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block2 = AdvSimd.LoadVector128(pInputBuffer + processedLength + localasciirun + 16); + Vector128 block3 = AdvSimd.LoadVector128(pInputBuffer + processedLength + localasciirun + 32); + Vector128 block4 = AdvSimd.LoadVector128(pInputBuffer + processedLength + localasciirun + 48); + Vector128 or = AdvSimd.Or(AdvSimd.Or(block1, block2), AdvSimd.Or(block3, block4)); + if (AdvSimd.Arm64.MaxAcross(or).ToScalar() > 127) + { + break; + } + } + processedLength += localasciirun - 16; + } + asciibytes -= localasciirun; + } else { @@ -1127,8 +1146,8 @@ private unsafe static (int utfadjust, int scalaradjust) calculateErrorPathadjust byte n4add = (byte)AdvSimd.Arm64.AddAcross(largerthan0f).ToScalar(); int negn4add = (int)(byte)-n4add; n4 += negn4add; + asciibytes -= (sbyte)AdvSimd.Arm64.AddAcross(AdvSimd.CompareLessThan(currentBlock, v80)).ToScalar(); } - asciibytes -= (sbyte)AdvSimd.Arm64.AddAcross(AdvSimd.CompareLessThan(currentBlock, v80)).ToScalar(); } // We may still have an error. From 9f2f80f5723244e0d64cab59954004b700496943 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Daniel Lemire Date: Wed, 19 Jun 2024 15:20:38 -0400 Subject: [PATCH 2/8] add twitter result to README --- | 1 + 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+) diff --git a/ b/ index c0a7709..87f2d02 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -109,6 +109,7 @@ faster than the standard library. | data set | SimdUnicode speed (GB/s) | .NET speed (GB/s) | |:----------------|:-----------|:--------------------------| +| Twitter.json | 23 | 14 | | Arabic-Lipsum | 6.7 | 3.5 | | Chinese-Lipsum | 6.7 | 4.8 | | Emoji-Lipsum | 6.7 | 2.5 | From ce392430151e7d066a87c9f78988a4c3c4fcf95a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Daniel Lemire Date: Wed, 19 Jun 2024 15:56:12 -0400 Subject: [PATCH 3/8] added sse and avx results --- | 23 ++++++++++- benchmark/Benchmark.cs | 32 +++++++++++++--- src/UTF8.cs | 76 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------- test/UTF8ValidationTests.cs | 13 ++++--- 4 files changed, 115 insertions(+), 29 deletions(-) diff --git a/ b/ index 87f2d02..0e59572 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -100,7 +100,28 @@ sudo dotnet run -c Release ## Results (x64) -To be completed. +On x64 system, we offer several functions: a fallback function for legacy systems, +a SSE42 function for older CPUs, an AVX2 function for current x64 systems, and an +AVX-512 function for the most recent systems (AMD Zen 4, Intel Ice lake, etc.). + +On an Intel Ice Lake system, our validation function is up to several times +faster than the standard library when using at least the AVX2 routines. Only on pure +ASCII inputs (Latin-Lipsum) is the standard library seemingly faster, but all functions +are effectively at "memory speed" so the difference is likely practically not significant. +A more realistic input is Twitter.json which is mostly ASCII with some Unicode content. + +| data set | SimdUnicode SSE42 (GB/s) | SimdUnicode AVX2 (GB/s) | .NET speed (GB/s) | +|:----------------|:-------------------------|:------------------------|-------------------| +| Twitter.json | 15 | 24 | 12 | +| Arabic-Lipsum | 4.5 | 6.2 | 2.3 | +| Chinese-Lipsum | 4.5 | 8.1 | 3.9 | +| Emoji-Lipsum | 4.3 | 7.1 | 0.9 | +| Hebrew-Lipsum | 4.5 | 8.0 | 2.3 | +| Hindi-Lipsum | 4.3 | 8.0 | 2.1 | +| Japanese-Lipsum | 4.5 | 8.0  | 3.5 | +| Korean-Lipsum | 4.5 | 8.0 | 1.3 | +| Latin-Lipsum | 50 | 76 | 96 | +| Russian-Lipsum | 4.3 | 8.0 | 1.2 | ## Results (ARM) diff --git a/benchmark/Benchmark.cs b/benchmark/Benchmark.cs index 51e7dbb..f5552ee 100644 --- a/benchmark/Benchmark.cs +++ b/benchmark/Benchmark.cs @@ -62,6 +62,8 @@ public string GetValue(Summary summary, BenchmarkCase benchmarkCase) [Config(typeof(Config))] public class RealDataBenchmark { + // We only informs the user once about the SIMD support of the system. + private static bool printed = false; #pragma warning disable CA1812 private sealed class Config : ManualConfig { @@ -72,8 +74,12 @@ public Config() if (RuntimeInformation.ProcessArchitecture == Architecture.Arm64) { + if (!printed) + { #pragma warning disable CA1303 - Console.WriteLine("ARM64 system detected."); + Console.WriteLine("ARM64 system detected."); + printed = true; + } AddFilter(new AnyCategoriesFilter(["arm64", "scalar", "runtime"])); } @@ -81,26 +87,42 @@ public Config() { if (Vector512.IsHardwareAccelerated && System.Runtime.Intrinsics.X86.Avx512Vbmi.IsSupported) { + if (!printed) + { #pragma warning disable CA1303 - Console.WriteLine("X64 system detected (Intel, AMD,...) with AVX-512 support."); + Console.WriteLine("X64 system detected (Intel, AMD,...) with AVX-512 support."); + printed = true; + } AddFilter(new AnyCategoriesFilter(["avx512", "avx", "sse", "scalar", "runtime"])); } else if (Avx2.IsSupported) { + if (!printed) + { #pragma warning disable CA1303 - Console.WriteLine("X64 system detected (Intel, AMD,...) with AVX2 support."); + Console.WriteLine("X64 system detected (Intel, AMD,...) with AVX2 support."); + printed = true; + } AddFilter(new AnyCategoriesFilter(["avx", "sse", "scalar", "runtime"])); } else if (Ssse3.IsSupported) { + if (!printed) + { #pragma warning disable CA1303 - Console.WriteLine("X64 system detected (Intel, AMD,...) with Sse4.2 support."); + Console.WriteLine("X64 system detected (Intel, AMD,...) with Sse4.2 support."); + printed = true; + } AddFilter(new AnyCategoriesFilter(["sse", "scalar", "runtime"])); } else { + if (!printed) + { #pragma warning disable CA1303 - Console.WriteLine("X64 system detected (Intel, AMD,...) without relevant SIMD support."); + Console.WriteLine("X64 system detected (Intel, AMD,...) without relevant SIMD support."); + printed = true; + } AddFilter(new AnyCategoriesFilter(["scalar", "runtime"])); } } diff --git a/src/UTF8.cs b/src/UTF8.cs index 6d02eb4..d2e0fa1 100644 --- a/src/UTF8.cs +++ b/src/UTF8.cs @@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ public static class UTF8 }*/ if (Ssse3.IsSupported) { - return GetPointerToFirstInvalidByteSse(pInputBuffer, inputLength,out Utf16CodeUnitCountAdjustment, out ScalarCodeUnitCountAdjustment); + return GetPointerToFirstInvalidByteSse(pInputBuffer, inputLength, out Utf16CodeUnitCountAdjustment, out ScalarCodeUnitCountAdjustment); } return GetPointerToFirstInvalidByteScalar(pInputBuffer, inputLength, out Utf16CodeUnitCountAdjustment, out ScalarCodeUnitCountAdjustment); @@ -486,10 +486,10 @@ private unsafe static (int utfadjust, int scalaradjust) calculateErrorPathadjust int asciirun = 0; for (; asciirun + 64 <= inputLength; asciirun += 64) { - Vector128 block1 = Avx.LoadVector128(pInputBuffer + asciirun); - Vector128 block2 = Avx.LoadVector128(pInputBuffer + asciirun + 16); - Vector128 block3 = Avx.LoadVector128(pInputBuffer + asciirun + 32); - Vector128 block4 = Avx.LoadVector128(pInputBuffer + asciirun + 48); + Vector128 block1 = Sse2.LoadVector128(pInputBuffer + asciirun); + Vector128 block2 = Sse2.LoadVector128(pInputBuffer + asciirun + 16); + Vector128 