This game is part of a Python programming course, with assignments and videos(tba)
- Develop the Brains of your tank to Exterminate!!! opponents
Develop the Brains of a tank to Exterminate!!! opponents
- copy to for example and open it
- rename class name from ExampleTank to your own Name for example class MyTank
- open and add import for your file
- add your own class to battle the example tank for example: game.addPlayer(mytank.MyTank())
- start learning Python to create a dominating Dalek
The template contains a init function where playerinfo can be set. Playername will be shown in game. The tick function returns every frame update
from lib import brain
class TemplateTank(brain.Brain):
def __init__(self):
self._playerinfo.playerName("Lonely Frozen Wolf")
def tick(self,data):
return self._commands.get() # return commands for this tick
key in data: | description |
position | own direction |
fireheat | when bigger than zero, shooting is not possible. The more power u use for firing, the longer you have to wait for your next shot |
heading | own direction |
alive | better keep this True |
reflections | an array with the positions of possible targets or friends |
example the data dict inside tick function when radar sees a reflection: Blind Wolf1:{'position': (-544.16,-310.16), 'fireheat': 8.0, 'heading': 145.0, 'alive': True, 'reflections': [(-558.32,4.10)]}
The Brains of the robot need to be controlled by your class. with the Commands interface in the class Brain it is possible to control your tank
command: | description |
clear | clear all commands in the dict |
fire( power ) | take a shot, the variable power determines how much damage the opponent takes on a hit. The more power u use, the longer you have to wait for a next shot |
turn(angle) | the positive or negative angle your tank base turns (turret and radar moves along) |
move(distance) | the positive(forward) or negative(backwards) distance your tank moves |
moveTurret(angle) | the positive or negative angle your Turret turns (radar moves along) |
moveRadar(angle) | the positive or negative angle your Radar dish turns |
radarbeam(angle) | set the beam of the radar, greater angle |
displayRadar | shows the radar beam for debugging purposes |
example commands:
self._commands.move(-10.2) #
- First commit
- World and dynamics will change, but you can already start developing your bot!
- YES we've got rotating images with and we allow png :-)
- Doppler radar (reflection also returns relative speed)
- Team battles
- Landmines
- Obstructions
- More easter eggs in code
- Online Competitions (website)
- Blockchain battle over Sevabit network
we need matplotlib for detection of targets in radar and PIL (pillow) library
required libraries can be installed for example with pip:
- pip install matplotlib
- pip install pillow
“Letting it get to you. You know what that’s called? Being alive. Best thing there is. Being alive right now is all that counts.”
Send me a high-five or star this git if you like this project 8-) SEVAqwjeHAmS7He3kCuQEBHv9LYN2eAoNXYbrYYEFgPa9bMs99MNKrkbkb7TE6WhRMbgE6cavhrQHLHoSkMkZW6n6UZQAit8tZ6