I2c Air sensor Pressure/Humidity/Temperature based on two separate sensors HDC2080 and DPS368 Look at Images/Esensor_backside.jpg
On the back side of the sensor. C1,C2 - capacitors for sensors stable feeding (100nf). R4,R6 - is a pull up I2C resistors (10K). R2,R3 - are not installed by default - address of HDC2080. Both Unconnected slave address: 1000000(40H) short R3 to GND: slave address: 1000000(40H) short R2 to VCC: slave address: 1000001(41H)
R1 - is optional select address for DPS368 (100K) empty(default) - the address 77h , 100K - 76h
With Arduino: Put ShadrapEsensor.cpp and ShadrapEsensor.h into ..Documents\Arduino\libraries\ShadrapEsensor\ add a string #include <ShadrapEsensor.h> in your sketch. Add definition MyEsensor Airsensor; Start with Airsensor.begin(Wire); and enjoy.