diff --git a/pwa-devdocs/src/_data/venia-pwa-concept.yml b/pwa-devdocs/src/_data/venia-pwa-concept.yml
index d0b438bb4f..247a309fb6 100644
--- a/pwa-devdocs/src/_data/venia-pwa-concept.yml
+++ b/pwa-devdocs/src/_data/venia-pwa-concept.yml
@@ -9,6 +9,9 @@ entries:
- label: Venia storefront setup
url: /venia-pwa-concept/setup/
+ - label: Install Venia sample data
+ url: /venia-pwa-concept/install-sample-data/
- label: Simple REST checkout flow
url: /venia-pwa-concept/simple-rest-checkout/
diff --git a/pwa-devdocs/src/venia-pwa-concept/install-sample-data/_includes/deploy-venia-sample-data-script.md b/pwa-devdocs/src/venia-pwa-concept/install-sample-data/_includes/deploy-venia-sample-data-script.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..817ab56f36
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pwa-devdocs/src/venia-pwa-concept/install-sample-data/_includes/deploy-venia-sample-data-script.md
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+Show content for deployVeniaSampleData.sh
+``` sh
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+add_composer_repository () {
+ name=$1
+ type=$2
+ url=$3
+ echo "adding composer repository ${url}"
+ ${composer} config ${composerParams} repositories.${name} ${type} ${url}
+add_venia_sample_data_repository () {
+ name=$1
+ add_composer_repository ${name} github "${githubBaseUrl}/${name}.git"
+execute_install () {
+ composer='/usr/bin/env composer'
+ composerParams='--no-interaction --ansi'
+ moduleVendor='magento'
+ moduleList=(
+ module-catalog-sample-data-venia
+ module-configurable-sample-data-venia
+ module-customer-sample-data-venia
+ module-sales-sample-data-venia
+ module-tax-sample-data-venia
+ sample-data-media-venia
+ )
+ githubBaseUrl='git@github.com:PMET-public'
+ cd $install_path
+ for moduleName in "${moduleList[@]}"
+ do
+ add_venia_sample_data_repository ${moduleName}
+ done
+ ${composer} require ${composerParams} $(printf "${moduleVendor}/%s:dev-master@dev " "${moduleList[@]}")
+while test $# -gt 0; do
+ case "$1" in
+ --help)
+ echo "Magento 2 Venia Sample data script install."
+ echo "if no options are passed, it will start interactive mode and ask for your Magento absolute path"
+ echo ""
+ echo "Usage:"
+ echo " deployVeniaSampleData.sh [options]"
+ echo "Options:"
+ echo " --help Displays this!"
+ echo " --yes Skip interactive mode and installs data"
+ echo " --path your Magento 2 absolute path, otherwise will install in current directory."
+ echo ""
+ exit 0
+ ;;
+ --yes) skip_interactive=1
+ shift
+ ;;
+ --path*) if test $# -gt 0; then
+ install_path=`echo $1 | sed -e 's/^[^=]*=//g'`
+ fi
+ shift
+ ;;
+ *) break
+ ;;
+ esac
+if [ "$skip_interactive" == 1 ]; then
+ echo "Skipping interactive mode.."
+ echo "Install path ${install_path}"
+ execute_install
+ echo "Please specify absolute path to your Magento 2 instance"
+ read -p 'Magento root folder: ' install_path
+ echo "Sample data will be installed there."
+ echo ""
+ read -p "Are you sure you want to continue? [y/n]" yn
+ case $yn in
+ y )
+ execute_install
+ ;;
+ n )
+ echo "Sample Data instalation failed."
+ exit 0
+ ;;
+ * )
+ echo "Exiting..."
+ exit 1
+ ;;
+ esac
diff --git a/pwa-devdocs/src/venia-pwa-concept/install-sample-data/images/accessories-sample-data.png b/pwa-devdocs/src/venia-pwa-concept/install-sample-data/images/accessories-sample-data.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3aa528cd0f
Binary files /dev/null and b/pwa-devdocs/src/venia-pwa-concept/install-sample-data/images/accessories-sample-data.png differ
diff --git a/pwa-devdocs/src/venia-pwa-concept/install-sample-data/images/sample-data-installed.png b/pwa-devdocs/src/venia-pwa-concept/install-sample-data/images/sample-data-installed.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..adaf79d9ba
Binary files /dev/null and b/pwa-devdocs/src/venia-pwa-concept/install-sample-data/images/sample-data-installed.png differ
diff --git a/pwa-devdocs/src/venia-pwa-concept/install-sample-data/index.md b/pwa-devdocs/src/venia-pwa-concept/install-sample-data/index.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..439ed08ece
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pwa-devdocs/src/venia-pwa-concept/install-sample-data/index.md
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+title: Install Venia sample data
+The Venia storefront looks best when running against a Magento 2 backend with the Venia sample data installed.