block3 = Sse2.LoadVector128(pInputBuffer + asciirun + 32); + Vector128 block4 = Sse2.LoadVector128(pInputBuffer + asciirun + 48); Vector128 or = Sse2.Or(Sse2.Or(block1, block2), Sse2.Or(block3, block4)); if (Sse2.MoveMask(or) != 0) @@ -582,7 +582,7 @@ private unsafe static (int utfadjust, int scalaradjust) calculateErrorPathadjust for (; processedLength + 16 <= inputLength; processedLength += 16) { - Vector128 currentBlock = Avx.LoadVector128(pInputBuffer + processedLength); + Vector128 currentBlock = Sse2.LoadVector128(pInputBuffer + processedLength); int mask = Sse42.MoveMask(currentBlock); if (mask == 0) { @@ -608,6 +608,27 @@ private unsafe static (int utfadjust, int scalaradjust) calculateErrorPathadjust return invalidBytePointer; } prevIncomplete = Vector128.Zero; + + // Often, we have a lot of ASCII characters in a row. + int localasciirun = 16; + if (processedLength + localasciirun + 64 <= inputLength) + { + for (; processedLength + localasciirun + 64 <= inputLength; localasciirun += 64) + { + Vector128 block1 = Sse2.LoadVector128(pInputBuffer + processedLength + localasciirun); + Vector128 block2 = Sse2.LoadVector128(pInputBuffer + processedLength + localasciirun + 16); + Vector128 block3 = Sse2.LoadVector128(pInputBuffer + processedLength + localasciirun + 32); + Vector128 block4 = Sse2.LoadVector128(pInputBuffer + processedLength + localasciirun + 48); + + Vector128 or = Sse2.Or(Sse2.Or(block1, block2), Sse2.Or(block3, block4)); + if (Sse2.MoveMask(or) != 0) + { + break; + } + } + processedLength += localasciirun - 16; + } + asciibytes += localasciirun; } else // Contains non-ASCII characters, we need to do non-trivial processing { @@ -654,16 +675,16 @@ private unsafe static (int utfadjust, int scalaradjust) calculateErrorPathadjust } prevIncomplete = Sse3.SubtractSaturate(currentBlock, maxValue); - + contbytes += (int)Popcnt.PopCount((uint)Sse42.MoveMask(byte_2_high)); // We use two instructions (SubtractSaturate and MoveMask) to update n4, with one arithmetic operation. n4 += (int)Popcnt.PopCount((uint)Sse42.MoveMask(Sse42.SubtractSaturate(currentBlock, fourthByte))); + // important: we just update asciibytes if there was no error. + // We count the number of ascii bytes in the block using just some simple arithmetic + // and no expensive operation: + asciibytes += (int)(16 - Popcnt.PopCount((uint)mask)); } - // important: we just update asciibytes if there was no error. - // We count the number of ascii bytes in the block using just some simple arithmetic - // and no expensive operation: - asciibytes += (int)(16 - Popcnt.PopCount((uint)mask)); } @@ -868,6 +889,27 @@ private unsafe static (int utfadjust, int scalaradjust) calculateErrorPathadjust return invalidBytePointer; } prevIncomplete = Vector256.Zero; + + // Often, we have a lot of ASCII characters in a row. + int localasciirun = 32; + if (processedLength + localasciirun + 64 <= inputLength) + { + for (; processedLength + localasciirun + 64 <= inputLength; localasciirun += 64) + { + Vector256 block1 = Avx.LoadVector256(pInputBuffer + processedLength + localasciirun); + Vector256 block2 = Avx.LoadVector256(pInputBuffer + processedLength + localasciirun + 32); + Vector256 or = Avx2.Or(block1, block2); + if (Avx2.MoveMask(or) != 0) + { + break; + } + } + processedLength += localasciirun - 32; + } + asciibytes += localasciirun; + + asciibytes += (int)32; + } else // Contains non-ASCII characters, we need to do non-trivial processing { @@ -918,12 +960,11 @@ private unsafe static (int utfadjust, int scalaradjust) calculateErrorPathadjust contbytes += (int)Popcnt.PopCount((uint)Avx2.MoveMask(byte_2_high)); // We use two instructions (SubtractSaturate and MoveMask) to update n4, with one arithmetic operation. n4 += (int)Popcnt.PopCount((uint)Avx2.MoveMask(Avx2.SubtractSaturate(currentBlock, fourthByte))); + // important: we just update asciibytes if there was no error. + // We count the number of ascii bytes in the block using just some simple arithmetic + // and no expensive operation: + asciibytes += (int)(32 - Popcnt.PopCount((uint)mask)); } - - // important: we just update asciibytes if there was no error. - // We count the number of ascii bytes in the block using just some simple arithmetic - // and no expensive operation: - asciibytes += (int)(32 - Popcnt.PopCount((uint)mask)); } // We may still have an error. if (processedLength < inputLength || !Avx2.TestZ(prevIncomplete, prevIncomplete)) @@ -1075,7 +1116,8 @@ private unsafe static (int utfadjust, int scalaradjust) calculateErrorPathadjust prevIncomplete = Vector128.Zero; // Often, we have a lot of ASCII characters in a row. int localasciirun = 16; - if(processedLength + localasciirun + 64 <= inputLength) { + if (processedLength + localasciirun + 64 <= inputLength) + { for (; processedLength + localasciirun + 64 <= inputLength; localasciirun += 64) { Vector128 block1 = AdvSimd.LoadVector128(pInputBuffer + processedLength + localasciirun); diff --git a/test/UTF8ValidationTests.cs b/test/UTF8ValidationTests.cs index 03cc0f6..bfbfde2 100644 --- a/test/UTF8ValidationTests.cs +++ b/test/UTF8ValidationTests.cs @@ -69,7 +69,8 @@ public TestIfCondition(Func condition, string skipReason) // Only set the Skip property if the condition evaluates to false if (!condition.Invoke()) { - if(skipReason == null) { + if (skipReason == null) + { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(skipReason), "skipReason cannot be null when condition is false."); } Skip = skipReason; @@ -821,7 +822,7 @@ public void Invalid0xf50xffScalar() public void Invalid0xf50xffSse() { Invalid0xf50xff(SimdUnicode.UTF8.GetPointerToFirstInvalidByteSse); - } + } [Trait("Category", "avx")] @@ -943,7 +944,7 @@ public void TooLargeErrorScalar() public void TooLargeErrorSse() { TooLargeError(SimdUnicode.UTF8.GetPointerToFirstInvalidByteSse); - } + } [Trait("Category", "avx")] [FactOnSystemRequirementAttribute(TestSystemRequirements.X64Avx2)] @@ -995,7 +996,7 @@ public void AsciiPlusContinuationAtEndErrorScalar() public void AsciiPlusContinuationAtEndErrorSse() { AsciiPlusContinuationAtEndError(SimdUnicode.UTF8.GetPointerToFirstInvalidByteSse); - } + } [Trait("Category", "arm64")] @@ -1059,7 +1060,7 @@ public void SurrogateErrorTestScalar() public void SurrogateErrorTestSse() { SurrogateErrorTest(SimdUnicode.UTF8.GetPointerToFirstInvalidByteSse); - } + } [Trait("Category", "avx")] @@ -1141,7 +1142,7 @@ public void BruteForceTestScalar() public void BruteForceTestSse() { BruteForceTest(SimdUnicode.UTF8.GetPointerToFirstInvalidByteSse); - } + } [Trait("Category", "avx")] [FactOnSystemRequirementAttribute(TestSystemRequirements.X64Avx2)] From 1dfc7194a093aac2e266363e3395bf6f232768b1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Daniel Lemire Date: Wed, 19 Jun 2024 16:38:47 -0400 Subject: [PATCH 4/8] simplified the algorithm --- | 18 +++--- src/UTF8.cs | 116 ++++++++++++++++-------------------- test/UTF8ValidationTests.cs | 1 - 3 files changed, 59 insertions(+), 76 deletions(-) diff --git a/ b/ index 0e59572..b007f11 