 * Copyright (c) 2015-present, Facebook, Inc.
 * All rights reserved.
 * This source code is licensed under the BSD+Patents license found in the
 * LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.

// -*- c++ -*-

#include "ProductQuantizer.h"

#include <cstddef>
#include <cstring>
#include <cstdio>

#include <algorithm>

#include "FaissAssert.h"
#include "VectorTransform.h"
#include "IndexFlat.h"
#include "utils.h"

extern "C" {

/* declare BLAS functions, see http://www.netlib.org/clapack/cblas/ */

int sgemm_ (const char *transa, const char *transb, FINTEGER *m, FINTEGER *
            n, FINTEGER *k, const float *alpha, const float *a,
            FINTEGER *lda, const float *b, FINTEGER *
            ldb, float *beta, float *c, FINTEGER *ldc);


namespace faiss {

/* compute an estimator using look-up tables for typical values of M */
template <typename CT, class C>
void pq_estimators_from_tables_Mmul4 (int M, const CT * codes,
                                      size_t ncodes,
                                      const float * __restrict dis_table,
                                      size_t ksub,
                                      size_t k,
                                      float * heap_dis,
                                      long * heap_ids)

    for (size_t j = 0; j < ncodes; j++) {
        float dis = 0;
        const float *dt = dis_table;

        for (size_t m = 0; m < M; m+=4) {
            float dism = 0;
            dism  = dt[*codes++]; dt += ksub;
            dism += dt[*codes++]; dt += ksub;
            dism += dt[*codes++]; dt += ksub;
            dism += dt[*codes++]; dt += ksub;
            dis += dism;

        if (C::cmp (heap_dis[0], dis)) {
            heap_pop<C> (k, heap_dis, heap_ids);
            heap_push<C> (k, heap_dis, heap_ids, dis, j);

template <typename CT, class C>
void pq_estimators_from_tables_M4 (const CT * codes,
                                   size_t ncodes,
                                   const float * __restrict dis_table,
                                   size_t ksub,
                                   size_t k,
                                   float * heap_dis,
                                   long * heap_ids)

    for (size_t j = 0; j < ncodes; j++) {
        float dis = 0;
        const float *dt = dis_table;
        dis  = dt[*codes++]; dt += ksub;
        dis += dt[*codes++]; dt += ksub;
        dis += dt[*codes++]; dt += ksub;
        dis += dt[*codes++];

        if (C::cmp (heap_dis[0], dis)) {
            heap_pop<C> (k, heap_dis, heap_ids);
            heap_push<C> (k, heap_dis, heap_ids, dis, j);

template <typename CT, class C>
static inline void pq_estimators_from_tables (const ProductQuantizer * pq,
                                              const CT * codes,
                                              size_t ncodes,
                                              const float * dis_table,
                                              size_t k,
                                              float * heap_dis,
                                              long * heap_ids)

    if (pq->M == 4)  {

        pq_estimators_from_tables_M4<CT, C> (codes, ncodes,
                                         dis_table, pq->ksub, k,
                                         heap_dis, heap_ids);

    if (pq->M % 4 == 0) {
        pq_estimators_from_tables_Mmul4<CT, C> (pq->M, codes, ncodes,
                                            dis_table, pq->ksub, k,
                                            heap_dis, heap_ids);

    /* Default is relatively slow */
    const size_t M = pq->M;
    const size_t ksub = pq->ksub;
    for (size_t j = 0; j < ncodes; j++) {
        float dis = 0;
        const float * __restrict dt = dis_table;
        for (int m = 0; m < M; m++) {
            dis += dt[*codes++];
            dt += ksub;
        if (C::cmp (heap_dis[0], dis)) {
            heap_pop<C> (k, heap_dis, heap_ids);
            heap_push<C> (k, heap_dis, heap_ids, dis, j);

 * PQ implementation

ProductQuantizer::ProductQuantizer (size_t d, size_t M, size_t nbits):
    d(d), M(M), nbits(nbits), assign_index(nullptr)
    set_derived_values ();

