diff --git a/src/bootstrap/bootstrap.py b/src/bootstrap/bootstrap.py
index 2328dd822afd2..fea194a80efbb 100644
--- a/src/bootstrap/bootstrap.py
+++ b/src/bootstrap/bootstrap.py
@@ -616,22 +616,6 @@ def download_toolchain(self):
             with output(self.rustc_stamp()) as rust_stamp:
-    def _download_component_helper(
-        self, filename, pattern, tarball_suffix, rustc_cache,
-    ):
-        key = self.stage0_compiler.date
-        tarball = os.path.join(rustc_cache, filename)
-        if not os.path.exists(tarball):
-            get(
-                self.download_url,
-                "dist/{}/{}".format(key, filename),
-                tarball,
-                self.checksums_sha256,
-                verbose=self.verbose,
-            )
-        unpack(tarball, tarball_suffix, self.bin_root(), match=pattern, verbose=self.verbose)
     def should_fix_bins_and_dylibs(self):
         """Whether or not `fix_bin_or_dylib` needs to be run; can only be True
         on NixOS or if config.toml has `build.patch-binaries-for-nix` set.
diff --git a/src/bootstrap/src/bin/rustc.rs b/src/bootstrap/src/bin/rustc.rs
index 18136635c42a8..38c55b2034496 100644
--- a/src/bootstrap/src/bin/rustc.rs
+++ b/src/bootstrap/src/bin/rustc.rs
@@ -16,11 +16,11 @@
 //! never get replaced.
 use std::env;
-use std::path::PathBuf;
+use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
 use std::process::{Child, Command};
 use std::time::Instant;
-use dylib_util::{dylib_path, dylib_path_var};
+use dylib_util::{dylib_path, dylib_path_var, exe};
 #[path = "../utils/bin_helpers.rs"]
 mod bin_helpers;
@@ -29,8 +29,10 @@ mod bin_helpers;
 mod dylib_util;
 fn main() {
-    let args = env::args_os().skip(1).collect::<Vec<_>>();
-    let arg = |name| args.windows(2).find(|args| args[0] == name).and_then(|args| args[1].to_str());
+    let orig_args = env::args_os().skip(1).collect::<Vec<_>>();
+    let mut args = orig_args.clone();
+    let arg =
+        |name| orig_args.windows(2).find(|args| args[0] == name).and_then(|args| args[1].to_str());
     let stage = bin_helpers::parse_rustc_stage();
     let verbose = bin_helpers::parse_rustc_verbose();
@@ -45,7 +47,8 @@ fn main() {
     // determine the version of the compiler, the real compiler needs to be
     // used. Currently, these two states are differentiated based on whether
     // --target and -vV is/isn't passed.
-    let (rustc, libdir) = if target.is_none() && version.is_none() {
+    let is_build_script = target.is_none() && version.is_none();
+    let (rustc, libdir) = if is_build_script {
     } else {
@@ -54,12 +57,47 @@ fn main() {
     let sysroot = env::var_os("RUSTC_SYSROOT").expect("RUSTC_SYSROOT was not set");
     let on_fail = env::var_os("RUSTC_ON_FAIL").map(Command::new);
-    let rustc = env::var_os(rustc).unwrap_or_else(|| panic!("{:?} was not set", rustc));
+    let rustc_real = env::var_os(rustc).unwrap_or_else(|| panic!("{:?} was not set", rustc));
     let libdir = env::var_os(libdir).unwrap_or_else(|| panic!("{:?} was not set", libdir));
     let mut dylib_path = dylib_path();
     dylib_path.insert(0, PathBuf::from(&libdir));
-    let mut cmd = Command::new(rustc);
+    // if we're running clippy, trust cargo-clippy to set clippy-driver appropriately (and don't override it with rustc).
+    // otherwise, substitute whatever cargo thinks rustc should be with RUSTC_REAL.
+    // NOTE: this means we ignore RUSTC in the environment.
+    // FIXME: We might want to consider removing RUSTC_REAL and setting RUSTC directly?
+    // NOTE: we intentionally pass the name of the host, not the target.
+    let host = env::var("CFG_COMPILER_BUILD_TRIPLE").unwrap();
+    let is_clippy = args[0].to_string_lossy().ends_with(&exe("clippy-driver", &host));
+    let rustc_driver = if is_clippy {
+        if is_build_script {
+            // Don't run clippy on build scripts (for one thing, we may not have libstd built with
+            // the appropriate version yet, e.g. for stage 1 std).
