diff --git a/docs/docker-workflows.rst b/docs/docker-workflows.rst
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+++ b/docs/docker-workflows.rst
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+Docker: Dev and Prod Workflows
+.. raw:: html
+This guide demonstrates how to use the same Docker image with your
+Runhouse cluster, for both:
+- **Production**: running functions and code that is pre-installed on
+ the Docker image
+- **Local development**: making local edits to your repo, and having
+ local changes propagated over to the cluster for experimentation
+Afterwards, we provide a script that shows how to easily set up and
+toggle between these two settings, using the same cluster setup.
+In this example, we are going to be using the `DJLServing 0.27.0 with
+0.12.6 `__
+Container, which includes HuggingFace Tranformers (4.39.0), Diffusers
+(0.16.0), and Accelerate (0.28.0). We will use both the container
+version of these packages, as well as local editable versions to
+showcase both production ready and local experimentation use cases for
+using the same Docker image.
+Runhouse uses SkyPilot under the hood to set up the Docker image on the
+cluster. Because we are pulling the Docker image from AWS ECR, we first
+set some environment variables necessary to pull the Docker image.
+For more specific details on getting your Docker image set up with
+Runhouse, please take a look at the `Docker Setup
+Guide `__.
+.. code:: ipython3
+ ! export SKYPILOT_DOCKER_PASSWORD=$(aws ecr get-login-password --region us-west-1)
+ ! export SKYPILOT_DOCKER_SERVER=763104351884.dkr.ecr.us-west-1.amazonaws.com
+Once these variables are set, we can import runhouse and construct an
+ondemand cluster, specifying the container image id as follows, and call
+``cluster.up_if_not()`` to launch the cluster with the Docker image
+loaded on it.
+.. code:: ipython3
+ import runhouse as rh
+.. parsed-literal::
+ :class: code-output
+ INFO | 2024-08-01 02:18:48.921683 | Loaded Runhouse config from /Users/caroline/.rh/config.yaml
+.. code:: ipython3
+ cluster = rh.ondemand_cluster(
+ name="diffusers_docker",
+ image_id="docker:djl-inference:0.27.0-deepspeed0.12.6-cu121",
+ instance_type="g5.8xlarge",
+ provider="aws",
+ )
+ cluster.up_if_not()
+The function we’ll be using in our demo is ``is_transformers_available``
+from ``diffusers.utils``. We’ll first show what using this function
+directly on the box (e.g. a production setting) looks like. After, we’ll
+show the case if we had local versions of the repositories, that we’d
+modified, and wanted to test out our changes on the cluster.
+.. code:: ipython3
+ from diffusers.utils import is_transformers_available
+Production Workflow
+The core of the production workflow is that the Docker image already
+contains the exact packages and versions we want, probably published
+into the registry in CI/CD. We don’t want to perform any installs or
+code changes within the image throughout execution so we can preserve
+exact reproducibility.
+**NOTE**: By default, Ray and Runhouse are installed on the ondemand
+cluster during setup time (generally attempting to match the versions
+you have locally), unless we detect that they’re already present. To
+make sure that no installs occur in production, please make sure that
+you have Runhouse and Ray installed in your docker image.
+Defining the Env
+Here, we construct a Runhouse env containing anything you need for
+running your code, that doesn’t already live on the cluster. For
+instance, any environment variables or additional packages that you
+might need installed. Do **NOT** include the packages already installed
+on the container that you want pinned to the specific version, in this
+case diffusers and transformers.
+Then send and create the env on the cluster by directly calling
+.. code:: ipython3
+ prod_env = rh.env(name="prod_env", env_vars={"HF_TOKEN": "****"})
+ prod_env.to(cluster)
+.. parsed-literal::
+ :class: code-output
+ INFO | 2024-08-01 02:19:13.168591 | Port 32300 is already in use. Trying next port.
