diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 1da313180..1186a0bdc 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -3622,6 +3622,59 @@ resource cleanup when possible.
Prefer `public_send` over `send` so as not to circumvent `private`/`protected` visibility.
+ ```ruby
+ # We have an ActiveModel Organization that includes concern Activatable
+ module Activatable
+ extend ActiveSupport::Concern
+ included do
+ before_create :create_token
+ end
+ private
+ def reset_token
+ ...
+ end
+ def create_token
+ ...
+ end
+ def activate!
+ ...
+ end
+ end
+ class Organization < ActiveRecord::Base
+ include Activatable
+ end
+ linux_organization = Organization.find(...)
+ # BAD - violates privacy
+ linux_organization.send(:reset_token)
+ # GOOD - should throw an exception
+ linux_organization.public_send(:reset_token)
+ ```
+ Prefer `__send__` over `send`, as `send` may overlap with existing methods.
+ ```ruby
+ require 'socket'
+ u1 = UDPSocket.new
+ u1.bind('', 4913)
+ u2 = UDPSocket.new
+ u2.connect('', 4913)
+ # Won't send a message to the receiver obj.
+ # Instead it will send a message via UDP socket.
+ u2.send :sleep, 0
+ # Will actually send a message to the receiver obj.
+ u2.__send__ ...
+ ```
## Misc