +host+ or an intervening
+ # firewall.
+ # Errno::ETIMEDOUT:: Connection timed out (possibly due to packets
+ # being dropped by an intervening firewall).
+ # Errno::ENETUNREACH:: There is no route to that network.
+ # SocketError:: Hostname not known or other socket error.
+ # Net::IMAP::ByeResponseError:: Connected to the host successfully, but
+ # it immediately said goodbye.
+ def initialize(host,
+ port: nil,
+ tls: nil,
+ open_timeout: 30,
+ idle_response_timeout: 5)
+ # Basic configuration
+ @host = host
+ @tls, @port = default_tls_and_port(tls, port)
+ @open_timeout = Integer(open_timeout)
+ @idle_response_timeout = Integer(idle_response_timeout)
+ # Basic Client state
+ super() # Mutex and condition vars (MonitorMixin#initialize)
+ @greeting = nil
+ @capabilities = nil
+ @utf8_strings = false # TODO: use @enabled instead
+ @debug_output_bol = true
+ # Client Protocol Reciever
+ @parser = ResponseParser.new
+ @receiver_thread = nil
+ @receiver_thread_terminating = false
+ @exception = nil
+ # Client Protocol Sender
+ @tag_prefix = "RUBY"
+ @tagno = 0
+ # Response handlers
+ @continuation_request_arrival = new_cond
+ @continuation_request_exception = nil
+ @tagged_response_arrival = new_cond
+ @tagged_responses = {}
+ @response_handlers = []
+ @responses = Hash.new {|h, k| h[k] = [] }
+ # Command execution state
+ @logout_command_tag = nil
+ @continued_command_tag = nil
+ @idle_done_cond = nil
+ # create the connection
+ @sock = nil
+ start_connection
def client_thread # :nodoc:
- warn "Net::IMAP#client_thread is deprecated and will be removed soon."
- @client_thread
+ warn "Net::IMAP#client_thread is deprecated and always returns the " \
+ "caller's current thread."
+ Thread.current
# Disconnects from the server.
@@ -795,7 +894,7 @@ def capabilities
# servers will drop all AUTH= mechanisms from #capabilities after
# the connection has authenticated.
- # imap = Net::IMAP.new(hostname, ssl: false)
+ # imap = Net::IMAP.new(hostname, tls: false)
# imap.capabilities # => ["IMAP4REV1", "LOGINDISABLED"]
# imap.auth_mechanisms # => []
@@ -970,15 +1069,9 @@ def logout
# Server capabilities may change after #starttls, #login, and #authenticate.
# Cached #capabilities will be cleared when this method completes.
- def starttls(options = {}, verify = true)
+ def starttls(**options)
send_command("STARTTLS") do |resp|
if resp.kind_of?(TaggedResponse) && resp.name == "OK"
- begin
- # for backward compatibility
- certs = options.to_str
- options = create_ssl_params(certs, verify)
- rescue NoMethodError
- end
@@ -2213,99 +2306,62 @@ def remove_response_handler(handler)
@@debug = false
- # :call-seq:
- # Net::IMAP.new(host, options = {})
- #
- # Creates a new Net::IMAP object and connects it to the specified
- # +host+.
- #
- # +options+ is an option hash, each key of which is a symbol.
- #
- # The available options are:
- #
- # port:: Port number (default value is 143 for imap, or 993 for imaps)
- # ssl:: If +options[:ssl]+ is true, then an attempt will be made
- # to use SSL (now TLS) to connect to the server.
- # If +options[:ssl]+ is a hash, it's passed to
- # OpenSSL::SSL::SSLContext#set_params as parameters.
- # open_timeout:: Seconds to wait until a connection is opened
- # idle_response_timeout:: Seconds to wait until an IDLE response is received
- #
- # The most common errors are:
- #
- # Errno::ECONNREFUSED:: Connection refused by +host+ or an intervening
- # firewall.
