Finished debug [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.0 secs Running `target\debug\bindgen.exe test.hpp --emit-clang-ast -- -std=c++14` INFO:bindgen: Clang Version: clang version 3.9.0 (branches/release_39) DEBUG:libbindgen::ir::context: BindgenContext::add_item(Item { id: ItemId(0), local_id: Cell { value: None }, next_child_local_id: Cell { value: 1 }, canonical_name_cache: RefCell { value: None }, comment: None, annotations: Annotations { opaque: false, hide: false, use_instead_of: None, disallow_copy: false, private_fields: None, accessor_kind: None }, parent_id: ItemId(0), kind: Module(Module { name: Some("root"), children_ids: [] }) }, declaration: None, loc: None test.hpp:2:7: warning: class 'A' does not declare any constructor to initialize its non-modifiable members, err: false (kind: macro definition, spelling: __llvm__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __clang__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __clang_major__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __clang_minor__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __clang_patchlevel__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __clang_version__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __ATOMIC_RELAXED, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __ATOMIC_CONSUME, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __ATOMIC_ACQUIRE, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __ATOMIC_RELEASE, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __ATOMIC_ACQ_REL, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __ATOMIC_SEQ_CST, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __PRAGMA_REDEFINE_EXTNAME, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __VERSION__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __cpp_rtti, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __cpp_exceptions, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __cpp_unicode_characters, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __cpp_raw_strings, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __cpp_unicode_literals, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __cpp_user_defined_literals, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __cpp_lambdas, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __cpp_constexpr, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __cpp_range_based_for, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __cpp_static_assert, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __cpp_decltype, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __cpp_attributes, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __cpp_rvalue_references, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __cpp_variadic_templates, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __cpp_initializer_lists, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __cpp_delegating_constructors, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __cpp_nsdmi, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __cpp_inheriting_constructors, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __cpp_ref_qualifiers, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __cpp_alias_templates, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __cpp_binary_literals, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __cpp_digit_separators, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __cpp_init_captures, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __cpp_generic_lambdas, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __cpp_decltype_auto, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __cpp_return_type_deduction, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __cpp_aggregate_nsdmi, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __cpp_variable_templates, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __CONSTANT_CFSTRINGS__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __DEPRECATED, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: _WCHAR_T_DEFINED, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: _NATIVE_WCHAR_T_DEFINED, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __ORDER_LITTLE_ENDIAN__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __ORDER_BIG_ENDIAN__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __ORDER_PDP_ENDIAN__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __BYTE_ORDER__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __LITTLE_ENDIAN__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __CHAR_BIT__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __SCHAR_MAX__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __SHRT_MAX__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __INT_MAX__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __LONG_MAX__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __LONG_LONG_MAX__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __WCHAR_MAX__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __INTMAX_MAX__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __SIZE_MAX__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __UINTMAX_MAX__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __PTRDIFF_MAX__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __INTPTR_MAX__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __UINTPTR_MAX__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __SIZEOF_DOUBLE__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __SIZEOF_FLOAT__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __SIZEOF_INT__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __SIZEOF_LONG__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __SIZEOF_LONG_DOUBLE__