This image is build in top of the official ubuntu 14.04 image.
What is difference from other existing images?
- The nagios installation is done through the official ubuntu repo.
- You don't have to link a mail container to have email notifications. This image lets you send email through an external SMTP provider (e.g Gmail).
This image have the following environment variables:
- NAGIOSADMIN_USER: the nagios admin user for the basic HTTP auth. Default: nagiosadmin
- NAGIOSADMIN_PASS: the password user for the basic HTTP auth. Default: admin
- SMTP_SERVER: the external smtp server address. Default:
- SMTP_PORT: the external smtp server port. Default: 587
- SMTP_USER: username for smtp auth. Default:
- SMTP_PASS: password for smtp auth. Default: password.
At least you should change the SMTP_USER and SMTP_PASS if you use a gmail smtp server.
To build the image use the command below:
sudo container.yml build .
To run container (in background) use the command below:
sudo container.yml start -d
Replace 8081 for whatever available port on your docker host. The nagios web UI is available on the following URL:
Replace the published container port inside the container.yml configuration file.
You can customize your nagios configuration in the following ways:
Access the container and edit the configuration files in the folder /etc/nagios3.
sudo docker exec -ti nagios bash
Edit the configuration files directly on your files located in the volume path. To locate the volume path you should find the "volumes" section inside the low-level information returned for docker inspect command.
sudo docker inspect nagios
For example:
"Volumes": {
"/etc/nagios3": "/var/lib/docker/volumes/925f474f4866d64f3f4cb726f1b87be2e370ed92d4386538a81ce97184b25c80/_data",
"/usr/lib/nagios/plugins": "/var/lib/docker/volumes/47a0baab8f6ccb563c476198139e04190ea3ebdda1786438c0a1e264edf7c30c/_data"
Comment: You must have root access on your docker host to edit those files.