+            // Also remove the `clippy-driver` param in addition to the RUSTC param.
+            args.drain(..2);
+            rustc_real
+        } else {
+            args.remove(0)
+        }
+    } else {
+        // Cargo doesn't respect RUSTC_WRAPPER for version information >:(
+        // don't remove the first arg if we're being run as RUSTC instead of RUSTC_WRAPPER.
+        // Cargo also sometimes doesn't pass the `.exe` suffix on Windows - add it manually.
+        let current_exe = env::current_exe().expect("couldn't get path to rustc shim");
+        let arg0 = exe(args[0].to_str().expect("only utf8 paths are supported"), &host);
+        if Path::new(&arg0) == current_exe {
+            args.remove(0);
+        }
+        rustc_real
+    };
+    let mut cmd = if let Some(wrapper) = env::var_os("RUSTC_WRAPPER_REAL") {
+        let mut cmd = Command::new(wrapper);
+        cmd.arg(rustc_driver);
+        cmd
+    } else {
+        Command::new(rustc_driver)
+    };
     cmd.args(&args).env(dylib_path_var(), env::join_paths(&dylib_path).unwrap());
     // Get the name of the crate we're compiling, if any.
diff --git a/src/bootstrap/src/core/build_steps/compile.rs b/src/bootstrap/src/core/build_steps/compile.rs
index 11e789a996af0..df4d1a43dabc7 100644
--- a/src/bootstrap/src/core/build_steps/compile.rs
+++ b/src/bootstrap/src/core/build_steps/compile.rs
@@ -1809,10 +1809,6 @@ pub fn run_cargo(
     is_check: bool,
     rlib_only_metadata: bool,
 ) -> Vec<PathBuf> {
-    if builder.config.dry_run() {
-        return Vec::new();
-    }
     // `target_root_dir` looks like $dir/$target/release
     let target_root_dir = stamp.parent().unwrap();
     // `target_deps_dir` looks like $dir/$target/release/deps
@@ -1919,6 +1915,10 @@ pub fn run_cargo(
+    if builder.config.dry_run() {
+        return Vec::new();
+    }
     // Ok now we need to actually find all the files listed in `toplevel`. We've
     // got a list of prefix/extensions and we basically just need to find the
     // most recent file in the `deps` folder corresponding to each one.
@@ -1974,9 +1974,6 @@ pub fn stream_cargo(
     cb: &mut dyn FnMut(CargoMessage<'_>),
 ) -> bool {
     let mut cargo = Command::from(cargo);
-    if builder.config.dry_run() {
-        return true;
-    }
     // Instruct Cargo to give us json messages on stdout, critically leaving
     // stderr as piped so we can get those pretty colors.
     let mut message_format = if builder.config.json_output {
@@ -1995,6 +1992,11 @@ pub fn stream_cargo(
     builder.verbose(&format!("running: {cargo:?}"));
+    if builder.config.dry_run() {
+        return true;
+    }
     let mut child = match cargo.spawn() {
         Ok(child) => child,
         Err(e) => panic!("failed to execute command: {cargo:?}\nERROR: {e}"),
diff --git a/src/bootstrap/src/core/builder.rs b/src/bootstrap/src/core/builder.rs
index 28761a7ee4b26..e18096443501d 100644
--- a/src/bootstrap/src/core/builder.rs
+++ b/src/bootstrap/src/core/builder.rs
@@ -1152,6 +1152,44 @@ impl<'a> Builder<'a> {
         self.ensure(tool::Rustdoc { compiler })
+    pub fn cargo_clippy_cmd(&self, run_compiler: Compiler) -> Command {
+        let initial_sysroot_bin = self.initial_rustc.parent().unwrap();
+        // Set PATH to include the sysroot bin dir so clippy can find cargo.
+        // FIXME: once rust-clippy#11944 lands on beta, set `CARGO` directly instead.
+        let path = t!(env::join_paths(
+            // The sysroot comes first in PATH to avoid using rustup's cargo.
+            std::iter::once(PathBuf::from(initial_sysroot_bin))
+                .chain(env::split_paths(&t!(env::var("PATH"))))
+        ));
+        if run_compiler.stage == 0 {
+            // `ensure(Clippy { stage: 0 })` *builds* clippy with stage0, it doesn't use the beta clippy.
