diff --git a/cime_config/buildlib b/cime_config/buildlib
index 945363a0d2..5f6fab79de 100755
--- a/cime_config/buildlib
+++ b/cime_config/buildlib
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ import os, sys
CIMEROOT = os.environ.get("CIMEROOT")
if CIMEROOT is None:
raise SystemExit("ERROR: must set CIMEROOT environment variable")
-sys.path.append(os.path.join(CIMEROOT, "scripts", "Tools"))
+sys.path.append(os.path.join(CIMEROOT, "CIME", "Tools"))
from standard_script_setup import *
from CIME.case import Case
diff --git a/cime_config/buildnml b/cime_config/buildnml
index c7e0d1846f..a700c85b6e 100755
--- a/cime_config/buildnml
+++ b/cime_config/buildnml
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ import os, sys, glob
CIMEROOT = os.environ.get("CIMEROOT")
if CIMEROOT is None:
raise SystemExit("ERROR: must set CIMEROOT environment variable")
-sys.path.append(os.path.join(CIMEROOT, "scripts", "Tools"))
+sys.path.append(os.path.join(CIMEROOT, "CIME", "Tools"))
from standard_script_setup import *
from CIME.case import Case
diff --git a/cime_config/testdefs/testlist_rtm.xml b/cime_config/testdefs/testlist_rtm.xml
index 754a72b01a..be0c1013d0 100644
--- a/cime_config/testdefs/testlist_rtm.xml
+++ b/cime_config/testdefs/testlist_rtm.xml
@@ -3,9 +3,8 @@
@@ -14,9 +13,8 @@
@@ -25,9 +23,8 @@
@@ -36,7 +33,7 @@
@@ -45,7 +42,7 @@
@@ -54,7 +51,7 @@
@@ -63,7 +60,7 @@
@@ -72,7 +69,7 @@
@@ -81,7 +78,7 @@
diff --git a/docs/ChangeLog b/docs/ChangeLog
index 0b10865ac7..f7ac4e1aff 100644
--- a/docs/ChangeLog
+++ b/docs/ChangeLog
@@ -1,3 +1,20 @@
+Tag name: rtm1_0_79
+Originator(s): mvertens/erik
+Date: Jan 22, 2024
+One-line Summary: Remove MCT from RTM
+This tag removes MCT code that is no longer used since it is only in the mct cap.
+Also updates the testlist to be moved to Derecho, removing izumi
+Erik added some changes to this that were important for RTM as a maintainer of
+RTM which cover the following issues:
+Resolves #45 -- failing tests
+Resolves #44 -- lower testing for RTM (remove Izumi tests)
+Resolves #41 -- Move testlist from Cheyenne to Derecho
+Resolves #33 -- Update path to CIME tools needed for buildnml/buildlib
Tag name: rtm1_0_78
Originator(s): erik
diff --git a/src/cpl/mct/rof_comp_mct.F90 b/src/cpl/mct/rof_comp_mct.F90
deleted file mode 100644
index c9f16dfe38..0000000000
--- a/src/cpl/mct/rof_comp_mct.F90
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,513 +0,0 @@
-module rof_comp_mct
-! Interface of the active runoff component of CESM
-! with the main CESM driver. This is a thin interface taking CESM driver information
-! in MCT (Model Coupling Toolkit) format and converting it to use by RTM
- use seq_flds_mod
- use shr_kind_mod , only : r8 => shr_kind_r8, CL => shr_kind_cl
- use shr_file_mod , only : shr_file_setLogUnit, shr_file_setLogLevel, &
- shr_file_getLogUnit, shr_file_getLogLevel, &
- shr_file_getUnit, shr_file_setIO
- use shr_const_mod , only : SHR_CONST_REARTH
- use seq_cdata_mod , only : seq_cdata, seq_cdata_setptrs
- use seq_timemgr_mod , only : seq_timemgr_EClockGetData, seq_timemgr_StopAlarmIsOn, &
- seq_timemgr_RestartAlarmIsOn, seq_timemgr_EClockDateInSync
- use seq_infodata_mod , only : seq_infodata_type, seq_infodata_GetData, seq_infodata_PutData, &
- seq_infodata_start_type_start, seq_infodata_start_type_cont, &
- seq_infodata_start_type_brnch
- use seq_comm_mct , only : seq_comm_suffix, seq_comm_inst, seq_comm_name
- use RunoffMod , only : runoff
- use RtmVar , only : rtmlon, rtmlat, ice_runoff, iulog, &
- nsrStartup, nsrContinue, nsrBranch, &
- inst_index, inst_suffix, inst_name, RtmVarSet, &
- rtm_active, flood_active, nt_rtm, rtm_tracers
- use RtmSpmd , only : masterproc, mpicom_rof, iam, RtmSpmdInit
- use RtmMod , only : Rtmini, Rtmrun
- use RtmTimeManager , only : timemgr_setup, get_curr_date, get_step_size, advance_timestep
- use perf_mod , only : t_startf, t_stopf, t_barrierf
- use rtm_cpl_indices , only : rtm_cpl_indices_set
- use rof_import_export
- use mct_mod
- use ESMF
- implicit none
- private ! By default make data private
- public :: rof_init_mct ! rof initialization
- public :: rof_run_mct ! rof run phase
- public :: rof_final_mct ! rof finalization/cleanup
- private :: rof_SetgsMap_mct ! Set the river runoff model MCT GS map
- private :: rof_domain_mct ! Set the river runoff model domain information
- real(r8), allocatable :: totrunin(:,:) ! cell tracer lnd forcing on rtm grid (mm/s)
-! Author: Mariana Vertenstein
- subroutine rof_init_mct( EClock, cdata_r, x2r_r, r2x_r, NLFilename)
- !---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ! Initialize runoff model and obtain relevant atmospheric model arrays
- ! back from (i.e. albedos, surface temperature and snow cover over land).
- !
- type(ESMF_Clock), intent(inout) :: EClock ! Input synchronization clock
- type(seq_cdata), intent(inout) :: cdata_r ! Input runoff-model driver data
- type(mct_aVect) , intent(inout) :: x2r_r ! River import state
- type(mct_aVect), intent(inout) :: r2x_r ! River export state
- character(len=*), optional, intent(in) :: NLFilename ! Namelist filename to read
- !