+{: .bs-callout .bs-callout-info}
+The sample `.env.dist` file in the Venia project already contains the URL for a Magento 2 cloud instance that has the Venia sample data installed, so
+setting up a Magento 2 instance and installing sample data into it is now an optional step.
+Follow the instructions on this page to install the Venia sample data into your Magento 2 development instance.
+## Prerequisites
+* PHP 7.1 (currently one of the sample data modules is incompatible with PHP 7.2)
+* System access to a Magento 2 instance
+{: .bs-callout .bs-callout-warning}
+If you have the previous `magento2-sample-data` module installed, you need to [remove the sample data modules][] and re-install Magento with a clean database.
+## Step 1. Copy or create the deploy script
+If you have cloned the [PWA Studio][] repository into the same machine as your Magento instance, copy over the following PWA Studio file into the root directory of your Magento instance:
+If you do not have access to the PWA Studio repository, copy the following content into a file in the root directory of your Magento instance:
+{% include_relative _includes/deploy-venia-sample-data-script.md %}
+## Step 2. Execute the deploy script
+Execute the script in the root directory of your Magento instance to add the Venia sample data modules to Magento:
+bash deployVeniaSampleData.sh
+## Step 3. Install the sample data modules
+Run the following command in the Magento root directory to install the Venia data from the modules:
+bin/magento setup:upgrade
+## Step 4. Verify installation
+Log into the Admin section or visit the store of your Magento instance to verify the sample data installation.
+[remove the sample data modules]: https://devdocs.magento.com/guides/v2.3/install-gde/install/cli/install-cli-sample-data-other.html#inst-sample-remove
+[PWA Studio]: https://github.com/magento-research/pwa-studio
diff --git a/pwa-devdocs/src/venia-pwa-concept/setup/index.md b/pwa-devdocs/src/venia-pwa-concept/setup/index.md
index b6cf0f0d5e..393342a3af 100644
--- a/pwa-devdocs/src/venia-pwa-concept/setup/index.md
+++ b/pwa-devdocs/src/venia-pwa-concept/setup/index.md
@@ -3,10 +3,10 @@ title: Venia storefront setup
Venia is a PWA storefront that runs on top of an existing Magento 2 backend.
-Follow the instructions on this page to setup and install the [Venia PWA concept storefront][] in your Magento 2 instance.
+Follow the instructions on this page to setup and run the [Venia PWA concept storefront][].
At the end of this tutorial, you will have a working copy of the Venia storefront installed and running on top of Magento.
-Use this setup to explore or develop Magento PWA components and themes.
+Use this setup to explore or develop Magento PWA components and storefronts.
If you experience problems with the project setup, see [Troubleshooting][] in the PWA Buildpack section.
@@ -14,71 +14,10 @@ If you experience problems with the project setup, see [Troubleshooting][] in th
* [NodeJS 8.x LTS][]
* [Node Package Manager][] (NPM)
-* A [local development instance][] of Magento 2.3 or above.
+* [A running instance of Magento 2.3](#choosing-the-magento-23-backend)
- The steps outline in this tutorial have been verified and are known to work with the following setups:
- * Magento 2 installed using [valet-plus][]
- * [Vagrant Box for Magento 2 developers][]
-## Step 1. Install Venia sample data
-The Venia storefront works best with the new Venia sample data modules installed.
-{: .bs-callout .bs-callout-warning}
-If you have the previous `magento2-sample-data` module installed, you need to [remove the sample data modules][] and re-install Magento with a clean database.
-In your Magento installation root directory, create a file called `deployVeniaSampleData.sh` with the following content:
-``` sh
-#!/usr/bin/env bash
-composer='/usr/bin/env composer'
-composerParams='--no-interaction --ansi'
- module-catalog-sample-data-venia
- module-configurable-sample-data-venia
- module-customer-sample-data-venia
- module-sales-sample-data-venia
- module-tax-sample-data-venia
- sample-data-media-venia
-add_composer_repository () {
- name=$1
- type=$2
- url=$3
- echo "adding composer repository ${url}"
- ${composer} config ${composerParams} repositories.${name} ${type} ${url}
-add_venia_sample_data_repository () {
- name=$1
- add_composer_repository ${name} github "${githubBasUrl}/${name}.git"
-for moduleName in "${moduleList[@]}"
- add_venia_sample_data_repository ${moduleName}
-${composer} require ${composerParams} $(printf "${moduleVendor}/%s:dev-master@dev " "${moduleList[@]}")
-Execute this script to add the Venia sample data packages to the project:
-``` sh
-bash deployVeniaSampleData.sh
-Run the following command to install the Venia data from the modules:
-bin/magento setup:upgrade
-## Step 2. Clone the PWA Studio repository
+## Step 1. Clone the PWA Studio repository
Clone the [PWA Studio] repository into your development environment.
