diff --git a/library/alloc/src/collections/btree/append.rs b/library/alloc/src/collections/btree/append.rs
index e0362b2f37df7..a4253a732c30f 100644
--- a/library/alloc/src/collections/btree/append.rs
+++ b/library/alloc/src/collections/btree/append.rs
@@ -89,20 +89,15 @@ impl<K, V> Root<K, V> {
         let mut cur_node = self.node_as_mut();
         while let Internal(internal) = cur_node.force() {
             // Check if right-most child is underfull.
-            let mut last_edge = internal.last_edge();
-            let right_child_len = last_edge.reborrow().descend().len();
+            let mut last_kv = internal.last_kv().consider_for_balancing();
+            let right_child_len = last_kv.right_child_len();
             if right_child_len < MIN_LEN {
                 // We need to steal.
-                let mut last_kv = match last_edge.left_kv() {
-                    Ok(left) => left,
-                    Err(_) => unreachable!(),
-                };
                 last_kv.bulk_steal_left(MIN_LEN - right_child_len);
-                last_edge = last_kv.right_edge();
             // Go further down.
-            cur_node = last_edge.descend();
+            cur_node = last_kv.into_right_child();
diff --git a/library/alloc/src/collections/btree/mem.rs b/library/alloc/src/collections/btree/mem.rs
index 5e7d9fa3f91ba..e1363d1ae1f6b 100644
--- a/library/alloc/src/collections/btree/mem.rs
+++ b/library/alloc/src/collections/btree/mem.rs
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ use core::ptr;
 /// relevant function.
 /// If a panic occurs in the `change` closure, the entire process will be aborted.
+#[allow(dead_code)] // keep as illustration and for future use
 pub fn take_mut<T>(v: &mut T, change: impl FnOnce(T) -> T) {
     replace(v, |value| (change(value), ()))
diff --git a/library/alloc/src/collections/btree/navigate.rs b/library/alloc/src/collections/btree/navigate.rs
index de78148fc82be..ef6f888693fc8 100644
--- a/library/alloc/src/collections/btree/navigate.rs
+++ b/library/alloc/src/collections/btree/navigate.rs
@@ -362,20 +362,6 @@ impl<'a, K, V> Handle<NodeRef<marker::ValMut<'a>, K, V, marker::Leaf>, marker::E
-impl<'a, K, V> Handle<NodeRef<marker::Mut<'a>, K, V, marker::Leaf>, marker::Edge> {
-    /// Moves the leaf edge handle to the next leaf edge.
-    ///
-    /// # Safety
-    /// There must be another KV in the direction travelled.
-    pub unsafe fn move_next_unchecked(&mut self) {
-        super::mem::take_mut(self, |leaf_edge| {
-            let kv = leaf_edge.next_kv();
-            let kv = unsafe { unwrap_unchecked(kv.ok()) };
-            kv.next_leaf_edge()
-        })
-    }
 impl<K, V> Handle<NodeRef<marker::Owned, K, V, marker::Leaf>, marker::Edge> {
     /// Moves the leaf edge handle to the next leaf edge and returns the key and value
     /// in between, deallocating any node left behind while leaving the corresponding
diff --git a/library/alloc/src/collections/btree/node.rs b/library/alloc/src/collections/btree/node.rs
index dbf9031620ee1..5feab9201382e 100644
--- a/library/alloc/src/collections/btree/node.rs
+++ b/library/alloc/src/collections/btree/node.rs
@@ -498,6 +498,12 @@ impl<K, V> NodeRef<marker::Owned, K, V, marker::LeafOrInternal> {
 impl<'a, K, V, Type> NodeRef<marker::Mut<'a>, K, V, Type> {
+    /// Unsafely asserts to the compiler the static information that this node is a `Leaf`.
+    unsafe fn cast_to_leaf_unchecked(self) -> NodeRef<marker::Mut<'a>, K, V, marker::Leaf> {
+        debug_assert!(self.height == 0);
+        NodeRef { height: self.height, node: self.node, _marker: PhantomData }
+    }
     /// Unsafely asserts to the compiler the static information that this node is an `Internal`.
     unsafe fn cast_to_internal_unchecked(self) -> NodeRef<marker::Mut<'a>, K, V, marker::Internal> {
         debug_assert!(self.height > 0);
@@ -922,6 +928,14 @@ impl<BorrowType, K, V, NodeType, HandleType>
 impl<'a, K, V, NodeType, HandleType> Handle<NodeRef<marker::Mut<'a>, K, V, NodeType>, HandleType> {
+    /// Unsafely asserts to the compiler the static information that the handle's node is a `Leaf`.
+    pub unsafe fn cast_to_leaf_unchecked(
+        self,
+    ) -> Handle<NodeRef<marker::Mut<'a>, K, V, marker::Leaf>, HandleType> {
+        let node = unsafe { self.node.cast_to_leaf_unchecked() };
+        Handle { node, idx: self.idx, _marker: PhantomData }
+    }
     /// Temporarily takes out another, mutable handle on the same location. Beware, as
     /// this method is very dangerous, doubly so since it may not immediately appear
     /// dangerous.