- integer :: ROFID ! rof identifyer
- integer :: mpicom_rof ! mpi communicator
- type(mct_gsMap), pointer :: gsMap_rof ! runoff model MCT GS map
- type(mct_gGrid), pointer :: dom_r ! runoff model domain
- type(seq_infodata_type), pointer :: infodata ! CESM driver level info data
- integer :: lsize ! size of attribute vector
- integer :: g,i,j,n ! indices
- logical :: exists ! true if file exists
- integer :: nsrest ! restart type
- integer :: ref_ymd ! reference date (YYYYMMDD)
- integer :: ref_tod ! reference time of day (sec)
- integer :: start_ymd ! start date (YYYYMMDD)
- integer :: start_tod ! start time of day (sec)
- integer :: stop_ymd ! stop date (YYYYMMDD)
- integer :: stop_tod ! stop time of day (sec)
- logical :: brnch_retain_casename ! flag if should retain the case name on a branch start type
- integer :: lbnum ! input to memory diagnostic
- integer :: shrlogunit,shrloglev ! old values for log unit and log level
- integer :: begr, endr
- character(len=CL) :: caseid ! case identifier name
- character(len=CL) :: ctitle ! case description title
- character(len=CL) :: starttype ! start-type (startup, continue, branch, hybrid)
- character(len=CL) :: calendar ! calendar type name
- character(len=CL) :: hostname ! hostname of machine running on
- character(len=CL) :: version ! Model version
- character(len=CL) :: username ! user running the model
- character(len=CL) :: model_doi_url ! Web address for model Digital Object Identifier (DOI)
- character(len=32), parameter :: sub = 'rof_init_mct'
- character(len=*), parameter :: format = "('("//trim(sub)//") :',A)"
- !---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ! Obtain cdata_r (initalized in ccsm_comp_mod.F90 in the call to
- ! seq_cdata_init for cdata_rr)
- call seq_cdata_setptrs(cdata_r, ID=ROFID, mpicom=mpicom_rof, &
- gsMap=gsMap_rof, dom=dom_r, infodata=infodata)
- ! Determine attriute vector indices
- call rtm_cpl_indices_set()
- ! Initialize rtm MPI communicator
- call RtmSpmdInit(mpicom_rof)
-#if (defined _MEMTRACE)
- if(masterproc) then
- lbnum=1
- call memmon_dump_fort('memmon.out','rof_init_mct:start::',lbnum)
- endif
- ! Initialize io log unit
- inst_name = seq_comm_name(ROFID)
- inst_index = seq_comm_inst(ROFID)
- inst_suffix = seq_comm_suffix(ROFID)
- call shr_file_getLogUnit (shrlogunit)
- if (masterproc) then
- inquire(file='rof_modelio.nml'//trim(inst_suffix),exist=exists)
- if (exists) then
- iulog = shr_file_getUnit()
- call shr_file_setIO('rof_modelio.nml'//trim(inst_suffix),iulog)
- end if
- write(iulog,format) "RTM land model initialization"
- else
- iulog = shrlogunit
- end if
- call shr_file_getLogLevel(shrloglev)
- call shr_file_setLogUnit (iulog)
- ! Initialize rtm
- call seq_timemgr_EClockGetData(EClock, &
- start_ymd=start_ymd, &
- start_tod=start_tod, ref_ymd=ref_ymd, &
- ref_tod=ref_tod, stop_ymd=stop_ymd, &
- stop_tod=stop_tod, &
- calendar=calendar )
- call seq_infodata_GetData(infodata, case_name=caseid, &
- case_desc=ctitle, start_type=starttype, &
- brnch_retain_casename=brnch_retain_casename, &
- model_version=version, &
- model_doi_url=model_doi_url, &
- hostname=hostname, username=username)
- call timemgr_setup(calendar_in=calendar, &
- start_ymd_in=start_ymd, start_tod_in=start_tod, &
- ref_ymd_in=ref_ymd, ref_tod_in=ref_tod, &
- stop_ymd_in=stop_ymd, stop_tod_in=stop_tod)
- if ( trim(starttype) == trim(seq_infodata_start_type_start)) then
- nsrest = nsrStartup
- else if (trim(starttype) == trim(seq_infodata_start_type_cont) ) then
- nsrest = nsrContinue
- else if (trim(starttype) == trim(seq_infodata_start_type_brnch)) then
- nsrest = nsrBranch
- else
- call shr_sys_abort( sub//' ERROR: unknown starttype' )
- end if
- call RtmVarSet(caseid_in=caseid, ctitle_in=ctitle, &
- brnch_retain_casename_in=brnch_retain_casename, &
- nsrest_in=nsrest, version_in=version, &
- model_doi_url_in=model_doi_url, &
- hostname_in=hostname, username_in=username)
- ! Read namelist, grid and surface data
- call Rtmini()
- if (rtm_active) then
- ! Initialize memory for input state
- begr = runoff%begr
- endr = runoff%endr
- allocate (totrunin(begr:endr,nt_rtm))
- ! Initialize rof gsMap for ocean rof and land rof
- call rof_SetgsMap_mct( mpicom_rof, ROFID, gsMap_rof)
- ! Initialize rof domain
- lsize = mct_gsMap_lsize(gsMap_rof, mpicom_rof)
- call rof_domain_mct( lsize, gsMap_rof, dom_r )
- ! Initialize lnd -> rtm attribute vector
- call mct_aVect_init(x2r_r, rList=seq_flds_x2r_fields, lsize=lsize)
- call mct_aVect_zero(x2r_r)
- ! Initialize rtm -> ocn attribute vector
- call mct_aVect_init(r2x_r, rList=seq_flds_r2x_fields, lsize=lsize)
- call mct_aVect_zero(r2x_r)
- ! Create mct river runoff export state
- call rof_export(r2x_r%rattr)
- end if
- ! Fill in infodata
- call seq_infodata_PutData( infodata, rof_present=rtm_active, &
- rofice_present=.false., rof_prognostic=rtm_active, &
- rof_nx = rtmlon, rof_ny = rtmlat)
- call seq_infodata_PutData( infodata, flood_present=flood_active)
- ! Reset shr logging to original values
- call shr_file_setLogUnit (shrlogunit)
- call shr_file_setLogLevel(shrloglev)
-#if (defined _MEMTRACE)
- if(masterproc) then
- write(iulog,*) TRIM(Sub) // ':end::'
- lbnum=1
- call memmon_dump_fort('memmon.out','rof_int_mct:end::',lbnum)
- call memmon_reset_addr()
- endif
- end subroutine rof_init_mct
- subroutine rof_run_mct( EClock, cdata_r, x2r_r, r2x_r)
- !-------------------------------------------------------
- ! Run runoff model
- implicit none
- type(ESMF_Clock) , intent(inout) :: EClock ! Input synchronization clock from driver
- type(seq_cdata) , intent(inout) :: cdata_r ! Input driver data for runoff model
- type(mct_aVect) , intent(inout) :: x2r_r ! Import state from runoff model
- type(mct_aVect) , intent(inout) :: r2x_r ! Export state from runoff model