- # Errno::ETIMEDOUT:: Connection timed out (possibly due to packets
- # being dropped by an intervening firewall).
- # Errno::ENETUNREACH:: There is no route to that network.
- # SocketError:: Hostname not known or other socket error.
- # Net::IMAP::ByeResponseError:: The connected to the host was successful, but
- # it immediately said goodbye.
- def initialize(host, port_or_options = {},
- usessl = false, certs = nil, verify = true)
- super()
- @host = host
- begin
- options = port_or_options.to_hash
- rescue NoMethodError
- # for backward compatibility
- options = {}
- options[:port] = port_or_options
- if usessl
- options[:ssl] = create_ssl_params(certs, verify)
+ def default_tls_and_port(tls, port)
+ if tls.nil? && port
+ tls = true if port == SSL_PORT || /\Aimaps\z/i === port
+ tls = false if port == PORT
+ elsif port.nil? && !tls.nil?
+ port = tls ? SSL_PORT : PORT
+ end
+ if tls.nil? && port.nil?
+ tls = self.class.default_tls.dup.freeze
+ port = tls ? SSL_PORT : PORT
+ if tls.nil?
+ warn "A future version of Net::IMAP.default_tls " \
+ "will default to 'true', for secure connections by default. " \
+ "Use 'Net::IMAP.new(host, tls: false)' or set " \
+ "Net::IMAP.default_tls = false' to silence this warning."
- @port = options[:port] || (options[:ssl] ? SSL_PORT : PORT)
- @tag_prefix = "RUBY"
- @tagno = 0
- @utf8_strings = false
- @open_timeout = options[:open_timeout] || 30
- @idle_response_timeout = options[:idle_response_timeout] || 5
- @parser = ResponseParser.new
+ tls &&= tls.respond_to?(:to_hash) ? tls.to_hash : {}
+ [tls, port]
+ end
+ def start_connection
@sock = tcp_socket(@host, @port)
- if options[:ssl]
- start_tls_session(options[:ssl])
- @usessl = true
- else
- @usessl = false
- end
- @responses = Hash.new {|h, k| h[k] = [] }
- @tagged_responses = {}
- @response_handlers = []
- @tagged_response_arrival = new_cond
- @continued_command_tag = nil
- @continuation_request_arrival = new_cond
- @continuation_request_exception = nil
- @idle_done_cond = nil
- @logout_command_tag = nil
- @debug_output_bol = true
- @exception = nil
+ start_tls_session(@tls) if @tls
@greeting = get_response
- if @greeting.nil?
- raise Error, "connection closed"
- end
- record_untagged_response_code @greeting
- @capabilities = capabilities_from_resp_code @greeting
- if @greeting.name == "BYE"
- raise ByeResponseError, @greeting
- end
- @client_thread = Thread.current
- @receiver_thread = Thread.start {
- begin
- receive_responses
- rescue Exception
- end
- }
- @receiver_thread_terminating = false
+ handle_server_greeting
+ @receiver_thread = start_receiver_thread
rescue Exception
+ def handle_server_greeting
+ if @greeting.nil?
