From fedf524c66a021ab37d90dbf7dfa9c69ef80878c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Matevz Tadel <>
Date: Thu, 21 Dec 2017 15:26:52 -0800
Subject: [PATCH 01/11] Canonize mplex propagation and update, make b-field and
 material flags mandatory.

 Config.h                   |  39 +++
 Matrix.h                   |   1 +
 mkFit/  | 564 ++++++++++++++++++-------------------
 mkFit/KalmanUtilsMPlex.h   |  89 ++++--
 mkFit/MkBase.h             |  60 +++-
 mkFit/         |  18 +-
 mkFit/          |  38 +--
 mkFit/MkFinder.h           |   9 +-
 mkFit/          |  32 +--
 mkFit/  | 101 +++----
 mkFit/PropagationMPlex.h   |  37 ++-
 mkFit/PropagationMPlex.icc |  14 +-
 mkFit/SteeringParams.h     |   8 +-
 13 files changed, 558 insertions(+), 452 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Config.h b/Config.h
index fc94c6ea82d4c..0443b67e9a054 100644
--- a/Config.h
+++ b/Config.h
@@ -15,6 +15,43 @@ class TrackerInfo;
   #define CUDA_CALLABLE 
+enum PropagationFlagsEnum
+  PF_none              = 0,
+  PF_use_param_b_field = 0x1,
+  PF_apply_material    = 0x2
+struct PropagationFlags
+  union
+  {
+    struct
+    {
+      bool use_param_b_field  : 1;
+      bool apply_material     : 1;
+      // Could add: bool use_trig_approx  -- now Config::useTrigApprox = true
+      // Could add: int  n_iter : 8       -- now Config::Niter = 5
+    };
+    unsigned int _raw_;
+  };
+  PropagationFlags() : _raw_(0) {}
+  PropagationFlags(int pfe) :
+    use_param_b_field       ( pfe & PF_use_param_b_field),
+    apply_material          ( pfe & PF_apply_material)
+  {}
 // Enum for input seed options
 enum seedOpts {simSeeds, cmsswSeeds, findSeeds};
 typedef std::map<std::string,seedOpts> seedOptsMap;
@@ -27,6 +64,8 @@ typedef std::map<std::string,cleanOpts> cleanOptsMap;
 enum matchOpts {trkParamBased, hitBased, labelBased};
 typedef std::map<std::string, matchOpts> matchOptsMap;
 namespace Config
   extern TrackerInfo TrkInfo;
diff --git a/Matrix.h b/Matrix.h
index 903ceeea0f3cd..6c10bbb9367fa 100644
--- a/Matrix.h
+++ b/Matrix.h
@@ -75,6 +75,7 @@ inline void sincos4(const float x, float& sin, float& cos)
    cos  = 1.f - 0.5f*x2 + 0.04166667f*x2*x2;
    sin  = x - 0.16666667f*x*x2;
 // This ifdef needs to be changed to something like "use matriplex" and/or
diff --git a/mkFit/ b/mkFit/
index 32f43679337d4..ced1c8b51e32f 100644
--- a/mkFit/
+++ b/mkFit/
@@ -437,180 +437,119 @@ void KHC(const MPlexL2& A, const MPlexLS& B, MPlexLS& C)
-// updateParametersMPlex
+// Kalman operations - common dummy variables
-void updateParametersMPlex(const MPlexLS &psErr,  const MPlexLV& psPar, const MPlexQI &inChg,
-                           const MPlexHS &msErr,  const MPlexHV& msPar,
-                                 MPlexLS &outErr,       MPlexLV& outPar,
-                           const int      N_proc)
-  // const idx_t N = psErr.N;
-  // Assert N-s of all parameters are the same.
+  // Dummy variables for parameter consistency to kalmanOperation.
+  // Through KalmanFilterOperation enum parameter it is guaranteed that
+  // those will never get accessed in the code (read from or written into).
-  // Temporaries -- this is expensive -- should have them allocated outside and reused.
-  // Can be passed in in a struct, see above.
+  MPlexLS dummy_err;
+  MPlexLV dummy_par;
+  MPlexQF dummy_chi2;
-  // updateParametersContext ctx;
-  //assert((long long)(&updateCtx.propErr.fArray[0]) % 64 == 0);
-  // debug = true;
+// Kalman operations - Barrel
+void kalmanUpdate(const MPlexLS &psErr,  const MPlexLV& psPar,
+                  const MPlexHS &msErr,  const MPlexHV& msPar,
+                        MPlexLS &outErr,       MPlexLV& outPar,
+                  const int      N_proc)
+  kalmanOperation(KFO_Update_Params, psErr, psPar, msErr, msPar,
+                  outErr, outPar, dummy_chi2, N_proc);
+void kalmanPropagateAndUpdate(const MPlexLS &psErr,  const MPlexLV& psPar, const MPlexQI &inChg,
+                              const MPlexHS &msErr,  const MPlexHV& msPar,
+                                    MPlexLS &outErr,       MPlexLV& outPar,
+                              const int      N_proc, const PropagationFlags propFlags)
   MPlexLS propErr;
   MPlexLV propPar;
-  // do a full propagation step to correct for residual distance from the hit radius - need the charge for this
-  if (Config::useCMSGeom) {
-    propagateHelixToRMPlex(psErr,  psPar, inChg,  msPar, propErr, propPar, N_proc);
-  } else {
-    propErr = psErr;
-    propPar = psPar;
-  }
-#ifdef DEBUG
-  {
-    dmutex_guard;
-    printf("propPar:\n");
-    for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i) { 
-      printf("%8f ", propPar.ConstAt(0,0,i)); printf("\n");
-    } printf("\n");
-    printf("msPar:\n");
-    for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { 
-      printf("%8f ", msPar.ConstAt(0,0,i)); printf("\n");
-    } printf("\n");
-    printf("propErr:\n");
-    for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < 6; ++j)
-        printf("%8f ", propErr.At(0,i,j)); printf("\n");
-    } printf("\n");
-    printf("msErr:\n");
-    for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < 6; ++j)
-        printf("%8f ", msErr.ConstAt(0,i,j)); printf("\n");
-    } printf("\n");
-  }
-  // Rotate global point on tangent plane to cylinder
-  // Tangent point is half way between hit and propagate position
-  // Rotation matrix
-  //  rotT00  0  rotT01
-  //  rotT01  0 -rotT00
-  //     0    1    0
-  // Minimize temporaries: only two float are needed!
+  // XXXX The following if could go away if we use proper update_foos in
+  // steering and set them from geom. For now it is still here (I'm going
+  // crazy already as things are).
-  MPlexQF rotT00;
-  MPlexQF rotT01;
+  if (Config::useCMSGeom) {
+    MPlexQF msRad;
 #pragma simd
-  for (int n = 0; n < NN; ++n) {
-    float r = hipo(msPar.ConstAt(n, 0, 0), msPar.ConstAt(n, 1, 0));
-    rotT00.At(n, 0, 0) = -(msPar.ConstAt(n, 1, 0)+propPar.ConstAt(n, 1, 0))/(2*r);
-    rotT01.At(n, 0, 0) =  (msPar.ConstAt(n, 0, 0)+propPar.ConstAt(n, 0, 0))/(2*r);
-  }
-  MPlexHV res_glo;   //position residual in global coordinates
-  SubtractFirst3(msPar, propPar, res_glo);
-  MPlexHS resErr_glo;//covariance sum in global position coordinates
-  AddIntoUpperLeft3x3(propErr, msErr, resErr_glo);
-  MPlex2V res_loc;   //position residual in local coordinates
-  RotateResidulsOnTangentPlane(rotT00,rotT01,res_glo,res_loc);
-  MPlex2S resErr_loc;//covariance sum in local position coordinates
-  MPlexHH tempHH;
-  ProjectResErr      (rotT00, rotT01, resErr_glo, tempHH);
-  ProjectResErrTransp(rotT00, rotT01, tempHH, resErr_loc);
+    for (int n = 0; n < NN; ++n)
+    {
+      msRad.At(n, 0, 0) = std::hypot(msPar.ConstAt(n, 0, 0), msPar.ConstAt(n, 1, 0));
+    }
-#ifdef DEBUG
-  {
-    dmutex_guard;
-    printf("resErr:\n");
-    for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < 2; ++j)
-        printf("%8f ", resErr_loc.At(0,i,j)); printf("\n");
-    } printf("\n");
+    propagateHelixToRMPlex(psErr, psPar, inChg, msRad, propErr, propPar, N_proc, propFlags);
+  } else {
+    propErr = psErr;
+    propPar = psPar;
-  //invert the 2x2 matrix
-  Matriplex::InvertCramerSym(resErr_loc);
-  MPlexLH K;           // kalman gain, fixme should be L2
-  KalmanHTG(rotT00, rotT01, resErr_loc, tempHH); // intermediate term to get kalman gain (H^T*G)
-  KalmanGain(propErr, tempHH, K);
-  MultResidualsAdd(K, propPar, res_loc, outPar);
-  MPlexLL tempLL;
-  squashPhiMPlex(outPar,N_proc); // ensure phi is between |pi|
+  kalmanOperation(KFO_Update_Params, propErr, propPar, msErr, msPar,
+                  outErr, outPar, dummy_chi2, N_proc);
-  KHMult(K, rotT00, rotT01, tempLL);
-  KHC(tempLL, propErr, outErr);
-  outErr.Subtract(propErr, outErr);
-#ifdef DEBUG
-  {
-    dmutex_guard;
-    printf("res_glo:\n");
-    for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
-        printf("%8f ", res_glo.At(0,i,0));
-    } printf("\n");
-    printf("res_loc:\n");
-    for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
-        printf("%8f ", res_loc.At(0,i,0));
-    } printf("\n");
-    printf("resErr_loc (Inv):\n");
-    for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < 2; ++j)
-        printf("%8f ", resErr_loc.At(0,i,j)); printf("\n");
-    } printf("\n");
-    printf("K:\n");
-    for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < 3; ++j)
-        printf("%8f ", K.At(0,i,j)); printf("\n");
-    } printf("\n");
-    printf("outPar:\n");
-    for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i) {
-      printf("%8f  ", outPar.At(0,i,0));
-    } printf("\n");
-    printf("outErr:\n");
-    for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < 6; ++j)
-        printf("%8f ", outErr.At(0,i,j)); printf("\n");
-    } printf("\n");
-  }
+void kalmanComputeChi2(const MPlexLS &psErr,  const MPlexLV& psPar, const MPlexQI &inChg,
+                       const MPlexHS &msErr,  const MPlexHV& msPar,
+                             MPlexQF& outChi2,
+                       const int      N_proc)
+  kalmanOperation(KFO_Calculate_Chi2, psErr, psPar, msErr, msPar,
+                  dummy_err, dummy_par, outChi2, N_proc);
-void computeChi2MPlex(const MPlexLS &psErr,  const MPlexLV& psPar, const MPlexQI &inChg,
-                      const MPlexHS &msErr,  const MPlexHV& msPar,
-                            MPlexQF& outChi2,
-                      const int      N_proc)
+void kalmanPropagateAndComputeChi2(const MPlexLS &psErr,  const MPlexLV& psPar, const MPlexQI &inChg,
+                                   const MPlexHS &msErr,  const MPlexHV& msPar,
+                                         MPlexQF& outChi2,
+                                   const int      N_proc, const PropagationFlags propFlags)
-  // const idx_t N = psErr.N;
-  // Assert N-s of all parameters are the same.
-  // Temporaries -- this is expensive -- should have them allocated outside and reused.
-  // Can be passed in in a struct, see above.
-  // updateParametersContext ctx;
-  //assert((long long)(&updateCtx.propErr.fArray[0]) % 64 == 0);
   MPlexLS propErr;
   MPlexLV propPar;
-  // do a full propagation step to correct for residual distance from the hit radius - need the charge for this
   if (Config::useCMSGeom) {
-    propagateHelixToRMPlex(psErr,  psPar, inChg,  msPar, propErr, propPar, N_proc);
+    MPlexQF msRad;
+#pragma simd
+    for (int n = 0; n < NN; ++n)
+    {
+      msRad.At(n, 0, 0) = std::hypot(msPar.ConstAt(n, 0, 0), msPar.ConstAt(n, 1, 0));
+    }
+    propagateHelixToRMPlex(psErr, psPar, inChg, msRad, propErr, propPar, N_proc, propFlags);
   } else {
     propErr = psErr;
     propPar = psPar;
+  kalmanOperation(KFO_Calculate_Chi2, propErr, propPar, msErr, msPar,
+                  dummy_err, dummy_par, outChi2, N_proc);
+void kalmanOperation(const int      kfOp,
+                     const MPlexLS &psErr,  const MPlexLV& psPar,
+                     const MPlexHS &msErr,  const MPlexHV& msPar,
+                           MPlexLS &outErr,       MPlexLV& outPar, MPlexQF& outChi2,
+                     const int      N_proc)
 #ifdef DEBUG
-    printf("propPar:\n");
+    printf("psPar:\n");
     for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i) { 
-      printf("%8f ", propPar.ConstAt(0,0,i)); printf("\n");
+      printf("%8f ", psPar.ConstAt(0,0,i)); printf("\n");
     } printf("\n");
-    printf("propErr:\n");
+    printf("psErr:\n");
     for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < 6; ++j)
-        printf("%8f ", propErr.At(0,i,j)); printf("\n");
+        printf("%8f ", psErr.At(0,i,j)); printf("\n");
     } printf("\n");
     for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
@@ -635,16 +574,16 @@ void computeChi2MPlex(const MPlexLS &psErr,  const MPlexLV& psPar, const MPlexQI
   MPlexQF rotT00;
   MPlexQF rotT01;
   for (int n = 0; n < NN; ++n) {
-    const float r = hipo(msPar.ConstAt(n, 0, 0), msPar.ConstAt(n, 1, 0));
-    rotT00.At(n, 0, 0) = -(msPar.ConstAt(n, 1, 0)+propPar.ConstAt(n, 1, 0))/(2*r);
-    rotT01.At(n, 0, 0) =  (msPar.ConstAt(n, 0, 0)+propPar.ConstAt(n, 0, 0))/(2*r);
+    const float r = std::hypot(msPar.ConstAt(n, 0, 0), msPar.ConstAt(n, 1, 0));
+    rotT00.At(n, 0, 0) = -(msPar.ConstAt(n, 1, 0) + psPar.ConstAt(n, 1, 0)) / (2*r);
+    rotT01.At(n, 0, 0) =  (msPar.ConstAt(n, 0, 0) + psPar.ConstAt(n, 0, 0)) / (2*r);
   MPlexHV res_glo;   //position residual in global coordinates
-  SubtractFirst3(msPar, propPar, res_glo);
+  SubtractFirst3(msPar, psPar, res_glo);
   MPlexHS resErr_glo;//covariance sum in global position coordinates
-  AddIntoUpperLeft3x3(propErr, msErr, resErr_glo);
+  AddIntoUpperLeft3x3(psErr, msErr, resErr_glo);
   MPlex2V res_loc;   //position residual in local coordinates
@@ -666,179 +605,174 @@ void computeChi2MPlex(const MPlexLS &psErr,  const MPlexLV& psPar, const MPlexQI
   //invert the 2x2 matrix
-  //compute chi2
-  Chi2Similarity(res_loc, resErr_loc, outChi2);
+  if (kfOp & KFO_Calculate_Chi2)
+  {
+    Chi2Similarity(res_loc, resErr_loc, outChi2);
 #ifdef DEBUG
-  {
-    dmutex_guard;
-    printf("resErr_loc (Inv):\n");
-    for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
-      for (int j = 0; j < 2; ++j)
-        printf("%8f ", resErr_loc.At(0,i,j)); printf("\n");
-    } printf("\n");
-    printf("chi2: %8f\n", outChi2.At(0,0,0));
-  }
+    {
+      dmutex_guard;
+      printf("resErr_loc (Inv):\n");
+      for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
+        for (int j = 0; j < 2; ++j)
+          printf("%8f ", resErr_loc.At(0,i,j)); printf("\n");
+      } printf("\n");
+      printf("chi2: %8f\n", outChi2.At(0,0,0));
+    }
+  }
+  if (kfOp & KFO_Update_Params)
+  {
+    MPlexLH K;           // kalman gain, fixme should be L2
+    KalmanHTG(rotT00, rotT01, resErr_loc, tempHH); // intermediate term to get kalman gain (H^T*G)
+    KalmanGain(psErr, tempHH, K);
+    MultResidualsAdd(K, psPar, res_loc, outPar);
+    MPlexLL tempLL;
+    squashPhiMPlex(outPar,N_proc); // ensure phi is between |pi|
+    KHMult(K, rotT00, rotT01, tempLL);
+    KHC(tempLL, psErr, outErr);
+    outErr.Subtract(psErr, outErr);
+#ifdef DEBUG
+    {
+      dmutex_guard;
+      printf("res_glo:\n");
+      for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
+        printf("%8f ", res_glo.At(0,i,0));
+      } printf("\n");
+      printf("res_loc:\n");
+      for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
+        printf("%8f ", res_loc.At(0,i,0));
+      } printf("\n");
+      printf("resErr_loc (Inv):\n");
+      for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < 2; ++j)
+          printf("%8f ", resErr_loc.At(0,i,j)); printf("\n");
+      } printf("\n");
+      printf("K:\n");
+      for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < 3; ++j)
+          printf("%8f ", K.At(0,i,j)); printf("\n");
+      } printf("\n");
+      printf("outPar:\n");
+      for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i) {
+        printf("%8f  ", outPar.At(0,i,0));
+      } printf("\n");
+      printf("outErr:\n");
+      for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < 6; ++j)
+          printf("%8f ", outErr.At(0,i,j)); printf("\n");
+      } printf("\n");
+    }
+  }
-void updateParametersEndcapMPlex(const MPlexLS &psErr,  const MPlexLV& psPar, const MPlexQI &inChg,
-				 const MPlexHS &msErr,  const MPlexHV& msPar,
-                                       MPlexLS &outErr,       MPlexLV& outPar,
-				 const int      N_proc)
-  // const idx_t N = psErr.N;
-  // Assert N-s of all parameters are the same.
-  // Temporaries -- this is expensive -- should have them allocated outside and reused.
-  // Can be passed in in a struct, see above.
+// Kalman operations - Endcap
-  // updateParametersContext ctx;
-  //assert((long long)(&updateCtx.propErr.fArray[0]) % 64 == 0);
+void kalmanUpdateEndcap(const MPlexLS &psErr,  const MPlexLV& psPar,
+                        const MPlexHS &msErr,  const MPlexHV& msPar,
+                              MPlexLS &outErr,       MPlexLV& outPar,
+                        const int      N_proc)
+  kalmanOperationEndcap(KFO_Update_Params, psErr, psPar, msErr, msPar,
+                        outErr, outPar, dummy_chi2, N_proc);
+void kalmanPropagateAndUpdateEndcap(const MPlexLS &psErr,  const MPlexLV& psPar, const MPlexQI &inChg,
+                                    const MPlexHS &msErr,  const MPlexHV& msPar,
+                                          MPlexLS &outErr,       MPlexLV& outPar,
+                                    const int      N_proc, const PropagationFlags propFlags)
   MPlexLS propErr;
   MPlexLV propPar;
-  // do a full propagation step to correct for residual distance from the hit radius - need the charge for this
+  // XXXX The following if could go away if we use proper update_foos in
+  // steering and set them from geom. For now it is still here (I'm going
+  // crazy already as things are).
   if (Config::useCMSGeom) {
-    propagateHelixToZMPlex(psErr,  psPar, inChg,  msPar, propErr, propPar, N_proc);
+    MPlexQF msZ;
+#pragma simd
+    for (int n = 0; n < NN; ++n)
+    {
+      msZ.At(n, 0, 0) = msPar.ConstAt(n, 2, 0);
+    }
+    propagateHelixToZMPlex(psErr, psPar, inChg, msZ, propErr, propPar, N_proc, propFlags);
   } else {
     propErr = psErr;
     propPar = psPar;
-#ifdef DEBUG
-  {
-    dmutex_guard;
-  printf("updateParametersEndcapMPlex\n");
-    printf("propPar:\n");
-    for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i) {
-      printf("%8f ", propPar.ConstAt(0,0,i)); printf("\n");
-    } printf("\n");
-    printf("msPar:\n");
-    for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
-      printf("%8f ", msPar.ConstAt(0,0,i)); printf("\n");
-    } printf("\n");
-    printf("propErr:\n");
-    for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < 6; ++j)
-        printf("%8f ", propErr.At(0,i,j)); printf("\n");
-    } printf("\n");
-    printf("msErr:\n");
-    for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < 3; ++j)
-        printf("%8f ", msErr.ConstAt(0,i,j)); printf("\n");
-    } printf("\n");
-  }
-  MPlex2V res;
-  SubtractFirst2(msPar, propPar, res);
-  MPlex2S resErr;
-  AddIntoUpperLeft2x2(propErr, msErr, resErr);
-#ifdef DEBUG
-  {
-    dmutex_guard;
-    printf("resErr:\n");
-    for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < 2; ++j)
-        printf("%8f ", resErr.At(0,i,j)); printf("\n");
-    } printf("\n");
-  }
-  //invert the 2x2 matrix
-  Matriplex::InvertCramerSym(resErr);
-  MPlexL2 K;
-  KalmanGain(propErr, resErr, K);
-  MultResidualsAdd(K, propPar, res, outPar);
-  squashPhiMPlex(outPar,N_proc); // ensure phi is between |pi|
-  KHC(K, propErr, outErr);
-#ifdef DEBUG
-  {
-    printf("outErr before subtract:\n");
-    for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < 6; ++j)
-	printf("%8f ", outErr.At(0,i,j)); printf("\n");
-    } printf("\n");
-  }
+  kalmanOperationEndcap(KFO_Update_Params, propErr, propPar, msErr, msPar,
+                        outErr, outPar, dummy_chi2, N_proc);
-  outErr.Subtract(propErr, outErr);
-#ifdef DEBUG
-  {
-    dmutex_guard;
-    printf("res:\n");
-    for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
-        printf("%8f ", res.At(0,i,0));
-    } printf("\n");
-    printf("resErr (Inv):\n");
-    for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < 2; ++j)
-        printf("%8f ", resErr.At(0,i,j)); printf("\n");
-    } printf("\n");
-    printf("K:\n");
-    for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < 2; ++j)
-        printf("%8f ", K.At(0,i,j)); printf("\n");
-    } printf("\n");
-    printf("outPar:\n");
-    for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i) {
-      printf("%8f  ", outPar.At(0,i,0));
-    } printf("\n");
-    printf("outErr:\n");
-    for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < 6; ++j)
-        printf("%8f ", outErr.At(0,i,j)); printf("\n");
-    } printf("\n");
-  }
+void kalmanComputeChi2Endcap(const MPlexLS &psErr,  const MPlexLV& psPar, const MPlexQI &inChg,
+                             const MPlexHS &msErr,  const MPlexHV& msPar,
+                                   MPlexQF& outChi2,
