#!/bin/bash # To build, either place the IPA file in the project's root directory, or get the path to the IPA, then run `./build.sh` read -p $'\e[34m==> \e[1;39mPath to the decrypted YouTube.ipa or YouTube.app. If nothing is provied, any ipa/app in the project\'s root directory will be used: ' PATHTOYT # Check if PATHTOYT is empty if [ -z "$PATHTOYT" ]; then # Look for ipa/app files in the current directory IPAS=$(find . -maxdepth 1 -type f \( -name "*.ipa" -o -name "*.app" \)) # Check if there are two or more ipa/app files COUNT=$(echo "$IPAS" | wc -l) if [ "$COUNT" -ge 2 ]; then echo "❌ Error: Multiple IPA/app files found in the project's root directory directory. Make sure there is only one ipa." exit 1 elif [ -n "$IPAS" ]; then PATHTOYT=$(echo "$IPAS" | head -n 1) else echo "❌ Error: No IPA/app file found in the project's root directory directory." exit 1 fi fi make package THEOS_PACKAGE_SCHEME=rootless IPA="$PATHTOYT" FINALPACKAGE=1 # SHASUM if [[ $? -eq 0 ]]; then open packages echo "SHASUM256: $(shasum -a 256 packages/*.ipa)" else echo "Failed building YTLitePlus" fi