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __SIZEOF_LONG_LONG__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __SIZEOF_POINTER__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __SIZEOF_SHORT__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __SIZEOF_PTRDIFF_T__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __SIZEOF_SIZE_T__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __SIZEOF_WCHAR_T__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __SIZEOF_WINT_T__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __SIZEOF_INT128__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __INTMAX_TYPE__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __INTMAX_FMTd__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __INTMAX_FMTi__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __INTMAX_C_SUFFIX__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __UINTMAX_TYPE__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __UINTMAX_FMTo__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __UINTMAX_FMTu__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __UINTMAX_FMTx__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __UINTMAX_FMTX__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __UINTMAX_C_SUFFIX__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __INTMAX_WIDTH__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __PTRDIFF_TYPE__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __PTRDIFF_FMTd__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __PTRDIFF_FMTi__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __PTRDIFF_WIDTH__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __INTPTR_TYPE__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __INTPTR_FMTd__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __INTPTR_FMTi__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __INTPTR_WIDTH__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __SIZE_TYPE__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __SIZE_FMTo__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __SIZE_FMTu__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __SIZE_FMTx__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __SIZE_FMTX__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __SIZE_WIDTH__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __WCHAR_TYPE__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __WCHAR_WIDTH__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __WINT_TYPE__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __WINT_WIDTH__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __SIG_ATOMIC_WIDTH__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __SIG_ATOMIC_MAX__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __CHAR16_TYPE__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __CHAR32_TYPE__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __UINTMAX_WIDTH__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __UINTPTR_TYPE__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __UINTPTR_FMTo__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __UINTPTR_FMTu__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __UINTPTR_FMTx__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __UINTPTR_FMTX__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __UINTPTR_WIDTH__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __FLT_DENORM_MIN__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __FLT_HAS_DENORM__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __FLT_DIG__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __FLT_DECIMAL_DIG__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __FLT_EPSILON__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __FLT_HAS_INFINITY__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __FLT_HAS_QUIET_NAN__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __FLT_MANT_DIG__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __FLT_MAX_10_EXP__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __FLT_MAX_EXP__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __FLT_MAX__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __FLT_MIN_10_EXP__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __FLT_MIN_EXP__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __FLT_MIN__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __DBL_DENORM_MIN__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __DBL_HAS_DENORM__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __DBL_DIG__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __DBL_DECIMAL_DIG__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __DBL_EPSILON__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __DBL_HAS_INFINITY__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __DBL_HAS_QUIET_NAN__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __DBL_MANT_DIG__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __DBL_MAX_10_EXP__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __DBL_MAX_EXP__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __DBL_MAX__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __DBL_MIN_10_EXP__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __DBL_MIN_EXP__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __DBL_MIN__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __LDBL_DENORM_MIN__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __LDBL_HAS_DENORM__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __LDBL_DIG__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __LDBL_DECIMAL_DIG__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __LDBL_EPSILON__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __LDBL_HAS_INFINITY__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __LDBL_HAS_QUIET_NAN__