@@ -961,9 +975,9 @@ impl<BorrowType, K, V, NodeType> Handle<NodeRef<BorrowType, K, V, NodeType>, mar
-enum InsertionPlace {
-    Left(usize),
-    Right(usize),
+pub enum LeftOrRight<T> {
+    Left(T),
+    Right(T),
 /// Given an edge index where we want to insert into a node filled to capacity,
@@ -971,14 +985,14 @@ enum InsertionPlace {
 /// The goal of the split point is for its key and value to end up in a parent node;
 /// the keys, values and edges to the left of the split point become the left child;
 /// the keys, values and edges to the right of the split point become the right child.
-fn splitpoint(edge_idx: usize) -> (usize, InsertionPlace) {
+fn splitpoint(edge_idx: usize) -> (usize, LeftOrRight<usize>) {
     debug_assert!(edge_idx <= CAPACITY);
     // Rust issue #74834 tries to explain these symmetric rules.
     match edge_idx {
-        0..EDGE_IDX_LEFT_OF_CENTER => (KV_IDX_CENTER - 1, InsertionPlace::Left(edge_idx)),
-        EDGE_IDX_LEFT_OF_CENTER => (KV_IDX_CENTER, InsertionPlace::Left(edge_idx)),
-        EDGE_IDX_RIGHT_OF_CENTER => (KV_IDX_CENTER, InsertionPlace::Right(0)),
-        _ => (KV_IDX_CENTER + 1, InsertionPlace::Right(edge_idx - (KV_IDX_CENTER + 1 + 1))),
+        0..EDGE_IDX_LEFT_OF_CENTER => (KV_IDX_CENTER - 1, LeftOrRight::Left(edge_idx)),
+        EDGE_IDX_LEFT_OF_CENTER => (KV_IDX_CENTER, LeftOrRight::Left(edge_idx)),
+        EDGE_IDX_RIGHT_OF_CENTER => (KV_IDX_CENTER, LeftOrRight::Right(0)),
+        _ => (KV_IDX_CENTER + 1, LeftOrRight::Right(edge_idx - (KV_IDX_CENTER + 1 + 1))),
@@ -1016,10 +1030,10 @@ impl<'a, K: 'a, V: 'a> Handle<NodeRef<marker::Mut<'a>, K, V, marker::Leaf>, mark
             let middle = unsafe { Handle::new_kv(self.node, middle_kv_idx) };
             let (mut left, k, v, mut right) = middle.split();
             let mut insertion_edge = match insertion {
-                InsertionPlace::Left(insert_idx) => unsafe {
+                LeftOrRight::Left(insert_idx) => unsafe {
                     Handle::new_edge(left.reborrow_mut(), insert_idx)
-                InsertionPlace::Right(insert_idx) => unsafe {
+                LeftOrRight::Right(insert_idx) => unsafe {
                     Handle::new_edge(right.leaf_node_as_mut(), insert_idx)
@@ -1080,10 +1094,10 @@ impl<'a, K: 'a, V: 'a> Handle<NodeRef<marker::Mut<'a>, K, V, marker::Internal>,
             let middle = unsafe { Handle::new_kv(self.node, middle_kv_idx) };
             let (mut left, k, v, mut right) = middle.split();
             let mut insertion_edge = match insertion {
-                InsertionPlace::Left(insert_idx) => unsafe {
+                LeftOrRight::Left(insert_idx) => unsafe {
                     Handle::new_edge(left.reborrow_mut(), insert_idx)
-                InsertionPlace::Right(insert_idx) => unsafe {
+                LeftOrRight::Right(insert_idx) => unsafe {
                     Handle::new_edge(right.internal_node_as_mut(), insert_idx)
@@ -1250,18 +1264,6 @@ impl<'a, K: 'a, V: 'a> Handle<NodeRef<marker::Mut<'a>, K, V, marker::Leaf>, mark
-impl<'a, K, V> Handle<NodeRef<marker::Mut<'a>, K, V, marker::Internal>, marker::KV> {
-    /// Returns `true` if it is valid to call `.merge()`, i.e., whether there is enough room in
-    /// a node to hold the combination of the nodes to the left and right of this handle along
-    /// with the key/value pair at this handle.
-    pub fn can_merge(&self) -> bool {
-        (self.reborrow().left_edge().descend().len()
-            + self.reborrow().right_edge().descend().len()
-            + 1)
-            <= CAPACITY
-    }
 impl<'a, K: 'a, V: 'a> Handle<NodeRef<marker::Mut<'a>, K, V, marker::Internal>, marker::KV> {
     /// Splits the underlying node into three parts:
@@ -1290,28 +1292,118 @@ impl<'a, K: 'a, V: 'a> Handle<NodeRef<marker::Mut<'a>, K, V, marker::Internal>,
             (self.node, k, v, right)
+/// Represents a session for evaluating and performing a balancing operation
+/// around an internal key/value pair.