+            let cargo_clippy = self.build.config.download_clippy();
+            let mut cmd = Command::new(cargo_clippy);
+            cmd.env("PATH", &path);
+            return cmd;
+        }
+        let build_compiler = self.compiler(run_compiler.stage - 1, self.build.build);
+        self.ensure(tool::Clippy {
+            compiler: build_compiler,
+            target: self.build.build,
+            extra_features: vec![],
+        });
+        let cargo_clippy = self.ensure(tool::CargoClippy {
+            compiler: build_compiler,
+            target: self.build.build,
+            extra_features: vec![],
+        });
+        let mut dylib_path = helpers::dylib_path();
+        dylib_path.insert(0, self.sysroot(run_compiler).join("lib"));
+        let mut cmd = Command::new(cargo_clippy.unwrap());
+        cmd.env(helpers::dylib_path_var(), env::join_paths(&dylib_path).unwrap());
+        cmd.env("PATH", path);
+        cmd
+    }
     pub fn rustdoc_cmd(&self, compiler: Compiler) -> Command {
         let mut cmd = Command::new(&self.bootstrap_out.join("rustdoc"));
         cmd.env("RUSTC_STAGE", compiler.stage.to_string())
@@ -1200,7 +1238,12 @@ impl<'a> Builder<'a> {
         target: TargetSelection,
         cmd: &str,
     ) -> Command {
-        let mut cargo = Command::new(&self.initial_cargo);
+        let mut cargo = if cmd == "clippy" {
+            self.cargo_clippy_cmd(compiler)
+        } else {
+            Command::new(&self.initial_cargo)
+        };
         // Run cargo from the source root so it can find .cargo/config.
         // This matters when using vendoring and the working directory is outside the repository.
@@ -1324,6 +1367,23 @@ impl<'a> Builder<'a> {
+        // We synthetically interpret a stage0 compiler used to build tools as a
+        // "raw" compiler in that it's the exact snapshot we download. Normally
+        // the stage0 build means it uses libraries build by the stage0
+        // compiler, but for tools we just use the precompiled libraries that
+        // we've downloaded
+        let use_snapshot = mode == Mode::ToolBootstrap;
+        assert!(!use_snapshot || stage == 0 || self.local_rebuild);
+        let maybe_sysroot = self.sysroot(compiler);
+        let sysroot = if use_snapshot { self.rustc_snapshot_sysroot() } else { &maybe_sysroot };
+        let libdir = self.rustc_libdir(compiler);
+        let sysroot_str = sysroot.as_os_str().to_str().expect("sysroot should be UTF-8");
+        if !matches!(self.config.dry_run, DryRun::SelfCheck) {
+            self.verbose_than(0, &format!("using sysroot {sysroot_str}"));
+        }
         let mut rustflags = Rustflags::new(target);
         if stage != 0 {
             if let Ok(s) = env::var("CARGOFLAGS_NOT_BOOTSTRAP") {
@@ -1335,41 +1395,16 @@ impl<'a> Builder<'a> {
-            if cmd == "clippy" {
-                // clippy overwrites sysroot if we pass it to cargo.
-                // Pass it directly to clippy instead.
-                // NOTE: this can't be fixed in clippy because we explicitly don't set `RUSTC`,
-                // so it has no way of knowing the sysroot.
-                rustflags.arg("--sysroot");
-                rustflags.arg(
-                    self.sysroot(compiler)
-                        .as_os_str()
-                        .to_str()
-                        .expect("sysroot must be valid UTF-8"),
-                );
-                // Only run clippy on a very limited subset of crates (in particular, not build scripts).
-                cargo.arg("-Zunstable-options");
-                // Explicitly does *not* set `--cfg=bootstrap`, since we're using a nightly clippy.
-                let host_version = Command::new("rustc").arg("--version").output().map_err(|_| ());
-                let output = host_version.and_then(|output| {
-                    if output.status.success() {
-                        Ok(output)
-                    } else {
-                        Err(())
-                    }
-                }).unwrap_or_else(|_| {
-                    eprintln!(
-                        "ERROR: `x.py clippy` requires a host `rustc` toolchain with the `clippy` component"
-                    );
-                    eprintln!("HELP: try `rustup component add clippy`");
-                    crate::exit!(1);
-                });
-                if !t!(std::str::from_utf8(&output.stdout)).contains("nightly") {
-                    rustflags.arg("--cfg=bootstrap");
-                }
-            } else {
-                rustflags.arg("--cfg=bootstrap");
-            }
+            rustflags.arg("--cfg=bootstrap");
+        }
+        if cmd == "clippy" {
+            // clippy overwrites sysroot if we pass it to cargo.
