DESCRIPTION Scripts for hardening Ubuntu or Debian droplets on Digital Ocean. Read and understand before running. Here is a list of scripts and a brief description of what they do.
./ - Add a complex password for root, Create nonroot user, Copy SSH keys across.
./ - Enable ufw firewall with open basic ports 22,25,53,80,110,143,465,587,993,995,etc.
./ - Add repositories for apache2, nginx, php and MariaDB server.
./ - Replace Linux kernel to the more recent version.
./ - Upgrade OpenSSL to the most recent version.
./ - Upgrade OpenSSH to the most recent version.
./ - Disable kernel dumps.
./ - Restrict access to certain files and folders.
./ - Harden the /proc mount
./ - Blacklist unnecessary mounts and protocols.
./ - Install pam, debsums, rkhunter.
./ - Some of the other hardening as suggested by STIG.
./ - Installs lynis from github CISOfy/lynis to /home/lynis
INSTALLATION Create a fresh Ubuntu 20.04 Droplet on DigitalOcean using SSH keys. cd /home && git clone && cd harden && chmod +x *.sh && echo "You can use ./ if you wish"
IMPORTANT - USE AT YOUR OWN RISK. I AM NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR YOUR ACTIONS. Requests for additional scripts are welcome.