+pub struct BalancingContext<'a, K, V> {
+    parent: Handle<NodeRef<marker::Mut<'a>, K, V, marker::Internal>, marker::KV>,
+    left_child: NodeRef<marker::Mut<'a>, K, V, marker::LeafOrInternal>,
+    right_child: NodeRef<marker::Mut<'a>, K, V, marker::LeafOrInternal>,
+impl<'a, K, V> Handle<NodeRef<marker::Mut<'a>, K, V, marker::Internal>, marker::KV> {
+    pub fn consider_for_balancing(self) -> BalancingContext<'a, K, V> {
+        let self1 = unsafe { ptr::read(&self) };
+        let self2 = unsafe { ptr::read(&self) };
+        BalancingContext {
+            parent: self,
+            left_child: self1.left_edge().descend(),
+            right_child: self2.right_edge().descend(),
+        }
+    }
-    /// Combines the node immediately to the left of this handle, the key/value pair pointed
-    /// to by this handle, and the node immediately to the right of this handle into one new
-    /// child of the underlying node, returning an edge referencing that new child.
+impl<'a, K, V> NodeRef<marker::Mut<'a>, K, V, marker::LeafOrInternal> {
+    /// Chooses a balancing context involving the node as a child, thus between
+    /// the KV immediately to the left or to the right in the parent node.
+    /// Returns an `Err` if there is no parent.
-    /// Panics unless this edge `.can_merge()`.
+    /// This method optimizes for a node that has fewer elements than its left
+    /// and right siblings, if they exist, by preferring the left parent KV.
+    /// Merging with the left sibling is faster, since we only need to move
+    /// the node's N elements, instead of shifting them to the right and moving
+    /// more than N elements in front. Stealing from the left sibling is also
+    /// typically faster, since we only need to shift the node's N elements to
+    /// the right, instead of shifting at least N of the sibling's elements to
+    /// the left.
+    pub fn choose_parent_kv(self) -> Result<LeftOrRight<BalancingContext<'a, K, V>>, Self> {
+        match unsafe { ptr::read(&self) }.ascend() {
+            Ok(parent) => match parent.left_kv() {
+                Ok(left_parent_kv) => Ok(LeftOrRight::Left(BalancingContext {
+                    parent: unsafe { ptr::read(&left_parent_kv) },
+                    left_child: left_parent_kv.left_edge().descend(),
+                    right_child: self,
+                })),
+                Err(parent) => match parent.right_kv() {
+                    Ok(right_parent_kv) => Ok(LeftOrRight::Right(BalancingContext {
+                        parent: unsafe { ptr::read(&right_parent_kv) },
+                        left_child: self,
+                        right_child: right_parent_kv.right_edge().descend(),
+                    })),
+                    Err(_) => unreachable!("empty non-root node"),
+                },
+            },
+            Err(root) => Err(root),
+        }
+    }
+impl<'a, K, V> BalancingContext<'a, K, V> {
+    pub fn left_child_len(&self) -> usize {
+        self.left_child.len()
+    }
+    pub fn right_child_len(&self) -> usize {
+        self.right_child.len()
+    }
+    pub fn into_left_child(self) -> NodeRef<marker::Mut<'a>, K, V, marker::LeafOrInternal> {
+        self.left_child
+    }
+    pub fn into_right_child(self) -> NodeRef<marker::Mut<'a>, K, V, marker::LeafOrInternal> {
+        self.right_child
+    }
+    /// Returns `true` if it is valid to call `.merge()` in the balancing context,
+    /// i.e., whether there is enough room in a node to hold the combination of
+    /// both adjacent child nodes, along with the key/value pair in the parent.
+    pub fn can_merge(&self) -> bool {
+        self.left_child.len() + 1 + self.right_child.len() <= CAPACITY
+    }
+impl<'a, K: 'a, V: 'a> BalancingContext<'a, K, V> {
+    /// Merges the parent's key/value pair and both adjacent child nodes into
+    /// the left node and returns an edge handle in that expanded left node.
+    /// If `track_edge_idx` is given some value, the returned edge corresponds
+    /// to where the edge in that child node ended up,
+    ///
+    /// Panics unless we `.can_merge()`.
