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Add events dispatched on video-element #31

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Feb 22, 2022
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26 changes: 18 additions & 8 deletions dist/stroeerVideoplayer-endcard-plugin.esm.js
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Expand Up @@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ function fetchAPI(request) {
case 1:
response = _a.sent();
if (!response.ok) {
throw new Error("HTTP error! status: " + response.status);
throw new Error("HTTP error! status: ".concat(response.status));
_a.label = 2;
case 2:
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -117,18 +117,18 @@ var transformData = function (data, keyMap) {

var getTile = function (index, obj, revolverplayTime) {
var template = "\n <style>\n .plugin-endcard-tile-" + index + " .plugin-endcard-thumbnail {\n background-image: url(" + obj.image_small + ");\n }\n\n @media only screen and (min-width: 769px) {\n .plugin-endcard-tile-" + index + " .plugin-endcard-thumbnail {\n background-image: url(" + (index === 0 ? obj.image_large : obj.image_medium) + ");\n }\n }\n </style>\n <div class=\"plugin-endcard-tile plugin-endcard-tile-" + index + "\" data-idx=\"" + index + "\" data-role=\"plugin-endcard-tile\">\n " + (index === 0 && revolverplayTime !== 0
var template = "\n <style>\n .plugin-endcard-tile-".concat(index, " .plugin-endcard-thumbnail {\n background-image: url(").concat(obj.image_small, ");\n }\n\n @media only screen and (min-width: 769px) {\n .plugin-endcard-tile-").concat(index, " .plugin-endcard-thumbnail {\n background-image: url(").concat(index === 0 ? obj.image_large : obj.image_medium, ");\n }\n }\n </style>\n <div class=\"plugin-endcard-tile plugin-endcard-tile-").concat(index, "\" data-idx=\"").concat(index, "\" data-role=\"plugin-endcard-tile\">\n ").concat(index === 0 && revolverplayTime !== 0
? '<button class="plugin-endcard-button-pause" data-role="plugin-endcard-pause">Anhalten</button>'
: '') + " \n <div class=\"plugin-endcard-thumbnail\"></div>\n <div class=\"plugin-endcard-overlay\">\n " + (index === 0
? "\n <svg class=\"plugin-endcard-revolverplay-icon\" data-role=\"plugin-endcard-revolverplay-icon\" width=\"103\" height=\"75\" fill=\"none\" xmlns=\"\">\n <g filter=\"url(#filter0_d)\">\n <path d=\"M62.073 37.89l-20-13.333A1.334 1.334 0 0040 25.667v26.666a1.334 1.334 0 002.073 1.11l20-13.334a1.335 1.335 0 000-2.218z\" fill=\"#fff\"/>\n </g>\n " + (revolverplayTime !== 0
: '', " \n <div class=\"plugin-endcard-thumbnail\"></div>\n <div class=\"plugin-endcard-overlay\">\n ").concat(index === 0
? "\n <svg class=\"plugin-endcard-revolverplay-icon\" data-role=\"plugin-endcard-revolverplay-icon\" width=\"103\" height=\"75\" fill=\"none\" xmlns=\"\">\n <g filter=\"url(#filter0_d)\">\n <path d=\"M62.073 37.89l-20-13.333A1.334 1.334 0 0040 25.667v26.666a1.334 1.334 0 002.073 1.11l20-13.334a1.335 1.335 0 000-2.218z\" fill=\"#fff\"/>\n </g>\n ".concat(revolverplayTime !== 0
? "\n <circle class=\"plugin-endcard-progress-meter\" cx=\"48\" cy=\"39\" r=\"30.667\" fill=\"none\" stroke=\"#fff\" stroke-width=\"2.667\"/>\n <circle class=\"plugin-endcard-progress-value\" data-role=\"plugin-endcard-progress-value\" cx=\"48\" cy=\"39\" r=\"30.667\" transform=\"rotate(-90 48 39)\" fill=\"none\" stroke=\"#fff\" stroke-width=\"2.667\" stroke-dasharray=\"192.686\" stroke-dashoffset=\"192.686\" />\n "
: '') + "\n <defs>\n <filter id=\"filter0_d\" x=\"-5.333\" y=\"-1\" width=\"112\" height=\"112\" filterUnits=\"userSpaceOnUse\" color-interpolation-filters=\"sRGB\">\n <feFlood flood-opacity=\"0\" result=\"BackgroundImageFix\"/>\n <feColorMatrix in=\"SourceAlpha\" values=\"0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 127 0\"/>\n <feOffset dy=\"16\"/><feGaussianBlur stdDeviation=\"20\"/>\n <feColorMatrix values=\"0 0 0 0 0.490196 0 0 0 0 0.596078 0 0 0 0 0.698039 0 0 0 0.2 0\"/>\n <feBlend mode=\"multiply\" in2=\"BackgroundImageFix\" result=\"effect1_dropShadow\"/>\n <feBlend in=\"SourceGraphic\" in2=\"effect1_dropShadow\" result=\"shape\"/>\n </filter>\n </defs>\n </svg> \n "
