QuickTravel API library is a common use library developed primarily for use in the SeaLink Android application suite, including Ticketing, Companion and Albert.
A Bearer token can be retrieve from the Auth system. Once the token has been returned you can then pass it to the QuickTravel API using the token interceptor.
BearerTokenInterceptor interceptor = new BearerTokenInterceptor();
new OkHttpClient.Builder().addInterceptor(interceptor).build();
Deployment is handled via gradle and travis if you follow the correct git conventions.
If you are creating a new minor or major release than you would do the following.
- Create a new release branch, based upon the major and min
git checkout -b release/0.1
- Update the changelog with the correct version number (in this case 0.1.0)
git commit -m "Release 0.1.0"
git tag 0.1.0
git push origin master --tags
A point release would simply be a tag on this branch and you would follow the previous procedure.
- Gradle is the build tool of choice and all things related are contained within the project.
Some example build tasks include
./gradlew build
./gradlew test
./gradlew versionInfo
- Project is maven compatible however we only publish to Bintray so you will need to manually configure the repository, full instructions can be found at the following site https://bintray.com/sealink/maven/quicktravel_client
- TravisCI is used to test / build and publish new versions.
- JUnit is used for integration and unit level testing.
If you want to use this library directly in an Android Studio project, you can make the following changes to the gradle build
Edit settings.gradle
and create a new project dependency.
include ':Dependency'
project(':Dependency').projectDir = new File('~user/src/quicktravel_client/')
Edit app/build.gradle
Replace the original dependency, i.e.
implementation 'au.com.sealink.quicktravel.client:quicktravel_client:x.x.x'
compile project(':Dependency')
Resync the gradle process.
The quicktravel_client project should now be a direct dependency and any changes made should be immediately effective, if not you may be required to restart Android Studio.