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -130,16 +130,16 @@ faster than the standard library. | data set | SimdUnicode speed (GB/s) | .NET speed (GB/s) | |:----------------|:-----------|:--------------------------| -| Twitter.json | 23 | 14 | -| Arabic-Lipsum | 6.7 | 3.5 | -| Chinese-Lipsum | 6.7 | 4.8 | -| Emoji-Lipsum | 6.7 | 2.5 | -| Hebrew-Lipsum | 6.7 | 3.5 | -| Hindi-Lipsum | 6.8 | 3.0 | -| Japanese-Lipsum | 6.8 | 4.6  | -| Korean-Lipsum | 6.6 | 1.8 | +| Twitter.json | 25 | 14 | +| Arabic-Lipsum | 7.4 | 3.5 | +| Chinese-Lipsum | 7.4 | 4.8 | +| Emoji-Lipsum | 7.4 | 2.5 | +| Hebrew-Lipsum | 7.4 | 3.5 | +| Hindi-Lipsum | 7.3 | 3.0 | +| Japanese-Lipsum | 7.3 | 4.6  | +| Korean-Lipsum | 7.4 | 1.8 | | Latin-Lipsum | 87 | 38 | -| Russian-Lipsum | 6.7 | 2.6 | +| Russian-Lipsum | 7.4 | 2.7 | ## Building the library diff --git a/src/UTF8.cs b/src/UTF8.cs index d2e0fa1..2856c62 100644 --- a/src/UTF8.cs +++ b/src/UTF8.cs @@ -446,17 +446,17 @@ private unsafe static (int totalbyteadjustment, int backedupByHowMuch, int ascii return (4 - i, i, 0, contbyteadjust, -1); // We have that i == 1 or i == 2 or i == 3 or i == 4, if i == 1, we are missing three bytes, if i == 2, we are missing two bytes, if i == 3, we are missing one byte. } - private static (int utfadjust, int scalaradjust) CalculateN2N3FinalSIMDAdjustments(int asciibytes, int n4, int contbytes, int totalbyte) + private static (int utfadjust, int scalaradjust) CalculateN2N3FinalSIMDAdjustments(int n4, int contbytes) { - int n3 = asciibytes - 2 * n4 + 2 * contbytes - totalbyte; - int n2 = -2 * asciibytes + n4 - 3 * contbytes + 2 * totalbyte; + int n3 = - 2 * n4 + 2 * contbytes; + int n2 = n4 - 3 * contbytes; int utfadjust = -2 * n4 - 2 * n3 - n2; int scalaradjust = -n4; return (utfadjust, scalaradjust); } - private unsafe static (int utfadjust, int scalaradjust) calculateErrorPathadjust(int start_point, int processedLength, byte* pInputBuffer, int asciibytes, int n4, int contbytes) + private unsafe static (int utfadjust, int scalaradjust) calculateErrorPathadjust(int start_point, int processedLength, byte* pInputBuffer, int n4, int contbytes) { // Calculate the total bytes from start_point to processedLength int totalbyte = processedLength - start_point; @@ -467,7 +467,7 @@ private unsafe static (int utfadjust, int scalaradjust) calculateErrorPathadjust { (adjusttotalbyte, backedupByHowMuch, adjustascii, adjustcont, adjustn4) = adjustmentFactor(pInputBuffer + processedLength); } - var (utfadjust, scalaradjust) = CalculateN2N3FinalSIMDAdjustments(asciibytes, n4, contbytes, totalbyte + adjusttotalbyte); + var (utfadjust, scalaradjust) = CalculateN2N3FinalSIMDAdjustments(n4, contbytes); return (utfadjust, scalaradjust); } @@ -568,6 +568,11 @@ private unsafe static (int utfadjust, int scalaradjust) calculateErrorPathadjust * n2 = -2 * n1 + n4 - 4 * ncon + 2 * length * Thus we only need to count the number of continuation bytes, * the number of ASCII bytes and the number of 4-byte sequences. + * But we need even less because we compute + * utfadjust = -2 * n4 - 2 * n3 - n2 + * so n1 and length cancel out in the end. Thus we only need to compute + * n3' = - 2 * n4 + 2 * ncon + * n2' = n4 - 4 * ncon */ //////////// // The *block* here is what begins at processedLength and ends @@ -576,7 +581,6 @@ private unsafe static (int utfadjust, int scalaradjust) calculateErrorPathadjust int start_point = processedLength; // The block goes from processedLength to processedLength/16*16. - int asciibytes = 0; // number of ascii bytes in the block (could also be called n1) int contbytes = 0; // number of continuation bytes in the block int n4 = 0; // number of 4-byte sequences that start in this block for (; processedLength + 16 <= inputLength; processedLength += 16) @@ -597,14 +601,14 @@ private unsafe static (int utfadjust, int scalaradjust) calculateErrorPathadjust // So the code is correct up to invalidBytePointer if (invalidBytePointer < pInputBuffer + processedLength) { - removeCounters(invalidBytePointer, pInputBuffer + processedLength, ref asciibytes, ref n4, ref contbytes); + removeCounters(invalidBytePointer, pInputBuffer + processedLength, ref n4, ref contbytes); } else { - addCounters(pInputBuffer + processedLength, invalidBytePointer, ref asciibytes, ref n4, ref contbytes); + addCounters(pInputBuffer + processedLength, invalidBytePointer, ref n4, ref contbytes); } int totalbyteasciierror = processedLength - start_point; - (utf16CodeUnitCountAdjustment, scalarCountAdjustment) = CalculateN2N3FinalSIMDAdjustments(asciibytes, n4, contbytes, totalbyteasciierror); + (utf16CodeUnitCountAdjustment, scalarCountAdjustment) = CalculateN2N3FinalSIMDAdjustments(n4, contbytes); return invalidBytePointer; } prevIncomplete = Vector128.Zero; @@ -628,7 +632,6 @@ private unsafe static (int utfadjust, int scalaradjust) calculateErrorPathadjust } processedLength += localasciirun - 16; } - asciibytes += localasciirun; } else // Contains non-ASCII characters, we need to do non-trivial processing { @@ -663,14 +666,14 @@ private unsafe static (int utfadjust, int scalaradjust) calculateErrorPathadjust } if (invalidBytePointer < pInputBuffer + processedLength) { - removeCounters(invalidBytePointer, pInputBuffer + processedLength, ref asciibytes, ref n4, ref contbytes); + removeCounters(invalidBytePointer, pInputBuffer + processedLength, ref n4, ref contbytes); } else { - addCounters(pInputBuffer + processedLength, invalidBytePointer, ref asciibytes, ref n4, ref contbytes); + addCounters(pInputBuffer + processedLength, invalidBytePointer, ref n4, ref contbytes); } int total_bytes_processed = (int)(invalidBytePointer - (pInputBuffer + start_point)); - (utf16CodeUnitCountAdjustment, scalarCountAdjustment) = CalculateN2N3FinalSIMDAdjustments(asciibytes, n4, contbytes, total_bytes_processed); + (utf16CodeUnitCountAdjustment, scalarCountAdjustment) = CalculateN2N3FinalSIMDAdjustments(n4, contbytes); return invalidBytePointer; } @@ -679,10 +682,6 @@ private unsafe static (int utfadjust, int scalaradjust) calculateErrorPathadjust contbytes += (int)Popcnt.PopCount((uint)Sse42.MoveMask(byte_2_high)); // We use two instructions (SubtractSaturate and MoveMask) to update n4, with one arithmetic operation. n4 += (int)Popcnt.PopCount((uint)Sse42.MoveMask(Sse42.SubtractSaturate(currentBlock, fourthByte))); - // important: we just update asciibytes if there was no error. - // We count the number of ascii bytes in the block using just some simple arithmetic - // and no expensive operation: - asciibytes += (int)(16 - Popcnt.PopCount((uint)mask)); } } @@ -705,23 +704,23 @@ private unsafe static (int utfadjust, int scalaradjust) calculateErrorPathadjust { if (invalidBytePointer < pInputBuffer + processedLength) { - removeCounters(invalidBytePointer, pInputBuffer + processedLength, ref asciibytes, ref n4, ref contbytes); + removeCounters(invalidBytePointer, pInputBuffer + processedLength, ref n4, ref contbytes); } else { - addCounters(pInputBuffer + processedLength, invalidBytePointer, ref asciibytes, ref n4, ref contbytes); + addCounters(pInputBuffer + processedLength, invalidBytePointer, ref n4, ref contbytes); } int total_bytes_processed = (int)(invalidBytePointer - (pInputBuffer + start_point)); - (utf16CodeUnitCountAdjustment, scalarCountAdjustment) = CalculateN2N3FinalSIMDAdjustments(asciibytes, n4, contbytes, total_bytes_processed); + (utf16CodeUnitCountAdjustment, scalarCountAdjustment) = CalculateN2N3FinalSIMDAdjustments(n4, contbytes); return invalidBytePointer; } else { - addCounters(pInputBuffer + processedLength, invalidBytePointer, ref asciibytes, ref n4, ref contbytes); + addCounters(pInputBuffer + processedLength, invalidBytePointer, ref n4, ref contbytes); } } int final_total_bytes_processed = inputLength - start_point; - (utf16CodeUnitCountAdjustment, scalarCountAdjustment) = CalculateN2N3FinalSIMDAdjustments(asciibytes, n4, contbytes, final_total_bytes_processed); + (utf16CodeUnitCountAdjustment, scalarCountAdjustment) = CalculateN2N3FinalSIMDAdjustments(n4, contbytes); return pInputBuffer + inputLength; } } @@ -851,6 +850,11 @@ private unsafe static (int utfadjust, int scalaradjust) calculateErrorPathadjust * n2 = -2 * n1 + n4 - 4 * ncon + 2 * length * Thus we only need to count the number of continuation bytes, * the number of ASCII bytes and the number of 4-byte sequences. + * But we need even less because we compute + * utfadjust = -2 * n4 - 2 * n3 - n2 + * so n1 and length cancel out in the end. Thus we only need to compute + * n3' = - 2 * n4 + 2 * ncon + * n2' = n4 - 4 * ncon */ //////////// // The *block* here is what begins at processedLength and ends @@ -859,7 +863,6 @@ private unsafe static (int utfadjust, int scalaradjust) calculateErrorPathadjust int start_point = processedLength; // The block goes from processedLength to processedLength/16*16. - int asciibytes = 0; // number of ascii bytes in the block (could also be called n1) int contbytes = 0; // number of continuation bytes in the block int n4 = 0; // number of 4-byte sequences that start in this block for (; processedLength + 32 <= inputLength; processedLength += 32) @@ -878,14 +881,14 @@ private unsafe static (int utfadjust, int scalaradjust) calculateErrorPathadjust // So the code is correct up to invalidBytePointer if (invalidBytePointer < pInputBuffer + processedLength) { - removeCounters(invalidBytePointer, pInputBuffer + processedLength, ref asciibytes, ref n4, ref contbytes); + removeCounters(invalidBytePointer, pInputBuffer + processedLength, ref n4, ref contbytes); } else { - addCounters(pInputBuffer + processedLength, invalidBytePointer, ref asciibytes, ref n4, ref contbytes); + addCounters(pInputBuffer + processedLength, invalidBytePointer, ref n4, ref contbytes); } int totalbyteasciierror = processedLength - start_point; - (utf16CodeUnitCountAdjustment, scalarCountAdjustment) = CalculateN2N3FinalSIMDAdjustments(asciibytes, n4, contbytes, totalbyteasciierror); + (utf16CodeUnitCountAdjustment, scalarCountAdjustment) = CalculateN2N3FinalSIMDAdjustments(n4, contbytes); return invalidBytePointer; } prevIncomplete = Vector256.Zero; @@ -906,9 +909,6 @@ private unsafe static (int utfadjust, int scalaradjust) calculateErrorPathadjust } processedLength += localasciirun - 32; } - asciibytes += localasciirun; - - asciibytes += (int)32; } else // Contains non-ASCII characters, we need to do non-trivial processing @@ -945,14 +945,14 @@ private unsafe static (int utfadjust, int scalaradjust) calculateErrorPathadjust } if (invalidBytePointer < pInputBuffer + processedLength) { - removeCounters(invalidBytePointer, pInputBuffer + processedLength, ref asciibytes, ref n4, ref contbytes); + removeCounters(invalidBytePointer, pInputBuffer + processedLength, ref n4, ref contbytes); } else { - addCounters(pInputBuffer + processedLength, invalidBytePointer, ref asciibytes, ref n4, ref contbytes); + addCounters(pInputBuffer + processedLength, invalidBytePointer, ref n4, ref contbytes); } int total_bytes_processed = (int)(invalidBytePointer - (pInputBuffer + start_point)); - (utf16CodeUnitCountAdjustment, scalarCountAdjustment) = CalculateN2N3FinalSIMDAdjustments(asciibytes, n4, contbytes, total_bytes_processed); + (utf16CodeUnitCountAdjustment, scalarCountAdjustment) = CalculateN2N3FinalSIMDAdjustments(n4, contbytes); return invalidBytePointer; } @@ -960,10 +960,6 @@ private unsafe static (int utfadjust, int scalaradjust) calculateErrorPathadjust contbytes += (int)Popcnt.PopCount((uint)Avx2.MoveMask(byte_2_high)); // We use two instructions (SubtractSaturate and MoveMask) to update n4, with one arithmetic operation. n4 += (int)Popcnt.PopCount((uint)Avx2.MoveMask(Avx2.SubtractSaturate(currentBlock, fourthByte))); - // important: we just update asciibytes if there was no error. - // We count the number of ascii bytes in the block using just some simple arithmetic - // and no expensive operation: - asciibytes += (int)(32 - Popcnt.PopCount((uint)mask)); } } // We may still have an error. @@ -983,23 +979,23 @@ private unsafe static (int utfadjust, int scalaradjust) calculateErrorPathadjust { if (invalidBytePointer < pInputBuffer + processedLength) { - removeCounters(invalidBytePointer, pInputBuffer + processedLength, ref asciibytes, ref n4, ref contbytes); + removeCounters(invalidBytePointer, pInputBuffer + processedLength, ref n4, ref contbytes); } else { - addCounters(pInputBuffer + processedLength, invalidBytePointer, ref asciibytes, ref n4, ref contbytes); + addCounters(pInputBuffer + processedLength, invalidBytePointer, ref n4, ref contbytes); } int total_bytes_processed = (int)(invalidBytePointer - (pInputBuffer + start_point)); - (utf16CodeUnitCountAdjustment, scalarCountAdjustment) = CalculateN2N3FinalSIMDAdjustments(asciibytes, n4, contbytes, total_bytes_processed); + (utf16CodeUnitCountAdjustment, scalarCountAdjustment) = CalculateN2N3FinalSIMDAdjustments(n4, contbytes); return invalidBytePointer; } else { - addCounters(pInputBuffer + processedLength, invalidBytePointer, ref asciibytes, ref n4, ref contbytes); + addCounters(pInputBuffer + processedLength, invalidBytePointer, ref n4, ref contbytes); } } int final_total_bytes_processed = inputLength - start_point; - (utf16CodeUnitCountAdjustment, scalarCountAdjustment) = CalculateN2N3FinalSIMDAdjustments(asciibytes, n4, contbytes, final_total_bytes_processed); + (utf16CodeUnitCountAdjustment, scalarCountAdjustment) = CalculateN2N3FinalSIMDAdjustments(n4, contbytes); return pInputBuffer + inputLength; } } @@ -1084,7 +1080,6 @@ private unsafe static (int utfadjust, int scalaradjust) calculateErrorPathadjust int start_point = processedLength; // The block goes from processedLength to processedLength/16*16. - int asciibytes = 0; // number of ascii bytes in the block (could also be called n1) int contbytes = 0; // number of continuation bytes in the block int n4 = 0; // number of 4-byte sequences that start in this block for (; processedLength + 16 <= inputLength; processedLength += 16) @@ -1103,14 +1098,14 @@ private unsafe static (int utfadjust, int scalaradjust) calculateErrorPathadjust // So the code is correct up to invalidBytePointer