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Vertx-Vaadin-8 is an adapter library that allow Vaadin 8.x applications to run on a Vert.x environment.

Vertx-vaadin provides a Vert.x verticle that starts an http server and initialize VertxVaadinService, a custom implementation of VaadinService.

VertxVaadinService is inspired from VaadinServletService and takes the same configuration parameters in the form of a json configuration file and from @VaadinServletConfiguration annotation on VaadinVerticle subclasses.

All Servlet Configuration Parameter can be defined in json file under vaadin key.

  "vaadin": {
    "ui": "com.github.mcollovati.vertx.vaadin.sample.SimpleUI",
    "heartbeatInterval": 500,
    "UIProvider": ""

Two dependencies are needed to run Vaadin on Vert.x: vertx-vaadin adapter and servlet APIs (because Vaadin relies on them but they are not provided from Vert.x).



PUSH support

Vertx-Vaadin supports PUSH using a custom implementation based on SockJS that replaces the atmosphere stack on client and server side; for this reason widgetset compilation is needed for projects using vertx-vaadin. In order to do this add a provided dependency to the vaadin8-sockjs sources in project pom


If the project does not rely on client side addons an already compiled widgetset based on Vaadin default widgetset can be used; to do this simply add the classifier full to the vertx-vaadin8 dependency. Remeber that vaadin-client-compiled dependency MUST be removed in this case.


Getting started

To create a Vaadin application capable to run on Vertx start with a new project using Vaadin Maven archetype

mvn archetype:generate \
-DarchetypeGroupId=com.vaadin \
-DarchetypeArtifactId=vaadin-archetype-application \

Now you have a Vaadin project with Maven build script. You can build the war file using mvn install, start the project using mvn jetty:run or import it into your IDE.

To make the Vaadin application ready to run on Vert.x first of all clean POM file from some servlet related stuff:

  • change project packaging type from war to jar
  • remove maven-war-plugin and jetty-maven-plugin
  • remove vaadin-push dependency
  • move src/main/webapp content to src/main/resources
  • edit maven-clean-plugin configuration to change references from src/main/webapp into src/main/resources

Then add a dependency to vertx-vaadin


Change the scope of the servlet API dependency from 'provided' to runtime (or compile if you need to refer those APIs in your code).


Default widgetset

If you do not need PUSH nor client side addons you can use the Vaadin default widgetset; currently, due to a bug on vertx-vaadin, the default widgetset must be explicitly set using @Widgetset or @VaadinServletConfiguration annotation.

For example:

@VaadinServletConfiguration(..., widgetset = "com.vaadin.DefaultWidgetSet")
public static class MyUIVerticle extends VaadinVerticle {


public class MyUI extends UI {

PUSH with default widgetset

If you do need PUSH but the project does not need other client side addons add the full classifier to the vertx-vaadin8 dependency to use an already compiled widgetset based on Vaadin default widgetset.


Then remove vaadin-client-compiled dependency, remove or configure vaadin-maven-plugin to avoid compile goal execution and annotate UI class with @Widgetset("com.github.mcollovati.vertx.vaadin.VaadinVertxWidgetset").

public class MyUI extends UI {


PUSH with custom widgetset

If you do need PUSH and also other client side addons add the dependency to vertx-vaadin without the full classifier, add the vaadin8-sockjs dependency as described in Push Support section and compile the widgetset as usually (see Vaadin documentation for further information).

Also remember to configure vaadin-maven-plugin to put widgetset and theme stuff into target/classes directory, as in the example below

                <!-- Comment out compile-theme goal to use on-the-fly theme compilation -->

                <!--other configurations -->
                <extraJvmArgs>-Xmx1024M -Xss1024k</extraJvmArgs>

Vaadin Verticle

As next step, open the MyUI class and replace the custom VaadinServlet implementation with a new VaadinVerticle extension. Annotate the verticle class with @VaadinServletConfiguration (at the moment Vert.x-Vaadin uses the same Vaadin 8 annotation used for servlet environment) specifying the UI class that should be served (refer to Vaadin documentation for more information about available configuration parameters).

package com.github.mcollovati.vaadin.exampleapp;


public class MyUI extends UI {

    @VaadinServletConfiguration(ui = MyUI.class, productionMode = false)
    public static class MyUIVerticle extends VaadinVerticle {

The simplest way to run and package your Vert.x Vaadin application is to use vertx-maven-plugin.

Open your POM file and add vertx-maven-plugin; the <verticle> element inside plugin configuration must contain the fully qualified class name of your custom verticle. For further configurations of vertx maven plugin refer to [documentation]((


Build the application with mvn package, run it with mvn vertx:run and point the browser at http://localhost:8080.

You can also start the application with java -jar target/<artifact-name>.jar