+            // Pass it directly to clippy instead.
+            // NOTE: this can't be fixed in clippy because we explicitly don't set `RUSTC`,
+            // so it has no way of knowing the sysroot.
+            rustflags.arg("--sysroot");
+            rustflags.arg(sysroot_str);
         let use_new_symbol_mangling = match self.config.rust_new_symbol_mangling {
@@ -1564,18 +1599,6 @@ impl<'a> Builder<'a> {
         let want_rustdoc = self.doc_tests != DocTests::No;
-        // We synthetically interpret a stage0 compiler used to build tools as a
-        // "raw" compiler in that it's the exact snapshot we download. Normally
-        // the stage0 build means it uses libraries build by the stage0
-        // compiler, but for tools we just use the precompiled libraries that
-        // we've downloaded
-        let use_snapshot = mode == Mode::ToolBootstrap;
-        assert!(!use_snapshot || stage == 0 || self.local_rebuild);
-        let maybe_sysroot = self.sysroot(compiler);
-        let sysroot = if use_snapshot { self.rustc_snapshot_sysroot() } else { &maybe_sysroot };
-        let libdir = self.rustc_libdir(compiler);
         // Clear the output directory if the real rustc we're using has changed;
         // Cargo cannot detect this as it thinks rustc is bootstrap/debug/rustc.
@@ -1611,10 +1634,19 @@ impl<'a> Builder<'a> {
             .env("RUSTC_ERROR_METADATA_DST", self.extended_error_dir())
             .env("RUSTC_BREAK_ON_ICE", "1");
-        // Clippy support is a hack and uses the default `cargo-clippy` in path.
-        // Don't override RUSTC so that the `cargo-clippy` in path will be run.
-        if cmd != "clippy" {
-            cargo.env("RUSTC", self.bootstrap_out.join("rustc"));
+        // Set RUSTC_WRAPPER to the bootstrap shim, which switches between beta and in-tree
+        // sysroot depending on whether we're building build scripts.
+        // NOTE: we intentionally use RUSTC_WRAPPER so that we can support clippy - RUSTC is not
+        // respected by clippy-driver; RUSTC_WRAPPER happens earlier, before clippy runs.
+        cargo.env("RUSTC_WRAPPER", self.bootstrap_out.join("rustc"));
+        // NOTE: we also need to set RUSTC so cargo can run `rustc -vV`; apparently that ignores RUSTC_WRAPPER >:(
+        cargo.env("RUSTC", self.bootstrap_out.join("rustc"));
+        // Someone might have set some previous rustc wrapper (e.g.
+        // sccache) before bootstrap overrode it. Respect that variable.
+        if let Some(existing_wrapper) = env::var_os("RUSTC_WRAPPER") {
+            cargo.env("RUSTC_WRAPPER_REAL", existing_wrapper);
         // Dealing with rpath here is a little special, so let's go into some
@@ -1991,7 +2023,11 @@ impl<'a> Builder<'a> {
         // Environment variables *required* throughout the build
         // FIXME: should update code to not require this env var
+        // The host this new compiler will *run* on.
         cargo.env("CFG_COMPILER_HOST_TRIPLE", target.triple);
+        // The host this new compiler is being *built* on.
+        cargo.env("CFG_COMPILER_BUILD_TRIPLE", compiler.host.triple);
         // Set this for all builds to make sure doc builds also get it.
         cargo.env("CFG_RELEASE_CHANNEL", &self.config.channel);
diff --git a/src/bootstrap/src/core/download.rs b/src/bootstrap/src/core/download.rs
index 0a5844a6859f8..1f2ee6a6b736c 100644
--- a/src/bootstrap/src/core/download.rs
+++ b/src/bootstrap/src/core/download.rs
@@ -208,7 +208,10 @@ impl Config {
             Some(other) => panic!("unsupported protocol {other} in {url}"),
             None => panic!("no protocol in {url}"),
-        t!(std::fs::rename(&tempfile, dest_path));
+        t!(
+            std::fs::rename(&tempfile, dest_path),
+            format!("failed to rename {tempfile:?} to {dest_path:?}")
+        );
     fn download_http_with_retries(&self, tempfile: &Path, url: &str, help_on_error: &str) {
@@ -375,6 +378,32 @@ enum DownloadSource {
 /// Functions that are only ever called once, but named for clarify and to avoid thousand-line functions.