+                             const int      N_proc)
+  kalmanOperationEndcap(KFO_Calculate_Chi2, psErr, psPar, msErr, msPar,
+                        dummy_err, dummy_par, outChi2, N_proc);
-void computeChi2EndcapMPlex(const MPlexLS &psErr,  const MPlexLV& psPar, const MPlexQI &inChg,
-			    const MPlexHS &msErr,  const MPlexHV& msPar,
-                                  MPlexQF& outChi2,
-			    const int      N_proc)
+void kalmanPropagateAndComputeChi2Endcap(const MPlexLS &psErr,  const MPlexLV& psPar, const MPlexQI &inChg,
+                                         const MPlexHS &msErr,  const MPlexHV& msPar,
+                                               MPlexQF& outChi2,
+                                         const int      N_proc, const PropagationFlags propFlags)
-  // const idx_t N = psErr.N;
-  // Assert N-s of all parameters are the same.
-  // Temporaries -- this is expensive -- should have them allocated outside and reused.
-  // Can be passed in in a struct, see above.
-  // updateParametersContext ctx;
-  //assert((long long)(&updateCtx.propErr.fArray[0]) % 64 == 0);
   MPlexLS propErr;
   MPlexLV propPar;
-  // do a full propagation step to correct for residual distance from the hit radius - need the charge for this
   if (Config::useCMSGeom) {
-    propagateHelixToZMPlex(psErr,  psPar, inChg,  msPar, propErr, propPar, N_proc);
+    MPlexQF msZ;
+#pragma simd
+    for (int n = 0; n < NN; ++n)
+    {
+      msZ.At(n, 0, 0) = msPar.ConstAt(n, 2, 0);
+    }
+    propagateHelixToZMPlex(psErr, psPar, inChg, msZ, propErr, propPar, N_proc, propFlags);
   } else {
     propErr = psErr;
     propPar = psPar;
+  kalmanOperationEndcap(KFO_Calculate_Chi2, propErr, propPar, msErr, msPar,
+                             dummy_err, dummy_par, outChi2, N_proc);
+void kalmanOperationEndcap(const int      kfOp,
+                           const MPlexLS &psErr,  const MPlexLV& psPar,
+                           const MPlexHS &msErr,  const MPlexHV& msPar,
+                           MPlexLS &outErr,       MPlexLV& outPar, MPlexQF& outChi2,
+                           const int      N_proc)
 #ifdef DEBUG
-    printf("computeChi2EndcapMPlex\n");
-    printf("propPar:\n");
+    printf("updateParametersEndcapMPlex\n");
+    printf("psPar:\n");
     for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i) {
-      printf("%8f ", propPar.ConstAt(0,0,i)); printf("\n");
+      printf("%8f ", psPar.ConstAt(0,0,i)); printf("\n");
     } printf("\n");
     for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
       printf("%8f ", msPar.ConstAt(0,0,i)); printf("\n");
     } printf("\n");
-    printf("propErr:\n");
+    printf("psErr:\n");
     for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < 6; ++j)
-        printf("%8f ", propErr.At(0,i,j)); printf("\n");
+        printf("%8f ", psErr.At(0,i,j)); printf("\n");
     } printf("\n");
     for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < 3; ++j)
@@ -848,18 +782,14 @@ void computeChi2EndcapMPlex(const MPlexLS &psErr,  const MPlexLV& psPar, const M
   MPlex2V res;
-  SubtractFirst2(msPar, propPar, res);
+  SubtractFirst2(msPar, psPar, res);
   MPlex2S resErr;
-  AddIntoUpperLeft2x2(propErr, msErr, resErr);
+  AddIntoUpperLeft2x2(psErr, msErr, resErr);
 #ifdef DEBUG
-    printf("res:\n");
-    for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
-        printf("%8f ", res.At(0,0,i)); printf("\n");
-    } printf("\n");
     for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < 2; ++j)
         printf("%8f ", resErr.At(0,i,j)); printf("\n");
@@ -870,19 +800,69 @@ void computeChi2EndcapMPlex(const MPlexLS &psErr,  const MPlexLV& psPar, const M
   //invert the 2x2 matrix
-  //compute chi2
-  Chi2Similarity(res, resErr, outChi2);
+  if (kfOp & KFO_Calculate_Chi2)
+  {
+    Chi2Similarity(res, resErr, outChi2);
 #ifdef DEBUG
-  {
-    dmutex_guard;
-    printf("resErr_loc (Inv):\n");
-    for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
-      for (int j = 0; j < 2; ++j)
-        printf("%8f ", resErr.At(0,i,j)); printf("\n");
-    } printf("\n");
-    printf("chi2: %8f\n", outChi2.At(0,0,0));
+    {
+      dmutex_guard;
+      printf("resErr_loc (Inv):\n");
+      for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
+        for (int j = 0; j < 2; ++j)
+          printf("%8f ", resErr.At(0,i,j)); printf("\n");
+      } printf("\n");
+      printf("chi2: %8f\n", outChi2.At(0,0,0));
+    }
+  if (kfOp & KFO_Update_Params)
+  {
+    MPlexL2 K;
+    KalmanGain(psErr, resErr, K);
+    MultResidualsAdd(K, psPar, res, outPar);
+    squashPhiMPlex(outPar,N_proc); // ensure phi is between |pi|
+    KHC(K, psErr, outErr);
+#ifdef DEBUG
+    {
+      printf("outErr before subtract:\n");
+      for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < 6; ++j)
+          printf("%8f ", outErr.At(0,i,j)); printf("\n");
+      } printf("\n");
+    }
+    outErr.Subtract(psErr, outErr);
+#ifdef DEBUG
+    {
+      dmutex_guard;
+      printf("res:\n");
+      for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
+        printf("%8f ", res.At(0,i,0));
+      } printf("\n");
+      printf("resErr (Inv):\n");
+      for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < 2; ++j)
+          printf("%8f ", resErr.At(0,i,j)); printf("\n");
+      } printf("\n");
+      printf("K:\n");
+      for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < 2; ++j)
+          printf("%8f ", K.At(0,i,j)); printf("\n");
+      } printf("\n");
+      printf("outPar:\n");
+      for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i) {
+        printf("%8f  ", outPar.At(0,i,0));
+      } printf("\n");
+      printf("outErr:\n");
+      for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < 6; ++j)
+          printf("%8f ", outErr.At(0,i,j)); printf("\n");
+      } printf("\n");
+    }
+  }
diff --git a/mkFit/KalmanUtilsMPlex.h b/mkFit/KalmanUtilsMPlex.h
index 53234074e2178..ca4d32c791eb4 100644
--- a/mkFit/KalmanUtilsMPlex.h
+++ b/mkFit/KalmanUtilsMPlex.h
@@ -8,30 +8,75 @@
 #include "FitterCU.h"
-void updateParametersMPlex(const MPlexLS &psErr,  const MPlexLV& psPar, const MPlexQI &inChg,
+enum KalmanFilterOperation
+  KFO_Calculate_Chi2 = 1,
+  KFO_Update_Params  = 2
+void kalmanUpdate(const MPlexLS &psErr,  const MPlexLV& psPar,
+                  const MPlexHS &msErr,  const MPlexHV& msPar,
+                        MPlexLS &outErr,       MPlexLV& outPar,
+                  const int      N_proc);
+void kalmanPropagateAndUpdate(const MPlexLS &psErr,  const MPlexLV& psPar, const MPlexQI &inChg,
+                              const MPlexHS &msErr,  const MPlexHV& msPar,
+                                    MPlexLS &outErr,       MPlexLV& outPar,
+                              const int      N_proc, const PropagationFlags propFlags);
+void kalmanComputeChi2(const MPlexLS &psErr,  const MPlexLV& psPar, const MPlexQI &inChg,
+                       const MPlexHS &msErr,  const MPlexHV& msPar,
+                             MPlexQF& outChi2,
+                       const int      N_proc);
+void kalmanPropagateAndComputeChi2(const MPlexLS &psErr,  const MPlexLV& psPar, const MPlexQI &inChg,
+                                   const MPlexHS &msErr,  const MPlexHV& msPar,
+                                         MPlexQF& outChi2,
+                                   const int      N_proc, const PropagationFlags propFlags);
+void kalmanOperation(const int      kfOp,
+                     const MPlexLS &psErr,  const MPlexLV& psPar,
+                     const MPlexHS &msErr,  const MPlexHV& msPar,
+                           MPlexLS &outErr,       MPlexLV& outPar, MPlexQF& outChi2,
+                     const int      N_proc);
+void kalmanUpdateEndcap(const MPlexLS &psErr,  const MPlexLV& psPar,
+                        const MPlexHS &msErr,  const MPlexHV& msPar,
+                              MPlexLS &outErr,       MPlexLV& outPar,
+                        const int      N_proc);
+void kalmanPropagateAndUpdateEndcap(const MPlexLS &psErr,  const MPlexLV& psPar, const MPlexQI &inChg,
+                                    const MPlexHS &msErr,  const MPlexHV& msPar,
+                                          MPlexLS &outErr,       MPlexLV& outPar,
+                                    const int      N_proc, const PropagationFlags propFlags);
+void kalmanComputeChi2Endcap(const MPlexLS &psErr,  const MPlexLV& psPar, const MPlexQI &inChg,
+                             const MPlexHS &msErr,  const MPlexHV& msPar,
+                                   MPlexQF& outChi2,
+                             const int      N_proc);
+void kalmanPropagateAndComputeChi2Endcap(const MPlexLS &psErr,  const MPlexLV& psPar, const MPlexQI &inChg,
+                                         const MPlexHS &msErr,  const MPlexHV& msPar,
+                                               MPlexQF& outChi2,
+                                         const int      N_proc, const PropagationFlags propFlags);
+void kalmanOperationEndcap(const int      kfOp,
+                           const MPlexLS &psErr,  const MPlexLV& psPar,
                            const MPlexHS &msErr,  const MPlexHV& msPar,
-                                 MPlexLS &outErr,       MPlexLV& outPar,
+                                 MPlexLS &outErr,       MPlexLV& outPar, MPlexQF& outChi2,
                            const int      N_proc);
-#ifdef USE_CUDA  // FIXME: temporary; move to FitterCU
-void computeChi2MPlex_tmp(const MPlexLS &psErr,  const MPlexLV& psPar, const MPlexQI &inChg,
-                      const MPlexHS &msErr,  const MPlexHV& msPar,
-                            MPlexQF& outChi2,
-                            FitterCU<float>& cuFitter);
-void computeChi2MPlex(const MPlexLS &psErr,  const MPlexLV& psPar, const MPlexQI &inChg,
-		      const MPlexHS &msErr,  const MPlexHV& msPar,
-                            MPlexQF& outChi2,
-                      const int      N_proc);
-void updateParametersEndcapMPlex(const MPlexLS &psErr,  const MPlexLV& psPar, const MPlexQI &inChg,
-				 const MPlexHS &msErr,  const MPlexHV& msPar,
-                                       MPlexLS &outErr,       MPlexLV& outPar,
-				 const int      N_proc);
-void computeChi2EndcapMPlex(const MPlexLS &psErr,  const MPlexLV& psPar, const MPlexQI &inChg,
-			    const MPlexHS &msErr,  const MPlexHV& msPar,
-                                  MPlexQF& outChi2,
-			    const int      N_proc);
diff --git a/mkFit/MkBase.h b/mkFit/MkBase.h
index f4375aa07f346..acfedee8c38c2 100644
--- a/mkFit/MkBase.h
+++ b/mkFit/MkBase.h
@@ -5,6 +5,10 @@
 #include "PropagationMPlex.h"
+// MkBase
 struct MkBase
   MPlexLS    Err[2];
@@ -21,16 +25,60 @@ struct MkBase
   MkBase() {}
-  void PropagateTracksToR(float R, const int N_proc)
+  //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  void PropagateTracksToR(float r, const int N_proc, const PropagationFlags pf)
-    propagateHelixToRMPlex(Err[iC], Par[iC], Chg, R,
-                           Err[iP], Par[iP], N_proc);
+    MPlexQF msRad;
+#pragma simd
+    for (int n = 0; n < NN; ++n)
+    {
+      msRad.At(n, 0, 0) = r;
+    }
+    propagateHelixToRMPlex(Err[iC], Par[iC], Chg, msRad,
+                           Err[iP], Par[iP], N_proc, pf);
-  void PropagateTracksToZ(float Z, const int N_proc)
+  void PropagateTracksToHitR(const MPlexHV& par, const int N_proc, const PropagationFlags pf)
-    propagateHelixToZMPlex(Err[iC], Par[iC], Chg, Z,
-                           Err[iP], Par[iP], N_proc);
+    MPlexQF msRad;
+#pragma simd
+    for (int n = 0; n < NN; ++n)
+    {
+      msRad.At(n, 0, 0) = std::hypot(par.ConstAt(n, 0, 0), par.ConstAt(n, 1, 0));
+    }
+    propagateHelixToRMPlex(Err[iC], Par[iC], Chg, msRad,
+                           Err[iP], Par[iP], N_proc, pf);
+  }
+  //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  void PropagateTracksToZ(float z, const int N_proc, const PropagationFlags pf)
+  {
+    MPlexQF msZ;
+#pragma simd
+    for (int n = 0; n < NN; ++n)
+    {
+      msZ.At(n, 0, 0) = z;
+    }
+    propagateHelixToZMPlex(Err[iC], Par[iC], Chg, msZ,
+                           Err[iP], Par[iP], N_proc, pf);
+  }
+  void PropagateTracksToHitZ(const MPlexHV& par, const int N_proc, const PropagationFlags pf)
+  {
+    MPlexQF msZ;
+#pragma simd
+    for (int n = 0; n < NN; ++n)
+    {
+      msZ.At(n, 0, 0) = par.ConstAt(n, 2, 0);
+    }
+    propagateHelixToZMPlex(Err[iC], Par[iC], Chg, msZ,
+                           Err[iP], Par[iP], N_proc, pf);
diff --git a/mkFit/ b/mkFit/
index 1e971c5c30f5d..23aa1076dd930 100644
--- a/mkFit/
+++ b/mkFit/
@@ -176,8 +176,8 @@ MkBuilder::MkBuilder() :
   const TrackerInfo &ti = Config::TrkInfo;
-  m_fndfoos_brl = { computeChi2MPlex,       updateParametersMPlex,       &MkBase::PropagateTracksToR };
-  m_fndfoos_ec  = { computeChi2EndcapMPlex, updateParametersEndcapMPlex, &MkBase::PropagateTracksToZ };
+  m_fndfoos_brl = { kalmanPropagateAndComputeChi2,       kalmanPropagateAndUpdate,       &MkBase::PropagateTracksToR };
+  m_fndfoos_ec  = { kalmanPropagateAndComputeChi2Endcap, kalmanPropagateAndUpdateEndcap, &MkBase::PropagateTracksToZ };
   { SteeringParams &sp = m_steering_params[TrackerInfo::Reg_Endcap_Neg];
     sp.reserve_plan(3 + 3 + 6 + 18);
@@ -1250,7 +1250,9 @@ void MkBuilder::FindTracksBestHit()
           dcall(pre_prop_print(curr_layer, mkfndr.get()));
-          (mkfndr.get()->*fnd_foos.m_propagate_foo)(layer_info.m_propagate_to, curr_tridx);
+          (mkfndr.get()->*fnd_foos.m_propagate_foo)(layer_info.m_propagate_to, curr_tridx,
+                                                    PF_use_param_b_field | PF_apply_material);
+          // XXXX-MFMAT-review
           dcall(post_prop_print(curr_layer, mkfndr.get()));
@@ -1415,7 +1417,10 @@ void MkBuilder::FindTracksStandard()
           //propagate to layer
           dcall(pre_prop_print(curr_layer, mkfndr.get()));
-          (mkfndr.get()->*fnd_foos.m_propagate_foo)(layer_info.m_propagate_to, end - itrack);
+          (mkfndr.get()->*fnd_foos.m_propagate_foo)(layer_info.m_propagate_to, end - itrack,
+                                                    PF_use_param_b_field | PF_apply_material);
+          // XXXX-MFMAT-review
           dcall(post_prop_print(curr_layer, mkfndr.get()));
@@ -1613,7 +1618,10 @@ void MkBuilder::find_tracks_in_layers(CandCloner &cloner, MkFinder *mkfndr,
       // propagate to current layer
-      (mkfndr->*fnd_foos.m_propagate_foo)(layer_info.m_propagate_to, end - itrack);
+      (mkfndr->*fnd_foos.m_propagate_foo)(layer_info.m_propagate_to, end - itrack,
+                                          PF_use_param_b_field | PF_apply_material);
+      // XXXX-MFMAT-review
       // copy_out the propagated track params, errors only (hit-idcs and chi2 already updated)
       mkfndr->CopyOutParErr(eoccs.m_candidates, end - itrack, true);
diff --git a/mkFit/ b/mkFit/
index 219826ec82607..8a433b93b35d0 100644
--- a/mkFit/
+++ b/mkFit/
@@ -434,7 +434,7 @@ void MkFinder::AddBestHit(const LayerOfHits &layer_of_hits, const int N_proc,
     //now compute the chi2 of track state vs hit
     MPlexQF outChi2;
     (*fnd_foos.m_compute_chi2_foo)(Err[iP], Par[iP], Chg, msErr, msPar,
-                                   outChi2, N_proc);
+                                   outChi2, N_proc, PF_use_param_b_field);
 #ifndef NO_PREFETCH
     // Prefetch to L1 the hits we'll process in the next loop iteration.
@@ -536,7 +536,7 @@ void MkFinder::AddBestHit(const LayerOfHits &layer_of_hits, const int N_proc,
   dprint("update parameters");
   (*fnd_foos.m_update_param_foo)(Err[iP], Par[iP], Chg, msErr, msPar,
-                                 Err[iC], Par[iC], N_proc);
+                                 Err[iC], Par[iC], N_proc, PF_use_param_b_field);
   //std::cout << "Par[iP](0,0,0)=" << Par[iP](0,0,0) << " Par[iC](0,0,0)=" << Par[iC](0,0,0)<< std::endl;
@@ -616,7 +616,7 @@ void MkFinder::FindCandidates(const LayerOfHits &layer_of_hits,
     //now compute the chi2 of track state vs hit
     MPlexQF outChi2;
     (*fnd_foos.m_compute_chi2_foo)(Err[iP], Par[iP], Chg, msErr, msPar,
-                                   outChi2, N_proc);
+                                   outChi2, N_proc, PF_use_param_b_field);
     // Prefetch to L1 the hits we'll (probably) process in the next loop iteration.
     for (int itrack = 0; itrack < N_proc; ++itrack)
@@ -648,7 +648,7 @@ void MkFinder::FindCandidates(const LayerOfHits &layer_of_hits,
     if (oneCandPassCut)
       (*fnd_foos.m_update_param_foo)(Err[iP], Par[iP], Chg, msErr, msPar,
-                                     Err[iC], Par[iC], N_proc);
+                                     Err[iC], Par[iC], N_proc, PF_use_param_b_field);
       dprint("update parameters" << std::endl
 	     << "propagated track parameters x=" << Par[iP].ConstAt(0, 0, 0) << " y=" << Par[iP].ConstAt(0, 1, 0) << std::endl
@@ -788,7 +788,7 @@ void MkFinder::FindCandidatesCloneEngine(const LayerOfHits &layer_of_hits, CandC
     //now compute the chi2 of track state vs hit
     MPlexQF outChi2;
-    (*fnd_foos.m_compute_chi2_foo)(Err[iP], Par[iP], Chg, msErr, msPar, outChi2, N_proc);
+    (*fnd_foos.m_compute_chi2_foo)(Err[iP], Par[iP], Chg, msErr, msPar, outChi2, N_proc, PF_use_param_b_field);
     // Prefetch to L1 the hits we'll (probably) process in the next loop iteration.
     for (int itrack = 0; itrack < N_proc; ++itrack)
@@ -882,7 +882,7 @@ void MkFinder::UpdateWithLastHit(const LayerOfHits &layer_of_hits, int N_proc,
   (*fnd_foos.m_update_param_foo)(Err[iP], Par[iP], Chg, msErr, msPar,
-                                 Err[iC], Par[iC], N_proc);
+                                 Err[iC], Par[iC], N_proc, PF_use_param_b_field);
   //now that we have moved propagation at the end of the sequence we lost the handle of
   //using the propagated parameters instead of the updated for the missing hit case.
@@ -995,7 +995,9 @@ void MkFinder::BkFitFitTracks(const EventOfHits   & eventofhits,
   // Prototyping final backward fit.
   // This works with track-finding indices, before remapping.
-  // layers should be collected during track finding and list all layers that have actual hits.
+  //
+  // Layers should be collected during track finding and list all layers that have actual hits.
+  // Then we could avoid checking which layers actually do have hits.
   MPlexQF  tmp_chi2;
   float    tmp_err[6] = { 666, 0, 666, 0, 0, 666 };
@@ -1037,27 +1039,17 @@ void MkFinder::BkFitFitTracks(const EventOfHits   & eventofhits,
     if (LI.is_barrel())
-      // ZZZ for cmsGeom propagation done in also done in update! fix
-      propagateHelixToRMPlex(Err[iC], Par[iC], Chg, msPar,
-                             Err[iP], Par[iP], N_proc, useParamBfield);
+      PropagateTracksToHitR(msPar, N_proc, PF_use_param_b_field | PF_apply_material);
-      // ZZZ should have common chi2 / update function
-      computeChi2MPlex(Err[iP], Par[iP], Chg, msErr, msPar,
-                       tmp_chi2, N_proc);
-      updateParametersMPlex(Err[iP], Par[iP], Chg, msErr, msPar,
-                            Err[iC], Par[iC], N_proc);
+      kalmanOperation(KFO_Calculate_Chi2 | KFO_Update_Params,
+                      Err[iP], Par[iP], msErr, msPar, Err[iC], Par[iC], tmp_chi2, N_proc);
-      propagateHelixToZMPlex(Err[iC], Par[iC], Chg, msPar,
-			     Err[iP], Par[iP], N_proc, useParamBfield);
-      computeChi2EndcapMPlex(Err[iP], Par[iP], Chg, msErr, msPar,
-                             tmp_chi2, N_proc);
+      PropagateTracksToHitZ(msPar, N_proc, PF_use_param_b_field | PF_apply_material);
-      updateParametersEndcapMPlex(Err[iP], Par[iP], Chg, msErr, msPar,
-				  Err[iC], Par[iC], N_proc);
+      kalmanOperationEndcap(KFO_Calculate_Chi2 | KFO_Update_Params,
+                            Err[iP], Par[iP], msErr, msPar, Err[iC], Par[iC], tmp_chi2, N_proc);
diff --git a/mkFit/MkFinder.h b/mkFit/MkFinder.h
index 023d4a451c0ee..0b83189b9c9c2 100644
--- a/mkFit/MkFinder.h
+++ b/mkFit/MkFinder.h
@@ -77,10 +77,17 @@ class MkFinder : public MkBase
   MPlexQI     XHitSize;
   MPlexHitIdx XHitArr;
-  // Hit error / parameters for hit matching, update.
+  // Hit errors / parameters for hit matching, update.