- integer :: ymd_sync, ymd ! current date (YYYYMMDD)
- integer :: yr_sync, yr ! current year
- integer :: mon_sync, mon ! current month
- integer :: day_sync, day ! current day
- integer :: tod_sync, tod ! current time of day (sec)
- logical :: rstwr ! .true. ==> write restart file before returning
- logical :: nlend ! .true. ==> signaling last time-step
- integer :: shrlogunit,shrloglev ! old values for share log unit and log level
- integer :: lsize ! local size
- integer :: lbnum ! input to memory diagnostic
- integer :: g,i ! indices
- type(mct_gGrid), pointer :: dom_r ! runoff model domain
- type(seq_infodata_type),pointer :: infodata ! CESM information from the driver
- real(r8), pointer :: data(:) ! temporary
- character(len=32) :: rdate ! date char string for restart file names
- character(len=32), parameter :: sub = "rof_run_mct"
- !-------------------------------------------------------
-#if (defined _MEMTRACE)
- if(masterproc) then
- lbnum=1
- call memmon_dump_fort('memmon.out','rof_run_mct:start::',lbnum)
- endif
- if (.not.rtm_active) return
- ! Reset shr logging to my log file
- call shr_file_getLogUnit (shrlogunit)
- call shr_file_getLogLevel(shrloglev)
- call shr_file_setLogUnit (iulog)
- ! Determine time of next atmospheric shortwave calculation
- call seq_timemgr_EClockGetData(EClock, &
- curr_ymd=ymd, curr_tod=tod_sync, &
- curr_yr=yr_sync, curr_mon=mon_sync, curr_day=day_sync)
- ! Map MCT to land data type (output is totrunin - module variable)
- call t_startf ('lc_rof_import')
- call rof_import(x2r_r%rattr, totrunin=totrunin)
- call t_stopf ('lc_rof_import')
- ! First advance rtm time step
- write(rdate,'(i4.4,"-",i2.2,"-",i2.2,"-",i5.5)') yr_sync,mon_sync,day_sync,tod_sync
- nlend = seq_timemgr_StopAlarmIsOn( EClock )
- rstwr = seq_timemgr_RestartAlarmIsOn( EClock )
- call advance_timestep()
- ! Run rtm (input is totrunin, output is runoff%runoff)
- call Rtmrun(totrunin, rstwr, nlend, rdate)
- ! Map roff data to coupler datatype (input is runoff%runoff, output is r2x_r%rattr)
- call t_startf ('lc_rof_export')
- call rof_export(r2x_r%rattr)
- call t_stopf ('lc_rof_export')
- ! Check that internal clock is in sync with master clock
- call get_curr_date( yr, mon, day, tod )
- ymd = yr*10000 + mon*100 + day
- tod = tod
- if ( .not. seq_timemgr_EClockDateInSync( EClock, ymd, tod ) )then
- call seq_timemgr_EclockGetData( EClock, curr_ymd=ymd_sync, curr_tod=tod_sync )
- write(iulog,*)' rtm ymd=',ymd ,' rtm tod= ',tod
- write(iulog,*)'sync ymd=',ymd_sync,' sync tod= ',tod_sync
- call shr_sys_abort( sub//":: RTM clock is not in sync with Master Sync clock" )
- end if
- ! Reset shr logging to my original values
- call shr_file_setLogUnit (shrlogunit)
- call shr_file_setLogLevel(shrloglev)
-#if (defined _MEMTRACE)
- if(masterproc) then
- lbnum=1
- call memmon_dump_fort('memmon.out','rof_run_mct:end::',lbnum)
- call memmon_reset_addr()
- endif
- end subroutine rof_run_mct
- subroutine rof_final_mct( EClock, cdata_r, x2r_r, r2x_r)
- use RtmFinalizeAll , only : RtmFinalizeMemory
- !-----------------------------------------------------
- ! Finalize rof surface model
- !
- implicit none
- type(ESMF_Clock) , intent(inout) :: EClock ! Input synchronization clock from driver
- type(seq_cdata) , intent(inout) :: cdata_r ! Input driver data for runoff model
- type(mct_aVect) , intent(inout) :: x2r_r ! Import state from runoff model
- type(mct_aVect) , intent(inout) :: r2x_r ! Export state from runoff model
- !-----------------------------------------------------
- !
- ! deal with deallocations of items in this file here
- !
- if (rtm_active) then
- if (allocated(totrunin)) deallocate(totrunin)
- end if
- !
- ! deal with clean up of memory for parts of RTM here
- !
- call RtmFinalizeMemory()
- end subroutine rof_final_mct
- subroutine rof_SetgsMap_mct( mpicom_r, ROFID, gsMap_rof)
- !-----------------------------------------------------
- ! Set the MCT GS map for the runoff model
- !
- implicit none
- integer , intent(in) :: mpicom_r ! MPI communicator for rof model
- integer , intent(in) :: ROFID ! Land model identifier
- type(mct_gsMap), intent(inout) :: gsMap_rof ! MCT gsmap for runoff -> land data
- !
- integer,allocatable :: gindex(:) ! indexing for runoff grid cells
- integer :: n, ni ! indices
- integer :: lsize,gsize ! size of runoff data and number of grid cells
- integer :: begr, endr ! beg, end runoff indices
- integer :: ier ! error code
- character(len=32), parameter :: sub = 'rof_SetgsMap_mct'
- !-----------------------------------------------------
- begr = runoff%begr
- endr = runoff%endr
- lsize = runoff%lnumr
- gsize = rtmlon*rtmlat
- ! Check
- ni = 0
- do n = begr,endr
- ni = ni + 1
- if (ni > lsize) then
- write(iulog,*) sub, ' : ERROR runoff count',n,ni,runoff%lnumr
- call shr_sys_abort( sub//' ERROR: runoff > expected' )
- endif
- end do
- if (ni /= lsize) then
- write(iulog,*) sub, ' : ERROR runoff total count',ni,runoff%lnumr
- call shr_sys_abort( sub//' ERROR: runoff not equal to expected' )
- endif
- ! Determine gsmap_rof
- allocate(gindex(lsize),stat=ier)
- ni = 0
- do n = begr,endr
- ni = ni + 1
- gindex(ni) = runoff%gindex(n)
- end do
- call mct_gsMap_init( gsMap_rof, gindex, mpicom_r, ROFID, lsize, gsize )
- deallocate(gindex)
- end subroutine rof_SetgsMap_mct
- subroutine rof_domain_mct( lsize, gsMap_r, dom_r )
- !-----------------------------------------------------
- !
- ! Send the runoff model domain information to the coupler
- !
- implicit none
- integer , intent(in) :: lsize ! Size of runoff domain information
- type(mct_gsMap), intent(inout) :: gsMap_r ! Output MCT GS map for runoff model
- type(mct_ggrid), intent(out) :: dom_r ! Domain information from the runoff model
- !
