Plase note that the API will strongly evolve until the stable version in 1.0.0. Do not use if you're looking for a stable software.
The test service is a microservice belonging to the project Selenium On Demand Acronym. It acts like a reverse proxy in front of your Selenium hub. The test service is useful to :
- Get some insights on test sessions (teams, browers, os)
- Correlate test session failures to specific OS / browers
- Follow the test sessions in realtime
These instructions will get you a minimal Selenium Grid with :
- A Selenium hub
- A test-service in front of your hub
- A Selenium node Chrome (Linux)
- A Selenium node Firefox (Linux)
By using our docker-compose.yml
docker-compose up -d
- http://localhost:8080
Copy the following snippet to add the test service in your docker-compose file and customize it as you want. It's fully compatible with the official repositories of SeleniumHQ/docker-selenium.
image: soda/test-service:0.3.1
- "8080:8080"
- HUB_PORT_4444_TCP_ADDR=hub
- HUB_PORT_4444_TCP_PORT=4444
- your-selenium-network
Then run your services with the following docker-compose command :
# Equivalent to docker-compose up -d test-service hub chrome firefox
docker-compose up -d
Finally access the Selenium hub through the test-service : http://localhost:8080
Pro tip : when you're developing, always use
cargo check
to avoid long build times. Then, when you are ready to test your work, usecargo run
which will build a non-optimized binary and launch it.
# Launch the Selenium hub with chrome and firefox on localhost:4444
docker-compose up -d hub chrome firefox
# Launch the test service on localhost:8080 and forward requests to the hub, a default client timeout is set to 60s
./soda-test-service.exe --listen=localhost:8080 --forward=localhost:4444 --timeout=300
cargo test
You can also get the code coverage with Tarpaulin :
cargo install cargo-tarpaulin && cargo tarpaulin
# You can also generate the html report
cargo tarpaulin -o Html --output-dir ./report
This project is licensed under either of
- Apache license, version 2.0, (LICENSE-APACHE or
- MIT license (LICENSE-MIT or
at your option.
Your contribution is welcome! You can find more information in the
Unless you explicitly state otherwise, any contribution intentionally submitted for inclusion in the work by you shall be dual licensed as above, without any additional terms or conditions.