diff --git a/CHANGELOG.md b/CHANGELOG.md index 1f71dc03..1fc48b83 100644 --- a/CHANGELOG.md +++ b/CHANGELOG.md @@ -2,6 +2,41 @@ All notable changes to `modules` will be documented in this file. +## v3.0.0 - 2024-04-14 + +### What's Changed + +* Support for Filament Shield and Module Permissions (WIP) by @coolsam726 in https://github.com/savannabits/filament-modules/pull/33 +* 3.x dev by @coolsam726 in https://github.com/savannabits/filament-modules/pull/39 +* Package Name change from filament-modules to modules by @coolsam726 in https://github.com/savannabits/filament-modules/pull/40 +* Composer requirements: by @coolsam726 in https://github.com/savannabits/filament-modules/pull/41 +* Added sidebar start and end hooks for modular panels by @coolsam726 in https://github.com/savannabits/filament-modules/pull/42 +* Fix: Moved sidebar hooks to the register function after filament has been resolved. by @coolsam726 in https://github.com/savannabits/filament-modules/pull/43 +* 3.x dev - Updated the Sidebar Render Hooks by @coolsam726 in https://github.com/savannabits/filament-modules/pull/44 +* Bump aglipanci/laravel-pint-action from 2.3.0 to 2.3.1 by @dependabot in https://github.com/savannabits/filament-modules/pull/60 +* Laravel 11 Support by @askippers in https://github.com/savannabits/filament-modules/pull/58 +* Bump dependabot/fetch-metadata from 1.6.0 to 2.0.0 by @dependabot in https://github.com/savannabits/filament-modules/pull/59 +* Bump aglipanci/laravel-pint-action from 2.3.1 to 2.4 by @dependabot in https://github.com/savannabits/filament-modules/pull/64 +* Package rewrite to for v3 by @coolsam726 in https://github.com/savannabits/filament-modules/pull/65 +* Adjusted README and run-tests workflows to fix the repository link by @coolsam726 in https://github.com/savannabits/filament-modules/pull/68 +* Adjusted the run-tests workflow to capture the testbench and carbon matrix by @coolsam726 in https://github.com/savannabits/filament-modules/pull/69 +* Separated Tests for Laravel 10 and Laravel 11 by @coolsam726 in https://github.com/savannabits/filament-modules/pull/70 +* Added support for nunomaduro/collision v8.x by @coolsam726 in https://github.com/savannabits/filament-modules/pull/71 +* README fix: Changed the name of the workflow for the code styling workflow by @coolsam726 in https://github.com/savannabits/filament-modules/pull/72 +* New Feature added: Command to create a Filament Resource inside a module by @coolsam726 in https://github.com/savannabits/filament-modules/pull/73 +* New Feature: Command to Create Filament Pages in Modules by @coolsam726 in https://github.com/savannabits/filament-modules/pull/74 +* Make the Cluster Navigation Label translatable by @coolsam726 in https://github.com/savannabits/filament-modules/pull/75 +* New Feature: Widget Generation Command by @coolsam726 in https://github.com/savannabits/filament-modules/pull/76 +* Bug Fix: README Badges - fixed the workflow file name by @coolsam726 in https://github.com/savannabits/filament-modules/pull/77 +* Updated README with the package's documentation for v3.x by @coolsam726 in https://github.com/savannabits/filament-modules/pull/78 +* Update README.md by @coolsam726 in https://github.com/savannabits/filament-modules/pull/79 + +### New Contributors + +* @askippers made their first contribution in https://github.com/savannabits/filament-modules/pull/58 + +**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/savannabits/filament-modules/compare/v1.3.3...v3.0.0 + ## 1.0.0 - 202X-XX-XX - initial release