   MPlexHS    msErr;
   MPlexHV    msPar;
+  // An idea: Do propagation to hit in FindTracksXYZZ functions.
+  // Have some state / functions here that make this short to write.
+  // This would simplify KalmanUtils (remove the propagate functions).
+  // Track errors / parameters propagated to current hit.
+  // MPlexLS    candErrAtCurrHit;
+  // MPlexLV    candParAtCurrHit;
   MkFinder() {}
diff --git a/mkFit/ b/mkFit/
index d6f58e3f9703b..ea036d65fd8a6 100644
--- a/mkFit/
+++ b/mkFit/
@@ -444,11 +444,10 @@ void MkFitter::FitTracksWithInterSlurp(const std::vector<HitVec>& layersohits,
     msErr[0].SlurpIn(varr + off_error, idx, N_proc);
-    propagateHelixToRMPlex(Err[iC], Par[iC], Chg, msPar[0],
-                           Err[iP], Par[iP], N_proc);
+    PropagateTracksToHitR(msPar[0], N_proc, PF_use_param_b_field | PF_apply_material);
-    updateParametersMPlex(Err[iP], Par[iP], Chg, msErr[0], msPar[0],
-                          Err[iC], Par[iC], N_proc);
+    kalmanUpdate(Err[iP], Par[iP], msErr[0], msPar[0],
+                 Err[iC], Par[iC], N_proc);
@@ -521,17 +520,18 @@ void MkFitter::FitTracks(const int N_proc, const Event * ev, const bool useParam
   // Fitting loop.
+  PropagationFlags pflags((useParamBfield ? PF_use_param_b_field : 0) | PF_apply_material);
   for (int hi = 0; hi < Nhits; ++hi)
     // Note, charge is not passed (line propagation).
     // propagateLineToRMPlex(Err[iC], Par[iC], msErr[hi], msPar[hi],
     //                       Err[iP], Par[iP]);
-    propagateHelixToRMPlex(Err[iC], Par[iC], Chg, msPar[hi],
-                           Err[iP], Par[iP], N_proc, useParamBfield);
+    PropagateTracksToHitR(msPar[hi], N_proc, pflags);
-    updateParametersMPlex(Err[iP], Par[iP], Chg, msErr[hi], msPar[hi],
-                          Err[iC], Par[iC], N_proc);
+    kalmanUpdate(Err[iP], Par[iP], msErr[hi], msPar[hi],
+                 Err[iC], Par[iC], N_proc);
     if (Config::fit_val) MkFitter::CollectFitValidation(hi,N_proc,ev);
@@ -567,6 +567,8 @@ void MkFitter::FitTracksSteered(const bool is_barrel[], const int N_proc, const
   dprintf("MkFitter::FitTracksSteered %d %d %d\n", is_barrel[0], is_barrel[1], is_barrel[2]);
+  PropagationFlags pflags((useParamBfield ? PF_use_param_b_field : 0) | PF_apply_material);
   for (int hi = 0; hi < Nhits; ++hi)
     // Note, charge is not passed (line propagation).
@@ -575,19 +577,17 @@ void MkFitter::FitTracksSteered(const bool is_barrel[], const int N_proc, const
     if (is_barrel[hi])
-      propagateHelixToRMPlex(Err[iC], Par[iC], Chg, msPar[hi],
-                             Err[iP], Par[iP], N_proc, useParamBfield);
+      PropagateTracksToHitR(msPar[hi], N_proc, pflags);
-      updateParametersMPlex(Err[iP], Par[iP], Chg, msErr[hi], msPar[hi],
-                            Err[iC], Par[iC], N_proc);
+      kalmanUpdate(Err[iP], Par[iP], msErr[hi], msPar[hi],
+                   Err[iC], Par[iC], N_proc);
-      propagateHelixToZMPlex(Err[iC], Par[iC], Chg, msPar[hi],
-			     Err[iP], Par[iP], N_proc, useParamBfield);
+      PropagateTracksToHitZ(msPar[hi], N_proc, pflags);
-      updateParametersEndcapMPlex(Err[iP], Par[iP], Chg, msErr[hi], msPar[hi],
-				  Err[iC], Par[iC], N_proc);
+      kalmanUpdateEndcap(Err[iP], Par[iP], msErr[hi], msPar[hi],
+                         Err[iC], Par[iC], N_proc);
     if (Config::fit_val) MkFitter::CollectFitValidation(hi,N_proc,ev);
diff --git a/mkFit/ b/mkFit/
index 2fbf0b599fc9d..87062ea966bef 100644
--- a/mkFit/
+++ b/mkFit/
@@ -246,8 +246,8 @@ void MultHelixPropTranspFull(const MPlexLL& A, const MPlexLL& B, MPlexLL& C)
 } // end unnamed namespace
-void helixAtRFromIterativeCCSFullJac(const MPlexLV& inPar, const MPlexQI& inChg, MPlexLV& outPar,
-                                     const MPlexQF &msRad,       MPlexLL& errorProp,
+void helixAtRFromIterativeCCSFullJac(const MPlexLV& inPar, const MPlexQI& inChg, const MPlexQF &msRad,
+                                           MPlexLV& outPar,      MPlexLL& errorProp,
                                      const int      N_proc)
@@ -377,18 +377,18 @@ void helixAtRFromIterativeCCSFullJac(const MPlexLV& inPar, const MPlexQI& inChg,
 //#pragma omp declare simd simdlen(NN) notinbranch linear(n)
 #include "PropagationMPlex.icc"
-void helixAtRFromIterativeCCS(const MPlexLV& inPar, const MPlexQI& inChg, MPlexLV& outPar,
-                              const MPlexQF &msRad, MPlexLL& errorProp,
-                              const int      N_proc, const bool useParamBfield)
+void helixAtRFromIterativeCCS(const MPlexLV& inPar,     const MPlexQI& inChg, const MPlexQF &msRad,
+                                    MPlexLV& outPar,          MPlexLL& errorProp,
+                              const int      N_proc,    const PropagationFlags pf)
-  helixAtRFromIterativeCCS_impl(inPar, inChg, outPar, msRad, errorProp, 0, NN, N_proc, useParamBfield);
+  helixAtRFromIterativeCCS_impl(inPar, inChg, msRad, outPar, errorProp, 0, NN, N_proc, pf);
 void applyMaterialEffects(const MPlexQF &hitsRl, const MPlexQF& hitsXi,
                                 MPlexLS &outErr,       MPlexLV& outPar,
-                         const int      N_proc)
+                          const int      N_proc)
 #pragma simd
   for (int n = 0; n < NN; ++n)
@@ -433,22 +433,17 @@ void applyMaterialEffects(const MPlexQF &hitsRl, const MPlexQF& hitsXi,
 void propagateHelixToRMPlex(const MPlexLS &inErr,  const MPlexLV& inPar,
-                            const MPlexQI &inChg,  const MPlexHV& msPar, 
+                            const MPlexQI &inChg,  const MPlexQF& msRad, 
 			          MPlexLS &outErr,       MPlexLV& outPar,
-                            const int      N_proc, const bool useParamBfield)
+                            const int      N_proc, const PropagationFlags pf)
    outErr = inErr;
-   outPar = inPar;
+   outPar = inPar; // XXXX-4G is this requirement for helixAtRFromIterativeCCS_XXX ??? We should document it there.
+                   // Or even better, do it there as it is somewhat counterintuitive :)
    MPlexLL errorProp;
-   MPlexQF msRad;
-#pragma simd
-   for (int n = 0; n < NN; ++n) {
-     msRad.At(n, 0, 0) = hipo(msPar.ConstAt(n, 0, 0), msPar.ConstAt(n, 1, 0));
-   }
-   helixAtRFromIterativeCCS(inPar, inChg, outPar, msRad, errorProp, N_proc, useParamBfield);
+   helixAtRFromIterativeCCS(inPar, inChg, msRad, outPar, errorProp, N_proc, pf.use_param_b_field);
 #ifdef DEBUG
@@ -468,26 +463,29 @@ void propagateHelixToRMPlex(const MPlexLS &inErr,  const MPlexLV& inPar,
-   if (Config::useCMSGeom && useParamBfield) // useParamBfield is proxy for fittest 
+   if (Config::useCMSGeom && pf.apply_material)
      MPlexQF hitsRl;
      MPlexQF hitsXi;
 #pragma simd
      for (int n = 0; n < NN; ++n) 
-       const int zbin = getZbinME(msPar(n, 2, 0));
-       const int rbin = getRbinME(msRad(n, 0, 0));
+       const int zbin = getZbinME(outPar(n, 2, 0)); // XXXX-4K changed msPar_z to outPar_z
+       const int rbin = getRbinME(msRad (n, 0, 0));
        hitsRl(n, 0, 0) = (zbin>=0 && zbin<Config::nBinsZME) ? getRlVal(zbin,rbin) : 0.f; // protect against crazy propagations
        hitsXi(n, 0, 0) = (zbin>=0 && zbin<Config::nBinsZME) ? getXiVal(zbin,rbin) : 0.f; // protect against crazy propagations
-     applyMaterialEffects(hitsRl, hitsXi, outErr, outPar, N_proc);
+     applyMaterialEffects(hitsRl, hitsXi, outErr, outPar, N_proc); // XXXX-4K - why are we doing this on error before propagation ???
+                                                                   // Isn't the material calculated for this/current layer?
    squashPhiMPlex(outPar,N_proc); // ensure phi is between |pi|
    // Matriplex version of:
    // result.errors = ROOT::Math::Similarity(errorProp, outErr);
+   // MultHelixProp can be optimized for CCS coordinates, see
    MPlexLL temp;
    MultHelixProp      (errorProp, outErr, temp);
    MultHelixPropTransp(errorProp, temp,   outErr);
@@ -514,11 +512,21 @@ void propagateHelixToRMPlex(const MPlexLS &inErr,  const MPlexLV& inPar,
+   /*
+     // To be used with: MPT_DIM = 1
+     if (fabs(sqrt(outPar[0]*outPar[0]+outPar[1]*outPar[1])-r)>0.0001) {
+     std::cout << "DID NOT GET TO R, dR=" << fabs(sqrt(outPar[0]*outPar[0]+outPar[1]*outPar[1])-r)
+     << " r=" << r << " r0in=" << r0in << " rout=" << sqrt(outPar[0]*outPar[0]+outPar[1]*outPar[1]) << std::endl;
+     std::cout << "pt=" << pt << " pz=" << inPar.At(n, 2) << std::endl;
+     }
+   */
 void propagateHelixToRMPlex(const MPlexLS& inErr,  const MPlexLV& inPar,
                             const MPlexQI& inChg,  const float    r,
-                            MPlexLS&       outErr, MPlexLV&       outPar,
+                                  MPlexLS& outErr,       MPlexLV& outPar,
                             const int      N_proc)
    outErr = inErr;
@@ -532,7 +540,7 @@ void propagateHelixToRMPlex(const MPlexLS& inErr,  const MPlexLV& inPar,
      msRad.At(n, 0, 0) = r;
-   helixAtRFromIterativeCCS(inPar, inChg, outPar, msRad, errorProp, N_proc);
+   helixAtRFromIterativeCCS(inPar, inChg, msRad, outPar, errorProp, N_proc);
    //add multiple scattering uncertainty and energy loss (FIXME: in this way it is not applied in track fit)
    if (Config::useCMSGeom) 
@@ -579,33 +587,20 @@ void propagateHelixToRMPlex(const MPlexLS& inErr,  const MPlexLV& inPar,
-   /*
-     if (fabs(sqrt(outPar[0]*outPar[0]+outPar[1]*outPar[1])-r)>0.0001) {
-     std::cout << "DID NOT GET TO R, dR=" << fabs(sqrt(outPar[0]*outPar[0]+outPar[1]*outPar[1])-r)
-     << " r=" << r << " r0in=" << r0in << " rout=" << sqrt(outPar[0]*outPar[0]+outPar[1]*outPar[1]) << std::endl;
-     std::cout << "pt=" << pt << " pz=" << inPar.At(n, 2) << std::endl;
-     }
-   */
 void propagateHelixToZMPlex(const MPlexLS &inErr,  const MPlexLV& inPar,
-                            const MPlexQI &inChg,  const MPlexHV& msPar,
+                            const MPlexQI &inChg,  const MPlexQF& msZ,
 			          MPlexLS &outErr,       MPlexLV& outPar,
-                            const int      N_proc, const bool useParamBfield)
+                            const int      N_proc, const PropagationFlags pf)
    outErr = inErr;
    outPar = inPar;
    MPlexLL errorProp;
-   MPlexQF msZ;
-#pragma simd
-   for (int n = 0; n < NN; ++n) {
-     msZ.At(n, 0, 0) = msPar.ConstAt(n, 2, 0);
-   }
-   helixAtZ(inPar, inChg, outPar, msZ, errorProp, N_proc, useParamBfield);
+   helixAtZ(inPar, inChg, msZ, outPar, errorProp, N_proc, pf);
 #ifdef DEBUG
@@ -625,7 +620,7 @@ void propagateHelixToZMPlex(const MPlexLS &inErr,  const MPlexLV& inPar,
-   if (Config::useCMSGeom && useParamBfield) // param bfield only used in fitting 
+   if (Config::useCMSGeom && pf.apply_material)
      MPlexQF hitsRl;
      MPlexQF hitsXi;
@@ -633,7 +628,7 @@ void propagateHelixToZMPlex(const MPlexLS &inErr,  const MPlexLV& inPar,
      for (int n = 0; n < NN; ++n) 
        const int zbin = getZbinME(msZ(n, 0, 0));
-       const int rbin = getRbinME(hipo(msPar(n, 0, 0), msPar(n, 1, 0)));
+       const int rbin = getRbinME(std::hypot(outPar(n, 0, 0), outPar(n, 1, 0)));  // XXXX-4K changed msPar_xy to outPar_xy
        hitsRl(n, 0, 0) = (rbin>=0 && rbin<Config::nBinsRME) ? getRlVal(zbin,rbin) : 0.f; // protect against crazy propagations
        hitsXi(n, 0, 0) = (rbin>=0 && rbin<Config::nBinsRME) ? getXiVal(zbin,rbin) : 0.f; // protect against crazy propagations
@@ -673,7 +668,7 @@ void propagateHelixToZMPlex(const MPlexLS &inErr,  const MPlexLV& inPar,
 void propagateHelixToZMPlex(const MPlexLS &inErr,  const MPlexLV& inPar,
                             const MPlexQI &inChg,  const float z,
 			          MPlexLS &outErr,       MPlexLV& outPar,
@@ -684,14 +679,6 @@ void propagateHelixToZMPlex(const MPlexLS &inErr,  const MPlexLV& inPar,
    MPlexLL errorProp;
-   MPlexQF msZ;
-#pragma simd
-   for (int n = 0; n < NN; ++n) {
-     // XXXXMT4G
-     // msZ.At(n, 0, 0) = (inPar.ConstAt(n, 2, 0) > 0) ? z : -z;
-     msZ.At(n, 0, 0) = z;
-   }
    helixAtZ(inPar, inChg, outPar, msZ, errorProp, N_proc);
 #ifdef DEBUG
@@ -762,11 +749,11 @@ void propagateHelixToZMPlex(const MPlexLS &inErr,  const MPlexLV& inPar,
-void helixAtZ(const MPlexLV& inPar, const MPlexQI& inChg, MPlexLV& outPar,
-	      const MPlexQF &msZ, MPlexLL& errorProp,
-	      const int      N_proc, const bool useParamBfield)
+void helixAtZ(const MPlexLV& inPar,  const MPlexQI& inChg, const MPlexQF &msZ,
+                    MPlexLV& outPar,       MPlexLL& errorProp,
+	      const int      N_proc, const PropagationFlags pf)
@@ -787,7 +774,7 @@ void helixAtZ(const MPlexLV& inPar, const MPlexQI& inChg, MPlexLV& outPar,
       const float phiin = inPar.ConstAt(n, 4, 0);
       const float theta = inPar.ConstAt(n, 5, 0);
-      const float k = inChg.ConstAt(n, 0, 0) * 100.f / (-Config::sol*(useParamBfield?Config::BfieldFromZR(zin,hipo(inPar.ConstAt(n,0,0),inPar.ConstAt(n,1,0))):Config::Bfield));
+      const float k = inChg.ConstAt(n, 0, 0) * 100.f / (-Config::sol*(pf.use_param_b_field?Config::BfieldFromZR(zin,hipo(inPar.ConstAt(n,0,0),inPar.ConstAt(n,1,0))):Config::Bfield));
       dprint_np(n, std::endl << "input parameters"
             << " inPar.ConstAt(n, 0, 0)=" << std::setprecision(9) << inPar.ConstAt(n, 0, 0)
diff --git a/mkFit/PropagationMPlex.h b/mkFit/PropagationMPlex.h
index cc36fd008f21c..f246db82a71bb 100644
--- a/mkFit/PropagationMPlex.h
+++ b/mkFit/PropagationMPlex.h
@@ -26,42 +26,41 @@ void propagateLineToRMPlex(const MPlexLS &psErr,  const MPlexLV& psPar,
                            const int      N_proc);
 void propagateHelixToRMPlex(const MPlexLS &inErr,  const MPlexLV& inPar,
-                            const MPlexQI &inChg,  const MPlexHV& msPar,
+                            const MPlexQI &inChg,  const MPlexQF& msRad,
                                   MPlexLS &outErr,       MPlexLV& outPar,
-                            const int      N_proc, const bool useParamBfield = false);
+                            const int      N_proc, const PropagationFlags pf);
 void propagateHelixToRMPlex(const MPlexLS& inErr,  const MPlexLV& inPar,
                             const MPlexQI& inChg,  const float    r,
                                   MPlexLS& outErr,       MPlexLV& outPar,
-                            const int      N_proc);
-void helixAtRFromIterativeCCSFullJac(const MPlexLV& inPar, const MPlexQI& inChg,
-                                           MPlexLV& outPar, const MPlexQF &msRad,
-                                           MPlexLL& errorProp,
+                            const int      N_proc, const PropagationFlags pf);
+void helixAtRFromIterativeCCSFullJac(const MPlexLV& inPar, const MPlexQI& inChg, const MPlexQF &msRad,
+                                           MPlexLV& outPar,      MPlexLL& errorProp,
                                      const int      N_proc);
-void helixAtRFromIterativeCCS(const MPlexLV& inPar, const MPlexQI& inChg,
-                                    MPlexLV& outPar, const MPlexQF &msRad,
-                                    MPlexLL& errorProp,
-                              const int      N_proc, const bool useParamBfield = false);
+void helixAtRFromIterativeCCS(const MPlexLV& inPar,  const MPlexQI& inChg, const MPlexQF &msRad,
+                                    MPlexLV& outPar,       MPlexLL& errorProp,
+                              const int      N_proc, const PropagationFlags pf);
 void propagateHelixToZMPlex(const MPlexLS &inErr,  const MPlexLV& inPar,
-                            const MPlexQI &inChg,  const MPlexHV& msPar,
+                            const MPlexQI &inChg,  const MPlexQF& msZ,
                                   MPlexLS &outErr,       MPlexLV& outPar,
-                            const int      N_proc, const bool useParamBfield = false);
+                            const int      N_proc, const PropagationFlags pf);
 void propagateHelixToZMPlex(const MPlexLS &inErr,  const MPlexLV& inPar,
                             const MPlexQI &inChg,  const float    z,
                                   MPlexLS &outErr,       MPlexLV& outPar,
                             const int      N_proc);
-void helixAtZ(const MPlexLV& inPar,  const MPlexQI& inChg,
-                    MPlexLV& outPar, const MPlexQF &msZ,
-                    MPlexLL& errorProp,
-              const int      N_proc, const bool useParamBfield = false);
+void helixAtZ(const MPlexLV& inPar,  const MPlexQI& inChg, const MPlexQF &msZ,
+                    MPlexLV& outPar,       MPlexLL& errorProp,
+              const int      N_proc, const PropagationFlags pf);
 void applyMaterialEffects(const MPlexQF &hitsRl, const MPlexQF& hitsXi, 
-                                MPlexLS &outErr, MPlexLV& outPar,
+                                MPlexLS &outErr,       MPlexLV& outPar,
                           const int      N_proc);
diff --git a/mkFit/PropagationMPlex.icc b/mkFit/PropagationMPlex.icc
index 946dae9527d0d..eefcc8c90b2ab 100644
--- a/mkFit/PropagationMPlex.icc
+++ b/mkFit/PropagationMPlex.icc
@@ -6,14 +6,14 @@ template<typename Tf, typename Ti, typename TfLL1, typename Tf11, typename TfLLL
 #ifdef __CUDACC__
-static inline void helixAtRFromIterativeCCS_impl(const Tf& __restrict__ inPar, 
-                                                 const   Ti& __restrict__ inChg, 
-                                                 TfLL1& __restrict__ outPar,
-                                                 const Tf11& __restrict__ msRad, 
-                                                 TfLLL& __restrict__ errorProp,
+static inline void helixAtRFromIterativeCCS_impl(const    Tf& __restrict__ inPar,
+                                                 const    Ti& __restrict__ inChg,
+                                                 const  Tf11& __restrict__ msRad,
+                                                       TfLL1& __restrict__ outPar,
+                                                       TfLLL& __restrict__ errorProp,
                                                  const int nmin, const int nmax,
                                                  const int N_proc,
-                                                 const bool useParamBfield) 
+                                                 const PropagationFlags pf)
 #pragma simd
   for (int n = nmin; n < nmax; ++n)
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ static inline void helixAtRFromIterativeCCS_impl(const Tf& __restrict__ inPar,
       errorProp(n,5,5) = 1.f;
       float r0 = hipo(inPar(n, 0, 0), inPar(n, 1, 0));
-      const float k = inChg(n, 0, 0) * 100.f / (-Config::sol*(useParamBfield?Config::BfieldFromZR(inPar(n,2,0),r0):Config::Bfield)); 
+      const float k = inChg(n, 0, 0) * 100.f / (-Config::sol*(pf.use_param_b_field ? Config::BfieldFromZR(inPar(n,2,0),r0) : Config::Bfield));
       const float r = msRad(n, 0, 0);
       // if (std::abs(r-r0)<0.0001f) {
diff --git a/mkFit/SteeringParams.h b/mkFit/SteeringParams.h
index d46f7e9c05ff4..a296d79add10d 100644
--- a/mkFit/SteeringParams.h
+++ b/mkFit/SteeringParams.h
@@ -11,23 +11,23 @@ class MkFinder;
 #define COMPUTE_CHI2_ARGS const MPlexLS &,  const MPlexLV &, const MPlexQI &, \
                           const MPlexHS &,  const MPlexHV &, \
-                                MPlexQF &,  const int
+                          MPlexQF &,  const int, const PropagationFlags
 #define UPDATE_PARAM_ARGS const MPlexLS &,  const MPlexLV &, const MPlexQI &, \
                           const MPlexHS &,  const MPlexHV &, \
-                                MPlexLS &,        MPlexLV &, const int
+                                MPlexLS &,        MPlexLV &, const int, const PropagationFlags
 struct FindingFoos
   void (*m_compute_chi2_foo)      (COMPUTE_CHI2_ARGS);
   void (*m_update_param_foo)      (UPDATE_PARAM_ARGS);
-  void (MkBase::*m_propagate_foo) (float, const int);
+  void (MkBase::*m_propagate_foo) (float, const int, const PropagationFlags);
   FindingFoos() {}
   FindingFoos(void (*cch2_f)      (COMPUTE_CHI2_ARGS),
               void (*updp_f)      (UPDATE_PARAM_ARGS),
-              void (MkBase::*p_f) (float, const int)) :
+              void (MkBase::*p_f) (float, const int, const PropagationFlags)) :

