This is a Next.js project bootstrapped with create-next-app
✨ In this example, it has been RESOLVED the issue occure when using styled-components as an engine in a SSR projects with bable. The reason is that the babel-plugin-styled-components is not picking up correctly the usages of the styled() utility inside the @mui packages. As a solution we could able to use swc compiler wich is next js default compiler 🚀 .
First, Download the example or clone the repo:
Second, run the Installation:
# or
npm install
- Then, run the development server:
yarn dev
# or
npm run dev
🔥 May be you will get a error
./node_modules/@mui/system/ThemeProvider/ThemeProvider.js:18:20 Module not found: Can't resolve '@mui/styled-engine'
👉 Please install the @mui/styled-engine-sc
manually and re run the development server
yarn add @mui/styled-engine-sc
# or
npm i @mui/styled-engine-sc
The project uses Next.js, which is a framework for server-rendered React apps.
It includes @mui/material
with styled-components as a style engine for your application.](
✨ In this example, it has been RESOLVED the issue occure when using styled-components as an engine in a SSR projects with bable. The reason is that the babel-plugin-styled-components is not picking up correctly the usages of the styled() utility inside the @mui packages. As a solution we could able to use swc compiler wich is next js default compiler 🚀 .