Releases: splewis/csgo-retakes
Releases · splewis/csgo-retakes
- Add additional allocator plugin: retakes_pistolallocator, this is an alternative to retakes_standardallocator
- Adjust default spawn files for most maps
- Adjust default game cvars to better reflect retakes gamemode (e.g., mp_forcecamera, cash cvars, etc.)
- Add additional translations (German, Norwegian, Polish) - thanks to Stay Frosty, Bawls, benek
- Add spawn editor menus to use instead of editor commands (while the commands still work, the menus are the preferred way of using the editor now)
- Allocator plugins may now give decoys
- Fix bug where team scrambling never occurred after consecutive T wins
- Follow the original install instructions (, and overwrite files. Spawns do not have to be updated, as they are backwards compatible.
- Updated spawn files
- Updated translation files
- Now compiled against sourcemod 1.7.1
- Improved spawn editor functionality, see the readme for the full command list
- Improved handling on the map spawns files to not write out to the file every mapchange (only update the file if the spawns have actually been changed)
- Terrorist spawns can now be bomber-only (in addition to the previous no-bomber status they could have)
- Replaced addon plugin retakes_randomteams with new cvar sm_retakes_random_teams
v0.1.0 alpha release
Please see the readme for installation instructions.