Authors : R. Velasco-Segura and Pablo L. Rendón
Affiliations : Grupo de Acústica y Vibraciones, Centro de Ciencias Aplicadas y Desarrollo Tecnológico (CCADET), Posgrado en Ciencias Físicas (PCF), Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM).
Source repository :
A finite differences python script to simulate resonance in a string with an obstacle. It forces the string at the left end with a sine, which frequency is monotonically changing. This is, a linear or exponential chirp.
Notice that the frequencies of resonance doesn't have wavelengths which are perfect multiples of the double of the resonator length. Which would be the case if the obstacle were not moving.
Thanks to Marcos Duarte for the peak detection script, which is redistributed here under the terms of its MIT license,
This script started as a modified version of the code found in the following forum . Thanks to anzupe, j08691, and kame.