     pub fn merge(
         mut self,
-    ) -> Handle<NodeRef<marker::Mut<'a>, K, V, marker::Internal>, marker::Edge> {
-        let self1 = unsafe { ptr::read(&self) };
-        let self2 = unsafe { ptr::read(&self) };
-        let mut left_node = self1.left_edge().descend();
+        track_edge_idx: Option<LeftOrRight<usize>>,
+    ) -> Handle<NodeRef<marker::Mut<'a>, K, V, marker::LeafOrInternal>, marker::Edge> {
+        let mut left_node = self.left_child;
         let left_len = left_node.len();
-        let right_node = self2.right_edge().descend();
+        let right_node = self.right_child;
         let right_len = right_node.len();
         assert!(left_len + right_len < CAPACITY);
+        assert!(match track_edge_idx {
+            None => true,
+            Some(LeftOrRight::Left(idx)) => idx <= left_len,
+            Some(LeftOrRight::Right(idx)) => idx <= right_len,
+        });
         unsafe {
             *left_node.reborrow_mut().into_len_mut() += right_len as u16 + 1;
-            let parent_key = slice_remove(self.node.reborrow_mut().into_key_area_slice(), self.idx);
+            let parent_key = slice_remove(
+                self.parent.node.reborrow_mut().into_key_area_slice(),
+                self.parent.idx,
+            );
@@ -1319,7 +1411,10 @@ impl<'a, K: 'a, V: 'a> Handle<NodeRef<marker::Mut<'a>, K, V, marker::Internal>,
-            let parent_val = slice_remove(self.node.reborrow_mut().into_val_area_slice(), self.idx);
+            let parent_val = slice_remove(
+                self.parent.node.reborrow_mut().into_val_area_slice(),
+                self.parent.idx,
+            );
@@ -1327,15 +1422,18 @@ impl<'a, K: 'a, V: 'a> Handle<NodeRef<marker::Mut<'a>, K, V, marker::Internal>,
-            slice_remove(&mut self.node.reborrow_mut().into_edge_area_slice(), self.idx + 1);
-            let self_len = self.node.len();
-            self.node.correct_childrens_parent_links(self.idx + 1..self_len);
-            *self.node.reborrow_mut().into_len_mut() -= 1;
+            slice_remove(
+                &mut self.parent.node.reborrow_mut().into_edge_area_slice(),
+                self.parent.idx + 1,
+            );
+            let parent_old_len = self.parent.node.len();
+            self.parent.node.correct_childrens_parent_links(self.parent.idx + 1..parent_old_len);
+            *self.parent.node.reborrow_mut().into_len_mut() -= 1;
-            if self.node.height > 1 {
+            if self.parent.node.height > 1 {
                 // SAFETY: the height of the nodes being merged is one below the height
                 // of the node of this edge, thus above zero, so they are internal.
-                let mut left_node = left_node.cast_to_internal_unchecked();
+                let mut left_node = left_node.reborrow_mut().cast_to_internal_unchecked();
                 let right_node = right_node.cast_to_internal_unchecked();
@@ -1350,50 +1448,67 @@ impl<'a, K: 'a, V: 'a> Handle<NodeRef<marker::Mut<'a>, K, V, marker::Internal>,
                 Global.dealloc(right_node.node.cast(), Layout::new::<LeafNode<K, V>>());
-            Handle::new_edge(self.node, self.idx)
+            let new_idx = match track_edge_idx {
+                None => 0,
+                Some(LeftOrRight::Left(idx)) => idx,
+                Some(LeftOrRight::Right(idx)) => left_len + 1 + idx,
+            };
+            Handle::new_edge(left_node, new_idx)
-    /// This removes a key/value pair from the left child and places it in the key/value storage
-    /// pointed to by this handle while pushing the old key/value pair of this handle into the right
-    /// child.
-    pub fn steal_left(&mut self) {
+    /// Removes a key/value pair from the left child and places it in the key/value storage
+    /// of the parent, while pushing the old parent key/value pair into the right child.
+    /// Returns a handle to the edge in the right child corresponding to where the original
+    /// edge specified by `track_right_edge_idx` ended up.
+    pub fn steal_left(
+        mut self,
+        track_right_edge_idx: usize,
+    ) -> Handle<NodeRef<marker::Mut<'a>, K, V, marker::LeafOrInternal>, marker::Edge> {
         unsafe {
-            let (k, v, edge) = self.reborrow_mut().left_edge().descend().pop();
+            let (k, v, edge) = self.left_child.pop();
-            let k = mem::replace(self.kv_mut().0, k);
-            let v = mem::replace(self.kv_mut().1, v);
+            let k = mem::replace(self.parent.kv_mut().0, k);
+            let v = mem::replace(self.parent.kv_mut().1, v);
-            match self.reborrow_mut().right_edge().descend().force() {
+            match self.right_child.reborrow_mut().force() {
                 ForceResult::Leaf(mut leaf) => leaf.push_front(k, v),
                 ForceResult::Internal(mut internal) => internal.push_front(k, v, edge.unwrap()),
+            Handle::new_edge(self.right_child, 1 + track_right_edge_idx)
-    /// This removes a key/value pair from the right child and places it in the key/value storage
-    /// pointed to by this handle while pushing the old key/value pair of this handle into the left
-    /// child.
-    pub fn steal_right(&mut self) {
+    /// Removes a key/value pair from the right child and places it in the key/value storage
+    /// of the parent, while pushing the old parent key/value pair onto the left child.