+ raise Error, "connection closed"
+ end
+ record_untagged_response_code(@greeting)
+ @capabilities = capabilities_from_resp_code @greeting
+ if @greeting.name == "BYE"
+ raise ByeResponseError, @greeting
+ end
+ end
+ def start_receiver_thread
+ Thread.start do
+ receive_responses
+ rescue Exception
+ # don't exit the thread with an exception
+ end
+ rescue Exception
+ @sock.close
+ raise
+ end
def tcp_socket(host, port)
s = Socket.tcp(host, port, :connect_timeout => @open_timeout)
s.setsockopt(:SOL_SOCKET, :SO_KEEPALIVE, true)
@@ -2592,34 +2648,12 @@ def normalize_searching_criteria(keys)
- def create_ssl_params(certs = nil, verify = true)
- params = {}
- if certs
- if File.file?(certs)
- params[:ca_file] = certs
- elsif File.directory?(certs)
- params[:ca_path] = certs
- end
- end
- if verify
- params[:verify_mode] = VERIFY_PEER
- else
- params[:verify_mode] = VERIFY_NONE
- end
- return params
- end
def start_tls_session(params = {})
unless defined?(OpenSSL::SSL)
- raise "SSL extension not installed"
+ raise "OpenSSL extension not installed"
if @sock.kind_of?(OpenSSL::SSL::SSLSocket)
- raise RuntimeError, "already using SSL"
- end
- begin
- params = params.to_hash
- rescue NoMethodError
- params = {}
+ raise RuntimeError, "already using TLS"
context = SSLContext.new
@@ -2655,3 +2689,6 @@ def self.saslprep(string, **opts)
require_relative "imap/response_data"
require_relative "imap/response_parser"
require_relative "imap/authenticators"
+require_relative "imap/deprecated_client_options"
+Net::IMAP.prepend Net::IMAP::DeprecatedClientOptions
diff --git a/lib/net/imap/deprecated_client_options.rb b/lib/net/imap/deprecated_client_options.rb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..12dbacc6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/net/imap/deprecated_client_options.rb
@@ -0,0 +1,166 @@
+# frozen_string_literal: true
+module Net
+ class IMAP < Protocol
+ # This module handles deprecated arguments to various methods.
+ module DeprecatedClientOptions
+ UNDEF = Module.new.freeze
+ private_constant :UNDEF
+ # :call-seq:
+ # Net::IMAP.new(host, ssl: nil, **options)
+ # Net::IMAP.new(host, port)
+ # Net::IMAP.new(host, options = {})
+ # Net::IMAP.new(host, port = nil, usessl = false, certs = nil, verify = true)
+ #
+ # Translates Net::IMAP.new arguments for backward compatibility.
+ #
+ # ==== Obsolete arguments
+ #
+ # If +ssl+ is given, it is silently converted to the +tls+ keyword
+ # argument. Combining both +ssl+ and +tls+ raises an ArgumentError. Both
+ # of the following behave identically:
+ #
+ # Net::IMAP.new("imap.example.com", port: 993, ssl: {ca_path: "path/to/certs"})
+ # Net::IMAP.new("imap.example.com", port: 993, tls: {ca_path: "path/to/certs"})
+ #
+ # If a second positional argument is given and it is an integer, it is
+ # silently converted to the +port+ keyword argument.
+ #
+ # Net::IMAP.new("imap.example.com", 993)
+ # Net::IMAP.new("imap.example.com", port: 993)
+ #
+ # Obsolete arguments may print deprecation warnings in a future release.
+ #
+ # ==== Deprecated arguments
+ #
+ # Using any deprecated arguments will print a warning. Deprecated
+ # arguments will be removed in a future release.
+ #
+ # If a second positional argument is given and it is a hash, it is
+ # converted to keyword arguments.
+ #
+ # Net::IMAP.new("imap.example.com", options_hash) # => prints a warning
+ # # Not deprecated:
+ # Net::IMAP.new("imap.example.com", **options_hash)
+ #
+ # If a second positional argument is given and it is not an integer or
+ # hash, it is converted to the +port+ keyword argument—with a warning.
+ #
+ # Net::IMAP.new("imap.example.com", "imap") # => prints a warning
+ # # Not deprecated:
+ # Net::IMAP.new("imap.example.com", port: "imap")
+ #
+ # If +usessl+ is false, +certs+, and +verify+ are ignored. When it true,
+ # all three arguments are converted to the +tls+ keyword argument.