From c40e9d610dfeb760f257e4652c2a0662f73579c6 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Matevz Tadel <>
Date: Thu, 21 Dec 2017 16:36:05 -0800
Subject: [PATCH 02/11] Remove old dead code, move applyMaterialEffects() to
 the bottom (as is in .h).

 mkFit/ | 243 ++++++++------------------------------
 mkFit/PropagationMPlex.h  |  14 +--
 2 files changed, 52 insertions(+), 205 deletions(-)

diff --git a/mkFit/ b/mkFit/
index 87062ea966bef..c93529ed6ce52 100644
--- a/mkFit/
+++ b/mkFit/
@@ -246,6 +246,9 @@ void MultHelixPropTranspFull(const MPlexLL& A, const MPlexLL& B, MPlexLL& C)
 } // end unnamed namespace
 void helixAtRFromIterativeCCSFullJac(const MPlexLV& inPar, const MPlexQI& inChg, const MPlexQF &msRad,
                                            MPlexLV& outPar,      MPlexLL& errorProp,
                                      const int      N_proc)
@@ -386,51 +389,6 @@ void helixAtRFromIterativeCCS(const MPlexLV& inPar,     const MPlexQI& inChg, co
   helixAtRFromIterativeCCS_impl(inPar, inChg, msRad, outPar, errorProp, 0, NN, N_proc, pf);
-void applyMaterialEffects(const MPlexQF &hitsRl, const MPlexQF& hitsXi,
-                                MPlexLS &outErr,       MPlexLV& outPar,
-                          const int      N_proc)
-#pragma simd
-  for (int n = 0; n < NN; ++n)
-    {
-      float radL = hitsRl.ConstAt(n,0,0);
-      if (radL<0.0000000000001f) continue;//ugly, please fixme
-      const float theta = outPar.ConstAt(n,0,5);
-      const float pt = 1.f/outPar.ConstAt(n,0,3);
-      const float p = pt/std::sin(theta);
-      const float p2 = p*p;
-      constexpr float mpi = 0.140; // m=140 MeV, pion
-      constexpr float mpi2 = mpi*mpi; // m=140 MeV, pion
-      const float beta2 = p2/(p2+mpi2);
-      const float beta = std::sqrt(beta2);
-      //radiation lenght, corrected for the crossing angle (cos alpha from dot product of radius vector and momentum)
-      const float invCos = p/pt;
-      radL = radL * invCos; //fixme works only for barrel geom
-      // multiple scattering
-      //vary independently phi and theta by the rms of the planar multiple scattering angle
-      const float thetaMSC = 0.0136f*std::sqrt(radL)*(1.f+0.038f*std::log(radL))/(beta*p);// eq 32.15
-      const float thetaMSC2 = thetaMSC*thetaMSC;
-      outErr.At(n, 4, 4) += thetaMSC2;
-      outErr.At(n, 5, 5) += thetaMSC2;
-      //std::cout << "beta=" << beta << " p=" << p << std::endl;
-      //std::cout << "multiple scattering thetaMSC=" << thetaMSC << " thetaMSC2=" << thetaMSC2 << " radL=" << radL << std::endl;
-      // energy loss
-      const float gamma = 1.f/std::sqrt(1.f - beta2);
-      const float gamma2 = gamma*gamma;
-      constexpr float me = 0.0005; // m=0.5 MeV, electron
-      const float wmax = 2.f*me*beta2*gamma2 / ( 1.f + 2.f*gamma*me/mpi + me*me/(mpi*mpi) );
-      constexpr float I = 16.0e-9 * 10.75;
-      const float deltahalf = std::log(28.816e-9f * std::sqrt(2.33f*0.498f)/I) + std::log(beta*gamma) - 0.5f;
-      const float dEdx = beta<1.f ? (2.f*(hitsXi.ConstAt(n,0,0) * invCos * (0.5f*std::log(2.f*me*beta2*gamma2*wmax/(I*I)) - beta2 - deltahalf) / beta2)) : 0.f;//protect against infs and nans
-      // dEdx = dEdx*2.;//xi in cmssw is defined with an extra factor 0.5 with respect to formula 27.1 in pdg
-      //std::cout << "dEdx=" << dEdx << " delta=" << deltahalf << " wmax=" << wmax << " Xi=" << hitsXi.ConstAt(n,0,0) << std::endl;
-      const float dP = dEdx/beta;
-      outPar.At(n, 0, 3) = p/((p+dP)*pt);
-      //assume 100% uncertainty
-      outErr.At(n, 3, 3) += dP*dP/(p2*pt*pt);
-    }
 void propagateHelixToRMPlex(const MPlexLS &inErr,  const MPlexLV& inPar,
                             const MPlexQI &inChg,  const MPlexQF& msRad, 
@@ -523,72 +481,8 @@ void propagateHelixToRMPlex(const MPlexLS &inErr,  const MPlexLV& inPar,
-void propagateHelixToRMPlex(const MPlexLS& inErr,  const MPlexLV& inPar,
-                            const MPlexQI& inChg,  const float    r,
-                                  MPlexLS& outErr,       MPlexLV& outPar,
-                            const int      N_proc)
-   outErr = inErr;
-   outPar = inPar;
-   MPlexLL errorProp;
-   MPlexQF msRad;
-#pragma simd
-   for (int n = 0; n < NN; ++n) {
-     msRad.At(n, 0, 0) = r;
-   }
-   helixAtRFromIterativeCCS(inPar, inChg, msRad, outPar, errorProp, N_proc);
-   //add multiple scattering uncertainty and energy loss (FIXME: in this way it is not applied in track fit)
-   if (Config::useCMSGeom) 
-   {
-     MPlexQF hitsRl;
-     MPlexQF hitsXi;
-#pragma simd
-     for (int n = 0; n < N_proc; ++n) 
-     {    
-       const int zbin = getZbinME(outPar(n, 2, 0));
-       const int rbin = getRbinME(r);
-       hitsRl(n, 0, 0) = (zbin>=0 && zbin<Config::nBinsZME) ? getRlVal(zbin,rbin) : 0.f; // protect against crazy propagations
-       hitsXi(n, 0, 0) = (zbin>=0 && zbin<Config::nBinsZME) ? getXiVal(zbin,rbin) : 0.f; // protect against crazy propagations
-     }
-     applyMaterialEffects(hitsRl, hitsXi, outErr, outPar, N_proc);
-   }
-   squashPhiMPlex(outPar,N_proc); // ensure phi is between |pi|
-   // Matriplex version of:
-   // result.errors = ROOT::Math::Similarity(errorProp, outErr);
-   //MultHelixProp can be optimized for CCS coordinates, see
-   MPlexLL temp;
-   MultHelixProp      (errorProp, outErr, temp);
-   MultHelixPropTransp(errorProp, temp,   outErr);
-   // This dump is now out of its place as similarity is done with matriplex ops.
-#ifdef DEBUG
-   if (debug) {
-     for (int kk = 0; kk < N_proc; ++kk)
-     {
-       dprintf("outErr %d\n", kk);
-       for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < 6; ++j)
-           dprintf("%8f ", outErr.At(kk,i,j)); printf("\n");
-       } dprintf("\n");
-       dprintf("outPar %d\n", kk);
-       for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i) {
-           dprintf("%8f ", outPar.At(kk,i,0)); printf("\n");
-       } dprintf("\n");
-     }
-   }
 void propagateHelixToZMPlex(const MPlexLS &inErr,  const MPlexLV& inPar,
                             const MPlexQI &inChg,  const MPlexQF& msZ,
@@ -668,88 +562,6 @@ void propagateHelixToZMPlex(const MPlexLS &inErr,  const MPlexLV& inPar,
-void propagateHelixToZMPlex(const MPlexLS &inErr,  const MPlexLV& inPar,
-                            const MPlexQI &inChg,  const float z,
-			          MPlexLS &outErr,       MPlexLV& outPar,
-                            const int      N_proc)
-   outErr = inErr;
-   outPar = inPar;
-   MPlexLL errorProp;
-   helixAtZ(inPar, inChg, outPar, msZ, errorProp, N_proc);
-#ifdef DEBUG
-   {
-     for (int kk = 0; kk < N_proc; ++kk)
-     {
-       dprintf("inErr %d\n", kk);
-       for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < 6; ++j)
-           dprintf("%8f ", inErr.ConstAt(kk,i,j)); printf("\n");
-       } dprintf("\n");
-       dprintf("errorProp %d\n", kk);
-       for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < 6; ++j)
-           dprintf("%8f ", errorProp.At(kk,i,j)); printf("\n");
-       } dprintf("\n");
-     }
-   }
-   if (Config::useCMSGeom) 
-   {
-     MPlexQF hitsRl;
-     MPlexQF hitsXi;
-#pragma simd
-     for (int n = 0; n < N_proc; ++n) 
-     {
-       const int zbin = getZbinME(z);
-       const int rbin = getRbinME(hipo(outPar(n, 0, 0), outPar(n, 1, 0)));
-       hitsRl(n, 0, 0) = (rbin>=0 && rbin<Config::nBinsRME) ? getRlVal(zbin,rbin) : 0.f; // protect against crazy propagations
-       hitsXi(n, 0, 0) = (rbin>=0 && rbin<Config::nBinsRME) ? getXiVal(zbin,rbin) : 0.f; // protect against crazy propagations
-     }
-     applyMaterialEffects(hitsRl, hitsXi, outErr, outPar, N_proc);
-   }
-   squashPhiMPlex(outPar,N_proc); // ensure phi is between |pi|
-   // Matriplex version of:
-   // result.errors = ROOT::Math::Similarity(errorProp, outErr);
-   MPlexLL temp;
-   MultHelixPropEndcap      (errorProp, outErr, temp);
-   MultHelixPropTranspEndcap(errorProp, temp,   outErr);
-   // This dump is now out of its place as similarity is done with matriplex ops.
-#ifdef DEBUG
-   {
-     for (int kk = 0; kk < N_proc; ++kk)
-     {
-       dprintf("outErr %d\n", kk);
-       for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < 6; ++j)
-           dprintf("%8f ", outErr.At(kk,i,j)); printf("\n");
-       } dprintf("\n");
-       dprintf("outPar %d\n", kk);
-       for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i) {
-           dprintf("%8f ", outPar.At(kk,i,0)); printf("\n");
-       } dprintf("\n");
-       // XXXXMT4G
-       // if (std::abs(outPar.At(kk,2,0) - inPar.ConstAt(kk, 2, 0))>0.0001) {
-       //    dprint_np(kk, "DID NOT GET TO Z, dZ=" << std::abs(outPar.At(kk,2,0)-inPar.ConstAt(kk, 2, 0))
-       if (std::abs(outPar.At(kk,2,0) - z) > 0.0001) {
-	 dprint_np(kk, "DID NOT GET TO Z, dZ=" << std::abs(outPar.At(kk,2,0) - z)
-		   << " z=" << msZ.ConstAt(kk, 2, 0) << " zin=" << inPar.ConstAt(kk,2,0) << " zout=" << outPar.At(kk,2,0)
-		   << "\n    pt=" << hipo(inPar.ConstAt(kk,3,0), inPar.ConstAt(kk,4,0)) << " pz=" << inPar.ConstAt(kk,5,0));
-       }
-     }
-   }
 void helixAtZ(const MPlexLV& inPar,  const MPlexQI& inChg, const MPlexQF &msZ,
                     MPlexLV& outPar,       MPlexLL& errorProp,
@@ -851,3 +663,50 @@ void helixAtZ(const MPlexLV& inPar,  const MPlexQI& inChg, const MPlexQF &msZ,
+void applyMaterialEffects(const MPlexQF &hitsRl, const MPlexQF& hitsXi,
+                                MPlexLS &outErr,       MPlexLV& outPar,
+                          const int      N_proc)
+#pragma simd
+  for (int n = 0; n < NN; ++n)
+    {
+      float radL = hitsRl.ConstAt(n,0,0);
+      if (radL<0.0000000000001f) continue;//ugly, please fixme
+      const float theta = outPar.ConstAt(n,0,5);
+      const float pt = 1.f/outPar.ConstAt(n,0,3);
+      const float p = pt/std::sin(theta);
+      const float p2 = p*p;
+      constexpr float mpi = 0.140; // m=140 MeV, pion
+      constexpr float mpi2 = mpi*mpi; // m=140 MeV, pion
+      const float beta2 = p2/(p2+mpi2);
+      const float beta = std::sqrt(beta2);
+      //radiation lenght, corrected for the crossing angle (cos alpha from dot product of radius vector and momentum)
+      const float invCos = p/pt;
+      radL = radL * invCos; //fixme works only for barrel geom
+      // multiple scattering
+      //vary independently phi and theta by the rms of the planar multiple scattering angle
+      const float thetaMSC = 0.0136f*std::sqrt(radL)*(1.f+0.038f*std::log(radL))/(beta*p);// eq 32.15
+      const float thetaMSC2 = thetaMSC*thetaMSC;
+      outErr.At(n, 4, 4) += thetaMSC2;
+      outErr.At(n, 5, 5) += thetaMSC2;
+      //std::cout << "beta=" << beta << " p=" << p << std::endl;
+      //std::cout << "multiple scattering thetaMSC=" << thetaMSC << " thetaMSC2=" << thetaMSC2 << " radL=" << radL << std::endl;
+      // energy loss
+      const float gamma = 1.f/std::sqrt(1.f - beta2);
+      const float gamma2 = gamma*gamma;
+      constexpr float me = 0.0005; // m=0.5 MeV, electron
+      const float wmax = 2.f*me*beta2*gamma2 / ( 1.f + 2.f*gamma*me/mpi + me*me/(mpi*mpi) );
+      constexpr float I = 16.0e-9 * 10.75;
+      const float deltahalf = std::log(28.816e-9f * std::sqrt(2.33f*0.498f)/I) + std::log(beta*gamma) - 0.5f;
+      const float dEdx = beta<1.f ? (2.f*(hitsXi.ConstAt(n,0,0) * invCos * (0.5f*std::log(2.f*me*beta2*gamma2*wmax/(I*I)) - beta2 - deltahalf) / beta2)) : 0.f;//protect against infs and nans
+      // dEdx = dEdx*2.;//xi in cmssw is defined with an extra factor 0.5 with respect to formula 27.1 in pdg
+      //std::cout << "dEdx=" << dEdx << " delta=" << deltahalf << " wmax=" << wmax << " Xi=" << hitsXi.ConstAt(n,0,0) << std::endl;
+      const float dP = dEdx/beta;
+      outPar.At(n, 0, 3) = p/((p+dP)*pt);
+      //assume 100% uncertainty
+      outErr.At(n, 3, 3) += dP*dP/(p2*pt*pt);
+    }
diff --git a/mkFit/PropagationMPlex.h b/mkFit/PropagationMPlex.h
index f246db82a71bb..394fd1a9f986c 100644
--- a/mkFit/PropagationMPlex.h
+++ b/mkFit/PropagationMPlex.h
@@ -29,12 +29,7 @@ void propagateHelixToRMPlex(const MPlexLS &inErr,  const MPlexLV& inPar,
                             const MPlexQI &inChg,  const MPlexQF& msRad,
                                   MPlexLS &outErr,       MPlexLV& outPar,
                             const int      N_proc, const PropagationFlags pf);
-void propagateHelixToRMPlex(const MPlexLS& inErr,  const MPlexLV& inPar,
-                            const MPlexQI& inChg,  const float    r,
-                                  MPlexLS& outErr,       MPlexLV& outPar,
-                            const int      N_proc, const PropagationFlags pf);
 void helixAtRFromIterativeCCSFullJac(const MPlexLV& inPar, const MPlexQI& inChg, const MPlexQF &msRad,
                                            MPlexLV& outPar,      MPlexLL& errorProp,
                                      const int      N_proc);
@@ -48,13 +43,6 @@ void propagateHelixToZMPlex(const MPlexLS &inErr,  const MPlexLV& inPar,
                                   MPlexLS &outErr,       MPlexLV& outPar,
                             const int      N_proc, const PropagationFlags pf);
-void propagateHelixToZMPlex(const MPlexLS &inErr,  const MPlexLV& inPar,
-                            const MPlexQI &inChg,  const float    z,
-                                  MPlexLS &outErr,       MPlexLV& outPar,
-                            const int      N_proc);
 void helixAtZ(const MPlexLV& inPar,  const MPlexQI& inChg, const MPlexQF &msZ,
                     MPlexLV& outPar,       MPlexLL& errorProp,
               const int      N_proc, const PropagationFlags pf);