- integer :: n, ni ! index
- integer , pointer :: idata(:) ! temporary
- real(r8), pointer :: data(:) ! temporary
- real(r8) :: re = SHR_CONST_REARTH*0.001_r8 ! radius of earth (km)
- character(len=32), parameter :: sub = 'rof_domain_mct'
- !-----------------------------------------------------
- ! lat/lon in degrees, area in radians^2, mask is 1 (land), 0 (non-land)
- ! Note that in addition land carries around landfrac for the purposes of domain checking
- call mct_gGrid_init( GGrid=dom_r, CoordChars=trim(seq_flds_dom_coord), &
- OtherChars=trim(seq_flds_dom_other), lsize=lsize )
- ! Allocate memory
- allocate(data(lsize))
- ! Determine global gridpoint number attribute, GlobGridNum, which is set automatically by MCT
- call mct_gsMap_orderedPoints(gsMap_r, iam, idata)
- call mct_gGrid_importIAttr(dom_r,'GlobGridNum',idata,lsize)
- ! Determine domain (numbering scheme is: West to East and South to North to South pole)
- ! Initialize attribute vector with special value
- data(:) = -9999.0_R8
- call mct_gGrid_importRAttr(dom_r,"lat" ,data,lsize)
- call mct_gGrid_importRAttr(dom_r,"lon" ,data,lsize)
- call mct_gGrid_importRAttr(dom_r,"area" ,data,lsize)
- call mct_gGrid_importRAttr(dom_r,"aream",data,lsize)
- data(:) = 0.0_R8
- call mct_gGrid_importRAttr(dom_r,"mask" ,data,lsize)
- ! Determine bounds numbering consistency
- ni = 0
- do n = runoff%begr,runoff%endr
- ni = ni + 1
- if (ni > runoff%lnumr) then
- write(iulog,*) sub, ' : ERROR runoff count',n,ni,runoff%lnumr
- call shr_sys_abort( sub//' ERROR: runoff > expected' )
- end if
- end do
- if (ni /= runoff%lnumr) then
- write(iulog,*) sub, ' : ERROR runoff total count',ni,runoff%lnumr
- call shr_sys_abort( sub//' ERROR: runoff not equal to expected' )
- endif
- ! Fill in correct values for domain components
- ni = 0
- do n = runoff%begr,runoff%endr
- ni = ni + 1
- data(ni) = runoff%lonc(n)
- end do
- call mct_gGrid_importRattr(dom_r,"lon",data,lsize)
- ni = 0
- do n = runoff%begr,runoff%endr
- ni = ni + 1
- data(ni) = runoff%latc(n)
- end do
- call mct_gGrid_importRattr(dom_r,"lat",data,lsize)
- ni = 0
- do n = runoff%begr,runoff%endr
- ni = ni + 1
- data(ni) = runoff%area(n)*1.0e-6_r8/(re*re)
- end do
- call mct_gGrid_importRattr(dom_r,"area",data,lsize)
- ni = 0
- do n = runoff%begr,runoff%endr
- ni = ni + 1
- data(ni) = 1.0_r8
- end do
- call mct_gGrid_importRattr(dom_r,"mask",data,lsize)
- call mct_gGrid_importRattr(dom_r,"frac",data,lsize)
- deallocate(data)
- deallocate(idata)
- end subroutine rof_domain_mct
-end module rof_comp_mct
diff --git a/src/cpl/mct/rof_import_export.F90 b/src/cpl/mct/rof_import_export.F90
deleted file mode 100644
index cfcb4b42b4..0000000000
--- a/src/cpl/mct/rof_import_export.F90
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,208 +0,0 @@
-module rof_import_export
- use shr_kind_mod , only : r8 => shr_kind_r8
- use shr_file_mod , only : shr_file_setLogUnit, shr_file_setLogLevel, &
- shr_file_getLogUnit, shr_file_getLogLevel, &
- shr_file_getUnit, shr_file_setIO
- use shr_sys_mod , only : shr_sys_abort
- use shr_const_mod , only : SHR_CONST_REARTH
- use RunoffMod , only : runoff
- use RtmVar , only : ice_runoff, iulog, nt_rtm, rtm_tracers, rtmlon, rtmlat
- use RtmSpmd , only : masterproc
- use RtmTimeManager , only : get_nstep
- use perf_mod , only : t_startf, t_stopf, t_barrierf
- use rtm_cpl_indices , only : index_x2r_Flrl_rofsur,index_x2r_Flrl_rofi
- use rtm_cpl_indices , only : index_x2r_Flrl_rofgwl,index_x2r_Flrl_rofsub
- use rtm_cpl_indices , only : index_x2r_Flrl_irrig
- use rtm_cpl_indices , only : index_r2x_Forr_rofl, index_r2x_Forr_rofi
- use rtm_cpl_indices , only : index_r2x_Flrr_flood, index_r2x_Flrr_volr
- use rtm_cpl_indices , only : index_r2x_Flrr_volrmch
- implicit none
- public
- integer ,parameter :: debug = 0 ! internal debug level
- integer ,parameter :: nmax = 48 ! number of time steps to write debug output
- character(*),parameter :: F01 = "('(rof_import_export) ',a,i5,2x,3(i8,2x),d21.9)"
- subroutine rof_import( x2r, totrunin)
- !---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ! Obtain the runoff input from the coupler
- !
- real(r8), intent(inout) :: x2r(:,:)
- real(r8), intent(out) :: totrunin( runoff%begr: ,: )
- !
- integer :: n2, n, nt, ix, iy
- integer :: begr, endr
- integer :: nliq, nfrz
- character(len=32), parameter :: sub = 'rof_import'
- !---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ! Note that totrunin is a flux
- nliq = 0
- nfrz = 0
- do nt = 1,nt_rtm
- if (trim(rtm_tracers(nt)) == 'LIQ') then
- nliq = nt
- endif
- if (trim(rtm_tracers(nt)) == 'ICE') then
- nfrz = nt
- endif
- enddo
- if (nliq == 0 .or. nfrz == 0) then
- write(iulog,*) trim(sub),': ERROR in rtm_tracers LIQ ICE ',nliq,nfrz,rtm_tracers
- call shr_sys_abort()
- endif
- begr = runoff%begr
- endr = runoff%endr
- do n = begr,endr
- n2 = n - begr + 1
- totrunin(n,nliq) = x2r(index_x2r_Flrl_rofsur,n2) + &
- x2r(index_x2r_Flrl_rofsub,n2) + &
- x2r(index_x2r_Flrl_rofgwl,n2) + &
- x2r(index_x2r_Flrl_irrig,n2)
- runoff%qirrig(n) = x2r(index_x2r_Flrl_irrig,n2)
- totrunin(n,nfrz) = x2r(index_x2r_Flrl_rofi,n2)
- enddo
- if (debug > 0 .and. masterproc .and. get_nstep() < nmax) then
- do n = begr,endr
- n2 = n - begr + 1
- iy = (n-1)/rtmlon + 1
- ix = n - (iy-1)*rtmlon
- write(iulog,F01)'import: nstep, n, ix, iy, Flrl_rofsur = ',get_nstep(),n,ix,iy,x2r(index_x2r_Flrl_rofsur,n2)
- write(iulog,F01)'import: nstep, n, ix, iy, Flrl_rofsub = ',get_nstep(),n,ix,iy,x2r(index_x2r_Flrl_rofsub,n2)
- write(iulog,F01)'import: nstep, n, ix, iy, Flrl_rofgwl = ',get_nstep(),n,ix,iy,x2r(index_x2r_Flrl_rofgwl,n2)
- write(iulog,F01)'import: nstep, n, ix, iy, qirrig = ',get_nstep(),n,ix,iy,runoff%qirrig(n)
- write(iulog,F01)'import: nstep, n, ix, iy, totrunin(liq) = ',get_nstep(),n,ix,iy,totrunin(n,nliq)
- write(iulog,F01)'import: nstep, n, ix, iy, totrunin(frz) = ',get_nstep(),n,ix,iy,totrunin(n,nfrz)
- end do
- end if
- end subroutine rof_import
- !====================================================================================
- subroutine rof_export(r2x)
- !---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- ! Send the runoff model export state to the coupler
- !