+    /// Returns a handle to the edge in the left child specified by `track_left_edge_idx`,
+    /// which didn't move.
+    pub fn steal_right(
+        mut self,
+        track_left_edge_idx: usize,
+    ) -> Handle<NodeRef<marker::Mut<'a>, K, V, marker::LeafOrInternal>, marker::Edge> {
         unsafe {
-            let (k, v, edge) = self.reborrow_mut().right_edge().descend().pop_front();
+            let (k, v, edge) = self.right_child.pop_front();
-            let k = mem::replace(self.kv_mut().0, k);
-            let v = mem::replace(self.kv_mut().1, v);
+            let k = mem::replace(self.parent.kv_mut().0, k);
+            let v = mem::replace(self.parent.kv_mut().1, v);
-            match self.reborrow_mut().left_edge().descend().force() {
+            match self.left_child.reborrow_mut().force() {
                 ForceResult::Leaf(mut leaf) => leaf.push(k, v),
                 ForceResult::Internal(mut internal) => internal.push(k, v, edge.unwrap()),
+            Handle::new_edge(self.left_child, track_left_edge_idx)
     /// This does stealing similar to `steal_left` but steals multiple elements at once.
     pub fn bulk_steal_left(&mut self, count: usize) {
         unsafe {
-            let mut left_node = ptr::read(self).left_edge().descend();
+            let left_node = &mut self.left_child;
             let left_len = left_node.len();
-            let mut right_node = ptr::read(self).right_edge().descend();
+            let right_node = &mut self.right_child;
             let right_len = right_node.len();
             // Make sure that we may steal safely.
@@ -1407,7 +1522,7 @@ impl<'a, K: 'a, V: 'a> Handle<NodeRef<marker::Mut<'a>, K, V, marker::Internal>,
                 let left_kv = left_node.reborrow_mut().into_kv_pointers_mut();
                 let right_kv = right_node.reborrow_mut().into_kv_pointers_mut();
                 let parent_kv = {
-                    let kv = self.kv_mut();
+                    let kv = self.parent.kv_mut();
                     (kv.0 as *mut K, kv.1 as *mut V)
@@ -1428,7 +1543,7 @@ impl<'a, K: 'a, V: 'a> Handle<NodeRef<marker::Mut<'a>, K, V, marker::Internal>,
             *left_node.reborrow_mut().into_len_mut() -= count as u16;
             *right_node.reborrow_mut().into_len_mut() += count as u16;
-            match (left_node.force(), right_node.force()) {
+            match (left_node.reborrow_mut().force(), right_node.reborrow_mut().force()) {
                 (ForceResult::Internal(left), ForceResult::Internal(mut right)) => {
                     // Make room for stolen edges.
                     let left = left.reborrow();
@@ -1447,9 +1562,9 @@ impl<'a, K: 'a, V: 'a> Handle<NodeRef<marker::Mut<'a>, K, V, marker::Internal>,
     /// The symmetric clone of `bulk_steal_left`.
     pub fn bulk_steal_right(&mut self, count: usize) {
         unsafe {
-            let mut left_node = ptr::read(self).left_edge().descend();
+            let left_node = &mut self.left_child;
             let left_len = left_node.len();
-            let mut right_node = ptr::read(self).right_edge().descend();
+            let right_node = &mut self.right_child;
             let right_len = right_node.len();
             // Make sure that we may steal safely.
@@ -1463,7 +1578,7 @@ impl<'a, K: 'a, V: 'a> Handle<NodeRef<marker::Mut<'a>, K, V, marker::Internal>,
                 let left_kv = left_node.reborrow_mut().into_kv_pointers_mut();
                 let right_kv = right_node.reborrow_mut().into_kv_pointers_mut();
                 let parent_kv = {
-                    let kv = self.kv_mut();
+                    let kv = self.parent.kv_mut();
                     (kv.0 as *mut K, kv.1 as *mut V)
@@ -1484,7 +1599,7 @@ impl<'a, K: 'a, V: 'a> Handle<NodeRef<marker::Mut<'a>, K, V, marker::Internal>,
             *left_node.reborrow_mut().into_len_mut() += count as u16;
             *right_node.reborrow_mut().into_len_mut() -= count as u16;
-            match (left_node.force(), right_node.force()) {
+            match (left_node.reborrow_mut().force(), right_node.reborrow_mut().force()) {
                 (ForceResult::Internal(left), ForceResult::Internal(mut right)) => {
                     move_edges(right.reborrow(), 0, left, left_len + 1, count);
diff --git a/library/alloc/src/collections/btree/node/tests.rs b/library/alloc/src/collections/btree/node/tests.rs
index 38c75de34eeeb..ac61c1df8e2e4 100644
--- a/library/alloc/src/collections/btree/node/tests.rs
+++ b/library/alloc/src/collections/btree/node/tests.rs
@@ -54,11 +54,11 @@ fn test_splitpoint() {
         let mut left_len = middle_kv_idx;
         let mut right_len = CAPACITY - middle_kv_idx - 1;
         match insertion {
-            InsertionPlace::Left(edge_idx) => {
+            LeftOrRight::Left(edge_idx) => {
                 assert!(edge_idx <= left_len);
                 left_len += 1;
-            InsertionPlace::Right(edge_idx) => {
+            LeftOrRight::Right(edge_idx) => {
                 assert!(edge_idx <= right_len);
                 right_len += 1;
diff --git a/library/alloc/src/collections/btree/remove.rs b/library/alloc/src/collections/btree/remove.rs
index 99655d3e2bf64..c4253d4221b3b 100644
--- a/library/alloc/src/collections/btree/remove.rs
+++ b/library/alloc/src/collections/btree/remove.rs
@@ -1,133 +1,153 @@
 use super::map::MIN_LEN;
-use super::node::{marker, ForceResult, Handle, NodeRef};
+use super::node::{marker, ForceResult::*, Handle, LeftOrRight::*, NodeRef};
 use super::unwrap_unchecked;
 use core::mem;
-use core::ptr;
 impl<'a, K: 'a, V: 'a> Handle<NodeRef<marker::Mut<'a>, K, V, marker::LeafOrInternal>, marker::KV> {
-    /// Removes a key/value-pair from the map, and returns that pair, as well as
-    /// the leaf edge corresponding to that former pair.