+ #
+ # # DEPRECATED: usessl = true
+ # Net::IMAP.new("imap.example.com", 993, true)
+ # # Not deprecated: keywords port and tls
+ # Net::IMAP.new("imap.example.com", port: 993, tls: true)
+ #
+ # # DEPRECATED: certs = path to a directory
+ # Net::IMAP.new("imap.example.com", nil, true, "/path/to/certs") # => prints a warning
+ # # Not deprecated: OpenSSL::SSL::SSLContext param: ca_path
+ # Net::IMAP.new("imap.example.com", tls: {ca_path: "/path/to/certs", verify_mode: VERIFY_PEER})
+ #
+ # # DEPRECATED: certs = path to a file
+ # Net::IMAP.new("imap.example.com", nil, true, "/path/to/cert.pem") # => prints a warning
+ # # Not deprecated: OpenSSL::SSL::SSLContext param: ca_file
+ # Net::IMAP.new("imap.example.com", tls: {ca_file: "/path/to/cert.pem", verify_mode: VERIFY_PEER})
+ #
+ # # DEPRECATED: verify = false
+ # Net::IMAP.new("imap.example.com", nil, true, nil, false) # => prints a warning
+ # # Not deprecated: +tls+ OpenSSL::SSL::SSLContext param: verify_mode
+ # Net::IMAP.new("imap.example.com", tls: {verify_mode: VERIFY_NONE})
+ #
+ def initialize(host,
+ port_or_options = UNDEF,
+ usessl = UNDEF,
+ certs = UNDEF,
+ verify = UNDEF,
+ **options)
+ if port_or_options == UNDEF
+ translate_ssl_to_tls(options)
+ super(host, **options)
+ elsif options.any?
+ raise ArgumentError, "send options as keyword arguments only"
+ elsif usessl == UNDEF
+ if (options = Hash.try_convert(port_or_options)&.dup)
+ translate_ssl_to_tls(options)
+ super(host, **options)
+ else
+ super(host, port: port_or_options)
+ end
+ elsif port_or_options.respond_to?(:to_hash)
+ raise ArgumentError, "do not send extra arguments with options hash"
+ else
+ warn "DEPRECATED: Net::IMAP.new(host, port, usessl, certs, verify). " \
+ "Use Net::IMAP.new(host, **options) instead."
+ super(host,
+ port: port_or_options,
+ tls: usessl && obsolete_create_ssl_params(certs, verify))
+ end
+ end
+ # :call-seq:
+ # starttls(options = {})
+ # starttls(certs, verify = true)
+ #
+ # For backward compatibility. A future release will only accept
+ # OpenSSL::SSL::SSLContext.set_params options.
+ def starttls(options_or_certs = UNDEF, verify = UNDEF, **options)
+ if options_or_certs == UNDEF
+ super(**options)
+ elsif options.any?
+ raise ArgumentError, "send options as keyword arguments only"
+ elsif (options = Hash.try_convert(options_or_certs))
+ if verify != UNDEF
+ raise ArgumentError, "do not send extra arguments with options hash"
+ end
+ super(**options)
+ elsif (certs = String.try_convert(options_or_certs))
+ warn "DEPRECATED: starttls(certs, verify). " \
+ "Use starttls(**ssl_context_params) instead."
+ super(**obsolete_create_ssl_params(certs, verify))
+ else
+ raise ArgumentError, "send options as keyword arguments"
+ end
+ end
+ private
+ def translate_ssl_to_tls(options)
+ return unless options.key?(:ssl)
+ if options.key?(:tls)
+ raise ArgumentError, "conflicting :ssl and :tls keyword arguments"
+ end
+ options.merge!(tls: options.delete(:ssl))
+ end
+ def obsolete_create_ssl_params(certs, verify)
+ certs = nil if certs == UNDEF
+ verify = true if verify == UNDEF
+ params = {}
+ if certs
+ if File.file?(certs)
+ params[:ca_file] = certs
+ elsif File.directory?(certs)
+ params[:ca_path] = certs
+ end
+ end
+ params[:verify_mode] = verify ? VERIFY_PEER : VERIFY_NONE
+ params
+ end
+ end
+ end