: "\n <svg class=\"plugin-endcard-play-icon\" width=\"22\" height=\"29\" viewBox=\"0 0 17 22\" fill=\"none\" xmlns=\"\">\n <path d=\"M16.555 10.168L1.555 0.168C1.248 -0.0359995 0.853 -0.0559995 0.529 0.118001C0.203 0.292001 0 0.631001 0 1V21C0 21.369 0.203 21.708 0.528 21.882C0.676 21.961 0.838 22 1 22C1.194 22 1.388 21.943 1.555 21.832L16.555 11.832C16.833 11.646 17 11.334 17 11C17 10.666 16.833 10.354 16.555 10.168Z\" fill=\"white\"/>\n </svg>\n ") + "\n <p class=\"plugin-endcard-title\">\n " + (index === 0 ? '<span class="plugin-endcard-title-pre">Nächstes Video</span>' : '') + "\n " + obj.title + "\n </p>\n </div>\n </div>\n\n ";
: '', "\n <defs>\n <filter id=\"filter0_d\" x=\"-5.333\" y=\"-1\" width=\"112\" height=\"112\" filterUnits=\"userSpaceOnUse\" color-interpolation-filters=\"sRGB\">\n <feFlood flood-opacity=\"0\" result=\"BackgroundImageFix\"/>\n <feColorMatrix in=\"SourceAlpha\" values=\"0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 127 0\"/>\n <feOffset dy=\"16\"/><feGaussianBlur stdDeviation=\"20\"/>\n <feColorMatrix values=\"0 0 0 0 0.490196 0 0 0 0 0.596078 0 0 0 0 0.698039 0 0 0 0.2 0\"/>\n <feBlend mode=\"multiply\" in2=\"BackgroundImageFix\" result=\"effect1_dropShadow\"/>\n <feBlend in=\"SourceGraphic\" in2=\"effect1_dropShadow\" result=\"shape\"/>\n </filter>\n </defs>\n </svg> \n ")
: "\n <svg class=\"plugin-endcard-play-icon\" width=\"22\" height=\"29\" viewBox=\"0 0 17 22\" fill=\"none\" xmlns=\"\">\n <path d=\"M16.555 10.168L1.555 0.168C1.248 -0.0359995 0.853 -0.0559995 0.529 0.118001C0.203 0.292001 0 0.631001 0 1V21C0 21.369 0.203 21.708 0.528 21.882C0.676 21.961 0.838 22 1 22C1.194 22 1.388 21.943 1.555 21.832L16.555 11.832C16.833 11.646 17 11.334 17 11C17 10.666 16.833 10.354 16.555 10.168Z\" fill=\"white\"/>\n </svg>\n ", "\n <p class=\"plugin-endcard-title\">\n ").concat(index === 0 ? '<span class="plugin-endcard-title-pre">Nächstes Video</span>' : '', "\n ").concat(obj.title, "\n </p>\n </div>\n </div>\n\n ");
return template;
var getTileReplay = function (imageUrl, classes) {
if (classes === void 0) { classes = ''; }
var template = "\n <div class=\"plugin-endcard-tile-replay " + classes + "\" data-role=\"plugin-endcard-tile-replay\">\n <div class=\"plugin-endcard-thumbnail\" style=\"background-image: url(" + imageUrl + ");\"></div>\n <div class=\"plugin-endcard-overlay\">\n <svg class=\"plugin-endcard-replay-icon\" width=\"26\" height=\"21\" viewBox=\"0 0 20 16\" fill=\"none\" xmlns=\"\">\n <path d=\"M19 16H1C0.447715 16 0 15.5523 0 15V10C0 9.44772 0.447715 9 1 9C1.55228 9 2 9.44772 2 10V14H18V5H8V8L3 4L8 0V3H19C19.553 3 20 3.447 20 4V15C20 15.553 19.553 16 19 16Z\" fill=\"white\"/>\n </svg>\n <p class=\"plugin-endcard-replay-title\">Video wiederholen</p>\n </div>\n </div>\n ";
var template = "\n <div class=\"plugin-endcard-tile-replay ".concat(classes, "\" data-role=\"plugin-endcard-tile-replay\">\n <div class=\"plugin-endcard-thumbnail\" style=\"background-image: url(").concat(imageUrl, ");\"></div>\n <div class=\"plugin-endcard-overlay\">\n <svg class=\"plugin-endcard-replay-icon\" width=\"26\" height=\"21\" viewBox=\"0 0 20 16\" fill=\"none\" xmlns=\"\">\n <path d=\"M19 16H1C0.447715 16 0 15.5523 0 15V10C0 9.44772 0.447715 9 1 9C1.55228 9 2 9.44772 2 10V14H18V5H8V8L3 4L8 0V3H19C19.553 3 20 3.447 20 4V15C20 15.553 19.553 16 19 16Z\" fill=\"white\"/>\n </svg>\n <p class=\"plugin-endcard-replay-title\">Video wiederholen</p>\n </div>\n </div>\n ");
return template;

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -176,6 +176,7 @@ var EndcardPlugin = /** @class */ (function () {
var revolverplayTicker = function () {
ticker(_this.revolverplayTime, remainingTime, progressSvgCircle, function () {, true);
Expand All @@ -202,19 +203,22 @@ var EndcardPlugin = /** @class */ (function () {
if (idx === null)
return;, false);
this.clickToReplay = function (e) {
this.clickToPause = function (e) {
var circles = _this.endcardContainer.querySelectorAll('[data-role="plugin-endcard-revolverplay-icon"] circle');
var target = e.currentTarget;
if (target !== null) {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -294,6 +298,7 @@ var EndcardPlugin = /** @class */ (function () {
this.videoplayer = stroeervideoplayer;
Expand All @@ -314,6 +319,11 @@ var EndcardPlugin = /** @class */ (function () {
return this;
EndcardPlugin.prototype.dispatchEvent = function (eventName, data) {
if (data === void 0) { data = {}; }
var event = new CustomEvent(eventName, { detail: data });
return EndcardPlugin;

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -358,4 +368,4 @@ var plugin = {
version: version

export default plugin;
export { plugin as default };