From a2743177534a5cba292aafbcbbd11a09e0ccbbef Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Matevz Tadel <>
Date: Fri, 22 Dec 2017 12:01:40 -0800
Subject: [PATCH 03/11] Make Finder-FV use PropagationFlags.

 mkFit/  | 2 +-
 mkFit/ | 4 ++--
 2 files changed, 3 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)

diff --git a/mkFit/ b/mkFit/
index 6d16a87da4fa4..445431a69e551 100644
--- a/mkFit/
+++ b/mkFit/
@@ -1812,7 +1812,7 @@ void MkBuilder::find_tracks_in_layersFV(int start_seed, int end_seed, int region
       auto& mkfndr = finders[index];
       // propagate to current layer
-      (mkfndr.*fnd_foos.m_propagate_foo)(layer_info.m_propagate_to, mkfndr.nnfv());
+      (mkfndr.*fnd_foos.m_propagate_foo)(layer_info.m_propagate_to, mkfndr.nnfv(), PF_use_param_b_field);
diff --git a/mkFit/ b/mkFit/
index b30a126572f7d..348e91895c059 100644
--- a/mkFit/
+++ b/mkFit/
@@ -318,7 +318,7 @@ void MkFinderFV<nseeds, ncands>::FindCandidates(const LayerOfHits &layer_of_hits
     //now compute the chi2 of track state vs hit
-    (*fnd_foos.m_compute_chi2_foo)(Err[iP], Par[iP], Chg, msErr, msPar, XHitChi2[hit_cnt], NNFV);
+    (*fnd_foos.m_compute_chi2_foo)(Err[iP], Par[iP], Chg, msErr, msPar, XHitChi2[hit_cnt], NNFV, PF_use_param_b_field);
     // Prefetch to L1 the hits we'll (probably) process in the next loop iteration.
     for (int itrack = 0; itrack < NNFV; ++itrack)
@@ -357,7 +357,7 @@ void MkFinderFV<nseeds, ncands>::UpdateWithLastHit(const LayerOfHits &layer_of_h
   (*fnd_foos.m_update_param_foo)(Err[iP], Par[iP], Chg, msErr, msPar,
-                                 Err[iC], Par[iC], NNFV);
+                                 Err[iC], Par[iC], NNFV, PF_use_param_b_field);
   //now that we have moved propagation at the end of the sequence we lost the handle of
   //using the propagated parameters instead of the updated for the missing hit case.

From 23fd2a47fe4fb1709ad415ee183ea4d269d024ef Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Matevz Tadel <>
Date: Thu, 4 Jan 2018 13:28:38 -0800
Subject: [PATCH 04/11] Use PropagationFlags also in Propagation and

--- | 30 ++++++++++++++++--------------
 Propagation.h  |  8 ++++----  |  4 +++-   |  8 +++++---    | 22 ++++++++++++++++------
 5 files changed, 44 insertions(+), 28 deletions(-)

diff --git a/ b/
index 126ee699cf150..62d2a86952ef3 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -234,13 +234,13 @@ void HelixState::propagateErrors(const HelixState& in, float totalDistance, bool
 // each step travels for a path length equal to the safe step between the current position and the nearest object.
 TrackState propagateHelixToNextSolid(TrackState inputState, const Geometry& geom,
-                                     const bool useParamBfield)
+                                     const PropagationFlags pflags)
   bool debug = true;
-  const HelixState hsin(inputState,useParamBfield);
+  const HelixState hsin(inputState, pflags.use_param_b_field);
   TrackState result(inputState);
-  HelixState hsout(result,useParamBfield);
+  HelixState hsout(result, pflags.use_param_b_field);
   if (!hsout.state.valid) {
@@ -341,17 +341,19 @@ TrackState propagateHelixToNextSolid(TrackState inputState, const Geometry& geom
 // XXMT4K The following is only used in, maybe obsolete?
-// Propagate to the next obj
-// each step travels for a path length equal to the safe step between the current position and the nearest object.
-TrackState propagateHelixToLayer(TrackState inputState, int layer, const Geometry& geom, const bool useParamBfield)
+// Propagate to the next obj. Eeach step travels for a path length equal to
+// the safe step between the current position and the nearest object.
+TrackState propagateHelixToLayer(TrackState inputState, int layer, const Geometry& geom,
+                                 const PropagationFlags pflags)
   bool debug = true;
   const VUSolid* target = geom.Layer(layer);
-  const HelixState hsin(inputState,useParamBfield);
+  const HelixState hsin(inputState, pflags.use_param_b_field);
   TrackState result(inputState);
-  HelixState hsout(result,useParamBfield);
+  HelixState hsout(result, pflags.use_param_b_field);
   if (!hsout.state.valid) {
@@ -405,13 +407,13 @@ TrackState propagateHelixToLayer(TrackState inputState, int layer, const Geometr
 // each step travels for a path lenght equal to delta r between the current position and the target radius. 
 // for track with pT>=1 GeV this converges to the correct path lenght in <5 iterations
 // derivatives need to be updated at each iteration
-TrackState propagateHelixToR(TrackState inputState, float r, const bool useParamBfield)
+TrackState propagateHelixToR(TrackState inputState, float r, const PropagationFlags pflags)
   bool debug = false;
-  const HelixState hsin(inputState,useParamBfield);
+  const HelixState hsin(inputState, pflags.use_param_b_field);
   TrackState result(inputState);
-  HelixState hsout(result,useParamBfield);
+  HelixState hsout(result, pflags.use_param_b_field);
   if (!hsout.state.valid) {
@@ -470,8 +472,8 @@ TrackState propagateHelixToR(TrackState inputState, float r, const bool useParam
   return hsout.state;
-TrackState propagateHelixToZ(TrackState inputState, float zout, const bool useParamBfield) {
+TrackState propagateHelixToZ(TrackState inputState, float zout, const PropagationFlags pflags)
   TrackState result = inputState;
   const float z = inputState.z();
@@ -485,7 +487,7 @@ TrackState propagateHelixToZ(TrackState inputState, float zout, const bool usePa
   const float cosP = std::cos(phi);
   const float sinP = std::sin(phi);
-  const float k = inputState.charge*100.f/(-Config::sol*(useParamBfield?Config::BfieldFromZR(z,inputState.posR()):Config::Bfield));
+  const float k = inputState.charge*100.f/(-Config::sol*(pflags.use_param_b_field ? Config::BfieldFromZR(z,inputState.posR()) : Config::Bfield));
   const float s = (zout - z)/cosT;
   const float angPath = s*sinT*ipT/k;
diff --git a/Propagation.h b/Propagation.h
index d0ba55f0b41d8..1d35feccb9949 100644
--- a/Propagation.h
+++ b/Propagation.h
@@ -8,16 +8,16 @@
 // assuming radial direction (i.e. origin at (0,0))
 TrackState propagateLineToR(const TrackState& inputState, float r);
-TrackState propagateHelixToNextSolid(TrackState inputState, const Geometry& geom, const bool useParamBfield = false);
-TrackState propagateHelixToLayer(TrackState inputState, int layer, const Geometry& geom, const bool useParamBfield = false);
+TrackState propagateHelixToNextSolid(TrackState inputState, const Geometry& geom, const PropagationFlags pflags);
+TrackState propagateHelixToLayer(TrackState inputState, int layer, const Geometry& geom, const PropagationFlags pflags);
 // helix propagation in steps along helix trajectory. 
 // each step travels for a path lenght equal to delta r between the current position and the target radius. 
 // for track with pT>=1 GeV this converges to the correct path lenght in <5 iterations
 // derivatives need to be updated at each iteration
-TrackState propagateHelixToR(TrackState inputState, float r, const bool useParamBfield = false);
+TrackState propagateHelixToR(TrackState inputState, float r, const PropagationFlags pflags);
-TrackState propagateHelixToZ(TrackState inputState, float z, const bool useParamBfield = false);
+TrackState propagateHelixToZ(TrackState inputState, float z, const PropagationFlags pflags);
diff --git a/ b/
index 2f052b0b56ca2..8ed192efd98d8 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -89,6 +89,8 @@ void setupTrackByToyMC(SVector3& pos, SVector3& mom, SMatrixSym66& covtrk,
   // XXMT4M - This should become while not in outer layer (or at least propState.state == invalid)
   // Try the invalid thingy first ... but would be good to also know what layers are final.
+  const PropagationFlags pflags(PF_use_param_b_field);
   for (int ihit = 0; ihit < Config::nTotHit; ++ihit)
@@ -96,7 +98,7 @@ void setupTrackByToyMC(SVector3& pos, SVector3& mom, SMatrixSym66& covtrk,
             ihit, simLayer, tmpState.x(), tmpState.y(), tmpState.posR(), tmpState.z(), tmpState.posPhi());
-    auto propState = propagateHelixToNextSolid(tmpState,geom,true);
+    auto propState = propagateHelixToNextSolid(tmpState, geom, pflags);
     float initX   = propState.parameters.At(0);
     float initY   = propState.parameters.At(1);
diff --git a/ b/
index 9d07839d644c4..ad2a9a878992a 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -176,14 +176,16 @@ void extendCandidate(const BinInfoMap & segmentMap, const Event& ev, const cand_
   const auto& evt_lay_hits(ev.layerHits_);
   const auto& segLayMap(segmentMap[ilayer]);
+  const PropagationFlags pflags(PF_none);
   dprint("processing candidate with nHits=" << tkcand.nFoundHits());
-  TrackState propState = propagateHelixToR(updatedState,ev.geom_.Radius(ilayer));
+  TrackState propState = propagateHelixToR(updatedState, ev.geom_.Radius(ilayer), pflags);
 #ifdef TBB
 #error "Invalid combination of options (thread safety)"
-  TrackState propState = propagateHelixToLayer(updatedState,ilayer,ev.geom_);
+  TrackState propState = propagateHelixToLayer(updatedState, ilayer,ev.geom_, pflags);
   if (!propState.valid) {
@@ -221,7 +223,7 @@ void extendCandidate(const BinInfoMap & segmentMap, const Event& ev, const cand_
     const float deltaR = maxR - minR;
     dprint("min, max, delta: " << minR << ", " << maxR << ", " << deltaR);
     const TrackState propStateMin = propState;
-    const TrackState propStateMax = propagateHelixToR(updatedState,maxR);
+    const TrackState propStateMax = propagateHelixToR(updatedState, maxR, pflags);
     if (!propStateMax.valid) {
diff --git a/ b/
index d9b0d30dfc5c0..ad327993e44cd 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -20,7 +20,10 @@ void buildSeedsByMC(const TrackVec& evt_sim_tracks, TrackVec& evt_seed_tracks, T
   bool debug(true);
-  for (int itrack=0;itrack<evt_sim_tracks.size();++itrack) {
+  const PropagationFlags pflags(PF_none);
+  for (int itrack=0;itrack<evt_sim_tracks.size();++itrack)
+  {
     const Track& trk = evt_sim_tracks[itrack];
     int   seedhits[Config::nLayers];
     //float sumchi2 = 0;
@@ -37,10 +40,12 @@ void buildSeedsByMC(const TrackVec& evt_sim_tracks, TrackVec& evt_seed_tracks, T
     dprint("processing sim track # " << itrack << " par=" << trk.parameters());
     TSLayerPairVec updatedStates; // validation for position pulls
-    for (auto ilayer=0;ilayer<Config::nlayers_per_seed;++ilayer) {//seeds have first three layers as seeds
+    // use first layers as seed hits
+    for (auto ilayer=0;ilayer<Config::nlayers_per_seed;++ilayer)
+    {
       auto hitidx = trk.getHitIdx(ilayer);
       const Hit& seed_hit = ev.layerHits_[ilayer][hitidx];
-      TrackState propState = propagateHelixToR(updatedState,seed_hit.r());
+      TrackState propState = propagateHelixToR(updatedState, seed_hit.r(), pflags);
       if (!propState.valid) {
 	std::cout << "Seeding failed to propagate to layer: " << ilayer << " for sim track: " << itrack << std::endl;
@@ -527,6 +532,8 @@ void buildSeedsFromTriplets(const std::vector<HitVec>& evt_lay_hits, const Tripl
   fprintf(stderr, "__FILE__::__LINE__ Needs fixing for B/E support, search for XXMT4K\n");
+  const PropagationFlags pflags(PF_none);
   // now perform kalman fit on seeds --> first need initial parameters --> get from Conformal fitter!
   unsigned int seedID = 0;
   for(auto&& hit_triplet : filtered_triplets){
@@ -548,7 +555,7 @@ void buildSeedsFromTriplets(const std::vector<HitVec>& evt_lay_hits, const Tripl
     for (auto ilayer = 0; ilayer < Config::nlayers_per_seed; ++ilayer)
       const Hit& seed_hit = evt_lay_hits[ilayer][hit_triplet[ilayer]];
-      TrackState propState = propagateHelixToR(updatedState,seed_hit.r());
+      TrackState propState = propagateHelixToR(updatedState, seed_hit.r(), pflags);
       if (!propState.valid) {
@@ -573,7 +580,10 @@ void buildSeedsFromTriplets(const std::vector<HitVec>& evt_lay_hits, const Tripl
 void fitSeeds(const std::vector<HitVec>& evt_lay_hits, TrackVec& evt_seed_tracks, Event& ev){
   // copy+paste code to fit needs here...
-  for(auto&& seed : evt_seed_tracks) {
+  const PropagationFlags pflags(PF_none);
+  for (auto&& seed : evt_seed_tracks)
+  {
     // state to save to track
     TrackState updatedState;
     //const int seedID = seed.label(); // label == seedID!
@@ -586,7 +596,7 @@ void fitSeeds(const std::vector<HitVec>& evt_lay_hits, TrackVec& evt_seed_tracks
     float sumchi2 = 0.0f; // chi2 to save
     for (auto ilayer = 0; ilayer < Config::nlayers_per_seed; ++ilayer) {
       const Hit& seed_hit = evt_lay_hits[ilayer][seed.getHitIdx(ilayer)];
-      TrackState propState = propagateHelixToR(updatedState,seed_hit.r());
+      TrackState propState = propagateHelixToR(updatedState, seed_hit.r(), pflags);
       if (!propState.valid) {

From 74acf9fd50279c9c932b6876d0b693710517dbfd Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Matevz Tadel <>
Date: Thu, 4 Jan 2018 15:33:33 -0800
Subject: [PATCH 05/11] Add 'functional' PropagationFlags into Config, define
 them for each geometry in the plugin, and use them in code.

