- Removed PRB related functonality
- Payment element now creates confirmation token before initalizing the payment. PaymentIntent creation now takes the Confirmation Token as a parameter and automatically confirms it.
- Reduced number of API calls by merging and using expand option to include customer data in the stripeService.paymentMethods.list method from stripeWallet.js -> fetchSavedPaymentInstruments()
- Express Checkout for SFRA and Site Genesis
- Business Manager module for capturing payments
- Added the option to include Shipping Details in the payment intent payload
- Fixed an issue where a model was crashing the website when the session was expiring during the checkout
- Fixed an issue where closing 3DS popup right after confirming it on mobile was resulting in a successful payment but a failed order
- Removed URL brackets from the service header.
- Stripe Payment Element: Defer intent/decoupled payment intent creation on init of Stripe Payment Element widget
- Stripe Card Payments: Bug fix redirecting to Order Completed Page instead of Order failure page on 3DS card decline
- fix Saved Card functionality - not saving cards when capture mode is enabled
- merge confirmPaymentIntent and placeOrder in one request instead of separate AJAX calls
- merge create SFCC order and Stripe payment intent into one request instead of separate AJAX calls
- clean up session privacy variable for Stripe Order Id after placing an order
- Card payments: add additional check to generate new payment intent on place order
- Stripe Payment Element: Init card details for Card Payments in OMS
- clean up deprecated payment methods
- Card payments: create SFCC order before making a call to Stripe to authorize/capture the payment
- fix issues order confirmation email locales
- fix issues Payment discrepancy issue and e-mail order confirm sent twice
- fix issue with OM app orders sync
- Note: In 22.4.0 we have made major changes (as a hotfix) of the Checkout flow when create a Payment Intents in Stripe and creating of SFCC orders. For card payments, the SFCC order is being created first, then on success we create a new payment intent and make a call to Stripe to authorize/capture. For Stripe Payment Elements, the SFCC order also is being created first in status ‘Created’, then on success in SFCC there should be receive Stripe payment_intent.succeeded webhook which will be processed then by ‘Stripe – Process Webhook Notifications’ job which will change the order status accordingly.
- fix issue with not writing meta data to payment intent
- add Stripe Radar Support
- add Stripe Payment Element
- add OM app support
- add EPS
- add P24
- add Paypal (beta) support
- add Multibanco
- add credit card form customizable
- add quick setup BM page
- add Klarna support
- add ACH debit
- add WeChat pay
- Update documentation to match the new Salesforce template
- Update to use Stripe elements, sources, payment request button, webhooks and asynchronous payments
- Initial release