This code tries to solve a particular problem with a very simple
implementation. We try to keep the code to a minimum while making
it as clear as possible. The design is very likely finished, and
if some feature is missing it is possible that it was left out on
purpose. That said, new usage patterns may arise, and when that
happens we are ready to adapt if necessary.

A good first step for contributing is to meet us on IRC and discuss
ideas. We spend a lot of time on #lesscode at freenode, always ready
to talk about code and simplicity. If connecting to IRC is not an
option, you can create an issue explaining the proposed change and
a use case. We pay a lot of attention to use cases, because our
goal is to keep the code base simple. Usually the result of a
conversation is the creation of a different tool.

Please don't start the conversation with a pull request. The code
should come at last, and even though it may help to convey an idea,
more often than not it draws the attention to a particular