---                 |  7 +++
 Config.h                  | 14 ++++--
 Geoms/         |  8 ++++
 Geoms/      |  7 +++
 mkFit/ | 96 +++++++++++++++++++--------------------
 mkFit/        | 11 ++---
 mkFit/         | 26 ++++++-----
 mkFit/       |  4 +-
 mkFit/         | 10 ++--
 mkFit/MkFitter.h          |  4 +-
 mkFit/ | 20 ++++----
 mkFit/PropagationMPlex.h  |  8 ++--
 12 files changed, 122 insertions(+), 93 deletions(-)

diff --git a/ b/
index 3d52122a622b9..1ba4918c3570e 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -48,6 +48,13 @@ namespace Config
   seedOpts  seedInput    = simSeeds;
   cleanOpts seedCleaning = noCleaning; 
+  bool             finding_requires_propagation_to_hit_pos;
+  PropagationFlags finding_inter_layer_pflags;
+  PropagationFlags finding_intra_layer_pflags;
+  PropagationFlags backward_fit_pflags;
+  PropagationFlags forward_fit_pflags;
+  PropagationFlags seed_fit_pflags;
   bool  useCMSGeom = false;
   bool  readCmsswTracks = false;
diff --git a/Config.h b/Config.h
index 0443b67e9a054..61f8dacf355ad 100644
--- a/Config.h
+++ b/Config.h
@@ -221,18 +221,26 @@ namespace Config
   constexpr float seed_d0cut   = 0.5f; // 5mm
   extern bool cf_seeding;
-  // Config for propagation
+  // Config for propagation - could/should enter into PropagationFlags?!
   constexpr int Niter    =  5;
   constexpr int NiterSim = 10; // Can make more steps due to near volume misses.
   constexpr bool useTrigApprox = true;
-  // Config for Bfield
+  // PropagationFlags as used during finding and fitting. Defined for each Geom in its plugin.
+  extern bool             finding_requires_propagation_to_hit_pos;
+  extern PropagationFlags finding_inter_layer_pflags;
+  extern PropagationFlags finding_intra_layer_pflags;
+  extern PropagationFlags backward_fit_pflags;
+  extern PropagationFlags forward_fit_pflags;
+  extern PropagationFlags seed_fit_pflags;
+  // Config for Bfield. Note: for now the same for CMS-2017 and CylCowWLids.
   constexpr float Bfield = 3.8112;
   constexpr float mag_c1 = 3.8114;
   constexpr float mag_b0 = -3.94991e-06;
   constexpr float mag_b1 = 7.53701e-06;
   constexpr float mag_a  = 2.43878e-11;
   // Config for seeding as well... needed bfield
   constexpr float maxCurvR = (100 * minSimPt) / (sol * Bfield); // in cm
diff --git a/Geoms/ b/Geoms/
index 1ff2683ec62d6..d676b884734b0 100644
--- a/Geoms/
+++ b/Geoms/
@@ -12,12 +12,20 @@ namespace
   void Create_CMS_2017(TrackerInfo& ti, bool verbose)
     Config::nTotalLayers     = 18 + 2 * 27;
     Config::useCMSGeom       = true;
     Config::nlayers_per_seed = 4;
     Config::maxCandsPerSeed  = 6;  // GC said 3 is enough ???
     Config::maxHolesPerCand  = 12; // should be reduced
     Config::chi2Cut          = 30.0;
+    Config::finding_requires_propagation_to_hit_pos = true;
+    Config::finding_inter_layer_pflags = PropagationFlags(PF_use_param_b_field | PF_apply_material);
+    Config::finding_intra_layer_pflags = PropagationFlags(PF_none);
+    Config::backward_fit_pflags        = PropagationFlags(PF_use_param_b_field | PF_apply_material);
+    Config::forward_fit_pflags         = PropagationFlags(PF_use_param_b_field | PF_apply_material);
+    Config::seed_fit_pflags            = PropagationFlags(PF_none);
     ti.set_eta_regions(0.9, 1.7, 2.45, false);
     ti.create_layers(18, 27, 27);
diff --git a/Geoms/ b/Geoms/
index 5df0500033e68..3209664458fb1 100644
--- a/Geoms/
+++ b/Geoms/
@@ -211,6 +211,13 @@ namespace
     Config::nTotalLayers     = 10 + 2 * 9;
+    Config::finding_requires_propagation_to_hit_pos = false;
+    Config::finding_inter_layer_pflags = PropagationFlags(PF_use_param_b_field);
+    Config::finding_intra_layer_pflags = PropagationFlags(PF_none);
+    Config::backward_fit_pflags        = PropagationFlags(PF_use_param_b_field);
+    Config::forward_fit_pflags         = PropagationFlags(PF_use_param_b_field);
+    Config::seed_fit_pflags            = PropagationFlags(PF_none);
     CylCowWLidsCreator creator(ti);
diff --git a/mkFit/ b/mkFit/
index ced1c8b51e32f..97372f528ff28 100644
--- a/mkFit/
+++ b/mkFit/
@@ -470,14 +470,10 @@ void kalmanPropagateAndUpdate(const MPlexLS &psErr,  const MPlexLV& psPar, const
                                     MPlexLS &outErr,       MPlexLV& outPar,
                               const int      N_proc, const PropagationFlags propFlags)
-  MPlexLS propErr;
-  MPlexLV propPar;
-  // XXXX The following if could go away if we use proper update_foos in
-  // steering and set them from geom. For now it is still here (I'm going
-  // crazy already as things are).
-  if (Config::useCMSGeom) {
+  if (Config::finding_requires_propagation_to_hit_pos)
+  {
+    MPlexLS propErr;
+    MPlexLV propPar;
     MPlexQF msRad;
 #pragma simd
     for (int n = 0; n < NN; ++n)
@@ -486,13 +482,15 @@ void kalmanPropagateAndUpdate(const MPlexLS &psErr,  const MPlexLV& psPar, const
     propagateHelixToRMPlex(psErr, psPar, inChg, msRad, propErr, propPar, N_proc, propFlags);
-  } else {
-    propErr = psErr;
-    propPar = psPar;
-  }
-  kalmanOperation(KFO_Update_Params, propErr, propPar, msErr, msPar,
-                  outErr, outPar, dummy_chi2, N_proc);
+    kalmanOperation(KFO_Update_Params, propErr, propPar, msErr, msPar,
+                    outErr, outPar, dummy_chi2, N_proc);
+  }
+  else
+  {
+    kalmanOperation(KFO_Update_Params, psErr, psPar, msErr, msPar,
+                    outErr, outPar, dummy_chi2, N_proc);
+  }
@@ -511,10 +509,10 @@ void kalmanPropagateAndComputeChi2(const MPlexLS &psErr,  const MPlexLV& psPar,
                                          MPlexQF& outChi2,
                                    const int      N_proc, const PropagationFlags propFlags)
-  MPlexLS propErr;
-  MPlexLV propPar;
-  if (Config::useCMSGeom) {
+  if (Config::finding_requires_propagation_to_hit_pos)
+  {
+    MPlexLS propErr;
+    MPlexLV propPar;
     MPlexQF msRad;
 #pragma simd
     for (int n = 0; n < NN; ++n)
@@ -523,13 +521,15 @@ void kalmanPropagateAndComputeChi2(const MPlexLS &psErr,  const MPlexLV& psPar,
     propagateHelixToRMPlex(psErr, psPar, inChg, msRad, propErr, propPar, N_proc, propFlags);
-  } else {
-    propErr = psErr;
-    propPar = psPar;
-  }
-  kalmanOperation(KFO_Calculate_Chi2, propErr, propPar, msErr, msPar,
-                  dummy_err, dummy_par, outChi2, N_proc);
+    kalmanOperation(KFO_Calculate_Chi2, propErr, propPar, msErr, msPar,
+                    dummy_err, dummy_par, outChi2, N_proc);
+  }
+  else
+  {
+    kalmanOperation(KFO_Calculate_Chi2, psErr, psPar, msErr, msPar,
+                    dummy_err, dummy_par, outChi2, N_proc);
+  }
@@ -688,14 +688,10 @@ void kalmanPropagateAndUpdateEndcap(const MPlexLS &psErr,  const MPlexLV& psPar,
                                           MPlexLS &outErr,       MPlexLV& outPar,
                                     const int      N_proc, const PropagationFlags propFlags)
-  MPlexLS propErr;
-  MPlexLV propPar;
-  // XXXX The following if could go away if we use proper update_foos in
-  // steering and set them from geom. For now it is still here (I'm going
-  // crazy already as things are).
-  if (Config::useCMSGeom) {
+  if (Config::finding_requires_propagation_to_hit_pos)
+  {
+    MPlexLS propErr;
+    MPlexLV propPar;
     MPlexQF msZ;
 #pragma simd
     for (int n = 0; n < NN; ++n)
@@ -704,13 +700,15 @@ void kalmanPropagateAndUpdateEndcap(const MPlexLS &psErr,  const MPlexLV& psPar,
     propagateHelixToZMPlex(psErr, psPar, inChg, msZ, propErr, propPar, N_proc, propFlags);
-  } else {
-    propErr = psErr;
-    propPar = psPar;
-  }
-  kalmanOperationEndcap(KFO_Update_Params, propErr, propPar, msErr, msPar,
-                        outErr, outPar, dummy_chi2, N_proc);
+    kalmanOperationEndcap(KFO_Update_Params, propErr, propPar, msErr, msPar,
+                          outErr, outPar, dummy_chi2, N_proc);
+  }
+  else
+  {
+    kalmanOperationEndcap(KFO_Update_Params, psErr, psPar, msErr, msPar,
+                          outErr, outPar, dummy_chi2, N_proc);
+  }
@@ -729,10 +727,10 @@ void kalmanPropagateAndComputeChi2Endcap(const MPlexLS &psErr,  const MPlexLV& p
                                                MPlexQF& outChi2,
                                          const int      N_proc, const PropagationFlags propFlags)
-  MPlexLS propErr;
-  MPlexLV propPar;
-  if (Config::useCMSGeom) {
+  if (Config::finding_requires_propagation_to_hit_pos)
+  {
+    MPlexLS propErr;
+    MPlexLV propPar;
     MPlexQF msZ;
 #pragma simd
     for (int n = 0; n < NN; ++n)
@@ -741,13 +739,15 @@ void kalmanPropagateAndComputeChi2Endcap(const MPlexLS &psErr,  const MPlexLV& p
     propagateHelixToZMPlex(psErr, psPar, inChg, msZ, propErr, propPar, N_proc, propFlags);
-  } else {
-    propErr = psErr;
-    propPar = psPar;
-  }
-  kalmanOperationEndcap(KFO_Calculate_Chi2, propErr, propPar, msErr, msPar,
-                             dummy_err, dummy_par, outChi2, N_proc);
+    kalmanOperationEndcap(KFO_Calculate_Chi2, propErr, propPar, msErr, msPar,
+                          dummy_err, dummy_par, outChi2, N_proc);
+  }
+  else
+  {
+    kalmanOperationEndcap(KFO_Calculate_Chi2, psErr, psPar, msErr, msPar,
+                          dummy_err, dummy_par, outChi2, N_proc);
+  }
diff --git a/mkFit/ b/mkFit/
index 445431a69e551..05a42d8effe54 100644
--- a/mkFit/
+++ b/mkFit/
@@ -735,7 +735,7 @@ inline void MkBuilder::fit_one_seed_set(TrackVec& seedtracks, int itrack, int en
   if (Config::seedInput != cmsswSeeds)
-    mkfttr->FitTracksSteered(is_brl, end - itrack, m_event);
+    mkfttr->FitTracksSteered(is_brl, end - itrack, m_event, Config::seed_fit_pflags);
   mkfttr->OutputFittedTracksAndHitIdx(m_event->seedTracks_, itrack, end, false);
@@ -1244,8 +1244,7 @@ void MkBuilder::FindTracksBestHit()
           dcall(pre_prop_print(curr_layer, mkfndr.get()));
           (mkfndr.get()->*fnd_foos.m_propagate_foo)(layer_info.m_propagate_to, curr_tridx,
-                                                    PF_use_param_b_field | PF_apply_material);
-          // XXXX-MFMAT-review
+                                                    Config::finding_inter_layer_pflags);
           dcall(post_prop_print(curr_layer, mkfndr.get()));
@@ -1410,7 +1409,7 @@ void MkBuilder::FindTracksStandard()
           dcall(pre_prop_print(curr_layer, mkfndr.get()));
           (mkfndr.get()->*fnd_foos.m_propagate_foo)(layer_info.m_propagate_to, end - itrack,
-                                                    PF_use_param_b_field | PF_apply_material);
+                                                    Config::finding_inter_layer_pflags);
           // XXXX-MFMAT-review
@@ -1610,7 +1609,7 @@ void MkBuilder::find_tracks_in_layers(CandCloner &cloner, MkFinder *mkfndr,
       // propagate to current layer
       (mkfndr->*fnd_foos.m_propagate_foo)(layer_info.m_propagate_to, end - itrack,
-                                          PF_use_param_b_field | PF_apply_material);
+                                          Config::finding_inter_layer_pflags);
       // XXXX-MFMAT-review
@@ -1812,7 +1811,7 @@ void MkBuilder::find_tracks_in_layersFV(int start_seed, int end_seed, int region
       auto& mkfndr = finders[index];
       // propagate to current layer
-      (mkfndr.*fnd_foos.m_propagate_foo)(layer_info.m_propagate_to, mkfndr.nnfv(), PF_use_param_b_field);
+      (mkfndr.*fnd_foos.m_propagate_foo)(layer_info.m_propagate_to, mkfndr.nnfv(), Config::finding_inter_layer_pflags);
diff --git a/mkFit/ b/mkFit/
index 157d80a0cc84e..81f8cd92a609f 100644
--- a/mkFit/
+++ b/mkFit/
@@ -172,13 +172,16 @@ void MkFinder::SelectHitIndices(const LayerOfHits &layer_of_hits,
       float z  = Par[iI].ConstAt(itrack, 2, 0);
       float dz = nSigmaZ * std::sqrt(Err[iI].ConstAt(itrack, 2, 2));
-      dz = std::max(std::abs(dz),   L.min_dq());
+      dz = std::max(std::abs(dz), L.min_dq());
-      if (Config::useCMSGeom)
+      // NOTE -- once issues in this block are resolved the changes should also be
+      // ported to MkFinderFV.
+      if (Config::useCMSGeom) // should be Config::finding_requires_propagation_to_hit_pos
         //now correct for bending and for layer thickness unsing linear approximation
         //fixme! using constant value, to be taken from layer properties
         //XXXXMT4GC should we also increase dz?
+        //XXXXMT4GC an we just take half od layer dR?
         const float deltaR = Config::cmsDeltaRad;
         const float r  = std::sqrt(r2);
         //here alpha is the difference between posPhi and momPhi
@@ -207,11 +210,12 @@ void MkFinder::SelectHitIndices(const LayerOfHits &layer_of_hits,
       dr = std::max(std::abs(dr), L.min_dq());
-      if (Config::useCMSGeom)
+      if (Config::useCMSGeom) // should be Config::finding_requires_propagation_to_hit_pos
         //now correct for bending and for layer thickness unsing linear approximation
         //fixme! using constant value, to be taken from layer properties
         //XXXXMT4GC should we also increase dr?
+        //XXXXMT4GC can we just take half of layer dz?
         const float deltaZ = 5;
         float cosT = std::cos(Par[iI].ConstAt(itrack, 5, 0));
         float sinT = std::sin(Par[iI].ConstAt(itrack, 5, 0));
@@ -434,7 +438,7 @@ void MkFinder::AddBestHit(const LayerOfHits &layer_of_hits, const int N_proc,
     //now compute the chi2 of track state vs hit
     MPlexQF outChi2;
     (*fnd_foos.m_compute_chi2_foo)(Err[iP], Par[iP], Chg, msErr, msPar,
-                                   outChi2, N_proc, PF_use_param_b_field);
+                                   outChi2, N_proc, Config::finding_intra_layer_pflags);
 #ifndef NO_PREFETCH
     // Prefetch to L1 the hits we'll process in the next loop iteration.
@@ -536,7 +540,7 @@ void MkFinder::AddBestHit(const LayerOfHits &layer_of_hits, const int N_proc,
   dprint("update parameters");
   (*fnd_foos.m_update_param_foo)(Err[iP], Par[iP], Chg, msErr, msPar,
-                                 Err[iC], Par[iC], N_proc, PF_use_param_b_field);
+                                 Err[iC], Par[iC], N_proc, Config::finding_intra_layer_pflags);
   //std::cout << "Par[iP](0,0,0)=" << Par[iP](0,0,0) << " Par[iC](0,0,0)=" << Par[iC](0,0,0)<< std::endl;
@@ -616,7 +620,7 @@ void MkFinder::FindCandidates(const LayerOfHits &layer_of_hits,
     //now compute the chi2 of track state vs hit
     MPlexQF outChi2;
     (*fnd_foos.m_compute_chi2_foo)(Err[iP], Par[iP], Chg, msErr, msPar,
-                                   outChi2, N_proc, PF_use_param_b_field);
+                                   outChi2, N_proc, Config::finding_intra_layer_pflags);
     // Prefetch to L1 the hits we'll (probably) process in the next loop iteration.
     for (int itrack = 0; itrack < N_proc; ++itrack)
@@ -648,7 +652,7 @@ void MkFinder::FindCandidates(const LayerOfHits &layer_of_hits,
     if (oneCandPassCut)
       (*fnd_foos.m_update_param_foo)(Err[iP], Par[iP], Chg, msErr, msPar,
-                                     Err[iC], Par[iC], N_proc, PF_use_param_b_field);
+                                     Err[iC], Par[iC], N_proc, Config::finding_intra_layer_pflags);
       dprint("update parameters" << std::endl
 	     << "propagated track parameters x=" << Par[iP].ConstAt(0, 0, 0) << " y=" << Par[iP].ConstAt(0, 1, 0) << std::endl
@@ -788,7 +792,7 @@ void MkFinder::FindCandidatesCloneEngine(const LayerOfHits &layer_of_hits, CandC
     //now compute the chi2 of track state vs hit
     MPlexQF outChi2;
-    (*fnd_foos.m_compute_chi2_foo)(Err[iP], Par[iP], Chg, msErr, msPar, outChi2, N_proc, PF_use_param_b_field);
+    (*fnd_foos.m_compute_chi2_foo)(Err[iP], Par[iP], Chg, msErr, msPar, outChi2, N_proc, Config::finding_intra_layer_pflags);
     // Prefetch to L1 the hits we'll (probably) process in the next loop iteration.
     for (int itrack = 0; itrack < N_proc; ++itrack)
@@ -880,7 +884,7 @@ void MkFinder::UpdateWithLastHit(const LayerOfHits &layer_of_hits, int N_proc,
   (*fnd_foos.m_update_param_foo)(Err[iP], Par[iP], Chg, msErr, msPar,
-                                 Err[iC], Par[iC], N_proc, PF_use_param_b_field);
+                                 Err[iC], Par[iC], N_proc, Config::finding_intra_layer_pflags);
   //now that we have moved propagation at the end of the sequence we lost the handle of
   //using the propagated parameters instead of the updated for the missing hit case.
@@ -1037,14 +1041,14 @@ void MkFinder::BkFitFitTracks(const EventOfHits   & eventofhits,
     if (LI.is_barrel())
-      PropagateTracksToHitR(msPar, N_proc, PF_use_param_b_field | PF_apply_material);
+      PropagateTracksToHitR(msPar, N_proc, Config::backward_fit_pflags);
       kalmanOperation(KFO_Calculate_Chi2 | KFO_Update_Params,
                       Err[iP], Par[iP], msErr, msPar, Err[iC], Par[iC], tmp_chi2, N_proc);
-      PropagateTracksToHitZ(msPar, N_proc, PF_use_param_b_field | PF_apply_material);
+      PropagateTracksToHitZ(msPar, N_proc, Config::backward_fit_pflags);
       kalmanOperationEndcap(KFO_Calculate_Chi2 | KFO_Update_Params,
                             Err[iP], Par[iP], msErr, msPar, Err[iC], Par[iC], tmp_chi2, N_proc);
diff --git a/mkFit/ b/mkFit/
index 348e91895c059..83e8abe0b1204 100644
--- a/mkFit/
+++ b/mkFit/
@@ -318,7 +318,7 @@ void MkFinderFV<nseeds, ncands>::FindCandidates(const LayerOfHits &layer_of_hits
     //now compute the chi2 of track state vs hit
-    (*fnd_foos.m_compute_chi2_foo)(Err[iP], Par[iP], Chg, msErr, msPar, XHitChi2[hit_cnt], NNFV, PF_use_param_b_field);
+    (*fnd_foos.m_compute_chi2_foo)(Err[iP], Par[iP], Chg, msErr, msPar, XHitChi2[hit_cnt], NNFV, Config::finding_intra_layer_pflags);
     // Prefetch to L1 the hits we'll (probably) process in the next loop iteration.
     for (int itrack = 0; itrack < NNFV; ++itrack)
@@ -357,7 +357,7 @@ void MkFinderFV<nseeds, ncands>::UpdateWithLastHit(const LayerOfHits &layer_of_h
   (*fnd_foos.m_update_param_foo)(Err[iP], Par[iP], Chg, msErr, msPar,
-                                 Err[iC], Par[iC], NNFV, PF_use_param_b_field);
+                                 Err[iC], Par[iC], NNFV, Config::finding_intra_layer_pflags);
   //now that we have moved propagation at the end of the sequence we lost the handle of
   //using the propagated parameters instead of the updated for the missing hit case.
diff --git a/mkFit/ b/mkFit/
index ea036d65fd8a6..56bd7135e770c 100644
--- a/mkFit/
+++ b/mkFit/
@@ -444,7 +444,7 @@ void MkFitter::FitTracksWithInterSlurp(const std::vector<HitVec>& layersohits,
     msErr[0].SlurpIn(varr + off_error, idx, N_proc);
-    PropagateTracksToHitR(msPar[0], N_proc, PF_use_param_b_field | PF_apply_material);
+    PropagateTracksToHitR(msPar[0], N_proc, Config::forward_fit_pflags);
     kalmanUpdate(Err[iP], Par[iP], msErr[0], msPar[0],
                  Err[iC], Par[iC], N_proc);
@@ -516,12 +516,10 @@ void MkFitter::ConformalFitTracks(bool fitting, int beg, int end)
-void MkFitter::FitTracks(const int N_proc, const Event * ev, const bool useParamBfield)
+void MkFitter::FitTracks(const int N_proc, const Event * ev, const PropagationFlags pflags)
   // Fitting loop.
-  PropagationFlags pflags((useParamBfield ? PF_use_param_b_field : 0) | PF_apply_material);
   for (int hi = 0; hi < Nhits; ++hi)
     // Note, charge is not passed (line propagation).
@@ -561,14 +559,12 @@ void MkFitter::CollectFitValidation(const int hi, const int N_proc, const Event
-void MkFitter::FitTracksSteered(const bool is_barrel[], const int N_proc, const Event * ev, const bool useParamBfield)
+void MkFitter::FitTracksSteered(const bool is_barrel[], const int N_proc, const Event * ev, const PropagationFlags pflags)
   // Fitting loop.
   dprintf("MkFitter::FitTracksSteered %d %d %d\n", is_barrel[0], is_barrel[1], is_barrel[2]);
-  PropagationFlags pflags((useParamBfield ? PF_use_param_b_field : 0) | PF_apply_material);
   for (int hi = 0; hi < Nhits; ++hi)
     // Note, charge is not passed (line propagation).
diff --git a/mkFit/MkFitter.h b/mkFit/MkFitter.h
index dcc69a053d54f..86085aa0a92ef 100644
--- a/mkFit/MkFitter.h
+++ b/mkFit/MkFitter.h
@@ -75,8 +75,8 @@ class MkFitter : public MkBase
   void FitTracksWithInterSlurp(const std::vector<HitVec>& layersohits, int N_proc);
   void ConformalFitTracks(bool fitting, int beg, int end);
-  void FitTracks(const int N_proc, const Event * ev, const bool useParamBfield = false);
-  void FitTracksSteered(const bool is_barrel[], const int N_proc, const Event * ev, const bool useParamBfield = false);
+  void FitTracks(const int N_proc, const Event * ev, const PropagationFlags pflags);
+  void FitTracksSteered(const bool is_barrel[], const int N_proc, const Event * ev, const PropagationFlags pflags);
   void CollectFitValidation(const int hi, const int N_proc, const Event * ev) const;
diff --git a/mkFit/ b/mkFit/
index c93529ed6ce52..0c09eca74e691 100644
--- a/mkFit/
+++ b/mkFit/
@@ -382,18 +382,18 @@ void helixAtRFromIterativeCCSFullJac(const MPlexLV& inPar, const MPlexQI& inChg,
 void helixAtRFromIterativeCCS(const MPlexLV& inPar,     const MPlexQI& inChg, const MPlexQF &msRad,
                                     MPlexLV& outPar,          MPlexLL& errorProp,
-                              const int      N_proc,    const PropagationFlags pf)
+                              const int      N_proc,    const PropagationFlags pflags)
-  helixAtRFromIterativeCCS_impl(inPar, inChg, msRad, outPar, errorProp, 0, NN, N_proc, pf);
+  helixAtRFromIterativeCCS_impl(inPar, inChg, msRad, outPar, errorProp, 0, NN, N_proc, pflags);
 void propagateHelixToRMPlex(const MPlexLS &inErr,  const MPlexLV& inPar,
                             const MPlexQI &inChg,  const MPlexQF& msRad, 
 			          MPlexLS &outErr,       MPlexLV& outPar,
-                            const int      N_proc, const PropagationFlags pf)
+                            const int      N_proc, const PropagationFlags pflags)
    outErr = inErr;
    outPar = inPar; // XXXX-4G is this requirement for helixAtRFromIterativeCCS_XXX ??? We should document it there.
@@ -401,7 +401,7 @@ void propagateHelixToRMPlex(const MPlexLS &inErr,  const MPlexLV& inPar,
    MPlexLL errorProp;
-   helixAtRFromIterativeCCS(inPar, inChg, msRad, outPar, errorProp, N_proc, pf.use_param_b_field);
+   helixAtRFromIterativeCCS(inPar, inChg, msRad, outPar, errorProp, N_proc, pflags.use_param_b_field);
 #ifdef DEBUG
@@ -421,7 +421,7 @@ void propagateHelixToRMPlex(const MPlexLS &inErr,  const MPlexLV& inPar,
-   if (Config::useCMSGeom && pf.apply_material)
+   if (pflags.apply_material)
      MPlexQF hitsRl;
      MPlexQF hitsXi;
@@ -487,14 +487,14 @@ void propagateHelixToRMPlex(const MPlexLS &inErr,  const MPlexLV& inPar,
 void propagateHelixToZMPlex(const MPlexLS &inErr,  const MPlexLV& inPar,
                             const MPlexQI &inChg,  const MPlexQF& msZ,
 			          MPlexLS &outErr,       MPlexLV& outPar,
-                            const int      N_proc, const PropagationFlags pf)
+                            const int      N_proc, const PropagationFlags pflags)
    outErr = inErr;
    outPar = inPar;
    MPlexLL errorProp;
-   helixAtZ(inPar, inChg, msZ, outPar, errorProp, N_proc, pf);
+   helixAtZ(inPar, inChg, msZ, outPar, errorProp, N_proc, pflags);
 #ifdef DEBUG
@@ -514,7 +514,7 @@ void propagateHelixToZMPlex(const MPlexLS &inErr,  const MPlexLV& inPar,
-   if (Config::useCMSGeom && pf.apply_material)
+   if (pflags.apply_material)
      MPlexQF hitsRl;
      MPlexQF hitsXi;
@@ -565,7 +565,7 @@ void propagateHelixToZMPlex(const MPlexLS &inErr,  const MPlexLV& inPar,
 void helixAtZ(const MPlexLV& inPar,  const MPlexQI& inChg, const MPlexQF &msZ,
                     MPlexLV& outPar,       MPlexLL& errorProp,
-	      const int      N_proc, const PropagationFlags pf)
+	      const int      N_proc, const PropagationFlags pflags)
@@ -586,7 +586,7 @@ void helixAtZ(const MPlexLV& inPar,  const MPlexQI& inChg, const MPlexQF &msZ,
       const float phiin = inPar.ConstAt(n, 4, 0);
       const float theta = inPar.ConstAt(n, 5, 0);
-      const float k = inChg.ConstAt(n, 0, 0) * 100.f / (-Config::sol*(pf.use_param_b_field?Config::BfieldFromZR(zin,hipo(inPar.ConstAt(n,0,0),inPar.ConstAt(n,1,0))):Config::Bfield));
+      const float k = inChg.ConstAt(n, 0, 0) * 100.f / (-Config::sol*(pflags.use_param_b_field?Config::BfieldFromZR(zin,hipo(inPar.ConstAt(n,0,0),inPar.ConstAt(n,1,0))):Config::Bfield));
       dprint_np(n, std::endl << "input parameters"
             << " inPar.ConstAt(n, 0, 0)=" << std::setprecision(9) << inPar.ConstAt(n, 0, 0)
diff --git a/mkFit/PropagationMPlex.h b/mkFit/PropagationMPlex.h
index 394fd1a9f986c..b30fd3100e913 100644
--- a/mkFit/PropagationMPlex.h
+++ b/mkFit/PropagationMPlex.h
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ void propagateLineToRMPlex(const MPlexLS &psErr,  const MPlexLV& psPar,
 void propagateHelixToRMPlex(const MPlexLS &inErr,  const MPlexLV& inPar,
                             const MPlexQI &inChg,  const MPlexQF& msRad,
                                   MPlexLS &outErr,       MPlexLV& outPar,
-                            const int      N_proc, const PropagationFlags pf);
+                            const int      N_proc, const PropagationFlags pflags);
 void helixAtRFromIterativeCCSFullJac(const MPlexLV& inPar, const MPlexQI& inChg, const MPlexQF &msRad,
                                            MPlexLV& outPar,      MPlexLL& errorProp,
@@ -36,16 +36,16 @@ void helixAtRFromIterativeCCSFullJac(const MPlexLV& inPar, const MPlexQI& inChg,
 void helixAtRFromIterativeCCS(const MPlexLV& inPar,  const MPlexQI& inChg, const MPlexQF &msRad,
                                     MPlexLV& outPar,       MPlexLL& errorProp,
-                              const int      N_proc, const PropagationFlags pf);
+                              const int      N_proc, const PropagationFlags pflags);
 void propagateHelixToZMPlex(const MPlexLS &inErr,  const MPlexLV& inPar,
                             const MPlexQI &inChg,  const MPlexQF& msZ,
                                   MPlexLS &outErr,       MPlexLV& outPar,
-                            const int      N_proc, const PropagationFlags pf);
+                            const int      N_proc, const PropagationFlags pflags);
 void helixAtZ(const MPlexLV& inPar,  const MPlexQI& inChg, const MPlexQF &msZ,
                     MPlexLV& outPar,       MPlexLL& errorProp,
-              const int      N_proc, const PropagationFlags pf);
+              const int      N_proc, const PropagationFlags pflags);
 void applyMaterialEffects(const MPlexQF &hitsRl, const MPlexQF& hitsXi, 
                                 MPlexLS &outErr,       MPlexLV& outPar,

