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Fred Rothganger edited this page Apr 25, 2022 · 9 revisions

You will need to install the following items, in order:

  1. The latest Java Runtime Environment (JRE). N2A requires at least Java 11, whereas many systems sill have Java 8 installed by default. Oracle has made it more difficult to obtain a standalone JRE for versions newer than 8. It is OK to get the Java Development Environment (JDK) instead, though this is a heavier solution. Go to Oracle for JDK, or to Azul for either JDK or JRE.
  2. The latest n2a.jar. This is the only file you need. You can safely ignore everything else in the downloads area.
  3. Your favorite simulator.

If you have a JRE installed, you should be able to directly launch the N2A jar. Alternately, on the command line: java -jar n2a.jar

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