if (invalidBytePointer < pInputBuffer + processedLength) { - removeCounters(invalidBytePointer, pInputBuffer + processedLength, ref asciibytes, ref n4, ref contbytes); + removeCounters(invalidBytePointer, pInputBuffer + processedLength, ref n4, ref contbytes); } else { - addCounters(pInputBuffer + processedLength, invalidBytePointer, ref asciibytes, ref n4, ref contbytes); + addCounters(pInputBuffer + processedLength, invalidBytePointer, ref n4, ref contbytes); } int totalbyteasciierror = processedLength - start_point; - (utf16CodeUnitCountAdjustment, scalarCountAdjustment) = CalculateN2N3FinalSIMDAdjustments(asciibytes, n4, contbytes, totalbyteasciierror); + (utf16CodeUnitCountAdjustment, scalarCountAdjustment) = CalculateN2N3FinalSIMDAdjustments(n4, contbytes); return invalidBytePointer; } prevIncomplete = Vector128.Zero; @@ -1132,8 +1127,6 @@ private unsafe static (int utfadjust, int scalaradjust) calculateErrorPathadjust } processedLength += localasciirun - 16; } - asciibytes -= localasciirun; - } else { @@ -1168,14 +1161,14 @@ private unsafe static (int utfadjust, int scalaradjust) calculateErrorPathadjust } if (invalidBytePointer < pInputBuffer + processedLength) { - removeCounters(invalidBytePointer, pInputBuffer + processedLength, ref asciibytes, ref n4, ref contbytes); + removeCounters(invalidBytePointer, pInputBuffer + processedLength, ref n4, ref contbytes); } else { - addCounters(pInputBuffer + processedLength, invalidBytePointer, ref asciibytes, ref n4, ref contbytes); + addCounters(pInputBuffer + processedLength, invalidBytePointer, ref n4, ref contbytes); } int total_bytes_processed = (int)(invalidBytePointer - (pInputBuffer + start_point)); - (utf16CodeUnitCountAdjustment, scalarCountAdjustment) = CalculateN2N3FinalSIMDAdjustments(asciibytes, n4, contbytes, total_bytes_processed); + (utf16CodeUnitCountAdjustment, scalarCountAdjustment) = CalculateN2N3FinalSIMDAdjustments(n4, contbytes); return invalidBytePointer; } prevIncomplete = AdvSimd.SubtractSaturate(currentBlock, maxValue); @@ -1188,7 +1181,6 @@ private unsafe static (int utfadjust, int scalaradjust) calculateErrorPathadjust byte n4add = (byte)AdvSimd.Arm64.AddAcross(largerthan0f).ToScalar(); int negn4add = (int)(byte)-n4add; n4 += negn4add; - asciibytes -= (sbyte)AdvSimd.Arm64.AddAcross(AdvSimd.CompareLessThan(currentBlock, v80)).ToScalar(); } } @@ -1208,37 +1200,33 @@ private unsafe static (int utfadjust, int scalaradjust) calculateErrorPathadjust { if (invalidBytePointer < pInputBuffer + processedLength) { - removeCounters(invalidBytePointer, pInputBuffer + processedLength, ref asciibytes, ref n4, ref contbytes); + removeCounters(invalidBytePointer, pInputBuffer + processedLength, ref n4, ref contbytes); } else { - addCounters(pInputBuffer + processedLength, invalidBytePointer, ref asciibytes, ref n4, ref contbytes); + addCounters(pInputBuffer + processedLength, invalidBytePointer, ref n4, ref contbytes); } int total_bytes_processed = (int)(invalidBytePointer - (pInputBuffer + start_point)); - (utf16CodeUnitCountAdjustment, scalarCountAdjustment) = CalculateN2N3FinalSIMDAdjustments(asciibytes, n4, contbytes, total_bytes_processed); + (utf16CodeUnitCountAdjustment, scalarCountAdjustment) = CalculateN2N3FinalSIMDAdjustments(n4, contbytes); return invalidBytePointer; } else { - addCounters(pInputBuffer + processedLength, invalidBytePointer, ref asciibytes, ref n4, ref contbytes); + addCounters(pInputBuffer + processedLength, invalidBytePointer, ref n4, ref contbytes); } } int final_total_bytes_processed = inputLength - start_point; - (utf16CodeUnitCountAdjustment, scalarCountAdjustment) = CalculateN2N3FinalSIMDAdjustments(asciibytes, n4, contbytes, final_total_bytes_processed); + (utf16CodeUnitCountAdjustment, scalarCountAdjustment) = CalculateN2N3FinalSIMDAdjustments(n4, contbytes); return pInputBuffer + inputLength; } } return GetPointerToFirstInvalidByteScalar(pInputBuffer + processedLength, inputLength - processedLength, out utf16CodeUnitCountAdjustment, out scalarCountAdjustment); } - private static unsafe void removeCounters(byte* start, byte* end, ref int asciibytes, ref int n4, ref int contbytes) + private static unsafe void removeCounters(byte* start, byte* end, ref int n4, ref int contbytes) { for (byte* p = start; p < end; p++) { - if ((*p & 0b10000000) == 0) - { - asciibytes -= 1; - } if ((*p & 0b11000000) == 0b10000000) { contbytes -= 1; @@ -1250,14 +1238,10 @@ private static unsafe void removeCounters(byte* start, byte* end, ref int asciib } } - private static unsafe void addCounters(byte* start, byte* end, ref int asciibytes, ref int n4, ref int contbytes) + private static unsafe void addCounters(byte* start, byte* end, ref int n4, ref int contbytes) { for (byte* p = start; p < end; p++) { - if ((*p & 0b10000000) == 0) - { - asciibytes += 1; - } if ((*p & 0b11000000) == 0b10000000) { contbytes += 1; diff --git a/test/UTF8ValidationTests.cs b/test/UTF8ValidationTests.cs index bfbfde2..403fb01 100644 --- a/test/UTF8ValidationTests.cs +++ b/test/UTF8ValidationTests.cs @@ -1317,7 +1317,6 @@ public bool ValidateCount(byte[] utf8, Utf8ValidationFunction utf8ValidationDele simdUnicodeUtf16Adjustment = 0; simdUnicodeScalarCountAdjustment = 0; byte* simdResult = utf8ValidationDelegate(pInput, length, out simdUnicodeUtf16Adjustment, out simdUnicodeScalarCountAdjustment); - // Check for discrepancies and report them in one combined message bool adjustmentsMatch = true; if (Result != simdResult) From d6a0157bb6834494573eac82eee70eb4aeb9af07 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Daniel Lemire Date: Wed, 19 Jun 2024 16:52:17 -0400 Subject: [PATCH 5/8] updating numbers --- | 9 +++++---- 1 file changed, 5 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-) diff --git a/ b/ index b007f11..1a4cd84 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -88,6 +88,7 @@ To run just one benchmark, use a filter: ``` cd benchmark +dotnet run --configuration Release --filter "*Twitter*" dotnet run --configuration Release --filter "*Arabic-Lipsum*" ``` @@ -107,14 +108,14 @@ AVX-512 function for the most recent systems (AMD Zen 4, Intel Ice lake, etc.). On an Intel Ice Lake system, our validation function is up to several times faster than the standard library when using at least the AVX2 routines. Only on pure ASCII inputs (Latin-Lipsum) is the standard library seemingly faster, but all functions -are effectively at "memory speed" so the difference is likely practically not significant. +are effectively at "memory speed" so the difference is practically not significant. A more realistic input is Twitter.json which is mostly ASCII with some Unicode content. | data set | SimdUnicode SSE42 (GB/s) | SimdUnicode AVX2 (GB/s) | .NET speed (GB/s) | |:----------------|:-------------------------|:------------------------|-------------------| -| Twitter.json | 15 | 24 | 12 | -| Arabic-Lipsum | 4.5 | 6.2 | 2.3 | -| Chinese-Lipsum | 4.5 | 8.1 | 3.9 | +| Twitter.json | 16 | 24 | 12 | +| Arabic-Lipsum | 4.9 | 9.0 | 2.3 | +| Chinese-Lipsum | 4.9 | 9.0 | 3.9 | | Emoji-Lipsum | 4.3 | 7.1 | 0.9 | | Hebrew-Lipsum | 4.5 | 8.0 | 2.3 | | Hindi-Lipsum | 4.3 | 8.0 | 2.1 | From 5f6f66934c742a915442c0ecea279e3b08cc0697 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Daniel Lemire Date: Wed, 19 Jun 2024 17:20:37 -0400 Subject: [PATCH 6/8] tweaking --- | 42 +++++++++++++++++++++--------------------- 1 file changed, 21 insertions(+), 21 deletions(-) diff --git a/ b/ index 1a4cd84..d21c165 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -102,27 +102,27 @@ sudo dotnet run -c Release ## Results (x64) On x64 system, we offer several functions: a fallback function for legacy systems, -a SSE42 function for older CPUs, an AVX2 function for current x64 systems, and an -AVX-512 function for the most recent systems (AMD Zen 4, Intel Ice lake, etc.). - -On an Intel Ice Lake system, our validation function is up to several times -faster than the standard library when using at least the AVX2 routines. Only on pure -ASCII inputs (Latin-Lipsum) is the standard library seemingly faster, but all functions -are effectively at "memory speed" so the difference is practically not significant. -A more realistic input is Twitter.json which is mostly ASCII with some Unicode content. - -| data set | SimdUnicode SSE42 (GB/s) | SimdUnicode AVX2 (GB/s) | .NET speed (GB/s) | -|:----------------|:-------------------------|:------------------------|-------------------| -| Twitter.json | 16 | 24 | 12 | -| Arabic-Lipsum | 4.9 | 9.0 | 2.3 | -| Chinese-Lipsum | 4.9 | 9.0 | 3.9 | -| Emoji-Lipsum | 4.3 | 7.1 | 0.9 | -| Hebrew-Lipsum | 4.5 | 8.0 | 2.3 | -| Hindi-Lipsum | 4.3 | 8.0 | 2.1 | -| Japanese-Lipsum | 4.5 | 8.0  | 3.5 | -| Korean-Lipsum | 4.5 | 8.0 | 1.3 | -| Latin-Lipsum | 50 | 76 | 96 | -| Russian-Lipsum | 4.3 | 8.0 | 1.2 | +a SSE42 function for older CPUs, and an AVX2 function for current x64 systems. + +On an Intel Ice Lake system, our validation function is up to seven times +faster than the standard library. +A realistic input is Twitter.json which is mostly ASCII with some Unicode content. + +| data set | SimdUnicode current AVX2 (GB/s) | .NET speed (GB/s) | +|:----------------|:------------------------|-------------------| +| Twitter.json | 24 | 12 | +| Arabic-Lipsum | 9.0 | 2.3 | +| Chinese-Lipsum | 9.0 | 3.9 | +| Emoji-Lipsum | 7.1 | 0.9 | +| Hebrew-Lipsum | 8.0 | 2.3 | +| Hindi-Lipsum | 8.0 | 2.1 | +| Japanese-Lipsum | 8.0  | 3.5 | +| Korean-Lipsum | 8.0 | 1.3 | +| Latin-Lipsum | 76 | 96 | +| Russian-Lipsum | 8.0 | 1.2 | + +On the pure ASCII inputs (Latin-Lipsum) has a small advantage but both +functions are extremely fast. ## Results (ARM) From 261102fcb72b817681f6838345212453c8a92d0e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Daniel Lemire Date: Wed, 19 Jun 2024 17:27:18 -0400 Subject: [PATCH 7/8] preparing release --- | 9 +++++---- benchmark/Benchmark.cs | 24 ++++++------------------ 2 files changed, 11 insertions(+), 22 deletions(-) diff --git a/ b/ index d21c165..123470d 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ To run just one benchmark, use a filter: ``` cd benchmark dotnet run --configuration Release --filter "*Twitter*" -dotnet run --configuration Release --filter "*Arabic-Lipsum*" +dotnet run --configuration Release --filter "*Lipsum*" ``` If you are under macOS or Linux, you may want to run the benchmarks in privileged mode: @@ -101,9 +101,6 @@ sudo dotnet run -c Release ## Results (x64) -On x64 system, we offer several functions: a fallback function for legacy systems, -a SSE42 function for older CPUs, and an AVX2 function for current x64 systems. - On an Intel Ice Lake system, our validation function is up to seven times faster than the standard library. A realistic input is Twitter.json which is mostly ASCII with some Unicode content. @@ -124,6 +121,10 @@ A realistic input is Twitter.json which is mostly ASCII with some Unicode conten On the pure ASCII inputs (Latin-Lipsum) has a small advantage but both functions are extremely fast. + +On x64 system, we offer several functions: a fallback function for legacy systems, +a SSE42 function for older CPUs, and an AVX2 function for current x64 systems. + ## Results (ARM) On an Apple M2 system, our validation function is two to three times diff --git a/benchmark/Benchmark.cs b/benchmark/Benchmark.cs index f5552ee..c5e880e 100644 --- a/benchmark/Benchmark.cs +++ b/benchmark/Benchmark.cs @@ -71,66 +71,55 @@ public Config() { AddColumn(new Speed()); - if (RuntimeInformation.ProcessArchitecture == Architecture.Arm64) { - if (!printed) + if (!printed) { #pragma warning disable CA1303 Console.WriteLine("ARM64 system detected."); printed = true; } - AddFilter(new AnyCategoriesFilter(["arm64", "scalar", "runtime"])); - } else if (RuntimeInformation.ProcessArchitecture == Architecture.X64) { if (Vector512.IsHardwareAccelerated && System.Runtime.Intrinsics.X86.Avx512Vbmi.IsSupported) { - if (!printed) + if (!printed) { #pragma warning disable CA1303 Console.WriteLine("X64 system detected (Intel, AMD,...) with AVX-512 support."); printed = true; } - AddFilter(new AnyCategoriesFilter(["avx512", "avx", "sse", "scalar", "runtime"])); } else if (Avx2.IsSupported) { - if (!printed) + if (!printed) { #pragma warning disable CA1303 Console.WriteLine("X64 system detected (Intel, AMD,...) with AVX2 support."); printed = true; } - AddFilter(new AnyCategoriesFilter(["avx", "sse", "scalar", "runtime"])); } else if (Ssse3.IsSupported) { - if (!printed) + if (!printed) { #pragma warning disable CA1303 Console.WriteLine("X64 system detected (Intel, AMD,...) with Sse4.2 support."); printed = true; } - AddFilter(new AnyCategoriesFilter(["sse", "scalar", "runtime"])); } else { - if (!printed) + if (!printed) { #pragma warning disable CA1303 Console.WriteLine("X64 system detected (Intel, AMD,...) without relevant SIMD support."); printed = true; } - AddFilter(new AnyCategoriesFilter(["scalar", "runtime"])); } } - else - { - AddFilter(new AnyCategoriesFilter(["scalar", "runtime"])); - - } + AddFilter(new AnyCategoriesFilter(["default"])); } } @@ -292,7 +281,6 @@ public unsafe void SIMDUtf8ValidationRealDataSse() }); } } - } public class Program { From f78be3f06829f712026afe63131b6993b3ccb510 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Daniel Lemire Date: Thu, 20 Jun 2024 10:33:15 -0400 Subject: [PATCH 8/8] integrating AVX-512 --- | 63 ++++++++++++++++-------------- benchmark/Benchmark.cs | 2 +- src/UTF8.cs | 89 ++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------ 3 files changed, 85 insertions(+), 69 deletions(-) diff --git a/ b/ index 123470d..874814f 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -99,49 +99,52 @@ cd benchmark sudo dotnet run -c Release ``` + +--anyCategories sse avx avx512 ## Results (x64) -On an Intel Ice Lake system, our validation function is up to seven times +On an Intel Ice Lake system, our validation function is up to 13 times faster than the standard library. -A realistic input is Twitter.json which is mostly ASCII with some Unicode content. +A realistic input is Twitter.json which is mostly