This is a list of resources that have helped me learn web development over the years. I hope you find it useful.
- A Dao of Web Design by John Allsopp (April 07, 2000)
- Designing with Web Standards (3rd Edition) by Jeffrey Zeldman with Ethan Marcotte (October 25, 2009, original edition 2003)
- Responsive Design by Ethan Marcotte (May 25, 2010)
- Adaptive Web Design: Crafting Rich Experiences with Progressive Enhancement by Aaron Gustafson (May 31, 2011)
- Mobile First by Luke Wroblewski (2011)
- Nicholas Zakas: Progressive Enhancement 2.0 (March 5th, 2012)
- Scalable and Modular Architecture for CSS by Jonathan Snook (2012)
- Coding Standards (2015) - A great snapshot in time of best practices
- How Do Browsers Work? by Tali Garsiel and Paul Irish (August 5th, 2011)
- Mozilla Developer Network - Learn to style HTML using CSS
- Inside a super fast CSS engine: Quantum CSS (aka Stylo) by Lin Clark.
- Flexbox Froggy - learn Flexbox in a fun way
- A Complete Guide to Flexbox
- Grid Garden - learn CSS Grid in a fun way
- Mozilla Developer Network - A re-introduction to JavaScript (JS tutorial)
- ES Modules: A cartoon deep dive by Lin Clark.
- Learning JavaScript Design Patterns by Addy Osmani
- This is Responsive by Brad Frost
This is a list of resources that help me keep up to date with the latest in web development.
- Checkout Meetup to find a local meetup for your favorite front-end tech.
- Can I Use - provides up-to-date browser tables for support of front-end web technologies on desktop & mobile web browsers.
- CSS Tricks
- Smashing Magazine
- Overreacted - Personal blog by Dan Abramov
- A Book Apart - Every single book from this publisher is worth reading.
- Smashing Magazine Books
- Frontend Masters - Advance your skills with in-depth, modern front-end engineering courses.
- Code Academy - Learn Web Development
- An Event Apart
- SmashingConf
- JSConf EU
- CSSconf EU
- Nordic.js
- React Rally
- ReactConf
- EmberConf
- Fluent
- 2019 Web Development Conferences
- CSS Tricks - Conferences List
- General Web
- History of the Web - The web's most fascinating stories, delivered each week.
- A List Apart - A List Apart explores the design, development, and meaning of web content, with a special focus on web standards and best practices. It began as a mailing list in 1997 and launched the website in 1998.
- Frontend Focus - A once–weekly roundup of the best front-end news, articles and tutorials. HTML, CSS, WebGL, Canvas, browser tech, and more from Cooper Press.
- Smashing Magazine Newsletter - An editorial email newsletter twice a month with useful tips, tricks, and resources for designers and developers.
- Mozilla Developer Newsletter - Get the latest and greatest from MDN delivered straight to your inbox.
- Web Development Reading List - A handcrafted, carefully created weekly update resource for web developers by Anselm Hannemann.
- Web Tools Weekly - Web Tools Weekly is a front-end development and web design newsletter with a focus on tools.
- Mobile Web
- Mobile Dev Weekly - A weekly round-up for Web and app developers spanning the mobile-facing Web and native apps.
- Design
- Nielsen Norman Group - The latest articles about interface usability, website design, and UX research from the Nielsen Norman Group
- Responsive Design Weekly - A once–weekly round-up of responsive design articles, tools, tips, tutorials and inspirational links.
- Web Design Weekly - Weekly roundup of articles related to web development & design.
- CSS Weekly - weekly e-mail roundup of css articles, tutorials, experiments and tools curated by Zoran Jambor
- CSS Layout News - A weekly collection of tutorials, news and information on all things CSS Layout from Rachel Andrew.
- JavaScript
- JavaScript Weekly - A once–weekly email roundup of JavaScript news and articles from Cooper Press.
- React Status - A weekly roundup of the latest React and React Native links and tutorials from Cooper Press.
- Node Weekly - A once–weekly e-mail round-up of Node.js news and articles.
- Animation & Data Visualization
- The UI Animation Newsletter - Weekly web animation resources & inspiration from Val Head.