- real(r8), intent(inout) :: r2x(:,:) ! Runoff to coupler export state
- !
- integer :: ni, n, nt, ix, iy
- integer :: nliq, nfrz
- logical :: first_time = .true.
- character(len=32), parameter :: sub = 'rof_export'
- !---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- nliq = 0
- nfrz = 0
- do nt = 1,nt_rtm
- if (trim(rtm_tracers(nt)) == 'LIQ') then
- nliq = nt
- endif
- if (trim(rtm_tracers(nt)) == 'ICE') then
- nfrz = nt
- endif
- enddo
- if (nliq == 0 .or. nfrz == 0) then
- write(iulog,*) trim(sub),': ERROR in rtm_tracers LIQ ICE ',nliq,nfrz,rtm_tracers
- call shr_sys_abort()
- endif
- r2x(:,:) = 0._r8
- if (first_time) then
- if (masterproc) then
- if ( ice_runoff )then
- write(iulog,*)'Snow capping will flow out in frozen river runoff'
- else
- write(iulog,*)'Snow capping will flow out in liquid river runoff'
- endif
- endif
- first_time = .false.
- end if
- ni = 0
- if ( ice_runoff )then
- do n = runoff%begr,runoff%endr
- ni = ni + 1
- if (runoff%mask(n) == 2) then
- ! liquid and ice runoff are treated separately - this is what goes to the ocean
- r2x(index_r2x_Forr_rofl,ni) = &
- runoff%runoff(n,nliq)/(runoff%area(n)*1.0e-6_r8*1000._r8)
- r2x(index_r2x_Forr_rofi,ni) = &
- runoff%runoff(n,nfrz)/(runoff%area(n)*1.0e-6_r8*1000._r8)
- if (ni > runoff%lnumr) then
- write(iulog,*) sub, ' : ERROR runoff count',n,ni
- call shr_sys_abort( sub//' : ERROR runoff > expected' )
- endif
- endif
- end do
- else
- do n = runoff%begr,runoff%endr
- ni = ni + 1
- if (runoff%mask(n) == 2) then
- ! liquid and ice runoff are bundled together to liquid runoff
- ! and then ice runoff set to zero
- r2x(index_r2x_Forr_rofl,ni) = &
- (runoff%runoff(n,nfrz)+runoff%runoff(n,nliq))&
- /(runoff%area(n)*1.0e-6_r8*1000._r8)
- r2x(index_r2x_Forr_rofi,ni) = 0._r8
- if (ni > runoff%lnumr) then
- write(iulog,*) sub, ' : ERROR runoff count',n,ni
- call shr_sys_abort( sub//' : ERROR runoff > expected' )
- endif
- endif
- end do
- end if
- ! Flooding back to land, sign convention is positive in land->rof direction
- ! so if water is sent from rof to land, the flux must be negative.
- ni = 0
- do n = runoff%begr, runoff%endr
- ni = ni + 1
- r2x(index_r2x_Flrr_flood,ni) = -runoff%flood(n)
- end do
- ! Want volr on land side to do a correct water balance
- ni = 0
- do n = runoff%begr, runoff%endr
- ni = ni + 1
- r2x(index_r2x_Flrr_volr,ni) = runoff%volr(n,1) / (runoff%area(n))
- r2x(index_r2x_Flrr_volrmch,ni) = r2x(index_r2x_Flrr_volr,ni) ! main channel not defined in rtm so use total
- end do
- if (debug > 0 .and. masterproc .and. get_nstep() < nmax) then
- ni = 0
- do n = runoff%begr,runoff%endr
- ni = ni + 1
- iy = (n-1)/rtmlon + 1
- ix = n - (iy-1)*rtmlon
- write(iulog,F01)'export: nstep, n, ix, iy, Flrr_flood = ',get_nstep(),n,ix,iy,r2x(index_r2x_Flrr_flood,ni)
- write(iulog,F01)'export: nstep, n, ix, iy, Flrr_volr = ',get_nstep(),n,ix,iy,r2x(index_r2x_Flrr_volr,ni)
- write(iulog,F01)'export: nstep, n, ix, iy, Flrr_volrmch = ',get_nstep(),n,ix,iy,r2x(index_r2x_Flrr_volrmch,ni)
- write(iulog,F01)'export: nstep, n, ix, iy, Forr_rofl = ',get_nstep(),n,ix,iy,r2x(index_r2x_Forr_rofl,n)
- write(iulog,F01)'export: nstep, n, ix, iy, Forr_rofi = ',get_nstep(),n,ix,iy,r2x(index_r2x_Forr_rofi,ni)
- end do
- end if
- end subroutine rof_export
-end module rof_import_export
diff --git a/src/cpl/mct/rtm_cpl_indices.F90 b/src/cpl/mct/rtm_cpl_indices.F90
deleted file mode 100644
index 7dfc6c54df..0000000000
--- a/src/cpl/mct/rtm_cpl_indices.F90
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,102 +0,0 @@
-module rtm_cpl_indices
-! !MODULE: rtm_cpl_indices
-! Module containing the indices for the fields passed between RTM and
-! the driver.