ProductQuantizer::ProductQuantizer ():
    d(0), M(1), nbits(0), assign_index(nullptr)
    set_derived_values ();

void ProductQuantizer::set_derived_values () {
    // quite a few derived values
    FAISS_THROW_IF_NOT (d % M == 0);
    dsub = d / M;
    byte_per_idx = (nbits + 7) / 8;
    code_size = byte_per_idx * M;
    ksub = 1 << nbits;
    centroids.resize (d * ksub);
    verbose = false;
    train_type = Train_default;

void ProductQuantizer::set_params (const float * centroids_, int m)
  memcpy (get_centroids(m, 0), centroids_,
            ksub * dsub * sizeof (centroids_[0]));

static void init_hypercube (int d, int nbits,
                            int n, const float * x,
                            float *centroids)

    std::vector<float> mean (d);
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
        for (int j = 0; j < d; j++)
            mean [j] += x[i * d + j];

    float maxm = 0;
    for (int j = 0; j < d; j++) {
        mean [j] /= n;
        if (fabs(mean[j]) > maxm) maxm = fabs(mean[j]);

    for (int i = 0; i < (1 << nbits); i++) {
        float * cent = centroids + i * d;
        for (int j = 0; j < nbits; j++)
            cent[j] = mean [j] + (((i >> j) & 1) ? 1 : -1) * maxm;
        for (int j = nbits; j < d; j++)
            cent[j] = mean [j];


static void init_hypercube_pca (int d, int nbits,
                                int n, const float * x,
                                float *centroids)
    PCAMatrix pca (d, nbits);
    pca.train (n, x);

    for (int i = 0; i < (1 << nbits); i++) {
        float * cent = centroids + i * d;
        for (int j = 0; j < d; j++) {
            cent[j] = pca.mean[j];
            float f = 1.0;
            for (int k = 0; k < nbits; k++)
                cent[j] += f *
                    sqrt (pca.eigenvalues [k]) *
                    (((i >> k) & 1) ? 1 : -1) *
                    pca.PCAMat [j + k * d];


void ProductQuantizer::train (int n, const float * x)
    if (train_type != Train_shared) {
        train_type_t final_train_type;
        final_train_type = train_type;
        if (train_type == Train_hypercube ||
            train_type == Train_hypercube_pca) {
            if (dsub < nbits) {
                final_train_type = Train_default;
                printf ("cannot train hypercube: nbits=%ld > log2(d=%ld)\n",
                        nbits, dsub);

        float * xslice = new float[n * dsub];
        ScopeDeleter<float> del (xslice);
        for (int m = 0; m < M; m++) {
            for (int j = 0; j < n; j++)
                memcpy (xslice + j * dsub,
                        x + j * d + m * dsub,
                        dsub * sizeof(float));

            Clustering clus (dsub, ksub, cp);

            // we have some initialization for the centroids
            if (final_train_type != Train_default) {
                clus.centroids.resize (dsub * ksub);

            switch (final_train_type) {
            case Train_hypercube:
                init_hypercube (dsub, nbits, n, xslice,
                                clus.centroids.data ());
            case  Train_hypercube_pca:
                init_hypercube_pca (dsub, nbits, n, xslice,
                                    clus.centroids.data ());
            case  Train_hot_start:
                memcpy (clus.centroids.data(),
                        get_centroids (m, 0),
                        dsub * ksub * sizeof (float));
            default: ;

            if(verbose) {
                clus.verbose = true;
                printf ("Training PQ slice %d/%zd\n", m, M);
            IndexFlatL2 index (dsub);
            clus.train (n, xslice, assign_index ? *assign_index : index);
            set_params (clus.centroids.data(), m);

    } else {

        Clustering clus (dsub, ksub, cp);

        if(verbose) {
            clus.verbose = true;
            printf ("Training all PQ slices at once\n");

        IndexFlatL2 index (dsub);

        clus.train (n * M, x, assign_index ? *assign_index : index);
        for (int m = 0; m < M; m++) {
            set_params (clus.centroids.data(), m);


void ProductQuantizer::compute_code (const float * x, uint8_t * code)  const
    float distances [ksub];
    for (size_t m = 0; m < M; m++) {
        float mindis = 1e20;
        int idxm = -1;
        const float * xsub = x + m * dsub;

        fvec_L2sqr_ny (distances, xsub, get_centroids(m, 0), dsub, ksub);

