Parcel is easy package management using a file server and path conventions, with built in support for Amazon S3. It is designed to encode package metadata, including name, version and OS within a path. The conventions allow this metadata to be queried, without the need for a database.
$ npm install parcel -g
Install for development:
$ git clone
$ cd parcel
$ npm link
To publish a package, invoke the command:
$ parcel publish repo.json MyApp-v1.0.1.dmg -p macosx.json
The first argument is a file containing repository configuration. An example
for an S3 repository would look like:
"url": "s3://",
"pattern": ":name/:os/:version/:filename",
contains the url of the S3 repository, and pattern
declares the path
conventions in use. Properties of the package will be substitued into this
pattern when uploading the package.
Parcel can infer many properties of the package. The optional -p
allows properties to be declared explicitly.
"name": "my-app",
"os": "macosx",
"pattern": "MyApp-v:version.dmg"
Once packages are published, they can be queried:
$ parcel query repo.json my-app
$ parcel query repo.json my-app@1.0.1
The command line interface is built on top of an API. Parcel can be required as a module, and this API can be used programmatically.
- kerouac-parcel-appcast — generate appcasts from package repositories
$ npm install
$ make test
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