+    /// Removes a key/value-pair from the tree, and returns that pair, as well as
+    /// the leaf edge corresponding to that former pair. It's possible this empties
+    /// a root node that is internal, which the caller should pop from the map
+    /// holding the tree. The caller should also decrement the map's length.
     pub fn remove_kv_tracking<F: FnOnce()>(
         handle_emptied_internal_root: F,
     ) -> ((K, V), Handle<NodeRef<marker::Mut<'a>, K, V, marker::Leaf>, marker::Edge>) {
-        let (old_kv, mut pos, was_internal) = match self.force() {
-            ForceResult::Leaf(leaf) => {
-                let (old_kv, pos) = leaf.remove();
-                (old_kv, pos, false)
-            }
-            ForceResult::Internal(mut internal) => {
-                // Replace the location freed in the internal node with an
-                // adjacent KV, and remove that adjacent KV from its leaf.
-                // Always choose the adjacent KV on the left side because
-                // it is typically faster to pop an element from the end
-                // of the KV arrays without needing to shift other elements.
-                let key_loc = internal.kv_mut().0 as *mut K;
-                let val_loc = internal.kv_mut().1 as *mut V;
-                let to_remove = internal.left_edge().descend().last_leaf_edge().left_kv().ok();
-                let to_remove = unsafe { unwrap_unchecked(to_remove) };
-                let (kv, pos) = to_remove.remove();
-                let old_key = unsafe { mem::replace(&mut *key_loc, kv.0) };
-                let old_val = unsafe { mem::replace(&mut *val_loc, kv.1) };
-                ((old_key, old_val), pos, true)
-            }
-        };
-        // Handle underflow
-        let mut cur_node = unsafe { ptr::read(&pos).into_node().forget_type() };
-        let mut at_leaf = true;
-        while cur_node.len() < MIN_LEN {
-            match handle_underfull_node(cur_node) {
-                UnderflowResult::AtRoot => break,
-                UnderflowResult::Merged(edge, merged_with_left, offset) => {
-                    // If we merged with our right sibling then our tracked
-                    // position has not changed. However if we merged with our
-                    // left sibling then our tracked position is now dangling.
-                    if at_leaf && merged_with_left {
-                        let idx = pos.idx() + offset;
-                        let node = match unsafe { ptr::read(&edge).descend().force() } {
-                            ForceResult::Leaf(leaf) => leaf,
-                            ForceResult::Internal(_) => unreachable!(),
-                        };
-                        pos = unsafe { Handle::new_edge(node, idx) };
-                    }
+        match self.force() {
+            Leaf(node) => node.remove_leaf_kv(handle_emptied_internal_root),
+            Internal(node) => node.remove_internal_kv(handle_emptied_internal_root),
+        }
+    }
-                    let parent = edge.into_node();
-                    if parent.len() == 0 {
-                        // The parent that was just emptied must be the root,
-                        // because nodes on a lower level would not have been
-                        // left with a single child.
-                        handle_emptied_internal_root();
-                        break;
+impl<'a, K: 'a, V: 'a> Handle<NodeRef<marker::Mut<'a>, K, V, marker::Leaf>, marker::KV> {
+    fn remove_leaf_kv<F: FnOnce()>(
+        self,
+        handle_emptied_internal_root: F,
+    ) -> ((K, V), Handle<NodeRef<marker::Mut<'a>, K, V, marker::Leaf>, marker::Edge>) {
+        let (old_kv, mut pos) = self.remove();
+        let len = pos.reborrow().into_node().len();
+        if len < MIN_LEN {
+            let idx = pos.idx();
+            // We have to temporarily forget the child type, because there is no
+            // distinct node type for the immediate parents of a leaf.