@@ -90,54 +29,7 @@ git clone https://github.com/magento-research/pwa-studio.git
For this tutorial, the project location is the `/Users/magedev/pwa-studio` directory.
-### Special instructions for virtual machine installations
-If you are using a virtual machine, make sure it can access the new project directory and runs Magento 2.3.
-For example, if you are using the [Vagrant Box for Magento 2 developers][], use the following steps to add a synced folder to the virtual machine and configure it to use Magento 2.3.
-Show steps
-{: .bs-callout .bs-callout-tip}
-If you clone the PWA Studio project repo into the `magento2ce` directory of the Vagrant project, the project folder will already be visible to the Vagrant box and you can skip ahead to Step 3.
-1. In the Vagrant box project directory, open the `Vagrantfile` and locate the following line:
- ```
- config.vm.synced_folder '.', '/vagrant', disabled: true
- ```
-2. Above this line, add the following entry (substituting the project directory path with your own):
- ```
- config.vm.synced_folder '/Users/magedev/pwa-studio', '/Users/magedev/pwa-studio', type: "nfs", create: true
- ```
-3. If your environment does not already use Magento 2.3, copy `etc/config.yaml.dist` as `etc/config.yml` and update the following line:
- ``` yml
- ce: "git@github.com:magento/magento2.git"
- ```
- to
- ``` yml
- ce: "https://github.com/magento/magento2.git::2.3-develop"
- ```
-4. In that same file, update the PHP version to 7.1 by updating the following line:
- ``` yml
- php_version: "7.0"
- ```
- to
- ``` yml
- php_version: "7.1"
- ```
-5. Init or reset the Vagrant environment:
- ```
- bash init-project
- ```
- OR
- ```
- bash init_project.sh -f
- ```
-## Step 3. Install PWA Studio dependencies
+## Step 2. Install PWA Studio dependencies
{: .bs-callout .bs-callout-warning}
If you have an existing `node_modules` directory from a previous PWA Studio version installation, remove it to prevent installation errors.
@@ -148,26 +40,38 @@ In the PWA Studio project's root directory, run the following command to install
npm install
-## Step 4. Set environment variables
+## Step 3. Specify the Magento backend server
Under the `packages/venia-concept` directory, copy `.env.dist` into a new `.env` file:
-**Example commands:**
-``` sh
-cd /Users/magedev/pwa-studio/packages/venia-concept
+**Example command:**
``` sh
-cp .env.dist .env
+cp packages/venia-concept/.env.dist packages/venia-concept/.env
-In the `.env` file set the value of `MAGENTO_BACKEND_URL` to the URL of your Magento development store.
+In the `.env` file set the value of `MAGENTO_BACKEND_URL` to the URL of a running Magento instance.
+If you are contributing to Venia development or exploring its features, you can use the default `MAGENTO_BACKEND_URL` value.
+This URL points to a cloud instance of Magento 2.3 with the [Venia sample data][] installed.
``` text
-## Step 5. Start the server
+### Choosing the Magento 2.3 backend
+The Venia storefront runs on top of any Magento 2.3 instance.
+Use the default cloud instance as the backend or set up your own [local development instance][].
+The Venia storefront has been verified to be compatible with the following local setups:
+* Magento 2 installed using [valet-plus][]
+* [Vagrant Box for Magento 2 developers][]
+Don't forget to install the [Venia sample data][]!
+## Step 4. Start the server
### Build artifacts
@@ -215,7 +119,7 @@ for PWA development on the frontend, use this new address.
Congratulations! You have set up your development environment for the Venia storefront project.
-[Venia PWA concept storefront]: https://github.com/magento-research/pwa-studio/tree/master/packages/venia-concept
+[Venia PWA concept storefront]: https://github.com/magento-research/pwa-studio/tree/release/2.0/packages/venia-concept
[Node Package Manager]: https://www.npmjs.com/
[NodeJS 8.x LTS]: https://nodejs.org/en/
[Vagrant Box for Magento 2 developers]: https://github.com/paliarush/magento2-vagrant-for-developers
@@ -224,3 +128,4 @@ Congratulations! You have set up your development environment for the Venia stor
[local development instance]: https://devdocs.magento.com/guides/v2.3/install-gde/bk-install-guide.html
[valet-plus]: https://github.com/weprovide/valet-plus
[remove the sample data modules]: https://devdocs.magento.com/guides/v2.3/install-gde/install/cli/install-cli-sample-data-other.html#inst-sample-remove
+[Venia sample data]: {{site.baseurl}}{% link venia-pwa-concept/install-sample-data/index.md %}