-! !USES:
- use shr_sys_mod, only : shr_sys_abort
- implicit none
- private ! By default make data private
- public :: rtm_cpl_indices_set ! Set the coupler indices
- integer, public :: index_x2r_Flrl_rofsur = 0 ! lnd->rtm liquid surface runoff forcing from land
- integer, public :: index_x2r_Flrl_rofgwl = 0 ! lnd->rtm liquid gwl runoff forcing from land
- integer, public :: index_x2r_Flrl_rofsub = 0 ! lnd->rtm liquid subsurface runoff forcing from land
- integer, public :: index_x2r_Flrl_rofi = 0 ! lnd->rtm ice runoff forcing from land
- integer, public :: index_x2r_Flrl_irrig = 0 ! lnd->rof fraction of volr to be removed for irrigation
- integer, public :: nflds_x2r = 0
- ! roff to driver (part of land for now) (optional if RTM is off)
- integer, public :: index_r2x_Forr_rofl = 0 ! rtm->ocn liquid runoff to ocean
- integer, public :: index_r2x_Forr_rofi = 0 ! rtm->ocn ice runoff to ocean
- integer, public :: index_r2x_Flrr_flood = 0 ! rtm->lnd flood runoff (>fthresh) back to land
- integer, public :: index_r2x_Flrr_volr = 0 ! rtm->lnd volr total back to land
- integer, public :: index_r2x_Flrr_volrmch = 0 ! rtm->lnd volr main channel back to land
- integer, public :: nflds_r2x = 0
- subroutine rtm_cpl_indices_set( )
- !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- ! Set the coupler indices needed by the rof model coupler interface.
- ! runoff - (rtm -> ocn) and (rtm->lnd)
- !
- ! !USES:
- use seq_flds_mod , only: seq_flds_r2x_fields, seq_flds_x2r_fields
- use mct_mod , only: mct_aVect, mct_aVect_init, mct_avect_indexra, &
- mct_aVect_clean, mct_avect_nRattr
- !
- implicit none
- !
- ! Author: Mariana Vertenstein
- !
- type(mct_aVect) :: avtmp ! temporary av
- character(len=32) :: subname = 'rtm_cpl_indices_set' ! subroutine name
- !-----------------------------------------------------------------------
- ! x2r
- call mct_aVect_init(avtmp, rList=seq_flds_x2r_fields, lsize=1)
- index_x2r_Flrl_rofsur = mct_avect_indexra(avtmp,'Flrl_rofsur')
- index_x2r_Flrl_rofgwl = mct_avect_indexra(avtmp,'Flrl_rofgwl')
- index_x2r_Flrl_rofsub = mct_avect_indexra(avtmp,'Flrl_rofsub')
- index_x2r_Flrl_rofi = mct_avect_indexra(avtmp,'Flrl_rofi')
- index_x2r_Flrl_irrig = mct_avect_indexra(avtmp,'Flrl_irrig')
- nflds_x2r = mct_avect_nRattr(avtmp)
- call mct_aVect_clean(avtmp)
- ! r2x
- call mct_aVect_init(avtmp, rList=seq_flds_r2x_fields, lsize=1)
- index_r2x_Forr_rofl = mct_avect_indexra(avtmp,'Forr_rofl')
- index_r2x_Forr_rofi = mct_avect_indexra(avtmp,'Forr_rofi')
- index_r2x_Flrr_flood = mct_avect_indexra(avtmp,'Flrr_flood')
- index_r2x_Flrr_volr = mct_avect_indexra(avtmp,'Flrr_volr')
- index_r2x_Flrr_volrmch = mct_avect_indexra(avtmp,'Flrr_volrmch')
- nflds_r2x = mct_avect_nRattr(avtmp)
- call mct_aVect_clean(avtmp)
- end subroutine rtm_cpl_indices_set
-end module rtm_cpl_indices
diff --git a/src/riverroute/RtmFinalizeAll.F90 b/src/riverroute/RtmFinalizeAll.F90
index 1e11f9bc0f..802734e668 100644
--- a/src/riverroute/RtmFinalizeAll.F90
+++ b/src/riverroute/RtmFinalizeAll.F90
@@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ module RtmFinalizeAll
! gateway to other Rtm routines to clean up memory. Called from:
-! rof_comp_mct::rof_final_mct
! rof_comp_esmf::rof_final_esmf
diff --git a/src/riverroute/RtmHistFile.F90 b/src/riverroute/RtmHistFile.F90
index 01eab6a1a8..140d3141ca 100644
--- a/src/riverroute/RtmHistFile.F90
+++ b/src/riverroute/RtmHistFile.F90
@@ -188,7 +188,7 @@ subroutine RtmHistFileFinalize()
- ! Finalize and clean up memory, Called from rof_final_mct
+ ! Finalize and clean up memory, Called from RtmFinalizeMemory
diff --git a/src/riverroute/RtmMod.F90 b/src/riverroute/RtmMod.F90
index 9b2411494d..f126ce2eda 100644
--- a/src/riverroute/RtmMod.F90
+++ b/src/riverroute/RtmMod.F90
@@ -23,13 +23,13 @@ module RtmMod
nsrContinue, nsrBranch, nsrStartup, nsrest, &
inst_index, inst_suffix, inst_name, &
rtm_active, flood_active, effvel_active, &
- nt_rtm, rtm_tracers
+ nt_rtm, rtm_tracers
use RtmFileUtils , only : getfil, getavu, relavu
use RtmTimeManager , only : timemgr_init, get_nstep, get_curr_date
- use RtmHistFlds , only : RtmHistFldsInit, RtmHistFldsSet
+ use RtmHistFlds , only : RtmHistFldsInit, RtmHistFldsSet
use RtmHistFile , only : RtmHistUpdateHbuf, RtmHistHtapesWrapup, RtmHistHtapesBuild, &
rtmhist_ndens, rtmhist_mfilt, rtmhist_nhtfrq, &
- rtmhist_avgflag_pertape, rtmhist_avgflag_pertape, &
+ rtmhist_avgflag_pertape, rtmhist_avgflag_pertape, &
rtmhist_fincl1, rtmhist_fincl2, rtmhist_fincl3, &
rtmhist_fexcl1, rtmhist_fexcl2, rtmhist_fexcl3, &
max_tapes, max_namlen
@@ -84,10 +84,10 @@ module RtmMod
character(len=256) :: flood_mode
character(len=256) :: rtm_mode
- character(len=256) :: rtm_effvel
+ character(len=256) :: rtm_effvel
- character(len=256) :: nlfilename_rof = 'rof_in'
- character(len=256) :: nlfilename_lnd = 'lnd_in'
+ character(len=256) :: nlfilename_rof = 'rof_in'
+ character(len=256) :: nlfilename_lnd = 'lnd_in'
@@ -158,16 +158,15 @@ subroutine Rtmini()
real(r8) :: dtover,dtovermax ! ts calc temporaries
type(file_desc_t) :: ncid ! netcdf file id
integer :: dimid ! netcdf dimension identifier
- integer :: nroflnd ! local number of land runoff
+ integer :: nroflnd ! local number of land runoff
