Releases: stan-dev/stan
v2.19.1 (18 Apr 2019)
v2.19.0 (20 Mar 2019)
v.2.19.0 (20 March 2019)
Stan now comes with GPU support for certain functions; see the Math library
release notes for more details:
The manual is now online in HTML format!
New Features
- #2618 - Add a new Variational Inference diagnostic
- #2627 - 1d integrator
- #2725 - standalone generated quantities
- #2717, #2669 - offset/multiplier transformations for easier non-centering, etc
- #2652 - Allow CSV reader to read max_depth from CmdStan CSV file
- #2620 - expose beta_proportion distribution, cdf, rng functions
- #2635 - allow paths to be passed to stanc
- #2441 - Add specialized functions for GLMs
- #2358 - enchanced include syntax
- #2575 - Analysis API for computing effective sample size
- #2467 - expose bernoulli logit rng
Bug Fixes
- #2730 - make read_stan_csv more robust; affects CmdStan.
- #2714 - fix bug in generated code for strange constraint expressions
- #2704 - fix json nan and inf handling
- #2677 - fix copying for compound assignments
- #2672 - fix sampling from multivariate normal specified by precision matrix
- #2643 - fix segfault in optimizing an exponential model
- #2636 - fix return of generated quantities when client only asked for params
- #2614 - fix "unknown variable" messages for function calls on LHS
- #2609 - use the word "info" instead of "warning" for many messages
v2.18.1 - Fixes major threading bug in 2.18.0!
v.2.18.1 (24 December 2018)
Bugfix release - fixes major bug in threading where certain thread count and
job size combinations could result in incorrect output. See
for more details.
Bug Fixes
- Fix threading batch size bug (stan-dev/math#1075)
v2.18.0 **Contains threading bug with map_rect**
Note: these are the release notes for the stan-dev/stan repository.
Further changes may arise at the interface level (stan-dev/{rstan,
pystan, cmdstan}) and math library level (stan-dev/math).
v2.18.0 (13 July 2018)
This is our first release with parallelism (threading and MPI)!
New Features
New functions from Math library:
- map_rect
- multi_normal_rng
- multi_normal_cholesky_rng
- multi_student_t_rng
- many vectorized RNGs
- multi_normal_rng
- multi_normal_cholesky_rng
- multi_student_t_rng
- bernoulli_rng
- beta_binomial_rng
- binomial_rng
- neg_binomial_2_rng
- neg_binomial_2_log_rng
- neg_binomial_rng
- poisson_rng
- poisson_log_rng
- uniform_rng
- von_mises_rng
- qr_thin_Q
- qr_thin_R
- matrix_exp_multiply
- scale_matrix_exp_multiply
- integrate_ode_adams
- log_mix
- std_normal
- ordered_logistic_log
- ordered_probit_log
Manual now available in HTML (#2558)
other vectorized RNGs (#2467)
Easier-to-use algebra_solver
Changes to effective sample size calculation (#2451)
Foreach loops (#2438)
Standalone generated quantities (#2434)
Allow users to qualify function parameters as data (#2430)
Bug Fixes
- Better error messages (#2508, #2554)
- Fixes the behavior in mcmc_writer so that when there's an exception thrown in the model's generated quantities block, it writes out the parameter values and NaN for any generated quantity (#2571)
- Allow initialization of a Stan program to continue when there's a violation of constraints in transformed parameters (#2570)
- Fixed
#(2482) - rising_factorial and falling_factorial type checking (#2413)
- have parser check return type of integrate_ode_bdf functional (#2411)
- increase precision in output of ELBO values (#2406)
- ternary op fixes (#2101)
v2.17.1 (11 December 2017)
This is a bugfix release fixing a performance regression in the math repo. See
stan-dev/math#667 for more details.
v2.17.0 (05 September 2017)
Bug Fixes
- Call the correct unconstrain function for covariance matrices from writer
method (#2386) - Better error messages (#2280, #2359)
- Deal better with 0-length simplexes (#2365)
- undefined behavior with uninitialized bool (#2344)
New User-Facing Features
- append_array function (stan-dev/math#481)
- "data" type prefix qualifier for function arguments (#2369, #2376)
- new algebraic solver (#2380, #2300, #2339)
- standalone functions (#2310)
New Internal Features
- C++11 support (#2364)
- Boost 1.64.0
- Inline many functions to allow use in multiple translation units (#2082)
- Updates to the Gaussian Processes chapter in the manual (#2372)
v2.16.0 (15 June 2017)
Bug Fixes
- Fix typo in cumulative_sum definition (#2288)
- Check input/output streams and give better errors when files are not found (#2227)
- Flush print outputs even in the face of a reject (#2311)
New User-Facing Features
- New categorical_logit_rng function (#517)
- New include mechanism for including stan code from other files (#2224)
- New mechanism for compiling standalone Stan functions (#2267)
New Internal Features
- New logging framework (#512)
- Resolve hessian() to call O(N) reverse-mode version (#2321)
- Change model to take in int seed for RNG instead of full RNG object (#2241)
v2.15.0 (14 April 2017)
New Team Members
- Sean Talts (Columbia University) -- Stan and Math libraries
- Imad Ali (Columbia University) -- Bayesian Statistician
Bug Fixes
- Added runtime checks for container variable dimensions (#1194)
- Fixed compiler errors for certain variants of nuts_classic (#2268)
- Fixed compound declaration definition in local blocks (#2145)
New User-Facing Features
- Row-vector and matrix expressions (#1489)
- Better warning message for windowed adaptation (#2064)
- Stan language - model block is optional in a Stan program (#1427)
New Internal Features
- Code cleanup for parser grammars (#2223)
- Exposed new function signatures for to_matrix (#1452)
- Remove initial state from the calculation of the average Metropolis acceptance probability (#2182)
- Refactor stan/lang/generator.hpp (#2204)
- Add informational message to
exception (#2203) - Tweaked windowed adaptation warning to be more readable (#2064)
- User manual updates for this release (#2122)
v2.14.0 (26 December 2016)
Bug Fixes
- NUTS sampler broken (#2179)
- seralization issues with RStan v2.13.1 (#2179)
- printing result of a void function parses, but doesnt' compile (#2168)
- compound declare/define not working for all types (#2163)
- Update Stan Math Library to v2.14.0
- make use of const references consistent (#2186)
v2.13.1 (3 December 2016)
Bug Fixes
v2.13.0 (25 November 2016)
New Team Members
- Thel Seraphim (Columbia University) -- Stan and Math libraries
- Vincent Picaud (CEA, France) -- MathematicaStan
Bug Fixes
- generated code for lower truncation fixed for discrete variables (#2054)
- typo in error messages for RNGs only allowed in transformed data
block (#2124) - variables ending in _lpdf are now allowed (#2123)
- cov_exp_quad() not compiling in C++ (#2113)
- conditional operator in functions not compiling in C++ (#2101)
- off-by-one error in error message for integrate_ode_bdf() fixed (#2073)
New User-Facing Features
- vectorization of unary functions (#2119, #2037)
- bernoulli_logit_rng() added to language (#2084)
- Jacobian warning now suggests
target +=
(#2066) - matrix_exp() function now available (#2043)
- compound declaration / definition statements (#1951)
New Internal Features
- user-defined functions can be declared and not defined (#2068)