Releases: smashingboxes/SeleniumToolkit
0.6.6 Added headless mode for Chrome
Added the option to run automation scripts in headless mode but only for Chrome
0.6.5 Refactored check saucelabs method
Simply refactored the check saucelabs method.
0.6.4 Added WebDriverManager
Added WebDriver Manager to easily manage web drivers according to the version of currently installed browsers. Also removed the previously included web drivers and directory.
0.6.3 Updated assertPageSource method
The assetPageSource method now takes in the page source as a string instead of taking in the entire web driver element.
0.6.2 New assertPageSource command
Now able to do a lazy text assert by checking an expected string in the page source.
0.6.1 Allow Untrusted Certs
Now allowing for untrusted certs. This shouldn't be a problem since the automation testing should always point to a safe or internal automation environment.
0.6.0 Code refactor
Removed deprecated code. Commands no longer accept attrType and attrVal parameters. They now only accept actual WebElement or List parameters.
0.5.9 Created new assertTextContainsLoop method
Created a new assertTextContainsLoop method for looping over elements in a list and asserting if given text is found in the list of elements.
0.5.8 Handle Select and WebElement objects for SelectOption command
Now able to handle either a Select object or WebElement object for using the SelectOption command. Just a quick note: Try to mainly use WebElement for select objects. Only use the object as Select when necessary (asserting values in a dropdown, etc.)
0.5.7 Added hoverOver command
Added a new hoverOver command in the Commands class. This functions as a mouseover when hovering over a particular web element.