integer :: nrofocn ! local number of ocn runoff
integer :: pid,np,npmin,npmax,npint ! log loop control
- integer :: na,nb,ns ! mct sizes
integer :: ni,no,go ! tmps
- integer ,allocatable :: rgdc2glo(:) ! temporary for initialization
- integer ,allocatable :: rglo2gdc(:) ! temporary for initialization
- integer ,allocatable :: gmask(:) ! global mask
+ integer ,allocatable :: rgdc2glo(:) ! temporary for initialization
+ integer ,allocatable :: rglo2gdc(:) ! temporary for initialization
+ integer ,allocatable :: gmask(:) ! global mask
logical :: found ! if variable found on rdirc file
- character(len=256):: fnamer ! name of netcdf restart file
+ character(len=256):: fnamer ! name of netcdf restart file
character(len=256):: pnamer ! full pathname of netcdf restart file
character(len=256):: locfn ! local file name
integer :: begro,endro ! local start/stop indices
@@ -291,7 +290,7 @@ subroutine Rtmini()
write(iulog,*) ' RTM :: use default effective velocity (4.0) '
if (rtm_active) then
if (frivinp_rtm == ' ') then
call shr_sys_abort( subname//' ERROR: rtm_mode ACTIVE, but frivinp_rtm NOT set' )
@@ -311,7 +310,7 @@ subroutine Rtmini()
write(iulog,*) subname,': ERROR rtm step invalid',rtm_tstep
call shr_sys_abort( subname//' ERROR: rtm_tstep invalid' )
do i = 1, max_tapes
if (rtmhist_nhtfrq(i) == 0) then
rtmhist_mfilt(i) = 1
@@ -321,7 +320,7 @@ subroutine Rtmini()
end do
- ! Initialize rtm time manager
+ ! Initialize rtm time manager
! Intiialize RTM pio
@@ -329,13 +328,13 @@ subroutine Rtmini()
! Obtain restart file if appropriate
if ((nsrest == nsrStartup .and. finidat_rtm /= ' ') .or. &
- (nsrest == nsrContinue) .or. &
+ (nsrest == nsrContinue) .or. &
(nsrest == nsrBranch )) then
call RtmRestGetfile( file=fnamer, path=pnamer )
- endif
+ endif
! Initialize time manager
- if (nsrest == nsrStartup) then
+ if (nsrest == nsrStartup) then
call timemgr_init(dtime_in=rtm_tstep)
call RtmRestTimeManager(file=fnamer)
@@ -393,12 +392,12 @@ subroutine Rtmini()
call shr_sys_abort()
end if
- allocate(tempr(rtmlon,rtmlat))
+ allocate(tempr(rtmlon,rtmlat))
call ncd_io(ncid=ncid, varname='RTM_FLOW_DIRECTION', flag='read', data=tempr, readvar=found)
if ( .not. found ) call shr_sys_abort( trim(subname)//' ERROR: RTM_FLOW_DIRECTION NOT on rdirc file' )
do j=1,rtmlat
do i=1,rtmlon
! Put in a check for a negative rdirc value and abort.
@@ -420,7 +419,7 @@ subroutine Rtmini()
runoff%rlat(j) = tempr(1,j)
rlatc(j) = tempr(1,j)
end do
- deallocate(tempr)
+ deallocate(tempr)
call ncd_pio_closefile(ncid)
@@ -428,14 +427,14 @@ subroutine Rtmini()
write(iulog,*)'RTM netcdf river direction file successfully read '
call shr_sys_flush(iulog)
call t_stopf('rtmi_grid')
! Set dwnstrm_index from rdirc values
- ! The following assumes that there is no runoff
+ ! The following assumes that there is no runoff
! south of j=1 or north of j=rtmlat
! This is true for rdirc.05
! Determine dwnstrmm_index from rtm river flow direction (0-8)
@@ -474,9 +473,9 @@ subroutine Rtmini()
! Determine rtm ocn/land mask (global, all procs)
- ! 0=none,
- ! 1=land,
- ! 2=ocean outflow,
+ ! 0=none,
+ ! 1=land,
+ ! 2=ocean outflow,
! -1=reroute over ocean to ocean outflow points
call t_startf('rtmi_decomp')
@@ -496,7 +495,7 @@ subroutine Rtmini()
if (nr /= 0) then ! n is always land if dwnstrm_index exists
if (rdirc(n) > 0) then
gmask(n) = 1
- else if (rdirc(n) < 0) then
+ else if (rdirc(n) < 0) then
gmask(n) = -1
end if
end if
@@ -529,7 +528,7 @@ subroutine Rtmini()
n = dwnstrm_index(n)
g = g + 1
end do
- if (gmask(n) == 2) then ! found ocean outlet
+ if (gmask(n) == 2) then ! found ocean outlet
iocn(nr) = n ! set ocean outlet or nr to n
nocn(n) = nocn(n) + 1 ! one more land cell for n
elseif (abs(gmask(n)) == 1) then ! no ocean outlet, warn user, ignore cell
@@ -537,7 +536,7 @@ subroutine Rtmini()
g,nr,gmask(nr),dwnstrm_index(nr), &
call shr_sys_abort()
- else
+ else
write(iulog,*) 'rtmini ERROR downstream cell is non-ocean,non-land', &
g,nr,gmask(nr),dwnstrm_index(nr), &
@@ -557,7 +556,7 @@ subroutine Rtmini()
call t_startf('rtmi_dec_distr')
!--- pocn is the pe that gets the basin associated with ocean outlet nr
- !--- nop is a running count of the number of rtm cells/pe
+ !--- nop is a running count of the number of rtm cells/pe
nbas = 0
nrtm = 0
@@ -687,7 +686,7 @@ subroutine Rtmini()
do nr = 1,rtmlon*rtmlat
if (pocn(nr) >= 0) then
rglo2gdc(nr) = nrs(pocn(nr)) + nba(pocn(nr))
- nba(pocn(nr)) = nba(pocn(nr)) + 1
+ nba(pocn(nr)) = nba(pocn(nr)) + 1
do n = 0,npes-1
@@ -783,7 +782,7 @@ subroutine Rtmini()
sfluxin(:,:) = 0._r8
- ! Allocate runoff datatype
+ ! Allocate runoff datatype
call RunoffInit(begr, endr, numr)
@@ -802,7 +801,7 @@ subroutine Rtmini()
nr = rglo2gdc(n)
if (nr /= 0) then
numr = numr + 1
- rgdc2glo(nr) = n
+ rgdc2glo(nr) = n
runoff%mask(nr) = gmask(n)
end do
@@ -912,7 +911,7 @@ subroutine Rtmini()
if (masterproc) write(iulog,*) 'Rtmini rtm area ',runoff%totarea
- ! Determine downstream distance
+ ! Determine downstream distance
! Instead of reading a distance file calculate the downstream distance
@@ -986,7 +985,7 @@ subroutine Rtmini()
! The call below opens and closes the file
if ((nsrest == nsrStartup .and. finidat_rtm /= ' ') .or. &
- (nsrest == nsrContinue) .or. &
