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Installs and configures Vault


This role requires Ansible 1.9 or higher.

Role Variables

Name Default Description
vault_version 0.6.2 Version of Vault to install
vault_sha256sum 91432c812b1264306f8d1ecf7dd237c3d7a8b2b6aebf4f887e487c4e7f69338c SHA 256 checksum of package
vault_backend inmem Configures the storage backend where Vault data is stored
vault_disable_mlock false If true, this will disable the server from executing the mlock syscall to prevent memory from being swapped to disk
vault_default_lease_ttl "720h" Configures the default lease duration for tokens and secrets, specified in hours
vault_max_lease_ttl "720h" Configures the maximum possible lease duration for tokens and secrets, specified in hours
vault_telemetry false Enable or disable telemetry
vault_backend_consul_path "vault/" The path within Consul where data will be stored
vault_backend_consul_address '' The address of the Consul agent to talk to
vault_backend_consul_scheme '' "http" or "https" for talking to Consul
vault_backend_consul_datacenter '' The datacenter within Consul to write to
vault_backend_consul_token '' An access token to use to write data to Consul
vault_backend_consul_tls_skip_verify false Enable or disable TLS host verification for Consul communication
vault_backend_consul_tls_ca_file '' The path to the CA certificate used for Consul communication
vault_backend_consul_tls_cert_file '' The path to the certificate for Consul communication
vault_backend_consul_tls_key_file '' The path to the private key for Consul communication
vault_backend_consul_redirect_addr '' This is the address to advertise to other Vault servers in the cluster for client redirection
vault_backend_consul_cluster_addr '' This is the address to advertise to other Vault servers in the cluster for request forwarding
vault_backend_zookeeper_path "vault/" The path within Zookeeper where data will be stored
vault_backend_zookeeper_address "http://localhost:4001" The address(es) of the Zookeeper instance(s) to talk to. Can be comma separated list (host:port) of many Zookeeper instances
vault_backend_zookeeper_redirect_addr '' This is the address to advertise to other Vault servers in the cluster for client redirection
vault_backend_zookeeper_cluster_addr '' This is the address to advertise to other Vault servers in the cluster for request forwarding
vault_backend_etcd_path "vault/" The path within etcd where data will be stored
vault_backend_etcd_address "localhost:2181" The address(es) of the etcd instance(s) to talk to. Can be comma separated list (protocol://host:port) of many etcd instances
vault_backend_etcd_redirect_addr '' This is the address to advertise to other Vault servers in the cluster for client redirection
vault_backend_etcd_cluster_addr '' This is the address to advertise to other Vault servers in the cluster for request forwarding
vault_backend_s3_bucket '' The name of the S3 bucket to use
vault_backend_s3_access_key '' The AWS access key
vault_backend_s3_secret_key '' The AWS secret key
vault_backend_s3_session_token '' The AWS session_token
vault_backend_s3_region "us-east-1" The AWS region
vault_backend_mysql_username '' The MySQL username to connect with
vault_backend_mysql_password '' The MySQL password to connect with
vault_backend_mysql_address "" The address of the MySQL host
vault_backend_mysql_database "vault" The name of the database to use
vault_backend_mysql_table "vault" The name of the table to use
vault_backend_mysql_tls_ca_file '' The path to the CA certificate to connect using TLS
vault_backend_file_path '' The path on disk to a directory where the data will be stored
vault_listener_tcp_address "" The address to bind to for listening
vault_listener_tcp_tls_disable true Enable or disable TLS
vault_listener_tcp_tls_cert_file '' The path to the certificate for TLS
vault_listener_tcp_tls_key_file '' The path to the private key for the certificate
vault_listener_tcp_tls_min_version "tls12" Specifies the minimum supported version of TLS. Accepted values are "tls10", "tls11" or "tls12"
vault_telemetry_statsite_address '' An address to a Statsite instance for metrics
vault_telemetry_statsd_address '' An address to a StatsD instance for metrics
vault_telemetry_disable_hostname false Whether or not to prepend runtime telemetry with the machines hostname


  • kbrebanov.unzip

Example Playbook

Install Vault using Consul backend

- hosts: all
    - kbrebanov.vault



Author Information

Kevin Brebanov