+            let new_pos = match pos.into_node().forget_type().choose_parent_kv() {
+                Ok(Left(left_parent_kv)) => {
+                    debug_assert!(left_parent_kv.right_child_len() == MIN_LEN - 1);
+                    if left_parent_kv.can_merge() {
+                        left_parent_kv.merge(Some(Right(idx)))
                     } else {
-                        cur_node = parent.forget_type();
-                        at_leaf = false;
+                        debug_assert!(left_parent_kv.left_child_len() > MIN_LEN);
+                        left_parent_kv.steal_left(idx)
-                UnderflowResult::Stole(stole_from_left) => {
-                    // Adjust the tracked position if we stole from a left sibling
-                    if stole_from_left && at_leaf {
-                        // SAFETY: This is safe since we just added an element to our node.
-                        unsafe {
-                            pos.move_next_unchecked();
-                        }
+                Ok(Right(right_parent_kv)) => {
+                    debug_assert!(right_parent_kv.left_child_len() == MIN_LEN - 1);
+                    if right_parent_kv.can_merge() {
+                        right_parent_kv.merge(Some(Left(idx)))
+                    } else {
+                        debug_assert!(right_parent_kv.right_child_len() > MIN_LEN);
+                        right_parent_kv.steal_right(idx)
-                    break;
-            }
-        }
+                Err(pos) => unsafe { Handle::new_edge(pos, idx) },
+            };
+            // SAFETY: `new_pos` is the leaf we started from or a sibling.
+            pos = unsafe { new_pos.cast_to_leaf_unchecked() };
-        // If we deleted from an internal node then we need to compensate for
-        // the earlier swap and adjust the tracked position to point to the
-        // next element.
-        if was_internal {
-            pos = unsafe { unwrap_unchecked(pos.next_kv().ok()).next_leaf_edge() };
+            // Only if we merged, the parent (if any) has shrunk, but skipping
+            // the following step does not pay off in benchmarks.
+            //
+            // SAFETY: We won't destroy or rearrange the leaf where `pos` is at
+            // by handling its parent recursively; at worst we will destroy or
+            // rearrange the parent through the grandparent, thus change the
+            // leaf's parent pointer.
+            if let Ok(parent) = unsafe { pos.reborrow_mut() }.into_node().ascend() {
+                parent.into_node().handle_shrunk_node_recursively(handle_emptied_internal_root);
+            }
         (old_kv, pos)
-enum UnderflowResult<'a, K, V> {
-    AtRoot,
-    Merged(Handle<NodeRef<marker::Mut<'a>, K, V, marker::Internal>, marker::Edge>, bool, usize),
-    Stole(bool),
+impl<'a, K: 'a, V: 'a> Handle<NodeRef<marker::Mut<'a>, K, V, marker::Internal>, marker::KV> {
+    fn remove_internal_kv<F: FnOnce()>(
+        self,
+        handle_emptied_internal_root: F,
+    ) -> ((K, V), Handle<NodeRef<marker::Mut<'a>, K, V, marker::Leaf>, marker::Edge>) {
+        // Remove an adjacent KV from its leaf and then put it back in place of
+        // the element we were asked to remove. Prefer the left adjacent KV,
+        // for the reasons listed in `choose_parent_kv`.
+        let left_leaf_kv = self.left_edge().descend().last_leaf_edge().left_kv();
+        let left_leaf_kv = unsafe { unwrap_unchecked(left_leaf_kv.ok()) };
+        let (left_kv, left_hole) = left_leaf_kv.remove_leaf_kv(handle_emptied_internal_root);
-fn handle_underfull_node<'a, K: 'a, V: 'a>(
-    node: NodeRef<marker::Mut<'a>, K, V, marker::LeafOrInternal>,
-) -> UnderflowResult<'_, K, V> {
-    let parent = match node.ascend() {
-        Ok(parent) => parent,
-        Err(_) => return UnderflowResult::AtRoot,
-    };
+        // The internal node may have been stolen from or merged. Go back right
+        // to find where the original KV ended up.
+        let mut internal = unsafe { unwrap_unchecked(left_hole.next_kv().ok()) };
+        let old_key = mem::replace(internal.kv_mut().0, left_kv.0);
+        let old_val = mem::replace(internal.kv_mut().1, left_kv.1);
+        let pos = internal.next_leaf_edge();
+        ((old_key, old_val), pos)
+    }
-    // Prefer the left KV if it exists. Merging with the left side is faster,
-    // since merging happens towards the left and `node` has fewer elements.
-    // Stealing from the left side is faster, since we can pop from the end of
-    // the KV arrays.
-    let (is_left, mut handle) = match parent.left_kv() {
-        Ok(left) => (true, left),
-        Err(parent) => {
-            let right = unsafe { unwrap_unchecked(parent.right_kv().ok()) };
-            (false, right)
+impl<'a, K: 'a, V: 'a> NodeRef<marker::Mut<'a>, K, V, marker::Internal> {
+    /// Stocks up a possibly underfull internal node, recursively.
