This is an implementation of the Angular Mutli-Index Hashing which performs exact angular K nearest neighbors in the binary space. It is built on top of multi-index hashing proposed in [1] (mih).
The requirments of building the project are, cmake, make, hdf5 lib and hdf5-dev. To build it, run:
cmake CMakeLists.txt
if successful, two files are created: amih which executes amih technique and linscan for executing linear scan.
A sample data of 1M sift binary codes is given in the data folder. It contains two matrices, B which contains the binary codes of the base dataset and Q which contains the query set. In each matrix, each 8 bits are stored an unsigned integer.
The sysntax of running AMIH is as follows:
./amih <input file> <output file> -N #points -B #bits -Q #queries -K #NN
where NN is the number of nearest neighbors to retrive.
./amih lsh_64_1M.mat out.h5 -N 1000000 -B 64 -Q 100 -K 1
The syntax of running linear scan is as follows:
./linscan <input file> <output file> -N #points -B #bits -Q #queries -K #NN
./linscan <input file> <output file> -N 1000000 -B 64 -Q 100 -K 1
[1] Fast Exact Search in Hamming Space with Multi-Index Hashing, M. Norouzi, A. Punjani, D. J. Fleet, IEEE TPAMI 2014