+ INFO | 2024-08-01 02:19:13.172968 | Running forwarding command: ssh -T -L 32301:localhost:32300 -i ~/.ssh/sky-key -o Port=10022 -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o IdentitiesOnly=yes -o ExitOnForwardFailure=yes -o ServerAliveInterval=5 -o ServerAliveCountMax=3 -o ConnectTimeout=30s -o ForwardAgent=yes -o ProxyCommand='ssh -T -L 32301:localhost:32300 -i ~/.ssh/sky-key -o Port=22 -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o IdentitiesOnly=yes -o ExitOnForwardFailure=yes -o ServerAliveInterval=5 -o ServerAliveCountMax=3 -o ConnectTimeout=30s -o ForwardAgent=yes -W %h:%p ubuntu@' root@localhost
+ INFO | 2024-08-01 02:19:16.685047 | Calling prod_env._set_env_vars
+.. parsed-literal::
+ :class: code-output
+ ----------------
+ [36mdiffusers_docker[0m
+ ----------------
+ [36mprod_env env: Calling method _set_env_vars on module prod_env
+ [0m
+.. parsed-literal::
+ :class: code-output
+ INFO | 2024-08-01 02:19:17.273890 | Time to call prod_env._set_env_vars: 0.59 seconds
+ INFO | 2024-08-01 02:19:17.350932 | Calling prod_env.install
+.. parsed-literal::
+ :class: code-output
+ [36mprod_env env: Calling method install on module prod_env
+ [0m
+.. parsed-literal::
+ :class: code-output
+ INFO | 2024-08-01 02:19:17.929387 | Time to call prod_env.install: 0.58 seconds
+.. parsed-literal::
+ :class: code-output
+Defining the Function
+The function is the ``is_transformers_available`` function imported
+above. When creating the function to run remotely on the production
+Runhouse env, we pass in the **name** of the Runhouse env. By passing in
+the env name, rather than the object, it simply signals that we want to
+use the env that already lives on the cluster, without re-syncing over
+.. code:: ipython3
+ prod_fn = rh.function(is_transformers_available).to(cluster, env=prod_env.name)
+.. parsed-literal::
+ :class: code-output
+ INFO | 2024-08-01 02:19:22.140840 | Sending module is_transformers_available of type to diffusers_docker
+Calling the Function
+Now, simply call the function, and it will detect the corresponding
+function on the cluster to run. In this case, it returns whether or not
+transformers is available on the cluster, which it is, as it was part of
+the Docker image.
+.. code:: ipython3
+ prod_fn()
+.. parsed-literal::
+ :class: code-output
+ INFO | 2024-08-01 02:19:27.817880 | Calling is_transformers_available.call
+.. parsed-literal::
+ :class: code-output
+ [36mprod_env env: Calling method call on module is_transformers_available
+ [0m
+.. parsed-literal::
+ :class: code-output
+ INFO | 2024-08-01 02:19:31.554237 | Time to call is_transformers_available.call: 3.74 seconds
+.. parsed-literal::
+ :class: code-output
+ True
+Local Development
+Now for the local development and experimentation case. Let’s say we
+have the HuggingFace diffusers and transformers repositories cloned and
+installed as a local editable package, and are making changes to it that
+we want reflected when we run it on the cluster.
+Local Changes
+Let’s continue using the ``is_transformers_available`` function, except
+this time we’ll change the function to return the version number of the
+transformers package if it exists, instead of True.
+In my local diffusers/src/diffusers/utils/import_utils.py file:
+ def is_transformers_available:
+ try:
+ import transformers
+ return transformers.__version__
+ except ImportError:
+ return False
+.. code:: ipython3
+ from diffusers.utils import is_transformers_available
+ is_transformers_available()
+.. parsed-literal::
+ :class: code-output
+ '4.44.0.dev0'
+Defining the Env
+In this case, because we want to use our local diffusers package, as
+well as our local transformers package and version, we include these as
+requirements inside our Runhouse env. There is no need to preemptively
+send over the env, as now we can directly pass in the env object when we
+define the function, to sync over the local changes.
+.. code:: ipython3
+ dev_env = rh.env(name="dev_env", env_vars={"HF_TOKEN": "****"}, reqs=["diffusers", "transformers"])
+Defining the Function
+Define a Runhouse function normally, passing in the function, and
+sending it to the cluster. Here, we simply pass in the ``dev_env``
+object into the env argument. This will ensure that the folder that this
+function is locally found in, along with any requirements in the env
+requirements is synced over to the cluster properly. Even though the
+container already contains its own version of these packages,
+requirements that can be found locally, such as our local modified
+diffusers and transformers (v 4.44.0.dev0) repositories will be synced
+to the cluster.
