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Releases: scalar-labs/scalardl


25 Nov 04:20
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This release introduces enhancements, such as generic contracts and functions, as well as various improvements, including the addition of error codes. It also includes several bug fixes. For detailed changes, see the following.


  • Added generic contracts and functions.


  • Added error codes for error messages.
  • Enabled implicit pre-read in mutable databases.
  • Improved ScalarDB exception handling in function execution.
  • Upgraded the ScalarDB version to 3.14.0.
  • Made executeContract with nonce deprecated.

Bug fixes

  • Disabled SNI host check in the Prometheus exporter.
  • Fixed a bug when handling PKCS#8-formatted private keys.
  • Fixed unexpected validation execution.
  • Fixed a bug with non-nonce transaction IDs.
  • Fixed a bug where a transaction with the JDBC transaction manager incorrectly overwrites an asset.
  • Fixed a bug that makes the Ledger service unable to execute contracts on DynamoDB.
  • Added validation that disables the group commit feature in ScalarDB from being used.
  • Fixed to run with Cosmos DB.
  • Fixed the following vulnerabilities.


25 Nov 05:22
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This release includes the following bug fixes.

Bug fixes


01 Nov 03:42
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This release includes the following bug fixes.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a bug that prevented ScalarDL from running on Cosmos DB.


25 Nov 05:24
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This release includes the following bug fixes.

Bug fixes


01 Nov 03:41
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This release includes the following bug fixes.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a bug that prevented ScalarDL from running on Cosmos DB.


28 Aug 06:02
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This release includes several bug fixes and vulnerability fixes.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a bug when handling PKCS#8 format private key.
  • Fixed a comment for HMAC settings.
  • Fixed sources and Javadoc for artifacts.
  • Fixed CVE-2024-24790, CVE-2023-45283, and CVE-2023-45288.
  • Fixed an issue that does not run integration tests with JUnit5.
  • Fixed e2e tests to run correctly.
  • Fixed unexpected validation execution.
  • Fixed a bug with non-nonce transaction ID.
  • Fixed a bug where a transaction with the JDBC transaction manager wrongly overwrites an asset.
  • Fixed a bug that makes the Ledger service unable to execute contracts on DynamoDB.


28 Aug 06:01
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This release includes several bug fixes and vulnerability fixes.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a bug when handling PKCS#8 format private key.
  • Fixed a comment for HMAC settings.
  • Fixed sources and Javadoc for artifacts.
  • Fixed CVE-2024-24790, CVE-2023-45283, and CVE-2023-45288.
  • Fixed an issue that does not run integration tests with JUnit5.
  • Fixed e2e tests to run correctly.
  • Fixed unexpected validation execution.
  • Fixed a bug with non-nonce transaction ID.
  • Fixed a bug where a transaction with the JDBC transaction manager wrongly overwrites an asset.
  • Fixed a bug that makes the Ledger service unable to execute contracts on DynamoDB.


19 Apr 10:01
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This release is for the following bug fix.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed SNI host check in Prometheus exporter with TLS.


05 Apr 09:53
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This release includes several enhancements, such as introducing a single top-level command, “scalardl”, which integrates all ScalarDL management commands for better usability and a gateway functionality to let developers write ScalarDL applications using any programming language. This release also has a lot of improvements and bug fixes. See the following for detailed changes.


  • Added "scalardl" command for better usability.
  • Added ScalarDL Gateway.
  • Added license-checking mechanism.
  • Added TLS support for the Prometheus exporter.


  • Improved gRPC configurations in clients and servers.
  • Improved the GateKeeper behavior.
  • Improved CI release workflow.
  • Improved CI tests and maintenance.
  • Made the servers transition to decommissioning state before shutting down.
  • Made contracts and functions loadable in registration time.
  • Supported OpenShift.
  • Migrated schema-loader back.
  • Upgraded depending libraries.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed dimension names for AWS meters.
  • Fixed registry name of AWS Marketplace.
  • Fixed to avoid outputting credential information as a log.
  • Fixed to use getTargetHost() to properly get LEDGER_HOST.
  • Fixed busybox version in Dockerfile.
  • Fixed a bug to use the intermediary mode.
  • Fixed the bound argument of FunctionalInterface for gRPC stub method in ThrowableConsumer and ThrowableFunction.
  • Fixed AuthenticationMethod to accept "digital-signature".
  • Fixed a spotbugs issue and formated code for consistency.
  • Fixed Function execution to return its results to clients.
  • Fixed an unnecessary warning when the specified secret has already been registered.
  • Fixed TLS-related code and configurations to work properly.
  • Fixed gRPC-related configurations.
  • Fixed several configuration issues, especially Gateway with TLS.
  • Fixed to use grpc_health_probe in the Gateway docker image to support TLS gRPC health check.
  • Upgraded org.everit.json.schema to 1.14.2. CVE-2023-5072
  • Upgraded grpc-health-probe to fix security issues. CVE-2023-39325 GHSA-m425-mq94-257g
  • Upgraded the base image to fix security issues. CVE-2022-29458 CVE-2022-29458 CVE-2023-4911 CVE-2023-29491 CVE-2023-47038
  • Upgraded org.bouncycastle:bcprov-jdk15on from 1.59 to 1.70 CVE-2018-1000180 CVE-2018-1000613 CVE-2020-28052


18 Apr 00:01
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Bug fixes

  • Fixed dimension names for AWS meters.
  • Fixed registry name of AWS Marketplace.
  • Fixed to avoid outputting credential information as a log.
  • Fixed to use getTargetHost() to properly get LEDGER_HOST.
  • Fixed busybox version in Dockerfile.
  • Fixed a bug to use the intermediary mode.
  • Fixed the bound argument of FunctionalInterface for gRPC stub method in ThrowableConsumer and ThrowableFunction.
  • Fixed AuthenticationMethod to accept "digital-signature".
  • Fixed Function execution to return its results to clients.
  • Fixed an unnecessary warning when the specified secret has already been registered.
  • Fixed TLS-related code and configurations to work properly.
  • Fixed several configuration issues.
  • Upgraded org.everit.json.schema to 1.14.2. CVE-2023-5072
  • Upgraded grpc-health-probe to fix security issues. CVE-2023-39325 GHSA-m425-mq94-257g
  • Upgraded the base image to fix security issues. CVE-2022-29458 CVE-2022-29458 CVE-2023-4911 CVE-2023-29491 CVE-2023-47038
  • Upgraded org.bouncycastle:bcprov-jdk15on from 1.59 to 1.70 CVE-2023-33201 CVE-2023-33202