        /* Find best centroid */
        size_t i;
        for (i = 0; i < ksub; i++) {
            float dis = distances [i];
            if (dis < mindis) {
                mindis = dis;
                idxm = i;
        switch (byte_per_idx) {
          case 1:  code[m] = (uint8_t) idxm;  break;
          case 2:  ((uint16_t *) code)[m] = (uint16_t) idxm;  break;


void ProductQuantizer::decode (const uint8_t *code, float *x) const
    if (byte_per_idx == 1) {
        for (size_t m = 0; m < M; m++) {
            memcpy (x + m * dsub, get_centroids(m, code[m]),
                    sizeof(float) * dsub);
    } else {
        const uint16_t *c = (const uint16_t*) code;
        for (size_t m = 0; m < M; m++) {
            memcpy (x + m * dsub, get_centroids(m, c[m]),
                    sizeof(float) * dsub);

void ProductQuantizer::decode (const uint8_t *code, float *x, size_t n) const
    for (size_t i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        this->decode (code + code_size * i, x + d * i);

void ProductQuantizer::compute_code_from_distance_table (const float *tab,
                                                         uint8_t *code) const
    for (size_t m = 0; m < M; m++) {
        float mindis = 1e20;
        int idxm = -1;

        /* Find best centroid */
        for (size_t j = 0; j < ksub; j++) {
            float dis = *tab++;
            if (dis < mindis) {
                mindis = dis;
                idxm = j;
        switch (byte_per_idx) {
        case 1:  code[m] = (uint8_t) idxm;  break;
        case 2:  ((uint16_t *) code)[m] = (uint16_t) idxm;  break;

void ProductQuantizer::compute_codes (const float * x,
                                      uint8_t * codes,
                                      size_t n)  const
    if (dsub < 16) { // simple direct computation

#pragma omp parallel for
        for (size_t i = 0; i < n; i++)
            compute_code (x + i * d, codes + i * code_size);

    } else { // worthwile to use BLAS
        float *dis_tables = new float [n * ksub * M];
        ScopeDeleter<float> del (dis_tables);
        compute_distance_tables (n, x, dis_tables);

#pragma omp parallel for
        for (size_t i = 0; i < n; i++) {
            uint8_t * code = codes + i * code_size;
            const float * tab = dis_tables + i * ksub * M;
            compute_code_from_distance_table (tab, code);

void ProductQuantizer::compute_distance_table (const float * x,
                                               float * dis_table) const
    size_t m;

    for (m = 0; m < M; m++) {
        fvec_L2sqr_ny (dis_table + m * ksub,
                       x + m * dsub,
                       get_centroids(m, 0),

void ProductQuantizer::compute_inner_prod_table (const float * x,
                                                 float * dis_table) const
    size_t m;

    for (m = 0; m < M; m++) {
        fvec_inner_products_ny (dis_table + m * ksub,
                                x + m * dsub,
                                get_centroids(m, 0),

void ProductQuantizer::compute_distance_tables (
           size_t nx,
           const float * x,
           float * dis_tables) const

    if (dsub < 16) {

#pragma omp parallel for
        for (size_t i = 0; i < nx; i++) {
            compute_distance_table (x + i * d, dis_tables + i * ksub * M);

    } else { // use BLAS

        for (int m = 0; m < M; m++) {
            pairwise_L2sqr (dsub,
                            nx, x + dsub * m,
                            ksub, centroids.data() + m * dsub * ksub,
                            dis_tables + ksub * m,
                            d, dsub, ksub * M);

void ProductQuantizer::compute_inner_prod_tables (
           size_t nx,
           const float * x,
           float * dis_tables) const

    if (dsub < 16) {

#pragma omp parallel for
        for (size_t i = 0; i < nx; i++) {
            compute_inner_prod_table (x + i * d, dis_tables + i * ksub * M);

    } else { // use BLAS

        // compute distance tables
        for (int m = 0; m < M; m++) {
            FINTEGER ldc = ksub * M, nxi = nx, ksubi = ksub,
                dsubi = dsub, di = d;
            float one = 1.0, zero = 0;

            sgemm_ ("Transposed", "Not transposed",
                    &ksubi, &nxi, &dsubi,
                    &one, &centroids [m * dsub * ksub], &dsubi,
                    x + dsub * m, &di,
                    &zero, dis_tables + ksub * m, &ldc);


template <typename CT, class C>
static void pq_knn_search_with_tables (
      const ProductQuantizer * pq,
      const float *dis_tables,
      const uint8_t * codes,
      const size_t ncodes,
      HeapArray<C> * res,
      bool init_finalize_heap)
    size_t k = res->k, nx = res->nh;
    size_t ksub = pq->ksub, M = pq->M;

#pragma omp parallel for
    for (size_t i = 0; i < nx; i++) {
        /* query preparation for asymmetric search: compute look-up tables */
        const float* dis_table = dis_tables + i * ksub * M;

