Samples of koa-webc middleware
Basic usage of this Koa-WebC middleware
Sampling how WebC scopes styles, scripts and provides a uid attribute to keep unique id's inside a component
How to import one component inside another, so you can modularize your templates
Combining several Koa middlewares into the same project, so you get all the nice stuff from Koa ecosystem
Every WebC template gets injected with Koa context from the handler, you have to do nothing
However, in order to offer a more clean way to feed your templates with data, you can pass extra data to it when defining the middleware and also when calling ctx.render()
New in WebC 0.11.0. Loop syntax landed, this is how it works.
If you don't want to express how to import components explicitly, pass the
to koa-webc, so it will pass it to WebC so you don't have to
webc:import every single component you wish to use.