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Implementation Details

This is a keras-Tensorflow bases minimilistic implementation of the RL algorithm PPO (Proximal Policy Optimization) on:

 a.)Atari games - Breakout and Pong 
 b.)Nintendo - SuperMarioBros 
 c.)Classic control Environment LunarLander.


1.) The atari games use the no-frameskip environment and implement frameskipping manually. All the frame skipping techniquies used by openai have been implemented minimilistically: (step function)

a.) non -sticky action : repeating the same action for a set of four frames b. sticky-action : repating the same action for last three of the four frames while chossing the previous action for the first frame with a probability of 0.25 c.) the pixel wise maximum is taken for the last two frames to prevent the dissaperance of ball due to flickering

2.)Advangge calculation: (GAE_and_Targetvalues function)

   a.) GAE(generalized advantage estimate) is calculated using forward view bootstrapping with different optimum forward steps for different games
   b.)As a substitute to calculating GAE using masking I update the model at the end of each 'Life' in the game or after a fix number of time_steps(Horizon
   c.) Contrary to other imlementations I found  that normalization stableizes the training but slows it down a lot. Hence for games time-independent and scarce rewards its        better to not normalize GAE returns.Hence normalization of GAE values is used in time-dpendent reward environments of LunarLander and SuperMarioBros and its not used in        Atari environments of Pong and Breakout

4.)Soft-Update of old network:

The weights of the network providing the old policy undergo soft update with alpha= 0.1

5.)Customization of rewards:

 a.)Breakout: additonal reward of -1 is given for dropping the ball , this as boosted the initial stages of training significantly
 b.)SuperMarioBros: additional reward of +1 for collecting coins are added linerally to the total reward to promote more exploration and coin collection
 c.)LunarLander: crash landing is penalized by a reward of -5 , this has significantly imporved the later stages of training ie: the soft landing

6.)Customization of action_space:

  a.)Breakout and Pong : action     meaning
                          0           fire/none
                          1           right
                          2           left
  b.)SupeMarioBros :    action     meaning
                          0           none
                          1           right    
                          2           right A
                          3           right B
                          4           right A B
                          5           A
                          6           left
  c.)LunarLander        action     meaning
                           0         None
                           1         Fire
                           2         Left
                           3         Right


Frame-skipping :




 1.) tensorflow-gpu-1.14
 2.) python3
 3.) openai-gym
 4.) gym-super-mario-bros-7.3.2


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