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __LDBL_MANT_DIG__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __LDBL_MAX_10_EXP__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __LDBL_MAX_EXP__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __LDBL_MAX__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __LDBL_MIN_10_EXP__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __LDBL_MIN_EXP__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __LDBL_MIN__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __POINTER_WIDTH__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __BIGGEST_ALIGNMENT__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __WCHAR_UNSIGNED__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __INT8_TYPE__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __INT8_FMTd__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __INT8_FMTi__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __INT8_C_SUFFIX__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __INT16_TYPE__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __INT16_FMTd__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __INT16_FMTi__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __INT16_C_SUFFIX__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __INT32_TYPE__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __INT32_FMTd__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __INT32_FMTi__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __INT32_C_SUFFIX__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __INT64_TYPE__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __INT64_FMTd__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __INT64_FMTi__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __INT64_C_SUFFIX__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __UINT8_TYPE__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __UINT8_FMTo__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __UINT8_FMTu__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __UINT8_FMTx__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __UINT8_FMTX__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __UINT8_C_SUFFIX__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __UINT8_MAX__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __INT8_MAX__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __UINT16_TYPE__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __UINT16_FMTo__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __UINT16_FMTu__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __UINT16_FMTx__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __UINT16_FMTX__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __UINT16_C_SUFFIX__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __UINT16_MAX__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __INT16_MAX__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __UINT32_TYPE__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __UINT32_FMTo__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __UINT32_FMTu__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __UINT32_FMTx__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __UINT32_FMTX__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __UINT32_C_SUFFIX__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __UINT32_MAX__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __INT32_MAX__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __UINT64_TYPE__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __UINT64_FMTo__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __UINT64_FMTu__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __UINT64_FMTx__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __UINT64_FMTX__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __UINT64_C_SUFFIX__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __UINT64_MAX__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __INT64_MAX__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __INT_LEAST8_TYPE__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __INT_LEAST8_MAX__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __INT_LEAST8_FMTd__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __INT_LEAST8_FMTi__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __UINT_LEAST8_TYPE__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __UINT_LEAST8_MAX__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __UINT_LEAST8_FMTo__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __UINT_LEAST8_FMTu__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __UINT_LEAST8_FMTx__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __UINT_LEAST8_FMTX__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __INT_LEAST16_TYPE__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __INT_LEAST16_MAX__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __INT_LEAST16_FMTd__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __INT_LEAST16_FMTi__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __UINT_LEAST16_TYPE__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __UINT_LEAST16_MAX__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __UINT_LEAST16_FMTo__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __UINT_LEAST16_FMTu__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __UINT_LEAST16_FMTx__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __UINT_LEAST16_FMTX__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __INT_LEAST32_TYPE__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __INT_LEAST32_MAX__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __INT_LEAST32_FMTd__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __INT_LEAST32_FMTi__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __UINT_LEAST32_TYPE__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __UINT_LEAST32_MAX__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __UINT_LEAST32_FMTo__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __UINT_LEAST32_FMTu__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __UINT_LEAST32_FMTx__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __UINT_LEAST32_FMTX__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __INT_LEAST64_TYPE__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __INT_LEAST64_MAX__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __INT_LEAST64_FMTd__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __INT_LEAST64_FMTi__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __UINT_LEAST64_TYPE__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __UINT_LEAST64_MAX__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __UINT_LEAST64_FMTo__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __UINT_LEAST64_FMTu__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __UINT_LEAST64_FMTx__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __UINT_LEAST64_FMTX__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __INT_FAST8_TYPE__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __INT_FAST8_MAX__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __INT_FAST8_FMTd__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __INT_FAST8_FMTi__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __UINT_FAST8_TYPE__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __UINT_FAST8_MAX__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __UINT_FAST8_FMTo__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __UINT_FAST8_FMTu__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __UINT_FAST8_FMTx__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __UINT_FAST8_FMTX__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __INT_FAST16_TYPE__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __INT_FAST16_MAX__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __INT_FAST16_FMTd__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __INT_FAST16_FMTi__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __UINT_FAST16_TYPE__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __UINT_FAST16_MAX__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __UINT_FAST16_FMTo__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __UINT_FAST16_FMTu__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __UINT_FAST16_FMTx__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __UINT_FAST16_FMTX__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __INT_FAST32_TYPE__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __INT_FAST32_MAX__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __INT_FAST32_FMTd__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __INT_FAST32_FMTi__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __UINT_FAST32_TYPE__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __UINT_FAST32_MAX__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __UINT_FAST32_FMTo__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __UINT_FAST32_FMTu__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __UINT_FAST32_FMTx__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __UINT_FAST32_FMTX__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __INT_FAST64_TYPE__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __INT_FAST64_MAX__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __INT_FAST64_FMTd__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __INT_FAST64_FMTi__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __UINT_FAST64_TYPE__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __UINT_FAST64_MAX__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __UINT_FAST64_FMTo__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __UINT_FAST64_FMTu__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __UINT_FAST64_FMTx__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __UINT_FAST64_FMTX__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __USER_LABEL_PREFIX__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __FINITE_MATH_ONLY__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __NO_INLINE__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __PIC__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __pic__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __FLT_EVAL_METHOD__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __FLT_RADIX__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __DECIMAL_DIG__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __amd64__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __amd64, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __x86_64, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __x86_64__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __k8, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __k8__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __tune_k8__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __REGISTER_PREFIX__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __NO_MATH_INLINES, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __FXSR__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __SSE2__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __SSE2_MATH__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __SSE__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __SSE_MATH__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __MMX__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __GCC_HAVE_SYNC_COMPARE_AND_SWAP_1, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __GCC_HAVE_SYNC_COMPARE_AND_SWAP_2, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __GCC_HAVE_SYNC_COMPARE_AND_SWAP_4, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __GCC_HAVE_SYNC_COMPARE_AND_SWAP_8, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: _WIN32, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: _WIN64, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: _CPPRTTI, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: _CPPUNWIND, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __BOOL_DEFINED, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: _MSC_VER, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: _MSC_FULL_VER, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: _MSC_BUILD, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: _HAS_CHAR16_T_LANGUAGE_SUPPORT, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: _MSVC_LANG, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: _MSC_EXTENSIONS, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: _RVALUE_REFERENCES_V2_SUPPORTED, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: _RVALUE_REFERENCES_SUPPORTED, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: _NATIVE_NULLPTR_SUPPORTED, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: _INTEGRAL_MAX_BITS, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: _M_X64, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: _M_AMD64, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __STDC_HOSTED__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __cplusplus, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __STDC_UTF_16__, type: Invalid ) (kind: macro definition, spelling: __STDC_UTF_32__, type: Invalid ) (kind: TypedefDecl, spelling: size_t, type: Typedef ) (kind: ClassDecl, spelling: A, type: Record (kind: FieldDecl, spelling: count, type: Typedef (kind: TypeRef, spelling: size_t, type: Typedef ) ) ) DEBUG:libbindgen::ir::context: builtin_or_resolved_ty: Type(size_t, kind: Typedef, decl: Cursor(size_t kind: TypedefDecl, loc: test.hpp:1:28, usr: None), canon: Cursor(size_t kind: TypedefDecl, loc: builtin definitions, usr: None)), Some(Cursor(size_t kind: TypedefDecl, loc: test.hpp:1:28, usr: None)), None DEBUG:libbindgen::ir::context: Not resolved, maybe builtin? DEBUG:libbindgen::ir::context: builtin_or_resolved_ty: Type(size_t, kind: Typedef, decl: Cursor(size_t kind: TypedefDecl, loc: test.hpp:1:28, usr: None), canon: Cursor(size_t kind: TypedefDecl, loc: builtin definitions, usr: None)), Some(Cursor(size_t kind: TypedefDecl, loc: test.hpp:1:28, usr: None)), None DEBUG:libbindgen::ir::context: Not resolved, maybe builtin? DEBUG:libbindgen::ir::ty: from_clang_ty: ItemId(1), ty: Type(size_t, kind: Typedef, decl: Cursor(size_t kind: TypedefDecl, loc: test.hpp:1:28, usr: None), canon: Cursor(size_t kind: TypedefDecl, loc: builtin definitions, usr: None)), loc: Some(Cursor(size_t kind: TypedefDecl, loc: test.hpp:1:28, usr: None)) DEBUG:libbindgen::ir::ty: currently_parsed_types: [(Cursor(size_t kind: TypedefDecl, loc: builtin definitions, usr: None), ItemId(1))] DEBUG:libbindgen::ir::item: from_ty_or_ref_with_id: ItemId(2) Type(unsigned long long, kind: ULongLong, decl: Cursor( kind: NoDeclFound, loc: builtin definitions, usr: None), canon: Cursor( kind: NoDeclFound, loc: builtin definitions, usr: None)), Some(Cursor(size_t kind: TypedefDecl, loc: test.hpp:1:28, usr: None)), None DEBUG:libbindgen::ir::context: builtin_or_resolved_ty: Type(unsigned long long, kind: ULongLong, decl: Cursor( kind: NoDeclFound, loc: builtin definitions, usr: None), canon: Cursor( kind: NoDeclFound, loc: builtin definitions, usr: None)), Some(Cursor(size_t kind: TypedefDecl, loc: test.hpp:1:28, usr: None)), None DEBUG:libbindgen::ir::context: Not resolved, maybe builtin? DEBUG:libbindgen::ir::context: add_builtin_item: item = Item { id: ItemId(3), local_id: Cell { value: None }, next_child_local_id: Cell { value: 1 }, canonical_name_cache: RefCell { value: None }, comment: None, annotations: Annotations { opaque: false, hide: false, use_instead_of: None, disallow_copy: false, private_fields: None, accessor_kind: None }, parent_id: ItemId(0), kind: Type(Type { name: Some("unsigned long long"), layout: Some(Layout { size: 8, align: 8, packed: false }), kind: Int(ULongLong), is_const: false }) } DEBUG:libbindgen::ir::item: ItemId(3) already resolved: Some(Cursor(size_t kind: TypedefDecl, loc: test.hpp:1:28, usr: None)) DEBUG:libbindgen::ir::context: BindgenContext::add_item(Item { id: ItemId(1), local_id: Cell { value: None }, next_child_local_id: Cell { value: 1 }, canonical_name_cache: RefCell { value: None }, comment: None, annotations: Annotations { opaque: false, hide: false, use_instead_of: None, disallow_copy: false, private_fields: None, accessor_kind: None }, parent_id: ItemId(0), kind: Type(Type { name: Some("size_t"), layout: Some(Layout { size: 8, align: 8, packed: false }), kind: Alias("size_t", ItemId(3)), is_const: false }) }, declaration: Some(Cursor(size_t kind: TypedefDecl, loc: builtin definitions, usr: None)), loc: Some(Cursor(size_t kind: TypedefDecl, loc: test.hpp:1:28, usr: None)) ERROR:libbindgen::ir::context: Valid declaration with no USR: Cursor(size_t kind: TypedefDecl, loc: builtin definitions, usr: None), Some(Cursor(size_t kind: TypedefDecl, loc: test.hpp:1:28, usr: None)) DEBUG:libbindgen::ir::context: builtin_or_resolved_ty: Type(A, kind: Record, decl: Cursor(A kind: ClassDecl, loc: test.hpp:2:7, usr: Some("c:@S@A")), canon: Cursor(A kind: ClassDecl, loc: test.hpp:2:7, usr: Some("c:@S@A"))), Some(Cursor(A kind: ClassDecl, loc: test.hpp:2:7, usr: Some("c:@S@A"))), None DEBUG:libbindgen::ir::context: Not resolved, maybe builtin? DEBUG:libbindgen::ir::context: builtin_or_resolved_ty: Type(A, kind: Record, decl: Cursor(A kind: ClassDecl, loc: test.hpp:2:7, usr: Some("c:@S@A")), canon: Cursor(A kind: ClassDecl, loc: test.hpp:2:7, usr: Some("c:@S@A"))), Some(Cursor(A kind: ClassDecl, loc: test.hpp:2:7, usr: Some("c:@S@A"))), None DEBUG:libbindgen::ir::context: Not resolved, maybe builtin? DEBUG:libbindgen::ir::ty: from_clang_ty: ItemId(4), ty: Type(A, kind: Record, decl: Cursor(A kind: ClassDecl, loc: test.hpp:2:7, usr: Some("c:@S@A")), canon: Cursor(A kind: ClassDecl, loc: test.hpp:2:7, usr: Some("c:@S@A"))), loc: Some(Cursor(A kind: ClassDecl, loc: test.hpp:2:7, usr: Some("c:@S@A"))) DEBUG:libbindgen::ir::ty: currently_parsed_types: [(Cursor(A kind: ClassDecl, loc: test.hpp:2:7, usr: Some("c:@S@A")), ItemId(4))] DEBUG:libbindgen::ir::comp: CompInfo::from_ty(Struct, Cursor(A kind: ClassDecl, loc: test.hpp:2:7, usr: Some("c:@S@A"))) DEBUG:libbindgen::ir::item: from_ty_or_ref_with_id: ItemId(5) Type(const size_t, kind: Typedef, decl: Cursor(size_t kind: TypedefDecl, loc: test.hpp:1:28, usr: None), canon: Cursor(size_t kind: TypedefDecl, loc: builtin definitions, usr: None)), Some(Cursor(count kind: FieldDecl, loc: test.hpp:3:16, usr: Some("c:@S@A@FI@count"))), Some(ItemId(4)) DEBUG:libbindgen::ir::context: builtin_or_resolved_ty: Type(const size_t, kind: Typedef, decl: Cursor(size_t kind: TypedefDecl, loc: test.hpp:1:28, usr: None), canon: Cursor(size_t kind: TypedefDecl, loc: builtin definitions, usr: None)), Some(Cursor(count kind: FieldDecl, loc: test.hpp:3:16, usr: Some("c:@S@A@FI@count"))), Some(ItemId(4)) DEBUG:libbindgen::ir::context: Not resolved, maybe builtin? DEBUG:libbindgen::ir::item: New unresolved type reference: Type(const size_t, kind: Typedef, decl: Cursor(size_t kind: TypedefDecl, loc: test.hpp:1:28, usr: None), canon: Cursor(size_t kind: TypedefDecl, loc: builtin definitions, usr: None)), Some(Cursor(count kind: FieldDecl, loc: test.hpp:3:16, usr: Some("c:@S@A@FI@count"))) DEBUG:libbindgen::ir::context: BindgenContext::add_item(Item { id: ItemId(5), local_id: Cell { value: None }, next_child_local_id: Cell { value: 1 }, canonical_name_cache: RefCell { value: None }, comment: None, annotations: Annotations { opaque: false, hide: false, use_instead_of: None, disallow_copy: false, private_fields: None, accessor_kind: None }, parent_id: ItemId(4), kind: Type(Type { name: None, layout: None, kind: UnresolvedTypeRef(Type(const size_t, kind: Typedef, decl: Cursor(size_t kind: TypedefDecl, loc: test.hpp:1:28, usr: None), canon: Cursor(size_t kind: TypedefDecl, loc: builtin definitions, usr: None)), Some(Cursor(count kind: FieldDecl, loc: test.hpp:3:16, usr: Some("c:@S@A@FI@count"))), Some(ItemId(4))), is_const: true }) }, declaration: Some(Cursor( kind: InvalidFile, loc: builtin definitions, usr: None)), loc: None DEBUG:libbindgen::ir::context: Invalid declaration Cursor( kind: InvalidFile, loc: builtin definitions, usr: None) found for type Type { name: None, layout: None, kind: UnresolvedTypeRef(Type(const size_t, kind: Typedef, decl: Cursor(size_t kind: TypedefDecl, loc: test.hpp:1:28, usr: None), canon: Cursor(size_t kind: TypedefDecl, loc: builtin definitions, usr: None)), Some(Cursor(count kind: FieldDecl, loc: test.hpp:3:16, usr: Some("c:@S@A@FI@count"))), Some(ItemId(4))), is_const: true } DEBUG:libbindgen::ir::context: BindgenContext::add_item(Item { id: ItemId(4), local_id: Cell { value: None }, next_child_local_id: Cell { value: 1 }, canonical_name_cache: RefCell { value: None }, comment: None, annotations: Annotations { opaque: false, hide: false, use_instead_of: None, disallow_copy: false, private_fields: None, accessor_kind: None }, parent_id: ItemId(0), kind: Type(Type { name: Some("A"), layout: Some(Layout { size: 8, align: 8, packed: false }), kind: Comp(CompInfo { kind: Struct, fields: [Field { name: Some("count"), ty: ItemId(5), comment: None, annotations: Annotations { opaque: false, hide: false, use_instead_of: None, disallow_copy: false, private_fields: None, accessor_kind: None }, bitfield: None, mutable: false }], template_args: [], methods: [], base_members: [], ref_template: None, inner_types: [], inner_vars: [], has_vtable: false, has_destructor: false, has_nonempty_base: false, has_non_type_template_params: false, packed: false, is_anonymous: false, found_unknown_attr: false, detect_derive_debug_cycle: Cell { value: false }, detect_has_destructor_cycle: Cell { value: false } }), is_const: false }) }, declaration: Some(Cursor(A kind: ClassDecl, loc: test.hpp:2:7, usr: Some("c:@S@A"))), loc: Some(Cursor(A kind: ClassDecl, loc: test.hpp:2:7, usr: Some("c:@S@A"))) DEBUG:libbindgen::ir::context: builtin_or_resolved_ty: Type(const size_t, kind: Typedef, decl: Cursor(size_t kind: TypedefDecl, loc: test.hpp:1:28, usr: None), canon: Cursor(size_t kind: TypedefDecl, loc: builtin definitions, usr: None)), Some(Cursor(count kind: FieldDecl, loc: test.hpp:3:16, usr: Some("c:@S@A@FI@count"))), Some(ItemId(4)) DEBUG:libbindgen::ir::context: Not resolved, maybe builtin? DEBUG:libbindgen::ir::context: builtin_or_resolved_ty: Type(const size_t, kind: Typedef, decl: Cursor(size_t kind: TypedefDecl, loc: test.hpp:1:28, usr: None), canon: Cursor(size_t kind: TypedefDecl, loc: builtin definitions, usr: None)), Some(Cursor(count kind: FieldDecl, loc: test.hpp:3:16, usr: Some("c:@S@A@FI@count"))), Some(ItemId(4)) DEBUG:libbindgen::ir::context: Not resolved, maybe builtin? DEBUG:libbindgen::ir::ty: from_clang_ty: ItemId(6), ty: Type(const size_t, kind: Typedef, decl: Cursor(size_t kind: TypedefDecl, loc: test.hpp:1:28, usr: None), canon: Cursor(size_t kind: TypedefDecl, loc: builtin definitions, usr: None)), loc: Some(Cursor(count kind: FieldDecl, loc: test.hpp:3:16, usr: Some("c:@S@A@FI@count"))) DEBUG:libbindgen::ir::ty: currently_parsed_types: [(Cursor(size_t kind: TypedefDecl, loc: builtin definitions, usr: None), ItemId(6))] DEBUG:libbindgen::ir::item: from_ty_or_ref_with_id: ItemId(7) Type(unsigned long long, kind: ULongLong, decl: Cursor( kind: NoDeclFound, loc: builtin definitions, usr: None), canon: Cursor( kind: NoDeclFound, loc: builtin definitions, usr: None)), Some(Cursor(count kind: FieldDecl, loc: test.hpp:3:16, usr: Some("c:@S@A@FI@count"))), Some(ItemId(4)) DEBUG:libbindgen::ir::item: refs already collected, resolving directly DEBUG:libbindgen::ir::context: builtin_or_resolved_ty: Type(unsigned long long, kind: ULongLong, decl: Cursor( kind: NoDeclFound, loc: builtin definitions, usr: None), canon: Cursor( kind: NoDeclFound, loc: builtin definitions, usr: None)), Some(Cursor(count kind: FieldDecl, loc: test.hpp:3:16, usr: Some("c:@S@A@FI@count"))), Some(ItemId(4)) DEBUG:libbindgen::ir::context: Not resolved, maybe builtin? DEBUG:libbindgen::ir::context: add_builtin_item: item = Item { id: ItemId(8), local_id: Cell { value: None }, next_child_local_id: Cell { value: 1 }, canonical_name_cache: RefCell { value: None }, comment: None, annotations: Annotations { opaque: false, hide: false, use_instead_of: None, disallow_copy: false, private_fields: None, accessor_kind: None }, parent_id: ItemId(0), kind: Type(Type { name: Some("unsigned long long"), layout: Some(Layout { size: 8, align: 8, packed: false }), kind: Int(ULongLong), is_const: false }) } DEBUG:libbindgen::ir::context: BindgenContext::add_item(Item { id: ItemId(6), local_id: Cell { value: None }, next_child_local_id: Cell { value: 1 }, canonical_name_cache: RefCell { value: None }, comment: None, annotations: Annotations { opaque: false, hide: false, use_instead_of: None, disallow_copy: false, private_fields: None, accessor_kind: None }, parent_id: ItemId(4), kind: Type(Type { name: Some("size_t"), layout: Some(Layout { size: 8, align: 8, packed: false }), kind: Alias("const size_t", ItemId(8)), is_const: true }) }, declaration: Some(Cursor(size_t kind: TypedefDecl, loc: builtin definitions, usr: None)), loc: Some(Cursor(count kind: FieldDecl, loc: test.hpp:3:16, usr: Some("c:@S@A@FI@count"))) ERROR:libbindgen::ir::context: Valid declaration with no USR: Cursor(size_t kind: TypedefDecl, loc: builtin definitions, usr: None), Some(Cursor(count kind: FieldDecl, loc: test.hpp:3:16, usr: Some("c:@S@A@FI@count"))) DEBUG:libbindgen::ir::context: No replacements to process DEBUG:libbindgen::codegen: codegen: BindgenOptions { hidden_types: {}, opaque_types: {}, whitelisted_types: RegexSet { items: [] }, whitelisted_functions: RegexSet { items: [] }, whitelisted_vars: RegexSet { items: [] }, bitfield_enums: RegexSet { items: [] }, builtins: false, links: [], emit_ast: true, emit_ir: false, ignore_functions: false, ignore_methods: false, enable_cxx_namespaces: false, derive_debug: true, unstable_rust: true, use_core: false, ctypes_prefix: None, namespaced_constants: true, msvc_mangling: false, convert_floats: true, raw_lines: [], clang_args: ["test.hpp", "-std=c++14", "-isystem", "C:\\Program Files\\LLVM\\bin\\..\\lib\\clang\\3.9.0\\include", "-isystem", "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\\VC\\..\\DIA SDK\\include", "-isystem", "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\\VC\\INCLUDE", "-isystem", "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\\VC\\ATLMFC\\INCLUDE", "-isystem", "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\include\\10.0.14393.0\\ucrt", "-isystem", "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\NETFXSDK\\4.6.1\\include\\um", "-isystem", "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\include\\10.0.14393.0\\shared", "-isystem", "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\include\\10.0.14393.0\\um", "-isystem", "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Windows Kits\\10\\include\\10.0.14393.0\\winrt"], input_header: Some("test.hpp"), dummy_uses: None, type_chooser: None } DEBUG:libbindgen::ir::ty: ::collect_types: Ignoring: Int(ULongLong) DEBUG:libbindgen::ir::ty: ::collect_types: Ignoring: Int(ULongLong) DEBUG:libbindgen::codegen: ::codegen: self = Item { id: ItemId(0), local_id: Cell { value: None }, next_child_local_id: Cell { value: 1 }, canonical_name_cache: RefCell { value: None }, comment: None, annotations: Annotations { opaque: false, hide: false, use_instead_of: None, disallow_copy: false, private_fields: None, accessor_kind: None }, parent_id: ItemId(0), kind: Module(Module { name: Some("root"), children_ids: [ItemId(1), ItemId(4)] }) } DEBUG:libbindgen::codegen: ::codegen: self = Item { id: ItemId(1), local_id: Cell { value: None }, next_child_local_id: Cell { value: 1 }, canonical_name_cache: RefCell { value: None }, comment: None, annotations: Annotations { opaque: false, hide: false, use_instead_of: None, disallow_copy: false, private_fields: None, accessor_kind: None }, parent_id: ItemId(0), kind: Type(Type { name: Some("size_t"), layout: Some(Layout { size: 8, align: 8, packed: false }), kind: Alias("size_t", ItemId(3)), is_const: false }) } DEBUG:libbindgen::codegen: ::codegen: item = Item { id: ItemId(1), local_id: Cell { value: None }, next_child_local_id: Cell { value: 1 }, canonical_name_cache: RefCell { value: None }, comment: None, annotations: Annotations { opaque: false, hide: false, use_instead_of: None, disallow_copy: false, private_fields: None, accessor_kind: None }, parent_id: ItemId(0), kind: Type(Type { name: Some("size_t"), layout: Some(Layout { size: 8, align: 8, packed: false }), kind: Alias("size_t", ItemId(3)), is_const: false }) } DEBUG:libbindgen::codegen: ::codegen: self = Item { id: ItemId(3), local_id: Cell { value: None }, next_child_local_id: Cell { value: 1 }, canonical_name_cache: RefCell { value: Some("unsigned long long") }, comment: None, annotations: Annotations { opaque: false, hide: false, use_instead_of: None, disallow_copy: false, private_fields: None, accessor_kind: None }, parent_id: ItemId(0), kind: Type(Type { name: Some("unsigned long long"), layout: Some(Layout { size: 8, align: 8, packed: false }), kind: Int(ULongLong), is_const: false }) } DEBUG:libbindgen::codegen: ::codegen: item = Item { id: ItemId(3), local_id: Cell { value: None }, next_child_local_id: Cell { value: 1 }, canonical_name_cache: RefCell { value: Some("unsigned long long") }, comment: None, annotations: Annotations { opaque: false, hide: false, use_instead_of: None, disallow_copy: false, private_fields: None, accessor_kind: None }, parent_id: ItemId(0), kind: Type(Type { name: Some("unsigned long long"), layout: Some(Layout { size: 8, align: 8, packed: false }), kind: Int(ULongLong), is_const: false }) } DEBUG:libbindgen::codegen: ::codegen: self = Item { id: ItemId(4), local_id: Cell { value: None }, next_child_local_id: Cell { value: 1 }, canonical_name_cache: RefCell { value: Some("A") }, comment: None, annotations: Annotations { opaque: false, hide: false, use_instead_of: None, disallow_copy: false, private_fields: None, accessor_kind: None }, parent_id: ItemId(0), kind: Type(Type { name: Some("A"), layout: Some(Layout { size: 8, align: 8, packed: false }), kind: Comp(CompInfo { kind: Struct, fields: [Field { name: Some("count"), ty: ItemId(5), comment: None, annotations: Annotations { opaque: false, hide: false, use_instead_of: None, disallow_copy: false, private_fields: None, accessor_kind: None }, bitfield: None, mutable: false }], template_args: [], methods: [], base_members: [], ref_template: None, inner_types: [], inner_vars: [], has_vtable: false, has_destructor: false, has_nonempty_base: false, has_non_type_template_params: false, packed: false, is_anonymous: false, found_unknown_attr: false, detect_derive_debug_cycle: Cell { value: false }, detect_has_destructor_cycle: Cell { value: false } }), is_const: false }) } DEBUG:libbindgen::codegen: ::codegen: item = Item { id: ItemId(4), local_id: Cell { value: None }, next_child_local_id: Cell { value: 1 }, canonical_name_cache: RefCell { value: Some("A") }, comment: None, annotations: Annotations { opaque: false, hide: false, use_instead_of: None, disallow_copy: false, private_fields: None, accessor_kind: None }, parent_id: ItemId(0), kind: Type(Type { name: Some("A"), layout: Some(Layout { size: 8, align: 8, packed: false }), kind: Comp(CompInfo { kind: Struct, fields: [Field { name: Some("count"), ty: ItemId(5), comment: None, annotations: Annotations { opaque: false, hide: false, use_instead_of: None, disallow_copy: false, private_fields: None, accessor_kind: None }, bitfield: None, mutable: false }], template_args: [], methods: [], base_members: [], ref_template: None, inner_types: [], inner_vars: [], has_vtable: false, has_destructor: false, has_nonempty_base: false, has_non_type_template_params: false, packed: false, is_anonymous: false, found_unknown_attr: false, detect_derive_debug_cycle: Cell { value: false }, detect_has_destructor_cycle: Cell { value: false } }), is_const: false }) } DEBUG:libbindgen::codegen: ::codegen: item = Item { id: ItemId(4), local_id: Cell { value: None }, next_child_local_id: Cell { value: 1 }, canonical_name_cache: RefCell { value: Some("A") }, comment: None, annotations: Annotations { opaque: false, hide: false, use_instead_of: None, disallow_copy: false, private_fields: None, accessor_kind: None }, parent_id: ItemId(0), kind: Type(Type { name: Some("A"), layout: Some(Layout { size: 8, align: 8, packed: false }), kind: Comp(CompInfo { kind: Struct, fields: [Field { name: Some("count"), ty: ItemId(5), comment: None, annotations: Annotations { opaque: false, hide: false, use_instead_of: None, disallow_copy: false, private_fields: None, accessor_kind: None }, bitfield: None, mutable: false }], template_args: [], methods: [], base_members: [], ref_template: None, inner_types: [], inner_vars: [], has_vtable: false, has_destructor: false, has_nonempty_base: false, has_non_type_template_params: false, packed: false, is_anonymous: false, found_unknown_attr: false, detect_derive_debug_cycle: Cell { value: false }, detect_has_destructor_cycle: Cell { value: false } }), is_const: false }) } DEBUG:libbindgen::codegen: ::codegen: self = Item { id: ItemId(8), local_id: Cell { value: None }, next_child_local_id: Cell { value: 1 }, canonical_name_cache: RefCell { value: None }, comment: None, annotations: Annotations { opaque: false, hide: false, use_instead_of: None, disallow_copy: false, private_fields: None, accessor_kind: None }, parent_id: ItemId(0), kind: Type(Type { name: Some("unsigned long long"), layout: Some(Layout { size: 8, align: 8, packed: false }), kind: Int(ULongLong), is_const: false }) } DEBUG:libbindgen::codegen: ::codegen: item = Item { id: ItemId(8), local_id: Cell { value: None }, next_child_local_id: Cell { value: 1 }, canonical_name_cache: RefCell { value: None }, comment: None, annotations: Annotations { opaque: false, hide: false, use_instead_of: None, disallow_copy: false, private_fields: None, accessor_kind: None }, parent_id: ItemId(0), kind: Type(Type { name: Some("unsigned long long"), layout: Some(Layout { size: 8, align: 8, packed: false }), kind: Int(ULongLong), is_const: false }) } /* automatically generated by rust-bindgen */ #[repr(C)] #[derive(Debug, Copy)] pub struct A { pub count: A_size_t, } #[test] fn bindgen_test_layout_A() { assert_eq!(::std::mem::size_of::() , 8usize); assert_eq!(::std::mem::align_of::() , 8usize); } impl Clone for A { fn clone(&self) -> Self { *self } }