ASCII with some Unicode content +where we are 2.4 times faster. -| data set | SimdUnicode current AVX2 (GB/s) | .NET speed (GB/s) | -|:----------------|:------------------------|-------------------| -| Twitter.json | 24 | 12 | -| Arabic-Lipsum | 9.0 | 2.3 | -| Chinese-Lipsum | 9.0 | 3.9 | -| Emoji-Lipsum | 7.1 | 0.9 | -| Hebrew-Lipsum | 8.0 | 2.3 | -| Hindi-Lipsum | 8.0 | 2.1 | -| Japanese-Lipsum | 8.0  | 3.5 | -| Korean-Lipsum | 8.0 | 1.3 | -| Latin-Lipsum | 76 | 96 | -| Russian-Lipsum | 8.0 | 1.2 | +| data set | SimdUnicode current AVX2 (GB/s) | .NET speed (GB/s) | speed up | +|:----------------|:------------------------|:-------------------|:-------------------| +| Twitter.json | 29 | 12 | 2.4 x | +| Arabic-Lipsum | 12 | 2.3 | 5.2 x | +| Chinese-Lipsum | 12 | 3.9 | 3.0 x | +| Emoji-Lipsum | 12 | 0.9 | 13 x | +| Hebrew-Lipsum |12 | 2.3 | 5.2 x | +| Hindi-Lipsum | 12 | 2.1 | 5.7 x | +| Japanese-Lipsum | 10  | 3.5 | 2.9 x | +| Korean-Lipsum | 10 | 1.3 | 7.7 x | +| Latin-Lipsum | 76 | 76 | --- | +| Russian-Lipsum | 12 | 1.2 | 10 x | -On the pure ASCII inputs (Latin-Lipsum) has a small advantage but both -functions are extremely fast. On x64 system, we offer several functions: a fallback function for legacy systems, -a SSE42 function for older CPUs, and an AVX2 function for current x64 systems. +a SSE42 function for older CPUs, an AVX2 function for current x64 systems and +an AVX-512 function for the most recent processors (AMD Zen 4 or better, Intel +Ice Lake, etc.). ## Results (ARM) -On an Apple M2 system, our validation function is two to three times +On an Apple M2 system, our validation function is 1.5 to four times faster than the standard library. -| data set | SimdUnicode speed (GB/s) | .NET speed (GB/s) | -|:----------------|:-----------|:--------------------------| -| Twitter.json | 25 | 14 | -| Arabic-Lipsum | 7.4 | 3.5 | -| Chinese-Lipsum | 7.4 | 4.8 | -| Emoji-Lipsum | 7.4 | 2.5 | -| Hebrew-Lipsum | 7.4 | 3.5 | -| Hindi-Lipsum | 7.3 | 3.0 | -| Japanese-Lipsum | 7.3 | 4.6  | -| Korean-Lipsum | 7.4 | 1.8 | -| Latin-Lipsum | 87 | 38 | -| Russian-Lipsum | 7.4 | 2.7 | +| data set | SimdUnicode speed (GB/s) | .NET speed (GB/s) | speed up | +|:----------------|:-----------|:--------------------------|:-------------------| +| Twitter.json | 25 | 14 | 1.8 x | +| Arabic-Lipsum | 7.4 | 3.5 | 2.1 x | +| Chinese-Lipsum | 7.4 | 4.8 | 1.5 x | +| Emoji-Lipsum | 7.4 | 2.5 | 3.0 x | +| Hebrew-Lipsum | 7.4 | 3.5 | 2.1 x | +| Hindi-Lipsum | 7.3 | 3.0 | 2.4 x | +| Japanese-Lipsum | 7.3 | 4.6  | 1.6 x | +| Korean-Lipsum | 7.4 | 1.8 | 4.1 x | +| Latin-Lipsum | 87 | 38 | 2.3 x | +| Russian-Lipsum | 7.4 | 2.7 | 2.7 x | ## Building the library diff --git a/benchmark/Benchmark.cs b/benchmark/Benchmark.cs index 94b6308..50d40a0 100644 --- a/benchmark/Benchmark.cs +++ b/benchmark/Benchmark.cs @@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ public string GetValue(Summary summary, BenchmarkCase benchmarkCase) public class RealDataBenchmark { // We only informs the user once about the SIMD support of the system. - private static bool printed = false; + private static bool printed; #pragma warning disable CA1812 private sealed class Config : ManualConfig { diff --git a/src/UTF8.cs b/src/UTF8.cs index b096715..0268317 100644 --- a/src/UTF8.cs +++ b/src/UTF8.cs @@ -27,14 +27,14 @@ public static class UTF8 { return GetPointerToFirstInvalidByteArm64(pInputBuffer, inputLength, out Utf16CodeUnitCountAdjustment, out ScalarCodeUnitCountAdjustment); } - if (Avx2.IsSupported) - { - return GetPointerToFirstInvalidByteAvx2(pInputBuffer, inputLength, out Utf16CodeUnitCountAdjustment, out ScalarCodeUnitCountAdjustment); - } if (Vector512.IsHardwareAccelerated && Avx512Vbmi.IsSupported) { return GetPointerToFirstInvalidByteAvx512(pInputBuffer, inputLength, out Utf16CodeUnitCountAdjustment, out ScalarCodeUnitCountAdjustment); } + if (Avx2.IsSupported) + { + return GetPointerToFirstInvalidByteAvx2(pInputBuffer, inputLength, out Utf16CodeUnitCountAdjustment, out ScalarCodeUnitCountAdjustment); + } if (Ssse3.IsSupported) { return GetPointerToFirstInvalidByteSse(pInputBuffer, inputLength, out Utf16CodeUnitCountAdjustment, out ScalarCodeUnitCountAdjustment); @@ -384,7 +384,7 @@ private unsafe static (int totalbyteadjustment, int backedupByHowMuch, int ascii private static (int utfadjust, int scalaradjust) CalculateN2N3FinalSIMDAdjustments(int n4, int contbytes) { - int n3 = - 2 * n4 + 2 * contbytes; + int n3 = -2 * n4 + 2 * contbytes; int n2 = n4 - 3 * contbytes; int utfadjust = -2 * n4 - 2 * n3 - n2; int scalaradjust = -n4; @@ -938,7 +938,7 @@ private unsafe static (int utfadjust, int scalaradjust) calculateErrorPathadjust return GetPointerToFirstInvalidByteScalar(pInputBuffer + processedLength, inputLength - processedLength, out utf16CodeUnitCountAdjustment, out scalarCountAdjustment); } - public unsafe static byte* GetPointerToFirstInvalidByteAvx512(byte* pInputBuffer, int inputLength, out int utf16CodeUnitCountAdjustment, out int scalarCountAdjustment) + public unsafe static byte* GetPointerToFirstInvalidByteAvx512(byte* pInputBuffer, int inputLength, out int utf16CodeUnitCountAdjustment, out int scalarCountAdjustment) { int processedLength = 0; if (pInputBuffer == null || inputLength <= 0) @@ -948,18 +948,17 @@ private unsafe static (int utfadjust, int scalaradjust) calculateErrorPathadjust return pInputBuffer; } - if (inputLength > 256) + if (inputLength > 128) { - // We skip any ASCII characters at the start of the buffer + // We intentionally use AVX2 instead of AVX-512. int asciirun = 0; - for (; asciirun + 128 <= inputLength; asciirun += 128) - { - - Vector512 block1 = Avx512F.LoadVector512(pInputBuffer + asciirun); - Vector512 block2 = Avx512F.LoadVector512(pInputBuffer + asciirun + 64); - Vector512 or = Avx512F.Or(block1, block2); - if (or.ExtractMostSignificantBits() != 0) + for (; asciirun + 64 <= inputLength; asciirun += 64) + { + Vector256 block1 = Avx.LoadVector256(pInputBuffer + asciirun); + Vector256 block2 = Avx.LoadVector256(pInputBuffer + asciirun + 32); + Vector256 or = Avx2.Or(block1, block2); + if (Avx2.MoveMask(or) != 0) { break; } @@ -1044,7 +1043,7 @@ private unsafe static (int utfadjust, int scalaradjust) calculateErrorPathadjust CARRY | TOO_LARGE | TOO_LARGE_1000, CARRY | TOO_LARGE | TOO_LARGE_1000 | SURROGATE, CARRY | TOO_LARGE | TOO_LARGE_1000, - CARRY | TOO_LARGE | TOO_LARGE_1000, + CARRY | TOO_LARGE | TOO_LARGE_1000, CARRY | OVERLONG_3 | OVERLONG_2 | OVERLONG_4, CARRY | OVERLONG_2, CARRY, @@ -1129,6 +1128,11 @@ private unsafe static (int utfadjust, int scalaradjust) calculateErrorPathadjust * n2 = -2 * n1 + n4 - 4 * ncon + 2 * length * Thus we only need to count the number of continuation bytes, * the number of ASCII bytes and the number of 4-byte sequences. + * But we need even less because we compute + * utfadjust = -2 * n4 - 2 * n3 - n2 + * so n1 and length cancel out in the end. Thus we only need to compute + * n3' = - 2 * n4 + 2 * ncon + * n2' = n4 - 4 * ncon */ //////////// // The *block* here is what begins at