        /* Compute distances and keep smallest values */
        long * __restrict heap_ids = res->ids + i * k;
        float * __restrict heap_dis = res->val + i * k;

        if (init_finalize_heap) {
            heap_heapify<C> (k, heap_dis, heap_ids);

        pq_estimators_from_tables<CT, C> (pq,
                                          (CT*)codes, ncodes,
                                          k, heap_dis, heap_ids);
        if (init_finalize_heap) {
            heap_reorder<C> (k, heap_dis, heap_ids);

static inline void pq_estimators_from_tables (const ProductQuantizer * pq,
                                              const CT * codes,
                                              size_t ncodes,
                                              const float * dis_table,
                                              size_t k,
                                              float * heap_dis,
                                              long * heap_ids)
void ProductQuantizer::search (const float * __restrict x,
                               size_t nx,
                               const uint8_t * codes,
                               const size_t ncodes,
                               float_maxheap_array_t * res,
                               bool init_finalize_heap) const
    FAISS_THROW_IF_NOT (nx == res->nh);
    float * dis_tables = new float [nx * ksub * M];
    ScopeDeleter<float> del(dis_tables);
    compute_distance_tables (nx, x, dis_tables);

    if (byte_per_idx == 1) {

        pq_knn_search_with_tables<uint8_t, CMax<float, long> > (
             this, dis_tables, codes, ncodes, res, init_finalize_heap);

    } else if (byte_per_idx == 2) {
        pq_knn_search_with_tables<uint16_t, CMax<float, long> > (
             this, dis_tables, codes, ncodes, res, init_finalize_heap);



void ProductQuantizer::search_ip (const float * __restrict x,
                               size_t nx,
                               const uint8_t * codes,
                               const size_t ncodes,
                               float_minheap_array_t * res,
                               bool init_finalize_heap) const
    FAISS_THROW_IF_NOT (nx == res->nh);
    float * dis_tables = new float [nx * ksub * M];
    ScopeDeleter<float> del(dis_tables);
    compute_inner_prod_tables (nx, x, dis_tables);

    if (byte_per_idx == 1) {

        pq_knn_search_with_tables<uint8_t, CMin<float, long> > (
             this, dis_tables, codes, ncodes, res, init_finalize_heap);

    } else if (byte_per_idx == 2) {
        pq_knn_search_with_tables<uint16_t, CMin<float, long> > (
             this, dis_tables, codes, ncodes, res, init_finalize_heap);


static float sqr (float x) {
    return x * x;

void ProductQuantizer::compute_sdc_table ()
    sdc_table.resize (M * ksub * ksub);

    for (int m = 0; m < M; m++) {

        const float *cents = centroids.data() + m * ksub * dsub;
        float * dis_tab = sdc_table.data() + m * ksub * ksub;

        // TODO optimize with BLAS
        for (int i = 0; i < ksub; i++) {
            const float *centi = cents + i * dsub;
            for (int j = 0; j < ksub; j++) {
                float accu = 0;
                const float *centj = cents + j * dsub;
                for (int k = 0; k < dsub; k++)
                    accu += sqr (centi[k] - centj[k]);
                dis_tab [i + j * ksub] = accu;

void ProductQuantizer::search_sdc (const uint8_t * qcodes,
                     size_t nq,
                     const uint8_t * bcodes,
                     const size_t nb,
                     float_maxheap_array_t * res,
                     bool init_finalize_heap) const
    FAISS_THROW_IF_NOT (sdc_table.size() == M * ksub * ksub);
    FAISS_THROW_IF_NOT (byte_per_idx == 1);
    size_t k = res->k;

#pragma omp parallel for
    for (size_t i = 0; i < nq; i++) {

        /* Compute distances and keep smallest values */
        long * heap_ids = res->ids + i * k;
        float *  heap_dis = res->val + i * k;
        const uint8_t * qcode = qcodes + i * code_size;

        if (init_finalize_heap)
            maxheap_heapify (k, heap_dis, heap_ids);

        const uint8_t * bcode = bcodes;
        for (size_t j = 0; j < nb; j++) {
            float dis = 0;
            const float * tab = sdc_table.data();
            for (int m = 0; m < M; m++) {
                dis += tab[bcode[m] + qcode[m] * ksub];
                tab += ksub * ksub;
            if (dis < heap_dis[0]) {
                maxheap_pop (k, heap_dis, heap_ids);
                maxheap_push (k, heap_dis, heap_ids, dis, j);
            bcode += code_size;

        if (init_finalize_heap)
            maxheap_reorder (k, heap_dis, heap_ids);


} // namespace faiss