From 46901dfcd3b6fb307b262e28dbfd23e0f4750a13 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Matevz Tadel <>
Date: Thu, 4 Jan 2018 15:41:46 -0800
Subject: [PATCH 06/11] Remove XXXX-MFMAT-review comments.

 mkFit/ | 2 --
 1 file changed, 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/mkFit/ b/mkFit/
index 05a42d8effe54..4670bc42dbe22 100644
--- a/mkFit/
+++ b/mkFit/
@@ -1410,7 +1410,6 @@ void MkBuilder::FindTracksStandard()
           (mkfndr.get()->*fnd_foos.m_propagate_foo)(layer_info.m_propagate_to, end - itrack,
-          // XXXX-MFMAT-review
           dcall(post_prop_print(curr_layer, mkfndr.get()));
@@ -1610,7 +1609,6 @@ void MkBuilder::find_tracks_in_layers(CandCloner &cloner, MkFinder *mkfndr,
       // propagate to current layer
       (mkfndr->*fnd_foos.m_propagate_foo)(layer_info.m_propagate_to, end - itrack,
-      // XXXX-MFMAT-review
       // copy_out the propagated track params, errors only (hit-idcs and chi2 already updated)

From bc7909c627276628f12981b066e4ab1a4c814c5b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Matevz Tadel <>
Date: Fri, 5 Jan 2018 11:05:31 -0800
Subject: [PATCH 07/11] Use non-squared disk hole limits, we know radius where
 we call the function now.

---        |  4 ++--
 TrackerInfo.h         | 12 +++++-------
 mkFit/HitStructures.h |  2 --
 3 files changed, 7 insertions(+), 11 deletions(-)

diff --git a/ b/
index ce7e1b6151ec8..92116755345ef 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -21,8 +21,8 @@ void LayerInfo::set_selection_limits(float p1, float p2, float q1, float q2)
 void LayerInfo::set_r_hole_range(float rh1, float rh2)
   m_has_r_range_hole = true;
-  m_hole_r2_min = rh1 * rh1;
-  m_hole_r2_max = rh2 * rh2;
+  m_hole_r_min = rh1;
+  m_hole_r_max = rh2;
diff --git a/TrackerInfo.h b/TrackerInfo.h
index 54305d211ae60..2f6cbe79d46de 100644
--- a/TrackerInfo.h
+++ b/TrackerInfo.h
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ struct WSR_Result
 class LayerInfo
-  bool  is_in_r2_hole(float r2) const { return r2 > m_hole_r2_min && r2 < m_hole_r2_max; }
+  bool  is_in_r_hole_no_check(float r) const { return r > m_hole_r_min && r < m_hole_r_max; }
   enum  LayerType_e { Undef = -1, Barrel = 0, EndCapPos = 1, EndCapNeg = 2 };
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ class LayerInfo
   bool          m_is_outer         = false;
   bool          m_has_r_range_hole = false;
-  float         m_hole_r2_min, m_hole_r2_max; // This could be turned into std::function when needed.
+  float         m_hole_r_min, m_hole_r_max; // This could be turned into std::function when needed.
   // Selection limits
   float         m_q_bin; // > 0 - bin width, < 0 - number of bins
@@ -83,8 +83,7 @@ class LayerInfo
   bool  is_within_r_limits(float r) const { return r > m_rin  && r < m_rout; }
   bool  is_within_q_limits(float q) const { return is_barrel() ? is_within_z_limits(q) : is_within_r_limits(q); }
-  bool  is_in_rsqr_hole(float r2)       const { return m_has_r_range_hole ? is_in_r2_hole(r2) : false; }
-  bool  is_in_xy_hole(float x, float y) const { return m_has_r_range_hole ? is_in_r2_hole(x*x + y*y): false; }
+  bool  is_in_r_hole      (float r) const { return m_has_r_range_hole ? is_in_r_hole_no_check(r) : false; }
   WSR_Result is_within_z_sensitive_region(float z, float dz) const
@@ -100,9 +99,8 @@ class LayerInfo
       if (m_has_r_range_hole)
-        const float r2 = r*r;
-        if (r2 < m_hole_r2_max - dr && r2 > m_hole_r2_min + dr)  return WSR_Result(WSR_Outside, true);
-        if (r2 < m_hole_r2_max + dr && r2 > m_hole_r2_min - dr ) return WSR_Result(WSR_Edge,    true);
+        if (r < m_hole_r_max - dr && r > m_hole_r_min + dr)  return WSR_Result(WSR_Outside, true);
+        if (r < m_hole_r_max + dr && r > m_hole_r_min - dr ) return WSR_Result(WSR_Edge,    true);
       return WSR_Result(WSR_Inside, false);
diff --git a/mkFit/HitStructures.h b/mkFit/HitStructures.h
index 465691b6febb0..e4b4e786e23d1 100644
--- a/mkFit/HitStructures.h
+++ b/mkFit/HitStructures.h
@@ -107,8 +107,6 @@ class LayerOfHits
   float min_dq()   const { return m_layer_info->m_select_min_dq;   }
   float max_dq()   const { return m_layer_info->m_select_max_dq;   }
-  bool  is_in_xy_hole(float x, float y) const { return m_layer_info->is_in_xy_hole(x, y); }
   // Testing bin filling
   static constexpr float m_fphi     = Config::m_nphi / Config::TwoPI;
   static constexpr int   m_phi_mask = 0x3ff;

From 4d917e3aebe1c151722e1002ef5796ecbbb3aee2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Matevz Tadel <>
Date: Thu, 11 Jan 2018 14:15:32 -0800
Subject: [PATCH 08/11] Remove questions/comments for Giuseppe and Kevin.

 mkFit/ | 16 +++++++++-------
 1 file changed, 9 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)

diff --git a/mkFit/ b/mkFit/
index 0c09eca74e691..c6109c5406611 100644
--- a/mkFit/
+++ b/mkFit/
@@ -395,9 +395,12 @@ void propagateHelixToRMPlex(const MPlexLS &inErr,  const MPlexLV& inPar,
 			          MPlexLS &outErr,       MPlexLV& outPar,
                             const int      N_proc, const PropagationFlags pflags)
+   // This is used further down when calculating similarity with errorProp (and before in DEBUG).
+   // MT: I don't think this really needed if we use inErr where required.
    outErr = inErr;
-   outPar = inPar; // XXXX-4G is this requirement for helixAtRFromIterativeCCS_XXX ??? We should document it there.
-                   // Or even better, do it there as it is somewhat counterintuitive :)
+   // This requirement for helixAtRFromIterativeCCS_impl() and for helixAtRFromIterativeCCSFullJac().
+   // MT: This should be properly handled in both functions (expecting input in output parameters sucks).
+   outPar = inPar;
    MPlexLL errorProp;
@@ -428,14 +431,13 @@ void propagateHelixToRMPlex(const MPlexLS &inErr,  const MPlexLV& inPar,
 #pragma simd
      for (int n = 0; n < NN; ++n) 
-       const int zbin = getZbinME(outPar(n, 2, 0)); // XXXX-4K changed msPar_z to outPar_z
+       const int zbin = getZbinME(outPar(n, 2, 0));
        const int rbin = getRbinME(msRad (n, 0, 0));
        hitsRl(n, 0, 0) = (zbin>=0 && zbin<Config::nBinsZME) ? getRlVal(zbin,rbin) : 0.f; // protect against crazy propagations
        hitsXi(n, 0, 0) = (zbin>=0 && zbin<Config::nBinsZME) ? getXiVal(zbin,rbin) : 0.f; // protect against crazy propagations
-     applyMaterialEffects(hitsRl, hitsXi, outErr, outPar, N_proc); // XXXX-4K - why are we doing this on error before propagation ???
-                                                                   // Isn't the material calculated for this/current layer?
+     applyMaterialEffects(hitsRl, hitsXi, outErr, outPar, N_proc);
    squashPhiMPlex(outPar,N_proc); // ensure phi is between |pi|
@@ -522,8 +524,8 @@ void propagateHelixToZMPlex(const MPlexLS &inErr,  const MPlexLV& inPar,
      for (int n = 0; n < NN; ++n) 
        const int zbin = getZbinME(msZ(n, 0, 0));
-       const int rbin = getRbinME(std::hypot(outPar(n, 0, 0), outPar(n, 1, 0)));  // XXXX-4K changed msPar_xy to outPar_xy
+       const int rbin = getRbinME(std::hypot(outPar(n, 0, 0), outPar(n, 1, 0)));
        hitsRl(n, 0, 0) = (rbin>=0 && rbin<Config::nBinsRME) ? getRlVal(zbin,rbin) : 0.f; // protect against crazy propagations
        hitsXi(n, 0, 0) = (rbin>=0 && rbin<Config::nBinsRME) ? getXiVal(zbin,rbin) : 0.f; // protect against crazy propagations

From 865c46db3834e20c776ee6a81315c5998c58c20d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Matevz Tadel <>
Date: Thu, 11 Jan 2018 14:57:51 -0800
Subject: [PATCH 09/11] Backward-fit after finding for BestHit, emove obsolete
 BH classes in HitStructures.h.