 impl Config {
+    pub(crate) fn download_clippy(&self) -> PathBuf {
+        self.verbose("downloading stage0 clippy artifacts");
+        let date = &self.stage0_metadata.compiler.date;
+        let version = &self.stage0_metadata.compiler.version;
+        let host = self.build;
+        let bin_root = self.out.join(host.triple).join("stage0");
+        let clippy_stamp = bin_root.join(".clippy-stamp");
+        let cargo_clippy = bin_root.join("bin").join(exe("cargo-clippy", host));
+        if cargo_clippy.exists() && !program_out_of_date(&clippy_stamp, &date) {
+            return cargo_clippy;
+        }
+        let filename = format!("clippy-{version}-{host}.tar.xz");
+        self.download_component(DownloadSource::Dist, filename, "clippy-preview", date, "stage0");
+        if self.should_fix_bins_and_dylibs() {
+            self.fix_bin_or_dylib(&cargo_clippy);
+            self.fix_bin_or_dylib(&cargo_clippy.with_file_name(exe("clippy-driver", host)));
+        }
+        cargo_clippy
+    }
+    /// NOTE: rustfmt is a completely different toolchain than the bootstrap compiler, so it can't
+    /// reuse target directories or artifacts
     pub(crate) fn maybe_download_rustfmt(&self) -> Option<PathBuf> {
         let RustfmtMetadata { date, version } = self.stage0_metadata.rustfmt.as_ref()?;
         let channel = format!("{version}-{date}");
@@ -544,6 +573,10 @@ impl Config {
         key: &str,
         destination: &str,
     ) {
+        if self.dry_run() {
+            return;
+        }
         let cache_dst = self.out.join("cache");
         let cache_dir = cache_dst.join(key);
         if !cache_dir.exists() {
diff --git a/src/bootstrap/src/utils/dylib.rs b/src/bootstrap/src/utils/dylib.rs
index 279a6a010f1d5..b6e7aec1756b6 100644
--- a/src/bootstrap/src/utils/dylib.rs
+++ b/src/bootstrap/src/utils/dylib.rs
@@ -25,3 +25,16 @@ pub fn dylib_path() -> Vec<std::path::PathBuf> {
+/// Given an executable called `name`, return the filename for the
+/// executable for a particular target.
+pub fn exe(name: &str, target: &str) -> String {
+    if target.contains("windows") {
+        format!("{name}.exe")
+    } else if target.contains("uefi") {
+        format!("{name}.efi")
+    } else {
+        name.to_string()
+    }
diff --git a/src/bootstrap/src/utils/helpers.rs b/src/bootstrap/src/utils/helpers.rs
index d96608db22c0e..031d56beb6704 100644
--- a/src/bootstrap/src/utils/helpers.rs
+++ b/src/bootstrap/src/utils/helpers.rs
@@ -46,16 +46,8 @@ macro_rules! t {
 pub use t;
-/// Given an executable called `name`, return the filename for the
-/// executable for a particular target.
 pub fn exe(name: &str, target: TargetSelection) -> String {
-    if target.is_windows() {
-        format!("{name}.exe")
-    } else if target.contains("uefi") {
-        format!("{name}.efi")
-    } else {
-        name.to_string()
-    }
+    crate::utils::dylib::exe(name, &target.triple)
 /// Returns `true` if the file name given looks like a dynamic library.
diff --git a/src/ci/docker/host-x86_64/mingw-check/Dockerfile b/src/ci/docker/host-x86_64/mingw-check/Dockerfile
index 82d37f0f63377..f8fcda5070fab 100644
--- a/src/ci/docker/host-x86_64/mingw-check/Dockerfile
+++ b/src/ci/docker/host-x86_64/mingw-check/Dockerfile
@@ -39,8 +39,14 @@ COPY host-x86_64/mingw-check/validate-toolstate.sh /scripts/
 COPY host-x86_64/mingw-check/validate-error-codes.sh /scripts/
+# Run clippy just to make sure it doesn't error out; we don't actually want to gate on the warnings
+# though.
