#Quick and dirty bootstrap. if ! dotnet --info; then echo "Can't find dotnet! Please add to PATH." return 1 fi if ! git --version; then echo "Can't find git! Please add to PATH." return 1 fi root=$(pwd) # Clone the mcgutils repo git clone https://github.com/russellhadley/mcgutils.git pushd ./mcgutils # Pull in needed packages. This works globally. (due to global.json) dotnet restore # Build and publish all the utilties and frameworks ./build.sh -p -f popd # set utilites in the current path export PATH=$PATH:$root/mcgutils/bin/mcgdiff:$root/mcgutils/bin/corediff:$root/mcgutils/bin/analyze:$root/mcgutils/bin/cijobs # launch getstarted.md doc open https://github.com/russellhadley/mcgutils/blob/master/doc/getstarted.md echo "Done setting up!"