+.. code:: ipython3
+ dev_fn = rh.function(is_transformers_available).to(cluster, env=dev_env)
+.. parsed-literal::
+ :class: code-output
+ INFO | 2024-08-01 02:34:20.997084 | Copying package from file:///Users/caroline/Documents/diffusers to: diffusers_docker
+ INFO | 2024-08-01 02:34:24.924803 | Copying package from file:///Users/caroline/Documents/transformers to: diffusers_docker
+ INFO | 2024-08-01 02:34:31.626250 | Calling dev_env._set_env_vars
+.. parsed-literal::
+ :class: code-output
+ [36mdev_env env: Calling method _set_env_vars on module dev_env
+ [0m
+.. parsed-literal::
+ :class: code-output
+ INFO | 2024-08-01 02:34:32.324740 | Time to call dev_env._set_env_vars: 0.7 seconds
+ INFO | 2024-08-01 02:34:32.444053 | Calling dev_env.install
+.. parsed-literal::
+ :class: code-output
+ [36mdev_env env: Calling method install on module dev_env
+ [0m[36mInstalling Package: diffusers with method pip.
+ [0m[36mRunning via install_method pip: python3 -m pip install /root/diffusers
+ [0m[36mInstalling Package: transformers with method pip.
+ [0m[36mRunning via install_method pip: python3 -m pip install /root/transformers
+ [0m
+.. parsed-literal::
+ :class: code-output
+ INFO | 2024-08-01 02:34:56.084695 | Time to call dev_env.install: 23.64 seconds
+ INFO | 2024-08-01 02:34:56.239915 | Sending module is_transformers_available of type to diffusers_docker
+Calling the Function
+Now, we call the function
+.. code:: ipython3
+ dev_fn()
+.. parsed-literal::
+ :class: code-output
+ INFO | 2024-08-01 02:35:01.303550 | Calling is_transformers_available.call
+.. parsed-literal::
+ :class: code-output
+ [36mdev_env env: Calling method call on module is_transformers_available
+ [0m
+.. parsed-literal::
+ :class: code-output
+ INFO | 2024-08-01 02:35:02.946712 | Time to call is_transformers_available.call: 1.64 seconds
+.. parsed-literal::
+ :class: code-output
+ '4.44.0.dev0'
+Summary - Setting Up Your Code
+Here, we implement the above as a script that can be used to toggle
+between dev and prod. The script can easily be adapted and shared
+between teammates developing and working with the same repos, with a
+flag or variable flip to differentiate between experimentation and
+production branches.
+ from diffusers.utils import is_transformers_available
+ if __name__ == "__main__":
+ cluster = rh.ondemand_cluster(...)
+ cluster.up_if_not()
+ if prod:
+ env = rh.env(name="prod_env_name", env_vars={...}, ...)
+ env.to(cluster)
+ remote_fn = rh.function(is_transformers_available).to(cluster, env=env.name)
+ else:
+ env = rh.env(name="dev_env_name", reqs=["diffusers", "trasnformers"], ...)
+ remote_fn = rh.function(is_transformers_available).to(cluster, env=env)
+ remote_fn()
+To summarize the core differences between local experimentation and
+production workflow:
+**Local Development**: Include local packages to sync in the ``reqs``
+field of the ``env`` that the function is associated with.
+**Production Workflow**: Do not include production packages that are
+part of the Docker image in the ``reqs`` field of the ``env``. Send the
+``env`` to the cluster prior to defining the function, and then pass in
+the env name rather than the env object for the function. Also, include
+Runhouse and Ray on the image to pin those for production as well.
diff --git a/docs/index.rst b/docs/index.rst
index f6194c95b..127fbe3a6 100644
--- a/docs/index.rst
+++ b/docs/index.rst
@@ -51,6 +51,7 @@ Table of Contents
+ docker-workflows