processedLength and ends @@ -1137,7 +1141,6 @@ private unsafe static (int utfadjust, int scalaradjust) calculateErrorPathadjust int start_point = processedLength; // The block goes from processedLength to processedLength/16*16. - int asciibytes = 0; // number of ascii bytes in the block (could also be called n1) int contbytes = 0; // number of continuation bytes in the block int n4 = 0; // number of 4-byte sequences that start in this block for (; processedLength + 64 <= inputLength; processedLength += 64) @@ -1149,30 +1152,45 @@ private unsafe static (int utfadjust, int scalaradjust) calculateErrorPathadjust { // We have an ASCII block, no need to process it, but // we need to check if the previous block was incomplete. - if (Avx512BW.CompareGreaterThan(prevIncomplete,Vector512.Zero).ExtractMostSignificantBits() != 0) + if (Avx512BW.CompareGreaterThan(prevIncomplete, Vector512.Zero).ExtractMostSignificantBits() != 0) { int off = processedLength >= 3 ? processedLength - 3 : processedLength; byte* invalidBytePointer = SimdUnicode.UTF8.SimpleRewindAndValidateWithErrors(16 - 3, pInputBuffer + processedLength - 3, inputLength - processedLength + 3); // So the code is correct up to invalidBytePointer if (invalidBytePointer < pInputBuffer + processedLength) { - removeCounters(invalidBytePointer, pInputBuffer + processedLength, ref asciibytes, ref n4, ref contbytes); + removeCounters(invalidBytePointer, pInputBuffer + processedLength, ref n4, ref contbytes); } else { - addCounters(pInputBuffer + processedLength, invalidBytePointer, ref asciibytes, ref n4, ref contbytes); + addCounters(pInputBuffer + processedLength, invalidBytePointer, ref n4, ref contbytes); } int totalbyteasciierror = processedLength - start_point; - (utf16CodeUnitCountAdjustment, scalarCountAdjustment) = CalculateN2N3FinalSIMDAdjustments(asciibytes, n4, contbytes, totalbyteasciierror); + (utf16CodeUnitCountAdjustment, scalarCountAdjustment) = CalculateN2N3FinalSIMDAdjustments(n4, contbytes); return invalidBytePointer; } prevIncomplete = Vector512.Zero; + + // Often, we have a lot of ASCII characters in a row. + int localasciirun = 64; + if (processedLength + localasciirun + 64 <= inputLength) + { + for (; processedLength + localasciirun + 64 <= inputLength; localasciirun += 64) + { + Vector512 block = Avx512F.LoadVector512(pInputBuffer + processedLength + localasciirun); + if (block.ExtractMostSignificantBits() != 0) + { + break; + } + } + processedLength += localasciirun - 64; + } } else // Contains non-ASCII characters, we need to do non-trivial processing { // Use SubtractSaturate to effectively compare if bytes in block are greater than markers. - Vector512 movemask = Vector512.Create(28,29,30,31,0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11); - Vector512 shuffled = Avx512F.PermuteVar16x32x2(currentBlock.AsInt32(), movemask , prevInputBlock.AsInt32()).AsByte(); + Vector512 movemask = Vector512.Create(28, 29, 30, 31, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11); + Vector512 shuffled = Avx512F.PermuteVar16x32x2(currentBlock.AsInt32(), movemask, prevInputBlock.AsInt32()).AsByte(); prevInputBlock = currentBlock; Vector512 prev1 = Avx512BW.AlignRight(prevInputBlock, shuffled, (byte)(16 - 1)); @@ -1188,7 +1206,7 @@ private unsafe static (int utfadjust, int scalaradjust) calculateErrorPathadjust Vector512 must23As80 = Avx512F.And(must23, v80); Vector512 error = Avx512F.Xor(must23As80, sc); - if (Avx512BW.CompareGreaterThan(error,Vector512.Zero).ExtractMostSignificantBits() != 0) + if (Avx512BW.CompareGreaterThan(error, Vector512.Zero).ExtractMostSignificantBits() != 0) { byte* invalidBytePointer; if (processedLength == 0) @@ -1201,14 +1219,14 @@ private unsafe static (int utfadjust, int scalaradjust) calculateErrorPathadjust } if (invalidBytePointer < pInputBuffer + processedLength) { - removeCounters(invalidBytePointer, pInputBuffer + processedLength, ref asciibytes, ref n4, ref contbytes); + removeCounters(invalidBytePointer, pInputBuffer + processedLength, ref n4, ref contbytes); } else { - addCounters(pInputBuffer + processedLength, invalidBytePointer, ref asciibytes, ref n4, ref contbytes); + addCounters(pInputBuffer + processedLength, invalidBytePointer, ref n4, ref contbytes); } int total_bytes_processed = (int)(invalidBytePointer - (pInputBuffer + start_point)); - (utf16CodeUnitCountAdjustment, scalarCountAdjustment) = CalculateN2N3FinalSIMDAdjustments(asciibytes, n4, contbytes, total_bytes_processed); + (utf16CodeUnitCountAdjustment, scalarCountAdjustment) = CalculateN2N3FinalSIMDAdjustments(n4, contbytes); return invalidBytePointer; } @@ -1217,14 +1235,9 @@ private unsafe static (int utfadjust, int scalaradjust) calculateErrorPathadjust // We use two instructions (SubtractSaturate and ExtractMostSignificantBits) to update n4, with one arithmetic operation. n4 += (int)Popcnt.X64.PopCount(Avx512BW.SubtractSaturate(currentBlock, fourthByte).ExtractMostSignificantBits()); } - - // important: we just update asciibytes if there was no error. - // We count the number of ascii bytes in the block using just some simple arithmetic - // and no expensive operation: - asciibytes += (int)(64 - Popcnt.X64.PopCount(mask)); } // We may still have an error. - if (processedLength < inputLength || Avx512BW.CompareGreaterThan(prevIncomplete,Vector512.Zero).ExtractMostSignificantBits() != 0 ) + if (processedLength < inputLength || Avx512BW.CompareGreaterThan(prevIncomplete, Vector512.Zero).ExtractMostSignificantBits() != 0) { byte* invalidBytePointer; if (processedLength == 0) @@ -1240,23 +1253,23 @@ private unsafe static (int utfadjust, int scalaradjust) calculateErrorPathadjust { if (invalidBytePointer < pInputBuffer + processedLength) { - removeCounters(invalidBytePointer, pInputBuffer + processedLength, ref asciibytes, ref n4, ref contbytes); + removeCounters(invalidBytePointer, pInputBuffer + processedLength, ref n4, ref contbytes); } else { - addCounters(pInputBuffer + processedLength, invalidBytePointer, ref asciibytes, ref n4, ref contbytes); + addCounters(pInputBuffer + processedLength, invalidBytePointer, ref n4, ref contbytes); } int total_bytes_processed = (int)(invalidBytePointer - (pInputBuffer + start_point)); - (utf16CodeUnitCountAdjustment, scalarCountAdjustment) = CalculateN2N3FinalSIMDAdjustments(asciibytes, n4, contbytes, total_bytes_processed); + (utf16CodeUnitCountAdjustment, scalarCountAdjustment) = CalculateN2N3FinalSIMDAdjustments(n4, contbytes); return invalidBytePointer; } else { - addCounters(pInputBuffer + processedLength, invalidBytePointer, ref asciibytes, ref n4, ref contbytes); + addCounters(pInputBuffer + processedLength, invalidBytePointer, ref n4, ref contbytes); } } int final_total_bytes_processed = inputLength - start_point; - (utf16CodeUnitCountAdjustment, scalarCountAdjustment) = CalculateN2N3FinalSIMDAdjustments(asciibytes, n4, contbytes, final_total_bytes_processed); + (utf16CodeUnitCountAdjustment, scalarCountAdjustment) = CalculateN2N3FinalSIMDAdjustments(n4, contbytes); return pInputBuffer + inputLength; } }