+# Ideally we'd use stage 1, but that ICEs: https://github.com/rust-lang/rust-clippy/issues/11230
 ENV SCRIPT python3 ../x.py --stage 2 test src/tools/expand-yaml-anchors && \
            python3 ../x.py check --target=i686-pc-windows-gnu --host=i686-pc-windows-gnu && \
+           python3 ../x.py clippy --stage 0 -Awarnings && \
            python3 ../x.py build --stage 0 src/tools/build-manifest && \
            python3 ../x.py test --stage 0 src/tools/compiletest && \
            python3 ../x.py test --stage 0 core alloc std test proc_macro && \
diff --git a/src/stage0.json b/src/stage0.json
index 3fb6a0d4ed066..5625e7219f82c 100644
--- a/src/stage0.json
+++ b/src/stage0.json
@@ -74,6 +74,54 @@
     "dist/2023-11-13/cargo-beta-x86_64-unknown-linux-musl.tar.xz": "790a859eaf49da5fdef1ea1ebf8b7f1f001bdaa62798a745d791bc915d886094",
     "dist/2023-11-13/cargo-beta-x86_64-unknown-netbsd.tar.gz": "f14395b57c0eca7c8ac9012b303c3781e16a2287698f68705fcbbc5c7c5916c9",
     "dist/2023-11-13/cargo-beta-x86_64-unknown-netbsd.tar.xz": "2c759c8bfc9cc556eb3464ac7e5589b573c46bd3938ac288ba52549121d3333d",
+    "dist/2023-11-13/clippy-beta-aarch64-apple-darwin.tar.gz": "258b55f0db78c93f14952fc3e2d9fc49f1121de5268ec49d03d4f197bd7c9773",
+    "dist/2023-11-13/clippy-beta-aarch64-apple-darwin.tar.xz": "554bd9488a9887c4acfb7c24775365108aef049feb15c93926128f805183f5e1",
+    "dist/2023-11-13/clippy-beta-aarch64-pc-windows-msvc.tar.gz": "d120adaec65b5f44f40fba38fa10a0cda33769756ac7fc2878d64154acc7e06c",
+    "dist/2023-11-13/clippy-beta-aarch64-pc-windows-msvc.tar.xz": "1dd23152a87fb8fa60569c304a3bbfd93f97c52d533fe53c8d9a5a4a72912938",
+    "dist/2023-11-13/clippy-beta-aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu.tar.gz": "41198264d015ccf624e0fca876bee16f8c3cbb07596f5f4d4f271b9843b10e30",
+    "dist/2023-11-13/clippy-beta-aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu.tar.xz": "1c889aad06c73dd2212403ff2aa5f256eba490cb8f1c81d7c75199a267052648",
+    "dist/2023-11-13/clippy-beta-aarch64-unknown-linux-musl.tar.gz": "db784d117c156d0e8854518a5df6e9adbf0b2d24f3504358b1a371b8e7954eef",
+    "dist/2023-11-13/clippy-beta-aarch64-unknown-linux-musl.tar.xz": "a946d40d32be1c5477f1740648e18af5792ceed38fe255e8cf09160acb27d02f",
+    "dist/2023-11-13/clippy-beta-arm-unknown-linux-gnueabi.tar.gz": "1b760fadecb9f4c4c1780b36d9bd651fa6c8a8fb6b48dc0dfbfb2ecd9359ca92",
+    "dist/2023-11-13/clippy-beta-arm-unknown-linux-gnueabi.tar.xz": "9e21f778eee57b067f411faa15425317158abd22f7c60dd4fc24214536ff7415",
+    "dist/2023-11-13/clippy-beta-arm-unknown-linux-gnueabihf.tar.gz": "fbe3d7776b9353782d2690ff1c98a0ce5d8d23de2381ecd3d4eff4ce165b66d5",
+    "dist/2023-11-13/clippy-beta-arm-unknown-linux-gnueabihf.tar.xz": "bfabf9e2419065173bf709166b0c81db66e1b2514003b28d08ec4410e04525a3",
+    "dist/2023-11-13/clippy-beta-armv7-unknown-linux-gnueabihf.tar.gz": "5371c798687aece2b98e22cf5bca02e568913011393a86a1aa3b0ff79eeabb57",
