Set up ROOT(works with ROOT 5, requires ROOT to be compiled with libminut2)
After checking out the code:- make cint
##Running on tuple
#Step1: Alignment Analysis
./alignmentReco <jobcardName>
Apart from a root file with all the histograms, the application also produces a text file with all the alignment parameters. This application can be run in "production" or "new" mode(can be set in the job card). If you run in production mode, the alignment output parameter file will be opened in append mode. It can be used for analysing many runs and dunping the output in the same file. In the "new" mode, a new alignment output file will be created and if a file exists with the same name, it will be overwritten.
#JobCard Description
Only the parameters required for this application are described.
outputFile=<output-file name>
doTelescopeMatching=1 #set to true; will look for telescope data; if =0, this step will not work
doChannelMasking=0 #=0 if no channel masked; =1 if channel masking required
channelMaskFile=<filename> #set name of file with channel mask; required if doChannelMasking=1
nStrips=254 # No. of strips
pitchDUT=0.09 # Pitch
alignmentOutputFile=<filename> #Filename where the alignment parameters will be written
isProductionmode=0 #if =0 new mode; =1 append mode #Step2: Baseline Analysis to study detector performance
Only the parameters required for this application are described.
outputFile=<output-file name>
readAlignmentFromfile=1 #if=1, alignment parameters will be read from alignmentOutputFile; if=0, telescope matching will not work(or you have to hardcode values in your code! Not recommended!!)
doTelescopeMatching=1 #set to true; will look for telescope data; if =0, detector only performance
doChannelMasking=0 #=0 if no channel masked; =1 if channel masking required
channelMaskFile=<filename> #set name of file with channel mask; required if doChannelMasking=1
nStrips=254 # No. of strips
pitchDUT=0.09 # Pitch
residualSigmaDUT=0.026 #residual(4times this value) in mm used for matching DUT hit/cluster/stub to Track
alignmentOutputFile=<filename> #Filename from where the alignment parameters will be read
#Alignment Paremter file format
Each line in the file corresponds to a Run and is a ":" separated list of all alignment parameters required by our analysis written out in the following order.
Run=<Run Number>
offsetFEI4X/Y=Offset of track with respect to FeI4 hits in X and Y
residualSigmaFEI4X/Y=Pitch at FeI4 plane obtained from telescope-Fei4 residual fits
zD0=Position of DUT0 w.r.t FeI4
offsetD0=Offset of track-DUT hits obtained from residual fit at DUT planr
deltaZ=difference in Z pos between DUT0 and DUT1
angle=DUT angle w.r.t beam
**If alignment parameters are read from file, the code searches for the Run Number and takes the alignment parameters from that line.