 mkFit/HitStructures.h |  84 +----------------------
 mkFit/    | 153 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------
 mkFit/MkBuilder.h     |   1 +
 mkFit/     |  92 ++++++++++++++++++++-----
 mkFit/MkFinder.h      |   8 ++-
 5 files changed, 191 insertions(+), 147 deletions(-)

diff --git a/mkFit/HitStructures.h b/mkFit/HitStructures.h
index e4b4e786e23d1..3aeef68fddef3 100644
--- a/mkFit/HitStructures.h
+++ b/mkFit/HitStructures.h
@@ -210,90 +210,11 @@ class EventOfHits
+// CombinedCandidate and EventOfCombinedCandidates
-// This should actually be a BunchOfCandidates that share common hit vector.
-// At the moment this is an EtaBin ...
-class EtaBinOfCandidates
-  std::vector<Track> m_candidates;
-  int     m_capacity;
-  int     m_size;
-  EtaBinOfCandidates() :
-    m_candidates(Config::maxCandsPerEtaBin),
-    m_capacity  (Config::maxCandsPerEtaBin),
-    m_size      (0)
-  {}
-  void Reset()
-  {
-    m_size = 0;
-  }
-  void InsertTrack(const Track& track)
-  {
-    assert (m_size < m_capacity); // or something
-    m_candidates[m_size] = track;
-    ++m_size;
-  }
-  void SortByPhi()
-  {
-    std::sort(m_candidates.begin(), m_candidates.begin() + m_size, sortTrksByPhiMT);
-  }
-class EventOfCandidates
-  std::vector<EtaBinOfCandidates> m_etabins_of_candidates;
-  EventOfCandidates() :
-    m_etabins_of_candidates(Config::nEtaBin)
-  {}
-  void Reset()
-  {
-    for (auto &i : m_etabins_of_candidates)
-    {
-      i.Reset();
-    }
-  }
-  void InsertCandidate(const Track& track)
-  {
-    int bin = getEtaBinExtendedEdge(track.posEta());
-    // XXXX MT Had to add back this conditional for best-hit (bad seeds)
-    // Note also the ExtendedEdge above, this practically removes bin = -1
-    // occurence and improves efficiency.
-    if (bin != -1)
-    {
-      m_etabins_of_candidates[bin].InsertTrack(track);
-    }
-  }
-  void SortByPhi()
-  {
-    for (auto &i : m_etabins_of_candidates)
-    {
-      i.SortByPhi();
-    }
-  }
-// for combinatorial version, switch to vector of vectors
 // This inheritance sucks but not doing it will require more changes.
 class CombCandidate : public std::vector<Track>
@@ -305,6 +226,7 @@ class CombCandidate : public std::vector<Track>
   int         m_last_seed_layer = -1;
 class EventOfCombCandidates
diff --git a/mkFit/ b/mkFit/
index 4670bc42dbe22..e484e2201c488 100644
--- a/mkFit/
+++ b/mkFit/
@@ -1263,6 +1263,12 @@ void MkBuilder::FindTracksBestHit()
         mkfndr->OutputTracksAndHitIdx(cands, trk_idcs, 0, curr_tridx, false);
+        // final backward fit
+        if (Config::backwardFit)
+        {
+          BackwardFitBH(mkfndr.get(), rng.m_beg, rng.m_end, region);
+        }
       } // end of loop over candidates in a tbb chunk
     }); // end parallel_for over candidates in a region
@@ -1671,54 +1677,6 @@ void MkBuilder::find_tracks_in_layers(CandCloner &cloner, MkFinder *mkfndr,
-void MkBuilder::BackwardFit(MkFinder *mkfndr, int start_seed, int end_seed, int region)
-  EventOfCombCandidates &eoccs  = m_event_of_comb_cands;
-  const SteeringParams  &st_par = m_steering_params[region];
-  for (int iseed = start_seed; iseed < end_seed; iseed += NN)
-  {
-    const int end = std::min(iseed + NN, end_seed);
-    // printf("Pre Final fit for %d - %d\n", iseed, end);
-    // for (int i = iseed; i < end; ++i) { const Track &t = eoccs[i][0];
-    //   printf("  %4d with q=%+d chi2=%7.3f pT=%7.3f eta=% 7.3f x=%.3f y=%.3f z=%.3f nHits=%2d  label=%4d findable=%d\n",
-    //          i, t.charge(), t.chi2(), t.pT(), t.momEta(), t.x(), t.y(), t.z(), t.nFoundHits(), t.label(), t.isFindable());
-    // }
-    bool chi_debug = false;
-  redo_fit:
-    mkfndr->BkFitInputTracks(eoccs, iseed, end);
-    mkfndr->BkFitFitTracks(m_event_of_hits, st_par, end - iseed, false, chi_debug);
-    // Dump tracks with pT > 2 and chi2/dof > 20. Assumes MPT_SIZE=1.
-    if (! chi_debug && 1.0f/mkfndr->Par[MkBase::iC].At(0,3,0) > 2.0f &&
-        mkfndr->Chi2(0,0,0) / (eoccs[iseed][0].nFoundHits() * 3 - 6) > 20.0f)
-    {
-      chi_debug = true;
-      printf("CHIHDR Event %d, Seed %3d, pT %f, chipdof %f ### NOTE x,y,z in cm, sigmas, deltas in mum ### !!!\n",
-             m_event->evtID(), iseed, 1.0f/mkfndr->Par[MkBase::iC].At(0,3,0),
-             mkfndr->Chi2(0,0,0) / (eoccs[iseed][0].nFoundHits() * 3 - 6));
-      printf("CHIHDR %3s %10s %10s %10s %10s %10s %11s %11s %11s %10s %10s %10s %10s %11s %11s %11s %10s %10s %10s %10s %10s %11s %11s\n",
-             "lyr","chi2","x_h","y_h","z_h","r_h","sx_h","sy_h","sz_h","x_t","y_t","z_t","r_t","sx_t","sy_t","sz_t","pt","phi","theta","phi_h","phi_t","d_xy","d_z");
-      goto redo_fit;
-    }
-    mkfndr->BkFitOutputTracks(eoccs, iseed, end);
-    // printf("Post Final fit for %d - %d\n", iseed, end);
-    // for (int i = iseed; i < end; ++i) { const Track &t = eoccs[i][0];
-    //   printf("  %4d with q=%+d chi2=%7.3f pT=%7.3f eta=% 7.3f x=%.3f y=%.3f z=%.3f nHits=%2d  label=%4d findable=%d\n",
-    //          i, t.charge(), t.chi2(), t.pT(), t.momEta(), t.x(), t.y(), t.z(), t.nFoundHits(), t.label(), t.isFindable());
-    // }
-  }
 // FindTracksCombinatorial: FullVector TBB
@@ -1844,3 +1802,102 @@ void MkBuilder::find_tracks_in_layersFV(int start_seed, int end_seed, int region
+// BackwardFit
+void MkBuilder::BackwardFitBH(MkFinder *mkfndr, int start_seed, int end_seed, int region)
+  TrackVec &cands = m_event->candidateTracks_;
+  const SteeringParams &st_par = m_steering_params[region];
+  for (int iseed = start_seed; iseed < end_seed; iseed += NN)
+  {
+    const int end = std::min(iseed + NN, end_seed);
+    // printf("Pre Final fit for %d - %d\n", iseed, end);
+    // for (int i = iseed; i < end; ++i) { const Track &t = eoccs[i][0];
+    //   printf("  %4d with q=%+d chi2=%7.3f pT=%7.3f eta=% 7.3f x=%.3f y=%.3f z=%.3f nHits=%2d  label=%4d findable=%d\n",
+    //          i, t.charge(), t.chi2(), t.pT(), t.momEta(), t.x(), t.y(), t.z(), t.nFoundHits(), t.label(), t.isFindable());
+    // }
+    bool chi_debug = false;
+  redo_fit:
+    mkfndr->BkFitInputTracks(cands, iseed, end);
+    mkfndr->BkFitFitTracks(m_event_of_hits, st_par, end - iseed, false, chi_debug);
+    // Dump tracks with pT > 2 and chi2/dof > 20. Assumes MPT_SIZE=1.
+    if (! chi_debug && 1.0f/mkfndr->Par[MkBase::iC].At(0,3,0) > 2.0f &&
+        mkfndr->Chi2(0,0,0) / (eoccs[iseed][0].nFoundHits() * 3 - 6) > 20.0f)
+    {
+      chi_debug = true;
+      printf("CHIHDR Event %d, Seed %3d, pT %f, chipdof %f ### NOTE x,y,z in cm, sigmas, deltas in mum ### !!!\n",
+             m_event->evtID(), iseed, 1.0f/mkfndr->Par[MkBase::iC].At(0,3,0),
+             mkfndr->Chi2(0,0,0) / (eoccs[iseed][0].nFoundHits() * 3 - 6));
+      printf("CHIHDR %3s %10s %10s %10s %10s %10s %11s %11s %11s %10s %10s %10s %10s %11s %11s %11s %10s %10s %10s %10s %10s %11s %11s\n",
+             "lyr","chi2","x_h","y_h","z_h","r_h","sx_h","sy_h","sz_h","x_t","y_t","z_t","r_t","sx_t","sy_t","sz_t","pt","phi","theta","phi_h","phi_t","d_xy","d_z");
+      goto redo_fit;
+    }
+    mkfndr->BkFitOutputTracks(cands, iseed, end);
+    // printf("Post Final fit for %d - %d\n", iseed, end);
+    // for (int i = iseed; i < end; ++i) { const Track &t = eoccs[i][0];
+    //   printf("  %4d with q=%+d chi2=%7.3f pT=%7.3f eta=% 7.3f x=%.3f y=%.3f z=%.3f nHits=%2d  label=%4d findable=%d\n",
+    //          i, t.charge(), t.chi2(), t.pT(), t.momEta(), t.x(), t.y(), t.z(), t.nFoundHits(), t.label(), t.isFindable());
+    // }
+  }
+void MkBuilder::BackwardFit(MkFinder *mkfndr, int start_seed, int end_seed, int region)
+  EventOfCombCandidates &eoccs  = m_event_of_comb_cands;
+  const SteeringParams  &st_par = m_steering_params[region];
+  for (int iseed = start_seed; iseed < end_seed; iseed += NN)
+  {
+    const int end = std::min(iseed + NN, end_seed);
+    // printf("Pre Final fit for %d - %d\n", iseed, end);
+    // for (int i = iseed; i < end; ++i) { const Track &t = eoccs[i][0];
+    //   printf("  %4d with q=%+d chi2=%7.3f pT=%7.3f eta=% 7.3f x=%.3f y=%.3f z=%.3f nHits=%2d  label=%4d findable=%d\n",
+    //          i, t.charge(), t.chi2(), t.pT(), t.momEta(), t.x(), t.y(), t.z(), t.nFoundHits(), t.label(), t.isFindable());
+    // }
+    bool chi_debug = false;
+  redo_fit:
+    mkfndr->BkFitInputTracks(eoccs, iseed, end);
+    mkfndr->BkFitFitTracks(m_event_of_hits, st_par, end - iseed, false, chi_debug);
+    // Dump tracks with pT > 2 and chi2/dof > 20. Assumes MPT_SIZE=1.
+    if (! chi_debug && 1.0f/mkfndr->Par[MkBase::iC].At(0,3,0) > 2.0f &&
+        mkfndr->Chi2(0,0,0) / (eoccs[iseed][0].nFoundHits() * 3 - 6) > 20.0f)
+    {
+      chi_debug = true;
+      printf("CHIHDR Event %d, Seed %3d, pT %f, chipdof %f ### NOTE x,y,z in cm, sigmas, deltas in mum ### !!!\n",
+             m_event->evtID(), iseed, 1.0f/mkfndr->Par[MkBase::iC].At(0,3,0),
+             mkfndr->Chi2(0,0,0) / (eoccs[iseed][0].nFoundHits() * 3 - 6));
+      printf("CHIHDR %3s %10s %10s %10s %10s %10s %11s %11s %11s %10s %10s %10s %10s %11s %11s %11s %10s %10s %10s %10s %10s %11s %11s\n",
+             "lyr","chi2","x_h","y_h","z_h","r_h","sx_h","sy_h","sz_h","x_t","y_t","z_t","r_t","sx_t","sy_t","sz_t","pt","phi","theta","phi_h","phi_t","d_xy","d_z");
+      goto redo_fit;
+    }
+    mkfndr->BkFitOutputTracks(eoccs, iseed, end);
+    // printf("Post Final fit for %d - %d\n", iseed, end);
+    // for (int i = iseed; i < end; ++i) { const Track &t = eoccs[i][0];
+    //   printf("  %4d with q=%+d chi2=%7.3f pT=%7.3f eta=% 7.3f x=%.3f y=%.3f z=%.3f nHits=%2d  label=%4d findable=%d\n",
+    //          i, t.charge(), t.chi2(), t.pT(), t.momEta(), t.x(), t.y(), t.z(), t.nFoundHits(), t.label(), t.isFindable());
+    // }
+  }
diff --git a/mkFit/MkBuilder.h b/mkFit/MkBuilder.h
index 47542e224066f..62fff55ac163d 100644
--- a/mkFit/MkBuilder.h
+++ b/mkFit/MkBuilder.h
@@ -168,6 +168,7 @@ class MkBuilder
   void FindTracksCloneEngine();
   void FindTracksFV();
+  void BackwardFitBH(MkFinder *mkfndr, int start_seed, int end_seed, int region);
   void BackwardFit(MkFinder *mkfndr, int start_seed, int end_seed, int region);
 #ifdef USE_CUDA
diff --git a/mkFit/ b/mkFit/
index 81f8cd92a609f..609e4737a02b0 100644
--- a/mkFit/
+++ b/mkFit/
@@ -949,6 +949,64 @@ void MkFinder::CopyOutParErr(std::vector<CombCandidate>& seed_cand_vec,
 // Backward Fit hack
+void MkFinder::BkFitInputTracks(TrackVec& cands, int beg, int end)
+  // SlurpIn based on XHit array - so Nhits is irrelevant.
+  // Could as well use HotArrays from tracks directly + a local cursor array to last hit.
+  const int   N_proc     = end - beg;
+  const Track &trk0      = cands[beg];
+  const char *varr       = (char*) &trk0;
+  const int   off_error  = (char*) trk0.errors().Array() - varr;
+  const int   off_param  = (char*) trk0.parameters().Array() - varr;
+  int idx[NN]      __attribute__((aligned(64)));
+  int itrack = 0;
+  for (int i = beg; i < end; ++i, ++itrack)
+  {
+    const Track &trk = cands[i];
+    Chg(itrack, 0, 0) = trk.charge();
+    CurHit[itrack]    = trk.nTotalHits() - 1;
+    HoTArr[itrack]    = trk.getHitsOnTrackArray();
+    idx[itrack] = (char*) &trk - varr;
+  }
+  Chi2.SetVal(0);
+  __m512i vi      = _mm512_load_epi32(idx);
+  Err[iC].SlurpIn(varr + off_error, vi, N_proc);
+  Par[iC].SlurpIn(varr + off_param, vi, N_proc);
+  Err[iC].SlurpIn(varr + off_error, idx, N_proc);
+  Par[iC].SlurpIn(varr + off_param, idx, N_proc);
+  Err[iC].Scale(100.0f);
+void MkFinder::BkFitOutputTracks(TrackVec& cands, int beg, int end)
+  // Only copy out track params / errors / chi2, all the rest is ok.
+  int itrack = 0;
+  for (int i = beg; i < end; ++i, ++itrack)
+  {
+    Track &trk = cands[i];
+    Err[iC].CopyOut(itrack, trk.errors_nc().Array());
+    Par[iC].CopyOut(itrack, trk.parameters_nc().Array());
+    trk.setChi2(Chi2(itrack, 0, 0));
+  }
 void MkFinder::BkFitInputTracks(EventOfCombCandidates& eocss, int beg, int end)
   // SlurpIn based on XHit array - so Nhits is irrelevant.
@@ -989,6 +1047,24 @@ void MkFinder::BkFitInputTracks(EventOfCombCandidates& eocss, int beg, int end)
+void MkFinder::BkFitOutputTracks(EventOfCombCandidates& eocss, int beg, int end)
+  // Only copy out track params / errors / chi2, all the rest is ok.
+  int itrack = 0;
+  for (int i = beg; i < end; ++i, ++itrack)
+  {
+    Track &trk = eocss[i][0];
+    Err[iC].CopyOut(itrack, trk.errors_nc().Array());
+    Par[iC].CopyOut(itrack, trk.parameters_nc().Array());
+    trk.setChi2(Chi2(itrack, 0, 0));
+  }
 namespace { float e2s(float x) { return 1e4 * std::sqrt(x); } }
 void MkFinder::BkFitFitTracks(const EventOfHits   & eventofhits,
@@ -1089,19 +1165,3 @@ void MkFinder::BkFitFitTracks(const EventOfHits   & eventofhits,
-void MkFinder::BkFitOutputTracks(EventOfCombCandidates& eocss, int beg, int end)
-  // Only copy out track params / errors / chi2, all the rest is ok.
-  int itrack = 0;
-  for (int i = beg; i < end; ++i, ++itrack)
-  {
-    Track &trk = eocss[i][0];
-    Err[iC].CopyOut(itrack, trk.errors_nc().Array());
-    Par[iC].CopyOut(itrack, trk.parameters_nc().Array());
-    trk.setChi2(Chi2(itrack, 0, 0));
-  }
diff --git a/mkFit/MkFinder.h b/mkFit/MkFinder.h
index 36b1dbde14443..ae4f4bd1ae3a1 100644
--- a/mkFit/MkFinder.h
+++ b/mkFit/MkFinder.h
@@ -148,10 +148,14 @@ class MkFinder : public MkBase
   int               CurHit[NN];
   const HitOnTrack *HoTArr[NN];
-  void BkFitInputTracks(EventOfCombCandidates& eocss, int beg, int end);
+  void BkFitInputTracks (TrackVec& cands, int beg, int end);
+  void BkFitOutputTracks(TrackVec& cands, int beg, int end);
+  void BkFitInputTracks (EventOfCombCandidates& eocss, int beg, int end);
+  void BkFitOutputTracks(EventOfCombCandidates& eocss, int beg, int end);
   void BkFitFitTracks(const EventOfHits& eventofhits, const SteeringParams& st_par,
                       int N_proc, bool useParamBfield = false, bool chiDebug = false);
-  void BkFitOutputTracks(EventOfCombCandidates& eocss, int beg, int end);

From 371f171fb28b859e14be7deb590f6b3570da5dd9 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Kevin McDermott <>
Date: Mon, 15 Jan 2018 10:58:28 -0500
Subject: [PATCH 10/11] remove param b-field from inter-layer propagation
 during finding

 Geoms/    | 2 +-
 Geoms/ | 2 +-
 2 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Geoms/ b/Geoms/
index d676b884734b0..7555c0134df92 100644
--- a/Geoms/
+++ b/Geoms/
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ namespace
     Config::chi2Cut          = 30.0;
     Config::finding_requires_propagation_to_hit_pos = true;
-    Config::finding_inter_layer_pflags = PropagationFlags(PF_use_param_b_field | PF_apply_material);
+    Config::finding_inter_layer_pflags = PropagationFlags(PF_apply_material);
     Config::finding_intra_layer_pflags = PropagationFlags(PF_none);
     Config::backward_fit_pflags        = PropagationFlags(PF_use_param_b_field | PF_apply_material);
     Config::forward_fit_pflags         = PropagationFlags(PF_use_param_b_field | PF_apply_material);
diff --git a/Geoms/ b/Geoms/
index 3209664458fb1..665622f90e175 100644
--- a/Geoms/
+++ b/Geoms/
@@ -212,7 +212,7 @@ namespace
     Config::nTotalLayers     = 10 + 2 * 9;
     Config::finding_requires_propagation_to_hit_pos = false;
-    Config::finding_inter_layer_pflags = PropagationFlags(PF_use_param_b_field);
+    Config::finding_inter_layer_pflags = PropagationFlags(PF_none);
     Config::finding_intra_layer_pflags = PropagationFlags(PF_none);
     Config::backward_fit_pflags        = PropagationFlags(PF_use_param_b_field);
     Config::forward_fit_pflags         = PropagationFlags(PF_use_param_b_field);

From 51ef65fcc9a6b5b4b5da08b6083a14cfeb20af7f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Kevin McDermott <>
Date: Mon, 15 Jan 2018 12:43:04 -0800
Subject: [PATCH 11/11] protect against insane propagations which return bins
 out of range of binned material constants

 mkFit/ | 8 ++++----
 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)

diff --git a/mkFit/ b/mkFit/
index c6109c5406611..1bd16b2771ba2 100644
--- a/mkFit/
+++ b/mkFit/
@@ -434,8 +434,8 @@ void propagateHelixToRMPlex(const MPlexLS &inErr,  const MPlexLV& inPar,
        const int zbin = getZbinME(outPar(n, 2, 0));
        const int rbin = getRbinME(msRad (n, 0, 0));
-       hitsRl(n, 0, 0) = (zbin>=0 && zbin<Config::nBinsZME) ? getRlVal(zbin,rbin) : 0.f; // protect against crazy propagations
-       hitsXi(n, 0, 0) = (zbin>=0 && zbin<Config::nBinsZME) ? getXiVal(zbin,rbin) : 0.f; // protect against crazy propagations
+       hitsRl(n, 0, 0) = (zbin>=0 && zbin<Config::nBinsZME && rbin>=0 && rbin<Config::nBinsRME) ? getRlVal(zbin,rbin) : 0.f; // protect against crazy propagations
+       hitsXi(n, 0, 0) = (zbin>=0 && zbin<Config::nBinsZME && rbin>=0 && rbin<Config::nBinsRME) ? getXiVal(zbin,rbin) : 0.f; // protect against crazy propagations
      applyMaterialEffects(hitsRl, hitsXi, outErr, outPar, N_proc);
@@ -526,8 +526,8 @@ void propagateHelixToZMPlex(const MPlexLS &inErr,  const MPlexLV& inPar,
        const int zbin = getZbinME(msZ(n, 0, 0));
        const int rbin = getRbinME(std::hypot(outPar(n, 0, 0), outPar(n, 1, 0)));
-       hitsRl(n, 0, 0) = (rbin>=0 && rbin<Config::nBinsRME) ? getRlVal(zbin,rbin) : 0.f; // protect against crazy propagations
-       hitsXi(n, 0, 0) = (rbin>=0 && rbin<Config::nBinsRME) ? getXiVal(zbin,rbin) : 0.f; // protect against crazy propagations
+       hitsRl(n, 0, 0) = (zbin>=0 && zbin<Config::nBinsZME && rbin>=0 && rbin<Config::nBinsRME) ? getRlVal(zbin,rbin) : 0.f; // protect against crazy propagations
+       hitsXi(n, 0, 0) = (zbin>=0 && zbin<Config::nBinsZME && rbin>=0 && rbin<Config::nBinsRME) ? getXiVal(zbin,rbin) : 0.f; // protect against crazy propagations
      applyMaterialEffects(hitsRl, hitsXi, outErr, outPar, N_proc);