+    "dist/2023-11-13/clippy-beta-armv7-unknown-linux-gnueabihf.tar.xz": "82723066f2ec52fb5854a397f71df79db54976f4c03113034627c1a5c92ceffb",
+    "dist/2023-11-13/clippy-beta-i686-pc-windows-gnu.tar.gz": "0214eee5dc37f3a780ca62f1e7a66c5e19d583542dbfca047e383dfacca604b3",
+    "dist/2023-11-13/clippy-beta-i686-pc-windows-gnu.tar.xz": "cee7d7039b1ee909fa4a188d7fd0bae14d718bad98209d8df2dc087cc28d7a9c",
+    "dist/2023-11-13/clippy-beta-i686-pc-windows-msvc.tar.gz": "b6f1042f0d4652e941d975af8aeb4a61e335c585c1cd6dad7f85ba5b03c6face",
+    "dist/2023-11-13/clippy-beta-i686-pc-windows-msvc.tar.xz": "a31c1951abdff06c3709472acede08cd000b940a7a65f9afd664ca276fc724c1",
+    "dist/2023-11-13/clippy-beta-i686-unknown-linux-gnu.tar.gz": "1e0f2f2ea38988cd0012ceedacfa9828b4b6c6dfd3dca9eee5a98483fd90f439",
+    "dist/2023-11-13/clippy-beta-i686-unknown-linux-gnu.tar.xz": "f19b56068a40af2aee7c828a4688289a8142f98a81b80d66d12ddc6725209628",
+    "dist/2023-11-13/clippy-beta-loongarch64-unknown-linux-gnu.tar.gz": "e0f02e3ba303bef68a7cd1ea5effaa126eedbdc892b01dac85f4b3e6d4b2f522",
+    "dist/2023-11-13/clippy-beta-loongarch64-unknown-linux-gnu.tar.xz": "17a01e484f238bff790ad6cfededa8d9c7df0f6f36af336a1e8a7414a43271f5",
+    "dist/2023-11-13/clippy-beta-powerpc-unknown-linux-gnu.tar.gz": "ea4bc3aed8739bcecaa97f01972bbbba45e838c811ca0c408824b1409f9ac7c6",
+    "dist/2023-11-13/clippy-beta-powerpc-unknown-linux-gnu.tar.xz": "9ddb71b1f35f6953aedc6a1f93dde4a9b014255b5bd7d4448e4dd9b1a65c7f5a",
+    "dist/2023-11-13/clippy-beta-powerpc64-unknown-linux-gnu.tar.gz": "ccb95c3ce3dd4ee2776201ce1bd79122e97916c555126393f1839d301824e746",
+    "dist/2023-11-13/clippy-beta-powerpc64-unknown-linux-gnu.tar.xz": "9aad65fcefe5789670bc85cd177bd72eac469eb0a33db54685132a7ce5115a83",
+    "dist/2023-11-13/clippy-beta-powerpc64le-unknown-linux-gnu.tar.gz": "eb50e6349423c963fdce3193f361572a47e4d7fe5b90f8a297471c0a5df31feb",
+    "dist/2023-11-13/clippy-beta-powerpc64le-unknown-linux-gnu.tar.xz": "aa72d573b344953b9224ceb6eff484b6f012febfc009bc7773d398a3ffa69ea0",
+    "dist/2023-11-13/clippy-beta-riscv64gc-unknown-linux-gnu.tar.gz": "8546ac9a9e5081384d7ef889254e41998f60c04bbdca319128039e8a4e7cbc68",
+    "dist/2023-11-13/clippy-beta-riscv64gc-unknown-linux-gnu.tar.xz": "15fa574f7f7de2d8fcd124f44b1880a78bdd6a2ba77fe6b392299dd746ea9c63",
+    "dist/2023-11-13/clippy-beta-s390x-unknown-linux-gnu.tar.gz": "ee27937b85c142ebf46bb59ad9e113414cc9d631179a2f8df2b32980aa57b515",
+    "dist/2023-11-13/clippy-beta-s390x-unknown-linux-gnu.tar.xz": "e6e99e486418cb23a0cb80a2b145413bfeb62746b60fd9a0ff3959424b7ee07e",
+    "dist/2023-11-13/clippy-beta-x86_64-apple-darwin.tar.gz": "8a37545cef25abdd3c722a21385b843cb9d8d06fed8f302880beecbcb9373f98",
+    "dist/2023-11-13/clippy-beta-x86_64-apple-darwin.tar.xz": "f572586fc28bb5b2b77464d89b41c374de4002b453c297a8fc1468cee10db972",