+ (nsrest == nsrContinue) .or. &
(nsrest == nsrBranch )) then
call RtmRestFileRead( file=fnamer )
fluxout(:,:) = runoff%fluxout(:,:)
@@ -1100,23 +1099,23 @@ subroutine Rtmrun(totrunin, rstwr, nlend, rdate)
! Remove water from rtm and send back to clm
- ! Just consider land points and only remove liquid water
+ ! Just consider land points and only remove liquid water
! runoff%flood needs to be a flux - in units of mm/s
! totrunin is a flux (mm/s)
call t_startf('RTMflood')
- nt = 1
+ nt = 1
do nr = runoff%begr,runoff%endr
! initialize runoff%flood to zero
runoff%flood(nr) = 0._r8
if (flood_active .and. runoff%mask(nr) == 1) then
- if (runoff%volr(nr,nt) > runoff%fthresh(nr)) then
+ if (runoff%volr(nr,nt) > runoff%fthresh(nr)) then
! determine flux that is sent back to the land
! need to convert to mm/s to be consistent with totrunin units
runoff%flood(nr) = &
1000._r8*(runoff%volr(nr,nt)-runoff%fthresh(nr)) / &
- ! runoff%flood will be sent back to land - so must subtract this
+ ! runoff%flood will be sent back to land - so must subtract this
! from the input runoff from land
! tcraig, comment - this seems like an odd approach, you
! might create negative forcing. why not take it out of
@@ -1130,7 +1129,7 @@ subroutine Rtmrun(totrunin, rstwr, nlend, rdate)
call t_stopf('RTMflood')
! BUDGET, flood out, just liquid water term
if (budget_check) then
call t_startf('RTMbudget')
@@ -1333,7 +1332,7 @@ subroutine Rtmrun(totrunin, rstwr, nlend, rdate)
call shr_sys_flush(iulog)
call t_stopf('RTMrun')
end subroutine Rtmrun
@@ -1349,37 +1348,37 @@ subroutine RtmFloodInit(frivinp, begr, endr, nt_rtm, fthresh, evel, &
! Uses
use pio
- use RtmVar , only : spval
+ use RtmVar , only : spval
use shr_log_mod , only : errMsg => shr_log_errMsg
- ! Subroutine arguments
+ ! Subroutine arguments
! in mode arguments
character(len=*), intent(in) :: frivinp
integer , intent(in) :: begr, endr, nt_rtm
logical , intent(in) :: is_rtmflood_on !control flooding
- logical , intent(in) :: is_effvel_on !control eff. velocity
+ logical , intent(in) :: is_effvel_on !control eff. velocity
integer , intent(in) :: gindex( begr: ) ! global index [begr:endr]
integer , intent(in) :: lnumr ! local number of cells
! out mode arguments
real(r8), intent(out) :: fthresh( begr: ) ! Rtm water flood threshold
! [begr:endr]
- real(r8), intent(out) :: evel( begr: , 1: )! effective velocity [begr:endr, nt_rtm]
+ real(r8), intent(out) :: evel( begr: , 1: )! effective velocity [begr:endr, nt_rtm]
! Local dynamically alloc'd variables
- real(r8) , allocatable :: rslope(:)
+ real(r8) , allocatable :: rslope(:)
real(r8) , allocatable :: max_volr(:)
real(r8) , allocatable :: tempr1(:,:),tempr2(:,:) ! temporary buffer for netcdf read
- integer(kind=pio_offset_kind), pointer :: compdof(:) ! computational degrees of freedom for pio
+ integer(kind=pio_offset_kind), pointer :: compdof(:) ! computational degrees of freedom for pio
integer :: nt,n,cnt,nr ! indices
logical :: readvar ! read variable in or not
integer :: ier ! status variable
- integer :: dids(2) ! variable dimension ids
+ integer :: dids(2) ! variable dimension ids
integer :: dsizes(2) ! variable global sizes
type(file_desc_t) :: ncid ! pio file desc
- type(var_desc_t) :: vardesc1 ! pio variable desc
- type(var_desc_t) :: vardesc2 ! pio variable desc
+ type(var_desc_t) :: vardesc1 ! pio variable desc
+ type(var_desc_t) :: vardesc2 ! pio variable desc
type(io_desc_t) :: iodesc ! pio io desc
character(len=256) :: locfn ! local file name
@@ -1401,7 +1400,7 @@ subroutine RtmFloodInit(frivinp, begr, endr, nt_rtm, fthresh, evel, &
min_ev4_5(:) = 0.05_r8 ! minimum downstream velocity (m/s)
- ! if either is_rtmflood_on = .true. or is_effvel_on is .true. then do
+ ! if either is_rtmflood_on = .true. or is_effvel_on is .true. then do
! read slope and max_volr out of rdric file. Below we make the distinction
! between using SLOPE (only when is_effvel_on=.true.) and MAX_VOLR (which is
! always used when is_rtmflood_on is .true.).
@@ -1447,17 +1446,17 @@ subroutine RtmFloodInit(frivinp, begr, endr, nt_rtm, fthresh, evel, &
call pio_initdecomp(pio_subsystem, pio_double, dsizes, compdof, iodesc)
! Read data
call pio_read_darray(ncid, vardesc1, iodesc, rslope, ier)
call pio_read_darray(ncid, vardesc2, iodesc, max_volr, ier)
! Cleanup and close file
call pio_freedecomp(ncid, iodesc)
call pio_closefile(ncid)
! done reading rdirc file, now set fthresh and effvel
if (is_rtmflood_on) then
do nt = 1,nt_rtm
@@ -1472,7 +1471,7 @@ subroutine RtmFloodInit(frivinp, begr, endr, nt_rtm, fthresh, evel, &
do nt = 1,nt_rtm
do n = begr, endr
! modify velocity based on gridcell average slope (Manning eqn)
- evel(n,nt) = max(min_ev4_5(nt),effvel4_5(nt)*sqrt(max(0._r8,rslope(n))))
+ evel(n,nt) = max(min_ev4_5(nt),effvel4_5(nt)*sqrt(max(0._r8,rslope(n))))
end do
end do
@@ -1491,7 +1490,7 @@ subroutine RtmFloodInit(frivinp, begr, endr, nt_rtm, fthresh, evel, &
if (masterproc) write(iulog,*) subname //':: Success '
- end subroutine RtmFloodInit
+ end subroutine RtmFloodInit
@@ -1510,7 +1509,7 @@ subroutine RtmFinalize()
if (allocated(sfluxin)) deallocate(sfluxin)
if (allocated(ddist)) deallocate(ddist)
if (allocated(evel)) deallocate(evel)
end subroutine RtmFinalize