+    /// Climbs up until it reaches an ancestor that has elements to spare or the root.
+    fn handle_shrunk_node_recursively<F: FnOnce()>(mut self, handle_emptied_internal_root: F) {
+        loop {
+            self = match self.len() {
+                0 => {
+                    // An empty node must be the root, because length is only
+                    // reduced by one, and non-root underfull nodes are stocked up,
+                    // so non-root nodes never have fewer than MIN_LEN - 1 elements.
+                    debug_assert!(self.ascend().is_err());
+                    handle_emptied_internal_root();
+                    return;
+                }
+                1..MIN_LEN => {
+                    if let Some(parent) = self.handle_underfull_node_locally() {
+                        parent
+                    } else {
+                        return;
+                    }
+                }
+                _ => return,
+            }
-    };
+    }
-    if handle.can_merge() {
-        let offset = if is_left { handle.reborrow().left_edge().descend().len() + 1 } else { 0 };
-        UnderflowResult::Merged(handle.merge(), is_left, offset)
-    } else {
-        if is_left {
-            handle.steal_left();
-        } else {
-            handle.steal_right();
+    /// Stocks up an underfull internal node, possibly at the cost of shrinking
+    /// its parent instead, which is then returned.
+    fn handle_underfull_node_locally(
+        self,
+    ) -> Option<NodeRef<marker::Mut<'a>, K, V, marker::Internal>> {
+        match self.forget_type().choose_parent_kv() {
+            Ok(Left(left_parent_kv)) => {
+                debug_assert!(left_parent_kv.right_child_len() == MIN_LEN - 1);
+                if left_parent_kv.can_merge() {
+                    let pos = left_parent_kv.merge(None);
+                    let parent_edge = unsafe { unwrap_unchecked(pos.into_node().ascend().ok()) };
+                    Some(parent_edge.into_node())
+                } else {
+                    debug_assert!(left_parent_kv.left_child_len() > MIN_LEN);
+                    left_parent_kv.steal_left(0);
+                    None
+                }
+            }
+            Ok(Right(right_parent_kv)) => {
+                debug_assert!(right_parent_kv.left_child_len() == MIN_LEN - 1);
+                if right_parent_kv.can_merge() {
+                    let pos = right_parent_kv.merge(None);
+                    let parent_edge = unsafe { unwrap_unchecked(pos.into_node().ascend().ok()) };
+                    Some(parent_edge.into_node())
+                } else {
+                    debug_assert!(right_parent_kv.right_child_len() > MIN_LEN);
+                    right_parent_kv.steal_right(0);
+                    None
+                }
+            }
+            Err(_) => None,
-        UnderflowResult::Stole(is_left)
diff --git a/library/alloc/src/collections/btree/split.rs b/library/alloc/src/collections/btree/split.rs
index 5f00a5a25abad..cd9615a330df6 100644
--- a/library/alloc/src/collections/btree/split.rs
+++ b/library/alloc/src/collections/btree/split.rs
@@ -60,17 +60,17 @@ impl<K, V> Root<K, V> {
             let mut cur_node = self.node_as_mut();
             while let Internal(node) = cur_node.force() {
-                let mut last_kv = node.last_kv();
+                let mut last_kv = node.last_kv().consider_for_balancing();
                 if last_kv.can_merge() {
-                    cur_node = last_kv.merge().descend();
+                    cur_node = last_kv.merge(None).into_node();
                 } else {
-                    let right_len = last_kv.reborrow().right_edge().descend().len();
+                    let right_len = last_kv.right_child_len();
                     // `MIN_LEN + 1` to avoid readjust if merge happens on the next level.
                     if right_len < MIN_LEN + 1 {
                         last_kv.bulk_steal_left(MIN_LEN + 1 - right_len);
-                    cur_node = last_kv.right_edge().descend();
+                    cur_node = last_kv.into_right_child();
@@ -86,17 +86,17 @@ impl<K, V> Root<K, V> {
             let mut cur_node = self.node_as_mut();
             while let Internal(node) = cur_node.force() {
-                let mut first_kv = node.first_kv();
+                let mut first_kv = node.first_kv().consider_for_balancing();
                 if first_kv.can_merge() {
-                    cur_node = first_kv.merge().descend();
+                    cur_node = first_kv.merge(None).into_node();
                 } else {
-                    let left_len = first_kv.reborrow().left_edge().descend().len();
+                    let left_len = first_kv.left_child_len();
                     // `MIN_LEN + 1` to avoid readjust if merge happens on the next level.
                     if left_len < MIN_LEN + 1 {
                         first_kv.bulk_steal_right(MIN_LEN + 1 - left_len);
-                    cur_node = first_kv.left_edge().descend();
+                    cur_node = first_kv.into_left_child();