+    "dist/2023-11-13/clippy-beta-x86_64-pc-windows-gnu.tar.gz": "5add2dab913488a482be6849887d9fa8c3cd197d3c423595a7133b511efcefca",
+    "dist/2023-11-13/clippy-beta-x86_64-pc-windows-gnu.tar.xz": "1d0d97a6b8703166616b6ae56d2b344e85dfa1db36976585d21cda65362cfff8",
+    "dist/2023-11-13/clippy-beta-x86_64-pc-windows-msvc.tar.gz": "4069dc9296cdc54af7e14d4ba5fc12ee5e6445be74f39c39526e4ed77378112f",
+    "dist/2023-11-13/clippy-beta-x86_64-pc-windows-msvc.tar.xz": "fdf4dfaef5f8fb24075bf8b24bdbd71804a49acda40921de84c61bc2250ade6c",
+    "dist/2023-11-13/clippy-beta-x86_64-unknown-freebsd.tar.gz": "4554eee1b1bd7e5575eaf5e7a815686da88fb395a80084c7a0fad3f338ac83b1",
+    "dist/2023-11-13/clippy-beta-x86_64-unknown-freebsd.tar.xz": "b0f1718df2a1e88ff4aa239bf4b9dc7a971fbc64cfa1ef8f399760fe09117097",
+    "dist/2023-11-13/clippy-beta-x86_64-unknown-illumos.tar.gz": "035400e01edb1a91ddcac72fe3ca1ea94465c4fe9047546d057f6867d8b068d1",
+    "dist/2023-11-13/clippy-beta-x86_64-unknown-illumos.tar.xz": "3ad1b06c3bc1e327ea7a3b30908b48bf6b59b7222101e5a30fb054b1be579087",
+    "dist/2023-11-13/clippy-beta-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu.tar.gz": "88d611c40a30922515d09425ecd1a8b87f46131ab61f3c4bf841a41f281134b3",
+    "dist/2023-11-13/clippy-beta-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu.tar.xz": "9908227c8a684aa5c24f3272997fc9688044580f792375ec9fc8f775e394953f",
+    "dist/2023-11-13/clippy-beta-x86_64-unknown-linux-musl.tar.gz": "10a7b2427ee8a4e83d271023e6bd00573266f317789cff3b75e68d7bddc41cbc",
+    "dist/2023-11-13/clippy-beta-x86_64-unknown-linux-musl.tar.xz": "cb1f3c2be55e11920340344d2f2f796098b7f13c9ddd2fb8a38ac1b29c5d6925",
+    "dist/2023-11-13/clippy-beta-x86_64-unknown-netbsd.tar.gz": "2b29461b085f0af1bb50d10ef8bf6448550c9b5867a364da3d921daea8e0a13d",
+    "dist/2023-11-13/clippy-beta-x86_64-unknown-netbsd.tar.xz": "e9d2ff4c8c63a9cfb7d8b12df4942f5b90c33c4fa3f755bbdc3c5df1b2b877fe",
     "dist/2023-11-13/rust-std-beta-aarch64-apple-darwin.tar.gz": "818e3554a6bd82c3533e68f8597c09563af1dc08d6b23bbd2323b8ebcce251f6",
     "dist/2023-11-13/rust-std-beta-aarch64-apple-darwin.tar.xz": "6f9333c281859e40b1c1c20e9f07ac1633ca2c99e86268b521945b8ed6cf6a50",
     "dist/2023-11-13/rust-std-beta-aarch64-apple-ios-sim.tar.gz": "fa4bb7a5d4dcecb2dfd8596e3ad442a5fe05468c939de3b36e44a43e10ea9d30",
diff --git a/src/tools/bump-stage0/src/main.rs b/src/tools/bump-stage0/src/main.rs
index b007f9a22c36f..bd97b4eaa3e4d 100644
--- a/src/tools/bump-stage0/src/main.rs
+++ b/src/tools/bump-stage0/src/main.rs
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ use indexmap::IndexMap;
 use std::collections::HashMap;
 const PATH: &str = "src/stage0.json";
-const COMPILER_COMPONENTS: &[&str] = &["rustc", "rust-std", "cargo"];
+const COMPILER_COMPONENTS: &[&str] = &["rustc", "rust-std", "cargo", "clippy-preview"];
 const RUSTFMT_COMPONENTS: &[&str] = &["rustfmt-preview", "rustc"];
 struct Tool {